#y'all have no idea i am so excited
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Image of a Ghost, Produced by Double Exposure, 1899 from The National Archives UK // Haunted - Taylor Swift
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nilesmoon · 7 months
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akyr familyisms. you agree. reblog
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thedemonastrophel · 1 month
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Hermitcraft season 8 was a simulation. The moon becoming big was a glitch in the code, the hermits were somehow transported into that season with their memories wiped of being transported and they had to escape. The moon was what tipped them off to the urgency of the situation.
In boatem a robot ended up becoming the leader in place of Mumbo - a robot which I personally belive to be a form of grumbot - which might've been a manifestation of the hermits having been captured in the simulation.
Maybe grumbot from empires wasn't destroyed entirely, it's consciousness used the last of its energy, combined with the energy of its creator, (Grian) trying desperately to save its life, in order to slip into the rift to recuperate its strength.
Now I'm hearing you say, "but Emporer!Grumbot was made in the season 9 crossover, after season 8" but hear me out: time travel.
The rift already breaks the laws of space so why not time, if a super computer figured out how to harness The Rifts power surely it would be able to scatter different versions of itself through the past.
Maybe the computer was created by the watchers, fragments of their collective consciousness going into it in case of a disaster. That could explain why it was all linked to Grian.
Grumbot knew that Grian would be the ideal person to bring it onto hermitcraft initially, because he had the power of the watchers. And it was right because he ended up being the one strong enough to open the rift, and in the end with his extra energy, save Emporer!Grumbot
He - Grian
It - Grumbot
They - The Watchers
So uh, who else enjoyed the permit challenges? :]
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rythyme · 2 years
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"hey bestie! sorry but our families interpreted our wlw/mlm allyship as romantic feelings and now they’re putting us in an arranged marriage. yeah i know, it blows. anyway why didn’t you answer my texts last weekend?? were you having crazy gay bdsm sex or something”
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maize-is-lost · 9 months
Finally finished Louie's introduction that I started here. All that's left now is Pom's section and then I'll post all three (four?) scenes together as one chapter! If you haven't seen the previous part, I definitely recommend checking it out for context.
Louie’s in a haze for the rest of the day. He packs, makes his call to his grandma, and picks up a coffee and a pikpik carrot muffin at the coffee shop that got him through high school. He hasn’t had time to stop by in almost a year, now. He leaves a generous tip.
The moments in-between are spotty. He’s not sure if hours or days have passed before he’s back at Hocotate Freight’s headquarters.
“Excuse me,” a tired voice says, snapping him back to the moment. He turns, now-cooled coffee halfway to his mouth, to see a woman standing behind him. She’s short and older than him, though he can’t tell by how much, given how recent the wrinkles and gray hairs must be.
They’ve never met in person, but he’s seen pictures. Even if he’s not good with faces, he knows this is Olimar’s wife.
“You’re Louie, aren’t you?” Unsure of how to respond, he just nods. “I see… I, well… I’m not sure how to say this.” She laughs halfheartedly. “You know, Olimar always talked about how he wanted to invite you for dinner. I can see why! You’re far too skinny for a boy your age!”
He looks down, then back up to her. “That’s what my grandma says too. Mostly because I eat too much.” For some reason he could eat and eat and never gain any weight. It probably had something to do with him being an outbreed. Nana always said full-blooded Hocotations had to be short and stout: short because all their food was either close to or under the ground, and stout to store extra water and nutrients for later. Louie had just gotten the short end of the genetic stick by inheriting traits that made him stand out.
Either way, his joke gets a full peal of laughter out of her. By the time she composes herself she’s out of breath and there are tears in her eyes. After a moment she sighs, wiping the tears from her eyes. “I see why my husband liked working with you,” she muses, wilting a little at the mention of Olimar. “I heard they were sending you to the planet The Transmission originated from. I… I have to be honest… I’m not sure what I want you to find when you get there.”
Louie’s eyes widen. She continues, swallowing down some nervousness before she gets to what’s been stuck in the back of his mind all day. “The speaker in The Transmission wasn’t my husband.”
“I know.”
Her jaw drops. Olimar’s wife looks at him with something like joy and disbelief. “You already know. That… makes this much easier to say, then.” She clears her throat. “As much as I want you to find my husband and bring him home… I don’t want anyone else to get hurt while searching for him. I… I know that he wouldn’t want that either.” She sniffles, dabbing at her face with her sleeve. It’s making Louie want to run away more and more with every passing second. “That’s all I had to say. Please be careful when you’re out there.”
