#yknow these responses are great at forcing me to draw hands
ittybittypearlygirly · 11 months
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Caly: Greetings from Witch Town! Pedro made some crepes and cupcakes! I have potions to offer that are definitely not experimental in any way safe! Please accept these gifts!
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fun fact, cats can't taste sweetness! somewhere down the line of evolution, millions of years ago, they lost the protein in their tongue that let them taste it and never got it back.
kitty greatly appreciates the gifts!! she just... can't fully enjoy them ^^;
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cheemken · 11 months
do you have more hcs of the champions, or maybe even the trainers or any other characters?
I should really write more hcs abt Lance bc out of all the Champions I draw him the most
So like here, have some hcs abt Lance hahah
•hes really soft spoken and just generally gentle and nice when it comes to kids, he doesn't like raising his voice nor does he want to look intimidating whenever there are kids around
-ofc, they would insist that he'd look menacing or smth bc that's what made them like him, going on how he's cool
•caves in whenever someone compliments him
-despite his fans too, this man is deprived of genuine affection so you can only imagine the first time one of the Champions complimented him he thought abt it the entire night he didn't sleep
•insecure af. Like. You cannot look at me and tell me Lance is okay, this man has probs been compared to a lot of people back then and he thinks he'll never be enough for anyone
-lowkey, like really lowkey, resents Red and Green, bc of all the peeps that others compare him to, it's usually w those two
-always wants to prove he's a great Champion, he always hears conversations that maybe Green or Red would take his place
-didnt help how some people still see him as an Elite Four member rather than the actual Champion
•he didn't give up on Silver bc he reminds him of Clair
-ofc, he knows they're both different, but yknow, it's that lil drive of his, that he wasn't a good role model for Clair back then maybe he could be w Silver now
-Clair, despite her denial, admits that Lance was a good cousin in raising her when their elders didn't
•he made Clair one of his Elite Four bc he knew she was strong enough and she proved that she changed for the better at least, so he left Silver in charge of Blackthorn's Gym, wc he happily accepted
-it made him laugh at least when Silver became Gym Leader he was boasting to Gold and Kris abt it
-he also made Clair E4 to spite the elders, but no one has to know abt that
•honestly one of the most secretive Champions out there along w Geeta and Diantha
-he would never open up abt anything, no matter how much they'd pry, the only Champions who actually got through Lance and got him to open up were Steven and Diantha
-then again, those two didn't force it outta him, they just waited and told him that they were there to listen to him
•during their meetings, as straightforward as he is, there are times where he'd keep quiet and just watch and wait on where the other Champions' decisions will lead them
•despite Leon being number one, Lance became the appointed "leader" of the Champions, and it was unanimously decided as the others agreed he's probs the most responsible
-and in Cynthia's words, he's the oldest
-Lance almost kicked her out during that meeting
-Steven is his right hand man tho let's be real, the two of them are usually the ones who plan their meetings
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the44magnumisamonster · 6 months
It's kinda funny how I'm going deep into spirituality and philosophy (as if I don't do that all the time in my mind) just so I don't have to draw. When you a procrastinator with creative beliefs and ambitions!! (God is real because there is no reason he shouldn't be. Yes im just putting off trying to learn digital drawing. Yes I believe what I said. But I have doubts in myself and my beliefs because I am human. That is a natural, earthly response. This body comes with many faults, but my soul couldn't experience life in every way if it didn't. Can I stop waffling on about this now. No I cannot. Because life is about experience and kindness and opening our mind to all the possibilities, and keeping my thoughts to myself is preventing all those things. I must spread my words to the masses for it is the kind thing to do. People may disagree, but that is okay and is what is meant to be. If we all shared the same beliefs, there'd be no point. No point in trying on this earth. We'd get nowhere. We would all stay with God in the light. There'd be no reason to stay here if we can't continue the cycle of good and bad coexistence. Digital art is hard I don't like it I need to feel the pencil glide across the paper. Also my stylus is a shitty $20 one and doesn't have a pointed tip. But I must try my hardest. We must overcome any obstacle with all our strength, and if we cannot overcome, we must accept it for what it is. We must not dwell. Okay this is getting out of hand I'm sorry I don't mean to continue speaking this way it just happens I have a lot of thoughts you guys. I think I'd be a great grandparent yknow. For many reasons. I want a dog. But that is not possible right now and that's more than okay. I have my Lily cat and she's more than enough for me. If I don't force myself to stop typing I will never rest.)
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reefartandwriting · 4 years
Sleepover (Inspired Oneshot)
When Luz had first asked her to sleepover, Amity had declined, saying her parents would never allow it. But later that day Amity had come back with a flushed face, asking if the offer was still available. Luz’s face lit up as it often did in excitement, and she pulled the fellow witch into a tight hug.
