#yeah sorry shay
mirrortouchedsea · 5 months
Day 15
“Tatsumi-senpai, have you ever kissed anyone?” Kaname asked, sitting across from the other boy in the catacombs. Everyone else had left for the night leaving the two of them alone. 
“Why are you asking?” Tatsumi replied, confused as he moved one of his chess pieces on the board. Kaname didn’t know anything about how the game worked and was mostly just guessing at where the pieces moved. 
“A-ah it’s nothing, I was just wondering…I haven’t kissed anyone.” Kaname could feel his face heating up. God this was embarrassing, why was he doing this? 
“I haven’t kissed anyone either.” Their game of chess forgotten for the moment. Kaname’s face burned even hotter. 
“Would you--would you like to try kissing?” He barely squeaked out. How was the great Kaname Tojou such a loser when it came to his crush? He should be confident and yet here he was. 
“Can you repeat that, Kaname-san?” He loved the way his name sounded in Tatsumi’s voice. It made him want to die in the moment though. 
“Can I--Can we try…kissing?” His voice was still soft but evidently loud enough for Tatsumi to hear if the slight blush on his face was evidence of anything. Tatsumi gently moved their chess board to the side and slid closer to Kaname. Kaname felt his heart rate pick up at the proximity as Tatsumi leaned in closer. 
How was he supposed to kiss? He tried to remember the movies and how they did it, closing his eyes and letting Tatsumi guide him, his lips slightly parted. The moment Tatsumi’s lips touched his he thought he would fly, and evidently his mouth moved before he could think, as Tatsumi let out a yelp and brought a hand to his lips. 
Kaname bit him. Oh how embarrassing! It wasn’t enough to draw blood but still! 
“I’m so sorry Tatsumi-senpai! I didn’t mean to do that! Oh god--” 
Tatsumi laughed. Kaname stopped in his tracks as Tatsumi continued laughing. He wasn’t laughing at Kaname, though, or at least not at Kaname as a person, but rather at his reaction to the whole thing. 
“It’s okay, Kaname-san. We can try again if you’d like.” 
“Y-yes I’d like that very much.” 
They leaned in again and Kaname clenched his jaw to keep himself from biting Tatsumi again, but he got a little overeager again and felt their heads bump into each other and not where their lips were (which was where he was aiming for). Kaname curses under his breath but Tatsumi giggles again (a heavenly sound to Kaname’s ears) and cups his face before gently guiding him to Tatsumi’s lips. 
Kaname was too in shock to do anything for a moment. He was kissing someone. And not just someone. He was kissing Tatsumi Kazehaya, heartthrob of Reimei Academy. He closed his eyes and relaxed, reaching to grab Tatsumi’s blazer and pull him closer. He felt their teeth clack together but it wasn’t as bad as their first attempt and for Kaname, that was enough. 
They pulled away, panting heavily, and Kaname noticed that Tatsumi’s pupils had dilated. He wanted to pull Tatsumi in for another kiss but held himself back, at least for a moment. 
“That wasn’t so bad,” Tatsumi spoke, breathless and full of affection. 
“No, it wasn’t.” Kaname pulled Tatsumi back in for another kiss, narrowly avoiding bumping their heads together again. He could do this forever, just him and Tatsumi in the catacombs, kissing to their hearts content. 
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jackiesarch · 10 months
tagged by @corvosattano to run some awful children through these uquizes. my favorite nightmares, on display for you here, macy.
tagging @unholymilf @adelaidedrubman @shallow-gravy @chuckhansen @leviiackrman @queennymeria @risingsh0t @loriane-elmuerto @confidentandgood @roofgeese @shellibisshe @nightbloodbix @florbelles @indorilnerevarine and anyone else who wants to play!
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oh gentle comrade, you know what it takes to make others shine. you live your life assisting others to reach their goals, but many say you are lackluster and unnecessary. but alas, do we need the stars any less for their dim light helps the moon glow brighter! you are warm inside and out, perhaps made of sunshine one might ask? but I can see you are as weary and worn as the hero you so desperately cling to. your purpose is to serve? Is it not? it's those moments of undying loyalty that make your bones ring true with honor. "I am right beside you," you whisper, for unlike the ones who lie through their teeth you will be with your ally through joy, through heart ache, through death. it is a difficult thing to gain your trust back if one has shattered it though, you are forgiving yes? you give many chances, but alas, one can only look away from a wrong doing so long. you can't exactly turn your other cheek as once wrings a blade through your middle. you are made of a steadfast heartbeat and a tired, knowing smile. you bring solace to the aching, and comfort to the wronged. but what happens when your protagonist loses? what happens when your valiant heroes fail you? will you pick up a sword and vanquish their enemy or will you wait patiently for yet another savior to appear and save the day? one must live long enough to see their heroes die. but are you brave enough to take their place? the only strings that bind you to your oaths of subservience are your own doubts. "am I good enough?" they whisper in your ears. you answer that yourself love. for the only difference between the paladin and the stable boy are mettle. it is not the question of can you be a hero. it is simply, will you be?
Oh. you figure it out when you realize just how vulnerable they are willing to be with you. it isn't everybody who could or would stay up talking into the night with you, not with such affection or easy familiarity. it isn't everybody who is so understanding of you. it isn't everybody who could bare their soul to you in return. that kind of intimacy... it means deep foundations. it means comfort. it means trust. maybe it's a secret, maybe it's a story, maybe it's something you just never thought of before -- but they say something, late at night, and you realize all at once how remarkable they are, and how special it is to exist in the same time and space as them. "oh" indeed.
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why hello again dearie, I see you managed to help those frogs those children were kicking, hm? oh how much I can emphasize we are but the ghosts of our childhood passions. and, unsurprising enough, the hero to the trodden little creatures of the earth is now a rising golden savior to the masses. oh love, I said you'd go far, didn't I. for the good always prevail in the end, somehow, they do. you lived a difficult life, I know, but you never let that get you down. you took beatings with a grin, and dished back kindness in return. inequality and injustice made you outaged, and you strove to assist the hurting and abused. oh shining dragon, you are bathed in golden light. please keep being true. you have tasted blood and death, but you refused to force it down the throats of others. and that alone proves there is inchor in your veins, demigod. you will be struggling until the very end, battling for your comrades, your people, and yourself. never lose sight of your goal my dear. sometimes you needn't have one, except see the good, and protect it. that is all my advice can tell you. I implore, protect the goodness in yourself with everything you have, but never refuse to share it also. young hero, you are growing. you are destined for wonders even I may not live long enough to encounter. keep up the good work, and keep your head held high. you are bound to do the impossible, all because you see the truth. there is good in the world, and it deserves to be found.
you typically wait until the last second to believe the truth--because it would destroy you to believe it, and then find out it was a lie. you are someone who has never wanted to want, but has rarely been able to do anything else. the idea that you might have to break down your walls for the sake of someone else, someone who could easily decide they don't like what is on the other side, is harrowing. why let people get close enough to be rejected? you are enough for yourself. and you tell yourself that every time you catch yourself staring at their mouth, smirking at their joke, finding a reason to flick their shoulder. until the kiss. that's when the flood of want, want, want bowls over you and you realize that you are torn between two ways of living. Oh, you think. because despite how complicated you have made it, the moment you kiss, somehow, things seem incredibly simple. they won't be once you start thinking again, but for now, for this moment, you live in the quiet peace of revelation. Oh.
