#wouldn't say he's like someone i listen to a lot but the few songs i have encountered r so weirdly nostalgic
giantkillerjack · 1 month
ur post about queerbaiting and the dismissal of people in fandom to critical analysis is so incredibly true thank you. i feel like marcille's writing in the anime has been super misogynistic a lot of the time and every time i bring this up all anyone wants to say is "well maybe this isn't for you! and you shouldn't watch the show!" like. i don't think this is about taste lmao, i am analyzing the text in front of me and coming to conclusions about the craft of it.
[This is in reference to this post]
It is so so frustrating!!!!
It's like being at a restaurant and being served a bunch of delicious appetizers, but then one of the bread appetizers is literally just a plate of crumbs; and then when you're like, "Hey, uhh, why are we being served literal crumbs?", a bunch of the other folks eating at the restaurant are like,
And maybe they say it politely, but "Aw, sorry, maybe this restaurant just isn't for you 💖" is just trading out an aggressive dismissive tone for a patronizing dismissive tone. It's the same message.
And it's like! I was honestly happy to move on from the crumbs once my complaint was acknowledged because the meal overall is still delicious, but then all these folks got SUPER WEIRD AND DEFENSIVE ABOUT IT, so now I find myself double-checking all the other dishes -- and, actually, you know what those eggs DO look a Iittle misogynistic undercooked!!!!
#original#queerbaiting#dunmeshi#dungeon meshi#falin x marcille#marcille x falin#marcille donato#delicious in dungeon#dungeon meshi marcille#listen i like marcille but u r right she is basically there to be a wet blanket a LOT of the time and that is a sexist trope#i think the bar is super super low for female characters in adventure anime and the lack of constant ogling maybe makes the female#characters feel better written than they are. i mean falin basically has no personality. she's got an innocent heart but that's nothing.#and i think these conversations are worth having bc no piece of media is perfect and this is how we learn to do better#also like. I've seen media criticisms that make me go 'oh you straight up should reserve commentary bc you#haven't watched the show and you're wrong' or 'i see what you're saying but you are simply incorrect' but like#i don't think I'd tell someone to just NOT watch Hazbin Hotel bc they have a bad take - and certainly not bc they have accurately#pinpointed a real flaw about the show (of which there are more than a few but frankly not what became the biggest subject of Disc Horse)#Angel is actually an amazing character & i think people mistook a criticism on the way abuse is glamourized as actually glamourizing abuse#like his song about abuse is called Poison and he's trapped in an abusive performance contract - bringing to mind Britney Spears#i think it is a wildly triggering and painful scene but i think a lot of people took the pain it gave them to mean it was bad art#but tbh they are still allowed to eat at the table if they so choose!!!#sorry i got sidetracked - as an abuse survivor Angel just matters a lot to me. i have a couple serious criticisms of vivziepop's work but#Angel is very much not one of them#also in regards to the actual subject of this post i think the most audacity of the responses i got was the one that said#that by complaining about queerbaiting I was 'de-incentivizing writers to write any interaction b/t women that could look even a little gay#and I'm just like. good. I hope they stop writing entirely. if the takeaway from 'please don't sell me bread and then serve me crumbs' is#'WELL NOW I JUST WON'T BAKE ANY BREAD PRODUCT' then that person is a bad chef. they should find a different job.#or at least do a whole lot of work on themselves. but either way i wouldn't be too broken up to know i won't be getting any food from them.#'just leave then' is so obviously a gut reaction defense mechanism & it implies media criticism should only be for things you don't like
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pinejay · 2 years
emma andrew bird on the fern playlist?!
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norrisleclercf1 · 11 months
You’re My Love Story
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Horner!Reader
Rating: PG-13
Words: 2.9K
Requested: Yes/No
Warnings: Time Jumps, Angst, Fluff, Christian Horner is an ass in this, Gerri is team you and Charles, Happy Ending, I promise
A/N: I've been listening to my favorite Taylor Swift songs a lot while I study and couldn't help but put each one to a driver, this one is for Charles
Poll Winner
Synopsis: Love Stories are meant to be heartbreaking, but would yours be the opposite?
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2014, Ages: 17 and 16
You hated these parties, boring and stuffy. You're forced to wear a dress far too fancy for your taste, but your mother just wanted you to look nice. A party in the Monaco summer air had you wishing you could be swimming in the ocean than smiling and faking remembrance of people you don't know.
Your father was moving from person to person, shaking hands, laughing at crude jokes that had your mother giving him multiple looks. He's quick to stop, clearing his throat as he introduces you.
"My daughter, Y/N Horner. Sweetie, this is-" You zone out, giving a picturesque smile and faking interest in the conversation. "Mama, can I go take a breather? It's hot in the dress." You whisper. Firey hair turns, giving you her approval and whispering for you to not go far. "I won't, just on the balcony." Pointing to the double doors open, exposing the sparkling lights of Monte Carlo.
Floating through the crowd, stepping out on the balcony, you suck in the tinge of cold air clinging to the night. Your posture drops when you don't feel your mother's eyes on you, leaning over the railing. Laughter draws your attention to the people below as they dance around each other, talking loudly and freely.
Your heart yearns for that to be you, to escape this place and have some real fun. But, your father would refuse, saying you had to uphold your family name. The name, you sometimes hated being a Horner. Anytime someone would hear that last name, it was always followed by the same question.
"You're Christian Horner's daughter? Team Principle of Red Bull?" Like a broken record, you smile, nod, and give the infamous one-liner back. "Yes, and I fully support the F1 Team. They're definitely going to win." Everyone getting hyped hearing those words.
And why wouldn't they? You had the ultimate powerhouse Sebastian Vettel and the up-and-coming Australian driver Daniel Ricciardo. Speaking of which, turning around your eyes and scan the crowd, not hearing the familiar groups of laughter around Daniel.
Not seeing Daniel, you notice a boy make his way through the crowd instead. He was new. You could tell from how no one talked to him, say a few people but not enough for him to be somebody. His suit was nice, hair stringy as he looked around before darting onto the balcony with you.
"Oh, hello." His eyes widened, finally noticing that he wasn't alone out here. "Hi." Giving a curt answer and moving to leave. "Wait, you don't have to leave!" His hand grabs your wrist, making you turn, shocked that someone would touch you.
"Sorry." Hand-dropping as he fidgets, you clock in quick that he has never done something like this. "Have you ever been to one of these parties?" Hazel-green eyes pinch, hating that it was noticeable. "No," He trails off, playing with a ring on his finger. "Okay, yes. I'm a driver. But, just for Formula Renault. I'm driving for a British team called Fortec Motorsports," He looks up, sees your bored face, and sighs. "And you clearly don't care." Huffing, he leans on the railing missing your growing smile.
Laughing, you move closer. "No, I know the team. Daddy talks about all the younger teams all the time." The boy looks at you, his body more relaxed as he smiles. "Really? If you're here, you must be a daughter of a retired driver or worker, right?" He asks, teasing you.
Instead, you feel that familiar dread. Does he know who you are? Pretending to approach you and be nice just to meet your father? It won't surprise you if that is true.
"Yeah, I am." Back straight, wrapping yourself back in that perfect media daughter cover. "Oh, that's cool. My godfather is a driver. Made me come along and try to mingle. You see how well it's going. You're the first person to actually talk to me." Your heart picks up, seeing that smile directed at you.
The two of you talk away the rest of the night; laughter and blushes pass between you. Only for your bubble to be popped when your father's voice cuts through.
"Y/n? Are you ready to le-" You and the boy jump back, having been very close. Looks of guilt on both your faces have your father freezing. "Y/n, go to your mother now." Voice stern, no room for argument. With a nod, head down, you slip past your father. "Wait! I didn't tell you my name; I'm Charles. Charles Leclerc." A blush spreads over your cheeks, seeing that heart-stopping smile again.
"Nice to meet you, Charles. I'm Y/n Horner." Your introduction is ended when your father grabs your arm, dragging you away from Charles, the balcony boy.
2017, Ages 20 & 19
"Charles, stop throwing pebbles." Giggles as you poke your head out the window, seeing a red and white shirt in the dark. "What? You weren't answering my texts." He whispers, yelling up to your window. "I was studying. Shouldn't you be getting ready for your last F2 race?" Leaning out the window, your heart still beating fast in your chest, seeing that smile.
"Wanted to see you." He admits, scanning the wall, trying to figure a way up to you. "Charles, if Daddy knows you're here, we're dead." It's been 3 years since you met Charles on that balcony and 1 year since your father gave you strict order for Charles to stay away from you.
At that time, the two of you couldn't stay apart. Your mother caught you more than once sneaking out. With a smile, she'd just nod, kiss you on the cheek and tell you to be careful. "So? I wanted to tell you some exciting news. So, you either come down here, or I come up." Dropping your head, you have to cover your laughter. "Wait." He nods, watching the outline of your body dip back in the window.
You curse as the bedroom door creeks, and you whisper that you'll get it fixed. The hallway plunged into darkness, with no light from your parent's bedroom. Score. Sliding out of the doorway, you tiptoe like clouds are under your feet. On the steps, your body freezes when a step groans under pressure.
Taking a moment to ensure no one woke you wait before darting down the hallway to the kitchen's back door. Charles jumps, worried that it's your father, but instead, you close the door and stop staring at one another.
"Hello." Smiles pull on both your lips, darting forward. He opens his arms gathering you in them. "Hi." You gasp, arms and legs wrapped tight around him. "I've missed you." You don't need to repeat it back, kissing him as a way to say it. Smiling, he kisses you back, but it ends earlier, pulling a slight whine of protest out of you.
"I'm driving for Sauber next year." The words have your brain stutter to a stop. Sauber? As in the Formula 1 Sauber team? "What?" He chuckles, putting you down, and looking at you, his smile drops. "Oh my god, Charles. That's….I'm so proud of you." The two of you mold into each other as Charles tells you everything.
You laugh, seeing him so happy, something he's needed for a long time. Finally able to uphold his promise to his father so long ago. A light in a window flicks on, having you two freeze. "Fuck, that's my parent's room. Go!" You whisper yell. Charles scales the garden wall, stopping as he leans, kissing you. "See you on the track." Dropping down the wall, lips tingling.
But you have to forget that, rushing back into the house quick and quiet steps and into your room. Placing yourself back at your desk, studying. A knock has you jumping, your father's head poking in. "I heard something? Are you okay?" Faking concern, you knew he was suspicious from how his eyebrows knitted together, and eyes were drawn.
"Yep, all good." Trying to hide your hard breathing, he looks over you before disappearing and clicking your door closed.
2019 Ages 21 & 20
"I knew it! I fucking knew it!" Something slams on the table, flinching. You try hard not to look up. You'll only be met with articles and newspapers of you and Charles kissing. Your father's furious face, your mother's worried one. That's all you'll see if you look up.
"Christian, you need to calm down. She's an adult." Your mother tries to reason, but he refuses to see reason. "I told you AND him to stay away from each other. And did you LISTEN? NO!" He roars. Tears slip down your face, and hurried hands wipe them away. "I love him." A confession you haven't even said to him.
"Love him? You love him? He's the enemy, Y/n. How could you betray me? This family? The team?" Each word is a stab to your heart, just wanting to run away into Charles's arms. "I'm sorry, Daddy. But I do. I love him!" Head whipping up, you meet your father's eyes. Yours blurry from the tears running down. He just shakes his head.
"If you ever see him again. I'm shipping you back to London, where you'll never see him again. Understand?" Voice steady, he was past angry. Now in the stage of silent fury. "Answer your father, Y/n." Gasping on a sob, you nod, stumbling out of the chair and rushing upstairs.
You knew time had passed when your Mama knocked on the door, the sun dipping into the sea. "Y/n?" A sniffle is the only reply you can give her. Throat and eyes are raw from all the crying you've done.
"Sweetie, he's here to see you." Sitting up, you are shocked and scared by those words. "Your father isn't here. Had business to attend to." She leaves your door cracked. All you can see is her red hair bouncing down the stairs.
Checking the mirror, you know it's pointless trying to fix yourself as you head downstairs. His back is to you, staring out the door that gives you a look at the Monaco docks filled with fancy boats.
"Charles?" Voice cracks, and he turns, wearing sunglasses. He doesn't even remove them to look at you. "I was told by everyone that we need to call this off." White noise fills buzzes in your ears, tears all gone, you just slip down the steps sitting on them.
"Don't, not you too. Please, don't." Charles flinches, unable to read him properly, his sunglasses blocking all his emotions. "Y/n," His own voice breaks. He has to clear his throat, keeping a reasonable distance. Charles knew if he stepped forward, he'd gather you up and never let go. "Please don't go. Charles, you can't. I'll leave. I'll go with you. We can…we can run away and never look back. Let's just run. I can't keep being told how I'm supposed to feel." Eyes burn, and tears drip down your cheeks.
"I love you. I love you, Charles Leclerc." Sunglasses taken off, he pinches his eyes, trying to keep his tears at bay. "We can't. I'm sorry, Y/n." The front door opens and closes. "Oh, oh god." You sob, holding your chest. "Y/n? Oh, my baby." You bury your head in your knees, not wanting to hear your mother's voice.
Current, Ages 26 & 25
"Are you okay?" If you could groan out loud right now, you would. It was thoughtful the first couple of times your mother asked, but now it was annoying you. "Mama, for the last time. I'm fine; my faith in us ever getting back together is long gone." You hiss, watching Charles with fans from the Red Bull hospitality.
"I was sure you two would get back together. Neither of you have dated since that day. Also, I think me kicking your father out for that month taught him a lesson." A chuckle passes your lips, painfully pulling your eyes away from Charles. "Yes, I think it did." She smiles, sipping on her tea.
A small wave to someone, you're too busy to look up, worried Charles would see you staring. "Who are you waving at now?" Your Mama is a social butterfly, always chatting and waving at someone. "Charles." She replies.
Eyes bludging, you whip around, seeing Charles still in the same spot. Eyes locking, the two of you look away at the same time. "Pity, you should go talk to him. You're clearly still in love with him."
"MAMA!" You gasp. She shrugs her shoulder, lifting her teacup to her lips and sipping. "Don't deny it. I know you cheered for him like crazy last year." Cheeks red, you grumble how you were just glad he was doing well.
"Okay, but he's staring at you. Again." You knew he was. Whenever his eyes are on you, your body heats up. Basically glows under his watch, cursing that you still loved him so much. "Oh, he's gone. Guess you can leave now." With a silent thanks, you leave the safety of the hospitality, walking back to your apartment.
The walk is longer than expected. Streets shut down in Monte Carlo due to the race. You can't help but shake the feeling someone is following you. With a slight turn, you notice many people behind you, all wearing regular clothes to Formula 1 gear. "Going crazy." You turn and pop out using a shortcut, slamming into a body.
"Ow, watch where you're going." Snapping, you lock eyes with the person, and blood runs cold. The last time you saw his eyes this close was years ago. You even forgot the exact color of his eyes. Honey green.
"Y/n." He breathes. That stupid heart-stopping smile is still the same, at least. "Excuse me, I have to go." He body blocks you, making sure you don't leave. "Don't go." Hearing those two words, you're pulled back to the memory of when you said that same exact thing to him.
"I'm sorry, I can't." Throwing his own words in his face. This time no sunglasses to hide the sorrow in his eyes. "I love you, I still love you." He confesses. "I had to walk away. I just joined Ferrari. Your father was making my life hell on and off the track. He said if I didn't stop seeing you, he'd make sure I'd lose the seat. Fuck, it was so stupid to pick a fucking seat over you. But all I could think about was my father, Jules, and you. I thought you'd be better without me. God, was I wrong." A sharp turn on your heel, you stare at him.
"Do you have any idea how lonely I've been? That I lost my best friend and the love of my life in one go? I shipped myself back to London to finish school cause everywhere I looked, you were there. Yet, with new faces, places, and everything else, I still looked and craved for you. My dumbass even thought you'd come running after me? But that was all in my head." Charles shakes his head no.
"I did come after you, but your fucking father found me and the ring and told me you hated me. Never wanted to see me again, so I flew back. I didn't learn how you still felt until 2 months ago. Gerri is a talker when drunk." You try to follow his words, but the word ring is all you can stay on. "And she was drunk, spilled everything to me. How you fell apart, kicking your father out for a month. All of it. Grew some balls and went to your father, talked to him, and told him I would marry you with or without his permission." Taking deep breaths, he calms down, leaving you two in silence.
"You have a ring?" He nods, pulling out a little black box. "I carry it with me everywhere." Neither of you says anything as you just stare at the box. "Ask me."
"What?" Eyes wide as you smile, eyes watery. "Ask me to marry you. Please?" He laughs, dropping his head. He gets down to one knee on the empty Monte Carlo street. "Y/n Horner, will you marry me?"
Laughing, you nod. They're happy tears as he slips the ring on your finger this time. "Yes, my balcony boy." His own laughter filled the quiet street.
2024 Ages 27 & 26
"Y/n? Come on, don't be late for our wedding rehearsal!" You smile, blinking out of the memories as you stare at that ugly dress you wore the first time you met Charles.
"Coming!" You stare at your rehearsal dress. A white dress hanging off the door. One dress you wore when you met the love of your life, the other you'd be wearing to promise yourself to him forever.
This was a love story that survived.
Turning, he stops fidgeting with his watch, mouth open. "Is that? Woah." He gasps, seeing you wearing the same dress he first meet you in.
"Yep, had it altered like crazy, but bringing back memories?" Charles can only nod as he moves to your side, kissing you.
"We were both so young when I first saw you." He whispers, kissing you again. "And I'm going to ensure we're never apart again." Placing a kiss on your ring.
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Hazbin Hotel characters react to your stims
(I'm doing my personal favorite characters, so if there are others you wanna see, ask me. They may also be slightly OOC.)
You can't convince me this man doesn't also have ADHD. He's just spent decades masking it, as well as most of himself, to present a perfect image. Probably heard the term as it got more well known but didn't really connect the dots until meeting you.
He fidgets a lot, tapping his claws, bouncing his legs, can't sit in a fucking chair properly.
Doesn't realize he's overstimulated and burnt out from multi tasking dozens of screens until you point it out.
Once he's aware of it you help him manage his work better so he can be less stimulated and tense. You buy him proper fidget toys to mess with and he makes himself some top of the line bass boosted sound canceling headphones. He gives you a pair, too. When you're both alone, you look up songs with loaded bass in 8d just to watch each other twitch and involuntarily move your head with the sound.
That's about the extent of the conscious level of unmasking he'll do though. He gets self conscious.
But, he adores the fact you're comfortable enough to stim around him. Or in public. He can and will violently end people for even giving you dirty looks for stimming in public.
If you show excitement and joy over being around someone through happy noms he will literally get heart eyes. Just be careful where you bite him because it may lead to something else.
He's happy to let you stim, which means tricking him into doing it more.
He remembers and sub consciously absorbs your echolalias or any word replacements you use. If you do a lot of call and response vocals he learns them. (Call and response is basically when you memorize a sound with two people. One calls the other responds. You can just say both parts yourself ((I do)) but it's more satisfying with someone else).
If you do happy flappies this man will short circuit. (He will laugh if you accidentally smack yourself though).
If you squeal and kick you may give him a heart attack. He thought you were hurt or something. He gets used to it eventually but it still startles him.
Vox is also a chatter box so you two can info dump about special interests to each other for hours. Neither one of you expects the other to remember details, but the fact you don't tell each other to shut up and are content to do your own thing while listening to your partner/friend gush is enough.
He has long since forced himself into strict routines so if you struggle to get tasks started or get distracted in the middle of them he's understanding but stern. Tends to cause more harm than good because he talks down to you unintentionally.
If you're a visual/hands on learner he also gets frustrated with you for wasting hours trying to figure it out yourself and getting yourself upset instead of just letting him do it for you. You get into a lot of fights about it at first. He gets better when he sees it genuinely prevents you from enjoying things or trying new things and that you just kinda default to defeated and helpless. He didn't mean to make you feel dumb, he just doesn't understand why you wouldn't want help. Until the tables turn and as he's getting worked up over something he can't figure out and you just stare at him.
He finally snaps at you what the hell you're doing and you smirk "need help? Why don't I just do it for you and you watch? Come on, you've been struggling for an hour, stop being so stubborn and just let me do it. I'll show you later, it's not hard." You feed his own lines back at him and his stomach drops.
"Oh....that feels...mmmm. Nope! Don't like that. Ok. Won't happen again, doll."
Realistically if you work with him and you make mouth noises a lot (bird whistles, tongue clicks, humming, random shrieks) he will get annoyed. It's distracting him and sometimes you don't realize you're doing it and mess up anything he tries to record. The first few times he snaps at you and it causes problems (hello rejection sensitive dysphoria) but eventually he learns how to better talk to you/communicate without accidentally convincing you he hates you.
Probably on the spectrum himself, but it also could just be his anti-social habits. Either way he finds you entertaining and your bouts of sporadic energy and gremlin like behavior don't phase him. He's been dealing with Niffty for years.
If you sing or hum a lot to get work done, or listen to music he's all for it. But if you're the type of ADHD where work fast music=horny and bass he'll insist you wear headphones. If you're content to listen to swing (he'll compromise with electroswing) or jazz, he'll play the radio for you.
He doesn’t even care if you're a good singer or not, he just likes seeing you get into it. Will show off by singing it better than you though.
If you're someone who picks your fingers or skin, he'll slap your hands. You bleeding is making him hungry and distracting him. He'll find you something else to do with your hands. Same with nail biting.
He tends to pull his hair when stressed so if you stim with your hair he gets it and unless it's harmful (eating/pulling) he'll leave it, but if you're like him he's either cutting your hair short or braiding it.
