beardedmrbean · 8 months
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nautical-poe · 8 months
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Wojtek the Polish War Bear for my Illustration class! Prompt: Historical Event
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I recently learned of Private Wojtek, a brown bear owned by the polish army during ww2, who entertained civillians and soldiers alike, and (supposedly) helped carry crates of ammunition during warfare. Some of the stuff I've read about the way he was kept sounds almost too good to be true, while other parts sound downright unhealthy (i.e. feeding him cigarettes). I wanted to hear if you think he was handled in accordance with proper animal husbandry
I mean. He rode in artillery trucks and was given cigarettes and beer. So I'm gonna go with probably not, lol.
One one hand, it's nice that the troops weren't willing to abandon the animal they'd purchased and hand-raised when they were deployed, and enlisting him to get rations for him is a pretty funny idea. But also like... yeah, don't take bears into war zones. (Article about him here) He did eventually retire to the Edinburgh Zoo.
Here's some various photos of him from around the internet: they're pretty incredible, even without modern sensibilities of animal welfare coming into play.
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The unit he was with even got a special emblem made for them in honor of Wojtek: a bear carrying an artillery shell.
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botslayer · 2 years
“You’re telling me one of your ancient military detachments had one of your most dangerous and powerful animals working on it? Not only that, but they regularly gave it cigars, beer, and coffee as ‘payment’ for working in your military, and NOT ONLY that, but also it was an artillery company so it never even saw the front lines or any enemy soldiers. And then they just sold him to a zoo and still fed him cigars when they visited?” “Yeah. Yeah that pretty much sums it up” Andnej shrugged. “... What the hell is wrong with you people?” Vorgrin’s eyes narrowed sideways. “What, you guys never had animals in your military?” “On flags, maybe.” The Pol let out a disinterested grunt and went back to his golabki.
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morbidology · 1 year
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In Iran in 1943, a group of Polish soldiers found and adopted an orphaned brown bear cub whose mother had been shot and killed by hunters. They gave him the name Wojtek, meaning “joyful warrior.” 
When Wojtek was first rescued, he had swallowing problems; the soldiers fed him with condensed milk and gradually marmalade, honey, syrup, and fruit. The soldiers would reward him with beer which quickly became his favourite. He also enjoyed stealing and eating cigarettes. Wotjek was taught to salute when he was greeted and his main hobby was wrestling with the soldiers and swimming.
Due to Wojtek being an animal, he was not allowed into theatres of operation, much to the dismay of the soldiers who raised him. They knew that they couldn’t give up on him - he had quickly became their boost to morale and their unofficial mascot. In a true testament to the quote “leave no man behind,” they enlisted him into the 22nd Artillery Transport Company of the 2nd Corps, and even gave him the rank of private meaning he had his own.
Wojtek lived with the other soldiers in their own tent and most notably, accompanied them in the Balle of Monte Cassino where he carried crates of ammunition. Following WWII, Wojtek , along with the rest of the 2nd Corps, were transported to Berwickshire, Scotland where, due to his popularity, Wojtek was awarded as an honorary member of the Polish-Scottish Association. After demobilization, Wotjek was sent to Edinburgh Zoo where he died at the age of 21, weighing 500 pounds, and standing over 6 feet. 
After his death, numerous memorials commemorating this extraordinary and loyal bear were erected worldwide.
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ameriko-steelie · 11 months
hi, could you create a backup for the creator wojtek's hairs? their content is currently hosted on a closed, abandoned blog and i fear it might get deleted. the blog is called "anulaa89". ty for what you do!
Hello, Anon! I went through the site via the Wayback Machine and was able to download most of the Sims 3 hairs! They're all conversions, touchups, and retextures of EA/Store hairs. Only 12 links didn't work, but you can find more EA hairs here and here (by Buckley). MEGA Folder Download Whew! That's a lot of files! The ones from the blog are in Polish. Many of the .RAR files (not all) have an additional, smaller-sized package file with the word "-powiązane" (linked in English) affixed to the end of its name. That means those are linked textures and require whatever expansion pack the hair was taken from to work properly; the file without "-linked" is standalone from the required packs. In addition, I found more files in English from around 2010-2011, but they're likely duplicates of the older hairs, and they do not come with pictures. Those can be found in the SimsCave-Other folder. There's also one Sims 2 file I randomly found on 4shared tossed into there. One of the missing files is an adult conversion of those messy child braids from Island Paradise, but another conversion of that can be found by JS Sims 3 here. ---- I'll use this section for an update: Right now I am currently sorting through the Lemon Leaf folder and tidying it up, as well as adding more items made by her on M&T Sims Cakestore. I also plan on making a JS Sims 3 and Jennisims folder.
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telogreika · 3 months
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22nd Artillery Supply Company
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pis3update · 9 months
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Simple Shirt for Simple Guys by Wojtek
"Good description here! Hello and welcome! This project is something nobody wanted but everyone wanted. I've been complaining about the lack of decent clothes for men. I'm talking about clothes stores in shopping malls, where 75% are women's clothes and roughly 25% are for men! It's not fair! I'm also concerned about the precarious situation in the sim world, where the situation is even worse. Men don't know what to wear, because most clothes they are offered by EA ale fugly as hell (that's why I don't download any CC clothing and use EA clothes all the time xD). I'm here to lend them a helping hand and have a simple, yet stylish shirt for them and I'm sure they'll love it. It's high quality, affordable and really comfortable. *Base Game compatible It's a simple, yet stylish shirt for men. It's too big for children and teenagers, so only young adults and adults can wear it. Why not elders? Hmm... not gonna answer that, but if you REALLY want to have an elder version, I have a suggestion for you: CIY (Convert It Yourself). In bookstores for 1 dollar. It's a modification of one of EA clothing item, but I won't tell you which one haha HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! If you guess, I'll tell your dog how awesome you are.
