audiofanficpod · 10 months
forty days before by @wtfmulder
Read by Annie
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lilydalexf · 2 years
👽 Random X-Files Fic Rec
This fic involves a casefile requiring a nice trip to the forest that is not so nice. As if that’s not enough to go make you read right now, there's a motel with only one room and one bed, the bed sees some action, there's partnership angst, cancer arc angst, and some parallel universes thrown into the mix. It's a lot, and it's all very good. Title: Doorway to the Gods Author: @wtfmulder Summary: Mulder and Scully travel to Arizona to investigate the ‘Doorway to the Gods,’ a rock formation that is said to give wanderers access to a parallel universe. Length: 14,757 words Classification: UST, RST, casefile, angst Rating: Explicit Spoilers: None listed (but it is set in season 5) Favorite line: His gaze simultaneously turned her to solid metal and melted her down. Read the story!
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pianogirlxf · 1 year
15 Questions 15 Answers
Thanks @randomfoggytiger
1. Are you named after anyone?
My Dad said yes, my Mom said no. So, maybe? It’s a very unusual name and in my entire life I’ve only met a handful of other people with it.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Yesterday when talking about my deceased father.
3. Do you have kids?
Three. Girl, boy, girl.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
I sure did when I was younger. It was my default. Now almost never.
5. What sports do you play/have played?
Zero. I don’t even really like to watch them much. Baseball is OK.
6. What’s the first thing you notice about other people?
Their height.
7. What’s your eye color?
A warm brown, almost amber.
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings, if I have to chose. But I actually prefer gritty realism.
9. Any special talents?
Special? I have talents, but I think they are pretty run of the mill, such as playing the piano.
10. Where were you born?
California, US. But I have lived many, many places.
11. What are your hobbies?
Sewing. I love to make my own clothes. Anything X-Files. Learning Finnish.
12. Do you have any pets?
Two cats, Mochi and Clementine.
13. How tall are you?
5’11”, which is probably why I always notice people’s height.
14. Favorite subject in school?
Music, English, and History
15. Dream job?
Other than Agent Mulder’s personal assistant, you mean? Composer. Which I am, so lucky me, I guess. Although I would like to be a world-famous Pulitzer Prize winning composer, which I am not. So there’s that.
Let’s see your answers
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fine-nephrit · 4 months
🥏 TXF Fic Rec #8: ''Chantilly Lace" by wtfmulder
Who doesn’t love a well-done MSR first-time smut biscuit? I sure do.
This one is not your run-of-the-mill PWP. It has strong character voices, sizzling dialogues, and a lovely prose style. The story starts with a rendition of jealous!Mulder that I love and ends with steamy, angsty sex. I like a bit of character insight and a little angst to go with the sex. This fic does that perfectly.
It’s so so hot.
🥏 chantilly lace by wtfmulder (@wtfmulder)
Length: short, 2,000+ words Season: season 6 Relationship(s): M/S First-time Tags: angst, smut, jealousy Rating: Explicit/NC-17
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tumblemumbler · 2 days
Don't be shy, drop some fic recs?
Ok ok, I’m always afraid to do this because I hate to forget one and then the author doesn’t get acknowledged but I will do my best. Many of these are already listed by @enigmaticxbee who has heroically compiled numerous lists of fanfic recommendations by category. Many others out here doing that work (thank you!!), so this is very much just a “some things I loved” list. Most are explicit because I love me some smut.
