#world best homeopathy doctor
jashhomeopathy · 9 months
When it comes to the best online homeopathy consultation in the USA, look no further than Jash Homeopathy. Discover a trusted source of holistic healing and personalized treatment plans at Jash Homeopathy. With experienced homeopathy doctors and a commitment to your wellbeing, Jash Homeopathy offers top-notch online homeopathic consultation services that cater to your unique health needs. Experience the convenience and effectiveness of online homeopathy consultation like never before. Bookmark now for your journey towards holistic wellness.
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avikadoctors · 2 years
best homeopathy doctor for online consultation in Jaipur
Are you looking for the best homeopathy doctor for online consultation in Jaipur? There are a lot of clinics and hospitals that claim that they are the best homeopathy Clinic in Jaipur. It will be more difficult to find the right place to get treatment in an online search. Avika Doctors is providing its services from 50+ branches and 300+ experienced doctors for the past 36+ years and cured millions of people with various diseases and extended its services to an online platform so that people who cannot travel due to ill health or old age or in a job which won’t allow them to travel to the branch and wait in a queue for consultation and for buying medication. Avika Doctors is providing online consultation services of its most experiencedhomeopathy doctors in Jaipur and prescribed medication will be delivered to the doorstep after payment. Homeopathy doctors ask the patient to have at least one appointment in physical as Constitutional Homeopathy Treatment is advised based on individual characterization and after analyzing the physical and psychological condition of the patient to give the most suitable homeopathy treatment solutions to cure the root cause of the condition without any side effects.
To avail of our services on freeonline consultation in Jaipur, you just need to follow a few following steps:
Step 1: Visit our website at https://www.avikadoctors.com/
Step 2: Sign up with details on our website and upload your recent medical reports for review by the doctor
Step 3: You will get a meeting with our master homeopathy specialist to examine your ailment
Step 4: During the consultation, an experienced homeopathy doctor in Jaipur will talk to you through the app or video call and ask you various questions regarding your symptoms ailments and told you the treatment and bundle subtleties through the application or email warning
Stage 5: Once the installment is finished, recommended medication is conveyed to your doorstep.
If you want to know more information about us, visit https://www.avikadoctors.com/doctor/consult or write to us at [email protected]
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vizthedatum · 1 month
My life choices should not have a moral clause on whether or not I am disabled, even if those life choices are unhealthy for me or differ from the expectations people have of me.
Disabled people are not required to be experts in either "being disabled" or "not being disabled."
The expectation to perfectly manage our disability while we are suffering from the disability puts us back.
Similarly, the expectation to manage our disability so well that we don't present as disabled is incredibly harmful and puts us back.
Sometimes, the goal of disabled people is to just live life. The goal isn't necessarily to be "abled."
Being disabled means different things to different people: our environments can be disabling, our body can act in a way that is disabling, our neurotypes can disable us in certain situations, our disability can be chronic, our disability can be intermittent or temporary, etc.
I could be trying my absolute best to be on top of my healthcare appointments, medications, supplements, diet, exercise, rest, etc. ... and I may still also struggle with the demands that my life and environment pose.
Your version of "my absolute best" and my version of "my absolute best" will likely not align.
I may also not know a lot about my body and what it needs - even if I'm on top of all the research and interrogate all my doctors. Even if I try homeopathy or alternative medicine.
I have autonomy over my body even if my body is failing me. I can behave how I choose, and my choices and behaviors should not have a moral clause on whether I'm disabled or not.
Do not judge the things I do, and tell me that I'm not really disabled if I can do them.
I may also choose to not do particular things to alleviate my symptoms because my disability may be preventing me from doing so. (Do people understand this?)
If I am hurting others with my disability or behaviors, then yes, I should be held accountable (and yes, my actions may be due to my disability). It's not an excuse for harm, even if it's a reason. This post isn't about this particular topic, and I'm not addressing that.
What I wish for the most from disability empowerment is the freedom for us to live a life of self-compassion and receive compassion from the world.
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elliepassmore · 20 days
The Last Bloodcarver review
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5/5 stars Recommended if you like: Vietnamese mythology, science fantasy, magical medicine
The author describes this book as 'science fantasy,' which I think is an apt descriptor. Nhika's powers are within the realm of fantasy, but the way she thinks about her powers is more science, as are the automatons that help run the city. There are also doctors and medical advancements, like surgery, IVs, and organ transplants. I really liked this aspect of the book and thought the combination of magic + medicine was super cool. It was interesting to see how different characters viewed medicine and heartsoothing, particularly the differences between Nhika and Kochin, and how they reconciled those views. I also really liked seeing the duality of healing. It's not really something you see a lot with healer characters, but if you have power over a person's body systems, healing, and immunity, then you can just as easily use those systems for damage as well as for good, and I liked seeing Le use that in this story.
The worldbuilding is neat and gives us hints of a more complex system going on in the world. We spend the entire book in Theumas, which is divided into sectors based on the zodiac. I'm definitely intrigued by the way the city is setup, though I'm not sure we'll get an in-depth explanation for that since politics aren't really at the forefront of the novel. We do get a look at the class system of Theumas and how the boroughs correspond to that system. I liked seeing how things differed and how certain behaviors trickled down from the wealthier boroughs to the poorer ones.
While politics isn't at the forefront of this book, immigrants and culture are. Nhika is Yarongese, born in Theumas. Her parents and grandmother were born in Yarong but had to flee to Theumas due to war and colonialization, and then died when Nhika was young. So while Nhika learned her culture from her family, she also feels a disconnect due to living in Theumas and having to hide her heartsoothing. Nhika greatly yearns to belong and wants desperately to feel that connection to her culture, so those two things drive her actions through a lot of the book.