Luz didn’t even ask why or how Amity changed her mind, she was so happy to be able to hang out with the girl she didn’t care. Unbeknownst to her, Edric and Emira had found out and covered for their dear baby sister to go “Hang out” with her new “Friend”.
The rest of the school day wasn’t too eventful, Amity forced herself to focus on her assignments so she didn’t have to think about how hard it would be to stay calm in the presence of her crush. Luz however, was openly very excited, telling Willow and Gus about all her plans for the evening, allowed time for a mini Azura book club, some board games she had taken from the weekly human trash day, and a lineup of hilarious videos she picked out just for Amity.
“The last time and only time I ever really had a sleepover was the night of the moonlight conjuring! and I mean obviously that was fun, but it wasn’t as much of a sleepover as I expected.” Luz went on, crossing her arms loosely and smiling.
“Yeah, too bad we couldn’t come tonight…” Willow muttered, feigning disappointment. “All that sounds super fun too.” She likely could have came, but when she had heard Amity was able to go, she decided maybe the green haired WItchling and the clueless human could benefit from spending the time alone. Since Grom, hearing about their dance, and how Amity had acted since, she had guessed they liked each other.
“Aww, Willow…” Luz said with a smile, “...don’t worry, We will have a full owl house gang sleepover soon. I just gotta find out when Eda would be okay with it again.” She turned her attention back up to the teacher, while Willow turned back to Gus with a wink.
The poor illusionist was down, accepting of Willow’s plan, but still saddened he wouldn’t get to learn more about humans. Willow felt bad for making him miss out, but she couldn’t watch her two friends continue to dance around each other like they had been doing without losing her own mind. She offered the younger boy a comforting pat on the back.
The minute the bell rang, Luz was off, spinning around while running to wave goodbye to her friends, bumping into another student, then disappearing out the door and down the hallway. Willow just rolled her eyes with a smile.
Amity had debated on whether to wait for Luz, or to go home to pack a quick set of clothes for the next day. While debating however, Luz came bolting out the front doors of Hexside and skidded to a stop at her side, startling her into dropping one of her books.
“Oh gosh, sorry Amity!” The human apologized, quickly picking up and dusting off the book. “I didn’t mean to scare you. I’m just excited.”
Amity blushed, offering a small smile. “m-me too.” She took the book back, breathing deeply to calm herself. “I’ll have to just meet you back at the Owl House in a bit, I need to go home for a minute first.” SHe looked back up, concerned. “If that’s okay? Do humans have any rules about that?”
“not really?” Luz shrugged. “I can walk you that way, if you want. At least for a little. I know it’s probably not the best idea to get too close, in case your parents see you with me.”
“yeah…I think it would be better if I just walked alone.” the witch said sadly. “I’m sorry I have to kinda hide our friendship… at least, yknow, from them.”
Luz just smiled, making Amity’s heart speed up. “Don’t worry about it. I know you just want to make sure we get to stay friends. I’ll see you soon?” Luz turned just a bit, toward the Owl house.
“y-yeah.” Amity stuttered, mentally kicking herself for not being able to speak normally. “It shouldn’t be more than an hour.”
“Coolio!” she said with pep, starting to walk away, offering a cute little wave as she went. Amity watched for a moment before turning, covering part of her face with one of her hands in embarrassment. 
“This is gonna be rough…” She murmured, as she started her walk home. Thankfully, she arrived quickly and escaped with only a tad of sibling teasing, shutting a door in their face as mild punishment. The walk to the Owl House was quiet and Amity was grateful, taking the time to psych herself up and calm herself down. 
She emerged from some trees and there it was, hooty visible and poking at the ground for some reason that Amity didn’t really care to ask about. She walked up calmly, Hooty perking up.
“Amity! HOOT!”
“I’m here to see Luz, Bird tube.” she said flatly, getting uncomfortable even just looking at him.
“Aye aye! hooty hoot!” he opened the door, and she walked through, grateful to be done with him till the next morning. She turned to see Luz on the couch with King, drawing something with her tongue sticking out in concentration. Immediately her only thought was how cute it was. 
Luz didn’t notice her for another second, looking up and brightening up again, leaving the art to walk over and pull her once again, into a hug. She wondered if she would ever get used to Luz’s touchy nature. She never minded, but the heat that rose in her face every time was something she hoped would fade.
The human pulled back, keeping her arms on her shoulders. “The walk okay? I mean- sorry, uh… that sounded weird. I meant like, the trip over here, walking…” She flushed, laughing at herself nervously. “...Nevermind it was a stupid question.”
“Its okay…” Amity chuckled back, smiling. “...what’s the plan?”
“I am SOOO glad you asked!” Luz answered, sweeping to the side it a goofily grande gesture. “Upstairs, we shall begin tonight’s activity’s!”
