#yandere kurokawa Izana
seijorhi · 1 year
A tokrev purge AU, as a treat :))
Kakucho x female reader, Kurokawa Izana x female reader
w.c 6.4k
tw: murder, blood & slight gore, implied non/dub-con, yandere themes
This is not a test, this is your Emergency Broadcast System announcing the commencement of the annual Purge sanctioned by the Japanese Government. Weapons of class four and lower have been authorised for use during the Purge. All other weapons are restricted. Government officials of ranking ten have been granted immunity and shall not be harmed. 
Commencing at the siren, any and all crime, including murder, will be legal for twelve continuous hours. Police, fire, and emergency medical services will be unavailable until tomorrow morning at 7:00 a.m, when the Purge concludes. 
Blessed be our new founding fathers and Japan; a nation reborn.
As the polite, female voice falls silent, klaxons ring out, blaring through the night. 
Seven years now. 
Five, since your brother decided to join the would be Purgers and never made it home. It never becomes normal, you never lose that fear. You do, however, learn the rules. 
Stay home. Lock yourself away behind the reinforced shutters and doors, pretend that everything’s fine, that you can’t hear the screaming and gunshots, the violent chaos being gleefully wreaked outside. You put on some movies, music maybe, sit on your couch, swaddled in blankets with the volume too loud and pray that tonight won’t be the night that someone decides to test just how impenetrable the defences around your home truly are.
Arms encircle your waist, pulling you back against a firm chest. A kiss is pressed against your hair. “Babe, don’t look so worried. We’ll be fine. We always are.” 
–Only this time, you’re not waiting out the Purge by yourself. 
You exhale, Natsuya’s hold easing to allow you to turn and face him. He smiles at the pinched expression on your face, “We’re gonna be fine,” he repeats. “Now will you please come have a drink with me? The others are starting to wonder why my beautiful,” his lips meet your forehead, “smart,” the tip of your nose, “incredible girlfriend’s hiding herself away.” 
He kisses your lips last of all, a sweet, gentle thing. Brushes your hair back from your face. 
“No one’s getting through the security system, and even if they did, no one’s gonna hurt you, I’ll make sure of it.”
Yes, you’d caught an eyeful of the shotgun he’d been cleaning when you’d arrived. His friends undoubtedly have their own weapons stashed away, too. After all – there’s no such thing as a pacifist on Purge night. 
It doesn’t ease your worry any, but you smile and nod for him, letting him tug you back to the lounge room where his friends and sister await. 
Because what else does Purge night call for, if not a party?
Miyano – charming and roguish, long dark hair swept up into a bun – the first to greet you, passing you a shot of amber liquor with an easy wink. “Purge classic,” he tells you, referring to the drink, “it’s tradition – and a secret.”
You knock the shot back, wincing at the burn in your throat as it goes down. “Why does it taste like toothpaste?!”
“Disgusting, isn’t it,” Tomori, Natsuya’s sister and the only other girl present, says with a grimace. 
Miyano looks mightily pleased with himself, Ayumu and Suwabe both snickering good naturedly. The two of them couldn’t be more different from each other. Suwabe’s short and stocky, Ayumu willowy-tall, blond and bespectacled, and yet one’s never far from the other. 
Your boyfriend sneaks an arm around your waist, dutifully accepting his own with a rueful sigh.
“So you guys do this every Purge?” 
Suwabe nods, “Yeah, for the past four or five years. It’s a shit night, we figured we might as well make the most of it together instead of stressing out about it alone.”
“And you’ve never been tempted to…?”
The three of them share a look, Suwabe shrugging, “What, to Purge? Ayumu and I went one year. Not to kill anyone or nothing,” he hastens to clarify at your wide eyed expression, “we wanted to rob his boss’s place.”
“The guy was an asshole. Rich as hell, too. We knew he wasn’t gonna be there, it seemed as good a time as any to try our luck,” the blond elaborates. 
“And how’d that go for you?” 
He laughs, rubbing the back of his neck, “Yeah, we didn’t even make it onto the property. And it was fucked out there, not something I want a repeat of anytime soon.”
Your brother’s face flashes to mind, a pang striking deep in your chest. He’d made his choice, though, with intentions far less justifiable, and so you shove those feelings aside, tilting your face to meet Natsuya’s, “And no Purging for you?”
Intended as a joke, his fingers, resting comfortably above your hip, inexplicably twitch. “‘Course not.”
“The whole thing’s messed up. Who wants to go out and hunt people for fun?” Tomori snorts, passing you a glass of wine and pouring one for herself. 
“Kind of a necessary evil, though, right?” 
She meets her brother’s gaze with one raised, unimpressed eyebrow, “Oh c’mon, Nats, you can’t honestly tell me that you believe the Purge is in any way a good thing. Those who can afford it lock themselves away, and the poor pay the price. It’s chaos for the sake of chaos, the only difference between now and before is that alongside all the criminals who would’ve gone out looting and murdering anyway, the government’s convinced stupid, entitled dumbasses like those two,” she jerks her chin towards Ayumu and Suwabe, both suddenly fascinated with their drinks, “that killing and stealing and hurting other people is morally upstanding, and worse; fun.”
And so the conversation goes, as it always does. You nod and hum idly along with the others every now and then, nestled comfortably into Natsuya’s side while they argue back and forth, until– “Look, all I’m saying is that anyone who’s dumb enough to get themselves killed on Purge night probably isn’t a great loss to society anyway.”
The change in the air is palpable. Natsuya stiffens behind you, Tomori’s breath catching, her eyes immediately finding yours.
Figures that Natsuya told her. 
And to Miyano’s credit, he seems to realise he’s misstepped even before your boyfriend’s growled, “Dude, shut the hell up.” 
“Shit, that’s not what I– Fuck, I didn’t–” You raise a placating hand, and his mouth closes with an audible click. 
“It’s fine. Don’t worry about it, I’m not gonna bite your head off,” you chuckle awkwardly, pretending that you don’t see Suwabe’s wince.
Still, his expression looks almost stricken, eyes darting between you and a disapproving Nats, and you feel a slight twinge of… something.
Miyano hadn’t said it to be spiteful. 
What happened to your brother happens to hundreds every Purge – they leave the safety of their houses with the belief that because they’ve got a weapon and a free pass for twelve hours, they’re invincible. 
Usually, they’re wrong. 
“It’s fine,” you repeat with a tight smile, pointedly ignoring Natsuya’s scoff. 
“No, I shouldn’t’ve–”
Whatever he’s about to say falls by the wayside as a loud, pounding suddenly reverberates through the house. 
The front door. 
For a long beat, nobody moves. Nobody breathes. Six pairs of eyes shift to the entry-way, towards the unknown figure waiting on the other side of the door. 
Silence settles over the six of you, thick and uncomfortable, and undercurrent of tension pressing down on your body. Every door and window’s locked and reinforced behind steel shutters, they’re not impenetrable, though. Nothing is. 
Abruptly, the banging resumes, so sudden that you jerk, flinching back against Natsuya’s frame.
“Pull up the security feed,” Suwabe suggests.
There’s a panel with a keypad on the wall by the kitchen, a few clicks of the buttons and the screen comes to life. Split across six sections, the cameras show a near 360 degree view of the exterior of the house. Natsuya taps on the upper left, bringing the view from the front of the house – the man battering down the door – full screen, the audio filtering through. 
“–gonna kill me! You have to let me in! I promise I’m not armed, I swear it, just– help me, please!”
Your stomach flips. 
“I–” you swallow, drawing in an unsteady breath.
The shock of black hair, the jagged scar cut like a bolt of lightning across his forehead, his eyes, one red, the other a milky white, wide and frantic now as he risks another look behind him – they’re not features you’re likely to forget any time soon. “I know him.”
You feel more than see the way that Natsuya tenses, pulling back to study you, a note of questioning in his eyes.
“He catches the same train home, we talk sometimes.” There’s more to it than that; a creep that tried to feel you up and Kakucho’s intervention, but you don’t feel like getting into that now.
Not when he’s hoarse and begging on Nats’ doorstep. 
He hammers his fist against the shutters, strong enough that you swear you can feel the vibrations rattling in your chest. “He’s coming– fucking hell, please!”
Nobody says anything, uncomfortable glances shared between all six of you. 
It’s an exercise in futility begging anyone for help on Purge night. He has to know that – everyone knows that.
And yet your heart’s lodged firmly in your throat, because it’s not just anyone at the door. It’s not a stranger begging for mercy, for sanctuary, it’s Kakucho. 
Kakucho, who stood up for you.
Kakucho, who took the seat next to yours for weeks before he so much as said a word to you.
Kakucho, who looks half crazed – terrified – pleading for his life. 
You barely know him, a kind act and a few conversations on your nighttime commute doesn’t make him a saint, doesn’t mean you have any sort of deeper relationship or trust built between you, but…
“Nats,” you breathe, your hand seeking his. His palm’s warm, engulfing yours, and you squeeze it, “I know him.”
It isn’t a plea, not quite. 
“Dude, are you crazy? You can’t let him in!” Suwabe hisses, smacking his shoulder. “It sucks, but that’s what happens–”
Tomori‘s eyes flash. She folds her arms over her chest, shooting daggers his way, “So we throw him to the wolves? Just leave him to die?” 
“Yeah; that’s the fucking Purge, Mori! He’s banging on your door ‘cause no one else’s stupid enough to let him in!”
“And if it was your friend and not some random stranger, you’re telling me you‘d leave him to the wolves rather than risk opening your door?”
Miyano, up until now silent, exhales, “She’s kind of got a point.” 
“He’s not a friend though, she said it herself!” Suwabe snaps back, jabbing his finger in your direction. He turns to Ayumu, watching the argument unfold with a small frown. “Back me up here, dude, you know I’m right.”
The blond shifts on his feet, fingers tapping an uneasy rhythm against his drink as his gaze flickers between you and Natsuya. And all the while, the pounding outside continues, furious and desperate, layered beneath Kakucho’s shouts. You’re half convinced that any second now, that door’s gonna give way, and your stomach churns. You feel sick. 
He’s a mere step above a stranger; an acquaintance at best. Suwabe isn’t wrong, either. This is Purge, this is what happens. Those who don’t have the means to protect themselves either learn to fight back or pay the price. There’s no helping that and it’s naive to think otherwise.
Right now you’re safe. Barring an all out assault, you’ll remain that way for the rest of the night. 
The smart thing to do would be to hunker down and pretend the world outside the front door doesn’t exist for the next however many hours. That was the plan. That’s always the plan for the Purge. 
Even the harmless looking ones pose a threat tonight. Kakucho, with his stature and scowl, the scar and those frighteningly intense eyes, never struck you as all that harmless. 
So you don’t blame Suwabe for his reticence. You can’t. The smart, rational choice here is as cold and brutal as it is simple; you keep the door locked. 
Yet your hand tightens around Natsuya’s, anchoring yourself in the touch as Ayumu’s eyes flit across yours, considering. 
You won’t beg, you won’t, but–
“It’s your house,” he eventually says, more to Natusya than you. A shrugs then, sliding his glasses back up the bridge of his nose. “There’s six of us, we’ve got guns if he tries anything.”
Something looses inside of you, a shuddering breath filling your lungs. 
Natsuya doesn’t look particularly thrilled judging from the clenched muscle in his jaw, the crease between his brows. One glance at Tomori, though, her lovely face set is a mask of determination and that resolve of his weakens.
And shatters entirely. 
“Fine. Fucking– fine. Let him in; 4869.” 
He snatches the shotgun off the table as he says it, drawing you back into his side whilst Miyano – the closest to the door – punches in the code. Suwabe, meanwhile, disappears from the room, reappearing a moment later with a gun in hand. 
Sliding himself into position between Tomori and the door, he cocks the slide with a grim expression. He locks eyes with you – only for a heartbeat – and you find yourself wanting to blurt out that the guns aren’t necessary, that Kakucho isn’t a threat. 
You don’t, though, tongue leaden in your mouth, and he nudges her back as his attention shifts to the door. 
In your ear, low enough that the others won’t hear, Natsuya murmurs, “You don’t leave my side, understand?”
You nod. 
With a heavy clank, the shutters begin to lift.
Your fingers dance by your side, your insides in knots. Inch by inch it goes until finally, Miyano unlocks the door, pulls it open and Kakucho barrels in. 
No one breathes. No one moves as he rights himself, bleeding, panting. 
“Shut the fucking door,” he rasps, and like that, whatever spell everyone’s under is broken and both Suwabe and Miyano snap into action to close off the house once more.
And all the while you simply stare, blinking, unsure of what you’re supposed to say or do right now. Kakucho’s eyes shift around the room, slowly considering each of your friends, tasking them in one after the other, Suwabe’s gun, Natsuya’s, until at last, his eyes fall on you.
Recognition glints. Surprise. His head tilts, almost puppy-ish, brows drawing together. He murmurs your name in that deep, gravelly rumble, and Natsuya goes rigid. 
It’s an instinctual response, you think, because a breath later his thumb rubs soothingly at your hip, slow and gentle, a quiet apology for brutish behaviour. Everyone’s on edge tonight. 
And once again, it falls to Tomori to break the tension.
“Are you hurt? You look like hell.”
Kakucho doesn’t answer her immediately, his attention lingering on you for a heartbeat longer than necessary. Long enough that you have to fight the urge to fidget. Eventually, though, he grunts and shakes his head, turning his head to face her. “It’s nothing. I‘m fine.”
