#write for rights 2018
whaliiwatching · 9 months
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he is so. to me
closeups of my favorites <3
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harbingersecho · 3 months
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I don't feel pain I never escape I'm under the bed I'm licking the floor
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venomized · 1 year
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they were deadass raising dylan together like a married couple are you kidding me. venom scolding eddie for working too hard??? pls
venom (2018) #200
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magnusbae · 1 year
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—That is probably not true. —It is true.
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the-pigeolympics · 1 year
i’m curious! those who have kept up (either actively or passively) with the tumblr hbf fandom for a while (at least 3-4 years), how/if do you think the fandom has changed?
also i will be responding to comments with my main blog ( @hime-uzura) so sorry for any confusion 
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rohirric-hunter · 11 months
Me, typing on my phone: carries
My phone: Carrie's
Me: No, that's not correct. Change it back.
My phone: Candaith
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goldenpinof · 7 months
any particular moments you look back on before they came out and think woah this totally hits different now ?
would it be boring to say not anymore? i'm such at peace with them being openly gay, i'm just vibing. and i was at peace with them being together way before they came out. like, public coming outs were just an addition to their lore but it didn't change much for me. i don't even think about them being gay when i watch their old videos. i just think about them being them™. 2009-2010 never stopped existing. (i'm not saying "we been knew", especially about Dan. + sexuality can be fluid, bruh.) dnp were always making wild comments, and they still sound wild af but not because dnp are openly gay now. just like Phil said recently "even though you were so gay in that [2018] video", both of them were! especially in 2018. the added gay label didn't become a huge revelation regarding their actions. and don't get me wrong, i appreciate, admire and respect their decision to share their journeys with us. i respect their labels and Dan's definition of it, and i will fight anyone who shits on BIG. i remember how we all were like, "it hits different" right after they came out. i don't take anything back. those were such intoxicating and euphoric times. i remember how happy Dan was at Pride 2019 and how he was including us in everything 💜 our relationship with him did hit different at that moment.
so, i don't think anything in particular hits different to me anymore. some things they did or said make a bit more sense, that's true. like, i hope it's not controversial when applied to everything, but their coming outs and especially sexuality don't define them or their previous actions and words to me. they and their relationship are so beyond their sexuality. out or not, my reaction to "you and Dan are so married. i mean it's a useful thing", "things can't look like sexuality" and "i like the cock" is still the same as in 2017 and 2018 respectively. and those are just examples from the top of my head.
but i can clown, don't worry :) i'm always here for a sprinkle of clownery <3 i love it.
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safyresky · 2 months
Crystal Springs: The Call
Mother Gaia's intervention had been the last straw for the Goddess. When the other deities had agreed to help her make this world for all their people, they agreed on one thing: minimal interference once their people had established themselves. The Goddess's people had adapted very fast; she'd been hands-off for centuries. So of course that's when the Fae War had started. She had given her people this fresh, new world; away from the darkness that had claimed all their planets, away from the death and destruction, and it had followed them here. With the darkness at risk of returning, encroaching upon them all again, and her dear Gaia a sobbing mess below the source of all the magic she had gifted to her people, The Goddess decides that enough is enough. For too long her people had lived and lived and lived. It was time they knew what that meant. It was time they knew death.
Part I: Lost (read it on ao3 | tumblr)
After months of planning, Mother Gaia brings Tara to Roseterra to trigger The Call. Magibeans scramble to say their final goodbyes before being forcibly removed from this plane of existence. Life is about to take a startling, powerful turn for four very young sprites...
Preview and musings below the cut!
