#yellow fever treatment
drremedieslabs · 2 years
Dengue Fever Symptoms, Causes, Preventions and Treatment
It is true that dengue fever is pretty painful. It is a debilitating mosquito-borne disease, which is caused by any one of the four dengue viruses. These viruses are mostly related to the ones, which cause yellow fever and West Nile Infection.
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It has been estimated that over 400 million dengue infections take place worldwide on a yearly basis, with around 96 million resulting in illnesses. After you have the dengue fever symptoms by your side, it is time to consult the doctor. Most of the cases primarily take place in tropical areas like The Indian subcontinent, Southern China, Southeast Asia and more. Read more
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secrethealth4u · 2 years
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judeswhore · 11 months
fluff alphabet; jude bellingham
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summary: fluff alphabet
pairing: jude bellingham x fem!reader
notes: you can find my masterlist here. u ask, i deliver🤭u can find the smutty version of this here
A = Affection (how affectionate are they? how do they show affection?)
so so so affectionate it’s sickening to other people but it’s ur favourite thing abt him. he loves hugs and kisses and holding hands and just touching u in general. will randomly come up to u in the house or while ur out w family/friends and wrap u up in the tightest bear hug for no reason other than he wants to love on u. you’ll be talking or just minding ur own business and suddenly he’s smothering ur face in kisses, gripping ur cheeks and just attacking u with his lips and his excuse will just be “cant help it, just so pretty baby”. and saying that he’s so affectionate w his words too. always telling u how gorgeous u are, how nice u look today in those clothes or just randomly compliments u when ur laying abt in the house bc he just needs u to know and never wants u to forget
B = Baby (do they want children?)
so so badly. he has baby fever more than u probably. he always sees his older teammates w their children and it sends him into a spiral bc even tho ur both pretty young he cant wait to start ur own family. he can never concentrate seeing u with children bc it’ll send his mind into overdrive and he’s always telling u how excited he is to finally have kids. probably has a lot planned out already such as how he’d wna decorate their rooms and his favourite names and the two of u probably talk abt it a lot. especially at night when it’s dark and it feels safe to whisper abt ur future together. just snuggling into him and whispering abt which names u like the most and whether they’ll be more like u or more like him and if u should paint their room blue or pink or yellow. i think his favourite thing to do wld be to plan a future that involves kids
C = Cuddles (do they like to cuddle? how would they cuddle?)
he loves cuddles!!! more than anything bc he’s such a big softie and just likes holding u/likes to be held. loves a tight bear hug!! just wraps u up completely in his arms and squeezes, rocks u a little and it’s so comforting to both of u. loves to cuddle in bed too even when ur not sleeping. he’s watching tv and ur reading but he’s on top of u, head on ur stomach while he’s got his arms wrapped around u
D = Dates (do they prefer flashy or casual dates?)
bit of both and it depends on the mood. he adores showing u off and spoiling u rotten so he’ll book expensive restaurants and buy expensive wine and food bc u deserve the best of everything. but bc of his fame sometimes he wants u to himself where u can’t be interrupted or bombarded by fans. so he youse will have a casual cinema date tucked away in the back of the theatre and then eating fast food in ur car parked up in the car park. or just date night at home, just the two of u. cooking dinner or ordering take away, watching movies and smuggling, just super quiet and low key
E = Emotions (are they an emotional person? are they good at expressing themselves?)
we can all agree he’s pretty emotionally mature and he wld be in ur relationship. if something was upsetting him or he wasn’t happy w something he’d tell u bc he’s been taught that talking is always the best way to solve things. he is pretty emotional but he’s not one to hide it, he’ll tell u when he’s sad or when he’s happy and he worn try and hide any of his feelings from u bc he wants u both to be open abt that stuff and there for each other. sometimes he’ll turn to the silent treatment but it wldnt last very long mainly bc he cant cope not talking to u but also bc he realises that it’s stupid and he misses u. he can be very stubborn at times tho so even tho most of the times he’s great at communicating his emotions the odd time his age will really show and his stubborn side will come out. that’s usually what leads to the silent treatment but again it never lasts that long especially when he sees u looking all snug in his hoodie on the bed and he just need to cuddle u. he’d mutter a little apology w kisses and you’d talk it out
F = Feelings (who caught feelings first?)
HIM. he knew u was in deep the second he met u, stumbling over his words and getting all embarrassed, trying to be funny and failing bc he was so nervous. but after a few dates he’d know for certain how much he liked u. making him work for it a little bit and refusing to date him for a while and that just makes him fall for u more but from the get go he likes u so so bad. always flirting, always complimenting u, talking abt u none stop to his family and his friends. he’d talk abt u so much to his mam that she’d know u so well before the two of u even met. him being the one to catch feelings first he’d also be the one to initiate ur first kiss bc he just can’t wait any longer and then after he’d be a giddy little mess and wld have to kiss u again. and again. and again. until ur both giggling and u have to hold him at arms length
G = Gentle (how gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
he’s a baby and a gentle soul in person no matter how angry he gets on the pitch. he’s always so soft and careful with u (unless u ask him not to be) bc he’s aware of how much bigger and stronger he is and he doesn’t wna hurt u. always holds u carefully and kisses u softly until ur demanding more and then ofc he’s complying but if it’s not one of those situations he’s always so gentle with u. he’s always reminding u he loves u too at any given moment, even if ur in the middle of an argument and he can’t leave without making sure he says it
H = Honesty (do they share everything with you?)
yes. ur the first to know anything abt anything bc ur the first person he thinks to call or text or go home to. no matter what it is he tells u, whether it be gossip from the team or his friends or news abt his career he tells u it all. even bad stuff, he shares all of it with u bc he knows you’ll sit and listen and will offer advice if he needs it
I = I love you (who said “i love you” first?)
so even tho he caught real feelings first u were the one to say “i love u” first. saying it after one of this big matches and ur just so so proud of him and the second he’s in front of u u dive at him, wrapping urself completely around him and going on abt how proud u are and then slipping in that little phrase and jude wld think he’d misheard at first. he’d pull away and set u back on ur feet and ask u to say it again and ur smiling so bright at him, taking his cheeks and kissing him so softly while repeating it and he’s just so overwhelmed bc maybe he’s been wanting to say it for a while but he’s been a little scared but now he’s not holding back. smothering ur face in kisses and in between them he’s saying he loves u. just so sweet and cute and neither of u are focused on people around u
J = Jealousy (how jealous do they get? what do they do when they're jealous?)
i feel like he’s very confident in ur relationship and how much u love him so he usually doesn’t get jealous bc he knows if anyone’s coming on to u ur not interested and wld brush them off immediately. but sometimes he can’t help himself, usually if it’s his friends or teammates that have a thing for u bc to him that’s crossing a line. he doesn’t really do anything too drastic, usually just a “subtle” reminder that ur his. will usually wrap an arm around ur shoulder or waist or pull u in for a quick kiss, just something to say “yeah she’s mine u can stop looking now”. it sometimes makes him a little pouty but ur always quick to kiss that away and send him a smile and a reminder that u love him
K = Kisses (where do they like to kiss their partner? where do they like to be kissed?)
loves loves loves giving forehead kisses!!! will just cup the back of ur neck and then dip his head to press his lips to ur forehead. sometimes he’ll linger for a little while and you’ll feel him smile and it’s honestly the cutest thing. does it all the time. to say hello, to say goodbye, to say he loves u, just bc, while he’s laughing over something you’ve said, to placate ur jealousy, as a way of making u feel better if u sad, literally will kiss ur forehead all the time and for so many reasons :(
he likes when u kiss his jaw bc it makes him all fuzzy inside and u often do it before kissing him properly so it’s like a build up. just slowly kissing his jaw until he’s all impatient and then finally slotting ur lips over his and he’ll give this quiet little hum of happiness every single time. also likes when u kiss his thighs, not even in a sexual way (although he does love that). just laying w ur head on his thigh while watching tv or scrolling on ur phone and then you’ll just turn ur head and pepper his thighs in kisses just showing them so much love and he always gets a stupid grin on his face bc he thinks it’s adorable
L = Little ones (how are they around children?)
oh he’s an absolute angel we all know this. is so happy to be around children no matter what, will talk to them, play w them, teach them little football tricks if they ask like he’s just the sweetest and u adore it. if u have little neices/nephews or siblings he’d love being around them, like wld wna babysit all the time and wld have the best time and they’d love him. the way he is w children always makes u broody and he always teases u abt it and jokes that all the babysitting now is to prepare u for future little bellingham’s
M = Morning (how are mornings spent with them?)
some mornings he has to leave before u and if that’s the case he’ll be so so quiet while getting ready and then wld leave with a little kiss on ur head and wld text u immediately after leaving the house to say he’s left and good morning and he loves u :( but if ur able to spend a morning together it’s usually relatively slow. neither of u are morning people so it’s usually quiet, sharing soft kisses and muttered “good mornings” while still tangled in the sheets bc u always take forever to finally get up. when u do u brush ur teeth and everything in silence, jude occasionally squeezing ur hip or nudging u softly in a little loving way. making breakfast together and he’s behind u, arms around ur waist to cuddle into u while u talk quietly abt what ur gna do that day. it generally is just slow and loving and quiet but that’s how u like it
N = Nights (how are nights spent with them?)
