#wotr i just all around love the writing of
ciitrinitas · 6 months
i am putting other games on the top shelf until forever because i am annoyed to go into the wotr tag and just have it be a quarter comparisons to bg3 even if they favor wotr and i agree with them.
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Celia, Cecio & being haunted by your mother in the empty spaces between you both and each others faces.
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my dumb ass typed 'i could write an essay on this' and then did.
anyway. Celia Cecio & their mother and how she haunted the ever loving fuck out of both of them<3 get HAUNTED bitches.
main piece im talking about is the first, a wip where Cecio is being haunted by his mother. this gets long, rambles continue under the cut, more general than just this piece after teh first few paragraphs
i could write an essay on empty space & their mother bc in this shes so much closer to the center and has space around her while cecio has the bottom just over third and shes intruding into even that. shes leaning down over him, embracing him while surrounding him, while hes being held up by her, but seems to be able to slip out of frame at any point. she dictates the space just by her presence. the background is her and celias colours, cecio only gets himself, she gets everything else and shes still acting on him, intruding into that space.
like in the original family celia n cecio [that i want to redraw] theres an empty space that is glaring once you notice and thats bc shes there!!! their mother is always haunting them!!!!
if its just one of them she's still there even if there is not the empty space, bc shes still haunting them, just in their faces. Cecio is the spitting image of her just with different colours, and Celia has her fathers nose and thicker eyebrows but exactly the same golden hair and sometimes they cant look at each other bc shes just always THERE.
when shes recently dead it was heartbreaking bc they would see each other out of the corner of their eyes and think she was back. Celia sees Cecios silhouette, he sees Celias hair, and all they can think of how much the other looks like her.
Cecio likes his hair long but he never lets his fringe get as long as celias bc thats the length their mothers was. cant let it cover his vision the way hers did, constantly tucking it to the side of her face. cant wear his hair down because she did, so low ponytails it is, so similar yet just different enough it triggers the memories less.
one day as a teen Celia is having a breakdown and gets halfway through dyeing her hair as some way of distancing herself from her mother before breaking down sobbing. Cecio doesn't look her in the eyes because of the lingering dye stains, a desperate attempt to forget their mother, and the burden she placed on Celia. Celia gives up on the long hair her mother loved, the neat bob, and hacks off the hair tainted with the splotches of dye, finding now, that she has her mothers curls too.
Cecio dreams of her, golden and saturated, and feels like the ghost, the corpse, next to her. drained of life and colour, silvers and pale where she was vibrant. someones takes a black and white photograph of him when hes been to stressed to get his hair cut and his mother stares back.
every glance, image, drawing of either of them is just a few lines and colour changes from being her.
in Wotr, when they reunite, Celia tells him how much he looks like their mother, how he has her nose, and he doesn't tell her that he forgot that, the image of their mother in his head long merged with Celia's.
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cassynite · 5 months
Ooh how about the Galfrey pov fic?
Aaaaaah thank you so much!!
Galfrey is a very special character to me, I love writing in her pov. This one is still in more nebulous stages, but it is basically her learning to acclimate to postwar life after the events of the Crusade. It follows WOTR events, so she's still queen, but she's leading a trouble country that feels like it's leaving her behind, and she needs to learn how to grow again. It also touches on her ttrpg canon ending, where she ends up Iomadae's herald!
I forgot to mention it in the meme but the tentative title for this will be "The Leaves Still Die"
Snippet below the cut!