"Tara, come here dear. This is the place." With a sigh, Tara picked herself up and made her way to what looked to be the centre of the valley. A pile of stones that looked remarkably plinth like for something that purported to be natural stood in front of Gaia. The space on the top of which was shaped exactly like the stone she had tucked away in the boughs of her skirt. Gaia had refused to carry it; she didn’t want to tarnish it. Tara didn’t think she would. She hadn’t argued, though, and had grown a little alcove in her skirts to hold the stone. Gently, she lifted her hand; the branches around her legs creaked. One bough slowly poked out between the branches. In it, the stone sat. “It’s glowing,” Tara realized. “Then it is finally time. Place it on the plinth please, dear.” The branch didn’t move. Deep in her chest, Tara felt a horrible warmth. Her hands seemed to drift up of their own accord to cover her mouth; her vision blurred. “Tara?” Gaia turned away from the plinth. “Oh. Dearest." She was trembling. Her cheeks were wet. She choked down a sob. Gaia reached up to cradle her daughter’s face. She wiped the tears off of her dark, sparkling cheeks, rubbing her thumb against her warm skin gently. Tenderly. “It’s going to be okay. You’re going to be okay.” “How do you know?” she managed to choke out, her voice heavy. “What if it doesn’t—what if I don’t—I’m not ready!” “You’ve had my mantle for centuries now, Tara. You’re ready.” “I’m not ready to lose you!” she yelled through her tears, inhaling heavily through her nose. “I know I’m ready to take over for you. Please. I’m gonna rock being Mother Gaia. I just. I don’t want to lose my mom. I don’t want to lose you,” she admitted, wrapping her arms around the frail woman who had been there from the moment the elements that made her began to stick together. The woman who had made sure everything was in tip top shape before she gifted her a life light, giving her humanoid form. Who had shown her the ropes; helped her master all of the elements, all of the parts of every season. Had slowly given her the reins, guiding her through her first few judgment calls before she became an expert at it herself, mastering balance alongside her as they tried their best to keep their home safe. “I will always be with you, dear. I won’t be very far. I’ll be here,” she said, gesturing to the rocky, dead, expanse around them. “What terrible curb appeal,” Tara choked out. Gaia looked stunned for the briefest of seconds. Then she laughed. Then she snorted, which only made her laugh harder through the tears that had started to slip out. She snorted again; now Tara found herself laughing, too. The two women stood at the end of the world and laughed their guts out.
The preview was longer, but for some odd reason, tumblr was very mad about saving the longer version? So we went with the first half after a VERY HARD decision!
You can check it out HERE on ao3 and HERE on our lovely HELLSITE (tm)
Some musings for you:
I tagged it as original work instead of The Santa Clause bc let's be real here. The only character from the franchise here is Mother Nature and even then, she is fairly far removed from movie events/how we see her in the series.
SHE IS. BUT A BABY. DURING THE CALL. (not actually a baby. metaphorically)
I posted it on hellsite as a private post because this settled my internal AI trawling distrust vs want to post on tumblr
I've opted out, obvi. But who says that corporations are actually going to listen and take that into consideration?
And sure, maybe a private post can still be read by an AI trawler. But given that only I can see it and share links for people to see it?
Okay so PROPER musings now:
While all four Season Sisters came to being around the same time, they were given different forms when they got leggies, as Summer says.
The only age I know for certain is Winter. She's about ~400ish when The Call happens. She's LITTLE. So we can assume all the seasons have existed for around the same time. That is, these personifications of them, lol.
Winter is toddler sized
Summer is pre-teen sized
Spring is child-sized
Autumn is awkward child-to-pre-teen sized
The Twin Princes are about ~700ish when The Call happens
So Blinter age difference, for those interested, is about 300 years (equating to about 3 years for ordibeings/magibeans who DON'T age at the exceptionally slow rate sprites do!)
PARENTAGE! I think it's fairly clear what magibeans helped create each season, but for what it's worth (and also reference):
Mother Gaia created Mother Nature/Tara; that's her MOMMY.
Winter's parents are the Snow Queen (Bianca) and the Winter Warlock (Winter sr.).
(He's actually based on a LOT of wintry beings I have seen, lol. Primarily the Winter Warlock from Rankin Bass's Santa Claus is Coming to Town. He also gives Merlin from Sword in the Stone vibes, generic wizard posting vibes, and sometimes ice king adventure time vibes, lol)
Summer's parent was Sol, the sprite in charge of the sun/sunshine/sunlight. THAT'S HER DAD!
