#you know why they got girls Kiefer don’t play
britany1997 · 1 year
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Not them being each other’s wingmen🥹
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noxrose · 4 years
Wasn't there going to be a prequel back then about where each Lost Boy came from and how they were turned and became a pack?
Supposedly, Joel Schumacher let Kiefer Sutherland (who plays David), read both his sequel script, The Lost Girls, and his prequel script on the set of The Lost Boys while they filmed. Kiefer liked both and was eager to do both! He doesn’t understand why Warner Brothers never made them considering The Lost Boys was in the top 5 for their best selling VHS tapes, which at the time was a HUGE part of a movies profit! 
The soundtrack also changed how soundtrack were used and marketed because Joel Schumacher was one of the first directors to really pay huge attention to soundtracks. He got his start directing music videos so music was important to him. This made the studio a ton of money as well and studios started focusing on how a soundtrack could make a money for a film as well. 
Given all these things and a good box office to boot. The sequel and prequel seemed like a sure thing, but sadly never happened. 
There has been more leaked about The Lost Girls sequel than the prequel, but I’ll tell you all I’ve heard. I haven’t gotten a hold of the prequel script, but I do hope to read it one day!!!
The prequel was going to have David, Dwayne, Paul and Marko all be played by their original actors! What I’d have given to see Brooke McCarter and Billy Wirth play Paul and Dwayne again!!!!!! They are my two favorite Vampires EVER! It would have been amazing to see all four actors together again reprising those roles! 
All four guys were going to be riding horses instead of motorcycles. That’s pretty clever! I wonder if Dwayne’s part would have been expanded upon because of Billy Wirth’s horse back riding experience? It sounds like from stuff I’ve heard that Billy Wirth has ridden since he was young, so he’d have been quite an experience rider by then. He did War Party not long after The Lost Boys and was able to show off some good horse back riding skills in that! He also rides horses in Children of Dust. Both movies are great films! Children of Dust had some DVDs that were released with a shorter version of the movie called a Good Day to Die. 
Kiefer has ridden horses in a few of his movies such as Young Guns, Young Guns II, the Cowboy Way and more. I’ve never seen any movies, tv or pictures of Brooke McCarter or Alex Winters riding horses. 
Supposedly, we were going to get to see the cave the Lost Boys lived in when it was still the loveliest resort in Santa Carla. Max owned the resort. The 1906 earthquake was going to happen during the film. 
In the original deleted ending of The Lost Boys, there was a big mural painting in the cave of Max in a straw hat with David, Dwayne, Paul and Marko. The painting was supposed to look like Victorian times and indicate the Lost Boys were still human. I’m not sure how the painting would show they were human, but that’s what I’ve heard. I guess Max turned them shortly after this, but wanted a mural showing him getting ‘his boys’. I think a roaming or panning shot over the mural showing this bit of visual story telling was supposed to be the very last shot of the film originally. I haven’t seen a consistent answer if Max was supposed to turn them before or after the earthquake of 1906. It’s unclear for how much of the movie David, Dwayne, Paul and Marko would be Vampires. Would they have been turned early on in the film, in the middle or near the end? Would their journeys have been similar to Michael Emerson’s at all or drastically different? I don’t know. I do know all of the actors were told their characters were orphans with no families as part of their backstories, so that would have been a big difference from Michael right there. 
I do really wish we could have gotten this prequel!!! We would have learned soooooo much more about our favorite four Vampires, The Lost Boys! I would have loved more insight into David, Dwayne, Paul and Marko’s characters, personalities, quirks and backstories! 
While I would have loved both The Lost Girls sequel and this prequel, I would have wanted the prequel MORE! My favorite thing about the Lost Boys has always been the Lost Boys Vampires of David, Dwayne, Paul and Marko! That’s the story I’ve always wanted more of and wanted to know more about! Most of the fandom seems to be for the Vampires, so I think that would have been a HUGE success, but alas we never got it. 
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canaryatlaw · 5 years
alright, so today was overall pretty good. My alarm went off at 8:15 am and I successfully convinced myself to get out of bed, so that was of course a win in itself. Got ready and caught the 9:02 bus, which put me perfectly on track to get there in time for the 10 am service since it’s almost exactly an hour commute from my apartment to the church. The bus ride is shorter early Sunday mornings of course since the roads are more clear and there are less people making stops, so by the time we got to the train station it was just about 9:25, the train plus short walk after is generally about 25 minutes. I have literally everything in my life precisely timed, which makes it that much more infuriating when Chicago public transit decides to throw a wrench in my schedule. I entered the train station, swiped my card and got up to the platform, only to find out the next train wasn’t coming for another 18 minutes now, so it wouldn’t get there until like 9:45, which doesn’t get me to church until like 10:15, meaning I’d miss most of worship and at that point I was like mmm no thanks, so I left the train station and checked the time estimations on uber and uber pool and decided I’d risk a pool to save money and hope the drive isn’t too bad. It ended up being pretty much perfect, I walked a few blocks to get picked up but from there church was the next stop so I ended up getting there at like 9:50 with time to spare before they even opened the doors to the sanctuary (they have a really short turnover time between services to make sure there are bibles and welcome cards at each seat and such so the doors generally open 5 minutes prior to the service). When I did get in I sat on the edge of the row towards the back since I was gonna try to sneak out on time to get to the huddle for the babies room for the next service since I was serving in there for then. Worship was good, the message ended up being on vulnerability and what it is and isn’t and why it’s important to show real vulnerability to those in our lives, delivered by one of my favorite members of the church board, so that was very good. when it turned 11 I snuck out to head to the kids volunteers lounge and it ended up being empty so I was like...did I mess this up? lol. It turns out I didn’t, most other people were just running late, but I got to catch up with the kids ministry pastor which was good because I’d been MIA for several weeks now (the explanation for which ended up being “I got a job and things have been really crazy” instead of the truthful “I lost the willpower to get out of bed on Sunday morning for several weeks and I’ve also been traveling a lot” just because that was an easier answer and got the job info out). so that was good at least. The babies room went well, we had a good number of employees, I had a little girl that I was handed from her parents in the door and then she refused to let me put her down the entire service so that was what I did the whole time, lol. Babies are like that sometimes in the nursery, they’ll get attached to one person and then won’t leave their side. Things were actually very calm though, I honestly don’t think there were any real crying incidents, which is a fucking miracle, even with only 5-6 babies. I’ve always said though there’s only two ways it goes in there- either everyone’s calm and playing nicely with no crying, or everyone’s screaming and something’s on fire, no in between lol. After the service I headed home and had to wait for fucking ever for a train, it was the weirdest thing, the first two trains that pulled up had both just been declared “not in service” and dumped all their passengers on the platform with no explanation, so by the time the 3rd train came like 20 minutes after I got there it was VERY crowded, but I survived and got to the bus alright. When I went to sit on the bunch for the bus stop a girl about my age came over and showed me directions on her phone and was basically like “am I in the right place??” which I assured her she was and showed her where on the sign it has the info she was looking for, because for a newbie figuring all of that out can be very difficult, and I definitely speak from experience there. It also occurred to me that there were other people waiting there but she waited for a woman about her age to come to ask because that’s a lot more comfortable than risking talking to a random man who might be a creep, so I was happy to help of course. Got home, got into comfy clothes and had some lunch, then watched a few more episodes of Designated Survivor and AH. GUYS. THIS FUCKING SHOW IS SO GOOD. The new episodes are fucking brilliant, and the way they incorporate real world unscripted interviews of actual people is so ingenuitive and actually a genius way to address social issues while maintaining a fictional environment (versus something like, Glee, where they’re trying to cover everything under the sun and shoving it all down your throat constantly). And the storylines in general are just so good, and the writing for the president is so damn good because you are always rooting for him. he has to make tough calls where there’s not always a clear right answer, but he always seems to pull it out and find the best way forward, and it’s so satisfying to see. and I LOVE KIEFER SUTHERLAND SO MUCH. god, his line at the Florida con last month was sooooo fucking long (like 2-3 hours of waiting time long) but I would’ve loved to have seen him again. Hopefully the opportunity will present itself in the near future so I can gush about how much I love the new episodes, lol. I didn’t want to binge too many of them and run out of episodes, so I stopped after episode 7 and watched more Anthony Bourdain, where he was taking on Queens, which was quite the adventure. After I finished that at some time around there Jess came over and we ordered cheesy bread as was the plan, but there was apparently some issue with the store getting swamped with orders and only having like two delivery drivers, so it took like over an hour for us to get the dang thing, but of course I’d never blame that on the poor schmuck who brought me the cheesy bread that has to run around all night to people who are probably ticked their order is late, and of course I tipped him well because the wait sure as hell wasn’t his fault. Before it arrived though, we watched some videos of some of the KPop boys’ adventures in America and Chicago specifically, mainly the one kid from outside Chicago and the one from Canada were going around with one of the ones actually from Korea (they’re all of Korean descent, they just weren’t all raised there) and taking him to like, Target and doing all sorts of amusing shit that is legit just what we would be doing if we were celebrities, so that was very amusing. Once we were finished with that we ended up buying Captain Marvel on streaming, since I’m sure as hell gonna wanna watch it again probably in the near future, so then we watched that for the rest of the night. Thoroughly enjoyed it the second time through, of course you pick up on different things knowing what’s coming so that’s always fun to see. Once the movie was over Jess headed out, and I watched another Anthony Bourdain episode and then just hung out for a bit without anything on before deciding to shower and start to get ready for bed, which I proceeded to do and now I am here. This was probably way too detailed for a day that really wasn’t all that exciting, but oh well, that’s how it comes out sometimes, no issue with that. It just turned 1:30 am so I should definitely be getting to sleep, so I will be doing that now. Goodnight loves. Hope your Monday doesn’t suck.
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doll-in-the-walls · 5 years
Horror Movie Reviews
This is a redo of my post on my main, minus the gifs that way I can make it as long as I want. That being said, this post gets long. Not in any order really though towards the end it’s in order of me watching or remembering movies I’ve seen.
Keep in mind: These are just my personal opinions/reviews.
Rating Key - Pumpkins
🎃🔶🔶🔶🔶 - HATED IT
🎃🎃🔶🔶🔶 - Really didn’t like it but it wasn’t that horrible
🎃🎃🎃🔶🔶 - It was decent. Neutral. No strong opinion.
🎃🎃🎃🎃🔶 - Really liked it but probably wouldn’t watch it again.
🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃 - LOVED IT. 10/10. Would watch again. (Probably already have)
Halloween (1978)
🎃🎃🎃🔶🔶 3/5 Pumpkins
It was very slow to me. Didn’t seem to really get going until the last 10-20 minutes. I don’t like movies that do ADR honestly but it’s to be expected from older movies. It was a nice start to the series. Don’t hate it. Ending definitely worked to make me watch the next one.
Halloween II (1981)
🎃🎃🎃🎃🔶 (4/5 Pumpkins)
Not sure why but I liked this one better even though I didn’t get answers to most of my questions. More action, some VERY nice camera shots (in my opinion) and cool lil moments that make you gasp.
Halloween The Curse of Michael Myers (1995)
🎃🎃🔶🔶🔶 (2/5 Pumpkins)
I left with even more questions and very few answers… Looks much better effects/fake wound wise though.
I was super happy to see Paul Rudd. Nice surprise, I didn’t know he was in it.
Freddy vs Jason (2003)
Very enjoyable to watch. (I of course was rooting for Jason the whole time. Just not a fan of Freddy). Didn’t need to watch either original movie/series to understand the two. (I’ve only seen parts of Nightmare on Elm Street, and honestly never watched Friday the 13th.)
The Boy (2016)
🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃 (5/5 Pumpkins)
I LOVE Brahms and CAN’T WAIT for the sequel. Movie kept me guessing and shocked me at the end (I was pleasantly shocked). The scares weren’t too in your face and the movie kept me interested the whole time. Definitely going to watch again.
House of Wax (2005)
🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃 (5/5 Pumpkins)
Loved it. I’ve already watched multiple times. I feel so bad for Vincent (pretty much any mask man from horror movies I seem to love. Idk why). Loved the effects and set/props (wax stuff obviously lol). Never really liked the opening scenes though, I’d rather we get right to the House of Wax but understand it’s necessary.
Child’s Play/ Chucky Movies [1-6] (1988-2013)
🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃 (5/5 Pumpkins)
(I’m going to do each one at some point so grouping these all together just for now).
I’ve rewatched these so much. I find 4 (Bride of Chucky) and 5 (Seed of Chucky) more funny than scary honestly.
Though no idea what they were thinking after that, the one after Seed is no good in my opinion. They should have ended it after Seed. BUT (See below)
Cult of Chucky (2017)
🎃🎃🎃🎃🔶 (4/5 Pumpkins)
Watched this only cause it was on Netflix and I gotta say it wasn’t that bad. I actually loved the ending though I’m usually one for happy endings. Probably wouldn’t watch it again but it was better than the one before
The Lost Boys (1987)
🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃 (5/5 Pumpkins)
Love it so much I have it on DVD. Watched it as a kid and never found it too scary but it that’s just cause I fell in love with the characters.... Love Kiefer Sutherland. Didn’t care for any of the sequels.
Friday the 13th (1980)
🎃🎃🔶🔶🔶 (2/5 Pumpkins)
It’s one of those that was probably super scary at the time it came out. I was between 2-3 Pumpkins for the rating. 1) I knew who the killer was. Hard to avoid spoilers when the movie came out in the 80s 2) I could figure out who survived 3) I like the acting by “Alice” but “Marcy” and “Annie” (omfg).... don’t get me started on Annie.
I am however excited to see the next one. Gimmie some Jason.
Friday the 13th Part 2 (1981)
🎃🎃🎃🎃🔶 (4/5 Pumpkins)
Liked it much better than the first. Acting was better. I like how this (like Halloween II) basically showed the ending of the first movie as a reminder (though I didn’t like that it was shown as a nightmare Alice had) And I had a few issues. 1) MUFFIN 2) WHERE’S PAUL? (What was real? What was a dream?)
I also have played the Friday The 13th The Game and it was cool to see one of the maps and basically one of the challenges kill for kill. I didn’t know the challenges were based off the movies, I knew the maps were.
Friday the 13th - Part III (1982)
🎃🎃🎃🎃🔶 (4/5 Pumpkins)
I liked this one but was left with questions that I don’t know if I missed the answer or what.
Idk how I feel about them changing Jason’s face. Part 2 his face was half deformed (and he had hair!) And now suddenly it’s his whole face and he’s bald. (which, don’t get me wrong, I don’t care what he looks like. I’m just confused as to why they changed it.)
Again cool to see a place the game has as a map (I knew what rooms were what lol) and again how certain people died. And now that kill in the barn (in game not movie) makes sense to be called a revenge kill.
Can’t wait to watch the next one.
Friday the 13th The Final Chapter (1984)
🎃🎃🎃🎃🔶 (4/5 Pumpkins)
First off…. Yay tiny Cory Feldman. Second … WHAT THE WHAT?! So I liked this one and only had a few problems with it. Namely.. I thought Jason only killed people who we teens/“being bad”/on his land. The family of three had to have been there during the 3rd movie, it was only like a day after the end of that one. I think he shouldn’t have killed the only blonde mom (maybe he doesn’t trust anyone who looks like his mom anymore). And the kid did nothing
WHICH BRINGS ME TO TOMMY. (Who I didn’t know was a kid in the movies…) Why and how did him making himself look like a young Jason work? A simple “he moved” would have assured his sister he wasn’t going insane. And also, what did Jason possess him at the end?? (Or was it just to show he’d grow up to like hacking people?)
And my last problem was… Why did the “peace” girl have to die?! She wasn’t doing anything!
Also … Trish… Why didn’t you just jump over that body…you did going back. Anyway I liked it. (XD)
Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The beginning (2006)
🎃🎃🎃🎃🔶 (4/5 Pumpkins)
Well right off the bat I want to hug Thomas and never let go. (I also want to maim everyone who insults him and calls him the R word. I really HATE that word). Honestly didn’t know about the whole cannibal aspect to the movie(s) I just knew about the face wearing. “Hoyt” gave me the fucking creeps but I did like how he defended Thomas in the beginning. I still have to watch the movie that came before this and the originals (Where his name isn’t Thomas apparently. I like it as Thomas) but Thomas has been added to the list of Slashers I like.
Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2
🎃🎃🎃🔶🔶 (3/5 Pumpkins)
This one was meant to be a dark comedy, which I can see how but yikes...
I watched this one before the first one just because I heard that he ends up liking a girl in it and I love Bubba so I wanted to see that. Now I know where the “Wiggles” gif comes from. I find him so adorable even though he makes the girl wear a face… I like him a bit better than the one in the first movie only cause we see more of him not just chasing someone. I’m a sucker for anything even slightly romantic.
Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)
🎃🎃 🔶 🔶 🔶(2/5 Pumpkins)
I honestly started it and stopped it so much just cause I was bored... I kinda knew what happened so maybe that had something to do with it but for most of the movies I knew what was gonna happen, this one just kept loosing me anyways.
One of those movies that makes you wanna scream at the victims for how stupid they were. Who goes up to a house and after not getting a response the first five or so times GOES INTO THE HOUSE. That’s trespassing and STUPID.
I really both loved and hated the way Sally screamed the ENTIRE time she ran. It really made her sound actually terrified but also...if he lost sight of her it wouldn’t matter cause he could just follow the screams.
I prefer Thomas’ family better cause they’re not as mean to him...
Scream (1996)
🎃🎃🎃🎃🔶 (4/5 Pumpkins)
I had seen Scary Movie, which is a spoof/parody of this movie, so even if I didn’t already know who Billy was I would’ve known who the killer(s) was. Probably actually scary for its time but also I don’t personally get too scared by horror movies like this. Billy is very yummy though…
Took me forever to realize where I knew Stu from… The live action Scooby-Do movies… XD
Jason Lives Friday 13th Part VI (1986)
🎃🎃🎃🎃 🎃 (5/5 Pumpkins)
Okay.. just reading the lil blurb on Show Box… TOMMY DID WHAT NOW? How do you accidentally… I’m just gonna watch the movie…
Was it supposed to be as funny as it was? XD The whole thing could’ve been avoided if Tommy just didn’t stab his body during a storm. (Also... Tommy is very yummy, omg)
I would honestly watch it again just because it’s so funny and I don’t mind looking at Tommy.
The Babadook
🎃🎃🎃🎃 🎃 (5/5 Pumpkins) 
I loved this. Technically a “drama/thriller” but damn some scenes got me. I loved the meaning behind it all and would definitely watch it again.
Working on watching more movies. Below is what I still need to watch.
Friday the 13th A New Beginning (1985)
(which apparently isn’t even Jason so I’m probably going to skip it)
Friday the 13th Part VII The New Blood (1988)
Friday The 13th Part VIII Jason Takes Manhattan (1989)
(What is he, a giant monster like Godzilla now?)
Jason Goes to Hell The Final Friday (1993)
Jason X (2001)
Halloween (2007)
Halloween II (2009)
Scream 2 (1997)
Scream 3 (2000)
Scream 4 (2011)
House at the End of the Street (2012)
Probably a ton more I need to see but that’s all I can think of for now. Got a movie suggestion? Lemme know.
