#yaz he's back
wintergojo · 2 years
dkahkdhakdha imagine dadgojo and his little dumpling on the hunt/search of chocolate eggs scattered and hidden around the house while wearing little bunny ears and carrying a little basket! the entire scene being so adorable and funny kdjhakdhakd. Gojo tried to eat one but the little one scolded him because they can't eat until they find them all. gojo helping him reach the ones hidden on high places while S/o is enjoying the view and snaping pics of this wholesome moment :')
anon this was such a cute idea ( ๑>ᴗ<๑ ) tho i’m really really really sorry it took me so long to respond and it’s not even easter month anymore 😭😭😭
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your toddler's squeals echoed throughout your down floor bathroom as he found the sixth easter egg you and your husband had hidden around the house. you capture the moment with your phone, smiling tenderly at how your baby adorably mispronounces 'eureka' every time he spots a small oval-shaped object.
"dada, lookie!" your son effortlessly raises his light blue basket full of the medium-sized chocolate eggs he had already found. the said eggs made by you and satoru after tucking seishiro into sleep last night had a tempered chocolate as the outermost layer, a lemon drizzle flavored sponge cake as the inner layer, and a raspberry filling as the innermost layer. the whole egg was homemade and made with buckets of his parents’ love, except for its wrapper which was a variety of colorful patterned beeswax paper that you ordered from amazon japan (satoru refused to use colored aluminum foils as they weren't reusable).
the father, wearing his white and blue bunny ears, beams at his son before praising him for his efforts, "great job, dumpling! i wonder where the rest are? hmmm." the older man then comically looks up in contemplation as he holds his chin with his thumb and index finger.
seishiro lets out a giggle before toddling excitedly out of the bathroom, his cerulean eyes immediately scanning his surroundings like a predator hunting for a prey (in his case chocolate eggs).
it's cute. how your baby tries his very best to appear intimidating as he whips his head back and forth. yet with him holding that little basket you yourself crotched while wearing those white and purple fluffy bunny ears that match his hair, he just looks like a tiny kitten searching for a carrot.
your little boy was so excited for his second easter egg hunting that he managed to wake up fifteen minutes before seven a.m., throwing you and satoru off when he suddenly appeared screaming "eggies!!" while you were still setting up for his egg hunt. (you had to convince him to eat his breakfast first as your husband continued hiding the eggs.)
seishiro makes his way back to the living room, carefully climbing the marbled stairs with his short chubby legs while singing some gibberish cartoon theme and holding his father's hand. he lets go of the taller man's hand and runs straight towards the balcony as soon as he steps on the last case, tiptoeing to pull the glass door's lock down and sliding it to the right with his brute strength.
as the child snickers and runs outside, you and your husband look at each other with your mouths agape. you’re quite sure you were both thinking about the same thing. 'since when could our baby do that?' and 'do we have to toddler-proof the balcony?’
your balcony is a wide, L-shaped deck with 20-inch-tall glass balustrades on the edges covered with bushes of hydrangea and an L-shaped white outdoor couch positioned on the intersection. in front of the sofa was a matching 1.5-million-yen white boca de lobo lapiaz oval center table containing the hidden chocolate egg you hid with satoru earlier.
adjacent to the couch and to the side of the wall was a small infinity pool where the three of you occasionally swim, and an outdoor rattan lying bed your family rests in after a fun pool day.
you watch your baby whip his head all around his surroundings, platinum eyebrows adorably scrunched up as he walks towards the shrubs and crouches down to inspect them. you and satoru keep your distance from him, but still heavily on guard in case the toddler suddenly loses his balance and falls face down (you know the glass railings are more than sturdy and won’t shatter if that happens, but you’re both highly paranoid and unreasonable when it comes to seishiro’s safety).
“aw yew hiw, eggies?” you hear the toddler murmur while combing through the bushes, before he gets momentarily distracted by the fully bloomed pink hydrangea that came into his view.
your baby seemed to be deep in thought as he inspected the flower carefully, even putting his basket down at his side and muttering something to himself quietly. satoru asked his dumpling if he found hydrangea pretty, but seishiro was too immersed in touching the pink flower to even hear his father.
the toddler finally nods with resolution before using his two little hands to pluck the blossom and place it alongside his easter eggs. he looks at the both of you afterwards, standing up (but not before kissing the plant and apologizing to it) and running towards you while carrying his little basket.
your baby stands in front of you shyly, fiddling with the coral flower resting on the eggs as if he's hesitant to say something.
and you absolutely can't have that—seishiro thinking that he should not (or could not) voice out his concerns to his parents is a no-no.
so you and satoru automatically crouch down to his eye level, the white-haired sorcerer even lifting the child up to sit on his thigh.
