#yall are prioritizing yourselves so much
dan, trying to deal with a homophobic interviewer: oh my fucking god sure whatever you want. phil and I basically a gay couple I guess whatever can you shut the fuck up now
the entire phandom with 0 empathetic brain cells: oHFDOMG O Y GO DO H DM YD G P H AN!!!! PHAN IS RELAL!H@@~!!!!!!!!! HAHA THEYRE GAY LOVERS THEY FUCK!!!!!!!!!11!!!! aHAHHhAh
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I think the numbing coping mechanisms are starting to wear off. I’m now just starting feel how fucking heavy V9C8 was, both mentally and emotionally. As someone who had severe depression years back and was a survivor of an attempt myself(and how eerily similar that entire scene was), that episode really hits way too close to fucking home.
Please take care of youselves. I know some of us are still coping through humor, and that’s fine. People have different ways to cope.
But I want yall to know if you ever suddenly start to feel heavy or too much about it, It’s okay to drop out for now, take a break/mute ur socials, find a safe space, let it all out, and again, I cannot reiterate enough so pleaaase take care of yourselves first. We’ll be here. We’ll all be back. No rush. No worries. Prioritize yourselves and your mental health first.
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Fact or Fiction
Warnings: non-consent (fingering, toys, anal, vaginal, somniphilia)
This is dark!Ransom and explicit. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: Your publisher has died and now you must deal with new management
Note: This came to me out of no where but it was a ride yall. I wanted to write some somniphilia so get ready for some sleep action. Remember to read the warnings my guys and enjoy yourselves. Another double dick fic day.
Sidenote: it is a bit odd to write smut when your bf is listening to barenaked ladies lol
Thank you. Love you guys!
Please leave some feedback, like and reblog <3
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It was funny how things could change in such a short time. More often, it was tragic. Deep in your gut, you had the feeling this change would be the latter. 
You stood in the elevator, counting the floors in dread. A month ago, you felt much differently on your ascent. That was a day full of hope. A young writer on your way to meet THE Harlan Thrombey, manuscript in hand. You’d left even more jubilant than you arrived. He loved it and hadn’t shied away from saying so.
Now he was dead and you feared so too were your hopes of a published book. This day you were to meet with another Thrombey. Ransom Drysdale, his grandson, had inherited the company to the surprise and chagrin of many, including his very own uncle. 
You couldn’t disagree with Walt. Everyone, especially him, expected him to take Harlan’s place. But he didn’t and he was gone now, buried in resent and jealousy. None had seen him since the funeral. Or so you heard. The publishing business could be almost as dramatic as its fictions.
Top floor, you stepped out and were surprised to find that Deb, the former grey-haired receptionist, had been replaced with another. Younger, blonder, and more concerned with her cellphone than the ding of the elevator. You walked up to her round desk and waited for her to look up. She didn’t.
You cleared your throat.
“Hello, I have a one o’clock with Mr. Drysdale,” You said. She nodded and giggled at her phone. “Excuse me…” You looked around and found a rose gold name placard. “...Selina.”
“Fine, go on,” She shrugged. “No one’s in there. Knock first.”
You sighed and glanced around. There were a few editors you recognized from before and they peered over at the receptionist with open detest. You passed her perch and wove between the desks. You assumed, knowing you wouldn’t get an answer from the oblivious blonde, that Ransom had claimed his grandfather’s former office. The letters printed across the clear glass door assured you. That was new too.
You knocked on the frame, afraid to shatter the door. Ransom was squinting at his monitor and didn’t even look over as he waved you on and called to you. 
“Come in.” He shook his head as he huffed at the screen. You entered nervously. “What is it this time?”
“Mr. Drysdale,” You greeted, “I’m here for our appointment.”
His brows drew together as he looked up. He hit a key and turned to you. He sat back in his leather chair as he leaned on the arm. 
“Uh, yeah,” He blinked as he lazily reached over and grabbed a manuscript from the pile atop his desk. “Laura?”
You corrected him and he fished out the proper print and sat up. He opened it but didn’t even pretend to read a single word on the page. He smiled as he shifted closer to his desk.
“Close the door,” He said. “Sit. This shouldn’t take long.”
That didn’t sound good. You did as he said and took the stiff seat across from him. The former cozy leather had been replaced with cold acrylic. He tapped his fingers on the pages and ran his tongue beneath his bottom lip.
“Well, seeing as we’re doing a bit of redecorating around here, we decided to do the same with our writers. Streamline, prioritize,” He began. “My grandfather was a smart man, talented author, but he valued ‘style’ too much over ‘marketability’.”