Will die before admitting it but thinks you flapping, hopping, clapping, squealing is the most adorable thing ever. Also, laughs at you if you smack yourself, though.
Doesn't understand your memes so half your echolalia go over his head and he just kinda stares at you.
Scolds you for not sitting in the chair properly.
Smiles, nods, and occasionally says "that's nice dear" when you info dump. It's not that he doesn't care, he just can't listen to something he's not interested in for that long.
Mouth noises make his eye twitch but so long as they don't interrupt him, he won't scold you.
He understands you're not dumb but he also doesn't have the patience to help your or wait for you to get things done so he does them for you and tells you stop pouting when you get upset with him.
He likes you enough to not reject your touch and enjoys being in your space, but please refrain from happy biting the cannibal. He will bite back and it's less cute when he does.
The original AUDHD. You two chatter for hours about special interests.
He makes you stim toys.
You two do the adhd laugh so hard over dumb shit you gotta hold onto and smack each other thing. You both wind up on the floor.
Literally would never talk down to you or trigger your RSD. He's spent centuries feeling like he's constantly annoying, dumb, and struggling to time manage and do tasks.
Is equally fed up with people offering to do things for him because he can do it he just needs help getting started. The more you ask if he wants you to do it or when he's gonna do it the harder it is. So you two just sorta hobble together a system for getting shit done.
It's not perfect but if it gets outta hand he can just snap his fingers and fix it.
He happy flaps with his hands and wings and constantly knocks you or other shit over. It embarrasses him but you're in love. You two sometimes hold hands to do the happy bounce squeal, shaking each other.
He initiates happy bites more than you do. Honestly you both start looking like chew toys.
You two echolali all the time and share new ones you find. If you ever can't find each other, just shout one of your current vocal stims and he'll respond.
Literally, the definition of choas couple.
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silent-stories · 1 year
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Pairing: Eddie x F!Reader
Summary: Dustin convinces Eddie, who is always watching you from a distance, to talk to you.
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Eddie hated the way his gaze was always looking for you in the school parking lot, hoping you'd arrived a few minutes early so he could watch you from afar.
He couldn't stop it, he could try to hold back but it was useless, he always found himself looking around hoping to hear your laugh at something stupid that Buckley, who you usually drove to school in your car, had said.
Eddie wasn't the shy type: he walked the cafeteria tables making speeches and always said what he thought. But with you?
All he could do was watch you from afar.
"Dude, you're doing it again." Dustin's voice distracted Eddie from his usual search.
"Doing what?" he asked, sounding a lot more guilty than he intended.
He had been caught.
"You are looking for Y/N." The boy rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest.
"Why would I?" Eddie shrugged as if to dismiss the conversation before leaning back against his van.
"Because you like her."
"What? No, absolutely not. We're…I don't even know if she considers me a friend. We're acquaintances. We just know each other. We only have one class together and we've only talked a few times so-"
Three times.
It had been exactly three times you had spoken to Eddie, he remembered them all very well, as well as the way his heart started beating so much faster than usual.
The first time you bumped into him in the hallway. Eddie had initially thought it was someone who did it on purpose, as it usually happened with jogs, but when he heard your immediate apology and from the way you said it was your fault, he understood that you would never do it on purpose.
He quickly realized that you weren't like most of the others at school and that you didn't see him as someone to stay away from and that had only made Eddie fall for you even more.
The second time was during history class, the only one Eddie had with you, that day you arrived five minutes late, having to sit in the only seat left free: the one next to Eddie.
After a few minutes that he had spent sketching in his only notebook trying not to go crazy because of your proximity, you spoke, or rather, whispered.
"I like dragons."
Eddie raised his head as a shy smile appeared on his lips to find your gaze on the dragon he had drawn in his notebook.
He mumbled a "yeah, I like them too" before the teacher turned to you and glared at him.
He didn't say anything for the rest of the lesson but since that day he had always hoped you'd be a few minutes late so you would sit next to him.
It had never happened.
The third time was the only time you really had a conversation with him. You picked up Dustin after a D&D campaign and you spent ten minutes talking to Eddie before you left.
To Eddie's amazement, you two started talking about Metallica. You mentioned that your dad occasionally listened to them and you started the conversation by talking about which songs you knew and which ones you liked more.
Before you left, you talked about how boring math was and how much you enjoyed art class and during all the time you had spent talking a faint smile was permanent on Eddie's lips.
That was all. Only ten minutes.
It had been the shortest ten minutes of his life and Eddie wished you'd stay there and talk to him for hours.
Dustin laughed at the way his friend seemed to lose the ability to form meaningful sentences whenever you were involved.
"Holy shit, you're in love with her."
It wasn't a question. It was a statement.
Eddie sighed, he couldn't deny it anymore. "Henderson, if you tell anyone, consider yourself expelled from the Hellfire Club for the rest of your life."
Dustin adjusted the cap on his head. "Your secret is safe with me. Anyway, Y/N is cool. You should tell her."
Eddie let out a bitter laugh. "For what? To hear her say she wouldn't be with Eddie "the freak" Munson even if I were the last person on the face of the earth? No thanks, I'd rather keep watching her from afar."
"You know she's not like that." Dustin said. "She doesn't judge. Trust me, she was my babysitter for almost three years when I was in middle school, I know her well enough to know that she's a good person, she would never laugh at you and she's a completely badass."
And Eddie knew it. He knew you were kind and funny and so fucking pretty. And that was why the chances he had with you were almost inexistent.
Just as he was about to answer, he saw you.
You walked in his direction, wearing a leather jacket that was a few sizes larger but still looked perfectly on and Eddie nearly felt his heart leap out of his chest.
"Uuh... do you want me to leave you two alone?" Dustin asked with a smirk.
"Don't even try." He retorted, nudging the boy before you reached them.
"Hi" You smiled. "Have you seen Mike by any chance?"
Eddie shook his head. Why were you looking for Wheeler?
"He got into class early, he had to get something." Dustin said.
You rummaged in your bag and pulled out a book. "Nancy was at my house yesterday and she forgot this, could you give it to Mike so he can give it back to her?"
Dustin grabbed the book. "Sure."
"Great. Thank you." You said before a voice called you from behind.
"Y/N, we'll be late for art class!"
Art, right. It was your favorite subject, Eddie remembered that.
But it wasn't Robin who had spoken.
He was a tall boy, with dark blond hair long enough to show his soft curls. His eyes were green and glittered in the morning sun and he was wearing a clean, light blue jacket. His boy-next-door face annoyed Eddie, or maybe it was just the way he was interrupting a moment when he would have a chance to talk to you.
"See you guys." You said before walking towards him.
He put his arm around your shoulders as you walked side by side.
He was your boyfriend.
You had a boyfriend.
Suddenly Eddie was finding it hard to breathe. Of course you had a boyfriend, he'd been a stupid not to think of it before: a girl like you had to have a boyfriend.
And that guy seemed to be the complete opposite of Eddie.
He was also probably rich and had great grades in school. Because those were the kind of guys you liked, right? Certainly not the ones like Eddie. Those who were lucky if they didn't find the words "freak" or "devil" engraved on their locker. Those who had to park further away from school hoping that no one punctured their wheels. The ones who lived in a trailer and had to sell drugs to make ends meet.
"No." Dustin said.
"No what?" He raised his eyebrows, trying to hide his hurt expression.
"He's not her boyfriend, if that's what you're thinking."
"I wasn't thinking about anything at all."
Thank God.
"His name is Aaron Turner. He just moved to Hawkings and he's not Y/N's boyfriend. But he could soon be if you don't talk to her."
"What fool moves to Hawkings?" Eddie asked as his gaze followed your figure walking to school.
You were laughing.
You seemed happy with him.
"What fool doesn't ask the girl he likes out?" Dustin retorted.
Eddie glared at him.
"You said it yourself. 86, your year. Then make it your fucking year and ask her out. Or at least start talking to her and stop looking at her from afar. And try to say things that make sense when she's around."
"I say things that make sense."
Dustin raised his eyebrows.
"Okay, okay."
Since when did he take advice from a fourteen-year-old boy?
But he was going to talk to you.
He had to do it without looking like a complete idiot but he felt he could do it.
Eddie could feel it: 1986 was going to be his year.
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Part 2
Tags: @jacklesdeanvessel @morning-sky7 @pipsqueakkitten @navs-bhat
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steddieas-shegoes · 4 months
oh, that's why
for @steddielovemonth prompt 'love is showing up when someone doesn't ask'
rated t | 1,533 words | cw: implied sexual content | tags: friends to lovers, getting together, realizing feelings, love confessions, fade to black
Eddie was nervous.
He hadn't bothered mentioning Corroded Coffin's first show back to anyone except Wayne, didn't want anyone he knew to see him stumble over chords and lyrics with nerves he'd never had before Vecna. The guys didn't really say anything, but they'd casually suggested some slower songs mixed in to give him a break during the set. They just seemed to know that he didn't have the stamina anymore.
It's not like the Hideout was Madison Square Garden, but news had spread amongst the locals about Eddie's return to the stage and people must have gotten curious. The bar was busier than Eddie'd ever seen it, people lined up against the tiny stage and filling the tables spread out around the room. Every stool at the bar was filled, the door constantly opening to welcome someone new with a chilly breeze from the fall air.
"Hey, man. You ready?" Gareth's hand on his shoulder was meant to be comforting, but all it did was remind him of how much everyone in the crowd probably wanted to watch him fail.
"Yep," Eddie breathed out.
It was fine. This would just be another show, maybe not the best they've ever had, but they did fine during practice. He was fine.
There was no announcement for them, there never was. The bar owner and the main bartender pretty much only invited them back because the regulars would order double the amount of drinks when they performed.
The lights were already dimmed in the bar, and the spotlight stayed on on the stage all night.
It wasn't anything special, but it still felt like a step towards more.
The crowd was loud, and barely paid them any attention during Jeff's introduction.
They started playing Master of Puppets, a shorter version without the solo since Eddie still struggled getting through it without having a panic attack. It was part of "reclaiming his trauma" or whatever the government appointed therapist told him on his second and final visit.
He took the first minute to really look out at the crowd, passed the obnoxious spotlight.
Most of the people were unrecognizable, dressed a lot like Wayne, but lacked the friendly smile he gave him when he managed to make it to his shows. He saw a few people he knew from his first two senior years hanging by the back, probably trying not to be noticed by him.
And then he saw him.
His fingers skipped over the strings, missing a note and then two, though only his band and maybe the bartender would notice.
Steve smiled back at him, mouthed 'lookin' good', and gave him a thumbs up.
How did Steve even know about this? None of the other guys had told him, he begged them not to, made them pinky swear that they wouldn't invite anyone they knew for the first show.
Eddie smiled back at him still, happy that Steve was here, realizing now that a friendly face was the only way he would get through this set. He should have told them all.
Most of the set went surprisingly well, and most of the crowd seemed content to watch and sing along. Only a few people walked out when they realized it was mostly metal music, but he figured they weren't really there for any music at all. Watching the freak was the only entertainment a lot of people had in this town.
Steve was nodding his head, nursing the same beer for the entire hour they were on stage, smiling every time Eddie made eye contact with him. He seemed to be enjoying it, despite his usual refusal to listen to any of Eddie's music.
When they got off the stage, Eddie rushed to Steve, not even bothering to put his guitar back in its case first. Most of the crowd had gone outside or settled around the bar anyway, so his sweetheart would be safe.
"What are you doing here?" Eddie bounced on his toes, adrenaline pumping after a successful show. "I didn't tell anyone about this."
"Wayne mentioned it by accident. He assumed you'd asked me to come," Steve shrugged. He didn't seem hurt about not being invited, thankfully, but Eddie still felt guilt bully its way into his chest.
"Sorry. I just wanted to get the first one done before I had anyone here," Eddie nudged his hand. "But thanks for coming. I'm glad you came."
"I'm glad I did too. I'll always be here if you need me, Eds."
It sounded serious, less like what friends do and more like what love does.
"How do you always know what I need?" Eddie couldn't help asking. "It's like I think I'm fine, but then you're there with a glass of water because I haven't remembered to drink all day. Or like tonight, when I thought I could do it on my own, but played much better because you were here."
"I just know you," Steve smiled.
"Wait," Eddie started thinking back to all the times Steve was there. All the times he would show up at the trailer after work to make dinner, not knowing that Eddie had been feeling lonely. All the times he sat next to him on the couch while he planned out Hellfire campaigns because he needed someone to bounce ideas off of who wouldn't be involved. All the times he had to brave the general public and Steve always managed to find a reason to be right by his side, silently protective. "Wait."
"I'm waiting," Steve said. And was he sounding smug? What was that smile on his face? "How long am I supposed to wait?"
"I didn't ask you to be here."
"That's true. You didn't even tell me you'd be here."
"I never ask you to come over. Or go places with me. Or anything."
"You do sometimes," Steve argued.
Steve's lips pinched together, but a smirk was starting to tease its way onto his face.
"You're here because you want to be. Because you knew I'd be a mess and would actually want someone here even though I didn't tell anyone. Because you're always there when I need someone even when I don't admit I do. Because you care about me."
"Love, actually."
Eddie stopped in his tracks. "What?"
"You said I care about you. Duh, of course I do. But I actually love you."
"Like...the way you love Robin?"
"No. Like the way I thought I loved Nancy. But with you it's more. It's way more, Eds."
Eddie was grateful for the dim lighting and Jeff's sudden appearance by his shoulder.
"Eddie! We fuckin' nailed it! I signed an autograph for a girl who knows my name!" He yelled before he noticed Steve. "Oh, hey Steve. Enjoy the show?"
"You all did great, man. Glad you're back out there," Steve reached out to grab his shoulder, a friendly gesture that Jeff wasn't expecting judging by his face. "Need any help loading up?"
"Uh. No. I was actually gonna let Eddie know Gareth's dad came by to help bring all our stuff home so we don't need his van." Jeff gave them both a knowing look, then smacked Eddie's shoulder and smiled. "See you tomorrow!"
Eddie waved at him, still in shock from everything Steve had said before Jeff interrupted.
"You should probably put her in her case, Eds," Steve gestured to the guitar still slung across his back. "People aren't that careful in a bar."
"You've said that a lot tonight."
"Because I'm having a stroke or something. I'm having a very lucid dream. Or maybe I got too high." Eddie shook his head and pinched his own arm. "You love me."
"That's what I said, yeah."
"And you meant it?"
"I wouldn't have said it if I didn't mean it."
Eddie still felt like he might be dreaming, but he decided to lean into it. If Steve loved him, then that meant-
"Oh my God," Steve groaned, but he was smiling. "What now?"
"I love you, too."
"Yeah? You just figure that out?" Steve definitely sounded smug now.
"Yes! I thought I just had this stupid crush on my straight friend. Sorry I didn't realize the way my stomach does cartwheels when you're next to me meant I loved you!"
They both started laughing.
"So, that's why you were staring at me like that at the pool," Steve finally said through his laughter.
"And that's why you asked me to read to you when you had a migraine," Eddie crossed his arms across his chest to avoid doing what he really wanted to do: pull Steve into the most John Hughes-esque first kiss ever.
"We should probably get out of here," Steve said when he recognized Eddie's twitching fingers fighting to not reach out. "Don't think anyone here would like it too much if I made out with you next to the bar."
"Give me two minutes. I'll meet you outside."
Their actual first kiss was just as John Hughes-esque, but it was in the privacy of Eddie's bedroom, and immediately followed by Steve pushing him against his own door and dropping to his knees.
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sylveon-and-velveon · 4 months
Oh God can we please see what the slashers would do if you played 'Hopelessly Devoted To You' from Grease? Just in time for Valentines Day 🥺🥺🥺
Happy Valentine's Day everyone! For couples and singles {like me lol}
OMG yes! I loved watching Grease as a kid!! AFTER MAKING THIS: Should say somehow half of these became "love language" responses- I follow you, hol' up
This will include: Michael Myers {OG & RZ}, Brahms Heelshire, Jason Voorhees, Billy Lenz, Freddy Krueger, Stu Macher, Billy Loomis, Thomas Hewitt, Bubba Sawyer, Harry Warden, Tiffany Valentine
Feel free to request any shitpost writing prompt ideas you can think of in my asks, I love silly non-serious ideas XD We besties if you give me Cupcakke remixes-
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OG Michael Myers
It's giving lovesick, it's giving obsessed, it's giving "I'm not leaving you"
Well for Michael anyway-
He'd probably take the song a little too seriously, and think you're never gonna ever leave him.
He's never been the best at romance
Blame where he was "raised" for over a decade-
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RZ Michael Myers
Just as much in the "never been good with romance" department
But hey, the music isn't loud and obnoxious so he doesn't mind as much to the music you're playing
Especially since it's not as vulgar like.... last time you played music around him
You music player lives to see another day!!
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Brahms Heelshire
He sees it as a love language, that you're using music to properly show your love for him without feeling uncomfortable throughout it all
Yep, that's my new headcannon now. His love language is through music. Especially with pianos
He hears you playing that? Oh his heart is MELTING right then there!! He's gonna be giving you cuddles for DAYS after hearing that
Someone make this love language canon please-
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Jason Voorhees
Imagine if his mom used to listen to this song?
Bringing him memories. Bittersweet ones probably
Unless you headcannon his mom's still alive, then just sweet
Unless you have a sad headcannon about his mom then you fucked either way mate TvT
But anyway, it brings him memories and he's enjoying the music with you
I kinda went on a Pamela rant there- XD
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Billy Lenz
A little confused but he got the spirit
He ain't understanding a lot of it until he hears iconic line from the song
Then he running over to you and is NEVER letting you go
But he still confused
But he trying TvT
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Freddy Kreuger
Okay.... here me out:
Yeah the dude will be ridiculous with goofy ass music
But with romantic related songs?
So you know how he has one hand that isn't covered with the glove?
And no, you're not getting anymore context to my thought process-
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Stu Macher & Billy Loomis
Short and sweet, they'd both love it
Billy's calm about it, while Stu is just like a big doggy. Oh- he is SO happy!!
Billy ain't gonna stop him, it's a good song. And it makes the both of you happy
What's to complain?
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Thomas Hewitt
Takes him a few seconds to understand the implications of this song but when he does he's gonna give you a big ass hug
Bone crushing? Probably-
It's Thomas, he'd probably accidently do it-
But he still loves you
Even if he accidently puts you in a wheelchair
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Bubba Sawyer
Yeah you gotta explain the song, poor guy highly wouldn't understand the meaning
Or he would... but BARELY-
You gotta explain what the song's about, when he finally does understand he's gonna be so in love with you.
And the song
Like a little confession song... weird choice for a confession song. But you do you-
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Harry Warden
A little old fashioned but he understands the song is romantic-esc
He'd vibe to song, bounce his head along to the beat a little
Tap his feet to beat as well, maybe change back and forth between the two
He's never watched the movie before but now the song makes him want to watch the movie
Specifically with you ^^
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Tiffany Valentine
She's watched the movie, but she doesn't wanna admit it
But the second, THE SECOND, she hears you playing that song
Ohhhhhhhhhhh you two are singing that song together with no shame
It's her guilty pleasure song, but knowing that you listen to this song now makes her more confident!
Hell yeah!!!
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luvyeni · 1 year
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pairings. toxic!felix x lovesick!reader
wc. 821
warnings. gaslighting, cheating, mentions of sex, THIS IS FICTION PLEASE RUNAWAY IF SOMEONE TREATS YOU LIKE THIS
authors note. based on the song dlmlu by stray kids, i've been thinking about making something since it came out. THANK YOU FOR 1K FOLLOWERS 🎉! i can't believe i gained so many in such a short time, thank you for reading my works <3!
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with that gaze of yours, full of hurt
"you're home?" you sat on the couch in the apartment that you shared with your boyfriend, who was currently walking through the door, looking like he clearly out doing the same thing he always did, this time he barely hid it. "you smell like whoever she is this time."
he sighed, tossing his keys to the side, rubbing his temples. "don't start this okay, you don't know what you're talking about."
you stood up, scoffing. "really, do you normally go out smelling like— what is it this time? cherries and vanilla." your voice cracking as you began to tear up.
"you, promised."
"i'm sorry." you laughed, that's you could do, it was comical really. "sorry, you're sorry, if you were sorry you'd fucking stop, you wouldn't leave me here for days on days without a call or text." you yelled.
"you're making this a big deal, she didn't mean anything." he yelled back, tugging at his hair in frustration. "please just listen."
"you said it didn't mean anything the last time, or the last time or the fucking time before that, how many times is it not gonna mean anything felix, how many!"
he saw the hurt in your eyes.
please, run away before i end up breaking you
he knew you were right, he was wrong to keep doing this to you , hurting you like this.
you and felix met when you both moved to korea years ago, you both were new to the country, so you had a lot in common, so you relied on each other, being away from your familes you leaned on each other for everything.
your friendship quickly turned into a full blown relationship, and next thing you know you two are in love and moving in with each other.
you two lived happily , you going to school and him recording music with a few other people he met here in korea, that's when it all went to shit, when his band began to get known in the under ground scene...
the different girls that would throw themselves at him, at first he rejected them, he had you, he didn't need anyone else. but good one night, and a few drinks later, he was crawling out of some girls bed, ready to beg for forgiveness.
you forgave him, heartbroken but you still took him back, and he promised not to do it again.
then came another, and another and another, and you took him back each and everytime, and felix realized something— there was reason why you kept taking him back.
you didn't have anyone else, you only had him, you didn't want to live without him, you truly did love him. of course, he did love you back don't get him wrong, but something about how you'd still look at him with heart eyes, packing him his lunches every morning, coming to his concert when you could— you did everything for him regardless of what he did... felix loved that power more, he was addicted to it.
don't let me love you, don't let me love you
"babe, im sorry she didn't mean anything i swear." he was being truthful, he couldn't even remember the girls name, it started with a b or something.