love you but you’re green by wtfmulder - an incredible combination of nostalgia and sex
Contact High by Penumbra - I’m new to the game here, but it’s my understanding that this is a Classic Must Read and it’s for good reason
Suncadia by SisterSpooky1013 - one of the first ones I read, a case file and a getting together story that gave me a whole range of feels and got me excited to read more x files fics
Destined Reckoning by Spark_a_Flame - an AU crossover with a Stephen King book I’ve never read, but it didn’t matter. I’m always here for some post apocalyptic Mulder and Scully
Dropped Call by Phillip_Padgett - the absolute glorious smut this human writes is unbelievable. This is one of my favorites but there are no bad choices, every story is a banger (ha. Hahaha. Sorry)
Tremors in the unshakeable ground by coppersunlight - I’m not alllll about the angst, I’m more of an occasional partaker, but this filled a deep need I didn’t know I had for some goddamn Diana Fowley accountability
Shine On by cecily_sass - every once in awhile I read something with a premise I don’t even expect to like just because I know the author is good, and this one hooked me very quickly. It’s hard to describe what is so compelling: the words, the character choices, I don’t even know, just go read it.
from this morning forward by thursdaysinspace - a charmingly realistic look at how m&s do the hard work to find their way back to each other in the revival. Sweet, sexy, and gives the characters credit for all the effort it takes to make love last.
The X Files - Slip of the Tongue by Skinfull - every week I await the new installment, like a perfect little treat the universe is giving us for being fans
Si Hoc Legere Potes, Liberaliter Educatus by Aloysia_Virgata - so many great ones from this author, but this one cracked me up and gave me some feels too. A little revival therapy
Love and Bearclaws by Edie_Rone - short, sweet, and so so cute. A perfect little vignette
Throwing Good After Bad by oohnotvery - a clever twist on a common trope of the two of them going undercover together. Twists and turns and sex, oh my!
Takeout Interruptus by lonegunga1 - you need an ao3 login for this one. Just a cute funny slice of life in early MSR
Honestly there are so many more so my sincerest apologies to the authors I have read and enjoyed and didn’t properly get into this list - the fault is in my memory not in their work. Hopefully I have left them a comment at one point so that they feel appreciated! Also, all these authors have written many good things, go down those rabbit holes it’s the best.
One bonus, which is not actually X Files at all:
The Adventure of the Lady Detective and the Writer by mldrgrl - a romance saga between Stella from The Fall and Hank Moody from Californication. I was very skeptical and now I am a complete convert, this ship is genius.
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ellivia · 14 days
Hi! Do you know if there is list of Mulder and Scully fanfics having phone sex? 👀
Sorry for another question but do you know about any good post-Tithonus fics? I need some jealous Mulder 😩
I’m sorry it took me so long to answer you! ❤️
I know of a few phone sex fics!
On the Line by @icedteainthebag is a favorite (as is all her other smut)
Today by @storybycorey is a series that I loved (she’s queen of the slow burn)
Extension Line by @wtfmulder (also a fantastic smut writer)
I realize now that you asked me for a list 😬 I’m sorry, maybe @lilydalexf will know of one, as they seem to have fic recs on lockdown.
As for Tithonus fic, I’m not as familiar with that genre, but I’ll throw this ask out to the masses to see what they can offer you!
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pennyserenade · 11 months
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there is a plethora of good x-files fanfics out there and i've just started to develop the problem of reading a very good one and not being able to find it again. because of this - and because all of these are genuinely novel worthy and the writers are INSANELY talented - i've decided to compile a list of some of my absolute favorites. some of these are from ao3 & some of them i found on other websites, such as x-libris and the gossamer project. i hope you enjoy these as much as i did and do. they mean the world to my romantic heart.
incrementum by lepusarcticus (explicit) - this was the first x-files fanfic i ever remember reading. i was trying desperately not to spoil the show for myself and i found out that this fic followed along the narrative, which was a godsend. i got the best of both worlds: a delectable, angsty passionate mulder/scully fic (in which they fucked from day 1) and no spoilers. it was so so so so fun reading this alongside watching the show. this writer is brilliant
omens by lepusarcticus (explicit) - i was not lying when i said this writer is brilliant. this entire thing reads like a novel and i could not for the life of me put it down when i stumbled upon it. its angsty and interesting, and could very well be another episode of the x-files because the case mulder and scully are one is so compelling. it is not easy feat to write something this good. chris carter, eat your heart out
triptych by iconicscullyoutfits (not rated but i'd say mature) - THIS WAS SO FUCKING GOOD. i can't speak highly enough about this one. its an au where mulder is married to diana fowley when he meets scully. its so so so so amazing. like i'd very well call this literature because it expanded my mind (i learned a great deal from this, especially from the chapter ice). i think diana was a very interesting character and i feel as though this fic treats her with the interest she deserves. the writing in this one is simply insane too - i'm envious of it and so so so in love with it.