“You’re bleeding,” she presses, as gently as she can. 
Dazedly, he lifts his hand to his face, fingers finding the gash on his cheek. They come away wet and shining, glistening with his own blood – he stares at it, almost confused. “It’s… nothing,” he repeats, slower this time.
Tomori rolls her eyes, huffs in a way that’s so similar to Natsuya that under other circumstances you might have laughed. “What is it with men and their bullshit need to act tough all the time?”
None of them, not even Miyano has anything to say to that, and despite the heavy tension still hanging in the air, a wry grin pulls at your lips. 
It only lasts a moment. 
“You guys have a first aid kit, yeah?” Ayumu asks, to which both Tomori and your boyfriend nod.
“In the kitchen, the shelf above the fridge.”
And like that, the boys begin to disperse. Ayumu to fetch the kit, Miyano water and alcohol. Suwabe sticks by Tomori’s side, and when she mentions something about towels for the blood, he follows her out into the hallway. You suspect it’s more to give you a moment with Kakucho – or to escape the thick, awkward atmosphere – but you’re grateful all the same.
With the others gone, Kakucho’s attention turns back to you. Says nothing as you approach, Natsuya trailing right behind you, watching the two of you carefully.
Tomori hadn’t been wrong. Tough act or not, he has to be in pain. Split lip, knuckles grazed and reddened. The gash on his cheek, and blood seeping from a cut on his brow. Mottled bruises darkening his skin. Even his gait is off, his left leg supporting the majority of his weight. You’ve never seen the aftermath of a beating like this before. They hadn’t even let you see your own brother after they’d found him. 
It twists at something inside of you, sends a pang right through your heart. He has to be hurting, yet Kakucho wears the damage like it’s nothing.  
There’s a strange urge – one you steadfastly ignore – to reach out and take his ruined cheek in hand. To see someone in pain, hiding it… you might not be friends exactly, but a lump forms in your throat, your chest tightening. You’ve never felt so uselessly inadequate.
You sigh, eyes searching his, “What happened to you?”
“Let him sit down first, babe,” your boyfriend mutters. 
Kakucho regards him warily. He’s still holding the shotgun, admittedly by his side, his other hand moving to your shoulder. 
A clear message, and you don’t know how you feel about that.
In any case, your cheeks warm, a sheepish laugh – one without much humour – leaving your lips. You’re doing this all wrong. Stupid, stupid. “Of course, it’s probably better if we do this at the table, right?” you ask no one in particular. “Can you walk over or do you need somebody to lean on?”
A faint frown mars his face, “I said I’m fine.” Again, there’s no heat in the statement, the words are dull, robotic almost. 
The others are returning now, Ayumu blowing his blond locks away from his face as he sets the first aid kit down on the table and pops it open. Yet surprisingly it’s Suwabe who pipes up, “Stop being an asshole, she’s just trying to help.”
Well, maybe not that surprising. 
You repress another sigh, shaking off Natsuya’s grip to go and help him, Ayumu clearly having the same thought, when the doorbell rings.
You freeze.
No one dares to breathe, each of you slowly turning to face the door, still locked behind those steel shutters. 
The doorbell rings again, twice in quick succession. 
You hear someone quietly whisper, “Fuck.”
Cold dread sluices through your system, every pound of your heart echoing in your ear as Natsuya chokes on his spit, glances to Miyano. 
And all eyes shift to the security screen. Tomori’s closest this time, Suwabe’s quick to grab her, pull her back as he instead brings the feed to life. Another tap, and the exterior front door once again fills the screen.
Your heart, pounding so violently in your chest that it feels like you’re going to be sick, constricts.
A blond man with striking – deeply unsettling – violet eyes stands at the doorstep, smiling directly into the camera. He’s not much older than you, less than five or so years you’d guess, dressed in an elegant, brocaded red coat. 
“I’m assuming I have your attention,” he begins. His voice is pleasant and smooth, it sends shivers down your spine, the warmth leaching from your blood. 
He waits a beat, still smiling that chilling, awful smile. “Good. Excellent. As I have no intention of wasting my time on this precious Purge night, I’ll make this brief. Nice and simple for you; it’s come to my attention that you’re harbouring something that belongs to me.” You hear Tomori’s breath catch, and hers aren’t the only pair of eyes that shift to Kakucho. “The man – the dog – you’ve inexplicably given sanctuary to tonight is nothing but filth. A defiler. A killer. A menace to our just society, and like all dogs, he must be brought to heel.”
His teeth, straight and white, glint as his grin widens. You can’t breathe, Natsuya’s hand finding yours, tightening wordlessly. You can feel the tension shift in the room, the fear that descends like a blanket at his words. But you know Kakucho, he’s wouldn’t– he’s not–
“By offering him sanctuary, by standing between me and what is rightfully mine, you’ve aligned yourself with those to be Purged. So, again, I’ll make this clear. You may think that behind this security system of yours, you’re safe. That the locks on your doors and steel shutters will keep me out – that is a lie you’ve been sold. I am coming in, it might take five minutes, maybe twenty, but these defences will fall. And if the dog inside hasn’t ripped you all to pieces, rest assured that I will. I suggest you good folks run. Hide. You cannot keep me from what I want.”
Abruptly the screen goes black, and no less than a split second later, the power in the house cuts out, plunging you into an eerie green-lit dimness as the sole emergency light flickers on.  
The sound of your shaking breath feels too loud in the dead stillness. You swallow, and slowly turn to face Kakucho. 
A defiler and a killer, the smiling man had said.
Those things can’t be true, because the Kakucho you know…
He meets your stare. Cold and empty, and that racing, trembling heart of your sinks into the very pit of your stomach. “K-kakucho?”
Two guns lift, Natsuya yanking you back, and in the space of a breath, everything goes to hell. Ayumu’s closest, had gone over to help, and quicker than your eyes can follow, Kakucho lunges forward, a knife appearing in his hand.
One moment, your friend, with that quiet, dry humour and a heart of absolute gold, is standing, the next – Kakucho’s knife is at his throat, and he’s being yanked backwards. “Put the guns down,” he says.
Like his expression, his voice is cold and flat. 
Neither Natsuya nor Suwabe make a move to lower their weapons, Suwabe teeth bared in a silent snarl. 
“Just do what he says, for fuck’s sake!” Miyano hisses, and you’re not imagining the panic lacing his tone. 
The corner of Kakucho’s lips curl, “However fast you think you can shoot, I can guarantee you it won’t be quick enough. Put them down. On the floor.”
“Kakucho, please…”
He doesn’t so much as spare you a glance. Natsuya’s hand tightens, a silent plea for you to keep quiet, and not draw his attention. 
“Do what he says.” It’s Ayumu, his voice a hoarse whisper. Wide eyed, shaking, the knife at his throat pressed so tightly that the movement of his vocal chords causes skin to break, a thin line of blood beading across his neck. “Please.”
“I am not–”
“Do what he fucking says, Suwabe!”
A long silence settles, neither making a move, unwilling to give an inch despite their friend’s desperate plea. And perhaps the terror in the blond’s voice finally breaks through to them, or the cool, detached ruthlessness of Kakucho’s demeanour, but with a heavy reluctance, the two lower their weapons. 
“On the floor,” Kakucho repeats, pressing the blade tighter against Ayumu’s throat. “I’m not asking.”
Suwabe snarls, dropping the pistol. A moment later Natsuya follows suit, the both of them glaring at the larger man. 
Kakucho smirks. Glances at you.
A defiler, the smiling man had called him. A killer.
And too quickly for anyone to stop him, he yanks the knife across Ayumu’s throat and shoves him aside. There’s a ringing in your ears as Tomori screams, Suwabe falling to his knees, scrambling for his discarded gun. Too slow. Kakucho’s sprinting – unhindered by his supposed ‘injured’ foot – disappearing into the darkness of the house, and Ayumu’s bleeding out on the floor.
Gaping and gasping, twitching like a fish out of water. 
You can’t move, can’t hear a thing but the pounding of your pulse in your ears as you stare into his eyes. There’s so much blood, more and more spraying with every dying beat of his heart, pooling beneath his body, splattering the walls, the furniture, everything. And you can’t move.
Ayumu, glasses knocked askew, pretty blond locks falling into his eyes, chokes and gurgles, a trembling, bloody hand stretching out for help – and you can’t do a thing.
No one can.
And just as Miyano jolts out of his stupor and lunges for him, Ayumu’s body falls slack.
The light in his eyes fading away into nothingness. 
Suwabe screams, fires two shots blindly down the hallway, howling in rage and agony. Natsuya grips you so tight that it cuts off your circulation, his own eyes wide and horrified, taking in the carnage before him. Tomori lets out a keening sob, and the shutters on the front door screech ominously, as if to remind you all that there are bigger problems at hand. 
There’s no time for grief. There’s a killer in the house, another forcing his way inside. Five of you left, two guns, and another ten or so hours until all of this can be over. 
And suddenly Natsuya’s in front of you, grabbing your face in both hands and forcing you to look at him. You blink dazedly, trying in vain to focus as he speaks to you. 
“–bathroom, lock the fucking door and do not open it until I come back, you understand?”
You blink again, eyes sliding back at Ayumu. His eyes are open, gazing at nothing, empty, empty, empty–
Your fault.
He’d told them it was okay. They had guns so it’d be okay, but you were the one–
“Listen to me!” Natsuya hisses, yanking your attention back to him. “I need you safe, so take Tomori and lock yourself in the bathroom right now. You don’t open that door no matter what, not ‘til I come back and tell you it’s safe, do you understand me?”
You find yourself nodding, a short jerking movement. 
It’s enough for Natsuya, who presses a quick, desperate kiss to the crown of your head and takes you to Tomori. She grips your hand tight and the two of you disappear into the bathroom, one last glance at the three of them, grim faced and vengeful, gathering their weapons under the green glow before the doors shut, and you click the lock into place. 
The two of you sit in the darkness, Tomori’s arm around your shoulders, sniffling into your shoulder as you wait. 
You hold her, a hand running up and down her spine, tears of your own spilling down your cheeks.
Your fault, your fault, your fault. All of this is your fault. 
Tomori flinches with every noise, every muffled thump. There’s a deafening bang somewhere on the floor above you – a gunshot maybe, or something falling, it’s hard to tell. 
Your fault. Your fault. Your fault.
“It’s okay,” you whisper, clutching her closer as she whimpers – the only reassurance you can bring yourself to give her. “It’s okay.”
How could this happen, you think numbly. For months now, you’ve sat next to a murderer, talked with him. Laughed with him.
You thought him a protector. A friend, even.
And you all but begged them to let him inside. 
Ayumu’s blood’s on your hands. You might all die here tonight and it’s entirely your fault.
‘I know him,’ you’d told them. ‘I know him, and it’s okay.’
The look he’d given you, that smirk. Like he knew every thought that was running through your head. Like none of this was accidental, but the pieces of a puzzle falling slowly into place. 
A defiler.
Bile creeps up your throat, and it occurs to you that death might not be the only thing waiting for you and Tomori if Kakucho finds you. 
The tears fall quicker, and you close your eyes and bite down on your quivering bottom lip. 
Locked away in the darkness, time crawls by. Minutes, maybe, or hours – there’s no way of knowing how much time has passed when you hear the tell tale sound of metal groaning, the splintering of wood. Tomori moans in despair, sobbing uncontrollably now as the front door gives way.
“It’s fine,” you soothe, “It’s okay.”
It’s a lie, because while the others – if they’re still alive (they have to be alive, they have to be) – are distracted with Kakucho, all that’s between you and the smiling intruder is a locked door.
Far less indestructible than the one he just broke through. 
And soft as they may be, you hear the footsteps echoing off the wooden floorboards as the intruder leisurely makes his way down the hall. Closer and closer. Desperately, you try to quiet Tomori, but it makes no difference. He comes to a stop on the other side of the door.
Bringing a hand to your mouth, you bite down on the back of your palm in an effort to stifle your breathing. Tomori cringes. 
When the door opens, you’ll attack, you decide. Go for the eyes, or knee him in the crotch – anything to give Mori a chance to run. 
A heavy, pregnant pause, and then–
“I know you’re in there. Hiding away while your friends are getting hacked to pieces.” You can’t see it, but you know he’s smiling, grinning on the other side of the door. You can hear it in his voice. And you hate him, hate him even as paralysing fear claws its way through you, keeping you rooted in place. “That’s fine, I don’t mind. You can stay there for a little while longer, I still have one last thing to take care of, and then we can have some fun, no?”
He laughs then, light and boyish, as if this is nothing more than a game. To him, perhaps it isn’t. 
“I’ll see you soon.”
In any case, his footsteps recede, and you’re left sitting in the darkness alone with your fear once more. 
The thumping upstairs grows louder. There’s a crash and more yelling, a series of gunshots. 
And then the screaming starts. Awful, bloodcurdling howls that have every hair on your body standing on end. Your stomach roils, what little you’d eaten earlier forcing its way back up your throat as you retch into the toilet, shaking and pale. 
“We’re gonna die here, aren’t we?” Tomori whispers, and you can’t find the strength within yourself to try and convince her otherwise. If you survive this, those screams won’t ever leave you. You’ll wake in the middle of the night, gasping for air, unable to shake them. 
“I don’t know.”
Silence, when it falls, feels like a death knell. 
And then come the footsteps. You wait with bated breath, praying that it’s Natsuya. Miyano. Even Suwabe. Any of your friends. 
