#you know when it came out and everyone on tiktok was like ‘omg sing 2 is sooo good’
alyjojo · 5 months
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New Year Reading for 2024! 🌟 - Taurus
Preshuffle: You’ve planted a seed at some point already, and things didn’t work out. This is probably related to career or finances, and you’ll be “re-planting” this same idea or thing somewhere else, or reintroducing/sprucing up after having made some changes, updates, whatever. The thing or idea itself is solid, it’s just…bad soil. Not enough water. Something like that, farming terms, 7 Pentacles rev showed up, and it’s your Taurus energy. Something needs to be changed, but not entirely. The High Priestess showed up for you twice, showing you already know what needs to be done, or you’re already working on this, they’re encouraging you to keep going, and keep working quietly. Emphasis on quiet. There’s someone around you that’s emotionally manipulative and kinda controlling, it’s none of their business what you do, don’t do, plan for, your ideas, whatever it is. Don’t ask them for advice, don’t tell them shit. Keep it to yourself until you’re/it’s ready, and then let it fly. I’m getting this person can find out with everyone else, could be a water sign. I’m also getting whatever this is, it’s *yours*, and your ideas are solid, so others are moot where this is concerned.
Meditation: Omg I died 💀 There was a trending thing amongst the TikToks and social media shorts, a year or so ago, that was a kid’s alphabet song set to the tune of “My Neck, My Back”, your meditation takes place in a child’s classroom with 123 on the whiteboard, and that song playing. You start dancing and singing to it, not paying any attention to the judgmental & negative reactions on faces around you, you don’t even notice or care. A couple of people are smiling, laughing, singing, or jamming out to it too (I heard Leo specifically), and you don’t have to care about the rest. 123 can show “one step at a time”, if anything, and you’re being encouraged to not even pay attention to the bitchy Karens around you, their input/opinions are none of your business 🧡
🔸 Whole of Your Energy: 6 Wands & 8 Pentacles
Regarding: 7 Pentacles rev
Clarified by 6 Wands again, this same 7 came out in your preshuffle, and it’s your energy. You’ve studied a situation very closely, planted your seeds, put in time and effort, and waited for something to grow that wasn’t growing. At the bottom of the deck, there was sadness attached to this, you probably fought yourself or whatever isn’t working, in an attempt to force it, classic Taurus stubbornness not *wanting* to change anything, and that didn’t work either. You’ve since healed and accepted it, something about this (probably career) isn’t how it needs to be, the what depends on what you actually do. Could be the location, the supplies, an itchy fabric, the cost, what have you, you’ve since realized exactly what needs to be done to change things for the better. You have recognition, achievement, promotion, and success here - twice 💯
Main Oracle:
47 Enchantment
We are enchanted when the Muses sing the Art Spirit into us.
🔸 Character Card: The Queen rev
Still a beautiful energy even being in reverse, she is a Queen with determination and sacrifice, and its sacrifice that’s being described most in rev. You’re going to be putting a lot of time and effort into work this year, and this card shows that your investments haven’t been paying off in an equal amount to what you’re giving out. You need a fair exchange, 6 Pentacles, also Taurus energy. She just mirrors exactly what your preshuffle and main energy is saying. You see it, and you’ll work hard on fixing it. She’s also attached to “single life” for where that applies, singles may be dealing with people like this when they do go out, there’s no real potential here because your energy isn’t equally matched (or fully appreciated) Queen 👸🏿
🔸 Relationship: The Tower rev & 2 Wands rev
Regarding: Knight of Swords & 4 Wands
Playing it safe is the name of the game this year, and I get for most this has to do with health & safety more than anything. The relationship itself is stable, or you’re both working to make it stable, handling small problems before they blow up into major issues. Many of you will tackle things like home repairs, correspondence with home related things, maybe buying, selling & moving homes. Some of you could be moving in together for the first time. No matter how this plays out for you, you will be especially careful to make the right decisions, checking all of the necessary boxes, making sure you have all of the necessary information before jumping into something major. Some of you could be dealing with a health/mental health crisis (or trying to prevent one), making a diet change or altering some unhealthy habits in yourselves, your family - nodding towards what needs to be left behind. Not many, maybe one or two people that I can tell, may be changing/split? residences or moving someone in because of bad health, needing to take care of an elderly parent, grandparent, etc., for awhile. Like you could stay with them a couple of days a week and a nurse comes the other few, something like that. Or they move into your home. Overall, the focus for both of you is on improvements, preventing worst case scenarios (you see coming, someone tells you) & making things stable & happy within your home 🏡 If you know it could be an issue, you’re handling it, and I’m also getting things like life insurance policies, wills, making those kinds of arrangements. Some situation could inspire this sort of worry for the future, but it may not be your own situation, rather a friend, coworker, someone you’re in communication with. The news even, you could hear about it on TV 🙏 Or you could be making these sort of arrangements for an elderly family member, being named Power of Attorney for someone, clearly this is going to affect the relationship as a whole, it seems like both of you equally. Most of you are just working on your own health to avoid some kind of crisis down the line, maybe due to something you learn or hear about from someone else.
🔸 Singles: Temperance rev & 10 Pentacles
Regarding: 10 Wands
You guys are the most frustrated of the Bulls. Flat out pissed off. You know what you want, you’ve manifested and done all the right things, and it’s only showing up in temporary people that just fk with your life. You’re like where IS my 10 Pentacles person? How many frogs does a bitch have to kiss for God’s sake, you’re exhausted with this 💯 10 Swords & 2 Wands clarifying shows every plan you feel you can make is thwarted, there are TOWERS EVERYWHERE, and you’re so sick of this you’re probably at the point you’re willing to just die alone. You can’t keep doing this to yourself. No one is on your level. No one matches your energy. No one wants what you want. What you want isn’t all that different than what most people want, how hard is it?
Whew 😅 Okay. The Queen rev is attached to this, besides the obvious career message and the success to come there, you’re being taught necessary lessons in what you deserve, by being sent frogs that don’t have the capacity to actually do that for you, so that when the *right* one comes in, you’ll recognize it, and appreciate it. I asked to describe the best person you’re dealing with, and they sent me multiple people in one form - The Catalyst. It’s a Tower, in a person, chaos, destruction, the lightning bolts that bring a Tower down, where these people go, radical shifts & changes follow. I get more than one, it’s a whole cycle you’re experiencing right now. The lesson here is this Queen (you) are reversed, the Sword is upside down, and you’re allowing it. Flip it right side up and recognize what you deserve, guard yourself from the excess bs you already know is out there and be crystal clear in what you want & expect from a deep connection. It won’t come on *your* time, Spirit will decide when you’re ready. I’m not getting this year being the year for forever, for new people. Other placements may indicate otherwise, but not before experiencing this first, at least once.