The [sun orchid elixir] was as close to eternal youth without consequences as one could get without flirting with actual godhood. And yet, Galfrey could almost feel herself change, disconnected and unmoored from the people around her. Or, perhaps, that was simply the effect of age. Whenever she caught herself wandering down that path of thought, she would pull back, chide herself for dramatics. She wasn't that old, in the grand scheme of things. There were plenty who had lived longer than Iomadae had been the Inheritor, who remembered Old Cheliax and when the Age of Lost Omens was meant to be the Age of Glory; when there was no Worldwound, and no Crusades, and Galfrey's greatest concern was how she was meant to fill the crown her father left behind. She was not alone in her age, and only had to seek out the nearest adult elf to speak to someone who was her contemporary, or even older. And yet. When she was around others--speaking to advisors, rallying troops, leading ceremonies, presenting in parades, negotiating with diplomats from allies and enemies alike--she never could shake the ever-present sense that she didn't actually belong there. That while everyone around her was a thinking feeling being, a person of flesh and blood and passion, she was a frozen relic, trapped in amber, separated from them all by an impenetrable wall that kept her in perfect stasis, forever matching the minted coins that showed her profile from the moment of her coronation. Could that be an effect of the elixir? In some ways, she felt ancient, as implacable as the mountains. In other ways, on very bad days, she felt like the same scared paladin who had just had her god die, who had to become the figurehead of a new religion seemingly overnight, and then had to become the face of a war against an existential crisis that never, ever ended. But the bad days were the days that she focused the most on being Queen Galfrey, not just Galfrey--Queen Galfrey was the shining sun, the face of the Crusades, the leader of the fight who never backed down, never faltered. Who was never tired, who never cried or grieved or missed anyone who grew up and then grew old without her. Queen Galfrey didn't mind being frozen in amber. She didn't care about anything except making sure her country was safe, of being a good queen, and of closing the Worldwound.
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wonda-fhr · 11 months
Thanks for tagging @dogueteeth this was fun. My job was to look for he words sky, red, teeth and hate in my WIP's. That was an exciting search that took me through some things I hadn't thought of in a while.
To keep it going I would like to tag @just-a-tiny-goldfish and for the jump into the wotr fandom @commander-lariel without pressure of course, only if you feel like it. <3 The next words are green, fate, music and dignity
Sky - No title yet
This a part of my latest WIP for Justin, of whom I haven't revealed much yet. Timing, somewhere near the end of the second book.
When Chen takes the leash off his shoulder, your hand stops his arm.
"Don't do that. Don't force him to stay with us. I can't bear it if he can't run free with the wind." You can't quite suppress the sad undertone in your voice. The sight of the tied dog is too much right now. You need Spoon's happiness for a while longer and hope that Chen will understand.
"I'm not forcing him, I think he likes me enough to stay willingly. And I love him enough to keep him safe, even if it means holding him sometimes." His hand runs gently over yours on his arm, squeezes it briefly, takes it off and lets it rest in his open palm before letting you go completely. Like releasing a little bird into the sky.
Red - Vernissage
Snippet of the vernissage after the bet of Lia and Luke. It has been around as a WIP for a long time, but I only continued writing it after I mentioned it in this prompt.
He had dressed her as well as he could. Her lips were seductively red, her beautiful dark eyes were professionally accentuated, even the scars on her face he had been allowed to lightly cover without her pulling back.
In the end, she knew he would never forgive her if she chickened out, so she played along for this one night and gave him the perfect companion for the opening. Luke looked at his work with a satisfied smile as he handed her a glass of champagne. "You're a feast for the eyes when you're not hiding under coarse leather, my dear."
"Leather offers at least a modicum of protection. But I would be grateful for shoes that let me move more freely."
"All you need is a strong arm to hang on to, and then you can walk with stability." A quick glance at the door made Luke's unbreakably charming smile widen even more. "I have a feeling there's someone on his way in right now who'd be up for the challenge."
Teeth - Isoptega
One piece of several attempts to describe the discovery of Isoptega. Here, David and Daniel are talking while waiting for Ortega. I don't know which version will win the race.
You have to smile when Danny looks at the little creature you're talking about in disbelief. His brow furrows thoughtfully, seemingly considering whether you've lost your mind or he needs to work on his general knowledge. "It's tiny, it's crawling, and it probably bites. If you hadn't told me, I never would have seen it. What is the point of knowing exactly what it is?"
"What reason is there not to know? They are part of this world and have their place in it, just as we do." At least as you do, you add in your mind, quickly trying to push these thoughts away. "The difference is that they are peaceful. It won't bite you either, it doesn't even have real teeth."
The realization sinks in that there could be a problem with his knowledge after all, and the flicker of uncertainty makes you laugh. Leaning back on his elbows, he watches curiously as the small creature continues its incessant pursuit.
Hate - No title yet - original work
The word hate seems to have no place in my current fhr WIPs. But I found it in one of my own stories. "You" asked about the origin of the prominent scars on her face.