"it was a mistake, you have to believe, i was drunk and it just happened." he gave you those same doe eyes, the ones that made you fall for his charms every single time. "i love you, you know that." he cupped your face.
"you keep breaking my heart." you whispered, tears falling from your face. "it won't happen again, i swear." he wiped the tears. "you just have to trust me."
you wanted to say no, you did, but you really did love felix, and you knew he still loved you, or at least you wanted to hold on to the hope that he did.
"fine, one more chance, im giving you one more chance, felix you better not fuck it up." he smiled, kissing you. "thank you baby."
"i really promise this time will be different."
escape before the pain fills you up
he knew it wasn't gonna be that last time, but that didn't stop him from whispering empty promises in your ear as he thrusted into you, telling you how he's gonna stop while he kissed your neck, soaking up all your precious moans.
this happens everytime, you yell, he plays his games and you forgive him, and you have make up sex, knowing it will only be a week or two before you're right back at were you started, you sitting on the couch watching him walk in the apartment.
he knows he's know good for you. he knows he should let you go find someone who will treats you right, but he can't help but keep you on his life.
he needs you as much as you need him.
don't let me love you
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cursedvida · 8 months
SAD EYES, BROKEN SMILE V (Buggy x f!Reader)
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WARNINGS: Smut, Minors DNI please go away. I mean masturbation, dirty talk, vaginal fingering and a lot of +18 things babies.
N/A: From now to the end the series are starting to be very hot, sorry not sorry. But yeah porn with feelings.
The confrontation with the marines was not complicated, it was just a ship without a very powerful captain, so it was quite easy to finish them off. As everyone witnessed -part- of your skills, you decided not to hold back in a battle anymore. You didn't show your full potential either, just enough to get rid of a few cadets while leaving Buggy free to show off in front of the whole crew.
At the end of the battle, Buggy decides to celebrate the victory using the barrels you stole from the navy ship. Another party of many on Buggy's pirate ship, it almost seems like a habit to end up all drunk on beer and rum. You must admit you've never drunk so often before.
While the musicians begin to play a song and you hear the laughter of some of your crewmates, you feel that someone is watching you. Buggy has his eyes on you, those eyes that you like so much and that you have imagined looking at you that way a thousand times. You feel the lust and desire in them, which excites and overwhelms you in equal parts. Buggy pretends to listen to his subordinates while still paying attention to you, he takes a sip from his beer mug without taking his eyes off you. You watch him from the corner of your eye, not taking your mind off what has happened this morning: the wet taste of his mouth, his hands roaming your body, his fingers in places no other man has touched. You swallow saliva, you want him as much as he wants you, you feel a tightness in your chest too great, you feel like something inside you is going to explode.
You need some air, so you decide to withdraw for a moment, get away from the people. You go down to the cellars so you can breathe for a moment. You think that you are being unconscious, that you are getting too carried away. Who is this person non capable of thinking clearly? Since when do you let yourself be carried away by absurd desires and give up a mission on a whim? That's not you, you don't recognize yourself. You've never had time for that kind of nonsense, why is it different now? Why with him?
"Do you like to meet in this place?"
You recognize that voice instantly. As you look up there is Buggy, your captain, standing in front of you with his eyes bright from the contrast they make with the dim light in the room. You keep wondering what his face must look like without so much makeup, what his lips must taste like without the aftertaste of face paint. You lose your senses again and all the questions and reproaches you asked yourself earlier disappear.
"I thought you wouldn't remember" you say in a whisper "you were really drunk that night."
Buggy approaches you slowly, never taking his eyes off you. When he's at your level he lifts your chin gently with his fingers.
"Not that much" he admits, cocking a smile.
Your heart starts pounding at the thought of him maybe kissing you at a moment's notice. At times like this you wish your life had been otherwise, more normal, less violent. Then you could have had an ordinary adolescence, met some boys, had some experiences. So, at least now you wouldn't feel so ridiculous for not knowing how to react when a man calls out to you.
You look away, somewhat self-consciously.
"You fought very well today…" You comment shyly, radically changing the subject.
"I admit I went too far" he forces your chin to look back at him "but it's just that those suckers interrupted me at a very important moment, and I really can't stand that."
A nervous giggle escapes you. God, what a fool you are. You feel ashamed of yourself.
"Buggy, I…" You move closer to him, melting into an embrace. His smell makes you feel good, in a safe place.
The captain doesn't know how to react, after your hot encounter this morning he thought you were going to go on the lust attack without too much thought, but that embrace so warm, so intimate, has caught him totally off guard. Today he watched you fight, he watched with pleasure as you knocked out those navy pigs without ruffling your hair, it made him even hornier than he already was. But when you hug him like that, like someone holding on to an iron beam so as not to lose his balance, he realizes that maybe you were right and he was really underestimating your feelings. That maybe not a purely sexual attraction.
"I don't know what's wrong with you" you confess, hiding your face in his chest so you don't have to look him in the face "But you make me feel so silly."
"Well, that happens to a lot of people when they discover my incredible wit" he boasts, trying to take the intensity out of the situation.
"It's not because of that" you reply softly "it's just… I really like you a lot. I'm not playing games."
And he realizes then how vulnerable you are being in his arms. Your honesty about emotions is something that always catches him off guard but at the same time touches him. How can you be so insanely honest? Fuck, it feels like you're playing at leaving him unarmed.
"I want you so badly," you tell him in a whisper, and it unleashes all his most primal instincts.
Buggy lets out a sort of wild animal-like growl. You then notice how he lifts you into the air, sitting on one of the barrels in the hold. You are now almost at the same height. He looks you in the eyes again, his nose brushing yours.
"You're a dangerous little girl" he strokes your hair with an open hand and a certain paternal air "very dangerous."
At that moment you give him a gentle kiss on his nose. It's something you've wanted to do for a long time because, contrary to what he thinks, you don't find it horrible, but appetizing in a way. You don't know how he's going to react to such an action, but when his gaze changes, turning wild, you know you've pressed a button from which there's no turning back.
The next thing you know, Buggy has taken hold of your neck, kissing it, biting it, leaving a trail of red paint on your smooth skin. You've triggered his wild side, his hands are no longer as soft and slow as they were this morning, now they don't hesitate to strip off your shirt, leaving you in your bra. His mouth runs down your collarbones, down your chest and finally you notice how his tongue begins to slurp the top of your breasts. On the other hand, his hands run along your waist, down to your buttocks to remove the shorts you are wearing. Before you know it you are almost naked in front of him, noticing how your cheeks suddenly turn red.
You grab his hair, pulling off his hat and then his bandana to realize that his hair is actually longer than you imagined. Strands of blue hair falling over his face. You notice your cheeks red again, for some reason you find him more handsome than ever.
"Buggy, I've never…" you're embarrassed to even say it, seeing him so thrown. He looks at you, his pupils dilated with excitement "I've never… been like this with anyone."
The idea of being the first one able to go that far with you doesn't seem to disgust him, quite the opposite. There is a smirk on his face, he feels so full of himself. He knows that you are giving him a privilege that you have not wanted to bestow on anyone else, only him, which swells his pride considerably.
"Then I'll have to make sure you have a great time," he replies to you, mischief in his gaze.
He spreads your legs then and bends down slightly, removing your panties to expose the most intimate part of you. You notice your cheeks light up just before you feel your whole face burning. Buggy is kneeling, staring at your crotch with an almost famished expression.
"Don't do that, I'm embarrassed."
He lets out a laugh just before he approaches your wetness. That's when you gasp at the contact of his tongue with your intimacy. Buggy starts to move his tongue expertly, trying to find your clit, while you do your best not to lose your balance. One of your hands goes to his hair, while the other tries to hold on to the barrel. You feel totally vulnerable, exposed to this man who has decided to make of you whatever he wants because you let him. His tongue running along your pussy, finding that sensitive area that makes you let out a huge moan of pleasure.
"Mmm, there it is" he relishes, looking at you for a moment.
You watch him, panting, spread-eagled in an absolutely obscene position that, at the same time, excites you enormously. You love being at his mercy, moaning every time his tongue caresses your clitoris, sucking expertly as you let out sighs and sounds you never thought could come out of your mouth.
"Fuck little girl, it's fucking wonderful when you growl like that" he comments just before he starts eating you again.
You notice how he has pulled his hands away from your body. As he continues to lick your pussy, he removes his gloves in midair. His hands go to your back, unclasping your bra. You are now totally naked before him. Your breasts glisten in the light of the room, your nipples are erect and Buggy's hands begin to caress them, pinching them as his tongue works faster and faster.
You let out a cry of pleasure, you can't repress it, there are too many sensations at once.
Buggy makes one of his hands reconnect with your arm, pulls his face away and starts stroking you with one of his fingers. As he jerks you off, he sits up slightly, moving closer to you. His makeup is smudged. He gets close to your ear as he inserts one of his fingers into your vagina.
"You have no fucking idea how you have me right now" he comments, as you hold your breath as you feel him insert himself into your cavity "Fuck, gorgeous, you're so tight. I think we're going to have to do some work on this."
You hold onto his neck so you don't lose your balance as you feel his finger advance inside you. Buggy grabs your wrist, pulling your hand to his crotch. You can feel the huge bulge, hard and throbbing, noticeable under his pants.
"See?" he asks, staring at you before kissing you. His mouth is salty, tasting of your own fluids, something that manages to turn you on even more "That's how you got me. That's how you get me my little minx."
"Buggy…" you moan. Slipping your hand under his pants to touch his erect member. You've never done anything like this before, but instinctively you begin to move your hand, guided by the expressions of pleasure he puts on "Like this?"
"Perfect. Mmmm... good girl" he growls, sinking his head into your neck.
He pulls his finger out from inside you and starts stroking your clit while you do the same with his member. You both start moaning at the same time, Buggy looks at you then, notices your half-open mouth, your burning cheeks, your watering eyes. He revels in that virgin face discovering sex while you try your best to give him back all the pleasure he's giving you.
"You're a insane craziness" he whispers to you without taking his eyes off you "you're going to fuck my life".
You are not able to answer him anything, you notice that you are close to orgasm, each time the waves of pleasure are bigger and bigger.
"Buggy, I think… I think…"
"Hold on a little, baby girl. I'm almost there."
You try to hold back, biting your lower lip trying to stifle your moans. You wiggle his cock quickly, noticing how he gasps slightly. He wiggles his finger more as well. You both start moaning at the same time.
"I'm going to fucking cum" he gasps.
"Me too" you moan, almost unable to hold it in.
At that moment you notice how pleasure invades your whole body, rising from your lower belly to all your extremities. Your legs even tremble, you can't modulate your moans, you start to scream disconsolately as your body fills with spasms. You feel your vision blur for a few moments and, when you want to realize it, you are half dead on one of his arms while the hand holding his cock is completely stained. He has also cum and his face is resting on your tits, breathing heavily. You feel your heart racing.
"Fuck me" he sighs, looking up.
For some reason you see him looking more handsome than ever, more attractive than any other time. At that moment, if he asked you for anything, you'd go to hell itself. He gently pulls you up. With the hand that was holding you so you wouldn't fall, he pushes your hair away from your face. He smiles then, looking quite pleased.
"You're definitely going to ruin me."
And then he lets out a tremendous laugh.
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If I can request, you did the way the bachelorettes react to ex-stardom. I enjoyed it so much and would love to see it for the bachelors too?
I love your writings ;u; ♡
bachelors reacting to your ex-stardom || headcanons
being in the limelight was fun for a while, but settling down is definitely what you needed. but how would your partner react to your past? part one here!
warnings: nothing that i can see! :)
requested by: anon! hii, thank you so much for the request! this topic is pretty interesting, and i really enjoyed writing for everyone! be sure to check out part one, it adds a little more context and i think it's super duper cool and you're definitely missing out. anyway! hope you enjoy :)
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• You and Alex were on the beach, resting after tossing around the Gridball. He got on the topic of his dream of playing Gridball professionally, and how although he wanted to make it big and turn his passion into a profession, he wouldn't know what to do with himself. He's been such a shut-in these last few years, only really hanging out with you and his grandparents. The fame sounds so scary. But ... you knew that all too well. He didn't know that, though. Maybe it was time.
• You slowly told Alex that you knew a lot about being famous, before explaining who you were. “Wait- what?! Why didn't you tell me sooner?! I love your music! Genuinely, like I listen to it all the time ... I know it's not really the manliest choice and it's my guilty pleasure- not to say men shouldn't listen to your music! Oh my yoba- sorry- ... I love your music. That's what I'm trying to say. It's really really good.”
• As you explained why you left the limelight, Alex nodded understandingly. “Yeah, Gridball will always be a dream of mine, but the people I'd be around are probably not good. Maybe staying in the town isn't such a bad idea, huh? I don't think anyone could really beat hangin' with you, grandma, and grandpa.”
• Alex soon opened up about which of your songs was his favorite, and asked in depth about them. There were some that really spoke to him emotionally, and he had a really bad time dealing with that sort of stuff. The fact that you created something he relates to makes him happier than ever! He scored pretty good, if he says so himself.
• Regardless of your old fame, he's still deeply in love with you. He admires your talent, but that doesn't overshadow how you've helped him in his life since you've actually been in it. He will still listen to your music, but maybe a little more publicly. He wouldn't tell anyone unless you said it was okay, but he'd totally be bragging about you if he were allowed.
• Elliott was not having a great writing session. He invited you over, incredibly stumped with his latest novel. He was bouncing ideas off of you left and right, but nothing would stick! You mentioned that music could be an inspiration, and it was like a lightbulb smacked him in the forehead. He raced over to his stereo and turned on the radio. A cheese-y pop tune ... YOUR cheese-y pop tune. He was embarrassed over the pop playing and immediately turned it, but he did notice your expression and inquired.
• You explained that the song on the radio was a song that you wrote and sang yourself. He was startled at first. “I didn't know we had such a big star in our midst! Are those your lyrics as well? I didn't pin you as such a wonderful writer, but I am so grateful! Someone that shares my writing prowess! I knew some invisible string brought us together!”
• As you continue to explain your past and why you came out to Pelican Town, Elliott nods along, hearing your story. “I didn't realize how similar we are. I understand wanting to get away from it all, that's why I'm out here as well. I suppose you came here to get away from your work, and I came to get closer to it. How awfully poetic that is, don't you think?”
• He asked a lot of questions, really diving deep into your mind. Of course, he only asked if you were comfortable with it. He loved analyzing people's minds, especially if they were different from his own. He may or may not use some of these aspects of your life in his new novel. With your permission, of course. You've always been his biggest muse.
• Elliott is invested in your life, like any good partner should, and admires your creative talent. This only heightens his view of you, as you are an artist, just like him. Despite the different mediums, you two share a lot in common. He would love you regardless of this aspect, but this only draws you two closer.
• Harvey was giving you a check-up, which was a bit unethical now that you were dating, but eh. He's the only doctor in the town and he's very worried about your health. He noticed that you mentioned a previous injury when checking your knee reflexes. This injury has occurred in a rehearsal for one of your tours. You didn't want to lie to your sweet boyfriend, so you had to admit the truth.
• As he wrote on his clipboard your reasoning, he stopped for a moment. “Tour? Popstar? Is this one of your sarcastic comments that I'm not getting? ... oh, really? You've never mentioned that part of your life before. Please, if you want to open up about it, show me some of your work once we get home. I hate to admit, but I'm fairly curious,” he said with a soft, caring smile.
• When you two get home after the checkup, he starts to cook dinner. “Please, keep me company while I cook. If you'd like to share some stories ... well, only if you're comfortable with it, I know that you got away from fame for a reason, but ... I want to know that part of your life, just like I know this one. Indulge me, if you would, my love.”
• He tries his best to support this part of your life, even if he wasn't involved. He ends up purchasing a lot of your old music and keeping a collection, showing it as a sign of affection. He listens to it while he does household chores, humming along to your songs happily while you're away.
• Harvey didn't mind this aspect of your life. It was another thing that made you the person he loves. He listens to everything you say and pays attention, specifically to the parts of fame you enjoyed and didn't enjoy. He only asked about the stuff you liked, and allowed you to open up about the hard times on your own, when you were ready. He was incredibly careful about the whole thing, and wouldn't dare make you uncomfortable.
• As you and Sam were relaxing in his room one day, he was fiddling with his guitar. He seemed super stumped, strumming random chords to try and make some sense. Nothing was working ... he eventually showed you something that sounds sort of functional? But this rhythm was VERY similar to a song you put out a long time ago. You let out a soft giggle, which left Sam confused. You had to explain now.
• You drop the fact that you were a popstar in a nonchalant manner, trying to make it not a huge deal. But it's Sam. Of course it's a big deal. “No. Fucking. WAY! You're kidding, you've gotta be fucking with me! And you didn't tell me?! For SHAME! As punishment, you've gotta tell me all about it and I will refuse to change the topic. Now SPILL!”
• You explained who you are and why you left everything behind, which Sam thought about for a moment. “Wow ... I never really bought about fame that way. That must've been a lot, and I really do get why you came all the way down here. I'm just glad you're here now, y'know? ... but if you do end up getting the itch to create some music again, with no strings attached to fame, I'm always here. I'd love to create somethin' sick with you.”
• Sam always asked questions about the parts of fame he didn't know much about. Did you go to any parties? Was this person actually chill or were they a dick? He was so curious and asked probably the weirdest questions imaginable, but they were refreshing. And if you weren't the first person Sam showed his music to before, you were now. He always asked for your approval, and asked how to improve. It was extremely sweet.
• Even though he was excited about everything you had presented to him, he tried his best to be respectful. If you asked him to stop, he would with a nod and a quick apology, giving you a small kiss before putting the topic to bed. He still loved you for you! This aspect about you is just so cool and interesting to him. He adores you regardless, and wouldn't trade the current version of you for anyone else.
• Sebastian had just finished working for the day and needed to relax. He flopped down on his couch and pressed the button on his radio. The pop station came on, and he was about to turn it before you walked in. You were shocked to hear your own song playing, staring at him with wide eyes. He makes some sarcastic comments about how this is actually his music taste and you just don't understand him. He doesn't understand why you're so shocked, though.
• As you slowly drop the bomb, he lets out a little chuckle. “Hah. Funny. You can drop the act, I can tell you're fuckin' with me ... are you really a world renowned superstar with several albums with hundreds of chart toppers? Like I believe that! Why the hell would you choose Pelican Town of all places to live, huh? This is the type of town you need to run away from.”
• You eventually have to explain why you left, why that lifestyle really wasn't you. He's actually at a loss for words for a moment, before nodding. “I didn't expect that out of you, you really are full of surprises. Tell me more, if you wanna. I'd be willing to listen. If you don't wanna talk about all that shit though, it's fine. Whatever you wanna do,” he said with a welcoming smile.
• Your music was FAR from what Sebastian listened to commonly. His Radiohead collection can attest for that. But ... he decided to take a listen to your music. He's very picky usually, so this is a pretty good feat. He actually kind of enjoyed it, for once. Maybe you're leading him down the path of liking something that's not edgy. Hmm. That's nice.
• Sebastian found this part of you incredibly interesting, but he didn't ask many questions. If you wanted him to know, he would, and he respected that. He loves hearing you talk about anything that you're passionate about, or just hearing you talk in general. It's arguably one of his favorite past times.
• You and Shane were sitting by the pier one night. This was Shane's safe spot, attempting not to start drinking again. You two spent several afternoons sitting under the glow of the stars with an old cassette player and some of Shane's favorite songs. One of these nights, he mentioned that his childhood dream was to be an actor, and how weird fame seemed. He would hate being famous ... and you did too. This would be a perfect time to drop this bomb.
• You mentioned your past to Shane, but he brushed it off. “Uh huh. And I'm actually a famous bowler but I fucked up my arm and now I'm destined to live the rest of my life in this little shit hole. Oh, my poor dreams. How sad,” he said, his dry humor biting with sarcasm. He noticed your facial expressions ... they weren't sarcastic. “... I'm sober right? You didn't spike my drink or somethin' and you're tryin' to fuck with me ... huh. Now that's a topic.”
• You explained everything, mainly about why you came back here. You figured Shane wouldn't really know much about who you were, that's not his type of music anyway. “Huh. Nice. I figured you were just some corporate big league who got tired of the white walls. A lot of things make a lot more sense, I guess. You're a lot more talented than I thought ... sorry, that was mean- let me rephrase ... you are talented. I really am tryin' to get better about that ...”
• Shane didn't ask much about it further, but would listen if you brought it up again. He ended up stumbling across your work ... it was way better than he imagined. Maybe because it was you. It was a source of comfort to him, and he often listened to your beautiful voice when he was in a dark time. It helped him through a lot.
• He didn't mind your past, you had a lot less skeletons in your closet than he did. He liked hearing your voice, so it was a win-win. He got this down-to-Earth side of you that he enjoys being around, but he can also listen to his star-studded partner whenever he wants. He wouldn't tell you that, though. That's his little secret.
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r0ckgoblin · 1 year
Would that I- bella ramsey xreader
“true that i saw her hair like the branch of a tree”
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summary: bella is a person of many trades, your favorites just so happen to be when they play guitar and sing. you have always admired this about her, as any friend would. b/c you and bella have always been supportive of each other’s interest, they always come to you first when he’s written a song or learned a new one. why would this time be any different?
a/n: idk how to write summaries… but anyways enjoy:) (p.s. hc wise, i think they listen to hozier…yea she definitely does)
warnings: unproper grammar(maybe) how i've passed all my lit classes i will never know. probably not fully proofread, i miss the smallest things smh
*all pronouns for bella used*
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you wiggle the key into the stubborn door of bella’s apartment, eventually winning the fight against it. opening the door you’re met with the sound of guitar strings being plucked and you smile softly. setting your bag on the kitchen counter you begin wandering around looking for your best friend.