SNUGGLES!!!!! nighttime routine together first tho, whether that be showering together or wtv and then doing ur skincare (forcing him to do the same as u bc u wna keep his skin beautiful) before getting ready for bed. he always always puts ur pjs in the dryer while ur doing ur skincare bc he knows u like them to be warm. either snuggling on the sofa w blankets or in bed to catch up on a show ur watching together and he’s got u tucked up against his side, head on his chest and he’s stroking ur arm and ur head and soothing u to sleep. it’s always so slow and soft bc usually u don’t get a lot of time together during the day so nighttime is for the two of u just to relax and bask in each other’s company
O = Open (when would they start revealing things about themselves?)
i feel like it’d take a bit of time at first, not like loads but he’d definitely be a little hesitant at first revealing certain things bc he’s still so unsure if he can trust girls given his fame :( but from the very start you’d make it clear u aren’t interested in any of that and it wldnt take him long to realise and he’d trust u a lot more than he does a lot of people even early on. he’d like u so much from the very first meeting so as soon as he’d figured out he could really trust u he’d have no problems spilling things abt himself, even the most embarrassing of his secrets
P = Parents (do their parents like you?)
oh god yes. like more than they like him and jobe. u and his mam are practically best friends and u always do things w her without jude. always shopping and going out for meals or going to spas and she’s always calling and texting to see if ur okay and jude’s always like??? “hello i’m here too” and she’d just brush him off bc ofc he is but she needs to know how ur feeling today. being just as close to his dad and u and him always bullying jude bc he’s always showing u old baby pics that u can use against ur boyfriend
Q = Quizzes (how much would they remember about their partner?)
every. single. thing. from the very first time u spoke to each other bc he’s been down bad ever since. like remembers things u told him on ur first date and ur like??? how is that even possible. always remembers if u say u like something, even in passing, and then wld get that thing for u and wld act so casual abt it but it means the absolute world to u. being at dinner w friends and they’re offering drinks/food and before u even know what’s going on he’s all “no she doesn’t like that, she’ll have ___ tho” and it’s the exact thing u wld’ve chosen and it makes u all giddy inside how well he knows u
R = Remember (what is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
the first time u went to one of his matches. he remembers being so nervous at first to have u there, tucked in w his family, bc he wanted to impress u and wanted u to see how good he was (as if u didn’t already know🙄). but the second he spotted u he was so giddy, grinning so bright and just wanting to kiss u silly bc u looked so pretty in his shirt. you’d told him that morning that u knew he was gna score bc u could feel it, joking u were a good luck charm and he did score dedicating the goal to u and feeling so happy abt how shy u looked when he pointed ur way. after the match he’d gone and pulled u into a hug and kissed u like he’d been wanting to all match and he’ll never forget ur smile and all the praise u threw his way. u did that after every match following, no matter the outcome, always telling him how proud u are but nothing wld beat that first time
S = Sad (how do they like to be comforted?)
loves back and head scratches :)) if he’s feeling down he doesn’t even really need to tell u bc u can just tell, letting him know he can talk when he’s ready while coaxing him into bed or onto the sofa. he likes when u let him lay on top of u, face tucked away in ur neck ur while u gently graze ur nails over his back and shoulders or over his head :( like i said early he’s good at talking abt his feelings so after a while he’ll eventually tell u what’s wrong bc he knows how good u are at giving him advice or just cheering him up a little bit he won’t move from that position even while ur talking so you’ll spend a good chunk of time just slowly rubbing over his skin until he’s ready to move
T = Try (how much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
he deserves a medal for how much effort he puts into the relationship. even tho he’s a busy boy he still makes sure he’s treating u right. dates are always planned to perfection no matter what they are. he always goes all out on anniversaries and bdays, books time away to ur favourite places as a surprise and buys u the sweetest gifts, often new pieces of jewellery bc he just likes spoiling u. even just day to day he’s so attentive and sweet. leaves little notes on the mirror or fridge if he leaves for training before ur awake, gets ur coffee and breakfast ready so u don’t have to rush when u do wake up. will sometimes bring home ur favourite snacks or something if he’s passed a shop bc he knows the thought alone will make u smile
U = Ugly (what would be some bad habits of theirs?)
he’s a boy and is sooooo messy and doesn’t clean up after himself. definitely leads to arguments when he leaves dishes out or leaves his clothes all over the floor. but then he’ll just flash u that charming smile and give u a kiss and a sickly sweet apology
V = Value (how valuable is your relationship to them? is it a top priority?)
absolutely it’s a top priority. he knows he’s busy and his career means ur apart a lot and he knows that can be difficult but he never lets u think he’s putting that before u. he puts so much effort into making sure u know he loves and appreciates u even if u haven’t seen each other in a while and he’s always inviting u to events and matches so he can keep up w his career and while not neglecting u or ur relationship. if you’ve been apart for a while bc of matches he’ll make sure that as soon as he’s free again u have all his time even if that’s just spending the day at home together
W = Wedding (do they see themselves marrying you?)
yes 100%. he thinks abt it all the time. probably more than u (he’s a massive romantic okay idc). he’s definitely talked to urs and his parents abt it, urs more so in passing as tho looking for approval (which he was given immediately) but w his mam especially he’s talked abt it a lot. he’s looked at rings online a couple of times trying to find which ones he thinks u wld like the most and you’d already told him ur dream destination and he’s looked into it. he’s more than ready for when the time actually comes and ur both ready for the next step. BUT i feel like he’d wna have kids first bc he wants to see them as little flower girls/page boys like nothing wld make him happier than marrying u and having ur children there to see
X = Xylophone (what’s your song?)
mardy bum by arctic monkeys. jude’s always teasing u abt how moody u are sometimes (especially on ur period) and whenever u get in a real mood w him he’d gotten into the habit of playing that song or singing it to u and most of the time it’ll make u laugh, usually bc his singing is so awful. he likes singing it really loud with u in the kitchen even when ur not in a mood, spinning u and dipping u until ur both giggling and almost falling over. mardy bum is also one of his nicknames for u bc of ur love for the song
Y = Yearning (how do they act when they miss you?)
calls and texts u constantly. i’m talking bombards ur phone until u answer and it’ll be w the most pointless messages but u adore it bc u love knowing he’s thinking abt u. he’ll send u updates on what he’s doing, what he’s eaten, pics of things that remind him of u, memes, tiktoks, random “i love u. i miss u” texts. also always asks if u can fall asleep on facetime together sometimes bc he doesn’t wna stop talking to u :( like he really is a big softie. definitely sends u lots of flowers when ur apart w cute little notes attached like “these r pretty and they reminded me of u” he turns into the biggest mush when he misses u
Z = ZZZ (how do they like to sleep)
loves spooning!!!! either big or little he doesn’t care. prefers little spoon after a bad match/bad day bc he likes u to hold him and he always feels safe and loved like that :( but also loves to be big spoon so he can just wrap himself around u and hold u tight, always gives u little shoulder kisses like this while he tells u goodnight. moves abt a lot in his sleep tho so youse never wake up like that the next morning. but he also likes falling asleep w his head on ur chest!! locks his leg around urs and snuggles against ur boobs and asks u to stroke his back or scratch his head and he’ll fall asleep almost immediately bc ur so comforting and cosy to him
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maharlika · 5 months
for the prompt "halstarion hanahaki AU" for @cielsosinfel
Astarion had left the druid as a last resort, but by the third night that he’d thrown up blood-stained flowers, he decided that this was likely far beyond any normal sickness. 
Halsin hummed under his breath as he examined what Astarion had brought him: bright yellow petals from tulips, daffodils, and carnations, all dripping with whatever blood Astarion had fed on prior. 
“Any other symptoms?” Halsin asked, in that deep, rumbling voice of his.
Astarion automatically felt his face turn hot, a strange experience that only occurred when he was full. He was not quite used to it.
“I feel a bit warm,” Astarion said.
“May I feel your forehead?” Halsin asked. Astarion nodded soundlessly, and flushed even hotter when Halsin placed a large hand on his skin.
“Do you feel feverish?” Halsin asked.
Astarion shrugged. His stomach swooped as Halsin removed his hand, concern quite evident on his face. 
“My stomach feels strange,” Astarion said. “Could it be the fever?”
“Hm,” Halsin said, tilting his head thoughtfully. The gesture made his hair fall over his face, and Astarion’s mouth went dry. His head spun. 
This was why he hadn’t wanted to go to Halsin for medical advice. The man made him feel so strange. Almost ill. 
“I think I understand what ails you,” Halsin said, in a voice far graver than Astarion had expected.
“Is it that bad?” Astarion said, attempting levity. 
“It is fatal if untreated,” Halsin said. His gaze was scrutinizing, intense. Hot. 
Astarion swallowed. 
“And what is the treatment?” Astarion asked.
“May I touch you?”
“Yes,” Astarion said, biting back the please that followed right on its heels.
Halsin placed a gentle hand on his cheek, the whole of his palm cradling Astarion’s jaw.
“May I kiss you, Astarion?” Halsin said, and Astarion nodded soundlessly.
Their lips met, and Astarion inhaled deeply, smelling mint and thyme and good, fresh earth. Something in his chest unfurled, and when they parted, Astarion felt a single pristine rosebud blossom on his tongue. He plucked it, and handed it to Halsin.
“Ah,” Astarion said. “Was that the cure, then?”
“Nothing to it,” Halsin said, smiling.
“We should try again,” Astarion said. “Just to be sure.”
“Far be it from me to deny my patient his medication,” Halsin said, and leaned in to kiss him, again and again and again.
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frangipanilove · 2 months
Pharmakon; Fighting Fire With Fire
...or should I say "fighting wildfire with fire"...
(Part one, read part two here, and part three here)
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...in that the virus responsible for the zombie apocalypse is called "wildfire"...
In TOWL 1x3 Bye, we hear the term "pharmakon" used in TWDU for the first time. As Major General Beale explains, "it's an ancient Greek word, meaning both poison and the cure".
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In the next episode 1x4 What We, we see Rick and Michonne escape in that yellow hybrid truck, loaded up with cans of ethanol in the back, making it an electric/bio-ethanol hybrid:
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We know from season 4 of FTWD that "ethanol" symbolizes "the antidote", or simply a "cure"...
I went into great detail on that here.
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What is the connection between the ethanol and Major General Beale's pharmakon?
TOWL 1x4 What We had so many callbacks to TWD 4x12 Still and 4x13 Alone, we all were stunned. Quick question, where would the ethanol (which, according to Morgan Jones, is just a fancy word for alchohol) in the back of Richonne's truck have been produced?
In a still. It would have been produced in a still. Ethanol is produced through a process of fermentation and destillation.
In a still.
Hence all the references to TWD 4x12 Still and the moonshine shack, a shack where ethanol was produced and consumed.
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In the series pilot, 1x1 Days Gone Bye, we are introduced to the physical laws of the TWDU.