I liked Nhika as a character. She's been living on her own since she was 12 and, in order to survive and make money, has turned to homeopathy remedies to heal people and stay under the radar as a heartsoother. Try as she might to be tough, she has a soft inside and cares deeply about other people, even if she's just met them. This allows her to bond with the Congmi siblings, and later Kochin, despite slights and differences. Nhika is willing to stand up for herself and follow through on things, even when it's dangerous or difficult, and that perseverance both helps and hurts her at different points.
Kochin was a character I liked, then didn't, then did again. He has a very specific goal in mind throughout the novel, but he's somewhat clumsy in how he goes about it. In the end he pulls through and I liked that he was able to be there for Nhika and share some things with her closer to the end of the book. I do feel bad for him since he definitely got in way over his head and is doing the best he can to try and mitigate the damage to everyone else.
Despite Nhika staying with the Congmis for most of the book, I feel like I don't totally know them as characters, so I hope to see them more in book 2. Mimi is definitely a lovable character who is friendly and wants to believe the best of others. She's heartbroken by the recent loss of her father, and she seems to enjoy having Nhika around as a friend. That being said, she's somewhat naive about how the world works and just how much her family's money and social standing advantage her. Andao seems to be more aware of it, but he's got the weight of his father's legacy on his shoulders and rivals and friends coming at him from all directions to try and influence his moves.
Trin is a friend of the family and at first is kind of mean to Nhika, but he's a bit like Chubs from The Darkest Minds. What he really wants is for the Congmis to be safe and well cared for, and he's not afraid of giving someone the smackdown if they seem like they might threaten that, but is much friendlier once you're past that initial stage. I ended up liking Trin's character a lot and think he and Nhika have the beginnings of a good friendship.
The mystery was very interesting, and the seeds of it are laid from the beginning. It's somewhat predictable but it's still a very enjoyable story because there are twists to the mystery that aren't apparent at first. The last 1/3 was definitely tense since everything is coming together, and I really liked seeing how it all played out.
My one complaint about this book is that there's some instalove going on in it. It's very minor so I can kind of ignore it, but it seems like it might be a bigger thing in book 2 (maybe? Maybe it's just the consequences of that, we'll see.).
Overall I loved this book and can't wait to see what book 2 has in store! The combination of magic and medicine was super interesting, and I liked seeing how both were dealt with. I also thought the characters were well rounded and liked reading their interactions.
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rainafoxfire · 11 months
[Originally authored by Sparrowinthebranches/ Bonesofaphoenix]
[To view the complete work and additional information, please purchase her book "The Lavender Herbal", available in both E-Reader and Paperback formats]
[Reblogged from ladybonetiern (no longer active)]
I am not a certified Botanist, Naturopathic Doctor, Homeopathologist, Herbalist, Apothecary, or any other professional having to do with the healing world of plants. I am not a professional. I do not, and will not claim to be a professional or to hold any of these titles. I am nothing more than an individual with 10+ years experience in self study and semi-formal training in a non certified environment. However, I will be using mostly sources written by professionals, or people well experienced in these fields, and doing my best to cite accurate materials and scientific studies.
That having been said, as with the group I was teaching, I encourage discussion, participation, and cross referencing of materials. Feel free to take everything posted in these classes with a grain of salt and a lot of cross-referencing. In fact, I insist you do so and I also ask that if you find discrepancies within these lessons, that you make them known to me so that I may correct the information in order to reduce spreading inaccuracies, as in this field, such things can be dangerous.
I also heavily recommend that you do not attempt any of these remedies we’ll be discussing, or attempt self treatment and diagnosis without FIRST consulting an actual medical professional who is trained and certified to help you and properly assess your health and the impact any treatments may have on it.
[To view the complete work and additional information, please purchase her book "The Lavender Herbal", available in both E-Reader and Paperback formats]
What is Herbal Medicine exactly?
Though I personally prefer the term “Homeopathy” (though the correct definition is far from my personal usage of it), the practice of using plants as medicine also goes by many names: Natural Medicine, Organic Medicine, Heroic Medicine, Natural Remedies, Woman’s Medicine, Wise Healing, a type of Holistic Medicine, Folk Medicine and many others. I’ll leave it to you to decide which you’d like to call it by, but for the sake of uniformity I’ll be calling it Herbal Medicine throughout our lessons.
But I still didn’t answer your question did I? Herbal Medicine, to put it simply, is the medicine of the people.
From the beginning of time man has both revered and utilized plants and herbal Medicine is believed to be the oldest known therapy used by humankind. Various forms of it have been discovered around the world from China to India and on our own Continent of North America, and information on herbs and their usage has been passed down from generation to generation in many ways; through stories, in books in music and several other methods. Our ancestors used it, our neighbors used it, our grandmothers probably used it, and people today around the world still use it. When used correctly it is simple, safe, cheap, effective, relatively side effect free, and easier to maintain and obtain than modern medicine.  
Right now, at this point in the evolution of humankind, we are living in the best time to be using and learning it. Why? Because we have one major thing that our ancestors did not. Today we have a better understanding of science and bodily functions which leaves us in a better position than our ancestors to understand and utilize the healing power of plants and their potential as multi-functional treatments for ailments. Believe it or not, if it wasn’t for the retention of Herbal Knowledge throughout the centuries, we wouldn’t even have some of our modern medicines as some of the most common modern medicines are derived from the same plants we seek to use in their natural forms.  
Herbal Medicine as a holistic medicine also comes in several forms that fit a wide range of beliefs and practices.
Some may choose to use the Allopathic where Allopathy seeks to heal by producing symptoms opposite of what the patient expresses; others like the Homeopathic approach wherein Homeopathy seeks to heal through producing the same, or “worsening” the symptoms the patient expresses; Some people prefer to use sense therapies such as the aroma-therapies, other’s topical and more massage based healing, and even more prefer the use of ingested materials in their various ways; Some believe that in order to be effective,  you must use the chemical approach wherein herbs are researched to determine the basic ingredients and classified according to their group of chemicals; Others believe that in order to be effective, the energetic approach as used in Ayurveda, must be taken wherein herbs are considered to affect the body’s energies. Even the spiritualist approach is sometimes taken where the herbs are purported to affect the soul or spirit before the body.