“hey bels?” you call out.
“in here” he says from the sunroom.
you laugh softly grabbing a small throw blanket from the couch.
"hi" you smile, bending down to hug her, finding it a little difficult due to the guitar in their lap. the smell of old spice wonderfully clouds your sense of smell as they reach up to hug you back. the two of you gently sway for a few seconds before you pull back to adjust yourself next to him on the small couch, covering your legs with the blanket.
"how was your day?" he asks smiling over at you.
"it was good, slow, it was just a lot of cleaning up some scenes" you exhale recalling your most recent project, a movie you had been working on for the last few months, one only the people a part of it and the people closes to you knew about. acting was stressful sometimes, but the final project was always worth it, and that's something you and bella could both agree on.
"those days are inevitable, but i believe in you." they say as the lean back to rest their head on your shoulder. this caused you to blush a light pink color, luckily, he couldn't see your face at the moment. you didn't know what it was but lately you've been feeling certain ways about your best friend, and you were scared you wouldn't be able to hide those feelings for much longer. the only thing stopping you was the incessant fear of losing her friendship if they didn't feel the same way.
after moments of peaceful silence bella breaks it be jolting up excitedly. "oh! i learned a new song!"
"really? show me!'' you smiled mirroring her excitement. for as long as you've known bella your favorite thing about them has been her ability to play guitar and sing. they were so good at it, and it seemed to be a big passion of his as well.
"of course! you're going to love it, it's a hozier song" they beam at you holding eye contact waiting for your reaction, which didn't take long because you immediately grinned so big.
" you learned another one? which one?!" you question with giddy.
"you'll have to guess."
"c'mon that's no fun" you whine putting on a fake frown.
"you'll live" she jokes.
"okay, fine go." you pout resulting in a laugh from her.
she plucks some cords before playing, listening to them intently. you just stare at him in awe. before you know it, you're hearing the first notes of hozier's "would that i". you gasp in amazement, and they let a small laugh leave their mouth, somehow without losing focus. as if it couldn't get any better, he also starts singing the words along with the music.
you feel your eyes water, you have no idea why that would be happening. was it the emotional toll of being in love with your best friend, someone who you've watched grow into a beautiful and talented human being? the fear that if you were to express how you feel, it could all turn against you, and you lose the one person who means the most in the world to you? or maybe it's just because the song is so beautiful? its defiantly the song.
you got so lost listening to his voice and the way the sun setting through the window made their skin glow and made his hair shine like honey. shit you were head over heels.
by down you had drowned out her voice due to your staring that you didn't even realize they had finished. not until they're talking directly at you. you blush a little realizing you 100% got caught staring.
"so what do you think?" she ask not making eye contact.
"i loved it," you smiled,
"thank you so much." he grins, and you swear you see faint pink on their cheeks.
"i, um-", you go to say something, but you stop yourself.
"what was that?''
"i uh... i should get back to my hotel.''
"just stay here'' she says but its more of a begging question.
"no, i can't, ive got an early morning and we both know i'm not quiet in the mornings, i wouldn't want to wake you that early.'' you try and lie.
"y/n please'' he begs, grabbing your hand giving you those big brown puppy eyes.
"i'm sorry.'' you shake your head.
they tug you closer, your chests touching. they stare you in the eyes, you notice her give a quick glance to your lips. you in return look to theirs.
"there's something uh... i've mean meaning to tell you," they exhale nervously, "and i really need to get it off my chest. this um..." they swallow hard, "this is harder than i thought."
"shut up" you say with a fake serious tone.
"what i haven't even gotten to what i wanted to say." they knit their eyebrows in confusion.
"you don't have to, if it's what i think it is, i already know," you smile, "because i want to tell you the same thing."
"i like you, like REALLY like you okay!"
"i-" they were speechless. you two just stared back at each other, waiting for the other to speak.
"i like you two, like reeaallyy like you." they smile wide.
you smile and release a breath of relief, resting your forehead on theirs. you two stay like that giggling back and forth.
"can i kiss you?" they speak up.
"of course." you smile.
she then softly presses their lips to yours, grabbing your face, she deepens the kiss making it more passionate but soft. his hands travel to your hair gently brushing it while your hands find the small of their back caressing softly. this goes on until your both pulling away for air, laughing breathlessly.
"so... stay the night?"
you laugh hugging them as they spin you around like something out of a movie.
the rest of the night you spend cuddled on the couch watching your favorite movies until you're both passed out in each other's arms.
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a/n: AAAAHHH LETS GOOOO!!!! so BAHAHAAHAH this took longer than i wanted and it's not even as long as i wanted it:( anyways here it is, i hope you really enjoy it. there will hopefully be more in the future:) feel free to request, also let me know if my replies are off bc i clicked on one of my post and it says my comments are turned off??? idk, but my asks should be on:) love you! have a great day/night!🫶
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seospicybin · 1 year
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Felix x reader. (s,f)
Synopsis: Valentine's day is just another day for you until a stranger gives you a flower and makes it special for you. (16,4k words)
Author's note: Happy Valentine's day, my loves! Good news is I'm not going to make you cry. Bad news is I'm going to hit you with a lot of love and fluff 💘
Listen to my favorite love songs here 💕
Do you know that Valentine comes from a Latin word meaning 'strength'?
It's unclear how valentine's day became associated with the tradition of exchanging affectionate gifts and love notes, one thing for sure is you certainly don't have the strength to go through this day. Why? Because you're miserably single and chronically introverted.
Most of the reason why you're still single is that you like to stay in the safety of your room, working with the company of your cat and a steaming cup of tea. That's also why you love your job, it allows you to stay in your little bubble, away from the bustle of city life.
If it isn't about work, you wouldn't find yourself in a packed bus with these people who just got off work or school, or are on their way to have dates with their significant others.
Being in a crowd like this makes you anxious and there are still a few stops to go but it already feels suffocating even though you're sitting near the window. You distract yourself by looking out at the view but there's not much to see but the melting snow and the cool air slipping through the crack between the windows.
You feel gentle taps on your shoulder and you turn your head to see a hand, you look up to see who the owner is since he's standing next to your seat.
Dark hair parted in the middle and loose strands of hair fell over his forehead but what captivated you is the freckles dusted his milky white skin.
"Do you know what time is it?" He asks with a kind smile.
He owns a deep voice that doesn't seem to belong to someone with a slender figure like him. It's like someone else dubbed his voice.
You fumble to fish your phone out of your purse and click it to see the time, "it's 6.13 pm," you answer.
"Oh," he responds.
He swings his backpack to the front and you only realized then that he's holding his phone with him, he can easily check the time himself.
He pulls something out of his backpack, a pink rose wrapped in an iridescent paper wrapper. Even from this distance, you can tell it's a real rose, it gets you wondering how he keeps the petals intact inside his backpack.
He pushes it toward you and you stare at it in confusion, "is it for me?"
He nods along with his smile hasn't faded from his face yet.
You take it from him and you can't help but smile it's the first time you ever received a flower from someone. Not just someone but a gorgeous, elven-like human.
"I happen to have one left," he adds as he slings his backpack on one shoulder.
Your smile fades a little after hearing that, it means that you're not the only person getting a rose from him, and the worse is you're the last person to receive it.
You're not that special, you're just lucky but still, you're grateful for his nice gesture.
"Thank you," you mutter to him with a smile.
You notice your stop is next and put the rose in the safety of your tote bag.
"My stop is next," you inform the guy who gives you the rose.
You get up from your seat and offer it to the girl who's been standing since the previous bus stop.
There is a minute of you standing next to him before getting off, but there's nothing significant happens except that he holds you from falling on your face by holding the strap of your bag.
"Be careful," he says as you walk to the exit of the bus.
You know what? The worst thing is he doesn't even ask for your number.
What a romantic day indeed!
Everyone knows that Felix is such a sweetheart.
On valentine's day, he bought a dozen of roses for him to share with anyone, from the barista who made his morning latte, to the serving lunch lady at the cafeteria, to his favorite dance instructor, to any random person he met for the sake of making people smiles.
To put it simply, he has a lot of love in him and he wants to share it with everyone.
However, his big heart only makes it hard for people to try to flip it.
He's popular at his dance school and it's no mystery why most of the students have a crush on him, then again, no one has ever captivated him in a way that makes his heart moves at least a millimeter.
What's the use of being popular when he doesn't have anyone to share this special day with?
So he stays in the studio a little longer to practice his dance routine until he remembers that he has a family dinner to attend.
He rushes to the bus stop and squeezes himself into a packed bus. His family would be fine if he's a few minutes late but Felix doesn't want to be a nuisance, he's just too good of a person.
Still, he compose a text just in case he couldn't make it in time.
Someone walks past him to make their way to the exit of the bus, Felix almost stumbles when the bus stops. He moves to the side to make some space for everyone.
That's when he sees you, looking out of the window so lost in your thoughts. It's like you're living in your own time and space from the rest of the world.
And it's beautiful, this scene, the wind slipping through your hair, your tender gaze, you.
For a moment, he feels like time stands still and all he sees is you.
His curious hand reaches for you to make sure that you're real, not just fragments of his imagination.
He suddenly feels bad for intruding on your space but you're looking up at him, wide-eyed and a bit defensive.
He hurriedly thinks of something to say, a small talk, an excuse, anything!
"Do you know what time is it?"
He feels like slapping himself for asking such a stupid question, he's literally holding his phone in his hand and can easily check time himself.
"It's 6.13 pm," you answer after checking the time on your phone.
He's lucky that you don't see the phone he's holding and that he still has one rose left in his backpack, he can only hope it's still proper enough to be given to you despite the rose having been in his backpack for hours.
"Is it for me?" You ask, nonplussed.
He nods because his mouth suddenly got dry and he's unable to speak.
A smile rises on your face as you stare at the rose, only if you know between the two, your smile is the most lovely.
"I happen to have one left," he blurts out.
Your smile fades a little and he wonders why.
"Thank you," you mutter with a courteous smile.
Then it hits him that he gives you the impression that he did this to everyone.
But that's not the intention, he wants to let you know that this feels like fate, that he met you and happened to have one rose left.
When you put the rose inside your bag and get up from your seat, he knows he has so little time to try to explain.
"My stop is next," you tell him.
The situation he's in doesn't support his plan and he can only look at you as you stand next to him. You seem to be waiting for him to say something too.
Then the bus stops and Felix prevents you from stumbling forward by grabbing the strap of your bag.
You turn your head at him and smile. It's so sweet, the kind of sweet that will get him addicted.
The door of the bus is open and people start to move toward it.
Felix doesn't have much time left and he wants to know everything about you. Your name, your phone number, your favorite food, your favorite movies, movies that make you cry, any of your childhood memories, anything!
But all that comes out is, "be careful!"
You flash him a smile for the last time then get off the bus.
Felix watches as the girl who has just moved his heart by a millimeter walks away from him.
The rose is wilted.
You've been keeping it in a pitcher full of water and placed it on your desk, next to the window to fill its need for sunlight.
Whenever you look at it, you get reminded of him.
The gentle taps on your shoulder, the smile he gave you as he asks for the time, the deep voice that you still doubt belongs to him, and the last of him that you saw through the bus window.
It's all sweet until the reality bites, that you don't know him and it's impossible to meet him again.
For a starter, you don't even know his name therefore you can't try to find his information on the internet.
If only you had just a shred of confidence in yourself, you would have asked for his number and maybe made him wait for a day or two for your phone call.
You scoff at the thought. Who are you to play hard-to-get?
The sound of your phone ringing startles you and wakes you up from your silly reverie.
It's a work call.
Sometimes you get hired to work in certain places and you've been a trusted partner of this luxury brand, they wanted you to come and write custom cards for their special orders. They usually just send the cards to your place and you'll send them back when the deadline ends, however, there'll always be orders that come in a short amount of time.
You bring your writing utensils with you and work in the store in what looks like a hotel room instead of a fitting room.
They serve you a cup of tea and sweet assortments, then give you a list of names for you to write then leave the room to give you the space to work.
It's not as comfortable as working in your apartment but you can work in an environment like this, quiet and nice.
You spread all of the cards you've done in a neat row while letting the ink dry.
You check all of the cards once again, making sure there is no speck of ink or spelling mistakes. Because apparently, some people can get very sensitive if you misspelled their name.
It's as if she knows you're outside, your phone ringing the second you stepped out of the store. Turns out, your brother gets off early from work and invites you for an early dinner.
He is determined to get you out of the house so many times and you rejected each one of his invitations.
"Stop sulking! You're out already," he says, his shoulder bumps yours and he always forgets that his big body can easily knock you off your chair.
Good thing that you're used to it, "I'm not sulking," you grumble.
He takes your glass of water and switches it with his glass of wine, "you're not driving. Have some wine!"
You put the wine glass down, not drinking it. He rolls his eyes at you, "have some fun!"
"I have fun," you quickly respond.
"What fun? Playing hide and seek with Percy?"
"I have fun in my own way, okay?" You shrug away all of his words off you.
He takes his wine glass back and drains it in one long sip, "how are you going to meet a guy if you stayed in your room all day?"
"But you met your fiancé in your apartment!" You defend yourself with a solid fact.
"That's because he's a friend of my roommate!" He argues back with widening eyes.
When he realizes that came out louder than he intended, he lowers his voice immediately, "I mean... when's the last time you met a cute guy?"
"A week ago," you shortly reply.
Your brother suddenly gets so interested, he leans forward on the table, "where?"
"In the bus."
"What's his name?"
"I don't know," you innocently answer.
Your brother inhales a deep breath and slumps in his seat, disappointed that his enthusiasm goes to waste.
You refuse to share a taxi ride with him because it'll only double the fare since he goes the opposite way to where you're going.
You let out a long sigh once you are seated inside the bus, the work isn't that tiring but interacting with people drained your energy the most.
You lean your head against the cool window glass and start spacing out as you gaze out at the view of the city lights in the distance.
It's a bad habit of yours, you'll space out and forgets about your surroundings, that includes almost skipping your bus stop.
Good thing that you reflexively shoot up from your seat and run to the exit, getting off the bus just in time before the door closes.
You hoist your bag higher on your shoulder and start walking to your apartment building.
A hand on your shoulder stops you from going, you turn around to see who it is.
"Hey, why didn't you call me?"
Felix's hair is still damp.
He had a quick shower after practice to wash all of the sweat off and put on a clean t-shirt.
He always leaves school at this hour, so by the time he gets off, he'll go somewhere to eat for dinner.
Except that tonight he feels like going home early and ordering some food.
He sits on the back of the bus with his hands shoved inside his jacket pockets. He clicks his phone, expecting it to light up so he can see the time.
Unfortunately, his phone runs out of battery. There's always a digital clock somewhere on the bus, he looks straight ahead but instead, he finds the other thing he's looking for.
He didn't believe his eyes at first until he sees you run to exit the bus.
It's like history repeats itself, he got caught in the same situation that requires him to act in such a short amount of time.
He senses that the driver is about to close the door soon, he stops thinking and dashes outside, getting off the bus even though it is not his stop.
He is unsure of how to talk to you but he knows that it's his only chance.
Hesitating for a while, Felix puts his hand on your shoulder and you immediately turn on your heel to find him there.
"Hey, why didn't you call me?"
Definitely not a good opener, he sounds so eager and a whole lot creepy. He can see that he just gave you the ick from your plain expression.
You grip the strap of your bag and tip your head to the side, "but you didn't give me your number," you answer.
A laugh escaped his parted mouth, he didn't expect you to still recognize him and that you'll answer his strange way of greeting you.
"Do you perhaps... want to grab dinner together?"
"I'm sorry. I had dinner already," you refuse with a courteous smile.
He kind of expected this answer, that's understandable, especially when the invitation comes from a stranger.
"But I'd love to have a cup of coffee," You come with an alternative for him.
"Yeah? I'd love that too," Felix can't believe that his verbal skills deteriorate this soon when he's still in his twenties.
You suggested the coffee shop because you live in the neighborhood and your apartment is only two blocks away from here.
Turns out, none of you drink coffee. Felix drinks coffee only when they're heavily sweetened and you prefer tea.
"We meet again," Felix starts the conversation after your drinks order is served on the table.
"Yeah," you shortly respond with a small smile.
"It's..." he wanted to say that it feels like fate that the two of you meet again but he doesn't want to make it seem corny, "...nice," he settles with the simplest word and that's enough for now.
You carefully sip your tea and he notices your fingers are tinted black. The last time you met, he also saw the same thing.
"Are you a painter?" He guesses.
You slowly put down your tea and know that he sees your dirty fingers, "oh, no. I'm a calligrapher."
"So you have beautiful handwriting," he comments almost immediately.
You shyly smile at him and look down at your lap, "you can say so," you say.
Felix suddenly got so curious, he slides a napkin in front of you, "can you write my name?"
"What for?"
"I want to see your handwriting," he casually answers.
"I guess I can do that since you paid for my tea," you tell him with a low laugh.
You rummage through your tote bag to pull out a pen and another thing out of your purse, a card.
"What's your name?"
"Lee Felix," he confidently answers.
You nod and uncap the pen, start writing his name down on the card instead of on the napkin he gave you. You write his name in elegant cursive letters and to him, you look like drawing a flower instead of his name.
The curls of letters are still no match to the beautiful curl of your smile as you slide the card across the table to him.
"You do have beautiful handwriting," he compliments with a sly smile.
"Next time, I'll have to charge you for it," you joke and caps the pen back, putting it back inside your tote bag.
"I'm not sure if I can afford you," he jokes back while still staring at his written name on the card.
"How about you? What do you do?"
"I'm a dancer," he answers.
"I'm still a student so yeah, I can't charge you for that," he adds.
You softly laugh with your hand holding the handle of your teacup. Your phone rings on the table and his eyes dart to the pop-up notification that says 'Percy'.
You turn it off and put the phone inside your purse, "I'm sorry but I have to go."
He has so much to ask about you but he knows he can't keep you here and interrogate you all night. He can't demand your time considering he's still a stranger to you.
"No worries," he replies with a smile.
His excitement makes him forget the most important thing he wanted to ask you ever since he met you.
He's always late to realize it but not this time, "you haven't told me your name yet."
You gather your bag from your seat as you stand next to the table, "that's my name card you're holding," you tell him.
Felix flips the card with his written name and learns that you wrote on the back of your name card.
"See you again," you say as you wave your hand at him.
Felix waves his hand back at you until you disappeared out of his sight.
That's when he allows himself to gleefully smiles.
It's been three days, three miserable days of anticipation and anxiety, you can't seem to focus on your work as well when you need to check your phone every few minutes.
You went through five stages of grief and you got to the point of acceptance.
You're at your lowest point and when that happens, you call your brother
"How long it usually takes for a guy to finally call you?" You ask the second she picks up the phone call.
"You ask for the standard of a straight guy, right?"
"The average is three days but if it went up to a week, just forget him," he eloquently answers like it's an easy math problem.
You groan because three days is about to turn into four days and he hasn't called yet.
"Wait!" Your brother seems to finally catch the meaning of your question.
"Who is this guy?"
"The one I met on the bus," you reply with a sigh.
"But you said you didn't even know his name," he sounds so impressed and perplexed at once.
"I met him again."
"Three days ago."
"And he hasn't called?" He yells in disbelief into the phone.
"I'm sure he's just busy... he'll call," you console yourself with the last of optimism left in you.
"No. Even if he calls, don't answer!" He warns you and you can hear her heavy breathing through the phone line.
"At least, makes him wait for a day!"
"I don't know... I'll just..." you stare at the ceiling as you lay on your couch, while your brother keeps on blabbering through the phone while you start spacing out like you always do.
"Hey, are you still there?" Your brother shouts through the phone.
You snap yourself out of your head, "I'm going to bed," you tell him and end the phone call.
You continue to space out until you slowly drift into sleep, the sound of your neighbor's early morning routine of watering her plants on the balcony wakes you up.
Still sleepy, you drag yourself to your bedroom and before going back to sleep, you check the time on your phone.
Through your squinted eyes, you see that it's only 4.50 in the morning and there are two missed calls.
You shot up on the bed and see the timestamps, he called a few minutes after you fell asleep on the couch.
You badly want to hit call back immediately but he would still be sleeping right? Who wakes up this early? Only your hippie neighbor does.
You ended up not going back to sleep and used the time to contemplate the proper time for you to call back. Should you do what your brother said? Make him wait as he did to you?
You decide to make him wait for as long as you can hold yourself back from hitting the call button.
You busy yourself with work and doing the ones that still have a week left before the deadline. You put your phone away from you, out of your reach, out of your sight.
You give up when the clock strikes 2 pm and curse at the void, "screw with this waiting game!"
You hit the call button on his number and your heart race for every ring it takes for him to pick up the call.
On the fifth ring, you decide to turn it off and try calling again.
Then it clicks, "hello?"
The deep voice sparks the excitement in you but at the same time, you get nervous you start pacing the kitchen.
"Uhm... hi! I see that you called last night?"
"Yes, I did but then I figured you must be sleeping already," he answers.
"Yes, I was—" you got choked by your saliva from talking too enthusiastically.
You calm yourself down by taking a long breath and try again, "I was wondering why you called," you meekly say.
He sounds so calm, unlike you. You can even hear his smile even though you're sure you're only imagining it in your head.
"Do you have time this weekend?" He asks.
"Yes," you answer too quickly and swear, you can feel your brother's glare at you for doing that.
"Let's meet at the coffee shop near your apartment at 5?"
You nod and realize that he can't see it, you need to provide a verbal answer on a phone call.
"Yes, I can do that."
He lowly laughs, he probably can hear the thump of your heart and the excitement in your voice.
"I'll see you then," he says.
