#wn trending as it should be
confusedspaceotter · 11 months
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Nature is healing.
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majaloveschris · 11 months
I live in the NYC area and recently received a local newsletter from my neighborhood showing outdoor summer movies in the local public park.
The reason I’m telling you this is bc something kind of interesting happened. One of the movies they were showing this summer is mrs Harris goes to paris.
In the neighborhood newsletter blurb discussing the movie, they mentioned Lesley manville (the star), AB, and then isabelle huppert.
No mention of Lucas Bravo, Jason isaacs, etc.
It was really bizarre to me bc AB being listed as second billing for a random local newsletter makes little sense to me as she was very clearly not the star or even second star. Lucas B technically should be bigger than her as he has a pivotal role in Emily in Paris which is still going on and hasn’t been canceled, and he was just in a romcom hit with George Clooney and Julia roberts last summer. He’s also a professional model and has been on runways and mag spreads this past year alone.
Ab had WN that got canceled and she didn’t even do any interviews for the second season. She has not been in any large endorsements or gotten any super prestigious roles since, but she did go public with a more famous actor.
If anyone is questioning if the PR is working…there’s your answer. Her name is getting out there and the search algorithm for her name is getting more and more out there as well.
Is any of this due to her own talent and success? (LOL)
Or is it more likely the huge PR boost given to her by someone else’s name?
I think the reason some ppl, esp team real, is doubtful about PR bc AB herself is not doing the legwork to put her name out there for more positive professional recognition. Her very actions/inactions seem to point to her hoping that the PR boost will do the work for her.
Many women who started dating more famous men usually had their own careers or would leverage the association to their professional benefit. Examples: Kaia gerber (mother is supermodel Cindy Crawford, boyfriend is Austin butler), Gigi hadid (already famous in her own right) and whatever her thing is with Leo DiCaprio, Hannah Davis (model) and Derek Jeter, Natalie V (works in the industry) and Henry Cavill. You’ll see most of these women have their own personas and social media and continue to do their own thing outside of being connected to famous men. Even if you feel they dated/married up or are opportunists as well, they still have their own thing going on. They didn’t just go into hiding so all ppl will ever think of is that they’re spending all their time following their man around.
By contrast, the dating rumors began for AB and she immediately pivots to “never being seen” unless it’s to let ppl speculate she’s with him.
She gives the vibes of a person who very much hopes the offers will fall into her lap bc she got her name attached to an A lister. She forgot that she is not marketable by herself and has no IT factor so ppl are still not checking for her. Being pretty on a basic level and attending one fashion show does not make you a star.
I know ATP the discussions on this have hit beyond the point of broken record. But I stand by it - she never wanted to work for fame. She wanted it handed to her, and still does. Her little friends JA and his sister also wanted to reap the benefits by association, and really believed all of their statuses would magically elevate due to their “association” with an A lister.
No wonder CE has spent this entire year mentioning the “industry” and what it makes you do. This was a hint, y’all.
This whole "relationship" definitely gets her name out there. WN was successful, but not enough to give her a name in HW or in America.
I think one of the other really good examples of how big of a boost it is for her can be seen on WN's number. So the official People article came out on November 10, 2022, exactly on the day the show's second season debuted. The first season had never been trending before that. Not when it came out, not when they announced the second season. However, after the announcement, not just the second but even the first season started trending, with the first season in 32 countries and the second season in 70. I've seen that a lot of people have said they only started watching the show because they wanted to see who the woman Chris is dating is. And I will also admit that back in, like, January 2022, I also checked the show because I was interested in who she is.
Obviously, I'm not saying those people didn't like WN or that they just watched two seasons because she is dating him. I'm pretty sure there were people who did it because of that, but I'm also pretty sure there were people who liked the show and the characters, but maybe they didn't even know about it before that. WN is not my cup of tea, but that doesn't mean it's a bad show. Not at all. But I think the fact that it started trending and that more people started to watch it has to do with their relationship. It has to do a lot, in my opinion.
A lot of Chris fans love them together, support them, and even defend her and their relationship. So yeah, the fact that her name is now connected to his helps her out big time.
It always bugged me that she never really promoted her work. I guess she did a little more when the second season of WN came out, but it wasn't anything special. She also seems reluctant to engage with her fans. They keep tagging her; they write sweet messages for her, but no reaction. Not even a thank-you or anything like that. They were trying so hard to save WN.