We follow Rick, who wakes up from a three week coma in the hospital. The world has ended, and he doesn't know anything about what happend, how it happened, or why. He doesn't know what a walker is, and he doesn't know how to neutralize one. Neither do we, the audience. Morgan becomes the charachter who introduces us to the rules:
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He checks Ricks temperature and finds it to be "cool enough", meaning he's willing to believe Rick on that he's not been bitten, he's simply been shot.
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Pleased by this, he then goes on to explain to Rick, and us, the audience, how the virus works:
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"The fever burns you out. But after a while, you come back"
He later elaborates on how relentless the fever was to his wife:
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"Her skin gave off a heat like a furnace".... meaning the fever burns like fire...
It's the fever that kills. It burns you up. Then you come back.
(also, read about Sirius symbolism here)
In 5x1 No Sanctuary, we hear Eugene explain the scientific basis behind his alledged cure for the virus. Of course, Eugene wasn't a scientist, and he was never going to find a cure for the virus. However, he was knowledgeable, well read, and able to put together a plausible lie:
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Fighting fire with fire. A poison and a cure. Pharmakon.
In TD, we were many who at one point believed in the bite/cure theory, that Beth got bit right before she was taken by the Grady car in 4x13 Alone, and that the treatment she was subjected to involved experimental medical testing, somehow resulting in her surviving the bite without developing an infection/fever. The jury is still out on that one, but in FTWD season 7 we did see a representation of the bite/cure theory that was suspiciously close to our old theories:
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Alicia at one point got bit, and proceeded to amputate her arm. As we know, this has so far been the only way a person can survive the bite; by cutting off the affected limb immediately, before the infection has the chance to spread. This is how Hershel survived getting bit in season 3, this is how Lydia survived after her walker bite in season 11.
Alicia, by her own account, wasn't quick enough. The infection spread, and she developed the fever. Of course that's not something anyone can verify, theoretically she could have cut off her arm quick enough, and the following infection could have been a reaction to the amputation itself rather than the virus. However, the assumption given by TPTB is that she wasn't quick enough, and that's also her own belief.
According to Morgan's rules from 1x1, that should have been the end for her. There's no surviving that. She developed the fever...
...and fought it for months...
...way longer than anyone else we've seen in TWDU so far. In 1x6 TS-19, Dr. Jenner explained that the longest time between bite and reanimation at that point was 8 hours. Alicia went months without reanimating...
In 7x15 Amina, we watch her struggle with the fever. She's closer to dying than ever before. She has dreams of herself as a walker, she has hallucinations, she thinks she's talking to a little girl, who in reality is a representation of herself. Alicia is preparing to die in this episode, but the girl, who is Alicia herself, explains that she was once bit, and she survived just fine.
The girl brings up an excellent point:
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This is a fair question. This is the role fever normally plays in infections. Fever raises the body's temperature in an attempt to burn the infection out. Fighting fire with fire. But as we know from Morgan's commentary in TWD 1x1, this fever is different:
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"Bites kill you. The fever burns you out. Then after a while, you come back".
And Alicia is well aware:
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...but the girl, who is a hallucination of herself as a young girl, insists that's she's going to survive.
Throughout the episode we watch Alicia's struggle to avoid giving up. The episode is packed with symbolism we already know and love, such as bird symbolism and stairwells as representations of metaphorical passages between the realms. At one point she's in a stairwell, trying to reach the top of Strand's Tower. She says she's not going to make it, then the girl replies over radio that she will. She then sees a bird, which guides her through the burning tower.
By following the bird, we see Alicia reach the top of the tower. We later see her wake up, her fewer gone, the bird by her side.
She's the first person in TWDU to get bit, develop fever... and then subsequently recover from the fever.
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She's the first person to survive a bite and the following infection! That is, if she really was too late with amputating her arm, as she believes herself. If she really was infected, she represents something completely new in TWDU, a complete shift, a paradigm shift, away from the old rules that Morgan laid out in 1x1. The end of the beginning, and the beinning of the end?
A cure?
Last but not least, Alicia's confirms that the bite/cure theory that TD were discussing after Slabtown, could be real. Hypothetically, it could still be what happened to Beth in season 4-5.
What set Alicia's case apart from others we've seen bitten in TWDU, that potentially allowed her to survive the bite, infection and fever, was that she had been exposed to high doses of radiation around the time of her getting the bite. This is where the potential "cure" part of the bite/cure theory comes into play. And this is where "radiation" ties into the pharmakon/"fighting fire with fire" framework.
And this is also where things get interesting for TD, because Beth would have had access to radiation therapy at Grady, in fact, there was a whole storyline about an oncologist, Dr. Trevitt, who Dawn desperately wanted to have saved. Oncologists deal with radiation therapy. And to make matters even more interesting, he had previously worked at St. Ignatius Hospital, and as I explained here, the name "Ignatius" is derived from the latin word for "ignite", which refers to "ignite/spark a fire"...
...fighting fire with fire...
Radiation goes under the "fire" symbolism, because electromagnetic radiation, in the form of everything from UV rays from the sun, to X-rays as well as other types of radiation used in radiation therapy, has the potential to burn your skin. When you get a sun burn, that's the UV rays from the sun burning your skin.
In fact, we saw this theme revisited in the last season of FTWD:
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(Thanks @wdway for these screenshots)
We learn that June, inspired by watching Alicia survive for as long as she did after her bite, started experimenting with treating walker bites with radiation therapy. She didn't have massive success, and the patients experienced burns from their treatment and eventually died, but we did see her treat Dwight and Sherry's son Finch after he was bitten. And while he ultimately didn't survive, they were able to extend his life with one week, likely due to the radiation therapy. So while a full cure might be a way ahead, Finch's response to the radiation therapy could be concidered legitimate medical progress.
And as a fun fact, I will mention that after we saw Rick survive his little death fake-out back in 7x12 Say Yes, when he survived by hiding in the yellow carnival ride car which I discussed here, we did see this:
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No, I'm not talking about the infamously bad CGI deer, I'm talking about the ER sign behind it. ER for Electromagnetic Radiation? As in radiation therapy? In a death fake-out scene?
If it turns out that radiation therapy in some way, shape or form could help treat walker bites, or potentially create some kind of cure/vaccine/immunity, that would be fighting fire with fire, or should I say fighting wildfire with fire. It's a poison and a cure. It's pharmakon.
Ok, so back to the ethanol. How does it tie in with the radiation, how could it represent a cure, and what does it have to do with Beth and TD?
Well, one clue came in TWD 10x16 A Certain Doom. The Whisperers war was at its height, and Whisperers had surrounded Team Family, who were sheltering in a place called the Tower (interestingly the same location as the one used for Grady Memorial back in season 5) with thousands of walkers.
In order to escape and survive, Team Family mounted loudspeakers on to a wagon, and blasted music to draw the walkers away. The song they went for was an interesting choice; Talking Heads with Burning Down The House:
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...whose lyrics include this line: "fighting fire with fire"...
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Keep in mind, the walkers in TWDU are what they are because of a virus specifically called "wildfire", they're a threath to humanity because of the wildfire virus...
If that's not a representation of "fighting fire with fire", I don't know what is...
And how do we tie ethanol to the symbolism around "fighting fire with fire" and "burning down the house"?
Because of TWD 4x12 Still, in which houses were definitely, decidedly burned down...
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Burning down the house. Fighting fire with fire... And how did they set the house on fire again?
Ethanol. They used ethanol. Moonshine.
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Which is why it's so darned interesting that TOWL 1x4, with all the references to TWD 4x12 Still, ended with Richonne escaping in a yellow electric/bio-ethanol hybrid truck, supplied with cans of ethanol in the back. Ethanol, which would have had to have been produced in a still, and is famous for burning really well, even well enough to burn down houses.
And let's again appreciate Daryl's immediate response after learning the truth about the wildfire virus back in TWD 1x6 TS-19:
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It's like he knew... He couldn't have known that ethanol/alcohol would be involved in a cure all the way back then, but I have a sneaking suspicion TPTB knew a thing or two about it...
I recently wrote about the resurrection symbolism from the sorghum barn from TWD 6x10 The Next World. In that episode, we saw Eugene endorse sorghum as though it was a miracle grain, and maybe it is, because sorghum can be used to manufactor ethanol.
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In TOWL 1x1 Days, we saw a similar type of entusiasm over a different grain, millet, when we learned that Okafor was growing millet in his study/appartment, and was constantly on the look-out for the perfect strain of millet. Millet can also be used to produce ethanol.
In TWD season 9, we saw Daryl oversee an ethanol production plant at the Sanctuary. They made it from corn, which they grew on the premises. As the Sanctuary was a factory rather than fertile agricultural land, the crops weren't exactly thriving, and the ethanol production was at the center of many of the conflicts in 9A.
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Nevertheless, we saw Daryl convert bikes and cars to run on bio-ethanol. His current bike, which we saw Carol drive in the sneak peak for DDTBOC (which apparantly needs work on its transmission), runs on bio-ethanol. We saw Maggie, chief of food production at Hilltop, trade produce for bio-ethanol.
It was used as fuel, and now we've come full circle with that, in that we saw the yellow electric/bio-ethanol hybrid truck in TOWL 1x4 What We.
This is already a massive post, so I'm saving the rest for part two.
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The 11 most venomous animals you can find in Germany
Ususlly you would think about exotic species when it comes to venomous animals, particularly species from Australia. Others are so common that they spontaneously don't come to our mind, such as bees, wasps, or hornets.
However, there are indeed venomous species that live in Germany, which can cause discomfort to severe pain, and – in rare cases – death.
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Ammen-Dornfinger (Yellow Sac Spider), its fangs can penetrate the human skin and inject poison into the tissue. Symptoms are usually not worse than a bee sting, but can also cause nausea, vomiting, and shivers.
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Gelbbauchunke (Yellow-Bellied Toad), the mucus contains a poison that is irritating to the skin and particulaly the mucosa and the eyes.
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Petermännchen (Weeverfish), likes to bury itself in the ground near sandy beaches so that only the venomous spines stick out, causing a danger to the feet of tourusts. The symptoms include excruciating pain, swelling, redness, heat, neusea, vomiting, joint aches, headache, lightheadedness, increased urination, tremors, and in rare cases abnormal heart rhythm, seizures, gangrene, tissue degeneration, and unconciousness. This fish is considered the most dangerous venomous species that lives in Germany.
