#y'all have had it too good for too long and I gotta fix that
dipplinduo · 4 months
I had a conversation with my cousin and I couldn't refrain myself from sharing this!
My cousin: Quick question, why do you have so many drawings of dresses of yellow and white and apples?
Me: Ribombees
My cousin: Like the pokemon? Why?
Me: *Hands her my phone with Sweet and Sour Dipplins*
*15 minutes later*
My cousin: *Crying over the amount of fluff and angst she just read*
Me: Now you know the reason I randomly cry when im reading something in the fic.
Us when DipplinDuo posts the most heartbreaking chapter and having theories that DipplinDuo is planning something:
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Oh my god I can't wait for the magnum opus angst chapters to come out now LOOOOOOL. Stilllll got some ways to go to get to 'em, but one of them is on the horizon finally :))))))
(But first...two specific targets will be in danger in a few chapters...:D)
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petew21-blog · 20 days
Teen wolf - New Alpha
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"Scott, come on we need to sort this out. There is a fight coming and you're not doing anything. We need to get everyone ready and strike first. You're the alpha. Do something!"
"No. By doing something we will provoke them for a bigger fight which means possible casualties. Don't do anything stupid Theo and wait. I know what I am doing."
"Somehow I doubt that" I left without waiting for the answer. I was pissed. He is a shitty alpha who doesn't know how to protect his pack. The wolves don't hide. And we ARE wolves.
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I love my body. I love my powers. I love how fucking ripped I made my body. But the true Alpha knows when to give something up. Maybe I am not alpha now. But I sure will be soon.
I waited after dark and called Scott over to the school lockers. I lied that there was something to take care of. I said that me and him could handle it. And to not bring anyone else, that we will try to bond and bury the axe. And he believed it. What an idiot. And he calls himself Alpha.
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Scott arrived ready, just as I expected. I set a trail of blood leading to showers for him to follow. He did and that gave me a chance to approach him from behind. He turned around and then I turned of the high ultrasound that paralyzed him.
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"Stop! Stop this!!!"
I moved quickly. I recited the words of the spell and turned of the ultrasound.
Scott:"Are you nuts? Why the hell did you do that?!?"
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Then the pain at the back of our heads started. Piercing pain that signalled the swap has started. Normal people would faint, but not us.
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I closed my eyes for the last time as Theo and opened them again as Scott. Scott McCall. Scott THE ALPHA. THE ALPHA. I. AM. THE. ALPHA.
Of course I cast another sleeping spell at him after the swap to enjoy my body for the first time uninterrupted. I just took a long shower to rub it in his face. His body is great tho. Gotta get it ripped as mine. I won't live like a scrawny little bitch. I went to examine his face in the mirror. "Hmm. He's not ugly, gotta give him that. Hair looks nice. Face structure is more masculine than mine. Except the muscles. They look nice, but I'll get them to be bigger."
I heard noise in the lockers. "Ah, somebody woke up"
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He was visibly confused. But by the muscle touching, hyperventilation and looking at his hands, I could tell that the reality started to hit his little head. Wait, I can't say mean stuff about him anymore. He has my gorgeous body. Maybe I could enjoy that body even though I had to give it up.
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He looked at me.
"How do you like the body?" I said, smiled and gave him a little show.
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Scott:"Theo?! Theo what have you done?! Fix this right now!" he was slowly getting angrier. Time to show him who the alpha is.
I pressed him against the wall. Grabbed him with one hand under his neck. The other strongly gripped my ex body's balls and squeezed.
Theo:"Now, THEO. You may not like in what situation you are. But this is not about you. This is about our whole pack. The pack is led by the ALPHA. And I am the ALPHA now. You will do as I say. Understand?"
He did not answer so I squeezed his balls more. "Yesssss. I understand."
"No, you have to say it fully. Yes I understand my alpha."
"I understand, my alpha!"
"Good. Now be a good wolf and suck your alpha's cock. You're gonna be doing that a lot, so it's time you got used to being my own little bitch. Understand?"
"Yes, my alpha"
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Inbox story: Can you do a swap between Scott McCall and Theo Raeken from teen wolf? ALways thought Scott was a shitty alpha, way too passive. And Theo is so dominant and hot. Would love to see Theo taking Scott's life and power while forcing the new Theo to become his btch.
Part 2:
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is it over now? (was it over then?)
part four
part five: i was hoping you'd be there
Robin managed to keep her shit together for approximately ten minutes after she stopped watching Steve make his way through security and into the depths of the airport. In the ride back to Steve's place, her leg was shaking so much Nancy discreetly grabbed Robin's pinky and held it in the back of the car.
The rest of the trafficky route back to Steve's all Robin could think about was how to fix things. She knew Steve didn't tell her about Eddie so she could fix things and Steve didn't run off to Italy to hide from everything but the situation still bothered Robin. She hadn't known Eddie for a terribly long time but he made her dingus happy so she held him in relatively high regard. It didn't make sense for him to just cut tail and run without leaving some sort of door open for a resolution and Robin was going to her darndest to figure out how on earth she could find that crack.
When they got back to Steve's apartment, Nancy didn't let Robin go long without asking for an explanation.
"Robs, babe, what is going on?" Nancy asked.
"I need to figure out how to solve Steve and Eddie." Robin answered.
"I don't think Steve wants you too. He seemed pretty resolved to close that chapter." Nancy urged.
"I know what he said but that's not what he wants. Also Eddie is a huge dummy if he doesn't realize how good he had it with Steve and also that Steve would never cheat on anyone. Especially not after y'all's whole thing. No offense." Robin continued.
"Okay so we aren't letting this go. What's the plan?" Nancy asked.
"Thanks for your support, love. I just can't figure out why Eddie jumped to the conclusion that you and Steve were together again. I mean no offense but like that ship very publicly sailed," Robin said.
"I'm trying really hard not to take offense but the more often you say it the more I am having trouble not being offended," Nancy snarked.
"Sorry, dingus wormed his way into my little heart long before you so I still gotta give you shit over soulmate solidarity. But back to the matter at hand. Eddie only assumed you would only be visiting Steve if you were trying to get back together when really you were coming to see little old me. So what if I came out. Like what if we came out? And shared some of the pictures from like super early on and thanked Steve for being a great friend for many years when I wasn't ready to take that step," Robin knew she was rambling but, hell, she was on a roll.
"Are you ready for that? I'm happy to take your lead on all this. It's not like we haven't already told everyone who is actually important to us. I mostly write freelance nowadays anyways so there isn't really some big bag corporate overlord I need to worry about. You know Steve doesn't need you to do this? It's one thing if you're ready to come out on your own, it's a whole different thing to do it for someone else," Nancy counseled.
"I really think I'm ready. I'm sick of Steve feeling like he needs to come to everything with me and you're stateside a lot more often and I'd love to go out on dates without the next day having like a million articles speculate if you're trying to move in on Steve. I think it's time," Robin rationalized.
"All right, then. We're doing this. Should we use this as an excuse to make Jon take cute couple pictures of us?" Nancy giggled a little at her suggestion.
"Yes! Perfect. Get him over here. Operation Save Dingus from his Self Sacrifice is a go!" Robin jumped up on the couch to make her point and Nancy immediately had to come to her aid as she wobbled enough to lose her balance.
Robin was excited. She was ready for the next step with Nancy and if it helped Steve get out of his own head and/or convinced a certain metalhead with very few remaining braincells to get his head out of his ass then so be it. Robin couldn't wait to think of all the sappy shit Nancy would pretend to be annoyed at she'd be able to do now. Steve would be back in a few weeks so Robin anxiously awaited Jon's response and started several caption ideas in her notes app.
part six
@lololol-1234 @swimmingbirdrunningrock @zombiethingy @grtwdsmwhr @dreamercec @anne-bennett-cosplayer @strawberryyyenthusiast @mensch-anthropos-human @kal-ology @ttyrussss @kristmkris @starman-jpg @wonderland-girl143-blog @child-of-cthulhu @legalmenace87 (if you wanna be tagged in future parts feel free to comment! happy to add people)
it's not quite fixed yet but we are getting so close!!!
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ask-the-bone-boys · 6 months
ATBB's Future
Hiiii y'all, its uh. been a minute huh
Now that it's been a bit over a year since I put this blog on hiatus, a loootta stuff has happened and changed and i've been doing a loootttta thinking!
Looking back on it, like really really looking, my biggest reason for the hiatus was that at some point the blog just kinda became more of a chore than something I wanted to work on for fun. Ask blogs are a lot of work, even when you're just using talking portraits rather than drawing out every individual answer, and with how much ask culture on tumblr has died out over the years there just wasn't really enough payoff to make it feel worthwhile to keep burning myself out.
I think it's a really good thing I stopped it when I did, because having to deal with all that in my senior year of high school would have been a nightmare. I've actually just finished up my first semester of college now, and there's no way in hell I would've been able to keep up at any rate! With all of this in mind, I've gained a newer perspective about how to approach things going forward.
I'm still really attached to this story. With how much time I've spent thinking about it and developing it in my head, I can't let it go, even if the blog isn't really working out anymore. I keep thinking of different ways I could fix the decisions I made early on, as well as the super cool directions I could take it in in the future, and I just. I GOTTA.
So, I've decided to reboot it entirely as a fic series!
This means that, unfortunately, there won't be nearly as much artwork to accompany it, but it's far more likely for the story to actually progress! Writing is way less draining for me and once I get going I can do it much quicker than art anyway, even though I do still sorta wish I had the spoons to just turn it into a full-blown webcomic instead haha
This DOES mean that updates won't be nearly as linear as they were here, seeing as right now I've mostly been working on backstory fics that took place before the blog's main story, but that can at least give you guys more context for how the characters interact with each other! I'll also state that while I do write faster than I draw, I still do it a hell of a lot less, so updates will still probably be pretty infrequent. But at least they'll happen at all, right?
As for the state of this blog itself, obviously I'm going to leave it up! I still love looking back on the old interactions you guys had with my characters and your reactions to certain plot points (your reactions to Fluff tagging along with the rest of the group were my favorite by far) and I think it would actually kill me to erase them. I'll be posting the fic updates here too, just like I did for Self Hatred!
And even if it's not going to be an ask blog anymore, because of how much I still miss that kind of interaction with you guys, I think I want to do a sort of "last hurrah" event, to finally send off the asking format with some good vibes.
You see, there's a character I made up around this time of year two years ago. He's a pretty cool guy, but he doesn't actually show up until a specific turning point later in the story. I've been excited for you guys to talk to him since the day I made him, but a little bummed lately that you may not ever get the chance. I still need to get a lot of stuff prepared, so I'm not quite ready to announce or start anything just yet, but there's a reason I waited until my winter break to start thinking about this seriously.
I think you guys would really like to meet him.
