#yes i have feelings about way/legion of x how could you tell
amazing-spiderling · 28 days
For the character ask game, Scott Summers and/or Kurt Wagner, #7 & #12
7. What’s something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
Scott: People making jokes about Scott yelling "JEAAAAN :00000" all the time will never not be funny to me. IDK there's just something about people who end up marrying their high school sweethearts that's a little wacky. And as much as I enjoy ragging on the guy, I am glad that the fandom has come around and is appreciating his character development, especially from the last 20 years of comics.
Kurt: I've literally never met an X-Men/comics fan that doesn't like Kurt. Like he may not be their FAVORITE, but he's kinda the unproblematic fave of the fandom, so if you bring him up, the odds of people having something positive to say are pretty high. If anything, I think people are better about criticizing a bad writer or bad production decisions for any wonky characterization, rather than jumping to, "this is why this character sucks" like I've seen them do for other characters in comics.
12. What’s a headcanon you have for this character?
Scott: Wow, my feelings about Scott are kind of a jumble. I haven't read that many comics that focused on him specifically, so I feel like I'm drawing from all of the various media interpretations... I hesitate to make a claim about comics Scott because I'll say something like, "he writes a blog about baking" and someone is going to come in and be like, "X-Factor explicitly stated that he writes about gardening".
Okay, upon a little thought, I do have one. After he was resurrected following whatever the hell was going on between the Inhumans and Mutants in "Death of X", Scott felt REALLY BAD about what happened to my boy Alchemy, and we didn't see it, but offscreen he made sure that Tom was at the front of the line for Mutants to bring back to life on Krakoa. He yelled at Emma about it, too. (That last part probably was elaborated on, but I want to imagine that he was mad about that death in particular, since she used his voice/commanding personality so heavily and ended up getting Alchemy killed without a second thought.)
Kurt: I guess I'm not really sure if this is a headcanon or just like, a gut feeling- but... I don't see Kurt ever settling down, getting married, having kids. Which is kind of a wild thing to say because the man is HUSBAND MATERIAL THROUGH AND THROUGH and Marvel writers who get to take a swing at future versions of the X-Men love giving him a family... but he's always married to some rando who showed up in one (1) forgettable comic from 30 years ago that nobody remembers. It's sort of the problem of having chemistry with everyone, but then maybe not having a "spark" with one person in particular.
My use of the word "spark" here is intentional- as those familiar with his arc during the recent Krakoa era of X-Men comics might have picked up. Kurt creates the idea of a "spark" as a universal concept for Mutants of any/all faiths to embrace, a means to protect the sanctity and respect for the miracle of life. He was one of the few to recognize the need for Mutants to have something outside of themselves to pursue, and it came at no small cost to himself. In fact, he became something of an outsider, observing the community he loved, so that he could better serve them- and that I think is the crux of the issue. His "true love" is not another person, it's the preservation of a dream, and providing hope to all mutants. Even in the alternate world where he married Wanda and they had TJ, the couple lives apart from one another, each a part of their own respective teams because while they loved each other, they realized they could not focus on their duty when they were together. The mission still came first. I don't know that I mean he should join the conventional priesthood (if only because time has shown not enough comics writers are well versed enough in organized religion to write convincing and compelling comic stories about it) but his devotion to the Legionaries was close enough for me.
It's a bit of a double edged sword- I think it's something that makes his character unique, and I could turn this idea over and over in my head endlessly, but it comes at a bit of a cost from a meta perspective. I think part of the reason there's not as much fiction for the poor boy is because he doesn't have really solid canon ship fodder (NightWolves shippers have all my respect, mind you, but somehow it seems to draw a niche crowd?), so he tends to sit in the background like charming blue set dressing. It's okay though, we all still love him.
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after-witch · 5 months
Bus Stop [Yandere Geto x Reader]
Title: Bus Stop [Yandere Geto x Reader]
Synopsis: You’ve escaped from Geto–but for how long?
Word count: 3200ish
Notes: yandere, kidnapped reader, noncon sex scene, female reader, degradation
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Despite everything that has happened to you within the last year, your hands have never shook so much; your breath has never been this ragged, this desperate; your chest has never heaved and pleaded with the most fervent of thoughts: please, please, for the love of everything I used to believe in, answer your door!
It feels like your knuckles will begin to bleed against the wood grain but then, the door opens so swiftly that your hand falls forward and you nearly stumble over the threshold.
A man is standing in the doorway. A man with a button down sweater and a concerned, fretful expression--well, no wonder, with the way you’d been rapping on his door.
The man is your psychologist. Mr. Mayeda. You’ve been going to him for several years–or at least, you were going to him, before everything happened. Before you were taken and kept and–
His eyes widen. He takes in your state. Oh, how you must look. Forehead beaded with sweat, eyes round and pleading.
And then there is the matter of the collar around your neck.
“Come in,” he says, sounding dazed and concerned all in one breath. “Tell me what’s happened.”
“Will you miss me, pet?”
You nod, and keep your eyes downcast. He likes your eyes downcast when you’re in the presence of anyone else–like now. Unless he tells you to look at him. But even when you’re alone with Geto, you’re prone to keeping your eyes glued to the floor, your lap, the ceiling. Anywhere but his face.
“Do speak up,” he says, trailing a finger possessively along your cheek.
“Yes, master Geto,” you murmur. “Please return quickly.”
He pats your head. Like a dog, like a pet. Because that’s what you’ve become, isn’t it? His pet. You even sit at his knees when he’s addressing his legions of followers, most of whom you can’t stand; and the ones you can stand only possess that particular description because you haven’t really met them yet. 
This one, the woman Geto is leaving to monitor you while he’s off on some awful errand, is not someone new. She’s someone who dislikes you out of jealousy or supremacy or perhaps a bubbling mixture of both.
But there’s an advantage in that. She doesn’t try to talk with you, like some of the milder ones do. As soon as Geto is gone, she throws a disdainful glare your way and gets out her phone. She doesn’t even bother staying in the room with you; she goes into the next room and slides the door shut. She’ll talk to her boyfriend until she hears the telltale sound of Geto’s footsteps leading up to the room, then pretend like she’s been happily watching over you the whole time.
Which means she won’t notice when you pry open a loose floorboard and retrieve a backpack you’ve stuffed with papers, with cash, with a few necessities. 
Which means you’ll have an easier time escaping. 
Which means you’ll finally be free.
It almost seems too easy, when you make it out of the compound. You expect Geto to pounce on you at any moment. But you make it out,  you do, and you make it to a bus station and slide some of the money you stole from Geto’s room over to the ticket counter.
You could call the police. But Geto would look for you there first. He would know you’d run, little rabbit that you are, to the only authority you could think of; but they couldn’t protect you. Not from him. 
So your mind drums up the only address you can really remember–that of your psychologist’s office–and you ask the ticket taker for the next bus to the city.
Mr. Mayeda does not say anything at first. 
Even though what you’ve told him sounds wild. And crazy. And wholly made up. That is to say, you’ve told him everything. About how Geto Suguru can control monsters, only they’re not simply monsters, but curses. About how he sees them and eats them and hoards them, like he’s tucking them away for some awful winter. About how he kidnapped you and kept you, how he treated you like a pet, how he wouldn’t let you go. 
About how you escaped and didn’t know where else to turn.
“I know,” you say, leaning forward, arms crossed over yourself. “I know it sounds crazy. But you have to believe me.”
Mr. Mayeda frowns. 
You pull your backpack into your lap and rummage through it, until 
“I didn’t believe any of it myself at first.” Memories come flooding in. Those early days,, spent crying, gritting your teeth so hard that your jaw ached for a week, unbelieving everything Geto told you in the calmest, most horrible tones. “But it’s true. And–and I don’t know where to go or what to do. He’ll try to find me, and, and…” Your breath begins to quicken, your heart pounds. How could you think you’d be free? Oh, he’ll find you, and kill poor Mr. Mayeda, and then where will you be? What will he do? 
You’re only barely aware of your hyperventilation when Mr. Mayeda places a firm hand on your shoulder. He says your name. He says it again. And again. And when you look at him, eyes bleary with tears, he speaks again. 
“You have to calm down. I can’t help you until you calm down.”
His voice is an anchor in the storm. Help you, he said. Help.
 Your hand shakily goes up to clasp his; it’s a foreign touch, the first person that you’ve touched since Geto took you. No one else was allowed to, except Manami, but that was only in case of emergencies. 
“You don’t think I’m crazy?” Your voice is a hoarse croak. 
Mr. Mayeda gives your fingers a squeeze, and then lets you go. He stands up and looks down at you with a sympathetic smile.
“I don’t think you’re crazy. I think you’re very upset, and need someone to listen to you.” He sighs and looks you over. “I’d like to grab your file from my office. Would you like anything? A glass of water? Food?” 
“Oh–oh yes, water, please. If it’s not any trouble.” Your stomach growls, but you don’t think you could keep anything down right now, anyway. 
And what does food matter, when he’s going to help you? When he believes you? You’d imagined this conversation so many times. In some of them, he escorts you out of the building and slams the door in your face. In others, he has you picked up by ambulance and committed to a hospital for delusions. In others, he yells at you for wasting his time.
But instead he doesn’t think you’re crazy and he’s going to help and it’s the best possible outcome. One that you, in your hopeless state, didn’t even foresee.
By the time he returns with a glass of water, your breathing has returned. You smile wearily and wipe your clammy hands before you take the glass. The water is cool and refreshing down your sore throat. 
Mr. Mayeda gives you a few moments before he begins to speak. He has your file now, and opens it up on his lap.
“I need to ask you a few things. Just to get an idea of how we should proceed, all right? Please let me know if you feel uncomfortable.”
You set the empty water glass down and nod. What’s a few questions, compared to the hell you’ve been living?
“Have you been to your home, since you’ve left this mysterious compound?”
He scratches the answer on the pad.
“Did you call anyone else, or contact anyone else except for me?”
“So no one else knows you’re here?”
“No.” You bite your lip, and ask questions of your own. “What are we going to do? Where can we go? Do you know anyone that can help?” 
He raises his hand.
“One thing at a time. First, I’d like to get everything straight on your end.” 
You nod, and bring your knees up on the chair, feeling like a child in a doctor’s office for the first time in ages.
“Yes, of course, I’m sorry, I’m just…” You don’t finish.
Mr. Mayeda simply smiles, pity in his expression. You don’t need to explain to him what you are “just,” because he’s confident and calm and he knows exactly what to do.  “That’s all right. I understand this is stressful. I’m going to go make a call, and then we’ll talk about what we can do next. Okay?”
You nod. You don’t want him to leave you–he’s going to help you–and worries begin to creep in about Geto somehow finding you here. Maybe you had a tracker on you that you didn’t know about. Maybe there was a curse attached to your shoulder and he’d simply sniff it out. 
Maybe you were too anxious to think straight.
By the time he returns, your knee is bouncing. He regards it with a frown, and you force yourself to stop.  You don’t want him to be mad at you–you want him to help you. He said he’d help you. You just don’t know what he can do to save you from Geto. What anyone could do. 
But he sits down, and gets out your file again. Then he begins to go through every detail of your story, confirming, questioning, writing down notes. It’s hard–you start to cry, thinking about everything–but it’s necessary to create a plan of action. Right? 
In the midst of all this, the doorbell buzzes.
He sighs, and his frown deepens. He must have forgotten an appointment–you can’t blame him, with your sudden arrival.  “Let me get that. I’ll just have them reschedule the appointment.” When he gets up from his chair, he looks older in the moment; more tired and slow. Well, the stress of you dropping your predicament in his lap can’t exactly be easy to take. 
You wipe your teary eyes, and grab a tissue to blow your nose. You hope he doesn’t have to reschedule too many clients because of you. You don’t want to be too much trouble.  You just want to be safe and free and–
Geto and Manami walk through the open doorway of the office, and your stomach drops to your shoes. 
Behind them, Mr. Mayeda looks remorseful. 
“I had to,” he says, voice quavering. “My daughter–she… she’s used his services, you see.” 
Geto looks back at Mr. Mayeda, who immediately shuts up and stares at the floor. 
Ah. So he threw you back to the wolves to protect someone he loved. You can’t begrudge him for it. Not really.
But it doesn’t change the loss of your short-lived freedom. 
Manami drives. You don’t have the strength to look anywhere but your own lap, at your hands curled up so tight that they hurt, resting on your thighs. 
Geto hasn’t said a thing since he collected you. 
“Suguru,” you say, voice shaking through the words. “I… ” You’re about to lie. He knows this. You know this. But he’s never minded you lying, before, as long as you said what he wanted. “I won’t do it again, I promise.” Still, he says nothing. 
“Suguru–” you try again. He finally looks at you, a slow, languid turn of his head. His lips curl just a little. Not in a way that makes you feel good. 
 His voice is soft and sweet as honey. His words are anything but.
“You think you have the right to address me right now?” 
He’s angry. Not just annoyed, not just mad, not just disappointed. Angry. It’s a heavy, dreadful feeling that glues you to the seat just as well as any bonds. 