Her dark eyes seem to impale you as she turns to you and gives you a few breaths to regret your question and panic. You are thinking of a suitable excuse to announce your retreat when she suddenly begins to speak in an emotionless tone. "Very few people know exactly what happened, you will understand that you are not yet part of this select circle. For others who ask me frankly, there is a concise but honest version. The road from love to hate is short, and some people would rather destroy what they can't have than let others have it." She lowers her eyes to the ground before continues expressionless. "But I guess I'm more resilient than anyone thought."
You don't know what you were expecting, but the implication of that sentence is more horrible than your ideas were, and you really start to regret asking. No appropriate words come to your mind, and an apology is the only thing that seems right. "I'm sorry."
Again the iron gaze meets your eyes and makes you flinch slightly before you notice the restrained smile. You are relieved when she continues in a calm tone, the harshness of her eyes not reflected in her voice. "What are you sorry for? What happened, or that you asked? You don't have to be sorry for one or the other. You can't help what happened to me, and I'd rather you ask that question than I have to read it on your face forever."
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silversiren1101 · 1 year
You've mentioned Mino wanting to rebel against house Thrune... would you ever write a fic detailing that? 👀 I think seeing Mino and Reg stretched to their limits, forced to survive with their wits against a threat far more (despite the devilish influence) human than the mindless drones of the Worldwound, with politicking, tending each other's wounds, surviving, would be like, PEAK. Obviously you don't have to write it but I think it'd be really fun 👀
>Hello!< These non-prompt related asks always catch me by such surprise! I know I say it all the time but it astounds me people like my lil personal canon world sdflkjdslaf I appreciate them sincerely. Much love and hugs.
As for your question, I would fucking love to! It would take me AT LEAST a year to get to it though because I'm also in the process of writing the long fic of the before WOTR main game timeline. Starting from the moment Minovae pledged herself to the Order of the Scourge at the height of the original civil war. How she meets Regill and the events that set up some of the key changed moments of the WOTR main plot for them. Enjoy a short lil thing from it.
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I have a crazy busy job and also GM 3 pf2e games (one of which is entirely homebrew stuff around Absalom) so my time is just crazy strapped sadly. I'm lucky if I can bang out a thousand words a week ;(
I have a bunch of moments keyed down for the post-game 'next fight'.
Red Mantis assassins since they specialize in would-be god killing and Mino would be extra susceptible to their blades
Having to tap into the powers she hates more and more to withstand the diabolic armies
Working with the other Orders and against the ones that would back the Thrunes (Scourge getawayescape tunnel to the barrowood go!)
More of the social intrigue, attending parties and operas to woo the old noble lineages that want to return to how things were
Their DAUGHTER, for one, who they leave Cheliax for temporarily so she's not born on Chelaxian soil because they don't know just how far "Thrunes literally damned the entire country itself" goes and they would never risk it (Ah the indignity of their child technically being Andoren lmao)
Dealing with Lictor Shokneir and Citadel Gheistano
Those desperate battles in the streets of Egorian
Having to deal with nonsense from Axis and the Maelstrom on top of it
Lying low in Parego Dospero with no where else to immediately go. Both wounded and hiding in some old entrance to the waterways she remembered because she used to play in them as a kid, telling him about it as they both wait for someone to find them: either to help or finish them off.
I have plenty of ideas. SOoo many ideas. So little time.
(Lovely ask thank you!)
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kuroimarzipan · 1 year
To return the ask I was unable to answer for you: I'd love to hear your Kingmaker thoughts! Or Wrath, if you'd prefer.
HELP I MISCLICKED BEFORE I WROTE ANYTHING AND HAD TO EDIT THE POST LMFAO anyway im gonna answer for kingmaker only tonight cause i gotta go to bed and i spent too long writing shit out but i might reblog this and add answers for wotr on after work tomorrow lol
Favorite Male Character okay so i could be normal about this. i could. or i could let everyone here know that i mentally put together multiple AUs where esteem got together with dragn after witnessing like three lines of dialogue. yea the smith guy. the one without a portrait even.
