#yuu mun
vivaresmala · 6 months
Have a Yuu-mun for the occasion
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ditzydumbazz · 2 years
[After Malleus's OB]
Yuu: ...let me get this straight. Malleus wanted to put me to sleep for a thousand years or so? Ace: Yep! Yuu: And you guys stopped him? Jack: Of course! Yuu: WHY? THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN THE BEST SLEEP OF MY LIFE! Azul: Is this because the headmaster asked you to help with his work again? Yuu: ... Yuu: Is ThIs BeCaUsE tHe HeAdMaStEr AsKeD yOu To HeLp WiTh HiS wOrK aGaIn? Malleus: I can still put you to sleep for a bit, Child of Man? Yuu: ...I would like that very much, Tsunotaro.
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green-x-reaper · 2 years
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Childhood pics before disaster
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s-essha · 1 year
@espritdediamant & @silverknightpiece SENT: MY MUSE & ANIMALS.
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Talk about one of the best parts of being alive!   Needless to say,  S.T.Y.X. was always a sterile facility,  a home so cold pictures of the tundra made you feel more at home,  and it was easier to escape in vast layers of early-developing internet rather than admit the fact that,  at the end of the day,  they were raised in an experimental facility with a bad rep. ( Of course,  it wasn’t as if Idia nor Ortho knew the full extent so early in youth.   Eventually they came to know,  though. )   Essentially,  pets were  ( for a long,  long time )  a total no-go;   no amount of childish persuasion or psychological studies placed into iron fists could’ve ever convinced his & Ortho’s parents that they,  in fact,  needed an animal or else they might just die.   Very convincing. 
First,  the excuse was that Mom had an allergen,  one so devastatingly brutal,  she’d break into hives with sneezing fits, her throat closing as Hades would escort her to the Underworld,  but that was a lie.   After that,  it was that they didn’t have the money,  or the time,  to care for an animal —   as a kid,  this was plausible enough,  relatively ignorant to family fortune and just how much things did cost in the real world,  but that was also a lie.   Fool Idia once,  shame on him.   Fool him twice,  and he’s more than likely going to cry at age 8,  haunted by his greatest curse of shattered dreaming;   life-long dreams of owning way too many cute companions to count.
WHEN GRANDMOTHER WAS STILL AROUND,  there was the family dog —   a snarling powerhouse of houndish rancor,  latched to the hip of her as if the big bad evil guys would show up at any moment,  coming to reclaim Medusa’s head.   There was little way to understand at his young age, much like the financials, that one wrong move and that threat became real,  and said-dog did tend to ward off contention,  and if spiritualism was left on the table,  maybe part of it had to do with how eerily similar his tag looked to ancient talismans.   With every bark resounding down halls came his hair lifting from his skin,  and with every stray tuft of fur,  Idia struggled to deny how disturbingly inky the mutt looked.   When he reached age 10,  he stopped interacting with the dog altogether.   Not out of distaste,  but rather out of unexplainable,  nauseating compunction.
It didn’t really change his mind on other dogs,  though,  or any animal for that matter.   ( Barely,  the experience did leave him with favoritism for smaller,  softer animals,  especially felines. )   If anything,  continuing to have eyes glued to a plethora of screens really only furthered his desperation way farther down the line as consequence from the mindless scrolling through publicized home videos of pets across the entire internet.   It was a dire need even as an adult; especially for one that didn’t bite back maliciously and one who was content with fingers threading through fur,  taken care of by someone who hardly took care of himself.   ( And that was the main reason it was forbidden at age 20,  partially from self awareness,  and partially from his parents’ own 'discretions'.   A lot of the time,  they scared him right back out of it the moment he got confident. )
Regardless,  Night Raven provided him with a lucky break from his pitiful prays to the Gods for the greatest gift of them all:   BEAST TAMER SKILL,  granting an endless pampering of animals until the end of time. Lucius a prime example,  ( though, his efforts to touch that fluffy fur has been strained. Thanks, Professor Trein. )   and if Ramshackle,  or anyone for that matter,  is lucky,  they might catch a glimpse of flame,  gathered in spots where campus strays tend to group,  extending food and treats,  cloaked both by hood and the evening skies, more eager to approach random domesticated animals more solitary, comfortable conditions.