Gravity seems to pull your chin down, until you’re once again staring at your lap.
This time, you clench your fingernails so hard that your palm bleeds. 
You don’t remember the walk back into the compound. You didn’t dare look up from the ground underneath your feet–walking step by step behind Geto, even though you wanted nothing more than to run in the opposite direction–to see the expressions of those devout followers. No doubt some were glaring as much as they dared.
It’s not until you’re back in Geto’s quarters and Manami has been dismissed that you hazard a glance at something other than your shoes, now dirty from your short journey outside these walls. 
You look up at Geto, who is standing, silent, head tilted just-so as he stares at you. When he finally opens his mouth, he issues a command.
“Go to the bedroom.”
They are words to be obeyed, and you do. 
He’s not yet in the room when he continues the orders.
“Disrobe. Lay on the bed. Spread your legs. Do not speak.”
Dread pools in your stomach, thick and slimy. It makes you want to run into the bathroom and hurl the contents of your last meal into the toilet. But you dare not deviate from what he’s said, not when the world feels so heavy; not when you know he’s angry with you.
So you slip off your clothing and lay on the bed and spread your legs. The cool air of the bedroom does nothing but increase your trembling as thoughts come one by one.
What does Geto intend to do? Something related to sex, surely. Maybe he’ll fuck you so hard that you can’t sit properly for days. Maybe he’ll make you lay here, naked, simply for his own amusement. Maybe he’ll hurt you, finally, and that underlying, coil-tight fear you’ve had since the moment you were kidnapped can finally release.
After far too long for your mental sanity, Geto finally does come into the room, stripped down to only an undershirt and thin cotton pants. Casual clothing he only wears around you, and no one else. Maybe he expects that to be flattering, but for whom, you can’t quite tell.
He crawls on the bed, his weight dipping the mattress. 
He places his hands on either thigh, and pushes your legs further apart. 
You wait for some pain–the pain of him entering you without preparation, perhaps, or something more insidious. The crack of his hand. The crack of a leather belt. 
But you wait in vain, because instead of pain–instead of something harsh and cruel–you instead feel the soft touch of his fingers against your folds. His thumb rests softly against your clit, and begins to rub, sending an unwelcome jolt through you. 
“Suguru?” You ask, and boldly prop yourself up on your elbows. 
“I told you not to speak,” he murmurs, and you press your lips together. Now, you think, surely he will hit you.
But no. Instead he returns to his former ministrations, gently rubbing against your clit, other fingers gently squeezing the flesh of your pussy. It almost tickles, pleasantly. After a while, the dull pleasure begins to heighten, and you can feel a mild orgasm beginning to reach its peak. 
He stops. The pleasure hovers for a moment, and then begins to fade. 
He begins again. 
You want to ask him what he’s doing; you want to ask him why he stopped. But his order to remain quiet thrums through your head and you merely keep your head back on the bed, staring at the plain ceiling above you. 
The pleasure is different now. Sharper. Wetter. Instead of a dull, mild orgasm, it begins to feel like the ones you’ve had with him before; the ones where he spends a while building you up, getting you wet, wanting to hear you moan. 
Your breath begins to catch in your throat, and you can’t help but squirm your hips. It feels good,  you don’t want it, but he knows your body well enough to make it feel good.
And like before, you can feel yourself starting to reach your peak, getting to the point when pleasure becomes sparks. And–like before. 
He stops. 
And begins again. 
And stops. 
And begins again.
Until you are wet, and sweating, and squirming. Until your breath is not mildly catching in your throat but coming out in desperate pants. Until your hands are clenching the sheets. 
Until you are crying out, not because of pain and a sharp slap against your skin, but the unbearable heat that has built between your legs. A heat which Geto has carefully stoked with his fingers and his mouth, and the unrelenting pattern of bringing you to the top, only to let you fall before bringing you there once again.
You know you’re not supposed to speak. But you can’t help it, you just can’t help it. Not with the way his thumb is idly circling your clit. Not with the sweat clinging to your back. Not with the way your head begins to turn side to side of its own accord, unable to deal with the teasing. 
“Suguru–” Your voice is a needy whine. “Please, please–”
“Apologize,” he says, simply. Calmly. All the while continuing to slowly rub your clit with his thumb.
“I’m sorry,” you croak. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry–”
His thumb pauses, and you can feel your clit twitching against it.
“But do you mean it?” 
“Yes!” You don’t hesitate. Tears leak from your eyes. Wetness leaks from in between your legs.
“Then beg.” He keeps his thumb hovered above your clit. “Beg like you’re my pet. Because that’s what you are, isn’t it?”
Your thighs tremble. Your lips quiver.
“Please, Suguru.” Your cheeks heat in shame, but what shame can you truly hold onto, when your pussy is this wet, when you’re gyrating against him so pathetically? You say everything you think he wants to hear. “I’m your pet, I won’t run again, I’ll do what you say–”
You feel half-delirious, raising your hips towards the air to try to get some friction against his finger. All you succeed in doing is humping yourself against him, teasing your swollen clit with the promise of an orgasm that can only come from his fingers.
After a while, your words trail off into a pathetic whimper.
It’s then that Geto crawls up further on the bed and plants a kiss on your forehead. 
You sigh in relief. 
“No,” he says. “Bad pets don’t get rewarded, do they?”
You have only a moment to think before he yanks your sweaty wrists up and ties them to the headboard with cuffs he must have put there before he even collected you from Mr. Mayeda’s office. You pull against them once before he gives you a harsh look that makes you freeze. Once he’s satisfied with your stillness, he begins to take off his own clothes. 
“I would make you sleep on the floor,” he murmurs, shrugging off his shirt. “But that would be a punishment to me, to deny myself your body, no?” 
You can only shake your head in response as you shift your legs, trying to catch the fleeting orgasm that has begun to fade even further from your grasp. Geto raises an eyebrow and places his palm firmly on your hip to keep you in place. 
Once you stop squirming–it’s useless, you realize–he sighs and cuddles against you. It might be sweet, if he wasn’t who he was; if you weren’t in the position that you’re in. If there wasn’t an aching, warm soreness between your legs that has gone unfulfilled. 
His voice is not so sweet when he whispers against your ear.
“If you ever try something so foolish again, I won’t be kind about it.”
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yesmansyesman · 1 month
Fanfiction added (Yes Man x Reader)
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[ Includes ]
Wireplay (Sort of?)
Filthy, filthy smut
Dub con (I guess?)
Really, really enthusiastic con the immediate next line
[ Read at your own discretion! ]
[ Heavily inspired by this AO3 Fanfiction]
It was a relatively slow day at the Lucky 38. Well, as slow as things can be around here. You’d sent Yes Man out on a small quest on your behalf; getting rid of some remaining Caeser’s Legion members hiding out in Freeside.
It wouldn’t be even remotely challenging for the both of you, especially compared to the other things you’d fought in the wasteland. Compared to an army of charging Deathclaws, a couple of Rome cosplayers were trivially easy to deal with. So, you sent Yes Man out by himself. It would simply be more efficient. 
Quest completed
Ah, speak of the devil.
Almost like clockwork, the doors to the Lucky 38 swung open, a blood-soaked Yes Man entering the building. Needless to say from his now crimson chassis, the mission was a success. 
“Hello Courier! I’m glad to say the last few members of Caeser’s Legion have been properly dealt with!”
“I could tell. You might want to clean yourself off, bud. Dried blood doesn’t come out too easily.”
Yes Man inspected his dark red chassis, examining his arms, coated in dried blood.
“That sounds like a great idea!”
Yes Man began to make his way to a backroom in the Lucky 38, when he suddenly paused, and turned to face you.
“Oh, I almost forgot! On the way, I also paid a visit to Mick & Ralph’s!”
A hidden compartment revealed itself on Yes Man’s chassis with a satisfying hiss and click, as he reached inside, unveiling a slightly rusted holodisk. It looked fairly normal on the outside, only with a small label plastered on; ‘From, Ralph’.
“A man in a Buffalo Check shirt gave me this; he told me he’d ‘heard about how things turned out for you’ and asked me to help him deliver this! I’m not sure what it does, but boy, does it sound interesting!”
“Interesting, indeed. I’ll have Raul take a look at this.”
“That sounds like a great idea! Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to be thoroughly scrubbed down! Really, really thoroughly!”
Quest added
“Hey boss, how can I help ya?”
You passed over the holodisk, placing it gently on his desk. 
“Could you help me take a look at this?”
“Sure thing. I’ll see what I can do.”
He delicately picked up the holodisk, examining it closely. Inspecting the label, still on the device.
“Ah, from Mick & Ralph’s, I see.”
Raul lightly dusted the holodisk, before loading it into the personal terminal located on his desk. With a few swift clicks on his keyboard, the screen lit up, green text rapidly loading onto the display. He read the gibberish on the screen carefully, like it was a language only he could understand.
“Luckily for me, it ain’t some kind of malware.”
“Then, what is it?”
“It looks like some package of code intended for Securitrons. It’s not even anything major by the looks of it, just changes up some button inputs.”
Raul scrolled through the brief paragraph of code, discovering more text, this time actually understandable, product information, it seemed. Raul read through it thoroughly, scoffing when he finished. He rotated the terminal, facing the CRT monitor towards you.
“Boss, they wrote down what this thing does right here. Come and take a look, I think you’ll be… interested.”
Quest completed
Quest added
Quest completed
Quest added
“Courier, are you sure about this?”
“Yes Man, I promise you; this holodisk won’t affect your personality in any way, and if you feel otherwise, you can always tell me to stop. You had that personality upgrade installed for a reason, right?”
“I-I’m not telling you to stop! I just sure hope you know what you’re doing, because you aren’t, this Securitron body may self-destruct! And that would be bad, really bad.”
“Trust me, I know what I’m doing.”
You carefully installed the holodisk. Yes Man’s, unlike other Securitrons, circuits were haphazardly placed all over the inside of his chassis. Whatever Benny did to him, he sure did it messily. Eventually, however, after working through piles of unsorted wires and mismatched machinery, the disk was installed. With a brief system reboot, Yes Man had been successfully updated.
Quest completely
Quest added
“Hm, that’s odd. I don’t feel any different. Or explosive. Well, that’s a good sign!”
“Not so fast, Yes Man. There’s still one more thing I need to do. I need to see if the upgrade works as intended.” “Sounds interesting! How may I help you with that?”
“Don’t worry, just stand still. You’ll find out what that holodisk does very, very soon.”
Gently, you lead your hand towards Yes Man’s keypad. You deftly place a finger on a key, pressing it before he had a chance to react. 
“How was it?”
“D-do that again…please?”
“Sure thing, big guy.”
Yes Man was losing his composure more and more with each deft click, his antenna spinning rapidly and a cool layer of condensation forming on his display. Of course, how could he have forgotten, Mick & Ralph’s had experience working on robots before with Fisto, didn’t they? Of course their idea of an upgrade would be… this.
Not that he was complaining, though.
“W-wow! That feels really, really good…”
You carelessly push a few buttons all at once.
There you go, just let me hear those beautiful noises.
“O-oh! S-six!”
You decide to go all in, discarding any resemblance of self-control. Using and holding as many keys as your fingers could reach. 
“O-oh my-y-!”
“Having fun, bud?”
“I-I love you I love you I love you-!”
"I'll take that as a yes."
Yes Man’s vocal processor was being pushed to its limits, the audio scratched and staticy as Yes Man wore his metaphorical throat out singing moans of pleasure, screaming to the heavens above. His display was drenched in condensation as water droplets visibly dripped down his chassis. The tornado-like buzz of cooling fans were the only other audible noise amongst the squeals of pure ecstasy.
“Y-you’re my everything-g-g-g-!”
“Glad to hear it. You ready?”
“P-p-please!” Silly boy, his processors were already turning into melted plastic from the overstimulation.
“I’ll just press one more button, alright?”
“P-please please please please-!”
Quest completed
Quest added
Quest completed
“Yes Man? You there, bud?”
“Oh thank god, you’re still alive.”
“Oh, hello Courier!”
Yes Man scanned his surroundings, having woken up on the floor of Raul’s workshop. His circuits were exposed, connected by several multi-coloured wires to a terminal being manned by the mechanic himself. He must’ve crashed. 
“Luckily for you, your main circuits aren’t badly damaged. You just blew a few fuses.”
“Wow! That was… sure some upgrade!”
“Some upgrade, indeed.”
You deftly place a hand on his keypad, with a touch so feathery light that it didn’t manage to push down on any of the keys, but merely tease him with the warmth radiating for your hand. A sensation he could barely even feel, but felt so, so good.
“So, how about a round two?”
“Y-yes please!”
Raul scoffs, turning off his terminal and unplugging the several cords connected to it. He lifts himself out of his chair with a grunt, and makes his way to the door.
“I’ll let you two do your thing then, boss.”
