#working from home is all well and good until it makes you want to [redacted]
fingertipsmp3 · 2 months
Also I can’t figure out if my life genuinely does suck or I’m just having an existential crisis because my period starts in approximately 48 hours
#it does make me worse ngl. i wish i could just yeet my uterus#i was just starting to think about how all my days are the same and it’s boring and i’m boring#and i never see anybody or meet new people or make new friends#working from home is all well and good until it makes you want to [redacted]#and you all can say ‘just leave your house!’ as much as you want but living in a small town and having no car is not really conducive#to getting myself out there#i mean my town literally has about a dozen businesses and half of them are sad pubs. the others are like hair salon; co-op; church; butcher#2 takeaways. and yeah there’s parks but all of them are kind of dire#maybe i could start getting the bus places. going somewhere else. idk#i have been thinking about taking a trip but wherever i go i still take myself and it’s like i’m in this state of permanent malaise#too nervous to talk to anyone and too impatient to linger anywhere or enjoy anything#everything i do i rush through so i can do something else#and i think amongst it all i’m just reckoning with the fact that i’m never going to be remarkable. i mean neither is anyone else really#but i always thought i’d write a novel or become a college professor or something but i’m not smart enough and i don’t have enough words#or ideas in me. not really. i’m not a creative i’m just an imitator. always have been#and i could live with being unremarkable because we all are in the cosmic universe but i still don’t think i can live with rotting#in my hometown. but then it’s like how do i get out?#i signed up for an online course just to vary things a bit. just to get some enrichment in my enclosure#it’s this slow realisation that i thought i Wanted to work at home. i thought i liked the peace of it. just me and the computer screen#but no i like to work outside and then come back to my home as my sanctuary. i have to leave it sometimes to really appreciate it#but no one wants to hire me for an intellectual job because i’m not actually that smart. and my body is too broken to work in hospitality#anymore. or is it. i mean for god’s sake i can run three times a week but i don’t trust myself to be able to stand for hours#i’m thinking about throwing myself on the mercy of my old boss like hey. i fucked up. do you have any shifts for me? i’ll do weekends#i just don’t want to lose my fucking mind#maybe i’ll text her tomorrow. the worst thing she can say is no#personal
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The one thing that everyone seems to know about Eddie Munson is that when he's not out touring the world with his band, Corroded Coffin, he makes a point to be as invisible as possible in order to spend time at home with his family. Eddie, along with his wife Chrissy of seven years and their two young children, graciously invited Vogue into their Hollywood Hills home that's about as secluded as you can get while still having that coveted Los Angeles zip code.
Vogue: I have to admit, given what I've seen of Corroded Coffin on stage, I think I expected your home to reflect a bit more of that personality.
Eddie Munson: [laughs] You can thank Chrissy for that. She's the brains behind this whole operation, I just do what she tells me.
So there's no hidden dungeon in the basement?
Hate to burst your bubble, but nope. I've been trying to get a sacrificial altar for the backyard, but I haven't found one I liked yet.
[laughs] I'm kidding. But I had you going, right?
You really did. But that's what you've always done, right? Leaned into the mania of Satanic Panic and made it work for you?
Yeah, I guess so. I mean, people are gonna believe whatever they wanna believe anyway so I might as well give 'em what they want, right? Plus, [laughs] it's a hell of a lot of fun.
What's it like having that devil-worshipper stage persona with two young kids at home? Do either of your kids know what their dad does for a living?
Oh, yeah. They [redacted] love it. Wait, can I say [redacted]?
We can't print it, but you can say it.
[Redacted] yeah. Our little one doesn't really get the whole stage thing yet, but she sure looks cute in those big-ass headphones.
And your other daughter?
Oh, if she could be on stage with me every night, she would be. On our last tour, we had this gimmick where Gareth rigged a bunch of blood packs to his drums to explode during the encore and she thought it was the coolest [redacted] thing in the world. He even offered to let her do it when we were in rehearsals!
And did she?
From the look on your face, I'm guessing she did.
[laughs] Don't tell Chrissy.
Scout's honor. Until this article comes out, anyway.
[Redacted]. Is it too late to say off the record?
Way too late.
[Redacted]. Oh well. Worth it. She had the biggest [redacted] grin on her face when she was covered in fake blood, it was priceless.
Seems like you might be raising a mini version of yourself. Would you support your kids following in your footsteps and joining the music industry?
[Editor's note: At this point in the interview, the eldest Munson child came running out of the back door and pounced on her father, who took it in stride and continued answering questions as though he didn't have a six-year-old hanging over his shoulder.]
I mean, if that's what they wanna do, then hell yeah.
[gasps] Daddy said a bad word!
Daddy did not, Daddy said hell.
Mommy said hell's a bad word.
Mommy also said you were supposed to stay inside, didn't she?
Pip was crying. She misses you.
Do you need a moment?
[laughs] Believe me, if I took a moment for every time I wanted to be with my kids, I'd never get anything done.
Because you love us so much?
How much?
To the moon and back.
That's a lot!
Sure is, kiddo. Now shush and let the nice lady ask her questions.
Ooh, ask me! Ask me! I got lots of stories.
If you don't mind?
It's your funeral. [laughs] She'll talk your ear off if you let her.
What do you think about your dad being a rockstar?
[shrugs] It's okay.
Wow, thanks for the endorsement, kid. You heard it here first: being a rockstar is just okay.
Would you rather he had another job?
[shrugs] What other job?
I dunno. Playing music's the only thing I've ever been good at.
Nuh-uh! Daddy's good at lots of things.
Like what?
Telling stories. Playing with me. One time, he built me a big castle out of pillows and chairs and blankets and we played in it all day 'til Mommy said it was time for dinner. And then we all went to bed in it. Like camping!
Camping? When did you go camping?
Mommy let us sleep outside and said it was like camping. It was when you were gone. I don't like when you're gone. It makes Mommy sad. And then I'm sad. And Pip's sad. You're not going away again, are you?
No, baby. I'm staying right here with you.
Good. [to Vogue] Do you wanna see what Daddy brought home for me last time he went away?
I'd love to.
[Editor's note: just as quickly as she came, Munson's daughter ran off to go fetch the present from inside the house.]
Do you need a minute?
Nah. It just… [sighs] never gets easier, you know? Hearing how much they miss me when I'm gone. I miss them all the [redacted] time.
I'm not surprised. Just from the last five minutes, I can see how much she adores you and I can't imagine what it's like to leave that behind, even when it's to go on a worldwide tour.
It's tough. I love my job, don't get me wrong. It's what's given us this house, all the [redacted] that the girls need, anything they could ever want, but… [shrugs] I dunno. Sometimes giving it all up doesn't sound half as hard as leaving them is. Maybe that's just me being ungrateful.
I don't think so. I think it means you're human. Stuck between a rock and a hard place, you know? Torn between two worlds.
[laughs] Now there's an idea for an album. The dichotomy of being a rockstar and a father.
I'd listen to it.
Hell, so would I.
(might continue this with a lil follow-up fic of chrissy and eddie reading the interview before it goes to print... thoughts? 👀)
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artandhijinks · 10 months
My experience with the worst most toxic parts of the IWTV fandom
Okay, there are going to be details here that are changed or admitted for obvious mostly safety reasons. And I personally don't care if you think I'm lying, but it was still a scary experience and I do think there are people in the fandom that need to be aware this crap goes on all over fictional characters. So warning they're going to be mentions of threats a violence, doxing, harassment, the works, It was bad.
Okay a few months ago. I kicked the hornets nest when it comes to the worst part of the interview with the vampire fandom. I had engaged in some fan discourse. Made a couple of posts. A lot of it had to do with defending the added diversity with the casting of Assad and Jacob. Theorizing about possible characters in the future that can be race swapped how it could be a good thing and how it could be historically possible. You get the idea. I love what the show is done with all the race swapping it has added so much to the story.
And then all the sudden I woke up to my inbox being full of over 100 anonymous ask that ranged from the average calling me evil racist. I didn't know the books. How dare I it was ruining the story. I should kill myself. The usual online internet harassment. It was horrible. And they kept on coming and would not stop until I shut off anonymous ask. And they will remain off because of this but again I had well over 100 messages to go through. And it took me well over a week to go through them but when I got to like the last I think 10 one of them stuck out. Not because it was particularly bad because apparently I pissed off the Armand people who don't realize how creepy it is and kind of comes off as pro pedophilia when all of you insist that he has to be 17 much less the racist issues. There's a reason it took me over a week to go through all the messages they made my skin crawl. But this particular message scared the crap out of me it was a death threat with my home address. Someone cared so much about a fictional character. They tracked down my address and threaten to kill me. So guess who immediately started screenshotting the rest of the messages. And had to make a police report. Do you know what it's like having to explain to cops? Yes, I got a death threat with my address over a fictional gay vampire. No, getting death threats over Tumblr is not new to me unfortunately, but my address was new and that I want documented. So being harassed by a couple racist book purists turned into a police report and me buying security cameras. Thank you Tumblr. I nearly deleted the app.
I don't even know if I want to finish the Vampire Chronicles books now because of you idiots you took it way too far. And the worst part is I'm white. I can only imagine what you idiots are doing to the fans of color. Again someone tracked down my address to threaten to kill me. But again it's documented. I filed a police report and if any of you idiots try something I got cameras now.