But anyway, that's about all I wanted to say for now! This is a very long post already so it's time I start wrapping it up. As always, thank you all so much for sticking with me, even though I really haven't been consistent through the years. I hope this change doesn't come as too much of a disappointment, and that you'll keep sticking around for the reboot!
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kanerallels · 1 month
This is a day late, but I have a short little thing for @chenford-prompts 2 Weeks of Chenford! Prompt: Miles Apart
(I'm not gonna lie to y'all, this is inspired by a plot line in Chicago PD that I hated with a fiery passion, so I decided to fix it and add some Chenford, as a treat! It's more alluded to than anything else, and the timelines don't really work out, but I don't really care. OH also I may have. Replaced Bailey and Nolan's wedding with Abigail and Henry's in this. Because I don't really care for Bailan, but that's just my opinion!)
“I still can’t believe you arrested someone while you were on vacation in New York,” Lucy said, her voice echoing and staticy through the phone’s speaker. “You're officially worse than Nolan.”
Tim rolled his eyes, shifting his position in his seat. He was sitting in the waiting room of a precinct in Brooklyn, waiting for detectives to come and take his statement. “Okay, no one’s worse than Nolan. He went after a drug ring at his son’s wedding.”
“True,” Lucy conceded. “But you’re on vacation, miles away from home, and you just happened to spot a kidnapper?”
“They don’t give sergeant positions to just anyone, you know,” Tim pointed out wryly.
He heard her snort on the other end. “No, apparently just to people who hit criminal’s cars with their cars to stop them.”
“Okay that one I did steal from Nolan,” Tim admitted. “But it worked. Got him out of the car and away from the girl he grabbed.”
“She must have been terrified.” Lucy’s voice was soft with empathy, and Tim felt a pang go through his chest.
“Yeah,” he said. “She’s tough, though. She’ll be okay.” 
What he didn’t tell her was how familiar it felt when he pulled the young woman, tied up and terrified, out of the back of the car. Suddenly he was lifting Lucy out of the barrel in the desert, holding her as she sobbed.
The tears in the young woman’s eyes— Nadia, from Chicago. Not much older than Nolan’s rookie, with a checkered past, but a fierce determination that Tim recognized easily— had reminded him of Lucy’s. It had been heart-wrenching.
“Hey.” Lucy’s voice on the other end jolted him out of his thoughts. “You saved her. You stopped the bad guy and you saved that girl from her worst nightmare. I’m proud of you.”
Tim let out a soft laugh. “Thanks, Lucy.”
“Of course.” She paused, then asked, “How long are you going to be gone again?”
Letting out a sigh, Tim leaned back in his seat, switching his phone to his other ear. “A couple more days. Technically I’m out here to visit a friend, but there’s also this case to help wrap up. And I want to keep an eye on Nadia until her friends come to pick her up. Apparently she knows people in the CPD who are on their way.”
“Good— I’m glad you’ll be there for her.”
That was Lucy. Always focused on someone else. But Tim could hear what she wasn’t saying, and for once he let himself say it. “I miss you.”
He could almost see her smile as she said, “I miss you, too.”
Glancing up, Tim saw a familiar, leather jacket-clad figure heading towards him. “I gotta go— Detective Peralta is back. Talk to you later?”
“Okay, I should go, too. Love you.”
“Love you, too.”
As Tim hung up the phone, Detective Peralta, who was standing in front of him, wiggled his eyebrows at him. “Already at the I love you part in your relationship, huh? Very noice.”
Rolling his eyes, Tim said, “Let’s just get on with the statement, okay?”
“Yeah, I sound like Boyle. Let’s stick with I’m happy for you. Now, right this way, Sergeant.”
Tim shook his head as he followed the other man. But he couldn’t quite hold back the smile on his face.Only a few more days here. Then I’ll go home to Lucy. And that was the best thought of all.
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juicycoutureheaux · 1 year
Fixer Upper
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
Hey y'all. Here's Chapter 2 of my Sheriff!Leon Kennedy AU. Just a couple of notes, this chapter does have some TW. Domestic violence and Alcohol are mentioned in this chapter. If those are active triggers for you and still want to read, PM me and I'll be glad to summarize for you. Seriously! Also I gave Patrick a last name because he literally DOES NOT HAVE ONE. LOL Anyway this is kind of slowburn-y and this may be more than three chapter but not too many. I might extend to four. Anyways this fic was inspired by @angelscoda and I strongly recommend that if you haven't discovered her page, check her works out! Also, I churned out this Chapter and it hasn't been edited very well, but I did not wanna keep yall waiting. Also if you or anyone you know is affected by domestic violence call 800-799-7233 or text 'START' to 88788. You are not alone, your family and friends love you no matter what situation you may be in or what your abuser says. Love is patient and Love is kind.
You went to bed with a strange feeling. Instead of thinking of your sweetheart, Patrick, you were enamored with the thought of your new boss, Sheriff Kennedy. 
He was so kind and unpretentious, it seemed so easy to be around him. You wondered if he read books or looked at the stars and wondered what was behind them like you did. 
Y/N shook herself out of her thoughts and drifted off to sleep. 
She dreamt of finding new life on other planets, her parents taking her seriously, and most importantly, she dreamt of Leon. 
You woke with a start, to the sky at the precipice of sunrise. The oranges and purples danced together as the moon made its grand exit into the horizon.
You swiveled around to the side of your twin bed and let the bottoms of your feet touch the smooth hardwood floor. 
You turned off the old fan on your bedside table. The fan had seen better days, however, y/n had taught herself how to make repairs to keep it in working condition. 
Her tinkering had been born out of necessity; however, over time she grew to love being able to make old things efficient again. She wondered if Patrick ever had to repair a fan or anything really. 
She imagined he had enough money to get a new anything, anytime it broke.
You started the morning by combing your hair and brushing your teeth. You splashed cold water on your face to make it seem less irritated. You didn’t want to admit it, but you wanted to look good for Leon, even if he didn’t notice.
You picked out your favorite dress and ironed out all the wrinkles. You looked at yourself in the mirror admiring your reflection. You felt confident enough to head down the stairs to the kitchen table. 
Mary-Anne and Mama were busy fixing breakfast. Mama was fussing over Mary-Anne telling her to sit down and whatnot.
“Mama L/N, I promise I’m fine and your grandchild is just fine!” 
“All that moving, he’s gonna come early!” You heard your mama say.
“You and the rest of the family are so sure Hank & Mary-Anne’s baby is going to be a boy.” You said announcing your presence. 
“Good! Someone else is here, Mary-Anne! Please sit!” Mama said, exasperated.
Mary-Anne, not wanting to put up a fight any longer, sat down.
“Y/N, why don’t you look pretty today? I remember when I could wear dresses like that!” Mary-Anne said, rubbing her belly.
“You mean like six months ago?” You said sarcastically. 
Mary-Anne smiled and your mother rolled her eyes. 
You grabbed an apron not wanting to ruin your dress, and began kneading the dough for the biscuits. 
“I’m afraid I won’t be able to stay too long, mama. I gotta make sure I'm on time to meet my new boss!” You said a little too enthusiastically because your mother whipped her head around to look at you. 
“You know, if you marry Patrick, you won’t have to work anymore, you’ll be busy planning parties and get-togethers for all the married ladies.”
“Mama…” you groaned. 
“I’m just saying Y/N, you would love it, imagine, my daughter, the belle of the social season in Collier!” Her mother sighed. “So don’t ruin it by chasing after some cop!”
“Mama!” You said insulted.
Mary Anne decided to get in between the duo. 
“I think Y/N just wanted to make sure he felt welcome; after all, it is her job.”  She made sure to emphasize the last word. 
Mama’s body relaxed and so did yours. 
With that, you kissed your mama goodbye on the cheek and mouthed a “thank you!” to Mary-Anne. 
You walked out the door shocked, to see your new boss waiting outside leaning up against the side of the patrol car. 
“Hey! Y/N!” He said, smiling with all of his teeth.
You thought your legs were going to turn to jello, he was so handsome.
“W-what are you doing here?” 
“I thought I’d save you the trouble of driving that old truck and risk not having a secretary for the day.” He opened the passenger door. “Wouldn’t want to make me late for my first day would you?”
You smiled a genuine smile. 
You hopped in the car and you made your way down the road. 
The radio was playing Elvis's “Blue Suede Shoes.”
“You like this kind of Music Deputy Kennedy?” You asked genuinely curious. He didn’t strike you as the Elvis type.
“You can call me Leon when it’s just us,” he said, eyes not straying from the road. 
He made you blush, and you sank down in the seat unconsciously.
“But to answer your question,” he looked at you with those sharp baby blues. “I love the King.”
You laughed together like it was the funniest joke ever. 
You were a little disappointed when you arrived at the station. You could have spent the whole day in the car with Leon.
You two entered the building and you went quickly to the break room to start the coffee for the day. 
Leon entered his new office and opened the blinds. Two years ago he would have never imagined a career in law enforcement, let alone a town like Collier’s Sheriff.
Leon was brought out of his thoughts when you walked into the room carrying a fresh cup of coffee.
“Should I get used to this or are you just being nice because its my first day?” 
You looked at him confused.
“I’m not used to someone else doing things like this for me.”
“Well get used to it,” you said happily. “The old boss made me bring him his coffee like clockwork and I had to make it juuuussst riiiiigggghhhttt.” You emphasized.
Leon just nodded.
“So Deputy Kennedy, how do you like your coffee?”
“I can make it myself Y/N, don’t worry about it.”
“I insist! You’re going to be pretty busy, pretty soon.” You said looking into the mug. “I don’t want you to worry about the easiest part of your day.”
Leon smiled and patted you on the shoulder. “I take it black, with just a little bit of sugar, Y/N. Thank you.”
You smiled and felt your cheeks get a bit rosy. You fixed his coffee and set it on his desk.
“Well if you need me, I’ll be outside the door. Just ring me if you need me.” 
He grabbed your hand gently. “Do you mind staying in here just a little bit longer, I’m not ready to start working quite yet.” He smiled a toothy, but nervous smile. 
You held on to his hand and squeezed it in a friendly, assuring manner.
“Of course, Leon.”
He smiled in response.
You looked around the office. It was empty, there were no pictures of his family or any personal effects to the room, save for a framed police academy diploma. 
“They didn’t give you time to set up here?”
“What do you mean Y/N?” 
“The last guy here had tons of pictures and hunting trophies and…” you realized your mistake a little too late. Maybe, Deputy Kennedy didn’t have those things and you had just reminded him of the fact.
Leon smiled a sad smile, “Well maybe while I’m here, I’ll be able to fill this room with all those things.”
“Leon, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to…” 
“It’s okay, you’re honest. I like that about you.”
You smiled and heat spread across your cheeks.