I just don't like her or her personality. I mean what we can see from it.
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booasaur · 1 year
As someone at 27 y/o bi leaning towards women.. who’s born in a country that doesn’t support lgbt rights and also in the closet because of homophobic dad/relatives, im honestly so upset by this. The only way I can live my truth is to live vicariously through the wlw media that I consume and it fuckin hurts. It’s heartbreaking that even just being who I am is impossible and the only way I can is being ripped away from me. I don’t know how much more I can take, especially during pride month
Oof, I get you, anon. When it's your only outlet to something that for others can manifest in so many life-changing ways, crushes, first kisses, dating, sex, marriage, children, it can be so stifling when even the one avenue you have is closed off. And however far away it's happening, it's a reminder of the same homophobia and restrictions you see right around you, so it feels even more hopeless, knowing that in places that are supposedly better off, there are still these major battles to be fought.
I don't know your exact situation, but here are some of the things that helped me come to terms with these same frustrations:
First, focus on individual people more than trends. That's tough to do, for sure, especially when, again, you see so much homophobia directly around you so it seems ubiquitous, but if you're particularly taking WN's case to heart, remember that as much as Netflix tried to shut it down, the cast and crew fought for it! For all these cancellations, there are people who made the original media in the first place and tried to keep it going. It's not hopeless, there's so much support and so many allies.
This next part might be hard to accept, and you know, maybe it's not what'll work for you, but for me, I really did have to learn to not get really deep into any one show or ship. When things are good, they're so good, it all sucks you in, you check the updates all the time, and maybe most importantly, there's this whole community you become a part of. But when you lose it, not if, because in f/f you will, even if things end well, there aren't enough people to keep it going, the more you've made it a part of your life, the more you feel that loss.
All fans should exercise moderation and keep things in perspective, but I'm speaking more to people like us, who don't have anything in real life to balance out what we experience through media.
I answered this ask a little late because I did get sucked up into other shows airing right now that have f/f and that doesn't negate the core issue, this will be the final season for most of them, if not all, but there's still something to get into, even just in f/f media. Perhaps you may prefer lesfic, or the f/f Youtube/Tiktok scene, or webseries.
It's also worth getting into non-media hobbies. Or, you know, at least consuming non-f/f media. I remember being angry at seeing the m/f couples in pretty much everything else while we couldn't have anything, so I just didn't watch anything at all and instead just did those elaborate adult paint by numbers and listened to comedy podcasts. And once I did feel more in the mood to watch stuff again, it was goofy sitcoms and old school murder mysteries, where it wasn't really like, oh, I wish this had more of us. :P
Lastly, it really does sting at you if you feel isolated and alone even from your own family, so try to see if there are other ways you can connect with them. Otherwise it just adds to your negative feelings to resent and fear them.
None of this may work for you, there are so many other possibilities, moving away, coming out, getting involved with LGBT organizations near you or just meeting other queer people, but I'm sure you've already considered those options and they're not currently doing enough for you. But I would at least give some of this a shot, try some distance at first, and hopefully it'll start to feel better. It really doesn't help that we're globally going through a pretty rough time, but just focus on feeling better yourself.
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“The WN fans are at it again, buying trending time on Twitter.”
It’s another bot trend, most of them have been. I just wonder whose buying them. My guess is the show runners making it trend around times when they’re pitching a return to other networks/streaming services.
Except there's no way for them to pitch it to other networks or streaming services. Netflix has lockout clauses which mean nothing they cancel can be picked up by another studio for three years.
It's completely dead in the water and people should save their money.
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cqlfeels · 3 years
From the novel (and even the donghua) i understood that the demonic cultivation really altered Wei Wuxian's mind and screwed him. So it really harms. And because of it, i don't understand why Wei Wuxian in his second life keeps continuing to use it (though when he's forced to save others). I mean, if I was him, I would have a severe trauma because of that power that costs my sister's life, I would never use that fucking flute, ever again. Or at least I would have great fear before using it. Maybe I'm overestimating Wei Wuxian's trauma?