And for all those who are going to be demanding proof well I thought about sharing a redacted screenshot or maybe a redacted version of the police report. But I decided I would ask the cops what they thought just to be safe. I'm glad I did because they advised me not to do that and they explained to me there is technology out there that if someone really wanted to they can remove that redacting. And I already have one crazy person that knows my address and is threatening to kill me so I don't want another one. So everyone is just going to have to take my word for it. However the cops were all for me sharing my story because of the rise of things like swatting. A in a nearby police department had to deal with a middle schooler (so a 11 to 13-year-old) who made a bomb threat at their school because they didn't want to take a test. So, they think this would be good for people to hear because what you do on the internet does have real life consequences.
So remember people the internet is real life. These things have real life consequences. And I'm pretty sure these people thought it was a joke. But now I have to worry about things like someone breaking into my house killing me or swatting. Which is something I didn't even think of until the cops brought it up. And it does affect my real life. I'm looking to move and hopefully we'll be out of my house soon. So, thank you, Internet stranger
So to sum it all up. The fandom needs to take a bunch of chill pills and calm down. Because we are literally harassing, bullying and threatening people out of the fandom. Again, I thought about leaving Tumblr due to this experience and now I'm having to move. Thank you. Interview with the vampire fandom please do better.
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mcflymemes · 11 months
PROMPTS FROM HITMAN 2 *  assorted dialogue from the video game, adjust as necessary
at the location. no hostile presence.
tell me about the targets.
you know what we want.
i had such big plans for you.
you had a chance to walk away. why didn't you?
it comes back in flashes. fear. anger. but... like it happened to someone else.
i'm... i'm sorry for your loss.
you made this our fight. now let's even the playing field.
i'm breaking more rules than i care to count.
i remember everything.
that's the catch. the report is redacted. no names, no location.
so what am i missing?
i'll explain when i'm back.
it's a dangerous thing... having a conscience.
i spent a long time feeling guilty about that.
everyone hates power until you offer them some.
only one way to find out, i'm afraid.
i'm sorry you had to endure all that free champagne and cello music.
looks deserted.
is that a sense of humor, [name]? whatever next? crying at the movies?
oh, hell no. how did this end up here?!
think about what that means.
i swear to god, when i find out, you're dead!
we'll cross that bridge when we get there.
we need to know who we're up against.
this is our best lead in twenty years.
i say it's time we break a few rules.
no one's untouchable.
no more. i'm done.
so it's a dead end. i can't track them.
the breadcrumbs were almost too easy to follow. it could be a trap.
why are you doing this?
okay, i'm ready. let's get this thing fixed.
probably just some pitiful cry for help or some shit like that.
a great moment. i cherish the memory to this day.
plenty of spies went dark.
i have just the tool for the job.
i know what it's like to have everything taken from you.
i suggest you get rid of them, [name].
good aim.
what are we looking at?
like i said... it's a long shot.
how does he know about us?
we got what we came for. move out.
maybe next time, then?
it's the most beautiful thing i've ever seen.
this is exactly what the enemy wants.
you've seen the pictures, yes?
you should be able to jimmy open the garage door with the proper tool.
i'll call you after the presentation.
the house is just up the beach.
getting caught on tape is the last thing we need.
our intel indicates that she and her team are laying low.
for now, it's information we seek.
infiltrate the house and get us a lead on the shadow client.
up for some b&e?
oh my god! it's really you! it's such an honor to meet you!
on my way.
oh, could you fix me a cup of tea?
we got all we're going to get.
i thought this night would never end. what a snob fest.
according to the local home security provider, the house is equipped with multiple cameras placed around the perimeter.
why don't you search the pool area?
they could be out. could be lying low.
i see them. poor bastards.
i'm not a fool, [name].
she was never shy about collateral damage.
this feels more like identity theft.
what can i say? you really took one for the team.
nothing we can do for these people now.
don't worry. i've got this under control.
imagine what he would do to me if i messed up.
let me just grab a quick selfie with you.
improving on stuff that looks like crap probably isn't too hard.
there might be a concealed space behind the wall.
hurry. i'm detecting movement up the road.
they're back. multiple hostiles.
it won't make a difference. they're too powerful.
good. i will tell you exactly what to do.
take a deep breath and try again.
well done. now get off the property.
they're on high alert, combing the beach for intruders. proceed with caution.
someone will need to stop them. might as well be us.
no, i don't give a rat's ass about it.
i'll head up when i feel like it.
your so called "friend" is working for them now.
he's coming for us. and unlike you, he won't hesitate.
just get me inside.
we can't focus here, all right?
well done, [name]. this should be good.
i'm not as strong as you.
they have to pay for what they did.
it needs to stop. you... need to stop.
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amrv-5 · 3 months
Horrid Horrid Day of the kind so rarely experienced trying to treat it as a dubious comedic blessing and also remember it’s cool to experience stuff even stuff that sucks and makes you (?) feel bad (probably???) freeverse insanity monologue to my own blog so I don’t commit a homicide
most of it death by 1000 papercuts sort of things besides like 3-5 big Actual Genuinely Bad Comically Ridiculous Chaotic Events (middle of the night hotel eviction and subsequent 35 mile relocation to a Diff Hotel for my parents due to the City Of [Redacted] abruptly buying out the rooms (?!) for the one they were in for some sort of emergency housing thing?? (this is real and really happened)) but after 12.5 hrs and then well 999 other things that happened mostly to Me etc.💥💥💥🔨🔨🔨💥💥💥🔨💥🔨😭🔨🔨🔨💥💥💥💥 godddd complicated relationship w parents aside it is so much to be Completely On and doing the Team Emotional Management the whole time whyyy am I the only grownup… can’t be tired or a little annoyed at being subject to last minute undiscussed demands on my time or even Drop The Cheerful Facade Of Bland Enthusiasm For A Second because I’m Ruining Things For Everyone. but also I’ve got 1 week break between semesters formally and I would like to: Sleep In + Get Meaningful Rest. please. Big ideal day plan wld be to sleep for 12-15 hrs read in bed for a few more go for a little run eat some oatmeal lay around watch movie without thinking about annnnyyything important all day. Is That So Much To Ask. Is This An Unreasonable Demand .
Well anyway I’m being soo dramatic and everything’s really pretty much fine. I cn recognize it’s nice that people went out of their way to make a trip here + want to spend a lot of time together it’s just that due to the Aforementioned Complicated Relationship the Spending Time Together is like. Well u know how wild boars when you stab them you have to have a special Boar Spear with a cross-bar because otherwise they will just keep running up your spear while impaled to Get You, The Spearholder? Well that’s what my relationship w my parents is like in this particular year. Getting stabbed and it sucksss but unfortunately there is the sense that if one keeps going thru the Horrid Feelings there may be some degree of satisfaction (easier or realer relationship? emotional connection? satisfaction of knowing I Tried My Best?) at the other end… but it has to be me (wild boar in this metaphor) doing alll of the work and experiencing the majority of the discomfort in pursuit of unclear ends… ahhhhhh sigh. good reminder I guess that I just still react weird and with maybe a greater than warranted degree of emotional sensitivity to extended intentional infringements on my space + autonomy that don’t take into account that I’m a person with opinions and an inner life and also I Slept Bad and several other problems so I’m much less patient than usual today. condensed: I’m At My Freakin Limit Dot JPEG rn. anyway. ouuughhh. home now going to run a bath (insane. who does that) turn off lights and just sit there in hot water for a while stewing (ha) until I feel less tense + tired (Big Win: reasonably tense + tired ≠ depressed…) maybe light a candle also. I wld bring a book into this if I didn’t know for a certainty I’d drop it in the water immmmmediately and the lathe of heaven doesnt deserve that from me. fuuuck. This probably makes me look insaaaane don’t read this. Or do whatever its my blog though sorry if u followed for fic and are just getting extended musings on my inner mental life + to do lists. In My Defense there’s a read more and if u see this You Clicked It And So Gave Ur Viewing Consent. In conclusion 👨‍👩‍👧🚗🏨🌃😭😔😑🤷‍♀️🙂➡️🛁🕯️📖🛌
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Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss AU: Goddess The Earthly-Mom (2024)
[Note: it might be a good idea to click on this drawing to make it bigger. I also want to say that I plan to use this as a Cover for a future Chapter for either one or both the stories I'm working on over at Quotev, if I'm able to, I will have this drawing appear as a Cover for both "Falling For The Angel In Disguise" and "Spinelluva Boss: Home Is Where The Spinel Is", those two stories are for a Mature Audience Readers Only, and might be a bit 18+ but it's more of a I guess mild 18+ like some scenes are not as heavy 18+ I guess...I mean I might be starting to view myself a bit of a "Gray-Aroace" which might still will use the flux in there, but I can still try to write mature scenes, even if they might not be 100% perfect...and I'm okay if not many end up reading those two stories but I'm glad some do like them. the two stories will still be on hiatus until I can finally get around to work on the next chapters for them.]
Credit for Hazbin Hotel & Helluva Boss goes to Vivienne Medrano
Credit for Inspiring This Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss OC Alternate Version of The Goddess/Earthly-Mother, goes to A Piece Of Heaven/Voidseeker...and of course Nicholas Roerich's 1930 Art that is called "Queen Of Heaven"...
I learned about it from that "The Demonic Paradise" Fandom Wikia...
anyway, I know that that version of The Heavenly-Father by Voidseeker, has four floating eyes....
so this version of The Earthly-Mother has Three, and she has eight wings, six of them are just floating on each side of her...
while the seventh and eight wings are on that crown type halo that has a Emerald in it...the whole "Omni-Family Bio" is possibly all the bio I could add for this, well besides having it say what inspired this Alternate Version's creation...
also if some have heard and learned about the Archeia, know that it could make sense that Lucifer's Feminine Counterpart would go Missing In Action, and I'm just guessing part of her name.