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Spitzmäuse (Shrews) have venomous teeth. However, they rarely bite humans, and even more rarely have the power topenetrate the skin. They mostly use their venom to kill insects.
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Kreuzotter (Common European Viper) are elusive animals, so very few peple have actually seen one. Their venom is three times more poisonous than that of the most dangerous rattlesnake. However, the viper doesn't like to waste its venom, that it also uses for hunting, for defense, and it has a much smaller reservoir. That's why the viper is only dangerous for small children and elderly people. Between 1959 and 2003, no viper-related deaths were recorded, and in 2004, an 81-year-old woman died. Victims often have to be hospitalized, about 10 % of them required ICU treatment. The symptoms include severe swelling, shortness of breath, and heart issues, in rere cases paralysis of the affected limb. On the other hand, numerous cases are known where the victims had no symptoms at all, probably because the viper didn't inject the venom.
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Aspisviper (Aspic Viper) occurs only in the southern parts of the Black Forest and is very rare. The venom is similar to that of the common viper. It is expected to expand its territory in the future due to global warming.
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Schwarzblauer Ölkäfer (European Oil Beetle) sprays a substance that is severely irritant to eyes and mucosa.
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Eichen-Prozessionsspinner (Oak Processionary), hairs of the larvae easily break off and float through the air. They contain a venom that causes symptoms that reach from mild urticaria to severe dermatitis. If inhaled, the hairs can cause bronchitis, painful cough, and asthma.
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Feuersalamander (Fire Salamander) has venom on the surface of the skin. In humans, it causes a slightly burning sensation on the skin, but it is absolutely deadly for dogs.
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Gelbe Haarqualle / Feuerqualle (Lion's Mane Jellyfish): Touching this jellyfish causes excruciating pain, eczema, fever and breathing trouble.
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Wasserspinne (Diving Bell Spider) can penetrate the human skin and inject venom. The effects are usually mild and not worse than a bee sting.
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wolfs-writing-den · 26 days
Snippet #1 - Aftermath
Obi-Wan and Dragon!Anakin escape, with the main casualty being Anakin’s arm. This is the late-night, unedited, rambling edition of a conversation that comes later- after the reveal that Dragon!Anakin is In Fact Vader The Sith.
Dw tho. I’m sure things go fine later. Mace is gonna be thrilled.
•Snippet Below!•
“Vader… your arm needs treatment. This ship’s kit barely has a decent strip of bacta, you need professional medical treatment-“
“Then drop me off at the next spaceport, and go home, Obi-wan.”
The Jedi seemed torn, and at that he could only growl through clenched teeth. The room swayed, another flash of pain left him almost breathless, clouding his senses and adding to the fog coating his thoughts.
Obi-Wan was shaking his head. Why was Obi-Wan shaking his head?
“I’m not going to abandon you.”
“Why not?!”
“Because you are injured! Severely!”
“That has never stopped anyone before!” Anakin’s growl turned thunderous, eyes flashing sickly golden-yellow. Obi-Wan faltered, before setting his jaw and staring back just as fiercely.
“Jedi do not just discard their allies- their friends- so easily.”
“Good, because I am neither-“ Anakin hissed, irritation and pain fueling his ire against this stubborn, stupid old man. “- I am a Monster, Jedi Knight. Worse even- a Sith Monster.” He spat, teeth sharpening into fangs even as a white-hot pounding in his bones warned against any further shift.
“I don't need your mercy or your help.”
The sad look he got from Obi-Wan in response only stoked the flames. With a bitter curse he moved to stand- only to try and brace himself with his missing hand. A guttural cry ripped from his throat as the roughly-bandaged remains of his forearm failed him, sending him to the floor in a rather inelegant heap.
Or well- he would’ve ended up there had Obi-Wan not caught him. He fell limp against the Jedi, his remaining hand clutching the other’s robes as he let himself be guided down to their knees. The gentleness and care that Obi-Wan took startled him, so abruptly different from his usual existence. It felt utterly surreal, like this was all merely a fever dream.
“No monster would’ve saved my young padawan like you did- no sith would’ve taken the care to ensure safe escape for all those slaves at the camp.”
“…” Anakin shivered, falling into the warmth of the Jedi holding him up, breathing ragged and broken. His arm burned, his senses felt muddled- the force was muted in a way it never had been before and instinctively, he knew it was associated with the loss of his arm. It would never be the same again.
“I- I am no friend of the Jedi.” His voice felt hoarse, and his words lost their bite. He was pretty sure he’d reopened something and was bleeding all over Obi-Wan. “You and Ahsoka don’t count. You’re both crazy.”
He got a quiet chuckle at that.
“But I’m serious. What do you think will happen when you bring me back to that fancy temple of yours on Coruscant?”
“You’ll get medical treatment, and proper care afterwards. You have valuable information- a deal could be struck for your safety. A sort of witness protection.”
Anakin could only blink up at the man owlishly, his sheer naivety astounding. “Obi-Wan…. I’ll be put in suppressing cuffs and thrown in the brig. They’ll torture whatever information they want out of me and then kill me if they know what’s good for them.”
Even before he was done talking, the other’s head was shaking ‘no’. Again. Damn him.
“Please- trust me. If you can’t trust the Jedi, trust in me. I won’t let your wounds go untreated- you lost your arm saving us, Vader. If you don’t get treatment now you may lose your life-“ his voice cracked, and to Anakin’s flagging consciousness, the emotion over something so trivial made absolutely no sense.
But… Obi-Wan believed it. The truth of his promise chimed out into the force, even muted as it was. He was so, so tired…..
“Fine.” He huffed, “do as you see fit.” Black spots flitted in and out of his vision- making his head hurt something fierce. He thought he may have heard his name being called as his eyes slid shut and he slumped against the warmth at his side- but he was unconscious again before it could matter.
Obi-wan was left holding his new charge- hoping desperately that he wasn’t making some horrible, horrible mistake.
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barbwritesstuff · 5 months
Hmm ok hard to say 🤔early 1800s would mean miasmas was still the leading belief around sickness which means that hand washing and hygiene was secondary to "clean air" and scents hence why it was so easy for bacterial things to spread, I could be simple and say some sort of bacterial infection in its dormant period
If I want to be creative I'd say something like an autoimmune disease would be interesting, they're still relatively deadly today but there are a few well known for their slow creeping progression as the body's immune system failed (or turned on itself and started killing itself) leaving people feeling relatively fine at first before issues start arising very aggressively (or just flaring up and having your immune system devastate you out of nowhere, some have reported not knowing having one until they woke up paralyzed one day with no warning and then only having a few days before said paralysis spread to the heart/lungs)
The early 1800s was also a time that diabetes was a very sudden killer with no treatment it was definitely a decent death sentence and around 20% of people nowadays don't even know they have it despite testing being a thing (with no testing or treatment or statistics for diabetes in the early 19th century all we really know is that it existed and would suddenly kill people within weeks of symptoms) so it could be said Marcel had early stage type 2 diabetes perhaps
I can't think of a super notable plague or epidemic of any sorts that'd feel like it during the early 1800s off the top of my head, the bubonic plague did its third wave during the mid - late 1800s and the first cholera outbreak started like a year after Marcel died iirc. The only outbreaks I can think of would perhaps be typhus which ravaged french soldiers and was brought back home with them during 1812 and yellow fever which had tons of outbreaks all throughout the 1800s. Typhus can take ~2 weeks to show symptoms with yellow fever usually only taking a few days and both had rather standard flu/cold symptoms of feeling run down and feverish so I'd say both are a bit harder to pin if he didn't feel sick at all
But uh yeah those would be my main ideas/guesses I suppose? I am no expert tho just someone a bit too interested in diseases lmao
My evil writer trait: Why world build when readers will do it for me for free?
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J2 Chicon Main Panel 2023
The panel starts with Jared telling us he’s finally getting his knee looked at to get it fixed! He's getting it treated by a doctor right there in Chicago. Actually, his appointment was today, Monday, so hopefully, that went well 🙏He's been putting it off for a while so I'm glad he's getting treatment and I wish him a full and speedy recovery.
On to questions, why did Dean decide to get killed at the end of the series? I’m typing it as it was asked people.
Jensen jokes that if you look closely, if you play it in slow motion you can see him steering and telling the guy where the nail was, telling him to put him on it and end this misery 😂 But seriously, no, he did not choose that and neither did Dean but it was something that was heavily talked about and discussed. They knew that ending when they started the season and it’s no secret that it took him a while to come around to it, he didn’t want to see Dean die either but something they were talking about earlier in their meet and greet is that when really important characters get killed in shows, movies, and stuff it unfortunately does suck sometimes but it does make for good storytelling and good drama and that’s what they’re in the business of doing.
Jared says that Jensen’s not joking between s14 and s15 they knew 15 was gonna be the final season and they met with Dabb and Singer in LA who kinda told them the short pitch, they didn’t know what every episode was about or what every scene was about but they told the boys what they were working towards, and it kinda caught them both off guard and Jared thinks probably every season of SPN in the writer's room started off with one idea and it changed but he thinks he and Jensen both chatted about it in the earlier parts of season 15 that it kinda made sense in the storyline because he thinks if Sam had died first and Dean knew he had taken Sam out of college to bring him back into the life that would have been the end of him he wouldn’t have been a very happy fellow. So, he thinks it happened for a reason but it is SPN they can have people come back to life. And hopefully, we get to see the boys ride again. x
Other than each other who were their fav actor or actress in the show to play against? That gave them a lot to work with
Jared says one of the people who gave the most did it in a weird way cause he gave so little and that person is MC 🤣
He says he's teasing...but for like 2 days a month the guy was on set but in seriousness he loved Sully, he feels Sully was to Sam like C was to Dean. There was stuff the boys shared with a confidant they wouldn’t share with each other not because they wanted to keep secrets which they did often but you get to see a different side of Dean with C, and a different side of Sam with Sully. He also really enjoyed working with the Marks both Pellegrino and Sheppard.