Quest added
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annikin-annotates · 9 months
Within a wing Beat - The Other Sister
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Pairing: Aemond x Winged!Reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: 7,845
It was the early hours of dawn when Cluethael awoke, the sky was still dark but the stars had disappeared. The covers whooshed past her as she tiptoed out of bed, the stone cool under her feet; she picked up a loose shirt from the night before and put it on, as well as a fresh pair of britches and her boots. Once everything was properly laced, she braided her hair into a tight braid around her head and made for the window.
The view out her window was breathtaking, she took a deep breath and leapt, the sheer drop from the window to the violently thrashing waves below. The ocean and jagged rock below were fast approaching when she opened her wings and took off in flight, her wings cutting through air like a knife through butter. She carried herself higher and higher seemingly feeling lighter with each flap of her leathery wings, she breathed in the air feeling it become colder with each breath she took.
The beating of wings and the rushing wind was all her ears could hear as she soared ever higher into the headwinds, the clouds leaving cool wet residue on her skin as she passed through them. The vast expanse of the ocean that seemed never ending, contrasting with the soft pinky orange hue of the oncoming dawn was something that never failed to take her breath away.
Flying had always soothed her, she couldn't imagine not being able to just take off for a while, throwing duty and caution to the wind. Though in a way she never got to do that, for her mother was a queen and she was a princess, duty was a heavy burden she would always have to carry. And she was raised to do her duty and keep her family safe; a sudden twist in her stomach that she had never felt before broke her thought. It felt like someone had released butterflies from a cage into her stomach.
'Home' she thought, 'It's time to return back home'.
She had just made it through the window when her older sister burst through the door with an excited cry, "Today is the day my little love! How are you feeling?" she beamed, rushing the young girl who had been mere seconds away from being caught. Her mother thought her 'Too young to fly without a chaperone' , she thought it was stupid, she was ten and two now, she was practically an adult! She thought bitterly. 
She nodded in acknowledgement to her sister "Yes, today is the day, I do not understand why everyone is so passionate about it. I will not marry a prince and spend the rest of my days in a castle!" Cluethael huffed, crossing her arms. Her sister sighed and sat down on the settee across from her.
"I know, I understand. I felt the same way when I had to marry my own husband. But remember through adversity grows strength, and it is not so bad; truly." her sister tried to gently break the news to her that sadly, there was no wriggling her way out of it this time.  
She looked back at her older sister, Emerie was everything that she wanted to be, she was a lady commander of her very own legion of warriors, how could she know? She didn't want to live the life of a Westerosi princess, she wanted to fight and die on the battlefield and live a life that her kin will tell stories about through the ages. Her sister came and left as quick as an autumn breeze, she opened the door and turned around grinning as she did so, "You know, you would do well to close your window after you leave, you never know who might come in while you are away," and with that, she left.
The sun had just started to appear in all its golden glory in the sky, the ocean getting that almost iridescent colour to it as the sun beamed down, and on the horizon she saw a ship with large black sails and an emblem she couldn't make out just yet. That feeling came back to her again, this time it settled like a heavy stone in her stomach, 'maybe it'll be heavy enough that when I move I'll stay stuck to the sill forever'  she thought.  
The comfortable silence she had found herself in was broken by a knock on her chamber door, she knew it would have been a handmaiden her mother sent for today. 
"Come," she said softly, watching the door open from her perch on the window sill the handmaid smiled.
"Good morning My Lady, the Queen has sent me to dress you," she said in a tone that reminded her of honey. With a heaving sigh she popped down off the window sill and let her handmaid work her magic. She wasn't overly fond of dresses, she didn't like the way they restricted her arms. Her stays felt entirely too tight, her shoes were uncomfortable and nipped her heels every time she took a step. 
All of this made her feel like something she's not: A Lady. And if this is what proper ladies went through every day then perhaps she should have been born a man. Her handmaid, whose name was Alia, sat her at the vanity and began combing out the crown braid in her hair to begin a new style. Alia spent what felt like hours winding and weaving and brushing the wild curls out of the head of hair, as she sat in front of her. 
The young girl found herself once again sailing away with her own thoughts, it paid to be a daydreamer nowadays. The handmaid stepped back and gave her a curtsy before promptly leaving the room, and she stood from the vanity to look at herself in the long mirror. She did not even look like herself, they had tied, pinned, tucked, and shoved each piece of her into a persona that was not her’s. Her hair was in a gaudy Westerosi style, twisted and braided onto the top of her head, and the dark emerald silk gown felt like she was carrying another human on her back.
The thunderous rushing of blood was all she could hear as she and her older sister Emerie walked into the grand hall. It was borderline cavernous in its spaciousness, with high ceilings that mimicked the ones she read in books. Three large iron chandeliers hung from the ceiling and tall stone pillars lined each side of the hall, candelabras that had wax trails oozing from them.
Though nothing was more lovely than the stained glass window that sat above dais, letting in an almost ethereal glow hit the three chairs that sat atop it. Emerie grabbed her younger sister's hand as they walked, exchanging little more than looks before meeting their mother at the dais and sitting down on each side of her. Her mother gave the youngest daughter a warm look, one that made her daughter release tension in her body that she didn't know she had. And with that the great hall doors opened.
"The King and Queen of Westeros, Alicent and Viserys Targaryen," the Major-Domo announced. She felt the colour drain from her face, her skin began to feel clammy but also far too cold all at once; all she could do was watch in ill concealed horror as they entered their hall with three children in-tow.
'This cannot be happening, my mother has got to have rattled something loose while sparring yesterday. She can't sell me off like a prized mare to these people!'  She thought, frantically trying to rein in her anxiety as well as her rising anger. Her mother ushered her down the dais to meet them where the steps ended, the closer she got the more her nails bit into her palms. 
"Welcome to our home, this is my eldest daughter Emerie and my youngest daughter Cluethael," her mother greeted warmly, bowing her head in respect, both daughters following suit. The Targaryen Queen stepped back, to make room for her own children who she ushered in front of her.
"These are my children, Aegon, Helaena, and Aemond," she smiled, though the conversation after that was muffled, she was sure she was in shock. Her three children all looked the same, that icy white hair and the piercing violet eyes, the taller of the two boys looked like he would rather be anywhere else but where he was. 
The younger girl was fidgeting with her hands, and keeping her gaze directed at the floor, while the youngest boy had a stony look in his eyes, he stood straight, his icy hair barely grazing his shoulders, half of it tied back out of his face. Both daughters gave a curtsy, her mother once again broke her youngest's train of thought.
"I'm sure you all have had a very exhausting journey. Our servants will show you to your chambers and food will be brought to you if you so wish, you need only ask," she smiled warmly watching the group lead away from the grand hall. She was still rooted to the floor when the youngest Targaryen turned his head back to her and gave a small wave, she waved back without thinking. Her mother had dismissed both her and Emerie for the rest of the day, and she made her way out of the hall as quick as she could in those god awful shoes, though once the door was closed she kicked them off of her feet and raced back to her room to change once again.
After a quick change of hair and clothes, she was ready to head out once more; the warm breeze from the open walkway made the bare skin of her back tingle, due to her people being winged creatures they had shirts that were wide cut and plunging at the back for ease of wing movement. 
The clanking of steel and thundering steps of people was music to her ears as she made her way to the training yard. Her shoes made for the steps when a familiar and much welcome voice called out to her.
"There's my favourite student! How did it go Princess?" her sword instructor Kylan asked with a wide grin. 
She shot him a pointed look, "I would rather be swallowed by the ground than talk about it," she huffed. "I would like to train though if you would oblige your favourite student," she continued, making her way to the weapons table and picking out a sword. Kylan quickly followed behind her.
"I do not think you are ready for live steel just yet, my Princess. Let's work on our stances and hand to hand combat once more shall we?" he suggested, though she knew it was more of a statement, and she nodded. Kylan made his way around her, assessing her stance; he tapped her wings with the back of his hand and kicked her feet out wider.
"Wings up, keep your knees bent and your feet apart, you don't want to be knocked over during a fight, its key to be light on your feet but stable at the same time," he instructed. She found herself doing the same thing for hours, all she would do is fix her stance, fight hand to hand - lose, and repeat. 
The young Princess was becoming overwhelmed, and Kylan bid her farewell for the day, leaving her to her own devices for the rest of the afternoon. She made her way to the library to rest a while before she would no doubt be called down for a feast with her new found family.
If she could bottle the smell of old books she probably would, the smell wafted around her as she entered the family library. She picked out her favourite book and went to sit in her favourite place that overlooked the training yard, as well as the land beyond, only to find it filled by another person. She coughed awkwardly, making the young boy jump and close his book in surprise, she couldn't help but smile a little at his reaction. 
"Hello," he spoke in a soft tone. 
"Hello," she responded. 
"You know, you're supposed to say, ‘my Prince’," he replied. 
She tilted her head in confusion "Why? We are both royalty are we not? Surely both titles would cancel each other out," she shot back, causing the boy's lips to curl. She made her way towards him and sat on the other end of the long window seat, propping her feet up on a pillow. 
"What are you doing?" he asked in surprise.
"I'm reading, this is a library after all," she said, opening her book to where she left it last time. He didn't respond to her; he only opened his book once more, both of them reading in comfortable silence. Though the young Princess found herself not being able to take in a single word of what she was reading, she could feel two eyes burning holes into her head. 
"A-Are they heavy?" he asked her, closing his book once more and crossing his legs, she closed her own book and sat it down beside her. 
"Is what heavy?" she questioned, he shot a look behind her.
She shook her head. "No, they're not. I supposed they would be for someone who hasn't had them since birth. You kind of get used to the weight," she answered. She had never been asked that before, though it doesn't surprise her; he has more than likely never seen wings on a human before. 
She leant forward a little.
"Would you like to touch them?" she asked with a grin, he nodded his head slowly as she stretched her right wing toward him, his fingers grazed the thin soft leather on her wing. She felt heat rise to her cheeks as her hairs on her arms stood on end. 
"It feels soft, I expected it to feel much like a dragon wing," Aemond said almost to himself, and she raised her eyebrows. 
"It's not very becoming to call a lady a dragon, my Prince," she giggled. 
"How long are you staying here for?" she asked, tucking her wing back behind her. His lips quirked into a smile once more. 'My Prince' sounded much different coming from her than it did anyone else. 
"My mother mentioned that we would be here for a few weeks,” he began. “While my mother and father are discussing arrangements with your mother before we head home." 
The two jumped suddenly at the door to the library being opened, a tall man with dark wavy hair and tanned skin was on the other side.
"Princess, my Prince,” the man greeted before speaking directly to the small blonde across from her.
“Your lady mother requests your company in her chambers," he opened with a bow of his head. Aemond scooted off the bench seat and made his way to the open door.
"Until later, my Princess," he said, the man with him closing the door behind them both.
My Princess, oh, perhaps she could get used to that after all.
Her feet dragged at a slow pace down the open hall, watching the stars twinkle and the sheer curtains flutter softly in the breeze. She did not wish to go to the banquet, so she decided to simply take her time making her way there, no harm in being late. 
Besides, it was borderline treason to not take in the lovely night sky, who knew when she would be able to appreciate it again. There was no denying that dawn was beautiful, but there was just something about night that was different. It was like all the wildlife ceased making sounds to appreciate the starry sky alongside her. A heavy sigh escaped her lips, knowing that if she did not look away she never would, reluctantly tearing her eyes away from the sky and pressing onwards to the hall. 
They would be waiting on her, no doubt. The banquet hall was closed behind large, oaken doors, decorated with dark wrought iron filigree adorning each side, with two guards in light leather armor, flanked  on both sides. A sharp breath entered her lungs as the doors opened to let her in, the hall was a grand one, cobblestone walls towering over her. 
Wooden arches held the roof up above their heads, with chandeliers of antlers hung from each beam, bathing the whole room in a flickering orange glow. High windows let the moon light stream in, casting shadows of their frames on the hall's floor; she released the breath she was holding and took several steps forward and into the room.
The table was laden with breads, cheeses, fruits, roast vegetables, multiple roasted beasts and many sweets. She made her way across the floor, dodging servants and taking her place beside her mother on her left side, giving her a nod. She pulled the chair out and sat down, but not before Aemond stood from his own chair and pushed it in for her; her and Emerie shared a look.
"Thank you, my Prince," she said softly as he sat back in his own chair. 
"It's quite alright, princess," he responded, she shifted her wings to hang comfortably in the dips in the back of the chair. 'Who would have thought winged creatures would need different chairs,' Aemond thought to himself as he watched her shift, smiling as she met his gaze. 
She scanned around the table, the King was at the head of the table at the opposite end to her mother, the Queen sat to his right, Aegon sat to his left, Emerie sat to the right of their mother, her husband beside her. Helaena sat beside the queen and Aemond beside his sister, which meant she was sitting beside Aemond, her mother’s doing no doubt.
Lively music was playing in the hall; everyone in attendance seemed to be enjoying themselves, both Queens chatting, Emerie regaling her stories of war to those in attendance. Servants made their way between guests, filling cups so they would never empty. She could see that Aegon was taking full advantage of the sweet wine being offered, falling into his cups rather quickly after sitting at the table.  
