#work venting
abcd-adventures · 9 months
I had a lovely dinner last night with a friend who is also a therapist. It was really nice to be able to talk about our work and process some of the things that our families and other friends don't really want to hear about.
Last week, upper management decided to remove one of my clients from housing. Yes, he committed a felony, but it was complicated and not black and white--like most things are not--and no one on my team at the property wanted him to lose his housing. At least I was successful in getting him taken to a hospital by mental health officers instead of being arrested and I will continue to advocate for him to be placed on the specialty/mental health docket, but then if he can avoid years in prison he'll still have no home to come back to. And, technically, if a client is no longer housed at our property, I am not supposed to work with them anymore--after the incident I was even texted to say that I should not meet with this client any further...welllll...he was in my office when I received the text, so... I understand that upper management has their own job to do and they have to think about safety and all those things. I get that (and it's very much why I never want to advance), but I'm also not going to abandon a person who has no one. I'm very grateful this doesn't happen incredibly often--this is my second client in a year and seven months at this job to be kicked out of housing.
I process all the time with my supervisor how difficult navigating this job can be. I'm sure that I would be incredibly attached to my clients if I was in a traditional therapist role where I saw my clients in an office once a week or something, but I work in the building where my clients live. I see many of them almost daily. I serve holiday meals for them and breakfast every Thursday. I know when they have guests, if they get a delivery, if APD or EMS is ever called or onsite for them...it's an intense level of involvement. I love my job. I don't want to do anything else, but it feels incredibly personal when someone leaves in a way that isn't how either of us would have wanted.
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bunnymajo · 8 months
Tell her the 5 words she wants to hear:
"You can go home now."
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shadowkira · 6 months
Ugh. My supervisor is so incompetent and now I'm cranky. Tell me about your pets? I need distractions to help me pass the next 6 hours. :(
Venting of situation under the cut:
I work at a 24 hour emergency vet hospital (24 hours Monday-Friday) but it often gets treated like a 9-5 because almost all of management leaves between 4pm and 6pm.
We keep asking if they can try to have a better plan when it comes to call outs on the overnight. People should be allowed to use their sick or personal time but those of us working evenings / overnight often push ourselves to work through being sick because we don't want to screw over our co-workers. Our overnight employee called out for tonight. After 6pm there will be two people working the front desk until 10pm. After 10pm it will be just me until 12am, after 12am there will be a nurse watching the door at the front desk. Pulling someone from the medical staff just to watch the door is fucking stupid, we've been short staffed on the medical end of things lately too.
Earlier when my supervisor approached me about the overnight employee calling out, that's basically all she told me. That she called out and they couldn't find coverage. That after 12am, the calls would be forwarded to our facility in center city Philadelphia. In the past, they've asked me to stay later and work a 12 hour shift. No asking that today, which I was relieved about. So I asked point blank, "will there be any other expectations from me?"
Supervisor: "Nope! You do work until 12 though, right?"
Me, internally shaking my head because I've worked until 12 for the last year and this woman makes our schedules. "yes, I work until 12."
So I'm busy working, and I'm not tasked with emails today so I completely miss that an email came through from my supervisor who has since gone home for the night. And actually, I didn't see her email first, I saw an email from our overnight doctor. She's asking what plans they have for the front desk, since it was never mentioned. That people might get stuck in our vestibule, since we have doggy proof doors. I'm so glad she's calling out my supervisor because someone has to! Then I realize, the supervisor in question is now asking if myself or the other woman working with me until 10 can train a nurse to do the front desk for basic check ins and check outs. (Not financial but still.)
What part of "is there anything expected additionally of me" is difficult? Asking me to train someone is definitely additional 🤦‍♀️
We were fucked last night, lot's of either critical patients or patients that needed to go back to the treatment area right away. With two people and a rush, training someone to do our job will be a pain in the ass. They aren't prepared at all for call outs. I'm so annoyed. I tried to be up front with her and she can't even properly communicate? Ridiculous.
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vunoirien · 4 months
When they want me to come in early on particular days but won't actually change my schedule to communicate that. Whelp, not coming in until that changes.
Also, need to request some shift changes that are not related to said request. Like....Akira movie night, maybe I leave at 7 instead of 9pm? And start 2 hrs early? Also switch my day off later this month to be present for my half sister's husband b-day.
