#young savage
sixleggedboar · 2 years
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In my head Maul was the oldest.
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spilladabalia · 2 years
Ultravox! - Dangerous Rhythm + Young Savage
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debonairboys · 2 years
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October’s very very own
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cantcatchmeee · 2 years
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Heroes & Villains features pt. 1
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satoshy12 · 9 months
Jack Fenton Savage
I got to think of Jack Durability, and I read the idea of Alien Jack.
But what are your thoughts on:" Jack Fenton Savage is the son of Vandal Savage.
Jack Durability is from the Neanderthal or Cro-Magnon DNA of Vandal Savage. So chimp-like power athlete Jazz and Danny just never noticed it. Jack is strong as a gorilla.
And as Vandal learns about his "hero" grandson, Vandal:" He is still young; let him play Hero. I did the same a few times in the past."
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demeterrist · 6 months
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Take a minute to gloat? Nah, take a minute to hold your familiar up to the watch towers security system! This started as just the original meme, with kitten Teekl, until someone suggested modifying it into a post enemy base raid. Original below.
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10/10 should've had Klarion stand on Dr Fate instead of making him tall.
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snowmeow03 · 6 months
I know what I should draw for the eighth anniversary, but just having ideas and finding that my own level doesn't meet my own standards often leads to procrastination:(
anyway here's some alterplates doodles
It's so hard to collect all my settings for this au so maybe I won't present them or maybe I will somehow, who knows, it's not like anyone will watch it lol
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rebouks · 2 months
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Previous // Next
[Ellis fussing] Wyatt: What were you doing? Kian: He was whinging… Wyatt: Probably because you’re mithering him-.. he’s just tired, he’ll fall asleep if you leave him be. … Kian: Do you like it, being a father? [Wyatt shrugged; the last person he wanted to discuss parenting with was Kian] Kian: I always thought I’d have kids one day, not you. Wyatt: Well.. it’s not broken, is it? [Kian snorted derisively, changing the subject after a lengthy pause] Kian: Leah’s dad died. Wyatt: So? Kian: He’s buried next to her-.. did you ever visit? Wyatt: Why would I. Kian: I don’t know, to pay your respects? Wyatt: I didn’t have any respect for her. [Kian clenched his jaw, though remained silent] Wyatt: You’re an imbecile if you think she made the right call by choosing you-.. you only gave yourself up because of her, and what did it achieve? Maybe it’s time to move on… Kian: I have. Wyatt: [scoffs] Sure-.. if you’re after the good ol’ days, you’re not going to find them here. I’m surprised you haven’t dragged yourself to Kaden, no doubt he’ll be the Arturo of Oasis Springs by now; in fact, he probably already was. Kian: Why haven’t you? Wyatt: That’s not what I want. Kian: We still could-.. I thought we had each other’s backs? We’re all we have now… [Wyatt scoffed incredulously, stunned into a brief silence, but Kian was dead serious] Wyatt: When did you ever have my back? Kian: Erm, plenty of times-.. and I didn’t turn you in, did I?! Wyatt: Because you had no idea where I was! [Kian pointed a limp finger in his brother’s direction, but Wyatt interrupted him before he could defend himself] Wyatt: You don’t know me, you never did-.. you wouldn’t have known where to start if it weren’t for Darien. Who - by the way - is more of a brother to me than you ever were or could be.
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littlegirlsblog1 · 2 months
I’m so happy to see how many klarion fans are active now! Been waiting for this rise up for the first episode he appeared in YJ lol. Now my question is: In your opinion does Klarion paint his nail? In some episodes he appears with black nails and in others its nude, does our Lord of chaos gets manucures? 💅🏻✨
I believe he does it by himself 💅🏻
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aceonthebass · 7 months
"To cap things off, a few precious seconds of The Beatles performing in their leather suits, the earliest known film of The Beatles and never seen before, was kindly supplied by Pete Best."
(From Peter Jackson talking about the "Now and Then" music video)
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browngoblin · 1 year
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sukpososak · 1 year
Average Light meeting with Klarion
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eastsidepapi · 2 years
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H E R O E S & V I L L A I N S
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cantcatchmeee · 2 years
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Rappers walking the Runway
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bailadeluna · 26 days
i need metro boomin to put that BBL Drizzy beat on spotify
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the-broken-truth · 7 months
Best Friend - Yandere Cassandra Savage
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Broken Truth: I found out there is literally no content with Cassandra Savage and a Reader; at least, not from what I see. So, I'm making my own. You all really should have expected this from me by now.
Vandal: Wolf! Time to train!
Broken Truth (Shivers): Coming, Vandal! Gotta go! (Runs off)
You were Cassandra's Best Friend - the one thing she clung to from her old life before she joined her father - Vandal Savage - on the Warworld. The bond she shared with you was close enough to be considered a siblingship and - even though you were not linked to Cassandra through Vandal Savage - she still treated you as such; there were things she would do for you that she would never do for another. She would never admit it because she needed to keep her appearance up as Vandal Savage's Daughter, but you were her most precious one; she wouldn't tell you or her father, but she loved you. More than anything.