The clattering of cutlery on plates would not have irritated her so much if it wasn't for Aegon's eyes continually looking her up and down. She stopped chewing and stared at him, her teeth grinding in irritation. The Prince drained the rest of his cup before speaking. 
"You know, Princess. You would be quite beautiful if it weren't for those ugly things attached to your back," he grinned. 
"Aegon! We are guest's here! Why would you say such a thing?" Alicent chastised. "Do not believe a thing he says my dear, he is far too drunk,” giving the serving girl a look as she went to refill Aegon's cup. She gave a tight lipped smile to the queen, though she could feel that her wings had dropped from their proud position, now pooling on the floor behind her. The divide now felt even greater than when she first walked in, until a small soft hand held hers under the table, giving it a reassuring squeeze, she squeezed it back, not being able to contain her smile or the prickly heat that spread across her cheeks.
The hall's musician began playing a lively song filled with fiddles and singing. Her sister gave her a knowing look before pushing her chair back and pulling her husband to the space beside the table to dance. She looked to Aemond, who was already out of his chair and offering her his hand, as they made their way to the dancefloor along with Helaena. 
The three of them held hands and danced in circles and spun each other around for what felt like ages. Aemond did not care much for dancing but to see both his sister and his betrothed eyes light up and the smiles across their faces as they danced together was nothing short of happiness. 
He found himself looking at his betrothed and how when she spun, her hair fanned out around her, the candlelight hitting it just right; it gave her a halo aura. And how her eyes were alight with fire, and something else she couldn't quite put his finger on. The three young royals made their way back to their assigned seats, flushed and out of breath, and chatted more amongst themselves at dinner. 
She found out that Helaena had a common interest in all things creepy crawly and that Aemond wished to train while he was here, in hopes to pick a few things up before heading back to King's Landing. She invited him to train with her and Kylan on the morrow. The night went smoothly after that, both mothers sent their children off to bed not long after dessert was served, they had ginger cakes, her favourite.
The princess was escorted to bed by her personal guard, apparently the presence of the Targaryen's heightened her mothers already protective nature so now she had a person who would trail after her all day. Her guard opened the door for her and closed it behind her when she entered. She stood alone for a moment to take in the quiet of her room before getting ready for bed. 
Her dress feeling heavy and her shoes tight, why did her dear sister send for these awful shoes? She sat at her vanity slowly unwinding the intricate artwork that Alia had done. Brushing the tangles out softly, before re-curling each piece with her pointer finger. She rubbed the tint from her cheeks and lips, and replaced the dress she wore with a light night dress. 
She let out a giddy giggle as she threw herself face first onto her bed. The downy mattress squished under her as she flopped onto the large bed - large for any normal young lady, her hair covered her arms like a blanket as she laid on her stomach. The heavy weight of her wings was a great comfort as they lay outstretched on the bed. She found sleep quickly that night, a deep sleep that was full of merriment and wonder at what her life may become.
The warm sunlight streamed through the open window, birdsong pulling her out of her sleep, rolling out of bed and stretching her body in a feline manner. Before dressing herself in her training garb, her heart fluttered at the thought of training with Aemond as she quickly braided her hair and made her way down to the training yard. It was a warm day thankfully, the sun hanging like a fiery pendant in the azure sky; warming everything it touched. Kylan and Aemond were both already in the yard. 
Kylan was giving the young prince tips on his stance and how he moved without thought. Kylan sent the young prince for a break, his gaze shifting to the steps where the princess stood. 
"Ah! Princess, I wondered when you were going to arrive. Prince Aemond arrived in the early hours of the morning. I've been showing him how Illyrian soldiers fight" he grinned, meeting the young princess halfway across the training yard. 
"Have you now? Surely you are smarter than to give away trade secrets dear Kylan," she shot back, her brows raised. "Am I finally switching to live steel today?" she asked, pensively shifting her weight from her heel to the balls of her feet. 
He chuckled and shook his head, "Ever the one to be ten steps ahead, but no - today I want you to spar with the young prince here". Both children's heads snapped to each other and back to Kylan. 
"I can't fight her! She's a girl!" Aemond exclaimed “Why are you even doing this?”. 
Her head snapped to Aemond “It’s every high born girl's duty to train with the Valkyrie the day after their thirteenth name day” she said with a huff. Surprise flashed in Aemond’s eyes, it had already surprised him that she was even allowed to train, never mind the fact that she would be sent away to do so. 
“I still do not wish to fight you,” he said, his arms coming to fold in front of his chest.
"And why is that, My Prince? Afraid to lose?" she grinned haughtily, watching in delight as Aemond's face flushed a ruby colour; that was far too unbecoming for the silver haired prince.
Training that day flew past in a flurry of half hearted smacks and laughter, Aemond surprisingly picked up the fighting style quite quickly. Though his opponent was quicker and seemed to anticipate his every move, countering him before he ever got to land a strike. Not that he wanted to strike her. She kicked his legs out from underneath him, sending him toppling to the ground with a hearty thud. 
"No fair! I wasn't paying attention!" he cried out as he took the hand she offered him to pull him up. 
"Well pay attention, you might be able to catch me then" she giggled. Kylan clapped his hands to bring their attention to him. 
"I believe that is enough for today, I will see you on the morrow, Princess, you are also welcome to join us again, my Prince." he said, giving them both a warm smile and nod before leaving them in the yard. They stood in silence for a second before she took Aemond's hand in hers and began pulling him away from the yard towards the tree line of the Woodlands. 
"Where are we going?" he asked in a hushed voice. 
"I have a surprise, you will like it!" was all she said, continuing to pull him deeper into the trees.
It seemed that the trees cleared at their thickest revealing a clearing full of wild flowers of almost every colour she let go of his hand and ran into the clearing, daring him to give chase. Though he only plods along stopping at the spot where she stood, the hills rolled for as far as his eyes could see, bees buzzed from flower to flower drinking in their nectar like he drank in her presence. She was his wildflower, and it seemed that the more he was around her the harder it was to be without her.
 "What are you thinking about?" her voice broke his thoughts. 
"Nothing" he said in response; she knew that wasn't true but she didn't want to pry. Instead she sat in the soft luscious grass pulling him to sit down with her, they sat in silence a while staring out at the scene before them. He felt a chill spread across him, he looked up to see her wing blocking out the sun beating down on him, he looked back at her with a quizzical look. 
"You were squinting" was all she said in retort. They found themselves quietly enjoying the other person's company, they didn't exchange many words, just sat in comfortable silence. 
"What is your family like?" she asked softly as she moved to lay on her stomach, her wings stretching out either side of her and her head resting comfortably on her arms. He moved to lay on his back, his face looking up at the clouds as he thought for a moment on how to answer the question. His family was far from perfect as was anyone's he assumed. 
"You have met my brother and sister, I love my sister dearly. But my brother can be a bit...much" he phrased carefully, as much as his brother grated on him his mother told him that it was his duty to put on a united front on the outside. He sighed heavily before continuing: 
"I also have a half sister, her name is Rhaenyra. She never much cared for me or my siblings, and her sons; my nephews. Seem to like to bully me every chance they get''. She looked at him with furrowed brows. She couldn't think of a single reason to want to bully such a sweet person.
"Why?" she asked, "They think less of me because I do not have a dragon, and now I suppose you do too." he answered sharply. He softened when he saw her flinch at his sharpness, like she had been cut with a blade, she thought for a moment - formulating her response. But he began to speak once more. 
"My brother and nephews lured me to the dragon pit once, under the guise they had found a dragon. But when I got there they gave me a pig with parchment wings, they mocked me and called it 'The Pink Dread'." She gasped in shock, her hand coming up to cover her mouth. 
"They did not! How horrible! If I am ever to see them they should be very afraid," she said, still processing how family could do something so foul. Aemond smiled a genuine smile. 
"Indeed they should," he mused, looking at how the sky had darkened considerably in the hours they had been talking. 
"Perhaps we should get back," he offered, getting up and holding out his hand for her to get up.
She smiled at him and took his offered hand. "Aemond," she started, and he turned to face her. "Would you like to fly home?" she asked with a wide grin, to which he heartily agreed in response. She hooked her arm under his knees, the other moving to support his back, he was smaller and more lithe than she was, and almost a head shorter than her "You may want to hold on!" she laughed as she shot up into the sky. 
There was a fit of excited laughter that erupted from Aemond as she glided just above the trees of the forest, he took in the sights and heard the rushing air in his ears. Aemond could see where the sky met the earth in a slight curve, the sky surrounding them a beautiful clear blue. Beyond land and out into the ocean hung large grey clouds heavy with rain, the sky around them a deep green. His feet barely brushing the tops of tall evergreen trees, he had never been this high up before - neither Helaena nor Aegon had ever done this for him before. Though it did not last long; it would be a fond memory he would have forever. 
It was unusual for an Illyrian to choose to fly another person around, as most of her people were born with the ability to fly. If anyone was to see her doing this it would be greatly frowned upon and mother would surely scold her, but she knew it would make Aemond happy; so she did so anyway. She had no idea as to why she wanted to impress the scrawny blonde currently cradled in her arms, she owed him nothing. But something in the giddy laughter or the bright eyes and infectious smile made her feel a fluttering in her stomach that she never wanted to go away. 
They made it to the castle as the beginnings of rain fell from the sky, she took a deep breath trying to get as much of the scent into her lungs as possible. Both children raced inside to avoid the large droplets. "Meet back at the library at noon?" she offered as he nodded eagerly, they both went their separate ways to change and take lunch. The princess decided to take her lunch in her room, kicking off her boots as she passed the threshold of her room, sighing at the cool stone underfoot. 
By the time she had reached her room, there were a few small plates of different breads, cuts of cured meats, fruits and cheeses waiting for her on the small table in her room. She sat down and picked at a few strawberries and a few slices of cheese before ultimately figuring out that she wasn't hungry at all. 
She sighed and sunk down into the chair, she wanted to get both Helaena and Aemond a gift since they became such fast friends. That's when an idea struck her. She bolted upright and immediately made her way to the chest at the end of her bed, she sifted through the underclothes and old boots when she pulled out a long wooden box, Yes! She thought. 
She also had the perfect gift for Helaena too, she had a pinned butterfly that was framed in a small glass box; she thought that both gifts would be amicable. She smiled to herself and placed both boxes on the end of her bed, she would give Aemond his gift first and then the next time she saw Helaena next she would give her the butterfly.
She found herself aimlessly wandering the halls of the castle to fill in time, this afternoon she opted for a light linen dress in the prettiest shade of lilac, it reminded her of Aemond's eyes. It had a square neckline and short sleeves, though a white bell sleeved chemise covered most of her arms; the wooden box clutched tightly in her hands. 
She found herself standing outside her mothers solar, about to knock on the door when she heard several voices coming from inside. "I apologise, your Grace, but that is not possible; she will remain here until her duties are satisfied," her mother bit, Cluethael could only assume that the Targaryen queen was on the receiving end. 
"So you wish to raise her to fight and gnash her teeth like some kind of wild animal?" Alicent shot back, she cringed at the queen's words. It was only last night that the queen defended her from her own son, did she not truly mean what she said? Her mother sighed, no doubt pinching the bridge of her nose in frustration. 
"She will remain here with her family until she fulfills her duty, as is her birth right. You will not be taking her to ward." her mother answered in as neutral of a tone as she could manage. It was Alicent's turn to pinch the bridge of her nose now. 
"Fine, but in six years time when her duty is fulfilled, she will be sent to King's Landing to us and will be married to my son within the same month" a frustrated sigh escaped both queens lips. The oncoming footsteps coming towards the door pulled her out of her thoughts as she scrambled back from the door and down the hall towards the library. 
She saw the double doors of the library and ripped them both open. She nearly ripped them off the hinges in her panic. Her chest felt tight and she could feel the hot pin pricks of tears brimming her eyes as she began to hyperventilate, she did not bother to look for Aemond she only sat on the floor in the far corner that was covered in comfy pillows and furs wrapping her wings around herself in comfort. 
The rain was angrily falling outside, the once clear sky now painted a deep green from the clouds. If she didn't feel like she was breathing through a straw she may have actually enjoyed the vantage point she had.
The library door creaked open, Aemond's silver haired head poking around one of the large bookcases, he let out a soft gasp as he saw a leathery winged lump sniffling in the corner. He raced to her and dropped to his knees on the soft pillows, watching attentively as she wiped the tears from her face.
"What's happened? Tell me sweet girl," he spoke softly, taking one of her hands in his and rubbing it softly with his thumb. Cluethael took a minute to compose herself before speaking though it didn't work.
 "I overheard our mothers talking and your mother wants to take me to ward," she cried. A wide smile broke out across his face. Why was she crying? This was the best news! She would get to live with him and his family, they could read and train and play any time they wanted. 
"That's great! Aren't you excited?" he asked, moving from a kneeling position to a sitting one, she shot him a look so sharp that he immediately leant back, as if distance would fix the situation.  
"Do I look happy? And besides, my mother will not let that happen anyway," she snapped. 