A knock; the sound ricocheting through you. “Love, are you gonna open the door for me?”
Tomori wails like a banshee, broken and agonised, and you feel that little, tiny spark of hope you’d kept deep within your chest wink out.
“I’m sorry,” you tell her, kissing her hair as you hold her close. “I’m so sorry, Mori.”
And as the door shudders under the force of a kick, you hold her close and pray for a quick end. Another kick, and the wood splinters.
A third, and it breaks open entirely.
That eerie, green light floods the bathroom, the blond man stepping inside. He smiles at you, blood flecked across his face. The blood of your friends. Natsuya’s maybe.
“Ah, I thought there was one missing. She’s in here,” he calls out, glancing over his shoulder.
For a heartbeat, confusion flickers beneath the terror. Did he bring others with him? Maybe that’s how he broke in so quickly, maybe there’s a whole gang of them. 
Your unspoken question, however, is answered when another figure steps into the bathroom behind him.
“She won’t be a problem.”
Your blood turns to ice. 
Kakucho. Tall, broad and looming, he surveys the two of you with interest, his gaze lingering on you. “Are you gonna come quietly or am I gonna have to drag you out?” he asks, a single eyebrow raised.
To your credit, you try to stand. You might not be brave, but you’re not suicidal either. If there’s any chance that compliance gets you or Tomori out of here, even if these monsters killed Natsuya and the others, you’ll do what they ask.
Yet your legs are shaking so bad that you barely make it to your feet before they give out beneath you. Kakucho tuts, sighing heavily – and sweeps in to lift you up into his arms as if you weigh nothing at all, paying no mind to the way that you flinch and shudder.
The blond pads out behind you as Kakucho carries you back into the living room. 
You’re half expecting to be shoved to your knees, the barrel of a gun pressed to the back of your head, but Kakucho sets you down gently on the couch, pats the top of your head twice before retreating back to the bathroom.
The blond stays behind, those violet eyes a sickly colour under the green glow fixated curiously on you. Your hands are shaking in your lap as he draws closer.
“I bought you something,” he says.
You frown, tongue darting out to wet your lips as you mumble, “W-what?”
From the pocket he pulls out a velvet box, pressing into your hands as he settles down beside you. “Open it.”
Swallowing tightly, you fumble with the lid for a moment – until he sighs and takes it back from you, popping it open and handing it right back to you.
And you don’t understand when you take it back, because nestled into the white pillow is a necklace with a pendant, a hanafuda design, matching the earrings dangling from his lobes. 
“Well? Are you going to put it on?” he asks, just as Kakucho returns with a squirming Tomori. Yet rather than setting her down the couch as he had with you, he drops her carelessly onto the floor in a tangle of limbs and retreats again – this time back towards the stairs.
You start to rise with the intention of helping her, only to be stopped by an iron grip around your wrist. “If you get up from this couch, I’ll put a bullet through her brain right here and now, do you understand?”
He says it so mildly, the threat takes a second to register.
When it does, though, you nod shakily and fall back to your seat. He smiles again, a mirthful twinkle in his eyes. “Good girl.” He pats your knee, “Now, put it on for me.”
Casting a quick glance to Tomori, prone and near catatonic on the floor, you do as he bids, lifting the thing chain from the box. It’s long enough for you to slip it over your head without having to fiddle with the clasp – a good thing, seeing as your fine motor skills seem to have abandoned you in your terror. The pendant falls between your breasts, which the blond man takes a good, long moment to admire.
“Suits you,” is all he says as Kakucho returns once more.
And drops another body on the floor.
Your heart seizes in your chest as it moves. Groans and lifts his head, blinking to adjust to the dim light. 
“Nats–” you cry, and forgetting the blond at your side you go to rise once more. This time he snarls, quiet and vicious, seizing your shoulder and forcing you back down.
“Don’t. Be. Rude.”
You draw in a shallow breath, hope and despair warring inside of you as you glance from Natsuya to Kakucho, who manhandles him onto his knees. His face is bruised and bloody, a dark, wet-looking patch you can only assume to be blood seeping from one of his thighs.
He’s alive, though. Put through the wringer but alive.
You almost sob.
Beside him, Tomori’s also being raised to her knees, the dead look in her eyes fading somewhat as she takes in the sight of her brother. 
Your gut clenches. 
Both of them are facing you, Kakucho looming threateningly behind them. Despite the momentary joy, this isn’t a happy reunion. 
The blond at your side hums, leaning in close. With a delicate touch, he sweeps back a lock of hair, tucking it behind your ear. The hand on your knee drifts higher, grazing along the inside of your thigh. 
“You get a choice, think of it as… a going away present,” he says. The warmth of his breath fans across your skin, his hand now slipping beneath your skirt. You shudder, trying to blink back the hot tears that well up in your eyes. You refuse to cry in front of him, you refuse to give him the satisfaction. Amusement and something like glee dances across his face, “One of them dies now; quick and relatively painless. The other…” his fingers brush the seat of your underwear, his tongue darting out to lick at the stray tear that slips from your lashes. His voice dips, “The other gets to watch while the three of us have our fun tonight.”
Natsuya snarls, only for Kakucho to kick him back to the ground and keep him there with a foot on his back. 
“And a-afterwards?” you force the words out.
“Afterwards, Kakucho’s going to beat the other one to death with his bare fucking fists. I wasn’t lying when I told you he was violent,” his lips brush your cheek, featherlight and gentle, “I wasn’t lying about any of it.”
You look to Kakucho then, his eyes bearing down on you with a hunger he doesn’t bother to hide. An obsession.
All those nights, sitting on the train next to him. All the stupid, meaningless conversations you’d had, the night he’d damn near knocked the lights out of that creep. The way he’d begged on the doorstep, and the smirk when his ruse was discovered.
Lies, all of it lies.
You draw in a shaky breath and close your eyes, hands tightening into fists by your lap. 
“So tell me, love,” he continues, fingers once again teasing at your panties. “Which one goes first?”
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milky-mink · 2 years
Becoming Izana's unwilling girlfriend
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TW: Yandere, Blackmail, Intimidation, Power Imbalance
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You first met Izana when you visit your older brother in Juvie. The reason is that he got caught entering someone’s house with an intent of robbing it
You can’t blame him really, your family has been struggling with money ever since an accident; where your father died due to a car hitting him on the road, making your mother a single parent; trying to juggle both her family and her new job at a marketing firm
Even though her job pays well, it wasn’t enough for the three of you to live by; and often you and your brother go on throughout the day without eating anything or not taking the train to school 
Your older brother, wanting to help your mother, got a part-time job at a local Dagashiya in your neighborhood. Although it helped, it's still not enough for the rest of you to live like you used to.
Slowly but surely, you saw your older brother being discontent in life - him being much more moody and often get into fights in school. You know that one day, he would join a wrong crowd and eventually join a gang
You tried to warn your mother about his behavior, but she just shrugged it off, saying that he was just blowing some steam and would come back to his senses later on 
As you’ve expected, he did not, and eventually joined a gang. You then ask one of your classmates, who has some knowledge about the gangs in Yokohama, about a gang that wore a red uniform and a strange symbol that you saw your brother wearing when he sneaked out of your home at midnight.
Your classmate’s eyes widened as he recognized the symbol that you drew and explained what gang has that symbol, your hands trembled as he further explained the information he knew about that gang
Your hands trembled in fear as he delved into the more heinous acts that the gang your brother has joined in, robbery, assault, drug trafficking. The list goes on. You couldn’t take it anymore and quickly told him to stop, not wanting to hear those terrible things anymore. 
Terrible thoughts filled your mind as you wait for the school to end, wanting to head home as fast as possible, skipping your club meeting just so that you could confront him, and persuade him to quitting that gang
After you came home, you then wait for him to come back home in the living room, not bothering to change your clothes or even cook dinner, determined to catch him. 
As the hours passed and the clock indicating that its midnight, he was still nowhere to be seen
Just as when you were about to give up and go upstairs, you suddenly heard the telephone ringing
You quickly pick up the phone and talk to the person who’s calling your house. To your surprise, it was a government worker that phoned you. Your eyes winded in shock as he explained to you the purpose of why he’s calling your house right now
Apparently, your brother got sent into juvie due to robbery and would be held in there for the next three years
Your mother, to her distraught, distracts herself by focusing more on her work, refusing to believe that her sweet son has turned into a delinquent gangster. She even refused to visit him in juvie due to how deep in denial she is of the situation
So here you are right now, visiting your brother in juvie, talking to him and gifting him the home made bento you make
To your surprise, your brother, who has been cold ever since your father died - broke down in front of you
You console him even without touching him due to the clear glass blocking the two of you from physically interacting with each other
The two of you started to communicate, and eventually reconcile with each other
Ever since then, your relationship with your brother has improved, to the point that it's just like before the accident
As you frequently visit your brother in juvie, you also noticed another change in his behavior. He started to become scared as you handed him your usual bento and even refused to open it for some reason
That makes you suspicious since our brother has always looked forward to your bento, and even giving empty bento boxes after he’s done eating its contents 
One day when you are on your usual visit in juvie, your brother suddenly looked at you in the eye, requesting you to not to make a bento that addressed to him and instead naming it to Kurokawa Izana
Your eyes winded, recognizing that name. It's the name of the leader of the gang your brother is in
Knowing the danger your brother is in, you silently nodded in his request and making a mental note of it
And on your next visit, instead of meeting your brother, you’ve arrived and faced someone who’s very unfamiliar to you, but knew his name. To your surprise, he isn’t some gigantic bulky person who you’ve expected a gang leader to be - but instead; you faced a lean and muscular person
He also has a remarkable appearance, light brown skin with silky white hair and striking purple eyes. You are fairly sure that if he isn’t in a gang, he could be scouted as a model or even a male idol
You strike a conversation with him, even though you are intimidated due to the fact that he is a dangerous person
But to your surprise, your first visit to him ends in a normal tone, as if you are just visiting an acquaintance
Weeks passed by as now not only that you visit your brother in juvie but also Izana as well
It was mildly bewildering when the two of you started to be close with each other; you being a normal middle school student, and him being the leader of the biggest gang in Yokohama
You now consider him as a friend, although you are still wary of him due to his occupation
As you started to get to know him further, you noticed that he started to act differently to you; him being much more flirtatious and bold every time you visit him. But you just brushed it off, thinking that he is opening up to you 
But you should’ve noticed it as a red flag as he started to get much more confrontational and possessive to you, being irrationally angry if you speak to someone other than him, even your brother or mother
It caused you to be scared but at the same time being angry at him, why is he acting like that? His attitude makes little sense
The two of you argued so often that eventually you stopped visiting him in juvie
Big Mistake
When you visit your brother again in juvie, you quickly notice painful bruises everywhere covering his body. From his face, his arm or torso, it made you sick on just how he wince in pain every time he accidentally press his arm or stomach 
After your visit to your brother, you then hastily visit Izana, pleading to him to not hurt your brother any longer. You’ll do anything that he asks, as long as he leave your brother alone
When you utter those words, he gave you a bone chilling smile, as if you’ve fallen into a trap
“Hmmm, anything you say? Well, (Y/N), be my girlfriend then”  
You froze in place at that moment, when he said those words, shocked at his request, but you quickly accepted his offer
Ever since then, you’ve officially become Izana’s girlfriend 
Predictably, your brother isn’t beat up anymore and even treated better than before, but you are now subjugated by Izana’s possessive behavior
Him prodding you every single detail about your whole week as you attend your daily visits to him and your brother, forcing you to do actions that a girlfriend would do such as over intricate Bento’s, exchange of romantic words and you kissing the glass that separates you to him, as if giving him kisses on either his lips or cheeks 
The only escape to him is that he is in juvie, which is a relief for you since you have days that you aren’t forced to act into something you don’t like
But those days are blissfully fast since Izana has been let out in juvie, which you only find out when you find him waiting for you outside of your school in his motorbike
Since then, everything is now different for you but not for the better. When the whole school finds out that you became Izana’s girlfriend, you have been avoided by your classmates and even teachers like a plague. You, getting distant from your friends, which eventually became scared of you, just like the others, making you rely on Izana much more, to the point that he is the only one, except your brother and your mother that you’ve talked to for a while
The delinquents in your school have also started to praise the floor that you walked to. Obviously, you have to be extraordinary to become Izana’s girlfriend since many women tried to become one, but they are either ignored or quickly turned down by him. So when you walked down to your school, they immediately walk to with you like bodyguards and clear the path so that you could walk to your destination without someone blocking your path 
Izana, as possessive and obsessive as he is, didn’t raise his hand to you like you would expect him to do. Instead-he treated you like a gentleman. Going into frequent dates, giving you gifts that you know are from high-end stores and even out right giving you money
You accepted it all, afraid of the consequences if you didn’t. Although it helped your family greatly, it still made you uncomfortable on just how you procure it. You knew where his money came from and felt guilty of accepting it and the gifts that he’s been giving to you
Izana swings his arm into your shoulder as the two of you are watching the boxing match in front of you. The two of you are seated in a padded chair while the rest are sitting on the available surface or just standing to watch. He lightly giggled as one of the men falls through the hard pavement while you just winced on just how painful it looks. Although you have been joining Izana on seeing illegal street fighting for months now, you still aren’t used to seeing blood and broken bones being displayed in front of you. You’ve suspected that Izana made you watch these fights with him because you’ve always been clinging to his chest every time you are scared or shocked, which you always did. 