For Jensen there’s are a lot of characters and a lot of actors that were really fun to work with he names two off the top of his head: Ruth, he says she came every day and was one of those actresses that would show up on set and elevate everybody’s performance levels, and it was so fun to watch her work but also be in a scene with her, another one is Lisa Berry and the funny thing about her is that she’s actually a big fan of the show so when the cameras weren't rolling she'd be like 'oh this is so cool don’t tell me anything I gotta wait for it to come out' and then they would yell action and she’d snap right into character that she's so good and again so fun to work with.
Jared asks Jensen if he remembers the snake guy in Yellow Fever, and Jensen replies that how could he forget cause when the snake started to crawl over his shoulder, Jared got up and left the room and all he heard was Jared going 'nope nope nope nope' 😂 Meanwhile, he couldn’t move cause he had 180 pound snake on his shoulder but the reason they mentioned the guy is that the actor who played him was a fan of the show and he said that all he had read was his scene so not to tell him anything else cause he wanted to watch it when it came out. x
What made them get into directing, what made them want to do it, and does Jensen have a future in directing?
It was a natural progression for Jensen, he kinda took an interest in wanting to know why the director would put the camera in a certain place, why they would have it move, why that lens would help advance the story especially and he really just kinda became interested in knowing more about it because he thought it might help him with his performance in front of the camera. It didn’t but what it did do is got him interested in storytelling from the other side of it, and the questions and talking with Kim Manners and Bob and Phil and all these guys who were masters of their craft he just kinda naturally became interested in it, and it was actually Kim Manners who told him he would be directing one of the eps one day and Jensen's reaction was to scoff and be like 'what? no'. But it came to a point where he said that if he talk to the producers and feel comfortable enough with giving him this responsibility he would do everything in his power not to mess that up so they did; it wasn’t something he demanded in his contract, he said if you trust and believe in me enough I will do the best I can and they did so he did it 6 times. At this point, he doesn’t have any directing gigs lined up, he is certainly open to it but right now there’s nothing like that because there’s a strike going on. But he does enjoy it and hopes he gets to do it more in the future. 
Jared says he came in and was a natural he was beyond a natural he was…supernatural. x
If they were to create a bucket list what would be on that list?
Jared immediately goes: words probably 🤣 He doesn’t think he gets a vote in this but he’d like to become a grandparent sometime, and he doesn’t know, there are a lot of things he'd like to do.
Jensen also doesn’t know, he says has more of a not bucket list but it rhymes with that which makes Jared say bucket fist- I can't with him.
Anyways, for Jensen it’s less like I really wanna do this and it’s more I’ll do it why not; he’s traveled to a lot of places, and he’s sure there are places he'd like to see but he hasn’t sat down and made a bucket list yet. 
Jared mentions that he wanted to go to Poland and then he got to go, he was excited and it was a joy x
What cologne are they wearing?
Jared has four different colognes: BLEU de Chanel, he was gifted a Gucci Guilty and Salvatore Ferragamo, and he has a Tom Ford one as much as I tried I could not hear clearly which one he has but I think it might be Fucking Fabulous. And, yes that is a real name of a Tom Ford parfum.
Jensen's is just a beard balm that’s called spicy wood.
Jared cannot resist and starts to make a joke about Jensen liking wood on his- and then cuts himself off. No comment x
What do they remember best from each season?
Okay, so the answer to this was a little over the place, especially near the end cause they needed the fan's help to figure out things from the later seasons I'm gonna do my best to recap it but it is going to be condensed and paraphrased for the sake of clarity. If you wish to watch the full moment, which was fun, I always provide timestamps.
From s1 Jensen remembers having divers hold his feet and hold him underwater with a young child in Dead in the Water and that was a very freaky feeling being held underwater especially when you’re responsible for some other person's child. Jared remembers, from that episode, the hot tub they had set off camera because the lake they were filming in is super cold and they had to be in there so long there were concerns they could become hypothermic so they set up a hot tub so in between takes they could warm up. 
From s2 Jared mentions cutting his scalp off but that was actually s3 so Jensen shares about s2 that in AHBL pt2 when Dean gets thrown against the tombstone by YED the tombstone had been foamed so he could really dive into it but it only covered the arch, the base was still stone and he was young and stupid and he gave it a little extra, he turned at the last second and his ulnar nerve also called the funny bone hit the corner of the stone and he says his whole arm went numb then felt like it was on fire. But he didn’t yell cut cause it was Fredric Lehne's coverage so he just slowly rolled over and his arm was vibrating it was one of the most grueling pains he’s ever experienced and to this day that elbow, which is his left one, is much more sensitive if he bumps it even slightly it’s like hitting his funny bone all over again.  They continue, in s2 Jared also broke his wrist and in season 3 he ripped his scalp off. For s4 they mention Ruby being played by G, season 5 is Swan Song, Jensen mentions he had a thing on his eye like the prosthetic and the glue started to melt and that season was also assbutt and the bottle not breaking.
Season 6 was soulless!Sam and Jensen remembers the shirtless pull up scene cause of course he does, for s7 Jared mentions Dick Roman, turducken, and Bobby dying.
Jensen: Season 8
Jared: was great
Jensen: season 9 was fine 😂
They continue, and this is when fans really started helping them out cause these men were struggling, for 8 Jared remembers the trials, at 9 is where Jensen says it starts to get really fuzzy.
From s10 Jared remembers not from set but from Van the 200th episode party, and Jensen remembers there was a high school musical episode. They continue with the fans help at s14 Jensen recalls the "marionette fight" between Dean and Lucifer and does a hilarious demonstration, he says it was the worst moment in his and Pellegrino's career they were just holding each other in the air thinking they’ll never work again. Wrapping it up with s15 Jensen says rusty rebar, and Jared says the wig was his I’ll never work again moment. Jensen says he remembers watching that episode and going 'oof what dead animals did they put on his head?' when he saw the wig 😂
Is there a weapon they think they didn’t get to use enough or a weapon they wish they had?
Jared answers the throwing stars, they never got to use them and he always thought it’d be clever for them to put salt on them or something. Jensen always thought it would be like a scene where Sam walks out and Dean’s mounted a 50 cal to the roof. Jared thinks if they had that and hula hoops filled with salt they’d still be alive. Jensen also mentions if they put their pistols on a bungee.
Jensen will say this, the angel blades they had- they had many cause they would constantly break. They had several variations the real ones cast out of metal and then ones that are called rubber weapons but which are actually hard plastic those things would break if you looked at it wrong, they didn’t work very well but the metal cast ones had such an even weight distribution on it. He misses spinning them and doing tricks with them, they would get into trouble with Robin from props because they would be playing with them and she'd have to take them away. They would also play with their flashlights and I don't know how to describe the noise that Jared makes when talking about this but it is so funny 😂
In the Star Trek fandom there is a hand sign for when you recognize a fellow fan or even come across one of the actors, what is the SPN hand sign? 
The boys have nothing. They throw some ideas around, and then someone in the crows says rock, paper, scissors which makes Jared remember and share that while he was on vacation in Mexico with his fam he had a dream that he and Jensen were playing rock, paper, scissors, that is funnny and cute x
Last question! In the 15 seasons of acting out constant trauma how did it affect them? And how did they take care of their mental health?
Jared says there’s so many ways to think about this, and he never thought about it, but because they were playing in a sci-fi world there are no boundaries, they got to explore and play multiple characters and they both had wins and losses so long term it helped him learn to be curious, short term there were days he would get home after a really hard emotional scene completely exhausted, they’d have whole days of doing fight sequences and they'd be sweaty and tired but get home and be feeling great but then they'd have days that were emotionally draining for Sam and Dean and get home and be like 'I can't move' and feeling like they'd rather run 10 miles. At which point, Jensen says that Jared would run.
They’d get home late, and even if they didn't have a lot of hours before they had to go back to set, Jared would still get up and run his 4 or 5 miles, and Jensen would be like did you run? And Jared would tell him yes. And Jensen says Jared did this not because of physicality but it was mental for him, he needed to get up and have that moment. Jensen sounds so domestic talking about Jared going on his morning runs, and knowing what he needs for his mental health 💕
Running didn’t work for Jensen, for him what worked was burying himself in the work every day, and if he wasn't working he was moving traveling somewhere, or doing something to keep busy, busy was his buddy. x
J2 Main Panel Chicon
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nature-is-punk · 3 months
Yarrow and its Uses
Disclaimer: The below is the culmination of tedious, scrupulous research meant to assist with magical and medicinal practices. However, we lack a variety of lab-conducted herbalism trials in humans, so precautions are necessary. None of the below represents medical advice or is meant to replace treatment by a medical professional.
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Identification and Profile:
Appearance: White, yellow, or pink flowers bloom from March to October. Very strong sweet smell. Often mistaken for hemlock or queen anne’s lace; leaves and flower shape are the most reliable identifiers for telling these three apart.
Distribution & Habitats: Native to temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. Thrives in meadows, roadside ditches, grasslands, and open forests. Attracts predatory wasps, ladybugs, and other beneficial insects. Reduces parasites in the nests of birds such as the common starling, who line their nests with it.
Associations: Yarrow was found in a neanderthal burial site in Iraq, suggesting its use by humans for more than 60,000 years. While yarrow has impressively consistent medicinal usage across cultures - namely healing and inflammatory pain relief - cultural and spiritual connotations vary. Yarrow’s botanical name refers to the legend that the centaur Chiron taught Achilles to use yarrow on the battlegrounds of Troy to heal wounds. Across the British Isles, yarrow was used to assist women in finding husbands, from divination to sleeping with the flowers under ones’ pillow. In Europe, it was known as a witch’s herb, occasionally called the Devil’s Nettle.
