#yugioh g/t
minty-mouths · 2 years
Great Host
It was not long after class ended.
Kokurano hastily ushered to Yugi "Ah! Yugi!! You'll get an ikea discount in your grandpa's next newspaper!" Scrambling to get away from him.
Ryou decided to tackle the homework later with Yugi.
He'd much rather be working on his DM props, this time a sparrow based gryphon enemy figure.
It's going to be awesome.
Lost in his project hours passed already, when he checked the time. Oh! Yugi would soon pick him up at the fountain two blocks away, to study together at the park!
Ryou hurriedly washed his brushes and sorted the acrylic color back where it belonged.
He scooped up his keys and shoved homework into his small casual gym bag, the one with a monochrome striped sand worm design. He was pretty fond of it.
“Where do you think you're going?”
“None of your Business”
The damn spirit again. Sigh. Must they start a discussion as he is about to leave??
“Another friend, oh? You have many more figures to craft! Always on your appointments, what do you have a home for?”
“It's my hobby and I can make more some other time” Ryou crossed his arms over the ring. “Try handcrafting something yourself for once!”
I've been granting your wishes and now you abandon your post? Do you think you'd want to trade with me huh??
Lets see how much others love your huge stupid hospitality
Who do you think you are restraining here?
If the Spirit weren't physically nonexistent right now, they would bite their lip to not completely trash his host. He watched and faded as Ryou did a last lookover over his flat.
Stupid spirit…what nerve has he to command me around hes not my dad. Ryou mumbled internally.
His gaze was caught by his craftings seeming amiss.
Ah, a figure has rolled under the table it seems, just gotta pick it up and off I go..
Bakura crawled under the table reaching for it and of course hitting his head on the way out.
Oof.. Strange, did he hit his head hard enough that the figure seemed smaller? Nah maybe he was just too concentrated on the details while working on it. It's only natural to get lost in your art.
He crawled out backwards lifting himself by his chair.
When he got up he dropped the figure onto the table sitting down.
but it felt uncomfortably low. Did he accidentally push the lever of his office chair? One more second..
He frustratingly got up and fiddled with the lever.
No way is it stuck that deep now?It could go down but not much higher than a few hours ago. He really liked this chair.
Not only that but his table barely reached his upper thighs.
his posture couldn't be THIS bad.
He must be tired or dizzy or something, this is ridiculous.
When he hurried to the kitchen to get something to drink, he hit his head on the doorframe.
something definitely wasn't right,
Was the spirit doing this? But how..?
The floorboards creaked as the doorframe slid lower from his sight.
Soon he had to kick his furniture out of the way to not destroy it, as the couch creaked beneath his mass in heartbeat like spurts and his back hit the wall.
There was a ring from his door.
Great who now? He can't let himself be seen like this!!Just thinking of getting even more attention than just the students at school ugh… he frowned. Especially not from the landlord spilling elderlies!
The flat contract doesn't allow giants!
“Ryou are you okay in there? Do you need help moving heavy stuff? I can try to aid!” called a familiar voice. Yugi!
At least it wasn't the mailman or something, God.
He might be able to help.
Ryou was fiddling with the rattling door chain pinching his skin at least a dozen times in the process.
The pained scoffs paid off as he hid behind the door as best he could. Those sounds of struggle did not go unnoticed by Ryous classmate.
Was Ryou having a panic attack, is that why his hand is so unsteady at unlocking? Yugi thought to himself.
He began to worry Ryou might collapse before he could open the door or something, as he wasn't responding and breathing pretty hard.
Finally the handle turned and Yugi gingerly invited himself inside, closing the door behind him., rushing into a storm swept room, devoid of the flats owner.
Ryou sat huddled together in the corner behind the door at his best attempt not to overwhelm his small guest, ironically. Yugi's eyes trailed upon the weirdly shaped furniture….weirdly shaped huge BREATHING furniture…
They both looked at each other no different from deer in the headlights.
Yugi double checked whether he closed the door behind him, not after doing three double takes, (Ryou was almost certain he wanted to run)but it was more likely to make sure no neighbor strolled by.
