#yukie sakou
suzalulusource · 2 years
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illustration by Sakou Yukie Newtype Magazine
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speaking of. have you guys seen yukie sakou's animation outside sailor moon? sakugabooru only has one cut from one show from her but its pretty solid
(shirtless / nudity warning)
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lipid · 11 months
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☆ Illustration by Sakou Yukie ☆
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gabrielokun · 1 year
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rolotouto · 2 years
Official art #87
Sakou really likes her Rolo not looking like Rolo, huh? Published in Newtype Romance Spring 2010.
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Taken from Minitokyo. By the way, Sakou confirmed on her twitter (7 years ago, it’s not recent) that that one new Rolo scene from Turn 25 (rightmost one here; link taken from this very good read in the wordpress blog Kagayaki Koteri) was hers, since the staff wanted as many of the artists as possible to contribute something to the last episode so their names could appear on the final credits. 
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Well, it was obvious that such a picture had to have come from a Rolo fan, but I’m still happy that the rest of the creation team allowed something as important as Lelouch’s life review to canonically feature so much Rolo. not anymore in the darn films
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shinneth · 6 months
My souring sentiments on Sailor Moon's manga
It'll be a surprise to no one who knows me even remotely that Sailor Moon was my everything back in my childhood. From the age of 9, I was utterly obsessed with it.
That was just a couple of years shy of 30 years ago.
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Since then, I've often revisited the series. I watched the entirety of the Viz dub of the classic anime; all 200 episodes.
And I loved it all the same, if not more so than before. Because now I have context for why exactly the anime was the way it was, including its gradual diversion from the manga source material. And I respect the hell out of the staff who poured their life into this work, while concurrently running with the manga and doing whatever it could to not completely outpace it in the narrative.
Are there a lot of fillers in the OG anime? Yes. Too many? Well, not so from a functional standpoint (this show had to run weekly for 5 years), but there are definitely some fillers you could skip and miss nothing in doing so.
But a story like Sailor Moon honestly needed some breathing room in order to properly flesh out the cast.
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Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon, the live-action reimagining of the show, was phenomenal back then (despite looking low-budget even by 2003 standards), and having re-watched the whole series recently, I can safely say PGSM more than holds up and deserves way more love and respect than it gets. It's THE perfect example of reimagining the story of Sailor Moon while still respecting its roots and maintaining the soul of the franchise.
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Which is exactly why I couldn't stand Sailor Moon Crystal. We knew from the off that it was supposed to be completely faithful to the manga, but one look through @crystalvsmanga will show you Crystal took shitloads of "creative liberties", and the amount of changes I could dare to call "good"? I could count them on one hand.
The animation is low-hanging fruit, because everyone and their dog knows how godawful it was for the first two story arcs. But more than that, I actually loathed the general art design. Yukie Sakou's style DID NOT closely resemble Naoko Takeuchi's. People kept saying it, but I couldn't really see it. The eyes especially are a far cry from Takeuchi's style. And Sakou's style did NOT facilitate the OTT cartoony expressions that were definitely present in Takeuchi's manga; everyone looked so goddamn soulless, like overly-expensive porcelain dolls.
My biggest gripe with Crystal was the story, of course. While a great deal came from just being from the manga (which I'll get to in a bit), the changes they made went a long way to actively make the manga's story worse. My main takeaway from Crystal S1-2 is that it took itself waaaaay too seriously.
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That being said, I did like Crystal's third season a lot better BECAUSE Chiaki Kon had way more competence and held a lot more respect for Sailor Moon. Like, my god, for once it felt like there was a soul in this show! It can actually take the piss every now and then!
Some silly things kinda broke my immersion (such as the Senshi just being able to fuckin' fly and Chibi-Moon in particular was literally sky-stepping), but most of that can be blamed on the source material it was adapting. While I was fine with Crystal3, I definitely didn't feel it was anywhere near as good as Sailor Moon S. Outside of Hotaru/Sailor Saturn having more of a presence, there wasn't really much in Crystal's take on Infinity that I liked better than S.