"what's wrong, dumpling? hmm?" your husband asks while attempting to make eye contact with the boy. you, on the other hand, card your hand through your child’s locks on his forehead to keep his silky hair from blocking his eyes.
seishiro just snickers and sticks his tongue out at his father (who exaggeratingly gasped), before turning to you and meekly offering you the fully bloomed pink hydrangea. "pwetty fyowew fow pwetty mama!" he cheerfully declares as he stands up and presses a wet kiss full of adoration from his little heart on your cheek.
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"ow ow ow ow dumpling, dada's hair! dada's hair!!"
your husband's dramatic cries were overpowered by your toddler's angelic laugh as he sat on his father's nape, pulling the older man's thick platinum hair to control wherever he wanted to go.
you continue taking pictures of their moment, zooming in fondly at your phone to look at the perfectly candid photograph of your baby boy gripping his father's hair with his eyes scrunched closed and mouth formed into a wide smile. said father below him had the same expression, although his face was contorted into something that looked awfully akin to pain (maybe he wasn't being dramatic after all).
seishiro is now on his second to the last egg, scouting the top of the kitchen shelves after finding three hidden at the top of his playroom cabinets. he probably got tired asking his older carbon copy "dada, can you wift seishi?" every time he thinks he spots something small oval-shaped object, so he asked to just sit on the back of his father's head the moment the three of you left the room.
“sowwy, dada.” the boy rubs satoru’s head with his chubby little hands and presses his lips onto the thick tufts of white hair. he then gives the chocolate egg he grabbed from one of the cupboards to his father who was currently holding the now tiny basket in his left hand.
just when your baby was about to go back to pulling his father's hair to maneuver out of the kitchen and look for the last egg, the sound of paper rustling immediately reached his ears. he looked down and saw his own father unwrapping the egg the boy had just given.
satoru was about to put the treat in his mouth when a pair of small soft hands suddenly covered his open mouth and a cheeky giggle was released, prompting your husband to look up and attempt to speak through a muffled voice.
“dada… can’t eat seishi’s eggies… untiw we find… ow eggies!” your baby eloquently says, astonishing both you and your husband (most especially your husband, who didn’t even notice that seishiro had already grabbed the treat from his fingers and handed it to you instead).
satoru then suddenly lifts seishiro off his nape and sits him on the countertop while you slowly walk towards them.
"since when could you speak so well, huh, dumpling? since when?" your husband starts attacking the boy with neck kisses, making seishiro laugh and squirm around while struggling to answer his father. you join in satoru’s kiss assault, blowing raspberry on your toddler's belly and wish for your precious baby to never grow up.
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happy super late easter!!(?) hehe
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power of the doctor but the master wears this
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yazthebookish · 6 months
"Az carried Elain bridal style"
She was unresponsive in his arms.
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yaz had to leave bc otherwise we would have had TWO companions being traumatized by the person they loved being forcibly turned into david tennant 
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canuckianhawkbi · 3 months
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Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin – chapter 34, Amuro vs. Char in Jaburo
“I must say, you’re acting more and more…LIKE HIM!”
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variousqueerthings · 9 months
I note that I don't, and I never, was much of a fan of doctor-and-rose as romance, but that I -- rather than get annoyed at the romantic-coded scenes -- had a tendency to simply read them from a totally different perspective, and really maybe should have been a sign of sooomething different about me, that I continuously felt that the doctor's concepts of connection must be so alien, that to call it romance would be to diminish the actual Thing that they had, which was presented as such onscreen (to my mind then, now I realise what was happening, but I prefer what I had going on), which is basically that the doctor was a shell of a person, hurtling towards destruction (he would have died without rose in ep1), desperately lonely and sad and traumatised, and she retaught nine -- and by extension ten -- how to love the universe, at the same time as nine and ten taught her the same. (I think about the scene in father's day, where while they're arguing, rose says that she knows how sad he is, and he'll just hang around the tardis waiting for her -- she knew!)