Amity laughed again, walking towards the stairs with Luz following close behind. “I just remembered I never came up here last time I was here... “
“Oh it’s nothing super secret or interesting. Me and Eda’s rooms are up here, and further up is just kinda... “ She stepped ahead, waving her hands. “...Magicaaaaal storage!”
Luz over took her on the stairs, silently leading her towards the balcony, where a handful of board games sat out, ready to be played. Amity tilted her head, and Luz turned to gesture at them.
“Some of the pieces are missing, so I improvised, but they're still playable. I even made a tiny Azura and Hecate, if you want to play one of them!” Luz looked excitedly back to meet Amity’s eyes, waiting silently for a response.
Again, the witch found herself flushing red. Did Luz mean to be this cute all the time? Of course not, she was just a stupid adorable human, Not aware of her effects on the poor green haired girl. “Thats really… sweet, Luz,” She managed after a minute. “ I’d love to learn how to even play. Is it complicated?” she glanced at the busy looking board.
“Oh no, it just looks that way. Here come sit, I’ll explain the basics and then anything I miss I’ll explain as we go.” She plopped down on the opposite side of the board from where Amity stood, waiting for her to sit. 
A few hours later, they had managed to play two of the board games a couple times, and Amity had even won! though, she couldn’t be sure if Luz went easy on her that round to let her win. Which, either way, made her feel great. Her nervousness had faded, and while they played they discussed Azura. After a 7th or 8th round, Luz led her back by her hand to her bedroom, showing off some of her stuff that Amity hadn’t cared to look at when she came here the day of Grom.
They then ended up side by side leaning against the trunk holding Luz’s clothes, watching stupid videos that made the little witch laugh until she was crying, Luz smiling goofily everytime she did. It made her so happy to see the girl laughing and smiling and crying happily to stupid videos. A familiar gut feeling emerged after AMity doubled over laughing at a child running into a door, But the the human immediately pushed it down. Amity sat back up chuckling and the two met eyes, turning away collectively with blushes on their faces.
Luz was the first to speak, scooting forward and standing up. "It's getting a little late, give me a sec and I'll go get you a pillow and blanket." She walked out of the room, and Amity looked around the room again, trying to distract herself. She saw Luz's notebook for spells, the one she had during the Convention when they officially met. Next to it were prepped sticker spells like the one she used at Grom. A few Azura books layed lazily on top of each other not too far from that.
Luz came back in, plopping a soft looking blanket and a pillow down right next to her own sleeping mat. Amity almost asked why they were so close, but just watched Luz arrange it loosely into a decent sleeping place before plopping down and smiling. 
The witch got up to take the few steps, pausing for a second and making a decision she wasn't even really sure about. But they were both tired. Maybe the memory would fade. She took a breath and looked away as she crouched, on her way to laying down. "Hey, Luz…"
"Yeah?" She replied, finally laid down and facing Amity.
"Have you ever thought about kissing a girl?" Her voice went a bit quieter, as if she was afraid of saying it for anyone to hear. She layed down, mirroring Luz's position and meeting her eyes.
The human girl froze, and for one of the first times ever, Amity saw her tanned skin flush into a full reddish blush. The pause made her nervous, waiting for Luz to answer, her mind racing silently through what she could say. 
After another moment she smiled goofily but with a hint of nervousness to it. "Well, I am now." She breathed out a bit heavier than usual, almost a Huff of laughter.
Amity was quick to feel her face heat up. Of all her split second expected answers, that was not one of them. Oh god-
"Amity?" Her friend said, worried. She scooted closer, taking Amity's hands and looking concerned. "Are you okay?"
Her brain scrambled to find an excuse for her face, chuckling a bit as she did. "What, me? I'm fine! It was a dumb question-" it was fast. Luz was so close she felt like she was malfunctioning. That this nervous energy would consume her, maybe even kill her. This girl is gonna kill her by being this close. Another split second after that she felt she had to defend the fact she asked the question, and went off. "I mean- who likes y- girls, d-definitely not Amity Bligh-"
Luz had listened, a mixture of worried and confused, but feeling the same feeling in her gut from before. Is that what she was feeling? She wanted to kiss Amity? The rambling could go on, or she could… she didn't think much about it, grabbing Amity's face gently but firmly, and planting a kiss on her lips. For just a moment she stayed, then moved back, Amity freezing up. 
Somehow her face managed to get redder, and Luz laughed at how cute it was. "Was that okay?" The witch continued to struggle to form a word, sputtering and freezing, blinking quickly while looking back at her. "Amity?"
Her heartbeat had never been more audible, and her brain was officially fried. Luz had kissed her. Her first kiss was with Luz. She was asking if it was okay. Form words, say yes, say something. But she just sputtered, and after a moment more she groaned, covering her face and shrinking up to try and hide her embarassment. This girl-
"I'm… I shouldn't have, Amity, I'm sorry… I just thought- and feelings-" Luz muttered out, trying to justify it, or make Amity feel better. Did she just screw everything up?