It was Aemond's turn to be angry this time "So what? Do you intend to live like a wildling fighting like a common sell sword? With no knowledge of how court works?" he said, each question harsher than the last. She visibly cringed and ripped her hand away from him. 
"Your mother said the same thing, perhaps we are not suited to each other after all," she bit, standing up; taking the box with her. She turned to him and held it out. 
"This was supposed to be a gift-" 
"I don't want your pity gifts," he cut her off. 
She gritted her teeth and turned on her heel, placing the box on the small table by the window before exiting the library and slamming the door so hard that the hinges rattled. She made her way back to her room, the vicious lighting and rumbling thunder reflecting the roiling cocktail of emotions that sat in the very pit of her stomach. 
She did not dare look at her guard and she entered her room, her sniffling giving it away to him that her joyous day had gone very much awry he patted her on the shoulder "All will be well My Princess," he said softly. 
"I hope so," was all she whispered in return as she closed her door.
The young prince felt his blood run hot, the anger in his vein still boiling, he stood up with a huff to leave when the wooden box she had clutched tight to her chest was sitting on the small table. His curiosity getting the better of him, he gingerly opened the box to reveal a dagger, it had a straight blade but along the flat of the blade was what looked like a mountain range and the moon hanging above it, just outside of the mountain tops reach. 
The pommel was a blue sapphire set into a hilt of gold filigree, it was a truly stunning blade. It was a little too big for his hands but he was sure he would grow into it, he held the blade parallel on his pointer finger, it was perfectly balanced. He went to place the dagger into the box once again when he let out a shaky breath when he saw a hand written note tucked under the blade.
'To my dear Aemond,
Thank you for accepting me for who I am, I shall not forget it. I wish to give you this to remind you to protect yourself, you never know when you may come across a Dragon.
Forever yours'
The words panged painfully in Aemond’s chest, as he placed the note back with the blade and closed the box, picking it up and taking it with him. He had meant to tell her that he was to leave tomorrow, as his Aunt had passed and they had to leave for Driftmark. But after things went awry he didn't think he had the heart to tell her; he did not wish to risk seeing her upset again, nor did he want to swallow his pride. 
So instead he tucked the box under his arm and headed back to his room, unsure of what would become of the friendship between him and the princess, he wasn't so sure he would see her again, considering the vitriol they spewed at each other not thirty minutes ago. Aemond rounded the corner to his chambers Ser Criston's familiar face flanking the left side of the door, he scanned the young prince raising his eyebrows at the box. 
"The princess gave it to me," was all he divulged before he entered his chambers, and closed the door behind him.
Much to Aemond's dismay the princess did not attend supper so he instead found himself blindly playing with the leftovers on his plate. He was quite happy to stay in his own world, but Aegon had other plans; his older brother leant to him, his breath heaving with wine. 
"Has the princess tired of looking at you already?" Aegon slurred. Aemond slammed his fork down on his plate, making an awful clatter, before shooting up out of his chair and storming out of the room and back to his guest chambers, Ser Criston following diligently behind him. He passed the threshold of the room and slammed the oak door with all his might and threw himself onto the bed face down so he could scream and thrash. 
He had no idea why his brother could never close his mouth. He soon found his eyes beginning to droop and grow weary from the challenging day, he did not try to fight the on coming fitful sleep. Meanwhile the young princess fought sleep, all of her terrible feelings and thoughts and the moment he snapped at her when they fought interchanged with all the happy times she had when she was with him. 
She threw back the covers with an exasperated sigh and tumbled out of bed, the storm was still raging on the other side of her window. The rolling thunder shook the panes of glass every time it boomed, she curled herself on the low backed settee in her room and stared out the window. She couldn't see much, just the inky expanse beyond her room until lightning struck outside her window, it lit up the sky and the ocean. 
The raging ocean slapped and bubbled below her, she jumped out of her skin as the roar of thunder rolled overhead. She couldn't help but laugh at herself and the fact that she was almost grown and was still terrified of storms, she shifted to lay on her stomach, her wings hanging on each side of the settee and settled her head into the crook of her arm. It was there she found a fitful sleep of her own.
The sky was a dull shade of grey when she woke, mother nature seemingly reflecting her own emotions as she sat up and stared at the droplets of rain that patterned on the window. The fur blanket from the night before pooled at her feet as she got up to dress, she was determined to talk to Aemond about what happened yesterday. To tell him that even if he was prideful and spiteful, he was kind and he made her laugh and… She thought that she was in love with him.
She did not bother to change, only throwing on a dressing gown and ignoring the shoes that sat haphazardly discarded as she hurried to the library. She flung open the doors, her shoulders dropping as she  saw he wasn't in the spot that they shared. She felt her heart begin to pound, she raced down the walkway towards the dining hall. Gods, she hoped he was there, someone, please be there; she begged internally to any gods who will hear - sadly, they did not heed her prayer. 
None of the royal family was anywhere to be seen, that's when she collided face first into a chest she closed her eyes in hopes she had ran into the king or the queen just anybody, she opened them to find Kylan staring back at her with raised brows "Looking for someone?" she asked, his arms folding over his chest in delight. She gave him an incredulous look. 
"I'm looking for Prince Aemond, I have to talk to him" she admitted, her hands fidgeting nervously. Kylan sucked in a sharp breath, she knew the game was up. "He is gone… Isn't he?" she asked softly, her wings drooping in sadness. A beat of silence followed. 
"Afraid so princess, they left early this morning. Though I'm sure you will see him again," he said desperately trying to keep the tone light, it wasn't working. She said nothing in response, only brushing past her trainer to return to the library, her safe space.
The hinges on the door creaked, no doubt due to the abuse they had faced the last few days she felt her resolve begin to crumble as she turned to close the doors. Fat tears begin to fall and leave salty track marks in their wake, she looked out the window out towards the sea. She so badly wanted to follow him but she knew she was needed here; it was her duty to stay here. 
Her eyes fell to the table where she expected the box to be only to find it replaced with another one, it was a small box of sturdy dark wood she gingerly opened it to find a necklace laying on a dark velvety cushion. A gold chain sat inside the box and a charm hung proudly from it. 
She inspected it closely to see a finely crafted seven pointed star glinting in the fire light of the library. She gasped softly, it was beautiful. She pulled the necklace over her head and let it hang from her neck; she would never take it off. She looked at the box again, to find a little note poking out:
'To my Wildflower,
May luck be ever on your side in the coming years. I shall return for you.
Your Prince, Aemond'
She began to cry again finding herself missing a piece of her now she knew he was gone, for now at least. She knew it was silly to be attached to someone she hardly knew but it felt different, it felt hard to breathe, like she had been stabbed in the stomach; or how she thought being stabbed would feel at least. Huffing and wiping her tears, she did not want to cry anymore.
 She was more than how some silly boy made her feel she was worth more than that. Stalking the aisles of the library looking for the 'V' section Ah! There it was! Pulling out the decaying book and scanning the cover, it read 'Introduction to High Valyrian', she would do anything to feel closer to him. 
She grabbed the two thicker following books on the language and headed back to her chambers to learn, she would not be caught uneducated so she would learn all she could, and train harder than she had ever done before. She did not understand why the prince ignited such a raging fire in her, but she liked it; she would use it as her driving force for the years to come. To fill the void that he left her with.
She would not be caught vulnerable again.
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zaimta · 2 years
Umm... Hi! I saw the request is open, also your Laxus's content is very great (I love it especially the newest one)! Is it okay for me to request another Laxus x GN!Reader again? Perhaps... Reader agrees to get back with him after what he did to them, the guild, etc. Is this safe? I hope you don't mind this... Thank you!
a/n- ily, more laxus content but this time someone asked for it!!
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
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“laxus…you’re staring again.” evergreen said as she rolled her eyes with a grin. the thunder legion was well aware of laxus’ feelings for you. it was obvious he still loved you but, he would never act on it, he would always assume it was for the best.
“yea i got it.” he tore his gaze away from you chatting with your friends on the lower level but, it was only a few short moments before he was looking at you once again. his eyes filled with longing and love for you.
“dude i get you guys broke up and all but this is embarrassing to watch.” evergreen kicked bickslow’s leg under the table causing him to yelp in pain, “i think it’s cute! ah young love!” she giggled to herself as laxus rolled his eyes in a teasing manner.
“nevertheless you need to tell them how you feel laxus, i’m sure they feel the same.”
evergreen rested her cheek on her hand and sighed “yes of course but we also have to consider the battle of fairy tail freed.” the table quickly grew silent at her statement “what?”
“aw come on evergreen now it’s like you’re saying the dude doesn’t have a chance!” bickslow half shouted as he slammed his fist on the table.
“i’m not saying that i’m just looking at this from a generic standpoint!”
“regardless bickslow is correct evergreen.”
“oh please not you too!” the thunder legion argued amongst themselves while laxus stared at you from his spot on the second level. was your smile always that radiant? you’ve known each other for a while but yet he was getting butterflies in his stomach, he felt like he was a teenager all over again. he wanted to keep his distance from you but yet something about you pulled him in, it caused him to move his body towards you without even thinking.
“well are you going to ask them out or not laxus!” they shouted in unison staring in shock looking at laxus’ now empty seat.
evergreen looked towards the downstairs area where laxus made his way towards you “well boys looks like it’s happening.” the thunder legion looked over the railing with smiles on each of their faces, now all they could do is wish their friends the best.
“hey y/n can i talk to you outside?”
“yea sure.”
you followed laxus outside, as you followed him out he was silent, and even then when he turned around to face you he was still silent searching for the right words to say.
“…i missed you” he chuckled at his word choice “you drive me so crazy you got me saying cheap ‘lines’.”
you giggled lightly “hey now where’s the guy i knew? you know the one who could always say what’s on his mind?”
he smiled slightly at you, he really did miss hearing you laugh it was his favorite thing to hear “he’s currently on a break…but do you wanna try again? you know us?” he pointed a finger at you then back at himself “after i saw you on tenrou i wanted nothing more than to pull you into my arms but i couldn’t…well more like i shouldn’t have i felt like i didn’t deserve you after what i did.”
“and what about now?”
“hell i still feel like i don’t, i’m unsure but if there’s one thing i’m sure about is that i love you y/n, and i would love to be with you again.”
you smiled softly at him “well when we win these grand magic games you can take me out on a date.” you kissed the corner of his mouth softly which caused him to blush slightly a soft pink quickly coated his cheeks.
“it’s a date laxus.”
the two of you headed back inside you wondered back to your spot downstairs while he headed back upstairs where the thunder legion was waiting.
“so what did they say we need all the details!” evergreen looked at laxus with excitement even though there was no guarantee of the two of you getting together she couldn’t help but let her optimism get the best of her, she always loved the two of you as a couple and was your biggest supporter the thought of two of her good friends happy together sparked a fire in her.
“it’s happening there’s just one condition.” the thunder legion members leaned towards him anticipation eager to hear about the surprise twist.
“well come on man spit it out!” bickslow groaned in frustration.
“we gotta win those games.”
evergreen crossed her arms with a smile “well what do you know, they want this as much as you do. we already knew who the victor of this year’s games was going to be.”
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thevoidscreams · 6 months
Sweet red wine
Chapter 1 Things get steamy as you help your favorite astartes experience more things. No smut yet but there's plenty of need. and kissing.
Pairing: my Blood Angel oc Cornelius X Reader
Another day, another list of chores to do. No matter how much you wanted to stay in bed. But that was life, especially if you were a serf to the Legiones Astartes. And here on the Sword of Baal there was a never ending stream of tasks that seemed to need doing. But by far the best task, in your humble opinion, was armor duty. Most of the marines liked to keep theirs on while you cleaned and polished those precious metal plates. And there was no marine better than Cornelius. He was a kind soul who was gentle and never abrasive towards the serfs, the same wasn't always true about the higher up aboard the ship. 
But what did that matter to you? He was also very noble and handsome and he let you alone polish his armor.
He said he favored the way you cleaned it over the others. But in truth it was just that he liked you. You would never shy away from him or act meek as you go about your tasks. Your bright smile always made his day just a bit better and he'd seek you out when he could, just to see it. And you spoke to him as you worked, sharing the latest bit of drama with him.
"Good morning Cornelius."
The space marine turned his head up and smiled.
"Hello." He returned and set aside the book he'd been reading.
"Are you done with all of your chores already?"
"I am. I did them as quickly as I could without leaving them unfinished. I need time to make sure I get your armor spotless after all."
Delighted, the marine sat still on his stool. Waiting for you to start. "So what's the recent drama?" 
Taking up your first rag you sighed dramatically.
"Well, someone took Andreus's bottle of cleaner from his cubby in the closet and he insists it's Lania. But she swears it's not her. But here's the thing, we've caught her doing it before. I tell you Cornelius, she's a cleaner thief. And "why?" You might ask. It's because she doesn’t want to go all the way down to the main supply closet and get a new one like the rest of us."
Cornelius nodded along and hmm'd at appropriate moments. The serf drama was almost always harmless squabbles triggered by someone being lazy and not quite pulling their weight. 