and then on top of that with sarah-jane (which, I never watched the classics as a kid, so I didn't have that context for her beyond what the episode presented) it felt like that was sort of confirmed and made even more canon through this idea that the doctor is constantly mourning the inevitable deaths of their companions and would rather simply leave them behind at some point than watch that happen (and they've seen that happen before, although dying for a cause versus just... dying, because you die, while they don't, they just continue on and on, always seeking connection, always knowing that time will take them away, that's a whole other thing)
and then of course there's ten's... I would call it "sex appeal" because it's david tennant and with his performance there's immediately a bit of a focus on oh he's quite pretty and he faints/is knocked unconscious in both of his first episodes, and a lot more flirting, and the people want to see sparks or what have you... but the doctor as portrayed and written is still... not coming at it that way. yes yes girl in the fireplace but also, once again, doesn't work for me, because I find it soooo much more interesting that the doctor would imprint on A Life - and a life that they admire -- and speedrun the exact thing that they're most afraid of with their companions... that she ages and dies and it's the one thing that the doctor simply cannot stop
meanwhile rose is quite young and swept up in this whole massive adventure and very much reads the doctor not as an alien (frequently surprised by their alien-ness) and gets jealous of sarah-jane as if she's an ex, and renette as if she's... a replacement? but really it's more that the doctor met her at the point when she was about to accept her life as it was. not an exciting life, not a bad life, but always having to ignore the idea that there must be more to it than this. and the idea that she might be unceremoniously dumped back in that after seeing just how This the this could be, of course that's terrifying. and of course she's simultaneously taken with the dashing doctor and the jetset life, and worried she could be replaced, because to her the doctor saved her at 19 years old. in some ways the doctor created her (considering who she becomes after dooms day)
contrasted to martha who initially has a similar kind of experience, but the doctor doesn't meet her at the space she's in with them -- ten is leaning on her, like they did with rose, but not giving anything back unless kicking and screaming and traumatising her whole family. martha's trajectory is so so tragic, because she barely gets a taste of the splendor versus the horrors and the latter marks her for life. but she also knows to walk away from those overwhelming feelings, rather than give into them, she knows they'll never be rewarded and she also grows beyond wanting to be a crutch for the doctor (the fact that she then ends up as a soldier, well... ouch)
and then of course donna, who never has those fucking awe-feelings to begin with and whose connection with the doctor is explicitly de-romanticised but never placed on a lesser pedestal as if there's a hierarchy of alloromanticism. topples those pillars, never sees the doctor as anything but what the doctor is. good old donna. (sobs.) (but also... cautious hope for the specials.) (but also sobs.)
my point being. just don't buy alloromantic doctor, they're a near-immortal alien. it's such a dull simplistic way of reading their relationships to other beings. other point being. all those women who were making heart-eyes at ten, wish they'd met thirteen and had a... "yeah, this still works for me," moment. their horizons, too, are broadened by seeing More. (that or they realise they were never actually "in love" but just thought ten was a sexy skinny little snack and it blinded them.) (although jodie whittaker, too, is a snack.)
and lastly lastly ofc, is that if the doctor has a longterm (by doctor time measurement) intense relationship with anyone, whatever that might be called, it's the tardis. and that relationship is also so alien it cannot be quantified by human words for concepts
#im rewatching doctor who#doctor who#dw#aroace doctor#look im rewatching into 13 and beyond i am willing to entertain yaz and 13 because we enjoy a good bit of lesbianism#however will wait and see because the doctor in my head is so so aroace in every incarnation#they just manifest it in different ways#i could go into the whole eleven-and-river and how i feel about that#i am perhaps in the minority in that river's arc just doesn't work for me and often neither does her character#i kind of want to listen to the audio adventures because ive heard she's got much more to do there#than be a flirty enigma/sexy lady/moffat fantasy#but i can say that one of my least favourite things about moffat's run was how 'sexy' he tried to make everything#by literally just having people use the word sexy all the time and talk about bad girls and what have you#it's like sexiness as written by a straight teenage boy#and not a supposedly grown man writing for grown people#other minority opinion perhaps but eleven just isn't my cup of tea#am interested in how i'll feel going back into that run#dont like matt smith much dont like moffat much and dont like what they envisioned for the doctor and how they directed/acted the doctor#feel like capaldi had to claw the character back into some semblance of thematic coherency#i was never too much into especially ten getting a bit high and mighty with lonely god and the like titles BUT#waters of mars places that in a very particular context that makes it so so gooood#(another post for another day about companion opinions)
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wanders-in-stars · 11 months
im sorry but for some reason this is so funny to me. i sent tamar to bed for the night and Gore was waaay on the other side of the room just chillin', but then when she woke up he was suddenly right there sitting at the foot of her bed, just staring into the flames of the fireplace looking like he was contemplating the meaning of life
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Tamar: Gore?? What - is something wrong? Gore: If you eat wolf meat, does that make you a cannibal? Tamar: ... Tamar: If you eat a raven, does that make you a cannibal? Gore: ... Tamar: ... Tamar: How much did you drink last night?