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magatsunohana · 2 years
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Beanfest art is waaaaaaay overdue, but because I have been reading some of my... also overdue vignettes... have a Monster team Jiyuu.
Listen. I am currently on my Malleus and Jiyuu friendship agenda.
So I can just imagine that this takes place at the later stages of the event. At this point, Jiyuu's probably already been beaned and is out of that game thus taking her sweet time in returning to where Vargas and the rest of the captured and beaned students were. I was thinking that maybe while she's strolling about, she happens upon the site where Lilia and Malleus were 'fighting' previously, and sees this familiar figure. Said person is of course this weird friend of hers (or at least she would like to believe he's a friend) who drops by Ramshackle every once in a while. Oblivious Child of Man tries netting him... and probably failing, probably getting informed that he was already out of the game, where she proceeds to tell him that she was too. And she just recognized him and his horn so she wanted to play.
"I guess it's just like that sometimes. You win some, you lose some." I can hear her saying, only to follow it up with a "if I knew you were playing for the other team, I'd have hunted you down instead of going after someone else. Then maybe we could have played longer." AND BECAUSE SHE REALLY DOESN'T KNOW SQUAT ABOUT MALLEUS (including his name or his year) apart from that he's her weird, gargoyle-loving friend Tsunya/Tsunotaro, she's like, "There's always going to be next time. Let's play again next year, Tsunya!"
Anyway. That's just my idea for now. Will I drabble it? Maybe. Who knows.
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Kay kids, I wan a write some dorky snippets of the friend dynamic just goofing off and acting like care free teenagers....
That being said, what kind of games do you think they'd play? Among us? Mario Kart? FNAF? Just Dance? COD? Fall Guys?
Would they play online games together and have a shared group channel to post shit? Would they do vlogging? Would they go to haunted places to try and get a good scare?
(My friends and I didn't do much as kids, we were hermits so I'm genuinely curious as to what other people did with their friends)
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What brand of stupid are you? 
~Yuuka Nakano~
Smart until infected with stupid
You think you're safe don't you? You are probably the responsible one in the group, perhaps even the mom friend. You are relatively smart but all it takes is one little thing to suck all your braincells out. It could be hanging around your fellow stupid friends, it could be being left alone, it could be having a bit too much fun. The stupid lives inside you and it just takes the right environment for it to show.
Tagged by: @demon-blood-youths (Thank you for the tag. Made me smile a bit more today)
Tagging: Any that wishes to try it. Hope you have fun.
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ramshacklestar · 4 months
Hey Rena 🪻
I'm glad we got to meet this year, and I hope we get to interact more in the coming one too. You've been a bright, kind presence on the dash and it's been a pleasure to watch you and your Yuu grow. Take care of yourself, and I hope you're up for more friendly bullying in the future.
Your muses are always more than welcome to bully Yuu, and the feeling is entirely mutual. I appreciate the fact you've been there for me to talk to and just there as a kind word and hope I can do the same for you (cause you deserve it just as much). I wish you well on the after effects of the flu and wish you a happy and healthy 2024. 💙
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pudgy-planets · 6 months
Mood is OC’s and my canons~
And Mina. Especially Mina!
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magiclessxprefect · 9 months
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((I swear to god when the Pomefiore manga drops Yuu better be an idol pleaseeee-))
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manedingold · 9 months
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|| You. Yes, you. If I followed you, it's because I want to interact with you! Please be understanding; I have severe social anxiety and if I don't reach out first, it's because I'm terrified to. But just know - my IMs are open. My asks are open. Do NOT hesitate to reach out! Okay, on to the real promo:
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The Loins of Gold are present!
12+ years of roleplay experience
18+ muns ONLY, no minors
Find my past blogs here to get a feel for my writing: - Killian Jones (kind of going through a revival) - Kanda Yuu (inactive) - Animated Disney Multimuse (inactive)
You can also use those blogs to see my About and Rules while I get this blog up and running.
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vivaresmala · 2 years
Yuu-mun's overblot design!
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This might change later, but for now I'm happy with it!