Amity shook her head, peeking and then moving quickly to pull the stupid human closer, hiding her face in her chest instead of her own hands. It was sort of relieving to know that her heart wasn't the only one beating fast, and she finally managed to speak. "N-no don't… I just- I really… uhm…" she breathed in and out one more time. 
"I-i liked it…"
Inspired by a 11 part comic by @nullehero on Instagram they make great art 👌😗
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bees-tes-blog · 3 years
Can you tell me more about the funky person with the spectral hand? I love them!
aaahhhh yeah that’s my dragonborn dervaer! he’s a bosmer warrior and he wields a zweihander because “silly little guy with an almost comically large sword” is such a good trope
he came from valenwood to skyrim hoping to make a name for himself (his grandfather on his fathers side was a nord adventurer, so a bunch of his stories were probably passed down. some of them might even be true!). when he discovers he’s dragonborn he’s like, “oh this is great, this is my chance,” only to find that, newflash, being responsible for the fate of the world is actually a huge burden! there’s this whole theme of irony where he sacrifices a lot of his original wonder and… trustfulness?? to be a good hero, you know, someone worth remembering, and it turns out once he’s important the people of skyrim no longer even see him as a person—he’s some sort of symbol, or, paragon of virtue. I also like the idea of him slowly becoming more draconic physically and mentally as he absorbs more souls. all of this probably says something unfortunate about me as a person. but yknow, he’s got his friends there to support him, and he still finds time to rope them into whatever antics he has planned this morndas
more about the prosthetic thing, he loses his arm in the final battle against alduin in sovngarde. I’m actually toying with the idea of having it be his whole arm instead of up to the elbow like in that one drawing I have? it just seems like too specific an amount of arm. anyway, tsun fixes it up for him and gives him the spectral arm you see there. it’s infinitely more durable than the original arm since it’s kind of just energy, though he also has no sensation in it whatsoever. it’s never quite the same and it takes him a long time to even learn to control it, but it sure is better than not having an arm. also, since it’s tied to his life force, when he uses dragon aspect it changes shape and looks more like a dragon claw :)
this. got longer than I expected so I’m gonna stop there. thank you for the ask!
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Pour Me Another
In which Jade visits Dirk at the bar and they drink while sharing feelings. Also a brief meeting of Arquius. @sangriaprince​ @aihorse100seinamanor​
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/06/2019
> You need a drink. Or five. This week's been trying and while talking to PI when he came to your shop helped, it still was painful. You... haven't even gotten to see her yet. Droog is still with her body; you can't blame him, not one bit. You admittedly don't know if you want to see her corpse.  > So thus, you need those drinks. And maybe a friend too. Hence you going to the Angel's bar closer to the end of his shift. You dress a little more modestly, hair still pinned up, but you keep on your glasses tonight. If you pass out drunk you don't want contacts in again. 
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/06/2019
> It's a little tough having to run this singlehandedly now, especially when you've got a shot leg. Regardless, you shuffle through and sigh.  > When you see Jade walk in through the entrance, you can't help but smile. You walk over to the counter after whipping up a Manhattan -- just like how you and she first met -- and you place it in front of her.  ".. hey..."
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/06/2019
> You smile back, taking the drink with a wink. Man he knows you so well at this point huh?~  "Hey yourself. Hope you don't mind be coming by. Felt like seeing a friend tonight."
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/06/2019
> Shake your head, and shrug, leaning against the counter to let off the weight off your leg. "Nah, of course not. Why'd I turn down a visit from Jade?"
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/06/2019
"Heh, Flatterer~" > You take a sip from your drink; still the best Manhattan around. "It's just... been a long week for me. You?"
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/06/2019
> Shrug again, running a hand through your hair. "I getcha. I may not know what's up with your side of the city, but it's been a week for me too."
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/06/2019
"Oh? Well now I'm curious~" > You grin as you study him. He... looks tired actually. Poor guy; was he working more than he should? "Anything you'd be willing to tell a friend about?~"
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/06/2019
> Sift through the information you can tell her without giving too much. > Smile a little, putting away a few glasses that were left on the counter. "Well, I had to force myself to take a leave to attend to some business. I do robotics as a hobby, you know. Had to make something for an old close friend."
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/06/2019
"Ooh robotics huh?" > That sounds really neat, if illegal. Not that you care! You keep your vice low, just in case. "Were you successful? It's not easy finding certain pieces yknow?"
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/06/2019
> Nod. "It was easy when you know someone with the knack for technology.
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
> That made sense. "That's good! How'd your friend take to your finished project?"
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
"Not that well. It's temporary anyway, so when I can again, I'll work on it again." > Clear your throat as you mix up a single drink -- your hours are almost over anyway, you can have one for yourself. "And then other things happened and said buddy is taking care of me. Helping me out with things that don't concern the bar."