Uses: Topical: Effective antibacterial, astringent, antifungal, and antiseptic agent and can be applied to wounds to deter infection, speed up healing, and soothe inflamed or irritated skin. Ethanol extracted essential oil is the most lab-studied form of topical application, though dried flowers can be powdered, applied as whole dried flowers, or made into poultices and salves to wounds to stop bleeding. Oral: Flavonoids of yarrow make it a powerful antispasmodic and decent anti-inflammatory, most often used for gastrointestinal disorders. Yarrow can also induce sweat to break a dry fever. Essential oil of yarrow heals stomach ulcers. Navajo people chewed the leaves to reduce tooth and gum aches or inflammation in the mouth. Mild laxative properties. Mild sedative when consumed as tea. Tea also can be consumed to reduce headaches and cold symptoms, and sterols in yarrow can regulate menstrual cycles. Inhalation: Boiling the plant and inhaling the steam can reduce headaches and sinus inflammation. Dosage: Oral dosage is 2-4g of dried herb, flower and leaf, or 3g of whole flowers. Consecutive use is not recommended for longer than 2 weeks.
Interactions & Side Effects: - Adding nettle to yarrow consumed orally can reduce oxalate burden on kidneys. - Possibly an abortificant by relaxing the uterus, and may reduce breast milk supply while breastfeeding. - Increases production of stomach acid, lowers blood pressure, and increases risk of bleeding for those on blood-thinning medications. - Also interacts poorly with lithium based medications by increasing the body’s lithium retention.
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handeaux · 8 months
From Grocer’s Itch To Milk Leg: Here Are 17 Antique Diseases That Once Tormented Cincinnatians
If you practiced medicine in Cincinnati during the 1800s, you encountered some nasty and mostly fatal germs like typhus, diphtheria, smallpox, and dysentery. In the age before antibiotics, your therapeutic options might involve anything from leeches to opium to a big dose of hope. Cincinnatians endured many diseases we don’t hear about anymore. Here are a few of them.
Black Water Fever For a good portion of its first century, Cincinnati saw regular infestations of malaria, usually identified then as “bilious fever.” In extreme cases, malaria transformed into the usually fatal Black Water Fever, characterized by extremely dark urine caused by red blood cells bursting and releasing a flood of hemoglobin. It was just as nasty as it sounds.
Bronze John Cincinnati was largely built on commercial relations with the American South and consequently we adopted a lot of Southern terms. One was “Bronze John” as a name for Yellow Fever. That term seems to have originated in Memphis. Cincinnati newspapers watched Memphis intently. If “Bronze John” appeared in Memphis, it was almost certain that Yellow Fever would erupt in Cincinnati.
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Catarrh A multitude of ailments, from the common cold to asthma and hay fever were lumped together under the name Catarrh. Almost any condition that involved a stuffy nose or chest congestion got diagnosed as such. Amazingly, the most commonly prescribed treatments for Catarrh involved smoking aromatic herbs or grinding such spicy plants into powder and inhaling them as snuff.
Chin Cough Today, we call it whooping cough or pertussis. We vaccinate children so they don’t get it. Back in the day, it was sometimes called “Chin Cough” and was among the maladies certain to be banished with a dose of the patent medicines promoted by fly-by-night hucksters passing through town. An 1822 editorial in the Cincinnati Gazette so enthusiastically supported universal cowpox vaccination that the writer claimed it not only prevented smallpox but “effectively cured scrofulous swellings [inflamed lymph nodes], ophthalmia [conjunctivitis] and chin-cough.”
Collywobbles Although this is the name of a real disease, namely a nervous or upset stomach, hardly anyone ever used the word in a serious situation. Adults suffered from dyspepsia. Greedy little kids who ate too much candy got the collywobbles. The term was also used humorously in political commentary to satirize politicians who feigned distress on learning about the machinations of their opponents.
Cooties It was a schoolyard taunt for those of a certain generation: “Stay away from girls because they’ve got Cooties.” Or it was a game – still manufactured by Hasbro. Long ago, Cooties were no laughing matter; it was a nickname for lice. Although lice infestations were not rare in Cincinnati, “Cooties” usually referred to lice endured by soldiers in various wars, especially World War I.
Dandy Fever Today, we think of Dengue Fever as a tropical inconvenience, but it was once fairly common in Cincinnati, generating a number of nicknames including “Bucket Fever,” “Broken Bone Fever” and “Dandy Fever.” The tendency of this mosquito-borne disease to cause severe joint pain led sufferers to adopt a very stiff-jointed mode of walking in which they appeared to imitate the gait of a dandy.
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Dry Bellyache Sometimes known as “Painter’s Colic,” the disease called Dry Bellyache is essentially lead poisoning. It is one of the symptoms of exposure to heavy metals such as lead. Some of the first described cases were traced to consumption of cheap rum, which accumulated a hefty dose of lead from the solder holding distillation coils together.
Grippe Usually referred to as “The Grippe” or “La Grippe,” influenza was a dangerous infection then and now. The term comes from the French word for influenza, hence the “La.” In an attempt to Anglicize the French term, some newspapers used “The Grip.” Death resulted so often from The Grippe that newspapers alerted travelers to avoid cities in which it was rampant. The Cincinnati Gazette of 18 April 1837 carried the news, for example, that The Grippe was raging in Constantinople.
Grocer’s Itch In the days before packaged goods, grocers sold a lot of bulk staples such as flour, lard and sugar. An occupational condition known as Grocer’s Itch was common among Cincinnati’s shopkeepers and was caused by a type of mite, Acarus sacchari, known as the “sugar insect” although it was not an insect; mites have eight legs. Anyone devoting any amount of time to measuring raw sugar was likely to see their arms and hands infested with mite bites.
Jail Fever When sanitary conditions in Cincinnati’s finest homes were iffy at best, the city’s prisons were positively deplorable. Among other diseases, typhus was endemic and so common among prisoners that it gained the nickname “Jail Fever.” The Cincinnati Gazette [25 January 1876] emphasized just how serious the situation was: “A case was mentioned of a jail prisoner who was brought into court to receive his sentence while suffering with typhus fever, and within one week every member of the Court, judge, jurors, Sheriffs and all were dead.”
Milk Leg The Cincinnati Semi-Weekly Gazette of 14 October 1873 carried a letter promising quick relief from Milk Leg. The remedy, involving chamber lye and boiled mullein leaves, appears to be more trouble than it was worth, but the correspondent claimed it cured her after she “had lain from in December till the next corn planting.” Today, we would call Milk Leg phlebitis, a condition in which the veins of the leg become inflamed.
Salt Rheum If you were afflicted by Salt Rheum in 1853, an advertisement in the Cincinnati Enquirer offered sure relief: “Salt Rheum, (or Tetter), Scald Head and Ring Worms positively cured in every ninety-seven cases in a hundred, by the use of Gridley’s Salt Rheum Ointment, which is justly ranked by the most learned physicians as one of the most important discoveries of the nineteenth century.” Salt Rheum, Tetter and Scald Head were all various forms of skin disease including eczema, psoriasis, and some forms of herpes. Another dermatological affliction, involving small whitish patches of itchy skin caused by cold weather was known as Chilblains.
Scorbutic Fever Almost unheard of today, except among adherents of extreme diets, scurvy is a debilitating disease caused by a shortage of Vitamin C. In extreme cases, scurvy could produce elevated body temperatures variously known as Scorbutic Fever or “Camp Fever.” The “camp” in question was not a vacation getaway but a prison camp and reflected the abysmal food provided to the inmates.
Scrivener’s Palsy There are not many scriveners employed these days, so think of poor Bob Cratchit in Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol.” Hunched over a poorly lit desk, scribbling away all day was bound to have an effect, and so it did, in an affliction that we might call “Writer’s Cramp” today, if there were any writers who still used a pencil and paper. The Cincinnati Gazette of 8 July 1875 reported the emergence of a similar affliction, “Telegrapher’s Palsy.” Also caused by clerical work was “Typewriter’s Disease,” but this was a mental condition in which over-concentration on transcribing verbiage led to a sort of psychosomatic blindness in which the victim was unable to read at all.
Scrumpox The malady known as Scrumpox is still around today but, since its cause is now known, it goes by a different name – Herpes Gladiatorum. As the older name implies, it is a skin condition, a form of herpes, passed along by athletes rubbing exposed skin together, as in a rugby scrum. In fact, the first attempt at a scientific name for the disease was Herpes Rugbiorum. It also shows up as “Wrestler’s Herpes.” The Enquirer of 12 April 1896 listed scrumpox among some other athletic disorders including “Golf Arm” and “Cyclist’s Back.”
Sinking Chills The Cincinnati Gazette of 30 April 1874 reported: “Andrew Palmer, a pioneer citizen of Butler Township, died yesterday, of sinking chills, aged 70 years.” Mr. Palmer may have been the victim of any number of pernicious or intermittent fevers, the most common of which were a symptom of malaria. Sinking Chills also described a sort of general malaise targeted by a lot of the spring tonics and nostrums concocted by the patent medicine industry. Another antique term for malarial fevers was Ague, usually called The Ague.
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desertdollranch · 2 years
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There was still plenty of work to do to get the office ready. Papa used live worms called leeches in some of his medical treatments, and the leeches needed fresh water every few days. Marie-Grace didn’t like looking at the squiggly worms, so she cleaned their jars as quickly as she could. She was carefully putting a jar on a shelf when the bell over the front door clanged loudly. 
As part of an ongoing project, I’m attempting to fill out Marie-Grace’s collection a bit by making dresses that appear in her books but never appeared in her collection. Like Cécile and Caroline, Marie-Grace was given only a few outfits in the brief three years she was available. She has many more dresses shown in her books than she ever had in her collection. 
This navy blue floral dress is probably my second favorite. 
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The dress appears in Cécile’s Gift as well as her paper doll set. It has a yoked bodice with a gathered overlay, high-neck collar trimmed in lace, oversleeves with two rows of white soutache braid, and a full skirt. I used the French Quarter Day Dress pattern by Kindred Threads.Matching the color and print on the illustrated dress was really challenging. This navy and white fabric was the closest match I was able to find. I even tried coloring in some of the white parts with gray and light blue fabric pen, but with the larger size of the print it made it look a bit too clunky, so I left it as is. 
Her jar of leeches is a baby food jar that I painted on the inside. In 1853, using leeches to remove blood from swollen body parts was a common medical practice. The belief that excess blood can cause illness comes from the ancient Greek practice, which taught that the “four humors” of the body--blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile--must be in equal proportions in order for the body to remain healthy. But by the end of the 19th century, using leeches to bleed patients was quickly being replaced by the knowledge of bacteria and viruses as the causes of disease. 