love in all the wrong places by sisterspooky1013 (explicit) - mulder and scully accidentally have cybersex with each other while trying out online dating group chats. what more can i say? (also i applaud this author for making mulder's online handle allshookup61. that's so fucking mulder)
universal invariants (set from 1 to early season 2) and its sequel, laws of motion (set season 5) (both explicit) by syntax6 - these both hold such a special place in my heart. it is an au that takes on the idea that scully's bf (who was cut from the pilot, never to see the light of day) stays in the picture and there when dana starts working with fox. universal invariants makes me want to weep to because dana and fox are both so young and earnest and stupid! and laws of motion is great because they're still stupid but they're wiser about it. this is very dana and fox. i love, love, love the parts of universal invariants that cover dana's abduction arc. god these are GOOD.
arizona highways by fialka (explicit) - if you're one of those girlies who really likes an x-files episode that has a lot of case-file and scully going on, this one is FOR you. it is angsty in the worst of ways, covering more of what we see in the episodes christmas carol and emily. this is another one that i would call a novel, both in length and content. it is great and it is a very good dive into the character of scully and how she handles problems in her life
heart's desire by malibusunset (explicit) - this another really great scully-focused fic, where mulder is being a bit of an ass - as he is prone to - but she makes him come to his senses accidentally. i love a good jealous mulder and i love it even more when scully isn't exactly aware she's making him that way. this is so good that i stayed up an entire night reading it. you should too!
the guts / the incision / cauterize by wtfmulder (not all of the chapters are explicit but i would call this explicit in general) - this one is so fucking angsty it made me ache incredibly. it is a sucker punch to the gut that only the lovers (or rather, dedicated haters) of the diana/fox/dana situationship can truly appreciate. also, if you like your mulder a bit of an ass (i do! i think he really can be! i think its good to talk about!) this author is for you!!!
doorway to gods by wtfmulder (explicit) - a fic where mulder & scully go investigate a supposed portal to other dimensions shortly after scully recovers from cancer, and they both find themselves in separate hellish alternative universes where other mulder & scullys aren't doing so well. this is angsty, TOP TIER angsty. some of the scenes from this i think about often still and i read this a month ago. also this is hot. i can't not mention that small fact
the tiger complex by longgunguy (i'd say r for graphic violence but no sex or anything) - i'll be real, there isn't a whole lot of mulder/scully romance in this thing, aside from the a hand hold and a lot of quiet affection but this IS the x-files. in another world, this fic is an episode and it is brutal. you'll be biting your nails as you make your way through this one. its got a great cast of original characters and an incredible case-file, up there with an episode like ice.
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deathsbestgirl · 11 days
i think about this fic all the time. it feels right to share it now with what we've been talking about 💔
revival era. "they're married, but they're not man and wife."
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cecilysass · 1 year
Fic Recommendations: DeadAlive
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So I really like post-DeadAlive fics. Not because I’m a big resurrection story fan (Jesus / Osiris stans, no offense) but because I can’t get enough of angst, repressed feelings and baby daddy reveal drama. I am going to post a version of my very own later this week. Meanwhile, I read a lot of these, so I thought I would share some recs. Here are a few of my favorites.
Slow Returns - o666666  You just don’t know how often I reread this. I love it so, so much. This one puts the emphasis on Scully’s trauma, and it’s so angsty, and it’s so sweeeeeet. I tear up every time.