BUT if i had to be more normal about it then its gotta be ekun. i just want that guy to be happy and i really enjoy how weirdly well he gets along with esteem. also he's like. the most ruthless good character ive seen in a while which i really find interesting. makes a great minister too. he just has this reassuring presence in your party like hes got your back you dont have to worry. also: dogy :^)
Favorite Female Character
okay so i went into this game assuming kanerah would be my fave and i was like. ready to finally not have to headcanon a romance and shit. and then this bitch named valerie came along. and oh my god she's such a piece of work. so principled. so hypocritical. so abrasive and easy to rile up. she's loyal because she's decided to be loyal. she turns on you for wanting to kill a guy early in act 2 and then turns BACK on him because he hits on her. she doesnt even realise shes gay. ever since she killed fredero because esteem pushed her to do it ive been thinking about it. ive not read the dialogue for her canon straight romance or whatever because honestly i dont care whatever the fuck im doing to her in my head is way more interesting to me. ive done all the stuff for her hellknight ending and im very excited heehee.
Least Favorite Character
kingmaker is interesting in that i had a really poor first impression of a LOT of the companions, but after having gotten to know them, i... honestly dont rlly hate any of them?? there's still a few companions that end up benchwarming for me bc i just like others more, but its really not been like wotr where the party lineup was so polarising for me lmao
WAIT I JUST REMEMBERED JHOD. fuck that guy. i dont even have a particular actually good reason either. i just think his vibes are rancid
Favorite Ship
specifically that moment when hegend drew his weapon and went to attack valerie and the moment combat initiated esteem hit him with the chains of light which was followed by a maximised empowered magma blast from kanerah which one shot him. that felt good
aside from that i kinda wanna see amiri and nilak reconcile at some point??
Favorite Friendship
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i like that ekun the complete and utter loner was the person that taught esteem how to actually have friends instead of just manipulating people into appreciating her. i like to think he figured that out by the time his last quest rolled around. they have this kinda silent trust.
Favorite Quote
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this was such a good moment to me specifically because of the circumstances of esteem having been chased out of its home because of what it is and then having tartuk tell it that it would never understand?? it was COLD AS ICE telling him that before dealing the killing blow and taking his crown. defining moments tbh
Worst Character Death (if any)
i have a feeling this is yet to come for me 🙃
This made me so happy you have no idea Moment
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maybe its silly but thee loyalty these two have hehehe
Saddest Moment
TBH another thing i think is yet to come for me.... i know that last act is gonna hit hard
Favorite Location
the swamp witch's hut... i actually really love the old beldame and all the lil storylines going on in that map so so much it rlly helped me solidify a bunch of important things abt esteem's backstory too lol
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dragonologist-phd · 1 year
💋 💍 🦊 ⚡️ ⛺️ from the WOTR asks?
💋: favourite romance?
Arue!! There are still quite a few romance routes I haven't played yet, but I loved Arueshalae's so much, I don't see my favorite changing. Her romance route in conjunction with her character arc just hit me right in the heart <3
💍: favourite magic item?
Finnean counts, right? I love Finnean!
🦊: opinions on animal companions/familiars?
They're very fun- I especially love how on the Azata Path, a bunch of woodland critters just start following you around. It's very cute, especially since I had already decided that Piper was a city girl who had no idea what to do with animals XD
And it's a really nice touch how animal companions get some mythic elements of their own! Mae's warhound now has angel wings and it's fantastic
⚡️: favourite (or current) mythic path?
My favorite one to roleplay with my character has been Azata, and I think that's the one I've had the most overall fun with. But my favorite bits of writing have been on Aeon, it's so dramatic and I love it
⛺️: what’s your favourite camp banter?
All of Seelah and Arue's banters are so good, I love their friendship a lot:
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(I also really love Arue being cute and talking to herself):
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pwotr ask game
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starlightcleric · 1 year
Fic Wrap-Up Meme 2022
Tagged by @dragonologist-phd. Thanks! I’m just going to open tag this since it’s gone around a lot.
I do my own fic retrospective every year, but this has some different questions in it so I’ll play!
Counting Prepare for the Dawn, 31,561 posted words in 20 stories. If we just look at solo work, that’s 19,910 words in 19 stories.
Final Fantasy XIV, Mass Effect Trilogy, Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous, and Pillars of Eternity.
“Soup, With Love” - Mass Effect, 76 kudos
I fall upon the thorns of life, I bleed – WotR, 21 kudos (rollover)
“Remembrance and Hope” - FFXIV, 16 kudos
“This was only the second ball Ophelia had been to in her life, and this was not enough data to tell if she liked them or not.”