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ah yes, hello edge lord. it is lovely to see you again. you my dear, are the incarnation of duality, and you might think of claws and venom mixed with grace but alas, nothing near as poetic. you my friend, are mixture of what is seen as right, and what is questioned. you follow the path of your own two feet, you know the twists and turns of life's forests quite well if I do say so myself. and you can meander along them wonderfully. you strive to stay true to a certain sense of principles you might call your code, but whereas in reality, those would be your morals. people tend to see you as strange. sharp edged and glinting you hide behind a cloak of chain mail but really you just prefer to show off your imperfections first. unlike many who scramble to make it as if their flaws never existed, you proudly raise yours up. saying, "this is me, this is the worst of me, now you know what to expect." and might I say, it is quite an intriguing mindset, for truth be told, the ones that love your spikes and craters are the ones who appreciate your softness the most. you wish not to be loved as something lovable, but as a monster. for aren't we all just beasts in human skin? you are brave, but you are lonely. you know quite well how to scare off most, making even the heroes with the boldest bravado creep away with their tails between their legs. you are not a villian, sometimes you play the part a bit too well. but nevertheless you are no hero either. you put yourself first, but if one wins your trust then may the gods have mercy on those who might wrong them. you long to be a poetic mess of sorts, and well, if the ink sets in long enough you might just become that sooner or later. but for one who is so dead set on truth you sure do hide a lot don't you? please, step out of the shadows, there is a difference to not making your flaws visible and to simply acting as if you're the most despicable person in all the realms. it's because you're afraid of attachment is it not? well let me tell you a little secret, everyone is. you say you wish to be left alone for eternity but than why are you craving connection. you wish to be known and understood truly, but you snarl and push the ones that might be trying away. please little wolf, accept you are lovable. you are not some ravenous beast that terrifies the multitudes, sure, you are not for the faint of heart but that does not make you an inkling less perfect as you are. young antihero, step into the sun. you would do better actually reaching for the things you want rather than pining for them in the darkness.
this one comes with a pang. it is the wrinkled brow of something unpleasant sinking in. they've left to find some new adventure. or they've met someone else. and you have only just begun to understand their true importance to you. you watch them drift toward a future without you, and in that stark numbness of their absence, it hits you. Oh. oh, you want them close. you hopelessly, selfishly want them all to yourself. you'll support them no matter what, but you don't want them to want a future that doesn't involve you. you want them to read the near-invisible signs of your love and decide to take a chance on you. you never want to say that you *used* to know each other. so what are you going to do?
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hello old friend, it's been a while hasn't it? I remember when you were just a child, gape-smiled and beaming like the sun. where have you laid your youth to rest my love? is it buried beside your heart perhaps? I know how deeply life has wounded you, it took away everything, didn't it? oh poor soul, you held onto happiness with bloody, shaking hands but still fate ripped even that away from you. your past lovers are dead or did some betray you? turning away in fear of what they once admired. your comrades have been slain, or their priorities shifted. I've heard you too have changed your way of thought. the people fear you know, do they normally cower at the sound of your name? ah don't fret, that makes two of us. the masses tend to despise the things they do not have the will to comprehend. the villian finds sympathy for you don't they, well I could have seen that from a mile away. you two are the oldest friends, you made a deal with them correct? to save your late love, they tried to hold their end of the bargain, really, but I fear you are cursed to forever be despondent. oh what a sad and miserable life without love. is that why you chase loneliness? for is it truly a life of sorrow if you yourself has chosen it? but don't become bitter from the pain. trust when I say I have seen wounds unfold a man, turning the gentlest spirits into seething beasts. please, keep seeking love, even if it seems you are forbidden from it. you are the master of your own fate, I see how tired you are. the scars never healed, they twist and wrap around your entire person. your eyes are dark and lifeless, rest. but keep fighting, not with the sword you have forsaken so long ago, but with your heart. I'll be rooting for you my friend.
something goes wrong. there's urgency. everything gets turned upside down, and you have to grab for the things that matter most-- Oh. suddenly, there's perspective, and at the worst possible moment, the moment when there is so much else going on, you realize that you have been breathless with want for so, so long. you want everyone to be safe, but please, please, you want them to be safe. you want everything to be okay so that you can have another chance to get things right. a chance to start over. and everything will be okay, of course, because you've made it through bad moments before, and that foundation of trust is there, even if you've never quite acknowledged it to its full potential. you trust them. you need them. Oh.
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starswallowingsea · 9 months
saorika rinniki double date.
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kingjasnah · 2 years
imagine though if shai pops up in tlm but kelsier doesn't i'd scream akdjdjf
that's like being stood up at the prom (by prom king no less. god im trying hard for the joke but i don't care abt high school) but at the last second ur celebrity crush shows up like hi <3 y/n heard u needed a date
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toashesireturn · 2 months
imagine sending someone 17 asks and then pretending you're the one being harassed. be so real right now you cannot be seriousssssss
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lunarmoves · 9 months
hi hi sorry 2 bother but God i really hope tumblr didnt nerf my ask abt what songs id match to the dca bc i really liked my choices D: D: D:
OMG FOB NONNIE HI dw it didnt get eaten i just didnt get a chance to answer (and lowkey forgot to dskjfgdhg). i will be answering shortly!!