I mean even if I had started to self-nickname myself:
"Eveningstar Princess" but her and me would be separate, but she could be The Archeia [REDACTED] Eveningstar.
and the "Earth Angel Eveningstar Princess" that is added into the Omni-Family Bio thing, can be a different version of like a Ficto-Counterpart of myself...either one is fine, even if it is a OC version that is fully different from me....
yeah, still added that Cain is the 117th Great-Grandpa, Seth is also a a Grandpa too, but I'm not 100% sure about the number of Greats...
those two are still technically Grunkles as well...
you know, since Gran-Gran Eve is both their Moms, and at least it was only Cain and Seth's distant descendants that ended up together and not those who were a bit too close to the family tree...
also I would be insulted if Susan called me a "Blue Blood",
that's "Purple Blood" to you Susan, cause not all my Ancestors are Royalty....I mean yeah technically still blue blood, but I'm still gonna identify as purple blood, because of my non-royal ancestors.
is it weird to Fan-Headcanon that Sera from Hazbin Hotel, might really be Archeia Seraphina, but goes by "Sera" for short...
I mean I guess if it did turn out to be canon, the other Archeia wouldn't 100% agree with her on how she has been running things, and chose to leave with The Earthly-Mother to try to fix the balance between the Masculine and Feminine Energies, as well as keeping the barrier and quarantine in the Earthly Queendom up, because half of it got infected and later became what is known as The Seven Rings Of Hell, yeah it wouldn't be canon in Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss, but that is what Fanon Timeline and Alternate Universes are for.
I still think that in real life, in The Celestial Realm...
because of the stuff that went down many centuries ago, with the whole putting the Patriarchy as the most important and the whole viewing the Matriarchy as beneath the Patriarchy and not very important at all...
but it isn't like many will accept the truth, plus if they did, they would need to do so by their free will and because they choose to.
I still want to give the Lucifer from this Universe, the cold hands to face punishment....I guess I could of added Jesus in this as well...
but he may have not been born yet, when that whole mess with the imbalance started up, plus it could be possible that The Heavenly-Father & Earthly-Mother are still technically together but at the same time, separated.....you know, like when someone's parents are still married but separated...though, at least some don't find out that during their parents separation, their Dad did freaking sleep with his ex-wife and got back together with her behind his current wife and the baby daughter he wasn't there to see the birth of...
there can be different type of Daddy issues, and well some can have Mommy Issues as well, or Renny Issues...you know, Nonbinary Parent who's pronouns are They/Them...
for Nonbinary Parents who are Nonbinary-Man or Nonbinary-Woman, the pronouns are both They/Them & He/Him (Nonbinary-Man) and They/Them & She/Her (Nonbinary-Woman)....
there are different types of Nonbinary, not just one.
I doubt Peepaw Adam (the Hazbin Hotel version) ever met Earthly-Mother or knows there is a Goddess as well.
if Zestial is as old as some characters make him out to be,
just picture Earthly-Mother is visiting The Pentagram City in the Pride Ring, and she spots Zestial who everyone is either running from or hiding from...and all of a sudden she yells out
"Little Zesty, is that you?!!"
if I'm going to call him by that cute nickname, than why not a Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss AU OC Ficto-Alternate version of The Earthly-Mother...
just picture him embarrassed being called by the nickname "Little Zesty" and at first he is really mad but then he sees who it is that called him that.
and the next thing we know, Zestial is being hugged and has his head being smothered into her bosom.
all while the Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss version of The Earthly-Mother is saying things like "it's been so long my little Zesty!",
"are you eating well...?", "no one is bullying my sweet little Zesty, are they...?", and "oh, I missed you my little Zesty!"
of course that idea is more in a Fanon type way...
The Earthly-Mother in this drawing, might look younger than Zestial but is in fact much older than him, so of course she is still going to treat him like he is still his younger self and treat him like he is a baby.
she could have herself appear in a smaller default form, so if she did hug Zestial to her bosom, he would be bending over while she has his head held hostage. XD
she would probably do that to Charlie's Dad as well...that should be funny to see.
and unlike Zestial, Charlie's Dad Lucifer is shorter than him...
so it is possible Charlie's Grandmother is taller than Charlie, and possibly being maybe around the same height (at least in her default form) as Valentino if not a inch shorter than him...but she could be much taller in her other form.
of course in a Fanon Timeline, where this version of Earthly-Mother lives in...she will be really happy to see Zestial, Lucifer and the others, who she views as her Babies....and it wasn't like she plan for them to end up in the quarantine part of the Earthly Queendom...
like it could turn out only some are allowed to go inside and well through the barrier, like some of those being The Archeia and Earthly-Mother herself.
and while in this universe, The Archeia & Archangel are in a perfect Masculine & Feminin Union that has to do with their different color twin flames....but as for their Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss Counterparts, probably not so much...
the Archeia in a AU/Fanon Timeline of both shows, have been possibly trying to fix what had been broken, well if Sera is one of the Archeia but also a Seraphim, of course it could be possible she hasn't spoken to the other Archeia in centuries.
plus they could of left things off in a bitter parting...
all the Archeia left with The Earthly-Mother to try to protect both Earth and Earthly Queendom, to try to contain what had caused the imbalance in the first place, which in a Fanon Timeline it was never really Lucifer, it was caused by the imbalance of The Masculine and Feminine...which for all we know may have to do with the Annunaki from those times...
Homo-Erectus came first before Homo-Sapiens, and it could be possible there could of been other Adams & Eves, but they were part of different sectors of gardens.
Adam, Lilith and Eve were from the Eden Garden Sector.
but I'm still gonna have that new theory that has to do with it being possible there were a Patriarch-Adam & Matriarch-Eve that came way before Adam, Lilith and Eve who are possibly the true Patriarch-Father & Matriarch-Mother Humans of Humanity, before the Annunaki came and possibly were involved with the imbalance happening and made the Patriarchy more important than it's Feminine Counterpart instead of being it's equals...
also want to say that even though Adam from Eden Garden, turns out to be white, doesn't mean that other Adams & Eves from different Garden Sectors wont come from different races, that goes with the theory that there were other Gardens...but I can't force others to agree or believe it may be true. they will have to want to believe it by their own free will and choice.
I do know that my Ancestors are all different, and not all of them will be the same, it is still awesome to learn that Lady Godiva is my Ancestor-Grandma.
yeah and it is funny to learn that the whole "Peeping-Tom" word came from that story which involves her.
also if "Hell Is Forever" like it is in the song that Adam sings,
I would so play the song "F**k You" by Lily Allen.
also give Adam & Lute the double birdy....meaning I want to flip them off.
even if that fan theory about Blitzo being Adam's Half-Reincarnation turns out to be true and canon, because Adam's Soul splits into two, one stays like the original him, and becomes a Sinner and the other half goes and gets reborn as a Imp that will end up being named Blitzo...
I wouldn't mind giving Blitzo a hug, I mean you know if I do feel like giving someone a hug then I will...
also it could be possible that while in our universe, Adam and Eve were Gray-Parents...they had to learn to be better throughout the years they were alive. meaning Adam in his younger days when he was first married to Lilith and then Eve, he was a immature jerk.
and who knows how many years it took him to out grow that part of himself...with how he was partly the cause of Lilith's Fall...
well him and those Three Angels, and once again that is still messed up...
that isn't love or any form of empathy at all, you can NOT force someone to go back to someone and just be okay with the Toxic-Marriage that isn't willing to fix and work out their problems the right way...
it could be possible that there will be slight differences from our universe and Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss Universe, and we don't know how much will be different...
I'm still going to fan-headcanon that Lilith never went to Hell, and switched places with Eve (after she had Cain, Abel and Seth...)
and part of Lilith's deal was that her appearance change to look like Eve, and Eve to look like her, and Lucifer doesn't find out about the switch until both him and Eve fully fall into what will be known as Hell...
and yeah, many years and centuries later Eve, who goes by the alias "Lilith" ends up having a daughter name Charlie...
even if this fan theory gets debunked, it can still work in Fanon.
anyway, I did the best that I could in on this drawing which once again was inspired by Voidseeker's God Design as well as the art by Nicholas Roerich.
so once again I will be using this over at Quotev in the future, but please respect the whole "do not reblog without permission" for this, and I will have this drawing for both here and for over there...
and I know it there is a very small chance some will find this design awesome enough to want to draw fanart of it, and I'm okay if not everyone ends up doing that...
anyway I'm going to check out some more art, and might do another post in a little while...and hope there is still some cheesecake left that I can eat with some strawberries...at least I hope there is still some.
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espithewarlock · 1 month
20 Questions for Fic Writers
@duquesademiel making me do words on Tumblr instead of writing fic (love you!!! 😘)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
I have 30 posted, 1 complete in drafts, and [redacted] anonymous 😈
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 
according to the stats page, 440k! (but the one I have in drafts will get me over 500k and I'm thinking about doing a giveaway when I hit that milestone?)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Formula 1 RPF!!