There’s many more types and a wide range of beliefs that use Herbal Medicine in a wide range of ways, these are some of the most, and least common. However, through the multiple methods of Herbal Treatment, no matter what approach to Herbal Medicine is taken there are always the same base principles.
The first being that Herbal Medicine usually seeks to choose herbs that restore a person’s “vital balance”, thus aiding the body in healing itself and not just suppressing the symptoms of the illness as most modern medications often do. Herbal Remedies assist in invoking the body’s inherent healing powers and are used to treat many different types of health issues and views illness or disease as the body’s instinctive protective effort to rectify any imbalance instead of as an adversary to be conquered or suppressed. Therefore, a homeopathic practitioner will select a therapy devised to encourage the body’s innate healing abilities with the intent is to restore the body to its natural healthy balance.
It also operates on the principle that illness is specific to each person. As the emotional and mental components of the illness are just as significant as the physical symptoms, a detailed case history is important. All herbal medicine therapies are tailored to each individual and a practitioner of Herbal Medicine will often gather information about the individual regarding not only the specific details of the illness but also about their lifestyle, eating patterns and character traits before choosing a remedy; it is quite likely that no two people will receive exactly the same remedy for the same condition.
But it is important to note that there are disadvantages of using Homeopathic treatments as well.
The main disadvantage is that today’s population wants a “quick fix”. They are happy to be given a pill or cut open and are usually oblivious to the long term side effects of Modern Medicine, especially when used in conjunction with other Modern Medicines. Those of us who have extensively studied Herbal Medicines know that there is no “Quick Fix” when it comes to them, and that each treatment takes time; more time than some people are willing to take, and it’s quite common for a person to temporarily feel worse before feeling better depending on the approach taken to the remedy.
Another disadvantage is that Herbal Medicine cannot completely replace the need for Modern Medications, especially in emergency situations or in cases where the patient suffers from an incurable disease or other ailments that Herbs are not strong enough or capable of treating or correcting. That being said, however, the use of herbs can compliment modern medicine in situations where the administration of Homeopathic medicine can alleviate the symptoms of such ailments in the long term in a cost effective and relatively side effect free way.
Which brings me to side effects. Remember the “relatively side effect free” phrase earlier? That’s because no medicine is completely side effect free, including Herbal Medicine. It is important to note that Herbal Medicine runs some of the same risks as Modern Medicine, and sometimes they can contain more risks.
Although Herbal Medicine is relatively safe and very rarely an overdose will result in death or severe disability, there are still symptoms one can express that signals the overuse of the herb, or remedy, that can be considered “overdosing”. Some plants are only safe in small dosages before one runs the risk of “overdosing” or experiencing negative side effects; Allergies are a main concern as everyone is allergic to something and herbs are in no way different in this aspect; Herbs can also be contaminated during growth by pesticides and other chemicals (which is why most people will recommend you buy your herbs from Organic Retailers or not at all). Another is that they may not work in conjunction with other medicines (herbal or modern) and one may override the effect of the other, or not mesh well and produce other unforeseen complications.
Because of the risks that are inherent with the use of herbs, it is unadvised that you rely solely on self treatment, even if experienced. In fact, most practitioners stress the importance of cross-consultation between someone specializing in Herbal Medicines, and Modern Doctor before beginning self treatment, as well as being completely open and honest with both parties about conditions and other medications, herbal or non. Not doing this can sometimes result in minor to severe problems, even if the person self-treating is highly experienced.
Extra information regarding this course:
Bibliography, Resources, and Information
Toxic Plant Index
Medical and Herbal Terminology
Herbalism as a Legal Medical Practice in the US
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guptahomoeoclinic · 1 year
Homeopathic Doctor Online in India
Best Homeopathy Doctor Online in India
There are several factors that people consider when choosing a homeopathic doctor online in India. One of the most important factors is the doctor's qualifications and experience. Indians typically look for homeopathic doctors who are licensed in India and have a proven track record in using homeopathy for a variety of health conditions.
Homeopathy is a popular alternative medicine practice that uses natural remedies to stimulate the body's ability to heal itself. In today's fast-paced world, it can be difficult to find time to see a homeopath in person. Fortunately, there are now many opportunities to consult a homeopathic Doctor online in India.
When looking for the best homeopathy doctor online, there are several factors to consider. Find a doctor with extensive experience and expertise in the field of homeopathy. Check their credentials and make sure they are licensed to practice in India. Plus, read reviews from previous patients to learn about their success rates and patient satisfaction. One of the most convenient ways to consult online with a homeopathic doctor in India is through chat. Many homeopathic doctors now offer live chat services that allow you to ask questions and get advice from the comfort of your own home.
If you are looking for the best online homeopathy doctor in India, Dr. M. L. Gupta is a popular choice. They offer online consultations with a team of experienced homeopathic doctors, as well as a range of homeopathic remedies that can be delivered to your door.
When it comes to India's famous homeopathic doctor, Dr. Mukesh Batra is a household name. He has over 45 years of experience in the field of homeopathy and has treated over one million patients worldwide. He has also received numerous awards and recognition for his contributions to the field of homeopathy.
All in all, an online consultation with a homeopathic doctor in India is a convenient and effective way to get natural, holistic healthcare. Whether you are looking for the best homeopathic doctors online or reputable homeopathic doctors in India, there are plenty of options to suit your needs.
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What are the psoriasis disorders and how is it treated naturally?
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Psoriasis can affect 2 to 3 percent of the world's population. It is a very common skin condition that causes redness and irritation throughout the body. The natural treatment for psoriasis among patients include the skin becoming thicker, reddened, and covered with white patches of silver, referred to as scales.
What is Psoriasis?