As the fight then continues on, Izana gently grab you, making you lean on his chest as the two of you kept watching the fight
 “Hey (Y/N)”
You looked up at Izana, wondering what he wants right now
“After this, can you make Katsudon for dinner? I’m craving for one”
You nod at his request and reluctantly go back to watching the fight in front of you. It's a common occurrence. Ever since you became a couple, you always cook for him because he refuses the food if you did not cook it. To the point that you aren’t living in your house anymore and instead live in his apartment with another person named Kakucho. Even though he is his underling, he is the one that you could only interact without you being nervous. Unlike his peers, he is actually very polite and respectful and can keep his distance as he needs to be. So you are alright with him, the rest, not so much. They are what you expected a gang member to act, apathetic, cruel and sadistic. So you only interact with them on a surface level, being polite as you need to be. 
While the fight continues on, Izana grips tightly to your shoulder and further pressed you closer to his chest, keeping you closer him. You sigh at his behavior but just focus on the next match, trying to distract yourself, not only to your current situation, but your life in general. You, being a girlfriend to a gang leader that would certainly be a mob boss in the future, and him isolating you to anyone other than himself and the people he approves of and a looming threat dangling in your back if you did something out of line. Although this could be much worse- you are now basically trapped with Izana, without you saying anything to the matter, becoming his pliant girlfriend, just as he wants you to be.
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newroseanna · 15 days
He loves your voice. Especially the way your beautiful screams rings throughout the entire house. He knew it was a good idea to get a property away from any form of civilisation. Only he could hear the sweet, sweet sounds you make while he snaps your legs in half. He told you this would happen if you tried to run away. Did you think he was bluffing? Try running away with two broken legs now. He'd love to see how far you'll get. Maybe next time, he will cut them off entirely aswell.
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nikolais-eyepatch · 3 months
the intense feeling of warmth practically overtaking any other thoughts as his grip on your thighs is so painful- yet pleasurable!
its impossible to think that someone like him would be so good at this- the thought makes you cover you're mouth at a particular high pitched moan that ends up muffled.
Suddenly the feeling of ecstasy goes down and you feel a harsh bite on your thigh. whining you stare down at him and see he's stopped all movements and he's sternly looking up at you.
His eyes eyes full of desire and his mouth and chin filled with probably your arousal and maybe even spit and drool? not to mention...is that a stain on his pants?-
"stop doing that. i wanna hear you moan, until you can't even remember your own name. so stop that. or else." he mutters against your inner thighs giving you a warning up to you're imagination- and his hot breath dangerously close to the place you want him to pay attention to again.
before you can make a comment on it he dives back down into your arousal- immediately making you let out a yelp as you feel everything starting to build up again
the euphoric feeling building up again and again until all you do is open your mouth and let out nothing as your mouth is just open and everything crashes on you like a wave-
And no! he doesn't even stop then! not even when your tugging at his perfect soft hair! or whining as you meet his eyes as he continues his action! he has you completely helpless as you feel it become too much- then when its about to hit you again he stops.
He chuckles lowly as he pushes you against the mattress of the bed by your shoulders then says "you were so good, just moaning out my name. do that again, say my name so many times until its engraved in that pretty head. say it as if your worshipping my name as i worship your body, kay? call this a favor!"
That's the last thing he says before the night continues on with more feelings of lust and pleasure, don't worry he'll treat you with amazingly afterwards....eventually heh! ♡
Feel free to give me requests or any criticism or advice!
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sk3tch404 · 2 months
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"Stop drawing Izana!"
How about NO.
If Izana Kurokawa has fans, I'm one of them.
If Izana Kurokawa has no fans, I'm dead.
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macsimagines · 5 months
Izana, Kisaki + Mikey finding their girlfriend sleeping in one of their shirts, like willingly? 🧡
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Yandere!Izana Kurokawa
It started off with him kind of... not letting you leave his place. You came over for a late night booty call, and instead of demanding you get out of his face he wouldn't let you go that night.
Come the next morning and you wake up before him and you decide to dip before he can wake up and tell you to fuck off. Izana has never been overtly affectionate with you and you don't want to push him too far afterall.
But then you get a call later that day and he sounds...off.
"Hello-," "Just where the fuck are you, Y/N?" "O-oh? I woke up and left?" You tell him and you're so caught off guard by the slight annoyance in his voice what could you have done wrong?
And that throws you completely off. "Wasn't I supposed to?"
He doesn't answer. Just hangs up and you're left wondering what the hell happened, but you just shrug it off as maybe him not liking that one of his possessions left without permission...
The next time you two hookup, its the same thing. He's not trying to let you leave, and so you sleep over naked and just plan on wearing the same clothes you came in tomorrow. Except...
"I want you here when I get back, Y/N." He tells you before he leaves the next morning. And for whatever reason that look in his eyes means not to test him so you just sit around and wait for him all day.
But your clothes are kind of uncomfortable and its getting so laaaate. Izana wouldn't mind you borrowing one of his shirts right?
He really doesn't come back until 1am, and he's very happy you listened like a good girl, and even happier to see you dressed in one of his shirts while you sleep.
Izana thinks that he probably won't have to get your clothes from your old place. You could just use his. Ya. That'll be fine. Its his gift to you, for finally moving in with him where you belong.
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Yandere!Kisaki Tetta
You're a true fucking brat. No really, you've somehow become the single biggest pain in the ass he's ever had to deal with. You throw out everything he buys you, you scream and demand your freedom at every turn, you're constantly trying to escape him...
But he loves you, really and truly adores you, and you're not going anywhere now that he's got you locked in his penthouse. He won't make the same mistake, he's going to keep this one alive. You'll just have to learn to love him.
Oh but your latest tantrum has him rethinking it all. You set fire to the apartment, burning all the clothes he bought you in the bathtub and almost getting the cops called.
But he was smart, smoothed over the situation and had you sedated before you could throw an even bigger fit. Honestly, some small part of him doesn't think you're worth the trouble but he comes home the next day and those thoughts are all dashed.
You're laying in one of his silk shirts, bundled into the sheets so sweetly he thinks he can feel his heart actually ache at the sight of you.
You're so precious, and perfect to him. "That was expensive," he'll try to say dismissively, he doesn't want you to think he's forgiven you for your little fit just yet, "I burned all the other ugly stuff you got me. At least your clothes are comfortable." "..."
He won't say anything after that, but he does make a mental note that perhaps the Gucci and the Balenciaga are probably not to your tastes. He should just get you things in the same style as him. Couples matching outfits could be nice.
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Yandere!Manjiro Sano
Douchebag does not let you wear clothes he does not approve of. You belong to him and every aspect of your life belongs to him too, even what you wear.
And sometimes it's fine. Sometimes he's not around and you don't have to wear the skimpy dresses and designer shoes that hurt, sometimes you get to be comfortable and just chill out in your pajamas.
But you got too comfortable. He'd been gone for weeks again, because Micky comes and goes as he pleases, so you thought your usual fits would be fine.
Then he returns and for some reason he's pissed. It could be because the cops are on his ass, something didn't go his way or maybe his underlings were pissing him off, but for whatever reason for his rage he's decided he's going to take it out on you.
"What, Y/N? All the money I spend on nice clothes not good enough? You don't like the pretty thing I buy you?" "M-Mikey please-," "Too fuckin' good for the shit I give you?"
You're stripped bare and naked. For days. If you won't wear what he so graciously and lovingly gives you then you don't get to wear anything. And you're just shivering cold for a week straight trying to curl in yourself for any kind of warmth and comfort.
But after seven days of this hell you can't take it anymore. He doesn't even let you have sheets or blankets in your room anymore how the hell are you supposed to survive.
Thankfully, you find one of his discarded sweaters near the bed you two share and through it on without a second thought. You're nauseated because it still smells like him, but you can't bring yourself to take it off and be cold again.
You just snuggle into the fabric and finally find enough warmth and comfort to sleep that night. When Mikey comes home and sees you he realizes he's no longer angry. In fact, he's more than pleased.
"You just wanted to wear my clothes this whole time? That's fine. We'll share a wardrobe."
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cheesus-doodles · 3 months
How does Ran view Rindo’s best friend reader? And what’s his opinion on their relationship? I really like your work on Rindo and reader!
thank you for your kind words anon!
Masterlist | Rindo Tags
Ran thinks that the two of you together are adorable.
Yes sure, he knows damn well that both the both of them are delinquents who ruthlessly rule the back alleys of Roppongi with an iron fist, and that they are indeed supposed to be feared. But how was he supposed to think any other way when he sees Rindo with you?
Even though you clearly are the more easygoing and naive of your little pair with a tendency to go along with whatever it was that Rindo wanted, in Ran's eyes, its still his younger brother who comes off as the lost puppy trailing you looking for affection and attention, happy to let you lead him around by the nose. Yes, both of the Haitanis have both been in and out of juvie for various reasons, and Ran is perfectly aware of how Rindo is actually like during fights, having no qualm with breaking bones and putting faces through cement. Yet Ran still finds it hard to find any good reason to fear Rindo whenever you are arm-in-arm with him, chattering away with a complete lack of awareness to your surroundings. Ran, in fact, finds it rather amusing to occasionally poke his younger brother by linking arms with you just to get a reaction out of him and see him growl and threaten.
There was no way that Ran could possibly hate you, not with what you had done for Rindo. As the older of the two (not by much but still), Ran takes it upon himself to learn about and keep an eye out for Rindo, even if the younger Haitani dislikes his older brother's intrusions into his life.
And from what Ran can tell, Rindo has only changed for the better - as much as a delinquent can, at least. He knew that the day you picked Rindo over him was the day that something within Rindo had sparked (or snapped), and the younger Haitani had never let go of you since then, which you didn't seem to mind. Good thing either way, since with you came a sense of responsibility for Rindo that he never had, and Ran do so appreciate Rindo caring about something outside of picking fights for a change. Maybe you could get him to care about bills as well soon.
You did bring a breath of fresh air into both their lives, which the older of the brothers appreciates. With you came normal afternoons, calm evenings, and even peaceful nights; being a regular civilian with no ties to the gang life, you usually were the one to drag the two Haitani brothers around to your favourite cafes or the newest shops. Normal activities. Of course, the the only caveat to peace and normality being that you were within arm's length of Rindo, but that was easy enough to achieve.
Ran does however wish from time to time that you were the slightest bit more self aware and less air-headed. The amount of stress you cause his younger brother on a day-to-day basis simply can't be healthy, but more importantly, it affects Ran as well. Don't get him wrong, this older delinquent was content to watch his younger brother run around like a headless chicken from time to time, but when it spills over into his life and causes Ran to lose his precious sleep is where he draws the line. Maybe with a few more brain cells, you would be able to learn which action would result in a explosive reaction from your best friend, but it has already been years and Ran isn't hopeful.
Rindo always anxiously checking in on you whenever he could as if you would vanish off the face of the earth the moment he wasn't looking (being lured into a van and kidnapped with candy was what Rindo swears would be enough to work on you, and Ran didn't doubt as much). And when he couldn't, Ran would have the chance to be amused by his younger brother compulsively opening and closing his phone every second just to make sure he wasn't missing any messages that you were sending him, before giving in after five minutes and simply calling you. This would quickly turn into a full blown cursing and swearing session when you fail to pick up within half a minute, followed by a panicked Rindo dropping everything to take off and hunt you down.
This usually happens during school time, when the younger of the Haitanis reluctantly let you attend class, only to storm your classroom later on, though meltdowns also tend to happen at night when you aren't sleeping over at their place. And the latter is when Ran gets awoken by all the scrambling, sometimes getting dragged up as well to look for you when Rindo happens to barge into your room on the rare occasion you wandered out for a midnight snack.
Despite Ran knowing that whatever Rindo has going on with you isn't quite normal, with Rindo being a tad too obsessed with knowing where you were and what you were doing at all times, the older delinquent doesn't care. As long as his younger brother was happy, Ran was content with playing along. And alas, until Ran can knock some common sense into that empty head of yours, he'll settle for tying you to a chair and hauling your ass back to Rindo.
Ah the woes of being an older brother.
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Okay, hear me out. I can't stop thinking about how hard it would be trying to surprise Izana. So I needed to write something about it!
Headcanon + a little drabble of Izana x gn!reader.
Warnings: it's Izana so... Yandere tendencies (I mean, it's kinda canon that he's possessive as fuck xD)
English is not my first language, be kind please 🙈
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Usually, you don't mind how clingy Izana can be.
You love spending time with your boyfriend, so even if he can be a little or a lot overprotective and possessive you're okay with it.
Except, when you want to give him a surprise.
Buying a present for Izana in secret it's almost an impossible mission.
Even if you manage to go shopping alone (how? Who knows), he would make some Tenjiku member follow you around.
Well, he would make Kakucho follow you around. He doesn't trust anyone else with you.
Luckily for you, Kakucho realizes what you're doing and ends up helping you to choose the perfect present for Izana (really, Kakucho have too much patient with his king, he deserves the world).
After that, you always ask for Kakucho's help when you are planning any type of surprise for your boyfriend.
Izana wasn't happy.
At all.
He was planning on spending the afternoon with you, cuddleling together. But, apparently, you didn't have time for him.
How dared you? Izana was your boyfriend, why on Earth he couldn't be resting on your lap right now?
So, of course, Izana was raging.
After beating up a few idiots that had the bad luck of existing "too loudly", he was venting to Kakucho.