"See you."
A moment passes in silence but none of you are willing to hang up. Strangely, you feel comfortable sharing the silence with him.
"I'm happy that you call me back," he suddenly mutters.
You can see your wide smile on the reflection on the toaster, "me too."
He laughs again and lets out this delightful sigh that means so much more than just that.
"I have to go back to practice," he says.
"Sure, please, go ahead."
"Bye," you end the phone call and let out a long sigh of relief. You start running around the house while screaming at the top of your lungs, your neighbor probably going to check on you soon but you feel the need to let it out.
The euphoric feelings last for a few minutes until the anxiety kicks in.
You've never been on a date for years and you hate to admit that your brother is right. You check your closet, it's all sweatpants and oversized t-shirts. There's nothing you can wear for a date without looking like you're going for a job interview.
The weekend is only two days away and again, the only one who can save you from this dire situation is your brother.
"Let's go shopping," you say the second she picks up the phone.
"I swear if we're going to spend hours just to get the proper pen, I'll sue!" He answers with the recollection of the last time you went shopping together.
"It's for a date," you tell him before he could complain further.
You hear his silent triumphant smile, "it's about damn time."
Felix has two tickets for a musical play.
He doesn't know whether you'll like it or not, it would be his first time and he wants to experience this with you.
Calls him sentimental, but he wants to remember the first time he watched a musical play, it was with you.
He keeps fixing his hair because they're tousled today, he tried styling it and the best he did with it is flattening the sticking hair.
He comes to the coffee shop a little early and orders an iced chocolate drink because coffee only makes him even more nervous.
It's not the first time he's going on a date yet he feels excessively groggy, a dance audition didn't make his legs bounce this fast under the table.
He should stop doing that, so he starts tapping the table with his fingers.
"I'm sorry, I'm late," A voice says.
Felix turns his head to find you walking toward the table, clutching the strap of your purse on one shoulder and the other holding the hem of your dress from riding up your legs as you sit across him.
He was too nervous to see that you'd entered the coffee shop.
Now that he sees you in a white dress and your hair is prettily decorated with pins, he gets more nervous but in a good way. The sky is grey today but that smile of yours instantly brightens his day.
"Have you been waiting long?" You ask.
He's still in trance and it continues for a whole good minute, he screws his eyes shut, restarting his brain to go back to its normal state.
"No, I just got here," he answers.
You softly smile and put your purse on the seat next to you, ignoring the fact that you can see that he's lying from his half-drained glass, the ice cubes have melted and formed a different layer on top of the drink.
"Do you want to order something? I'll get it—"
"No, it's fine. I had one too many cups of tea already," you refused the offer with a smile.
Felix wipes his palms on his jeans and licks his lips, the tickets inside the pocket of his shirt searing his skin the longer he stalls on asking you.
"Do you..."
"Yes?" You respond already before he can even continue his question.
He laughs and that helps to relax him, "I have tickets to see a musical play," he says.
He moves his hands and rests them on the table, they are only inches away from yours, and he resists the urge to hold them.
He focuses on the task at hand and tries again, "Do you like it? Do you want to go?"
You look at him in silence and smile, "sure, I'd love to."
Felix let out a gasp, fortunately, a low one that passes your hearing. He looks down to hide his triumphant smile and hurriedly clears his throat.
"The play is at 8 so we still have time," he tries to sound calm but failed to hide his excitement.
"Oh, I can't wait. I never watched a play before," you say with a sheepish smile.
"Me too!" He eagerly responds.
He closes his eyes for a second, wishing he could erase the five seconds earlier from existence.
He thinks of something else to talk about, "should we grab a dinner first or...?"
You open your mouth to answer but the sound of your phone ringing got ahead of you, "I'm sorry," you mutter before taking it out of your purse.
Felix watches the shape you take as you sit sideways on your chair and he can see every curve of your facial features, of your nose, lips, and chin.
There's no other to describe the way he looks at you, Felix is smitten.
"Oh, no!" You shot up from your chair and dash towards the door.
You walk away without saying anything, leaving him flabbergasted and frozen in his seat.
This is not right, he says in his head. His eyes darted to the purse you forget to take with you.
He picks up your purse from the chair and chases after you, you're at the end of the block already. He's not wearing shoes that are suitable for running but that doesn't stop him from chasing you.
You've been resisting the urge to put your hands on your lap and clasped them together, clicking your thumbs together because that's what you do whenever you're nervous.
Unlike you, Felix seems calm but sounds so excited and eager, like a newly adopted puppy which is adorable.
You're about to suggest him to check out an art exhibition and a little walk from there, there's a nice restaurant that serves Japanese food.
The phone rings and it shatters your focus, "I'm sorry," you quickly apologize for the interruption.
"It's your neighbor."
"Yes, I see that you're calling, Mrs. Kim," you calmly respond.
"I know you're not at home," she speaks so slowly but remembering that she's as old as your mother, you should give her a pass.
"I just want to let you know Percy came to my balcony again," she informs.
You opened the window this morning to air-dry dozens of cards you finished writing since you couldn't possibly be going on a date with the thought of abandoning your job.
You did the job but you didn't close the window afterward and it's a horrifying thing to remember what happened the last time you forgot to do that.
"Oh, no!"
Without thinking, you scramble out of the door and blabber into the phone, "I'm only one block away, I'll come and get him!"
You run as fast as you can to your apartment building, punching the code to the entrance gate too fast that you push the wrong number.
You take a deep breath before trying to enter the code again, when it beeps open, you push through and continue running inside.
You hear someone running behind you too and you stop at the base of the stairs.
"Hey, you left your purse!" Felix says.
You only realized it now that you're only taking your phone with you, "Oh my God, I am so sorry," you quickly apologize.
He hands you the purse while panting, "is everything okay?"
"Yeah, I just need to get to my floor—" you don't finish your words but sling your purse across your shoulder and start taking the stairs instead of the elevator.
You impatiently knock on Mrs. Kim's door and don't stop knocking until she opens the door.
"Mrs. Kim, I am sorry. I'm so stupid, I left the window open again," you sincerely regretted forgetting to do such a simple thing.
"It's alright, dear," she assures you with her hand on your shoulder.
"Did he breaks anything again?"
"It's alright," she keeps saying that and it only convinces you that something bad occurred.
"I'll pay for the damage, Mrs. Kim, I'll—"
"It's okay, I just need to re-potting them," she holds her hands up to assure you everything is alright on her end.
"Wait here, I'll get him for you," she heads back inside.
You turn to see Felix and exchange a nervous glance with him, he's looking so confused, probably thinking how did he end up here?
Mrs. Kim returns while carrying Percy in her arms and you hurriedly offer your arms to take it from her, "I am way scared knowing that he crossed the ledge," she says as he hands him to you.
"Mrs. Kim, I'm terribly sorry," you say again and you feel like it's not enough to make up for what your cat did. That he ruined her herb plants like he did last time.
She softly smiles, "it's okay and you'd better get him home, he needs a bath," she says.
The soil must be wet from the light rain and that explains the patches of dried mud on his fur.
"Thank you for keeping him," you say for the last time.
"No worries and I'm sorry for disrupting your date," she adds while keeping her door open.
Typical old people, they're nosy but you know that she said it with good intentions. You decide not to put too much thought into what she said, you are indeed on a date, or was half an hour ago.
"Thank you once again, Mrs. Kim," you say before leaving and going inside your apartment.
The window is open and you rush inside to close it, you don't think twice but put your cat in the sink, preparing him for a bath.
"Percy! I swear if you do this one more time, I'll give you to my brother," you scold the feline who curls on the bottom of the sink, knowing what will happen to him.
When you turn around, you see Felix standing in the middle of the room looking so lost. You feel bad for him, you ruin the date and now he's forced to watch you scolding your cat.
The apology can wait, you pull a chair from the dining table, "Please, sit. I'll get you something to drink."
You take a pitcher of juice and pour a glass for him, he must be thirsty from chasing you from the coffee shop to the apartment building.
"I'm sorry for everything," you say as you place the glass of juice in front of him.
"For the date, for making you run after me, for getting you here," you list everything that perhaps caused the inconveniences for him.
"I think you apologized enough for today," he says with a smile and sips his drink carefully.
Percy's mewl shifts your attention back to him, you start to prepare things for his bath, rolling the sleeves of your dress up your elbow.
You turn around to face Felix, then say, "I'll clean him up real quick."
He gets up from his chair and approaches you, "Can I help?"
Percy is nice to you and Mrs. Kim but when it comes to your brother, he turns hostile. You kind of guessed he's not good toward male which doubts you if it's a good idea to let Felix helps you bathe him.
"I'm not sure if that's..." your words trailing off as you watch Felix softly scratches the back of Percy's ear and he purrs with eyes closed.
"Yeah, I would love the help," you change your mind about it and let him help you.
Unlike any other cat, Percy enjoys being in the water and he likes taking a bath. You assume he intentionally did this mischief just so he can get this indulgence from you.
"What did exactly he does to your neighbor?" Felix asks as he holds Percy's head while you lather his body with soap.
"My neighbor plants all sorts of herbs on her balcony and Percy escaped through that window I accidentally left open, he knocked all of her potted plants and probably played with the soil too," you explained.
"And this happened before?"
"Bad Percy!" He scolds him while giving Percy gentle pats on the head and he mewls in response.
It never crossed your head, even in your silliest of imagination that you would bathe your cat with a guy and not just a guy, a gorgeous guy that looks like a character out of a fantasy book.
Is it too soon to say that you like him? To say that you have a crush on him is an understatement. You are completely whipped.
After wrapping Percy with a towel, you put him on top of the kitchen counter. You bring your hair dryer from your bathroom to dry Percy.
Felix takes it from you after you plugged it in, "I'll do it," he says.
"So you can change your clothes," he adds before you can protest.
You look down at the front of your dress, dirty from Percy's paws and the soil he carries with him. Good, you're not only ruining the date but looking so horrible doing it.
"I'll be back," you excuse yourself to your bedroom.
You almost let out a shriek once you see your reflection in the mirror, your dress is ruined and your hair is messy, a few stray hairs stuck to your sweaty forehead.
The clothes are off but you got yourself a new crisis.
"The guy is in my apartment!" You announce the second you heard your brother picks up the phone.
"How?" He asks with a dramatic sigh that could earn him a role in a soap opera.
You're not ready to tell him the reason why Felix ended up in your apartment, so you hurriedly ask him the question you've dying to ask, "Is it okay if I'm wearing sweatpants?"
From the way he heavily sighs into the phone, you got the answer already.
Felix is more of a dog person.
However, he likes animals in general, that includes cats.
That should be the least of his worries, earlier, he thought Percy is the name of your boyfriend.
He's glad that it's the name of your pet cat and he's snuggling up to him once Felix has done drying him. Percy is an adorable calico cat and a chatty one. He keeps meowing at him, probably asking for treats.
You've been in your room for quite some time and it's impolite to look through your kitchen cabinets to find the cat food.
He'll give you a few more minutes, then he'll knock on your door to ask where you keep it.
The noise Percy makes seems to call you out of your room and you have changed your clothes into blue jeans and a white blouse.
Even though what you're wearing is something simple, you're stunning still.
"I hear you. I hear you, Percy!" You shout back at the feline that doesn't stop meowing at you.
Felix chuckles witnessing this strange yet adorable interaction, it's making him miss having a pet of his own.
You reach the top cabinet to grab a box of cat treats and Felix's eyes catch the exposed skin of your stomach when you did that.
He looks away immediately and clears his throat.
Percy starts spinning on the kitchen counter at the sight of the treats you're bringing to him, "he always does that to get more treats from me," you share with Felix.
"Do you want to feed him?"
You pour a handful of treats into his open palm and he puts it in front of Percy. He doesn't waste time gobbling on it.
"Good boy!" Felix coos while brushing the top of his head.
"I think he likes you," you say while putting the carton back in the top cabinet.
"You think so?"
You nod and lean against the kitchen counter, "he's usually hostile towards men."
Felix smiles upon hearing that. To have your pet rooting for him that's something, that's a win. It assures him that he's on the right track.
It starts raining outside and Felix checks the time to see that it's almost dinner time already.
"Should we order something? For dinner?" You ask as if you read his mind.
"Good idea!" He responds.
You pick up the phone and start looking at the restaurant fliers stuck on the door of the fridge, "what should we be having?"
Then you turn at him in one swift move as if something just flashed right through your head, "Oh my God, the musical play!"
It's what he has been anticipating to do with you but now that he's in your apartment and playing with your pet, he likes where he is, he belongs at this moment.
"We can always go next time," he says, wishing for a hopeful turns out even though the night is still young.
Percy is sitting on the armrest of the sofa while the two of you having dinner on the carpeted floor with the sound of the rain filling the silence.
In this nice setting, Felix uses it to explain one thing. He drinks his water and licks his lips before speaking, "I'm late to apologize to you," he begins.
You put down your chopstick to listen to him talking, "for what?"
"That I didn't call you right away," he answers.
"Well, you called and you're here now," you simply resolved.
"Still, I owe you an explanation," he says while looking right into your eyes.
"I was out of town to perform at a festival. I got busy practicing and I don't think it would be wise to call you late at night," he speaks in a calm manner and apologetic eyes.
You stare at him for a few seconds and your eyes are so hypnotic he can't stop looking into them.
"I appreciate you for telling and I accept your apology," you say with a smile.
This moment is tender and so is the gaze you're giving him, he feels wrapped in an invisible cloak of warmth and comfort.
He wants to be in this moment forever.
Your phone rings with a reminder to give Percy his medicine.
You've done it a handful of times so it's not much of a hassle for you. It doesn't even take you a minute, you give him gentle scratches before letting him roam around the room to play by himself.
You return to the living room to see Felix looking at your desk, probably reading the cards you're working on.
He seems to be reading the defect one you keep in a separate tray.
He sees you watching him yet he remains calm, he proceeds to read the one he's reading.
"You also write letters for people?" He asks.
You shake your head, "No, I only do it for my grandparents. They used to exchange love letters when they were young."
You stand next to him to show him one of the old love letters you used as an example and that you have for safekeeping.
"Every anniversary, I write a love letter for my grandmother on behalf of my grandfather. His hands are too shaky to write letters now," you further explain.
Felix nods as he gazes in awe at how old the letter is and that the envelope itself is torn at the seams.
"Do you mind if I read this one?" he says, pointing to the one he read a while ago.
"Not at all. Please!" You allow him and lean against the desk facing him.
He takes the paper and starts to read it out loud.
"My tenderness, my happiness, what words can I write for you? Despite the hundreds of letters I've penned you, I still don't know how to tell you how I love, how I desire you. Such agitation—and such divine peace: melting clouds immersed in sunshine—mounds of happiness.
And I am floating with you, in you, aflame and melting—and whole life with you is like the movement of clouds, their airy, quiet falls, their lightness and smoothness, and the heavenly variety of outline and tint—my inexplicable love. I can't explain these cirrus-cumulus sensations."
Felix finishes reading with a delightful sigh and his eyes are back on you again, "it's so beautiful," he says with a mix of awe and slight shock.
You softly chuckle in response. If only you can tell him the way he reads it makes it more beautiful.
"I'll like it more if I know what cirrus cumulus is," he playfully remarks.
You chuckle again, "they are types of clouds," you answer his curiosity.
"My grandfather was a mariner."
"Wow, you're so smart!" He sincerely compliments you from the way he said it full of awe.
"Why? You feel intimidated?" You joke.
"A lot!" He shortly replies.
"Someone shouldn't have this many charms, you know?"
He's indirectly praising you and it's safe to say he's flirting with you, you can feel your cheeks heating, flustered.
You turn your back to him to put the old letter back into your drawer and say, "it's a pity that people don't write love letters anymore."
Felix nods in agreement, "yeah, receiving a love letter through an email is kind of... corny?"
The moment your eyes landed on each other's again, you both burst into laughs at the thought of it.
You used to think that the space is already full with only you and Percy, turns out, having Felix in here makes you realize that you still have a lot of space to fill.
It's getting late and the rain has stopped pouring.
Percy is sleeping on his sleeping mat in the corner of the room, curling into a ball, creating a cute swirl of orange, black, and white on his fur coat.
"The taxi will arrive in a few minutes," you inform him after ordering a ride home for him through the phone.
"Thanks," Felix replies.
He gets a little sad that the night is about to end and that he has to part with you soon. He consoles himself with the excitement that he'll meet you again soon.
Which reminds him of something, he approaches as you return from turning off the light on your desk.
"Are you busy next Friday?" He asks. He wanted to look anywhere but your eyes, knowing that they'll only make him nervous.
Somehow your eyes always succeed in attracting him to look.
"Next Friday?" you ask back for confirmation.
Felix is aware of the proximity, you stand mere inches away from his, and he can easily take your hands if he wants to.
He puts his hands behind him to resist the urge, "My school is having this dance ball and everyone is given a plus-one ticket," he explains.
He nervously wipes his palms on the back of his jeans, "I can't think of anyone to come to this ball with but you," he finishes.
He let out a low, shaky breath. You don't seem to be excited or opposed to the idea. You look rather confused like you don't know what to do with his invitation.
"I don't dance," you stutter.
"We don't have to dance or anything. I want you to come," he quickly adds, hoping that you wouldn't feel burdened with the request.
"I want you to come with me," he says again, almost desperately.
"I don't know," you vaguely answer, "I have to check my schedule first for that."
Felix repeatedly nods and it's better than you flatly rejecting him on the spot.
"You don't have to answer now. Take as much time as you can," he assures you.
You nod and the sound of your phone ringing startles you, "I guess it's the taxi," you say.
No shit, parting is such a sweet sorrow.
He takes a long look at you as you linger by the doorway, waving your hand at him, "thank you for today!"
"No, thank you for today!" He says back with a gentle smile.
You flash him a smile before closing the door and the only good thing about parting is knowing that the moment you meet again, it'll be so, so sweet.
You don't have to wait for the knocking, you recognize your brother's footsteps and he's right outside your door.
"Oh, the thing I do for you," he's complaining already with his jacket damp from walking under the rain.
Percy senses that his least favorite person just entered his territory and he starts hissing at him.
Your brother glares at him, "do you think I want this too?"
Percy growls at him and he never did that to anyone but your brother.
Your brother decides to ignore him and hugs you, "Don't worry, we'll be fine!"
His expression turns sour when he notices that you're still in your sweatpants and worn-out t-shirt.
"Why aren't you dressed yet?"
You frown and meekly say, "I don't think I can go."
"What are you talking about?" He asks in disbelief. His eyes widen and are about to pop out of their sockets.
You hug yourself feeling so incredibly small in front of him, not only because he has a bigger body frame than you but because he's the only one who is capable to make you openly vulnerable to him.
"I can't. I'll only embarrass myself," you sadly say.
You can see that he's disappointed in you but refrains from telling you.
He rests one hand against the dining table and says, "okay then I'll just go back home."
You immediately grab his hand, not letting him go, "no, don't go!"
He goes to grab the jacket he hung a minute ago, "I'm here to make sure your cat takes his medicine on time while you're out to have fun at the dance ball," he says.
"But since you decided not to go then you don't need me anymore," he finishes with a sinister smile.
He's not just disappointed at you, he's mad and he's the type to give you the silent treatment and when that happens, it's all very frustrating for you.
You grab his hand again to stop him from taking his jacket, "I'm so scared," you blurt out.
He turns to look at you to give you a chance to explain yourself.
It's not easy for you to talk about your feelings and your hands start to shake, "I like him so much and I'm so scared that I'll ruin it," 
"I think that it's better if I didn't go," your voice is quivering at the end of the sentence.
Your brother put your hand away from his wrist and holds it, "come here!"
He pulls you into a hug and stays like that for a good minute, it's comforting and safe, he's truly someone you can rely on.
"You like him that much, mmh?" He asks as he's gently patting your back.
You nod with your eyes closed to prevent yourself from crying.
"More than you like me?"
"No," you strongly deny.
He laughs and brushes your hair endearingly, his chest heaving as he draws a deep breath which makes you unconsciously follow suit.
"If you didn't go then how would he know that you like him?"
He pulls away just enough to put a space between your bodies and looks at your face, "do you think this chance will come again?"
That makes you think very hard and clearly about every possible scenario of how things would turn out but each time you only focus on the negative outcomes.
It does not always have to be that way, there's a fifty percent chance that things may go your way and that's not a bad deal.
"Are you sure you're not going to regret it?"
You don't have to think long to know the answer and you think your brother knows it too.
You hate to admit that your brother is right and he's always damn right.
"We all do embarrassing things, not just you. We all do and that's okay, that's something to laugh about in the future," he squeezes your shoulder to make sure his words seep into you.
You look at the time and you only have fifteen minutes until the dance ball starts while you have so many things to do beforehand. Dress, hair, make-up... you wouldn't make it on time.
You're dreading it all over again.
"Even if I go, I don't have much time left," you weakly tell him.
Your brother lets out his dramatic sigh then he shakes your shoulders to wake your whole body.
"It doesn't matter whether you'll be late or not," he tells you then ruffles your hair into a mess.
"What matters is you come!!!"
He turns your around and steers you to your bedroom, "Go get ready, I'll help you with the rest!"
Felix has been waiting outside.
He's waiting by the entrance of the ballroom and all of his friends are already inside, dancing with their partners and probably on their fifth glass of champagne already.
He checks his phone but there's no message, no missed calls, nothing from you. It's only making him more groggy that he starts pacing back and forth.
An hour has passed and he starts to doubt you'll be coming, he sits on the steps that lead to the ballroom, loosening his tie a little.
A few of his friends are also outside smoking and silently pitying him for being ditched by his date.
Still, Felix doesn't want to think ill of you. He tries to think positively, that maybe you have a more important thing to do or that you're unable to go.