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
> You frown a little as you drink a little more from your glass. "Hmm, well I hope your friend didn't rag on you too much; you need a real good dealer for the good materials these days." > Wait taking care of him is that why he leaning who tried harming your friend? "Hope you aren't too hurt then?"
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
"It wasn't the material really, it was more of the model itself. But he's telling me not to focus on it yet, so there's that." > Chuckle and nod. "Nothing too bad. It was just a bit of a stab to the knee, but it'll heal."
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
"Eh?! Dirk a stab to a knee can be pretty bad!" > You would know; you've stabbed many people this way. " You sure you should be walking around tonight??"
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
> You nod again, taking a sip of your tequila. "Yes, I'm fine. I had a day's rest and I'm alright. Nothing too much."
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
> You pull a face at him but don't press. You are far too familiar with the Strider Stubbornness after all " Well then, anything else of note happened?"
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
"..." > Clear your throat again and shrug. "... I think I found my bro."
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
> Blink. Blink again. "Wait but--" > Lowers voice again "I thought you said he died??? Is he this world's version ooor...???"
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
"I know what I said." > Push shades up and pinch the bridge of your nose. "I know what I said... What I still don't know is that if he's actually my bro, or some other guy from another universe. I just... It sucks, Jade. To think I was such an idiot and wanted to approach him immediately?" > Cover your eyes. "God. Made the guy uncomfortable as fuck -- he's more open to Sock now, for Christ's sake, so much for being a great bro."
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
> Swirl your glass before downing the rest and reaching for his hand. "Dirk you're not an idiot. Not by a long shot. You're human; of course when you see someone that have been your Bro  you'd war to meet him!" "So you made him uncomfortable; that was an accident! I don't know what you said but may be just give it time. Okay?
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
> When she takes your hand you lower the one over your eyes and you look at her tiredly, gaze flickering from her to your hands before you sigh.   > You nod lightly. "Yeah... Yeah, I'll give it time. Thanks."
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
> You give him a soft smile; though one that slowly fades from your face. "Besides, at least you still have a chance to speak with him, even if you have to wait..." > Now it's your turn to bow your head. "I.... don't.  Not anymore."
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
> You know. But she doesn't know that. > So instead, you lean a little closer, sympathy on your face as you frown a little. "... What do you mean?"
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
> You can't give all the details. Besides it still hurts to talk about it. > But isn't that why you're here? "My friend... she passed away recently."
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
> Hearing it from someone who wasn't responsible for the death was... An experience, to say the least. > You frown a little bit more, looking around only to find the bar almost empty, so you limp your way to the back, grabbing a bottle of sipping whiskey and two glasses with ice before you move to go around, gritting your teeth everytime your leg feels the weight, and you sit beside her, pouring whiskey for the both of you. "... Do you want to talk about it?"
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
> It was an experience wasn't it? And strangely enough, it's similar to how you felt when your Grandpa died. > You note his leg and feel that Dirk was downplaying his injury, but you take the whiskey with a murmured thanks. "...she was my friend. A very close one. We were supposed to meet up on New Years Eve, but she was late. That wasn't like her, not without telling." "...later I got a text from her dad that she was d-dead." > You knock back the whiskey, pretending the burn is why your eyes get teary
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
> You sip your drink, carding a hand through your hair as you lower your shades and sigh. > You want to smoke. > But you move your free hand to rest on Jade's shoulder over her back and you give it a squeeze. "... can I ask if this was related to the fire?"
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
> Fire? Ah, yeah, that was in the papers wasn't it? Aradia's name nor her murder was but there was all sorts of speculations. "Kinda... she wasn't burned... actually I'm not even sure how she died, other than she was killed." > You lean into Dirk as you clutch your glass "She was a good person; it shouldn't have been her time..."
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
> You know too much and when Jade leans into you, you just pull her close, tucking her head beneath your chin. "... I know how that feels." > You close your eyes. "... and I'm so sorry."
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
> You're not able to say much, not with your throat constricting and tears threatening to spill once more. > Instead you just wrap your arms around him and hug trying to show your appreciation all the same
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
> ... > You lower your glass and you wrap your now free arm around her, rubbing her back and burying your face into her hair. > This was the least you could do.
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
> You probably stay like that for a few minutes before reluctantly pulling away. "Heh, sorry; didn't mean to cry on you." > You've been doing that too much. You gotta stop that...
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
> You let her pull away if she wants, but the arm closer to her stays on her shoulder. > You shake your head and you give her a small smile. "We all need to let it out sometimes. It's better if you do, instead of bottling it up, you know."
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
> You don't mind the arm there; it's genuinely comforting "I suppose so... though then you should probably take your advice too.: > You gently prod his chest with a finger "I feel like finding your Brother is more of a bigger deal than you let on Dirk."