The main inspiration was early Reinassance clothing with touches of 16th century fashion. As for the other isnpiration I used Prince Florian (Snow white) and Philip (Sleeping beauty). Now, some design notes so cringe warning bc I love making symbolicnot really but I try clothing for my ocs (;-;):
-His hair while he overblots is mostly left open, to symbolise the first Years/mc finding out his identity (hair let down is general symbolic for one's true nature) but it's somewhat still tied since he isn't exactly himself (this makes no sense but please bear with me)
-Yuu-mun's hair was also made long to symbolise his royal/wealthy status, and to push on that I also chose the color blue for his jacket which is also a reference to Prince Florian's outfit 
-He wears a cape to symbolise his status too, but also his burden of being the next in line as capes are also used to represent authority. Even the color purple accentuates this, but it also means enlightenment since Yuu-mun's arc is about discovering a more twisted (this pun sucks pls end my suffering) side of the world (since he has been sorta sheltered by his family). The weight of his status is also represented by the blot crown
-I also chose for him to wear a green jacket (?) Underneath and green pearls, both to reference Naveen, and to hint at his character developedment since it means rebirth 
-Deep red here and there for Prince Florian and Prince Philip
-About that, I decided to use only Prince Florian and Philip's outfits as main inspirations instead of the other princes because in the movies they are both strangers in the eyes of the princesses (and potentially threats since they both knew nothing about them.
-As for the sword, He doesn't use the one with the magic gem in it because that one is supposed to be the sword of Truth, passed down and changing throughout the generations in Yuu-mun's family. It should also be the weapon used inthe battle against him but I'm still working on that.
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twsted-princess · 9 months
Soooooooooooooo I made a list back oh............eight months ago. About Melanie and her supposed harem, yeah it got worse. Time for a remake!!
Of course tagging everyone cause ya'll are the reason I breath: @shinsen-haruki @fumikomiyasaki @terrovaniadorm @rookvonhunt @thetwstwildcard @sakuramidnight15 @vivaresmala @silent-dragon @multydoodles @ellovett @the27th @hades-eternal @forestwispocs @hey-its-cweepy @fullplaidponydreamer @vale-ocs-roleplay @oseathepebble @another-twisted-wonderland-fan @sparrow-20 @windbornearchon @starry-night-rose and @wanou-dorm
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Good lad (nongendered): Komali, Bonbon, Tyler, Fabio, Sylva, Lennox, Octavius, Lucifer, Jupiter, Michi, Misha, Jirou, Erza, Fraiser, Vladimir, Maurice, Dusk, Brick, Midas, Philip, Celadon, Fredinand, Tobias, Bora, Lee, Florence, Kevin, Adore, Kevin, Regan, Adam, Freya, Buka, Eduardo, Benedict, Hassan, Yuu-Mun, Nereus, Jasper, Catherine, Nasira, Pyxis, Rasalas, Lustre, Tén, Magnus, Kimon, Holton, Adrian, Daido, Amayla, Frey, Shima, Namor, Ajax, Nauwe, Darcy, Midge, Hyacinth, Artemis, Kurama, Anya, Noa
A little kooky: Kumo, Gabirelle, Citron, Ruben, Micah, Song Fenhua, Emile, Arsene, Derrick, Johan, Juno, Marcos, Emmett, Lynette, Naya, Tahanii, Deidra, Lacie, Lovette, Ezra, Kiara, Eric, Sin, Sigurd, Ciro, Sylvain, Saphira, Mika, Roya, Minnie, Jacob, Kala, Marimus,
Oh you're just fucked up: Kierron, A'rachk, Kakia, Candice, Langley, Solomon, Miko, Cervos, Mars, Mo-Lain, Carmine, Sue, Achilles, Tatius, Anisha, Casimir, Cattleya, Veil, Isidoros, Jinrou, Mizuki, Galland
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gcldfanged · 6 months
3, 6, 18, 21, 24
3. Are there other characters you’re interested in rping or wish to?
The characters I'm obsessing over now are all Tokyo Revengers muses (as you know, LOL), so I'm trying to write down little notes in gdocs when I get ideas. But yeah I think I just might end up playing everybody at this rate.
Maybe Tifa???? I always felt like she had so much untapped potential considering what she survived and went through, like it would make more sense if SHE was the MC of FF7 over Cloud if someone really hates Shinra and has actual personal beef against Sephiroth. I actually thought her Remake personality was pretty lame in that respect, like "but but but i durn wanna hurt ppl :/ uwuwuwu", given her history it would make TOTAL SENSE that she'd believe even Fuhito's book of crazy is the answer to the Planet's ills.