🔸 Career: The Sun & Strength
Regarding: Queen of Cups
The Leo energy I heard in the meditation is apparent in the best parts of your reading, especially here, this can be someone you’re working with directly that helps you rise to another level, or they’re supporting and celebrating your efforts. Could just be meaning you’re in the spotlight. Could be an awesome boss or coworker that you just love to pieces. You’re being recognized for your Strength and getting all of your flowers 💐 this year, if you’re making changes they’re going to turn out beautifully. This can be promotions, awards, raises, bonuses, there are perks that come with celebration and achievement. Love this energy! Those working for or around you feel like you’re a powerful positive influence, they’re happy for you to move up, you’re deeply supported by your peers right now. I don’t get any negativity from this area at all, and Growth is attached to this as well ☀️
Career Oracle:
19 Growth
Feel open, willing, and proud of your desire to explore new opportunities for self-development.
🔸 What needs to be left behind in 2023: 9 Cups & 4 Swords
Regarding: 4 Cups
Being over-indulgent, staying up too late, not keeping a schedule, not being dependable when it comes to others. I don’t get this being a huge issue for you, but Taurus does like to take its time, and health is again being nodded at like “get a hold of this please”. If you’re not sleeping enough, fix that. If you’re eating junk, fix that. If you’re drinking a lot or anything else you know is causing you to be sluggish and not give af some of the time - try to fix that. Change it. I don’t get you don’t actually care, but it could come off that way and you don’t want to give that impression, because you do. Schedules are your friend, and sleep is being repeated, you need a sleep schedule. If you’ve been putting off seeing a doctor, or any other kind of health related things, that’s something you need to make a priority now, for your own sake. You’re going to be working really hard this year for the things you want, don’t let yourself slip back into cruddy habits or ick days where nothing gets done because “fk it”. However small, do something every single day.
Release Oracle:
38 Limits
Know that limiting attitudes are often formed as protective reactions to past events.
Four 10’s are here for singles specifically, showing that any betrayals, Towers, massive changes and burdens, are all for the sake of growth that will turn out beautifully…later. You’re not cursed, it all has a purpose.
4444 is a repeated message of HEALTH, or sleep, health is related to sleep, and mental health is too. If you’re apathetic and cranky, take a nap, or better yet, get more sleep at night. Stabilize & prioritize yourself, stop acting like you don’t care, or ignoring issues that won’t just go away.
888 shows your power of action really being applied to career, and the amount of effort you’re putting out there is going to be rewarded & celebrated, it’s not for nothing. There will be a readjustment period though, you’re probably at that point already, and through the beginning months of the year.
Astrological Shifts in 2023 (for Risings):
Jan 01 - Mercury direct in Sag
Jan 21 - Pluto enters Aqu (again) - 10th House 🔨
Feb 14 - Mars conj. Pluto Aquarius - 10th House 🔨 - likely intense, powerful, & transformative experiences regarding work, the father, authority, public image/reputation, could be smashing goals, or dealing with a controlling/power trippy personality, be careful that person isn’t you, feels mostly positive
Mar 09 - Mars Aqua squares Uranus Tau at 5:55 P.M. - likely a day of conflict - 10th 🔨 vs. 1st 🫵 work is likely to get under your skin more than usual, or some person in authority
Mar 21 - Venus conj Saturn Pis - love & boundaries go hand in hand
Mar 25 - Lunar Eclipse in Lib - 6th 🤒🐶
Apr 01 - Mercury retrogrades Ari - 12th 😵‍💫 old traumas/triggers could resurface, as could people from the past or similar experiences, some for the purpose of healing/conscious awareness, spiritual experiences or dreams could help you along your path in some way, make time to just relax, meditate, keep calm
Apr 08 - Solar Eclipse in Ari - continued lessons from the nodes throughout this year, issues between masculine/feminine likely, father/mother, action/reception, others/self
Apr 24 - Mercury direct
May 18 - Venus conj Uranus & Sun conj Jupiter, all in Taurus - 1st 🫵, could be a very lucky time period, you may be surprised with some kind of good fortune, money, rewards, attention & recognition in some way - 6 Wands energy - unexpectedly
May 25 - Jupiter enters Gem - 2nd 💰, one of the most positive 2nd placements - Jupiter being expansion, what you have financially & materially will only grow around this time. If you need timing for some business venture, now is looking perfect for you to take action
May 29 - Mars conj Chiron Ari @ 22’ - 12th 😵‍💫 addressing pain related to mental health, stress, spirituality, possible addictions, old wounds, dreams…or taking some action regarding/based on these things, counseling or spiritual work would be the most obvious interpretation, negatively - watch your aggression, or that of others, 22’ can be a degree of violence & aggression, especially with Mars & Aries involved
June 29 - Lilith enters Lib - 6th 🤒🐶 Only felt with close aspects, may be a source of contention with coworkers & daily acquaintances. Possibly attracted to dangerous or darker animals, please don’t try to pet a mountain lion (I cannot talk) or buy some giant snake unless you know for sure what you’re getting into. Addictions may be especially tempting for you around this time, any substances, pills, or sex since it’s Lilith. With your 12th being highlighted with Chiron, you could be working on healing these things too, along with health/mental health, this being a main priority for you at this time.