I don't think you're overestimating his trauma, I think you might be overestimating how comfortable he is with demonic cultivation in his second life. (Though with the character limit of an ask it's hard to tell 🤷‍♀️)
Let me take a detour for a moment. WWX before JFM takes him in. By all rights, he should be horribly traumatized, but except for his dog phobia (and a few lingering habits like his thing with food), he seems to have either consciously or subconsciously forgotten most of it by the time we meet him as a teenager. He's always going on about how his memory sucks, but he seems to mostly forget memories formed under horrible circumstances, or else memories that hurt him somehow - either because they're really bad memories or because they're things he can't have again (his parents, most notably, but I'd argue he seems to attempt to forget in his second life that JC was his brother.) That's not to say that every time WWX forgets something it's actually a trauma response! It's just that he seems to have leveraged his genuinely poor memory to come up with a coping mechanism for things he doesn't quite know how to process. What he can't remember, he can't dwell on - it can't hurt him.
In his first life (especially in the novel), WWX flaunted his Yiling Laozu prowess, just to show off (maybe a bit like an animal that tries to make itself bigger to fend off predators, but I digress.) Even though he of course can't do that as MXY, he still could undoubtedly solve problems much faster if he went full on demonic cultivation genius. Again and again, we see him rely on LWJ, WN and even the juniors (!!) to handle things for him. He's hardly hiding behind them for protection - he's involved in strategizing, in managing the situation, sometimes even in being human bait - but it's rare to see him actually do the fighting. It's usually only when it's clear that things won't end well if he doesn't use his skills OR if there's a skill only he has (Empathy, most noticeably) that he actually uses his powers. (I'm sure there are exceptions. I'm speaking of trends, or at least trends as I perceive them - other people might disagree.)
And the thing is, I think he very pointedly Does Not Think about the immense trigger this is to him. He focuses on doing what has to be done and then moving on asap, no time to dwell on any complicated feelings he might have. WWX has always been the person to do what has to be done without thinking about how that affects him, and I think that's an extension of that. Sometimes he needs to trigger his PTSD, what's he gonna do about it, whine that it's unfair? Nah. He'll give his core to JC because he was never supposed to be part of this family and that's an okay price to pay. What price is fair enough to get a second chance to live? Standing by and letting people get hurt when he can fix things is certainly not an okay way to spend his second life! He may not go out of his way to find people who need help, but if someone needs help right in front of him, when has WWX ever been able to say no?
All of this is to say that I'm pretty sure that he's not delighted to be able to use demonic cultivation again, but I think if asked, he'd say he has no choice but using it sometimes....... and therefore this particular trauma goes into the same box he puts all his other traumas, labeled "To be dealt with: NEVER" 🤷‍♀️
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crossdressingdeath · 3 years
Okay so modern AUs are not my thing but I'll read some occasionally if they interest me enough. One trend I've noticed is that the rift between JC and WWX is because WWX finally hit his limit with the Jiangs abuse, ran away, and fell out of contact and JC holds a grudge over that. It's annoying but I've learned to overlook a lot in my years reading fanfic. However, I just read a fic last night where this happened and whilst JC only appeared once and mentioned twice, the rift made me even more incensed because... WWX apparently tried to commit suicide. Even after he ran away he still tried to commit suicide cause he was so fucked up from the Jiangs. The only reason he lived was because WN found him in time. It sounded like JC didn't know but if my parents abuse was so bad towards my stepbro that he ran away, even if I DIDNT know about the suicide attempt, I wouldn't be angry at him at all. Worried, but not angry.
WQ did end up saying to WWX that, yeah he hurt his siblings, but not before WWX himself was hurt 6 times over. It was a good fic overall, but I REALLY need a fic where someone tells WWX that he shouldn't feel guilty for doing what he needed to survive (and also tell JC off to his face).
What fic is this? Because it sounds like the author does not agree with the “WWX should just accept his mistreatment for JC’s sake” bullshit that seems so common in modern AUs, which is always good. And yeah, this thing that keeps showing up where the author of a fic acts like WWX should feel guilty for doing what was best for his own mental health and JC being angry at him for leaving instead of at YZY for driving him off is justified and reasonable is horrible and needs to stop. If I ever write a modern AU I am definitely going to include a bit where JC tries to make WWX feel guilty about leaving and everyone else shuts him right the fuck down and makes sure WWX understands that he did what he had to and if JC doesn’t accept that that is on him. “You were hurt first and more” is a step in the right direction and leagues better than what I usually see in modern AUs, but it should really be “If they’re hurt by you not sacrificing your mental health so that they don’t have to think about their mother’s treatment of you that says a hell of a lot more about them than it does about you”. No one is under any obligation to give up on ever being happy so those around them won’t have to consider how their own family is treating this person they supposedly love, and if anyone expects that or gets upset that you won’t do it then the best thing to do is cut them out of your life until they learn better, because that is not a reasonable thing to expect.