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airoasis · 5 years
"The Passion of Saint Tibulus" | Father Ted | Series 1 Episode 3 | Dead Parrot
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/the-passion-of-saint-tibulus-father-ted-series-1-episode-3-dead-parrot-13/
"The Passion of Saint Tibulus" | Father Ted | Series 1 Episode 3 | Dead Parrot
Appears like rain Ted come on Duggal it can be your go I have to say father Hernandez it can be been distinguished having you over however I assume you’re getting homesick for Cuba by way of now right here oh yes my nation is very lovely excellent okay what’s that it continued have a first-rate lifestyles right here on craggy i will raggy i’m going to instead we’ll have two just right neighbors padre doogal father doogal gotta run of path father Jack yes but I have got to say I missed the noise and the lights you know the entire buzz of the huge metropolis we stated it can be that unhealthy you have been in spot Wexford weren’t you I used to be sure what craggy Island has its charms the west a part of the island used to be stunning until it drifted off of path excellent buddy drifted off yes there used to be just a little of a storm and it just got here free huh now we should not have a west part it can be simply north south and east it was once lovely whilst I was there sorry mister do you know Ted your housekeeper is an extraordinarily attractive woman in many instances this celibacy is hard for a person you ought to assess her off of the smooth I think bishop brennan springs to intellect I see oh yes sure Bishop Lynn Renan he is our sort of boss it seems that he was once myself and the union was blessed so they are saying no no he no imply boy or girl son he lives in the us our soul goes to rumor anyway was it Colonel Mustard within the kitchen the candlestick what Colonel Mustard in the kitchen with the candlestick you have Colonel Mustard you confirmed him to me earlier how could it’s Colonel Mustard a view of Colonel Mustard o.K. Father Hernandez your go see yes well I suppose it used to be a never-ending dream the reverend cream Cuchillo and i finished in the drawing-room huh these Protestants up to no excellent as ordinary what’s father Jack looking at what’s that you are watching father Jack o.K. Is that a film you’re watching huh isn’t that Kiefer Sutherland why is that flat liner as you’re gazing what pink John is for the Jackman a bit hard of listening to spouse sure he gets a form of waxy buildup in his ears and then we have got to syringe them it’s not very best it’s exceptional though in a technique on the grounds that you recognize we’re on no account short of candles good that was in his head last week and there is a few extra over there however we have nearly adequate for a papal funeral he is a variety of one man candle factory aunt your father Jack huh be honest he can hear good ample when he desires to look at this father Jack would you love a pitcher of brandy yes oh you see he’s a horrible man okay brandy all proper all proper all correct now say when huh say when huh tell me fairly wanted to stop pouring oh all correct that is it you certain long past anymore hello craggy Island parochial residence father Ted truly speaking ha ha ha hey bishop Brendan how are you sure no all correct excellent yes all right of course sure goodbye bye so that is the boss he’s coming over he needs to speak to us about anything come on we higher finish this it can be need to be the longest game of Clue I’ve ever played how lengthy we have not be aware of 5 hours Ted will have to no longer be some cards in here or some thing on the other hand I have no phrases to say how thankful i’m do that’s somewhat ungrateful – do not you fear father Hernandez dangled a gallows nevertheless I do have some items from the humans of my village please don’t snigger of this simple illustration of Cuban handicraft it can be a video recorder see no no guys yes i’m sorry exam it is an awfully normal mannequin it is only a 3 week pre-file facility do not fear about that it is excellent thanks very a lot father nandus it can be uncommon feather cuenta a step 10 for you Ted then go i have anything improper muy it is very designated you quite would not have you particularly do not need symbol opal it’s a Cuban fertility image i am hoping it brings you as much good fortune as it introduced me yes all right muttering oh yeah good I alternatively come on now drew look the bishop might be right here any minute all right now you bear in mind what I instructed you huh it is very simple a brand new nation to mention what we had been talking about final night time all proper Jeff what have been we talking about final night time hello you understand the rumors in regards to the bishops little mistake all correct yeah what mistake used to be that no Ted his son his son in the united states oh yes he’s a son in the united states sure what’s odd it’s a race race huh that’s news to me Ted we had been talking about it final night Deauville to Father Hernandez who all correct the Cuban lad yeah he gave us a video sure for those who do not forget correct okay just put out of your mind all about it just disregard about it just don’t mention the son have you bought that i have Ted the lights are on however there is nobody home father Brendan is right here hells bells correct showman juga now do not forget no longer a word in regards to the solar hi there bishop how are you come on take a seat down sit down down there your costume beside her father to get mrs.Doyle some tea please how’s the son the son of God how is the son of God how’s everything on the earth faith the world of faith what the hell are you speaking about Crilley good Oh mrs. Darling sign that tea here i am I mentioned mister and i am quality thanks mrs. Doyle will you now not have a cup of tea visibly no no i’m not going to remain I need to get proper to the factor and get the hell out of right here certain you will not have a clog i’m distinct thank you oh one have a call no thanks oh no however each person else is having a cop would you not have one yourself I should not have the time you omitted you can be Bishop piggy within the middle i am best great you sure you won’t have a cop only a drop no Bishop eggy and me simply say yes or is it it is faster think me all correct then yes Mon Tiger lads good i hope you are now not doing torture harm here huh Jack are you behaving yourself thanks did you see your grace what brings you to these materials pondering of sending us back to our parishes a fact danger you’re here unless I let you know otherwise you consider either jack back into a normal parish after the wedding he did in earth lengthy huh surely i am no no no no you were right here unless all of that money is accounted for I didn’t be aware of what after that money I sufficient you went to Las Vegas once that negative little one was alleged to be in Lourdes and as for this cabbage the mere inspiration of letting him back into the actual world after the Black Rock incident yes that wasn’t the amount of persons’s lives a rep to be damaged there were only nuns nuns are humans too my god the strings I had to pull the discontinue the Vatican getting concerned I do not wish to talk about it I just need to get this feeling industry over and completed with film about what movie this blasphemous film The passion of st.Tibula s– now His Holiness has banned it however in view that of some loophole the bloody factor is displaying on this godforsaken dump oh yes that’s correct is it any good you realize if it’s any excellent or now not all i do know is that we have got to be noticeable to be making a stand towards it i have been brought again from my excursion in California to kind it out and that is where you went Larry and Moe are available what do you mean well i know that in general you wouldn’t be competent to arrange a nun shoot in a nunnery however despite that is as much as you to make the church’s function clear make some sort of a protest at the cinema even you will have to be equipped to manipulate that oh thanks very a lot listen that is very severe do not make a balls of it right i’m going to be in touch your grace however this this is not rather my discipline nothing is your subject Crilley you do not need an field and this is the type of a play subject with sand castles and buckets and spades now do what you’re advised right through now that is foolish there may be no one here for God see women and gents i am pleased to say we have a deal with in store in these days for all you lovers of French cinema is this subtitles different is it so titled or is it dubbed it can be some thing anybody stare on the protesting now or what sure I think so or probably we should just stay and spot a little bit little bit of the filling for us good let’s simply get it over with how possibly it’s not too unhealthy Ted it would be in other commitments it’s not relevant whether or not it can be excellent or dangerous Dubin it is the morality we do not agree with correct let’s go dude did your sin good day Michael how are you oh i’m grandpa how’s father Jack what we’ve not visible him when you consider that we the final shall install in season on this plan is bit worn out so we won’t be by myself today all correct however you are making a few circuit it’s an extended story we’ve got the bishop or you know Len Brennan or at gob sheet it is going lad seeing that in film I any taller down here and kick up a bit of a force all right yeah however there is just one dingo yeah you’re style of an simply whatever to show we’re not all correct Oh laughter sorry Michael oh no no no no hindrance in any respect though however in case you could preserve it down I mean we have to believe of different humans that you may count on us make it Michael Michael um i don’t feel you are likely to cook your self that is just a tv no hindrance huh do you need to head on now oh hush or no approach could as good keep and notice the film first so I throw you out after the villain grand grand battle i’m completed we’re still ok from the tub position EJ the fear mm oh you washe was all decibels you’re asking the wrong individual there Ted I might make head nor tails i know for a proven fact that sane tibula swore extra garments than that he was from Norway our summer time the frozen to demise and do you do not forget that bit when sin tipping us he tried to take that banana off the other lad I wasn’t a banana tilden anyway let’s get some sleep hmm give us a B please Bob mm-hmm Beethoven do C please Bob carnivorous air please Bob God no longer blockbusters once more Fettuccine 6:00 a.M.Great an additional 8 hour sleep you’re going to wake 10 oh this is tremendous isn’t it one more great lie in for the boys there is do you need to be horrible Ted wouldn’t be terrible if Bishop Brennan came in and he informed us to get out of the cinema and began protesting again that is ridiculous the position doesn’t open for one more 7 hours what about what they Bishop stated failed to he need us to vary ourselves the railings how we supposed to do that hilarious could have anything proper you go and get whatever i’m going to I just stay right here and preserve a detailed cinema wager they are gonna could want to watch a film that doesn’t begin for one more 7 hours Jack what the hell are you as much as why are not you at the film psycho what what did you say pay attention the dead you see my bag anywhere my traveling bag hmm good if you happen to do see it would you provide it back to me let’s go my bloody passport in it and uh everything right you gonna stand there all day a fats historic bitch on prime to be like there is a massive pile of scheisse yeah ignorant prick dude watch that mouth of yours i will watch nothing i’m going to stick this up your ass oh hello YouTube father how’s methods we’ve not noticeable you in a while we have been just going to have some tea in case you have a drop no thanks mrs.O’Leary no i am best hiya what will we do you for our Father good I used to be looking for a pair of handcuffs actually pair of handcuffs what you need them for oh nothing a lot stuff for me in Ted you and father Ted yeah we’re just trying some thing out Oh truly humorous sufficient I believe we do have a pair i am Sergeant pawns had left them here when he retired retired from what from the police the police used to be Sergeant damage on a policeman um he was sure why do you believe you are the uniform oh I suggestion he was once just having a laugh anyway younger here is the handcuffs k thanks fee great i know my father canine with this type of thing cautious now yeah with this kind of factor Oh father evidently hey Jim i like Italian I obvious your picture within the paper watch right here have a look so it is a blasphemous turn father what is my variety of factor is he mad stuff it’s very immoral Jim you would not adore it is it a kind of nudie factor you would not believe the quantity and oldest unit you see the Latia father – simply the highest section you see i’m looking this left an creativeness howdy well if i’m going to be off goodbye Jim their fathers ah howdy mr.Sheldon mrs. Lin the ardour of seeing time yours what’s that’s it a Western or a musical or some thing we invariably put in Tuesday’s it will get us out of the hustle we noticed a exceptional one a couple of weeks in the past The Crying recreation it was once extremely good k there used to be this first-rate bit ended you see there was once this woman and then you definitely discover it’s no longer a woman but a person oh he acquired his letters let me see it for a second however you get the message I was once it pressured it goodbye considering that I’ve seen one like you’re Billy’s tall Billy’s is rounder on the high maybe whatever then stepping into or her head it just goes to exhibit drew lady nobody takes a blind person or so what the church says anymore hello cut father clearly good day how’s your spouse I hear she hasn’t been good she’s dead father and she are simply a few hours of all rather yes wherever that’s just the way it’s what is the feeling like father what is it any excellent I used to be reading about it within the paper I informed you you must think about going to a movie if your wife is just die right here I could wander it I are not able to act about the funeral important points later fathers I need to say that is uncommon that is probably the most effective Villa with Hudson Joe Rossi Park is breaking all forms of documents due to all this publicity over your protest circle that’s manner oh my god would you appear who it is oh thank god just a little of support that’s fair 54 turn a nun father I get to a seat right Dougal I’ve had sufficient of this we’re leaving give me the keys keys what’s this than your costume why am I watching at a globe of the waters good um how am i able to give an explanation for first of all a resume of the final few days now I do not know when you keep in mind but I got here in here with the inspiration of you making a dignified protest about this village remember that sure yes good just to exhibit the Church’s opposition to the film bus and this is the section that I in finding most interesting you have definitely made this movie the most triumphant film ever proven here isn’t that high-quality I imply persons are coming from everywhere the nation to look the film they’re even coming from Gdansk to look the movie i do know however it’s not that appear there’s you there may be Forrest Gump there’s father Jack honestly looking at the villain now there is a flip-up for the books what right now I believe the satisfactory factor would be for ye three to proceed your careers as priests come fill and promoters external of my jurisdiction huh now Ted I concept that you would like to move to the usa hmm what section do you suppose well dumb Las Vegas i’m sorry i am sorry Ted i’m in South the united states undoubtedly there may be a beautiful little island off the coast of Suriname and they have got a couple of tribes there you’re going to like this and they have been knocking the shit out of each different we have certainly not been ready to find the right man to carry them collectively in the spirit of Christian concord however I suppose that you’re the person well thanks very much no have to thank me incidentally are you aware how to make arrows well to not fear to not worry it can come to you now go blue over to you is not it humorous how some of these places in the Philippines can keep on going and not using a appropriate sewerage approach hmm your honor now Jack the place will we ship you huh Jack wake up Bishop i wouldn’t do that you simply shut up Jack wake up I got you oh my god should you suppose this situation is dangerous wait till you see your new parish just wait until you see well that is it then I think I suppose all we will do now could be p.C. Ted i don’t need to go to the Philippines I imply I are not able to even spell the Philippines I comprehend it starts offevolved with an F i know i do know honey go someplace we would persuade the bishop to vary his intellect if most effective we had some thing we might bargain with I have no idea what’s that Jack did you get a film the final thing I wish to watch now is a movie well that used to be first-rate wasn’t it correct there Ted and will have to we cell him now or will we watch it again I suppose we watch it again you
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batterymonster2021 · 5 years
"The Passion of Saint Tibulus" | Father Ted | Series 1 Episode 3 | Dead Parrot
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/the-passion-of-saint-tibulus-father-ted-series-1-episode-3-dead-parrot-13/
"The Passion of Saint Tibulus" | Father Ted | Series 1 Episode 3 | Dead Parrot
Appears like rain Ted come on Duggal it can be your go I have to say father Hernandez it can be been distinguished having you over however I assume you’re getting homesick for Cuba by way of now right here oh yes my nation is very lovely excellent okay what’s that it continued have a first-rate lifestyles right here on craggy i will raggy i’m going to instead we’ll have two just right neighbors padre doogal father doogal gotta run of path father Jack yes but I have got to say I missed the noise and the lights you know the entire buzz of the huge metropolis we stated it can be that unhealthy you have been in spot Wexford weren’t you I used to be sure what craggy Island has its charms the west a part of the island used to be stunning until it drifted off of path excellent buddy drifted off yes there used to be just a little of a storm and it just got here free huh now we should not have a west part it can be simply north south and east it was once lovely whilst I was there sorry mister do you know Ted your housekeeper is an extraordinarily attractive woman in many instances this celibacy is hard for a person you ought to assess her off of the smooth I think bishop brennan springs to intellect I see oh yes sure Bishop Lynn Renan he is our sort of boss it seems that he was once myself and the union was blessed so they are saying no no he no imply boy or girl son he lives in the us our soul goes to rumor anyway was it Colonel Mustard within the kitchen the candlestick what Colonel Mustard in the kitchen with the candlestick you have Colonel Mustard you confirmed him to me earlier how could it’s Colonel Mustard a view of Colonel Mustard o.K. Father Hernandez your go see yes well I suppose it used to be a never-ending dream the reverend cream Cuchillo and i finished in the drawing-room huh these Protestants up to no excellent as ordinary what’s father Jack looking at what’s that you are watching father Jack o.K. Is that a film you’re watching huh isn’t that Kiefer Sutherland why is that flat liner as you’re gazing what pink John is for the Jackman a bit hard of listening to spouse sure he gets a form of waxy buildup in his ears and then we have got to syringe them it’s not very best it’s exceptional though in a technique on the grounds that you recognize we’re on no account short of candles good that was in his head last week and there is a few extra over there however we have nearly adequate for a papal funeral he is a variety of one man candle factory aunt your father Jack huh be honest he can hear good ample when he desires to look at this father Jack would you love a pitcher of brandy yes oh you see he’s a horrible man okay brandy all proper all proper all correct now say when huh say when huh tell me fairly wanted to stop pouring oh all correct that is it you certain long past anymore hello craggy Island parochial residence father Ted truly speaking ha ha ha hey bishop Brendan how are you sure no all correct excellent yes all right of course sure goodbye bye so that is the boss he’s coming over he needs to speak to us about anything come on we higher finish this it can be need to be the longest game of Clue I’ve ever played how lengthy we have not be aware of 5 hours Ted will have to no longer be some cards in here or some thing on the other hand I have no phrases to say how thankful i’m do that’s somewhat ungrateful – do not you fear father Hernandez dangled a gallows nevertheless I do have some items from the humans of my village please don’t snigger of this simple illustration of Cuban handicraft it can be a video recorder see no no guys yes i’m sorry exam it is an awfully normal mannequin it is only a 3 week pre-file facility do not fear about that it is excellent thanks very a lot father nandus it can be uncommon feather cuenta a step 10 for you Ted then go i have anything improper muy it is very designated you quite would not have you particularly do not need symbol opal it’s a Cuban fertility image i am hoping it brings you as much good fortune as it introduced me yes all right muttering oh yeah good I alternatively come on now drew look the bishop might be right here any minute all right now you bear in mind what I instructed you huh it is very simple a brand new nation to mention what we had been talking about final night time all proper Jeff what have been we talking about final night time hello you understand the rumors in regards to the bishops little mistake all correct yeah what mistake used to be that no Ted his son his son in the united states oh yes he’s a son in the united states sure what’s odd it’s a race race huh that’s news to me Ted we had been talking about it final night Deauville to Father Hernandez who all correct the Cuban lad yeah he gave us a video sure for those who do not forget correct okay just put out of your mind all about it just disregard about it just don’t mention the son have you bought that i have Ted the lights are on however there is nobody home father Brendan is right here hells bells correct showman juga now do not forget no longer a word in regards to the solar hi there bishop how are you come on take a seat down sit down down there your costume beside her father to get mrs.Doyle some tea please how’s the son the son of God how is the son of God how’s everything on the earth faith the world of faith what the hell are you speaking about Crilley good Oh mrs. Darling sign that tea here i am I mentioned mister and i am quality thanks mrs. Doyle will you now not have a cup of tea visibly no no i’m not going to remain I need to get proper to the factor and get the hell out of right here certain you will not have a clog i’m distinct thank you oh one have a call no thanks oh no however each person else is having a cop would you not have one yourself I should not have the time you omitted you can be Bishop piggy within the middle i am best great you sure you won’t have a cop only a drop no Bishop eggy and me simply say yes or is it it is faster think me all correct then yes Mon Tiger lads good i hope you are now not doing torture harm here huh Jack are you behaving yourself thanks did you see your grace what brings you to these materials pondering of sending us back to our parishes a fact danger you’re here unless I let you know otherwise you consider either jack back into a normal parish after the wedding he did in earth lengthy huh surely i am no no no no you were right here unless all of that money is accounted for I didn’t be aware of what after that money I sufficient you went to Las Vegas once that negative little one was alleged to be in Lourdes and as for this cabbage the mere inspiration of letting him back into the actual world after the Black Rock incident yes that wasn’t the amount of persons’s lives a rep to be damaged there were only