Autumn's parents were Harvest, the personification of the harvest, and Hollow Eve.
Hollow's are charged with ferrying souls; they can traverse planes very easily and this is why the goddess enlists their help when she creates Rosehaven. "Hollow" is their title; they place it in front of their names always.
Hollow Eve is how Autumn named Halloween >:)
Spring doesn't have a parent or two parents. She has multiple sprites who helped to create her. She's collecting parents the way Steven Universe collects Moms, lol. Her parents include: Gaia, Tara, the sprites in charge of flowers, the sprites who did rain, and the winds.
All of these sprites, and probably more actually! Frequented the Garden and offered wisdom and advice to Spring, some of them without even knowing!
She ✨🌞 PHOTOSYNTHESIZED 🌞✨ to gather all the bits that made her spritely self, and sealed the deal when Mother Nature finds her and gives her the light life Gaia gave her at the end of part 1 :)
UPON REREADING BEFORE POSTING IT: Winter obvi freezes. We be knowing that for forever thanks to Meet the Frosts, I think.
But did you know that Summer also freezes? Well, her heart hardens, and for summer sprites that means it's stony. Or maybe ashy? and stony would be if a spring sprite's heart was hardened? I've yet to pick a term for spring sprites, lol.
I THINK that covers all my musings that AREN'T covered in Part 2. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this piece! It's not, per se, a DETOUR from my usual stuff? It's just. You know. Pretty much original work? It feels different--which I suppose checks out, given that it's a whole other era in CS History that is about 2 eras removed from where they are now :)
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sociallyawkwardseal · 1 month
I keep seeing ppl that focus on BSD and SBG or at least point both of these things out in their blogs somewhere follow me and jsyk. I am Right There with you.
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misspickman · 8 months
(guy about to say the most incomprehensible set of sentences ever) do you see my vision
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em-dashes · 9 months
now that suddence is out to betas i'm oscillating between getting more and more self conscious and overthinking about everything that might be wrong with the story vs. knowing that is literally THE POINT of betas and i can't in good conscience let my story slide out into the world with a bunch of faults i didn't catch simply because i was too close to it
#em dashes#DON'T GO EASY ON ME I NEED TO KNOW EVERYTHING#i just need all my betas to know that I KNOW my story isn't perfect in its current state and that's exactly why it's out for critiques#i think there's always some part of you that wishes the critiques will come back squeaky clean. no notes! absolute perfection!#bc then you'd feel proud! you'd feel like you know what you're doing! like you're a PRO!!#however i gotta remind myself that not even professional writers can crank out perfect stories right away#they all have editors and peer critiques to help them#and i have to be careful about equating critiques as personal failures#because they aren't!! they're there to help!!!#anyway. enough venting for now#it's been a while since i got peer critiques so it's a little unnerving lol#but also also i just saw a very good breakdown of an episode of buffy that deals with grief#and i couldn't help comparing it to suddence which also deals with grief#and thinking 'wow. why didn't i do this. why didn't i do that. am i doing this all wrong'#AHH! writing is a very scary profession sometimes#but to be proud of myself for a second#i've never been so confident as to even show so many people my writing. let alone to receive critique on it#it's so strange to think there was a time where i kept all my writing bottled up and didn't talk about it to anyone even on tumblr#i began posting in 2018. that's not that long ago. that's only five years#and yet it feels like a billion years ago. i was still in university. suddence didn't even exist yet#wow. time is so weird
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stilesssolo · 6 months
Just a girl, patiently waiting and praying that some day the ice dance fic will be completed. Haha. I come back to tumblr every couples months just to check.
It absolutely will be, I promise!!! I’m just notoriously bad at working on multiple WIPs at the same time, and I need to finish my Jonerys multichap first. But there’s only 2 chapters left (which I am really hoping to get done for NaNo this year) and then the ice dancing au will be my main focus once again. I’m gonna have it done before I go to Figure Skating Worlds in 2025, that’s the goal 😂
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coquelicoq · 10 months
"each thing I learn about you just makes me want to know you more" <-text from my neighbor just now. i don't know what i'm winning at, but i'm definitely winning at something.