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I’ve Got a Feeling That I’m Not Complete Anymore, Take Me With You, The Boy With the Storm-Colored Eyes, Another Deep Dive All The Way Down, Croissants in Aub Dhabi
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Very very rarely. I use comments as a metric and adding my own makes it feel like I'm artificially increasing the count. Plus, if I start thanking one person I feel like I have to thank them all and then that spirals out of control. (Not to mention I have so much anxiety over reading comments and sometimes the brain just goes eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee)
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I tend to prefer 'angst with a happy ending', but probably Another Window To Break Out from my 1016 week fics.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Probably With You Around Me It’s Just So Easy To Be In Love. This whole series is just fluff. Everything else tends to have some angst along the way, though I think the series A Nymph's Heart also has a stupidly happy ending.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Yeah, I got some on I’ve Got a Feeling That I’m Not Complete Anymore, but it's also my most-kudos'd (at least, until I get 3 more on Take Me With You) so I kind-of assume those were anomalies? It definitely sucks that I can't go back and read those comments since I haven't (and won't) delete the bad ones and I know there are lovely people who left me nice comments.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes. The sort of smut that has too much exposition, plenty of aftercare, and frequently bondage. There has to be feelings involved with my smut and, in my opinion, that's the best part of the smut.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Nope! (I hope...)
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Well...technically there's one in-progress but my co-conspirators are too busy and have too many other projects so it's on the back-burner and I'm too shy to ask them if it's ever going to get done but I'm sure it will someday and I'm patient and I don't want to bother them about it and I'm perfectly happy posting my own stuff and...
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
That is so difficult to answer. In F1 RPF it's easily Piarles. I used to read a fuck-ton of Drarry but Harry Potter anything gives me the ick these days, even fanfiction. If I had to pick an All-Time favorite, it's probably SuzaLulu from Code Geass. (Honestly I haven't touched the fandom in years but I might go check what's on AO3 these days hmmmm.....)
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I'm good about finishing my WIPs...eventually. The good thing for anyone who likes reading my stuff is that I do not post unless it's finished so you'll never have an unfinished work from me!
(That being said, I was writing some [redacted]!Charles and it was hitting a little too close to home so I might not go back to that one...)
16. What are your writing strengths?
Fantasy worldbuilding. I love the setup and introducing a strange new place. Actually probably worldbuilding in general, fantasy or not.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Resolutions. I often *hand wave* over an ending and it's just...yep! everything's good here! all done!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I am hopelessly monolingual so I will not. I will use commonly-known endearments (Calamar, mon amour, schatz, etc.) but no actual dialogue.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
You will have to pry that information from my cold, dead hands.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Bittersweet, That Glitter and it's not even fucking close. It's just...everything to me. The world, the characters, the story...it's so fucking good.
I have exactly zero clue who else has answered this already so @golden-fairylights, @hrhgeorgerussell, and @your-littlesecret if y'all haven't and want to play along??
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cainyofkhares · 11 months
welcome!what are your ocs like?
I'm glad you asked! I have a whole bunch so I'll pick out my favourites and give you a quick introduction to them! If there is anyone that you'd like more information about, let me know, because I would gladly tell you more about all of them!! -----
Content: Non human whumpee, Servant whumpee, Pet whumpee, lab whump, centaur whumpee, painful transformation, dehumanization, conditioning, muzzled, caged, carewhumper
Folas Maeda:
Folas started out as a character from a Danganronpa roleplay, but later involved into my favorite Whumpee. He was greatly unhappy with himself due to his past, feeling like he was too weak and unable to help other people. He felt more connected to his D&D character, so much so that he eventually started to believe that is who he was supposed to be. He started to alter his appearance to match that of his D&D character. After years of being unhappy, he got the opportunity to become an Elf, as he wanted. Ever since this transformation, the government and other supernatural beings have been after him and his boyfriend. The government wants to do experiments on him and other supernatural beings, such as Vampires and Shadows are a main part of his home town, and target him and his boyfriend for unknown reasons. Me and my friend have the worst arc yet planned out for him, and I will gladly tell you more if you'd like! Here are some pictures of him from before everything and after the arc we planned.
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[Redacted] is Folas' older brother. They're from a rich family who owned servants. When [Redacted] and Folas were younger ([Redacted] was 16 and Folas was 8), [Redacted] fell in love with their family's servant, which is strictly against the rules. The servant was executed and [Redacted] was forced into becoming their family's next servant until eventually being sold away to another Master. He is a good, obedient Servant. ...unless you talk to him when his Master isn't there. Then he is a sassy guy who causes chaos in his Master's family.
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Susanoo is a dog hybrid who was captured by a lonely man named Masaki, who just wanted a pet. Susanoo was forced to act like a dog, as Masaki would not acknowledge his existence otherwise. Whenever Susanoo talked, Masaki would act like he didn't hear anything, or like he only heard barks and whines. While he was captured, his leg got broken. His owner got his cast placed wrong, making him unable to walk. He would be muzzled or caged if he misbehaved, but was never hurt in any way, as Masaki belives that pets should be treated well. Susanoo, now Cody, realised how lonely Masaki was, and thus decided to give in and become the pet he wanted. He started obediently performing the commands Masaki was trying to teach him and started to actually make dog noises, rather than trying to make Masaki hear him talk. This was immediately praised with a lot of treats and pets, to Cody's delight.
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Last but not least, someone from the Lab Whump story I am working on. Junpei is a guy in his early 30s, working a job in journalism. He applied to a special program he found on the internet, said to be able to fulfil any and all requests someone had. Junpei requested that this program would get rid of the immense pain in his knees, not knowing this program had a catch...
The goal of this program was to test out special substances that could physically turn people into other creatures. Whether it be dogs, cats, wolves, even dragons, orcs and phoenixes! Junpei was lucky to get a new pair of legs, but... He had become a centaur. Something he was not able to adjust to. The transformation was horrible. The most painful thing he had ever experienced. And besides that, he had no idea how to properly control his new body. Slowly, he started gaining more deer-like instincts as well.
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Masaki is Cody's owner. A lonely man who is fairly new to the whole pet ownership thing. He doesn't hurt Cody, per se. He punishes him in ways a real dog would also be punished. Muzzling him, putting him in his crate when he misbehaves, etc.
He loves taking Cody for walks, showing off his adorable dog to the rest of the city.
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A young scientist who is the mastermind behind the experiments that turn people into different creatures. He created the substances that would allow the transformations to happen, documenting everything. He keeps remaking it until he is fully pleased with the results, which doesn't happen often. He worked on 236 experiments so far and has mastered turning people into "normal" animals. That got too boring for him, so he started working on supernatural creatures, such as centaurs, dragons and phoenixes.
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ejunkiet · 2 years
voicemails (sam/darlin)
redacted asmr: sam/darlin. rated G for goodness. set after HBS. >:3
A series of voicemails Sam leaves Darlin' during a trip to Washington.
Hey, darlin'.
Hey, darlin'. Just wanted to call, as I was thinking of you. You must still be sleeping. Long trip up north, to see your folks. Hope the flight went well. Your text after you landed was much 'ppreciated.
I expect you'll be busy, these next few days. Picking up the last of your things. Wish I could've made the trip with you, but the sun's working against me. Summer. A vamps' least favourite season.
At least we're long past the solstice, even if it did feel like a mighty kick in the teeth. It was better with you there, though.
[Pauses for a long exhale, ending on a sigh.]
'S quiet round here with you gone. The everyday routine doesn't quite have the same ring to it that it used to. Not that I mind much. Life's been better with you around.
Still, it's gonna be a long drive back down South in the van, and I miss you, darlin'. The sound of your voice. The softness of your touch. The feelin' of your lips against mine.
[A soft exhale, followed by a laugh]
...guess it's too late to ask if you're listening to this in private. I'm gonna choose to believe you are, and that this isn't being broadcast over your car speakers. Allow me my delusions, darlin'.
[He hums, low.]
Still, I'm glad you have someone with you on the trip. Company always helps on a long drive… although I'm guessing you maybe view it as something else. A mixed blessing, as it were. From what I've seen of Asher though, he's a good man. He cares about people, you included. I think you'll do just fine.
[Another pause, the faint sound of nails scratching across a rough jaw.]
…and like I said before. The offer still stands. I know that you appreciate your own space. Trust me, I get that. 'M the same. I would never ask you to give that up, in any form. I just… wanted to make the offer. I have the space, if you were looking for it. A space that comes with less history, less baggage… and maybe a few less bloodstains. I think you get my drift.
And a vamp ain't a bad roommate, all things considered. You'd have your space, and I'd have mine. And maybe sometimes, we can meet in the middle.
…just think about it. S'all I ask.
At the very least, I can hold some of your stuff for you, until you find a new apartment. I've got plenty of space out here, you've seen it. William was mighty generous. May as well spread some of that wealth around.
[Another pause for a yawn, his jaw clicking with it.]
…alright. I think that's about it.
[He lets out another hum, low and soft down the line.]
Thinking of you, Darlin'. Take care, and drive safe. I'll see you soon.
Hey, Darlin'.
It was good to hear your voice. Good also to know that the move is going okay, and you're on the road back down already. Heck, you're probably still driving now. Don't push it too hard. Lean on your packmate, ask if he can take a shift, and get some rest Darlin'. I want you back home safe and all in one piece, you hear?
Anyway. Just checkin' in. Drop me a text when you're done driving for the night.
Hey, Darlin'.
Have to say, hearing Asher's voice coming from your contact was a surprise, although I appreciate him tapping in. Sounds like you're making good time, and I should see you tonight. Even if it's just to have you fall asleep in my arms. You're welcome to, any time. These arms miss you, Darlin'.