Yugi certainly couldn't deny his surprise as he saw his friend had grown.
First things first Ryou needed to calm down, he probably was in a more distressing situation than himself. Ryou in fact has not stopped expanding, and he seemed to have an odd breathing rhythm. Probably because of his lung capacity multiplying and such percentually depleting itself of oxygen. Yugi came closer to ground him but hesitated when he stretched his neck to look at his friend's face. He was clawing at something around his neck, constricting his air pipe.
Yugi leapt onto onto his thighs cursing as he had difficulty climbing up onto his shirt, from both the plush surface as well as his cursed disdain for exercise, hanging onto the stronger stitched rims, and reaching for the thin tight rope with his short arms.
Ryou noticed what Yugi tried to do and shakily steadied him with his hands, as Yugi pushed just a bit further into the skin of his neck and bit vigorously on the rope. He bit into the string as it bit into Ryou.
It snapped.
And he bounced off Ryous' toppling kneeling body, finally regaining his senses beside the shelf, as dull pain decorated his head from fallen over books.
Ryou inhaled bagfuls of oxygen.
The ring bounced off onto the floor where it clinked dully.
He glanced between Yugi, the ring, then Yugi again.
It seems the growing stopped.
The Yugi beside his hand didn't seem to dwindle any further at least.
As if on cue a Shelf toppled down right where Yugi stood, thank god for his reflexes snatching the highschooler.
His thumb brushed over Yugi's cold puzzle, as he unveiled his hand to give Yugi some room to breathe.
“ Jeez its dangerous in here.”
Thats a Yugi thing to say after almost being squashed. He couldn't help but smile.
The furniture that did not topple over was cracked.
How untidy for a host.
His eyes caught Yugi's waving hand “..So,..”
Ryou had to laugh but locked it behind a smile:”Hey.. sorry for this mess”
He sighed:“Thanks for checking up on me, I really appreciate it.”
Yugi hugged Ryou’s arm, the same one which changed from tense to Ryou repicropating the gesture by awkwardly putting his giant palm on Yugi's back, utterly engulfing him reassuringly.
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soothedcerberus · 8 months
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Well this came out of nowhere... Sorry but if you show me a little guy in a piece of media I'll consume it.
Some of these based off of this sweet fic here!
(Pls don't tag as ship!)
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kisaraslover · 5 months
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these tags on the yurified twinks by @chronophobica
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teatitty · 1 month
Listen the only thing stopping Yugi from wearing proper goth heels and platform boots is that Atem has absolutely no balance in them whatso-fucking-ever and walks like a newborn deer in them so Yugi compromises by having flat-low heeled shoes with studs and buckles on them instead
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vgtrackbracket · 2 days
Video Game Track Bracket Round 2
Duelist of the Roses from Yu-Gi-Oh! The Duelists of the Roses
Timber Hearth from Outer Wilds
Propaganda under the cut. If you want your propaganda reblogged and added to future polls, please tag it as propaganda or otherwise indicate this!
Duelist of the Roses:
Hype music before you start the game. The guitar!!!!
Timber Hearth:
You know this track plays every time the sun comes up on Timber Hearth? That is the best time for a song to start playing I swear. When I first played this game it took me a while to leave and hearing this song start playing over and over was amazing to me, I also had heard this song before I played the game I think and it alone is making me want to like forget everything I know about the game and play it again. Exploring Timber Hearth for the first time was a wonderful experience.
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sugarsweetvirgo · 1 year
You don't have to be alone if you don't want to.