nuns nuns are humans too my god the strings I had to pull the discontinue the Vatican getting concerned I do not wish to talk about it I just need to get this feeling industry over and completed with film about what movie this blasphemous film The passion of st.Tibula s– now His Holiness has banned it however in view that of some loophole the bloody factor is displaying on this godforsaken dump oh yes that’s correct is it any good you realize if it’s any excellent or now not all i do know is that we have got to be noticeable to be making a stand towards it i have been brought again from my excursion in California to kind it out and that is where you went Larry and Moe are available what do you mean well i know that in general you wouldn’t be competent to arrange a nun shoot in a nunnery however despite that is as much as you to make the church’s function clear make some sort of a protest at the cinema even you will have to be equipped to manipulate that oh thanks very a lot listen that is very severe do not make a balls of it right i’m going to be in touch your grace however this this is not rather my discipline nothing is your subject Crilley you do not need an field and this is the type of a play subject with sand castles and buckets and spades now do what you’re advised right through now that is foolish there may be no one here for God see women and gents i am pleased to say we have a deal with in store in these days for all you lovers of French cinema is this subtitles different is it so titled or is it dubbed it can be some thing anybody stare on the protesting now or what sure I think so or probably we should just stay and spot a little bit little bit of the filling for us good let’s simply get it over with how possibly it’s not too unhealthy Ted it would be in other commitments it’s not relevant whether or not it can be excellent or dangerous Dubin it is the morality we do not agree with correct let’s go dude did your sin good day Michael how are you oh i’m grandpa how’s father Jack what we’ve not visible him when you consider that we the final shall install in season on this plan is bit worn out so we won’t be by myself today all correct however you are making a few circuit it’s an extended story we’ve got the bishop or you know Len Brennan or at gob sheet it is going lad seeing that in film I any taller down here and kick up a bit of a force all right yeah however there is just one dingo yeah you’re style of an simply whatever to show we’re not all correct Oh laughter sorry Michael oh no no no no hindrance in any respect though however in case you could preserve it down I mean we have to believe of different humans that you may count on us make it Michael Michael um i don’t feel you are likely to cook your self that is just a tv no hindrance huh do you need to head on now oh hush or no approach could as good keep and notice the film first so I throw you out after the villain grand grand battle i’m completed we’re still ok from the tub position EJ the fear mm oh you washe was all decibels you’re asking the wrong individual there Ted I might make head nor tails i know for a proven fact that sane tibula swore extra garments than that he was from Norway our summer time the frozen to demise and do you do not forget that bit when sin tipping us he tried to take that banana off the other lad I wasn’t a banana tilden anyway let’s get some sleep hmm give us a B please Bob mm-hmm Beethoven do C please Bob carnivorous air please Bob God no longer blockbusters once more Fettuccine 6:00 a.M.Great an additional 8 hour sleep you’re going to wake 10 oh this is tremendous isn’t it one more great lie in for the boys there is do you need to be horrible Ted wouldn’t be terrible if Bishop Brennan came in and he informed us to get out of the cinema and began protesting again that is ridiculous the position doesn’t open for one more 7 hours what about what they Bishop stated failed to he need us to vary ourselves the railings how we supposed to do that hilarious could have anything proper you go and get whatever i’m going to I just stay right here and preserve a detailed cinema wager they are gonna could want to watch a film that doesn’t begin for one more 7 hours Jack what the hell are you as much as why are not you at the film psycho what what did you say pay attention the dead you see my bag anywhere my traveling bag hmm good if you happen to do see it would you provide it back to me let’s go my bloody passport in it and uh everything right you gonna stand there all day a fats historic bitch on prime to be like there is a massive pile of scheisse yeah ignorant prick dude watch that mouth of yours i will watch nothing i’m going to stick this up your ass oh hello YouTube father how’s methods we’ve not noticeable you in a while we have been just going to have some tea in case you have a drop no thanks mrs.O’Leary no i am best hiya what will we do you for our Father good I used to be looking for a pair of handcuffs actually pair of handcuffs what you need them for oh nothing a lot stuff for me in Ted you and father Ted yeah we’re just trying some thing out Oh truly humorous sufficient I believe we do have a pair i am Sergeant pawns had left them here when he retired retired from what from the police the police used to be Sergeant damage on a policeman um he was sure why do you believe you are the uniform oh I suggestion he was once just having a laugh anyway younger here is the handcuffs k thanks fee great i know my father canine with this type of thing cautious now yeah with this kind of factor Oh father evidently hey Jim i like Italian I obvious your picture within the paper watch right here have a look so it is a blasphemous turn father what is my variety of factor is he mad stuff it’s very immoral Jim you would not adore it is it a kind of nudie factor you would not believe the quantity and oldest unit you see the Latia father – simply the highest section you see i’m looking this left an creativeness howdy well if i’m going to be off goodbye Jim their fathers ah howdy mr.Sheldon mrs. Lin the ardour of seeing time yours what’s that’s it a Western or a musical or some thing we invariably put in Tuesday’s it will get us out of the hustle we noticed a exceptional one a couple of weeks in the past The Crying recreation it was once extremely good k there used to be this first-rate bit ended you see there was once this woman and then you definitely discover it’s no longer a woman but a person oh he acquired his letters let me see it for a second however you get the message I was once it pressured it goodbye considering that I’ve seen one like you’re Billy’s tall Billy’s is rounder on the high maybe whatever then stepping into or her head it just goes to exhibit drew lady nobody takes a blind person or so what the church says anymore hello cut father clearly good day how’s your spouse I hear she hasn’t been good she’s dead father and she are simply a few hours of all rather yes wherever that’s just the way it’s what is the feeling like father what is it any excellent I used to be reading about it within the paper I informed you you must think about going to a movie if your wife is just die right here I could wander it I are not able to act about the funeral important points later fathers I need to say that is uncommon that is probably the most effective Villa with Hudson Joe Rossi Park is breaking all forms of documents due to all this publicity over your protest circle that’s manner oh my god would you appear who it is oh thank god just a little of support that’s fair 54 turn a nun father I get to a seat right Dougal I’ve had sufficient of this we’re leaving give me the keys keys what’s this than your costume why am I watching at a globe of the waters good um how am i able to give an explanation for first of all a resume of the final few days now I do not know when you keep in mind but I got here in here with the inspiration of you making a dignified protest about this village remember that sure yes good just to exhibit the Church’s opposition to the film bus and this is the section that I in finding most interesting you have definitely made this movie the most triumphant film ever proven here isn’t that high-quality I imply persons are coming from everywhere the nation to look the film they’re even coming from Gdansk to look the movie i do know however it’s not that appear there’s you there may be Forrest Gump there’s father Jack honestly looking at the villain now there is a flip-up for the books what right now I believe the satisfactory factor would be for ye three to proceed your careers as priests come fill and promoters external of my jurisdiction huh now Ted I concept that you would like to move to the usa hmm what section do you suppose well dumb Las Vegas i’m sorry i am sorry Ted i’m in South the united states undoubtedly there may be a beautiful little island off the coast of Suriname and they have got a couple of tribes there you’re going to like this and they have been knocking the shit out of each different we have certainly not been ready to find the right man to carry them collectively in the spirit of Christian concord however I suppose that you’re the person well thanks very much no have to thank me incidentally are you aware how to make arrows well to not fear to not worry it can come to you now go blue over to you is not it humorous how some of these places in the Philippines can keep on going and not using a appropriate sewerage approach hmm your honor now Jack the place will we ship you huh Jack wake up Bishop i wouldn’t do that you simply shut up Jack wake up I got you oh my god should you suppose this situation is dangerous wait till you see your new parish just wait until you see well that is it then I think I suppose all we will do now could be p.C. Ted i don’t need to go to the Philippines I imply I are not able to even spell the Philippines I comprehend it starts offevolved with an F i know i do know honey go someplace we would persuade the bishop to vary his intellect if most effective we had some thing we might bargain with I have no idea what’s that Jack did you get a film the final thing I wish to watch now is a movie well that used to be first-rate wasn’t it correct there Ted and will have to we cell him now or will we watch it again I suppose we watch it again you
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trendingnewsb · 7 years
6 Famous People Who Hilariously Trolled Their Own Fans
Some celebrities see fame as tremendous burden and distraction from their craft, whereas others treat it as a golden opportunity to screw with thousands of strangers for no logical reason save “shits and giggles.” We’re talking about such famous rascals as …
Chris Pratt Trolls His Fans With Bad Jennifer Lawrence Photos
Hollywood certainly made a weird choice when it needed a hot new action star and decided to pick that zaftig fellow from Parks And Rec. During the press tour for the 2016 science fiction thriller Passengers, which starred Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence, fans got overly enthusiastic about the pairing and started “shipping” them. (For those who aren’t up to speed on the internet lingo, that means they want the two to hook up and mash their bits together and make babies.) Followers of Pratt’s Instagram account started demanding that he take more photos of himself hanging out with Lawrence so that they could satisfy their vicarious need to imagine these two millionaires spending time with each other.
And so Pratt proceeded to do what the fans were demanding:
Chris Pratt/Instagram
Over the next few days, Pratt went on to post a number of Instagram selfies featuring himself and Lawrence together. Technically.
Chris Pratt/Instagram
Chris Pratt/Instagram
You can’t argue that he didn’t give the fans exactly what they’d asked for. Still, a bunch of them didn’t seem to appreciate the photos, leaving comments like “Why isn’t she ever full in the pic” or “Why you cut Jennifer out?” Some people are simply impossible to please.
Nirvana Would Fuck Up Their Live Shows In Delightfully Stupid Ways
Nirvana are much better-known for their catchy grunge tunes than for Kurt Cobain’s primal screaming, but it’s not like he was intentionally trying to ruin the songs. Unless he was playing live, that is. Here’s a compilation of clips of Cobain mumbling into the microphone, or putting on a fake stupid accent, or sometimes replacing his lyrics with caveman grunts:
It’s more or less the Charlie Brown teacher voice.
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6 Famous Writers Who Secretly Wrote Insane Pieces Of Trash
Sometimes, his reasons for messing with the audience were almost admirable. In 1992, for instance, Nirvana was booked to play a show in a packed stadium in Buenos Aires. The opening act, an all-girl band called Calamity Jane, had an extremely negative reception, getting pelted with mud and bottles from the audience. This pissed Cobain off, and he considered cancelling the performance, but bassist Krist Novoselic talked him into a compromise — they’d take the stage and do an incredibly shitty job. And so, rather than play any of their hits, the band began the opening riffs for songs like “Smells Like Teen Spirit” or “Come As You Are,” and then broke into renditions of their least-known songs, predominantly from their worst-rated album, Incesticide. As a finale, they did wind up finally playing a track from Nevermind — the hidden instrumental one at the end that you hear if you accidentally forget to stop the CD after ten minutes. The audience was furious. Cobain called it “one of the greatest experiences I’ve ever had.”
That wasn’t Nirvana’s first foray into deliberately messing up their shows. A year earlier, they were invited to perform on the British show Top Of The Pops, but after agreeing, they found out that the show had a policy of playing the music pre-recorded and only the singer’s voice live. As a response, Cobain sang “Smells Like Teen Spirit” like Christopher Walken with his mouth full of marshmallows, the whole time pretending to play his guitar with an open hand like a robotic Disneyland attraction.
On top of all that, there’s the band’s remarkable disdain for their most famous song, “Smells Like Teen Spirit” — which was intended as a joke, a mockingly generic pop song full of nonsense lyrics and a guitar riff openly stolen from Boston’s “More Than A Feeling.” They hated that it became popular and resented playing it so much that, fairly often, they would rile up the crowd by playing the opening riff, and then instead launch into … a bad cover of “More Than A Feeling”.
Kiefer Sutherland Started Saying “Dammit!” More Often In 24 To Mess With Fans Playing A Drinking Game
24 may have been massively successful and popular, but nobody, from the fans to the producers to the stars, was ever under the impression that it was anything but a TV show based on a gimmick and starring one-note characters and cheap dialogue. It’s entertainment in the same way that Pringles is food — they don’t have to pretend it’s wholesome.
So when fans of the series endearingly mocked its hacky writing, the creators weren’t too proud to play along. Fans put together a drinking game in which you take a shot whenever Jack Bauer repeats one of his ten or so go-to lines, like demanding to know who someone is working for, saying the word “protocols,” or yelling “Dammit!” whenever something irked him:
In a 2006 interview with Rolling Stone, Sutherland revealed that he’d caught wind of the game and decided to have some fun with it. So in one episode, he made it a mission to say “Dammit!” as many times as he possibly could, even sneaking three into the same scene. In his words: “Boom, boom, boom. And that was just one scene. By the end, there had to be fourteen ‘Damn its.’ And I could just see all these college kids going, ‘Oh, fuck!'” (Which, incidentally, is what Jack would say if this show aired on cable.)
Now, this is the internet, so of course there’s a Wiki page cataloging every single “dammit” uttered on the show. Sutherland’s claim appears to be an exaggeration (his record was four d-bombs in one episode), but it’s true that the show got more liberal with the word as it went along — the penultimate season has 47 “dammits” between Jack and company, compared to the measly 30 in the first.
Mythbusters‘ Adam Savage Is Always Flamboyantly Lurking At Comic-Con
It’s probably not shocking to point out that Adam Savage, the non-walrus-stache half of Mythbusters, is kind of a nerd. What is shocking is that if you’re a dedicated nerd yourself, you might have met him without even knowing it.
Savage attends the San Diego Comic-Con every year, always wearing an elaborate costume which completely obscures his identity and prevents myth-busting enthusiasts from showering him with questions. He started in 2013 with an Admiral Ackbar costume (including an original mask from Return Of The Jedi), then topped that the next year with an exact replica of the original Alien spacesuit, complete with a facehugger model to cover his face. It was so hot that it required him to wear an ice vest to keep from passing out from heat exhaustion.
In 2015, he attended in a bespoke Judge Dredd costume, though he made himself somewhat easier to recognize by refusing to shave his trademark blonde goatee. On the next year, he went as the main character of the Oscar-winning Leonardo-DiCaprio-mauled-by-a-bear movie The Revenant — that’s right, he dressed up as the bear.
And finally, in 2017, he went as King Arthur, in armor made by the actual costume designer from the 1981 movie Excalibur, with chain mail made for the Lord Of The Rings series underneath. He could have gone as Arthur from the Guy Ritchie movie that came out two months earlier, but everyone had already forgotten that.
Every year, Savage challenges fans to figure out which of the Comic-Con attendees is secretly him, and rewards them with bonuses like free tickets to his panel. And every year, at least one person figures it out, probably by whittling down the number of identity-obscuring cosplayers whose costume could only be put together if someone was earning Mythbusters dollars.
The Dallas Stars Wouldn’t Stop Playing Nickelback
Americans don’t care about ice hockey nearly as much as Canadians do, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have their own league. You can catch up on what’s going on with the NHL late at night on Fox Sports on a slow day. Well, if you’re not a fan, you might have missed the 2015 home game between the Dallas Stars and the Vancouver Canucks, during which the Stars decided that instead of playing “We Will Rock You” or “Seven Nation Army” to hype up the audience, they would only play Nickelback. Again and again. For the entire game.
Presumably, the intention was to troll Vancouver’s visiting fans. Nickelback is, after all, a (perhaps inexplicably) widely despised band from Vancouver. Unfortunately, there were as many if not more Dallas fans in attendance, who were just as annoyed by the sonic assault as the Vancouver visitors.
Toward the end of the game, the scoreboard displayed a graphic asking fans to text which artist they’d prefer never to hear again at a hockey game, providing three “options:” A) Nickelback, B) Nickelback, or C) Nickelback. It didn’t matter that the number was fake, because one answer was the clear winner (B, obviously). And in case you were wondering, yeah, Dallas won.
Guardians Of The Galaxy‘s Michael Rooker Showed Up On The Set Of Avengers: Infinity War Just To Mess With Marvel Fans
If you haven’t seen the second Guardians Of The Galaxy movie yet but intend to, then first of all, what are you waiting for? Secondly, this entry is going to have spoilers for that film. So either stop reading or see the damn movie already.
In early 2017, Marvel Studios started shooting Avengers: Infinity War, the long-awaited film that will see the 200 or so characters from the Marvel Cinematic Universe come together. At the same time, Guardians Of The Galaxy actor Michael Rooker started posting images on his Instagram account of himself visiting various locations in Georgia, where parts of the movie are being filmed, while wearing a cap emblazoned with the Infinity War logo. Hmm, what could he possibly be doing there?
Here’s the thing, though: Rooker’s character Yondu, the blue guy with the whistle-powered arrow thing, dies at the end of Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2. It’s not one of those implied deaths that happens off-screen, either — he slowly freezes to death before our eyes in deep space while Chris Pratt screams “NO!” at him. The film later shows them holding a funeral and turning his corpse into fireworks. He’s definitely dead. And yet Rooker kept posting selfies from the Infinity War makeup trailer, with tape stuck over the logo on his cap that he’d previously “forgotten” to hide.
The obvious implication is that Yondu somehow survived his death and is going to show up to help kick Thanos’ ass in Infinity War. However, Guardians director James Gunn threw cold water on that suggestion when he was asked about it and answered bluntly that “Yondu is dead” and will remain like that “so long as I am involved with Marvel.”
So why the hell was Rooker on the set of Infinity War? According to Gunn, it was all a misdirection. Before the Guardians sequel hit theaters, fans started noticing that Rooker wasn’t on the Infinity War cast list and came close to guessing he was about to kick the bucket, so Marvel had him visit the set and Instagram himself in a branded hat to keep people guessing. Because dreams are meant to be smashed.
S. Peter Davis is the creator of the Three Minute Philosophy YouTube series, and is the author of the book Occam’s Nightmare.
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wbwest · 7 years
New Post has been published on WilliamBruceWest.com
New Post has been published on http://www.williambrucewest.com/2017/06/23/west-week-ever-pop-culture-review-62317/
West Week Ever: Pop Culture In Review - 6/23/17
  It’s gonna be a quick one this week, as I’ve got too much real life stuff going on. Plus, there was a lot of little news, but no big whammy.
Last Saturday I took in Awesome Con which, in its fifth year, was being held at the Washington Convention Center. Normally I’m all about con reports. You’ll see my cosplay pics, and hear about all the stuff I bought. Not so much this time around. I don’t know what it was, but it didn’t feel very Awesome this year. I hate cons that are filled to capacity (like NYCC), but I felt like this one could’ve been better attended. Sure, there were a lot of folks there, but I still bet they fell short of the numbers that had been expected. No cosplay really caught my eye. There were only, like, 7 comic vendors. The show really doesn’t seem to know if it’s a pop culture con, like a Wizard World show, or if it’s a comic-con for the DC area, rivaling Baltimore’s.
It wasn’t all bad, though. I got to hang out with my buds @KeithDavidsen and @ClassickMateria, plus I had a great conversation with 2/3 of the 3 Black Geeks Podcast. Oh, and I totally gushed over Christopher Hastings, who currently writes I Am Groot and The Unbelievable Gwenpool for Marvel. I’ve been a fan of his since his indie series, The Adventures of Dr. McNinja, and I’m a huge Gwenpool fan. I pretty much went just to meet him, and he was totally gracious and nice. Meanwhile, I was gonna confront Scott Snyder and get him to sign my Dark Days: The Forge book. And then ask him why he blocked me on Twitter. But the stars were not aligned, as his line was capped before I got there. I suppose it was for the best. So, while lacking in awesome, there’s still room for improvement, and I’m sure I’ll be right back there next year.
While a lot of folks are getting excited about it, I have some problems with the way Netflix’s The Defenders series is being marketed. Something seems off with the tone of everything. See that poster above? As I remarked on Twitter, it looks like a TV Guide ad for a show Fox canceled in 1994. I can hear the promo now: “The Defenders, followed by an all-new New York Undercover. Thursday, at 8/7 Central.” There’s nothing about it that *pops*, and it just looks so pedestrian. Are they a rag tag group of NYC street-level heroes, or is it a coming of age drama about 3 guys and a girl trying to make it in New York City? I still have 3 more seasons of Marvel Netflix shows to catch up on before I can even watch this, so maybe I’m not the target audience. It’s just all so formulaic now, though. “Hey, look – a hallway fight!”