“I don’t have any living family members, I grew up in a group home.”
You felt so embarrassed. How could you just interrogate him like that?
The blowing of the A/C unit emphasized the silence. It felt like your body was on autopilot when you went up to him to pat him on the shoulder. 
“I’m so sorry, Leon, I hope you can find your chosen family here.” 
“That's really nice of you, Y/N. I hope I do too.”
You quickly took your arm off of his bicep, realizing you were touching your boss in a more than intimate way. You didn’t want to be known as “that” type of girl.
You quickly mumbled “Gotta get back to work,” or something along those lines, and scuttled away.
Leon just kicked his boots and sat down behind his desk. He couldn’t quite figure it out, was she flirting with him or was she genuinely kind? He hated to admit it, but he was used to women throwing themselves at him. They’d be good for a night or two, but they never seemed to care to learn more about him than what he could do for them.
Y/N was sweet, but she was young. She probably had never had a real relationship before, her kindness was just surface-deep; it was nothing more.
He decided to go ahead and look over the schedule for the week that Y/N had already prepared for him. 
He could get used to this.
You were heading to Leigh’s diner to grab lunch for the office. It was actually one of your favorite tasks. You were able to get out of the office and walk around town for a bit. It also helped that you walked past “Gannem’s Appliances” where they always had the news on in the window. 
You would take a moment to look at the goings on in the world, to see what was happening outside of your small fishbowl of a town. 
The announcer was reading hastily from a fresh news bulletin. 
“After 40 years of groundbreaking research, NACA has officially decided to change its name to NASA. The official decision was made late last week, after changing their focus from just flight to space travel of humans and robots.”
You could have fallen right where you stood. Robots? Spaceflight? You were in heaven, you had only daydreamed about working in a high-tech lab with robots; now it was really happening.
You quickly looked at your wristwatch and scuttled to the diner to pick up the order before the men at the office got too hungry and wondered where she was at.
You walked into the bustling diner, thank goodness her order wasn’t quite ready yet. You decided to stay out of the way of the other patrons and sat at an odd chair near the window. You felt almost invisible, but, you were used to it and didn’t mind.
You were stuck in your thoughts until the sound of women gossiping brought you out of your stupor.
“Did you see the new Sheriff? He’s a cutie!” one girl with perfectly coiffed blonde hair asked. 
“Do you think he has a secretary? They almost always marry the secretary!” Another girl with auburn hair giggled.
Y/N recognized the girls. They were girls from her graduating class, they had gone to the same school since kindergarten and they either didn’t seem to recognize her or were ignoring her. You couldn’t decide what was worse.
“Oh he has a secretary all right, it's Y/N. Do you remember her from school?”
The girl with auburn hair just raised her eyebrows in slight confusion.
“Great.” you thought. “They don’t remember.” That stung.
“Well, she wasn’t much of anyone, she’s lucky her daddy “the farmer” got her the job,” she emphasized the farmer part as she lit her cigarette. 
“Ohhh, I remember said the auburn-haired girl. “Isn’t OUR Patrick supposed to be courting her? I heard his mother set him up, guess they’re trying to fix his image. I hear he made a fool out of himself at the University of Georgia last year. His daddy had to call in a LOT of favors from his buddies from the law school.”
“That’s just Patrick, he’ll grow out of it. I feel bad for him, one bad mistake and he has to get married off to the first prude that would take him. I bet Y/N’s mother is just beside herself, all the new social connections and money.”
“My mama told me her mama was a social climber. Always trying to get invited to social events;  well she’ll never belong just like her daughter.”
The girls broke into laughter.
Your face was red from anger and embarrassment.
Of course, your order was ready and the waitress called out your name which made the girls' heads snap and turn around to look at you. You did your best not to make eye contact, as you grabbed the food, but tears were already falling from your eyes.
As you left you could hear them burst out in more malicious laughter. 
You were humiliated, and you just wanted to get back to work.
You were two doors down from the office when you heard a car next to the sidewalk slow to a roll.  You instinctively glanced over and there was Patrick in his fancy car. He was definitely the last person you wanted to see right now. 
“Hey, baby. I missed you.” He slurred as he stumbled out of the car.
You took a minute to look at his car, there were beer bottles littering the back seat. 
“Let’s go for a ride, I’m bored and I want some alone time with my girl.” He grabbed her roughly. 
“Have you been drinking? Why did you drive here? You know it's dangerous! You whispered harshly at him. People were beginning to stare.
“Baby, I just wanted to see you, I’m lonely. You should keep me happy you know, if you’re gonna be my wife,” he was looking at you like a piece of meat. 
You felt sick to your stomach.
“I have to get this back to the office, then I’ll come with you.” You were trying to stall, you didn’t want to make him angry, but you surely didn’t want to get in the car with him.
It didn’t matter. He didn’t like your answer. Patrick was shockingly strong and when he yanked you into him, you both fell over and you yelped. 
People were now watching and whispering. 
You wanted to disappear into dust and wondered if you should have just got in the car, maybe nothing would have happened, and the two of you wouldn’t be out on the sidewalk in the middle of town embarrassing yourselves. 
Patrick yanked you up and raised his hand to hit you, you braced for impact when someone broke you two up.
It was Leon and his face was calm, but she could feel the anger radiating from him.
“Y/N! Do you know this man?” He said calmly but firmly. 
Before you could answer, Patrick yelled at Leon. “I had it handled man, she’s my fiance. We don’t need your services anymore.” He made a move to grab your arm again. Leon moved in between you two.
“Sir, not only are you in violation of a city ordinance of being intoxicated in public, but you are also assaulting your fiance in public, which is a felony charge.” 
Patrick just scoffed. “And what? You’re gonna arrest me? Do you even know who I am?”
Leon stepped closer to Patrick, they were about the same height, but something about Leon’s body language made him seem taller. 
“Yes, Sir you’re under arrest for the assault of my secretary Miss Y/L/N. You have the right to remain silent…” he began cuffing Patrick in broad daylight. 
“Wait a minute! Y/N just tell him we were just fooling around baby.” Patrick pleaded with you.
“Deputy Kennedy please, we’ll handle this in private. Patrick just made a bad mistake that's all.”
You pleaded to Leon, you hoped he would take your side.
“Handle in private? Are we supposed to wait until he kills you Y/N?” He said loudly.
You couldn’t move. This was really happening and everyone was going to blame you for Patrick going to jail. 
Leon picked Patrick up and brought him into the station and locked him up in their little holding cell.
Everyone in the office was dead silent when they saw who Deputy Kennedy was bringing in on the first day. You followed in quickly behind them and everyone glared at you. You ignored the glares and got on the phone to call Senator Armstrong, Patrick’s father. 
Deputy Kennedy refused to let you see your Fiance, stating that she was the victim and a witness to his crime. 
You just sat in your small little cubicle and cried. You cried over how embarrassed you were and how those girls were right, Patrick didn’t really love you. How could he? Who would do that to someone they loved?
The sounds of a man shouting broke the silence of the police department.
“How could you lock this man up? It was a simple lovers' quarrel, they’re both kids!” You heard Senator Armstrong’s baritone voice fill the small station. 
“You either ignore your son’s behavior or are too ignorant to see it.” Leon quipped back.
“Excuse me?” Armstrong sneered. “You better watch it boy or I’ll…”
“Or what Armstrong? I’ll go missing? Don’t go incriminating yourself in the police department now.” Leon said smugly. 
You walked out of your cubicle to see the scene unfolding in front of you. You thought Senator Armstrong was going to have an aneurysm with how red his face was. 
He quickly looked over at you and saw your tear-stained face. “My poor future daughter! Look what you’ve done! You’ve upset her by jailing her fiance right in front of her!”
He wrapped a heavy arm around your shoulders. “ I paid the bail and I'm taking my family home.”
Leon just gestured for the door and said nothing. Senator Armstrong ushered you out, but not before you took one final look back at Leon with fresh tears in your eyes.
You were sitting in the Armstrongs’ tinted limousine Patrick’s head on your lap. You couldn’t help but stroke his soft hair. He buried his face in the fabric of your dress and groaned.
“I can’t believe that asshole through me into the cell with all those actual criminals. It was miserable, sobering up in that shithole.”
You rolled your eyes instinctively, Leon’s words ringing in your ears still. “What if he did lose his temper and couldn’t stop hitting me?” You shrugged it off. It was just one bad moment, he’ll change.
Your future father in Law just glared daggers into his son. 
When you arrived at your home, you still patted Patrick’s head gently. “I’ll see you later honey.” 
He quickly leaned up and kissed you on the mouth for the first time. It was sloppy and full of want. It wasn’t sweet at all and you felt sick.
You quickly got out of the car and ran into the house. 
When you arrived in the foyer, Hank was waiting for you.
“Is that bastard out there?” He asked angrily.
You looked down at your feet, you thought you’d at least be able to sleep and take a bath before being interrogated about the incident earlier. 
You heard your mom shout from the kitchen. “Is my baby home? Hank you leave your sister alone! She needs to rest.” Your mother hurried in to welcome you.
“Oh sweetie, there’s no need to cry.” She wiped your tears with a cloth she had in her apron. “Daddy and I get into arguments all the time.” 
Hank got even angrier. “You know damn well that was no argument they had, Thomas Wells said that son of a bitch shook her like a ragdoll before Deputy Kennedy got to them.”
Your Mama just rolled her eyes. “Thomas Wells is a known exaggerator, people love talking about people who they’re jealous of. Speaking of Y/N, you’re not going back to that job. It doesn’t look respectable to have the future Mrs. Armstrong working at that office.”
Your mother grabbed your arm gently and took you into the dining room and fixed your dinner. She hadn’t done this since you were a child, she was definitely trying to get on your good side. 
You felt that familiar pit of disappointment and anguish in your stomach. You had realized Mama really did want to be a part of the social class as the Armstrongs. She wanted it so bad she was willing to cover up what Patrick was willing to do to you.
You nibbled on supper and went upstairs to cry, you were exhausted.
You couldn’t sleep that night. All you could do was replay the day’s events over and over in your mind. 
You also felt extremely violated by Patrick’s lack of respect for you.
When daybreak came, you took a light catnap for an hour or two. You were awoken by your mother shaking you awake. 
“Y/N, sweetie, time to wake up.”
You squinted at her through your dark eyelashes, confused.
“Don’t give that look, Y/N, Suzanne Armstrong called and wanted to take you shopping.”
You lurched up from your bed. “Miss Suzanne...why?” 
“She wants to make sure you look polished for the engagement party of course. The local and state newspapers will be covering it of course.” Your mother said excitedly. “Hopefully she’ll remember your mama too, I could get one of those tweed suits just like the first lady! Wouldn’t that be fun?”
You smiled a sad smile. You wanted to see your mama happy, but was she willing to do the same for you?