Your chest tightened and you tried not to show your discomfort.
“Of course,” You said. “It makes sense. New owner, new directions. I understand.”
“Oh, great,” He smirked. “Then you also understand that the contract my grandfather, god rest his soul, promised you, must be reviewed before we go through with the signing?”
“Review?” You frowned.
“It’s the same for all our new writers,” He assured you. “My editors are combing over every word of your manuscript before we throw the ledger across the table.”
“He already read my manuscript, your editors too. I don’t--”
“He’s dead and most of his editors are gone or have taken on new responsibilities,” He interjected. “As you said, new directions.”
“Alright.” You sighed. “And so when will I be informed of the results of this review?”
He tilted his head, amused by your tone as he leaned back once more. He grabbed a pen and tapped it on his lip as he thought.
“Couple weeks.” He said.
“A couple weeks? I’ve already waited over a month for a contract. Now I get the circumstances required it, as tragic as they were, but with all due respect, your offer isn’t the only one I have on this manuscript.” You argued.
“Lesser publishers, no doubt, but you understand that under our submissions guidelines, you cannot accept an exterior deal until we have made an official decision.” He countered. “So, you can wait the three weeks before you march down to Penguin or whatever lowbrow manufacturer you’ve been talking with.”
You stared at him. He was very much unlike his grandfather. Harlan, for all his accomplishments, had an air of humility. Ransom, for all he hadn’t achieved, was entirely arrogant.
“So, you’re holding my book hostage?” You asked.
“I’m allowing you an opportunity provided you have patience,” He returned. “I could say no right now and send you out without a hope of ever signing with us.”
The curve of his lips irked you, along with the loose weave of his sweater. He didn’t dress like the owner of a publishing house; he dressed like a spoiled frat boy. You were quiet as you thought about the much lower offer from Charter books. Modest but respectable. And there were many companies who you had yet to approach.
You stood suddenly and marched over to his desk. You reached over and slid your manuscript across the desk and closed it. You gathered it up and tucked it under your arm.
“I’ll take the no over your games, Mr. Drysdale.” You said as your heart beat wildly. This was either a moment you’d deeply regret or gloriously relive. “I hardly see how sitting on a stack of books will help your profitability.”
He blinked and his smirk fell. Then he scoffed and tossed his pen down.
“Well, you sure are saving me a lot of work,” He mused. “One less pile of kindling hanging around will save my editors hours.”
“Mr. Drysdale,” You said as you backed away from him “I may not have inherited an empire but I think I can see as clear as any that you are out of your depth behind that desk.”
A glimmer of anger broke through his facade and his jaw ticked. He was quick to reclaim his maddening smirk and he shrugged.
“You’re right,” He remarked. “You’re just a writer. Unpublished, at that.”
You nodded and swallowed the insult. You spun and swept back through the door, certain to leave it open. You strode past the reception as she watched some Insta story on a new eye shadow palette. Even Harlan’s name couldn’t atone for buffoonery.
Charter Books wasn’t far from Blood Like Wine Publishing. For the second time that week, you were in the heart of the business district. You were tired of waiting. If Charter wanted to publish your work without fanfare, you would take it over waiting on a whim. 
Charles Halford was expecting you and as was your habit, you were early. The building didn’t bring you the same joy as Blood Like Wine had, though now that you thought of it, any such optimism had disappeared. You would settle and hope that this was a back road to a mighty second book. If your luck was to take an upturn, it might even be a sleeper hit.
You were directed to sit along the small line of chairs outside Halford’s office. You balanced your manuscript on your knee as you waited. You fidgeted impatiently and hoped the offer was still open. The email had seemed hopeful and that a meeting was scheduled on such short notice was heartening.
You looked up as the door finally opened. Your heart dropped at the man who stepped out. Ransom’s eyes caught yours as he turned back to Halford and tossed some quip at him. His forced laughter turned your stomach. The men were chummy; too chummy. Was this foreshadowing?
“Anyway, I should get back to it,” Ransom announced. “Figured I’d swing by. Get a few pointers.”
“I’m sure you’ll be back for more,” Charles boomed. “Remember, left to right.”
Ransom rolled his eyes and shook Halford’s hand. He turned and winked at you as he left, a cheery farewell to the receptionist. Halford perked up as he noticed you and distracted you from the unease that bubbled in your stomach.
“Early as always,” He said. “Come on in. We’ll get started.”