And maybe, just maybe, you simply don't want to come and that's okay.
He takes his phone out of the inner pocket of his suit jacket and composes a new text message.
He thinks it over on what to say to you, to let you know that he's alright if you choose not to come and there's always a next time.
Next time is better than nothing at all.
He's about to press send when he sees someone walking up the steps toward him.
You're lifting the hem of your dress to make it easy for you to walk and the heels you're wearing clicking against the floor. He knows you're struggling with what you're wearing but the smile on your face tells him that doesn't matter to you.
And that's so attractive to him. He's glad that some of his peers get to witness this.
He rushes to help you walk up the rest of the steps by offering his hand which you eagerly take, you almost stumble at one point but he's quick to steady you.
Instead of feeling embarrassed, you laugh it off and say, "I'm sorry I'm late."
You're here with him now and that's enough.
He should have said it out loud and let you know that, except that his brain started to malfunction. He stops walking at the end of the steps to take a good look at you, to take everything in.
You're wearing a dress in a terracotta color and your hair is down, a smile doesn't wear off your face as you look back at him.
"You're so beautiful," he praises and that's the only truth.
"Thank you and you too," you praise back.
"Well except..." your hand reaches for his tie and goes to fix it, "now you're ready!"
He can feel his heart expands twice its size and beating so fast, he also can hear its beating in his ears.
He shouldn't waste more time, he offers his arm for you and you loop your hand around his arm, letting him sweep you off your feet on the dancefloor.
It's hard to look into his eyes and not to feel a thing.
His hands are on your waist and yours are on his shoulders, your body moves so awkwardly but Felix patiently guides you, swaying to the slow rhythm of the music.
"You said you don't know how to dance," he says with an impressed smile.
"I do," you assure him.
"This is not bad at all," he comments.
"That's because my brother gave me a short lesson," you shyly admit.
You know for certain that Felix isn't going to make fun of anything you said, he's too good to stoop that low. Therefore you don't have to worry about telling him things like this.
"Your brother is a dancer?"
You shake your head, "he's a rugby player."
A confusing look masked Felix's face and you understand why. No one gets it but your brother is one of a kind and you're very proud to have him in your life.
"Let's say, he's good at so many things," you simply resolve.
"Ah..." Felix responds with a nod of agreement.
The night feels so young, so hopeful, so magical and it feels like a dream to you. However, the next thing you know it's the last dance for the night.
You blame it on the fact that you came here so late but everyone else already got tired and there are only a few couples left on the dance floor.
"May I have the last dance?" Felix asks with one knee bent and a hand at you.
You put the champagne flute and put your hand on him, "yes, please."
He takes you with him back to the dance floor and you both stand facing each other, waiting for the music to start to play.
Felix places one hand on your waist and the other on your hand, once the music starts playing, you both start dancing.
You're following the instructions he gave you earlier, you only need to trust him and follow him.
And you're doing exactly those two things.
Goodness, Felix looks so stunning in his black suit and his slicked-back hair. His freckles, his smile, his kind eyes, just everything about him complement each other so well.
He's just so perfect and it makes you wonder if you deserve to be in this place, to have this dance with him.
You make a wrong step and you end up tripping over his foot, again, Felix catches your right on time.
"Are you okay?" He asks as he steady you.
You keep in mind that it's okay, embarrassing things like this are something to laugh about in the future.
"I'm okay," you assure him.
"Should we stop?"
You shake your head, "it's the last dance so..." you shrug and put your hands back on his shoulders.
"Okay," Felix also put his hands back on your waist and starts guiding you to sway, moving around the dance floor.
This is what you'll be missed if you didn't come and God, aren't you glad to come?
When you think about it, everything that has happened with Felix, how you met in a random place, how you met again for the second time in another random place, the failed date, and now, this.
The rose he gave you might have withered and died but not with your feelings as you feel them blooming into something you don't know what it is yet.
This chance will never come again nor is a person like him.
You put your hands around his neck and close the gap between your bodies, you feel his body stiffens against you, perhaps he gets a little surprised by the proximity.
A while later, you find his hand wrapped around your waist as he gently rests the side of his face against you, cheek to cheek.
You feel his warm breath a second before he speaks into your ear, "Thank you for coming!"
But you know those words mean more than just that.
All things come to an end, even the good things.
His heart gets heavier the closer his car gets to your apartment building, somehow it feels worse than waiting for you to come.
To conclude, he's better at waiting than letting you go.
He gets out of the car once he parked it to walk to the entrance of your apartment building, stopping just right by the elevator.
"I had fun tonight," you say to him while clutching your purse in front of you.
"Me too," he says back with a sheepish smile.
The empty lobby amplifies the feeling that tonight only belongs to you and him, which makes him reluctant to end the night with a goodbye.
He doesn't want it to end, he wants it to last forever.
The elevator chimes as it arrives and again, Felix finds himself in a situation that needed him to act in a such short amount of time.
One look into your eyes and he knows he wants to lose himself in them.
He catches your hand and takes a step closer, "Can I—" he aborts his plan to ask first and just go ahead with his guts.
Slowly, he presses a kiss on your lips and places his hand on your jaw, holding you still as he kisses you.
He lets the kiss lasts for a moment before letting it go.
Your eyes are still closed and the sight of your wet lips entices him to kiss you again.
He doesn't have it in him to resist the temptation, he places his lips on you again and you return the kiss this time, opening your mouth for him.
He's more than eager to deepen the kiss, tasting more of you.
This time, you pull away but keep your forehead presses against his, foolishly smiling at each other at how those kisses felt. Which are not less than what they're supposed to be, of something right, of something fated.
And when he least expected it, you come up with the question he wanted to ask.
You slide your hands up to his neck and clung to him, "do you want to go upstairs?"
Felix is standing behind you as you unlock the door.
Without having to look, you can feel his eyes on you, and the body heat he's emitting, makes you guess how close he is.
You hold the urge and push the door open, "come in!"
Felix steps into your apartment and his eyes widen in surprise, you got curious at what he's seeing.
It's your brother and he's sleeping on your sofa, "I don't know that he's—"
You stop explaining and come to your brother's side, gently shaking his body to wake him up while muttering curses under your breath.
"Wake up! It's late!" You say through your gritted teeth.
You accidentally slap his cheek a little too hard but it works to wake him up, he fumbles to get up from the sofa. He looks around, disoriented.
"Why are you still here?"
"I fell asleep," your brother answers them yawning.
"Can you please go now?" You plead while keeping it low to not let Felix hear the conversation.
"Okay, I'll call for a taxi home," he slurs as he pinches the bridge of his nose.
"I mean now. Right now!" You insist.
Using your eyes, you gesture to Felix standing in the middle of the room watching you talk to your brother.
"Oh shit, is this the bus guy?" He asks in surprise.
Your brother shakes his head to summon his senses back into his head, "I mean, you're the dancer."
Felix awkwardly waves at him and politely smiles, "hi!"
"Don't worry, I'm just her gay brother," your brother adds.
You wince again and wish that you can disappear or someone removed him from this scene.
But since Felix already sees everything, you decide to properly introduce your brother to him.
"This is my brother," you tell him and awkwardly stand there between them.
Felix is the one who comes up and offers his hand to your brother for a handshake, "Hello, I'm Felix."
Your brother nods with a cryptic smile plastered on his face, he looks inexplicably masculine with his hand gripping Felix's lithe hand.
He gives Felix a long assessing look, it's just this thing he does to anyone who gets close to you. It's a brother thing.
"I play rugby, you know," he suddenly says and no one asks him anything about his job.
Felix nods, "yes, I've been told you are a rugby player."
Your brother nods again and gives him an approving smile, then finally, he lets go of the handshake. You see Felix's hand turns pale and you glare at your brother.
"Do you mind if I use the bathroom?" Felix asks.
"Not at all!" You answer and it's better like this, you're not going to let him be around your brother for too long.
"You're taking him here!" Your brother the second Felix closes the door of the bathroom.
You ignore him and grab his jacket, you hand it to him so he can put it on.
"You know what that means, right?" He slips his muscular arms into the sleeves of his jacket, "you're going to have sex with him!"
You groan at him and get him up from the sofa with all of your strength, "can you say that any louder?"
He gets up on his own and you push him in the direction of the door, "do you know what you're supposed to do, right?"
"Shush it!" You remind him that Felix can hear all of this.
He abruptly stops to look at you, "you have condoms?"
"Please, just go!" You desperately beg.
Your brother gets it, he lets out a sigh and then goes to give you a quick hug, "call me if anything happened or has not happened," he jokes.
You scoff and open the door for him, waving your hand at him until he enters the elevator.
"Where's your brother?" Felix asks once he returns from the bathroom.
"He left," you answer.
"I didn't get to say bye to him," he sadly says which is very cute of him that he worries about making a good impression on your brother.
And now that it's only the two of you in the apartment, apart from Percy who's snoring on his pillow, the tension is back and it doubles with every passing second.
The sight of your bedroom is tempting but you're not ready for that yet.
You think of something to keep things going and not to kill the buzz.
It's the wine.
Felix believes that's the reason why he's telling you all of these things about himself, from the food he likes to the student who silently hates him.
He can see that you intently listen to him, asking everything that intrigues you, reacting to his jokes, and laughing along with him.
It's rare to find someone he wants to spend all night just talking to.
The bottle of wine is almost empty and the night is getting late, Percy's snoring is getting louder as well.
"I already expected that your brother would be so big because you mentioned he's a rugby player," He says then take the last sip of his wine.
"But I didn't know he would be that big," he emphasizes the word to describe your brother's enormous presence.
You laugh in response while tucking your hair behind your ear.
"He's hunky, I like it," Felix adds.
"Oh? You like him?" You ask with a slick smile and an eyebrow raised.
He puts his wine glass away to not risk him dropping it as he laughs.
"I'll let him know," you joke back.
The two of you are sitting on the sofa with a space in between and maybe it's you that keeps luring him in or maybe it's him seeking your warmth, wanting to stay close to you.
He realizes that the gap is closing as his knee bumps yours and in this proximity, he can feel that his brain is about to short-circuit.
He quickly thinks of something witty to say before everything that comes out of his mouth is pure idiocy.
"You can also tell him that I like his sister more," he doesn't mean to blurt it out like that but it happens because he's on the verge of imploding. Also, he wants you to know that.
It takes you a second to get what he said and you look down at your lap, flustered.
That's just so cute to him.
He reaches for your face and put his hand under your chin, he tilts your head to meet his gaze. Slowly, he leans in and you lean in as well, making the gap between your bodies turns nonexistent.
"I like you too," you say back to him with a smile.
There's no perfect way to capture this moment than with a kiss, a kiss that conveys how happy he is to know that you reciprocate his feeling.
He wraps his hand around you and you scoot closer to him like two opposites of magnet that attract one another.
A smile lingers on your face with your eyes still closed after you pull away, "want to know something?"
He puts his other arm around your shoulders and lets you rest your head on it, "yes."
"I almost didn't come to the dance ball tonight," you confess and the eyes you're giving him right now tell him that you're being honest.
He grabs your free hand and interlaced his fingers with yours, "why?"
"Being in a new place, in a crowd, they're not my specialties," you tell him with a grimace.
"And I don't like going out. I like staying at home."
Felix nods and brings your hand close to his mouth so he can kiss your knuckle, "is that why you were late?"
You nod.
"What makes you decide to come?"
"My brother," you shortly replied.
Felix nods again and softly sigh, "well, that makes me like him more," he playfully remarks.
"Oh?" You exclaim in a slight shock and your fingers are closing around his.
He gives you a long peck on the lips as a token of gratitude for being willing to come and try new things with him.
He appreciates the effort so much and that only makes him fall deeper into you. There's no escape at this point.
He's in love, through and through.
Percy likes to come to your bedroom and climbs into your bed, he'll try to wake you up in the morning.
To prevent that, you carefully close the door of your bedroom and try not to make any sound in the process.
When the knob clicks in place, you sigh in relief and turn to face Felix, who's looking nervous but looking so cool doing it.
"You have a nice room," he stutters, a hand scratching the back of his head.
"Thank you," you mutter.
Indeed, you haven't had a man coming to your place and staying the night over, it feels like the first time all over again. Now you're older and hopefully wiser, you know it's going to be different this time around.
For a start, you know that you like Felix and you fully consent to what is about to happen in your bedroom, sexually or not.
Felix's presence in your room doesn't make you feel that he's invading your space in a way that most people do.
It's just as if he belongs here, close to you.
"Can you help me take off my dress?" You ask.
You see his Adam's apple bobbing in his throat and you take it that he doesn't expect that request comes from you, "sure."
The dress has been weighing you all night, you didn't feel bothered by it earlier because of the adrenaline rush and you were having such a great time with Felix to focus on the inconvenience.
Hours passed and now you can feel your shoulders sagging because of it.
You turn around as he walks up to you then put your hair to one side to show him the zipper of the dress.
The sound of the zipper being parted open against the quiet of your room intensifies the tension in the room.
When you thought it was done once the zipper reached its end but no, Felix softly caresses the exposed skin with just the tip of his fingers, light and featherlike, a kaleidoscope of butterflies fluttering inside you.
You turn your head to look at him but his lips welcomed you instead, you spin your body around to face him, and have your lips locked with him again.
Felix parted the dress open and let it falls onto the floor, pooling around your ankle while you impatiently unbutton his shirt without looking.
All clothes are off the moment you both hit the bed and he hovers above you, kissing you wherever he can land his plush lips on.
Felix's hand goes down to touch your heating core and it feels hot the moment they make contact.
It gives you the idea to do the same for him, you slide your hand down to his abdomen and keep going south until your hand meets his semi-hard cock.
Gently, you wrap your hand around it and stroke it, up and down, up and down.
You both sense that none of you want to waste time anymore, you kiss him before telling him where you keep the condom.
"It's inside the drawer," you pointed to the small drawer next to the bed.
Felix takes it in a matter of seconds, he unwraps the foil wrapper with his hand and securely rolls it down his length. He smiles as he crawls over to you, kissing you again before positioning himself between your legs.
You spread your legs wider for him and did it without thinking or else you wouldn't do it at all.
Felix rubs his hands up and down your thighs, once in a while, he teases your clit by circling it with his thumb.
The breathing exercise you usually do whenever you're anxious can't help you in this type of situation, but you remind yourself that it's just excitement, lust, desire, everything mixed into one.
You moan as he teases your entrance with the tip of his cock, he smears your essence all over then finally pushes into you.
A loud moan rips out of you.
Felix abruptly stops moving, he gently rubs your thighs again.
"Are you okay?" He softly asks.
You believe it's just nerve and try to relax by taking a few deep breaths.
"I'm okay," you assure him.
With that being said, Felix pushes into you again and you moan in pain, "Oh my God!"
"Do I hurt you?" His voice is heavy with concern.
You shake your head. You don't know how to tell him about it but you know it'll be an embarrassing thing to say.
 "It's just..."
"Mmh?" He props his hands on each side of you with his face merely inches away from yours, "It's okay, tell me."
You cover your eyes as if it would help you hide from him, "I think you're just too big for me," you meekly answers.
There's a moment of silence, he is probably at a loss for words to respond to you and you understand why.
A while later, he takes your hands from covering your face and makes you look at him, "should we stop?"
"No," you answer rather too quickly and that makes you sound eager.
You put your hand on his neck and say, "I just need to relax."
"Okay," he gives you a peck on the lips before he pulls out of you to lay by your side.
He pulls the duvet to cover both of your bodies and he puts his arm out to be your pillow.
"I'm sorry," you sadly say, it's the last thing you want to do which is ruining this moment.
He softly chuckles and kisses your nose, "this is nothing to be sorry about," he consoles you.
You put your hand across his muscular chest and look at him, "I'm nervous because I haven't done it in a long time," you openly share with him.
He has the right to know that it's not him, it's you.
"I know," he casually says.
You jerk your head back in surprise, "how?"
"I heard you and your brother talking before he left," he answers with a cheeky smile.
You wince in pain and embarrassment, he heard everybody your brother said to you about you not having sex for a long time.
You groan and slump in your pillow, you pull the duvet over your head to hide from him.
"That's so embarrassing..." you grumble and your voice is muffled.
Felix follows suit and hides under the cover with you, "found you!"
You giggle as he pulls your body close to him and touches you under the cover, sneaky and soft, it's romantic and arousing at once.
"I'm also nervous because I'm doing it with you," you tell him but you don't feel embarrassed to let him know this.
"Why? Am I intimidating?" He asks with a sly smile.
You shake your head no and bring your mouth close to his ear, "because you're so hot."
You don't know what got into you next because you find yourself gently biting his ear shell.
His face turns red and his cheeks blushed profusely, it seems like you've just discovered his sensitivity spot.
The little giggles you let out as he plants ticklish kisses on your neck are so adorable yet aroused him so much.
His cock is impossibly hard and swollen, that little taste he got when he entered you earlier keeps replaying in the back of his head.
Fuck, you feel so good, so tight and it was only the tip. He can't imagine what it would be like to be fully buried inside you, don't think he'll last long.
"Felix," you softly call him.
He drags his mouth back to your lips and gives you a quick peck, "yes?"
You hold his small face in your hands and say, "let's try again," you say.
He's more than eager to cater to you but he needs to make sure you're not pressured to do this. Consent always comes first to him.
He softly kisses your inner arm for a second, "are you sure? You don't have to do it, you know?"
You shake your head, "I want this," you pause to land a long kiss on his lips, "so very much."
And that's low-key the sexiest thing a girl can say to him.
Somehow the break you both took helps him relax too and reminds him to take his time, not to rush it.
Felix starts by kissing you down until his mouth lands on your cunt, he wants to properly prepare you this time. He knows what to do with his mouth and to relax you with it, by running his tongue down your slit repeatedly, making it slick with his spit.
And gently, he sucks your clit and teases it with the tip of his tongue.
You're moaning and it's getting hot under the cover you throw it to the side, exposing both of you to the cool night air.
"You like that?" He asks with his head between your legs.
"Yes," you immediately answer.
Your hands reach for his head and bring him to hover above you again, not hesitating to kiss his mouth smeared with your essence.
Now, that is the second sexiest thing you've done tonight.
Felix concludes everything too early, he forgets the night is still young and you're still waiting for him with your legs spread open once again.
His hand gently holds you by the waist as he enters you, slowly and carefully, he makes sure to not cause any discomfort to you.
He feels your hand holding him by the nape of his neck, "Good?"
You nod with a smile that reassures him you're alright.
That's when he allows himself to indulge in the pleasure of entering you, have his cock sheathed inside your warm, velvety walls.
Deep, low growls escaped his mouth at the sight of his cock fully disappearing inside you.
He looks at your face so still with your mouth parted open, whimpering in pleasure.
He crashes his mouth against you and you return it with the same eagerness.
"You feel so good," he murmurs the second he pulls away from the kiss.
You smile against his lips and put your hands around his neck, letting him deepen the kiss.
Felix never takes sex as just sex, as just a mere physical fulfillment. That's why he rarely have sex just for the sake of it, he only wants to have sex with people whom he wants to truly bond with to seek a deeper, meaningful relationship. Call him boring but that's just how it is for him.
And this, what he has with you makes him believe that you're the one he's been looking for.
Felix takes your hand and flips over your hand on the bed, he slips his hand into yours, it's perfect like he's meant to hold it. He gives your cheek the softest of caress as he looks into your eyes, "I know it's early to say this," he says.
Your hand curves under his arm with your fingers tenderly trailing his shoulder blade, "yeah?"
"I want to be with you," he confesses and his heart quivering, a mix of excitement and fear mixed into one in his chest.
Your gaze softens at the sudden confession, "you do?"
He nods then swipes his thumb over your lips, "I want to be with you. I want you to fill my days and nights. I want you to be a part of my life."
He gives your lips the lightest yet most loving kiss he could give you as his heart aches and it only proves to him that his feelings are real for you.
"Do you want to be with me?" He asks.
You bring his face close to yours and give him almost the same tender kiss but with a steadfast conviction you answer him, "yes, I do."
Ain't he glad that he had just the last rose for you that day?
The dress suddenly shrinks in size and you struggle to fit yourself in it. It was fine when you try it on last night but that's with the help of your brother.
You can't possibly gain extra weight in a span of one night. You huff and try again for the last time, you successfully zipped up the dress by holding your breath for a few seconds.
One last look in the mirror, checking your make-up and hair then you're ready to go.
You pull open the door to find Felix already waiting in the living room, playing with Percy on the sofa. His head turns in your direction, noticing that you finally come out of the room.
His face instantly lights up when his eyes land on you.
"I'm ready!" You tell him.
He gets up from the sofa and takes a moment to admire you, his eyes traveling up and down your body.
Felix holds his hand out at you, "shall we?"
You place your hand on his and let him sweep you off your feet.
As long as he's with you he doesn't care about anything else.
Felix knows you'd prefer having a romantic dinner in the house than anywhere else. Comfort has to come first to ensure that the two of you have a great time tonight.
You highly approved the dinner that he cooked and the wine he bought for tonight, now he hopes you like the song he chooses for the dance.
"You're getting good at it," he says with an impressed smile then gives you a twirl.
"That's because you're a good teacher," you say back and let him pull you close until your back meets his chest.
He puts his arms wrapped around you and sways both of your bodies to the slow beat of the song and you rest your head on his shoulder, giving him access to easily kiss you on the lips.
He'll always treasure this moment with you and keep it close to his heart.
The only one who gets impatient as he unpacks a box of chocolate bonbon is Percy and he probably thinks it has his treats inside of it. He can see from the way he keeps spinning on the sofa.
"I'm sorry to tell you Percy but it's not for you," you say to him and scoop him onto your lap.