You got up and began your morning ritual, you made sure your dress was crisply ironed and you even added a ribbon in your hair to make yourself look a little more stylish.
You waited patiently in the sitting room before seeing the car roll up. Your mother ushered you out the door and into the awaiting town car, driven by a chauffeur of course. He opened the door for you. Inside awaiting looking prim as ever, was Miss Suzanne in a pastel-colored suit. 
“Well look at this little doll,”  she said and kissed your cheeks. “I just can not wait for you to marry my son. You two are just going to give me and your mama the cutest little grandbabies.”
You smiled uncomfortably. 
The town car started to pull away into town and Miss Suzanne wasted no time discussing future plans with you.
“So, I’ve already contacted all the news outlets. The Atlanta Sentinel is sending reporters to this party and even LIFE Magazine!” She squealed excitedly. 
“They love the Cinderella feel of this story, my dear. Everyone loves a great love story.” She composed herself again. “and it is my job as fairy godmother, to make sure you ARE the belle of the ball. There are going to be a lot of eyes and I want to make sure you look perfect.”
She looked you up and down. “We’ll have to do away with this wardrobe,” she motioned with her pointer finger to your homemade dress.
The car was heading out of town, you made a comment about going to the local department store in town. 
Miss Suzanne let out a full-bodied laugh. “My dear, we’re going to Atlanta to shop. You can’t be photographed in some outfit from Belford’s.” 
You just fell silent and looked out the window as Miss Suzanne rambled on about how excited she was, planning a wedding, and how much great press it would be for her husband and Patrick. 
When they finally arrived at the fancy boutique in midtown Atlanta, they were greeted by staff in crisp uniforms waiting outside for their arrival. 
The head designer, or who you assumed was the head designer came blowing through the doors and came to greet your future mother-in-law. 
“My dear, thank you for coming, let me grab your coat.” He grabbed Suzanne’s expensive tweed jacket and hat. He handed it to a dour-looking assistant.
He then acknowledged you. 
“My, my who is this diamond in the rough?”
Suzanne answered for you. “A diamond in the rough indeed. This is my future daughter in Law, Y/N.” 
You didn’t know whether to curtsy or not. You gently bent your knees and answered with a quiet “hello.”
“My goodness, she is just precious! We certainly have our work cut out for us.” The man snickered.
Being brought up in the south, you knew being called precious wasn’t a compliment. 
You sighed as you followed the man and Suzanne into the boutique knowing it was going to be a long day. 
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therulerofallpotatos · 7 months
Fic Tag Game
Tagged by: @wincestation, @realisticintentions, @realmermaid333, @cosmic-lullaby, @suchaladyy, @beri-allen
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
2. What's your Ao3 word count?
361,707 words.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Wednesday currently. Teen Wolf for six years. Harry Potter, Hannibal, Thorki, Starker, Twilight (Bella/Carlisle and Bella/Aro), The Umbrella Academy (not that i got very far before getting obsessed with wyler), and Madrigalcest (Primarily Brumira)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Fuck It (Steter, Teen Wolf, 3,396)
When it Needs Fixing (Steter, Teen Wolf, 3,339)
Hostile Takeover (Steter, Teen Wolf, 2,781)
Absolution (Steter, Teen Wolf, 2,691)
Wandering in the Dark (Steter, Teen Wolf, 2,250)
In Wednesday?
Her Monster (Wyler, 708)
Hold Me Close (Wyler, 593)
Revelations (Wyler, 499)
Warning, She Bites (Wyler, 464)
Impressing Wednesday Addams (Wyler, 387)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Sometimes. I reply when I have something meaningful to add. Otherwise it'd get very repetitive and generic and that kind of soulless connection isn't really the point of this kind of thing. I adore my comments nonetheless and I read them a lot.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hold on. I gotta skim my list.
update: i do not remember some of these fics or what happened in them
Maybe Modi the Brave (MCU, Thorki). This was an angsty fanfic of a fanfic. There was a happy ending in the original fic, The Rescue by madwriter223
I'm not counting Absolution because it was immediately followed by a sequel. But technically, it did get me the most angry sobbing comments which i treasure to this day.
The Final Straw was angsty but it was also dumb and half-cocked and the closest thing to an embarrassment on this account. It was literally just a half-thought half-scene of my 18yo self's emotional state in 2018 that is very evident that I wrote this angrily in study hall. I wrote a lot of fic in that high school during classes. Like a lot. It was my school computer. I got plenty of use out of it. There was no structure or coherent plot. I didn't even hint at anything deeper to be explored in your own minds. I didn't want to look at it long enough or think about it long enough. I just wanted it out of my head. If I didn't have a strict no deleting my works policy, or hiding from my past art policy, I would probably have deleted it within the week of posting. I do not understand how it has the kudos, subscriptions, and bookmarks that it has. I guess it resonated. Good for y'all. I mean it.
Literally just the entirety of Tyler's Bad Year is meant to be about a very traumatic time in a young man's life and him surviving it. I'm not going to go through them and try to pick out "the worst" one. That's not really the point and it'd be largely subjective.
I'll Eat You Raw has an angsty ending but angstiest? I'm not sure.
I don't write a lot of bad endings. Open endings? sure. Complicated endings? Absolutely. But unhappy endings? No. I don't often have the desire.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Jesus fuck we want to be here all day? Ok lemme look through shit again.
Wandering in the Dark has a whole story behind it. There was actually two versions. Only one was posted to ao3 and is the "canon" version. I wrote this fic for a high school assignment my senior year. We were assigned to pick a chronic disease out of a literal hat, then write a story around it. We had complete creative control so I took that chance to write teen wolf steter fanfic in class and actually have it be on task for once (I got an A in that class btw). The reason my teacher got a dark ending version is because by the time he got back to me on the maximum word count, I'd already finished the canon version and it was way too long. I couldn't trim the fat, so I wrote a different ending to shorten the story. That version is one of the angstier stories I've written. The one posted and linked above, is the very happy by comparison. This fic is also designed to be read by someone who doesn't know shit about teen wolf.
Through Thick and Thin was also extremely happy. As is Her Monster. Benevolent Gods was meant to be very hopeful. The Hale Pack (Undying) was the end to a series that was my baby for a long time . Like long enough you can see my writing evolve as you go. Part one was one of the first things i ever wrote. Like ever. The last part was years later. Jasper was meant to be a very light-hearted, happy story as well. It's extremely sweet and fluffy. You was also very happy and the epilogue cemented that happiness. Warning: She Bites literally had a happy end that unknowingly prevented a main character committing suicide in the near future. Saving lives by being horny. Wednesday Evening, and every installment in that series, is excessively happy as well.
Alright I ran through my list of fics. These were the ones that stood out. There's too many to really commit to one answer tbh. Especially because the way they're happy varies.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not really. Or. Well. I'm sure I do. I block antis on sight and I wholly reject purity culture, and I haven't really been the target of a major attack or anything. I don't get as many hateful comments as one might think, and I don't entertain the ones I do get. I've been accused of vile shit of course because of a fic I wrote. I don't remember what fic or even what ship it was for because I don't dwell on them really at all. Aside from that, I get more entitled but probably ignorant to how they come off as entitled comments that aren't really that big a deal. Just a bit of a peeve sometimes. I honestly think the majority of them truly believe it's a kind gesture when they say it.
9. Do you write smut? What kind?
Yeah. You could say that.
What kind? In a word? Intense. I could make a joke or a long elaboration on my niche in hyde sex and whatnot, but at the end of the day, intense. Even my most laid back, domestic, slice of life fics have a sense of intensity to them because otherwise I get bored and it feels soulless and it's just not my writing style.
10. Do you write cross-overs?
When I feel like it. When I have an idea.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! I have a steter fic on a russian fic website that was translated years ago. I have no idea which it was or if it's still there. Wait! I might remember. Yeah no. I don't remember. It wasn't the one I thought of.
12. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
No. I've started to outline one before but it went nowhere and we both forgot about it.
13. What WIP you would like to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Harry Potter and the Night that Changed Everything.
I had a whole novel basically planned for it. Writing Bellatrix and a Harry who was raised by Bellatrix took a lot out of me emotionally, and I lost steam.
Also, a Bella Swan/Marcus Vulturi fic that i also had a novel length plot planned out, wrote three chapters for, and then lost steam when I left the fandom due to getting the life sucked out of me by a bunch of toxic people in the fandom killing my joy. Those chapters are just collecting dust in my files right now. I'd like to go back to it one day and finish it in some form or another. Maybe it's original enough I could actually just write an original novel out of the scraps I already have. Actually, to be honest, it is probably original enough that I could write it as an original story. There is not a lot of Twilight there that is necessary to the story and can easily be written out. Something to think about maybe. Ironically not the first prompt I thought up initially for Twilight that I then realized nothing about Twilight was necessary for the idea I had, and I just wrote it without Bella entirely. This is how my original zombie novel started and then immediately evolved into an entirely different thing that has nothing to do w Twilight. Like literally nothing. I had to work to put the Twilight into that one. Not the other way around.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
wyler (steter and tomarry honorary).
15. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue and characterization
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
pacing. movement heavy scenes. Longer projects if only because I have less practice at them.
17. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Yeah. If it fits, I'll write it. I won't pretend to be fluent, but I'll do my best. Probably won't do anything too complicated for the sake of realism of my abilities. Especially if it's not Spanish which I at least have spent time trying to learn.
18. First fandom you wrote for?
Teen Wolf
19. Favourite fic you've ever written?
We've established how well I am at picking one end all number one.
Fuck ok. back to the list.
Water of the Womb was one I was planning to write for almost a year and it turned out pretty good I think. Actually no.
No. It's not a fic that's been posted yet.
I think the favorite fic I've ever written is I Bit Him So He's Mine. it's my "Wednesday is a Hyde season one rewrite au". It's my first novel that is more than just a future novel. It's hit 40k and I have to start Act 2 still. It's my first proper murder mystery where the mystery is the primary plot equal to the romance. I've had a lot of fun with it, I've put my heart and soul into it, and I really look forward to calling it ready to post. Once it's done, you guys are getting regular updates for a long time.
20. What fic would you want to rewrite one day?
Out of the Fire haunts me. It was a lesson to learn. I had the desire to write a steter/hannigram crossover and zero plan of any kind outside that. It crashed and burned because I only had a first chapter in me. I recently met a local and successful author who recognized my ao3 username because of this fic and remembered me years later enough to compliment my writing (I cannot express how much that meant to me). Wait no that might have been Mark of an Angel which also haunts me, but I didn't have zero plan. I had almost no plan, and lost steam when I hit a creative block at a bad time. Normally, I'd have just sat down and workshopped a starter outline and wrote myself out of that block, but I lost steam so I never did. Different deal. Not as impactful in my creative journey. Out of the Fire, however, was very important to me because of why it failed, and remains very influential with every new project I start. Actually rewriting/finishing that project would be a defining moment for me as a writer, I think. At least to me personally.