We finally got a premiere date for the long-delayed Star Trek: Discovery, bowing September 24th at 8:30 on both CBS and CBS All Access. What’s with the 8:30 start time, though? I guess we’ll get some kind of half-assed, 30-minute Trek retrospective before the show. And, taking a page from cable shows, the season will be split in two, with the first 8 episodes airing in the fall, while the remaining 7 will air starting in January. I couldn’t be less excited for this show. So many damn hoops to jump through, so many broken promises regarding its premiere date. At this point, I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if they requested a blood sample before allowing you to watch it. That’s how crazy this has become. What was once thought to become the most pirated series of all time, I’m now starting to think most of us aren’t even gonna bother.
I had no clue that Phil Lord and Chris Miller were the directors on the Han Solo film (how’d I miss that?), and I would’ve told anyone who’d listen that they were a terrible choice – which is why I’m not surprised that they were fired this week, citing “creative differences”. Sure, The Lego Movie was great. The Jump Street franchise was great. But I don’t see them fitting into the “Star Wars vision” that Kathleen Kennedy clearly has. They would’ve given us something great and entertaining, but I don’t know if it would’ve been a “Star Wars movie”. Then again, I’m not the biggest Star Wars fan, so what do I know. I’d like to think there’s room to do a lot of stuff in that franchise, but I just don’t see their style fitting into what’s already been established. And then Ron Howard was announced as their replacement. I really don’t know how I feel about this. I mean, gifted director, but this seems sort of out of his wheelhouse. Any of y’all have strong thoughts either way?
Meanwhile, somebody needs to make up their mind about whether these Spider-Man spinoffs are gonna be set in the MCU or not. We were basically told that only Spider-Man was crossing over, and even that’s been threatened as a possible one-time deal. But then Amy Pascal did a press junket earlier this week, where she danced around the matter, saying that the Spider-Man spinoffs would build upon the world that is being carefully crafted, leading some to believe they might actually be set in the MCU. That’s how some folks saw it. I just saw it as Pascal trying to keep her job. I guess time will tell. Meanwhile, Spider-Man Homecoming 2 is already being discussed (which I hope is called Spider-Man: Sadie Hawkins Dance), and there will reportedly be a cameo by another MCU character who’s not Iron Man. Keep it in your pants, boys. Let’s see how this one does first, OK?
Song of the Week
Yup, it’s a Taylor Swift song, but it’s NOT sung by Taylor. She gave this song to Little Big Town, who have ridden it to #1. It’s got her trademark juvenile lyrics, but I still think it’s beautiful. I kinda wish I didn’t know she wrote it, but I think that was part of the push that got it to #1. Anyway, here’s “Better Man”.
Things You Might Have Missed This Week
Shonda Rhimes had to fail eventually, which is why her summer Shakespeare series, Still Star-Crossed, has been moved to Saturday after 3 low-rated episodes. Stick a fork in that turkey!
Speaking of dead shows, CMT couldn’t make the numbers work to revive Last Man Standing, so the sitcom is officially dead
Dule Hill’s real-life fiancee, Ballers actress Jazmyn Simon, will play Gus’ love interest in the Psych reunion movie
Apparently Nickelodeon is prepping a one-hour reunion, called Rocko’s Modern Life: Static Cling. I didn’t have cable growing up, but I know this means something to some of you.
Virginia Madsen won’t be back for season 2 of Designated Survivor. I was kinda hoping she and Kiefer would bang, so now I have the sads…
Six cast members are out at Taken, amid a major shake-up prior to season 2. I guess you could say they didn’t have the right set of skills.
They’re teasing a Downton Abbey movie for 2018. I hope it’s called Downton Abbey: Matthew’s Revenge!
There are rumors that Damon Lindelof is in talks to do a Watchmen TV series for HBO. That network is really into dongs lately, so I guess this is a perfect fit.
Daniel Henney is shifting his Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders character over the main Criminal Minds series, following the former’s cancellation. Remember that when your CBS-watching grandpa asks you where he’s seen that “Oriental fella” before…
The CW is interested in a Supernatural spinoff called Wayward Sisters, which would star recurring guest star Kim Rhodes. I don’t watch Supernatural, but she was Zack & Cody’s hot mom, so I’m a supporter of giving her more work!
After a thorough investigation, Warner Bros found no evidence of misconduct on the set of Bachelor In Paradise, and production has resumed on the season. Now it’ll probably be the most-watched season of the show, but there’s no way they saw that coming, right? Right?
As a reward for being the #1 daytime drama for the past 28 (!) consecutive years, CBS has renewed The Young and the Restless for another three seasons
NBC is scrambling to do some damage control, as Megyn Kelly’s highly publicized interview with Sandy Hook truther Alex Jones was beaten by a rerun of America’s Funniest Home Videos. That’s right, it was beaten by a show that’s been rendered virtually obsolete since the proliferation of the Internet
Heroes is coming to Crackle on July 13th. You know, that free streaming network that nobody watches? So, if you’re still itching to save the cheerleader, there ya go.
The sequel to Jurassic World will be called Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom. Meh. That shit ought to be called Jurassic Galaxy. Take those dinos into space already!
Daniel Day-Lewis has quit acting, meaning we’ll never get to see him in the Fast and the Furious franchise like we’d always dreamed!
Fresh off his mistrial, Bill Cosby plans to give speaking engagements where he will instruct folks how to dodge sexual assault charges. I couldn’t make this shit up! “If you put the pudding pop in the Jello, make sure you’re not caught on any Kodak film!”
Transformers 5: Bad Touch had the lowest opening day box office for the franchise, with $15.7 million.
In the ultimate Fuck yo’ Father’s Day move, Beyonce’s dad announced to the world, via tweet, that her twins had arrived. I hear he was dragged away by wraiths soon afterward.
Adam West’s unaired episode of Powerless can now be seen on DC All Access, as well as Hulu.
No one had the West Week Ever this week. As Nina Simone sang, “It be’s that way sometimes”. I do have a correction from last week, though. Like I said up top, I’ve got some real world stuff going on and I wasn’t really thinking clearly. I inducted Adam West into the West Week Ever Hall of Fame, when my pal @zacshipley pointed out that a better honor was staring me right in the face: that honor should be called the West Life Ever. So, the post has since been corrected and, going forward, that is what will be bestowed upon those greats that we’ve lost along the way. Adam West had the West Life Ever.
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airoasis · 5 years
"The Passion of Saint Tibulus" | Father Ted | Series 1 Episode 3 | Dead Parrot
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/the-passion-of-saint-tibulus-father-ted-series-1-episode-3-dead-parrot-2/
"The Passion of Saint Tibulus" | Father Ted | Series 1 Episode 3 | Dead Parrot
Looks like rain Ted come on Duggal it can be your go I need to say father Hernandez it is been individual having you over but I expect you’re getting homesick for Cuba with the aid of now right here oh sure my nation is very beautiful good k what’s that it endured have a exceptional lifestyles here on craggy i’m going to raggy i’m going to as a substitute we will have two just right neighbors padre doogal father doogal gotta run of path father Jack yes however I ought to say I neglected the noise and the lights the whole buzz of the enormous city we mentioned it can be that bad you were in spot Wexford weren’t you I was yes what craggy Island has its charms the west a part of the island used to be wonderful except it drifted off of path exceptional pal drifted off yes there was a bit of of a storm and it just got here loose huh now we should not have a west side it is just north south and east it used to be beautiful at the same time I used to be there sorry mister have you learnt Ted your housekeeper is an awfully stunning girl sometimes this celibacy is tough for a man you have to check her off of the soft I feel bishop brennan springs to mind I see oh yes yes Bishop Lynn Renan he is our style of boss it sounds as if he used to be myself and the union used to be blessed so they are saying no no he no imply boy or girl son he lives in the usa our soul goes to rumor anyway used to be it Colonel Mustard in the kitchen the candlestick what Colonel Mustard within the kitchen with the candlestick you will have Colonel Mustard you showed him to me earlier how might it be Colonel Mustard a view of Colonel Mustard very well father Hernandez your go see yes well I consider it was a certainly not-ending dream the reverend cream Cuchillo and i finished within the drawing-room huh these Protestants as much as no good as ordinary what’s father Jack looking at what’s that you are gazing father Jack okay is that a movie you are watching huh is not that Kiefer Sutherland why is that flat liner as you are watching what purple John is for the Jackman a little bit tough of hearing spouse sure he will get a style of waxy buildup in his ears after which we must syringe them it can be no longer very best it is first-class although in a technique considering that you recognize we’re on no account in need of candles good that was in his head last week and there is a few more over there but now we have virtually ample for a papal funeral he’s a sort of 1 man candle manufacturing unit aunt your father Jack huh be sincere he can hear well sufficient when he needs to watch this father Jack would you adore a pitcher of brandy yes oh you see he is a horrible man okay brandy all right all right all proper now say when huh say when huh tell me particularly wanted to discontinue pouring oh all correct that’s it you sure long past anymore hiya craggy Island parochial condominium father Ted truly speaking ha ha ha whats up bishop Brendan how are you yes no all proper good sure all correct of path yes goodbye bye so that’s the boss he’s coming over he wants to speak to us about something come on we better finish this it can be ought to be the longest recreation of Clue I’ve ever played how lengthy we’ve not be aware of five hours Ted must no longer be some playing cards in here or anything however I have no words to assert how grateful i am do that’s just a little ungrateful – do not you worry father Hernandez dangled a gallows nonetheless I do have some items from the persons of my village please do not chuckle of this straightforward example of Cuban handicraft it is a video recorder see no no guys yes i am sorry exam it can be an extraordinarily normal model it is only a 3 week pre-record facility do not fear about that it is satisfactory thanks very so much father nandus it is distinguished feather cuenta a step 10 for you Ted then go i have whatever fallacious muy it is very specific you fairly do not need you particularly should not have image opal it’s a Cuban fertility image i’m hoping it brings you as so much good fortune because it brought me sure all right muttering oh yeah well I rather come on now drew seem the bishop can be here any minute all proper now you take into account what I advised you huh it can be quite simple a brand new nation to mention what we have been speaking about last night time all proper Jeff what were we speaking about last night time good day you know the rumors in regards to the bishops little mistake all proper yeah what mistake used to be that no Ted his son his son in america oh yes he’s a son in america yes what’s strange it can be a race race huh that’s news to me Ted we have been speakme about it final night Deauville to Father Hernandez who all correct the Cuban lad yeah he gave us a video sure if you don’t forget right k just disregard all about it just fail to remember about it simply don’t mention the son have you ever bought that i have Ted the lights are on however there is no one dwelling father Brendan is here hells bells right showman juga now bear in mind now not a phrase concerning the solar hiya bishop how are you come on take a seat down sit down down there your costume beside her father to get mrs.Doyle some tea please how’s the son the son of God how is the son of God how’s the whole lot on the planet faith the sector of faith what the hell are you speaking about Crilley good you realize Oh mrs. Darling sign that tea here i am I mentioned mister and i am great thanks mrs. Doyle will you no longer have a cup of tea visibly no no i’m not going to remain I want to get proper to the factor and get the hell out of here definite you will not have a clog i’m unique thanks oh one have a call no thanks oh no however everyone else is having a cop would you now not have one yourself I would not have the time you left out you can be Bishop piggy within the core i’m fine first-class you definite you will not have a cop only a drop no Bishop eggy and me simply say sure or is it it can be faster suppose me all proper then yes Mon Tiger lads good i am hoping you’re no longer doing torture damage right here huh Jack are you behaving your self thanks did you see your grace what brings you to these elements considering of sending us again to our parishes a reality chance you are right here unless I inform you or else you think both jack again into a common parish after the marriage ceremony he did in earth long huh undoubtedly i’m no no no no you had been right here until all of that cash is accounted for I failed to be aware of what after that money I ample you went to Las Vegas as soon as that bad baby was once imagined to be in Lourdes and as for this cabbage the mere idea of letting him again into the real world after the Black Rock incident sure that wasn’t the amount of persons’s lives a rep to be broken there have been handiest nuns nuns are people too my god the strings I needed to pull the stop the Vatican getting involved I do not wish to speak about it I just wish to get this sense business over and completed with film about what film this blasphemous film The passion of st.Tibula s– now His Holiness has banned it but due to the fact of some loophole the bloody thing is displaying on this godforsaken dump oh yes that is correct is it any excellent if it is any excellent or not all i do know is that we have to be visible to be making a stand against it i have been brought again from my excursion in California to form it out and that’s the place you went Larry and Moe are available in what do you imply well i know that most of the time you wouldn’t be ready to organize a nun shoot in a nunnery but regardless of that’s as much as you to make the church’s role clear make some style of a protest on the cinema even you must be ready to manipulate that oh thanks very much listen that is very serious don’t make a balls of it correct i’m going to be in contact your grace but this this is not rather my area nothing is your area Crilley you don’t have an field and this is the variety of a play field with sand castles and buckets and spades now do what you are told correct via now this is silly there is nobody here for God see females and gents i’m joyful to say now we have a deal with in retailer today for all you fanatics of French cinema is that this subtitles different is it so titled or is it dubbed it can be whatever any person stare at the protesting now or what sure I suppose so or maybe we will have to just stay and spot somewhat little bit of the filling for us well let’s just get it over with how maybe it is no longer too bad Ted it would be in different commitments it’s not relevant whether it is excellent or bad Dubin it can be the morality we don’t consider proper let’s go dude did your sin hello Michael how are you oh i’m grandpa how’s father Jack what we’ve not seen him due to the fact that we the last shall set up in season on this plan is bit worn out so we won’t be on my own in these days all correct but you are making a couple of circuit it can be a protracted story we’ve got the bishop or you recognize Len Brennan or at gob sheet it is going lad seeing that in film I any taller down right here and kick up just a little of a drive all proper yeah however there’s only one dingo yeah you are sort of an just anything to exhibit we’re not all correct Oh laughter sorry Michael oh no no no no problem at all though however when you might preserve it down I imply we have got to feel of different humans that you can rely on us make it Michael Michael um i do not suppose you are inclined to cook dinner yourself that’s only a television no hindrance huh do you need to head on now oh hush or no means would as well stay and notice the movie first so I throw you out after the villain grand grand fight i am carried out we’re nonetheless ok from the bath location EJ the worry mm oh you washe was all decibels you’re asking the fallacious individual there Ted I might make head nor tails i know for a incontrovertible fact that sane tibula swore extra garments than that he used to be from Norway our summer time the frozen to death and do you remember that bit when sin tipping us he tried to take that banana off the opposite lad I wasn’t a banana tilden anyway let’s get some sleep hmm provide us a B please Bob mm-hmm Beethoven do C please Bob carnivorous air please Bob God no longer blockbusters once more Fettuccine 6:00 a.M.Pleasant a further 8 hour sleep you’re going to wake 10 oh that is fantastic isn’t it one more nice lie in for the men there’s do you need to be horrible Ted wouldn’t be terrible if Bishop Brennan got here in and he instructed us to get out of the cinema and began protesting again that is ridiculous the location doesn’t open for a further 7 hours what about what they Bishop said didn’t he need us to change ourselves the railings how we supposed to try this hilarious might have some thing correct you go and get some thing i’ll I simply keep here and preserve a detailed cinema wager they’re gonna would want to watch a film that does not begin for an extra 7 hours Jack what the hell are you as much as why don’t seem to be you at the movie psycho what what did you say listen the dead you see my bag anywhere my travelling bag hmm well for those who do see it will you give it back to me let’s go my bloody passport in it and uh the whole lot correct you gonna stand there all day a fats historical bitch on high to be like there is a large pile of scheisse yeah ignorant prick dude watch that mouth of yours i’ll watch nothing i’m going to stick this up your ass oh hello YouTube father how’s tricks we have not obvious you in a at the same time we were simply going to have some tea if you have a drop no thanks mrs.O’Leary no i am first-class hiya what can we do you for our Father well I was watching for a pair of handcuffs surely pair of handcuffs what you need them for oh nothing so much stuff for me in Ted you and father Ted yeah we’re just attempting whatever out Oh in reality humorous ample I consider we do have a pair i’m Sergeant pawns had left them right here when he retired retired from what from the police the police used to be Sergeant harm on a policeman um he used to be yes why do you think you’re the uniform oh I idea he was just having a laugh anyway young here’s the handcuffs k thanks cost quality i do know my father canine with this kind of thing careful now yeah with this sort of factor Oh father clearly hiya Jim i love Italian I obvious your picture in the paper watch right here have a seem so it can be a blasphemous turn father what’s my type of factor is he mad stuff it is very immoral Jim you would not adore it is it a sort of nudie factor you would not feel the amount and oldest unit you see the Latia father – just the highest section you see i am watching this left an creativeness howdy good if i’ll be off goodbye Jim their fathers ah whats up mr.Sheldon mrs. Lin the passion of seeing time yours what’s that’s it a Western or a musical or some thing we at all times put in Tuesday’s it will get us out of the hustle we noticed a exceptional one a few weeks in the past The Crying recreation it was once extraordinary k there was once this exceptional bit ended you see there was once this girl and then you discover it can be now not a lady however a man oh he obtained his letters let me see it for a 2d however you get the message I was it forced it see you later considering I’ve seen one like you’re Billy’s tall Billy’s is rounder at the high probably anything then stepping into or her head it just goes to exhibit drew lady nobody takes a blind man or woman or so what the church says anymore hello reduce father obviously good day how’s your wife I hear she hasn’t been well she’s lifeless father and he or she are simply a couple of hours of all fairly sure anyplace that is just the way it’s what is the feeling like father what’s it any just right I was once studying about it in the paper I instructed you you must think about going to a film in case your wife is simply die here I might wander it I cannot act about the funeral important points later fathers I ought to say that is uncommon this is the most triumphant Villa with Hudson Joe Rossi Park is breaking all different types of documents as a result of all this publicity over your protest circle that’s method oh my god would you look who it is oh thank god a little of support that’s reasonable 54 turn a nun father I get to a seat proper Dougal I’ve had ample of this we’re leaving give me the keys keys what’s this than your costume why am I watching at a globe of the waters good um how can i provide an explanation for first of all a resume of the last few days now I do not know should you recall however I got here in right here with the suggestion of you making a dignified protest about this village don’t forget that sure sure good you know simply to show the Church’s opposition to the film bus and this is the phase that I find most exciting you could have clearly made this movie the most effective movie ever proven here is not that pleasant I mean men and women are coming from far and wide the country to peer the movie they are even coming from Gdansk to peer the film i do know but it surely’s now not that seem there may be you there is Forrest Gump there is father Jack actually staring at the villain now there’s a flip-up for the books what right now I consider the first-rate factor would be for ye three to proceed your careers as clergymen come fill and promoters external of my jurisdiction huh now Ted I inspiration that you could like to move to the united states hmm what phase do you think well dumb Las Vegas i am sorry i am sorry Ted i’m in South america certainly there is a lovely little island off the coast of Suriname and they have got a couple of tribes there you are going to like this and they have got been knocking the shit out of every other now we have on no account been able to find the proper man to bring them collectively in the spirit of Christian harmony but I think that you’re the man well thanks very a lot no have to thank me incidentally are you aware how to make arrows well not to worry not to fear it’s going to come to you now go blue over to you isn’t it funny how a few of these areas in the Philippines can keep on going with no right sewerage procedure hmm your honor now Jack the place can we send you huh Jack get up Bishop i would not do that you shut up Jack get up I got you oh my god if you happen to consider this place is unhealthy wait till you see your new parish just wait except you see well that’s it then I consider I suppose all we will do now’s percent Ted i don’t wish to go to the Philippines I imply I are not able to even spell the Philippines I understand it starts offevolved with an F i know i do know honey go someplace we might persuade the bishop to change his mind if simplest we had some thing we could discount with I do not know what’s that Jack did you get a film the final factor I need to watch now is a movie well that was excellent wasn’t it right there Ted and will have to we cell him now or will we watch it once more I believe we watch it once more you
