#yandere shinjeki no kyojin
lazywriters-blog · 2 years
Warning: Mentions of suicide, suicidal and unhinged yandere, forced marriage? May contain triggering content, homicide. [MODERN AU] What's this version of eren called again? Himbo?
Summary: Her crush certainly didn't harbour the most good of feelings towards her.
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Her crush no longer appeared the same.
Back in high school, things were simpler. She had been a witness to many happenings, many conflicts, many ups and downs, but the boy she was attentively eyeing seemed to have gotten the harsher end. He had shrunk inward from whatever nagged him, brown hairs longer than she remembered peaking out his cap, energy and eagerness drained from his green eye.
She had to wonder, what went wrong?
He turned towards her, and they met eyes for a brief moment before she pushed herself to the other side of the mall, hurrying over with a racing heart. Playing pretend as she inspected the kitchenware to oust the brunette's gaze still lingering around her.
She had no guts to even look at him.
Terrifying herself when she overturned her heel to catch sight of him a few shelves away from her, the black hoodie concealing away his facial contour. She had to leave. Whatever embarrassment she had endured was far enough for a day, putting down the yellow cup and jogging down to the check-out counter, she quietly stood in line.
Nervously glancing around as the cashier scanned the products, slightly curling within herself when he walked out of the kitchen section and straight towards her. She gulped, trying to think best and soundly in her excessive unease. He stopped close to her, a strong smell of cologne plaguing her senses, she wordlessly urged everything to finish soon.
Despite being well past her youth days, she's still somewhat of a clumsy and prudent gal, however, something was different about the feeling blooming within her chest, a tang of dread, a pinch of adrenaline, and a bitterness of fear. Mistakes were made and she almost ignored the cashier telling her to pay, she felt warm upon that realisation, she had to quickly gather her purchases and speedwalk out of the mall.
When she's safe inside her car, she remains still for a moment, lost in thoughts of her long-lost crush, concluding that perhaps the rumours around her school during his sudden withdrawal, she had heard he had been caught doing drugs, she doesn't know how ethical that info was, unfortunately, after seeing him, she might have believed it.
As sad as it was, she shouldn't be ignorant.
She started the engine and drove her way home in eerie silence. Abandoning the memories of the past till the time came to reminisce.
She had reached home an hour ago, begrudgingly washing the last of her dishes and preparing a hasty meal, items she brought from the store sat atop her dining table, a constant eye-catching colour to her beige and orange living room, her house was amicable, pondering the last time she had guests.
And seemingly, her wish was answered.
She glanced to the entrance, the doorbell only rang once and she got up leaving the dirty plates in the sink and quickly running to see who she had kept waiting for a minute.
Their eyes met, and she is stunned for a moment, his brown hair wasn't bundled in his hood and she noticed his left eye, cleanly wrapped in bandages. She hadn't suitably seen it before.
"Oh-... Hello eren." She probably looked like a fish out of water staring at him, because what were the chances he'd come to visit her on the same day they barely met?
"Hey..." He replied, she could almost distinguish how different it sounded now, sapped of enthusiasm, deeper and Huskier, and something seemed a little amiss.
"Um... Please come in." Snapping herself out of her daze and a gut-wrenching feeling of dread she briefly stepped aside, watching the man enter and wait for her to accompany him inside. She smiled, gesturing for him to sit down while she positioned herself a few distances away from him.
"Can I get you something?" She softly asked, and he looked up, and down again once he saw her expression, "... Water is fine." He said. She rushed ahead to see things done.
As she settled down the clear glass on the table in front of him, she observed how he stared at it in earnest, not inclined to bend towards it yet. He rotated his face to hers, and she vividly sees the dullness evading the boy on who she had grown a tiny crush. A crush that came with an expiry date.
"You have a nice place..." He wondered out loud, maintaining the indifferent tone in his voice and face, despite the obvious signs that something wasn't right with him she smiled, "thank you."
"Do you live alone?" He asked, she paused, swiftly replying with a "no." She had lied.
"Who do you live with?" He asked again. This time, she shortly answered, "with my parents. They just left a moment ago, you barely missed them." She responded and he didn't pry anymore, his grown hair covering the sides of his face as he slightly leaned forward and lowered his head.
"When will they come back?" He suddenly inquired after silence had passed, they both maintained eye contact as she opened her lips, "shouldn't take too long, did you want to talk with them?" She interrogated, eyeing him curiously, he shook his head, "no... Would have been nice to see them." He shrugged, gazing down at the concealed floorboards, donning a frown and permitting the tension to swallow them whole.
"I see..."
"How is Mikasa?" She added soon after recalling the black-haired girl who followed him around like a second shadow, "she's... Alright, I guess."
It was brief but the frown on his lips grew tighter and his grip around his hand forged crevices in his skin.