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bendarius · 2 years
i think we shouldve gotten ben decking kenji in the face as a treat. that boy was ready to kill when he saw bumpy and even though he would’ve been wrong about it i have to applaud him for his restraint cause i expected him to be strangling kenji or something
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telesilla · 3 months
Gotta say I love hearing that Yaz is trying to learn at least one Korean word a day so he can talk to Lee.
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gingericywolf · 1 year
Camp fam edits with the fnaf songs have always been my favorites (they fit so good. Also biased cause 'Run' was prob my fav fnaf song)
So remembering that camp cretaceous s1 is set at the end of 2015 and all the other seasons are in 2016 (aka peak fnaf era) and in honor of the trailer drop for the fnaf movie,
Which of the camp kids would have been into the child murder animatronics jumpscare game?
and why is it Yaz of course.
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thebadtimewolf · 6 months
oh god. they grieved wilf's death together. i cant.
#tv: doctor who#{i. :( made my self sad}#{note: they just told you love interests was never a heal all solution for their psyche. fixing themselves to a 🤎 interest isnt healing}#{why didnt they fix themself to yaz rose sarah jane martha river: they were in the drs eyes friends but remember}#{they only consider them as friends. love interests are friends. donna isnt considered a friend. shes propped up to be his best friend}#{full stop. hell the companion reunion is set up as a group therapy in the show. shes in group therapy for the good and horrors of it all}#{yes this does mean that tentoo is separated from the doctor completely. hes just jackson lake.}#{he actually has a family: what about susan? from susan and down saw him more of a pedestal. it just stayed that way. donna didnt}#{they reiterated this over and over and over and over and OVER again. the dr doesnt need love from someone that sees them like that}#{they need love from someone that is actually willing to make him live day by day to heal to recooperate}#{after power of the doctor and then comics AND TV going back to back IM QUICK SUCCESSION OF NO REST? 14 is at full exhaustion}#{if rose told him to stop he wouldnt if martha clara sarah jane river yaz if any of them told him to stop they wouldnt listen}#{because he uses romantic love as an excuse to burn himself out AND HE DID LITERALLY 9 DOES THIS}#{it was never healthy. and then they kept going. and going and going}#{bill questioned but she couldnt stop him}#{she was the strongest cause of guilt because he retook the role of a professor role a role familiar to ace}#{only it got bill killed because he didnt slow down he didnt talk and decompress. ever. he used trenzalore as an excuse to never confide}#{in anyone and only telling stories so no would ask if HE was alright. yeah they lived but is he actually alright}#{no one talks. except. donna. 15 even states that they do rehab backwards AND THATS NOT HOW REHAB WORKS. YOU DONT GET TO SKIP TO HEALED}#{WITHOUT DOING THE ACTUAL PROCESS OF HEALING}#{he regenerate until he turn into a grain of sand but thats not healing. its just another way of avoid talking thru their grief}#{but they grieved! no they didnt. EVEN IN DW LOCKDOWN THEY DIDNT GRIEVE.}#{penelope garcia's clinical social worker said it best}#{all the things I've survived I have been absorbing trauma since I was really young and thinking I was some sort of hero for doing it.}#{newsflash she wasnt and for garcias 15 yrs vs the dr's billions on billions yrs worth of it: even when u do the right thing even when u}#{stop serial killers (or intergalactic threats) ur body is still absorbing that trauma.}#{they are not a hero for holding on to it because trauma has to be off-loaded. It has to be transformed or ur body will destroy u.}#{end quote.}#{like THATS WHAT DR HAS BEEN DOING THE WHOLE TIME AND 15 SAID: NO MORE! CONSIDER THIS 14S RETIREMENT.}#{i dont like the ending: well i do. 15 and rtd said grief n trauma therapy with donna or bust bitches}
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ssaalexblake · 2 years
It’s funny, because i remember seeing people complain that Jack wasn’t nice to Yaz in Revolution of the Daleks with how he was blunt with her, and okay, I might not necessarily agree with that but it’s not a weird interpretation to me either.  