- “Soft you now” (WotR)
‘An idea came to me. And maybe a way to apologize. “Hey, Nenio. I have an idea for an experiment. What if we find out how long it takes glitter to disperse through the library when pressed between the covers of a select few random books?”
The answer is that all three of us are now banned from approaching a three block radius of the Forae Logos for the next three decades.’
- “The Definition of Friendship” (WotR)
I’m proud of the fight scene in “How to Impress Girls” (FFXIV)!
Writing in first person! I have, in my life, written in first person before, but not for fic. (Actually, technically I think there’s a very short Yarrow thing from some years ago in first person, but I digress). I started off experimenting with it in the still in progress Kikyo fic stuff, then carried it over to writing about Poetry.
GOALS FOR 2023 -
I’m trying to set quarterly goals rather than yearly goals this year so it’s less overwhelming, and my goal for the first three months is to finish the first five chapter Kikyo fic (well, first draft it at least) and do at least one of the prompts in my inbox.
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adozentothedawn · 2 years
I still owe you answers from like…… weeks ago but in any case I have more music for you! (Apologies if I’ve already suggested anything, I am Enormously tired)
Adventures in Solitude - The New Pornographers
Stockton Gala Days - 10000 Maniacs
Say the Word - Vienna Teng (very specifically the Vienna Teng version, it’s from a musical there are Options)
Water lily - Karin’s Polwart
Ask is here
No stress at all don't worry!^^ I know I'm still sitting on at least one writing ask for you that frankly at this point I kinda forgot what ask it's refrencing so let's see if I can find that again... And I don't think I know any of these yet so I'm hyped.👀
Adventures in Solitude: I have a vague suspicion that you were already thinking a bit of him when you sent this to me. :3 I do definitely have to put forward Mani for this, probably a little time after Deadfire after he burnt out at least a litle bit of his rage.
Stockton Gala Days: This was tickeling my brain so much but I couldn't for the life of me tell who I was thinking of until I noticed it's because she doesn't have a name yet. It's excellent vibes for my as of yet nameless sorcerer girl waiting on my next WotR playthrough who will romance Aruschalae. Gonna be the sweetest dragon girl love around.😌
Say the Word: I spent so much time thinking until my brain just went ah yes of course how easy. It's Aelfi. It's Aelfi having spent a bunch of time with certain boys getting the sort of attention and understandng she never really had or wanted and finding herself more and more drawn there without knowing what Wael thinks about that.
Waterlily: Another one bamboozled me until I went ah yes of course. Yeah Emblyn's not having a good time but I sure am always with your music choices.😌 This does really tingle me tbh, absolute vibe as always I am lost in the sauce.
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thecrushheb · 2 months
Finally finished Pathfinder Kingmaker! Clocked in at 158 hours. A full 20 more than Wrath of the Righteous. Unlike WotR I played on core difficulty and never had to drop it, more because of me than either game. I'm sure WotR gets spikier due to the epic levels thing going on, but I'd have to give it another go to see if it's actually that much harder. Biggest difference in difficulty for me was that this time I actually understood how to buff for each situation (on second thought, the 20 hour difference might just have been in buffing lmao, not really but, like fr).
Spoiler review below the cut
The story isn't quite on par with WotR, and the companions are nowhere near, but the diversity of the campaign was vastly vastly superior. From kobolds and trolls, to liches, to barbarian hordes, to fey, and really almost everything in between it felt like. I mean there were times where it really felt like peak rpg for me. Vordekai right into Armag was an insanely cool stretch. Compare that to WotR where its really one note, just demons and cults. From P:K to WotR there was a huge jump in quality basically across the board, except for that one drawback.