DeadAlive AU - @markwatneyandenesemble I always say I actually think this should probably be called Three Words Canon Divergence or something, but whatever it is, I love it. The premise is two specific changes to canon. When Mulder comes back from the dead: (1) he has memories only to 1996 and (2) Scully isn’t visibly pregnant yet.
Author Skuls seems to feel about about this subgenre like I do, because she seems to have written a lot of post-DeadAlive, and I’m not complaining. Here’s a little DeadAlive Skuls tasting trio:
the smaller odysseys - skuls (@ghostbustermelanieking)  An AU DeadAlive fic in which Doggett convinces Skinner to keep Mulder’s resurrection a secret from Scully for longer. This ends like awwwwwwwww.
ashes and dust - skuls (@ghostbustermelanieking)  A largely canon-compliant DeadAlive / Three Words deep dive.
inches between them - skuls (@ghostbustermelanieking)  Another Skuls fic on this subject, also exceptionally sweet.
Doctor, Copper, Sailer, Corpse - Scarlet Baldy This is a series of first person vignettes from Scully POV. Extremely angsty and a little painful, with a very self-destructive version of Mulder here, but ultimately a hopeful ending. 
Ray of Light - OnlyTheInevitable (@gaycrouton) Honest conversation, then hot pregnancy sex—a Three Words fic we can all get behind. Which I think is actually one of the suggested positions for pregnancy sex.
Words, Words, Words - Circe Invidiosa (@invidiosa ) I’m not much of a Doggett fan, but I love this fic about Doggett breaking things down for Mulder. This is subtly written and moving— a heartbreaking Mulder characterization, in my opinion. home run - kittenscully Another great “Doggett gets involved” fic. Also very moving. Apparently this is how I like my Doggett. The Laws of Coming and Going - Buckingham A gentle Mulder-centric fic focused on his good intentions and slow moves back towards connecting with Scully. Very in-character and sweet. Hour of Lead - DarlaBlack (@sigritandtheelves) This is an excellent read — but watch out for the bleak, tear-out-your-heart ending. It's only painful because it’s canon compliant, so warning: you have to remember what happens with Scully’s longed-for miracle baby in canon. Waaaaah. So much angst. Untitled - @wtfmulder I see you, you wildly touching little drabble. This is set between Three Words and Empedocles, and it’s meant to explain the seeming change in Mulder’s attitude, and why does this make me cry?
What have I missed? Y’all have other post-DeadAlive fics you like? Have you written any? SEND THEM MY WAY.
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audiofanficpod · 8 months
Mostly Undetected by @wtfmulder
Read by Annie
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randomfoggytiger · 4 months
I started watching X-Files a couple of months ago and finally finished the whole show, plus the movies and revival. Jesus. I started looking at fanfic but am totally intimidated by HOW MUCH OF IT there is. Like. 30 years worth of it? Where do I even start? Do I read old stuff or new stuff? Are there any authors that have been writing since the 90’s? Who’s stuff should I be reading? What should I be reading? There are so many different kinds! (Okay, but not fluff, because The Ick.) (and only the shippy stuff because I am not a monster.) Where does one even start in this fandom?
Thanks for coming here, Anon-- I'll do my best~. ;)))
TLDR: If you want to read the classics-- the multi-chapter beasts hailed across The X-Files fandom-- I'd go to @lilydalexf's page and sort through her pinned Masterpost of recs; if you want my personal favorites, I've got my own complied Masterlist pinned, as well. If you want author suggestions, I listed a few below (but not all-- even of my personal favorites.) Older fics have a more "walled-off" approach to Scully and an edgier, distant approach to Mulder; newer fics have a more open approach to their exchange and dynamic. I prefer the latter, but that's likely because I was able to watch the show as a whole rather than episode by episode with a lot of guesswork in-between.