It would be petty of him to be jealous of how you treat your pet cat but he feels left out when Percy keeps putting his paw on your chin and starts nibbling on your lips. You put him away a few times but he keeps on licking your lips.
You warn him over and over again but he keeps on doing that.
"I'll get him his treats," you say, excusing yourself to the kitchen.
Percy starts to spin around on the floor at the sound of the treats hitting his feeding bowl while softly meowing at you.
You squat next to him and scratch his back, "you had your dinner so you can't have too much."
Now it feels like he's the one third-wheeling you, "babe, come here!" He says and failed to not sound like he's jealous.
You walk up to him and sit next to him on the sofa, he's got one piece of chocolate in his hand for you.
You take the whole piece at once, chewing on it with your cheeks looking puffy.
You nod and take a different piece of chocolate from the box, it's your turn to feed it to him.
He holds your wrist as he takes it into his mouth then sneakily licks your fingers while slyly smiling at you.
"Happy Valentine's day, my love!" He softly kisses the back of your hand.
"Happy Valentine's day," you say back and lean in to kiss him.
Felix doesn't want to waste this opportunity, he deepens the kiss and tastes chocolate in you. If only you know, between the two, you taste much sweeter.
"We met a year ago," you say in disbelief.
"Yeah and I was sad that I didn't get your number," Felix admits.
You gently hit his chest and he groans in pain, "Ouch!"
"I was standing there the whole time and you didn't say anything!" You tell him with your eyes almost out of their sockets.
He quickly takes your hand and pulls you close, "I know but I was so nervous, you're so beautiful, babe," he explains his reasons while pressing his face to the side of your head.
He turns your head to make you face him, "I was so captivated."
You scoff then pout at him, "you're lucky because I got called for a job that day when we met again."
"You're lucky that I decided to go home early that day," he says back at you.
You grab the collar of his shirt and say, "Or else..."
"Or else..." he repeats your words and leans in, his lips only an inch away from yours.
"We wouldn't be here now," you say.
"We wouldn't have this conversation."
His eyes are focusing on your lips, "Uh-huh."
"And you wouldn't be able to kiss these lips," you say with a seductive smile.
He tips his head to the side, impressed that you can easily read his mind. He can hardly wait anymore, he kisses you with all of his heart, pouring all of his love for you.
His hands start to wander by themselves like they have minds of their own and start touching you, tracing every curve of your body, feeling you all over with the dress separating his palm from touching your silky smooth skin.
"Do you like my dress?" You ask against his lips.
"No," he replies.
"I hate it, loathe it, despise it."
You shot him a deadly glare in return for his spiteful words.
"I want to take it off of you," he whispers with his breath tickling your ear.
Or else... he wouldn't be here openly saying he wanted to undress you.
One year doesn't change the way he sees your body, he'll never get enough of it no matter how many times he has seen it.
It's a body that recognizes his touches and he knows where to touch you right, a body that's so sensitive to the faintest of his fingertips on you.
You whine as you slowly ease yourself on him and he brushes all of your hair to the side to plant kisses on your neck.
"Still too big for you, mmh?" He teases.
You scoff as you look at him, "oh please, don't get cocky!"
Both of you let out a collective gasp as you managed to all of him. He holds you still as he presses a haste kiss on your lips, hungry for more of your taste in his mouth.
It's not just sex with you, it's making a sweet, sweet love.
The way you move against him and enjoy pleasing him, that's just so sexy to him.
He cups your face and takes a closer look at your face, a face that he missed seeing even in his sleep.
"You're so beautiful, love," he murmurs with loving eyes.
He can tell that you like when he praises you like this from the way you clench around him.
"I'm so lucky to have you," he murmurs another praise at you.
That seems to arouse you more that you quicken the pace and it does him no good, you're driving him to the edge.
Your moans grow louder, your grip becomes tighter and your nails dug deeper into his skin.
"Want to cum," you whine with your eyes screwed shut in pleasure.
"Yes, baby?" Felix's brain is clouded with pleasure to properly function.
You sloppily kiss him on the mouth, "want to cum together with you," you breathlessly say against his lips.
"But baby, if you keep clenching around me I'll not last long," he tells you with a sly grin plastered on his face.
He grabs your waist and takes control of your body, forcing you to slow the pace down. Eventually, you follow the pace he sets and change your movement by rolling your hips in circular motions.
"You're getting too good at this," he complains but with zero annoyance in his voice.
You giggle and pull him for a kiss, "why? Do you mind?"
"Not at all!"
He takes a handful of your hair as he kisses you deep and hard with tongues and teeth clashing inside your mouth. The kisses steal all of the air in your lungs that you have to pull away first.
Felix keeps your head resting against his and syncing his breathing with you, two bodies move in unison.
This very moment is tender and intimate, he believes he will never experience this with anyone else but you.
The fact that he met you again that day tells him that this is indeed fate, he's destined to be with you.
"I love you," he softly mutters with an endearing caress on your cheek.
You smile as your gaze softens, "I love you too," you say back without a beat.
Or else... he wouldn't be this happy to hear you say it back to him.
Percy sits on your stomach and has been meowing right at your face for you don't know how long.
"Be quiet!" You slur with your eyes still closed.
He starts to nuzzle his head at you and nibble on your nose, you cover your face with your hand to stop him.
"Percy, be quiet!" You tell him again.
Through your squinted eyes, you see that it's only seven in the morning and you can get at least half an hour more of sleep.
"You're hungry, huh?" You ask as you sleepily pat his furry head.
He meows in response.
"Give me a minute, okay?" You tell him. You need a few minutes to gather your thoughts and rub the sleep off your eyes.
Felix eventually got bothered by Percy's continuous mewl, he turns on the bed and put his hand across your chest.
"Stay," he mumbles.
Percy puts his tiny paw on Felix's hand and pushes it off of you, he let out a loud meow at him.
Felix's eyes snap open and he glances at you, "is he telling me not to hold you?"
You laugh in confusion because you only discovered now that Percy can be so possessive over you.
"I think so, yeah," you answer.
Felix pats Percy on the head, "I thought we agree to share, buddy," he says to him.
Percy aggressively mewls at him with fangs out and everything.
"Percy!" You scold him and cuddle his face to stop him from making screeching noises.
"He's hungry," you say and turn your head at Felix.
"I'm afraid I can't stay," you give him a quick kiss on the cheek.
Felix kisses your bare shoulder and nuzzles his head into your neck, "stay," he mutters close to your ear.
You put your hand in his hair, his soft locks slipping through your fingers and you're more than tempted to spend the morning cuddling with him.
"I want to but Percy—" your words got cut off as Felix places a kiss on your neck with his teeth faintly biting the skin.
"That's not fair," you whine but not doing anything to stop him.
"Mmh? What is it, baby?" Felix pretends not to hear you and continues making a trail of kisses down the column of your throat.
Percy's mewl interrupts both of you and Felix sighs in defeat, he knows he's not going to stop mewling until you feed him.
You give him a long, lingering kiss to console him, "I'm sorry, baby."
Felix smiles in return and rests his head back onto his pillow, "Do you mind if I get more sleep?"
"Not at all!" 
He demands one more kiss from you before you leave and close the bedroom door.
After filling Percy's bowl, you don't feel like cooking breakfast this morning. You decide to make a quick run to the bakery across the street to get a few pastries and a latte for Felix.
On the way back, you pick up a few mails from your letterbox and clutch everything in your arms.
Percy greets you with his happy mewls and trails behind you as you place everything you carry onto the dining table.
You check your mail to see if there's a work-related one, instead, you found one. You flip the letter to see who the sender is and you gasp in surprise to see that it's from Felix.
You bring the letter with you as you jog to your bedroom with Percy still trailing behind you.
You jump onto the bed and sit next to his sleeping figure.
He gets startled that his eyes instantly open, "what is it, babe?"
You catch your breath before speaking, "did you send me a letter?"
He seems to get it right away which only means he knows what you're talking about, "the letter should have arrived yesterday," he grumbles and props his elbow against the mattress.
The duvet slides down his body and exposes his bare upper body, his sculpted abs look more defined under the morning sun.
"Can I read it?" You ask even though you don't need his permission.
He places his hand on your thigh and looks up at him, "go ahead."
You carefully open the envelope without trying to rip it and slowly take out the letter inside, you unfold it while looking at him in excitement.
One look and you know it's all handwritten, it's his handwriting. You lick your lips and clear your throat before reading the letter out loud.
"There's nothing in all the world I want but you and your precious love."
Even the opening line makes your heart flips a couple of times already.
"All the material things are nothing. I'd just hate to live a sordid, colorless existence because you'd soon love me less and less and I'd do anything – anything – to keep your heart for my own."
You hold the hand resting on your thigh and continue reading.
"I don't want to live— I want to love first, and live incidentally... Don't ever think of the things you can't give me. You've trusted me with the dearest heart of all–and it's so damn much more than anybody else in all the world has ever had."
You put the letter close to your chest and close your eyes, taking a moment to let the words sink into you.
"I have bad penmanship, I know," he says to you with a playful smirk.
When you're ready to face him, you intertwined your hand with him and sigh, a sigh that tells him how grateful you are for him.
Emotions bubble up and burst out of you, you feel the urge to tell him the truest words you can say to him.
"I love you so much," you tell him, and your heart aches and your eyes start to water. 
"I love you too, baby," he says and goes to hold you tightly.
All of your past mistakes and wrong decisions suddenly don't matter to you anymore because this path has led you to him.
This is fate, this is destiny and this is right because he is right.
"It's my first love letter," you croak as you are on the verge of crying.
"And I'll keep writing you a love letter to the last you'll ever receive," he says back and kisses you on the forehead.
And who cares about the one who gets the first rose when you get to be the last one from him?
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jongbross · 10 months
A headcanon with Exo:
How would they express their feelings for the reader?
a/n: thank you for requesting <3 i did this thinking about love languages, i hope it's okay!
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acts of service.
minseok has a beautiful way with words, but most of the times he gets awkward to say them out loud, so he learned his love language is acts of service. whenever he sees you're feeling down, he'll do something nice for you, so more often than not you'll get home to him cleaning up the house, finishing that task you've been trying to do for weeks but work just wouldn't let you, or all dressed up waiting for you so he can take you out and treat you with a nice meal.
he always says "i love you" at the end of a phone call or before leaving, but more than that, he tends to show you he loves you through his acts.
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i know we all (fans and members) joke about junmyeon being rich and spending all his money as he wants, but somehow he learned that giving gifts is also a love language.
don't get me wrong, he doesn't think he can win people over with that. but if you see and like a nice little pair of earrings, what's the matter with him buying it for you? if you complain to him that you're having a shitty day, is really that bad for him to buy you your favorite desert and get it delivered at your work? if you're the love of his life, the one he's sure he wants to spend the eternity with, can't he buy a new house for the two of you where you can start a family together?
think about it...
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physical touch.
zhang yixing is one of the softest boys out there. he has a busy schedule and he always puts work first, so sometimes he can't be around you as much as he'd want. so whenever he has some time to spend with you, believe me - he'll be all over you. he will kiss you every chance he have, hug you even if all you're doing is brushing your teeth, lean on your shoulder while you're watching your favorite show.
yixing always makes you feel loved, wanted. he's forever grateful for all the support you give him, for all the times you let him go with a smile on your face because he needed to persue his dreams. he may write a few songs about the way he feels about you, but he rather show you through his touch.
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quality time.
baekhyun knows exactly what he wants and how he wants, so he has confessed to you before. but the funny thing you've realized is, baekhyun is so full of love but has been hurt so many times, that he tries not to talk about his feelings a lot - he's lowkey scared it will all happen again if he wear them on his sleeve.
so, to always remind you how much he loves you and how he cares about you, he learned to just spend some time with you. and it's so natural to him, to turn off the world and just focus on you, give you his full attention; watching your every move, listening to your every word, doing whatever makes you happy - always with a smile on his lips and eyes overflowing with tenderness.
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words of affirmation.
have you seen jongdae? he's the walking form of words of affirmation. he is always reminding you how amazing you are, how he's grateful for all the things you do for him, how he knows you're capable of anything you want.
he might not be the one to give you the best birthday gift ever, for an example, but he will always be the one to make you cry at his beautiful words. he might not always be around when you need a hug, but he's always just a call away whenever you're facing some trouble and needs someone to tell you "i love you" and "i believe in you" - and jongdae does, from the bottom of his heart.
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acts of service & physical thouch.
chanyeol is a mix of both, i think. he's the human definition of a golden retriever, i swear! whenever you're sad or need some reassurance, chanyeol hugs you and pulls you closer to his chest because he solemly believe - but won't ever admit it - that how much he loves you emanates from his body and it can heal you.
apart from that, he also likes to shows you that he loves you through his actions rather than words, so don't be surprised if you ever come home and oh, that photo you two took together last month on a trip is now hanging on your wall. (:
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acts of service.
if you think kyungsoo isn't good with his words, you're right. he has some trouble talking about his feelings, so very early on his life he learned that he can show gratitude and love through his actions. he tends to care for those around him, especially the ones who has done a lot for him too, so of course it wouldn't be different with you.
you also realized this as soon as you two got together. it isn't unusual for kyungsoo to only smile and nod when you tell him you love him, followed by either him bringing you food because you're so busy with work or letting you sleep till noon even though it's his day off and you were supposed to be together - you deserve that rest and he worries about your health because he loves you, so it's okay.
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physical touch.
there's a very specific moment in one of superm's lives that jongin holds baekhyun's fingers and keeps playing with them for such a long time... that's how he acts with you too.
jongin does say he loves you, very often actually, but you feel that everytime he touches you - which he also does a lot. he's always touching you somehow, from pulling you close everytime he laughs to just touching shoulders while watching something on the couch. he needs that warmth, he craves that from his lover, and he can only hope that it's enough to show you that hey, he's so in love with you (spoiler alert: it is more than enough).
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poor baby doesn't know how to show love. perhaps, since he's not only exo's maknae but also the youngest from his family, he has always been spoiled and showered with love in so many ways that he doesn't know how to pay back. the only way he gets to do it, and that's also a little bit of junmyeon's fault, is through gift giving.
sehun showers you with gifts every chance he gets. anything you want, name it and it's yours - or don't name it, because sehun learned how to read you so everytime you see something, check the price and be like "hm, that's too expansive" DO NOT be fooled, give sehun barely two weeks and the thing you wanted it's on your hands. he'll spoil you rotten if you let him, but don't blame him, it's his way to say "i love you so much, thank you for taking care of me".
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creedslove · 8 months
as a angst lover an idea came to my mind last night while listening to the song when i was your man by bruno mars. the reader is in a relationship with javi p but he doesn't spend time with him and acts toxic. eventually the reader leaves him and finds someone else (maybe javi g because he is a sunshine and opposite of our pena) one day javi p sees them in a bar or another place and he regrets what he did. just like in the song 🥲🥲🥲🥲
Javier Peña x f!reader
A/N: I'm sorry taking forever to write this down my darling ❤️
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• you had fallen so hard for Javier it was shocking, you didn't even know it was possible to fall for someone like that, but you did and you couldn't fight that
• Javi was handsome, sweet and charming, and you were just so head over heels, you didn't even mind when people said that Javier wasn't as into you as you were into him
• you just loved him and you thought your heart would burst in your chest at how intense it was
• but just as your friends had noticed, Javier wasn't that into you, he liked you of course, but he thought that maybe you made him overwhelmed, you pressured him too much and it bothered him with how you were after him all the time, calling and wanting to hold him and kiss him in public
• he liked you, he liked the sex, he liked the attention, only when it was too much, then Javi liked to disappear
• he enjoyed spending time on his own, drinking, going out, seeing pretty girls
• and he very often ran out of patience with you, you were so clingy in his opinion he just went hours without calling or answering you
• and there were times he was just too tired to show up at your home for dinner, he just wanted to relax with a drink without you over him all the time
• and when you confronted him, he just went so angry, asking you how dare you to do so, and blaming you for his behavior, by saying he wouldn't do that if it was someone else
• you knew that was a very shitty behavior, but you created a lot of excuses for that, not wanting to see what was just in front of you
• Javier simply wouldn't defend you if any of his friends made disrespectful comments towards you or any jokes, he would just laugh and shrug it off
• you would just pretend nothing happened, always in hopes Javi would improve his behavior towards you and you two would go back to the honeymoon phase you missed so dearly
• but that never happened, and you drew the line when you found him kissing some other woman at the same bar he told you he was too tired to go to, and after that, you simply decided to break things up
• there wasn't a lot of yelling, as you felt apathetic, you didn't know what to say, too heartbroken to say anything other than cry and tell him how much you hated him
• Javier didn't try to apologize or make you stay, he was too broken for that, feeling guilty but also knowing it was for the best, you deserved better
• in the following couple of years you hadn't seen Javi and even if it hurt you a lot in the beginning, you managed to get over him and find someone else
• it was a handsome man also named Javi, but he was Javi Gutierrez, simply the sweetest and most loving man you'd ever met. He was a sunshine and he made you feel the most important person in the whole world
• Javier on the other hand, couldn't stop thinking of you, his guilt grew significantly at the same time he realized how much he truly missed you
• after you, he had never found anyone who was as beautiful as you were, as sweet, as loving towards him, and he couldn't help but think of how things would be like if you had stayed, if he hadn't screwed things up with you
• he decided to cool down a bit and go for a few drinks, he went to that old bar you two used to go, the same one he had cheated on you and he couldn't believe his eyes the moment he saw you with another man
• he seemed to make you really happy as you had your arms around his neck, kissing his lips softly and giggling
• Javier also noticed a big diamond ring on your finger, the kind of ring he would never be able to afford, and he couldn't deny that it stung to see you with another man, even if he didn't deserve you
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barcalover86 · 11 months
My heart can't take it 2- Pablo Gavi
The first part here - is one of my favourite fanfiction of him
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Finally, I managed to end this one. It's been some time, and I'm sorry for the wait, but I wanted to write it in the right way and to give you a well-deserved ending. Thank you for your messages and unconditional support! I see every request of you, and seeing that you want me to write your ideas makes me the happiest! Have a nice day, love yourself, and enjoy this! Love to all of you!🫵
I couldn't answer to only one of you because it wouldn't have been fair, so I tried to mention all of you here and announce you whenever it's ready.
I've been writing this for days..
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'Que las noches sin ti duelen'
"How many times do we have to listen to this song, Pedri?"
"What? You don't like it?" he turned to look at his friend who was next to him in the car.
"It's not like I don't like it, I just got bored of it"
Pedri laughed.
"Are you sure that's the reason?" he teased.
"Ok, end it here" Gavi said before the two of them sat silent in the car, while the music was still on.
Pedri was taking Gavi home again after the training. It was already 5 p.m. and tomorrow, they have to do some videos about the new Barca kit, so the moment Gavi went to his house, he went directly to his bathroom to take another shower.
"Why is he showering again?" his sister questioned her mom, being concerned about her little brother. He already showered after his training in the changing room with his teammates.
Her mom remained silent until she decided to continue the conversation.
"It doesn't seem like he is good. Are you sure you don't know what happened to him?"
Of course, she knows. He's been acting weird since the night their friend groups went together on the beach. She knew that you were the reason for his sadness. She stayed with the boy all night while he was crying in her arms. He never told the reason, nor did she asked, because as his older sister, she knows when Pablo is suffering towards a girl. Although, Aurora never told their mom this thing. She respected her brother's privacy.
"No" she just answered simply, before going to her room to not continue this subject.
It was true that Pablo Gavi was showering more lately, which doesn't seem so weird until you question yourself about it. He stays hours in his bathroom.
He hadn't seen you since that day and it had been almost 4 weeks. He missed you a lot, and he had no one to talk to. He knew that his sister would be mad at him for falling in love with her friend, who didn't even talk to him, and Pedri.. he was going to make fun of him. He had to keep it all to himself, and the emotions sometimes got him. Crying while people think that he's showering was the best idea that came into his mind. Like that, his family wouldn't hear his sobs.
He didn't eat.. not yet. Aurora started to get more concerned, so she knocked at his door.
"Mami made you some pollo con arroz, want to come down to the kitchen to eat?" she asked hoping for a positive answer.
"Maybe later, gracias"
She barely heard him, but it was enough to know that his voice wasn't his normal one.
"Estas bien, hermanito?"
That si had to be a strong word, but it only came from his mouth as a sob.
His sister felt like someone had just broken her heart. Hearing her brother at the edge of crying was something so hurtful. Pablo was one of the sweetest guys, and he doesn't deserve anything that could make him sad.
She waited a few seconds after talking again, trying to find the perfect way to say what she wanted.
"Come here, Pablo"
"Come outside, I know you aren't showering right now. Let's meet in the kitchen in 10 minutes. You have to eat and we to talk. I'm gonna tell our parents to leave, we'll be alone."
After that, Aurora left.
She managed to find a reason for their parents to go out of the house, and when Pablo came and sat on the chair that was in front of her, her heart broke again.
His eyes were red and puffy. The boy clearly had been crying for hours!
She didn't say anything more, only went to him and hugged him. Tight. Pablo returned the hug, trying so hard not to cry in front of his older sister. He accidentally escaped some sobs, but Aurora didn't mind. She hugged him until he calmed down completely.
"You have to tell me what is happening to you, Pablo. This is something serios"
"It's nothing, Rora."
"I know you, Gavira" she said with a serious face.
"I am just scared that the next season I won't play that much" he lied
"Oh, you're getting on my nerves. I really want to help you, but if you keep lying to me, then we won't go anywhere. I won't get mad, I promise you."
"I..I really like one of your friends," he said after some time.
"Go on" she encouraged him.
"And she doesn't give me attention at all. We barely even talked, and I'm sure that she doesn't feel the same way as me. She doesn't even look at me as a friend."
"Y/n, right?"