July 06 - Venus Can square Chiron Ari - 3rd 🗣️ vs. 12th 😵‍💫 - a continuation of 12th can be anything from trauma, spiritual work, karma, substances, hidden enemies, sleep patterns & issues, treat yourself and others with compassion with these subjects, things could run really deep with these Chiron triggers, positively you’re healing from all sorts of pain
Aug 04 - Mercury retrogrades Vir-Leo - 5th 🎉 - 4th 🏡 children could play a role in any mixups or issues you’re having at this time, a good time to stay in or spend time with family, even with misunderstandings possible, could meet up with childhood friends or rediscover an old hobby/passion of yours
Aug 19 - Venus Vir opposes Saturn Pis & Jupiter Gem squares both - T square of 5th 🎉, 11th 🤝, and 2nd 💰children could be especially expensive around this time, things like sports & extracurriculars, college fees, room & board, depends on your kids, those of you with a side business or something creative may have to pay more or relocate in some way, some of you are spending a lot on fun, and need to watch your finances
Aug 27 - Mercury direct Leo
Sept 01 - Pluto enters Cap (last time) - 9th 😇
Sept 16 - Venus Lib opposes Chiron Ari @ 22’ - 6th 🤒🐶 vs. 12th 😵‍💫 - not a fan of the degree being 22’, involves or addresses the same wounds that you’ve been dealing with privately all year long, take care of your mental & physical well being. Some of you are on a healing journey, and for some this energy can be anxiety or worrying, put more love into yourself
Sept 17 - Partial Lunar Eclipse Pis - 11th 🤝, preparing for the nodes to shift next year
Oct 02 - Solar Eclipse Lib - 6th 🤒🐶
Nov 19 - Pluto enters Aqu (for good) - 10th 🔨
Nov 25 - Mercury retrogrades Sag - 8th ☠️ now is not the time to sign any contracts, get married, or do anything big or long lasting, other people’s money/assets could be an issue, especially if this is your line of work
Dec 06 - Mars retrogrades Leo - 4th 🏡 a good time to tuck in with your family, things are likely to slow down for awhile, may as well appreciate the time you have together, even if the lack of progress can be frustrating, or they drive you bananas, you love em
Dec 15 - Mercury direct Sag
Dec 24 - Jupiter Gem squares Saturn Pis - 2nd 💰 vs. 11th 🤝 - could nod towards spending too much with Jupiter, needing more discipline when it comes to holidays and going nuts on impractical pleasures, or overindulgence in any way, buyer’s remorse is likely
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dollwritesarchive · 2 years
I'm so excited that you finally finished jjk omg! Also I feel you on not wanting to wait for the movie unfortunately I didn't get to see it when it was in theaters 😭 so we'll be watching it at the same time once it's on crunchyroll lol. Do you have any plans to read the manga btw? I'll be honest I don't like reading manga as much as watching anime so I would totally get it if you didn't, Its just that I feel like its gonna take them a while to catch up to the manga and I couldn't wait lol
Also the no hard limits 👀 you're an ✨inspiration✨ LOL but as someone that also doesn't have alot of hard limits I love that 🥰 I definitely think you fit in with some of the other jjk writers bc off the top of my head I'm pretty sure the most fucked up fic I've ever read was a sukuna fic lol like I've seen some people get WILD on here with sukuna and mahito. You know I'm just gonna throw this out there ik it's not for everyone but mahito with tentacles LOL just a thought that I cant get out of my head 👀
fr the day that I read the gb fic for mahitos group is the day that I ASCEND I will probably never recover from that ❤
Also I'm probably gonna finally start aot now that I know you're gonna write for it, you've given me the push I needed lol
Some more tiktoks for you 😘
https://vm.tiktok.com/ZTRydx6q7/?k=1 STOP HES SO CUTE 😭
OMG YOU HAVENT SEEN IT EITHER? Then I’m very excited to hear all your thoughts on it once we watch it!! ❤️ I think Toge has the spiky hair in that? Which is honestly a fucking look
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BUT it is gonna be weird not seeing Mahito 😭 my baby boy 😭😭
I don’t think I’ll read it; I don’t read much manga (I don’t have the time and brainpower DKDKKSK) ! The last one I read was funouhan which honestly, very underrated. If you like gore and horror and a sexy wicked man (which I know you do 🤪) definitely give that one a try too if you’ve the time! (But maybe don’t read it around folks because it’s pretty nsfw sometimes) I don’t think there’s an anime that accompanies it. I do think there’s a live action movie but I’ve never seen it. But let me just appreciate usobuki rq 🥰
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IVE CONSIDERED MAHITO WITH TENTACLES. Here’s the thing is that I know he would manipulate his shape when you fucked like that’s just so obvious and he’d do it just to be cruel 😭 you’d be so overwhelmed by him already, and then he’s making you take another him in your ass or he doubles his size just to see it poke out of your belly THE MANS SO EVIL I LOVE HIM
The gb fic ideas I have MY BELOVEDS I really need to get on them because I can see them both so clearly in my head and they’re FILTH pure dark FILTH (poor reader, that’s what I’ll say. Poor thing trying to take them all 🥹)
Okay confession (justwhenithoughtisaidallicansaymychickonthesidesaidshegotoneontheway) AOT is, without question, without a shadow of a doubt, my favorite anime of all time. it took me a year after it came out to start it and I was hooked EVER SINCE. Levi Ackerman? My ultimate anime husband. If I had to pick one and only one, I’d choose him EVERY TIME. I would love love love to hear your reactions and thoughts about AOT when you watch it although I will say please power through season 1. It’s not bad but trust me it gets REALLY GOOD seasons 2 and 3.
The gambling scene is still too much for me like mahito is so WHINY HE THROWS A TANTRUM
TOGE TRYING THE VERONICA TREND FIDKKDKD I would open the door before he even started singing I’m sorry but you are not getting away from me ❤️
Also just choso in general DAMN
That last tiktok… you know exactly what to show me. You UNDERSTAND the Doll Gaze ™️
SO SINCE YOU ALWAYS PROVIDE THE GOODS WITH THE JJK TIKTOKS (please keep them coming as much as you want 🥰 they’re all incredible) I would like to share some levi with you in hopes to convince you even more to watch aot !!
ALSO PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF FUCK watch it subbed. Do not get subjected to Levi’s blink 182 sounding voice in the dubbed version 💀
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i fink that mumbo jumbo is a scaredy cat. I forgive him though i guess.
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ks-dreams-fantasies · 3 years
Hi can I request like a vinnie x reader like the reader wrote deja vu by olivia rodrigo (let’s pretend the reader wrote it and released it) and when the music video got posted on yt yall watch it together with the hype house members and when it finish your crying (tears of joy) and vinnie is proud of her and the other hype house congratulated the reader and thomas and alex filming everyone’s reactions and later thats night the reader and the other hypehouse member are hanging out in the living room and vinnie is all cuddled up to the reader and mia ask who’s the song abt and the reader said its abt vinnie and she explained it that she wrote the song when they broke up and vinnie got with another girl and everyone is shock.. you ucan continue it and do whatever you want in the end thank youu<33
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Déjà Vu - Vinnie Hacker
Sooooo, I feel like this wasn't my best piece but I hope you still like it. I love Olivia Rodrigo 👀 I just can’t imagine Vinnie breaking someone’s hearts tbh, he looks way to sweet 
Warning : None
Word Count : 1.2k
Today was an important day for you and your career. Your debut single Déjà vu was coming out and you couldn’t stop yourself from being excited but nervous at the same time. Having been doing covers of your favorite songs on social media for the last 2 years, fans wouldn’t stop asking you when your own music would come out. Today was the day they would hear your ideas for the first time in what seems like forever. You had posted little bits of some compositions you had made but never did you post a clip over 15 seconds long, let alone a full song.
You had been recording a lot in the past few weeks and when you presented the lyrics to Déjà vu to the producers, they fell in love with it. In all honesty you didn’t think it would be one of their favorites since it was sad and angry. You had written these lyrics a while back when you and your now boyfriend were apart. You and Vinnie had been good friends since the moment you had met. Being two growing TikToker, you found yourself hanging in the same places with the same group of friends.
Your relationship was complicated to say the least, you both knew you had feelings for each other, but he wasn’t ready to be in a relationship at the time and you were afraid to get into one as well. It didn’t stop the both of you of doing everything together, you were inseparable. From sharing one spoon to eat your favorite strawberry ice cream, to sharing clothes, you did everything a couple would do. All went crashing down the day you went on a trip with your best friends, a bunch of pictures of Vinnie and a blonde girl holding hand and sharing ice cream, laughing, came flooding the internet. You couldn’t believe what you were seeing, the guy you liked, the guy you thought liked you too was with another women having the time of his life not even giving the time of day.
A few days after you came back from your trip, Vinnie had texted you, but you had decided to ignore him, staying in your room writing down into your notebook. That’s how the lyrics for your new song were created.