It's hard to pinpoint where to recommend you since I don't know your preferences; but here's a very loose attempt to do so:
I'm more of a short fic reader, but I'd recommend @melforbes, @slippinmickeys, @cecilysass, and @wexleresque for long chapters; @teethnbone, @leiascully, @aloysiavirgata, @enigmaticdrblockhead, @dreamingofscully, and @sarie-fairy for "atmospheric" writing; @baronessblixen, @welsharcher, @agent-troi, @television-overload, @invidiosa, @swinging-stars-from-satellites, @thescullyphile, @msrafterdark, and @edierone for well-balanced fluff/angst/humor/comfort fic/etc.; @o6666666, @ghostbustermelanieking, @mappingthexfiles/Apostrophic, and Lapsed_Scholar for their wonderful shorts (but especially Lapsed's Requiem AU compilations); @settle-down-frohike, @suitablyaggrieved, @amplifyme, @wtfmulder, @freckleslikestars, @lyndsaybones, @numinousmysteries, and Jenna Tooms/misslucyjane for their focus on Mulder and Scully as a "mature"-- for lack of a better word-- couple (no matter when their fics are set); @xxsksxxx and @writingwell write long-chaptered casefiles (my writingwell fic recs here might help?-- sorry for the codes, I was rushing out those notes); and if you want the authors everyone recommends, then @mashnotesofthemythopoeic/Penumbra (Masterlist) and prufrock’s love/plenilune (@lilydalexf links/descriptions here) are two of the many that fit the bill.
Other fic recs you might be interested in: @cecilysass's write more of these and Milagro recs, @enigmaticxbee mytharc and Scully family recs, @pennyserenade's reading recs, @two-microscopes shorter fic rec list, @nachosncheezies's slightly psychic Scully recs (describes three of the big x-files fics), etc. You want beautifully short poeticesque ficlets written and recced by @leiascully? Boom. You want Deadalive fic reccs? Kachow. You want opinions from the OGs? The aforementioned aloysiavirgata, amplifyme, baronessblixen, leiascully, suitablyaggrieved, cecilysass, settle-down-frohike, dreamingofscully, msrafterdark, as well as @iconicscullyoutfits and @myassbrokethefall (who write amazing meta, btw.)
Are you interested in AUs that write in Gillian Anderson's pregnancy? That have a storyline sans baby all together? That stick to canon all the way through the Revival? That stick to canon mostly, except for a bit of branching off here and there? Multiple Monday fics? Post Pine Bluff Variant processing? Mulder or Scully PTSD or panic attacks or hurt comfort? The many different flavors of Mulder's abduction or return? Casefiles (admittedly I stink at those)? My own fics (also in my pinned masterpost)? An author whose style you're interested in but would like a description of their work before making a long-term commitment? Lemme know~! :DDDD
Gotta run! Hope you like! (And sorry for any spelling errors~.)
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lilydalexf · 2 months
👽 April Fools' Day X-Files Fic Recs
No joke, here are some very good X-Files fics involving April Fools' Day. Enjoy! April Fool's Day Series by GirlGone OK, someone challenged me to write a story that wasn't an X-File, a serial killer study, a girlfriend story or a mushy Scully-Mulder romance. I thought about it for awhile and this is what I came up with. April Fools? by A. Dean Written in response to Deb's picture challenge from the US magazine. April Revolution by Foxie Meg "The streets of Paris are burning once more." bad ideas in bed by @wtfmulder Drabble; R; fluff, smut; Scully x Reyes; Prompt: “It’s called a prank.” Bloody Hell by @baronessblixen Happy April Fools’ Day! Mulder is just trying to pull a little prank on Scully... it doesn't go well. Fifth Day in Paradise part 1, part 2 by Kate Rickman En route to the scene of an X-File, Mulder and Scully are stranded in the snowy wilderness after their rental car breaks down on a deserted road. Instead of finding their way back to civilization, they stumble into a treacherous plot that could cost them their lives. Through it all, Scully struggles to accept her deepening relationship with Mulder. Folly by @rivkat Starts in early Season Four; after TFWID, Season Four doesn't happen; instead we take a strange journey into conspiracy, experimentation, and speculation. Leave A Message by Amanda Finch and Tim Scott Our favorite agents' terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad day or "When Good Pranks Go Bad". (Check your local FOX listings.) The Man Without A Trace by @syntax6 Insanity Outrunning Moirae by Jennifer Oksana and FirePhile Mulder gets his usual vague information from an informant. It leads him across the country into unbelievable government mischief. Meanwhile, as Scully tracks the case from DC, she starts to question everything, including her own identity. Set around season 5. Wrapped in the Wind Series by RocketMan This is a Romance with Mulder and Scully and a little baby girl. Much like The Emilys, if you liked those.