Her dynamic is Cloud is pretty weird and toxic as well, so I'd be open to like exploring that and just seeing where it goes and if they can somehow move beyond it or what??? I never really see people acknowledging it's a thing, it's like the elephant in the room that everyone ignores because then it gets in the way of their 5evur tru otp.
6. Other characters/muns you’re interested in roleplaying with?
I kinda want more crossovers or reasons to come up with new verses for Jae, I just like trying to shoehorn him into someone else's lore and see what happens, LOL.
And of course Verdot... There is just SO MUCH to unpack there.
18. Your muse’s theme song.
Toss up between Yuu Miyashita's cover of Kilmaa as his origin story & Gero's cover of SHANTI as his start of darkness.
21. Three big no-nos to do or say to your muse. (their ‘berserk button’)
Call him one or imply that he is coward.
Insult Verdot/his memory.
Bring up his sister and claim he is now 'the same' as the people who kept them captive (rest in fucking pieces, btw).
24. Send ✍ for the mun to take a crack at imitating your muse. Can be a small silly reply or a more in-depth take. ( Add + plus a scenario or who they’re talking to if you’d like to be more specific)
The streets always seemed to be empty during this hour of the day, the occasional beggar shaking a rice bowl for alms. It was to be expected, they were at war and even when the radio promised victory or death for the glory of Wutai, certain sacrifices had to be made. Three dried fish, 1.8 ounces of pork fat, a sweet potato plant taken from the vegetable fields converted from his elementary school's play yard- All to feed a family of four. If they needed more protein, they'd dig through the backyard to find beetle larvae and roast them with horsetail reed. Watery gruel made from rice day after day, soup broth made from boiled sardine and miso. That was their reality.
His mother took him to the black markets in search of sugar and he'd gawked at all of the items their government claimed to have outlawed- Fine bolts of silk, expensive inks and watercolors, luxury seasonal produce like watermelon. He never asked why or how they hadn't all been confiscated, grateful simply to know that such things still existed and were available- albeit at an inflated price.
Their homeroom teacher was arrested a week later for circulating illegal literature. He and his classmates watched from the bay windows as piles of handwritten and string-bound copies of censored material were burned to ash right in the PE field. His teacher had a rucksack placed over his head and was loaded into the back of a covered military wagon. Even after it had disappeared beyond the school gates, they could hear the rifle's gunshot crack across the sky.
One day, he found a cookbook that had belonged to his nai nai and spent most of his day leafing through it's pages, staring dreamily at glossy photos of pan-seared green beans, black bean sauce with kai lan and giant scallop, salted fish and mushroom stew cooked in a clay pot. It became almost ritualistic, reading each ingredient of every recipe and imagining the taste… the texture of each dish. He swore that he would sit down and eat at least one of his favorites picked from the back index- As soon as the war was over.
Once the war was over, everything would go back to normal.
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death-in-a-handbasket · 10 months
Nothing really private, just stuff that inspired your artstyle, general interests in media (music, shows etc), are you satisfied with your works or do you think you have yet to achieve that satisfaction, top 5 most peggable & biggest bsd dicks?
Oh sure I can definitely answer these :] also the page has reloaded twice while I’ve been trying to answer this ask, third times the charm LMAO
so for art inspo, growing up I really liked Stephanie Pui-Mun Law, and I think she’s the key reason I’m immune to cel shading, the watercolor shit can and will live with you forever it seems sjsjsjsj
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as for current inspo, I am fond of Takeshi Obata, Nushanchel, Ikki Huikki, and Heartsl0b
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As for medias I like, I love Another, Angels of Death, Witch Hat Atelier, The Girl From The Other Side, Mononoke (2007), Dororo, Toilet Bound Hanako Kun, Death Note, Dorohedoro, and Land of the Lustrous
For music, I like a confusing mix of everything minus country, I love a lot of vocaloid and jpop and my favorite utaite is Miyashita Yuu, but I also have a soft spot for 50s tunes, dramatic classical bullshit, and game osts for games I have never played.