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
> The prod makes you chuckle and you shake your head. "I don't know." > You shrug and let out a heavy sigh. "I'll let it do it's own thing for now. Approach him when it's under better circumstances."
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
"That sounds safe. Besides maybe observing from a distance will help you figure out exactly who he is." > Information is always vital in situations like this "Though I gotta admit, the city is starting to get real crowded with all you Striders~"
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
> That draws another chuckle from you. "It sure is, huh? All seven of us... wow."
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
"Seven?" > Wait did you miscount? Dirk, Dave, Sock, Sock's brother, the Hal guy, now Dirk's brother... maybe Cal? But you don't know if he knows Cal so...? "Who's Strider Number Seven then?~"
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
"There's me, Dave, Sock, the other Dirk, his Hal, me, my Hal -- of which I call Arq -- and then maybe my bro." > Shrug.
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
"Oh! I didn't know you had a Hal of your own." > puts two n two together "Wait is this Arq the friend you were helping then?"
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
> Nod. "He's the one."
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
"Sooo does that mean you were building a robotic body for him?"
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
"... cool." > giggles suddenly! "What's he like your Hal??"
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
"Well, for one thing, he isn't Hal anymore. Due to consuming some data, I've asked him if he wanted to be known by another name. So I call him Arquius now." > Card a hand through your hair. "He's AI I developed way back when."
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
"Arquius is a unique name~" > Kinda sounds like Equius. What an odd coincidence! "Oh! Then did he come with you when you.... first arrived here?"
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
> Shake your head. "No, he came after. He... he came for me."
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
> Oh shit "Dirk, does that mean there's a way back... to the other place?" > Hey there's still one or two bodies around
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
> Chew on the inside of your cheek. "It looks like it. But he's .. he's been having trouble with his plans.."
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
"Oh..." > You feel... odd about this. You would be happy for him to go home, but you feel you'd miss him terribly "Well.... what sort of trouble?"
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
"It's not really trouble? More of like... things stopping him from doing his plans with the danger of him being reprogrammed." > Take a loooooong sip and sigh as you put the glass down.  "And I'm scared to lose him that way."(edited)
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
> Being reprogrammed? Oh no that doesn't sound great at all "I'm sorry Dirk... maybe... you can save some of the way he is? Just in case?" > You don't know if that is morally wrong?? Wow you need more of that whiskey
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
"He told me he already had it backed up, so I trust him." > Pour yourself and her another glass of that whiskey. "I just... don't think I'll be able to handle that."(edited)
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
"Honestly I don't think I would either." > Leans against him as you take a sip "Is there no chance to protect him form that?"
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
> You chuckle dryly. "If there was a chance or a way, I would have done everything."
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
> That's a good point. You fucking idiot. "I'm sorry Dirk, I really hope your friend will be safe."
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
> But maybe you haven't done everything. > Though you don't know how to make him seem loyal to the Felt without pissing him off to the next planet. > ... You wish it never came to this. > You lower your head. "I hope so, too."
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
> Oh, you made him sad didn't you? > ...gently hugs him again because hugs are good; and you give the best hugs "Hey, whatever happens, you can get through it. You survived a lot so far Dirk. I doubt it's been easy but if you can handle that, you can handle this too."
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
> You return the hug, giving her a gentle squeeze before you sigh. "... thanks Jade."
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
"No problem." > You give him another smile as you let go before downing your glass "...think you're off shift now?~"
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
> You look at your wrist watch and chuckle. > Nod. "Yeah. I'm off now."
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
"Awesome." > Stands to stretch a bit "Wanna go to another bar then?"
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
> You shake your head. "I'd rather not tonight. Not with this leg."
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
> Oh right that leg! Hmm... "How about I help you back to your apartment then?"
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
"I can handle." > Shrug and get up, moving to bring the glasses to the back again. "You go on ahead."
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
"Dirk you dumbass." > Gives him such a Look "You're not going to get home at a reasonable time without help."
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
> You roll your eyes and shake your head. "Alright, alright. Geez."
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
> Helps him up all the same > You are unapologetic. Nope! Not one bit. "Time to go home Strider~"
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
> Chuckle as you set away the glasses. > Lean a little against her. "I hear ya Harley."
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
> Giggles and helps him out of the bar > Hey, maybe you'll get a glimpse of this Arq guy~
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
> You make your way to the apartment and you unlock the door. "Well, we're here."
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
> Hums a little as he opens the door "You sure you're gonna be okay? You better rest your leg."
♠ Leo ♠ (CA/AD/KV/PSI/ARQ)01/07/2019
> You are somewhere. You are places. > You are Arq, you watch.
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
> You nod, giving her a small smile. "I will. Thanks again."
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
> Gives him a bright smile! "It's no problem; happy to help a friend~" > Smile turns a little more softer "Chin up okay? If you do, I will too."
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
> You nod and you give her one last hug. "Yeah. We can do this."