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blkwag · 1 year
we need voice notes omg
#but im still a little ticked about something from yesterday#so we’re getting closer to the season starting and i’ve been posting on our socials ummm the players for the 2023 season#and I started with returning players bc that’s was me and m established like months ago#so m is a player and he’s returning but he was the last returning player i was gonna post#and a couple weeks ago maybe last week d (the guy who used to run the socials which he still has access to) texted me and asked if i was#gonna make a post that day (it was a tues) and i was like no. cause I do them M W F#so he was like good cause i want m to be the last player announced and i was like yeah. he will be the last RETURNING player announced#KEEP THAT IN MIND YALL. LAST RETURNING PLAYER ANNOUNCED#so why did i make m’s post yesterday and in the caption even said something like for our LAST RETURNING PLAYER and i announced m#WHYYYYYYY DID d text me something like ‘shay it’s done but i wanted m to be the last player.’ bc he didn’t want his old team who happens to#be a rival to know he was still playing here which where tf else would he go at this point like if he was gonna go back to them or anywhere#else he wouldn’t be here???#then he added a smile emoji and like said it’s no big deal. then why tf did you send the message#so i was like 🤨😐 sorry. i didn’t know he wanted m to be that last player announced but if you followed me you would know that i specifically#posted about the returning players. so why tf would i post m at the very end.#why would i post about the returning players. then go into new signings and be like oh wait here’s our last player who is a returning player#that should’ve been posted three weeks ago 😐#what sense would that make#but i was like whatever man#literally m and c were like. it’s not a big deal#and they tell me all the time to take what d says with a grain of salt and to not take it to heart#bc at the end of the day. he’s still not in the office physically#so he literally doesn’t know what convos were having and what we’re talking about and planning on the office#apparently he comes in tomorrow which 🙂#it’s fine. but he better not fawking pile a bunch of shit on me#luckily i have m and c around so they probably won’t let that happen
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diordeer · 4 months
“if you want someone, then just call me up, and remember where I'll be: sweet in bare feet, you can find me where no one will be” - lana del rey (smau)
contains: charlie bushnell x fem!reader, who is literally just a cutie pie and everyone loves her, face claim is shay rudolph
description: guys i need to stop playing safe bc i was dming this guy but then ghosted him bc hes a bit of a pathological liar but like… he kinda cute
requested by: @tomblythsslut
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Liked by leahsavajeffries, iamcharliebushnell and others
yn.ln 🐱🐱
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user1 shes so real for practically mainly only posting pics of her cat
↳ yn.ln he’s my muse and also runs the cult… that im- um in 😊
↳ user2 this is so real, every cat is borderline terrifying
↳ yn.ln he attacks me WHILE i cuddle him but gets mad when i go away like make it make sense
↳ user4 yn is my muse
user3 i literally love her shes so cute
iamcharliebushnell i am terrified of your cat i think i get ptsd whenever i see a pic from him after last time
↳ yn.ln WHAT?! he loves u rly 🩷🩷
user5 yn and her cat is my roman empire
dior.n.goodjohn the angle in the last pic is KILLING me
↳ yn.ln wdym he always looks like that 🤷‍♀️
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Liked by dior.n.goodjohn, walker.scobell and others
yn.ln 0.5s on set (+ dior 😘)
tagged walker.scobell, dior.n.goodjohn, leahsavajeffries
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walker.scobell i cant believe u cut me out!!
↳ yn.ln i thought putting u on the cover would make up for it 😣
↳ aryansimhadri WHAT AB ME
↳ yn.ln ill star you next time im so sorry 😔
user1 she knows what the fandom wants and feeds us gourmet meals
leahsavajeffries charlies glasses 4 life
↳ iamcharliebushnell moneys well spent
↳ yn.ln i still need to have a go with them 😣
↳ iamcharliebushnell ok bet ill bring them next week
user2 whats happening next week!
↳ user3 girl shut up leave them alone
↳ user2 ummm..?
dior.n.goodjohn i cant believe i get the starring role in this post
↳ yn.ln ofc pooks 😘
yn.ln just posted on their story
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Seen by dior.n.goodjohn, walker.scobell and others
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Liked by dior.n.goodjohn, aryansimhadri and others
yn.ln ice cream with my pookie pies!! <3
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↳ user2 whoever it is better be some dream guy bc NOTHING can happen to yn
leahsavajeffries u can never go wrong with mint choc chip!
↳ yn.ln exactly!!!!!
aryansimhadri im still waiting for my feature !!
user3 guys ik this is a stretch BUT she did call charlie a cutie on her story
↳ user4 yeah but i feel like she would call everyone that
↳ user6 ok onto this theory charlie literally posted on the comments of her last post that they were seeing eachover next week AKA THIS WEEK!!!
↳ user7 oh my god oh my god oh my god
aryansimhadri pookie nation!!!
↳ yn.ln going strong 🫡
iamcharliebushnell i cant believe you would get mint choc chip when chocolate was the obvious choice
↳ yn.ln excuse me 😃
↳ user6 “WAS”?
↳ user2 y’all reading into stuff like maniacs
taglist: @lostinhisworld @lizziesfirstwife @auttumnsayshi @silkenthusiasts @taygrls @kidkrowk @kanojous @niktwazny303 @m00ng4z3r @highfidelities @b0ok-lover
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captainreecejames · 2 months
tagline : if he cheats, get with his idol.
pairing : Lewis Hamilton x FEM!reader
faceclaim : Shay Mitchell
warnings : as always, terrible men and language
your messages ----------
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twitter ----------
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ynusername posted --------
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liked by carmenmmundt and others
ynusername in new york #tommyhilfiger
(load more comments)
username26 step on me please
username37 God please make me half as pretty as her
username82 need Mick Schumacher to comment on this post ↳ username83 wait did you see mickschumy's tweets? ↳ username82 YES, need him to come through
username19 not me being delulu thinking that Carmen is gonna set this all in motion for us just cause she liked it ↳ username20 I'll be delulu too!
lailahasanovic I'm in awe 😍😍 ↳ ynusername babe thank you!!
liamsfriend gross ↳ bsfinstagram lol not Liam trying to stay relevant 😭
your messages --------
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ynusername posted ---------
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liked by georgerussell63 and others
ynusername 🧳
(load more comments)
username94 they had to have seen that thread!!
username45 that's a mercedes, she's just teasing us 😭
username74 yn babe, please give us more!!!
username15 George liked I'm convinced it's happening
liamsfriend2 you're shit ↳ username11 everyone point and laugh!!! 🫵🤣 ↳ username62 🫵🤣🤣 ↳ username74 🫵🤣🤣🤣 ↳ mickshumacher 🤣🤣🤣🫵🫵 (this comment has been deleted) ↳ username71 NO MICK DONT DELETE IT
username45 Mick is now the number one Liam hater hahahah ↳ bsfinstagram no he's not 🤨 ↳ username45 omg sorry bsf/n you're right ↳ bsfinstagram it's okay girlie
roscoelovescoco cans I's gets a rides? ↳ ynusername ofc roscoe!! let me know time and place
username10 no fucking way lewis is gonna use roscoe on yn's post ↳ bsfinstagram shush he's shy ↳ username10 NOOOO lewis don't let her violate you like this lewis_hamilton
lewis_hamilton come to our garage!
Mick's messages --------- your messages ------
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ynusername posted --------
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liked by roscoelovescoco and others
ynusername oh to be wined and dined
(load more comments)
bsfinstagram and who's doing the wining and dining? ↳ ynusername me duhhh, I got that CEO money
username23 yn said i'm the money maker here ↳ ynusername he does make more than me but I can spoil a man sometimes
username12 THIS HAS TO BE LEWIS PLS CONFIRM bsfinstagram ↳ bsfinstagram i can't
georgerussell63 what a lovely restaurant, looks so cozy and also like it has vegan options ↳ username13 George!!!! share what you know ynusername he knows nothing ↳ georgerussell63 I am stupid ↳ username14 not the charles ref ↳ charles_leclerc mate why bring me into this ↳ georgerussell63 you need to help your future teammate if you love him so much ↳ carlossainz55 yeah!