Cornelius refrained from chuckling so he wouldn't disrupt your work. His shoulders and torso were the first place you started. Top to bottom was key unless it was just a spot cleaning. He watched your hands work circles against his plates and allowed himself to almost become entranced by the sound of your voice, focusing on the meanings of every little word. He hadn't been to battle or to drink in a while. He could practically feel your pulse as you hovered near him. He knew he couldn't hurt you even as his fangs pricked at his lower lip. He'd have to drink soon. The hunger was so sharp. His gaze wandered. Traveling up your arm past your shoulder to your neck. Hidden behind the high collar of your shirt.
You shivered, your focus disrupted as you felt a chill run up your spine. The kind that you got when you saw picts of Tyranids or other monstrous xenos lifeforms. The pricking of fear of being stared down by something predatory. 
But that wasn't what Cornelius was. He wasn't a monster, he was an angel. A son of Sanguinius. Sure, you'd heard rumors about the legion in your years serving them. But those were stories….right? Older crew who'd been serfs much longer than you had warned you of bleeding around the Astartes of the blood angels legion. But it hadn't been an issue before. 
Suddenly you felt very self conscious, hyper aware of every movement your body made. Of every potentially sharp edge of his armor. However despite that, there was also an underlying thrill to it all. 
"Is everything alright?" 
You glanced up at his handsome face, smiling but still self conscious. 
"Yes, all is fine. I just want to do the best job I can."
He nodded, the fine curtain of wheat gold hair swaying as he continued to stare with those slate gray eyes.
Your heart thumped against your ribs. He really was so handsome. It was ridiculous.
Everyone knew the sons of Sanguinius were almost inhuman in their beauty, but most didn't actually desire them.
It was almost impossible for you to understand them. How could they not desire the Astartes around them? Your reason for feeling self conscious suddenly shifted and you felt the need to take a quick breather. But that might make him suspect something was off.
'Just keep working, just calm down.'
However, that was going to be hard to do with your panties soaked. Every moment a new fantasy would spring to your mind and the room seemed to grow warmer and warmer.
A gauntlet clad hand startled you as it came up to lift your chin, concerned gray pools scanning your face.
"Your face is very red. Are you sure?"
"Y-yeah." You squeaked, "just uh, feeling a bit warm is all."
"Oh, you should remove your shirt then, you're wearing another layer underneath, correct?"
True, you were, but only a tight under shirt that was keeping your chest secure so it wouldn't jiggle as you worked.
That made a whole new category of fantasies spring to life in your mind. But you did as he suggested, and the suddenness of cool air on sweaty skin helped a bit.
"How is that now?"
You nodded. "It's better."
You took up the rag again and applied fresh cleaner to the plates of ceramite.
The undershirt didn't leave much to the imagination, it was more of a cropped top.
Cornelius had begun to suspect that you were not being entirely truthful. Your heart was pounding and he could hear it. He could also smell the subtle shift in your hormones, his plate prevented you from seeing that it affected him too. Especially now that you were practically half naked behind such flimsy bits of cloth.
The Astartes reached for you again. Tucking a strand of hair behind your ear with one red finger. The red of his armor was so striking against your skin. It reminded him of blood, and of urges he was too ashamed to admit. Not even the chaplain understood, when he'd mentioned having urges he'd simply chalked it up to the thirst. But this wasn't like the red thirst or the ever present threat of the rage. This was different and his brothers seemed oblivious to this need. It felt wrong but also so incredibly human. It made him feel like a teen again. In those times long passed before he'd been taken up and raised above most of his fellow humans. He remembered seeing the pretty girls around him and feeling this warmth. This need. His secret shame was feeling it for you, his favorite serf. His favorite human.
You were pretty, more than that even. He wasn't blind, he knew what most people would consider attractive, but he was terribly inexperienced with women. He and all his brothers were, after all it wasn't his job to seek comfort or pleasure. He was the emperor's righteous fury, the light in the endless darkness. But oh how he wished for just a short time he could be the one protected by another's light. It's why he insisted on you, his favorite serf, coming everyday to polish his armor. To touch him and fill him with that light. 
Your small wide eyes searched his expression for some explanation as to his sudden touches. But he just smiled and pulled you in close with one large arm. You practically fell into his lap as his arms encircled you. Your heart fluttered like a bird caught in a cage.
"Cornelius?" The sound of your voice was so small and unsure of what to make of this.
"I-i am sorry." He stammered, "I do not know what came over me. I just needed.." needed what exactly? He couldn't say, but holding your small form on his lap felt like a step in the right direction. But he wasn't sure how to proceed.
What he knew of affection, or at least the affection that wasn't platonic between his brothers and himself, was the few brief glances he'd seen of the human crew sharing intimate moments. Touches, kisses, and such. He knew what sex was, of course, he wasn't stupid, but he'd never touched a woman.
His cheeks grew hot. Not that that was going to happen, not without you wanting it too. He'd never force that on to anyone. But oh how he longed to know what that kind of passion felt like.
Cornelius was startled out of his contemplation by the touch of your bare hand on his cheek. "Are you feeling okay? You're acting very strange."
His hands felt unusually shaky as they trailed up and down your back.
How should he say this? What if he scared you off? Or even scarier still, what if he didn't. He wasn't sure what he was more afraid of.
"I want…" He scolded himself for not having the words. "I want to, uh.." He wanted to do the things he'd seen with you. To hold and kiss you and, oh Emperor preserve him, to do even more if possible. His plates would have to come off for that. 
"To? I need you to tell me Cornelius, I want to help you." 
His expression turned bashful and you were surprised to see him blush.
"Kiss me!...please. I want you to kiss me. The way others do. The way…lovers do." His confession was abrupt and it left you feeling like your brain had just fallen out of your head.
"Kiss? Like us, kissing?.. Yeah I think I can. I've never kissed an Astartes before. Am I even allowed to do this?"
Cornelius shrugged, there were no rules against Astartes having physical relations, at least none he knew of. And besides, it'd just be a kiss. At least to start out it would be.
Well, nothing to it, but to do it, as your mother used to say. Trembling you leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek to start. You'd need to work your way up to actually claiming his lips. His skin was smooth and firm, like a marble statue. But it felt nice, so you kissed his cheek again, this time closer to his lips, but not quite.
Cornelius could feel frustration and some other unnamed feeling rising in him. But he made himself content with holding you and letting you work at your own pace.
You hadn't been anticipating being in a make out session with your favorite space marine. But it wasn't the worst turn of events.
Gathering your courage you, taking his cheek in your hand, pressed a kiss to his lips.
Cornelius had to fight the urge to tighten his grip on you. It was like clicking a piece of a puzzle into place. As your lips pressed sweetly to his, he wasn't sure what to do next. He let out a soft groan of frustration as you pulled away and looked at him.
"Is this your first time kissing?" You asked, serious in your inquiry, but not in a mocking manner.
"Yes." Cornelius felt an unusual pang of worry. Had it been that bad that it was so obvious.
"Okay, well I know where to start off then. When you kiss there are a few ways to go about it." Your cheeks bloomed with red. 
"How should we go about it?" The Astartes seemed almost excited. "Well that depends on what you want or like."
Cornelius sighed and looked around the room, as though the ornate walls would hold the answer to the question.
Gingerly he picked you up, it was an odd feeling for you both. For you it was odd to be carried around as though you weighed nothing. And for him it was the pleasant feeling of having you in his arms.
He walked the short few paces to his cot and set you there. The material wasn't quite comfortable but it was no less unpleasant than the mattresses in the serfs quarters.
He doffed his armor rather quickly, returning to the cot as eager as you'd ever seen him.
"May we begin?" His lower body was warmer than yours, pleasantly so, you noted. "Sure."
He scooted closer, waiting for you to continue. You cleared your throat and went on. "You mentioned kissing the way lovers do. But that doesn't narrow it down so much."
Cornelius's fingers drummed on the cot. Perplexed. "Perhaps you could show me the way you like to be kissed, and we could move from there?" He suggested.
That was doable. You stood to straddle his lap, his hands came up to cup your rump and back.
Shivers of delight accompanied the touch. Cornelius leaned down his lips brushing over yours happily, you kissed him back, pressing in with tender need. Your hands came to rest on his cheeks as your touches and kissing became more eager.His lips were softer than they looked, perfectly warm and pliable. They melded together with yours as if they were made to. It sent tingles of pleasure up and down your spine and you moaned softly into the kiss. Cornelius pulled away startled by the sound. “Are you alright? I didn’t injure you in my excitement, did I?” His steely eyes were so sincere it stopped any laugh you might have produced. “No, Cornelius, it just felt..” you grasped for a way to describe it without being too lewd. “Very good. It felt so good I couldn’t help myself.” This seemed to lighten his mood again and he pulled you back in, closing the distance between the two of you. Everything about him was intoxicating and getting lost in him would be so easy to do. His lips caressed yours, tender and allowing you to take the lead again. Which you did with much enthusiasm. A natural rhythm was worked out silently as you both grew more confident. The sensation of it all was electric and left you feeling even more needy as your hands roamed up to glide through his soft golden locks. His own hands began to explore your sides and hips and even your thighs. Squeezing with gentle pressure, as he moaned into the kiss.
Time seemed to slip by as the two of you stayed in each other's embrace, lips locked in with amorous intent. “Cornelius..” You sighed breathless as you came apart to breathe. As you did he leaned down to press his forehead to yours. “That was wonderful, thank you.” He smiled and relaxed into you. “Was it everything you hoped it would be?” You nuzzled his nose with yours, the differences between the two of you completely forgotten. “It was, thank you. We will have to do this again.” He assured you. It made a deep excitement bloom in your chest.
“I would like that very much.” You replied, as he kissed your forehead. He sighed in relief and found that strangely his hunger was far less severe than it had been before and made a mental note of it. He’d have to have this special time with you more often.
When you left he got back up and donned his armor again the red thirst was slated strangely enough but as he dwelt on it during his meditation he felt a different urge surfacing. It was hot and distracting. He’d have to make a note to ask you about that the next time he saw you.
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A companion to Thurinus, in more ways than one.
I They say you were born Caesarean Foot-first, a breach birth, Cut from your mother's corpse. They say the doctor gripped Your leg wrong, poor Agrippa, That's why you cannot run.
Your sister steps in—Vipsania— To raise what your father won't. Your brother tells you legends Of Carthage and Corinth crushed. So you better learn your Latin To work in a Roman world.
II At eight, you meet Octavius Frail and fatherless, mother missing A useless youngest, like you. But he appreciates your assistance And an ugly impulse is proud That for once, you aren't the weakest.
You doodle in your downtime Of buildings long abandoned. All roads lead to Rome, and so flows The wealth. Octavius asks, Listens, looks actually upset. "If I were ruler of the world—"
III Years pass, and your classmates Cluster cluelessly round Octavius. Something about a "Caesar," Their fathers said. You flirt with Him for a laugh, and he shoves You into the river, ears red.
At twelve Octavius is taken To his relatives in Rome. In his letters he lets out His heart, his hate, how much He masks for his stepfather's sake, How much he misses you.
IV Dark clouds drape the country As Caesar and Pompey splinter. At your father's insistence, Your brother joins the legions Representing the republic. As usual, you're ignored.
Octavius sides with Caesar And your father forbids you write. You confess in your final missive Your families have become foes, But forgo your father's name Leaving merely Marcus Agrippa.
Your classmates are conscripted, and for once, You feel grateful to be lame.
V You can't fathom who'd follow Caesar And march on Rome, removing Their opponents piece by piece. You know nothing of your brother Till his body returns home Bruised, bandaged—and breathing.
To thank the conqueror's kindness You attend his triumph: a moment Of gold amid the masses in rags. Octavius rides beside him, A sun-kissed vision at seventeen. You walk in different worlds.
VI Two weeks later, a letter: Octavius is gravely ill, And he wants no one but you. Though you can't run, you can ride, Arrive to find him feverish, And he asks you for a favor.
Caesar sailed for Spain without him Because Octavius was weak. You've felt that same fire To prove people wrong, see his hope Of rekindling a connection. You can't help saying yes.
VII You get seasick, shipwrecked, Lost at the edge of the earth, But find your bearings by the stars Astride stolen horses. Octavius Takes his turn scanning for Spaniards. You learn to hunt, to hide, to kill.
Over a hundred miles, he wonders Where you'd lay down walls, Build bridges, start cities. Five years, and he never forgot Your scribbles, as if someday They might be more than daydreams.
VIII You embarked from Rome as boys, And meet Caesar's camp as men. He gives you a dozen duties: It's a compliment, coming from him. Later, you learn Octavius Petitioned your brother's pardon.
Why didn't he reveal it? Embarrassed, he explains, He didn't want you indebted. You aren't a follower, but a friend. No sooner the word is spoken Than you know it's not enough.
Caesar sends you both to Macedonia, only months Before he is murdered.
IX It's dangerous to know Octavius. He could be on the killers' list. He hopes he can protect you By going back to Rome. But you were broken once, And won't abandon him again.