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batterymonster2021 · 5 years
"The Passion of Saint Tibulus" | Father Ted | Series 1 Episode 3 | Dead Parrot
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/the-passion-of-saint-tibulus-father-ted-series-1-episode-3-dead-parrot-2/
"The Passion of Saint Tibulus" | Father Ted | Series 1 Episode 3 | Dead Parrot
Looks like rain Ted come on Duggal it can be your go I need to say father Hernandez it is been individual having you over but I expect you’re getting homesick for Cuba with the aid of now right here oh sure my nation is very beautiful good k what’s that it endured have a exceptional lifestyles here on craggy i’m going to raggy i’m going to as a substitute we will have two just right neighbors padre doogal father doogal gotta run of path father Jack yes however I ought to say I neglected the noise and the lights the whole buzz of the enormous city we mentioned it can be that bad you were in spot Wexford weren’t you I was yes what craggy Island has its charms the west a part of the island used to be wonderful except it drifted off of path exceptional pal drifted off yes there was a bit of of a storm and it just got here loose huh now we should not have a west side it is just north south and east it used to be beautiful at the same time I used to be there sorry mister have you learnt Ted your housekeeper is an awfully stunning girl sometimes this celibacy is tough for a man you have to check her off of the soft I feel bishop brennan springs to mind I see oh yes yes Bishop Lynn Renan he is our style of boss it sounds as if he used to be myself and the union used to be blessed so they are saying no no he no imply boy or girl son he lives in the usa our soul goes to rumor anyway used to be it Colonel Mustard in the kitchen the candlestick what Colonel Mustard within the kitchen with the candlestick you will have Colonel Mustard you showed him to me earlier how might it be Colonel Mustard a view of Colonel Mustard very well father Hernandez your go see yes well I consider it was a certainly not-ending dream the reverend cream Cuchillo and i finished within the drawing-room huh these Protestants as much as no good as ordinary what’s father Jack looking at what’s that you are gazing father Jack okay is that a movie you are watching huh is not that Kiefer Sutherland why is that flat liner as you are watching what purple John is for the Jackman a little bit tough of hearing spouse sure he will get a style of waxy buildup in his ears after which we must syringe them it can be no longer very best it is first-class although in a technique considering that you recognize we’re on no account in need of candles good that was in his head last week and there is a few more over there but now we have virtually ample for a papal funeral he’s a sort of 1 man candle manufacturing unit aunt your father Jack huh be sincere he can hear well sufficient when he needs to watch this father Jack would you adore a pitcher of brandy yes oh you see he is a horrible man okay brandy all right all right all proper now say when huh say when huh tell me particularly wanted to discontinue pouring oh all correct that’s it you sure long past anymore hiya craggy Island parochial condominium father Ted truly speaking ha ha ha whats up bishop Brendan how are you yes no all proper good sure all correct of path yes goodbye bye so that’s the boss he’s coming over he wants to speak to us about something come on we better finish this it can be ought to be the longest recreation of Clue I’ve ever played how lengthy we’ve not be aware of five hours Ted must no longer be some playing cards in here or anything however I have no words to assert how grateful i am do that’s just a little ungrateful – do not you worry father Hernandez dangled a gallows nonetheless I do have some items from the persons of my village please do not chuckle of this straightforward example of Cuban handicraft it is a video recorder see no no guys yes i am sorry exam it can be an extraordinarily normal model it is only a 3 week pre-record facility do not fear about that it is satisfactory thanks very so much father nandus it is distinguished feather cuenta a step 10 for you Ted then go i have whatever fallacious muy it is very specific you fairly do not need you particularly should not have image opal it’s a Cuban fertility image i’m hoping it brings you as so much good fortune because it brought me sure all right muttering oh yeah well I rather come on now drew seem the bishop can be here any minute all proper now you take into account what I advised you huh it can be quite simple a brand new nation to mention what we have been speaking about last night time all proper Jeff what were we speaking about last night time good day you know the rumors in regards to the bishops little mistake all proper yeah what mistake used to be that no Ted his son his son in america oh yes he’s a son in america yes what’s strange it can be a race race huh that’s news to me Ted we have been speakme about it final night Deauville to Father Hernandez who all correct the Cuban lad yeah he gave us a video sure if you don’t forget right k just disregard all about it just fail to remember about it simply don’t mention the son have you ever bought that i have Ted the lights are on however there is no one dwelling father Brendan is here hells bells right showman juga now bear in mind now not a phrase concerning the solar hiya bishop how are you come on take a seat down sit down down there your costume beside her father to get mrs.Doyle some tea please how’s the son the son of God how is the son of God how’s the whole lot on the planet faith the sector of faith what the hell are you speaking about Crilley good you realize Oh mrs. Darling sign that tea here i am I mentioned mister and i am great thanks mrs. Doyle will you no longer have a cup of tea visibly no no i’m not going to remain I want to get proper to the factor and get the hell out of here definite you will not have a clog i’m unique thanks oh one have a call no thanks oh no however everyone else is having a cop would you now not have one yourself I would not have the time you left out you can be Bishop piggy within the core i’m fine first-class you definite you will not have a cop only a drop no Bishop eggy and me simply say sure or is it it can be faster suppose me all proper then yes Mon Tiger lads good i am hoping you’re no longer doing torture damage right here huh Jack are you behaving your self thanks did you see your grace what brings you to these elements considering of sending us again to our parishes a reality chance you are right here unless I inform you or else you think both jack again into a common parish after the marriage ceremony he did in earth long huh undoubtedly i’m no no no no you had been right here until all of that cash is accounted for I failed to be aware of what after that money I ample you went to Las Vegas as soon as that bad baby was once imagined to be in Lourdes and as for this cabbage the mere idea of letting him again into the real world after the Black Rock incident sure that wasn’t the amount of persons’s lives a rep to be broken there have been handiest nuns nuns are people too my god the strings I needed to pull the stop the Vatican getting involved I do not wish to speak about it I just wish to get this sense business over and completed with film about what film this blasphemous film The passion of st.Tibula s– now His Holiness has banned it but due to the fact of some loophole the bloody thing is displaying on this godforsaken dump oh yes that is correct is it any excellent if it is any excellent or not all i do know is that we have to be visible to be making a stand against it i have been brought again from my excursion in California to form it out and that’s the place you went Larry and Moe are available in what do you imply well i know that most of the time you wouldn’t be ready to organize a nun shoot in a nunnery but regardless of that’s as much as you to make the church’s role clear make some style of a protest on the cinema even you must be ready to manipulate that oh thanks very much listen that is very serious don’t make a balls of it correct i’m going to be in contact your grace but this this is not rather my area nothing is your area Crilley you don’t have an field and this is the variety of a play field with sand castles and buckets and spades now do what you are told correct via now this is silly there is nobody here for God see females and gents i’m joyful to say now we have a deal with in retailer today for all you fanatics of French cinema is that this subtitles different is it so titled or is it dubbed it can be whatever any person stare at the protesting now or what sure I suppose so or maybe we will have to just stay and spot somewhat little bit of the filling for us well let’s just get it over with how maybe it is no longer too bad Ted it would be in different commitments it’s not relevant whether it is excellent or bad Dubin it can be the morality we don’t consider proper let’s go dude did your sin hello Michael how are you oh i’m grandpa how’s father Jack what we’ve not seen him due to the fact that we the last shall set up in season on this plan is bit worn out so we won’t be on my own in these days all correct but you are making a couple of circuit it can be a protracted story we’ve got the bishop or you recognize Len Brennan or at gob sheet it is going lad seeing that in film I any taller down right here and kick up just a little of a drive all proper yeah however there’s only one dingo yeah you are sort of an just anything to exhibit we’re not all correct Oh laughter sorry Michael oh no no no no problem at all though however when you might preserve it down I imply we have got to feel of different humans that you can rely on us make it Michael Michael um i do not suppose you are inclined to cook dinner yourself that’s only a television no hindrance huh do you need to head on now oh hush or no means would as well stay and notice the movie first so I throw you out after the villain grand grand fight i am carried out we’re nonetheless ok from the bath location EJ the worry mm oh you washe was all decibels you’re asking the fallacious individual there Ted I might make head nor tails i know for a incontrovertible fact that sane tibula swore extra garments than that he used to be from Norway our summer time the frozen to death and do you remember that bit when sin tipping us he tried to take that banana off the opposite lad I wasn’t a banana tilden anyway let’s get some sleep hmm provide us a B please Bob mm-hmm Beethoven do C please Bob carnivorous air please Bob God no longer blockbusters once more Fettuccine 6:00 a.M.Pleasant a further 8 hour sleep you’re going to wake 10 oh that is fantastic isn’t it one more nice lie in for the men there’s do you need to be horrible Ted wouldn’t be terrible if Bishop Brennan got here in and he instructed us to get out of the cinema and began protesting again that is ridiculous the location doesn’t open for a further 7 hours what about what they Bishop said didn’t he need us to change ourselves the railings how we supposed to try this hilarious might have some thing correct you go and get some thing i’ll I simply keep here and preserve a detailed cinema wager they’re gonna would want to watch a film that does not begin for an extra 7 hours Jack what the hell are you as much as why don’t seem to be you at the movie psycho what what did you say listen the dead you see my bag anywhere my travelling bag hmm well for those who do see it will you give it back to me let’s go my bloody passport in it and uh the whole lot correct you gonna stand there all day a fats historical bitch on high to be like there is a large pile of scheisse yeah ignorant prick dude watch that mouth of yours i’ll watch nothing i’m going to stick this up your ass oh hello YouTube father how’s tricks we have not obvious you in a at the same time we were simply going to have some tea if you have a drop no thanks mrs.O’Leary no i am first-class hiya what can we do you for our Father well I was watching for a pair of handcuffs surely pair of handcuffs what you need them for oh nothing so much stuff for me in Ted you and father Ted yeah we’re just attempting whatever out Oh in reality humorous ample I consider we do have a pair i’m Sergeant pawns had left them right here when he retired retired from what from the police the police used to be Sergeant harm on a policeman um he used to be yes why do you think you’re the uniform oh I idea he was just having a laugh anyway young here’s the handcuffs k thanks cost quality i do know my father canine with this kind of thing careful now yeah with this sort of factor Oh father clearly hiya Jim i love Italian I obvious your picture in the paper watch right here have a seem so it can be a blasphemous turn father what’s my type of factor is he mad stuff it is very immoral Jim you would not adore it is it a sort of nudie factor you would not feel the amount and oldest unit you see the Latia father – just the highest section you see i am watching this left an creativeness howdy good if i’ll be off goodbye Jim their fathers ah whats up mr.Sheldon mrs. Lin the passion of seeing time yours what’s that’s it a Western or a musical or some thing we at all times put in Tuesday’s it will get us out of the hustle we noticed a exceptional one a few weeks in the past The Crying recreation it was once extraordinary k there was once this exceptional bit ended you see there was once this girl and then you discover it can be now not a lady however a man oh he obtained his letters let me see it for a 2d however you get the message I was it forced it see you later considering I’ve seen one like you’re Billy’s tall Billy’s is rounder at the high probably anything then stepping into or her head it just goes to exhibit drew lady nobody takes a blind man or woman or so what the church says anymore hello reduce father obviously good day how’s your wife I hear she hasn’t been well she’s lifeless father and he or she are simply a couple of hours of all fairly sure anyplace that is just the way it’s what is the feeling like father what’s it any just right I was once studying about it in the paper I instructed you you must think about going to a film in case your wife is simply die here I might wander it I cannot act about the funeral important points later fathers I ought to say that is uncommon this is the most triumphant Villa with Hudson Joe Rossi Park is breaking all different types of documents as a result of all this publicity over your protest circle that’s method oh my god would you look who it is oh thank god a little of support that’s reasonable 54 turn a nun father I get to a seat proper Dougal I’ve had ample of this we’re leaving give me the keys keys what’s this than your costume why am I watching at a globe of the waters good um how can i provide an explanation for first of all a resume of the last few days now I do not know should you recall however I got here in right here with the suggestion of you making a dignified protest about this village don’t forget that sure sure good you know simply to show the Church’s opposition to the film bus and this is the phase that I find most exciting you could have clearly made this movie the most effective movie ever proven here is not that pleasant I mean men and women are coming from far and wide the country to peer the movie they are even coming from Gdansk to peer the film i do know but it surely’s now not that seem there may be you there is Forrest Gump there is father Jack actually staring at the villain now there’s a flip-up for the books what right now I consider the first-rate factor would be for ye three to proceed your careers as clergymen come fill and promoters external of my jurisdiction huh now Ted I inspiration that you could like to move to the united states hmm what phase do you think well dumb Las Vegas i am sorry i am sorry Ted i’m in South america certainly there is a lovely little island off the coast of Suriname and they have got a couple of tribes there you are going to like this and they have got been knocking the shit out of every other now we have on no account been able to find the proper man to bring them collectively in the spirit of Christian harmony but I think that you’re the man well thanks very a lot no have to thank me incidentally are you aware how to make arrows well not to worry not to fear it’s going to come to you now go blue over to you isn’t it funny how a few of these areas in the Philippines can keep on going with no right sewerage procedure hmm your honor now Jack the place can we send you huh Jack get up Bishop i would not do that you shut up Jack get up I got you oh my god if you happen to consider this place is unhealthy wait till you see your new parish just wait except you see well that’s it then I consider I suppose all we will do now’s percent Ted i don’t wish to go to the Philippines I imply I are not able to even spell the Philippines I understand it starts offevolved with an F i know i do know honey go someplace we might persuade the bishop to change his mind if simplest we had some thing we could discount with I do not know what’s that Jack did you get a film the final factor I need to watch now is a movie well that was excellent wasn’t it right there Ted and will have to we cell him now or will we watch it once more I believe we watch it once more you
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airoasis · 5 years
"The Passion of Saint Tibulus" | Father Ted | Series 1 Episode 3 | Dead Parrot
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/the-passion-of-saint-tibulus-father-ted-series-1-episode-3-dead-parrot/
"The Passion of Saint Tibulus" | Father Ted | Series 1 Episode 3 | Dead Parrot
Looks like rain Ted come on Duggal it’s your go I have got to say father Hernandez it’s been unusual having you over but I expect you’re getting homesick for Cuba by using now right here oh yes my country could be very gorgeous just right ok what’s that it endured have a first-rate existence here on craggy i will raggy i’ll rather we will have two excellent acquaintances padre doogal father doogal gotta run of course father Jack yes however I ought to say I missed the noise and the lights the entire buzz of the significant metropolis we mentioned it’s that unhealthy you were in spot Wexford weren’t you I was yes what craggy Island has its charms the west part of the island was once stunning until it drifted off of path quality friend drifted off yes there was a bit of of a storm and it simply came free huh now we don’t have a west side it’s simply north south and east it was lovely even as I used to be there sorry mister do you know Ted your housekeeper is an awfully lovely girl commonly this celibacy is tough for a man you need to investigate her off of the tender I consider bishop brennan springs to intellect I see oh sure yes Bishop Lynn Renan he is our kind of boss it seems that he was once myself and the union was once blessed so they say no no he no imply boy or girl son he lives in the united states our soul goes to rumor anyway was once it Colonel Mustard in the kitchen the candlestick what Colonel Mustard within the kitchen with the candlestick you might have Colonel Mustard you confirmed him to me previous how could or not it’s Colonel Mustard a view of Colonel Mustard very well father Hernandez your go see yes well I consider it used to be a under no circumstances-ending dream the reverend cream Cuchillo and i ended within the drawing-room huh those Protestants up to no good as typical what’s father Jack watching at what’s that you’re gazing father Jack very well is that a movie you are looking at huh isn’t that Kiefer Sutherland why is that flat liner as you’re staring at what purple John is for the Jackman slightly tough of hearing spouse sure he gets a kind of waxy buildup in his ears after which we have to syringe them it’s no longer very first-rate it’s nice although in a way because you already know we’re never short of candles good that used to be in his head last week and there is a few extra over there however we have now nearly ample for a papal funeral he is a variety of one man candle manufacturing facility aunt your father Jack huh be sincere he can hear good adequate when he wants to look at this father Jack would you adore a glass of brandy sure oh you see he’s a horrible man k brandy all proper all correct all proper now say when huh say when huh inform me really desired to stop pouring oh all proper that’s it you sure long past anymore hi there craggy Island parochial residence father Ted real speaking ha ha ha whats up bishop Brendan how are you yes no all correct excellent yes all correct of course sure goodbye bye so that’s the boss he’s coming over he wants to speak to us about anything come on we better conclude this it is ought to be the longest game of Clue I’ve ever performed how long we haven’t know five hours Ted must no longer be some playing cards in here or whatever however I don’t have any phrases to assert how thankful i am do that is a bit ungrateful – do not you worry father Hernandez dangled a gallows however I do have some gifts from the men and women of my village please do not laugh of this straightforward illustration of Cuban handicraft it can be a video recorder see no no men yes i am sorry exam it is an extraordinarily normal mannequin it is only a 3 week pre-record facility don’t worry about that it’s nice thanks very a lot father nandus it’s distinct feather cuenta a step 10 for you Ted then go i have anything flawed muy it can be very distinct you particularly do not have you really don’t have symbol opal it’s a Cuban fertility symbol i am hoping it brings you as so much good fortune because it brought me sure all right muttering oh yeah well I instead come on now drew look the bishop will probably be here any minute all proper now you recollect what I advised you huh it’s quite simple a brand new country to say what we were speakme about final night all correct Jeff what had been we talking about final night whats up the rumors about the bishops little mistake all proper yeah what mistake used to be that no Ted his son his son in the united states oh sure he is a son in america yes what’s extraordinary it can be a race race huh that is news to me Ted we have been talking about it final night time Deauville to Father Hernandez who all right the Cuban lad yeah he gave us a video sure should you keep in mind proper ok just put out of your mind all about it just omit about it simply do not mention the son have you got that i have Ted the lights are on but there’s no one home father Brendan is here hells bells proper showman juga now keep in mind now not a phrase in regards to the sun howdy bishop how are you come on take a seat down sit down down there your dress beside her father to get mrs.Doyle some tea please how’s the son the son of God how is the son of God how’s everything on the planet religion the sector of religion what the hell are you speaking about Crilley good you realize Oh mrs. Darling signal that tea right here i am I mentioned mister and i am nice thanks mrs. Doyle will you now not have a cup of tea visibly no no i’m not going to stay I wish to get proper to the point and get the hell out of right here definite you won’t have a clog i’m targeted thanks oh one have a name no thank you oh no however every body else is having a cop would you not have one yourself I do not have the time you ignored you’ll be Bishop piggy in the center i am satisfactory high-quality you sure you is not going to have a cop only a drop no Bishop eggy and me simply say sure or is it it is quicker consider me all proper then yes Mon Tiger lads well i hope you are no longer doing torture harm right here huh Jack are you behaving your self thank you did you see your grace what brings you to those parts thinking of sending us back to our parishes a reality risk you are right here until I let you know or else you think both jack again into a average parish after the wedding he did in earth lengthy huh absolutely i am no no no no you had been here until all of that money is accounted for I didn’t comprehend what after that money I enough you went to Las Vegas once that terrible youngster was once supposed to be in Lourdes and as for this cabbage the mere proposal of letting him back into the actual world