After that, things got awkward between the two of you, both of you having the same friend group, hanging out wasn’t easy. He would often bring his new friend with him and the situation made you uncomfortable and sad. They would share moments together, moment you first had with Vinnie, moments you thought belong to the two of you. The girl even posted pictures of places Vinnie would bring her to, places you showed him first.
A few months past and the two of them broke up, leaving the majority of your friends and yourself happy. Soon enough, Thomas invited you to move into the Hype House and you did. You and Vinnie got back to talking frequently and he one day asked you to lunch which you agreed to. You decided to give him a second chance and soon enough he asked you to be his girlfriend. Everyone had been talking about your relationship, approving of your love. The fans were mostly happy, some of them were mad that Vinnie found a new girlfriend, but for the most part, everyone was supportive.
Four weeks later, here you were, all sitting in the backyard waiting for the show to start. Your roommates had decided to surprise you with a nice diner, and they had set up an outdoor projection screen for the release of your debut single. Vinnie had his arms wrapped around you as the both of you sat down on a huge bean bag next to the others. You were all laughing and talking when the voice of the presenter got your attention.
“She’s been getting more and more popular over the past two years and fans had been waiting for her to drop her own music. From singing covers of her favorite songs on the internet to now coming out with her own song, this artist is destinate to a great career. We had the pleasure of getting the exclusivity of her debut single and videoclip, here is Déjà vu by (Y/F/N)”
The screen changed quickly, your face appearing as you licked some ice cream in a convertible. You had told Vinnie about the song a few weeks prior since it was about him. You could feel his arm tightened around you as he kissed your temple
“I’m so proud of you baby” he whispered so only you could hear. You smiled feeling the tears well up in your eyes, realizing how far you’ve come. It wasn’t always easy, but you were doing what you loved with the people who you cherished most. Once the videoclip ended, everyone was clapping making you laugh slightly as tears poured out your eyes.
“OMG! This song is so good (Y/N)” Kouvr said smiling widely as you turned towards her, seeing Alex filming.
“It is, and the video is great” Thomas continued
“Thank you, guys! You’re too kind, you’ve been supporting me from the beginning, and I couldn’t thank you enough for that” you said wiping your tears, looking at them.
“I could never do what you do, you’re so creative, where do you get all your inspiration from? Like for this song, I didn’t know you had all these emotions built up” Mia said, questioning you. You felt yourself tense up as Vinnie rubbed your arms softly.
“It was from an old relationship, all is good now” you shrugged, trying to avoid the question
“Well, this guy seems like he made a big mistake, who would do this to you?” Michael said trying to light up the mood
“Actually, it was me” Vinnie spoke as everyone looked at him with big eyes, including you.
“I’m sorry. What?” Kouvr was the first one to speak
“I was a dick to her two years ago, and I know I broke her hearth. I still regret it to this day and I’m sorry about everything” Vinnie stated now looking at you deeply
“I decided to forgive you and give you another chance and look where that has gotten us. I was scared at first, because of what had happened, but you proved me wrong. You showed me that you’ve changed and that you weren’t that guy anymore. You make me feel so special and I feel so lucky to have you”
“I love you baby, and I’m so proud of you” he said before kissing you tenderly, his tongue finding your bottom lip, making you smile slightly against his mouth
“Okay guys, get a room” Alex said, pushing Vinnie slightly
“We’ll gladly do that” he stood up, offering you his hand to help you do the same
“Stop” you said swatting his chest softly, laughing “Thank you guys so much for this perfect evening, I couldn’t wish for better friends”
“We love you (Y/N)” Mia said bringing you into a tight hug “And you” she said pointing at your boyfriend “If you break her hearth, I’ll have to kill you”
“Don’t worry, I won’t make this mistake a second time”
Thanks for reading
Hope you liked it, let me know what you think
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organic-guacamole · 3 years
episode 209 spoilers below
I'm so late today but here it is
I love EJ, he's finally learning to be happy. I'm so proud.
Ms Jenn = every boomer during zoom calls, like jeez yes we can hear you stop shouting at me.
LOVE THE SUBTLE JOKE ABOUT QUARANTINE "these dark times" "you mean spring break?"
ah yes, remember when we thought covid was just gonna give us a longer spring break? good times
damn the passive aggressiveness from Carlos and the absolutely over it tone from seb✋
we needed more if this kind of goofiness for the first part of season 2 that only such an iconic duo can provide.
old old movies-
is it even that old, or is Nini being a gen alpha rn-
i choose to imagine EJ being scared of the movie and hiding in Ashlyn's shoulder while she keeps a straight face and then EJ pretending to be tough afterwards
aww redlyn are soulmates.... yknow, if gingers had souls
(please ignore me)
y'all saw how EJ's face *lit up* when Gina logged on? how dare you tell me he doesn't like her
ofc she's no damsel in distress, she's Gina porter, she's amazing.
so do we think she'd be the type to just glare at suspicious people? or bark at them
do they not know that Rini broke up? or is Ms Jenn just wanting Nini to suffer through her heartbreak to make her a better actress....
speaking of, why is Nini in the call? she's not in the show anymore. Unless she is, even after the rose and the song got cut, which would be so unfair to all those that auditioned properly before she even came back but whatever, she's the main character I get it 🙄
big red is a hero honestly, Nini better thank him for changing the subject like that
I can't-
i won't work you over the break-
this woman would 100% work her kids 24/7 if it was legal and idk how to feel about it.
smh the airport lady, eavesdropping on Gina's call.
The way she was so happy to answer EJ's call, "eej"
I love them your honour.
great now we need to see Gina, Ashlyn and EJ having a complete spa day and EJ getting really into it and Gina and Ashlyn take pictures of him when he's laying down in a robe with a mask and cucumbers on his eyes.
finally we get to see Gina's side of portwell
the way she considered it as flirting, this is the sign she asked for in episode 6 come onnnnn
no is Asher/jack really doing tiktok dances in an airport-
Ricky is me. I am burrito.
oh Lynne, sweetie, I'm sorry but the blonde hair is not it
is that even the same lady or-
jetlag is my go to excuse for anything... I haven't travelled in 2 years.
"welcome to the Lynne and Mike gossip show. where we talk about our depressed son that we both neglect in certain ways! And now a word from our sponsor, Nord VPN..."
is Nina becoming social media obsessed EJ from season 1? AND SHE LIED ABOUT HAVING SONGS TOO PLEASE WHY ARW THEY RECYCLING THE SAME PLOT-
Gina smiling at the picture of her family on Instagram makes me so happy, idek why.