There is one distinct type that is seen in about 8 percent of patients who suffer from psoriasis. It can start as an illness similar to strep throat caused by a streptococcal-related bacterial infection. It's characterised by small, circular, raised, sometimes scaly lesions known as papules. Papules are more likely to be seen on the legs, arms and chest, resulting in inflammation of the skin. However, there are papules on the scalp, ear, and face.
An accurate early diagnosis of the disease could aid in an effective and permanent solution for psoriasis.The degree of the psoriasis and the body's reaction to medications determine the course of treatment.
Allopathic treatment for Psoriasis.
Medicine can be beneficial in cases where your body is incapable of fighting off illnesses by itself or removing the symptoms. However, as the allopathic treatment for guttate psoriasis uses synthetic and artificial ingredients in its medications and treatments, it could cause negative side effects such as itching, rashes, swelling, and even breathing difficulties.
The body becomes more dependent on allopathic medications over time as the immune system, which is the body's defence mechanism natural scalp psoriasis treatment developed by nature, becomes weak. Other than these issues, the biggest disadvantage is that it's only able to deal with the symptoms of a disease temporarily and not address the underlying causes.
Bharat homeopathy gives the best treatment of psoriasis.
In addressing the root of the issue, the homeopathic approach is the most effective scalp psoriasis treatment. It was first discovered in Germany in the late 1800s and is now used extensively throughout the globe.Scalp psoriasis homeopathy treatment aims to build the vitality of the body, i.e. the body's capacity to fight off diseases and ensure overall health to overcome illness with its inherent strength. This alternative treatment system is based on the principle that "like cures like". As homeopathic medicine for psoriasis offers individualised treatment for every patient, a single medication will address the emotional, physical as well as mental components of the illness.
homeopathic treatment for psoriasis is recommended following an extensive case-taking process with the aim of treating the disease instead of merely eliminating the symptoms. The emphasis of homeopathy is individualisation; two patients could have different treatments for the same disease.
Homeopathy utilises extremely dilute medicines, typically in the form of liquids or pills that treat a wide variety of ailments, such as guttate psoriasis. Bharat Homeopathic remedy for psoriasis aids in enhancing the body's defence mechanisms by using the use of customised medications that are designed following each procedure's security. The method we use to create an appropriate treatment plan for each patient requires an in-depth analysis of their ailments and symptoms, both physical and mental. Our best doctor for psoriasis treatment, directed by Dr. Mahima and Dr. Kanchan, takes time to plan and conducts extensive research when formulating a custom diet program for every patient. We have proved our credibility by ensuring strict guidelines and the privacy of patient records. With our no-side effects outcomes, we have earned the second-best name in reliability in the field of health care.
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irontreegoatee · 3 days
Discover the Holistic Healing of Ayush Care at Sarans Hospitals in Tamil Nadu
Nestled in the vibrant state of Tamil Nadu, Sarans Hospitals is a beacon of holistic healthcare, offering a unique blend of traditional and modern medical practices. Our commitment to Ayush (Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy) sets us apart as pioneers in promoting natural healing and long-term wellness.
The Essence of Ayush Care
Ayush care is grounded in the principles of ancient healing systems that focus on treating the root cause of diseases rather than just the symptoms. At Sarans Hospitals, we embrace the comprehensive and integrative approach of Ayush, which harmonizes the body, mind, and spirit. This holistic methodology not only alleviates existing health issues but also fosters preventive care and overall well-being.
Comprehensive Ayush Treatments at Sarans Hospitals
We offer a wide array of Ayush treatments tailored to meet diverse health needs:
Ayurveda, the science of life, is an ancient system of medicine that originated in India over 5,000 years ago. At Sarans Hospitals, our Ayurveda treatments are designed to restore balance and promote health through personalized care plans. These include herbal remedies, dietary guidelines, detoxification processes (Panchakarma), and lifestyle recommendations.
Siddha medicine, one of the oldest systems of medicine known to humanity, is an integral part of our offerings. Originating from Tamil Nadu, Siddha emphasizes the use of herbs, minerals, and lifestyle changes to treat ailments. Our Siddha specialists focus on restoring the body's equilibrium through natural means, ensuring holistic healing.
Unani medicine, with its roots in ancient Greek and Persian traditions, offers a holistic approach to healthcare. At Sarans Hospitals, our Unani treatments involve dietary regulations, herbal medicine, and physical therapies aimed at balancing the body’s humors (blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile) for optimal health.
Homeopathy is a gentle yet powerful system of medicine that uses highly diluted substances to stimulate the body's self-healing mechanisms. Our homeopathic practitioners at Sarans Hospitals provide personalized remedies that address the underlying causes of illnesses, ensuring safe and effective treatment with no side effects.
Naturopathy focuses on natural healing through a variety of non-invasive treatments. At Sarans Hospitals, our naturopathy services include nutritional counseling, hydrotherapy, detoxification, and lifestyle coaching to promote natural health and well-being.
The Sarans Hospitals Advantage
Our approach to Ayush care is unique due to several key factors:
Experienced and Dedicated Team
Sarans Hospitals boasts a team of highly qualified and experienced Ayush doctors, dieticians, and therapists who are committed to providing exceptional care. Our experts work collaboratively to design personalized treatment plans that cater to the individual needs of each patient.
Integrated Care
We believe in integrating traditional Ayush practices with modern medical advancements to offer the best of both worlds. This integrative approach ensures comprehensive care that addresses all aspects of health and wellness.
Patient-Centric Approach
At Sarans Hospitals, our patients are at the heart of everything we do. We take the time to understand each patient's unique health concerns and goals, crafting individualized treatment plans that promote holistic healing and long-term wellness.
State-of-the-Art Facilities
Our hospital is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities that enhance the delivery of Ayush treatments. From modern diagnostic tools to advanced therapy rooms, we ensure that our patients receive the highest standard of care in a comfortable and welcoming environment.