My favorite artists are generally Will Wood, Cavetown, Damien Rice, Fake Type, Bo En, Tori Amos, Ghost and Pals, and Pearl Jam. My shuffle is a confusing nightmare and I refuse to make playlists by vibe. I also don’t use spotify I am a soundcloud man
my shuffle generally looks like this:
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I am fairly satisfied with what I’ve made so far, of course I’m generally looking to improve as I age but my main thing is that I’m not done making stuff yet, satisfaction is never truly complete because I’m never truly done making stuff but honestly that’s exactly how I want it, albeit I do want to complete my big projects
as for peggable men Ango is number 1 I dunno I just get that vibe from him and the top 5 bsd men with the biggest dicks are Fukuzawa, Fukuchi, Tecchou, Nikolai, and Lovecraft amen
also three extra fun facts for the road
-I don’t have a favorite color because drawing has made me like all colors
-I am very flexible (can turn my feet backwards) and I am as white as a damn sheet
-ironically my degree has nothing to do with writing or drawing. I am a math boy LMAOOO
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||An Officer's Corruption part Thirty-two||
Hello there dears, Peahen mom here but it's time to add another part to the Officer's Corruption series. <3
If you wish to see how or where everything is going, you can follow up on the chapters down below.
||Chapters so far|| 1-30|| ((Click here))
||OVA Chapters 1-7|| ((Written by my amazing friend demon mun and me)) (Click here))
Part Thirty one
((Your reading Thirty two))
||Drabble Summary||
As the evening was drawing closer, things have still calmed down for everyone in the prisons. Some were relaxing and others were enjoying some dinner. Though, what could be happening now? And what of Luna?? Read to find out.
~light nsfw is present in this part
||Guests in Drabble||
Rave"Oblivion" Daitengu, Ink Vanguard, Fin Reer, and anyone else mention belongs to my amazing Rp partner @demon-blood-youths While Matt Knack with his Lovely Horrors belong to the sideblog @lovelyxhorrors that is run by demon mun.
Luna so-yeon koboyashi, Yuuka Nakano and others mentioned are my OC's and belong to me. While Dazai Osamu, Chuuya Nakahara, Ryuunosuke and Gin Akutagawa from BSD series are mentioned in this but are rped by me as my muses.
((Note: Their will be grammar mistakes and errors in this drabble as others have this warning. But like I state before, this is written for fun. So I hope you like it and my friend too. I hope you Enjoy.))
A few hours have passed but Warden Luna was looking silent to try figuring this out. How is she going to tell Tae about this? She didn't want to worry her right now but given the information she had to. She was already getting ready to come back tomorrow for duty but she only sighed covering her face. She already spoke to the officers that gave the shot but were told to leave while being in trouble. They were following orders by the doctor but they were against Yuu due to her dangerous quirk.
Great, this is just getting worse by the second.
"Luna? Are you alright?" She blinks to see that Swan was there.
"I'm fine...just......annoyed. I can't believe those assholes doubled her shot or medicine. They are either planning on either making her worse or sicker. I mean.....I don't know what is doing to her."
"...Well, from checking on her, it seems that double shot got her weaker now. She gotten sick and lost all the food she ate. But the nosebleed stopped." She said worried.
"Yeah, that makes it worse. I know Tae will be pissed...but I'm just as pissed off. That damn idiot thinks this is helping but he's either just going to make her worse that...I'm worried it might effect her quirk worse...."
"....I know but it might have already done it..." she said seeing Luna look at her worried. What did she mean by that?
"W..what do you.."
"You might need to come with me." Swan turns to leave to take her to Yuuka seeing her following. The two walks through the area but goes to the new room that Yuu was given. Looking inside the room, they saw Yuuka resting again. She was covered in a blanket but she was shaking scratching her arm showing blood once more.
"As you see, she's resting but she looks weaker now after I checked on her. That and her quirk has weakened a lot more which is not a good sign. I don't know if it's due to the shot but it's still there just not as strong." she said.
"...........but can she still use it?" Luna asked.
"...She can...but it's weakening now. I don't know what's in that shot now but it's getting her weakened and it's effecting her own mental stability too.. "she said as the two look seeing Yuuka scratching her arm.
"Wait, where is that damn doctor that was telling them about her status?" she asked.
"He's in the other room. He just got the order about it but I'm concerned about what he said. Something about her having Hallucinations now. Maybe she's seeing things now." she said checking the notes.
"........Yeah, that don't sound good at all. Is their something we can do?" she asked.