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takerfoxx · 4 years
Magia Record, Season 1, Episode 3, First Impressions!
All right, things look to be coming together. Still waiting on a hook though.
Okay, so I gave the last episode some grief for taking what was intended to be an extended quest in the game and squeezing it into like five minutes, but fortunately the actual fight against the Chain Witch is much better paced.
If there is one thing I have absolutely no complaint about in this show, it’s the witches. Apparently they got the original witch designer/director back, and they’re just going hog wild, it’s awesome.
I also note with amusement how in WN, one of Mami!Candeloro’s flashbacks involved her destroying a witch in much the same fashion as that bell.
I liked how the whole Rena thing played out, in that she kinda had to admit that she was sort of a terrible person in order to get the witch to appear instead of her doing some sort of lame redemption change or whatever. Though I don’t know if it’s a matter of something cultural not translating well or the subbers got something wrong, but I was very confused about her telling Kaede to become her servant. Like...huh? That had nothing to do with their conversation!
I also dug how she turns to Momoko whenever she’s upset. Girl’s got issues.
Also, we get to see more of the magical girl hospital, including the coordinator Mimata, whom I gather was kind of the shopkeeper in the original game. And her methods of helping girls out are...well, that gasp didn’t come from nowhere, okay? Anyway, I got the same vibes off of her that I got off Mami the first time I saw the OG show, in that I had a sneaking suspicion that she was evil. However, given how that turned out, it’s probably nothing.
Also, Yachiyo's basically Homura if Homura didn’t gaf about Madoka. 
Speaking of characters, I took a look over at the wiki, and holy shit there is a lot of them. Hope they don’t try to cram everyone in, because sweet Jesus that would be crowded.
Anyway, onto the plot! Still no Ui, but apparently a couple of her friends are still bumping around, including one who is both a genius and a total brat and another that breaks up their friendship often when she goes too far. Starting to see a trend here. Not much more to say on that, except for that the train scene made me suspect that they were having trouble adapting the game to the show and decided to use trippy animation as something of a distraction. Eh, well, I like trippy animation, so I’m down.
Also, lol at the baby Kyubey showing up just enough to say what’s up and then fuck off. Like, bye bitch!
He’s behind everything, isn’t he?
Anyway, while I’m still with this, I am hoping that something happens to really hook me in. Like, the plot’s fine, the characters are fine, but it has yet to really dig into that deep, psychological slant that the original show was known for. Still, it is only the third episode, so let’s see what happens.
And speaking of the original show, who should show up after the credits! Look, I know it’s the cheapest of cheap pops, but I was thrilled to see Mami again. And Kyubey just straight up knocked himself out to make a point! So, whatever baby Kyubey is up to, it has nothing to do with the rest of the Kyubey collective.
Oh, please bring the rest of the squad. Mami, go and get your girls!
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siamahajan · 2 years
Business Management Advisory Market 2021 Size, Share Industry Trends, Growth, Development Status, Future Plans Analysis by 2028
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Market Research Inc latest study, titled “Global Business Management Advisory Market” report to help readers accurately estimate the global market growth rate over the forecast period (2021-2028). Our research team has methodically performed quantitative and qualitative assessments of the Business Management Advisory market dynamics, considering a slew of features, including market penetration, portfolios, end-user industries, pricing structure and the key drivers, restraints, opportunities and challenges mostly affecting Business Management Advisory market growth.
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Global competitors such as Business Management Advisory are also highlighted in the study in order to get a stronger and effective outlook of the competition at domestic as well as global regions. The report further also offers comprehensive information based on primary and secondary research techniques to examine the data accurately. The report also covers a detailed analysis on current COVID-19 pandemic conditions and its future impacts on the growth of overall market.
Top Key Players in This Market: Deloitte, L.E.K. Consulting, A.T. Kearney, Bain & Company, Boston Consulting Group The Hackett Group, KPMG, Forbes, LTI, Arvato, Swiss Post Solutions, Mphasis, WNS, EXL, Capgemini
Additionally, the report also provides a detailed description of current market attributes such as manufacturing base, raw material, technical advancements, demanding trends, marketing channels, and business models. With the help of facts and figures of import and exports, local consumption, buyers, sellers and distributors better market insights into the businesses are provided, which is one of the many distinctive features of the report.