Tagging: @duplicitywrites, @dispatchvampire, @dark-visitors, @fiktorsempra, @graciebirdie, @gardenoblues, @grim-reaper-barbie13, @gabelish, @killingdoll, @lavender-lotion, @lovepoison9, @wednesdayandherhyde, @udunie, @itshype, @insomniac1994, @onlyangelxo, @obsidianpen, @ourdramaqueen, @persephoneed, @pororoh, @badmoodbatflowers, @brascu
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sergeantnarwhalwrites · 3 months
Mighty Morphing People Eaters +
Editing that 6 picture draft thing I posted earlier about how a lot of the morphers have in fact eaten people. With the addition of a Julie Saz interaction about it after the fact. Thought it would be a great inclusion after a point @the-void-writes brought up. Also me trying to puzzle together Julie's morphed form a bit XD. Though it's probably just gonna be the partially morphed one.
Tag list: @outpost51 @nanashi23 @winterandwords @jezifster @kk7-rbs @aether-wasteland-s @dumbthunder @manathen @the-void-writes @liv-is (Let me know if you want to be added or removed from the taglist!) 
Saz groaned, sprawled out on her back. Stomach sounding out with her. The bear morpher turned her head to the side. Ignoring the grass tickling her nose. Until a particularly invasive blade invaded her nostril. She simply huffed out nasally breath. Too hungry to really give a damn.
Elliot stepped out of Ian and Julie's place, staring at Saz. He scratched at the velvet on his singular standing antler, with trimmed nails.
"You okay?"
"I'm fucking hungry!"
Saz lifted her arms, letting gravity toss them back down. Repeating the action as Elliot tip-toed over barefoot— Saz had noticed. Briefly wondering if she had taken the last pair of the deer morpher's shoes. The thought rudely interrupted by the insistent grumbling of her stomach.
Elliot had a shit eating grin going ear to ear as he leaned over her. Reaching down to pat the bear morpher's stomach.
"Hungry enough to eat a person?" Elliot questioned far too amused with himself.
Saz growled, low in her throat. Baring her teeth at the deer morpher highly unamused. She slapped the hand Elliot offered her, muttering a good when he winced. Flinging her torso upwards. Her locs hitting the back of her neck. Tossing a few back and out of her face.
She rolled her eyes at Elliot's muffled laughter. Too far gone to appreciate that he at least was trying to withhold it.
Ian, approached, obviously having overheard. His deer ears having pinned back at the sound of a wheezy inhale from the redheaded asshole. Apparently, a lot of Elliot noises made his ears do that. He wrapped a bright red set of hand wraps around the branches of his antlers. Each antler seeming to be dedicated to one pair.
"I heard a lot of morphers say it's pretty gross," Ian shrugged looking at Saz who had fully risen by now, "I personally didn't hate it. It was a really long mission though."
Saz looked at Ian and blinked, "Wouldn't call it fine dining." She grumbled.
Elliot looked to him baffled, laughter in control now. Silently offering a shoulder for the hungry Saz to rest on.
"Uh, Ian our teeth aren't that sharp."
Ian held a shrug, awkward smile curving his lips up. Rubbing his hand roughly over his mouth, disturbing his facial hair.
"Didn't eat it raw— And not necessarily in a hunt." Ian's grin grew a little more confident at the admittance, "Killed it with my antlers. Your crush and I butchered it. We tossed it into the flame during a very overdrawn mission."
Saz tried to bite back her disgust. Tugging absentmindedly at her scruff. Elliot had a very different response, taking it with strides.
"Am I the only one who hasn't had human?!" Elliot questioned.
"Out of us, yeah," Ian responded, not noticing Saz's disgust or growing ire towards him.
Saz grumbled remembering how she had guts stuck in her teeth and beard. How awful it tasted. And how persistently it lingered. If desperation had a taste she thought her first taste of human was that. She wiped aggressively at her mouth with the back of her hand.
Elliot crossed his arms, "We gotta fix that."
"Y'all can fix that. I need real food." Saz pushed off of Elliot shakily walking forward.
"Why didn't you get food with Julie?" Ian washed curious, laughing at the way Elliot had stumbled back.
"Something about helping with new recruits and needing a swim."
Elliot and Ian made loud noises of understanding. Catching up to either side of Saz.
"You know there's a pretty good vendor out here. Got burgers I'm pretty sure." Ian mentioned.
"Oh oh! I heard about them. I think they use specialty meat." Elliot grinned twisting his barely there scruff between his fingers, "They might even serve human."
Saz briefly thought about yanking it, but she new it would probably yank it out. So she shoved her hands in her shorts pockets instead, gripping her thighs.
Ian rolled his eyes a little but laughed, "They got it a blend so you won't even notice?" He joked.
Saz gagged, "Have fun with that. I'm gonna go eat a pinecone or something."
Saz began to walk off from the two joyful deer morphers. The bear morpher growling with the same ferocity of her stomach.
"Saz wait! Julie's gonna need something tough to chew through!" Elliot said through gasps, hand reached out to use Ian as support.
"Good for the tummy and the soul. Guaranteed!" Ian added, doubling over.
Saz turned around and flipped them off. Their echoing laughter actively pissing Saz off. Wandering until she reached the goofy little convenience store they all had ran through. With newfound vigor, she bolted.
(The Extra Scene is below the cut)
Julie climbed out of the lake, holding her catch in her mouth. Dragging herself along until she believed she was far enough on the shore. Her morpher form made it nearly impossible to see clearly.
"Julie! You done?" Saz called out sitting a distance away.
The hagfish morpher heard her open a bag of chips, with a loud pop. Julie laughed in a rapid following of snorts. Submerged in slime, basically forming a puddle beneath her.
Saz watched the gills on her neck flutter. Unbothered by the rows of far too many teeth forming a smile.
"Yeah. I can hear you were able to find food eventually." Julie's eye darted around until she saw a Saz shaped blob.
Saz waved when Julie finally found her. A handful of chips already in her mouth.
"Sorry for leaving you hanging." Julie quickly apologized, cursing out as she began to return to her human form.
Julie had made demorphing look easy. But Saz hadn't seen the morpher in her fully morphed form just yet. Maybe that was the reason. The hagfish morpher practically curled into herself as her face restructured itself. Saz couldn't tell beneath the slime, but she was sure there were tears under it. Once fully back to her human form she held her mouth, eyes clenched shut in pain. Slime still hanging off of her.
"You left me with your asshole of a friend." Saz spoke, eyes still on Julie.
Julie stumbled forward, carefully holding her catch. She grabbed the multiple rolled towels she had brought with her and chuckled a little.
"What did he do now?" Julie asked wiping the slime off of her face and arms, aggressively, very aggressively.
Saz instead kept her eyes on Julie. Both were unbothered as Julie peeled herself out of a very stretched shirt in disgust. The slime formed thin strings as she worked it off.
"You've eaten people... By choice," Saz stated, resting her chin on her palm.
Julie briefly stopped what she was doing. Her eye locking with Saz's immediately. The morpher began to ooze slime again.
"I have," Julie answered honestly.
"Did you like it?" Saz's voice held no malice, only curiosity.
"Sometimes yes. Sometimes no." Julie answered, dragging the towel down her body.
Saz's face twisted then. Julie swallowed hard, trying to wipe off the slime with the small hint of desperation creeping up on her.
"They were long missions. Missions where we lacked the supplies and it was just more convenient." Julie added, she shook her head knowing she didn't have to tell Saz that but she was going to make it worse, "And once to prove a point."
Saz grumbled a bit, obviously in thought, "What was the point?"
Julie laughed softly at that one. Couldn't help herself. Wrapping her catch in a clean towel. Tugging off a pair of shorts she had very much gotten from Ian. Saz thought she looked better with them off. Waiting for an answer Julie wiped as much slime as she could off her legs.
"That I could," Julie grinned a little then, gripping Saz's shoulder as she bent down to whisper in her ear, "And that I'm nothing more than a wild animal."
Saz whipped her head around to Julie. Sliding away a little, watching Julie with wide eyes. Finding that a smile with less teeth was a little scarier. Saz could feel her heart pounding at her temples.
"Was that," Saz paused eyes trying to look anywhere besides Julie's eye, "Was that one of the times it uh tasted good."
Julie shrugged, ultimately shushing the bear morpher.
"I'd never gloat about my eating habits—I guess that's what you call it—like Elliot and Ian. I've already said too much." Julie laughed softly, chewing on her bottom lip.
Julie wrapped the one remaining towel around herself. Tying it methodically. Before hoisting the two fish wrapped skillfully in the towel.
"Come bring this to one of the vendors with me. We can't just live off MiniMart hot dogs. And I know your friend is selfish and won't cook for us."
Saz rolled her eyes but nodded. Still on edge from their just ended conversation. She had a little more space between them on their walk back than usual.
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anexperimentallife · 10 months
Health update (bad news ahead)
I try not to mention health stuff too much lately because I'm sure y'all get tired of it lol. But basically, all I can say is it isn't good.
I'm trying to put off medical stuff as much as possible because we still have all the debt to pay off from El's paperwork debacle. Then after we get that paid off, we can FINALLY start saving for the SRRV again instead of doing immigration forms and fees every couple of months and flying out every three years to reset. THEN I can finally worry about catching up on all the medical and dental stuff.
My eye is worse. I'll eventually need cataract surgery on the left one, and will probably need surgery to fix what's left of the retina on the other one, thanks to the blood clot from long covid. We've been hoping the blood clot eye would fix itself over time, and I think I was starting to notice some improvement, but it got suddenly worse last night. (I'd show you a pic, but its gross.)
Man... I used to console myself by reminding myself I at least had one functioning eye lol. Not so much anymore. And I'm afraid of the surgeries, because right now at least the retina is good on one, and the lens on the other, so what if the surgery on one screws up? Do I risk the other one?
The ol' spine injury is acting up to the point at which I've had to double my pain meds for the past couple of weeks just to function at all, and have been able to do very little. I've been mostly homebound since the beginning of the last super typhoon. (I think I managed ONE trip to the supermarket since then, plus my daily balcony excursions.)
Let's see... Oh, and I need one more foot surgery, and a LOT of dental stuff done. And I haven't even started to see about my knees or hip yet.
No updates on the damage to my heart. Gotta get more tests later. Blood pressure has been mostly okay, at least.
So that's the update.
P.S. I interpret "likes" as letting me know you saw it; I know you're not pleased that my health is bad lol
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mmslooney007 · 1 year
The (long-ish) Review No One Needed Or Asked For ™ - Till The End of the Moon
Li Susu is our leading lady who travels back in time before the Devil God was, well, the Devil God and just the Devil Fetus *insert snickering here* because, "Maybe I can fix him and kill him." Morally ambiguous at times? Caught between feelings and justice? Sign me up.