But most of that comes down to the fact that I liked S more than manga's Infinity arc to begin with.
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Which is a good segue to talk about the manga proper.
I have not yet watched Eternal or Cosmos. the movies that adapted the last two manga arcs, but it'd be redundant since I know ahead of time what they're going to be about, and so far I haven't heard about any of them deviating from the source material, so it'd be moot to talk about them even if I had watched.
When I first got my hands on the manga, which was when I was around 12-13 and thus got the crappy MiXxZine translations, I was fine enough with it. Thought it was too fast-paced and didn't care for 99% of the villains being one-and-done jobbers, but I was also reading it with my impressions of the 90's anime characters still intact. I was reading the manga like an extension of the anime, rather than the other way around.
It wasn't until many years later when I grew older, when the manga was properly translated, when I acquired the wisdom my teenaged-ass self lacked, and learned to look at the manga as a completely separate entity that I started to see the cracks in the manga's narrative.
Further rereads have left me in something of a mindfuck, as I experienced the manga the proper way. And I realized:
The more I read the manga, the more I disliked it.
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The manga is lauded for having an infinitely better depiction of Mamoru, as well as his ~Miracle Romance~ with Usagi.
Objectively, the manga definitely spends lots more time giving UsaMamo attention as a couple than any other aspect of the story...
I'd say they're also more developed as individuals in the manga too, but usually the beats, uh...
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... let's say they usually ring hollow, when these two (and sometimes their daughter) are the only ones who consistently get shit done across the series. Hell, on the rare occasion that the Inner Senshi weren't rendered into street pizza, Neo Queen Serenity basically told them to fuck off and let her daughter, past self, and past hubby take on motherfucking DEATH PHANTOM/NEMESIS BY THEMSELVES.
It's likely because my first exposure to Sailor Moon was via the 90s anime, which had more of a focus on friendship and comradery between Usagi and her friends than it did her romance with Mamoru. I mean, romance was DEFINITELY a prominent thing even in that iteration of the story, but that wasn't where my interest lied. I was, am currently, and always will be more interested in Usagi's galpals than I'll ever be interested in her love life.
And, well, I'm sure this qualifies as a hot take, but...
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This one moment with Usagi and Mamoru in the elevator (hell, their interaction across this entire episode was great) resonated with me far more than any ultra-romantic declarations of eternal devotion that Usagi and Mamoru kept regurgitating at each other in the manga.
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Granted, the manga had a FEW moments early on where their dynamic was more playful, but they were pretty much confined to the early chapters and this element of their chemistry pretty much died not long after this.
Some say 90s anime Mamoru was far too mean-spirited in his teasing of Usagi. And I mean, sure, he was kind of a douche at times, but he usually got some karmic blowback from it (I remember one time he made Usagi cry without even really meaning to, and she cried so loud in public that randos nearby were giving Mamoru the evil-eye or a scolding). But honestly, after R, Mamoru kinda became a bland, generic love interest, just as he almost always was in the manga. The only difference was that anime Mamoru was never granted powers that were literally equal to Usagi's. The manga gave him a GOLDEN FUCKING CRYSTAL.
There was that infamous break-up arc in R that, yes, was shitty in concept and execution. But if I had anything positive to say about it, it at least shook up the status quo. It didn't make him immediately fall into the bland, generic love interest he would soon become. And it gave us some of the most emotionally-charged Usagi moments in the entire anime.
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Conversely, in the manga, we had THIS shit for our UsaMamo "drama":
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(the former incident with Usagi literally accusing her boyfriend of falling in love with a kid, by the way, happened while MOST OF HER FRIENDS WERE KIDNAPPED BY THE ENEMY AND COULD'VE BEEN DEAD FOR ALL SHE KNEW AND YET SHE FUCKING HAD TIME FOR THIS STUPID SHIT)
Everything seemed to revolve around Usagi and Mamoru (sometimes Chibiusa too). It lowkey came off that way at times even in the 90s anime, but in the manga or Crystal? You'd be hard-pressed to find the girls engaging in their stated hobbies at most points in time, because they're usually all together and talking about their prince and princess.