You lived a regular life on Earth - you had a job and went to school but you always looked forward to the weekends when Cassandra would come to visit you. The two of you would head out to get food and Cassandra would tell you all about her travels with her father - all lies, of course. She crafted a story that her father came to her for aid to spread his influence to make his business larger; which wasn't entirely a lie but she could bring herself to tell you the truth about who she really was, about who her father truly was and his mission, about where she had been all this time.
You sometimes asked her about her father, but she would always tell you that she didn't want to talk about her father, he was a rather reserved man and didn't like his business out there; you understood and refused to pry any further. That was another thing Cassandra loved about you - you understood her better than anyone and you knew not to test her boundaries. All she wanted was to be with you and rest her head on your shoulder as the two of you would sit and watch the stars; you would constantly ask her what she thought was beyond those stars and her answer would be the same: Beings more powerful than us.
Cassandra loved her time with you, however, all good things must come to an end and every mask eventually falls off and shatters into millions of pieces, revealing the monsters underneath.
It was a weekend like any other, Cassandra was waiting for you outside your school in civilian clothes; this was going to be the night she confessed her feelings for you and claimed you as her own, however, it would seem that fate had to throw a monkey wrench in that plan. Cassandra was leaning against the wall when she heard you laughing and talking to someone else - none of your friends knew who she really was so she saw no reason to hide herself.
Critical Mistake.
When her brown eyes locked with the brown eyes of Artemis Crock, who was standing beside you; she knew things were going to get bad. You saw Cassandra and waved at her with that dazzling smile of yours and you started walking over to her when Artemis grabbed your arm and yanked you back by her side, causing Cassandra to snarl and you to look at her with confusion in your eyes.
"Artemis, what are you doing?" You asked the blonde-haired girl who continued to glare at Cassandra while keeping her grip on your arm.
"Get your hand off of them, Huntress." Cassandra growled - no one was around so they didn't hear what she said, but you looked wide-eyed.
"Cassandra, how do you know who she is? What is going on?" You asked.
"When you told me her name, I didn't think it would be Cassandra Savage." Artemis said to you while glaring at Cassandra.
"Savage? That's not Cassandra's Last Name." You said to Artemis, who shook her head.
"She's been lying to you, [Name]." Artemis said.
"Shut your damn mouth, Huntress, and release them! Don't you say a damn word!" This couldn't be happening. Cassandra was so close to making you hers and now this brat was going to ruin everything.
"[Name], her real name is Cassandra Savage - she is the daughter of Vandal Savage, an immortal man who has horrible intentions for humanity for the sake of his plan to progress humanity." Artemis said
Your eyes widened...
"V-V-Vandal Savage?" You looked horrified at that name. You started thinking back to when you were a child: Your father was working on a project that consumed most of his time away from you and your family. You wanted to surprise him and hid in the cabinet in his office and waited for him to return with a smile on your face. He did return...but he was not alone.
A large towering man was with him - he had 3 large scars upon his face and eyes that were filled with an unknown emotion but you knew he was dangerous, so you kept quiet and listened to their conversation. Your father was working on something for the man and once he handed a small vial over, along with a file, the man placed them on the table and gently placed his hands on your father's head and spoke...
"You have aided Vandal Savage well...however, your usefulness is at an end. Rest now." The man - Vandal Savage - said as he turned his hands in such a way and a sickening crack was heard. You covered your mouth to keep from screaming or making any noises; you watched as Vandal hugged your father's body and gently placed him on the ground before he took the vial and file with him, leaving the office.
You waited for a while - 30 minutes - before you slowly pushed the cabinet door open and crawled to your father's body with tears in your eyes. You tried to shake him away but it was no use - he was gone. You curled up to his body and lay there until the police came and took you away while they took away the bodies of your parents; Vandal had apparently killed your mother before killing your father in the same way - a single snap of the neck and gently placed on the kitchen tile.
You looked horrified as you looked at Cassandra, who looked into your eyes as she shook her head as if silently telling you not to believe anything Artemis was saying, but you knew Artemis, you knew she would never lie to you. Not about something like this.
"You... You're Vandal Savage's Daughter? Vandal Savage killed my parents and you're his daughter? You never told me? Cassandra...why?" You asked with a whimper as tears threatened to fall from your eyes.
"[Name], please... Understand that I was only trying to spare you." Cassandra tried but you exploded at her.
"[Name]... Please... I didn't want to lose you - I never wanted to lose the person I love." Cassandra tried but you looked away from her. You couldn't take it anymore - your heart could take it anymore - so you bolted, away from Artemis and away from Cassandra. You never wanted to see her again.
Cassandra tried to run after you but Artemis stood in the way - this was all her fault. The one she loved and who once loved her ran away from her and ruined all her plans. She wasn't going to let you escape her love for you, she would find you, but she needed to deal with this pain in her neck before she could claim what belonged to her.
Cassandra would have you and there was nothing you or anyone else could do about it.
Broken Truth: Continue? Give me your opinions, guys. I would like to hear them, please be respectful, however.
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