username15 george and charles indirectly confirming this is lewis with those comments ↳ username16 as they should
lewis_hamilton you look very beautiful ↳ ynusername 🫶🏼🫶🏼
username17 when he cheats on you get with his idol ↳ liamsfriend3 I don't idolize lewis, max is clearly better ↳ username17 lmao still stalking her with your friends account this is pathetic ↳ maxverstappen33 and i don't want your shitty support ↳ username17 NOOOO MAX
bsfinstagram max i was unfamiliar with your game ↳ maxverstappen33 I'm not a total monster
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mandalhoerian · 1 year
Shai! Shai! I've thought of another scenario for Leon😊 Altho being a new fan I've come to the conclusion that Leon is the type to believe he's not good enough for his partner, he believes they could do better then him. So imagine a Leon who has finally accepted he has feelings for you and works up the courage to confess only for you to turn the tables on him and say you dont feel good enough for him. I imagine he would be in disbelief? How would he react to his crush telling him "You're too good for me Leon."?
too good for me | leon kennedy x reader
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pairing: leon kennedy x reader (unspecified gender) genre: fluff, miscommunication, the "endeared badass x normal person scared shitless of the endeared badass" trope. no spice, unfortunately. only good vibes and leon being head over heels smitten. enjoy! word count: 2.7K? It's short! notes: hi sarah! i am SO SORRY this has taken forever. you requested this one month ago! its been so hectic lately, i've been having health problems that required regular hospital visits and tests upon tests, but now that my surgery (yeah i know... yikes) is authorized i'm only waiting for them to call me for the date and have all the time in the world to get my rest and write. i'm also working on your other (wink wink) request! thank you so much for being patient with me. hope this is what you had in mind! i also added my touch and ideas to it lmao. happy reading!!
🌀 read on ao3!
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“You’re too good for me,” is the hesitant, small answer you give him while avoiding eye contact and playing with your fingers in front of your office’s shared coffee maker Leon had made countless paperwork excuses to be able to simply stop by — to his question, that is, about why you wouldn’t go on a simple date with him. 
You puff out an awkward laugh to smooth things over as humorous but it’s forced and not at all sincere. 
It’s taken Leon a whole inner journey (Spain. Mostly the simultaneous trauma and catharsis of Spain) to get over himself to recognize what his heart truly wanted but was too pussy to look at before, yet here you two are. The lone angel in his life telling the failure Leon is that he’s too good? For you?
He simply stares, dumbly standing there, piping hot coffee that’s actually incompatible with his taste buds he insists he must do a detour to get from here simply because you often do, stiff and awkward in his hold, thinking he heard you wrong because he hasn’t gotten a good night’s rest — rest, not sleep — in forever since he came back from Spain. 
He’s been forcing himself to come to work just for a glimpse of you and your pretty face to recharge his battery, heal his soul a bit, let you be all that occupies his mind despite being laid off after that outrageous mission that resulted in the president’s unwanted favor and nightmares upon nightmares with only anxious yet soothing thoughts of you as the best bad out of the worst he’s had to face— and what is it that you said again?  
“You’re joking right?” Leon says, pride not knowing if it should be broken or not because he’s not sure to take this as a rejection, and it isn’t his intention for it to sound that harsh. He’s not some asshole who can’t take no for an answer, it’s your reasoning that has him downright jamming like a gun.
Leon has to remind himself to switch off work mode because now you look mousey as if he has a paw on your tail, shoulders pulled into yourself.  “Sorry!” He feels so bad, heart expanding within his ribcage and it aches, fuck, he just wanted to ask you out and all he’s doing is scaring you. “I’m sorry, you were kidding. I didn’t get it— I’m kinda slow and you sound flat sometimes, of course you weren’t serious, I’m—”
“No, I was serious.” His eyebrows furrow at yet another self-degradation from you. “It’s you who has to be kidding. What do you mean too good for you?”
You are at a loss of words, mouth opening but nothing coming out, and finally look him in the eye and all Leon wants to do is lean down and capture your mouth, he’s heavily distracted by you licking your lips and swallowing, the sighting of the tip of your pink tongue makes his shirt suddenly suffocating and tight. 
“I mean,” you begin tentatively, unaware of what’s going on in his head, vaguely gesturing to Leon. “Well… You’re you, I mean… And I’m. Me. Look at you and look at me. Why would you even…?”
“Hey,” Leon sets his mug on the counter, closing his eyes and pinching the insides with his thumb and pointer. The implications alone sent a zapping headache through his skull that he knows he has to rest to be able to unpack, especially when he’s finally decided on seriously pursuing you in spite of himself. Leon can’t let this remain unaddressed, for your sake and his sanity. “How about I wait for you after work today and we talk about this somewhere else?” He’s squinting. “In detail.”
“We don’t really need to—”
“We do.” Leon wants you to see he’s serious about this — about you. “Because I see something here that I want to pursue and we can’t have any misunderstandings. Would appreciate it if you at least give me the chance to clear the air.”
“P-pursue?” You swallow and Leon’s mind wanders again. “Clear the air you say…”
He breathes in. “Can you give me your phone?”
You slap it into his palm almost immediately, the speed with which you obey him without asking him any questions surprises him. He wants to scold if you’re willing to hand over your mobile to any guy who asks, but supposes it’s not his place — is frustrated this is what it takes to get him annoyed, as well. He isn’t some young adult. Weirdly, you make him feel like one.  
He’s punching his own number in, despite the conflicting feelings, finally feeling like this is getting somewhere and he’s doing it when you start talking again, nervous. “You can uh, clear the air… right here… without taking me to a secondary location…” 
His eyes flick up to yours in confusion and you look to the right immediately, and back to him. To the right. Back to him. It’s somehow comedic, because why do you look like you’re cornered by some bad guy? 
You really look like you want to be anywhere else than here, Leon’s fucking this up and he doesn’t even know what he’s doing wrong. Was he going too fast? Should he have told you his number and let you save it instead? 
You’re mumbling, nervousness clear as day for reasons he can’t fathom, he hears you, but he doesn’t really understand. 
“What? What's wrong?" Leon asks, his voice laced with genuine concern. He takes a step closer, wanting to bridge the gap between you and alleviate whatever discomfort you were experiencing. "You seem... uneasy. Did I do something wrong?"
Your eyes meet his briefly, then quickly shift away again, as if you are struggling to find the right words. 
Leon's heart sinks. His intention wasn’t to make you feel nervous or pressured, especially when he is genuinely trying to connect with you — then, in a brilliant moment of heart-stopping realization, the fact that you might just not be interested slaps him in the face and he’s…
Well. Wouldn’t that be the reality? 
Leon is… He isn’t exactly the ideal man. Not with what he does, and how his life is. He’s aware of that. Have been running from forming connections because of what he knows will end up happening because of that. He can’t get attached and keep losing people — can’t keep getting hurt in the vicious cycle to prevent everyone from getting hurt. It’s been the bane of his existence ever since STRATCOM plucked him off straight from Raccoon City. Even if you work in the same field as him, just different offices, who is to say it will work out anyway? 
He’s getting ahead of himself. You might not like him at all in the first place. Jesus. 