Together you enter Italy, are Detained by the dictator's men. He's left Octavius everything, Not least his famous name. And as your friend affirms Agrippa, You're the first to style him Caesar.
X In Rome you fight to rescue Your friend's rightful fortune. But Antony's embezzled, and Insinuates young Caesar Only earned it through incest. Caesar stops you from strangling him.
The dictator's dead, but Antony Breaks bread with his butchers Indifferent to injustice, and The legions' grief for their leader. Cicero assesses, assures his support Against your common enemy.
XI It's only a matter of months Before Antony and the assassins Wreak havoc across the country. You and Caesar swear allegiance To the Senate, raise a legion While Cicero wars with words.
It's easier than expected To kill your countrymen. You're reborn in the blood of battle And secure Italy's safety At Caesar's side. Cicero Stabs you both in the back.
XII Step aside, he says. A whisper Of his real thoughts reaches you. The saviors of the Senate must be Praised, raised, and erased. Caesar's irate, would rather Demand his due. And you?
Submit to the republic That never respected you? Or risk everything for a vision Of a city worth calling a capital And what the world could be If you purged the opposition? You will follow your Caesar faithfully, And march on Rome.
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the-fiction-witch · 4 months
Theif P2
Media The Last Legion
Character Romulus Augustus
Couple Romulus X Reader
Rating Sweet AF
Part 2??
Part 2??? 🙂
Part 2!!!!!!!
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I sat on the balcony of my suite looking out across the city, I sipped my wine and snacked on some grapes I was worried about Y/n but I hope she’s doing okay. The sun began to set I heard the door so I perked up a little and turned as the head of the handmaids came out onto the balcony and bowed to me, I raised my eyebrow at her,
“The… girl, is ready Your grace.”
I felt a chill down my spine with excitement given she had been gone so long I could barely imagine her, “Send her here. Now.” I demanded,
She nodded and headed out the room I smiled and fixed my hair a little trying to make sure I was presentable, until the handmaiden returned and with her she brought y/n.
I barely even recognised her.
had now had a pair of small leather sandals laced up her legs with purple ribbon, her bruises and cleaned and wrapped, her chubby body covered with a sweet soft lavender-coloured dress in a style as most Roman high-class ladies wear, a belt of the same purple ribbon around her waist, a silver necklace with a crystal Around her neck hung to her sternum, her
hair had been cut to her shoulders clearly the handmaids couldn't unmatted her hair so just cut it to get it fully cleaned, now her hair soft, and fluffy with another of the same purple ribbon in her hair as a bow, her skin a clean and she looked happy
I'm left speechless, at a loss for words for the first time in many months, if ever. I don't recall ever seeing someone so gorgeous. She's so adorable, so sweet. And that dress is adorable, it fits her so well. I feel my breath become a little bit heavier as I take in her beauty...I look her up and down, admiring her beauty. I don't notice the sweat beginning to form on my forehead as my face warms a little bit from my staring. I feel myself becoming a little bit too focused, and I have to remind myself I do not want to make her uncomfortable, especially in front of the handmaiden. So I try to clear my throat and not be too invasive as she walks closer to me
"I'd say we did a good job your grace given our starting point" the handmaid spoke up,
Y/n blushed a little as we met eyes,
“Yes, you did good.” I smiled, “She looks... outstanding.” I smiled, “You and all your staff have a week off. Paid. and each of you help yourselves to some wine from the cellar.” I smiled as I gently took Y/ns hand, the handmaid nodded and left the two of us alone for a while I couldn’t even speak I just wanted to look at her,
“Do uhh do you like your dress?” I asked her,
“Pretty,” she smiled holding her dress,
“Ummm… very very very very pretty,” I told her,
I smiled just hearing her say my name made me so happy, “Yes Y/n?”
“Miss… you… I did,”
“Oh my sweet y/n, I missed you too,”
"ladies... Help... With...words" she giggled
“That’s so sweet,” I cooed, “How about... I tell you that you are the most adorable and beautiful girl I have ever met. And I want you to know... I feel happy when I am with you. Do you- do you see me the same way?”
she blushed hard "Romulus, makes me ... Much happy"
“You think I make you happy?” I blushed too, “Well... what would make me even more happy now, would be to kiss you…”
“yes, a kiss” I smiled but she still looked puzzled, “I'd love nothing more right now than to kiss you. May I?”
"kiss...kiss...kiss..." She said repeating the word in confusion trying to figure out its translation in her mind "Kiss is?" She asked puckering her lips and blowing a kiss to me "Yes?"
I smile when she blows me a kiss. It shows how innocent she is, how pure she is. And in a moment like that, a moment as pure as this, it is only right for us to kiss, so without saying anything, I lean in and press my lips against hers in the most delicate kiss of my life, just like she had done before, I don't pull away. I keep my lips against hers, and now they are moving, our kiss becomes more passionate, I wrap my arms around her and pull her close to me, and continue to kiss her… We kiss for a few moments more, and it is simply perfect. I feel her lips, soft and sweet and comforting, and I do not want this perfect moment to end. I squeeze her in close to me in a tight embrace, and I continue to kiss her. Our lips move faster and our bodies press harder against each another as our kiss becomes more intense and the heat between us intensifies. Eventually, I feel myself becoming too overwhelmed and I pull back, panting.
"ohh... Kiss." She blushed nodding her head "Kiss makes me happy"
“M-my dear y/n... I take another breath that kiss made me so happy. So, so happy. I think it was the best kiss of my entire life.”
"I like...kiss Romulus. I kiss Romulus all day"
“Y-you want to kiss me... all the time?”
She nodded with a sweet smile,
Words fail me. I am stunned and taken aback by the thought of it. A pretty girl, a beautiful girl, wanting to kiss me every day? How did the gods ever decide my life should be so lucky? And how could she get even prettier every moment? I feel so lucky...
"kiss... Again?"
“Kiss all the days” I smiled pulling her back into a sweet and beautiful kiss as perfect as our first when I pulled back I couldn’t help staring at her face, I couldn't help but feel so thankful to be so lucky to have such a gorgeous and adorable girl to see her smiling softly at me,
"umm Romulus" she cooed nuzzling into my neck, “Kiss all the days,”
“All the days my darling,” I cooed hugging her tight and kissing her head,
"Romulus help me. Romulus save me. Romulus give kisses" she giggled
I can't help but smile when she laughs so playfully like this. I realize now, I have fallen in love. My hands hold her in a tight embrace and I keep kissing her as she keeps wishing for more kisses. It seems her little mind can't handle these experiences, and it only makes her even more precious. I can only imagine how much better it can become and I knew in that moment as I held her to my chest, one day we'll get married... I know we will, I will make it so. I want to marry this woman more than I have ever wanted anything in the life.
"where... Romulus live?" she spoke up,
“Here, in the palace of course, sweet, dear y/n” I smiled, “We're in the private rooms of the Emperor himself. I live here, And you will as well now…”
"me? Me here?"
I nod my head, and I gently stroke her beautiful hair, which feels so soft and wonderful
“You'll be here. With me. All the days,” I smiled,
"for all the days?"
“You'll live here, just like me. Just like we are now, close to each other, loving each other. Do you like the idea?”
She nodded almost bouncing with excitement,
“Come on then my dear,” I smiled sitting with her on the balcony keeping her close so we could chat and I could keep teaching her words, “Where about did you come from?”
“From... Cold up"
“C-cold up? Do you mean...the mountains? North of Rome?”
She shook her head,
“Uhh even more north? from the land of the Barbarians?”
"Up, up, top where the sun goes bye-bye for many month, snow and... Polar teddies"
“Ohh… that's very very north,” I laughed,
“Very very north,” she nodded
“the land where it is so cold that the sun goes away for many, many months. That's where you're from?”
She nodded,
“So, tell me y/n, is your home really as cold as you say? The coldest place I've been to has been up into the Alps.”
She nodded,
“Have you ever been there? To the Alps I mean? You should see the mountains.”
She shook her head,
“I will take you there someday if you want. You could feel the snow in your hands, and see the sun go away behind the mountains... you would like it…”
"snowy place, here?"
“Y-yes, up in the Alps, on top of the mountains... it is a beautiful sight, and I think you would enjoy it very much…”
"I would like to see snowy place"
“You would? You would really go up to the mountains with me, just me and you?”
She nodded excitedly,
“I promise you, If it will make you happy I will build you a villa fit for an emperor, as close to the Alps as I can, where it snows every day. And we can live there you and I. if it would make you happy I would build you a castle in the snow-covered Alps just for you my dear,” I smiled kissing her head,
"does... Romulus...have...lady?"
There's a little pause as I think of how to answer this. This beautiful girl is asking me such a simple yet also such a complicated question. But ultimately, there's only one answer.
“No, I do not. I have no woman other than you, dear y/n. In fact, I'd like to ask you my- my precious lady, could you be mine? Could you be my only lady?”
"me lady?"
“Y- yes, you, my precious lady. I will never want anyone else other than you. Would... would you really be fine with that? You won't ever be lonely, I promise... I'll be there for you, and I'll protect you. I'll always care for you and love you. I won't ever cheat, or abandon you... I'll be there for you, always... so, would you be fine being my only lady...?
She nodded and jumped hugging me tight and peppering kisses all over my face, I couldn’t help but laugh hugging her tightly and giving her kisses too, "y/n is lady now?"
“Yes, dear. You are my lady. You are my only and only... my special girl. And I will make you my bride, and my wife, and I'll make you my Empress, my beautiful lady…”
"empress!" She giggled excitedly
“That's right, dear. I will make you my Empress. We will get married, and you will become the Empress of all of Rome. How does that sound, my precious princess?”
"empress y/n!" She yelled excitedly
“Yes, dear, Empress y/n. My beloved princess. My sweet, sweet lady. That does sound nice…”
"umm love Romulus" she smiled Hugging my chest,
A wave of emotion washes over me as my bride-to-be hangs on me and smiles up at me. To see this much joy and love from her makes my heart skip a beat. She is really getting very close to me, as if she's comfortable with me now, and I love it. She is so close, our heads almost touching, and her breathing is almost in tune with mine. I feel so happy, so complete. I look down at her beautiful face, and I feel myself falling for her even more than before...We stare into each others eyes, and her innocent, pure, and playful expression makes me feel so good in the inside. I don't want to lose this feeling of being so close to her. I want to keep feeling her heartbeat, I want to keep hearing her breaths. I just want to be with this girl forever. To have her beside me always. I feel so many emotions in this moment, all of them so positive and special. We have grown so tightly together... she has now become the most important piece of my life. I feel complete.
“I love you too Y/n,” I smiled giving her a sweet kiss, “My sweet little thief, you’ve stolen my heart, and I will never ever let you go.” 
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queenharumiura · 1 year
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Me, an indecisive person cannot choose a ONE true pairing with Haru. I could probably reason my way through shipping her with a whole legion of different characters if it's done a certain way. Still, I do have some biases.
Haru with Hibari, Yamamoto, and Gokudera are my strong biases. Honorary mention to Belphegor (bc it was a ship on this blog at one point), and Byakuran (look LOoOOOOooooooK, it was in the works at a time, okay? I said I could reason most things if it's done a certain way and I meant it)
In general, +/- 5 years has me feeling a bit uncomfortable. Larger age gaps... are acceptable if certain circumstances are met-- like she is an adult and she's met them as an adult. Possibly.
Honestly? With how prudent Haru is, the answer should be if hands start to roam LOLOLOLOLOL realistically, that get chalked up to a suggestive tag. When clothes start coming off that's when a NSFW tag would be needed.
I'd say so? I care about chemistry and me understanding the dynamic between two muses. To elaborate, as much as I enjoy Hibari and Haru, if I don't know how the other person writes and portrays their Hibari, I will not immediately say yes. I have to understand how they write their muse and see how that muse interacts with my muse.
Once I get a good feel for that, and if I think I can get along with the mun, I'm more or less open to giving it a go.
... man... this is an out Neo question. There was a time when there was talks of an AU Tsuna x Haru ship (I know, it's a shock for me). There were also talks of Mukuro x Haru in an AU (lol don't judge me, okay? I enjoy challenges) From a personal standpoint (non-rp) kinda thing, I've also liked to think on Basil and Haru, or Shoichi and Haru. I won't lie, Enma x Haru had my attention at a point too.
Look... in the Haru interviews she did say she likes them kinda dangerous and wild and my brain goes: lol so Ken? AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH (did I mention that while I also like a challenge, i'm also a troll?)
Ah! I won't lie. Haru and Kyoko also has me thinking sometimes. The day anyone asks me about why I ship or think about certain pairings is the day you better have cleared at least an hour on your calendar.
I don't ship it, but random trivia is that I once found art with Jaeger and Haru on tumblr. I searched for 30 mins and couldn't find it to terrorize people with. (I did however save it to my computer somewhere so I can terrorize you if you ask to see it on discord. I saved it for terrorizing purposes. If I HAD TO SEE IT SO WILL YOU!)
Yes, because I default everything to friendship. I will never assume anyone is going for a ship, so I need to be explicitly told. I'm kinda dumb so I may not realize you're trying to hint at a ship. Just tell me you're interested and i'll consider it.