EJ's nails are so pretty, we needed to see it more (unless he had it on for the rest of the episode and I just.... didn't notice🧍🏽‍♀️)
oh not the tiktok kid✋
yes ma'am end this strange mans whole tiktok career
sir take a hint and leave
Ricky, walking in style✨
weird kid, ok then Lynne, can't you see he's this close to the edge?
not all your fault baby Ricky, Nini sucks a bit more
ok but the deleting comment thing was very bad
still don't know if I like Jack honestly
hmmm so Nini's calling herself Nini instead of Nina in her little egg seat, while trying to write a song without inspiration.... Nini, honey, Ricky was your muse, he inspired you to write all those songs, even if it wasn't good for the relationship.
that doesn't mean you gotta get back with him, or that you can't write a song that not about him butttt it'll take some time
the rainbow sticker in her box and her rainbow shirt-
anyways wbk she's not totally straight
Jack are you a criminal?
quick, Gina, check his ankle for a tracker
the way Gina wasn't into it in episode 6 but she's used the technique twice now
stole her grandma's Pomeranian-
Jack where the hell did you pull that out from-
the fake crying killed me, that looks like so much fun though
anyone wanna raid a first class lounge with me?
wait so is jack not gonna go in with her?
wouldn't he go in too? help look for the credit card? SO CONFUSED
the first class lounge guy was so into the drama though, watch his face when they start arguing 😭
sorry to break this to you Kourtney, but you haven't even blocked the second act yet soooo...
take that as you will
I love how all of them are totally dissing the dance off
that's the most realistic part of this show tbh
shouldn't Nini have asked how she knew....since the start? why is the fact that her best friend has knowledge of a North high secret now dawning on her...
Howie is sweet honestly, at least he's trying to help. but I stand with Kourtney, don't take him back just because he sang an amazing song, and is giving you a heads up on what's gonna happen...
I hate school
ooo Nini's writing a song about bad internet connection 🤩🤩🤩
I never lie, except when I do-
son that is the creepiest thing you could say to a stranger that you've been "helping"
2 truths and a lie👀
he's an Ariana fan 100%
called it.
free spirit? damn so brother porter was in that horse movie
so has she been kissed or not?????????
I feel like she's moved more than 15 times though so possibly
but then if she's moved so much, and before east high she never opened up to anyone, she's never been kissed then?? damn
same though Gina so let's be besties please
heartbreak president is a great song title idea, give Nini a call rn
but wait
is the no strings attached feeling thing about her telling Ricky she liked him? she thought she was moving away so she thought it'd be no strings attached???
guys I think I figured it out insert the "I've connected two dots" meme
ma'am did you just kill me
yes you did
Lynne and Ricky have such a weird relationship
yeah I get that you wanted Ricky to like Todd BUT THAT WASN'T THE TIME
right so we already know that Ricky was so desperate to keep Nini cuz he didn't want to be like his parents, and now Lynne's talking about this-
Richard needs a long hug
yes Lynne, it is your fault. thank you for finally admitting it.
"sometimes the best, last thing you can do for someone you love, is let them go."
gotta admit I teared up at that point
not me thinking big red was calling ms Jenn cupcake for a hot second-
Carlos please omg, you're at the "beach" and they're leaving for the pool?
also, why not just do the call from the hotel room please omg
"don't ask me"
big red wants the tea
I'm surprised ms Jenn knew how to give Nini permission to screenshare tbh
So lily's been stalking the East high kids and spending time editing this video while she's supposedly in an immersion trip.... right
EJ and Ashlyn's picture is so chaotic, what even is happening there
"slacking off" bestie its spring break, obviously they're confident enough that they'll get it done in time so why not focus on your own musical.
jealous seb = sassy seb
please what if those guys Carlos is posing with are his cousins or something and that's why he's so confused about Seb
Nini saying she's obsessed with her ex, that's not weird at all 👍
I can just tell Matt had a blast harassing Julia with those puppets.
Jack please dont be like that, "yet"
chances are you'll never see eachother again 🥰
(honestly sometimes I really miss those friends I made on trips and stuff when we'd spend the day or week together, only to never see them again....those were the good days though)
Ashlyn and Nini should write more songs..... something better than this one at least
Nini: "im good"
cue the Tia Mowry (please I can't spell) crying gif
oh I forgot Ricky was in the show for a hot second
1. where did Gina get to film this without people being around
2. did she just... randomly change her clothes???
ok but the transition between Carlos and EJ
*chefs kiss*
now everyone shut up, EJ's singing
oh i think I'm pregnant
I love how big red and Kourtney went from being "the best friends™" to the couple in season 1, to kinda close themselves and having their own plots
sebby makes me so happy
props to biggies editing skills honestly
big red lives for the drama
"wow" so true Ricky
no he is not cute, stop it
"holding" ok that's kinda cute
yeah EJ's a lucky guy😌
jokes aside, it's not that hard to exchange numbers-
keep in touch if you want
ok I really like Jack now
if he comes back in season 3, maybe have him be LGBTQ+ ?
like the only out characters they have rn are Seb and Carlos and they're like the sterotypes, yk?
I'd love to see jack kinda break the mold
Ricky's breaking my heart
that song just hurts
the only thing
now I don't hate Lynne????????
I mean I don't live her now but she's good
but honestly
"mom can I show you something"
I'm sobbing please help
Gina saying she's just waiting for the right guy and then EJ coming to the airport to pick her up late at night without her asking, offering to bring her back in the morning so she won't have to Uber, bringing her a granola bar (WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT SHE FORGOT TO PACK) and without expecting anything in return???
ms ma'am you've got a keeper right there
her smile at the end was so heartwarming I really can't.
this episode was great.
it felt really short but I liked it, great character development for Ricky, Lynne and Gina.
Cant wait for next episode to see more of EJ being the ideal boyfriend /hj
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acircusfullofdemons · 3 years
This is a Human!AU I've made because most of not all my paras are some sort of supernatural creature — don't be fooled, even if they "look" human, they still have some magical ability. So for this AU, they're just like humans irl.
Also, after some thinking, I’ve decided that they’re all going to be around college-age (I think Anthony & Jordan are a tad younger – juniors or seniors idk) seeing as how I myself am soon entering college...hooray...
His family is very, very rich. You'd think this would be great, but most only like him for his money, so he doesn't have a lot of "real" friends.
He meets Jordan first & then by extension Elliott.
Honestly? His parents probably force him to become a business major in order to take over the ‘family business’. Anthony hates it but doesn’t really know what else he wants to do yet. I think eventually he just drops out & moves in with Jordan for a bit tbh.
Y'know he probably came out as trans to his family after he got a name change / started T...not sure how well they'd take it, though.
He's a Theater Kid. Everyone at the circus is in his theater class. He’s majoring in Musical Theater!
Him & Reverie (who's called Cecilia in this au) ACTUALLY spend time together. Ikr, spending time with your twin sister? What a concept. He used to live with her & their parents before moving in with Rowan & Jane.
He has a Youtube Channel where he sings covers & original songs. He also makes waayyy to many tiktoks.
Does gymnastics w/Cecilia on the side.
She works part-time at StarLight Museum, which is also owned by her mother, Ruth.
Her & Jordan actually grow up together….the chaos Ruth & Gregory had to go through, everyone pray for them.