Maybe you see him for what he is. Maybe you think he’s not  —- the effort’s not worth it, and you wouldn’t exactly be wrong in thinking so. You could be wanting something else in life that he only has the desire to give you, and not the promise. He wouldn’t blame you, hell, who would blame someone for being their own person with their thoughts, wishes, wants and goals in life? 
You’re too good for me, really, is his line. It has been right from the beginning, his excuse in running away from his undeniable, frightening attraction to you.
"No, it's not you," you finally managed to articulate, prompting Leon to release the breath he was holding, your voice shaky, playing with your fingers. "I just... I feel a bit overwhelmed. This is all happening so fast, and I never expected..."
Leon nods, his expression softening as he realizes the weight of the situation. He hasn’t fully considered how his sudden confession and determination to pursue you might have caught you off guard. He has been so focused on his own feelings that he hasn’t taken into account your own thoughts and emotions.
"I understand," he replies, voice gentle and reassuring. "I didn't mean to overwhelm you. I just... I couldn't keep my feelings to myself anymore. But please know that I don't expect an immediate answer or any commitment from you. I just… Well. I just wanted to tell you. See where this goes. Or, maybe, if that’s not the case… Get rejected for good so I can move on, you know?"
You laugh a little and it’s genuine — you have no idea how it turns Leon’s heart into putty right where it hangs between two lungs. “Do you really mean all of that?”
“Of course,” he says, offended the tiniest bit. “Why do you think I would joke about something like this?”
“It’s not about you joking, really…” You’re uncomfortable again, hesitating to tell him something. 
“Hey, you can tell me.”
“Can you promise you won’t get mad?”
“What am I, your father?” He snorts. “Come on, tell me.” 
You brace yourself for it and he doesn’t understand why until you say it. “You, um… You’re kinda scary.”
He blinks. “Sorry?”
“Sorry!” You raise your hands up in panic. “I don’t really mean it like that, not to insult you or anything, it’s actually admirable, I’m just saying! Discipline, work ethic, unmatched field performance! You’re very… Very, uh… Intimidating, yeah, that’s the word…? I mean, like… You, uh, you’re famous, you know, we all know your work, you’re very hard working, working hard, very hard work — uh, um… So it’s…”
“I scare you?” Leon swears he felt his eyes get bigger the faster you kept on vomiting words. “You think I would hurt you?” 
“No!” You reject strongly, waving a nervous hand at him. Silence befalls later, which you follow awkwardly with a silent, guilty. “Maybe,” after clearing your throat. 
 He had always strived to be a protector, but he hadn't realized that his image and reputation — what it had become after Spain — could have such an effect on someone he cares about. 
"I never meant to scare you," he says softly, his voice filled with genuine remorse, he puts the coffee mug on the counter and leans his hip on it, shoulders sagging a bit as he crosses his arms. The thought of you only feeling intimidation about him leaves a bitter taste worse than the coffee does. "I guess... I've always been so focused on work, on the dangers just around the corner — I’m aware how it might affect my relationships in the long run so I never attempted to form any at all, but I never realized how it might affect how people see me in the first place. I never wanted to make you, of all people, feel this way. I could never hurt you. Never."
“I didn’t want to imply you’re a guy who’d intentionally hurt someone—”
“Don’t worry about it,” he sighs, ruffling his hair to get rid of the awkwardness. “So I’ve just been bugging you this whole time, huh? Jesus. I’m so sorry.”
“No! No, don’t say that, you’re amazing! You’re like a hero around here…”
“Around here doesn’t mean shit,” he replies curtly, and regrets cursing like that in front of you immediately. It’s unbecoming of him — and doesn’t help his image in your eyes at all. He’s getting frustrated. His tone lowers into a softer, more disappointed, heartfelt one. “I only care about how you think of me.” 
“Well, you’re amazing,” you say again, bashfully this time, and it prompts him to look at you. There’s something shy about you now that has him standing taller in anticipation, wondering if it’s him reading this wrong or not. “It’s pretty well-known if you didn’t know.”
“I don’t know,” he prods, idiot heart fluttering at the way you’re flustered. “What do you think? Besides intimidating, I mean. Not reporting on the local gossip this time, if you don’t mind.”
“You seem like a nice guy,” you settle. The middle ground. “I’ve seen you with the president’s daughter.”
Leon's expression softens at your words, a mixture of relief and gratitude washing over him. He takes a deep breath, trying to let go of the tension that had built up within him. The mention brings a slight smile to his face, memories of Ashley flooding his mind, a fondness evident in his eyes. "Ah, Ashley. Yeah, that was quite the adventure. Though what can you be other than a nice guy when your mission is the president’s daughter?"
“I know a couple people who’d treat her like a package to be delivered. You prioritized her wellbeing more than anything.”
“What else was I supposed to prioritize?”
“You know what I mean. Emotional wellbeing. I’ve read your initial report and her statement. You cared about her.” A smile tugs at your lips, he can tell you’re a bit more comfortable now. "Especially during what you’ve been through. It's impressive how you handle yourself in those situations."
He shrugs modestly, a hint of pride shining in his eyes. You respect him. "I guess you could say it comes with the job. But it's not all action and danger, you know. There's more to me than just being a government agent."
Your curiosity piques, and you tilt your head, prompting him to continue. "Tell me more. What's Leon Kennedy like outside of work and missions?"
It catches him off guard that you want to know more and take the first step. You could have just rejected him. His heart picks up, chest expanding in excitement, he’s glad for the opportunity to share a glimpse of his life beyond the chaos of his work — he’s normally not eager to share pieces of his life like this, but… He’d give it to you on a silver platter, whether it'd lure you in or not. That’s how Leon knows he wants this with you so bad. “I wanna lie to woo you but… Would it be too unattractive to tell I really don’t have a life outside of work? I’m still trying to find some balance in my life. The upper echelon guys are pretty ruthless and demanding. I guess it means I can say I’m into traveling?”
“Is this the cool guy way of saying you’re an introvert these days?”
The unexpectedness of it is what gets him to throw his head back to laugh, and he catches you staring, scrambling to rub his face to get rid of it and regain some composure. “Yeah,” he breathes. “Pretty much.”
“Well,” you gesture at him, there’s a vague pink hue dusting your cheeks. “What are you into, then?”
God, he can’t stop, “Other than you?” from escaping his dumb mouth. He shouldn’t have said it. It’s too corny. So uncalled for. Your mouth hangs open and he wishes he could rewind the tape to take it back and choose some other option. “Say… What about we continue this discussion after work? I know a good coffee place. Let me make it up to you for invading your lunch time. I’ll tell you all about me, what do you say?”
You look at the clock on the wall, he knows you didn’t get to have anything because he decided to turn up and serenade you with unwanted attention, it’s two birds with one stone for him if you decide to accept — he wouldn’t have asked if he didn’t see a perfect moment to seize the chance. 
“Coffee sounds perfect,” you nod, with no pressure from him, and it lifts a great weight off his shoulders. “Would it be okay if I eat something too?”