But the yellow fever epidemic that swept through New Orleans in 1853 was made worse by the fact that they didn’t know yet about viruses. Nobody knew at all what caused yellow fever, or why surviving it granted lifelong immunity. They did know that burning barrels of tar seemed to help, as well as other strong smells like garlic. What they didn’t know was that yellow fever is a virus spread by mosquito bites, and that mosquitoes don’t like strong smells like burning tar and garlic.
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Changing the water on the jar of leeches is her least favorite chore, but her favorite is refilling the candy jar!
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Visiting the doctor can be scary for little children, so Dr. Gardner always rewards his youngest patients for their bravery with sweets from the jar.
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careforcritters · 1 year
Vet Med in Warrior Cats: Whitecough, Greencough, and Yellowcough
The two main respiratory infections in the warriors series are whitecough and greencough. Whitecough is less severe and can progress to greencough, which has worse symptoms and a graver prognosis. Vicky Holmes states in the 3rd Erin Hunter chat that whitecough is similar to a cough (likely an upper respiratory infection) and greencough is pneumonia (lower respiratory infection), but the specific diseases that each of these coughs represent is never mentioned. The name “greencough” comes from the green fluid that cats cough up when they are affected, whereas cats with whitecough are stated to cough up clear (serous) fluid. A third respiratory disease, yellow cough, makes an appearance in the A Vision of Shadows series. The disease presents similarly to greencough but does not respond to catmint.
There is no way to tell which pathogens each of these diseases might be caused by because the symptoms of each pathogen are very similar, so they are likely caused by several different pathogens and/or combinations. Feline respiratory disease complex (FRDC) is a major cause of upper respiratory infections in cats and is caused by any of the following pathogens, alone or in combination: feline herpes virus (FVR), feline calicivirus (FCV), mycoplasma felis, and chlamydia felis. Bartonella henselae and Bordetella bronchiseptica can also contribute to symptoms. FVR and FCV specifically cause 80-90% of the respiratory disease that is observed in cats. These pathogens are spread by respiratory droplets, direct contact with infected cats, or contact with fomites (objects that have come into contact with the pathogen). Previously infected cats can carry and spread FVR or FCV without showing clinical signs. Acute signs include fever, sneezing, nasal discharge, conjunctivitis, and rhinitis. “Coughing” is not a symptom of respiratory infections in cats, but it is frequently mentioned in Warriors. Cats cough when affected by a lower respiratory infection, laryngeal infection, allergies, or heartworms, but rarely cough as a result of an upper respiratory infection. Symptoms are often more severe in very old and very young cats, which is consistent with the books since kits and elders die the most often from whitecough or greencough. Cats that have respiratory infections in warriors are often shown to refuse food, which is consistent with findings that sick and/or feverish animals are often anorexic. Calicivirus causes painful lesions in the mouth, which can also contribute to cats refusing to eat. 
FRDC is generally self limiting and resolves itself in 5-10 days in mild cases, but can take up to 6 weeks to resolve completely in more severe cases. Because of this, mild to moderate respiratory infections could be treated with just supportive care. Medicine cats do this by providing food, water, and rest to infected cats, which is why most cases of whitecough or other nondescript respiratory diseases are resolved in the series. The bigger issue is when there are more severe cases or cases that have ocular involvement. 
Ocular involvement can result from almost any respiratory disease causing agent, and can range from discharge to severe conjunctivitis, ulcers, and even globe rupture. Conjunctivitis and other ocular symptoms of respiratory disease are never mentioned in Warriors besides some mild tearing. I will be talking about this issue more in an ocular section later on, as it connects to some broader issues. 
To treat more severe cases of respiratory disease, veterinarians often use antivirals, antibiotics, and/or antifungal depending on the pathogens present. Supportive care should also be provided, in addition to feeding tubes and/or treatment of corneal ulcers if necessary. Medicine cats provide supportive care to their patients by providing them with food, water, and warm, dry bedding. For many cases of respiratory disease, this should be enough to help the cat survive since disease is usually self limiting and will resolve with time. A variety of herbs are used in Warriors to treat respiratory infections, but the most notable is catmint. Catmint is also known as catnip, and it is famously known to have psychological effects on cats by acting first as a stimulant from the smell and then a sedative from ingestion. While its effects mimic pheromones, which can be calming, there is no evidence that catmint can be used to combat respiratory disease. Catnip can also be toxic in large doses, causing nausea and vomiting. Cats also become slowly more resistant to its effects with repeated use. Chickweed and Hawkweed are both less effective treatments for greencough. Chickweed has been shown to have some antimicrobial properties, though it is most effective against salmonella and E.coli, both of which are not respiratory pathogens. Hawkweed has been used in some European countries to ease respiratory disease and asthma symptoms, but there has not been research on this. In Long Shadows, tansy is introduced as a way to prevent whitecough from progressing to greencough. Though tansy has been used for various medical issues in humans, it has never been reported to be used for respiratory disease. Coltsfoot is an herb that eases breathing, so it is commonly used for respiratory distress. Coltsfoot was historically used for coughs and respiratory distress in people, and recent studies have proved its efficacy in reducing lung inflammation. Brighteye and lovage are also mentioned briefly in Mistystar’s Omen as another treatment for coughing. These two herbs have been shown to improve symptoms of respiratory disease and allergies in humans, but have not been researched sufficiently. Lungwort is the herb that is presented to Puddleshine by Starclan to treat the emergent yellowcough epidemic in Shadowclan. Lungwort has been used to ease tuberculosis and asthma in humans, but again, there is no substantial research to back this. In addition, Birchsap is briefly mentioned as another possible treatment for yellowcough, but it’s not seen being used in the books. Birchsap traditionally has various medical and cosmetic uses in some cultures, but no research has been done to prove its efficacy. 
Overall, the Warriors series gives a fairly accurate depiction of respiratory illness while leaving out some crucial details. The omittance of any ocular involvement, especially in young kittens where it is most prevalent, is a large oversight. The description of the disease process is mostly accurate, however coughing is not as common of a symptom as nasal discharge and rhinitis. Cats in feral colonies are often carrying these diseases without actively showing symptoms, which is why bouts of whitecough can appear suddenly in a clan (especially in times of stress and poor nutrition such as leafbare, which would suppress the cat’s immune responses). As far as treatment goes, medicine cats are providing adequate care to most cats but simply taking care of their basic needs. In more severe cases, medicine is needed. While none of the herbs listed can effectively mimic an antibiotic or antiviral, hawkweed, coltsfoot, brighteye, lovage, and lungwort seem like the most accurate treatments for infection used in the books. Coltsfoot specifically has the most evidence for easing respiratory symptoms, and would be beneficial for medicine cats to use in moderate to severe cases of respiratory disease.
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killed-by-choice · 10 months
“Anne Roe”, 32 (USA 1996)
In 1996, an unidentified woman referred to here as “Anne Roe” was 32 and pregnant with her sixth baby. She had already had two births with no noted complications and three abortions. There were no significant conditions in her medical history.
A few weeks before her own death, Anne underwent her fourth and final abortion. No complications were noted at the time, but Anne soon went to her usual doctor because of a fever, chills, yellow discharge and other symptoms. She hadn’t told the doctor about her recent abortion, possibly believing that she didn’t need to. She was given antibiotics and told to return in a week for followup, but she only became worse. Only 2 weeks after the abortion, she was in the emergency room.
When she came to the ER, Anne was still suffering from all of the earlier symptoms and now leg pain. Various tests were performed, but doctors were having trouble finding the location of the infection. After examination and IV treatments, she was admitted to the ward service. At the time she was awake, aware and alert.
Only 2 hours later, Anne’s condition massively deteriorated. She was found in severe respiratory distress. A CPR team rushed to treat her, but by the time they arrived she had no pulse and was unresponsive. She was put on life support and resuscitation was attempted for 67 minutes, but she was declared dead.
Her autopsy identified the cause of death. In an unusual case, Anne had died of bacterial endocarditis from a septic coronary artery embolism. She also had embolic infarcts in her right kidney and her spleen. It was concluded that the abortion resulted in group B streptococcus bacteremia and the subsequent development of endocarditis.
The study noted that after elective abortion, “complications of endocarditis are common.” The only unusual part of Anne’s case was the septic embolism of a coronary artery. Although septic infections, embolisms and endocarditis are common among maternal deaths from abortion, this specific combination of the three was not.
Others who died of heart infection after legal abortion include but are not limited to “Georgette Roe”, “Carrie Roe” and 19-year-old Jessie-Maye Barlow.
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tsunderedoctor · 2 years
A/N: Inspired by the beautiful art @politenuclearbomb​ did of plague doctor!Law 💖 (I hope it’s okay to tag you-)
Warning: treatments described are actual treatments from the Black Plague and are extremely disturbing, reader also has the pneumonic plague, second common type of Black Plague that haunted the European and Asian lands. Viewer discretion is advised. This is not a cutesy fic and should be taken with caution.
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He found you on the street, coughing your lungs out as you stared up at him in fear. The mask alone telling you, you had reached death’s doors. Grabbing you by the arm with a gloved hand, the mysterious figure drags you away to God knows where, eventually your mind blacked out from the stress and lack of energy you presented. 
It’s dark where he placed you, a small window showing the street above. Doing your best to cry out for help only hurt your chest more as the masked figure stares down at you, tilting his to the side as if you are some strange animal. Maybe you are at this point. Your body didn’t feel human anymore, nor did it look it. Caged up in a small cell, you really are just an experimental rat tied up for a human’s pleasure.
It didn’t take long for him to enter the cell room. Forcing your hands apart as he checked your chest for a temperature, letting out a sigh through the mask. “Just as I thought, your fever hasn’t died down yet.” His voice was gruff, even through the mask you could hear it perfectly, sending shivers down your spine. 
Coughing once more, you tried to look intimidating, well the best that you could for a dying person. “What do you want?” 
Humming, the figure knelt down in front of you, moving your greasy hair from your face. “It’s rare to find someone alive in such a state. You must understand the predicament you are in, how it affects the living. You can’t be up there with them, not like this anyway.” Standing back up, he dusted the dirt from his black robe. 