Her appearance changes a bit: she has blonde hair & blueish-gray eyes instead of brown hair & green eyes. Though….there's always the possibility of her dying it brown one day…
Is renting an apartment with Toby, they’re roommates (omg they were roommates…)
You know what? She's still a teen mom & has Jace. Her parents end up kicking her out so she goes to live with Rowan instead (their childhood friends + Seth [aka rowans dad] was ok with it before they moved out).
Going to college to do something in childcare, possibly be a social worker.
Oh there's definitely gonna be beef between her & Sam (= Jace's dad). I don't think it'll last for long tho bc (1) I don't really wanna think about Sam, (2) Jane is fine being a single mother, (3) Sam doesn't really care all that much about having a son tbh. Sure, he may have tried to get custody, but only bc of the money child support would give him.
She does kickboxing & martial arts! It's her favorite pastime & helps her blow off steam.
Probably one of the few times Cyber goes by their legal name (= Jordan).
Still has a prosthetic arm, probably got it in an unfortunate car accident.
STEM Major...you already KNOW they’re going into robotics. Or a mechanic...something that let's them work with machines, that's for sure.
Other than that they probably just spend way too much time on the internet ngl.
His dads the chief of police...which isn't all that fun when you live in a small town & everyone avoids you bc they think you're gonna rat them out.
He babysits Blair, Kelly is his foster / adoptive sister (he also watches Jace for Jane sometimes).
Him & Jane are childhood friends, which is how they know each other. One day he just randomly met Calypso — I'm honestly not sure how — and he's never known peace since.
Working on a Masters Degree in Public Health to become an epidemiologist (someone who studies diseases….sir pls help us with covid).
Of course he’s getting a history major. I think he wants to be a history teacher??
Also works are StarLight Museum...but in a totally different section then Elliott goddamn it.
In terms of family, he has a dad & 2 older brothers.
He builds robots with Jordan in his spare time! He's also part of an online photography group.
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survivormetaverse · 3 years
Rites of Passage
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Elle: I never met you, here's a joke!Never trust a pirate duck.They have the power to unleash the quackin'.🦆🏴‍☠️
Amy: I wish I got to meet you! You seem so wonderful.
Jodi: Hey Bri, we never got to play together but you destroyed my guy Jared’s perfect game in the first tribal council and I thought that was pretty funny. Cheers!
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Elle: I was SO sad when you were voted out 🥲 because I figured we'd swap into the same tribe or make merge and we could work together and talk about Stardew Valley, I also started listening to the Penumbra podcast (which I know you listen to The Magnus Archives, but there's a lot of overlap between the fandoms so I thought maybeeee you had listened to it too) Anyway! It doesn't really matter I just was really sad when you were voted out ❤️Here's a joke ^_^: I asked a French speaking man if he played video games.He answered, "wii".
Amy: I’m sorry I didn’t get to meet you. I loved your intro video and I had heard of you from past games. You seem so cool.
Jodi: Also never got to play with you, but Brayden told me you’re cool so hopefully I’ll meet you some time in a game!
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Elle: I just know you from Kyoshi where you voted me out and we didn't really talk that much… so 😅 I hope you had fun in Metaverse?Here's a dad joke: My grandma started walking 5 miles a day when she was 65She’s 91 now! But we have NO idea where she is 🤷🏽‍♀️
Amy: I was so hoping to chat with you again because we barely got the chance in HB. You are wonderful and I hope to one day actually play on the same tribe as you!
Jodi: I heard you were my guy’s ride or die until you weren’t, you won the very first comp of the season so good job, hope to see you around in the community!
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Elle: A truly unanimous vote, I never met you, but you dropped this, king 👑✨A joke: There once was a king who was exactly 12 inches tall!Terrible king, but he made a great ruler!📏🤴✨
Amy: The legend! All I know about you is you have some chaotic energy and I love that! 
Jodi: The truly unanimous vote of the season....we really wanted to give you your first W but you literally just did not show up even for your vote out. I still wonder to this day if you’ve found out you got voted out yet. Nevertheless, nice saying hi to you a couple times!
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Elle: You were super nice and I'm sad that you were voted out as soon as you were 💔 we should've talked more when we were on the same tribe.You know every time I see a Jennifer Aniston movie, it seems like she's playing the same person.I guess she's a victim of Rachel profiling.
Amy: Girl I wish I got to know you better because once you came back online after the tribe swap you were so sweet. I really enjoyed your presence and I think the game could have been very different had we worked together. Wishing you all the best.
Jodi: I’m glad I got your vengeance :) Sorry you didn’t last longer in the game! Bye mittens
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Elle: I don't know you, but here's a dad joke:Yesterday I spotted an albino dalmatian.It was the least I could do for him🖌
Amy: Oh Danny how I wish it would have worked out with us two! You were so fun and I loved working with you but I’ll never forget sitting on call for an hour when you ghosted our challenge. I’m sorry it ended like that, but I hope we get to play again together because I adore your vibe!
Jodi: All my Fools paragraphs are going to involve Jared since that’s the only relation I have with you all, but Danny I heard you’re my guy’s other ride or die and he told you about his idol. I grilled him when he told me about it at the merge because damn you were connected. You would’ve told everyone (but everybody knew already lol) hope to see you around!
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Elle: Ginnyyyyy 💔 I'm sorry I didn't really want to vote you out but I wasn't trying to ruffle any feathers that early into merge, I truly did believe you when you said you were done being chaotic. Your lipsync TikToks are very fun🎶A joke for you: What do you call a singing computer?A Dell! 🎤🎶
Amy: I’m so sorry girl. I didn’t want to see you go, but it was decided. I enjoyed playing this game together through all of premerge and making it through the cursed Fools tribe with you and sitting in that hour challenge call just vibing. I hope we can chat more in the future. I am wishing you all the best because you deserve great things.
Jodi: Girl, you were my first comp partner and I wish we got closer and could play together more. I really thought you were super connected with other Stings players and that’s why I had to boot you before the Jury phase, because I wasn’t sure I could get close enough with you to work together. Regardless, you were fun to have on Phantom and I hope we can cross paths again!
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Elle: My Libra rising sibling ♎️✨ I wish we got to work together more in this game, without that ‘no items’ twist round you definitely would've made it far. Thank you for talking astrology with me, giving Colin your items which ended up helping my game too, and just the existence of Neptune 🥰 big Brookyln 99 "I've only known [Neptune] for a day but if anything happened to him I would kill everyone in this room and then myself" vibes.Le joke: My partner just broke up with me. They're sick and tired of my constant zodiac puns.It Taurus apart, I'm in Pisces writing this.(a second one): Why did the nurse carry a red pen?In case she needed to draw blood!💉
Amy: Dennis 😭😭😭!!! I am so so sorry you were voted out that way. There were whispers the previous round too and I was able to squash that, but for your round it was decided before I could act and I saw Colin being villainized for sticking up for you. I am so, so sorry for how things went. I so wish we would have stayed closer in this game because we could have done great things together! I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for our conversations before you went because without them I would not have flipped to protect Colin. You were our guardian angel. Thank you for giving Colin your gifts and still trusting me to confide in me. I hope we can play in another game together because I wanted to work with you from Day 1! You are incredible and I wish you all the good vibes in the world!