“Thanks,” You stood and he gestured you ahead of him. 
You entered his office and waited for him to sit before you did. He dug around for his copy of your manuscript and turned back to you. He didn’t open it as he plopped it on his desk.
“So, you’re still looking for a buyer, huh?” He asked.
“Well, you know there’s so many options,” You said. “I wanted to go somewhere my book fits.”
“Of course, and it’s a great concept,” He replied. “Really… but…”
“But…” You took a breath.
“Well, you know, we’ve had time to think too and we’re more akin to easy reads. Our clientele, they want something simple, straightforward. You have clever prose and intricate devices but… well, that’s not really who we’re selling to.”
“I don’t understand,” You said. “What changed? You made an offer and suddenly it’s just… gone?”
“Look, there’s lot of publishers out there who would be a better match I’m sure and in this era, self-publishing is growing.”
“A publishing house suggesting self-publishing?” You shook your head and stood. You were numb. “I can read between the lines as well as you can, Mr. Halford. Thank you for considering me. I won’t waste your time if you’ve made up your mind.”
“Hey,” He rose and reached across the desk. “There’s always the next book. Maybe one day, we’ll have a chance to work together.”
“I hope so,” You said as you swallowed the bitterness. “Thank you.”
“I’m sorry it didn’t work out this time,” He said.
“It’s… business.” You sniffed. “I get it.”
Charter, Storey, Hackett. Every no made the prospect of a yes even less likely. Your future stared back at you with paid online articles and ridiculous blurbs. It was a living, a meagre one, but it wasn’t your dream. It was starting to seem like a nightmare.
Another rejection and you were ready to burn the damn manuscript. You marched into the lobby that fronted Lucian LLC. You just wanted to go home but if you did that, you’d just sit and sulk as you had for days before. So instead you followed the scent of roasted beans into the coffee shop along the east side of the lobby.
You ordered a skinny latte and found a table in the corner. You dropped the heavy print on the table before you set down your stemmed mug and flopped onto the chair. You leaned your elbows on the table and rubbed your forehead. A cup clinked across from yours and you sat up, startled by the figure before you.
“Long day?” Ransom asked.
You looked around confused.
“What?” You replied. “What are you doing here?”
“Well, I was walking by actually and I saw you through the window. Almost didn’t recognize you but… you look… tired.” He smirked and you rolled your eyes. “And I saw that manuscript in front of you and thought maybe we could have another chat.”
“I don’t want to talk about you reviewing my book until you decide you don’t want it,” You hissed. 
“Okay, well, what if I told you we could have a yes or no by the end of our discussion, hmm?”
You squinted at him and ran your fingertips down the side of the hot mug. 
“Why?” He repeated coyly.
“What changed your mind?”
“Look, can I help it that I feel a little bad about how it all turned out? Seeing you here, sulking, it really got to me.” He feigned pity.
“I wasn’t sulking,” You insisted. “I was taking a breather between all my meetings. There’s a lot of interest over my book.”
“Is there?” He pulled out the chair opposite you and sat. “Because I made a few calls and I’m pretty sure there isn’t.”
“You what?”
“A lot of people don’t wanna snatch a book out from under the Thrombey stamp,” He explained. “And as far as I’m concerned, we didn’t finish our negotiations.”
You chewed the inside of your lip and considered him. There was a twinkle in his eye. This man would make himself the bane of your existence until he could declare himself the victor. As it was, he might actually be the only prospect you had left.
“Fine. I guess I’m here already. If you want to talk, let’s talk,” You said. 
His eyes sparked as they had back in his office. 
“Alright,” He began tersely, “May I?”
He pointed to your manuscript and you slowly slid it over to him. He turned it and opened it. He bent over it dramatically as he read. You waited as he glossed over a few pages and sat up.
“Promising. I said so to the editors but you understand that it’s not all up to me.” He said. “It’s not that I don’t wanna publish you, I’m just being cautious. This company is my legacy.”
“It’s your grandfather’s legacy,” You affirmed. 
He bit his tongue and blinked. He took a breath before he continued.
“Whatever,” He said. “It is my company now and I have to keep it alive. That means making smart decisions. Wouldn’t you agree?”
“I’m just a writer.” You shrugged.
He sighed and reached for his mug. He dribbled a little down his chin and onto his blazer. He swore as he looked down and set his cup back on the table.
“Could you grab some napkins?” He asked. “Shit.”
“Napkins?” You repeated. You knew he was the type to have help but you were not looking to be his nanny.
“Please,” He said sharply as he held up his wet hand. “If you don’t mind.”