Hell, even Haruka - Sailor Uranus herself - seemed much more interested in Usagi than she ever did in Michiru, her actual girlfriend.
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So... am I just missing something? I've seen people say that as they grow older, they prefer the manga/Crystal to the 90s anime. But I've never seen anyone other than myself express the opposite sentiment.
But it's true - unless I completely leave my brain at the door, I have a hard time enjoying the manga for what it is. The characters I'm most interested in or attached to quickly get swept aside for the characters I have the least interest in. No more does that ring true than the Stars arc of the manga, where Naoko Takeuchi basically speedruns killing off literally the entire cast until Sailor Moon's the only one left standing. Most characters don't even get to go out in a blaze of glory or anything - it's got nothing on the finale of the 90s anime's first season in that regard. If you're lucky, you'll get a single panel where your entire existence is ripped to shreds - but sometimes you'll be killed literally off-screen!!
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There's a number of questionable manga-exclusive aspects that rubbed me the wrong way as well, such as poor Sailor Pluto being assigned as a child to guard the Door of Time in complete and total solitude. While I appreciate more Silver Millennium lore that the manga provided (the anime hardly mentioned it past the first arc), it was more than a little uncomfortable knowing the OG Queen Serenity conscripted the Inner Senshi as small children to become Princess Serenity's guardians. Really casts Queen Serenity and her Moon Kingdom in a much darker light - like maybe Queen Beryl and Queen Nehelenia had a point in trying to take them down (though the manga I believe retcons all past villains as incarnations of Chaos, so that arguably removes all prior villains' agency?). Lots of little things that I didn't think twice about, but now that I look at them again, I'm wondering WTF Naoko Takeuchi was thinking.
Though I don't want to be too hard on her. Poor girl was working under stress far longer than she'd planned to (she'd intended on ending the story either by the Dark Kingdom or Black Moon arc), so it's no surprise there's a lot of clunk and clutter in the narrative.
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I often wondered if Naoko Takeuchi really wanted to make Sailor Moon with a Super Sentai-esque setup in the first place. After all, her first big hit was Sailor V, which was exclusively Minako and Artemis fighting evil with Minako having her own masked love interest she ended up being at odds with and he eventually died. With a scant few secondary characters here and there.
It led to me thinking about what Sailor Moon would be like if Naoko kept the cast to a more Sailor V-like size. That, perhaps, the Sailor Moon she really wanted to make would be quite a different beast from how we know it to be today.
So this lengthy diatribe about my personal conflicts with my waning fondness for the manga versus my strengthened love for the OG anime and live-action show was actually a preamble to a bizarre AU I wrote an outline for over a year ago but never posted in public. I had considered posting it to Sailor Moon's Reddit back then, but I (probably wisely) held off, as my musing went way off the rails.
But I figured now's a good time as any to share it here, at least. Though it'll need to be its own post since I wrote so goddamn much in this post alone, wow.
On that note, I'll end with this: The only iteration of UsaMamo that I unironically enjoyed and rooted for is...
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retrosofa · 6 months
I'm sorry but I hate Yukie Sakou's art for Sailor Moon Crystal more than anything in this world.
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koholint · 10 months
today's playlist:
Tomoyo Kurosawa - Romantic Now
Yuki Mashiro - Heart no Bell wa Ring Ring Ring
Hotaru - Hitoribocchi Adventure
Triangle - Charismart Girl☆Yeah!
Haruko Momoi - Adolescence (Rainy Taipei Version)
Capsule - Hitotsu Futatsu Mittsu
Pictogram Color - Instant Trip
Parquets - Chase! Chase! Chase!