But while Jack might not have been nice to Yaz, Jack was most certainly very kind to Yaz in this episode. That matters inherently more than any niceness he could have given her. 
Because Yaz knows the score here. Yaz has the whole book open in front of her. Yaz has her eyes wide open and can make choices with full agency. Jack telling her the status quo, maybe bluntly but truthfully and with compassion, allowed her to prepare for the future without any false notions of getting forever or what her whole life would look like. This is not the type of agency companions are normally afforded. 
Now, Jack told Yaz this under the impression that the doctor would Never do so. He immediately related to Yaz and showed her compassion because of it So she could make choices and go on like this knowing the score. He would never in a million years have predicted that 13 would be as mature and open to Yaz as she turned out to be after this happened (the last doctor he met was 10 and 10 was negligent to the point of cruelty sometimes in matters like this). 
So Jack was just trying to do for Yaz what he assumed the doctor wouldn’t. Because Jack loves the doctor but he is not blind in the slightest to what they’re like and isn’t kidding himself. He was offering her a kindness that he was never given, and I genuinely believe Yaz would not have taken all the things that followed in the show as well had he Not tried to help her. 
Nothing that happened to Yaz in the build up to the end was out of the left field. She knew, one day, this would happen. She made choices that were informed and worked for her. When she didn’t Have any choices left, and it came to the end, she had known the day was coming and was maybe not prepared, but she was not shocked or emotionally taken out by it happening. 
She will be sad. She’ll grieve. But she was not traumatized or shocked by it happening (I mean. The specifics of how it happened might do a number on her, but the doctor leaving without her having a choice is something she knew was going to happen eventually). 
The point is, She’ll be fine. And while 13 turned out a hell of a lot more mature than Jack expected, he was still a big part of helping Yaz get through this as healthily as possible because he chose to be kind to this person he’d just met and realised could use some tips from somebody in the know. 
And Yaz, not one to soften blows or beat around the bush, probably appreciated this a lot more than anything else he could have done that would have been nicer. 
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fun au to write would be like if either yaz or 13 or both of them in a plausible deniability kind of a situation where we both know what we're doing but we're not talking about it and not looking at each other about it and it's not entirely clear whos making the decision so we can dodge our impossible responsibility standards for ourselves by a millimeter, went back and bent the timeline after/during potd so 13 doesnt regenerate, and then they have a "happily ever after", a chance to realise the relationship thats only been hypothetical so far, and it's like. hell
13 selfproclaimed bad boyfriend cheating husband deeply unhappy with this life can not find a way to live with what she now knows and yaz having sacrificed everything else everyone else her life could have for one more minute with the doctor
two doctors knowing theyve betrayed themselves and their values not knowing how to live well and justifying their existences with every life they save
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swan2swan · 7 months
so I guess we get to bridge the gap between FK and dominion and probably during! look at our boy he's all grown up!
I wasn't thrilled about it before, but if it explains how an eight-ton Tyrannosaurus Rex was able to wander the world for three years without getting shot, hit by a truck, shot, frozen to death, or shot, I'm HAPPY TO HAVE IT.
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arodrwho · 2 years
turning over so many dr who thoughts in my brain right now
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nightmanatee · 2 years
do you ever... i mean even if you didn't now you will but do you ever think how 13's sonic is unique bc 13 has made it. not the tardis. meaning the tardis can't replicate it (sheffield steal and stuff/like she did with 10/11th ones and with classic ones (s10ep1)) and the second not14 is going to break it/lose it it's over.
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