He gives one last nod before turning to leave. He heads straight to his ship from there. He doesn’t see the President or any of his coworkers before he takes off toward the mysterious planet, so Olimar’s wife’s words are all he can think of as he flies toward the stars.
He’s not taking any risks when he gets to that planet.
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Yeah so, my Kinkuary plans didn't pan out unfortunately. I'm really sad about it because I was looking forward to getting them all done but, between irl responsibilities and slowly trying to remember how to be a person, I couldn't make it work.
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wolfsbanesparks · 5 months
Been looking at this ask game trying to pick just one! Ahh, I choose 65!
Ooh that's a good one! (but I won't mind if you send more than one, I love having excuses to talk about my writing!)
65: Tell us about what you're most looking forward to writing--in your current project or a future project.
I think for Pretty Little Thing i'm most excited to write Billy's abduction scene. It's so important and it will be the moment you all find out who is behind all the missing kids. It's the pivotal point where Billy's timeline starts catching up to the JL's timeline and the real countdown begins. It's where all the pieces fall into place and the story shifts fully from mystery to horror/thriller. I want to get it just right, but I'm so excited for it!
(the other scene I'm most excited for is a major spoiler but it will be violent)
As for a future project, I'm looking forward to writing my story One Last Chance about Lois Lane becoming Billy's mentor which will include a subplot about the two of them tracking down Mary and meeting the Bromfields which is going to be so fun to write. I've been slowly developing Nick and Nora Bromfield for this story and I'm excited to share that.
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verfound · 8 months
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon Season 2 Teaser | The Book of Carol
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dragonwysper · 11 months
Okok. Trying this. I might actually finally have a place to put these playlists I make for myself.
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Image drawn by CiervoBizarro
> People Eater || sodikken
> Misery Meat || sodikken
> Mary || The Happy Fits
> Cannibal || Tally Hall
< 64 Little White Things || Cake Bake Betty
> Maneater || Blue Eyed Blondes
> Sweet Bod || Lemon Demon
> The Dismemberment Song || Blue Kid
> Cannibal Girlfriend || Baby Bugs
< Cannibal Queen || Miniature Tigers
^ The Horror of Our Love || Ludo
^ Suburbia Overture / Greetings from Mary Bell Township! / Vampire (Culture) / Love Me, Normally || Will Wood
^ Zydrate Anatomy || Paris Hilton
^ Edge || REZZ
> song || < cover || ^ in reblog
Not the original version but I can't find that on SoundCloud unfortunately
Also a cover, but again, couldn't find the original on SoundCloud :(
Apparently I've hit the audio limit here, so I am gonna reblog with the rest. I'll have to limit the number of songs I use in the future 😔
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bloodboundsiege · 2 years
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No knowledge of either media is needed. Please. Click a button. Click what sounds cool! You not caring HELPS!
If you WANT knowledge about what you voted for, I've written out a description of each faction down below.
If you know both stories, pick what sounds most interesting to you. Your vote shapes a story!! I'd appreciate a reblog for more votes!
(The top 5 groups will be featured somehow in the fic)
Why am I doing this? Well, I am signing up for the Izzy Hands Bingo! Only issue, I want to use my bingo card to create an AU based around the world of Fallout. I have 1 issue.
I don't want to decide this one choice, as to me, planning any aspect of a fic before a writing challenge defeats a bit of the purpose of the challange. You know? So I'm letting y'all choose Izzy&Ed's background. Their background influences how I write almost everything else. The moral, the main beats of the sotry, the romances, etc. All on THIS choice.
So I am relying on the people who don't know shit about the fallout universe to act as a random dice throw. BUT PLEASE VOTE IF YOU KNOW WHO THESE FACTIONS ARE! This fic is going to be written for those who know nothing about this world, but if you want to see Ed and Izzy with a certain background, VOTE WITH BIAS!
New California Republic: After the world has been destroyed, this group believes on forming another democracy. Taking over small societies, and taxing them in return for protection. Full of modern white collar corruption, this faction is prone to murdering their citizens, or giving them HIGH standards they will fail. This group believes that THEY are the superior organization and wants everyone else to be dead.
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Brotherhood of Steel: God, isn't it cool that the US has such advanced weaponry? Isn't US culture so COOL? What if the US was destroyed, and now there's a faction built around gathering technology of the Pre-bombed world, dead set on taking over the US? Willing to die for a pre world toaster. OH- AND they are a psudeo-Christan/Catholic faction built around following some pre war religious ideas. Including chastity, and following a ridged social ladder. This group believes that THEY are the superior organization and wants everyone else to be dead.