Preventive Care and Wellness Programs
In addition to treating ailments, Sarans Hospitals places a strong emphasis on preventive care and wellness programs. We offer educational workshops, wellness retreats, and lifestyle coaching to empower our patients to take charge of their health. By promoting healthy living practices such as balanced nutrition, regular exercise, stress management, and mindfulness, we help our patients prevent illnesses and maintain optimal health.
Real Stories, Real Results
The success of our Ayush treatments is reflected in the heartfelt testimonials of our patients. From chronic conditions like arthritis and diabetes to acute ailments such as respiratory infections and skin disorders, our holistic approach has brought relief and healing to countless individuals. Here are a few testimonials from our satisfied patients:
"The Ayurveda treatment I received at Sarans Hospitals has transformed my life. The personalized care and attention to detail made all the difference." - Lakshmi R.
"After years of struggling with chronic pain, the Siddha treatments at Sarans Hospitals have given me a new lease on life. I feel healthier and more vibrant than ever." - Rajesh K.
"The homeopathy treatments at Sarans Hospitals have been incredibly effective. I appreciate the gentle approach and the lasting results." - Anitha S.
Conclusion: Begin Your Journey to Wellness Today
If you're seeking a holistic approach to health and wellness, Sarans Hospitals in Tamil Nadu is your destination for comprehensive Ayush care. Our dedicated team, integrative approach, and patient-centric philosophy ensure that you receive the highest quality of care tailored to your unique needs. Experience the transformative power of Ayush treatments and embark on a journey to lasting health and vitality with Sarans Hospitals. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and take the first step towards a healthier, happier life.
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homoeoamigovj1 · 13 days
Is Homeopathic treatment real or a placebo?
An age-old debate on homeopathic treatment 
Homeopathic treatment is an age-old therapy, and over the years it has received recognition throughout the world. Research identifies that homeopathy enthusiasts are less likely to indulge in traditional pharma medicines.This has come with several years of association and belief and they seldom want to associate themselves with any other treatment. The reason behind this is varied but some of the prominent ones are:-
Very economical
Less chances of side effects
The medication deals with the overall well being of the patients
Very less chances of surgery or any other surgical procedure
But have we ever thought of the fact that homeopathic treatment exists for real or is it a simple placebo effect?
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 Inventor of placebo-effect
Henry K. Beecher was an American researcher and anesthesiologist. He was the first person who introduced us with the very term ‘placebo’, through his published classic work entitled ‘The Powerful Placebo’.Since 1935, he had suggested that placebo effects occurred in around 35% people and that indeed the white globules play a great psychological role to their users. He demanded that, it has been observed  that in homeopathic treatment, patients are given only globules which are devoid of any medicinal value and patients get cured due to their over reliance. But post this era, several other research, surveys and analysis were done, which are in stark contrast to what Henry K. Beecher had stated way back in the late 30’s.
Research and Development
Recent studies in the medical fraternity have stated a completely different picture to what has till now been reinstated.The Global Homeopathic Foundation better known as the GHA has held seminars a few weeks ago in Mumbai. There scientists from Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) in Chembur, IIT-B in Powai and Tata Institute of Fundamental Research had shared their opinion on the debated concept which has attracted the interest of the scientists from Italy, Austria and Brazil. 
Myth busted
One of the most prominent myths,defaming homeopathic treatment, is that since it is highly diluted it doesn't have any medicinal value other than placebo effect. However, Professor Jayesh Bhallare, Head of the Department of Chemistry at IIT-B has claimed that  their research indeed had found that homeopathy has nano micro particles of medicinal molecules. Claims have also been made that the presence of energy particles have been found in homeopathy using laser beams.
Case Study
 Eminent physicians around the world had been working closely on a bleeding disorder called ‘hemophilia’.They had demanded that 500 cases of this kind of patients had been treated through homeotherapy and that the bleeding disorder had been stalled by administering homeopathic treatments. The patients were long undergoing allopathic treatments but the medicines made no changes in their condition.
Celebrities Relying on Homeopathy
When there is a significant section of people debating on the usefulness of homeopathy, celebrities are also not lagging behind.Names as high as Prince Charles and his wife Camila are homeopathy reliants. It is known how the late queen and princess Diana all had homeopathic doctors. The prince and his wife are to be believed to visit the holistic health retreat Soukya in India frequently and seek homeopathic treatment. Additionally soccer star David Beckham, actors-Jennifer Aniston, Jude Law and Paul MCartney all are firm advocates of homeopathic treatments.
Homeopathy in India
While the scenario around the globe is quite promising, India is also not much way behind.Survey suggests that India is one of the core markets, where 62% of the population are advocates of homeopathy. We have several cities in India where homeopathic treatments are in vogue.
Best Homeopathic clinics in Delhi
 Several homeopathic brands are there who are providing holistic treatments and the brand topping the list is Homoeo Amigo. It is a prominent healthcare provider and is providing seamless healing treatments by treating through root cause.They are operational through homeopathic clinics in Delhi,Noida and Kolkata.The best homeopathic doctors in Delhi treat the patients and provide affordable treatment, devoid of any side effects. The brand headed by Mr. Karan Bhargava, aims to become the one stop solution provider to various ailments, by treating the underlying issue.The clinics are of the highest standards with proper hygiene, individual care and commitment for well-being. Experience the highest standard of homeopathic treatment for diseases like-skin, asthma, hair, stress anxiety and many more. To receive the best treatment, consult your nearby Homoeo Amigo clinic today.
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indianhomeo07 · 15 days
top homeopathy doctor in kolkata
Find the Best Homeopathy Doctor in Kolkata for You at Indianhomeo
Looking for a homeopathy doctor in Kolkata? You've come to the right place! Kolkata boasts a vibrant community of homeopathic practitioners, and Indianhomeo is here to help you find the perfect fit for your healthcare needs.
In this post, we'll delve into the world of best homeopathy treatment in Kolkata, explore what to consider when choosing a homeopathic doctor in Kolkata, and introduce you to Indianhomeo's team of highly skilled homeopathy doctors in Kolkata.
Why Choose Homeopathy?