Jodi: Dennis, you truly were the one to watch this season, because your reads and intuition were amazing. That’s why I aligned with you, because I like working with other thinkers. I’m really sorry that I voted you out that round, because I knew that if I were to strike, I could not miss with you. I rightfully knew that you had something really good, in not just 1, but 2 idols. After going for 15.5 hours on that Hunt, I knew that the only person that could’ve beaten me was you. You pushed me to be a better player and you definitely made it a very tough hill for me to climb to get to this point. I’m not sure if you gave me your vote this time, and I understand if you didn’t, but I adore your love for the game and I hope that next time we can align and blaze through some games. I give you props for figuring out my game so early on and you were the one that kept me on my toes and pushed me to play harder. I have lots of respect for you as a person and a player of this game, I hope we can be friends after this. 
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Elle: From our first real interaction I knew you should be someone I'd work with. Unfortunately, I didn't end up reaching out really until it was a bit too late 😅 And we kinda ended up on opposing ends… whoops!I still think we could get along really well! ☺️ We're both creative and funny (though my humor is more an… acquired taste 😂 dad jokes aren't for everyone, I suppose) and have a lot of the same pop culture references from that one challenge lol.I hope your first ORG experience was still a good one, though 💖. Maybe I'll get to ally with you in the future?Un joke: Whenever my artistic partner is sad, I let them draw on my body,It's always good to have a shoulder to crayon.🖍✨
Amy: Babs! I don’t know how many times I wrote to other contestants and my host chat “I just want to be friends with Babs!” I wish we could have chatted more because I absolutely adore your energy. I had the best times on call listening to you. And like you said, great minds think alike. Our double tie was so fun! Hope to chat more soon!
Jodi: Babs, I truly adore you and you were the light of the tribe. I understand that your vote out seemed like a big betrayal, but I truly did not want you to go there. Colin and Elle both played things and everyone else was immune. I had to pick between you and Jared and I just could not vote out Jared due to our relationship. I hope you can forgive me on a personal level after this and we can talk because a lot of my joy in this game came from you. 
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Elle: Well, this turned out better than Kyoshi did between us 😅 so at least there's that. It was fun being allies for a sec, and here's hoping neither of us gets swap screwed in the future 😂.Your joke: I have a friend who writes songs about sewing machines.He's a Singer songwriter, or sew it seams.
Amy: Brayden! Omg Brayden first I am so sorry I gave you that fake idol. I didn’t know it was going to you; I only knew it was going to second place. When Raffy told me it was you I was like omfg I accidentally gave a fake idol to one of my closest allies 🤦‍♀️. I want to see your creative challenge submission bc I think you probably deserved the win over me. Brayden, you were incredible in this game and I kept trying to see if you wanted to flip with me with some hints haha but you were closer with Jodi. Congratulations on graduating and on being Anastasia’s best friend! I loved getting to know you and working with you. I’m so sorry it ended the way it did. Hopefully I’ll see you in another game or mini! You’ll do great things!
Jodi: Brayden, I severely underestimated you in this game, even though I knew that you were going to be incredible since you’ve played before. When we met up at the merge, I was so grateful to have you be somebody I could bounce ideas off of. Anastasia and I said this later in the game, but you two and me and Jared should’ve come and done a 4-person alliance and rip through the late game. You were such a loyal ally and I really hope we get to play again some time. 
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Elle: You have a very rational and sort of quietly analyzing mind that I noticed almost immediately and knew that I'd want you on my side, not only because I'd love to be allies with someone like that, but because I knew as an enemy you could easily be a death sentence.I appreciated your love for Survivor and lived in fear of a super idol since the first moment you mentioned their existence 😂. I really wish corn tribe could've made it to FTC 🌽💔, Ohioans for life! (I'm kidding I'm getting out of this state as soon as possible, but it was fun to bond over Ohio with you!)An edited! joke (see that was a slight joke right there… okay I'll see myself out): Did you hear about the guy trying out for editor for the sums series of Math Magazine?It was an addition edition audition.
Amy: JAY! My Disney buddy!!! So I didn’t know Raffy and Jay Bee were going to expose me in that all or nothing tribal for being at Disney lol I was trying to keep it on the DL. Otherwise I would have freaked out more with you over WDW and your trip and my upcoming trip the next week haha!!! We have to catch up after this! I adore you and our chats. I hope you don’t have to sleep on any more chairs and you are having a great summer at work! Love your positive energy. You are on your way to big things!
Jodi: Jay, I have so much to say to you both about the game and about you as a person. As an ally, you were so loyal to me even when people were not nice to you about it, and you stood up for me and always had my back. You played your role in the game to perfection and people are mad about it just because you were never actually on the bottom. I’m sorry I had to vote you out because they made me force my hand. I love you to death and I am so glad we got to play this game together. Having this opportunity showed us that we can absolutely do this again and I will be your goat next time we play together. I promise. 
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Elle: Colin 🥺🥺🥺💗 When I say I literally almost gave up on this game when you left (Amy can testify). We were a little devious team and it was so much funnn, Amy was the double agent super spy, you were the person on comms with all the connections and gadgets, and I was the nerd in the van planning out the heist routes and typing really fast until I look up really dramatically and say, "I'm in".Also here's the list of book reccs you asked for✨:
The Truly Devious series by Maureen Johnson, it’s a mysteryyyy and it's a lot of fun! A fun little cast of characters to get attached to ^_^
The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde, I mentioned this one before, it's a classic but you can read it in one sitting And it's funny. We love to see it💕 Plus it's pride month and we love Victorian era gay poet/playwright/authors.
Red, White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston, Look. This book is amazing, it is queer🏳️‍🌈 (mlm protag relationship but also way more queer characters), it is well written, it's romantic as hell, it's spicy, I don't know how to describe how good it is I'm getting emo thinking about it read ittttttt 💖 (Casey McQuiston also has a new book out with a wlw relationship and we also love to see thattt✨)
I'll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson. Okay soooo this isn't a mystery, but I feel like people into mystery novels would enjoy the way the plot unravels. Also I love this book. That is all ^_^ Also it is queer as well🏳️‍🌈, mlm relationship.
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson. Haven't read it, but from what I know about it and what books you said you were into and it's acclaim/reputation, I think you'd be into it.
