#yoga with adriene
“Physical 100” is such a crazy concept to me because if you were to make an American equivalent to the show, you could end up with an episode where NBA’s Steph Curry gets into a wrestling match with NFL’s Brock Purdy. Or the YouTuber “Yoga with Adrienne” wrestling with WWE’s Becky Lynch.
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vikygoestheextramile · 2 months
I had a slip up.
Well, I don't know that this is exactly the term for it, but I had successfully been using a daily routine to keep my efforts on track for about two weeks. So, last Thursday my routine was disrupted, as it was a sort of holiday here in Greece, the point of which is "Eat all the meat in sight before the 40day lent starts!". Of course, almost no one is doing lent for 40 days after it, but almost everyone consumes meat like it's the last time they get to. 😅 More of an eating tradition than a holiday at this point, and boy, do we get many of those in Greece!
Despite everything, I didn't overeat that day, I think everything was under control, but we did spend the night at my family home, with my partner. And guess what? You can't really perform your daily routine if you're not in your space! So I couldn't do my morning yoga, which I had been doing for 15 days straight. I thought, well, it doesn't matter, and I grabbed the opportunity to go on a hike, on a nearby mountain. It was about a 3 hour walk, and I absolutely loved every moment of it.
So after all this, I thought eating just a bit more yesterday, was okay, missing morning yoga, missing the gym that day, was okay.
But this little slip up gave me an opportunity to stretch the imperfect day, to a couple of days, and then to 3 or 4!
My partner, right now he seems to be even more prone to junk food than I am, so it makes it a bit harder for me to resist, when he doesn't, or when he invites it in. But, luckily, this only lasted 4 or 5 days. We both felt that we didn't need to be in that mental space that consuming junk food was creating for us, even if you exclude the reaction of the body completely.
But, unfortunately for my routine, on Monday I started an acting seminar. It's going great, and I'm really excited about it, BUT in terms of holding on to the routine, it's not helping, as it involves a commitment of 5 hours a day, 10am to 3pm, Monday through Friday, plus the extra work we need to put in at home, which is A LOT.
When I expressed my concerns to my therapist, about losing my routine when I start the 3-week seminar, she told me that I should focus on holding on to one or two components of my routine, and not try to do the whole thing, or, on the flipside, just completely cut it out until the course is finished.
So, these two elements combined led to me losing progress, as I gained 0,8kg, but most importantly, I lost control of my day-to-day, for the entirety of this past week. I just went through the motions, nothing more.
Today, a Saturday with no class, and, as I've been trying to get back on the horse, before it bolts into the woods and I can never find it again, I made a move.
I got up, I made my bed, I put my workout clothes on, and I rolled out the mat. And I went on youtube and I did the next practice of the 30-day Yoga Journey I'm taking, which is the one below. "Reset". And sweet Adriene, the instructor, said at the start of the video: "Today we take the opportunity to celebrate that we're halfway through the journey", which on its own made me smile, as I felt a sense of achievement for actually having done the first two weeks of the journey, even if they were before the slip-up, it was all the more reason to remember that this, all of it, it's something that I can do, but she went on to say "and we also take the opportunity to hit the reset button", and I teared up. I was resetting on my own anyway, and not exactly by choice, but I felt not alone, I felt like she was giving me an opportunity for a fresh start, although it doesn't need to be that, it only needs to be an invitation to continue where we left off, and that it was, as my body was fully able to answer the call. Nothing was gone, and it was all there.
So, I guess, onwards (and upwards) we go!
Home - Day 15 - Reset | 30 Days of Yoga
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Joining @fatmaninalittlesuit with some yoga today. Did Flow 0 and Center 19. I'm catching up on last year. Probably going to do 20 and then go walk.
Feel free to tag me if you're doing Flow, too, and we can be accountability buddies.
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whatimdoing-here · 5 months
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If anyone wants to do 30 Days of Yoga with me for Jan, Adriene is great, it's free, she has a cute dog, almost always less than 40 min. Usually under 30.
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yayitssunny · 2 years
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bardic-inspo · 3 months
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30 day yoga hit me with this Rumi quote at the end of the last day and made me cry (in a good way) . The theme of the thirty days was "center" 🥲
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mckennatagen · 1 month
the joy that comes from knowing there’s another yogi out there also whispering namaste at the end of their practice alone in their room
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meticulous-tendencies · 3 months
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order of events
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my-inner-motivator · 4 months
Resolutions Update
I think last week went quite well. I've gotten quite a bit of movement, went for a walk twice AND a run in the gym - which went way better than expected, but treadmill also feels very different to running outside. I'm also mostly keeping up with the yoga with adriene 30 days of yoga program.
Foodwise I'm pretty happy I'd say. Sooner or later I will probably need some form of tracking, just so I don't cheat myself, but for now just throwing in a ton of veggies and getting a bit more creative than I used to is a good start. I try and keep to low carb salads in the evenings, because they are quick to make and that works quite well so far.
Lost 1,3 Kilos.
Kitchen is tidy enough but the planning food ahead has not been really succesfull yet
BUT I only had two workdays last week, so next week is going to be the first true test.
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Day 1 done.
A little core work and nothing too challenging based on what I've been doing. Just hurting from moving furniture yesterday and some other things.
@fatmaninalittlesuit , you had me worried. I know we are all at different parts of our yoga journeys but that was a good ease in, a little conditioning and some gentle stretching and my back is feeling better. looking forward to day 2.
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Not to promote anyone but if I'm still able to touch my toes is because of this fluffy cloud of a woman
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trinitycove · 5 months
2 days into a yoga routine. I'm starting slow, 10/15 minute Yoga with Adriene videos. I missed the feeling it gives me after a session. It feels especially good now that I also foam roll and use an accuball to work on tense muscles and knots.
PS: I read a whole chapter of Yeonmi Park's In Order to Live before bed last night and actually enjoyed it. I didn't fall asleep mid-sentence or anything. This is huge progress for me post-concussion 2018. I could read the past 2 years, but often found myself getting tired in the middle of a paragraph.
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liquidgirl13 · 6 months
Yoga With Adriene
She's very easy to listen to. Very clear and flowy. Beginners are welcome! Just show up. See what happens.
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athenasdragon · 1 year
You know, I’ve never felt bad about myself or anything for taking longer than 30 days to do Adriene’s 30-day yoga challenge, but this year I actually did it in 30 days and got to do the last practice the day it was posted and it was such a genuinely fulfilling and emotional experience
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incognito-princess · 9 months
Yoga For Neck, Shoulders, Upper Back | 10-Minute Yoga Quickie
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rapha-reads · 1 year
The rush of happy hormones I just felt after finishing this 50-minute long Self Love Yoga session is amazing. It's going to be one year since I started doing Yoga With Adriene, and it has been the best decision ever. Doing yoga every day or every two days gives me so much energy, relaxation and helps me recentre every time I feel too tense, too anxious, too tired. I cannot recommend doing yoga enough. It's magical.
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