[Pause for a yawn, wide and long, his jaw cracking, ending with a heavy sigh.]
…S'early to be calling, I know. You're still driving. Even making good time, you've got a handful of miles left. Was just thinkin' of you. More than that, actually. I was dreamin' of you, darlin'. S'fresh enough that the details haven't faded yet, and I wanted to hear your voice. Even if it was just the sound of your voicemail recording.
…just in case Asher happens to be on this call too, I’ll spare him the details for now. I’d be happy to fill you in later, though.
I have a feeling you might like it.
Drive safe, Darlin’. I’ll see you soon.
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doberbutts · 2 years
[copypasta for Evander’s ACOs]
Evander I think is ready (finally!) to go home. He has gone a full 2 weeks without growling or snarling at me at all over any sort of food item including bones and chews which are able to be scattered everywhere on my floor. Additionally he doesn't go after my dogs for those things either and readily shares them with my big dog Sushi. Like with humans, he did initially growl at them when he was first being integrated into the mix with my dogs rather than still being mostly separated in his own room, so I think a new adopter would really benefit from taking things slowly with him and slowly integrating him into their house rather than letting him have the run of the place right when he first came home. Recently I dropped a few noodles out of my pot when making pasta, and he readily shared with my dogs big and small the handful of noodles that reached the floor. He also let me move him out of the way so I could pick up the rest. Every once in a while he does tense when he sees me reaching for something he has, but he redirects happily for a thrown treat and lets me approach and take it without a fuss. I can write up a "homework" sheet if you'd like me to but I think with structure and time and an effort for continued training from his adopter, he'd be a wonderful active little dog for someone who wants a buddy. He needs rules and boundaries to be enforced in a kind yet firm manner- there is no need to shout at him or scold him but he also needs to be removed from the situation if he is too overwhelmed. For instance, when he barks at my neighbor's dog I pick him up and carry him back into my house- he now barks less at my neighbor's dog.
Oh, also, he really really likes to cuddle. If I sit on the floor he's magnetically drawn to my lap and if I sit on my couch he sits at my feet and leans on my leg until I reach down to pet him.
I do recommend whoever adopts him to continue training, preferably with someone who has worked with abused dogs before and understands they often have different needs than a dog that has only ever been loved. He's really a good boy, he tries his best, and he has made fantastic progress in the weeks he's been here. If they'd like to use my services, I'd be more than willing to oblige. I just know that I'm a pretty far drive for folks in the [redacted] area. He sits and lays down on command, he is still not quite there with stay (if you have a treat he is more than willing...), and his leash walking is coming along nicely. I think he is a good candidate to go through the Canine Good Citizen program which is offered at many training facilities, though they'll want to start him at the beginning for sure since it will be difficult for him to focus with the other dogs present initially.
[most of paragraph redacted due to personal information being shared] I think provided an adopter is realistic about the time frame- remind them that I've had him almost two full months now- he is more than ready to meet some folks and see if he can do well in their home!
He is almost out of food so I will be buying another bag in the mean time. My address is [redacted] and I will send you the receipt for the bag when I pick it up this weekend. He eats about 1/2 cup per meal, twice per day. He is very active at my house so it's possible if whoever adopts him is less active he may require less food. He likes to go on (short) hikes and walks, and he wrestles with my big dog Sushi at every chance he gets. He burns a lot of calories here for only having 3 legs!
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slightlystupidhun · 2 years
Playing Games
Listener plays popular pranks on some of the redacted guys. Im glad it’s becoming a series. So far I have done Milo, David, Asher, and Sam. lmk if you wanna see someone else and what prank to do.
Milo and Sweetheart have been known to be a playful pair. They have always found fun in teasing one another, maybe Sweetheart more than Milo, which is why it was no surprise that they would decide to play a prank on him. They were scrolling through their phone, mindlessly passing through photos and videos, until they stopped at this one in particular. It displayed someone leaning in to kiss their partner but then pushing their partner away before the kiss could occur. Smiling evilly to themselves, they were waiting for their boyfriend to get home from work when they heard the familiar click and turn of the door knob. They immediately stood up from the couch getting ready to greet the shifter.
“Well Hello there Sweetheart.” He said sporting his usual heart warming smile.
“Hi Hun! How was your day?” They wrapped their arms around him.
“It was pretty good, but it’s even better now.” They leaned in for the kiss and he mirrored their actions. Just before their lips could meet his, however, they pulled away and turned back around to the kitchen.
“I’m gonna make dinner now.”
“W-Wait what?” He stammered out following them to the kitchen. The pout was evident on his face but was slightly over powered by a look of confusion. He had no idea why they would pull away from the kiss. Were they plotting something? Sweetheart turned around once they reached the kitchen.
“Right I forgot!” They leaned in again for the kiss and he followed but again, before their lips could meet Sweetheart pulled away grabbing their cook book to check the recipe.
“Ya feelin alright Sweetheart?” He walked forward to peek over their shoulder at the book.
“Hmm? Yeah? Why is something wrong?”
“No, I guess not…” he trailed off, his tone filled with suspicion. “Can I help ya cook?”
“Sure Hun!” The pair both took out the pots and pans required and gathered the mess of ingredients. “Alright that should be all good!” Sweetheart began cooking everything when they felt a pair of arms wrap around their waist.
“Sweetheart, can I have a kiss please?” Their shifter mumbled into their neck.
“Yeah!” They turned to face him, effectively moving themselves away from the stove behind them and against a counter. They both moved in for a kiss. His grip became tighter on their waist to keep them from moving. He moved in hastily, not wanting to give them the opportunity to dodge another one of his attempts. However, he forgot that he was dating an extremely talented stealth. So right as their lips were about to meet his, they cloaked and ran over to the stove.
“The pot is boiling over!” They de-cloak walking over to the pot, that definitely was not boiling over.
“Okay, what the fuck is goin on?”
“Huh? What do you mean?”
“Are ya gonna fuckin kiss me er not?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about?”
“Oh so you wanna play games? That it sweetheart? Well, I’ll have ya know, I’m not in the mood to play, so ya better come here and give me a kiss.”
“And if I don’t?” They moved forward wrapping their arms around his neck.
“I can promise you, yer gonna wish ya had. I will pay ya back tenfold for what yer doin to me now.” They giggled at his response leaning in to finally give him what he wants. He smiled and leaned in to kiss them back when they let go and pushed him away again.
“I’ll give you a kiss if you can catch me.” They ran away laughing like a maniac. Milo let out a low growl and chased them through the halls.
“Get back here ya little brat!”
He finally caught up to them and picked them up making them wrap their legs around his waist. He didn’t give them a chance to cloak as he began leaving kisses all over their face. They both let out giggles and finally Sweetheart gave in and kissed him back. Suddenly they heard a heavy bubbling noise.
“Shit the pot actually is boiling now!”
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gutsposting · 1 year
Dear [redacted],
I’m sorry for not writing to you sooner. I haven’t had the time or the supplies until now. I’ve gotten all of your letters and I hope this one can get to you in only a few days. You asked me how I liked Britain. I’m assuming you meant, how did I enjoy my time here before I had to come to the island? Well, I didn’t enjoy it as much as I had hoped. The village they put me in was quiet, small and rather nice. It rained at every waking moment. I feel exceptionally gloomy here, without you and the kids it feels like years have passed already.
I have to put a lot of faith in our suits, and in Dr. Halligan. He was my boss’s boss, back when I worked for the University. I’m not sure if you met him before or not. I suppose that he has to trust me a lot too, because if I make any mistakes I’ll get him killed. I could easily understand how anxious he might be working with a guy as young as I am. I think that he respects me a lot for volunteering though. And now that we’ve worked together this long and this closely - having to rely on each other this much, I think he’s built up some kind of mutual respect towards me.
He and I live in a facility, quarantined from one another at all times, that basically feels like a lab that you have to live in. I’m trying to make it as homey as I can but it’s not much use. They didn’t let me bring any personal items with me onto the island and I obviously can’t have anything brought to me from the outside here. They actually did install a little library with a good number of books, and there is also a laptop here but it has pretty heavily restricted access to the internet. Honestly, I’m scared to look up any news about the whole situation because I know they’ll get rid of me the second they think I’ll go to the media or the Russians or whatever.
Honestly it’s more work than I’ve ever had to do before. We work 8 hour shifts, from 9am to 5pm, and we can only be outside of the facility for 30 minutes at a time. Bob runs off and does his own thing for his bit of time, but I have to go and document the decomposition of all 57 bodies every single day. Just getting good pictures of all 57 is difficult as hell, and they’ve really been on top of me when it comes to hitting my deadlines on the reports. I can tell you that if I get contaminated I’m going to hang myself. I won’t go through what these people have, and I definitely won’t bring one microbe of this back to you.
The suits are able to protect us, 100% of the time with 100% effectiveness, but if we stay outside for too long the gas gets the suits so contaminated that they can’t be used again and the process of sanitizing them becomes “unrealistically expensive”, as I was told. All of my notes are kept in a house in the middle of the tiny village, and I use a phone they gave me to send my pictures on to the computer. 30 minutes to check the bodies, 30 minutes to get back home and get clean, and to make sure your suit is in perfect shape, and back out for 30 more minutes. Then when I get back it usually takes me six hours to get all of the reports done.