Why are you so adorable? You don’t know that you own the power to get Leon to have your superiors let you go for the day, but he can’t get too excited right now. “Say the word and it becomes a dinner date.”
It gets you flustered again, you don’t know where to put your hands, and he’s so happy about it. “It’s a weekday… That’d be a bit exhausting…”
“Okay. Coffee date it is.”
He’s noticing you like the cheeky confidence, and it makes sense, considering the intensity had you intimidated. “Thank you,” you say. “I’d like that.”
“Believe me,” Leon can’t stop the grin from overtaking his expression. “My pleasure. You’re honestly too good for me.”
There’s the sudden urge to kiss you when vulnerability and shyness lights up your whole face, but he’ll take it slow. He has to take it slow. For himself. 
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mirrortouchedsea · 5 months
Day 20
Madara pulled the yarn through the final stitch and looked at his… scarf. It was an attempt and while it didn’t look awful, he could tell that his tension had been maybe too tight and there was a weird dip a few rows in, but at least it was finished. He grabbed a yarn needle and tried to weave in the tails so he could properly call it finished. 
Leo had been complaining about losing his scarf the week before and Madara had the genius idea to try and make one himself. He had tried knitting but three dropped stitches later he decided to try something else. Kuro had suggested crochet since it was much more beginner friendly, and Madara had to agree. Despite everything, at least the scarf in his hands wouldn’t fall apart if he forgot a stitch somewhere. 
It still looked like a pretty messed up rectangle though. He debated just making a second one when the door opened to the craft room and he felt someone drape themself over his shoulders. 
“Mamaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,” Leo whined. “Why are you ignoring me?” 
Madara turned his phone on and noticed a dozen missed calls and several unanswered texts from Leo. Oops. 
“Sorry Leo-san, I got distracted.” He turned to press a chaste kiss to Leo’s lips. “I tried to make you something but--” Leo’s eyes lit up and he reached for the garment in Madara’s hands. 
“Wahaha! You’re the best Mama! I love it!” Leo had already wrapped the scarf around his neck despite being indoors. “Oh I’m filled with inspiration! Do you have any paper? I need to write an Ode to Mama’s Scarf immediately!” 
Madara laughed and pulled out the notepad he had started carrying with him from his bag. Leo grabbed it and began scribbling, singing the melody as it came to him. When he was finished he tore out the page and folded it into his pocket for later. 
“Thank you, Mama. I mean it.” Madara felt a light blush on his face, a rare occurrence in their relationship. 
“Anything for you, Leo-san.” 
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ragsforless · 3 months
Dune crack!au (5)
Feyd: Hey, Paul.
Paul: No.
Feyd: Husband dear?
Paul: Fine. What do you want now?
Feyd: Can I have my knives back?
Paul: No.
Feyd: Pretty please?
Paul: Still no.
Feyd: It’s been 2 months! I want my precious Giedi Prime knives back-
Paul: Not until you say sorry to Gurney and Stilgar.
Feyd: I did nothing wrong! I’m innocent!
Paul: You deliberately stole all of their clothes and made them into freaking tents and curtains!
Feyd: Actually, it was our dear
Princess Irulan who stole them.
Paul: That’s not the point!
Feyd: The point is that I, the gorgeous Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen was the one who made the sparkly sand proof tents and curtains-
Paul: Ugh. Muad’Dib, help me.
Feyd: My Lankiveil sewing skills are superior to-
Paul: F*ck your stupid Lankiveil sewing skills! Tell Gurney that you’re sorry right now!
Feyd: It was extremely hot and Irulan and I needed new curtains!
Paul: You could’ve just asked me for new ones instead of stealing Gurney’s galactic underpants-
Feyd: And ruin our yearly budget?! Our monthly savings?! The Arrakeen economy?! Not on my watch, husband. Not on my watch!
Paul: Feyd, babe, calm down-
Feyd: I want my knives back, Paul!
Paul: Give me one good reason-
Feyd: My daddy gave them to me.
Paul: Apologize first!
Feyd: I’m your wife!
Paul: And I’m the Emperor of the known universe!
Feyd: Fine! keep them! Burn them! Throw them away! I don’t care!
Paul: Feyd, listen-
Feyd: But I’m telling Irulan that you’re abusing your powers again.
Paul: No, not her! Don’t tell her-
Feyd: Irulan! Irulan, Paul is being a tyrannical control freak again!
Irulan: *runs in* Feyd, babe, are we in trouble?!
Feyd: Muad’Dib, no.
Irulan: Did our husband find out about our “math” business with Stilgar and his Fremen friends?!
Feyd: No, not yet.
Irulan: Oh, thank Muad’Dib.
Paul: But I’m Muad’Dib-
Feyd: Paul said that he’ll cancel our super secret ✨Music Nights with Shai-Hulud✨ and exclusive ✨Desert Festivals✨ again!
Irulan: *glares at Paul* You evil tyrant, how could you?!
Paul: I- I love ✨Music Nights with Shai-Hulud✨!
Feyd: You don’t even sing!
Paul: I do! I swear I do!
Irulan: Oh, stop changing the freaking subject, Paul!
Paul: Last I’ve checked, we’re still on the same page!
Irulan: You promised me that Feyd and I can sing freely in the desert with Stilgar every other night!
Feyd: Our dear husband also told me that the members of House Corrino are just a bunch of nerdy losers!
Paul: I- I was drunk!
Irulan: Chani! Chani, Paul is abusing his witchy powers again!
Chani: *walks in* Yo, what’s up, losers? How’s life?
Irulan: Our “beloved” husband said that your desert hair sucks!
Chani: He did not-
Irulan: He did!
Feyd: We’re telling the truth.
Paul: Chani bear, we all know that our dear “Drunk Irulan” and “Freaky Feyd-Rautha” are clearly lying-
Irulan: Drunk Irulan?! Who the f*ck is Drunk Irulan?!
Chani: Lol.
Feyd: Chani bear, your “Paular bear” also told me that you smell like a dying Shai-Hulud.
Chani: A what?!
Feyd: A dying ugly ass Shai-Hulud.
Paul: Chani-
Chani: Somebody is sleeping with the sandworms tonight!
Feyd: Yeah! The sandworms!
Irulan: Let’s go sandworms!
Paul: Ughhhh! I knew it! I knew I should’ve stayed single.
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starswallowingsea · 1 year
fic where shu just ends up being uncharacteristically kind and helpful trying to help a little kid find their parents at a craft fair
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superiorsturgeon · 7 months
Adam: *tosses tied-up Jaune on the ground*
Jaune: Oof! What do you assholes want?!
Cinder: *crouches down in front of Jaune* Don’t worry, blondie, we’re not going to hurt you. You’re just bait for your girlfriend, Pyrrha!
Jaune: My girlfriend is dead!
Cinder: Yeah…see, that’s what I thought! But she just keeps coming back!
Pyrrha: *at the laundromat, trying to scrub bloodstains from her suit*
Maria Calavera: *doing her laundry beside Pyrrha* Use lemon juice and baking soda to clean blood out of clothes.