Generally speaking, I am more in the YA/romance/fantasy side of things but I tried to tailor the list to things I genuinely think you'd enjoy ❤️A joke ^_^: Everyone tried so hard to figure out why Mr. Edwards changed his name to Mr. EvansBut after all these years, it's still a Mr. E
Amy: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭!!!! I won’t even lie here before writing this I spent 20 minutes crying thinking about seeing you at FTC because I am just so sorry. I wanted to sit next to you as you won and I feel like I let you down. I am so sorry for how that round went. I was MAD mad after. When you said you, me, Elle F3 I was all in and when I lost you I made it my mission to get both Elle and myself to the end in your honor. I also regret not grabbing drinks with you in KC because that would have been absolutely hilarious even if our planned tribe fight didn’t pan out hahaha. I loved every second of working with you in this wild game. Your social game is incredible and I am so thankful to you for doing everything you did. I’ll never forget sitting on a 20 minute call with Brayden and Jodi about voting you out, hanging up, and immediately calling you to plan how to keep you safe. Sorry I didn’t tell you about the tricks up my sleeve, too. Thank you for making this game so fun to play that I ignored my family in Disney World. All my love ❤️
Jodi: Colin, I wasn’t quite sure what direction to go with this, but I’ll just be open and honest. I really did want to play this game with you, but after realizing the true threat of you having all of Dennis’ stuff (which was correct), I had to get rid of you not because I didn’t want to play, but just because I wanted my game in my own hands, and with 3 immune advantages, you were able to cruise from F7 to F4 with no risk. Sort of like James in China, you have to blindside them before they cruise to F4. That’s one less guaranteed spot for everybody, and I didn’t want to rely on whether you liked me enough to keep me around. For the same reasons that you were upset with Jared and Jay, I too, did not want to play somebody else’s game. I wanted to put my game in my own hands and that’s what I did. You were not supposed to go at F7, we were just trying to get rid of your idol. I was hoping you’d appreciate the gameplay that I was not willing to rely on riding coattails and be in someone else’s good graces to keep me around. Hopefully I’ve explained this well enough during FTC as well. I had no ill will, just wanted to play my own game, not somebody else’s. For the record, if I didn’t make it back into the game or got voted out again with you at the end, I was going to vote for you to win. You pushed me to play harder and be a better player because I knew you would not be easy to outwit and outplay. I’ve told many people this and I can respect and appreciate being outplayed. 
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Elle: Joshhhh, my buddy 💔 I'm really sorry you got rocked out, Amy and I were willing to take the risk of being rocked out but we didn't tell you because you had voted for Colin the round previous. To be clear we were still willing to work with you, but the wound was kind of fresh and it seemed silly to give you sensitive information at the time. You did get past F8 this time! But I am sorry about going to rocks, didn't mean to lose you, king.A bit of humor: What does a panda use to make pancakes?A pan...duhI had multiple cooking themed onessss:A student baked a loaf of bread for home economics class.At the end of the class, his teacher returned the loaf and told him that he had gotten an A.The student said: “Thanks, that’s just what I kneaded.”
Amy: Josh I am so sorry you went out on rocks. I know that is the last way you wanted to go. You probably won’t forgive me but I really didn’t want you to go there. I was aiming for Jodi or Jared, but had already mentally prepared for rocks before the twist was announced. I truly hope you get to play again and not be victim to a twist or rocks. You are an absolutely incredible player which made me cautious and frustrated at times haha! Love your energy and I am manifesting that you get a new job that you absolutely love because you deserve it!
Jodi: We had such an incredible story arc to our games. We weren’t close on Phantom, got in touch on SEES, then grew apart again before my vote out, pulled off a beautiful move at F7, and continued to work together until you got rocked out at 6. You were the surprise blessing to my game. When you approached me at F7, I found light in my game again. You had the same agenda as I did, with the same intentions and same concerns. You gave me a real chance to reintegrate into this game and I’m so happy and grateful that you decided to trust me. On top of that, your energy and personality was super fun and I’m glad we got to have fun writing each other’s names down a couple times. I treasured your trust in me a lot and I really wanted to play to the end with you. I think you’d win the game if you were in my spot today. I hope we continue to be friends and good luck with your new game.
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Elle: Thank you for remembering my birthday before Raffy reminded everyone 💛 that was very sweet and in my introduction I literally said if anyone remembered it I'd love them forever and then I proceeded to be on opposing sides with you… oops!
Granted, it wasn't really on purpose, I just happened to not be in that alliance of six people and that happened to kind of decide how lines were drawn for the rest of the game in a way.
Impressed with your sudoku skills, being on a tribal call during graduation (congrats again!), and with your coolheadness, if I had an idol while that chaos one was played you bet I'd be playing it 😂 you had a really good game and I hope you think so too ^_^
A fitting joke: If you keep trying the same sudoku puzzle, you willl eventually solve it.
It's just a numbers game, really.
Amy: Jared! You unintentionally became one of my biggest rivals because you are so good at this game! I envy your way to lie in such a believable way that I had to spend so much time convincing Colin you were lying even though I was copy/pasting your exact plan haha! You are great at challenges and frustrated me to no end when you would ONLY tell me lies. You are so smart and I can’t wait to see what you do next. For the cards that were dealt to you, you had an incredible game. Congratulations on graduating! I hope to see you in another game and actually get to work with you.
Jodi: Dear my beloved idol holder, thank you for being my in-game simp. Thank you for having your idol on deck at all times to use on me at my request :) Jared, by now I would’ve shared with everyone at FTC about our 10 year love affair, but I want you to know just how much playing this game has meant to me. After drifting apart for a good 7 years, I’m glad that Survivor brought us close again last year and that you signed up to do this. I couldn’t have played the game that I ended up playing without you despite you WANTING ME OUT AT F4. I’m glad we did this game before signing up for the show together. I cannot wait to do Blood Vs. Water 3 with you. Basing off of our track record this time, we’re going to kill it :)
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Elle: Anastasiaaaaaaaaaa💔 I'm not sure how much left I have to say to you 😅 (I am writing this kinda right after tribal so I was talking to you like an hour ago). Congrats on graduating again!! And congrats on this game kinda jealous of your streak so far 😂 you've literally never done worse than F4 do you know how many people can say that? Not many!! Definitely not me lol.
Here's a dad joke!: How do you handle a redhead's temper?
Amy: Anastasia you are absolutely incredible and I am so thankful Ginny put us in an alliance together on new Fools because I loved playing this game with you. We went back and forth on working together but every time I was glad we were both still together making it farther in the game. I truly meant when I said I would force fire for you, but I respect your decision. I am so sorry I had to keep things from you so much since you were closer with Brayden and Jodi. I hope to play another game with you because you make it so fun and you are such a great player and your social game is so good! I was so excited when you wanted to flip but I am sorry I couldn’t say yet that I already had. Congratulations on graduating and being absolutely incredible!
Jodi: Anastasia, you are the reason I got to the end, and I owe so much to you. In this game, I’ve had to play so dangerously, and my game heavily relied on having ride or dies have my back. When I came back in, we talked immediately about me throwing out your name and you writing my name down, but we got together instantly and made magic happen. You had my back and I had yours. We pulled the most iconic move in this game at the final 7 together (by now you’ll all have heard me talk about it, my plan to create immunity for 3 people) and I truly had you as my ride or die to the end. Thank you so much for playing with me, believing in me and recognizing the game that I played. I love you and can’t wait to be best friends with you and Brayden 
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