As a known recluse I would like to pepper in some social time. Obligated or no.
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cognitiveleague · 8 months
Work vent post for the day: Coworker please, it literally took more time, stress, and momentum out of my day to consider whether or not to argue with you about ‘making extra work for [myself]’ than it did to a) make a copy of an existing document to edit from instead of editing directly onto the document (2 seconds, no stress) and b ) delete a section from the copy that I figured wouldn’t be needed (also 2 seconds, no stress).
Like if your process is negatively affected by either of these things and you’d prefer for me to edit directly on the old version / leave the extra parts untouched because that’s better for YOUR workflow, say so, but now MY workflow has been interrupted by Neurodivergent Shutdown Mode over whether or not it’s worth trying to explain that the amount of work your way of doing things would in theory save me is so fucking negligible that there’s no reason to take it into consideration????
(The Shutdown is also over how much I instinctively Loathe the idea of editing over the old form and using the archived versions of the same doc in Docs if we ever need the old information instead of just. Fucking taking 2 goddamn seconds to make a copy of the old one, copy-paste a new bottom section on it from the blank form, and check which one has a more recent date on it if two versions come up when you search the client’s name??? I Hate the idea of the old version not being kept as a distinct file, it feels so unnecessarily unintuitive, as the bitch who has to do a huge amount of the insurance claim casework around here and sometimes needs to fucking know that a client got new insurance and what the old plan’s coverage was like…)
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highladyluck · 5 months
Oh Facebook. What if, for once, you Did Not
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lrosewrites · 1 year
Grow! Grow! Grow!
or: notes from a work meeting
Cultivate your potential! (Don’t I have to plant it first?)
Always moving forward! (What about my roots?)
Bring positive changes! (How then will I maintain what is?)
Turn outward! (Please, I’m so tired.)
Practice empathy! (Have you ever contemplated soil depletion?)
Consider the bigger picture! (Be still. Look up. Do you see the curvature of the sky? Does the endless blue and starry black bring you peace? Where did you leave your heart? Is it dry? Are you constantly outrunning the rain? Do you ever stop and listen?)
Let it be. Let it be. Let it be.
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r2-d2-soon · 6 months
I've had a bad cold for a week. I took three days off last week and two days this week. I went back on my work laptop because none of the new support tickets were being answered and no one was dealing with my existing tickets. There is no backup in place if I'm sick. Tickets just do not get answered.
It really pisses me off how much my company says it's trying to scale but hasn't hired a new support person in three years, yet they continue to take on clients. We haven't been under 70 open tickets in 2023. I work with two fullstack developers and I rely on them to troubleshoot issues with our WordPress plug-in, but there are so many customized versions of the plug-in that they do not know how to fix the idiosyncratic issues clients have with the plug in. So they try but we fired the main developer of the plug in, so no one knows how it works.
Plus I have to train clients on using WordPress and our plug-in, and QA new websites (which was my job three years ago (developing new websites), which puts me further behind on solving tickets.
It's so frustrating and I do not have the headspace and clarity of mind to deal with it right now. I keep coughing up mucus and my nose is constantly running. I'm just so tired of it all. When I feel better I am going to work on my resume and then take classes on fullstack development so I can find employment elsewhere. No one wants to hire a full-time WordPress site manager.
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eats-the-stars · 11 months
other ppl love having extra hands on deck to help them out but i prefer to have the whole big machine floor just to me. me doing all the work. yes all the steps from picking to final packaging. sorry but i am picky about the way i do things and unless you do it just the way i like it will rub me wrong and if it is legit wrong i will have to redo it anyway.