after the Black Rock incident sure that wasn’t the quantity of folks’s lives a rep to be damaged there have been best nuns nuns are persons too my god the strings I had to pull the stop the Vatican getting worried I don’t need to speak about it I just wish to get this sense business over and completed with movie about what film this blasphemous film The passion of st.Tibula s– now His Holiness has banned it however for the reason that of some loophole the bloody factor is showing on this godforsaken dump oh yes that is proper is it any good you realize if it can be any good or no longer all i know is that we must be visible to be making a stand in opposition to it i have been brought again from my holiday in California to sort it out and that’s the place you went Larry and Moe are available what do you imply well i do know that most likely you wouldn’t be equipped to arrange a nun shoot in a nunnery however despite that’s up to you to make the church’s role clear make some variety of a protest at the cinema even you should be equipped to manipulate that oh thanks very a lot hear this is very serious do not make a balls of it proper i’ll be in contact your grace but this this is not really my subject nothing is your subject Crilley you should not have an subject and that is the variety of a play subject with sand castles and buckets and spades now do what you’re informed correct through now this is silly there is no person right here for God see ladies and gentlemen i’m pleased to say we’ve a treat in store today for all you enthusiasts of French cinema is that this subtitles different is it so titled or is it dubbed it’s some thing anybody stare at the protesting now or what yes I consider so or probably we will have to just stay and notice just a little little bit of the filling for us well let’s just get it over with how probably it is now not too unhealthy Ted it would be in other commitments it isn’t important whether or not it can be good or bad Dubin it is the morality we do not believe right let’s go dude did your sin whats up Michael how are you oh i am grandpa how’s father Jack what we haven’t obvious him because we the last shall set up in season on this plan is bit worn out so we won’t be on my own today all correct but you’re making a number of circuit it’s a long story we have the bishop or you realize Len Brennan or at gob sheet it can be going lad on account that in movie I any taller down here and kick up a bit of of a drive all correct yeah but there may be only one dingo yeah you’re kind of an just something to show we’re now not all correct Oh laughter sorry Michael oh no no no no main issue in any respect though but should you could hold it down I mean we need to feel of different men and women that you would be able to count on us make it Michael Michael um i don’t think you tend to prepare dinner your self that is just a tv no drawback huh do you want to go on now oh hush or no way could as good stay and see the film first so I throw you out after the villain grand grand fight i am accomplished we’re still ok from the tub location EJ the fear mm oh you washe was all decibels you’re asking the improper person there Ted I would make head nor tails i do know for a undeniable fact that sane tibula swore more clothes than that he used to be from Norway our summer the frozen to loss of life and do you keep in mind that bit when sin tipping us he tried to take that banana off the opposite lad I wasn’t a banana tilden anyway let’s get some sleep hmm supply us a B please Bob mm-hmm Beethoven do C please Bob carnivorous air please Bob God not blockbusters again Fettuccine 6:00 a.M.Satisfactory an additional eight hour sleep you will wake 10 oh that is excellent isn’t it yet another first-class lie in for the lads there is do you wish to have to be horrible Ted wouldn’t be horrible if Bishop Brennan came in and he instructed us to get out of the cinema and started protesting once more that is ridiculous the place doesn’t open for an extra 7 hours what about what they Bishop mentioned did not he need us to alter ourselves the railings how we supposed to do that hilarious would have something correct you go and get whatever i’ll I just keep here and safeguard a close cinema wager they may be gonna would wish to watch a film that doesn’t for an extra 7 hours Jack what the hell are you up to why aren’t you on the film psycho what what did you say listen the lifeless you see my bag wherever my traveling bag hmm well in case you do see it could you provide it again to me let’s go my bloody passport in it and uh the whole lot proper you gonna stand there all day a fat old bitch on prime to be like there’s a large pile of scheisse yeah ignorant prick dude watch that mouth of yours i will watch nothing i will stick this up your ass oh hiya YouTube father how’s tips we’ve not seen you in a whilst we have been simply going to have some tea when you have a drop no thanks mrs.O’Leary no i’m great good day what do we do you for our Father good I used to be watching for a pair of handcuffs truely pair of handcuffs what you need them for oh nothing so much stuff for me in Ted you and father Ted yeah we’re simply trying something out Oh genuinely humorous sufficient I think we do have a pair i’m Sergeant pawns had left them here when he retired retired from what from the police the police was Sergeant hurt on a policeman um he used to be yes why do you suppose you’re the uniform oh I proposal he used to be just having a laugh anyway younger this is the handcuffs okay thanks rate great i do know my father dog with this type of thing careful now yeah with this sort of thing Oh father naturally whats up Jim i like Italian I visible your snapshot within the paper watch right here have a look so it’s a blasphemous turn father what’s my variety of thing is he mad stuff it’s very immoral Jim you wouldn’t love it is it a style of nudie factor you wouldn’t feel the amount and oldest unit you see the Latia father – simply the top phase you see i’m watching this left an imagination whats up well if i’ll be off goodbye Jim their fathers ah hello mr.Sheldon mrs. Lin the passion of seeing time yours what’s that is it a Western or a musical or some thing we normally put in Tuesday’s it will get us out of the hustle we noticed a high-quality one a couple of weeks ago The Crying game it used to be exquisite okay there was once this first-class bit ended you see there was once this woman and then you find out it is now not a lady but a man oh he got his letters let me see it for a 2d but you get the message I was once it forced it see you later in view that I’ve seen one like you’re Billy’s tall Billy’s is rounder on the high maybe whatever then moving into or her head it just goes to exhibit drew lady no person takes a blind character or so what the church says anymore howdy reduce father certainly hi there how’s your wife I hear she hasn’t been well she’s dead father and she or he are just a few hours of all particularly sure at any place that is just the best way it is what’s the feeling like father what is it any good I was reading about it in the paper I advised you you must consider about going to a film in case your spouse is solely die right here I would wander it I can’t act about the funeral small print later fathers I need to say that is exotic that is the most victorious Villa with Hudson Joe Rossi Park is breaking all sorts of documents due to all this publicity over your protest circle that is approach oh my god would you seem who it’s oh thank god a little bit of help that’s fair fifty four turn a nun father I get to a seat right Dougal I’ve had adequate of this we’re leaving provide me the keys keys what’s this than your dress why am I looking at a globe of the waters good um how am i able to give an explanation for firstly a resume of the last few days now I don’t know should you do not forget however I got here in right here with the idea of you making a dignified protest about this village recall that yes sure good you know simply to show the Church’s opposition to the movie bus and this is the part that I to find most exciting you could have genuinely made this movie essentially the most victorious movie ever shown here is not that nice I imply men and women are coming from in every single place the nation to see the movie they’re even coming from Gdansk to peer the movie i know nevertheless it’s no longer that seem there may be you there is Forrest Gump there is father Jack honestly gazing the villain now there may be a turn-up for the books what correct now I believe the exceptional factor would be for ye three to proceed your careers as clergymen come fill and promoters outside of my jurisdiction huh now Ted I idea that you would like to move to the united states hmm what section do you suppose good dumb Las Vegas i am sorry i am sorry Ted i am in South the usa most likely there’s a beautiful little island off the coast of Suriname and they have got a couple of tribes there you are going to love this and they’ve been knocking the shit out of each other we have by no means been in a position to seek out the proper man to convey them together in the spirit of Christian concord however I feel that you’re the man good thanks very much no must thank me by the way have you learnt how one can make arrows well not to fear to not fear it is going to come to you now go blue over to you isn’t it funny how a few of these locations within the Philippines can keep on going without a proper sewerage system hmm your honor now Jack the place will we ship you huh Jack wake up Bishop i wouldn’t do that you just shut up Jack get up I acquired you oh my god when you think this situation is unhealthy wait till you see your new parish simply wait unless you see well that is it then I think I feel all we will do now is % Ted i do not need to go to the Philippines I mean I are not able to even spell the Philippines I know it starts with an F i do know i know honey go someplace we would persuade the bishop to change his mind if simplest we had something we might cut price with I do not know what’s that Jack did you get a film the final thing I need to watch now is a film good that was high-quality wasn’t it right there Ted and must we cellphone him now or will we watch it again I believe we watch it again you
0 notes
airoasis · 5 years
"The Passion of Saint Tibulus" | Father Ted | Series 1 Episode 3 | Dead Parrot
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/the-passion-of-saint-tibulus-father-ted-series-1-episode-3-dead-parrot/
"The Passion of Saint Tibulus" | Father Ted | Series 1 Episode 3 | Dead Parrot
Looks like rain Ted come on Duggal it’s your go I have got to say father Hernandez it’s been unusual having you over but I expect you’re getting homesick for Cuba by using now right here oh yes my country could be very gorgeous just right ok what’s that it endured have a first-rate existence here on craggy i will raggy i’ll rather we will have two excellent acquaintances padre doogal father doogal gotta run of course father Jack yes however I ought to say I missed the noise and the lights the entire buzz of the significant metropolis we mentioned it’s that unhealthy you were in spot Wexford weren’t you I was yes what craggy Island has its charms the west part of the island was once stunning until it drifted off of path quality friend drifted off yes there was a bit of of a storm and it simply came free huh now we don’t have a west side it’s simply north south and east it was lovely even as I used to be there sorry mister do you know Ted your housekeeper is an awfully lovely girl commonly this celibacy is tough for a man you need to investigate her off of the tender I consider bishop brennan springs to intellect I see oh sure yes Bishop Lynn Renan he is our kind of boss it seems that he was once myself and the union was once blessed so they say no no he no imply boy or girl son he lives in the united states our soul goes to rumor anyway was once it Colonel Mustard in the kitchen the candlestick what Colonel Mustard within the kitchen with the candlestick you might have Colonel Mustard you confirmed him to me previous how could or not it’s Colonel Mustard a view of Colonel Mustard very well father Hernandez your go see yes well I consider it used to be a under no circumstances-ending dream the reverend cream Cuchillo and i ended within the drawing-room huh those Protestants up to no good as typical what’s father Jack watching at what’s that you’re gazing father Jack very well is that a movie you are looking at huh isn’t that Kiefer Sutherland why is that flat liner as you’re staring at what purple John is for the Jackman slightly tough of hearing spouse sure he gets a kind of waxy buildup in his ears after which we have to syringe them it’s no longer very first-rate it’s nice although in a way because you already know we’re never short of candles good that used to be in his head last week and there is a few extra over there however we have now nearly ample for a papal funeral he is a variety of one man candle manufacturing facility aunt your father Jack huh be sincere he can hear good adequate when he wants to look at this father Jack would you adore a glass of brandy sure oh you see he’s a horrible man k brandy all proper all correct all proper now say when huh say when huh inform me really desired to stop pouring oh all proper that’s it you sure long past anymore hi there craggy Island parochial residence father Ted real speaking ha ha ha whats up bishop Brendan how are you yes no all correct excellent yes all correct of course sure goodbye bye so that’s the boss he’s coming over he wants to speak to us about anything come on we better conclude this it is ought to be the longest game of Clue I’ve ever performed how long we haven’t know five hours Ted must no longer be some playing cards in here or whatever however I don’t have any phrases to assert how thankful i am do that is a bit ungrateful – do not you worry father Hernandez dangled a gallows however I do have some gifts from the men and women of my village please do not laugh of this straightforward illustration of Cuban handicraft it can be a video recorder see no no men yes i am sorry exam it is an extraordinarily normal mannequin it is only a 3 week pre-record facility don’t worry about that it’s nice thanks very a lot father nandus it’s distinct feather cuenta a step 10 for you Ted then go i have anything flawed muy it can be very distinct you particularly do not have you really don’t have symbol opal it’s a Cuban fertility symbol i am hoping it brings you as so much good fortune because it brought me sure all right muttering oh yeah well I instead come on now drew look the bishop will probably be here any minute all proper now you recollect what I advised you huh it’s quite simple a brand new country to say what we were speakme about final night all correct Jeff what had been we talking about final night whats up the rumors about the bishops little mistake all proper yeah what mistake used to be that no Ted his son his son in the united states oh sure he is a son in america yes what’s extraordinary it can be a race race huh that is news to me Ted we have been talking about it final night time Deauville to Father Hernandez who all right the Cuban lad yeah he gave us a video sure should you keep in mind proper ok just put out of your mind all about it just omit about it simply do not mention the son have you got that i have Ted the lights are on but there’s no one home father Brendan is here hells bells proper showman juga now keep in mind now not a phrase in regards to the sun howdy bishop how are you come on take a seat down sit down down there your dress beside her father to get mrs.Doyle some tea please how’s the son the son of God how is the son of God how’s everything on the planet religion the sector of religion what the hell are you speaking about Crilley good you realize Oh mrs. Darling signal that tea right here i am I mentioned mister and i am nice thanks mrs. Doyle will you now not have a cup of tea visibly no no i’m not going to stay I wish to get proper to the point and get the hell out of right here definite you won’t have a clog i’m targeted thanks oh one have a name no thank you oh no however every body else is having a cop would you not have one yourself I do not have the time you ignored you’ll be Bishop piggy in the center i am satisfactory high-quality you sure you is not going to have a cop only a drop no Bishop eggy and me simply say sure or is it it is quicker consider me all proper then yes Mon Tiger lads well i hope you are no longer doing torture harm right here huh Jack are you behaving your self thank you did you see your grace what brings you to those parts thinking of sending us back to our parishes a reality risk you are right here until I let you know or else you think both jack again into a average parish after the wedding he did in earth lengthy huh absolutely i am no no no no you had been here until all of that money is accounted for I didn’t comprehend what after that money I enough you went to Las Vegas once that terrible youngster was once supposed to be in Lourdes and as for this cabbage the mere proposal of letting him back into the actual world after the Black Rock incident sure that wasn’t the quantity of folks’s lives a rep to be damaged there have been best nuns nuns are persons too my god the strings I had to pull the stop the Vatican getting worried I don’t need to speak about it I just wish to get this sense business over and completed with movie about what film this blasphemous film The passion of st.Tibula s– now His Holiness has banned it however for the reason that of some loophole the bloody factor is showing on this godforsaken dump oh yes that is proper is it any good you realize if it can be any good or no longer all i know is that we must be visible to be making a stand in opposition to it i have been brought again from my holiday in California to sort it out and that’s the place you went Larry and Moe are available what do you imply well i do know that most likely you wouldn’t be equipped to arrange a nun shoot in a nunnery however despite that’s up to you to make the church’s role clear make some variety of a protest at the cinema even you should be equipped to manipulate that oh thanks very a lot hear this is very serious do not make a balls of it proper i’ll be in contact your grace but this this is not really my subject nothing is your subject Crilley you should not have an subject and that is the variety of a play subject with sand castles and buckets and spades now do what you’re informed correct through now this is silly there is no person right here for God see ladies and gentlemen i’m pleased to say we’ve a treat in store today for all you enthusiasts of French cinema is that this subtitles different is it so titled or is it dubbed it’s some thing anybody stare at the protesting now or what yes I consider so or probably we will have to just stay and notice just a little little bit of the filling for us well let’s just get it over with how probably it is now not too unhealthy Ted it would be in other commitments it isn’t important whether or not it can be good or bad Dubin it is the morality we do not believe right let’s go dude did your sin whats up Michael how are you oh i am grandpa how’s father Jack what we haven’t obvious him because we the last shall set up in season on this plan is bit worn out so we won’t be on my own today all correct but you’re making a number of circuit it’s a long story we have the bishop or you realize Len Brennan or at gob sheet it can be going lad on account that in movie I any taller down here and kick up a bit of of a drive all correct yeah but there may be only one dingo yeah you’re kind of an just something to show we’re now not all correct Oh laughter sorry Michael oh no no no no main issue in any respect though but should you could hold it down I mean we need to feel of different men and women that you would be able to count on us make it Michael Michael um i don’t think you tend to prepare dinner your self that is just a tv no drawback huh do you want to go on now oh hush or no way could as good stay and see the film first so I throw you out after the villain grand grand fight i am accomplished we’re still ok from the tub location EJ the fear mm oh you washe was all decibels you’re asking the improper person there Ted I would make head nor tails i do know for a undeniable fact that sane tibula swore more clothes than that he used to be from Norway our summer the frozen to loss of life and do you keep in mind that bit when sin tipping us he tried to take that banana off the opposite lad I wasn’t a banana tilden anyway let’s get some sleep hmm supply us a B please Bob mm-hmm Beethoven do C please Bob carnivorous air please Bob God not blockbusters again Fettuccine 6:00 a.M.Satisfactory an additional eight hour sleep you will wake 10 oh that is excellent isn’t it yet another first-class lie in for the lads there is do you wish to have to be horrible Ted wouldn’t be horrible if Bishop Brennan came in and he instructed us to get out of the cinema and started protesting once more that is ridiculous the place doesn’t open for an extra 7 hours what about what they Bishop mentioned did not he need us to alter ourselves the railings how we supposed to do that hilarious would have something correct you go and get whatever i’ll I just keep here and safeguard a close cinema wager they may be gonna would wish to watch a film that doesn’t for an extra 7 hours Jack what the hell are you up to why aren’t you on the film psycho what what did you say listen the lifeless you see my bag wherever my traveling bag hmm well in case you do see it could you provide it again to me let’s go my bloody passport in it and uh the whole lot proper you gonna stand there all day a fat old bitch on prime to be like there’s a large pile of scheisse yeah ignorant prick dude watch that mouth of yours i will watch nothing i will stick this up your ass oh hiya YouTube father how’s tips we’ve not seen you in a whilst we have been simply going to have some tea when you have a drop no thanks mrs.O’Leary no i’m great good day what do we do you for our Father good I used to be watching for a pair of handcuffs truely pair of handcuffs what you need them for oh nothing so much stuff for me in Ted you and father Ted yeah we’re simply trying something out Oh genuinely humorous sufficient I think we do have a pair i’m Sergeant pawns had left them here when he retired retired from what from the police the police was Sergeant hurt on a policeman um he used to be yes why do you suppose you’re the uniform oh I proposal he used to be just having a laugh anyway younger this is the handcuffs okay thanks rate great i do know my father dog with this type of thing careful now yeah with this sort of thing Oh father naturally whats up Jim i like Italian I visible your snapshot within the paper watch right here have a look so it’s a blasphemous turn father what’s my variety of thing is he mad stuff it’s very immoral Jim you wouldn’t love it is it a style of nudie factor you wouldn’t feel the amount and oldest unit you see the Latia father – simply the top phase you see i’m watching this left an imagination whats up well if i’ll be off goodbye Jim their fathers ah hello mr.Sheldon mrs. Lin the passion of seeing time yours what’s that is it a Western or a musical or some thing we normally put in Tuesday’s it will get us out of the hustle we noticed a high-quality one a couple of weeks ago The Crying game it used to be exquisite okay there was once this first-class bit ended you see there was once this woman and then you find out it is now not a lady but a man oh he got his letters let me see it for a 2d but you get the message I was once it forced it see you later in view that I’ve seen one like you’re Billy’s tall Billy’s is rounder on the high maybe whatever then moving into or her head it just goes to exhibit drew lady no person takes a blind character or so what the church says anymore howdy reduce father certainly hi there how’s your wife I hear she hasn’t been well she’s dead father and she or he are just a few hours of all particularly sure at any place that is just the best way it is what’s the feeling like father what is it any good I was reading about it in the paper I advised you you must consider about going to a film in case your spouse is solely die right here I would wander it I can’t act about the funeral small print later fathers I need to say that is exotic that is the most victorious Villa with Hudson Joe Rossi Park is breaking all sorts of documents due to all this publicity over your protest circle that is approach oh my god would you seem who it’s oh thank god a little bit of help that’s fair fifty four turn a nun father I get to a seat right Dougal I’ve had adequate of this we’re leaving provide me the keys keys what’s this than your dress why am I looking at a globe of the waters good um how am i able to give an explanation for firstly a resume of the last few days now I don’t know should you do not forget however I got here in right here with the idea of you making a dignified protest about this village recall that yes sure good you know simply to show the Church’s opposition to the movie bus and this is the part that I to find most exciting you could have genuinely made this movie essentially the most victorious movie ever shown here is not that nice I imply men and women are coming from in every single place the nation to see the movie they’re even coming from Gdansk to peer the movie i know nevertheless it’s no longer that seem there may be you there is Forrest Gump there is father Jack honestly gazing the villain now there may be a turn-up for the books what correct now I believe the exceptional factor would be for ye three to proceed your careers as clergymen come fill and promoters outside of my jurisdiction huh now Ted I idea that you would like to move to the united states hmm what section do you suppose good dumb Las Vegas i am sorry i am sorry Ted i am in South the usa most likely there’s a beautiful little island off the coast of Suriname and they have got a couple of tribes there you are going to love this and they’ve been knocking the shit out of each other we have by no means been in a position to seek out the proper man to convey them together in the spirit of Christian concord however I feel that you’re the man good thanks very much no must thank me by the way have you learnt how one can make arrows well not to fear to not fear it is going to come to you now go blue over to you isn’t it funny how a few of these locations within the Philippines can keep on going without a proper sewerage system hmm your honor now Jack the place will we ship you huh Jack wake up Bishop i wouldn’t do that you just shut up Jack get up I acquired you oh my god when you think this situation is unhealthy wait till you see your new parish simply wait unless you see well that is it then I think I feel all we will do now is % Ted i do not need to go to the Philippines I mean I are not able to even spell the Philippines I know it starts with an F i do know i know honey go someplace we would persuade the bishop to change his mind if simplest we had something we might cut price with I do not know what’s that Jack did you get a film the final thing I need to watch now is a film good that was high-quality wasn’t it right there Ted and must we cellphone him now or will we watch it again I believe we watch it again you