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Raiders (Unfriendly): Why build a new society when you can just kill people and take their shit? Not a faction, but SOME build small settlements. They are the vultures of the wasteland. Murderous vultures. Very close to historical pirates, tbh.
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Raiders (Friendly): Groups that usually don't trust any of these fucks as shit goes wrong WAY too often. A few friends that take over a building/farm and chill. They will raid, but often choose abandoned buildings and can rely on trade.
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Caravan Merchants: Traders that walk the wasteland trading their items for money. SOMETIMES affiliated with one of these factions, but not always. They just explore, find shit, and sell shit. Actual vultures. Chill bros.
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Child of Atom: AKA the radiation monks. THESE GUYS FUCK. Not to bias this vote, but out of all of these, these guys are usually my favorite in game. Imagine if after the nukes that end the world drop, you decide to worship the bomb. The live/stay in water that is toxic and live their lives surrounded by mutated monsters. Children of Atom LOVE radiation of all forms. In the games, half your quests with this cult is spent secretly deactivating their radioactice items without their knowing so these fucks can live another day. This cult is my wild card, I have no idea how I'd write this lol. (Image below just fucks too hard for me not to include it)
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Minuteman: Basically Raiders(friendly) + NCR. A bunch of settlements that vow protect each other, but without the taxes of the NCR. Often small factions that promise to step in if their land/property gets attacked.
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The Railroad: Robots are better than people, we are willing to die to save synths(robots) Yes, it is based on the underground railroad. They save robots, kidnap them from the institute(described down below), wipe all of their memories and personalities, and abandon them without resources somewhere far from them. You know...when you say it like that, comparing this organization to the REAL underground railroad is a bit fucked up.
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The Institute: It goes like this, kidnap someone, copy their memories, and put these memories into a robot body. Many Synths don't know that they are human. This group believes that THEY are the superior organization and wants everyone else to be dead.
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Pre War Ghouls: Congratulations, you survived the nuclear apocalypse! You're reward? Well, you have a chance of being immortal, and a change to turn into a mindless zombie. You live 200+ years and get to watch society rebuild. Only issue, you look like death. Most factions HATE you. You know how Elves are treated in fantasy? That's how ghouls are treated. This path gives Ed/Izzy a SHIT ton of angst as two people that are some of the only people left who remember a life before survival.
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Synths: Robot copies of a person. If this is chosen, I am 50/50 on if they themselves know they are synths. If this wins, I will post a second poll on who knows they are/aren't a copy of a living person. Or if they even look human. as some synths, like the guy on the left, don't look human AT ALL.
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[To not step in bad water, I have excluded the following 'factions':
*Slavers. In this world, being pulled into slavery is one of the many things that threatens the player chatacer. If a city is taken over by a faction, sometimes people of any race are sold into slavery. I'm not touching this. I'm not making Ed and Izzy into Slavers, or victims of Slavers.
This plot is important to the world and shows how society has fallen back into chattle slavery, I'm not touching it for this fic. In fact, most fallout fans who write fic don't include Slavers or Slavery. These stories that feature slaves predominantly happened in the games fallout 3/new vegas, and often featured women being used as sex slaves. These plots were not picked up in later titles. As this fic is predominantly a survival romance/mystery story, I don't need to add this topic as a narrative tool to build temporary tension. Some narrative tools deserve more respect than others. Especially that of *slavery* (cough cough to the anon who sent me hate about this part, no shit slavery is a thing today....like? This entire post has been summarizing these games. Why would i add a psa about how slavery is still a thing mid post? I swear. Anon on tumblr can be a burden and a curse)
*The Enclave: they believe in social Darwinism, and are generally racist to those outside their faction, and mutated people. (But why did I include the brotherhood? Because power armor. They're assholes, but Izzy and Ed are going to spend this story learning their world view is wrong. Making them Brotherhood members is easy mode plot wise, as they learn to live their lives. Compare this to the Enclave? I can't personally justify fixing an enclave member.)
*Any new Vegas specific groups. I don't want to limit my location to Las Vegas/Nevada. I'm literally going to spin a wheel for a location, and having 'the Kings' be in Missouri doesn't work for me. (If NCR is the most popular I'm fine with it as historical lyrics they spread through a LOT of the wasteland. It excludes like, 20 US States). For the institute/railroad, I'm going to rename the faction but keep the belief of the factions. ]
If you are reading this- THANK YOU FOR INDULGING MY HYPERFIXATIONS lol. I have some lovely ideas for how to combine OFMD and Fallout's humor, and can't wait to dive in!