Homeopathy is a holistic system of medicine that focuses on stimulating the body's natural healing processes. Homeopathic doctors in Kolkata use natural remedies, often derived from plants and minerals, to address a wide range of health concerns.
Here are some reasons why you might consider homeopathy:
Safe and Gentle: Homeopathic remedies are generally safe and well-tolerated, making them a good option for people of all ages, including pregnant women and children.
Treats the Root Cause: Homeopathy aims to address the underlying cause of illness, not just the symptoms.
Complementary Approach: Homeopathy can be used alongside conventional medicine to provide a more comprehensive approach to healthcare.
Finding the Best Homeopathy Doctor in Kolkata
With so many homeopathy clinics in Kolkata, choosing the right doctor can feel overwhelming. Here are some key factors to consider:
Experience and Qualifications: Look for a homeopathic doctor in Kolkata with extensive experience and qualifications in homeopathy.
Area of Focus: Some homeopaths specialize in particular areas like allergies, skin conditions, or women's health. Consider if there's a specific area you'd like expertise in.
Consultation Style: Find a doctor who listens attentively to your concerns and takes a detailed medical history.
Treatment Philosophy: Discuss the doctor's approach to treatment and ensure it aligns with your expectations.
Indianhomeo: Your Trusted Partner in Homeopathy
At Indianhomeo, we take pride in offering the best homeopathy treatment in Kolkata. Our team of experienced and qualified homeopathy doctors in Kolkata is dedicated to providing personalized, compassionate care.
Here are some of the benefits of choosing Indianhomeo:
Skilled Practitioners: Our doctors are registered with the Central Council of Homeopathy and have a wealth of experience treating various conditions.
Personalized Care: We take the time to understand your unique health concerns and develop a treatment plan tailored to your needs.
Modern Facilities: Our clinics are equipped with modern amenities to ensure a comfortable and convenient experience.
Transparent Communication: We believe in open communication and will keep you informed throughout your treatment journey.
Ready to Find Your Best Homeopathy Doctor in Kolkata?
We invite you to explore Indianhomeo and schedule an appointment with one of our experienced homeopathic doctors in Kolkata. Visit our website or call us today to learn more about how homeopathy can help you achieve optimal health and well-being.
Additionally, Indianhomeo offers a range of services to meet your needs:
Online Consultations: Schedule a convenient online consultation with a homeopathic doctor in Kolkata from the comfort of your home.
Chronic Disease Management: We help manage chronic conditions like allergies, arthritis, and digestive disorders.
Acute Illness Treatment: We also offer treatment for acute illnesses like colds, flu, and injuries.
Don't wait any longer! Take charge of your health and explore the possibilities of homeopathy with Indianhomeo. We're confident you'll find the best homeopathy doctor in Kolkata to guide you on your path to wellness.
Visit: https://www.indianhomeo.com/blog-details/homeopathic-doctor-kolkata 
Call:  +91-9836564515
Add: Indian Homeo 53/1/3, Hazra Road, Kolkata-19, India
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aryadubey2 · 1 month
Peace of Mind in Print: A Review of The Home Doctor - Brand New!
In an increasingly unpredictable world, preparedness is key. This is especially true when it comes to our health. While we all hope for the best, having a resource on hand to deal with minor medical situations or emergencies where professional help is unavailable can provide invaluable peace of mind. Enter The Home Doctor - Brand New!
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A Wealth of Practical Knowledge
This brand new edition of The Home Doctor impressed me from the start. The book is a comprehensive guide to practical medicine for every household. It covers a wide range of topics, from common ailments and injuries to disaster preparedness and natural remedies.The information is presented in a clear and concise way, making it easy to understand even for those with no prior medical knowledge. I found the use of illustrations and diagrams particularly helpful, as they visually represent complex medical procedures
Building a Well-Stocked Home Medical Kit
One of the most valuable aspects of The Home Doctor is its guidance on building a well-stocked home medical kit. The book outlines essential supplies and medications to have on hand, along with tips on storage and organization. This ensures you're prepared to handle minor injuries and illnesses at home, potentially avoiding unnecessary trips to the doctor.The book doesn't shy away from discussing more serious medical situations either. It provides valuable information on recognizing the signs and symptoms of emergencies and offers guidance on first-aid procedures until professional help arrives.
Beyond Traditional Medicine
The Home Doctor also explores alternative and natural remedies. This section was particularly interesting, offering insights into herbal treatments, homeopathy, and other approaches to healthcare. While it emphasizes that these methods should not replace professional medical advice, it provides a well-rounded perspective on healthcare options.
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A Lifelong Resource
The Home Doctor is a book that will stay relevant throughout your life. Whether you're a young adult starting a family or a senior citizen looking to be more self-sufficient, the information it contains is valuable. The easy-to-read format makes it a great resource to revisit and refresh your knowledge on different medical topics.
Overall Impression
The Home Doctor - Brand New! is an exceptional resource for anyone who wants to take charge of their health and well-being. It empowers you with practical knowledge and essential skills, promoting preparedness and peace of mind. I highly recommend adding this book to your home library.
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homeopathic1 · 1 month
Homeopathy Doctor In Kolkata- Indian Homeo
If you're seeking the best homeopathy doctor in Kolkata to guide you on your journey to health, look no further than Indian Homeo.
Why Homeopathy in Kolkata?
Kolkata, known for its rich cultural heritage and vibrant lifestyle, also boasts a flourishing homeopathy scene. Homeopathy, with its roots deeply embedded in natural healing principles, resonates with the ethos of this historic city. Here, amidst the chaos of modern life, homeopathy offers a beacon of hope, providing a safe and gentle alternative for those seeking holistic healthcare solutions.
Your Trusted homeopathy doctors in Kolkata
At Indian Homeo, we understand the significance of finding the right healthcare partner who aligns with your wellness goals. Our team of dedicated homeopathy doctors in Kolkata is committed to providing personalized care and effective treatment tailored to your individual needs. With years of experience and expertise, we stand as a beacon of excellence in the realm of homeopathy.