"We need to find a way to change the shot or give her something else but given the thought of her reactions to drugs..it might be hard to gain her trust after what happened. If this does keep up....the more worse she will become." Swan warns and yet Luna looks only to sigh.
"I understand...Just..keep a eye on her Swan...." she said. She didn't like the doctor thanks to this but she already worked on a text to Oblivion to inform her what happened. She did give her word to tell her updates on her and with this one, she will not be happy. When checking the text, she was going to send it later tonight or tomorrow morning.
((Text to Tae))
Hey Tae, I know you said to give you a update on Yuuka so I'm giving you one. I think things have gotten worse. The Hero Public Safety Commission has rejected a request we given to stop the shots and medicine Yuuka is taking. However, they only made it worse by doubling the strength of it along with the medicine she's taking. I..I don't know how to tell you think but she's getting worse.
I can't explain what happened tonight but she ended up freaking out. She got sick and was bleeding from her nose. I don't know if it's due to the doubled strength but it has to be. I didn't know they would double the shot that it's making her see things. I am going to still do everything to try to stop these shots and the medicine before they end up maybe ruining her quirk or worse kill her. I don't know much but I need to get more info from the doctor those guys gave us when giving us Yuu. That or get other doctors to help us because this asshole clearly is 'following orders' even if it's hurting Yuuka. Don't worry Tae, she is alright now and stable. I will tell you more when you return to work.
~~~~~~Meanwhile at Sukuna's Penthouse~~~~~~~
"Alright, you got your orders. I already ask you three to insure the inmates at the Northern State Penitentiary. You have their information after speaking with them. I expect you to be there within a few days to speak to them." Sukuna was speaking with three lawyers that was for three of Mori's trusted members. Though, he always knew how to find the best ones for the job so they should do it.
"We understand Mr. Ryomen. We'll be sure to head there within a few days and meet with the warden regarding this. Same with them too." He said seeing the other two lawyers nod agreeing.
"Good. I expect to hear from you as soon as you do. Already given the fact I have other laywers working with some others that should be getting out later on." he remembers Rex being out later on along with his teammates. Same for Ashley and her own when the time comes.
"Now, if nothing else is needed you can go. Please keep me updated." he said as the lawyers nod, turning to leave the room so Sukuna was alone. As he was, he sighed to look out from the window of his fancy office. However, he slowly checks something and pushes a button.
"Miss Lyona?"
'Yes Mister Ryomen?'
"How is my schedule looking for the day?" he asked.
'Well, you already had your meeting and it seems nothing else is needed. The chef is already having ideas for your dinner with miss Kinie Ger tonight. Along with some of the best drinks being made too. So far, you are free at the moment after the meeting with the lawyers..'
"I see. Thank you. Keep me updated if anything else comes up." He said.
'Of course sir..' she said before he lets the button go. Now he was thinking.
"I wonder what she will like for dinner tonight. Maybe something fresh or something new. Hmmm, I'll think of it when I have time. I already told Mori about the lawyers so he should not blame me for this as stated." he said now relaxing again.
~~~~~~Meanwhile at Northern State Penitentiary~~~~~~~
~~~~Area C~~~~~~
"Alright, we should be close to serving dinner later. Given the fact everything is cleaned up." Officer Pete said as he saw another prisoner died from a failed game as their body falls to the ground with no head.
"I am a bit hungry big brother. What do you think they will have for dinner?" Yumeno asked seeing him thinking about it. He heard the cooks were choosing what to serve but most would either still be in the cells due to what happened today.
"I don't know but I'm sure we will figure something out. If not, we can order something to be sent here." Pete said seeing Yumeno's eyes widen to smile. He always did love getting lunch or dinner with his big brother.
"That works for me I can't wait!" He smiled hearing screaming from the pad seeing the prisoners in one room banging on the wall as a trap was active seeing the floor caving in or some trying to get out. Though, it was fine.
Chuckling, he would be sure to keep that in mind. For the other Areas, everyone was resting up in their cells before dinner will be served. Though, the officers were resting for the time being before that would happen.
~~~~~Area D~~~~~~
Jason was just done checking on the other female inmates with officer Charlie who was seeing who was going to be good to eating dinner but because of today's events, it would still go as schedule. When seeing everyone was accounted for and checked, Jason even saw their area was eating dinner first right now.