#work venting#some of my coworkers are great#9/10 you can work the machine floor with me. your trays are lovely everything is centered colors all correct#but some coworkers...i can only tolerate garbage trays if i'm the one who made it#because it's one thing if i chose to do that to myself. but if someone else is like 'here i made this it's trash :) for you'#then....mmmm. don't like. if u make a garbage tray the rule is u should have to run it yourself#sometimes i just put one in the machine and instead of finessing it i just let it destroy the tray#and then i go 'oh no :( i will have to redo that now. so sad. so terrible to replace that with a good tray now'#also like to do the quality control and the prep to go#because some coworkers have clumsy hands and their detail work just destroys the final products#and then i have to redo them :)#so i think i will just do the cleaning touches okay? if i'm busy maybe at least let me do the ones that took a long time?#because if u burn the shit out of something that took me 27 minutes to make...i will not be happy#also do not like it when a coworker who doesn't normally do my role hits a slow bit and decides to 'help me out'#and then proceeds to fumble the shit out of my machines and just like...#clumsily pull 4 threads out of alignment while trying to re-thread a fifth line that did not need to be re-threaded#because the error message on the machine indicated a loose screw on the tray :)#or making me a tray....except everything is off-center and i have to redo it#or that time i couldn't figure out why a machine wasn't working#and it turns out they put a part in with the magnet facing out instead of in#and i don't usually check for that because i don't make that mistake. i simply do not#please just let me work the machine floor alone if u don't know what ur doing#if u are one of my rare coworkers who knows their shit and doesn't have bad habits like chronically making garbage trays to 'save resources'#then u can stay but ur on thin ice#i would rather be doing five jobs at once#than have to be doing constant damage control
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antacidsnake · 1 year
For the record (before I go to sleep) my store has implemented a new rule to turn the music up. All. The. Way. Up.
I know I have adhd I was officially diagnosed with it years ago, but the constant blaring of oldies at, and I kid you not, “party” levels makes me want to claw at my skin. So maybe a clearer sign that I may be autistic.
But I need someone to tell me why the ever loving FUCK
Do we have to have party music levels of sound in a goddamn shoe store frequented by the hard of hearing? I have tinnitus, the majority of our clientele are older folks who can barely hear me through my mask, so WHY do we turn our volume up all the way????
I’m pissed bc I got into an argument with the other manager bc JA refuses to be bothered by anything corporate decides. As a matter of fact, she refuses to even commiserate with people who are in pain and frustrated with stupid rules like fucking PARTY MUSIC VOLUME in a fucking shoe store.
I’m NEVER there when someone from corporate decides to make stupid decisions and none of my other managers with more time and experience will call them on it. They just let them fucking go with it as if everything is fine. I literally had to cross the entire store when Jennifer Anne was calling something out to me bc the music and the ringing in my ears was too much.
Normally when it’s bad I have to just cross half the store, but I had to stand beside her before I could even understand her… but no there’s no problem with the fucking volume.
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bunnymajo · 1 year
Patient comments that always take me out:
"Oh are these frames for kids?" *points to an adult line of frames but they have colors or a designs on them*
*is staring at a wall of neutral colored, square frames, branded things like "Nike" or "Harley Davidson"* "So are these women's frames?" ((listen, I know gender in clothes is an illusion but I still wonder how a grown man can look at a wall that was designed for him in mind and come to the conclusion "oh man I hope these aren't for girls"))
"Do you have anything larger?" *puts on a frame that takes up over half their face*
"You can get whatever you want!" *a child brings me the most expensive frame we have* "...Actually why don't we keep looking, look at these [cheaper] pairs instead! These are cute!"
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On one hand I want people to be confident in my work and my abilities
On the other hand I have mixed feelings on, when faced with the idea I might be wrong, people going "why are you questioning yourself, it's [specific topic I'm good at] you're probably right"
Like, yeah I'm great at math and am very good at holding on to numbers in my brain until I can write them down, but on the other hand when my final number is $35k off from two separate people's numbers that both came to the same amount, you should not ever default to "It's numbers and note-taking, Nina is right"
I mean yes I was right within the margin of error I cited ("I missed the cents mentioned in these two amounts but everything else is exact"), but god, don't have blind faith in me
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lovelylovelyartist · 2 years
Gona go fucking feral
Company is trying to deny me like 135 miles I've put on my personal vehicle driving between houses as part of my fucking job.
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Foster care guardians need more vetting and more consequences for not doing what they’re supposed to do.
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nightsky-edits · 2 years
I just had thee worst fucking day at work and its not even over :/
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fuzzy-melonlord · 8 days
When the company you work for promotes equity, and supporting people who use accommodations foe their mental disabilities, but then take away some of the accommodations that those same people use to self regulate.
Like they literally told us this week they wanted us to focus on equity and then they aren't doing that at all
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