"I don't get it! What could be more important for them than me, exactly? They are mine!"
Kakucho just sighed, completly used to Izana's tantrums at this point.
"Izana, today is 13th of February."
The scarred boy replied calmly, hoping his king would take the hint.
"That means tomorrow is Valentine's Day."
Just like that, Izana's wrath disappeared completly. A soft smile on his face.
His gang could breathe again.
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Y/N: I had a dream about you last night.
Izana: Really?
Y/N: Yeah. You were my sleep paralysis demon.
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iadoremik3y · 28 days
EMMA: what do you mean izana is mental?
Y/N: I mean he’s insane, your whole family is.
MIKEY: how so?
Y/n: hes like a dog and wants to give me his findings, so like a dog would give there bone to there owner, he gives me his enemies heads.
Y/N: no cause, he will smile and be all happy about it to, you people seem to think this is some great gift.
MIKEY: you cannot be for real!
Y/N: yeah but atleast i say thank you to izana when he gives me some guys arm, you shits are so rude.
MIKEY: wth do you mean rude?
Y/n: I respect you guys loads, so cause idk what to do with the things he gives me, I keep em in the boxes he gives me in, and leave em outside your house, you never say thank you to me, how rude.
Y/N: Yeah! But no thank you.
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nexa00x · 2 months
TR Characters Who Would Betray You, Even If They Don't Seem It Like It
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• Emma- Canonically she almost betrayed Draken by trying to make him jealous. But I would let it go, after all she was neglected, and in a desperate attempt she almost betrayed him. Take good care of her and you will have a faithful Emma.
• Ran- He would cheat on you with half the world, in adolescence and in adulthood. In adult life his betrayals would double, he would cheat on you with secretaries, and strippers. He is charismatic, and canonically confirmed by the character book, he likes to appear charismatic. His charisma would obviously win over hundreds of thousands of girls, so yes, he had cheated on you and would still mock you if he was found out.
• Sanzu- If he wasn't madly obsessed with you, he would cheat on you. He's loyal to Mikey, not you. Depending on who you are, you may or may not leave this list (is in second place for worst boyfriend).
• Takemichi- I don't even need to say anything, right?!
• Shinichiro- According to tests, ugly people (in his universe he is ugly, then) are more likely to cheat, as they never know when they will have another opportunity. Since he and Takemichi are similar, and Takemichi never hesitated to betray Hina, I think Shinichiro would be like that too. If you went a certain amount of time without revealing your 🌸 to him, he would obviously be persuaded by his friends to go to a cabaret. Wakasa would be the first to accept.
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• Wakasa- Carefree, lives in bars and cabarets. After finding a girlfriend, he would try to jump the fence at least once. He certainly wouldn't mind too much if you found out. He would make some jokes and mockery, but I feel like deep down he would care. But I question myself a little, mainly because in the character's book he is the 2nd character who needs a companion.
• Hanma- He would never date, he jumped from relationship to relationship because he found them boring. If you think he would get attached to a person who is kind, careful, calm and blah, blah, blah... You are wrong. He would easily get bored with people like that and quickly betray them. He would be too lazy to finish and let you do it. Now, he would fall 100% madly in love with a crazy and energetic person, a Machiavellian person. I see him getting along well with characters like Hutao, Yae Miko from Genshin Impact, Nanno from The Girl Outside, Sparkle from Honkai Star Rail, Dazai Osamu and others. But even around people like that, people who would cure his boredom, he would betray them.
• Takeomi- He would betray you, blame you or come up with a really bad excuse. He would regret it and be on your case trying to get your forgiveness, but that's only if he really liked you.
• Taiju- I won't say much about him, he may or may not betray you in the final timeline. But in the bad timeline, he would definitely cheat on you. He would be super possessive, he would hit you if anything was wrong... basically you would live the life of Hakkai and Yuzuha, but worse, and if he were obsessed with you it would literally be worse than hell.
• Manjiro- I already talked about him
• Izana- He would betray you for stupid reasons like jealousy or he would just betray you... And if you did the same he would definitely be beating you or even killing you. If he was obsessed with you or had a great implicit emotional dependence (his feelings are very implicit) he would punish you and lock you up. But he would cheat on you easily, and he is also in 1st place in the character book as worst boyfriend. he was a terrible brother, a terrible friend and my god... The jealousy he felt for Shinichiro for something simple, imagine dating like seriously!
• Kazutora- He's on the list of worst boyfriends too, he would neglect you and treat you like his friend more than a boyfriend. Furthermore, he would have meltdowns and anxiety attacks and blame his betrayals on Mikey (kidding) you. yes, he would blame you for everything and yes...it would be a toxic relationship.
• Smiley(Nahoya): in last place on the worst list; He is literally the opposite of what he appears to be, if he appears to be good, he is bad. in last place on the list of worst boyfriends, not to mention the information we received in the manga that he wanted to have straight hair and hid his liking for anime just to be popular. so just like takemichi who is an angel next to this devil didn't hesitate to cheat on his girlfriend obviously to Nahoya, any opportunity wouldn't be thrown away by him. He would probably laugh in your face, but if he really cared his smile would disappear and he would try to apologize, but since he doesn't do that very often he would end up messing up.
• Shion- I don't need to say anything again, never that this being would be loving, romantic, or affectionate. He would betray you straight through. I imagine him picking up a girl in front of you, and if you were to fight him, he would just insult you and belittle you. He's a son of a bitch. (By the way, I'm thinking about drawing him trying to be romantic, what do you think?)
I based it on canonical information from the character book and the manga itself. I would have included anime scenes that matched their reaction or panels from the manga that proved my theses but I got a headache browsing for so long, so I'm sorry. I also put some of my intuition here.
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yanderederee · 14 days
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Request sent in via message instead of askbox:
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
Please don’t hate me for this but Izana has no qualms with hitting his darling. Especially if we’re talking Tenjuku Izana (which is kinda the only one we have besides healthy final-timeline Izana).
He just… Izana sees everyone as a tool for his own disposal. Displease him and he acts accordingly. If he doesn’t like your attitude, he’ll glare at you and dare you to keep it up. Don’t fix it, and he’s ripping at your hair and burning holes in your gaze. “You don’t fucking talk to me like that. You know better than to oppose me.”
You are his queen, and he will treat you as such, as long as you stay in line.
If you deliberately oppose him, as he warns you many times not to do… well, talk shit get hit. You know how Izana rolls.
Will he feel guilty about it? …. No. With Kazutora, it would eat away at him for the rest of his life, but Izana doesn’t harbor that same morality.
He loves you though, he really does. You just have to learn how to act sometimes.
Follow-up headcanons…
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Panty Sniffing HCs
Yandere TR Boys
tw: nsfw, panty sniffing, mild exhibitionism, spanking, edging, fingering, dead dove do not eat
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Mikey and Kazutora would outright demand you handover your used underwear as soon as you make to take them off, be it whether you were just changing out after school or going for a shower. Doesn't matter what they were doing or which part of the house they had been lounging in, you can be sure this boy appears right on time in order to ask you to hand them over, clutching on to you and kicking up a fuss if you refuse. Will throw a tantrum (or just start straight up crying and accusing you of not loving him in Kazutora's case) even if there are other guests around, so you better give in before someone else comes looking for the source of the noise. Immediately gets to work burying their noses into your soiled panties, really getting as good a sniff as he can, but you still don't get to leave to do whatever - if they are already smelling your dirty panties, then the inevitable fucking would follow soon. Mikey and Kazutora will bend you over and proceed to fuck you with their noses still on the crotch of your panties, but instead of finishing inside you like they usually do, will pull out to jizz all over your underwear. Very proud of their work too, will insist on showing it to you and making sure you acknowledge how much they came when they were done before finally letting you leave. But of course these boys do not wash your used underwear before returning them - now that they've came all over it, its too icky for them to handle, and these boys would just drop it in your laundry basket for you to settle.
Izana wouldn't bother with asking or demanding, just wordlessly flips up your skirt and pulls down your underwear whenever his little heart (or rather his cock, the real brains) desires. Luckily for you, this boy at least has the courtesy not to do it anywhere too public - still jealous enough that he doesn't want to share with others what only he is allowed to see and touch. Checks to see if your underwear is already dirty enough for his liking; and if it isn't, will pull it back up, wrap one arm around your waist, and start rubbing your clit through your panties and teasing you by dipping his fingers into your little cunt to get you wet and dripping, whispering dirty talk into your ear while you cross your fingers that no one was going to walk in on the two of you. Soiling your underwear around Izana isn't a choice - if he wants it dirty, he'll do it himself. When he is finally satisfied with how drenched the cotton pressed against your crotch was (you lost count of how many times you came), this boy will once more pull your panties off you and this time keeps them for himself, leaving you to go without any underwear for the rest of the day. Would press the soft cotton stained with your sweet nectar to his nose later on at night, but wouldn't bother doing it privately - if you're awake and watching, then you're awake and watching him jerk off and cumming into your panties, before he tosses your now-used underwear aside for you to pick up and wash later, and pulls you into his lap for a quick bounce on his cock to finish up before bed. This time he finishes inside you.
Kakucho and Rindo on the other hand still have at least a morel of shame (or pride, in Rindo's case) left. These boys would never even dream of helping themselves to your used panties in front of you, let alone dare ask you directly for them (the horror, the shame!) no matter how badly they want it right now or how hard they are in their pants. Instead resorts to stealing your soiled underwear from your laundry basket after you have gone to bed for the night, having had to hungrily watch from a distance as you strip them off your glistening cunt before your shower, all the while pretending that they weren't interested and definitely weren't staring. Desperation who? Not these boys. Picks a private place to jerk off in even if you are already fast asleep, one hand eagerly yanking away inside of their boxers while the other holds the crotch of your underwear to their noses, your sweet smell locked away in the crotch of your panties helping to spur their imagination on what you taste and smell like between your legs. Kakucho and Rindo eventually cums into their own underwear, muffling themselves as best they can so that they don't wake you, but make sure to never dirty yours any further, since its easier for them to did wash their own clothes for them and toss your panties back into the laundry basket afterwards rather than risk being caught - it would be rather hard to lie if you asked them why your previous day's underwear was wet.
Taiju would make no secret of him going through the house's worth of dirty laundry to find a pair of your dirty panties since its not his first time anyway, but then proceed to push the blame on you when you catch him in the act after coming home early. Grabs you by your waist with one arm and easily carries you up to his room with a mind to punish you for tempting him into doing something as sinful and unholy as having to sniff your panties. Pulls you over his lap, flips up your skirt and starts spanking you, pinning you down to make sure you can't wriggle out while he rains his hand down on your butt, all the while preaching at you about sins and sinning. But most importantly, Taiju doesn't pull down your panties to spank you bare bottomed - occasionally stops to "give you a break", which means dipping two thick fingers down to your crotch and firmly pressing your panties against your pretty little pussy and clit to check and see if it was already drenched. When your bum is finally red enough and you are tearfully apologising for whatever it was you did, Taiju finally lets up on the spanking to instead switch to getting you as soaking as possible without giving you the relief of cumming, interchanging between massaging and pinching your clit and pumping his fingers into you. Makes you watch him slide off your panties and give it a good whiff, before wrapping the small piece of cotton around his dick and jerking off to completion right there and then, throwing the soiled underwear back at you when he was done cumming all over it and leaving.
Koko wouldn't hesitate to steal your used panties to sell to the highest bidder online, but insists that he only does it as a punishment when you behave in a way he doesn't like. Owns a range of various kinds of toys that he has collected and that he absolutely loves to use on you, which is why he cranks it up to 11 when you don't listen to him and try to venture out yourself. Strips you down to just your panties and socks and edges you repeatedly, with you tied firmly to the bed so that you can't escape from your punishment, carefully watching your face contort with pleasure and then falling with disappointment when he doesn't let you cum, all the while your pussy is drenched and drooling into your underwear non-stop. Will make sure you soil at least one of his favourite kind of panties (the cute white ones) for him to keep and sniff, before changing you out to those mildly fancy lacy ones that are much more sellable and having you soak those through. Makes you watch as he auctions off your dirty underwear to the crowds of wretched souls online, and all the while as the number goes up, Koko would be pressing his own favourite to his nose just out of your sight, taking in deep whiffs of your fresh scent and slowly rubbing himself. You don't get to cum, but doesn't mean he can't either, and he makes sure that you can hear him grunt and groan through the cloth of your soiled underwear until he finally cums all over you. Lets you cum later on only when the auction closes.
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kissesforsatoru · 10 months
Hi! Can I ask for some headcanons of Mikey and Izana taking an interest in the sibling of one of their gang members? After all it's a peak sibling behaviour to be given away to their brother's crazy boss like some sacrificial lamb.
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MIKEY, IZANA x READER (separate)
₊˚⌗ mikey and izana taking an interest in one of their gang member’s sibling.
⤷ cw : general yandere themes, potential kidnapping??? implied forced relationships (i kept it vague, so it’s up to personal preference, really)
notes : i said i would start getting requests and i know, i know, it’s been a few days since then, but look! i got this done for you guys :) it is definitely not my best work though, so keep that in mind
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mikey : your older brother so happened to piss mikey off, you heard vaguely something about giving up critical intel to a rivaling gang without even realizing he was doing it, your idiot brother. since it wasn't intentional, mikey decided to take care of it himself by coming to your house to try and settle a deal with your brother.
you heard the commotion and listened through the door their conversation, and just when it was getting a little bit interesting, a little bit heated too, you pressed to hard against the door not knowing it wasn't closed all the way causing you to fall right into the floor in front of mikey and your brother.