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
> Accepts the hug!!! "We can!~" > Presses a smooch to his cheek before letting go "Have a good night Dirk."
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
> >:O > Return the smooch. > Pull away as well. "See ya."
♠ Leo ♠ (CA/AD/KV/PSI/ARQ)01/07/2019
"That is adorable. Is that your girlfriend, bro?" > Eyes glow in the dark. SMILE.
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
> Jumps slightly, nearly pulling out a knife "Uh... Dirk...? Is that Arquius or....?" > Look if you gotta stab someone--!
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
> You roll your eyes. "Yes, it's Arquius." > Turn to look inside. "And no, she's not my girlfriend, Arq."
♠ Leo ♠ (CA/AD/KV/PSI/ARQ)01/07/2019
>Tilt your head, eyes still glowing red in the dark, you haven't moved besides that. "Then who is she?" >That's a false statement, you know her name. At least you have seen her online, well not her, but Equius has which makes it easy crunchy info for you.
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
"I'm Jade! Though you probably knew that already?" > If he's an AI it's probably bound to happen right? At least, you assume he knows the basic stuff "Nice to meet you!"
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
> Sigh softly. "She's a good friend."
♠ Leo ♠ (CA/AD/KV/PSI/ARQ)01/07/2019
"You are quite smart, that is excellent. I STRONGLY support this friendship." > finally step out of the dark to a more visible and comfortable spot for all parties.  "Nice to meet you too." >Offer handshake.(edited)
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
> Gives a pleasant smile! A friend of Dirk's is a friend of yours! "Thank you! I try~" > Ooh he looks neat! Shakes the offered hand!!
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
> Smile a little. "Good to know you like her too."
♠ Leo ♠ (CA/AD/KV/PSI/ARQ)01/07/2019
"Of course, I would. I don't see why not." > You like the strong handshake! "Fricking fantastic. Thanks for keeping him safe out there"
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
> Handshakes are hugs for your hands! And you do give good hugs~ "I try my best to!~ I hope you're able to make sure Dirk rests his leg though."
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
> Chuckle awkwardly. > Well it's not like Arq didn't already know about the leg.
♠ Leo ♠ (CA/AD/KV/PSI/ARQ)01/07/2019
"Oh I will, I will command him to rest and dunk him to bed, and call him a noob if he doesn't"
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
> BI
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
> Giggles!!! "That sounds very effective! I leave Dirk in your capable hands then~"
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
> BI
♠ Leo ♠ (CA/AD/KV/PSI/ARQ)01/07/2019
"Thank you, do keep taking care of him from the dangers of the wild, he  might break if you look at him for too long tho"
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/07/2019
> Pinch the bridge of your nose. "Alright that's enough. Time for Jade to go home."
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/07/2019
> GIGGLES MORE!  > Sorry Dirk he makes a good point~ "I promise to do my best Sir~" "Aw alright fiiine~"
January 8, 2019
♠ Leo ♠ (CA/AD/KV/PSI/ARQ)01/08/2019
"Bro, you sure know how to be a party pooper. Anyway this was a pleasure Jade. I'll see you eventually."
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/08/2019
> >B/
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/08/2019
"Pleasures all mine Sir!~ Hope to see you soon then." > A wink n a smile Dirk's way "Sweet dreams Strider~"
Avery (PS/Sol/Dirk/Disci/CS)01/08/2019
> Smile in her direction. "See you around, Harley."
♠ Leo ♠ (CA/AD/KV/PSI/ARQ)01/08/2019
> Wave goodbye!
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a-pretty-nerd · 7 years
Puddle (Bellamy x reader x Murphy)
Request:“When might you be writing a new one? I really want a bellamy and Murphy three way 😍” ~ Anonymous
Right now ✌❤
A/N: I wrote a three way piece a while ago which involved Jasper, and Bellamy. And another with Jasper and Monty. This, however, is new to me. Please enjoy, and as always, don’t be afraid to make requests!
Warning: Sex, cursing, three way.
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You weren’t sure how it happened exactly. All you knew, is that you were there. Sandwhiched between a wall, and Bellamy. A tender embrace had led to a kiss, this kiss led to only more kissing. More kissing went on to touching, and groping, and Bellamy pushing you against a wall. He panted in between kisses, as he pressed you into the wall. Each hand firmly placed on the structure, while yours wondered over his body. You tugged up his shirt, granting better access to his abs. You ran your fingers across the muscle, up to his chest, and back down. Bellamy gave a small moan in response. Eventually he got fustrated with the piece of fabric, and threw off his shirt, granting you full view. You gently bite his lip playfully, and with that, he took you in his arms. He lifted you up, holding your legs around his torso. He carried you to the couch, and practically threw you down. It was less than seconds before he was back on top of you. Leaving kisses, and hickeys down your neck, you couldn’t help but moan his name. You almost fully undressed, left in nothing but your bra and panties now.