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Discovering the Best Homeopathy Doctor in Kolkata
Finding the best homeopathy doctor in Kolkata can be a daunting task amidst the plethora of options available. However, certain qualities set apart the top homeopathy doctors, and at Indian Homeo, we embody these principles wholeheartedly. Our approach is rooted in:
Our team comprises some of the most skilled and experienced homeopathy doctors in Kolkata, ensuring that you receive the highest standard of care.
Personalized Treatment: 
We believe in treating the individual, not just the symptoms. Our doctors take the time to understand your unique health concerns and devise personalized treatment plans tailored to your needs.
Compassionate Care: 
At Indian Homeo, we prioritize compassionate care, creating a supportive and nurturing environment where you feel heard, understood, and valued.
Holistic Healing: 
Homeopathy embraces the holistic approach to health, addressing not only the physical symptoms but also the mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of well-being. Our treatment plans aim to restore balance and harmony to your entire being.
Experience the Magic of Homeopathy with Indian Homeo
When it comes to the best homeopathy treatment in Kolkata, Indian Homeo stands out as a trusted name synonymous with excellence and integrity. Whether you're seeking relief from chronic ailments, looking to boost your immunity, or simply striving for overall well-being, we are here to accompany you on your healing journey.
Don't let health concerns hold you back. Step into a world of holistic healing with Indian Homeo, your trusted partner for homeopathy treatment in Kolkata. 
Contact us today to embark on a path to lasting health and vitality.
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homeopathy doctors in kphb colony
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Established by Dr. Srikant Morlawar, a renowned and exceptional homeopath with decades of experience, knowledge, and practice throughout the South Indian states of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Tamilnadu, Karnataka, and Puducherry, Homeocare International is one of the top chains of homeopathic clinics in the world. With great passion and effort, Homeocare International strives to improve people's health and make them lead happy lives with the help of Constitutional Homeopathy Treatment.
At Homeocare International, we offer excellent treatments with the assistance of a team of knowledgeable homeopaths. We are a chain of world-class homeopathy clinics with 60 + branches and more than 300+ honest, committed, and experienced homeopathic doctors who provide homeopathic treatments for a range of diseases. Homeocare International has demonstrated success in treating several chronic diseases.
Homeocare International is chain of the World Class Homeopathy Clinics providing constitutional homeopathy treatment for all chronic and acute diseases. We have 60 branches across South India including Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. Please call 1800-102-2202(toll-free) to get more information from our experts and to book your appointment.
Reach Us Homeocare International – Best Homeopathy Clinic is located in Kukatpally, from Moosapet bus stop take 10K number bus which is heading towards Kukatpally. Get down in Kukatpally near JNTUH, Where you will find Homeocare International is located opposite to JNTUH. Best recommended time is between 9AM to 7PM with free consultation. You can also reach us easily from Balanagar, Sanath Nagar, Borabanda …etc.
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dubeyclinic · 2 months
Traditional Best Sexologist in Patna, Bihar for ED Remedies | Dubey Clinic
Selection of Right Sexologist for Sexual Dysfunction:
Hello friends, good to see you all once again. As you all know that the cases of erectile dysfunction, a form of sexual dysfunction in men, are increasing day by day. Most of the people get themselves treated and take medicines on time but they are not able to improve their sexual health. Consider why they are unable to achieve good sexual health.
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The most important thing is to select the right sexologist doctor and follow the guidelines given by him properly. It is 100% true that there is no better treatment for sexual dysfunction in allopathy or homeopathy than Ayurvedic medicine and treatment. A sexologist doctor, who is well versed in Ayurveda and sexology medical science, can cure any sexual patient by giving him proper treatment.
Today, one in 10 people is suffering from the problem of erectile dysfunction. If the survey is to be believed then about ten lakh people suffer from sexual problems every day. There are countless number of sexologists and venereal doctors in India but there are only a few Ayurvedacharyas and senior sexologists who actually have the real knowledge of this Ayurveda medical system. Today's topic is also important because this article has been prepared on theoretical less practical basis.
On today's topic, world famous Ayurvedacharya and India's senior sexologist Dr. Sunil Dubey is giving complete information to people about the causes, symptoms and treatment of erectile dysfunction on the basis of his practical knowledge. He is the best sexologist in Patna and sexual patients from all over India definitely contact him once for the treatment of their sexual problems.
The main cause of erectile dysfunction:
There are many factors play an important role to lead a person to erectile dysfunction such as physical risk, disease, sexual hormone changing, aging, and psychological issues. In fact, 10% psychological factors like stress, depression, and relationship issues are attributed to this sexual dysfunction. The remains 90% are attributed to physical factors those lead to this ED. This physical factor is associated with lots of causes such as medical cause, health-related issues, and hormonal imbalance.
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How do I deal with Erectile Dysfunction?
As you all know that the primary cause of erectile dysfunction is physical cause and psychological cause is the secondary cause. ED happens due to the combination of both the factors. If you are the facing the situation of erectile dysfunction in your sexual life, then only the experienced Ayurvedic sexologist doctor is the best option for the sexual patients.
Ayurveda is one of the most trusted and effective natural system of medicine where a sexual patient gets full time benefits after completion of the course. Dr. Sunil Dubey, the best sexologist in Bihar says that the classification of erectile dysfunction is divided into three stages. Most of the people are affected by the first stage of erectile dysfunction which is known as weak erection. More than 70% of the cases of erection problems are related to the weak penile veins.
Dr. Sunil Dubey provides both physical examination and psychological tests for this erectile dysfunction treatment case. He is one of the most successful Ayurvedic medicine researchers of India who has researched on various sexual dysfunctions of men and women. After five years of his research, he has discovered the most powerful Ayurvedic medication to them. In today’s date, more than fifty sexual patients of India are availing of the treatment and medication for their sexual dysfunction every day.