"oh? who's this, huh?" mikey asks in a low tone, one bordering on amused as he looks away from you and at your brother, smirking. you only stare dumbfounded, still stiff on the floor from such an embarrassing give away to your eves dropping while your brothers eyes widen as he looks between you and mikey nervously.
"mikey, they don't have anything to do with this. they were just listening in cause they don't know how to mind their fucking business, alright? this is between you and me," your brother chokes out, sounding desperate. you scoff offendedly at the jab out you being nosey; who the hell wouldn't be nosy when their brother got his ass into some trouble with a gang leader?
your annoyance with your brother dissipates when mikey bends down in front of you, his hand coming to grab at your chin, moving your face from side to side as he looks at you.
"you're pretty, aren't you?" he whispers more to himself than anyone else in the room, but you still heard him, and you gulp in anticipation, lips parting afterwards to breath in more air because you feel suffocated under his gaze.
"you know, i can forget all about your little mess up if you let me have your sibling..." mikey suggests, an almost threatening tone laced within his words. you inhale sharply as your stomach whirls and your heartbeat races. your brother gives you a sympathetic look, and you know then that there's no way getting out of this.
izana : it was chance that he met you, the younger sibling to one of his lower ranked gang members. you weren't supposed to be at the docks, but you followed your brother one night who had foolishly led you straight into the prying, lustful eyes of other gang members of whom you had the misfortune to catch the eye of. the commotion caught izana's attention, and from that moment you'd trapped yourself in a corner to be stalked and analyzed by a predator waiting for the right moment to pounce.
you really were like a deer in headlights that night, stumbling shyly into the center of the docks for all to see. your brother stood staring wide eyed at you, hissing about why the fuck you were there and how you should be asleep at home, but izana was quick to shush him.
"why the hell are you getting mad when you were the insolent fuck who got followed, huh?" he grits, glaring at your brother, daring him to say another word. when your brother bites his tongue and looks away shamefully, izana turns to you with a softer expression on his face.
"it's dangerous for you to be around here at night, you know? do you even know what kind of place you walked yourself into?" he asks, a lilt of amusement in his voice as he watches you curl into yourself, your hands grasping at the hem of your shirt tightly.
"i just-" you start, a nervous wobble in your voice as you realize the kind of situation you've found yourself in, "my brother- i just wanted to know what my brother was up to. i didn't know it would be, uh, this..." you trail off, taking a small step back when izana starts to approach.
"yeah? well, you're awful dumb, huh? now look at you, you're practically shaking like a fucking leaf," he huffs a laugh, "don't worry, pretty angel, not a damn person here will hurt you. i'll make fucking sure of that," he whispers the last part to you as he stops right in front of you, staring at you with his wide, intense eyes.
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milky-mink · 2 years
Yandere Izana with a Nanny Darling
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Disclaimer: Middle-aged but DILF Izana
TW: Yandere, Manipulation, Drugging, Somnophilia, Non-Con, Dub-Con, Mind Break
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You anxiously looked over your wristwatch for the seventh time as you waited for the bus to stop at your place. “Come on, I don’t want to be late, '' you thought as you looked over again to the road. There was no vehicle in sight; you then grumbled under your breath. You’ve woken up early and got dressed and even set extra timers for this day. You really couldn’t afford to lose this job since it was the only one that offered excellent pay, and it had employment benefits such as vacation days, extra pay, and even dental plans, which is a far cry compare to your previous jobs, even those that had a decent salary but had a terrible working time and fewer employment benefits. But even then, you really can’t enjoy it because you have somehow gotten fired so suddenly by your employer.
Ever since you graduated from college, it's been hard to get a job or stay there for a long time. Hell, you’ve even tried to apply at a fast-food joint, but you still got rejected, saying that you were overqualified for the job and that it would be a hassle to pay you. That is why you are desperate to arrive on time for this job. Because of your bad luck with your employment, you had been struggling with your budget for months and if you bust this job, your landlord might as well kick you out due to your overdue payment in your apartment. 
And you feared that happening since you really didn’t have any family member to take you in, much less a close friend that would do it for you. If you couldn’t keep this job, you were surely going to be homeless next week. 
As you mulled over your terrible situation, you suddenly heard a bus coming your way, which snapped you out of your train of thought. “Oh, finally,” you thought as you waited for the bus to stop at your station. When the bus door opened, you quickly entered the vehicle and paid the toll on the machine near the bus driver. Seeing that you are the only one at the station, the bus driver quickly closed the door and drove off to the next bus stop. As you sit on the chair, you quickly pull up your phone and check again on the address that you were going to work at. The place is in Minato Ward in Tokyo, even though you are from Nerima, which is a little farther if you consider the distance of the wards. Despite that, a thirty-minute train ride would be a slight inconvenience to you compared to a lifetime of regret if you don’t take this job, which you desperately need right now. 
When the bus finally stopped at the train station, you swiftly exited the bus and entered the train station. You then pull out your phone, which had your IC card on its back, which thankfully still had some balance on it. You then quickly swipe it on the turnstile and run on the platform to wait for the train, to your luck is arriving shortly at the train station. When the train car’s doors open, you shoved yourself into the small crowd who are entering the train. Even though the train is quite packed with passengers, you thankfully found a spot to sit on and relax until you’ve arrived at your stop, which is about thirty minutes if you estimated the time. It would be very painful for your feet if you had to stand for half an hour in the same place.
 As you wait for your stop, you pull out your phone again and read the job that you are going to have. It is basically becoming a nanny for a single father that lived alone with his son. Apparently, your employer, Mister Kurokawa, wanted to hire a nanny who has a college degree that involves working with younger children. Luckily for you, you just got your degree in early childhood education last year. Honestly, it was god-sent when you found this job ad while scrolling down through countless job sites on your phone, and it was a miracle when you were quickly accepted by your employer after sending your application online for just a few hours of sending it to them. Honestly, you thought that your employer would not even look at your application. You were just a fresh college graduate with little experience. Don’t even ask about your job history, which is a mess itself. Your job requirement is simple really: take care of the child as best as you can while simultaneously stimulating his capacity for learning and mobility. Which is the usual requirement for most of your previous jobs already. Your employer also sent you information that involves his son. He’s eight months old and dubbed ‘high maintenance’ by his father endearingly. His baby is very dexterous for his age and drinks more milk than a normal baby.
The baby was also very touchy especially to those who they have bonded with the most, which was very usual for babies his age. Mister Kurokawa had also sent you a few pictures of his baby, which were very adorable. Some of them were his baby wearing various colorful onesies, while others were him getting fed by him or his baby doing baby things. It made you hopeful of staying on the job for a long time, or at least a few years, since you are going to teach and raise his baby for quite a long time, and you can finally use your degree in something that you are really passionate about, which was a win-win situation for you honestly. Even if your situation is finally looking up, dread still lingers in your mind, since you have a sequence of bad luck on jobs. What if this also applies to your current one? What if in less than a month, something would happen and your employer, just like your previous one, would sack you quickly because of a reason that is out of your control or was just a small mistake. That really made you nervous, making your palms sweat. 
But you shook away those thoughts, wanting to distract yourself from your past. Maybe that this would be different from your past employment since you can only focus on one person and have fewer demands compared to your previous jobs. And besides, you can now actually focus on a child instead of taking care of many without addressing their individual needs. Even though you love your previous experience with some of your previous jobs, it irked you that you can’t focus on a child’s problem without another one taking your attention, making the previous child feel ignored. You love the job really, but sometimes, it could get really demanding not only on your responsibilities but also the children that demand total attention from you. 
As you pondered more about your situation, your train stopped and announced that you’ve arrived at the station that is your stop. You got up and exited the train car before looking at the address on your phone; the place that you were going to work at is a little bit far away from the station, but nonetheless, you then swiftly walk towards the exit and walk to your destination. As you walk towards the place, you somehow got lost. It’s your first time in Minato since you’ve never been in this ward of Tokyo before. You bit your lip anxiously while looking again at Google Maps; you have somehow got lost and even an app that could provide your location and ways couldn’t even help you. How screwed up does your luck have to be when it comes to your employment? Just as when you are about to call your employer for directions, you suddenly bump into someone. 
“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry!” you said in a concerned tone as you looked over at who you’ve bumped into. The man was shorter than you. He had healthy-looking tan skin and silky white hair. His eyes were a rare orchid shade, and his face looked like it belonged to one of those foreign models in magazines. His muscles are obvious as he wore a white turtleneck shirt and black baggy pants. “No worries, I’m okay - how about you?” he asked as he looked up at you, which made you lightly blush. 
You can’t help but look away in embarrassment. “A-ah, I’m alright, s-sorry for bumping into you,” you stutter, not looking down to meet his gaze. You heard him chuckle in amusement, which made you kind of embarrassed, to be honest. 
“Ah, are you lost? You seem anxious while looking down at your phone. Did something happen to you?” 
You hear him ask. 
You finally look back at him and shyly nod at his question, flustered by how obvious you are, but at the same time, flattered by the person’s concern for you. “U-uhm, it's actually kinda funny really, I have a new workplace at this ward and I- I don’t really know the place, so I use Google Maps and still I’m lost” you mumbled, ashamed of your current situation. As you twirled your fingers, trying to calm down, you saw the man then tilt his head for a moment but then smile at you, “I’m familiar with this place, so how about I point you in the right direction?” he offered, you then looked back at him, eyes widening in surprise. 
You thanked the man for his help and apologized again before showing him the address of the place. When you show it to him, to your surprise, he just giggles and then looks at you. “I never thought that I would bump into you, Miss (L/N).” 
Your eyes winded, realizing who he is. “M-mister Kurokawa, I-I’m sorry,” you hurriedly said and quickly gave him a low bow. As you looked down at the pavement, you heard an amused chuckle coming from him. 
“No worries, Miss (L/N), no need for bowing”. As you heard those words, you looked back at him. Straightening your posture, you smiled, “Thank you for your consideration, Mister Kurokawa, I’m sorry that I have to meet you this way.” 
He waved it off and offered to walk you back to his place, which you quickly agreed to. While walking together, you can’t help but to be embarrassed inside, why does it have to be this way to meet your boss? “Oh my god, I hope that he isn’t angry,” you thought as you thought about your earlier interaction. 
When the two of you arrived at a rather slick-looking building, it was one of the few skyscrapers in the area, and it looks like it was rather well guarded for some reason. As the two of you entered the building, various people in formal attire bowed down at Mister Kurokawa, welcoming him back. Their action made you nervous, terrible thoughts swirled in your mind as you realized what kind of person is your employer. Obviously, he was a very important person, maybe an owner of a large company or an heir, since he looks too young to be the owner. When the two of you entered the elevator, you kept a polite distance from him, not wanting to make yourself look unprofessional like your previous actions made you seem. You needed to show him just how capable you were to be hired for this job and your previous stuttering didn’t help you gain that image; you hoped that for the next few days, your image in his mind would improve once you’d shown your capabilities on handling your job. 
The elevator stopped and opened its doors, revealing a long hallway that led to an enormous door, which had a security camera in front of it. The two of you walked up to that door, which quickly opened once the camera recognized your employer’s face. After you entered the gate, the two of you walked into another hallway that had another elevator, which would most likely be the way towards Mister Kurokawa’s home. The two of you entered that elevator and waited for a few moments before finally arriving at his home, which is a penthouse above this building. 
“Oh wow,” you thought as you marveled at the view of the skyscraper. The place overlooked every building in Minato, even the other skyscrapers. You could also look down to see the Tokyo Tower, which was very fascinating. You snapped out of your wonder and looked back at your employer, who was walking around the main building of the penthouse. The two of you entered a glass door that slid open, welcoming you to his house. As you expected, everything looks meticulously placed and designed as if it catered to your boss’s taste, which is most likely the case. The two of you then walked down a hallway, passing by rooms and glass windows that overlooked the gardens and surprisingly a tea house surrounded by a stunning chaniwa garden. The two of you then walked up to a stair which led to the second floor of the house, there you could see that the place has fewer rooms, but it is evidently the most used floor since this would probably be the place where the baby and your boss’s room was located. 
The two of you then walked down to a door with a colorful out-of-place sign that said ‘Shinichiro’s Room’. Mister Kurokowa then opens the door, revealing an enormous room that is specifically made for a child. After he opened it, the two of you then heard a loud laughter of a baby, which quickly captured both of your attention. The two of you quickly walked up to the baby’s crib and saw him looking up at the two of you while playing with a small tiger toy. “Aw, your son is so cute Mr. Kurokawa,” you said as you looked at the baby, which is now confused as he focused his attention on you. “Please, call me Izana, Mister Kurokawa makes me feel old. " 
You looked at him. “Really? But you look like you're in your late twenties, surely you can’t be much older than that,” you said to him, confused by his statement. 
He looked at you for a moment but then let out a small titter. “Miss (L/N), I’m in my early forties, please don’t flatter me like this,” he said with a faint smile on his face. Your eyes winded, early forties? Holy hell, he looked so young!
“I-I meant it Mister- I mean Izana, you really looked younger compared to your actual age!” you exclaimed, bursting your words because of your nervousness. This caused your employer to giggle again before asking you to take a seat on the nearby chair to discuss your duties and responsibilities. The rules were simple really: take care of the child with great care, stimulate his mind and mobility as much as you can, feed him during a specific time period, and quickly change his diaper or clothes if there is even a small body fluid forming and most of all, don’t leave the penthouse without Izana coming back home.