You slid out of your chair and grumbled as you crossed the cafe. You pulled out a dozen serviettes from the dispenser and returned to him. You dropped them on the manuscript and he grabbed them impatiently. He wiped up the coffee and left the napkins crumpled beside his cup.
You lifted your own, the foam entirely flat now, and took a sip. The espresso was strong and your cheek twitched. You set it down as you tried not to cough. The caffeine further addled your nerves.
“So what exactly are you offering?” You asked.
“I went over my grandfather’s notes and spoke with my team. It wasn’t all impractical. We can honour the printing terms but may have to tinker with the numbers…” He began and you nodded.
You listened intently as he went over his points and referred to your manuscript several times, flipping pages back and forth. He suggested a sex scene to liven it up but that didn’t really fit the motif of a medieval mystery set in a monastery. That disagreement didn’t last long as he plowed through his terms.
As you listened, you sipped and your head began to ache from the excess of caffeine. Three coffees a day would do that to you. Your stomach flurried as well and you found it increasingly difficult to concentrate. You left the dregs of your latte untouched and touched your stomach.
“I’m sorry, Mr. Drysdale…”
“Ransom,” He corrected.
“Sorry but… uh, I don’t feel very well.” You said. “I think… I hate to do this but I think maybe we should reschedule.”
“Well, there’s not much else to say. I’m sure you could give me an answer before you race off.” He stood as you did. 
You leaned heavily on the table and grabbed your manuscript. You took your bag and groaned. 
“Really, I feel… sick.” You said. “I gotta go.”
“Wait, wait,” He followed as you stumbled past him. You weren’t sure what was happening. Maybe it was the leftovers you ate for dinner last night. “You okay?”
“F-fine,” You shook your head to ward off the haze at the edge of your vision. You checked your phone. “Look, I gotta catch the bus.”
“You sure you can handle that?” He was overly concerned for a man who had as good as laughed you out of your office. “I can drive you.”
“Why would you do that?” You stopped just outside the building.
“Because you’re sweating a lot and I think it’d be a lot quicker to drive than to wait around for transit,” He said. “But hey, your call.”
You stared at him and your head pulsed. You touched your forehead and nodded. “S-sure,” You accepted. “Thanks.”
“Hey, we’ll just take it out of your final offer,” He kidded.
She barely buckled her seat belt before she was out. She slumped in the seat and thumped against the door at the first corner. Ransom hadn’t expected it to take effect so soon but she had downed her latte quickly. 
When she got up to grab the napkins, he sprinkled the foam with the powder and quickly sat back. The idea hadn’t occurred to him until he spotted her through the glass. The drugging, that was. The thought of what he would do to her had played over in his mind since their first meeting. He couldn’t just let a writer walk all over him like that. He was in charge now.
He glanced over at her as he pulled up his long drive. She was still out like a light. He had to admit, she wasn’t a great beauty but she had a charm about her. And she was perfect to test out his toys on. 
He got out and rounded the car. He opened her door and undid her seatbelt. Her bag and manuscript flopped onto the floor as he lifted her. He closed the door with his foot and carried her up the short walk. She was entirely limp. Completely helpless. He smiled.
He took her to the basement. It had taken more than a year but it was finally ready. Oh and what timing. It was like she was sent to him, just asking for punishment. Her trite little mouth had earned her more than a place on the scholarly blacklist. He had to make sure she paid.
He set her down on the velvet couch and undressed her a piece at a time. He fondled her chest as he bared it and sucked on her nipples just a little. She didn’t move at all. He checked her breathing and carried on. 
When she was naked, he played with her cunt. Spread her legs and poked his fingers inside as he looked her over. She was so tight his cock throbbed at the thought of her walls around him.
He lifted her from the couch and carried her to the special contraption he’d designed himself. He laid her over it on her stomach. The angled board had her ass raised and her legs dangling off the end. He secured her wrists and ankles with the straps to keep her from slipping. He wasn’t worried about resistance.
He moved her hips just slightly and reached under her to spread her pussy. He positioned her clit against the little bump beneath the leather. He took the remote in hand and turned the vibe on. The buzz filled the room and he watched her cunt quiver. He dragged his fingers along it and felt her arousal. She came within minutes.
He walked around her as he thought of what to do to her next. He wheeled over the machine in the corner. He carefully lined up the dildo with her pussy. He pushed it inside of her an inch at a time. He made her take all of it; a whole eight inches of rubber. She didn’t flinch though her breath shuddered. 