"That's good to hear. I'm kinda surprised she didn't come with you. You two were inseparable and Armin too " she grinned remembering bittersweet memories, she stole a peek at the silenced man and found him stiff and reticent to reciprocate her sentiment.
"I haven't been in touch with them for a while so... I don't know." He answered, and she nodded, not daring to press him for a proper response.
"I just got discharged from a mental hospital." He quietly begins, slowly pulling his gaze up from his shoe and looking at her.
"I'm glad to see you are doing well now." She reassured with polite eyes, figuring it was too soon to put pressure on an open wound. He didn't seem to react, his facial features remained intact. Not a single muscle moved.
To place her gaze elsewhere, she anxiously darted her attention to the ticking clock on the wall.
"It's almost time for dinner, would you like to have some with me?" She implored, hoping she didn't come across as mean by changing the topic she had avoided discussing or interfering with.
He didn't say anything. Simply stared at the wall in front of him with disturbed eyes, drawing in shallow breaths and dismissing her query in favour of an unquiet notion.
"I killed someone." He released his breath, facing her slowly and carefully, drinking in the smallest shift manifesting on her face, her mind still comprehending the abrupt and cold realisation of what he had just disclosed.
"Who... Who did you kill?" She nervously raised a question, peering up at the man, her shoulders closing in to protect her from harm subconsciously.
He didn't say anything.
Her heartbeat paced up and she held in her breath, unable to bring her frightened eyes away from him.
"Eren... You are scaring me, what's going on?" She muttered, ready to bolt and hide if things come to it.
"I'm sorry." He spoke, the hand he had placed inside the pockets of his hood mere moments ago withdrew a box cutter, instantly spelling out danger. She rushed out the hall, ignoring the man charging at her from behind until he slammed her to the ground and resisted most of her squirms and struggles.
Dragging her arm back, he placed his knee on them, his hand reaching inside his pocket to fish out another item. Forcing the cloth in-between her mouth, his stomach churning at the sight of her tears, he immediately picked her up, along with more squabbles and heartbreak, he stopped in front of her room and walked straight in, tossing her on the bed while he retraced his steps back to lock the door.
She, on the other hand, attempted to race towards the window, wanting to escape far more than trying to take off her restraint. He was impressed.
However, she was easier to heave back after he had gotten a strong hold on her waist, he resettled her down on the mattress, keeping a threatening grasp on her thigh while he darkly gazed into her eyes, "shh." He whispered, enjoying the subtle way she grew docile and aware, he added, "I know this might not have been how you imagined it but, this was all I could think of." He softly grumbled, gently caressing her fingers with his other hand.
"I'm going to die soon." He confessed, resting his head on her lap as he chokes in a breath, "I don't want to be by myself." He uttered, "I want to marry you."
He closed the gap between them, admiring her teary eyes and red nose, he near her lips, and she denies him any closure, turning her head to the right and refusing to make eye contact. He laughed in glum and looked down as he clutches her shoulder.
"I should make you my bride first... Right?" He mumbled, and soon, he unhurriedly took out a ring. Grabbing her hand and wordlessly idolizing how good it would look on her finger. He grinned, sliding the ring on her index finger and stopping for a moment to laugh and stroke her skin, "now, we're officially husband and wife, right?" He whimpered, moving in close and grabbing her neck in case she changed course at the last second.
And finally, their lips connected, hers was tense and stiff and all he wanted was to open her lips and share a passionate kiss. This was all he wanted.
As she was busy refuting him, his hand plucked back the box cutter he had purchased from the store and fixed it against the tender surface of her neck, she gasped. Felt the blade dig into her skin, and somehow she knew.
She wasn't going to make it alive.
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headcanons-for-all · 3 years
Yandere Platonic Armin With A Feminine Little Sister
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Armin adores his family but you are by far his favourite.
Throughout your childhood, he'd always want to hold you and be around you, playing games and reading books together.
When you start to show a fondness for feminine things such as fashion and makeup, he'll try his best to understand.
You don't live in a time period where it is acceptable for men to wear makeup and crossdress but Armin will still do it whenever you are at home together, just to see that smile on your face.
Down through the years, you'll notice Armin is practically your only friend outside of Eren and Mikasa...just what he wanted.
When he leaves to become a cadet, he'll send a letter everyday to you about how much he misses you. He sometimes sends gifts with them like lipstick or a ring.
If he gets the chance to see you again soon, he'll keep you in a gentle but VERY long lasting hug.
He'll catch up with you and talk to you for hours on end.
If you have a partner, he'll need to know everything about them. He will meet them immediately and act super nice when you're around. As soon as you leave, though, he'll give them a massive list of rules and force them to follow every single one or they're as good as dead.
You will NEVER join the cadets under his watch.
Sure, he can't be with you all the time but he's happy as long as you stay safe and sound...