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sagan-starstuff · 2 months
Thanks @randomfoggytiger for the tag!
Favorite painter: Salvador Dali, I could stare at some melted clocks and weird objects that turn into other weird objects all day. Van Gogh, obviously. Mary Cassatt, who captured the lives of women so beautifully. And Duane Breyes, creator of Hilda, the best, most joyful and self-indulgent 50's pin-up of all time
Favorite writer: Sir Terry Pratchett. GNU. Followed by Neil Gaiman and Martha Wells.
Favorite band: Foo Fighters for life! Planning a tattoo. All it took was hearing "Walking After You" on the X-Files Movie: Fight the Future soundtrack and it was all over for me.
Favorite meal: As much shellfish as humanly possible, and then more. I will WRECK a seafood tower.
Favorite drink: A fancy bourbon cocktail.
Favorite outfit aesthetic: I don't know much about named aesthetics but I do love a nice light sundress.
Favorite singer: Currently Alanis Morissette
Favorite item: My shiny red stand mixer, Mary Cherry.
Favorite possession: I have several very personally meaningful pieces of jewelry. And my X-Files collection.
Perfume: I don't wear it! I work in healthcare and avoid strong scents because so many of my patients are sensitive to them. I like citrus smells and Ro's Argan body wash from Lush, though.
@precedex-files @calimanc @cecilysass @wtfmulder @deathsbestgirl
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carefulfears · 1 year
kae's sunday fic recs <3
my topic this week:
y’all i have to be honest i spent my week just reading some Filthhhhh from wtfmulder’s page….it’s been a rough one. but i’ll link some favs.
forty days before: slight AU of the truth, mulder still on death row. i literally had to lie down reading this.
(also, i just added relinquished to our on-the-run rec list from last week, but i'm mentioning it again here because HELLOOOO!!!!!)
love you but you're green: ONE MORE on-the-run entry...this one was so sweet and nostalgic.
federal holiday: some S.O.S.S. because y’all are always asking for it
too crowded in the basement: there are a few “getting caught” options but i really get a kick out of this diana one. it’s what she fucking deserved. (also, the last line…it’s what SCULLY fucking deserved.)
some plus one fun because i loveee it: knock three times and me + you
omens by lepus-articus
breathing by jamie greco
(i have some rec requests from y’all in my inbox that i’ll get to this week and update with the lists <3)
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starwalker42 · 11 months
starwalker42's fic masterlist ✨
A new masterlist because the old one was outdated. Please message if a link doesn't work! Tagging @today-in-fic
Grounding Teen and up. Hurt/Comfort. After the traumatic events in Dudley, Scully is overwhelmed by everything that’s happened to her over the past few months. Mulder is there to help.
only one choice Explicit. A whole lotta smut. All my smut oneshots go here.
This Is Love Teen and up. Hurt/Comfort. Scully reunites with an abusive ex, and he threatens to turn her whole world back upside down.
One Shots
Birthday Blues Teen and up. Angst. <1K. It’s Mulder’s birthday, Scully is drunk, and emotions are coming out… but not the way they should be. Prompt from wtfmulder.
Coming Clean Mature. Angst. 3K. “Loving Mulder is as natural as breathing. It’s not lost on her that she’s currently underwater.“ Mulder and Scully deal with the fallout from the events of En Ami. 