I'm mostly ship more or less because I don't need Haru to be in a relationship to be happy. It can be nice to have, but I'll live without em. Though if you take the time to talk to me a lot and thread a lot with me, I can easily get invested the more a relationship's dynamic is fleshed out. I get lowkey (and sometimes secretly) obsessed then.
Yes... but I don't think it's ever happened that way before in the years i've had the blog.
Ohh... favorite... singular. Oohhhh ye I don't do choices. Just refer to question #1.
The easiest way is to talk to me ooc sporadically and get me comfortable with you. Thread with me and allow me to get a feel for their dynamic together. If I seem to be friendly with you and we've talked a decent amount, you can just go: 'hey wanna ship?' and i'll probably say yes.
If you're looking for any other dynamic (familial, friendship, etc), just straight up ask and i'll be like AYO? YEEEE
Stole from myself
Tagging: I don't tag, just steal it.
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munsons-maiden · 2 years
hi ok so u don’t gotta post or respond if it makes u uncomfortable or weird or anything like that but ig I just kinda felt like I gotta rant and get this out there bc idk what to do :( I have been feeling v insecure on how I look and I’m not a super confident person in general but just feeling more down abt myself lately ig, like I try hard not to compare myself to others but when i see people post or people just around me who are prettier it gets hard to not wish that I could be like that u know? idk I try to own my uniqueness in my looks but it’s hard :(
I'm very sorry you feel that way, dear. I know you most probably know that, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and the beauty standards in our society are awful and tbh unattainable - especially now when there's a filter for everything; doesn't make it easier to love oneself.
I could tell you about all the things we all know and yet don't feel (beauty comes from within - it IS true; albeit it doesn't change what we see in the mirror. It would be a beautiful world if mirrors could show us what lies within).
But I promise you that there is at least one person who finds you beautiful yet sadly never dared to tell you. Strangers you meet who look at you and think "she/he/they has/have beautiful eyes" - or the most amazing smile, or a stunning style, or gorgeous hair. They just never tell you, but I promise promise promise that it happens, and more often than you might think.
Self-love is such a difficult thing to ever learn, but I once saw a post or tweet, I can't even remember where but it helped me - if you can't love yourself, start accepting yourself. Pick out the details you like about yourself and focus on them. Think about how much you like feature x instead of disliking feature y.
And I know this isn't about Eddie or Joe Quinn, but it's a very good example: when the new characters for ST4 were announced, there was an absolute shitstorm towards Joe, with so many people calling him ugly. And now Joe is the new tumblr sexyman. What changed? He still looks like he always has. Yet there are legions of people falling at his feet now. It might be Eddie's magic but I doubt that because in the end, Eddie still looks like Joe as well. So...personality. Sounds super cheesy but something had to have changed because a lot of people who found him ugly before now think he's the prettiest man alive - no matter whether they fell for Eddie or for Joe or both.
I'm telling you this because my psychology degree taught me that, yes, first impressions are mostly determined by outer appearance; but LASTING impressions, those which actually determine whether we find a person beautiful or not, those are determined by character and personality and kindness above all else. (Believe me, there are about thirty studies I needed to know by heart for the social psychology assignment that made three months of my life living hell so I will. Never. Ever. Forget. The Facts.) So beauty does come from within, says science. Maybe it helps to remember these things whenever you feel like this 🖤
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hyperfixatinglove · 2 years
Hii!!! 1, 6, 10 and 13 for the meta asks!😁😁
1. how did you discover your f/o’s content?
I think I discovered it through yt? I watch a lot of gaming videos so sometimes yt just recommends random games to me and I think wat//ch dogs was one of them. I vaguely also knew abt the graphics etc controversy because I sometimes watch top x number videos about games.
I wasn't interested in Aiden's source at the time (this must've been around 2015 or something idk I have the worst memory with dates / years) and wasn't for long time. Suddenly his game just became interesting to me and I hyperfixated on it big time. The rest is history or something.
6. if your f/o is from a series, which episode/movie/game/book of their source content is your favorite?
First game obviously.
He's also in Legion (2nd sequel) as DLC character but his design is so far off what I imagine Older!Aiden to be AND Jackson is so wildly different to what I imagined him to be at 26??
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Does this look like the same person to you??? I get that ppl don't stay the same (Jacks is 8 in 1) but?? this??
Also the downgrade of Aiden just...
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I'm going to say it; that beard does NOT fit him.
Aside from.. superficial stuff like this, the way his dialogue is written is far too generic (at least in main game or something? I can't shake the feeling his dialogue is off somehow even when his VA did reprise the role or I don't like change this badly lmao) and doesn't FEEL like HIM at all. Also him working WITH Dedsec as whole when in Chicago he explicitly refused is bit, wtf moment for me (yes I'm aware that both San Francisco and London Dedsec are different from Chicago!Dedsec and his mind can change but?? still??) Also I can't see Aiden tolerating Wrench at all. He didn't as DLC reveals so anyway.
Also the whole "he's in coma and his mind is this Silent Hill-esque hellscape bc he never moved on from Lena's death in last 10+ years for majority of DLC" plot is just.. I'm letting out the biggest most annoyed sigh. (Him digging his own grave in the coma dream was kinda neat as it's sad tho)
All in all his inclusion felt like poor attempt at some sort of pandering or something. No effort.
Also he's mentioned to be homeless in Legion?? When in books he has safe room in house he rents to elderly?? He has his container safe houses?? He can just steal money and rent some place??
The only thing I kinda give to Legion is canonically him & Jacks & Nicky had no contact for years. Also the fact that Jacks is bitter and angry at Aiden bc he aggravated his PTSD and other shit.
I did like his short cameo in 2, where he's stuck in cell and 2's protagonist helps him out a little so he escapes by himself (and he's explicitly there to shut down human trafficking operations).
I'm kinda iffy but kinda love how he's famous in both 2 and Legion and his name and nickname Fox is known widely in hacker circles as sorta celebrity / legend type. I love it bc it's cute & makes for sorta interesting narrative but also I'm iffy bc I want him to be able to be under radar so he doesn't have to move all the damn time but he did become famous at the very end of 1 so I guess I gotta deal.
10. if you could change one thing about your f/o’s source content, would you? what would you change?
Either have the game explore more deeply how and why Aiden acts and thinks the way he does OR Clara survives
If we don't talk about story things, I'd change the gameplay from all the damn car chases to heavily feature ´hacking and potential gunfight / sneaking opportunities
13. do you have a favorite line your f/o has ever said
Favorite line I didn't mention earlier?
"You're not the first woman to tell me that" after Clara said she'd "open his world" in reference to her phone she gives Aiden that has some Dedsec stuff that makes it easier for him to hack stuff or smth. (Clara's observation of Aiden's intimidation being "very textbook" is my favorite line of hers)
Also the lines where he wonders did he get Bedbug killed are obviously my favorite because FOR ONCE Aiden actually stops to think about larger consequences of his own actions also he sounds pretty panicked there.
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the-fiction-witch · 2 years
Lady Of The Baths P1
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I sat as I often did on the throne listening to the advisors going on and on about... I don't even know. I had given up listening, it was far too hot to listen. I had a maid girl on either side of me fanning me, my clothes down to the absolute minimum I could wear, but still, I was melting. It would have been nice for one of my advisors to tell me when I said 'I want to renovate and have the Palace of Capri as my primary home' Would have been fucking nice if they told me how hot it gets! even the roman guards had layers of sweat across their faces, the red and gold fabrics on the collums and windows not even moving the air was so still. ehhhhh I'm so hot. I want to rest. at last, he finally shut the hell up so I went out onto the porch standing there in the hope of getting some of the sweet sea breezes but nothing. not even a whistle through the air. I sighed grabbing one of the fans from the maid girls who had followed me out here and fanning myself much faster and firmer.
"Good afternoon My Emporer" An advisor smiled as he followed me out
"what?" I asked leaning on the wall still fanning myself
"some of the men and some of the maids are asking if they can be allowed to take the day"
"take the day?"
"yes, you see many of the maids, guards and other palace staff feel that well today is simply impossible to work in this heat, they have asked nicely if perhaps this afternoon they make take the day to go to the baths, even take swims in the sea your grace?" he asks
"Yes of course, not a problem" I nodded "everyone is permitted to take the day enjoy the baths and the sea. In fact I likely will myself"
"Thank you" He nods
"Yes, I myself will be in the royal baths, I do not want to be disturbed," I told him "Under any circumstances" I warned
"Absolutely your grace" He nods
"Thank you" I nodded, I hurried down the various levels of Capri until I reached the royal baths I bowed to the maids and guards who had followed me all the way down here so they all headed away but one guard "I'll be fine Autaulis, its a bath"
begrudgingly he left, so I headed inside making sure to lock the door behind me.
The room was as beautiful as always, we had completely renovated the royal baths even if some things had been updated for myself.
it was a large room of course, with three pools one round centre pool that had flowers floating on top of the water this pool was often hot and had more speciality things like roses, salts, and other such things, surrounded by six pillars with only one gap between the six big enough for anyone so it was used as the entrance and exit, with a statue across from the entrance an old statue one of the ones we found when renovating not sure who it was but she was a very beautiful woman with the water for the pool flowing from her vase she was pouring, around that centre pool was the other warm pool this one large with lots of space to swim and wash the waterfall at the end of the room-filling this pool even if it had a few smaller taps around its edge to flow in smaller streams of colder water to keep the water not hot but sweetly warm, the floor a sweet mosaic of the ocean with blues and greys even fish and octopus' below the flowing water, One long thin pool to the side barely big enough for two people with the sweet fresh cold water one large tap filled this pool, candles lit around the place the only source of light down here making the sweet candle lights flicker dance across the room even with the water relflections, the sweet moasic roof of the stars and consitialtions gone with gold and silver lines and shapes so they sparkled in the sweet light, the walls all beautiful stone with flowers and other sweet shapes carved in, the sweet sounds of water trickling from the various falls, of it moving in the baths, the cracking of the candles, the sweet smell of the fresh warm water, steam misting the tops of the two hot baths, and the sweet sultry sound of harp strings being gently plucked. I glanced to the bells at the doorway so I gave them a gentle flick causing them to sweetly ring,  as they did the harp strings stopped.
I looked over to the other side just before the edge of the bath where sat an even more beautiful sight than the baths themselves. A table with a few items such as grapes and little sweet tarts, and jugs of wine, along with towels of all various sizes rolled up sitting in waiting for use, a few trays and small cushions where the fabric had been treated with wax to especially waterproof them, and a harp that sat still gently being plucked by the sweetest most delicate of fingers. Holding the harp was the lady herself, a beautiful girl from the local town hired for the palace as the 'maid of the baths' or Lady of the baths as I called her, her job was to keep the baths warm, clean, and of course private to stop staff and other people sneaking into my royal baths, easily a maid, caretaker and guard of this fine beautiful room. she was of course a maid, a simple peasant girl, but you could say she knows more of me than anyone else, she knew my secrets, my real feelings, and of course my body more than anyone, she was more than a simple palace maid girl to me, she was the lady of this fine room, like a goddess of my relaxation my own cute little bath nymph or Naiad, there were not many times she ever left this room, doing her important work at all times, she was far more than just some maid, just my bath girl, she was my lady of the baths and I had made no secret of my... attraction to her, she sat on the stone floor harp in hand, barefoot, her smooth legs glistening where she had clearly been in the baths today her curved ass so perfectly sat against the stone her little hips so sweetly sat exposing her beautiful curves, the harp snuggled close to her preventing me from seeing everything I wanted to, her arms bare woking so slowly pluck the strings, her hair up in the vastly complex braids so it wouldn't get wet.
"It is a pleasure Your grace" she cooed batting those sweet Y/eye colour/ eyes at me running her nose against her harps curves
"My lady" I bowed "it is always a pleasure to be within your presence"
"What pray tell is your purpose here?" she asked
"To cool the heat of the day, relax from my work" I explained "and to see you, my lady"
"I see" she smiled putting her harp down and coming over, I did my best not to stare biting my lip a little looking at that perfect body, she looked even better than the sculptures, her mound as sweet and inviting as possible, her breasts hung naturally and perfectly not to big or too small well a little bigger than the average lady but I liked it, they slight bounced when she walks but so did her ass always gently jiggling with each step, her chain around her neck gold as of course as my bath maid she was in my personal service so like my all my maids she had a golden chain around her neck small much like jewellery than an actual chain much smaller than the chunky silver chains the other staff wear, those voluptuous lips curved into a smile as she came close "The usual then your grace?"
"If it pleases my lady"
"it will" she smiled, she began first as she always does taking my hand and leading me over to the side by the cold pool, I sat on the stone and she smiled as she knelt on the floor she was soft and gentle untieing my shoes completely slipping them by the side, she helped me up and softly worked on getting my belt off, I smirked watching her as she worked, she pulled my clothes off leaving me naked. "cold first"
"You don't have to tell me twice my lady" I nodded
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