...continued on MTS"
More Info + Download @MTS.
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doctor-bodacious · 10 months
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francescosatanassi · 4 months
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A Forlì, lungo viale dell’Appennino, tra Ca’Ossi e San Martino in Strada, c’è ancora oggi un edificio noto come Villa Gesuita. Alla fine dell’800 il palazzo era stato acquistato dal tenore Angelo Masini, ai tempi già famoso e ricchissimo. Durante gli anni ’40, il custode della villa era Enea Barzanti che assieme alla moglie e alle figlie, Isotta e Ivana, vide diversi schieramenti occupare la villa: i tedeschi, i polacchi, i gurkha, di nuovo i polacchi e infine gli inglesi. Ivana, intervistata nel 2019, raccontò una cosa che molti hanno dimenticato: “Una mattina arrivarono i polacchi e montarono le tende nel cortile, con loro c’era un orso enorme che legarono a un albero con una catena.” Ma quell'orso non era un orso qualunque, il suo nome era Wojtek ed era a tutti gli effetti un soldato. Nel marzo del '43, mentre l’armata polacca si stava addestrando nel nord dell’Iraq per poi essere impiegata in Italia a fianco degli inglesi, due soldati incontrarono un ragazzo curdo che aveva con sé un cucciolo d’orso. Wojtek fu subito adottato dalla Compagnia diventando una specie di mascotte. I soldati gli insegnano la lotta e anche il saluto militare. Il giorno della partenza, però, ci si accorse che Wojtek non poteva salpare. Le regole di reclutamento britanniche erano chiare: soltanto i soldati potevano salire a bordo di una nave militare. Così, l’orso fu ufficialmente arruolato come soldato semplice e assegnato alla 22ª Compagnia Rifornimenti di Artiglieria. Alto ormai due metri e pesante 250 kg, Wojtek aiutò a trasportare le casse di munizioni durante diversi combattimenti, tra i quali la battaglia di Cassino, e per il suo coraggio fu promosso a caporale. Per celebrarlo, la 22° Compagnia adottò un distintivo che lo ritrae mentre trasporta un grosso proiettile. Lo stemma fu dipinto anche sui veicoli militari. Wojtek viveva con i suoi commilitoni, mangiava e dormiva con loro, masticava il tabacco e si dice amasse la birra. Assieme a lui, l’esercito polacco entrò a Predappio, a Forlì, a Brisighella e a Faenza. Dopo il conflitto, il 15 novembre 1947, il suo reparto fu smobilitato e Wojtek fu trasferito allo zoo di Edimburgo. Morì il 2 dicembre 1963, all’età di 21 anni.
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miss-galaxy-turtle · 9 months
What if the Shadowy Figures saw something about General Wojtek and cloned him without realizing he was a bear so there's a Clone High student that's just a literal bear
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Bonus if he's a batch 2 clone so the batch 1 clones are like WHAT THE FUCK and batch 2 is like "it's cool that's just Wojtek :)"
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beardedmrbean · 3 months
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pol-ski · 2 years
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thyofthee · 7 months
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> be bear
> be picked up by some cool polish dudes
> given unlimited beer and cigarettes
> taught-tricks-for-beer.png
> brought to battle
> your main owner leaves you to fight
> get pissed off and start bringing ammo over like you see men doing
> possibly be the single reason the battle goes in polish favor
Wojtek ❤️
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hnybnny · 2 months
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leaving edinburgh today!!! wish we got to stay longer but oh well, i got to meet a good friend (ILY @tmae3114) and explore! but. also importantly. i got to go to the memorial of a true hero— corporal wojtek my beloved 🫡
two wonderful older scottish ladies took the photo for me and one called me love it was soul healing
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morbidology · 2 years
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In Iran in 1943, a group of Polish soldiers found and adopted an orphaned brown bear cub whose mother had been shot and killed by hunters. 
They gave him the name Wojtek, meaning “joyful warrior.” When Wojtek was first rescued, he had swallowing problems; the soldiers fed him with condensed milk and gradually marmalade, honey, syrup, and fruit. The soldiers would reward him with beer which quickly became his favourite. He also enjoyed stealing and eating cigarettes. Wotjek was taught to salute when he was greeted and his main hobby was wrestling with the soldiers and swimming.
Due to Wojtek being an animal, he was not allowed into theatres of operation, much to the dismay of the soldiers who raised him. They knew that they couldn’t give up on him - he had quickly became their boost to morale and their unofficial mascot. 
In a true testament to the quote “leave no man behind,” they enlisted him into the 22nd Artillery Transport Company of the 2nd Corps, and even gave him the rank of private meaning he had his own.
Wojtek lived with the other soldiers in their own tent and most notably, accompanied them in the Balle of Monte Cassino where he carried crates of ammunition. Following WWII, Wojtek , along with the rest of the 2nd Corps, were transported to Berwickshire, Scotland where, due to his popularity, Wojtek was awarded as an honorary member of the Polish-Scottish Association. 
After demobilization, Wotjek was sent to Edinburgh Zoo where he died at the age of 21, weighing 500 pounds, and standing over 6 feet. After his death, numerous memorials commemorating this extraordinary and loyal bear were erected worldwide.
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