“I assume that this would be simple for you, Miss (L/N)?” he asked, looking up at you. 
“Got it, sir,” you said while puffing up your chest, assuring him that you can do this, but this caused Izana to let out an amused smile at your behavior. 
Izana then looked at his wristwatch, “Oh, look at the time, it seems that I have work to do down in the building, Miss (L/N). If you need anything that is not available in this penthouse, just go down to the kitchen, and dial the landline phone and my assistant Kakucho will bring it to you,” he said, looking at his baby before he leaves. 
After he left, you looked at the baby and smiled. To your surprise, the baby smiled back and even started giggling, which made your heart burst because of his cute behavior. You quickly lifted him up and cradled him to your chest. Although Shinichiro was surprised by your action, he instinctively processed the situation, like he recognized it as someone comforting him. He then let out a gummy smile and babbled at you. You smiled at him. It seems Shinichiro is not that of a fussy baby at all. 
“Okay Shinichiro, let’s do some fun activities today, okay?” you said to the baby, the baby let out an excited gurgle as if he can understand your words. You giggled and looked at the clock that was in front of you - it seemed that it was his feeding time. “Okay, but let’s get you some milk first, okay?” you said as you walked towards the refrigerator in the room. The job is not that demanding, and the baby is really cute and not fussy. You just hope that your bad luck has disappeared because you are starting to love your job. 
Weeks passed as you continued to be employed by Mr. Kurokawa, or Izana, as he insisted on being referred to. It is really fun and fulfilling to be employed in this job and you are really thankful for it, even though most of your interactions are with the baby or sometimes, Izana himself. But compared to your previous jobs - this one is a piece of cake. Shinichiro is not only unfussy but actually a really playful and active baby, which was a welcomed surprise when you found out about it a few days ago. As you continue to be employed, days have also flown by like it's nothing; before you could exactly recall how many days you have been employed and even remember what your lunch had been at that time, but now?  You ertr too focused on caring for the baby to remember those redundant things. 
Those memories have been replaced by your activity during your job like how many bottles of milk Shinichiro drink that day or how Shinichiro got up and took one step before he fall down the mattress, which you then quickly take a pic and report back to your boss, even though he didn’t ask for it. This job was really rewarding and at the same time hassle-free for you, it's almost like it's not a job, but a part of your lifestyle by now, which was rare for many people to have, and you are glad that after all of that string of bad luck, you’ve finally found a job that not only makes you employed but also gave you a sense of purpose in life as if this is destined for you. 
“Okay Shinichiro, you can do it, come on,” you said to the baby as he warily looked at the floor. You have been encouraging Shinichiro to walk for more than a few steps. You want him to get used to walking and develop his mobility. 
“Ehw ah-” you heard him grumble, not wanting to let go of the leg of the green plastic table. 
“Shini~,” you playfully whined, wanting to encourage him. The baby looked up to you with a worried expression, still expressed on his face. You smiled in defeat as Shinichiro fell onto the padded floor and crawled towards you, wanting you to lift him up. 
“I guess you’re not ready yet, huh?” you said as you cradle the child in your arms, who was burying his head into you, wanting to comfort himself. You smiled at his behavior. You know that someday, Shinichiro would be ready to finally walk a few steps, but not this day. 
You sat on the nearby sofa and cradled Shinichiro to make him fall asleep and for you to clean up the place for the night. Just as you were about to place Shinichiro into his crib, you felt your phone then suddenly vibrate. You gently place Shinichiro in his crib and immediately took out your phone to see who was calling you, and as usual, its Mr. Kurokawa.
“Sorry sir for not answering the call quickly, I was just putting Shinichiro back to his crib,” you said to him, and you heard him let out a mirthful laugh. 
“It's okay Miss (L/N), and also, did I always tell you that you can call me Izana? No need for that sir nonsense” 
You blushed in embarrassment. “I’m sorry S- I mean Izana, I’m still not used to calling you so casually.” 
You heard him on the other line letting out a hum, which made you very nervous. Although he was satisfied with your performance and conduct, you still couldn't shake off your nervousness because of your past experiences- your previous history still lingered in your consciousness like a faint shadow, as if reminding you of your past every time you’ve made even a simple mistake. 
“Hmm, if you can’t get used to it, then can I call you (Y/N) instead? I think that it's unfair for me to call you Ms. (L/N) and me just Izana, and it could shake off that Mr. Kurokawa nonsense in your brain, so what do you say (Y/N), can I call you that?” 
Your eyes widened but let out an okay for an answer.
“Great, (Y/N), sorry for calling you at this hour, I just wanted to check in on my son if he fell asleep already, looks like I was right.” 
“I-is that all sir?” you asked, wanting to know if he wants to ask other questions related to Shinichiro, which you would gladly reply to.
“Ah no, I was also checking up on you, it's quite late and the last midnight train should be going a few minutes now.” Your eyes winded at his words and you looked at the time on your wristwatch. It's true, the midnight train would be in a few minutes and you are quite far away from the train station. “A-ah, I think I’ll just take a cab...” you replied, not wanting to agitate him due to your current situation. 
“No can do (Y/N), there are fewer cabs this time of night and I don’t think that it's safe for you to travel alone during this time, I suggest that you stay at the penthouse guest rooms.”His offer shocked you. You, staying at this place for a night? 
“A-are you sure Si- Izana? I do not want to cause you trouble,” you said, troubled at his generous offer. 
“It's alright! You’ve been an excellent nanny for Shinichiro, he is much better now compared to before, he even whines to me when you are not in there,” he said mirthfully, praising you for your excellent work. 
Shyly blushing at his declaration, you reluctantly agreed to his offer, not wanting to press things further.  “I-if you say so, Mis- Izana.” 
“Great, good night (Y/N) See you tomorrow.” 
He then quickly hung up the call, and you turned off the phone, looking out the glass window of the room. Even though you have been working for Mr. Kurokawa for months now, you still couldn’t get used to it. Unlike before, you now have a job that not only pays you well but also had such a gracious boss that even lets you stay at his house. It's so contrasting compared to your previous jobs and employers, even though some of them are really nice bosses. 
“Okay Shinichiro, I’m going to wash up now, be good okay?” you softly murmur as you look down at the baby in the crib. You always wonder who were the people that would care for Shinichiro while you’re gone. He has always been enthusiastic when you go back to your work, seemingly missing you while you were at home. “Oh god, I can’t leave him behind,” you thought as your mind started to fill with ideas about what is happening while you are gone, even though he is alright when you always see him in the morning, it doesn’t change you not knowing what is happening behind the scenes while you were gone made you nervous and even scared for Shinichiro. 
You shook off your worries and quickly went to the nearest bathroom, which is in the nearby guest room, to wash up yourself. Thankfully, the bathroom had adult clothing and bathrobes. The clothes were tailored for men, which was alright for you since you only wore baggy clothes in your sleep anyway. You took off your black turtleneck shirt and high-waisted pants, revealing you in your plain gray underwear, and quickly took those off too and washed for the night. When you were done, you looked at the clothes on the bathroom cabinet, although there were clothes in there, you just now noticed that there was no underwear, not even for men. This made you flustered and looked at the washed bra and panty that you have taken off earlier. You can’t wear those, you need to wash them to be dry in the morning. You looked down and blushed at yourself as you put on the baggy t-shirt and short pants that were a tad big for you to fit in, but you managed to make it work as you exited the bathroom and the guest room and quickly entered Shinichiro’s room. 
Thankfully, the baby was still sleeping, which means that you didn’t miss anything. You then sigh as you grab a few blankets and pillows and put them on the couch. You sat on the couch and looked at the time, it was almost two am in the morning, which means that you should really be sleeping by now. “Huh, I haven’t been up this late since college,” you thought as you put down your phone on the nearby coffee table and then lay on the couch. You then faced the couch’s cushion and bit by bit, your consciousness started to fade, which eventually puts you to sleep.
A few hours passed by, and you suddenly felt a strange tingling feeling running down your bottom, “Huh?” you mumbled as you felt a wet appendage trailing up to your soft cheeks and unto your clit, licking up a huge stripe. “W-what?” you thought groggily as you tried to look down to see if someone is touching you, but you couldn’t, as if you are paralyzed in your place. The now-identified tongue then started to twirl your clit around for a moment but then a pair of lips suddenly sucked it. “I- ah~ What’s happening?” you exclaimed as a feeling of pleasure then surged throughout your whole body. No, you can’t be feeling good about doing this, you need to get out of here with Shinichiro as fast as you can.
“Hyaa~!” you then mewled as you felt your ass and legs being lifted up by the person and finally tossed the short pants that were dangling on your foot earlier. You felt your assailant’s hot breath on your folds, which made you blush. You felt their fingers gripping your plush thighs as they then started to lick your folds. You wanted it to stop but you couldn’t do anything as the person licked and slurped your cunt as if they hadn't drank water for a long time. You can’t help but finally let out loud moans and mewls as they then finally put their tongue inside your vagina. You felt his hot tongue twirling and retracting it back and forth, fucking you with it. “Ah! Ah! St- Ah~” you moaned as you tried to get this person to stop and let go of you. They stopped, withdrawing their tongue, and finally diving out of your pussy, making you relieved at the moment. But that is proven short-lived as they then quickly shove two of their fingers, fucking you with them. As their fingers are reeling in and out of your pussy, you then hear familiar giggling, almost as if you knew who was doing this to you. The person then started to lap up your juices again, making you moan louder than before. 
Right now, you are a mess of a person, both inside and out. Moaning and panting as you felt their tongue and fingers explore your wet, tight insides. You had masturbated on several occasions and felt good every time you did it but the pleasure that you got from touching yourself wasn’t comparable to this one. This made your cunt hot, wet, and tight all at the same time as foreign appendages roamed your wet caverns and sucked on your now sore clit. The heat pooling on your stomach starts to get unbearable as you feel yourself start to come. “Oh no, I’m gonna I-I’m gonna ahh~” you mewled as you felt yourself cumming onto the person’s face. 
As you finally let out your cum, you just laid on the couch, panting, having no energy to move a single muscle as you felt the person lick and drink up your cum from your pussy and thighs. As you start to drift back to sleep, you felt the person crawling on top of you and whispering into your ear, feeling his hot breath on your skin. 
“Sweet dreams, sugar.” 
Your eyes widened as you recognized the voice. “M-Mr. Kurokawa?” you stuttered, not believing what you are hearing right now. You heard him hum and put his palm on your eyes, closing them gently. “Sleep (Y/N), you need energy for Shinichiro tomorrow,” he whispered, feeling his hot breath as he uttered those words. You slowly drifted into a mindless sleep, numbed by the orgasm you had earlier, feeling too tired to even open your eyes as you felt Izana gently cover you with a soft blanket and planted a kiss on your forehead. 
You let out a loud gasp and got up from your sleep as you then looked out of the clear glass window of the room. You then tossed the blanket out of your body and then looked down at your bottom. Thankfully, you are still fully clothed down there, panties and all. You sighed in relief and checked out your phone - it’s eight in the morning, two hours before your shift. Slumping back down the mattress, you thought about your dreams earlier. You couldn’t help but blush in embarrassment as you recalled the wet dream that involved your boss eating you out while you sleep. You just can’t believe that you just dreamt about your boss that way. Sure, he was a very desirable man, not only for his physique and attractive face but also for his behavior towards his child Shinichiro. But you couldn’t see your boss in that light! Hell, you can’t even see him even jokingly flirting at you in a friendly way, much less him being so possessive over you. 
You then sigh and rub your head. You have a job to do and you have an erotic dream that involved your boss is not going to be helpful. After rubbing your head, you then looked down on your lower half. Although you are sure that is just a dream, you can’t help but have a slight doubt about it because it was so vivid and felt too real. As if that dream of yours really happened. But you shook your head, surely, Mr. Kurokawa is not that type of person to do this. After all, he is so considerate and helpful whenever something has happened during your time at work and he even apologizes and pays you overtime time even though you just stayed more than an hour or so in your shift. Him assaulting you in your sleep is such an absurd thought that it's almost laughable, Mr. Kurokawa is anything but that kind of person. 
But you can’t help thinking, what if it's true? That he did just that while you are so vulnerable? You couldn’t help but shiver at that thought alone. He was such a kind and considerate person to you, and it's so horrifying to think that he would do such things to you. You shook your head in disgust, no, why would he do that to you? With only just his physique, he could attract many women who would willingly sleep with him, even if for just a few hours. Him doing something to you, especially eating you out is such a wild thought. 
While you are deep in your thoughts, Shinichiro let out a loud wail, which snapped you out of your thoughts. You looked at him blankly for a moment before slapping yourself out of it. That’s right- you were only here because you have a job to do, which is taking care of Shinichiro. You shake your head and sigh and quickly get up and walk to his crib. When Shinichiro saw you, he let out his adorable gummy smile, which melted away your dilemma earlier. Smiling, you gently grab Shinichiro and carry him. Mr. Kurokawa would never assault you while you were sleeping - after all, how can a person like that produce such a cute and adorable baby? 