He saw that Gin was going to be given her dinner in her cell to keep things from having another fight. However, he was thinking about what happened and....that. He just remains quiet knowing he will have to work on keeping this out of his head even if he felt excited a while ago. He was fine...for now.
"You alright?" she asked Jason who sighed.
"Yeah, I'm fine.....though, seems things are calm now thank god. Today was too much.. "he grumbled and yet she only looks to him. He might still be unsure about what happened but who wouldn't? With Matt and Ryu's fight it proves a point. However, he still was thinking about Gin.
Maybe he'll check on her later tonight...
~~~~Area A~~~~~
The guards were keeping a look at the prisoners as most of them were waiting to eat or some already eating something in their cells. Right now, Warden Shrika was still resting with officer Willie right now so they would have the guards serve dinner.
~~~~Area F~~~~
Chuya was thinking about Sid once more but he was wondering about a message he got from her. Saying he acutally will be seeing a lawyer later or soon like Ryu and Gin. This is good news! They would be free from this damn place but he hopes it was soon. In a way, he was happy that Sid got him the chance to get out.
Though, he was curious about her. What was she like? What did she enjoy? Even with him thinking of how Ryunosuke was, he did hope he was alright. Right now, he leans back against the wall but now he was curious about Sid.
~~~~~Medical Ward~~~~~~
Cobin saw that Ryunosuke was still knocked out but he was already having the mechs fixing him up slowly. He should be fine as stated though, he did have to ensure he wouldn't bite him after that time. For now, he leans back in the chair to check on the other health status on the other inmates. So far most were healthy but their was a new increase to the death group growing thanks to the fights, kills, and the killer death games Pete and Yumeno were controlling. Oh well, that means less of a crowd but it explains why they get new prisoners from time to time.
"......." He can see that Ryu remains silent even in his state though, he didn't mind it.
"......" Adjusting his glasses, he sets the folder down while drinking something with some helping other inmates. Though, he wonders what Matt sees in Ryunosuke. Guess he really did find a new playmate after all.
~~~~~~Area E~~~~~~~~
Matt was seeing the inmates eating dinner now in his area but he saw some wouldn't do anything. Not when Matt is on guard. However, a few were whispering among themselves talking about things. Though the one that was flirting with Ryu was speaking about him wanting to make him his pet here in the prison. Though, due to the fight he was not here.
"You know, I miss the puppy. You think he should be back soon?" He asked but the other inmates were quiet.
"I don't know. I heard he got knocked out for a few hours. That means he might not be seen soon." he said only to make him sigh.
"True but I miss him. Even if he looks dangerous and not as fit, he looks better as a pet under me when he gets a good ramming. I bet his moans are sexy." he said snickering.
"......Maybe." One said.
"I bet. Though, I wonder-"
"Hey, I hope you guys are enjoying dinner. And your behaving yourself too..." the inmates tense hearing Matt's voice behind them but his red glowing eyes looks to them with a killer smile. "Though, I don't want you guys being mean or calling other inmates names. That. Isn't. Nice." he said in a cold happy tone that they got scared seeing that. Wait, did they say something wrong?!?
"I...y..yes sir." The two said as Matt smiled patting their back.
"Good to hear. Anyway, eat up, you have a while more before dinner is over." He said walking away still on guard. That look in his eyes were scary.....wait, was it that he was going to do something? For now, they remain quiet.
Though for Matt, it seems some of these freaks were seeing interest in his hellhound.
~~~~Warden's office at lycan Harlem prison ~~~~~~
Fin was quiet but right now, he was waiting for Ahmed to return from his daily report regarding Summer. He hasn't been back yet and it worried him while he was already trying to stay clear minded. He also was lost thinking about Winter again. He did a check on her and so far, she.....behaved.
However, now he'll have to stay away from her a bit due to something. Given the fact of her dangerous nature, her scent is changing and to him it was irritating. Great, might be due to 'that' again for him and some of his fellow Lycan members.
'It just had to happen to be part of that night..just why?' he sighed ignoring it but he still remembers the kiss she gave him. Even if she did, Winter was a threat to him like her teammates. He didn't even hear from Bernard nor Angel from the other prisoners that had one of the other members too.
'No no it's fine. Some of them tend to be off on sick leave when this happens...but I need to be sure that the others that is good remain. I don't need any of these inmates doing something stupid...not during this time of heats..'