Consummation Explicit. First time smut. 4.5K. My take on Mulder and Scully’s first time, probably some time around Season 7. 
Contact Teen and up. Romance. 3K. Five times Mulder touched Scully’s hand, and one time she touched his.
Dying Function, Living Key General audiences. Angst. 1K. Canon-divergent one shot based on speculation for Ghouli. 
everything i know (brings us back to us) Teen and up. Angst with happy ending. 4K. Post-My Struggle III, Mulder and Scully need to talk. Maybe getting stuck out on the porch together is exactly what they need?
human credentials General audiences. Autistic!Scully fic. 4K. A realisation, a car ride, and a question.
Morning After Mature. Fluff. 1K. Exactly what it says on the tin: sweet, romantic morning after banter and fluff. Oh, and a piggyback. Prompts from anons and wtfmulder.
Together Explicit. Smut. 3K. “I’m never leaving you again.” Scully hadn’t realised how badly she needed to hear those words. He’s staying. He’s staying forever. “Prove it,” she whispers.
Agapi General audiences. Mulder-centric fic with moments throughout the series. 4K. or Five Times Fox Mulder Fell In Love. A one shot in five parts. 
And The World Keeps Spinning Explicit. First time smut. 12K. Mulder and Scully’s first Valentine’s Day together as a couple (kind of!) and all the wonderful fluffiness (and smuttiness) that involves.
hard work Explicit. Sexting fic. 1.5K. A slightly different take on a prompt from the porn battle. 
Maestitia Teen and up. Angst. Redux AU. 6K. “We’re going to lose her. I’m sorry.” Lose her. Another euphemism. No one can say it. Maybe if they keep avoiding the word they can pretend it won’t happen, that this isn’t what they all know it is. 
Recovery Teen and up. Post-Tithonus Hurt/Comfort. 2K. Mulder and Scully work through Scully’s injury and what it means for them, together.
there will be darkness again - Teen and up. Angst/Whump. 14K. My take on the Febuwhump 2023 prompts.
Sortis PG-13. Semi-abandoned. A collection of drabbles and snippets from throughout the years of Mulder and Scully’s relationship. 
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scullyverse · 2 years
Get to know you better
I got tagged by @freckleslikestars thank you so much! 💕
Rules: tag 9 people you want to get to know better
Favourite time of year: I would have to say autumn as it’s a nice break from the usual hot summer here but not cold enough yet for lots of blankets. And it doesn’t have the pollen of spring to worry about 😂
Comfort food: It would have to be Tonkostu ramen with extra pork belly. But it has to from a proper ramen booth/restaurant as it’s always the best from there.
Do you collect something?: I used to collect Lion King stuff but now it’s just books. I collect (hoard) books.
Favourite drink: A large green peach iced tea with lychee jelly from a bubble tea/boba shop. And my favourite alcoholic drink (though I rarely drink) is a Fruit Tingle.
Favourite Song: I Need My Girl by The National
Current Favourite Song: You Oughta Know by Alanis Morissette
Favourite Fic: Oh, this is just too hard!! 😭 Ummm I just have way too many. I would have to say;
My current fave fic and one that I’m obsessed with right now is — Partnership: The Fall & Rise of Dana & Stella by ee_ombra_ombra
But some all time faves are;
When The Ink Dries by somekindofseizure (this one will always stay with me)
Laws of Motion by suilven
Stella’s Rules by DanaScully77
Novel Explorations by useless_bian
Those are for my Stella/Scully shipper heart.
When it comes to Mulder/Scully my favourite fics are pretty much everything written by wtfmulder and Phillip_Padgett as well as;
Scully’s Submissive Awakening by DanaScully77
Waldron Island by SisterSpooky1013
Tagging: @scullysexual @anders-hawke @ellivia @barbarashershey @danakathrine @pawsteps @enigmaticxbee @agent-troi
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