“Hey, Y/N I-” The two of you popped to attention. Your cheeks went a bright red with embarrassment. “I’m sorry, I was intruding on something?” Murphy spoke, dropping his hands to his side.
“Uh-I-what-” You struggled to find the words.
“The hell you want Murphy?” Bellamy barked, trying his best to cover you.
“Well, I came to talk to Y/N, but you seem to have beat me to it.” He leaned against the wall.
“Get out.”
“You’re doing it all wrong yknow.” Murphy looked down at the floor, then back at the two of you.
“This doesn’t concern you, get the fuck out!” Bellamy tried again. No such lucky, John pushed himself away from the wall, and walked towards you. Your heart was beating fast, you didn’t knkw what to do. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t attracted to Murphy too, but, Bellamy. He sat down on the couch beside you, he leaned in, and kissed you. You melted, a sweet tender kiss you never though possible from someone so rough like Murphy. Bellamy watched, wide eyed. Murphy’s hand snaked down to your ass, and groped. You jumped at the sudden grab, cheeks red, and mind overcome with sexual need. He didn’t stop there, he had you sit up forward a little more, and slid his hand down your panties. His fingers traced circles around your clit, forcing a whimper out of you, you leaned back against Murphy. “Hey!” Bellamy tried to argue.
“Look at her Bellamy, she’s melting in my hands.” Murphy purred.
“Don’t touch her-”
“N-No don’t stop.” You whined, grinding your hips against his hand as he fingered you.
“So wet, and so needy. I’m sure the three of us could work something out. What do you say, Bellamy?” Bellamy glanced between Murphy, and you. You gave a small nod, and Bellamy seemed to relax.
“Fine.” He huffed. Murphy removed his hand, causing another needy moan out of you. You were so close, how could he be so mean? Bellamy took you in his arms, and leaned you forward to kiss you again. He removed your bra and groped your breasts while Murphy undressed behind you. You practically dripping, you were so wet. You felt something at your entrance, and let out a gasp once you felt it enter you. Murphy grunted as he started to slowly pump his cock in and out of you. “Hey! Who said you could have her pussy!” Bellamy shouted.
“Well, no one else was using it.” He continued to thrust slowly. You were breathing heavily, moaning and holding onto Bellamy. “See, she likes it.” He gave a quick, deep, hard thrust.
“Ah!” You cried.
“Well pull out.“
“Make me.” Murphy challenged. Bellamy grabbed your arms firmly, and pulled you away from Murphy. You gave more sounds of needy desire as Bellamy held you close against him, holding you by your ass, and sliding his own cock in place of Murphy’s. You gasped in pleasure, as Bellamy started thrusting up into you. You watched you, as Murphy snuck up behind you. He left kisses on your shoulders, and back. “Fine then. If I can’t have her pussy, I’ll make due with what I have over here.” His hands reached down to held Bellamy hold you up. He once again gropped, and smacked your ass. He stroked himself a few times before leaning forward, and placing his tip to your ass.
“N-No not there.” You pleaded. Bellamy kissed you, drawing your attention away as Murphy gently pushed himself inside of you. You pulled away from Bellamy to cry out for a moment. But what was pain a second ago was quickly replaced by a wonderful sensation. Bellamy hadn’t stopped working your pussy either, and once you relaxed, Murphy began thrusting. Slowly, and steadily. While one thrusted in, the other pulled out to thrust again. You felt your legs go weak as they went. “F-Fuck.” You moaned.
“Feels good, don’t it?” Murphy hummed in your ear. “You’re so tight, you feel so good Y/N.” Bellamy grunted, and his thrusts became quicker paced. Murphy took the hint, and soon enough they had worked their way up to slamming into you. Your orgasm had reached it’s peek in the process. You came, and though they both groaned with pleasure in response. They didn’t stop. You became a moaning mess sandwhiched between their bodies. Bellamy took great pleasure in watching you melt, in holding you close and running his hands all up and down your body.
“Fuck, Y/N. I’m gonna…I’m gonna cum.” He grunted. The sounds of the three of you echoed in the room. You came again, easily, crying out in pleasure as you shook. Not long after, Murphy huffed, and grunted. You felt his got cum pour into you. He stayed in for a few seconds while Bellamy finished inside of you. Hot, and filled with their cum, you fell into Bellamy’s arms. Panting, exhausted, and extremely satisfied.
“Wasn’t that fun?” Murphy panted, pulling out. Bellamy watched him, still holding you.“
"I guess.” He groaned reluctantly. You kissed his cheek softly, and Bellamy pulled out to let you rest on the couch. “Did you enjoy that?”
“Do you even have to ask? Look at her. She’s practically a puddle.” You nodded, and smiled slightly. Just to reassure them.
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The end! Probably one of the hottest things I’ve ever written for this blog! ✌❤
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