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marblegirlarcade · 1 year
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When ur human forgets to give you a blanket before they fall asleep
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Anjos e Arcanjos curam enquanto você dorme Afaste energias ruins Cure a alma
Cura Noturna Profunda: Anjos e Arcanjos oferecem uma cura espiritual que transcende o sono, deixe-se envolver pela serenidade celestial que cura sua alma enquanto você dorme. Proteção contra Energias Negativas: Afaste todas as vibrações ruins que possam estar impedindo seu progresso espiritual com a presença angelical. Renovação Energética: Desperte cada manhã revitalizado, pronto para enfrentar o dia com positividade contagiante! 🌟 Junte-se à Comunidade da Aura Divina! 🌟 Clique agora para assistir, inscreva-se, deixe seu like e compartilhe para espalhar a luz espiritual. Quanto mais compartilhamos, mais ampliamos essa onda de energia positiva! ✨🙌 Não perca a oportunidade de fazer parte dessa jornada mágica. Inscreva-se agora no Canal Aura Divina Espiritual e transforme sua vida espiritual. 🌈🌌
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eclipse-moon96 · 1 month
Go rush had a missed opportunity of having Yudias holding Yuamu and Yuhi in his giant form, like cute moments of him being over affectionate and the twins blushing, especially Yuhi since he's "too cool" for affection like that
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aberooski · 11 months
Castles Crumbling is so Jaden Yuki coded 😭
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cryptidofthekeys · 2 years
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minty-mouths · 2 years
Ok sizeshifter Bakura ryou and ring spirit but it activates upon touching the millenium ring and they switch sizes, the one wearing it getting to be the big one , while the other usually waits for an opportunity to touch it again. Pocket rides or awaiting until one falls asleep happens often. Cue for a fight to lay on top of the ring and block it.
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corvuscorona · 2 months
( TEEN | Chose Not to Warn | 1/1 chapter | 3687 words )
This oneshot leapt into my arms & kissed me on the mouth. Now I carry it out to you, bridal-style.
The death of the first body Astos has ever had time to get attached to shakes him badly. Mid-recovery, still more than a little frustrated with the time it's taking to bring the new one up to speed, he's assigned to take baseline readings at a new large-scale Lufenian installation out west. The Strangers tag along.
It's a 'just in case' thing, mostly. Jack couldn't care less about the castle itself—or so he thinks at first. For whatever reason, though, as they explore, he kinda starts to like the place.
Rated T for Tasteful references to sex, violent death, et cetera. Chose not to use warnings because "he died but he's fine" is the Schrödinger's 🐱 of "referenced major character death." Don't worry; he's fine.
🥳 [ Mortification ] 🥳 [ Asking for More ] 🥳 [ fic process tag ] 🥳
speaking of my #sopffic tag, I lied a while ago about this one being G-rated, but only by accident. I don't have to apologize, because I'm posting this as a birthday present for myself, okay? Thank you for your understanding.
If you want to Post me a 🎁 for my birthday, try: rate my Jack characterization on a scale from 1 to "100% HEAERE Astos' FUCKIGN 'BO>YFREIONGD". Like the yugioh image ⬇️
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crush3dmary · 1 year
Sair's Fic Recs 2023
Stuff that lives in my head rent free. I may try to update this list from time to time, but these are my All Time Faves (tm). This got long so under a cut. Mostly Tales of Symphonia/Crestoria/Yugioh with some others sprinkled in there.
Tales of Symphonia
Daystar by Windian T / 2.6k / oneshot / Genis/Mithos / character death I'm a sucker for Cruxis Genis AUs and this made my heart ache.
My Goddess by silver_fish T / 4.3k / oneshot / Kratos/Yuan/Martel / no warnings apply Musings on the Kharlan War: Taylor is one of my favourite authors and I'm proud to call them a friend now too, this was the first work of theirs I read and it hit in all the right ways.
Better Luck by QuillMage G / 3k / oneshot / gen, Zelos centric / no warnings apply A fascinating study of the parallels between the people Zelos has allied himself with.
Holy Mother by Phlyarologist T / 1k / oneshot / gen, Mylene centric / no warnings apply Study of Mylene before her death. I really really loved the characterization in this fic, such a fascinating look into Zelos' life and family pre canon.
Guardian by VSSAKJ T / 10k / oneshot / gen, Kratos & Zelos / no warnings apply Lol I'm blocked by this author on twitter but the fic still slaps. A "what if" about the sort of father-son relationship Kratos and Zelos could have had pre canon.