Speaking of characters, I didn't really connect with anyone except Ekun, Tristian, Harrim aaaand.... Kind of Jubilost? I liked others, Nok-Nok was good of course but had little depth, linzi I was sad to see die but she was a bit too earnest and glowing to not get on my nerves. I finished everyone's quest. ended up killing Jaethal at the end of hers (deserved, i was playing good). Tristians story was the best written, Harrims was compelling and how they let more and more depth to his philosophy drip in was good. Ekun had a great arc and good writing to his story too, probably the best actual positive change arc with how I played him. Have to say the voice acting on everyone was top notch. I'd be lying if I pretended Amiri didn't get old quick, and Octavia is not what I'm looking for in a relationship story and it felt like that's pretty much what she was only written to be so that got old too. Val was interesting but also felt like the writers were trying to say something but they weren't sure exactly what during the writing or they had a good arc and felt like it was too on the nose preachy so they muddled it idk, but it felt kind of all over the place with its point. Hated Reg, he was annoying and evil, Jubilost could have done with a more compelling story I didn't dig the bleaching and he also had no arc. The idea and arc behind Kalikke/Kinerah/Kaessi was awesome but underdelivered and i was kind of romancing them but their class wasn't useful enough to have them around that much or maybe I just didn't feel like putting in way more extra time figuring out how to get them to be great. I did like their story a lot, but then at the end I think there was a glitch and I couldn't recover them in the house and they didn't show up for the last battle. I loved how Tristian and Harrims plots made them seem mythical, Tristian tied into the main plot made him so awesome.
I played mostly with a party of Ekun (and Okbo! Got to be great friends with my panther) Val (fully buffed ended up with 68AC for the battle with the Lantern King) Octavia, Tristian, and Jubilost. Most substitutable was Jubilost because he was just extra DPS but his bombs not missing and being tripping made him indispensable at the end, plus great buffer. I played a Druid, the anti-Fey one, and it was great. Having 3 tanks was dope with my panther, Ekun, and Val.
To conclude, Pacing sucked and Kingdom management was the culprit it wasn't worth all that time for what it was. Companions were good enough with a couple moderately memorable ones. Main plot was good, might have been great with proper pacing because of how varied it was but it's impossible for me to give a better grade, definitely not top or anything because it wasn't really thematic or philosophical at all, but they weren't reaching for that. Mechanically it was absolutely top level. Got me to think deeply about my choices but play with some freedom, pushed me to try not to rest exactly the right amount, couldn't have asked for a better challenge - fun balance. Wont replay probably ever because I didn't feel like I missed anything and the kingdom management would be even more unbearable a second time. It felt decently reactive in the ending slides, but actively reactive... A little lacking compared to WotR or even something like Mask of the Betrayer and certainly not BG3 which is the goat in that regard. 158 hours well spent, didn't regret them, might inspire me to replay WotR but I probably should finish BG3 first at least once.
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hushedruin · 4 years
Jason Aaron & Russell Dauterman’s ‘THOR’
So, Jason Aaron wrote Thor for a few years. His run largely splits into two parts. If you like epic mythology, check out the stuff with Thor Odinson. I personally did not enjoy it - slowburning/slow-paced writing but paint-style art from Esad Ribic and Mike Del Mundo - but it might be good if that's your jam. I couldnt get into it. The other half is the stuff with "Thor" the chick. Not some plot by Loki or The Enchantress or Odin being an asshole (which is a plot point; Odin is a HUUUUUUGE asshole)... Thor hears something in the 'Original Sin' event miniseries that makes him unworthy/unable to lift Mjolnir (see: the hammer). But someone else, a woman, is able to lift it and begins running around with the power of Thor, god of thunder. I wont spoil who it is, but this part of Aaron's almost-decade-long run is consistently just pedal-to-the-floor BADASS. It is SO GOOD. Russell Dautermann is penciller for most of it, though Valerio Schitti does step in to help at times. It's not a jarring change. It's highly kinetic art as a new god(dess) of thunder rises to face an unholy alliance of enemies. If you've seen the movies, you'll be okay. Thor, Jane, Loki, Odin, Malekith, Surtur, Hela... Then the new folks like Dario Agger and Sindr (the Queen Of Cinders/the fire realm) will be explained/introduced. It's phenomenal! I love it so much and would actually consider this portion of the saga ownable. If you're in it just for the chick Thor, once her portion ends, you can come back for 'War Of The Realms'. Not to say that she comes back or anything spoilery like that, but it is ABSOLUTELY in the same vein of "all killer, no filler" full-on Michael Bay-hem that her stories are. WOTR gets set up in her part anyway, so you may wanna see how that plays out. It's more or less the end of the saga, though dude Thor has one more chapter afterwards to wrap everything up. But yeah, I f***in loved it. Chick Thor parts are ACE. Ownable. Very much recommended! Almost surely up on Hoopla now!
optional: ORIGINAL SIN
THOR vol. 1: Goddess of Thunder
THOR vol. 2: Who Holds The Hammer?