He neared her side and lifted her eyelid. He only saw the white as she remained entirely unaware. He rubbed himself through his jeans and turned the vibe up and hit the button for the machine. The dildo moved in and out of her as the device whirred quietly. Her cunt made wet sounds as she was fucked helplessly. 
He went behind her and watched it go in and out. He dialed it up just a little, her body jolting a little from each thrust. He tucked the remote in his pocket and strolled close to her head. He undid his pants and pulled his throbbing dick out. He rubbed it against her lips and smeared his pre-cum around her mouth.
He delved inside as he glanced back to the dildo. He held her head in one hand as his other dove into his pocket and increased the speed yet again. He began to rock his hips and soon kept time with the rubber. He sank so deep into her throat that she choked and her body spasmed. Still she didn’t wake and he could barely stop himself from cumming.
He pulled his cock out of her mouth and a trail of spit dribbled from her lips. He went to the machine and removed it from her glistening cunt. The leather-bound board was soaked with her cum already. It sent a thrill through him and his cock twitched. He growled and turned away as he resisted the urge to fuck her right away.
He went to the chest of drawers and opened it. He pulled out a bottle of lube and clear glass plug. He should start small, he told himself, but he wanted to see her stretch for him. He wanted her to feel him tomorrow.
He crossed to her and squirted the lube between her cheeks. He massaged it over her hole and mixed it with her natural juices. She was so wet he wasn’t sure he even needed the lube. He dipped his fingers inside her pussy a few times before he returned his attention to her ass.
He poked his index finger inside of her. She definitely was unused. He played with her and added another finger and then a third. She quivered as the vibe had her cumming yet again. He peeked up at her to make sure once more that she was still asleep. He didn’t need to be so paranoid. The pills would even have him out for the count.
He pulled his fingers from her ass and positioned the plug against her tight ring. He began slowly, pressing it just until she began to open and then retreating. He paused as he reached to stroke himself. He was so hard it hurt. 
He kept on, each time her hole gaped just a little more around the plug. At its widest breadth, he heard a sleepy grumble escape her. He pushed it just a little more and it slipped in all the way. Her ring closed around its stem and he thought he would cum just at that sight.
He shuddered and calmed himself. He grabbed his cock and tapped the tip against the flat end of the plug. He guided it down along her folds and felt the vibration ripple through him as he brushed against the hidden vibe. He angled himself up to her entrance and held himself there.
He wiggled the plug and slammed into her as hard as he could. Her legs jolted and he thrust again with just as much force. He wanted her to feel it, even in her subconscious. He wanted her to suffer. He picked up a rhythm, violent and frantic as her cunt clung to him. She came and he grunted as he fought to restrain his own climax.
He gripped the plug and pulled it out slowly only to press it back in. He did it again and again as he fucked her. His heavy breaths swirled around him as he watched her asshole gape. He was on fire, desperate for release.
He stopped and removed the plug entirely. He held it by the stem and held it against her back as he slipped his cock out of her cunt. He eagerly entered her ass with a rumble. She was still so fucking tight. He lost it. He fucked her so hard, his special toy shook beneath her. 
His voice got louder and louder as he every thrust sent a ripple through him. He snarled and pulled out suddenly. He stroked his cock as he rubbed the tip along her ass and spilled himself down her thigh. He would have to wait to cum inside her.
He let out a shaky breath as he let go of his cock. He pushed the plug into her ass again and backed away. He left the vibe on as he paced around the room and cracked his neck. A couple minutes and he’d be ready for another go. Maybe he could cum in her mouth this time. That was easy enough to clean up.
You awoke with a start. You sat up on your couch and looked around your empty apartment. You winced as you felt an ache in your ass; your cunt too. You hissed and touched yourself gingerly. You glanced down; you wore the same clothes and there was nothing amiss but the thrum in your core.
You shook your head and rubbed your eyes. You could barely remember leaving the cafe but how had you ended up back here? You only remembered the headache and the horrible stomach ache.
You reached for your phone and found several notifications across the lock screen. Foremost was the email from Blood Like Wine Publishing. You opened it and quickly read through it.
‘...I am excited to work with you on your first novel and the company is eager to see this through to its greatest potential.
Hope you feel better and look forward to our meeting next Wednesday,
Ransom Drysdale Editor-in-Chief Blood and Wine Publishing’
You stare at the email in confusion. Had you said yes? Ransom offered you a drive home… then it was all black but you must’ve come to some agreement. You must have found your way into your apartment and passed out on the couch. So why didn’t you remember any of that?