Tantai Jin is the Devil Fetus *more snickering* who had it rough since Day 1. He literally came out the womb and it was that time. Pathetic hostage prince, manipulator, benevolent ruler, Wife Guy-- Cang Jiumin. My guys wears hats (wigs).
I'm a Susu apologist and to all you commenters who whined, Susu just love him and stop blah blah blah, No! She understood some of the assignment. Our characters are flawed, no one is perfect, (except one (1) Square and Vixen I said what I said) and you will be suing for emotional damages.
We start off in real-time, where we see the Devil God (yassified) freaking wreck the 3 realms and 4 continents. Susu enters the fight with her weapon of choice (don't bring a harp to a knife fight) and is given the artifact that will make me overthink any timeline where time travel is involved. Before she goes back, she witnesses the death of everyone she loves very conveniently, because plot, die at the hands of the CGI crew (all of whom, might I add, deserve a raise).
500 years earlier, she is inserted into the body of Abuser, Ye Xiwu. Stockholm Syndrome or True Love? We don't know, but Tantai Jin (fetus) will somehow grow to love his wife (sidenote: he totally did something to himself peep episode 5/6 where that tree thing grows)(other side note, what's up with the continuous motif of tree and feelings? see: LBFAD).
I feel like the arc within an arc, though long and somewhat useful, could have been useful-er. I'm docking points for not nodding at plot thingies more for havimg lasted about 7 episodes but having 5 relevant points to the plot. Fight me. (Also, they fall in love in this lifetime but they're not them-- it's just continued contemplation of "why was I casted as x," when they can't freaking math and make it make sense).
Then after the Great Misunderstanding of episodes 24&25, we have to see our tragic love story be more tragic and wrap up this lifetime before we go Back to the Present (Future). If you haven't already, you will be cheering on our favorite Baddie being Badder.
Then we get stupid in the immortal rea-- housing development? Cang Jiumin is Tantai Jin in a different-ish wig pre yassification. He does more cultivating. He gets more hurt and scorn. He gets some action with his wife. He gets an outfit change.
The ending? I'm sobbing. I have been touched and I'm crying as I type this.
The Good, The Bad, The WTF
I liked that they were so enemies to lovers that I honestly did not see how they were going to ever be lovers. Good.
I liked our cast of characters-- brother Qingyu is the Square, Pian Ran is our favorite Vixen, Nian Baiyu needs a raise and Xiao Lin is Just Ken. Love it.
Episodes 36 and on-- the Bad.
Episode 39-- WTF. What made him think let's have this banging Goth Wedding so you'll hate me because, "I hate you." Yes, we are pseudo sleeping together in my Bo'Re Life because, "Susu you gotta hate me too," and when will the logic ever happen? I just think he needed to think through his justifications for his advancement of death more. Felt half baked imo.
And who made the rules? I thought when he absorbs the Devil God's Favorite Things and the evil bone *persistent snickering* then it was evil onsite? Last time I checked, Jin was still home.
Who decided Sang Jiu taking away Ming Ye's voice during The Sex was sexy (see: a dream within a dream)?!
Why did y'all embrace the freaking Lord of Evil when he's called The LORD of EVIL. Get me outta the simulation!
To the Viki comments section. Y'all was the best of all'em. From Naruto, to Death Note, Rolex and Nasa, and Team Rocket. I was rolling.
My Rating...
8/10 for Tantai Jin's outfits as Emperor and Devil God.
I like 'em bad.
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callme-dickmaster · 1 year
Sweetheart - (eddie munson x reader)
Ch. Five - Bullshit/Mildly Attractive Men Are The Downfall Of Y/n Mayfield
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summary: nancy decides being a stupid teenager for the night is worth risking her relationship; y/n takes a sad steve harrington home. cw: 18+ (minors dni) this is obnoxiously long, unfortunate use of y/n, idk if i projected in this, it's possible in every chapter, language, high school party, underage drinking, small smutty bit, like the tiniest bit -i think that's all- author's note: y'all... this one hits different. i'm trying to push these out quick because i'm feeling okay enough to not sleep all day. it shouldn't take too long to get next few chapters out. i also took out the pairing because i don't think it fit with this chapter ;) let me know if i missed any warnings. love you <3
<<Part 4 --- Part 6 >>
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Nancy and Y/n branched off to the kitchen island when Billy and his boyfriends rocked up to shit talk to Steve. Y/n didn’t bother with the punch and grabbed the bottle of Jack next to it and poured a double into her solo cup. Nancy went straight in and started downing punch.
“Hey, hey, hey, Nancy! Slow down! Steve said, grabbing at her cup.
“We’re just stupid teenagers for the night. That was the deal, right?” Nancy snapped before dancing her way into the crowd. Steve sighed and leaned on the counter.
Y/n went and leaned against the wall and sipped her drink. She was bored and wished she had hung out with Max instead. She dug into her jacket for her prepared “stuff” to get at least a tiny bit hyped for the party. Lighting the joint and smiling to herself as she blew out the smoke.
A while later, Y/n looked up when Girls on Film started playing and she snickered to herself, “Shit, they knew you were coming, Harrington!” she said quietly. She laughed at Steve trying to make eye contact with her as he pointed to the speakers and to himself. Y/n gave him a mocking thumbs-up before puffing on her blunt again. She squinted at him and smiled goofily, earning a laugh from the guy dancing with his girlfriend.
Nancy noticed Y/n by herself and danced her way over to her. “Y/n, come on! It’s a party! You’re supposed to dance!” Nancy slurred, already drunk after guzzling punch for the last hour. Y/n shook her head with a grin, “I don’t dance, man.” Nancy rolled her eyes and pulled Y/n into the crowd.
“Steve! Y/n said she doesn’t dance!” Nancy said like she was tattling on her. Y/n shrugged, twirling her joint in her fingers. “Well, we gotta fix that!” Steve exclaimed, grabbing Y/n’s hand and forcing her to dance.
“You’re lucky I can smoke with no hands,” she said. Steve laughed and twirled himself under her arm. The dancing combined with the weed was allowing Y/n to have a good time with herself. The group shared Y/n’s joint until she finished it off during a KISS song. Y/n almost looked offended that they would play KISS while she was there. Nancy giggled drunkenly at Y/n’s anger about the band before running off to grab more punch. Steve sighed and followed her. It had been more than enough.
Y/n shrugged and continued to dance. “Hey! You’re the new girl right?!” A girl with curly strawberry blonde hair and dressed in a scratched-up white dress asked when she danced her way over to Y/n.
Y/n nodded, bopping to the music. “Cool! I’m Carol!” the girl said over the music. Y/n smiled and waved at Anna when she also danced her way over with a couple more girls. Usually, Y/n would’ve thought these types of girls wouldn’t give her the time of day, but she guessed Steve and Nancy were pretty popular around here.
Y/n and Anna winced when they saw Nancy spill her drink all over her white costume. She huffed and stormed off into a bathroom with Steve trailing after her.
Carol and the few other girls around just giggled stupidly at Nancy’s misfortune in front of everyone. Yeah, exactly as Y/n thought. Mean girls who were only out to push themselves up the ladder. “So… is Billy your, like, boyfriend? Or…” one of the girls asked, swaying a little too close to Y/n.
Y/n physically gagged in disgust at the thought of dating Billy. “Hell no! He’s my stepbrother. He’s all yours!” Y/n said, waving her hand at them. The gaggle of girls squealed together and trampled over to Billy’s little circle of friends in the middle of the crowd. Anna and Y/n laughed at the girls trying to stumble over each other for Billy’s attention.
The fun didn’t last much longer when Y/n saw Steve come downstairs and go straight outside. “Uh, I think something went down,” she said, staring at the back door. Anna looked at Y/n and then to the door she was staring at when Steve came barreling back inside.
“You okay?” Anna asked. Y/n nodded, “I don’t think Nancy or Steve is. I’m gonna go check on them,” Anna nodded quickly, and Y/n pushed through the dancing teenagers to follow Steve out the front door. Y/n had to run to catch up to him. “Steve! Hey, Steve! Harrington!” Y/n yelled sharply.
He whirled around at her tone but couldn’t find it in him to say anything. Y/n jogged up to him and put a hand on his arm. “What happened?” she asked. Steve shook his head, refusing to look at her. Y/n searched for his eyes and sighed. Steve finally looked her in the eye, trembling lip and all, making her eyes widen.
“Sh-she said I was bullshit…” he whispered. He looked pitiful. Y/n didn’t know what to say. On one hand, Nancy was her friend, and she didn’t want to talk badly about her, but on the other, Steve was her friend too and he needed support. Fuck. Y/n flinched and balled up her hands when Steve wrapped her up in a hug, hiding his face in her shoulder. She relaxed and hugged him back, wincing when he started fully crying in her arms.
“Here, gimme your keys. You aren’t driving like this,” Y/n said firmly. Steve wiped his cheeks and gave her his car keys before flopping down in the passenger seat. Y/n got in the driver’s side, and they drove away. Steve sighed sadly as the house disappeared behind them. He was worried to leave Nancy alone while she was drunk, but Jonathan said he would take care of her. And there was the fact that she didn’t love him anymore… if at all…
“Steve.” He jumped and turned to the girl driving his car. Y/n smiled comfortingly, “You still wanna watch Risky Business? You can even make fun of me for being confused because it’s inevitable that I will be,” she asked.
Steve laughed and sniffled, “Yeah, sure. I’ll try and be gentle on you.”
Y/n smiled and turned on the radio. Whip It by DEVO started playing, forcing a grin onto her face. Such a Steve song to play.
Steve told her directions to his house and despite feeling like shit because of Nancy, he was smiling. He glanced down at her hand that was resting on the console between them and took it in his. Y/n looked at him to find he was just looking at her tattoos. Well, he was at first. After a minute of looking at and tracing her tattoos with his finger, he ended up just holding her hand. Y/n allowed it. He was in a rough spot and any comfort she could provide was fine with her.
She gaped a little at his house when they pulled up. It was nice. Nicer than any house Y/n had been in. If you didn’t know he had money, you would be surprised too! Y/n turned off the car and checked the back to make sure there wasn’t anything of Nancy’s to give her. Steve met her at the front of the car and quickly locked their hands back together. She pulled him up to the house before looking up at him and handing him his keys. Steve was still staring at their hands. Y/n wished she could tell what he was thinking. She made the mistake of leaning closer to find his eyes.
The silence and tension must have been too much for Steve because he leaned in and kissed her, cupping her cheek. Y/n inhaled sharply and clenched her fists at her sides, unintentionally squeezing Steve’s hand.