Pyrrha: 😲
Maria: …idiot…
Garbage Truck: *pulls up beside shady hideout building*
Pyrrha: *half climbs, half falls out the back*
Pyrrha: Thanks for the ride! Sorry for bleeding all over your garbage!
Pyrrha: *tearing through a hideout of bandits*
Vernal/Shay D Man: *run to safe room and slam the door behind them*
Pyrrha: *trying to break into safe room* Come on! It’s my anniversary today and I’m running late! 😫
Neo: *behind the bar* So you’re back from the dead, huh? Have you told your boyfriend?
Pyrrha: No…! I’m terrified of what he’ll say when he sees my face…😭
Neo: Oh, come on, how bad can it-
Pyrrha: *pulls back her hood, revealing her scars*
Neo: WHOA!! Your face looks like an avocado face-fucked a topographic map! 😨
Pyrrha: Thank you…😑
Neo: It must’ve been serious hate-fucking…there was something wrong in the relationship…😰
Pyrrha: Thank you…😓
Neo: I’m sorry, but you look…haunting…!
Pyrrha: *face on the table*…thank you…😭
Pyrrha: *smashes phone down* AAAARGH!!!
Neo: Shit, they’ve got Jaune?!
Pyrrha: …I need guns!
Neo: Which guns?
Pyrrha: ALL OF THE GUNS!!! 🤬
Pyrrha: Okay…I need your help…! They’ve got Jaune! 😓
Nora/Ren: 🤨
Ren: All right, but in return we’d like you to consider joining us!
Pyrrha: Okay…FINE…
Pyrrha: *muttering as she turns away* …it’s funny…all the other teams have four members, but I only ever see two of you…
Pyrrha: …it’s almost like the writer was too lazy to add more characters…
Pyrrha: *standing on Cinder’s body*
Cinder: 😵
Pyrrha: …I’m just a girl…standing in front of a boy…
Pyrrha: …Oh my gods, what the hell am I going to say to him?!?!
Ren: *turning away* Well, you’d better think of something quick…!
Nora: 🤭
Pyrrha: What…? *turns around*
Jaune: 😡
Pyrrha: 😱
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themultifandomgal · 6 months
Jay Halstead- Work Husband Pt3
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The following day I arrive to the precinct
"Alright Trudy"
"YLN your late" she acknowledges me without looking up
"Yeah I know, I'm sorry crazy morning"
"I don't care. Don't let it happen again" she says before letting me be buzzed up. I make my way to the break room to make myself a drink. Jay is in there already making himself a drink. Seeing me he gets out my cup and starts making me a coffee
"Thanks" I take a sip just as Jay asks
"How was the sex?" I practically choke on my coffee
"What?" I shout
"Come on. You and Severide. I saw how he looked at you last night"
"Kelly and I are friends"
"With benefits?"
"No" I roll my eyes "he's like a brother to me. Helped me through some shit"
"What kind of shit?" Before I can respond Erin pokes her head through the door
"Antonio and Jules have info"
Jay and I bring our drinks to the bullpen where Jules and Antonio are waiting
"We're boking for a Shane Cameron" Antonio tells us Xevier says he's been in hiding since yesterday"
"Yeah, but he has a flop house over on Addison. Might be worth checking out"
"All right, everybody vest up" Voight tells us all.
Once we arrive on the scene Antonio and Jules are the fist ones in when I hear a gun shot
"10-1. Officer shot" I hear Antonio shout through the radio. Voight and Erin are the first in with Jay and I behind them with our guns up
"Jules!" Erin shouts with worry. I run over to Jules and Antonio while Jay stays at the door
"YN!" I turn to Jay
"It's Pulpo let's go"
"Erin stay here" I tell her and run to Jay and Ruzek. We get in the car, Jay is driving and we start a high pursuit chase. As we're casing him cars are taking there time to move out of the way
"Fuck sake move!" I shout swerving between the cars. We finally block the car down an alleyway but of course not wanting to be caught Pulpo exists the car. Jay is the first one out with his gun and starts chasing him on foot. I then hear Jay tell us that he's got the offender.
Jules didn't make it. She died on arrival. I sit down on the couch with Severide sat next to me
"I needed this after the day I've had" I sigh as Shay hands me a beer then sits next to me on the other side 
"I'm sorry about Jules"
"I know our job is... unpredictable, but you never think... I can't get her husband and kids out of my head. Like fuck she had two kids"
"Come here" Shay pulls my into her side and hugs me. There's a knock on the door making all of us frown
"I'll get it" Kelly says going towards the door while Shay and I continue to hug one another
"Errr" Kelly awkwardly walks back into the living room with Jay
"Jay what are you doing here?"
"Today was tough. Just erm wanted to check up on you" Jay look at Kelly and Leslie
"Why don't we go and make dinner hey Shay?" They both leave the room, leaving me alone with Jay
"Are you ok after today?"
"Honestly? Not really no"
"Want to talk about it?" I ask scooting over on the couch. Jay sits down next to me
"All I can't think of is if that was you"
"YN you are the best partner I have had, not only that your a good friend. Today just scared me"
"It scared me too" I place my head on his shoulder, Jay hugs me tightly into him "you can drive tomorrow, if you want" I say earning a little chuckle from him
"Thank you"
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bigtreefest · 3 months
Chapter 3: Save Me The Trouble
From: Bigger Houses Series
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Pairing: Mountain Ranger! Ari x Reader
Summary: People need to be more careful and watch where they’re going. You could run into a handsome stranger and get asked on a date!
Word Count: 1,821
Content/Warnings: oblivious walking (once again), like one swear, internal self-doubting monologues that hopefully still indicate a healing process, female reader, it’s pretty much fluff
Author’s Note: I’m so grateful for all that have been reading. I hope you enjoy this new part, a cute little bridge. Likes, comments, reblogs, and asks are sooooo welcome and appreciated!!
Dividers by @animatedglittergraphics-n-more
Here is the song this is based off of loosely, good song, listen if you please.
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You were finally settling into your new job and your new life in town. Your schedule was all figured out, and to get to know the area a little better, each day, you had started going somewhere different over lunch, driving down the mountain and into the quaint little town.
After a hectic morning, coffee seemed like just the thing to lift your spirits, so you set up your navigation to a little mom and pop shop on Main Street, cruising there with the windows down to soak up the sun and the breeze. Town was beautiful and surprisingly empty today, so it caught you by surprise when you were pulling into the parking lot and saw a khaki smear coming out of your blind spot. You stood on the brakes as soon as the tall figure took a step in front of your vehicle. A man in…were those…ranger shorts and a hat?….slammed his hands down on the hood of your car. It was him again.
You leaned your head out through the window. “You trying to make a habit of me almost hitting you? I thought you were a bear….again. Seriously, you’d think I’m out here trying to take out the nation’s wildlife if it wasn’t you walking out in front of my car every time.”
He let out a sigh as he hung his head in relief, his heart still beating fast at the near-death experience, and made his way over to your window. As you pulled yourself back in the car, he rested his elbows at the bottom of your window and leaned forward.