He started to panick at the thought that she knew.
"I'm so -" he wanted to apologise until he was interrupted again.
"It's ok, Pablo. No worries, ok? It's not your fault that you like her-"
"Kinda love her," he said sadly before turning his head to another direction, afraid not to cry again.
Aurora smiled. Pablo Gavi was never this soft. He was a sweety, of course, but she never saw his little brother like that, and she kinda likes the idea of having you even closer.
"You don't have to worry about me, hermanito. Go talk more to her and I'm sure she will like you. You are a great boy, and let's be serious. Who wouldn't fall in love with you?"
They both laughed.
The next day, Aurora invited her friends to their house.
"Will Pablo stay with us?" asked one of Aurora's friends.
"Yes, he has some plans to do," she said, and they all looked confused.
"What do you mean?"
She just winked at them and then started laughing.
"Ohh, he is in love, isn't him?" You finally spoke after being quiet for a while.
"Oh, you wouldn't know," answered his sister before you borrowed your eyebrows, confused.
You decided not to say anything anymore, but you felt some pain in your chest, and when you saw Gavi walking past you to sit on the couch near some girl, your heart felt like it just had broken. Your eyes couldn't not look into his.
He wasn't looking at you. Of course, he wouldn't. He is a famous football player, he is for sure in love with some influencer or with a beautiful lady that has the perfect body.
The truth is that he wasn't looking at you because he knew that if he would, he couldn't stop moving his eyes away from you. He knew that if he saw you, even for a second, he would lose control. He couldn't even stand the fact that you were there, far but so close to him.
Aurora saw you looking intense at her brother, so she decided to help both of you.
"Hermanitoo, come here a second, por fa"
"What?" answered the boy after standing up while going near his sister.
"If you really want to stay with us, then we should play something together. God knows when we will stay together again like this. We have to enjoy every minute!"
"What game?"
"Truth or dare!"
"Oh, I'm not playing that stupid game of yours"
"Then you won't stay with us"
Everyone was cheering for Gavi to play, but the only thing that made him not go was you. He really wanted to stay with you. He even sat down beside you, really, really close to another.
The truth is that you hate this game. You never enjoyed playing it, but this time, you felt like you wanted to stay.
You feared that something was to happen, and when it really happened, you couldn't do anything but panick hard. Of course, Aurora would ask you something like this after you said dare.
"I dare you to kiss my brother!"
"It's a dare, y/n"
You argued a lot with his sister, and you didn't even realise when Pablo turned your face into his, and he touched your lips with his. The kiss was everything you've ever imagined, and it was the best one you've ever had.
When you looked into his eyes, nothing was coming out of your mouth. You couldn't love this boy, could you? He barely even talked to you.
Gavi, on the other side, was the happiest that he finally managed to do that, and he for sure winked after to his sister as a "thank you". She only returned his smile, being happy for the both of you.
You didn't say anything until it was late and you decided to go home.
Pablo somehow excused himself, finding a way to be only with you. He didn't even know where this courage came from, but he was so thankful for it.
"I'm sorry you had to kiss me" you finally spoke.
"It was just a game after all, it didn't mean anything"
Oh, and how stupid he was for saying that. Full regret starting to feel in all of his body.
You couldn't say anything. You froze there, not being able to leave the room.
You knew he didn't feel the spark that you felt. Even yourself couldn't believe that this past weeks all you thought about was him. The moment he kissed you, your heart felt like it healed and was the best feeling you've ever felt in a while. You felt alive and.. happy.
He knew he fucked everything up.
"I'm so-"
"It's ok. Really. Like, I get it!"
"No, like- I get it you don't.. like me. I get it that you don't even want to.. talk to me? See me? I completely understand you. Maybe I would ruin your career if people see us together. Maybe-"
"Maybe you just stood with us, because your girlfriend couldn't meet you today or-"
"Y/n, para!!"
You did anything other than stop yourself from talking.
"And I can't even believe myself how I managed to be like the other girls. To.. start to like you and-"
"You what?"
Now you only stopped, just because you realised that you said it out loud. It was like you admitted yourself to what you feel for him.
You started to panick and quickly got out of his house, with him following you.
"No, wait!"
He managed to take your hand and stop you.
"You like me?" he said softly with tears in his eyes.
"No, it's just-"
"Dime la verdad, y/n"
He had hope in his eyes.
"Por favor.."
You looked at him. You just couldn't stay there and lie to him. Lie to those pretty eyes.
"I don't even believe myself for this-"
"Tell me!"
"Joder, yes! Yes, I like you!"
He smiled.
"I can't believe this."
"Lo siento, Gavi. I know you-"
"No! Don't say anything anymore. You know nothing. You have no idea how long I wanted to hear you say it. To hear that you like me."
He looked into your eyes and smiled.
"Can I kiss you..please.." he finally found the courage to say it.
You were shocked. Completely shocked.
He laughed at your face, but knew that you wanted it so he did it. He kissed you.
This time, it was different. It didn't feel like it was something rushed. It was slow, full of love and adoration.
"I've liked you for so long, you have no idea. Now, can I finally call you mine, amor?"
You smiled widely.
"Por supuesto!"
I hope I didn't disappoint you with this one..
I have so many ideas of how could I have continued this, but it would have been too long, but I could make a part 3???
When they say "I love you" for the first time or when they introduce their relationship to their friends and families?
I can also do one where we have y/n's version of the story????
What do you say about it?
Shall be a part 3 to this one??
Thank you for the waiting, and thank you if you are reading this. It means a lot to me that you also read this part and took some time of yours to enjoy my stories. I wish you a nice day and don't forget.. love yourself!!
I have a request that asks him "Jealous Gavi," so it will be out soon. I hope that it will be really soon done. I'm working on it
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soggyriceee · 1 year
Moth to a flame part 3?
Moth To A Flame | Konig NSFW
| first of all, I just wanna say thank you for all the support on this story. when I say I was not expecting to make this a series I wasn't. I literally was listening to the song and got some really good inspiration for a quick little smut and kept it pushing lmao. im so glad you guys like it and I hope to write more long stories in the future! in this part I will say Konig is a little crazy, and a lot of mentions about stalking, mommy king(hehehe), and aggressive sex are mentioned. also horrible German translation. if these are any triggers to you please please do not read this part! thank you again ily all sm <3 |
four months have passed since you moved away. you and your boyfriend now live in New York, working a daytime job as a school nurse. you finally decided to put your college degree to work. your boyfriend worked at the same company, got a raise and is planning on taking you both out to Cancun for the summer. and of course,
you got the abortion.
it was the least you could do to help make your boyfriend feel better. the last thing you needed was to be alone in New York, a city too big for someone to learn on their own. you were happy. contempt. Konig was out of your life and you were able to focus on your boyfriend now.
however, arguments and trust issues were inevitable after what happened. as much as your boyfriend loved you, he couldn't trust that the same thing would happen again. whether it was Konig or someone else. a ring light camera was placed at the front of your apartment door, checked by him every night for Konig but also any suspicious activity. "its more so for our safety." he had told you a few days ago. but you knew it was more to prove his doubts wrong.
Konig harnt reached out to you. he was blocked on everything, completely ghosted. but you knew that wouldn't stop him from looking for you. you just hoped it wasn't anytime soon. the abortion was already a big step into the right path for you, Konig coming in and ruining that path was not what you needed. you were happy where your life was now, you were happy with your boyfriend. Konig would never be an issue again.
that was until you heard a knock at the door of your office. "come in~" you said sing songly, expecting another high schooler to come in with some lame excuse to be here and not in class. you paid no mind to when the door open, finishing putting the rest of the cough drops into the jar. "what can I help you with?" you asked, back still turned.
it was quiet for a moment. then, you felt two strong arms wrapping around your waist. you gasped, turning quickly. there, Konig looked down at you, a wide spread smile on his face. "Meine Liebe, ich habe dich so sehr vermisst.." he whispered, leaning down placing a gentle kiss on your forehead.
to say your heart felt like it would jump out your body was a humungous understatement. you know it wasn't your fault this time it was happening. but you still felt beyond guilty, and most of all scared. pushing him back, you moved to the front of your desk. " h-how.. how did you find me- how did you get in?" you asked, trying to swallow the lump in your throat. "dont worry about that my love.. im here now. im here to take you back home." he said, tilting his head slightly.
he looked around, humming softly. "this is a cute office. very you like." he said, smiling at the photos of you and students you had grown close to over the last few months. but he didnt really care about that. he cared about getting you back to "home". "I am home Konig. you need to leave me alone im serious this time. im happy here im happy with-"
"but you aren't. I know you aren't. I know you miss me meine liebe. I miss you too. think about you all the time." he said, another smile coming across his face. he moved closer to you but you backed away. he sighed, crossing his arms. he was unhealthy. he needed serious help. help you simply couldn't offer him. "how long are you going to play this game." he said, his tone more serious, his eyes shooting you daggers.
"im not playing a game Konig you need to move on. you cheated many times. you lost your chance to be with me." you said, looking to his side. he wasn't one to get angry, so you weren't worried about that. you were worried about falling for his gaze, his puppy eyes. " gosh those were mistakes. I regret it. I love you. I love you please come back to me." he begged, his voice going from demanding to desperate.
he moved forward again, this time following you until your back hit the wall.
he placed an arm on the side of your head, the other moving for your chin. smiling, he tilted his head. "dont you see.. no matter where you go, how many phone numbers you make. ill find you, like I always do. and ill fuck you good, like I always do. ill have you leave him and be with me. who you really wanna be with." he whispered, his eyes moving down from your lips to your covered breasts. your chest rose and fell quickly, tears brimming your eyes. you hated him. but you hated him even more because you know he was right. he always fucks you good. he always finds you.
"please.. please leave me alone." you whimpered, fighting back the tears. he ignored your cries and moved his hand to your tummy, frowning. "our baby.. where is it? you should be a lot bigger by now." he said, stepping back a bit.
at that moment you had remembered the abortion, cursing yourself for allowing it to slip your mind so quickly. "where is our baby?" he asked again, his eyes going back to dark, angry ones. you opened your mouth to say words, but none came out. what were you to say? what if he really got angry with you this time? but he had the right to know. and you knew that. after all, he was the father.
"i..I aborted it Konig.. it wouldn't have grown up with its real father anyways." you replied after a moment. you couldn't bring yourself to look at him. you knew all to well he wasn't going to have a pleased look on his face.
silence filled the large room until finally, he spoke up. "well. we can always try again." he said, turning to the chair at your desk. he rolled it out, sitting on it. "come here." he said, patting his lap. but you didnt move. he smiled, shaking his head. "always been defiant. I remember when we first got together I had to train that pretty little mouth of yours to not talk back to me. now look at you. thats what happens when you mess with boys, libeling. not men."
his words didnt bother you in an annoyed or angry way. unlucky for you, it made you clench around nothing. and he knew it did. he knew you loved being talked down on while being treated like a princess. he knew exactly how to turn you on and he was abusing that knowledge right now. " I bet you missed being thrown around, fucked like some worthless toy and then babied right after. dont you?" he stood from the chair, making his way back over to you. " you miss your mouth getting fucked, filled with cum. swallowing it all. making a mess on my dick.. fuck I think about it all the time. those pretty little eyes of yours looking up at me. mascara running down your face while I slide myself down that tight, tight fucking throat of yours." he said, looking down to your throat before quickly looking back into your eyes.
wet wasn't even the word to describe the situation going on in your underwear. you cursed yourself mentally for allowing him to talk to you like this. but you couldn't stop him. because he was right. your boyfriend, no matter how hard he tried, simply couldnt man handle you the way you loved. the way you needed. he was gentle, afraid to leave so much as a hickey on you. but he was slowly becoming more open to it, especially since seeing Konig pounding you from behind. he wanted you to stay, he didnt want you to move on to another. or back to Konig.
"Konig you need to leave.. im not coming back to you. you messed up far too man-"
" so let me make it up to you libeling.. lassen Sie mich um Sie kümmern.." he was now standing right infront of you, looking down at you. you couldnt look away. the way he spoke to you in his mother tongue turned you on, always. even if you couldnt understand every word, his deep voice and accent made it hot. his hand slid up your nursing shirt, gripping your covered breast. you bit down on your lip, closing your eyes. you couldnt give in. not this easy.
shoving his hand down, you stepped away. "Konig leave or ill call the police. ill write a restraining order anything to get you away from me." you finally said, fixing your shirt. "your so hot when you try to act all tough maus.. fuck its making me so hard." he said, pulling at his pants buckle. your eyes flickered down for a few seconds, but it didnt go unnoticed. "see dont fight it maus.. I know you want me to fuck that tight little pussy of yours. make you cum all over me. in this office of yours. you want me to fuck you on your desk huh?" he whispered, unbuckling his pants and slowly pulling his already hard dick out.
the tip literally dripped pre cum, dropping to the floor. it made you whimper, only fueling his craving for you. "Konig.. please leave." you whispered out, but it wasn't confident enough for him to believe. he smirked, turning down towards your chair once again. "maus dont you see how hard I am? I need you. I crave you." he said softly, eyes looking at you so "innocently".
his hand gripped the base of his dick, a sigh coming from him. he leaned over, spitting onto the tip and moving his hand down his shaft, slowly back up. a quiet groan left his lips, his head resting back and looking to you. he sped up his hand movements, keeping eye contact onto you. small, desperate whimpers slipped from his lips as his hips bucked up. "oh maus.. please~" he whimpered, his chest rising fast, falling at the same rate.
you whimpered at him, wanting to go and slide down on his dick. not matter how badly you wanted to keep up with the happiness you had in your life right now, you needed him. he saw your confusion and smiled, taking his other hand and reaching out. you hesitated, but slowly walked over to him. his movements slowed down, his eyes looking up at you. "please.." he whimpered.
you knew this was wrong. and you hated how much he always found a way to wrap you around his finger. how he always managed to get you beneath him, fucking into you relentlessly. and you hated how he always came back into your life when you were happy. you hated how badly you craved him, no matter how far away he was, or how bad he treated you.
you couldn't process anything until you felt him pull you down onto his lips. and you couldnt stop yourself from kissing him back. your hands cupped his face, forcing your tongue into his mouth. he smirked against your lips, pulling you onto his lap. you grazed over his exposed dick, sitting right front of it. you pulled away, a long strong of saliva connecting you two.
" maus.. i wanna fuck you so bad. please." he whispered, his hand sliding up your shirt, pulling your bra down and playing with your nipple. you whimpered, nodding your head quickly. "c-can I lock the door?" you whispered, looking down at him. but he was so focused on your nipples, and playing with himself that he same time. you assumed he didnt care, and continued to pull your shirt up and off.
he wrapped his arms around your waist and stood, sitting you on your desk. "imma fuck you... send you back home with my cum swimming around inside you. you want that?" he said, pulling your pants down. you hated how much you wanted to say yes. it was killing you. but the way his tip ran up and down your slit, teasing your entrance as he whispered filthy words into your ear, you couldnt help but whimper out a pathetic 'yes'.
thats all he needed to hear from you before he slid his full, thick length into your tight cunt, a deep groan coming from him as his head pressed against the top of yours. a gasp slipped from you, your hand covering your mouth. as hot as this was, fucking in your nurse office with the door unlocked, it was risky. in fact, you could loose your job. but he wanted that. he wanted you to have a reason to leave and go back with him, no matter how crazy or detrimental the reason. " so fucking dirty.. getting fucked on your office desk-shit- I bet you want someone to come in here and see this tight cunt getting fucked huh?" he whispered, gripping the back of your head, pulling it so your eyes met his.
he was hot. you couldnt admit it. the way he looked as he fucked you made you go feral. his hair sticking to the top of his forehead, eyes locked onto yours as small whimpers and groans left his pretty little lips. he could say the same for you. the way your tits jerked up and down every thrust he gave, your desk squeaking along with it. your hands gripping onto him as you gave him small, pathetic begs. "say it louder baby.. what do you want? be a big girl for me." he whispered, pulling his now shiny dick out, slamming it back into you. your hands gripped him harder as his grip on your head did too. "f-faster.. please" you finally were able to muster out.
his hips waited no time to move faster, feeling every vein and inch of his thickness move in and out of you. it was heaven. no matter how much you hated him, you couldnt stop yourself from letting him fuck you. anywhere. anytime. you guys were like magnets, no matter how hard you both tried you couldnt keep away from each other.
the more time went on, you realized the tears forming in konigs eyes. they weren't from pleasure either. " k-konig?" you asked, your hands falling to his lower stomach. but he kept going, no matter how hard you tried to stop him, he kept going. "I-i hate you.. so fucking much. I hate y-you because I know I c..I cant live with or without you-fuck.. I-i crave you even when I shouldn't.. I fucking hate you" he cried out, small whimpers coming every now and then from him.
for a moment you had to stop and think about what he just said. but, he didnt give you much time. the more his tears fell the faster and harder his thrusts became. the more aggressive he became. he let go of your head but pushed your body back, your bare back hitting the cold desk, pens and papers falling to the floor. "k-konig" your whimpered, your legs wrapping around his waist. "I-im gonna..cum soon..fuck!" he groaned, his head falling into your chest. his hot tears covered you and you could've sworn you heard 'mommy' fall from his lips every now and then. it made you clench around him seeing him so vulnerable, so emotional while fucking you.
he took one of your legs, pushing it up so your foot rested on top of the desk. his thrusts became deeper, the sound of your moans growing louder. his hand quickly found your mouth, silencing all the whimpers and moans that slipped from you. "m..mommy im cumming~" he cried out, his thrusts becoming more and more sloppy.
his sudden change in persona threw you off guard, but you liked it. too much. the closer he got the more he chanted 'mommy'. and you could tell, he was really close. "m-mommy I-ill hold it back.. ill hold it back till y-you cum first~" he whimpered into your chest, his arms finding your waist and pulling you up into him.
your hands quickly found his hair and tugged it, moaning how good you felt. "k-konig keep going.. im so close~" you moaned, your head falling back off the desk, eyes shutting closed. he growled, slamming deeper into you, stabbing your squishy g spot each time.
the knot in your stomach quickly came undone and not too long after, he came with you, his grip on you tight enough to snap you in half if he really wanted. he whimpered as the last bit of his cum shot into you, small 'plat plat's coming from beneath you two. he pulled out, watching the mix of cum pour out of you as if you were a waterfall, dropping to the floor.
heavy breathing filled the now silent room as you slowly lifted yourself up. "ill get you a paper towel." he said softly, shuffling over to the counter and grabbing the roll. he brought it over, getting to his knees and slowly, spreading your legs. taking the towel he ran over your pussy slow, collecting the cum. it was silent. you didn't know if you should bring up what he said, what he called you.
he sensed your tension and looked up at you from below. "I meant every word I said. I hate you. but I hate you because I love you too much to let you be someone else's. nobody.. nobody has ever made me this crazy.. ever. you've unlocked a part of me that I didn't know existed. I didn't know I had. my heart hurts seeing you happy with someone who isn't me, having a life with someone who isn't me. and what hurts more is to know I caused that." he spoke, his voice soft.
you looked down at him, your chest hurt. you opened your mouth to speak but no words came out. "you dont have to say anything. ill leave you and your boyfriend alone." he stood, throwing the papers away. "im moving back to Germany." he said, looking down at you. and you couldnt lie, your chest felt like it was tightening. tears began to pool but you looked down.
" I leave in three days. I just.. wanted to say goodbye. I guess. I know you hate me, I know you want me to leave. and I love you enough to do anything that will make you happy. if you-"
your hands wrapped around his shirt collar and you pulled him down, slamming your lips to his. his large hands slammed against the sides of you, holding himself up. he immediately kissed back, moaning into the kiss. thats when the tears fell.
"please..please dont leave.." you whispered, pulling away. you looked up at him, looking for anything that said "I won't".. but his lips formed a small smile, his hand meeting your cheek. "your happier without me.. you know you are." "I dont c-care. I cant ha-have you not here. please"
the tears kept falling and he caught each one, flicking them from your face. " oh meine liebe.." he whispered, pulling you into a hug.
✧・゚: ✧・゚:
2 years had passed. you were pregnant. again. getting married in a few months too. you were excited because you felt like you were happy, for real this time. you stayed in New York, working at a new school more uptown. it was great, you were happy now.
" okay chicken orrr steak?" you asked your fiancé, rubbing your baby bump as you stared into the fridge. your soon to be husband came behind you, kissing your neck and putting his hand on top of yours. "chicken. we can make Alfredo." he said. nodding, you grabbed the meat, putting it in the sink to defrost.
" ill go run you a bath and we can get ready to go to the bakery. im excited to taste all the new cakes." he said, taking your hand and kissing each knuckle. " me too. especially the Oreo one. pleaseee at least try it. for me." you pouted. "your gonna say no to your pregnant fiancé?" you smirked, pointing to your belly.
you were due exactly 3 months after your wedding. so you both decided now was the perfect time to get married before you both had no time. "I guess I cant huh." he laughed, opening the bedroom door. you sat at the edge, watching his tall stature move to the shared bathroom.
as you watched him from your bed you smiled, thinking of all you both had been through. maybe it was the hormones, but you felt the tears well in your eyes. and it didnt go unnoticed either. " meine liebe? whats wrong?" he asked horridly, rushing over and wiping the tears from your eyes. you smiled and shook your head, placing a high kiss on his cheek.
"I just love you a lot. thats all." you whispered. he smiled, lifting you bridal style before kissing you passionately back. " Ich liebe dich mehr, meine liebe."
| tried to be cool and only highlight when y'all knew he was speaking at the end hehehe anyways guys this is like.. the end! if you guys would want one where the outcome is different and she stays with her current boyfriend lmkk cause I can do that too. but yea like I said thank you all so much for the love on this mini series <333 |
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