The pressure on his hand snapped him out of it and he pulled back, covering his mouth. “I’m sorry! I…” Y/n only laughed. “It’s chill, Steve. Sometimes you need a distraction. I get it. Trust me, I get it,” she said, entering the house. He stood on the porch for a second, stunned. How can she be so nonchalant about everything? And why was she being so nice to him? “You coming, man?” Y/n asked. Steve nodded, running a hand through his hair.
They both decided they wanted to change out of their costumes, so when Steve came downstairs to see her still in hers scanning the movie rack he was confused.
“I thought you wanted to change?” he asked.
“Ah, I didn’t bring any other clothes, so I’ll just wear this,” Y/n shrugged.
Steve hummed and thought for a second. “Hold on, I’ll get you some,” he then disappeared upstairs before she could convince him not to. (Because she easily could.) Y/n pursed her lips and sighed, sitting on the couch with the movies she picked. Steve came back down shortly after with the clothes folded and handed them to her. When she went to protest he told her to ‘shut up and change before I do it for you.’ Y/n simply nodded and went into the bathroom.
Steve finally took a second to breathe and think. It’s like she said: he just needed a distraction. It doesn’t mean anything to either of them whatever happens. No biggie. Steve looked at the tapes she left on the couch and tilted his head to read them. Halloween, Poltergeist, Risky Business, The Outsiders. He smiled and placed Risky Business on the bottom. It can wait.
Y/n came out of the bathroom after he got the TV set up, dressed in his clothes, no makeup, and a nervous look in her eye. “I thought we were watching Risky Business?” she asked.
The menu screen for Halloween was up and playing the famous piano theme on a loop. Steve shrugged, “I figured we could watch it later. I haven’t seen this one yet.” It was Y/n’s turn to gape at him.
“You’ve never seen Halloween?! This is, like, my all-time favorite movie!” she exclaimed, falling next to him on the couch. Steve laughed and shrugged, “I guess I’ve never been a horror movie guy.” Y/n squinted and shook her head at him. “Disappointed in you boy,” she said. He snickered and pressed play. “This is literally my comfort movie. It’s so good,” Y/n piped up during the opening credits. Steve giggled, tossing one of his arms over the back of the couch.
After a few minutes of watching, Steve was feeling very lonely again. “Hey, Y/n?” she hummed in response, still staring at the screen. “Could we be, like, closer?” Steve asked, opening his arms. Y/n shrugged and nodded, scooting closer to him and laying herself on his chest, wrapping her arms around him. Steve smiled, running his hand up and down her back as a thank you.
“Hey, Steve, you never told me you were, like, rich. It totally doesn’t matter, but you never told me,” Y/n said, still watching the movie. “Yeah, my dad’s money? No thanks. I would rather set myself up and do my own thing, you know? I always had this dream of a big family, big house, nice job, no worries… Stuff like that. Pretty wife to come home to… Guess it’s not like I hoped it would be now, huh?” Steve asked still playing with her hair. Y/n set her chin on his chest to look up at him. “You can still have your family dream, Steve. Just because it isn’t with Nancy doesn’t mean your life is over. It just means maybe she wasn’t the one!” she said hopefully.
Steve just nodded twirling her hair in his hands. He kept going back to the moment on the porch. Y/n’s lips were soft. Softer than he expected. He wasn’t trying to push it, but he really wanted to do it again. Just a distraction… Steve ran his thumb on her cheek before slowly leaning in to kiss her again. Y/n hesitated but kissed him back this time. Steve sat them up, making Y/n end up in his lap as they kissed. She opened her eyes and pulled away, hanging her head with a sigh.
“Steve, no. You’re not in a good place and I don’t want to feel like I’m taking advantage of you,” she said. Steve shook his head quickly, “You’re not taking advantage of me. I just… I just need this. Kinda…” he stuttered.
Y/n squinted suspiciously at the boy she was still on top of, and he squeezed her hips. She didn’t have an issue with sex, it was the situation that made her weary. “Please… please?” Steve breathed, kissing her cheek.
Y/n sighed heavily. Fuck it.
She finally just shrugged, throwing her morals out the window and kissing Steve again. He groaned, wrapping his arms around her, and returning the kiss enthusiastically. Y/n pulled away to quickly strip them both of their shirts before continuing. Steve smiled into their kiss when Y/n ran her hands through his hair, pulling it roughly as they rocked against each other. This was way faster and steamier than any other time he’d had with Nancy. Nancy always seemed nervous and stiff, but Y/n was currently taking control and moving fluidly with Steve.
He tossed his head back, gasping when she started to actually grind on him. Y/n smirked, kissing his neck, and laying her head on his shoulder. “Fuck, you’re good at this!” Steve laughed breathlessly. Y/n paused and shrugged, “I’ve had some practice.” Steve smiled, kissing her quickly before fumbling to take his sweatpants off. Y/n laughed, sitting up so he could take them off. Steve smiled up at her and brought her to him again. Steve’s eyebrows pinched together, and he groaned when her fingers touched his dick through his underwear. “B-bedroom?” Steve panted. Y/n nodded, yelping when he picked her up and wrapped her legs around his waist.
Shit what did I get myself into?!
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taglist: @sisgotdemons @tlclick733 @deafeningmoontragedy @marjoriea13 @playfuloutcast @twosluttychains @leetaeilsnecktattoo @lil-quinnie @razzles-bottom-lip @originalstar1 @yessargeantbarnes @bebe0701 @shotgunhallelujah @uselessastheginlasagnaa @mynameismothra @niragis-right-hand-rabbit @shecagobaby @moviefreak1205 @munsonmunster @chonkzombie @sadbitchfangirl @screaming-blue-bagel @urdad-hot @kjaxm @xxaestheticboyxx @ok-boke @coffeeaddictednymph
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tiny author's note: yeah. that happened. you're welcome. i need it to advance the plot... nothing else... shh... <3
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something-pithy · 6 months
(Quick) Notes and an Update: Come and Knock on My Door...
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pictured above: Ascended Astarion before this Tav is like "Nah, bruh, i think this might be toxic OK gotta go bye" 5 Years Later...
Happy Tuesday, my sweet summer children!
And y'all salty ones, too :D
So Chapter 12 is up, and it's deadass over 5000 words of Astarion at different levels of unhinged and Tav at different levels of drunk af.
looool I mean, I had a lot of fun with it.
Quick Notes:
OMG y’all, so Patch 5, amirite?!
Given the nature and content of an echo, a stain, OBVIOUSLY I AM EXCITE. 
A couple of things for the record:
Everything through Chapter 12 of this story was written as published before I saw any type of Ascendant epilogue. 
I don’t have an Ascendant Epilogue of my own to review because though I was in EA from jump and have 1700+ hours in this game (lol michaeljordangetsomehelp.gif), I've only completed one playthrough so far and I definitely failed the constitution check to complete the game with Astarion Ascended (listen, I love writing Ascendant Astarion but at the core of my being I'm here for ProcessingTrauma!Astarion and in the game, that's my SpawnStarion, baby)
My beta watched a video of the Ascendant epilogue and took notes, then gave me a bulleted list an echo, a stain was right about both in the parts that have been published, the parts that are still in progress, and the notes/outline for the rest of the story... loool it's a long list. tl;dr an echo, a stain remains pretty canon-compliant even post-epilogue.
I'm going to stop promising things about what I'm going to write in my notes. I really always do this with the best intentions, but once I drop a chapter, very frequently the day gets away from me because dropping the chapter took longer than I thought and/or I have other things to do.
If you have a specific meta question, don't hesitate to ask! I'm a teacher and a librarian and there's nothing I believe harder than "There are no dumb questions."
Normally I try to put out two new chapters each week, but after I dropped Ch 12 I started working on what was supposed to be Ch 13 and this motherfucker turned out to be 24 pages / 10K words.
I'm going to do my damnedest to get it posted today, but the revision process on this thing is already more involved than usual for a number of reasons. My incredible beta whomst I don't even deserve and I are working hard on figuring out how the MANY different things that happen in those 10K words best go together, best fit into the story, and also fix my Britishisms because during that torrent of word vomit I definitely started slipping into my native New Yorker / New Jerseyan f-bomb city patterns here and there. looool
Aight beautiful people, that's what I've got for now. I actually honestly do have about 2K words on alignment, good vs. evil, how they work (in my opinion) in BG3 and this story that are going to be pretty relevant to the HECKIN CHONKER of stuff that's coming up soon, but... we'll get there when we get there. Have a delicious day!
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vintagelacerosette · 1 year
Tag Game catch up ✨️
I was tagged to do these awesome tag games made by our shining star Macy @celestialmickey & was also tagged by these angel pies Evie @energievie Julissa @heymrspatel Jay @surviving-maybe Harvey @mikhailoisbaby Willow @ian-galagher Kaka @stocious Auds @auds-and-evens Michelle @michellemisfit Leah @whatwouldmickeydo Vey @look-i-love-u Julia @juliakayyy Ri @tanktopgallavich thank youuu 🥰
Name: Myn
Age: 26
Where in the world are you? Sydneeeyy
The meaning behind your URL: the mash up of pretty words & when i began this blog i had aspirations of being a pretty vintage type aesthetic blog lmao
Your second favourite color: Periwinkle
Any pets? My doggie Roxy
Favourite season: Currently, I'll say it's autumn but it varies bc I barely have any distinction with the season living in Australia lol so I'm happy as long as it's sunny & not blistering heat with a light breeze haha
Last thing you read:
Got fics in rotation at the moment haha but I'm rereading
Let the bodies to the talkin' by the magnificent Jane @captainjowl
My Nine Lover by the sensational Anna @annatrow
Last of a Dying Breed by the terrific @wildxwired
For a book I've started Be not Afraid of Love by Mimi Zhu that is a collection writings about the author's journey of relearning to love again after experiencing a violent relationship
Last song you listened to:
I'm getting familiar with the new FOB album 💕
What are you wearing right now? Black cardigan, brown pleated mini dress with pastel green low heels
A hobby of yours: Paper quilling
Your comfort show or movie: Currently Shadows and Bone (gotta get that Six of Crows spin off lmao)
and finally, what are you up to today? Dinner at restaurant I planned to catch up eith my old workmates bc I didn't get to do a farewell dinner when I left in December 🥰
Your Name: Myn
Your Age: XXVI
Your First Fandom(s): I think Violet x Tate from American Horror Story
Your Current Fandom(s): Gallavich & Wesper (my book babies got adapted to tv y'all 🤧💕)
How did you first get into fandom? I think i got i more into the fandom culture in 2012 but i did take a break for like maybe 3 years bc I had no idea how the site worked or how to make friends haha. So i missed many of the iconic tumblr moments.