“I really am sorry. I’m not sure why that keeps happening. My head was kinda in the clouds.” He grimaced slightly and let out an awkward laugh.
You wanted so badly to be angry with him, but his genuine response, paired with his eyes that reflected the sky had you melting. “I-I’m not sure if I accept your apology yet.” You said then bit your lip, caught up between your slight frustration with the stranger, yet your want to believe anything he said. “You’re gonna make a reputation for me around here as ‘that girl who almost flattened the mountain ranger…twice.’”
He let out a genuine laugh. “I promise your secret’s safe with me and it won’t happen again. And I’m sure I can think of a couple people who wouldn’t be too bothered by that.”
You let out a giggle at his joke, it wasn’t too often people who looked like that had a good sense of humor to pair. The two of you sat there awkwardly for a second before you spoke up. “Well I, uh, kinda need to park, I’m on my lunch hour and was planning on getting a bite to eat.”
“Oh yeah, of course.” He pulled away from your window, walking a few paces behind the vehicle as you pulled into a spot. “You know, there’s a nice little coffee shop around the corner. I’d love to make up that whole ‘not paying attention’ thing to you. Lunch on me?”
You pulled your keys out of the ignition, stepping out and looking up at his towering form. Maybe he really was a bear. “I suppose, as long as this isn’t your way of secretly trying to lure me as bait for the mountain lions as a revenge plan.”
“Ah, no, that’s only on Tuesdays.” He shrugged.
“Today…is Tuesday….” You looked at him with mild concern as he smirked at you.
“Well, I guess you’re just gonna have to trust me. I’m Ari.” He held out his hand and you introduced yourself. He nodded at you and his eyes sparkled when your hand met his. His hand was callused, but warm and comforting, almost embracing yours. “Alright, let’s get to it, you said you’ve only got an hour?”
You nodded as his hand made its way to the small of your back and he guided you along the sidewalk into the shop.
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You laughed as you sat there stirring your second drink: the free refill the shop offered if you sat and stuck around. Ari had just finished telling you about the time his pants had snagged on a tree when he was miles away from any sort of refuge or spare clothing, leaving his cheeks in the breeze until he could run the two miles back to the cabin to change. Your face began to grow red, you could feel it. You knew you’d never be able to get the thought of his ass in those ranger shorts out of your head, or better yet, out of those ranger shorts.
He spoke through his own hearty laughter. “Yeah, learned that one the hard way. From then on, I vowed to always keep at least two sets of backup clothing in the truck, and in my duffel if I’ve got to respond to a call.”
You laughed and stirred your drink again before taking another sip, while something stirred deep in Ari’s core. He was staring at you so intently and hung onto every word you said. Part of you wished he’d keep those pretty blue eyes to himself, while another part of you wanted to lean closer and fall into them.
Over the period of your conversation, the two of you had somehow shifted closer to each other. Everything was just flowing so well.
“I can relate to that too easily. It was probably three months into me getting my SUV I’ve got parked out there and I was visiting my mom. On the drive over, it was sunny with clear skies, so I had the windows down and sunroof open when I parked it in her driveway.”
Ari giggled. The gruff tree of a man in front of you giggled and you couldn’t help your gaze that dropped to his pink lips. “I can already see where this is going.”
You snapped yourself back, laughing distractedly. “Oh yeah, as soon as I got in there and convinced myself I had definitely closed the sunroof, the sky opened up. When I left after dinner, I was greeted by soaked seats and full cup holders.”
Ari’s jaw dropped. “Yeah, yeah, that’s not even the best part. Besides the fact that I had to sit in a soaked seat on the way home, when I took the first big turn on the drive, water started leaking out of the overhead lights. You know the ones up by the rear view mirror? I don’t even know how it got in there!”
Ari was snorting at your story. Your genuine nature charmed him and he appreciated how you were able to laugh with him over silly mistakes. He noticed how long it had been since he’d taken this much joy in human interaction, heck, he realized it’s been so long since he’s really interacted with another person, period. The bartender and the other rangers didn’t count. Ari’s eyes continued to roam your features as you passionately told your story, a reminiscent smile on your face. A lace of humor that could retrospectively cover the embarrassing moment.
“Ever since then, I’ve carried at least three towels in the trunk. And also a change of clothes, just like you. It took all night for me to dry out the seats my garage. Had to open all the doors and run a box fan.”
Ari laughed and shook his head. “Well, cheers to learning from mistakes and always being prepared.”
You nodded, eyebrows raised in agreement, as you raised your coffee cup to meet his. “Amen to that. I knew you were a ranger for a reason. And I’ve been told I was a boy scout in another life.”
The two of you sipped your drinks and laughed together. You were surprised how a conversation as mundane as this could be so entertaining. Seriously, who took up twenty minutes just to note how prepared they were by keeping spares of everything possible on their person?
Wait. Twenty minutes on that one subject? And you’d discussed several before? What time was it!?
You checked your watch and your eyes got wide. You’d been sitting here with Ari for two hours. “Oh my gosh. I didn’t even realize how much time has passed! I really have to go and get back to my actual life. I should’ve been gone an hour ago!”
You frantically started gathering your things.
Ari stood from his chair, causing it to skid against the floor, watching you pack up and unsure what to do. “Wait, can I see you again sometime?”
“That’d be great but I don’t have time to exchange numbers.” You debated chugging the rest of your coffee, opting for the smarter decision of just carrying it back with you.
“There’s a bar two blocks down from here. Share a drink with me Friday night?”
“Perfect.” You threw over your shoulder as you rushed out the door and back down the sidewalk.
You didn’t have it in your to tell a guy like him ‘no’ to a request as simple as that. Ari looked like the kind of guy who would just love and leave, but his behavior said otherwise. Through your entire time together, he only ever indicated that he cared about you. His eyes never left yours, he asked you questions about the stories you told him. But was it too good to be true? Maybe you should just save yourself the trouble you thought as you got back into your car.
No. You’d played with fire like this before, but this time, for some reason, you didn’t fear you’d get burned.
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Ari flopped back down in his chair after you left. He should probably get back to the ranger station soon, but he needed time to gather his thoughts.
He was finally relearning himself, and he had no plans on adding someone else back into the equation. Was it too soon?
He wanted to let you in, let you uproot his life from the inside. But he didn’t think it’d be wrecked. It would be rebuilt, regrown like the flower buds on the trees in spring. Everything about you seemed to shine so bright, like the rays from the sun he loved to watch filter through the leaves and hit the forest floor. Even through the clouds, his and your own that you both seemed to carry, something was glowing and warming up, he could feel them dissipating.
This feeling, the whole day and time with you, it felt like a movie he’s seen, but he didn’t believe it could be true. For a second, a tinge of doubt crept into Ari’s mind. What if it didn’t work out? What if this put him back where he started? Alone in that bar drinking doubles. He was quick to push it away, though. That heartache belonged to somebody else. Someone he never wanted to know again.
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