Journey of Forlorn Hope by toniwilder T / 52k / incomplete / gen, Zelos centric / violence, suicide If you liked the "Zelos as chosen of regeneration" bit from Weltschmerz you'll love this. Frankly I think it knocks my fic out of the water, but unfortunately it was never finished. It's still an interesting take on the concept that differs from how I pulled it off.
Lights Out by theexistentiallyqueer G / 400 words / oneshot / gen, Zelos centric / character death Musings on Zelos' "bad end". Absolutely gorgeous.
Paradise by caseyvalhalla M / 3.5k / oneshot / Zelos/Lloyd / mild sexual content Lloyd and Zelos in Flanoir. Well known by now, but one of my favourite zelloyd fics out there.
Between Day and Night (an Everlasting Twilight) by SuikaShoujo T / 8k / incomplete / gen, Zelos centric / no warnings apply My wife's fic! A take on what Zelos' life may have been like in the years between "you should never have been born" and the start of the game. Everyone read it and go bug her to update.
Kratos dies on Derris Kharlan. by jonphaedrus T / 1.3k / oneshot / gen, Kratos centric / character death I'll be the first to admit that Kratos isn't my bias but holy shit, after reading this fic I get it. There's something so wonderfully tragic about his arc and I love that in this time loop fic, every loop ends the same.
Dead Man Walking by SuikaShoujo T / 3.5k / oneshot / onesided Zelos/Lloyd / suicidal ideation This was written for me right before me and my wife started dating, but it's still to this day my favourite of her stuff. I love onesided zelloyd just as much as requited zelloyd, and to this day I still go back and reread this fic, it impacted me that much.
The Broken ones by KujaTribal M / 202k / complete / Zelos/Raine / sexual content, violence I don't remember the last time I was as unable to put down a fic as I was when I was reading this one. An absolutely INSANE (affectionate) epic surrounding Raine and Zelos unleashing a new enemy. Made me see Raine in a completely new light.
Tales of Crestoria
You had it coming by Darkhymns M / 6.8k / oneshot / Vicious/Aegis, onesided Aegis/Rebecca / no warnings apply I'm in a mutual block with this author for unrelated reasons, but this is still one of my favourite fics of all time, like hands down. It was such a beautiful exploration of Aegis' grief and guilt, which is something I wish fic authors would play around with more. One of the only fics to ever make me cry.
Don't Leave by RisuAlto M / 300 words / oneshot / Vicious/Aegis / no warnings apply Some musings on a Viae FWB relationship. Risu if you're out there I miss u but no seriously, I still wonder how you were able to pack such a punch with just a few sentences.
iced tea imported from england by r0wlets T / 1.8k / oneshot / gen, twins centric / no warnings apply Honest to god another one of my favourite fics of all time because funny enough, when I was reading it I laughed so hard iced tea came out my nose (it was, however, not imported from England, just the same old Canadian stuff we get at the grocery store). Parody/crack fic about the twins.
Sinister Desires by bibliophileemily M / 800 words / oneshot / gen, Aegis centric / some violence and sexual content Another study of Aegis that I can reread over and over again. It surprised me to hear Emily wasn't too big on Aegis before she started reading my stuff, because I read this piece she did and thought "you GET it, you GET him". Great little ficlet about Aegis' repression and desires.
The Two-Faced Breeze by SystematicAphrodite M / 90k / ongoing / Aegis/OC / violence Yall ever give something you're a little averse to a chance and end up just totally loving it? Yeah, that was me with this fic. I started reading it in its early days and offered some crit, and SA (who is a good friend of mine) took it and ran with it and turned this story into something excellent. A totally interesting and wild take on Crestoria's lore with a very fun OC. If all fics were as creative as this one I'd never get bored.
Other Tales
The Most Honest Truth by Gargant (Tales of Xillia 2) T / 50k / complete / Julius/Rideaux / no warnings apply Canon divergence AU where Julius looks for a way to save Elle. I won't give away too much, but the journey is just as important as the destination here, I've reread this fic so many times.