0 notes
batterymonster2021 · 5 years
"The Passion of Saint Tibulus" | Father Ted | Series 1 Episode 3 | Dead Parrot
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/the-passion-of-saint-tibulus-father-ted-series-1-episode-3-dead-parrot/
"The Passion of Saint Tibulus" | Father Ted | Series 1 Episode 3 | Dead Parrot
Looks like rain Ted come on Duggal it’s your go I have got to say father Hernandez it’s been unusual having you over but I expect you’re getting homesick for Cuba by using now right here oh yes my country could be very gorgeous just right ok what’s that it endured have a first-rate existence here on craggy i will raggy i’ll rather we will have two excellent acquaintances padre doogal father doogal gotta run of course father Jack yes however I ought to say I missed the noise and the lights the entire buzz of the significant metropolis we mentioned it’s that unhealthy you were in spot Wexford weren’t you I was yes what craggy Island has its charms the west part of the island was once stunning until it drifted off of path quality friend drifted off yes there was a bit of of a storm and it simply came free huh now we don’t have a west side it’s simply north south and east it was lovely even as I used to be there sorry mister do you know Ted your housekeeper is an awfully lovely girl commonly this celibacy is tough for a man you need to investigate her off of the tender I consider bishop brennan springs to intellect I see oh sure yes Bishop Lynn Renan he is our kind of boss it seems that he was once myself and the union was once blessed so they say no no he no imply boy or girl son he lives in the united states our soul goes to rumor anyway was once it Colonel Mustard in the kitchen the candlestick what Colonel Mustard within the kitchen with the candlestick you might have Colonel Mustard you confirmed him to me previous how could or not it’s Colonel Mustard a view of Colonel Mustard very well father Hernandez your go see yes well I consider it used to be a under no circumstances-ending dream the reverend cream Cuchillo and i ended within the drawing-room huh those Protestants up to no good as typical what’s father Jack watching at what’s that you’re gazing father Jack very well is that a movie you are looking at huh isn’t that Kiefer Sutherland why is that flat liner as you’re staring at what purple John is for the Jackman slightly tough of hearing spouse sure he gets a kind of waxy buildup in his ears after which we have to syringe them it’s no longer very first-rate it’s nice although in a way because you already know we’re never short of candles good that used to be in his head last week and there is a few extra over there however we have now nearly ample for a papal funeral he is a variety of one man candle manufacturing facility aunt your father Jack huh be sincere he can hear good adequate when he wants to look at this father Jack would you adore a glass of brandy sure oh you see he’s a horrible man k brandy all proper all correct all proper now say when huh say when huh inform me really desired to stop pouring oh all proper that’s it you sure long past anymore hi there craggy Island parochial residence father Ted real speaking ha ha ha whats up bishop Brendan how are you yes no all correct excellent yes all correct of course sure goodbye bye so that’s the boss he’s coming over he wants to speak to us about anything come on we better conclude this it is ought to be the longest game of Clue I’ve ever performed how long we haven’t know five hours Ted must no longer be some playing cards in here or whatever however I don’t have any phrases to assert how thankful i am do that is a bit ungrateful – do not you worry father Hernandez dangled a gallows however I do have some gifts from the men and women of my village please do not laugh of this straightforward illustration of Cuban handicraft it can be a video recorder see no no men yes i am sorry exam it is an extraordinarily normal mannequin it is only a 3 week pre-record facility don’t worry about that it’s nice thanks very a lot father nandus it’s distinct feather cuenta a step 10 for you Ted then go i have anything flawed muy it can be very distinct you particularly do not have you really don’t have symbol opal it’s a Cuban fertility symbol i am hoping it brings you as so much good fortune because it brought me sure all right muttering oh yeah well I instead come on now drew look the bishop will probably be here any minute all proper now you recollect what I advised you huh it’s quite simple a brand new country to say what we were speakme about final night all correct Jeff what had been we talking about final night whats up the rumors about the bishops little mistake all proper yeah what mistake used to be that no Ted his son his son in the united states oh sure he is a son in america yes what’s extraordinary it can be a race race huh that is news to me Ted we have been talking about it final night time Deauville to Father Hernandez who all right the Cuban lad yeah he gave us a video sure should you keep in mind proper ok just put out of your mind all about it just omit about it simply do not mention the son have you got that i have Ted the lights are on but there’s no one home father Brendan is here hells bells proper showman juga now keep in mind now not a phrase in regards to the sun howdy bishop how are you come on take a seat down sit down down there your dress beside her father to get mrs.Doyle some tea please how’s the son the son of God how is the son of God how’s everything on the planet religion the sector of religion what the hell are you speaking about Crilley good you realize Oh mrs. Darling signal that tea right here i am I mentioned mister and i am nice thanks mrs. Doyle will you now not have a cup of tea visibly no no i’m not going to stay I wish to get proper to the point and get the hell out of right here definite you won’t have a clog i’m targeted thanks oh one have a name no thank you oh no however every body else is having a cop would you not have one yourself I do not have the time you ignored you’ll be Bishop piggy in the center i am satisfactory high-quality you sure you is not going to have a cop only a drop no Bishop eggy and me simply say sure or is it it is quicker consider me all proper then yes Mon Tiger lads well i hope you are no longer doing torture harm right here huh Jack are you behaving your self thank you did you see your grace what brings you to those parts thinking of sending us back to our parishes a reality risk you are right here until I let you know or else you think both jack again into a average parish after the wedding he did in earth lengthy huh absolutely i am no no no no you had been here until all of that money is accounted for I didn’t comprehend what after that money I enough you went to Las Vegas once that terrible youngster was once supposed to be in Lourdes and as for this cabbage the mere proposal of letting him back into the actual world after the Black Rock incident sure that wasn’t the quantity of folks’s lives a rep to be damaged there have been best nuns nuns are persons too my god the strings I had to pull the stop the Vatican getting worried I don’t need to speak about it I just wish to get this sense business over and completed with movie about what film this blasphemous film The passion of st.Tibula s– now His Holiness has banned it however for the reason that of some loophole the bloody factor is showing on this godforsaken dump oh yes that is proper is it any good you realize if it can be any good or no longer all i know is that we must be visible to be making a stand in opposition to it i have been brought again from my holiday in California to sort it out and that’s the place you went Larry and Moe are available what do you imply well i do know that most likely you wouldn’t be equipped to arrange a nun shoot in a nunnery however despite that’s up to you to make the church’s role clear make some variety of a protest at the cinema even you should be equipped to manipulate that oh thanks very a lot hear this is very serious do not make a balls of it proper i’ll be in contact your grace but this this is not really my subject nothing is your subject Crilley you should not have an subject and that is the variety of a play subject with sand castles and buckets and spades now do what you’re informed correct through now this is silly there is no person right here for God see ladies and gentlemen i’m pleased to say we’ve a treat in store today for all you enthusiasts of French cinema is that this subtitles different is it so titled or is it dubbed it’s some thing anybody stare at the protesting now or what yes I consider so or probably we will have to just stay and notice just a little little bit of the filling for us well let’s just get it over with how probably it is now not too unhealthy Ted it would be in other commitments it isn’t important whether or not it can be good or bad Dubin it is the morality we do not believe right let’s go dude did your sin whats up Michael how are you oh i am grandpa how’s father Jack what we haven’t obvious him because we the last shall set up in season on this plan is bit worn out so we won’t be on my own today all correct but you’re making a number of circuit it’s a long story we have the bishop or you realize Len Brennan or at gob sheet it can be going lad on account that in movie I any taller down here and kick up a bit of of a drive all correct yeah but there may be only one dingo yeah you’re kind of an just something to show we’re now not all correct Oh laughter sorry Michael oh no no no no main issue in any respect though but should you could hold it down I mean we need to feel of different men and women that you would be able to count on us make it Michael Michael um i don’t think you tend to prepare dinner your self that is just a tv no drawback huh do you want to go on now oh hush or no way could as good stay and see the film first so I throw you out after the villain grand grand fight i am accomplished we’re still ok from the tub location EJ the fear mm oh you washe was all decibels you’re asking the improper person there Ted I would make head nor tails i do know for a undeniable fact that sane tibula swore more clothes than that he used to be from Norway our summer the frozen to loss of life and do you keep in mind that bit when sin tipping us he tried to take that banana off the opposite lad I wasn’t a banana tilden anyway let’s get some sleep hmm supply us a B please Bob mm-hmm Beethoven do C please Bob carnivorous air please Bob God not blockbusters again Fettuccine 6:00 a.M.Satisfactory an additional eight hour sleep you will wake 10 oh that is excellent isn’t it yet another first-class lie in for the lads there is do you wish to have to be horrible Ted wouldn’t be horrible if Bishop Brennan came in and he instructed us to get out of the cinema and started protesting once more that is ridiculous the place doesn’t open for an extra 7 hours what about what they Bishop mentioned did not he need us to alter ourselves the railings how we supposed to do that hilarious would have something correct you go and get whatever i’ll I just keep here and safeguard a close cinema wager they may be gonna would wish to watch a film that doesn’t for an extra 7 hours Jack what the hell are you up to why aren’t you on the film psycho what what did you say listen the lifeless you see my bag wherever my traveling bag hmm well in case you do see it could you provide it again to me let’s go my bloody passport in it and uh the whole lot proper you gonna stand there all day a fat old bitch on prime to be like there’s a large pile of scheisse yeah ignorant prick dude watch that mouth of yours i will watch nothing i will stick this up your ass oh hiya YouTube father how’s tips we’ve not seen you in a whilst we have been simply going to have some tea when you have a drop no thanks mrs.O’Leary no i’m great good day what do we do you for our Father good I used to be watching for a pair of handcuffs truely pair of handcuffs what you need them for oh nothing so much stuff for me in Ted you and father Ted yeah we’re simply trying something out Oh genuinely humorous sufficient I think we do have a pair i’m Sergeant pawns had left them here when he retired retired from what from the police the police was Sergeant hurt on a policeman um he used to be yes why do you suppose you’re the uniform oh I proposal he used to be just having a laugh anyway younger this is the handcuffs okay thanks rate great i do know my father dog with this type of thing careful now yeah with this sort of thing Oh father naturally whats up Jim i like Italian I visible your snapshot within the paper watch right here have a look so it’s a blasphemous turn father what’s my variety of thing is he mad stuff it’s very immoral Jim you wouldn’t love it is it a style of nudie factor you wouldn’t feel the amount and oldest unit you see the Latia father – simply the top phase you see i’m watching this left an imagination whats up well if i’ll be off goodbye Jim their fathers ah hello mr.Sheldon mrs. Lin the passion of seeing time yours what’s that is it a Western or a musical or some thing we normally put in Tuesday’s it will get us out of the hustle we noticed a high-quality one a couple of weeks ago The Crying game it used to be exquisite okay there was once this first-class bit ended you see there was once this woman and then you find out it is now not a lady but a man oh he got his letters let me see it for a 2d but you get the message I was once it forced it see you later in view that I’ve seen one like you’re Billy’s tall Billy’s is rounder on the high maybe whatever then moving into or her head it just goes to exhibit drew lady no person takes a blind character or so what the church says anymore howdy reduce father certainly hi there how’s your wife I hear she hasn’t been well she’s dead father and she or he are just a few hours of all particularly sure at any place that is just the best way it is what’s the feeling like father what is it any good I was reading about it in the paper I advised you you must consider about going to a film in case your spouse is solely die right here I would wander it I can’t act about the funeral small print later fathers I need to say that is exotic that is the most victorious Villa with Hudson Joe Rossi Park is breaking all sorts of documents due to all this publicity over your protest circle that is approach oh my god would you seem who it’s oh thank god a little bit of help that’s fair fifty four turn a nun father I get to a seat right Dougal I’ve had adequate of this we’re leaving provide me the keys keys what’s this than your dress why am I looking at a globe of the waters good um how am i able to give an explanation for firstly a resume of the last few days now I don’t know should you do not forget however I got here in right here with the idea of you making a dignified protest about this village recall that yes sure good you know simply to show the Church’s opposition to the movie bus and this is the part that I to find most exciting you could have genuinely made this movie essentially the most victorious movie ever shown here is not that nice I imply men and women are coming from in every single place the nation to see the movie they’re even coming from Gdansk to peer the movie i know nevertheless it’s no longer that seem there may be you there is Forrest Gump there is father Jack honestly gazing the villain now there may be a turn-up for the books what correct now I believe the exceptional factor would be for ye three to proceed your careers as clergymen come fill and promoters outside of my jurisdiction huh now Ted I idea that you would like to move to the united states hmm what section do you suppose good dumb Las Vegas i am sorry i am sorry Ted i am in South the usa most likely there’s a beautiful little island off the coast of Suriname and they have got a couple of tribes there you are going to love this and they’ve been knocking the shit out of each other we have by no means been in a position to seek out the proper man to convey them together in the spirit of Christian concord however I feel that you’re the man good thanks very much no must thank me by the way have you learnt how one can make arrows well not to fear to not fear it is going to come to you now go blue over to you isn’t it funny how a few of these locations within the Philippines can keep on going without a proper sewerage system hmm your honor now Jack the place will we ship you huh Jack wake up Bishop i wouldn’t do that you just shut up Jack get up I acquired you oh my god when you think this situation is unhealthy wait till you see your new parish simply wait unless you see well that is it then I think I feel all we will do now is % Ted i do not need to go to the Philippines I mean I are not able to even spell the Philippines I know it starts with an F i do know i know honey go someplace we would persuade the bishop to change his mind if simplest we had something we might cut price with I do not know what’s that Jack did you get a film the final thing I need to watch now is a film good that was high-quality wasn’t it right there Ted and must we cellphone him now or will we watch it again I believe we watch it again you
0 notes
batterymonster2021 · 5 years
"The Passion of Saint Tibulus" | Father Ted | Series 1 Episode 3 | Dead Parrot
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/the-passion-of-saint-tibulus-father-ted-series-1-episode-3-dead-parrot/
"The Passion of Saint Tibulus" | Father Ted | Series 1 Episode 3 | Dead Parrot
Looks like rain Ted come on Duggal it’s your go I have got to say father Hernandez it’s been unusual having you over but I expect you’re getting homesick for Cuba by using now right here oh yes my country could be very gorgeous just right ok what’s that it endured have a first-rate existence here on craggy i will raggy i’ll rather we will have two excellent acquaintances padre doogal father doogal gotta run of course father Jack yes however I ought to say I missed the noise and the lights the entire buzz of the significant metropolis we mentioned it’s that unhealthy you were in spot Wexford weren’t you I was yes what craggy Island has its charms the west part of the island was once stunning until it drifted off of path quality friend drifted off yes there was a bit of of a storm and it simply came free huh now we don’t have a west side it’s simply north south and east it was lovely even as I used to be there sorry mister do you know Ted your housekeeper is an awfully lovely girl commonly this celibacy is tough for a man you need to investigate her off of the tender I consider bishop brennan springs to intellect I see oh sure yes Bishop Lynn Renan he is our kind of boss it seems that he was once myself and the union was once blessed so they say no no he no imply boy or girl son he lives in the united states our soul goes to rumor anyway was once it Colonel Mustard in the kitchen the candlestick what Colonel Mustard within the kitchen with the candlestick you might have Colonel Mustard you confirmed him to me previous how could or not it’s Colonel Mustard a view of Colonel Mustard very well father Hernandez your go see yes well I consider it used to be a under no circumstances-ending dream the reverend cream Cuchillo and i ended within the drawing-room huh those Protestants up to no good as typical what’s father Jack watching at what’s that you’re gazing father Jack very well is that a movie you are looking at huh isn’t that Kiefer Sutherland why is that flat liner as you’re staring at what purple John is for the Jackman slightly tough of hearing spouse sure he gets a kind of waxy buildup in his ears after which we have to syringe them it’s no longer very first-rate it’s nice although in a way because you already know we’re never short of candles good that used to be in his head last week and there is a few extra over there however we have now nearly ample for a papal funeral he is a variety of one man candle manufacturing facility aunt your father Jack huh be sincere he can hear good adequate when he wants to look at this father Jack would you adore a glass of brandy sure oh you see he’s a horrible man k brandy all proper all correct all proper now say when huh say when huh inform me really desired to stop pouring oh all proper that’s it you sure long past anymore hi there craggy Island parochial residence father Ted real speaking ha ha ha whats up bishop Brendan how are you yes no all correct excellent yes all correct of course sure goodbye bye so that’s the boss he’s coming over he wants to speak to us about anything come on we better conclude this it is ought to be the longest game of Clue I’ve ever performed how long we haven’t know five hours Ted must no longer be some playing cards in here or whatever however I don’t have any phrases to assert how thankful i am do that is a bit ungrateful – do not you worry father Hernandez dangled a gallows however I do have some gifts from the men and women of my village please do not laugh of this straightforward illustration of Cuban handicraft it can be a video recorder see no no men yes i am sorry exam it is an extraordinarily normal mannequin it is only a 3 week pre-record facility don’t worry about that it’s nice thanks very a lot father nandus it’s distinct feather cuenta a step 10 for you Ted then go i have anything flawed muy it can be very distinct you particularly do not have you really don’t have