Great, this is going to be a problem and due to this prison having were or half inmates, most might be or will be going through that too. He was worried about most of his officers but they could handle it from what they told him. For now, he will just have to think of something before long.
Melinda was in the room again but she was washing her hair while being in the shower. She just finished helping with gym duties for the inmates though she was asked to be a partner for some in the exercise. True most have gone against her which made some laugh from the choice. Though, they were proven wrong knowing she was a dangerous female like Fin's officer female members that can fight.
Even she knew Jaron saw given she can defend herself. Right now, she was washing her black hair but she was clean while doing the same for herself.
'I wonder if I'll be helping with something else later on..maybe not but oh well...I still hope Jaron is a lot more calmer after what happened with us.' she thought not wanting to remember the argument but it was fine. He said he would check on her later but even during this time, she also stood clear of some...creepy inmates still giving some hungry looks at her. Shaking her head, she just keeps washing up while opening her silver eyes.
"I wonder if anything else is going to happen during this. Even with the inmates being creeps or some of them.....it still feels off knowing they are that hungry just to claim 'fresh meat' or what they said." she said muttering while cleaning up. However, as she was rinsing off, she turns off the water to pull the shower curtains back. She gets the towel to start drying herself then wrap it around her form.
Her black hair was wet but she was dry enough to leave the room to get dressed. However, when she did, she blinks feeling like someone was watching her? "??????" she looks around wondering what that was but given the feeling she's in a prison with were inmates that is possible.
"...Strange, I wonder if I'm seeing things.." she mutters but sometimes some inmates tend to sneak through the prison so maybe one was eyeing her right now? No one knows......Being silent, she sighed to start undoing the towel about to dress up now when she heard heavy panting. "!?"
Turning, she had a hand up aiming to where she heard it hearing a pained yelp in the air vent! "The fuck?" did some inmates get out at times in this prison?!? She quickly knocked out the inmate but goes to get dressed quickly. In a moment, she goes to check to see it was true. A werewolf inmate was knocked out as she sees him but he only groans from that.
"........" Sighing, she lifts him up using her telekinesis and takes him back to his cell. "I'm going to have to report this to Warden Fin and Officer Ahmed about this...." she mutters while walking off to find him after returning the inmate to his cell.
~~~~~~~~~With Oblivion~~~~~~~~~~
She still was waiting for the phone call from the principal and Yuuka’s homeroom teacher. Oblivion was home all day and she was holding some hot cup of a drink she got from her dad. It helps when it comes to relaxing from time to time. She had her hair out but checking the news seeing nothing else going on.
Though, her mind wanders about something. How was Yuu back at the prison? She asked Luna to keep her updated when she can but nothing yet so maybe things were alright right now. She already got a text from her uncle saying he will call her later this evening before she goes to bed so that was fine. Now, she's waiting for this other phone call with these other two.
As soon as she sits down to check the news, her phone buzzed making her look. "*Blinks* She reaches to pick it up and see a number. It seems like the same one Dazai gave her. It had to be them. Lifting her phone, she answers it.
'Hello, is this officer Tae Kouki Seon?' the voice asked in a happy cheer like tone having her blink.
'Hello officer Seon, this is principle Nezu from the hero school UA. I'm here along with a staff member with me. He is named Aizawa Shota aka Eraserhead for short.' he said but he had the phone on speaker but it was private. No one else can hear this but them.
'Hello Officer Seon..'
"Good afternoon to you both." she said.
'Now, I will try not to keep you too long but...we just got two visitors regarding a ex student of ours but I think you know who I'm talking about correct?' Nezu asked and yet Tae knew.
"Yes; your speaking about Yuuka Nakano.."
'Yes. I know or get the feeling you have met her and....we were told of what has been going on with her so far. Given she's in prison right now...is that correct?'
"...Yes. She's in prison or in the Eclipse prison that's on Roosevelt Island in Brooklyn." she said hearing Nezu hum to understand.
"I see. Well, we are calling to get the confirmed information from you. If you have the time to tell us, we would be more than happy to help you out as much as we can. We wish to know if anything has happened or changed since we haven't been told anything. If you can....please, we would like to know.' Aizawa said.
"Of course.." She said.
'Now, please tell us what you know...'
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