Closure by secretagentfan (Tales of Xillia 2) E / 9.6k / oneshot / Victor/Jude, Ludger/Jude / noncon, sexual content I only bookmark porn if there's plot and HOO BOY did this one ever hit. It almost felt more like a character study than it did porn, which I think is why it resonated with me so much haha. Takes place during the fractured dimension where you go to Victor's house.
Volunteer by vandesdelca (Tales of the Abyss) M / 1.8k / oneshot / gen, Van centric / no warnings apply I'm rusty on abyss but Elivan's stuff just gets me every fucking time man. The Van studies and the exploration of why he is the way he is... gut punch after gut punch, and the fact that I got destroyed in less than 2k words!? Impressive. This one in particular I really, really recommend.
Blame by vandesdelca (Tales of the Abyss) T / 300 words / oneshot / gen / no warnings apply Same author as above, this is one of the fics that got me hooked on second person as a style of writing. Amazing prose, and you know how I feel about prose.
Out of Oblivion by silver_fish (Tales of Arise) M / 19k / oneshot / Alphen/Shionne / suicide and violence And again Taylor never fucking misses. A study of Shionne and her relationship with suicide- so much of this resonated with me and my experiences as someone with BPD, I swear I've read this like at least 5 times since it got posted. It's a heavy read, but so worth it.
Achillea by DisappearingMuse (Tales of Berseria) G / 396 words / oneshot / gen / no warnings apply I'll be the first to admit I'm rusty on berseria knowledge but the PROSE in this, damn. I had no idea my heart could break in less than 400 words.
ripe and wicked plums by pixiecircle (Tales of Berseria) E / 13.8k / complete / Velvet/Magilou / sexual content, character death AGAIN, I wasn't much of a magivel shipper (though my Berseria knowledge is a little stifled these days) but this fic absolutely blindsided me. Warning for porn, but the way the author develops their relationship through their series of trysts is just beautiful. The perfect amount of heart wrenching angst to satisfy me.
Scar Tissue by Cliscia E / 91k / unfinished / deathshipping / **warning for everything you can possibly think of I am not fucking around** Bad End AU where Ryou obtains all the Millennium Items and makes the entire world his plaything, particularly Yami Marik. This is my favourite fanfic of all time, NOT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART, and unfortunately was never finished. Still, it tore my heart out and made me feel things I didn't think fiction could make me feel.
Can't Take It With You by parsonsaj T / 212k / complete / some tendershipping at the end, mostly gen / violence A character study of Ryou Bakura from the beginning to the end of the series. Okay so. This is another fic I absolutely zoomed my way through, all 200k+ of it, because I was just so hooked. I love the author's interpretation of Ryou and the canon divergences were so good. This fic actually inspired something I've got planned at the moment (for symphonia, sorry ygo fans) and I just know I'll be rereading the hell out of it.
Dusk by Ariasune T / 7k / oneshot / thiefshipping / violence Anyone who knows me knows I'm a suck for those "in between" moments we don't see in canon and this fic just satisfies all those urges with thiefshipping for me. And the prose!! Oh my god the prose. I love it.
but what remians by orphan_account T / 823 words / oneshot / gen, Ryou centric / no warnings apply Another second-person fic that really just hits. Wish I could have seen who the original author was and leave them a proper comment, but this little piece is such an interesting dive into Ryou's mindset re: being the host to a malignant spirit.
Rien by RandomDraconic T / 6.9k / oneshot / gen, implied tendershipping, Ryou centric / no warnings apply A beautiful exploration of Ryou's grief with losing Bakura and all the complicated feelings that come along with that. After I read this fic I thought about it nonstop for like 3 days but forgot to bookmark it and spent forever trying to track it down again. It's another one that Just Hits, Man.
Every Loop, It Feels So Real (The Puzzle Pieces All Conspire) by SheIsHoldingACat T / 3.2k / oneshot / gen, Kaiba centric / violence, character death This is another fic I think about over and over again, as you can see by now I'm a real suck for anything with time loops and Charles is an excellent writer who pulls it off beautifully. This one is an exploration of Kaiba's mind crush coma where the only way out is to heal his inner child. Yeah, it's just as good as it sounds!