What is the fastest way to cure erectile dysfunction?
Most people want the fastest way to cure the erectile dysfunction. Dr. Sunil Dubey believes that haste works like a devil. Yes, it is important to eliminate the disease from its roots. Actually, he knows all the advantages and disadvantages of quick recovery, but he advises people to adopt natural methods and improve sexual health in a natural way. It will take time, but it will eliminate the problems from the root.
In his treatment and medicine, he never compromises with the quality, purity and natural remedies. This is the reason why people from all over India prefer him first whenever they face any ailment in their sexual life.
Making changes in daily life and exercising, eating healthy natural food and following nature is the fastest way to improve health. Meditation and Exercise will help to maintain the stress-level whereas balanced natural healthy food assists the body in the natural way.
With best wishes:
Dubey Clinic
A certified clinic in India
Location: Dubey Market, Langar Toli, Chauraha, Patna - 04
Helpline No: +91 98350 92586; +91 91555 55112
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towardshealing · 2 months
Why Homeopathy Doctors Are Important?
In the realm of holistic healing and alternative medicine, homeopathy stands out for its unique approach to treating patients. Central to the practice of homeopathy is the belief in treating the individual as a whole rather than just addressing isolated symptoms. This is where the importance of homeopathy doctors becomes evident. They are not just practitioners of medicine but are also counsellors, advisors, and partners in one’s journey towards wellness.
Homeopathy doctors spend considerable time with their patients, delving deep into their medical history, lifestyle, and even emotional states to prescribe the most effective and personalized treatment plan. This comprehensive approach ensures that the treatment targets not just the symptoms but the root cause of the illness. It's a practice that emphasizes the body's natural ability to heal, using remedies that are safe, gentle, and non-toxic, making it suitable for all ages.
In places like Gurgaon, where the stress of modern life often manifests as various health issues, having access to the "best homeopathy doctor in Gurgaon" is invaluable. These practitioners bring a wealth of knowledge, experience, and empathy, offering treatments that are tailored to each individual’s unique constitution and health needs. Furthermore, the presence of well-established "homeopathy clinic Gurgaon" ensures that quality care is accessible to everyone, providing a sanctuary for those seeking a holistic approach to health.
The importance of homeopathy doctors extends beyond their medical expertise. They represent a crucial element of a healthcare system that values patient-centric care, natural healing, and the prevention of illness. In a world where the pace of life continues to accelerate, the role of homeopathy doctors in maintaining balance, health, and wellness cannot be overstated.
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*Dr. Smita Goel Homeopathy Clinic*
Becoming a parent and having a child completely changes your world. Your world begins to revolve around your kids and their happiness. All you want is to provide them with the best of everything. Parents tend to be more concerned about their child's safety, food-diet, health and hygiene than they are about themselves. Today with increasing awareness, parents want good quality health care services for their children even in case of minor ailments.
The moment one sees their child sneezing, coughing or crying due to pain or some health issue, they succumb to anxiety and rush to the nearest doctor hoping that the doctor will make their child's problem go away. And almost invariably, the physician will prescribe a mixture of medicines in varying doses for relief. What most of us fail to understand is that kids and their immature organ system deals with drugs differently as compared to a grown up's. Medicines given to our children should be as natural and organic as possible and also be free from chemicals and side-effects. The human organism is resilient and adapts to everything around him. However, a child's body is fragile especially during infancy hence it is necessary to opt for a mode of treatment that does not do any harm to your kid.
Talking about safe and side-effect free treatment options Homeopathy scores highest among the various natural and holistic treatment options available. Owing to the safety of Homeopathy medicines, Homeopathy is considered to be the ideal treatment option for infants, toddlers and older kids. Millions of people worldwide recognize the effectiveness and safety of Homeopathy treatment and are resorting to it for their children's health needs. In some countries, it is seen that Homoeopathy is no longer considered as an 'alternative medicine'. It is, in fact, fast becoming the most preferred system of medicine
Homoeopathy is effective in treating variety of troubles that a child faces. Whether it is an infantile colic, teething trouble, aches and pains or even a behavioral disturbance Homoeopathy can manage them all. The Homoeopathic system of medicine works from within, it helps in strengthening a child's immunity and thus helps in keeping illnesses at bay. It strengthens the child's natural defenses so that he or she can fight off the cold or flu that every child around him may be facing. And helps them stay healthy and illness-free for longer durations of time.
Homoeopathic medications not only relieve common and acute problems of children but also prevent recurrent episodes of ill-health. Recurrent tonsillitis, enlarged adenoids, bedwetting, allergies, asthma, bronchitis, diarrhea, constipation and many more illnesses can be safely and effectively treated with Homeopathy. Emotional and behavioral disorders such as anxiety, depression, defiant or aggressive behaviour can also be treated with Homeopathy.
The biggest advantage of Homeopathy is that the medicines are easy to administer and not bitter. Kids love them as they are small, sweet sugar pills which can be administered directly or can be crushed with the help of spoon and then given to the child. Children willingly and happily take Homeopathy. The amount of lactose content in Ho moeopathic medications is so less that it poses no problems even in case of Diabetic children.
Homoeopathic system of medication believes that every person is unique and has his or her own ways of reacting to the environment and his or her own unique way of manifesting an illness. Your Homoeopath gives importance to each symptom that your child has, he also takes into consideration the causation of each complaint. It takes into consideration these differentiating, individualizing symptoms for prescribing. Hence, the treatment that each child receives is different from another child suffering from the same ailment.
The management strategy for each case is different and thus this approach is of great use in cases of children suffering from behavioral disorders. Homeopathic medications are not habit forming and thus one does not need to worry about 'drug dependence' especially in cases of emotional disturbances like ADHD, Autism, and Depression etc.
The benefits of Homoeopathy are much more than any other system of Medicine. Hence its time that you be wise, choose Homoeopathy and give your child the safest and most effective treatment for his or her illness.
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