It’s been a few weeks after the wet dream incident, but you still couldn’t shake it off your mind. Although you still do your job earnestly, it also affects your relationship with your boss. You really can’t help but to either freeze or flinch, every time he comes near you the flashes of that dream start to come into your mind like a tidal wave- of you being vulnerable under him, struggling to get him off you as you felt his tongue slithering inside your walls while massaging your clit, getting turned on by your whines and pleads. Which doesn’t help your amiable relationship with your boss as you unconsciously try to avoid him as much as possible while at work, which is not that hard considering he always came back after your shift is done. 
You really tried your best not to be avoidant of your boss, you really did. But you really can’t help but feel uncomfortable and even scared every time he either touches you or gets close to you. You always triedto rationalize it by thinking that he’s your boss and you are afraid that he is going to fire you anytime soon or any other excuses that you might think. But deep down - deep down, you know that it's because of that realistic dream you had, and deep inside, you are afraid that it might be true that Mr.Kurokawa had assaulted you while you slept that night. 
As you were tucking Shinichiro in for the night, you suddenly heard the door open. Looking back, you saw Mr.Kurokawa, who was wearing a dress-like black jumpsuit with silver necklaces and a loose belt. Although he looked so casual, you had a feeling that it's probably not - maybe he’s going out with his friends? 
“O-oh, Mr.Kurokawa! I was just tucking Shinichiro in, I’ll be gone in a minute now.” you said as you tried not to look away from him. 
Your boss just smiled at you.  “No worries Ms.(Y/N)! I was just checking up on my son!” he said in his usual carefree tone that he had. Although you doubted that, you just nodded and continued to tuck the baby into the crib as your boss eerily watched you from behind. When you are finally done, you look back at Mr.Kurokawa and apologize for how late you’ve stayed, and quickly try to get home. But before you do that,  Mr.Kurokawa stopped you and handed you some sort of card in your hand. Not wanting to displease him, you took it and looked at what it was. The curiosity turned into shock when you saw the content. 
M-Mr. Kuroawa! I can’t take this!” You said as you tried to give the card back to your boss, which shook his head, refusing to take it back. 
“You’ve worked for more than eight months in my house with no breaks every day, you deserve this,” he said as you look at him in disbelief. After all, the card that he gave to you is practically a meal pass to one of the most exclusive and expensive restaurants in Tokyo, maybe even in the whole world. 
“Sir, I think that this is too much,” you said, trying to reason with your boss, but he just shook his head- insisting that you keep it. You tried to banter with your boss, trying to get the card back to him but he swiftly turned down your proposals and reasonings, and kept insisting that you keep it. In the end, you accepted the card reluctantly and thank your boss in embarrassment, after that you then say goodbye to him and head out of the penthouse and eventually the building. 
While walking down the streets of Minato, you looked at the card in both fascination and curiosity. It's an exclusive meal pass for Midori. One of the most exclusive restaurants in Tokyo, it's one of the few three-star Michelin restaurants in Tokyo but unlike the other restaurants, Midori operates for only three months in certain seasons, which makes it difficult for people to dine in or book a reservation for the restaurant. You even heard that the yearly customers of Midori could be counted with your fingers - which means that your boss gave you a card that can basically give you an instant pass to enter and eat for free in Midori just because you didn’t take your vacation leave for more than eight months. Which frankly to you is both very generous and simply ridiculous. You know that many rich people in Tokyo would give you a large sum of money just to get this card and some might even blackmail you for it. You sigh in frustration as you feel a headache building up in your head as you keep thinking about what you are going to do with the card.
Sell it?
No, people might think that it's a fake.
Throw it away?
You know that the guilt would eat at you for a very long time.
You kept thinking about what you were going to do about it until you completely gave up on thinking about it. “Fuck it, I’m just going to redeem this, this is a once-in-a-lifetime experience,” you thought as you clutched the card and took out your phone- googling the location of Midori on google maps and quickly heading off to where it is. When you finally arrived at the building where the restaurant was located, you couldn’t help but feel nervous as the two doormen, who strangely recognized you, quickly welcomed you into the restaurant as if you were a very important person.  When you enter the restaurant, one of the waiters quickly walks up to you and asks if you have a reservation - to which you silently reply by giving them the card that Mr.Kurokawa gave to you. The waiter just smiled and gently took the card from your hand, as if they were worried that they might offend you. But you just shook your head, you are just overthinking things since this is your first time in an exclusive Michelin star restaurant, the nerves are maybe getting into you. 
When the waiter grabbed the card, another waiter popped up and guided you inside the restaurant. You followed the waiter to your seat, as you subtly looked around the restaurant. As expected it looked classy and fancy. The restaurant itself has a mix of modern and traditional Japanese architecture, although it is located in the middle of Tokyo, the restaurant has a ginormous Tsukiyama garden that can be seen in the whole restaurant, giving the restaurant a much more traditional touch. 
When you are finally seated by the waiter, You couldn’t help but feel awkward at the situation as you are the only one in the whole restaurant as there are practically no people in sight. You tried to find a positive outlook in the situation that you are in, hey, at least there are no snobby people that would judge you, right?
As you tried to assess your situation, the server quickly came back and gave you the tasting menu of the restaurant and explained some of the dishes that are written there, which made you nervous since you only knew a few of the items in the restaurant. You just decided to pick the strangest named dishes on the menu, hoping that the dishes that you’ve picked would taste good. The server then jolts down your order as you put the menu on the table. When they are done they cautiously take away the menu and then bowed, saying that your complimentary appetizer would be on its way. 
The eighteen-meal course came one by one as you started to eat, some are familiar dishes presented to you such as sushi and sashimi that you know came from expensive cuts of fish while others are western inspired dishes that you couldn’t figure out how to eat but just decided to wing it and eat it anyway. As expected, the dishes are fantastic, and sure, most of them could be eaten in just one bite but the whole course will make you full since the meal was an eighteen-meal course and not just the usual one dish or two that you usually buy when going out. While eating, there was something bothering you at the moment. There were no problems with the dishes since they were all fantastic and the servers were very professional, but there was an eerie feeling while you're eating in the restaurant, as if the servers were afraid of making a mistake or offending you in some way. You tried to comfort yourself by saying that it's just the nervousness of not only dining in a fancy restaurant but also being the only customer dining there but your gut says otherwise, as if something is going on. 
But still, you silently ate the dishes that the server explained before serving them to you, just wanting to enjoy the rare experience while ignoring the nagging feeling in your gut. When you finally ate the last dish, two servers appeared in front of you, one cleaning out the dirty utensils on the table while the other poured you a glass of wine.  The server who poured you the wine explained what wine it is and how old or what kind of fragrant and texture it has. Apparently, it's a 1968 Bruno Giacosa Collina Rionda wine from Italy, one of the finest wines that they have on their shelves right now.
When the server places the wine glass on the table, you then hold the stem of the glass and curiously sniff the wine, before taking a sip. But before you can finish the whole glass, you start to get dizzy - your vision blurring and you trying to hold on to the table, afraid of falling into the floor. But it's no use as your body slumps down on the ground, causing the half-sipped wine glass to break and it's content to spill into the ground. 
As your vision darkened, you saw two men, who were in suits walking toward your form, “Hurry up Rin, the boss would be angry if we took too much time,” you heard one of the men say while the other just hummed in response. You felt yourself being carried by one of them, you aren’t sure who is carrying you since you are barely strong enough to see. As you start to fall unconscious you hear a familiar person that made your blood freeze in fear. 
“Be careful with her, Izana wouldn’t want her to be injured.” 
“K-Kakucho?” That name was in your final thoughts as you slipped out of consciousness, not strong enough to fight it any longer. 
Your eyes opened slowly as you woke up with your head aching, and although you were awake, you still couldn’t really feel anything around you due to you being drugged earlier. As you started to get a grip of your consciousness, you couldn’t help but be shocked when you finally saw what was going on. 
“M-mister Kurokawa?” You looked up at him, grunting and moaning as you felt your cunt being penetrated by his dick, you can’t help but moan as he keeps pounding your pussy into oblivion. “Ah, (Y/N) you’re awake,” he said as he continued slamming his long dick into your tight walls, rhythmically keeping up his pace as your confused face contorted into pleasure. Although it felt pleasurable by his actions, you can’t help but feel betrayed and hurt as the person that you’ve looked up to did this to you. You should’ve listened to your guts and kept your distance from him as much as possible or even outright quit the job even if you struggled to find one. 
Tears rolled down your cheeks as you kept thinking about maybe’s or what-ifs, as his cock kept stretching your wet but tight pussy. “Princess, don’t cry, I’m here to make it better,” you heard him say as he wiped away your tears and kissed your lips, entering his tongue into your mouth as his pace feverishly started to get faster. While his tongue swirled with yours inside your mouth, twirling your tongue with his, you suddenly felt a sudden jolt down there- it seems that his dick hit a specific place that you couldn’t help but moan in pleasure. 
When he heard your loud but unwilling moan, he stopped his movement and ended the kiss, which made you confused at first until he started to take his dick off of you until its tip is the only thing inside.  He then quickly buckled his hips and slammed his cock into your pussy all the way into its hilt. You couldn’t help but loudly moan as you felt him pounding you like an animal, his dick continuously hitting that spot. “Sh-shtop-” you slurred as you felt his dick getting bigger inside you. But he ignored your pleas as he quickly slammed his dick back into your pussy, making you flinch in pleasure while shutting you up in the process. 
“Ah~ (Y/N) your pussy is clenching my dick so hard,” he moaned as you felt his dick start to twitch while also feeling the heat and pleasure bubbling up inside you.
“S-top, please Mr.Kurokawa-”
You were cut off by your boss as his sharp gaze looked at you, and although his lilac eyes are soft, you couldn’t help but see another expression in his eyes. 
“Don’t call me that, call me Izana,” he said as he kept his eyes locked on yours. If this wasn’t an unwanted situation, you ought that this would have been very romantic, but right now - it's the opposite of that. 
“M-Mr, Haaah~” you moaned, not even saying his name as he pinched your sensitive clit.
“No, Mr.nonsense, just call me by my name,” he said, as you desperately looked up at him, wanting this to end. 
“I-Izana, s-s-top, I’m gonna -”
You saw him smile knowingly as he kept pounding in and out of your cunt. 
“Gonna what princess?” he teased.
You can’t help but cry in pleasure as you felt yourself cumming all over his dick as you clench his back for support, your eyes rolling back in pleasure. After your orgasm, you felt him start to quicken his pace, continuing that feverish phase from before. With a few strong and quick thrusts, he unloads his cum inside your tight walls, moaning in pleasure as your pussy milked his dick for all its worth while you lay there panting; your naked form twitching and convulsing in overstimulation due to the climax earlier. 
As he finished cumming inside you and pulling his dick out of your insides, you then looked up to him, tears rolling down your eyes. 
“P-please, l-let me go,” you said as you fruitlessly tried to get away from him. When he saw you trying to move away, he quickly grabbed both of your thighs and spread them, making your pussy, which was still twitching while oozing with his semen, visible to his view. 
“Look at you, after you milked my dick, your pussy still wants my cock so bad,” he said as he used his finger to push the semen back inside your cunt, making your toes curl due to your body being sensitive. 
“I- please Izana, I won’t tell anyone about this” you plead, wanting your boss to let you go. He stops as you look at his expression, his expression now turned dour by your words. “Or what (Y/N)? You will quit and go back fruitlessly trying to find a job?” your eyes widened in shock at his words. He let his finger out of your walls but kept his hands on your knees, still spreading your legs apart. 
“H-how did you know that?” you stuttered as he kept his gaze at your naked form, smiling at your question. 
“I run background checks on all of my employees (Y/N), especially for the one that would be taking care of my child,” he replied as you looked down in shame. 
He continued. “Do you want to go back to that lifestyle (Y/N)? On the verge of being homeless with no one to turn on or help you?” You tearfully looked away, feeling your heart clench, it's true, all of his words are true. Izana saw your forlorn expression and gently touched your cheeks making you look up at him again. “It doesn’t have to be that way (Y/N), you have Shinichiro and me, you don’t have to be lonely anymore,” he said as he gently hugged you. You couldn't help but start sobbing on his chiseled chest. “There, there,” you heard him mumble as he caressed your back trying to soothe you.
The two of you stayed there for a while until you felt his dick harden inside of you again. “(Y/N),” you looked up to Izana who was smiling at you. “Can I?” he asked as you felt his dick twitching inside your pussy. Without a care in the world, you nodded and then spread your cum filled pussy with both of your hands, worldlessly coercing him. As he starts to move again, he smiled and look at you. 
“I love you, (Y/N), I really do.” 
Your dull eyes looked at him, not minding the situation anymore. Smiling, you hugged his neck and gently kissed his lips. “I love you too Izana,” you replied earnestly. As you felt his hips start to move again, you can’t help but feel nothing anymore. He’s right, there is nothing for you out there, no family, friends and barely finding a job, who is the person that took you in? That’s right, It's Miste- no,  Izana. He’s the one that gave you every opportunity that you desperately needed and on top of that, Shinichiro gave you purpose again, he would be lonely without you. 
With that in mind, you tightened your grip as Izana bucked his hips down on you, pounding you into the mattress as your pussy started to clench tightly around his dick. It’s alright, as long as you have Izana and Shinichiro, it doesn’t bother you anymore. 
You finally have people that would be with you.
You are not alone anymore.
As you slip into pleasure once more, you couldn’t help but feel like something broke inside of you- no matter what it was, it's just a minor inconvenience anyway. 
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sk3tch404 · 2 months
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Not even ONE call back? Smh.
Victim blaming, I choose you! ⛹
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