AN UNWHOLE HALF // IMBALANCE by SheIsHoldingACat T / 11k / ongoing / tendershipping, puzzleshipping / violence I couldn't help myself from putting another Charles fic on here, even if this one isn't finished yet. His writing style just vibes with me so much, and he does my boy Ryou so much justice. One of my favourite interpretations of Ryou here (along with Scar Tissue).
To the Heart by girahimu_sama M / 128k / complete / thiefshipping / no warnings apply I just finished this one recently and it absolutely blew my mind. A canon divergence AU where Marik and Bakura form their partnership before Battle City, culminating in a redemption arc for the Thief King. Can't recommend this one enough.
caught up in circles by sloppybxtch (IT movies) T / 15.3k / oneshot / Eddie/Richie / no warnings apply My sister went through a Reddie phase and I am adamant about the fact that I'll read anything, so they sent me a couple Reddie fics and this one really stuck with me. Time loop with a happy ending, and the fic that showed me how effective it can be to play around with formatting (which is now a staple in my works).
Aeromancy by Measured (Fire Emblem: Tellius) T / 16k / oneshot / Ike/Soren / violence Canon divergence AU where Soren is royalty. I'll admit I need to revisit this one, but I remember it having just the perfect gut punch after gut punch and really loving the writing style.
Mistakes by Antartique (Fire Emblem: 3H) M / 5.5k / oneshot / gen, Sylvain centric / referenced sexual content and abuse Another one that made me go "ah, I get it now". I was neutral about Sylvain until I read this character study.
Through the Night by ageha_nacht (Dr. Stone) T / 999 words / oneshot / Senkuu/Tsukasa / no warnings apply Okay so, once again I don't go here but I'll read anything and my friend Ageha said it was her best work, I can definitely see why. Highly recommended if you're up for a short but emotionally devastating read.
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herosplatling-replica · 10 months
every day, i like you more and more
what decks are everyone playing
(omg i just realized theyre playing in the header too lmao)
CRAP I COULD'VE SWORN I ANSWERED THIS ONE BEFORE.... where did i put the notes i made....
WHY DID I ONLY WRITE IT IN AN AO3 COMMENT AUGH anyway here's what i found:
freya originally plays a kaiba deck in T&G (when she lost to octavio) but her usual deck is melodious divas.
jeanne plays magistus, akila plays gem-knight, honey plays fluffal. bellona is freya's duel runner mechanic so she does maintenance on DEKOPON and doesn't really duel cause it's not necessary in her line of work. i think jules would be some kind of food delivery guy in a yugioh setting.
octavio in T&G tends to lean towards weevil decks, but he does pester cuttlefish into getting him other deck packs and stuff like that. i have an old doodle somewhere of freya getting a duel disk and octavio IMMEDIATELY demanding cuttlefish get him one too because he's being one-upped
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twentyninebirds · 2 years
novalo's fic list
hi. hello. did you know that i sometimes write fic? i know. it surprises me too. as i would very much not like to make individual posts for all the fics i've written, i'm collecting them here.
Xenoblade Chronicles
maybe the real chain attack was the friends we made along the way (19.8k, colony 9 NPCs vs. the world, G): xenoblade chronicles 3 future redeemed oneshot in which the NPCs of colony 9 attempt to fill out the enemypedia and come to realize a whole bunch of unfortunate things about the world.
snowglobe's broke (42.6k, future connected squad vs. the world, T): time travel canon divergence ng+ speedrun fic in which shulk, melia, tyrea, and the ponspectors brute-force their way through the plot of xenoblade chronicles 1.
ephemera (8.4k, alvis & shulk, G): in which shulk and alvis contemplate mortality, creation, and loneliness while a dead god mourns on a beach.