There is going to be a cleanup someday, but no one is ever gonna be able to live here again. Nor will they want to, once everyone understands this gas and how stupid the human race was for making it. They told me it would be livable here again in a year’s time but I don’t believe it at all to tell you the truth. This gas seems to be more “sticky” than any I’ve ever heard of. It gat grow spores in your clothes and can spread them everywhere, and you can he infected for weeks before you show any symptoms.
It’s been very bright for the past few weeks, but unbelievably cold. I absolutely despise being outside, now. Gray rocks, nasty slushy rain, always overcast… being surrounded by the sea is nice though. I spend some time every morning just watching the waves crash against the rocks, and I imagine myself as an old lighthouse keeper. I do my best to keep my mind on better, less complicated times. I envision myself, bearded and old, living off of rationed supplies and spending all my free time just trying to keep sane. It’s just another daydream I use to keep my mind busy.
The cat they sent me is Russian, they said. Gray, with long fur. I named her Dasha. I admit, I talk to her when I’m quarantined in my room for the 16 hours a day I’m not working. You know how I am. So after all, you probably expect to hear that I’m still not sleeping. Every night I maybe fall asleep for about an hour, but it’s hard for me to say. I’ve done a lot of reading, like you recommended. The tablet you sent me has been put to extreme use. I have to get every book pre-approved , though. Somehow [redacted] made it on to the banned books list.
The part of this letter I’m dreading to write about the most is also probably what you want to hear about the most. The job isn’t fun at all, I tell you. It’s obvious that everyone died painfully. The bodies are skeletons now but I have had to document their decomposition with painstaking detail over all of this time. Re-visiting the same faces and watching them rot away. And the island is nothing but gray rocks and dead grass, and it rains every fucking day all day. It’s been difficult.
I’ve been trying to keep up my habits as normally as I did before I left home. I’ve got complete internet access, and I’m too scared to know what they’ll do if I look anything up about this place and what’s going on out there. I have been playing a lot of video games of course. I made progress with the city we built last winter, I hope you don’t mind. You can see what I’ve done if you log in to my account on the computer at home, the password should be saved. I know it’s hard, going from seeing one another every day and having phones to feeling like a couple from the 1950’s writing handwritten letters to each other, but there’s something nice about it too.
I’ve been promised compensation when I come back. I worry that I’ll come home sick from all this. Some unknown illness will take me 20 years from now or something. But as long as I don’t get anyone else infected, I don’t really care. The settlement I was promised in the case of my death is insane. You and the boys would be alright forever.
I do feel as though it’s my duty to be here. As far as I know, few people are as qualified as I am to do this. Bob is running an inspection on the site’s computer systems. One time he did tell me that the problem was inexplicable because “there were not supposed to be any computers there that were connected to the internet”, and he hasn’t found any evidence that there were. So whereas he’s stuck and getting more frustrated by the day, I just feel a gloomy sense of duty to keep on keeping on. What choice do I have? Without this level of documentation, we can’t properly convince the rest of the world to cut this shit out.
Worst of all though is the dread in my heart that tells me it won’t be enough. The pictures I’ve taken are too graphic for the public to see, and I’m positive that my testimony is going to be doubted and challenged. Half the country has already made up their minds about it, and I’m not stupid enough to think I can change the minds of stupid people.
Don’t believe anything you read or see until I get home and I can explain everything. Some of the stuff you’ll hear is definitely going to be true, but there’s a lot of speculation out there. I do believe it was the Russians but [many sentences redacted].
Lastly, I’ll tell you about the most sinister theory of all. I think that the government gave me this cat specifically so I would grow attached to it. So now that I have to rely on it for my own sanity, any minuscule mistake that I make in keeping myself decontaminated would result in her death a lot quicker than mine. That’s one piece of information I’m positive I’m allowed to tell you; the gas kills animals a lot quicker than it kills humans. They brought her here to be a canary in the coal mine. If she dies in screaming agony I have no way to help her, and then I have to sit here and wait until the microbes I forgot to kill with the sanitation process reach my brain and cause me to spasm until I die. I watch it happen every night in my dreams.
I’m sorry to worry you, I just need someone to understand what it’s like here, what I’m going through.
I love you [redacted], six more months and I’ll be back home.
P.S. Any updates about our crazy neighbor?
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in request to someone to put this anonymously out of respect:
I have a confession to make. I'm a hater...or atleast I THOUGHT i was. I did not particularly cared about your blog Until tonight where I was scrolling through Ao3 and saw one of your bed time story fics. I decided to say "fuck it" and read one of your fics. I then went to read the origin comics, thinking it would be a hate read...but...I was laughing. Smiling. And giggling over how cute it was. My favorite parts of the comic was your author notes, being really proud of your small accomplishments in bettering your art. It made me, a fellow artist, proud.
I was once a hater but now fell in love with Mary and your AU. My problem was that I couldn't sleep tonight. I think because I feel like the grinch who's heart melted away and I just can't get this off my mind. So I typed this all up and drew some fanart cuz we have the same comfort character I think.
So uh. Sorry I misjudged your AU and OC. It reminded me of a children's show I use to watch and I liked seeing your progression with your art skill. sorry that this was so long. It's 3am and I literally can't sleep until I get this off my chest
Anyway here's a little something something as a apology. Idk how cottonball would've gotten damage. I'm thinking maybe freak dog/bully encounter on the way home from school
Uh anyway thanks and sorry again
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hey! there’s nothing wrong about not liking something at first! sure my comics at first aren’t the best (After all, I was 16 when I started to write this story and i’m almost 24! the reason why my digital art looked like absolute shit was because my mom thought digital art was “fake art” and i was still learning how to master digital art with a newly-acquired tablet at the time) but I am so so glad that even with the flaws of my earlier stuff, it still manages to bring a smile to your face!
about the children’s show stuff...i did take a lot of inspiration from shows like that! some i can name off the top of my head were Heidi (the pre-ghibli adaptation), Bear in the Big Blue House, Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood (my beloved) and now most recently, Bluey!! I think it definitely has in part from the fact my childhood was a mess and wanted to create something that fosters wholesome vibes to heal and reclaim my childhood, especially from the fact i’m the only autistic person in my family :’)
but hey! at least though you were honest! i’ve had to deal with people in the fandom who said I was either “sanitizing” hetalia as a whole just because it was wholesome or a well-known artist (name redacted) who was vagueing about me in a gc when i was at work saying that they hated ocs like Mary because they were self-insert mary sues. but otherwise, i forgive you plain and simple :D
i apologize if this was definitely a tangent but this made me really happy! i probably think petunia (rich girl asshole bully in school) snipped cottonball’s leggy and germany saw that mary was in distress since cottonball is a comfort item for her since she had him since she was a lil baby, and he is a good dad who will fix him up!
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tacticalvalor · 5 months
«────── « HEADCANON » ──────»
@vendettavalor ASKED:
Inspo + Antonia !
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Chose to go the route of 4 topics and 4 specific individuals, because I think both are very crucial to how I've built up Toni's character.
Black Widow - General disdain for Marvel aside (half joking), Natasha's character has become a subconscious point of inspiration. Someone who balances the line of good and evil, who has become a living weapon in their own right? Especially that latter point. Someone who has spent their whole life training and building their repertoire and is defined by their effectiveness. Toni has spent the better half of his life with the Ghosts, and it shows by the way people talk about her.
Medusa - We all know the story, or at least an iteration of it. A daughter of Phorcys and Ceto. Beheaded by Perseus as an act of valor, a declaration of loyalty/devotion to Athena. Pieces of her corpse used as a weapon. A mortal woman violated by the god Neptune, and punished for "her" misdeeds. She's become an icon of pushing back against a story that seeks to place the male, Perseus, at its center, blameless and heroic. Pushing back against a system that centers men, much like Toni has pushed back time and time again against the military culture and red tape that has victimized her and others time and time again. Medusa is such an inspiration to Toni's character, that he has a tattoo of her (placement is still up for determination, but I'm between a back piece or on the thigh).
Mike Ehrmantraut - Yes, another muse that I write, but shush. Anyway, a lot of the inspiration from him comes from that struggle to balance family and work, and to keep those lives as separate as possible. Canonically, Toni is... not close with her son. Their relationship has been strained due to the secrecy of her work. But with him about to have a family of his own, Toni wants to make things better. Whether or not he's successful is to be seen.
Šiduri - Big nerd moment here, but I loved reading The Epic of Gilgamesh in high school. And Šiduri's character just. Stuck. The way she rationalized Gilgamesh's grief, and tried to turn it into motivation... That hits close to home with Toni. The way he approaches a lot of his missions, both in part to the programming of the Ghosts, and in her own external experiences, is very much reminiscent of the idea that "this is fate, we may as well make the most of it".
Betrayal - If there is one thing I will not shut up about, it's the betrayal arc that happens in Breakpoint. It's shown a bit in Wildlands, when Walker helps Toni realize that Bowman is going behind their backs to maintain destabilization within Bolivia, but it really comes to the forefront after. The killing of Vaugn, Walker being dishonorably discharged... And this all is so core to Toni's development as a character and her approach to things. As it stood with her work, he knew better than to loosely trust anybody. But after all this? Yeah... Yeah.
Identity - There are so many interesting intersections when it comes to Antonia's identity. Even before I made the executive decision to make him transmasc, the idea of being a woman (or perceived as one) within the military. Being a mother amidst that. Being a member of an organization that, on paper, does not exist and cannot exist. Knowing that your very being is classified. Redacted. That you could die at any minute, and none would be the wiser. But then you add onto this the realization of not being what you thought for so long you were, lest we forget Nomad's gender questioning doesn't take place until after the events of Breakpoint, where she's well within his 40s. Ultimately, I really want to explore just how elusive identity can be through Toni's character, and what goes into constructing one practically from scratch.