Shiho Nanba - Atarashii Kutsu
Mariko Sakou - Koi wa Shabon
Mai Nakahara & Ai Shimizu - Iku yo? Lucky Wave
Minami Nagasaki, Mikiko Kurihara, Hitomi Oikawa - Go Go Waitress (Chorus Version)
Sango Suou - Born To Be Princess
Natsuko Kuwatani - Koyubi de Gyuu!
Yasuko Yamano - Tsuki wa Miteru
thanks for listening!
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sailorcrisis · 5 years
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✨✨🌺Eternal Sailor Moon Fanart🌺✨✨
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smcempathy · 6 years
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Happy Birthday Sailor Pluto 10.29
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suzalulusource · 2 years
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illustrations by Sakou Yukie Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion Official Comic Anthology For Girls - Knight
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Act 6 is so weird Sakou is credited as Chief AD but it only seems like she did one correction (unless theres some very minor edits and they can be super minor as a simple line correction), many look like Komatsu's style on her better days, not to mention Komatsu replaces her as Chief AD from Act 7 and onward...
Like none of the art featurd in Act 6 looks like any of the ways Sakou draws throughout the series as well as outside of it, besides like one shot.
Im talking the web version btw. Maybe it's a credit for when she does her blu ray edits
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lipid · 2 years
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Illustrated by Sakou Yukie
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cureprecure · 7 years
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Yukie Sako (Sailor Moon Crystal S 1&2) vs. Akira Takahashi (Sailor Moon Crystal S 3)
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canmom · 2 years
For most of her life my friend Fall Rose worked as a manga translator. She started to teach herself Japanese at school, and eventually studied it formally. It is a terrible industry, which still gives translators little pay, tight deadlines and often no credit - against which they have little recourse since much like animation, most are on short-term freelance contracts and reputation is everything.
But... she always approached the work with such passion. I remember her telling me all about how the research she did to understand an allusion or idiom and make sure she got the nuances of the translation as well as she could.
Her old website had a list of manga she’d worked on as of 2019. I’m going to reproduce it here in case it ever goes down. I want people to know some of the amazing things she did.
Beauty and the Beast of Paradise Lost by Kaori Yuki
Knight of the Ice by Yayoi Ogawa (11 volume series)
KaraKara 3 by calme (visual novel)
Chasing After Aoi Koshiba by Hazuki Takeoka and Fly (volume 2)
Peach Girl NEXT by Miwa Ueda (volumes 4-5)
Initial D by Shuichi Shigeno (volumes 34-42)
Again!! by Mitsurou Kubo (12 volume series)
Land Lock by Ai Odahara (chapters 1-5 and 15-22)
Red Riding Hood's Wolf Apprentice by Sayaka Mogi (volumes 1-2)
Shojo Fight! by Yoko Nihonbashi (volumes 1-6)
Beauty Bunny by Mari Yoshino (8 volume series)
Cosplay Animal by Watari Sakou (volumes 1-8)
The Full-Time Wife Escapist by Tsunami Umino (9 volume series)
Peach Heaven! by Mari Yoshino (13 volume series)
A Springtime With Ninjas by Narumi Hasegaki (4 volume series)
Various Harlequin comics
She’s definitely worked on other series since then, and if I find out what, I’ll edit this list (she was very worried about breaking NDAs). We were working together on a scanlation project when she died, and for the sake of her memory, I am going to try and make sure the scripts she wrote get typeset and released. And I’m going to learn Japanese for real. I want to keep her love of languages alive in me, and carry that forward.
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rolotouto · 3 years
Official art #1
Alright, starting today I’ll be (re)posting official Rolo illustrations. Most of them can be found on sites such as yande.re and Minitokyo, but my purpose is to focus only on those considered official (that means no Yukie Sakou fantasies!), and specify where they can be found/what they were used for.
☆ Thanks to Rolo Rules! for encouraging me with the idea ☆
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ In no particular order…
Cover of the Turn 1 novel (info on Rolo scenes here)
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Taken from yande.re
And since there is only one illustration with Rolo inside the novel, let me add a photo of that as well.
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