Ace Combat
thirty birds (47.7k, cipher/pixy, T): a treatise on the perils of nihilism, the nature of belief, and the human condition with an ace combat zero spin. second person POV character study of pixy during and after the belkan war. i had approximately five separate existential crises writing this.
Persona 5
a glove, a bolt, and an atom bomb (14.7k, shuake, T): time loop goro akechi character study. likely to be part of a larger series. affectionately referred to by me as "monoliths".
an accidental interruption and a final day (19.1k, shuake, T): pt. 2 WIP of monoliths, in which goro akechi makes friends (?), tests deadly cosplay props, and navigates life, all while a cast of an unnamed play watches quietly.
small town, big flame (28.6k, yugi & OCs vs. the world, T): in which two ghost hunter content creators who have a worrying amount of experience with the supernatural meet yugi mutou in a haunted town. cue shenanigans. probably my favourite fic i've written. if you find the despite it all references you deserve a medal.
Fullmetal Alchemist
maestoso (33.1k, ed & al vs. the world, T): time travel orchestra AU fix-it AU in which ed and al have the chance to do the plot of FMAB all over and go about in the most convoluted way possible. involves the typical vigilantism and a bit more soloist bravado than strictly necessary. what do you get when you toss the central symphony orchestra into a coup against a fascist state? i dunno but let's hope it's better funding for the arts
Fire Emblem
goat milk and oats (25.9k, grima vs. the world, G): in which grima isn't as horrible as he could be, accidentally invents existentialism, and is reborn as a pet snake. this changes everything and nothing. the title is very literal.
as virtuous men pass mildly away (4.1k, byleth & ghosts, T): FE3H WIP in which byleth can see ghosts and recruits one glenn fraldarius (deceased). somehow this changes nothing.
despite it all (292k, lwj/wwx but mostly gen focus, T): WIP in which wwx comes back a little more lucky and a little more godly and picks up young cultivator-apprentice a-qing, sword spirit xue yang, and fledgling array specialist mxy. features a subplot about dead gods who are a bit too good at haunting the living and themselves and a 70k+ chapter. heavily AU. i subtly but gleefully refer to this fic in most of my newer ones. i am both normal and sane.
to the venerable dragons of lotus pier (19k, wwx & yunmeng sibs, T): mdzs/the ocean at the end of the lane AU. in attempting to fix everything wwx rearranges the fabric of reality. cue memory alteration, convoluted fix-its, and immortal keepers of time. i'm not sure if i can adequately summarize how surreal this fic is and i wrote it.
a sky 1300 years wide (17.6k, wwx & wen sibs, T): mdzs/norgami WIP in which wwx is reborn and immediately becomes a local menace to a small town and a handyman.
places we saw and made and lost (2.3k, wwx/lwj but mostly gen, G): collection of short prose snippets, mostly character studies.
brilliant lights will cease to burn (206k, izuku & everyone, T): bnha/ccs WIP where izuku becomes a cardcaptor and makes it everyone's problem, especially his own. so many shenanigans.
enbu (7k, midoriya izuku and his violent friends vs. the world, G): bnha/kny AU in which midoriya izuku is part of the kamado family line, lands a ghost tanjirou, and convinces his friends to terrorize the local demon population.
eater (10.6k, midoriya izuku & everyone, T): WIP in which izuku is an eldritch abomination who can eat literally everything, including abstract concepts and nothingness itself. he's chill, don't worry about it.
love's labour's only slightly singed (1.9k, hatsume & yaoyorozu, G): oneshot written for hatsume mei zine. hatsume and momo navigate the beginnings of a terrifying friendship.
yagyo (8.4k, izuku & anyone unfortunate enough to cross him, T): WIP in which izuku becomes a spirit-walker, treading in places that really aren't healthy for a sane human being.
The Legend of Zelda
the wind guides us (8.7k, link & introspection, G): character study of BOTW link, featuring loneliness, solitude, the nature of memory, heroism, and a warm campfire.
even as its petals scatter (3.2k, lance & allura, T): character study of lance and the ache to lay down your arms and stop chasing ideals of heroism.
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