Revenge - Tying into the themes of betrayal is the act of revenge. How far is a person willing to go to consider things square? The betrayal of trust, the allies slaughtered in the name of a "greater good"... What is Toni willing to do? Is he really any different from Walker? What are her justifications? Can she pull the trigger when the time comes, or is he going to try and stop the inevitable?
Trauma - Bit broad of an inspiration, but like... This shit has got to weigh down on someone, and it does tie into the ideas of identity. How much does a person go through��how much can they go through—before losing themselves? How do they carry the weight of the literal world (re: Walker's plan to kickstart WW3) on their shoulders, and manage to stay focused on the road ahead? What would it take for someone in these circumstances to finally break? To potentially heal?
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camellia-thea · 10 months
about dove, the ask game 4 (or what was their comfort food), 9, 10, 18, 35, 38
ohhh thank you gracious storyteller. answers written partially as i wait for the fritatta to cook lol
4. what is was their comfort food?
[redacted] comes very close to slamming her apartment door closed as she passes drops her bag onto the couch with a frustrated sound. she doesn't though, because she cannot deal with another complaint from her elderly, incredibly nosy neighbour. she sits down beside her bag with another frustrated exhale, and then flops down onto her side, ignoring the voice in her head that says she'll wrinkle her clothes.
[redacted] has about two hours, before she'll be summoned again to keep working, and she really, really doesn't want to go in. she will though, he's depending on her, he needs her help, and rewards her too, so it truly isn't that bad, but she's been on her feet all day, and the office has started muttering about her again, and work simply feels hostile.
[redacted] lies there for several long minutes before groaning and heading towards her kitchen. she should make something to eat that will tide her over until her boss remembers that ghouls do need regular sustenance too. he's good to her, though, she has to acknowledge it. she's treated well and kindly, and he does forget mortal needs sometimes, but that's fine, he's immortal, that sort of knowledge must slip away quickly. and she makes do with naps during her breaks and the quick stops around town to get sushi or whatever higher end takeaways she can find (she can't be caught dead in cheap clothes, eating cheap food).
so she goes to stand in the light of her fridge, digs around for a moment and lets out a long sigh.
no proper groceries, which really is on her, and she doesn't have the energy to cook. her watch reads 6:43, and she knows that nightfall is only an hour or so away. she really doesn't have time to shop and cook afterwards.
she grabs her bag and coat, and heads out the door again.
the sushi place she stops at first are familiar with her, enough so that she smiles at them and answers with partial truth as they ask after her health. ("incredibly busy, but alright, thank you")
the supermarket is a longer trip, and she knows she's pushing the limits of her break. she'd hoped to get a nap in as well, but it seems that she'll be stocking up on coffee again.
her cart is full, and she's just on time as she stops by the international isle. the british sweets stare out at her, and she rolls her eyes internally at the immediate want for treats. but she gives in.
the collection she puts into her trolley are varied, but shelf stable. biscuits, dark chocolate digestives and jammy dodgers, relics from a childhood she barely remembers.
[redacted] gets a coffee from the stand on the way out, and eats her sushi in the car. she manages to get home and get everything into the fridge before leaving the rest in bags on the counters before dashing out the door once more.
the biscuits stay in her glove box.
9. who do they admire? why?
meeting the prince, after hearing about him so much, impresses dove. he's remarkable; a brujah anarch turned camarilla prince in a matter of nights? he's someone to be wary of, to be sure, but his display of sheer power was something she found incredibly interesting.
the story of the last prince being left to rot in a public space, the utter brutality seen as he protected the honour of his primogen... friend, it gives dove... inspiration. she's always been enthralled by kindred's capacity for violence, and the demonstration of enoch sheppard's power leaves her curious as to how far he'd go.
admiration isn't necessarily the right word, but he is certainly impressive.
10. who do they hate? why?
(tw for vomit and dove-typical abusive/predatory relationships. vomit is in the last sentence.)
kindred don't dream. they don't, they can't. yet somehow, it doesn't stop dove from getting stuck in her own memories before sunrise. in some, they're twisted, things that didn't happen but could have, but others hurt because of the truth in them.
he yells frequently in her memories, or speaks in that cold, detached tone that tells her that he will be withholding his vitae for as long as possible without forcing her to age. those happened more in the last months.
the worst ones though, are when he was kind. when dove wasn't fighting the bond, and the business was going well, and dove had gotten a juicy bit of information for him, or managed to sabotage another company enough to get immediate effects.
those moments in the late evening when he realised that he'd overworked her, but she's succeeded anyway, when he'd been proud of her, and she'd revelled in it. he'd smile and buy her fancy food and expensive wine, with vouchers for tailored clothes and tickets to interesting events. those nights when the bond was warm and content, and pushing joy into her every cell.
those, when she wakes, has her vomiting black ichor into her bathtub.
18. have they ever had their heart broken?
"[redacted], i love you. i really really do, but this-- this isn't working. look-- you love your job, i get that, but it's killing you. i can't sit by, watching you work yourself to the bone,"
the words ring in [redacted]'s ears.
"fuck-- [redacted], look at you! you're not living, you're barely surviving, and you want me to just-- just let you? we can't keep doing this, baby. you gotta make a choice. take less hours, stop the overtime. stay with me."
"i--" i can't. i need you to understand that i can't. i can't walk away from this, from him, i need you to know that i love you. i want you to stay. please-- i need you to stay. "i need this job."
"fine. you can pack up your things then, i guess. i'm going to stay with my sister."
her footsteps echo through [redacted]'s mind, long after she leaves.
"sir," the dial tone rings out twice before she's sent to answerphone. "you mentioned that there was somewhere else i could stay?"
35. pick a character that they know. what is something that they do that your character finds annoying/frustrating?
dove looks at orla with the pity of someone looking at a puppy. the toreador seems sweet, sure. and well supported, which is certainly something, but at the end of the day, the softness orla so clearly carries frustrates her. flòraidh is fine, a gangrel who can handle herself well, as socially lacking as she is. but orla, the issue is that she has so much potential. she's good at speaking, clearly has a sort of magnetic charm that toreadors tend to, and dove can see her flourishing, if she manages to gain a capacity for any kind of cruelty. but, from what dove has seen, that doesn't seem to be possible. her shyness gets in the way, endearingly shy turning to frustratingly awkward in moments. it's nativity at its finest, which does not last long in the world of monsters.
orla is so, so, close to being useful. but for now, she's someone who dove thinks will simply get in the way.
38. does your character have tattoos? what do they look like? if not, do they want any?
(as an aside, i see where this is going, i also very much have thoughts about a potential future tattoo.)
dove has one tattoo, resting on her right hip. it was gotten as a celebration with one of her few friends during university as a graduation celebration. it is a set of scales, with a heart and a feather weighed against each other.
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How it happened
Daddy said I had to write this down now.
Before COVID I was always kinky, even before I knew what it meant. I needed to be restrained, to be spanked and hurt, slapped, even sometimes punched. Canes were the worst, which made them the best in some ways. I had lots of relationships with women that started vanilla and then became “Uh, you want me to do WHAT?”, and some of them, bless them, really DID get into it. There was one who was super aroused by the idea of punishing me by spanking my balls with a wooden spoon. My howls made her wet, wet, wet. 
Gradually it became impossible, really, for me to have a sexual relationship without kink in it. I was a subbie through and through. I mean, I did top occasionally, but only rarely. In my soul, I was always the one who craved the collar, who needed to be put on my knees, who needed to be denied, who needed to feel used. Chastity devices were a staple. I ate a LOT of pussy, and I went to sleep with my dick throbbing and unsatisfied more often then not. 
Indignities were the rule. One woman, Sally, introduced me to pegging. She LOVED to peg me into total incoherence, until she’d collapse sweaty and spent on my back. Sometimes, she’d even manage to make me leak or cum using just her dildo. If her spankings were getting too intense, I could usually manage to get her to stop by begging for her fat, rubber cock. Needless to say, she also loved shoving it in my mouth and choking me with it. 
I moved to [redacted] in late 2019, and was playing intermittently with a woman I knew there. Lori was, I guess, omnivorous -- she had partners of every configuration in her life, and the only constant was that she was always the top. I lived in a rent house split with another person I met when I moved in -- a guy a little older than me named Mike, who was gay. We had independent leases, which was weird but fine. Mostly, Mike and I stayed out of each other’s hair; I was either working or playing with Lori, after all. 
I always dressed kinda normal, but Lori definitely did NOT. She kind of flaunted her kink in various ways -- vaguely kinky tops, a mini quirt on her keychain, and, eventually, a necklace with a key on it. The key, of course, was to my chastity device, and she only wore it when I was locked up. 
Between Christmas and New Year’s, Lori came by the house. I wasn’t home yet, but Mike let her in to wait. By the time I got home, they were laughing over glasses of wine. I asked what the joke was, and they laughed again. “Mike noticed the key.” 
I froze.
“Has she got you all locked up, David?”
I nodded. 
“How long?”
“Three weeks now.”
“Three weeks now, WHAT, David?” corrected Lori. I knew what she wanted.
“Three weeks now sir.”
“Come closer and show him.”
This was new. My sex had always been private before, but there was a gleam in Lori’s eye that I knew better than to challenge. Stepped closer and started to unfasten my jeans. 