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lazywriters-blog · 2 years
Warning: May contain triggering content. Slight manhandling. Not proofread. 3 Am shenanigans-
Summary: He scares you, so you avoided him to the bitter end until he returns with vengeful intent. Hoping to see you and trap you with him.
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The brightness in the room dulled the sense of dread brewing within her chest, heart racing as though she were running a marathon, her caressing fingers no longer capable of drawing her away from unpleasant notions. Her eyes were glued to the back of her hand, plummeting into an ocean of thoughts.
And she should have been surprised when the door creaked open and stepped in a man with a rifle, directed straight toward her crown. His orbs are demanding and full of dangerous urgency, that she doesn't revolt against and oblige like an obedient rat, settling down when a push shoved her right onto a chair, the same one she sat on that morning to muffle her hunger.
Whoever had decided to invite themselves to her home unannounced and uncalled was a brunette, the only boy who sought freedom on her behalf. And the only person who snatched her away from her parents on that fated day when wall Maria was destroyed.
She doesn't recognise him. Doesn't see the same boy who dragged her out of her hiding and understood her imprisonment when it wasn't needed. She was content with what she had even when denied independence.
His green eyes stared at her and both had a lingering tint of melancholy glowing in their gaze.
She could never forgive him.
"You've changed." She demurely begins, briefly taking notice of the two guards behind her. After she retired from her duties, she had only avoided him. Even to an extreme measure, and as it stands, it didn't fare well in the long run.
"How have you been?" She asked. "I thought you would have forgotten about me by now."
He sits motionless, observing her intently, and she was always the first one to separate their gaze, looking elsewhere, dismissing the fiery motives behind each glance.
"No, I haven't forgotten you." He replied, voice deeper and heavier than she recalls, plodding to a sorrowful yet stern tone, he eyes the guards around him and wordlessly they move outside of her house and block her only chance at escaping.
"I see... That's good." She looked down, "I heard you were leading your own group now, following a common goal."
"That isn't about them. This is about you and me, don't bring up irrelevant topics." He calmly snapped, letting her be aware that her dismissive attitude had consequences, he had found her after all, she had to confront him.
"If this is about our relationship, I assure you there was nothing between us. I loved and cared for you as a comrade, honestly-" she paused for a moment, "I have nightmares about those times you used to force yourself on me. Demanding me of something sustainable."
He carefully heeded her words, lips pursued as he drank in her distressed features hidden thinly behind a humane veil. "If you want me to take you back. I'm so sorry, I have nothing to give you." She said, mildly furrowing her eyebrows and focusing on the slightest shift.
"What's that ring on your finger for?" He abruptly inquired, interest pointed to the pearly sliver with an embedded gem. She tries to downplay it, softly touching it and hiding it.
"Just an accessory I wear nowadays. It's pretty, isn't it?" She lied, smiling at the non-living object fondly to disturb the man.
"Take it off." He demanded all of a sudden, glaring at the item as if it were a poisonous snake meant to be killed. She stared at him, "I don't want to see it on your hand. Take it off." He begins with a firmer accent.
"It's my choice. Don't tell me what I should do and what I shouldn't." She attempted to reason with resentment. Eren didn't seem to take it nicely.
He stands up, pushing the chair back as he moved closer to her, she knew what was coming. She quickly got up and risked the chance to dash towards her room. It didn't take a second for him to pull her back and hoist her onto the table, forcing his leg between hers and encasing her.
"You think you can just up and leave me for another man?!" His voice rings in her ears, looking up at the man who she thought would give her space. But how wrong was she?
She immediately shrank inwards, turning her face away and comprehending her choices. "I know you've been setting yourself up with another man." He growled, his calm demeanour vapourising into thin air. His grip on her wrist grew stronger.
"So you could forget about me." He hatefully muttered near her ear, throwing his glance back to the ring in her hand, he slowly starts to slide the ring, tugging it out and hauling it to the ground.
"You can't ever forget me. Even in death."
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headcanons-for-all · 3 years
Hey hope I'm not bothering or anything but could you do a hc of yandere platonic clones of Levi Ackerman from AOT, I don't know but having not just one, not two, but a bunch of clean freaks clones who are willingly destroy someone's entire existence just by looking at them if they ever harm their kid seems interesting to me
Yandere Platonic Levi Clones
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This man as a yandere is usually terrifying. A whole bunch of him is just a nightmare!
What's scary about the Levis is that they can work together. Most yanderes would fight but the Levis all seem to work in tandem with each other.
This group of clean freak dads aren't necessarily clingy but they'll be watching over you, even when you don't know it.
There'll be strict hygiene routines that you must go through, especially if someone touches you. They'll practically douse you in shampoo.
Anyone who even dares look in your direction is getting stomped on. Imagine dozens of boots kicking and crushing you from every angle. Scary.
Despite there being so many of them, the Levis won't be around much. Being clones of the best scout, they'll be on expeditions all the time. So, whenever they're all around, you aren't getting a seconds peace.
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