How long have you been engaging with fandom spaces? I remember reading animr fanfic since year six or year 7 so in 2008/2009 & I joined tumblr in 2012 as a more passive participant spam reblogging bc I had no idea how the site worked at first lol. Then I became a more active participant in the gallavich fandom in 2022 when I decided to post my first gallacrafts in feb 🥰
How often do you read fanfics? Every single day & every spare hour I can spare
Top 3 characters from your current fandom(s):
Mickey my beloved Milkovich, Ian sweetface Gallagher & Sandy darling Milkovich
Wylan Van Sunshine, Jesper hotshooter Fahey & Kazzle Dazzle Brekker
Have you ever written a fic for a fandom? if so, shout it out! Not yet, but I oh so plan to I got wips summaries coming out the wahzoo
Have you ever drawn fanart for a fandom? if so, shout it out! Yess i am so happy to have made some fanart for our lovely Macy's fanfic Your Message Has Been Received, Gallavich × Good Omens fanart for Gallacrafts & other art found in the tag #Myn's art
Share a personal headcanon that you feel very strongly about:
Ian gets the fucking Monica boobs tattoo fixed omfg it'll be a touching tribute to her not whatever the fuck that was. Also Mick gets Ian's name fixed too. They could do it together & then get tattoos that symbolise each other on their bods
You’re trying to convince a friend to get into your current fandom(s) with you. what episode, clip, or scene are you showing them? Ohh CLUB KISS CLUB KISS CLUB KISS
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Shadow and Bone
Under carriage scene! Recognised his man by being on top of him. The muscles memory of it all 😏
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And finally, what does fandom mean to you? Fandom gave me back my creative passion back. Something I thought I had lost & desperate wanted back but had no idea how, but by finding all of you beautiful, amazingly sweet & brilliant minds that came together out of the love our soft & sensitive husbands I found a safe place & a home where I can share what I create which is my love. So thank you all forever for being in my life 🥹
Also this Picrew too & this is basically my outfit for dinner just a lighter brown dress with plaid & minus the frog hat sadly 😔🐸
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I'll tag these dearhearts if they wanna play @scarcrosseduntouched @andthatisnotfake @adakechi @skies-below @ lingy910y @imikhailotakeyouian @babygirlmickey @too-schoolforcool @gardenerian @creepkinginc @demontargaryen @chicanomick @suzy-queued @tomorrowillmissyou @ intotheblindinglight @lalazeewrites @tellmegoodbye @jomilky @darthvaders-wife @flamingbluepanda @crossmydna @depressedstressedlemonzest @gallavichgeek @gallavichsbitch @shameless-notashamed @callivich @sickness-health-all-that-shit @bravemikhailo @7x10mickey @sleepyfacetoughguy @suchagallabitch @iansw0rld @ deathclassic @grabmyboner @y0itsbri @grumpymickmilk
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chidoroki · 9 months
182 Days of TPN - Day 165
Chapter 165: "You Can Fly!"
(I've finally reached that point where those old chapter reviews of mine became consistent, so if there's some deja vu moments with stuff I say from here onwards then I apologize. Might not happen since those were done blindly while I have a perfectly good idea of what happens in the story now, but I'll look back at those posts just in case so I don't become a broken record.)
I find it so adorable that even after so many years, Isabella still thinks of Leslie.
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The hatred I feel for Sarah has grown immensely over the past couple months, so of course now I can't help but feel a bit giddy over her being shipped out. Peter eventually comes in with a comment stating that the farm made the decision based on who, between Isabella or Sarah, would be more beneficial to the farms, and with the impressive results Isabella has made during her time as caretaker, she was chosen as the obvious choice to keep around. And rightfully so. Thank heavens.
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I know this poor woman just wanted to be free from all this hell and while I certainly don't wish to see Isabella suffer under the farm's rules and restrictions anymore, I love her too much to just see her get killed off, so you gotta stick around for a couple more years to help out the kids honey. It'll be worth it.
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As much as I despise the man, I do like the intense shadow Peter gets across him during this panel. It really makes the sinister aura believable with how terrified Isabella looks, and for a woman who's been around death for so long and perfected a strong facade over the years to actually show some kind of fear, that's quite impressive he managed to make her feel that way.
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After all this time and now I'm just getting the feeling that Isabella was crying a bit sometime during that panel of her looking at her number and chip implant in the mirror back at GF. Anyways, I know it was intentional for her to look completely scared upon making this deal with Peter here, but I love that it's all just an act as we later find out in ch170. (also, not important but this is my post so it was gonna get mentioned anyway: absolutely thankful that the second season decided to keep Isabella's hair down during this scene. She may have made the deal with one of the GF demons instead of Peter, but I can forgive the anime for that because Isabella just looked so perfect.)
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Duh, everything this woman does is impressive. Sure, it's real bummer for those kids who had to be shipped out, but at least we learned during 181.7 that she did lower the frequency of the shipments so a fewer number of children were shipped out all together. It was a whole quality over quantity idea that worked out well so good for her. The less lives lost the better.
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I'm certainly repeating myself from somewhere, but the way Isabella was able to successfully rally all the other moms and sisters together in less than a day is just fantastic. Such a power move. I still geek out over it.
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Motherly instincts kicking back in (pfft, silly me, as if they ever left. that's genuine concern on her face). It's certainly a painful way to fix a finger but at least she helped!
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The switch from "mom" to "caretaker" happens so quick it could give someone whiplash. Honey, I know this is all part of a grand performance but I don't like when you openly treat your precious children as food!
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Still wondering how y'all managed to cross the giant cliff in order to sneak into headquarters but whatever works I guess. I'm certain they didn't just cross the bridge since security probably would've been alerted much sooner and I'm not gonna believe they arrived via random hot air balloons like the second season did. Regardless, it was quite a surprise to see Norman armed with a gun but very welcomed. Seeing him in the shelter jacket and pants is a good look for him too.
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Favorite panel/moment:
Oh to be lucky enough to receive a hug from such a beautiful woman.
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Hey everyone.
So this is just a life update. I uh... I haven't talked to you all in a very long time I think. And that's probably not great for me, tbh. I'm sorry I've been a bad friend to you all and not stayed in touch, still trying to kick that habit.
Have a face pic for funsies though.
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New prescription on those peepers, but they're sadly too snug so I gotta go back and get that fixed. Also I have a little No Face and he is my lovely book case friend. He says hi.
Anyway... what's new?
I work at a new college now, left the old one, doubled my salary and it's still not enough to combat inflation?? Companies stop draining us dry challenge. Stopped teaching :( but I had to make money??? To have family??? Hate that for me, but it's where we are. Wife and I thinking about baby and moving soon, again, and I may even knit a sweater. Yes, that's definitely the most exciting challenge of those three.
Haven't written or read anything in forever :/ Oops. My new job has wild seasons. I do almost nothing during the summer, but I have to come in anyway, but right now I'm Drowninggggg. Don't like that. The work is not hard but sometimes high pressure and sometimes fiddly. Deadlines are real and I hate that. But, new work will pay for an MFA so maybe I ought to do that and get into a proper real life writing circle or something. Feeling the Fraud and Actually No Good At Anything lately. I think I'm overworked, under rested, and under socialized is all. Mental health is unbearable maintenance, y'all. They gotta invent an easier kind.
Also recovering from Bad Cold/vaccine reaction?/body sabotage. Think I worked too long with no rest and body just ragequit for me. Not totally better yet, but much improved.
Won't probably be able to respond until Tuesday night, but I'd like to hear from you. You're good egg. Hope you've reaped something good recently.
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mr-independent · 1 year
'its been a while bud,' you might be saying, 'whereve you been?'
Doing stuff. My life is busy as all hell lately, but hey at least i got a free neon yellow fitbit out of the deal. Ironically, yellow is one of my favourite colours and also one of the 2 (two) colours that i can't really see. Yes, I have tritanomaly. No, I don't understand how those two things can both be true, either.
Anyways it's Christmas in May, dear 4 followers that love these posts, so let's crack open a cold one for the boys and get right into it.
S2e4, Coach Santa:
-- why is Colin wearing a turkey hat? I thought that was an American Thanksgiving thing? (Edit: apparently people eat turkey on Xmas. I grew up so decolonized i asked my mom once why my friend Baz wore a t necklace when his name started with a B. Turns out it was a cross. All I know of Xmas comes from Santa depictions and Christmas themed tv show episodes lmao)
-- Isaac's Santa outfit is fucking Iconic
-- Keeley and the Diamond Dogs is such an underrated dynamic i love them so much
-- the immediate teamwork to put together the gift for Jamie is a cute little moment 🥰
-- the title callback to the weird claymation short thing is also a nice touch. Can you tell i love Xmas episodes bc i do. I'm also Jewish lol. And I love irony.
-- I keep forgetting Roy's sister is a surgeon. Also Sexy December 28th is hilarious, i really hope they stuck with it
-- what in the world is the Higgins kid doing with a surfboard in England???
-- the fact that nobody used to show up for Higgins Christmases until Ted showed up 🥰
-- the fact that Henry got his dad a dartboard, Ted's favourite thing to do with his own dad when he was Henry's age, hurts my heart
-- Everyone is wearing shoes indoors. Is that like. An English thing? Ted is too, is that also an American thing? I am. Horrified
-- 'this one is pre-cheekied' I love u Dani
-- Richard is like The French Stereotype and I love that for him lol
-- Roy is lactose intolerant and ate so much ice cream he shit his pants? Relatable king. Also his birthday was three weeks before christmas, making him a Sagittarius, for those so inclined to know
-- Dani and Zoreaux acting like they're gonna die in the trenches over a nerd gun war are such fucking nerds
-- how long, do y'all think, has Rebecca been doing this? I'd like to think it was a sneaky little tradition she hid from Rupert for years
-- 'theres two white people at the door and they're smiling' you go babe tell it like it is
-- look i get Keeley has long nails but pressing a doorbell with your whole palm is unhinged behaviour
-- 'let me fix my knee' *just fucking punches it into place* gotta say, Roy's getting more relatable by the minute. I too have fixed my janky knee by simply shoving it back into place
-- Keeley is wearing a crop top in December. Gotta love the commitment. Also Ussie guy has such long hair now wtf
-- gotta say i completely forgot Christmas Poppers were a thing. That's uh. Not what immediately comes to mind when someone uses the word poppers around me but hey that's just me
-- i forgot we so often get answers to our questions in this show. Rebecca has been doing this for years. I love when I'm right
-- Ted's 'right I'm the one with the accent here'... Ive lost track of how many times I've had that exact thought lmao
-- Love Actually! Good movie, love that Roy thought of that
-- Ted thinks singing is just talking an octave lower. Not surprising but funny nonetheless. And before you say it, yes i understand that was Jason Sudekis' solution to trying to sing in a different accent so he doesn't sound like Jason Sudekis but also. Adorable.
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