“No, no, no, just strip.”
Blushing, I complied. Lori reached out and pulled my cage forward. Mike smiled.
“Not too much to lock up, is it?”
“No, but that’s not what he’s for.”
���He suffers well, is generally obedient, and he’s good with his mouth.” Mike laughed. 
"I gotta get me one of those!” They both laughed.
“David, go wait in the bedroom. I want to talk to Mike.”
When Lori finally joined me, she was beaming. “Mike and I had a lovely talk. I’ll bet you’d love to know what we talked about it, wouldn’t you?”
“Yes m’am.”
“Let’s just say you should be more deferential to him from now on. I told him that if you’re difficult or disrespectful, he should let me know, and that I’ll correct the issue.”
“But what if he just says I am but I wasn’t?”
“Oh, I’m sure that will happen, too. But it won’t matter. You’ll get punished anyway.”
I wave of fear rolled through me, but my dick was also swelling. 
“Now, on your back. My cunt needs eating.” She peeled off her tights and I did as directed. She was especially musky and sweaty, and I swooned at the scent.
Things were  a little different after that. I was on eggshells quite a bit, and did what I thought was my best, but Mike was still watching. The next weekend, she gave me a thorough caning because Mike said I left a mess in the kitchen. I tried to explain -- it was only overnight; I cleaned up in the morning -- but it was clear this didn’t matter. The bruises were epic. When I got home and winced sitting down, Mike noticed.
“Oh, did you get a spanking?”
“Yes what?”
Sigh. “Yes sir.”
“Show me the bruises.”
I stood, dropped my pants, and bent over. 
“Very nice, David. Will that help you remember to behave better?”
“Yes sir.”
“Finish stripping, and then clean up my dinner. Don’t put on clothes again until you leave for work tomorrow. I like to see your little cock swing in that cage.”
Incredibly, I did as he asked.
The next night, Lori had me spread eagled on the bed with my balls very very available. She left the room and came back with a wooden spoon. “Mike says you’re improving, but are still uppity.” I moaned in anticipation. “It’s not your place to question him OR me. Do as he says. If he gives you a rule, it’s the same as if *I* did. Do you understand?”
“Yes m’am.”
She straddled my face, holding my arms down with her shins, and went to work on my balls. Her ass and pussy muffled my cries, but not completely. 
After that, I was clearly subbing to both of them, except Mike never touched me. He just gave direction, and reported to Lori. I was cooking and cleaning for him, and I found myself asking permission to do things in my own house. And because Mike liked me nude, and because it made me uncomfortable, obviously that was a Thing. My social life outside Mike and Lori evaporated, but honestly I think that was for the best -- I don’t think I could’ve code-switched back to being a non-subbie person with non-kinky people easily. 
The deep end followed, because two things happened in quick succession. First, in February, Lori had to move back west for a while, leaving me alone with Mike. We were officially long distance, but then COVID happened and travel was awkward --- and I lost my job. Kink via Zoom isn’t nearly as stimulating, even when you’re a denial subbie. 
I started to worry about the rent, but then something awesome and scary happened. Mike told me he’d just cover it, but I had to agree to some rules. I was to be nude all the time, except for the cage, and now HE would have the key. I was no longer allowed on the furniture without permission. I was to continue to follow his instructions without hesitation. And because Lori was gone and he was “afraid I’d forget my place,” I had to submit to him spanking me now. “For my own good.”
Having few other options and definite kink needs, I agreed. 
“Good. Bring me your cage and the key.”
When he squeezed my balls to fit them through the retaining ring, it was the first and only time I’d ever been touched by a man. 
When the lock clicked closed, he swatted my balls a few times. “Stop flinching. Take it for me.” He continued. Smack. Smack. Smack. Not hard, but real. “Thank me.”
“Thank you sir.”
“Thank me for what?”
I blanked.
“Aren’t I putting a roof over your head? Aren’t I buying your food now? Aren’t I teaching you to behave?”
“Yes sir thank you sir.”
“Come with me.”
I followed him into his room; once in, he pushed me to the floor, face first. I heart pounded. I felt his hands on my wrists, and then cuffs. “Are you frightened?”
“Yes sir.”
“Good. Head up.”
A blindfold now, fully dark. His hand on the back of my neck, his voice in my ear. “You’re in for it now, aren’t you? What did you agree to? Doesn’t matter now, though, does it? Whatever is going to happen is already happening.” I shuddered. 
“Please Mike”
“No more Mike. Just sir.” “Please sir.” quietly, quivering.
He wrapped an arm around me, held me tight. “This will be intense for you but I’ll never do more to you than you can take. But you’re going to take a lot for me, aren’t you?”
“Yes sir.”
“You want me to be happy, don’t you? Just like you wanted Lori to be happy?”
“Yes sir.”
“Did you suffer for Lori?”
“Yes sir.” 
“Then shouldn’t you suffer for me, too?”
“Yes sir.”
“Good boy. Back on your knees. Head down.”
I heard him take off his belt, and then the sound of him doubling it, and then the swish of it in the air as he swung it hard against my ass. I gasped. It came again, again, again. A cry escaped me, and he barked “QUIET” between strokes. Sometime between the tenth and fifteenth I started to cry and lost count. He stopped soon after, hauled me up on my knees and held me. 
“shhhhh, shhhh. I see why Lori liked you so well. You tried SO hard for me.” A pause, then, “Good boy.” He stroked my head, and then pulled off the blindfold to wipe my tears. “Good boy,” he repeated.
I melted into his shoulder, unsure at all of what was happening to me.
“Now, we’re not quite done tonight, are we? No, we need to be sure you know your place.” I stiffened. “No, I’m not going to hurt you any more, but you may wish I had before morning.
“You see, Lori told me something about you, and we’re going to use that to our advantage. In the back of my closed I have a nice secure little box, well ventilated but completely dark and I’m sure VERY uncomfortable. And Lori says you can’t STAND small spaces. Is that true?”
It was absolutely true. I’m borderline claustrophobic. Lori used to threaten me with it, but only actually DID it to me a few times. I was shaking. “Yes sir please sir please no.”
"Now, now, listen to me. I know you’re here, I I know you’ve agreed, but we have to be very sure you understand what you’ve agreed to. I think you should ASK me to put you in the box for as long as I want. Don’t you think that’s a good idea? Then we’ll know where we stand. Then we’ll know you’ll take what I give you.”
“Oh god sir no please”
“You’re making me kind of disappointed. You know, I’ve literally been excited about doing this to you for WEEKS. Should we call Lori?And see what she thinks I should do? She’d probably just tell me to throw you out.”
“o please sir no i’ll stay i’ll be good”
“What did you want, David? Didn’t you want to suffer for me? Don’t you want me to be proud of you like Lori was proud of you?”
Something broke in my head. “Please sir put me the box as long as you want.”
He smiled, and opened the closet. In the back, under some shelves, was a small black door with a padlock. He opened the door and pushed me inside. There was, just barely, enough room to turn around. Stretching out or sleeping would be impossible. I was starting to hyperventilate. He grabbed my face.
“You’re going in here. that part is done now. The question is how long I want you in here. Could be an hour. Could be all night. Could be days. But you want me to decide, don’t you? You want to take what I give you, don’t you?”
“Sir...” I was shaking, panicking, on the verge of tears. 
“Good.” Then, in a move that sent electrical shocks through my brain, he pulled my head forward and kissed me. “You’re beautiful when you’re afraid.” A quick shove, the door closed, and I heard the lock click. 
Time had no real meaning in the box. I couldn’t tell if I was asleep or awake after a while, at least until cramps started. I sobbed and cried some, and must have drifted off, so when the door eventually did open had no idea how long I had been in there. 
“Out.” As if I could move easily on my own. He hauled my shoulders through, and helped me knee-crawl over the threshold. He smelled fresh, and his hair was damp. Was it morning?
I opened my mouth. 
“No talking.” Just like that, I accepted it. He wore loose pajama pants I hadn’t seen before. I was acutely aware of the outline of his penis, swaying as he moved. It was the Chekovian gun of the scenario, honestly. 
He unlocked the cuffs. “Stretch out.” It hurt, but it was a good hurt. “Here.” I followed him into the living room. He sat on a side chair. “Over,” as he gestured to his lap. I bent over him, and he secured me with one of his legs. 
“Time for your morning strokes.” I was too exhausted to protest. I felt a hand between my legs, toying with my locked shaft and loose balls, gently, teasingly. Then the hand came down on my ass quickly, harshly, 7 times. My bruises from the night before awoke with a vengeance and I felt tears in my eyes again. I felt him stir beneath me. 
“Now make coffee and toast for me. You can have oatmeal.”
Confused, I did as directed. He moved to the table, and I served him. He motioned at me to sit down, but on the floor next to him. It felt natural. He read news on his table, and occasionally stroked my head. He even fed me a bite of toast. I was in a submissive, quasi aroused, sleep deprived daze. 
“Deal with the dishes and come back to my room. I have work.”
I nodded and did as directed. As I moved back towards the kitchen, though, I saw something new: A hasp and padlock on my bedroom door. He saw me notice. “You don’t need anything in there now, do you? No job, no social life now with COVID, no need to dress, none of that. I’ll take care of you.”
Reader, he was right. He stood up, moving towards his room, and I rushed to his legs in some weird outpouring of acceptance? I don’t even know. He stroked my head. “Good boy. Now I have work but we’ll talk -- or you’ll listen -- later.”
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