THE MIGHTY THOR vol. 1: Thunder In Her Veins
THE MIGHTY THOR vol. 2: Lords Of Midgard
THE MIGHTY THOR vol. 3: Asgard/Shi’ar War
THE MIGHTY THOR vol. 4: The War Thor
THE MIGHTY THOR vol. 5: [classified]
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cassynite · 1 year
Do you have any PF:WotR (or Kingmaker) OC's? I'd love to hear about them.
Aaaaah thank you so much for asking! I do have OCs, but I'm not terribly used to talking about them, hopefully this is entertaining! I have two main OCs that I like to write about in WOTR.
The first is Sparrow, who's my main Knight Commander. After she was kidnapped and sold into slavery in Cheliax as a child, Sparrow spent most of her life as a bodyguard and body-double for the young Lady Evaethi of House Arvanxi, a Chelish noble house that had fallen out of favor with the queen. Her main job was to keep Evaethi safe during events deemed low-risk for Evaethi, and to pretend to be Evaethi at events where it was considered too dangerous for Evaethi to show up at all.
A few years before the Fifth Crusade, Evaethi and Sparrow were sent to Mendev as part of a diplomatic envoy. Evaethi, out of her controlling father's immediate sphere of influence for the first time in her life, ran away for a life of freedom and adventure with only a written half-hearted apology for Sparrow to find. Sparrow, now on the line for the missing lady but unable to run away herself due to a tracking spell placed on her, pretended to be Evaethi in Mendev to keep Evaethi's family from finding out she ran away. While doing so she looked find a way to undo the spell on her that allows Evaethi's father to track her wherever she goes.
She was traveling to Kenabres to meet with an artificer who had offered a solution to her problem for a hefty fee. She ends up never meeting him; on the way there she is attacked, and the next thing she knows she's waking up in Kenabres with a wound on her chest :3
Sparrow is a quiet aasimar woman of about twenty-three years old. She has rather muted coloring for an aasimar, with straight brassy hair and pale brown eyes. She doesn't trust easily, is cautious almost the point of decision paralysis at times, and is always waiting for the other shoe to drop. Her first instinct is to follow the advice and directives of those around her to avoid conflict, and her first instinct in the face of conflict is to go silent and endure until it's over. She is terrified of the exposure she gains from becoming a public figure and resents the series of events as well as the people that placed her in such a position of power. When she lets her guard down, though, or comes across something or someone she cares for very much, she can get incredibly emotional and passionate. And when she decides to commit to something--as she eventually does the duty of leading the Crusade--she puts her all into it.
Uuuuuh she's a Sword Saint who wields a scimitar, goes on the angel path, and romances Daeran <3
The other main OC that I work with is one that I imagined mainly as a companion in wrath. Kallesto Voness, called Vonzi, is introduced as a woman without a past, an oracle with incredible abilities over cold and frostbitten hands, but difficulty communicating and concentrating. She has little memory of who she was before the start of the game and only knows that she came to Kenabres to do "something important." She also ends up staying on the Crusade as the Commander's powers end up helping her mental state, giving her periods of lucidity where she is shown to be a forthright, carefree person with a dry sense of humor.
Her big thing is that her abilities over cold are actually just a byproduct of her real powers, given to her by a rogue Aeon--she can travel back in time, but doing so takes a toll on her body and mind until she loses her "grip" on the time she traveled to and "snaps" back into her present, undoing whatever she had done while existing in the past. The only way she can ever make changes to the past permanent is by continuing to exist in that time, which slowly destroys her mind and body, and dying in the past, which keeps her from snapping back. She traveled back in time to stop her entire family from dying while working for the Crusade and her mental state is due to her powers slowly breaking down her body and her brain as she forces herself to remain in the past. With the KC's help she can save her family, but ultimately the KC will have to choose whether to let her die from the collapsing weight of her own abilities or let go of her family and what happened to them, causing her to reset the timeline and kill them all over again.
She's an Oracle, Wave Mystery, with additional plot powers and a homebrew variation of the burned hands curse to fit with her theme of cold. Most of my thoughts with her involves her past growing up in Sargava and her relationship with her family, which is Very Complicated.
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