Looking you over once more, he grabbed the chain connected to your neck, something you must have missed when you first woke up. Grabbing it, you tried to pull away, but your strength already dwindled to nothing compared to the doctor. Leading you to a tub, the mask turned to face you, almost as if you could feel him staring expectingly. “Well? Undress or I will make you.” 
Not wanting the man to touch you any more than needed, you did as you were told, letting the rags that kept your dignity alive fall apart onto the floor like the rest of you. Getting inside the bathtub, the cold porcelain touched your skin, making you shiver once more as the man got to work, pouring hot water on your dirty skin. Letting out a cry of shock, the mask only made a tsk sound above you as he continued to bathe you. “This is mixed with rosewater and vinegar; it should help clean the nastiness off your body. Sit in here for a bit, I need to get something else.” 
Leaving you be for a moment, in sat in the hot water, enjoying the feel of it. When was the last time you bathed? You couldn’t remember. Grabbing a washcloth, you got to work scrubbing the dirt that caked your body from years of living on the street, your skin color finally showing its original shade. Doing your best, you tried to ignore the stings from the vinegar as it touched any new scratches you had received that week. As the man came back with another bucket, you expected it to be full of more water, not hesitating when he dunked it on your head.
Letting out a high-pitched scream, you stared down at the water below as it turned yellow from the substance stinging your cuts even more. Grabbing your hair and pulling your face upward, the masked man stared you down with a glare you didn’t need to see to feel. “You should be honored I’m trying to save your disgusting life, and you have the nerve to scream?” 
Staring at him in fear, you only gulped as he let you go, allowing some of the liquid to enter your mouth as you licked your lips nervously. “Finish cleaning yourself up, this should help your fever die down, the healthy cells from my urine will fix any tainted ones you have.” 
Nodding at his words, you grabbed the washcloth once more, cleaning yourself up with the added ingredient, the smell of urine covered your body, making your nose crinkle in disgust. Heading off again, he handed you some clean clothes, what you assumed was his dress shirt and a pair of old trousers. Stepping out of the tub, you dried yourself off the best could and got dressed, trying to cover any part of yourself that you could, though something told you the man had no interest in what you had.
Once dressed, you sat back down on the cell floor, coughing as he brought you some food. ‘Why are you doing this? I’m just going to die anyway. You might as well just kill me.”
Crossing his arms, the masked man watched you eat quietly, only speaking when he grabbed your empty plate. “My caretaker died from the disease that is now killing you. People say that God has struck down his vengeance on us humans, but I disagree. God doesn’t exist, and if he did, he left us long ago. I’ll cure you though, don’t worry about that, I’ll cure every single damn one of you.” Surprised by the man’s words, you could only find yourself nodding. Maybe you had a chance to live, if he seemed so determined to cure you?
The rest of the week consisted of his treatments and you getting worse. By now the masked man frowned as he watched you sitting in the cell with hens surrounding you. Coming inside, he handed you a glass of wine, it’s usual red color now black. “What’s this?” Even though your voice hurt to talk, you did your best to try and understand what the man was forcing down your throat this time, yesterday it was urine, the day before he made you sit in cow feces, you just wanted this to stop.
“Wine, I mixed some emerald inside. Pure metals should help clean out your lungs.” Believing his words, you did as you were told, drinking the bitter substance with no complaint. Once done, you couldn’t help but cough, the stone cutting away at the inside of your throat as it went down your windpipe. 
“You will get better; I won’t let you die. My pride won’t allow it.” stepping closer to you, he moved the hair from your face, now greasy again from not being able to bathe. Nodding your head, you looked up at him as if he was your new God, and maybe in such circumstances he was. Feeling his smile, he patted your head softly, reminding you of how good you had been for allowing all this to happen. 
It had been officially ten days and you were still alive, breaking the norm that crowded the rest of the dying people above you. By now you were completely entrapped with the man, not even needing to see his face to know how he felt or thought. Drinking the emerald wine, your cough had managed to get better, though your skin and fever will still inhumanely. 
Sighing the man removed his mask, his brown hair having a slight wet look to it from the sweat due to wearing such a mask. Feeling the need to be closer to the stressed doctor, you laid your head on his knee, a hand combing through your tangled locks. You were going to live, you just had to for both of your sakes.
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whumpacabra · 2 months
The North
Fever, shock collar, medical setting, referenced medical treatment, past conditioning, implied past torture, implied past noncon
[Directly follows In for a Pound]
Beth’s grip on the steering wheel was white knuckled, the soft pop rattling from the radio muffled by the wind and rain outside. The man in her passenger seat snored softly, interrupted by the twitching gasps of a dream she didn’t dare imagine.
She wouldn’t admit it to Jackson, but she wished he was here. She didn’t know how to look at the man who knelt on the hotel floor like he was a dog waiting for a bone. She couldn’t stand listening to him shiver, so she had cranked the heat up to the point where she was sweating under her raincoat.
(And still, every now and then, Wolf shivered like he would never be warm again. Jackson was right about him being in a bad way - fuck knew what was infected, but something had to be with what she had seen and smelled in that hotel room.)
Beth still wanted Command to take over. She still didn’t trust Wolf. Just because a rabid dog was wounded, that didn’t mean it was harmless.
(Didn’t mean it could be saved.)
But Jackson talked her into taking Wolf up north - her sister, Mary, ran a clinic in a village, far from Command’s prying eyes. A quiet, cloistered corner of the countryside where Wolf would be safe.
(Where he couldn’t do much damage.)
Beth couldn’t fathom that man’s mind - Jackson had fought hell and high water for his status in the agency. A status that was still precarious; given his demographic. If this little stunt of his got out…getting fired would be the least of his worries. And he told Beth as much when they sat and whispered arguments in the hotel bathroom.
(She didn’t like the way Wolf looked at them when they emerged and told him what they decided. It was like he could somehow hear them despite the distance and the door between them.)
Her thoughts were interrupted by a whine - she tapped the breaks, confused when it didn’t interrupt the sound. Great. The last thing she needed was to have her car breakdown on the side of the road in the middle of fuck all with an international asset that she was technically trafficking -
Oh. That’s where the sound was coming from.
Beth felt syrupy pity settle in her gut as Wolf whimpered in his sleep, breathing growing uneven. She had felt the same pity earlier when she realized he was shirtless under the unzipped jacket, bare skin a mosaic of bruises and scars and scratches and cuts -
She bit back a curse as the car rumbled over a pothole, Wolf jolting awake with a gasp and wide eyes, panting in his panic. Beth shot him a glance, the guilt creeping into her throat unwanted.
(She was the one risking her ass to help Jackson help him.)
“Sorry. Road’s a bit flooded with all this pissing rain. Couldn’t see the fuckin’ thing.” Wolf stared at her for a few seconds before mechanically sitting up in his seat, hands on his knees, eyes on the road. “We’re almost there; you can close your eyes a bit longer if you want.”
Beth bit her tongue, but let frustration tinge her sigh. She was paid plenty for this, but she didn’t have to enjoy it.
Her sister’s clinic was, thankfully, mostly empty on this shitty Sunday morning. It helped that it was just after New Years and half the staff was still on vacation time, only a skeleton crew on call for emergencies. Beth had stressed that it wasn’t an emergency, so even that on-call crew was thinned to her sister and a single nurse - Amira, her name tag read.
So, that left Beth alone in the waiting room after they took Wolf back to the exam rooms. She tried to distract herself with the ‘key’ Jackson had given her. Four buttons. A yellow power indicator. She was half tempted to start taking it apart, looking for bugs, when her sister poked her head around the corner.
She didn’t look well.
“What?” Beth was on her feet in an instant, defensive and catastrophizing. But Mary bit her lip, wringing her gloved hands. There was blood on the blue nitrile.
“How’s your lock picking?”
“He - Jesus, Beth - he’s got a fucking bark collar on and it’s locked. I don’t think it’s turned on but - ”
“A what?”
“Y’know, one of those shock collars. For - for dogs.” Mary had seen folk in worse shape than Wolf, physically speaking, but seeing her this rattled… It forced Beth to take a breath and try to imagine Wolf as a civilian. As a non-threat.
“I can take a crack at it.”
She followed her sister to the exam room, steeling herself. She could still smell that hotel room and that blood and that sweat and - it still didn’t prepare her for the body laid on the table.
(She knew the slip covering below his waist was for her comfort, not his privacy.)
Beth took a slow breath, steadying herself as Mary led her toward the head of the table. Wolf was asleep - not deeply, eyes glazed and barely open.
“Sedative’s just about finished kicking in, doc.” Amira eyed Beth but said nothing as she continued prepping supplies. Needles, suture thread, gloves, antiseptic wash, items she couldn’t identify the function of.
“We - I mean we could try cutting it, but it’s clearly wired and, well, I figure you could at least try.” Mary handed her sister a pair of gloves, the nitrile fighting her sweaty palms. But Beth nodded, looking down at the collar around his neck.
“I might need - it’s gonna take some maneuvering to pick this with him laying down. Can you cover his back so I don’t touch anything I shouldn’t…” Beth trailed off with a shudder, eyes tracing what she could now see were letters, carved and stitched.
Across his shoulders was easy to read, centered and bold. 'BAD DOG.' And if her opinion of Smith could sink any lower, it would as she caught sight of the other carvings below.
Just above the small of his back, as if using his spine as a line, was two words. 'Smith's Bitch.'
Beth blamed the nausea in her stomach at the sight of bone exposed by the deep cut that ran down Wolf’s lower spine, two flares making an arrow that disappeared beneath the slip covering his buttocks, rather than the implications it brought to mind. She went to work with singular focus the second her sister laid a sterile cover over the freshly stitched carvings.
The collar’s lock jiggle free in a matter of seconds, exposing raw, burn bloodied skin.
Beth was sent back to the waiting room, trying to breathe through her disgust and anger.
What the fuck was that American doing with Wolf? What could Wolf have done to warrant that?
There was no satisfactory answer, not one she could find sitting alone in the clinic waiting room and watching the rain pour down outside.
[Directly before The South]
(Part of my Freelancers: Changing Tides series)
Taglist: @stargeode @sacredwrath
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