#you should probably unfollow me
patchworkmelody · 9 months
No reason to not- here are some buggies I found today! Excuse the shit phone camera <3
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Very shiny fly! Let me get so close. Didn't move 'til I poked em.
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Runny lil beetle! Very skittish. I think it flew at one point.
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Beautiful cicada molt. SUCH a photogenic specimen.
There was also an Actual Cicada but there was a giant hole in his abdomen. When I picked him up to figure out why, I saw motion and Very Quickly Put Him Down (i dropped him, startled). Turns out, ants love to eat ass. Good for them. I left them to their snack. No pic, sadly. It started raining.
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That gif of the guy cumming inside that girl… Yikes.
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virgothozul · 5 months
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pumpking64 · 11 months
to all my mutuals out there: i love you and get happy every time i see you on my dash or in my notifications or just your tiny icon in the corner of my screen from having messaged a bit some time ago and i want you to know that you are appreciated <3
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maddy-ferguson · 8 months
people on twitter falling to their knees because celebrities are posting pro-israel insta stories how old are you that this matters to you
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sercphs · 2 months
Oh yeah, I want to announce this officially.
Over this weekend I will begin work on making a Carrd, and will be merging my Multi (@sercphs) into this blog so that I can run with one single blog.
Honestly, Writing Fischl is a big task for me to do since can be quite exhaustive to write, but I don't want to do away with her because I really do love writing her. Going forward I intend to condense into one multi and run out of that so that it's easier for me to manage, and those changes will be coming over the next week-or-so depending on how long it takes me to get formatting and the like done.
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allgremlinart · 7 months
interest in Avatar: The Last Airbender episode 2x18 "The Earth King" proportional to interest in omegaverse. probably
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arrietty-rune · 11 months
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Sometimes i feel useless and annoying
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cookinguptales · 10 months
so i sent all these asks and i'd just like to clarify i never said nandor was evil. i just don't like the reception that an arc about guillermo is getting from fandom which is to overfocus on nandor and to villainize guillermo. and again i didn't call him evil but the toxic label is thrown around very easily about unhealthy/co-dependent ship which nandermo is but it's also a ship that has one party (nandor) emotionally abusing the other. that doesn't mean it's gonna remain that way
well, anon, I don't want you to feel like I'm mischaracterizing you, so here's I guess a post of screenshots of all the asks you've sent me in the last 24 hours.
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you don't. have to follow me. you understand that right?
I've been cheerfully villainizing Guillermo, my favorite character in the world, for years now. I am a ground-floor Guillermo villainizer. I love how villainous he is. It's thrilling. Really feels like he's finally coming into his own, villain-wise. He finally has enough power to ruin vampiric lives in addition to the human ones he's been ruining since episode 1, and I love that for him.
You seem to be reading me saying they're all irredeemable assholes as nihilistic rather than gleeful, so maybe there's a fundamental miscommunication here? To be very clear, I think them all being assholes is very fun. I like watching them all emotionally destroy each other and then build each other back up again. I like how dysfunctional literally every relationship in the show is. I like to use my tumblr to study these guys like weird little lovingly cannibalistic bugs.
I love Guillermo and want him to be in the exact relationship he has earned, and -- this part is super fun for me personally -- he is! For better or for worse, this is the exact relationship he has chosen with his shitty and yet very loving actions. I'm really enjoying things just the way they are. Their complex power dynamics make me absolutely feral. It's only fun for me because Guillermo has the power to hold his own and hurt Nandor right back.
I have written probably like 300k+ words of fic and an unknown but probably ungodly amount of meta on that subject, and I intend to keep doing so, pretentious or not. That's how I have fun here.
So like. This is just not the fandom environment for you, maybe? And that's fine. You should be doing fandom in a way that's fun for you, too.
Not really sure what you want from me here. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Then go and burn it yourself, don't wait for other people to burn the establishment down.
do you honestly think that I tumblr user polysyndetonaddictsupportgroup have swedish airplane tickets money. because I don’t.
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coquelicoq · 4 months
Unfollowing you for rewearing your dirty underwear. Please get well soon
oh is vaginal discharge dirty now? are vaginas dirty? i missed the memo.
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fetusmeme · 4 months
Cant talk like how i do on twitter here i forgot ppl like haz-shit hotel too much
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aquaquadrant · 1 year
I have a question about darkness exists to make light truly count. How come the fanfic I locked to ao3 users only?
ah yeah, that was a recent change because there was evidence that popular AI bots were scanning writing share sites like A03 in order to get better at fake writing. i don’t want my writing, that i spend a lot of time and energy on, to be used by AI to spit out automated responses to prompts. so i locked all my A03 fics to be user only (hopefully preventing any bots from having access, though i’m sure that’s not 100% foolproof).
i’m not sure what the current situation is, i’ve heard the A03 legal team was aware of the problem and working on a solution but until i know for sure, i’d rather be safe than sorry. i do apologize for the inconvenience, i’m not happy about it either (traffic and comments on my A03 took a sharp dive as expected) but it’s gonna stay that way until i know for sure my writing won’t be stolen by AI. god help us if AI starts farming from tumblr (luckily our reputation isn’t that of a writing site).
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blakbonnet · 6 months
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polyamorouspunk · 1 year
Getting messages on here that are like “wow I’m so disappointed in you.. I thought you were better than that” is SO funny like bestie who are you to me? This is tumblr.com! The place we celebrate blocking people for the bare minimum because none of it fucking matters and we’re all just little icons and usernames in each other’s phones. Like you don’t know me! I don’t care that I’ve disappointed you! It doesn’t matter! Unless you are kissing me with tongue I don’t give a shit <3
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kyouka-supremacy · 8 months
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