I would love to hear what you voted for!!
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its-hai-time · 10 months
I want all of my followers to know that Drawtectives is the reason I was able to finish my comic this week. Drawfee ily, Julia thank you for making the perfect thing to put on my TV while I draw.
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britcision · 2 months
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Alright fuckers I took another stab at it and did the thing, I may/may not finish the actual like, proportionate version one day but he needed to exist and hair hides all my arm related sins.
Please dear gods anyone whose art is even a tertiary focus Lycion NEEEEEDS a Knot All Men shirt I am beset by cursed visions but usually I write them or make cursed little dolls (yes there will be a cursed little Lycion doll with a cursed little shirt but the embroidery thread is fucking fighting me on Mithrun so I dunno when)
Also he has a smoothie
Because one of the many reasons I really do not draw much is I am aphantasmic and do not and cannot visualize so let me tell you every single aspect of this except the shirt just. Happened. What are poses. What are limbs. Bodies exist but WHY.
The shirt had to be a crop top tho for legal reasons that was extremely clear to me
(Hey fun realization tiny Lycion and I feel exactly the same way about all his lil elf limbs they're all wrong and we hate them WAS MY MISTAKE NOT TRYING TO DRAW HIM AS A FURRY. Fuck. I think furries are harder but I might try it.)
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sysig · 6 months
Your Weekly TV Guide
On Monday you can expect:
2:30 PM: The Stanley Parable/Portal
And Tuesday:
2:30 PM: The Stanley Parable
2:30 PM: Portal
2:30 PM: Adventure Time
2:30 PM: AT
2:30 PM: Fellplates
2:30 PM: Fellplates
Thanks for tuning in! (Patreon)
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ruvviks · 2 years
>> wip day
was tagged a long time ago by @adelaidedrubman, @turbo-virgins and @shellibisshe to share a wip and was tagged by @morvaris and @aartyom to share six sentences from a current wip, thank you so much!! i decided to combine them and rather than sharing a wip, i'll share some information about the broker, a new character i recently introduced into the story of my cyberpunk ocs :) tagging @reaperkiller, @arklay, @steelport, @cultistbase, @faarkas, @swordcoasts, @ladybeniko, @necro-hamster, @strafethesesinners, @henbased, @coffeebucko, @awful-roffle, @bluemojave and anyone else who wants to do this!
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A powerful fixer in Night City, operating from the shadows and only known by their alias. Cold and ruthless, focused entirely on wreaking havoc in the existing mercenary world by planting seeds of distrust and paranoia, to pit everyone up against each other. While their interference is still minimal, the long-term consequences can be felt in every corner of the city.
Once a powerful Arasaka asset, the Broker has access to a tight network of assassins- a few highly skilled killers who serve as their security network, all ex-Arasaka as well. Through connections they also have an entire division of Militech in their pocket, and the NCPD tends to turn them a blind eye.
The Broker is a horrible fixer, presenting themself as "one of the good guys" and luring mercs in with eddies and empty promises. With their charismatic nature, they're able to use the backstabbing and corruption in Night City's underworld as a tool to manipulate mercs into thinking no one can be trusted and the entire network has to be destroyed for good, and they themself are the only person in the whole city they can trust; this way, their mercs end up developing a strange dependency on them, meaning they'll do anything they tell them to do without giving it a second thought.
Though once the Broker has lured the mercs in, they stop paying them well and give them little support while they do all their dirty work, uncaring about what happens to them and whether or not they'll make it out alive. The mercs are mere tools to the Broker to achieve their long-term goals, and they even take pride in killing those who dare to disagree with them- turning them into an example for others.
Some time after Vincent has been cured and is no longer actively dying, one of Vitali's cargo trucks is intercepted by a group of his old mercenaries- all people who felt betrayed and abandoned by him after his departure from Night City with Vincent about six months ago, when they left for Arizona in hopes to find a cure. The attack leaves Lauren, Eddie and Mikhail gravely injured and it can be traced back to the Broker; while it is still unclear what their deal with Vitali is, they now seem to be targeting him and his entire fixer network specifically.
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eyrieofsynapses · 1 year
*pulls pillow off my head* ok done screaming. so how about that Zeb cameo in The Mandalorian today, folks? anyone else hold their breath for a second thinking "no, it's just a Lasat, there's no way--" before hearing Steve Blum's voice and going "OH SHIT OH SHIT IT'S HIM" and stopping the episode for a solid minute or two to deal with the overwhelming excitement and message their friend in all caps? or is that just me?
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