symbol opal it’s a Cuban fertility symbol i am hoping it brings you as so much good fortune because it brought me sure all right muttering oh yeah well I instead come on now drew look the bishop will probably be here any minute all proper now you recollect what I advised you huh it’s quite simple a brand new country to say what we were speakme about final night all correct Jeff what had been we talking about final night whats up the rumors about the bishops little mistake all proper yeah what mistake used to be that no Ted his son his son in the united states oh sure he is a son in america yes what’s extraordinary it can be a race race huh that is news to me Ted we have been talking about it final night time Deauville to Father Hernandez who all right the Cuban lad yeah he gave us a video sure should you keep in mind proper ok just put out of your mind all about it just omit about it simply do not mention the son have you got that i have Ted the lights are on but there’s no one home father Brendan is here hells bells proper showman juga now keep in mind now not a phrase in regards to the sun howdy bishop how are you come on take a seat down sit down down there your dress beside her father to get mrs.Doyle some tea please how’s the son the son of God how is the son of God how’s everything on the planet religion the sector of religion what the hell are you speaking about Crilley good you realize Oh mrs. Darling signal that tea right here i am I mentioned mister and i am nice thanks mrs. Doyle will you now not have a cup of tea visibly no no i’m not going to stay I wish to get proper to the point and get the hell out of right here definite you won’t have a clog i’m targeted thanks oh one have a name no thank you oh no however every body else is having a cop would you not have one yourself I do not have the time you ignored you’ll be Bishop piggy in the center i am satisfactory high-quality you sure you is not going to have a cop only a drop no Bishop eggy and me simply say sure or is it it is quicker consider me all proper then yes Mon Tiger lads well i hope you are no longer doing torture harm right here huh Jack are you behaving your self thank you did you see your grace what brings you to those parts thinking of sending us back to our parishes a reality risk you are right here until I let you know or else you think both jack again into a average parish after the wedding he did in earth lengthy huh absolutely i am no no no no you had been here until all of that money is accounted for I didn’t comprehend what after that money I enough you went to Las Vegas once that terrible youngster was once supposed to be in Lourdes and as for this cabbage the mere proposal of letting him back into the actual world after the Black Rock incident sure that wasn’t the quantity of folks’s lives a rep to be damaged there have been best nuns nuns are persons too my god the strings I had to pull the stop the Vatican getting worried I don’t need to speak about it I just wish to get this sense business over and completed with movie about what film this blasphemous film The passion of st.Tibula s– now His Holiness has banned it however for the reason that of some loophole the bloody factor is showing on this godforsaken dump oh yes that is proper is it any good you realize if it can be any good or no longer all i know is that we must be visible to be making a stand in opposition to it i have been brought again from my holiday in California to sort it out and that’s the place you went Larry and Moe are available what do you imply well i do know that most likely you wouldn’t be equipped to arrange a nun shoot in a nunnery however despite that’s up to you to make the church’s role clear make some variety of a protest at the cinema even you should be equipped to manipulate that oh thanks very a lot hear this is very serious do not make a balls of it proper i’ll be in contact your grace but this this is not really my subject nothing is your subject Crilley you should not have an subject and that is the variety of a play subject with sand castles and buckets and spades now do what you’re informed correct through now this is silly there is no person right here for God see ladies and gentlemen i’m pleased to say we’ve a treat in store today for all you enthusiasts of French cinema is that this subtitles different is it so titled or is it dubbed it’s some thing anybody stare at the protesting now or what yes I consider so or probably we will have to just stay and notice just a little little bit of the filling for us well let’s just get it over with how probably it is now not too unhealthy Ted it would be in other commitments it isn’t important whether or not it can be good or bad Dubin it is the morality we do not believe right let’s go dude did your sin whats up Michael how are you oh i am grandpa how’s father Jack what we haven’t obvious him because we the last shall set up in season on this plan is bit worn out so we won’t be on my own today all correct but you’re making a number of circuit it’s a long story we have the bishop or you realize Len Brennan or at gob sheet it can be going lad on account that in movie I any taller down here and kick up a bit of of a drive all correct yeah but there may be only one dingo yeah you’re kind of an just something to show we’re now not all correct Oh laughter sorry Michael oh no no no no main issue in any respect though but should you could hold it down I mean we need to feel of different men and women that you would be able to count on us make it Michael Michael um i don’t think you tend to prepare dinner your self that is just a tv no drawback huh do you want to go on now oh hush or no way could as good stay and see the film first so I throw you out after the villain grand grand fight i am accomplished we’re still ok from the tub location EJ the fear mm oh you washe was all decibels you’re asking the improper person there Ted I would make head nor tails i do know for a undeniable fact that sane tibula swore more clothes than that he used to be from Norway our summer the frozen to loss of life and do you keep in mind that bit when sin tipping us he tried to take that banana off the opposite lad I wasn’t a banana tilden anyway let’s get some sleep hmm supply us a B please Bob mm-hmm Beethoven do C please Bob carnivorous air please Bob God not blockbusters again Fettuccine 6:00 a.M.Satisfactory an additional eight hour sleep you will wake 10 oh that is excellent isn’t it yet another first-class lie in for the lads there is do you wish to have to be horrible Ted wouldn’t be horrible if Bishop Brennan came in and he instructed us to get out of the cinema and started protesting once more that is ridiculous the place doesn’t open for an extra 7 hours what about what they Bishop mentioned did not he need us to alter ourselves the railings how we supposed to do that hilarious would have something correct you go and get whatever i’ll I just keep here and safeguard a close cinema wager they may be gonna would wish to watch a film that doesn’t for an extra 7 hours Jack what the hell are you up to why aren’t you on the film psycho what what did you say listen the lifeless you see my bag wherever my traveling bag hmm well in case you do see it could you provide it again to me let’s go my bloody passport in it and uh the whole lot proper you gonna stand there all day a fat old bitch on prime to be like there’s a large pile of scheisse yeah ignorant prick dude watch that mouth of yours i will watch nothing i will stick this up your ass oh hiya YouTube father how’s tips we’ve not seen you in a whilst we have been simply going to have some tea when you have a drop no thanks mrs.O’Leary no i’m great good day what do we do you for our Father good I used to be watching for a pair of handcuffs truely pair of handcuffs what you need them for oh nothing so much stuff for me in Ted you and father Ted yeah we’re simply trying something out Oh genuinely humorous sufficient I think we do have a pair i’m Sergeant pawns had left them here when he retired retired from what from the police the police was Sergeant hurt on a policeman um he used to be yes why do you suppose you’re the uniform oh I proposal he used to be just having a laugh anyway younger this is the handcuffs okay thanks rate great i do know my father dog with this type of thing careful now yeah with this sort of thing Oh father naturally whats up Jim i like Italian I visible your snapshot within the paper watch right here have a look so it’s a blasphemous turn father what’s my variety of thing is he mad stuff it’s very immoral Jim you wouldn’t love it is it a style of nudie factor you wouldn’t feel the amount and oldest unit you see the Latia father – simply the top phase you see i’m watching this left an imagination whats up well if i’ll be off goodbye Jim their fathers ah hello mr.Sheldon mrs. Lin the passion of seeing time yours what’s that is it a Western or a musical or some thing we normally put in Tuesday’s it will get us out of the hustle we noticed a high-quality one a couple of weeks ago The Crying game it used to be exquisite okay there was once this first-class bit ended you see there was once this woman and then you find out it is now not a lady but a man oh he got his letters let me see it for a 2d but you get the message I was once it forced it see you later in view that I’ve seen one like you’re Billy’s tall Billy’s is rounder on the high maybe whatever then moving into or her head it just goes to exhibit drew lady no person takes a blind character or so what the church says anymore howdy reduce father certainly hi there how’s your wife I hear she hasn’t been well she’s dead father and she or he are just a few hours of all particularly sure at any place that is just the best way it is what’s the feeling like father what is it any good I was reading about it in the paper I advised you you must consider about going to a film in case your spouse is solely die right here I would wander it I can’t act about the funeral small print later fathers I need to say that is exotic that is the most victorious Villa with Hudson Joe Rossi Park is breaking all sorts of documents due to all this publicity over your protest circle that is approach oh my god would you seem who it’s oh thank god a little bit of help that’s fair fifty four turn a nun father I get to a seat right Dougal I’ve had adequate of this we’re leaving provide me the keys keys what’s this than your dress why am I looking at a globe of the waters good um how am i able to give an explanation for firstly a resume of the last few days now I don’t know should you do not forget however I got here in right here with the idea of you making a dignified protest about this village recall that yes sure good you know simply to show the Church’s opposition to the movie bus and this is the part that I to find most exciting you could have genuinely made this movie essentially the most victorious movie ever shown here is not that nice I imply men and women are coming from in every single place the nation to see the movie they’re even coming from Gdansk to peer the movie i know nevertheless it’s no longer that seem there may be you there is Forrest Gump there is father Jack honestly gazing the villain now there may be a turn-up for the books what correct now I believe the exceptional factor would be for ye three to proceed your careers as clergymen come fill and promoters outside of my jurisdiction huh now Ted I idea that you would like to move to the united states hmm what section do you suppose good dumb Las Vegas i am sorry i am sorry Ted i am in South the usa most likely there’s a beautiful little island off the coast of Suriname and they have got a couple of tribes there you are going to love this and they’ve been knocking the shit out of each other we have by no means been in a position to seek out the proper man to convey them together in the spirit of Christian concord however I feel that you’re the man good thanks very much no must thank me by the way have you learnt how one can make arrows well not to fear to not fear it is going to come to you now go blue over to you isn’t it funny how a few of these locations within the Philippines can keep on going without a proper sewerage system hmm your honor now Jack the place will we ship you huh Jack wake up Bishop i wouldn’t do that you just shut up Jack get up I acquired you oh my god when you think this situation is unhealthy wait till you see your new parish simply wait unless you see well that is it then I think I feel all we will do now is % Ted i do not need to go to the Philippines I mean I are not able to even spell the Philippines I know it starts with an F i do know i know honey go someplace we would persuade the bishop to change his mind if simplest we had something we might cut price with I do not know what’s that Jack did you get a film the final thing I need to watch now is a film good that was high-quality wasn’t it right there Ted and must we cellphone him now or will we watch it again I believe we watch it again you
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trendingnewsb · 7 years
6 Famous People Who Hilariously Trolled Their Own Fans
Some celebrities see fame as tremendous burden and distraction from their craft, whereas others treat it as a golden opportunity to screw with thousands of strangers for no logical reason save “shits and giggles.” We’re talking about such famous rascals as …
Chris Pratt Trolls His Fans With Bad Jennifer Lawrence Photos
Hollywood certainly made a weird choice when it needed a hot new action star and decided to pick that zaftig fellow from Parks And Rec. During the press tour for the 2016 science fiction thriller Passengers, which starred Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence, fans got overly enthusiastic about the pairing and started “shipping” them. (For those who aren’t up to speed on the internet lingo, that means they want the two to hook up and mash their bits together and make babies.) Followers of Pratt’s Instagram account started demanding that he take more photos of himself hanging out with Lawrence so that they could satisfy their vicarious need to imagine these two millionaires spending time with each other.
And so Pratt proceeded to do what the fans were demanding:
Chris Pratt/Instagram
Over the next few days, Pratt went on to post a number of Instagram selfies featuring himself and Lawrence together. Technically.
Chris Pratt/Instagram
Chris Pratt/Instagram
You can’t argue that he didn’t give the fans exactly what they’d asked for. Still, a bunch of them didn’t seem to appreciate the photos, leaving comments like “Why isn’t she ever full in the pic” or “Why you cut Jennifer out?” Some people are simply impossible to please.
Nirvana Would Fuck Up Their Live Shows In Delightfully Stupid Ways
Nirvana are much better-known for their catchy grunge tunes than for Kurt Cobain’s primal screaming, but it’s not like he was intentionally trying to ruin the songs. Unless he was playing live, that is. Here’s a compilation of clips of Cobain mumbling into the microphone, or putting on a fake stupid accent, or sometimes replacing his lyrics with caveman grunts:
It’s more or less the Charlie Brown teacher voice.
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6 Famous Writers Who Secretly Wrote Insane Pieces Of Trash
Sometimes, his reasons for messing with the audience were almost admirable. In 1992, for instance, Nirvana was booked to play a show in a packed stadium in Buenos Aires. The opening act, an all-girl band called Calamity Jane, had an extremely negative reception, getting pelted with mud and bottles from the audience. This pissed Cobain off, and he considered cancelling the performance, but bassist Krist Novoselic talked him into a compromise — they’d take the stage and do an incredibly shitty job. And so, rather than play any of their hits, the band began the opening riffs for songs like “Smells Like Teen Spirit” or “Come As You Are,” and then broke into renditions of their least-known songs, predominantly from their worst-rated album, Incesticide. As a finale, they did wind up finally playing a track from Nevermind — the hidden instrumental one at the end that you hear if you accidentally forget to stop the CD after ten minutes. The audience was furious. Cobain called it “one of the greatest experiences I’ve ever had.”
That wasn’t Nirvana’s first foray into deliberately messing up their shows. A year earlier, they were invited to perform on the British show Top Of The Pops, but after agreeing, they found out that the show had a policy of playing the music pre-recorded and only the singer’s voice live. As a response, Cobain sang “Smells Like Teen Spirit” like Christopher Walken with his mouth full of marshmallows, the whole time pretending to play his guitar with an open hand like a robotic Disneyland attraction.
On top of all that, there’s the band’s remarkable disdain for their most famous song, “Smells Like Teen Spirit” — which was intended as a joke, a mockingly generic pop song full of nonsense lyrics and a guitar riff openly stolen from Boston’s “More Than A Feeling.” They hated that it became popular and resented playing it so much that, fairly often, they would rile up the crowd by playing the opening riff, and then instead launch into … a bad cover of “More Than A Feeling”.
Kiefer Sutherland Started Saying “Dammit!” More Often In 24 To Mess With Fans Playing A Drinking Game
24 may have been massively successful and popular, but nobody, from the fans to the producers to the stars, was ever under the impression that it was anything but a TV show based on a gimmick and starring one-note characters and cheap dialogue. It’s entertainment in the same way that Pringles is food — they don’t have to pretend it’s wholesome.
So when fans of the series endearingly mocked its hacky writing, the creators weren’t too proud to play along. Fans put together a drinking game in which you take a shot whenever Jack Bauer repeats one of his ten or so go-to lines, like demanding to know who someone is working for, saying the word “protocols,” or yelling “Dammit!” whenever something irked him:
In a 2006 interview with Rolling Stone, Sutherland revealed that he’d caught wind of the game and decided to have some fun with it. So in one episode, he made it a mission to say “Dammit!” as many times as he possibly could, even sneaking three into the same scene. In his words: “Boom, boom, boom. And that was just one scene. By the end, there had to be fourteen ‘Damn its.’ And I could just see all these college kids going, ‘Oh, fuck!'” (Which, incidentally, is what Jack would say if this show aired on cable.)
Now, this is the internet, so of course there’s a Wiki page cataloging every single “dammit” uttered on the show. Sutherland’s claim appears to be an exaggeration (his record was four d-bombs in one episode), but it’s true that the show got more liberal with the word as it went along — the penultimate season has 47 “dammits” between Jack and company, compared to the measly 30 in the first.
Mythbusters‘ Adam Savage Is Always Flamboyantly Lurking At Comic-Con
It’s probably not shocking to point out that Adam Savage, the non-walrus-stache half of Mythbusters, is kind of a nerd. What is shocking is that if you’re a dedicated nerd yourself, you might have met him without even knowing it.
Savage attends the San Diego Comic-Con every year, always wearing an elaborate costume which completely obscures his identity and prevents myth-busting enthusiasts from showering him with questions. He started in 2013 with an Admiral Ackbar costume (including an original mask from Return Of The Jedi), then topped that the next year with an exact replica of the original Alien spacesuit, complete with a facehugger model to cover his face. It was so hot that it required him to wear an ice vest to keep from passing out from heat exhaustion.
In 2015, he attended in a bespoke Judge Dredd costume, though he made himself somewhat easier to recognize by refusing to shave his trademark blonde goatee. On the next year, he went as the main character of the Oscar-winning Leonardo-DiCaprio-mauled-by-a-bear movie The Revenant — that’s right, he dressed up as the bear.
And finally, in 2017, he went as King Arthur, in armor made by the actual costume designer from the 1981 movie Excalibur, with chain mail made for the Lord Of The Rings series underneath. He could have gone as Arthur from the Guy Ritchie movie that came out two months earlier, but everyone had already forgotten that.
Every year, Savage challenges fans to figure out which of the Comic-Con attendees is secretly him, and rewards them with bonuses like free tickets to his panel. And every year, at least one person figures it out, probably by whittling down the number of identity-obscuring cosplayers whose costume could only be put together if someone was earning Mythbusters dollars.
The Dallas Stars Wouldn’t Stop Playing Nickelback
Americans don’t care about ice hockey nearly as much as Canadians do, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have their own league. You can catch up on what’s going on with the NHL late at night on Fox Sports on a slow day. Well, if you’re not a fan, you might have missed the 2015 home game between the Dallas Stars and the Vancouver Canucks, during which the Stars decided that instead of playing “We Will Rock You” or “Seven Nation Army” to hype up the audience, they would only play Nickelback. Again and again. For the entire game.
Presumably, the intention was to troll Vancouver’s visiting fans. Nickelback is, after all, a (perhaps inexplicably) widely despised band from Vancouver. Unfortunately, there were as many if not more Dallas fans in attendance, who were just as annoyed by the sonic assault as the Vancouver visitors.
Toward the end of the game, the scoreboard displayed a graphic asking fans to text which artist they’d prefer never to hear again at a hockey game, providing three “options:” A) Nickelback, B) Nickelback, or C) Nickelback. It didn’t matter that the number was fake, because one answer was the clear winner (B, obviously). And in case you were wondering, yeah, Dallas won.
Guardians Of The Galaxy‘s Michael Rooker Showed Up On The Set Of Avengers: Infinity War Just To Mess With Marvel Fans
If you haven’t seen the second Guardians Of The Galaxy movie yet but intend to, then first of all, what are you waiting for? Secondly, this entry is going to have spoilers for that film. So either stop reading or see the damn movie already.
In early 2017, Marvel Studios started shooting Avengers: Infinity War, the long-awaited film that will see the 200 or so characters from the Marvel Cinematic Universe come together. At the same time, Guardians Of The Galaxy actor Michael Rooker started posting images on his Instagram account of himself visiting various locations in Georgia, where parts of the movie are being filmed, while wearing a cap emblazoned with the Infinity War logo. Hmm, what could he possibly be doing there?
Here’s the thing, though: Rooker’s character Yondu, the blue guy with the whistle-powered arrow thing, dies at the end of Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2. It’s not one of those implied deaths that happens off-screen, either — he slowly freezes to death before our eyes in deep space while Chris Pratt screams “NO!” at him. The film later shows them holding a funeral and turning his corpse into fireworks. He’s definitely dead. And yet Rooker kept posting selfies from the Infinity War makeup trailer, with tape stuck over the logo on his cap that he’d previously “forgotten” to hide.
The obvious implication is that Yondu somehow survived his death and is going to show up to help kick Thanos’ ass in Infinity War. However, Guardians director James Gunn threw cold water on that suggestion when he was asked about it and answered bluntly that “Yondu is dead” and will remain like that “so long as I am involved with Marvel.”
So why the hell was Rooker on the set of Infinity War? According to Gunn, it was all a misdirection. Before the Guardians sequel hit theaters, fans started noticing that Rooker wasn’t on the Infinity War cast list and came close to guessing he was about to kick the bucket, so Marvel had him visit the set and Instagram himself in a branded hat to keep people guessing. Because dreams are meant to be smashed.
S. Peter Davis is the creator of the Three Minute Philosophy YouTube series, and is the author of the book Occam’s Nightmare.
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