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simpingforpjo · 3 years
Look, I've been talking to some people, and I THINK I know why people don't like piper.
(These are ONLY my opinions. Please don't take the seriously. If you have different opinions, I respect that.)
So personally, I love piper. Like she's one of my favorite characters.
I can see why she gives people "I'm not like other girls" vibes. Sometimes her way of thinking can lead you to thinking that "she's not like other girls". Like the entire thing about not caring how how looks, cutting her own hair so she doesn't stand out, hating dressed and makeup. Which can make people don't like her, because I personally cant stand those kind of people.
I don't blame her for saying Jason's handsome and fangirling over him. Yall are lying to yourselves if you think that you don't do the same shit when you see your crush. I'm okay with that.
What annoys me though, is that she COMPARES literally almost everyone to Jason. Not by personality, but by looks. She preaches all that "we're all beautiful inside and everyone's amazing", but then she compares everyone with this buff blonde 'perfect' boy. Like when she compares percy and jason. I understand why that sent people into such an outrage. She didn't say anything bad about percy, and even added that he's kind of cute, but it just throws me off that she keeps saying things about inner beauty and then compares everyone to a particularly handsome boy.
Also, as we saw in the lost hero, she's kinda selfish as well. It was really hard to like her in the lost hero. Sometimes she really prioritizes herself over the team.
Sometimes she can get a little annoying too.
I love her character, but I think these are some of the reasons why people don't like her.
I completely agree. She is not one of my favorites but she doesn't deserve the hate. When I read TLH for the first time, I loved her character, but as the series went on I lost interest in her. Her character wasn't of too much depth (in my opinion) even though she had potential. Also, I don't like the fact that Piper is allegedly, better than the rest of her siblings because she isn't into makeup and other "girly stuff" whereas other Aprhodite kids are described as shallow and self centered, makeup-obsessed freaks.
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drunk-on-writing · 4 years
hi my darlings ❤️️
i haven’t chatted with yall in a Minute and i apologize for that! life’s been... well i’m sure yall know what it’s been lmao 
i hope you’re all taking care of yourselves and doing things that’ll make you happy and i hope you aren’t being too hard on yourselves for not being able to do things because life is crazy and unpredictable rn and we all just need to prioritize our mental health and self care over hustling and grinding. it’s okay to just Exist ❤️️
book #3 was supposed to be my quarantine project but alas, i did not get as much work done on it as i would have hoped and that bums me out, but there’s still time and it isn’t going anywhere! to paraphrase hamilton, i don’t need to write like i’m running out of time lmao because i’m not! i just need to keep reminding myself that! i’m really excited for you all to have it in your hands some day because i’m already so proud of it :’) 
as a general reminder my DMs and messages are always open if u ever need to talk (even though i admittedly need to improve on actually getting my ass online) and another reminder: i love you. truly and sincerely. and i am SO proud of you. you’re doing great ❤️️
ttfn tata for now!
ps i’m on tiktok! i’ve been posting a lot of spoken word poetry readings on there as well as some of my art and if you’re interested you can follow me! i’m skillful.scorpio :’)
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theghostofashton · 6 years
anonymity, next to tdiu + its sequel, is definitely one of the most triggering things i’ve written recently. (my older stuff...let’s not go there lmao) please, if you’re reading it, be careful. don’t go on if it’s too much. it’s meant to show a very realistic side of vent tumblr (mainly my experiences with my own vent blog), and as yall probably know, that shit is heavy. tumblr even has trigger warnings if you search certain tags.
with my writing, i’ve always prided myself on realism. this is real. this is how it is for a lot of people. for that reason, i don’t want to tone it down or sugarcoat anything. my stories have a purpose and that purpose is not to give people a false idea of mental illness/self-harm/suicide. it’s real and it’s heavy and it’s triggering, but it is so for a reason.
i don’t write this way for shock value or popularity or anything like that. this is real.
i want to end with this: if any of you, whether you’ve followed me for a while or just started reading my stories because of waterparks, are triggered or uncomfortable, please don’t feel like you have to continue because you want to support me. i support you guys prioritizing your mental health. i’ve received multiple messages from people saying they love my work but can’t read things because they’re triggering, and i always say the same thing; you come first. your mental health comes first. i’m so proud of you for prioritizing it because that is so important. never sacrifice mental health for anything, especially reading fanfiction.
just...take care of yourselves, guys. 
i love yall. thanks for all the support recently. it truly means more than i’ll ever be able to say.
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