#he wants to go for a walk tomorrow so i can tell him about my favorite words from the french dictionary.#'do you do anything that's not dorky and interesting?' <-another direct quote#he said that before he knew about the dictionary. this was in response to learning i write crosswords#joke's on him though because now that he knows about the dictionary i think he's caught up on all the dorky & interesting stuff#i do feel like i'm really winning this acquaintanceship. not as a competition between him and me but rather#as a competition between this acquaintanceship and all other acquaintanceships i've had with other people#the trick is to not say anything about your hobbies for the first like. four interactions. then you start parceling them out one at a time.#it only works because we have so much other stuff to talk about. being neighbors.#like at no point have we had to do the awkward 'so what do you do for fun?' thing. so it's just when it comes up organically#anyway i'm enjoying this because i usually feel like i'm a VERY boring person#but i have just been nailing the pacing here. the suspense! keep em wanting more#myfirstname mylastname international man of mystery#also the other day we were talking and i said 'i told you about my mom's vibrator‚ right?' because i was sure i had told him that story#and he was like NO????? so basically he just thinks my life is about 5000% more interesting than it actually is#i'm fine with that though. if it means i get a walking buddy (who has a cat! and gives me fruit sometimes!!!) all the better#fuck it i will just make a tag for him#voisin de palier#now i need to find my first post about him from like 2018 when i was sooooo suspicious of him for absolutely no reason
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gregmarriage · 3 months
succ/brba crossover, where jesse and greg meet because greg goes to score drugs for kendall. then, he starts going to score pot for himself, bc jesse is nicer than a lot of other dealers, even if greg thinks he’s weird, and vice versa, but also, he’s a relaxing change of pace from the roys, and feels more akin to his old life, when he wants to go outside of himself and all the stress of his job and current life. he never has any idea what jesse gets up to, and neither does jesse of greg. one day, jesse disappears… and greg has to find a new dealer, and starts to forget about the weird fucking guy he used to smoke pot with sometimes.
#they also fuck nasty#yeah yeah the timelines and geography don’t match up#stop ruining my beautiful world <3#could also be greg spends some time in new mexico pre canon and he met jesse then#and one day he tells tom about a guy who used to deal him pot and they were sort of friends until he disappeared#could also be slightly pre brba canon or at least early into the canon#greg would have been about 17/18 in 2008 right?#if he’s supposed to be between 27 and 30#i always lean more towards 27 but if succ passes at least 2 years then he’s closer to 30 then#do i have to write this now?#is succ even set in 2018? bc it never really says and you can kinda twist shit bc the timeline makes no fucking sense so i can honestly say#anything and it’s not necessarily false#either way tho#it’s only a silly crossover and we can pretend and ignore if things aren’t correct <3#also they both have it in common that they have 4 and 5 seasons respectively but only take place over the span of two years like#that’s crazy#jesse in s1 is the same age i am now#well he turns 25 in and amongst the pilot and i’m not yet 25 but same thing#and is barely 26 at the end of the show#he’s so young!!#which kinda makes everything worse#bc obviously the thing about jesse is he may be a grown man but he’s also secretly soft and childish in his ways#and 26 isn’t old in any way#like he’s a child in my eyes#i always think he’s younger#like 19/20#he tells walt high school was a long time ago but i would also say that even if i’d just got out of high school imaoooo#anyways he and greg are both my baby boys is the point of this post imaooooo#gwen rambles#gwenposting
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chaotic-toby · 3 months
☆Headcanon time bc this bitch is severely depressed☆
2018 Donnie has his own discord server that's filled with ideas for inventions, reminders, to-do lists, and more important, a vent channel, where he vents or rants about whatever is bothering him.
He's the only one in the server bc it's his personal one that's basically an extension of his mind
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liminalweirdo · 4 months
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