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Financial Advisory
Technology Advisory
Strategy Advisory
HR Advisory
Shariah Advisory
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Financial Services
Health Services
Media, Tech and Telecommunications
Energy and Utilities
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karthickw9 · 3 years
Modernizing the Actuarial Outsourcing Operating Model
The role of actuarial services is essential to the various crucial aspects of insurers’ operations, reserving, underwriting, pricing, reinsurance, and risk & capital, bestowing opportunities to add value to an insurance firm’s functioning or the broader business while still also fulfilling the governing requirements. Worldwide, for many years, insurers are taking the help of actuarial insurance services and assigning work to third-party service providers or captive units. 
Over the past few years, there has been rekindled interest in actuarial outsourcing, with a growing number of insurers either establishing new outsourcing units or developing their existing ones.
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This movement is particularly valid for life insurance firms that are under immense pressure to lower costs, principally in the face of challenging regulatory fluctuations. To unearth trends associated with actuarial services in the insurance industry, consultants are conducting surveys of outsourcing units of insurers with international operations. While the results of the surveys endorse some widespread notions, they also reveal some emerging trends.
Not all Actuarial Work is Genuinely Actuarial
Actuarial firms have been unaffected by cost pressures due to the intricate nature of the work of their employees. However, it is quite clear now that not all actuarial work is really actuarial and some tasks such as data manipulation must be transferred, automated, or shared with other units. 
This is making top executives of companies reconsider what an actuarial division should look like, how it should function, and what the outlay should be. Gradually, the actuarial unit must be able to: 
Offer more value-add with fewer headcount. 
Plan and implement a governance structure for actuarial assumptions, processes, and methodologies to deliver visible audit trails and give assurance to regulators, external audiences, and management.
Produce more awareness and foresight, less hindsight, and data management. 
Handle increasingly intricate actuarial models that necessitate complex calculations for budgeting, planning, pricing, forecasting, product development, financial reporting, and asset-liability management.
Find innovative ways of getting things done by developing new, tech-aided processes to achieve functioning tasks and fulfil planned objectives. 
Prepare and purposefully invest in next-gen tech that is more customizable, automated, and flexible. This will involve investments and groundwork in technical infrastructure, clean liability and asset data, and well-regulated assumptions and models. 
Generate more advanced analysis that links past performance to forward-looking estimates and offers a drivers-based viewpoint of variations. 
Offer financial reports swiftly and correctly and be able to describe qualitatively and quantitatively outcomes and drivers, accounting base differences, and anticipations.
Connect and combine with associated functions to alleviate the risk of     talent gaps and support appropriate leadership from the actuarial     function.
Modernizing the Model 
Actuarial modernization can help insurers evaluate and change systems, people, and processes in both decentralized and centralized operating models. When conceived and executed hand-in-hand with top executives and other key company functions, especially IT and finance, actuarial modernization can enhance the general value of the function as a vital contributor to strategic financial and business decision making. Actuarial modernization comprises several components that when employed in concert, can push robust efficiencies across the firm. To modernize the actuarial operating model holistically, businesses must understand the conventional and modern views of these seven operational modules and the methods by which they interact- people & talent, governance, process, service delivery, technology, data, and policies & procedures.
Conventionally, actuaries have played a role of stewardship, one centered on making financial statements for the purpose of compliance. Today, however, senior executives consider company actuaries to be more strategic and proactive. By adopting a new, tech-powered operating model that liberates them from the limitations of business as usual, outsourced actuaries can offer valuable insights more swiftly and economically, develop their skill sets, and become facilitators for strategic change.
For more information: WNS Global Services
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curutquit · 3 years
Bhajiyas. Fennel seeds Salt to taste Water Oil for frying Method:- Kanda Bhajiya:- - In a bowl, mix the batter ingredients and sliced onion without water and fry in oil until crisp and golden brown. Bhajiyas or bajjis are deep fried veg in a batter of gram flour, salt, chilli powder and baking powder. Bhajiyas are a popular snack in Kenya.
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Bhajiyas with a hot cup of tea is an excellent combination. Today we will make Dungri Na Bhajiya Gujarati style. Bhajiya is the quintessential Indian snack, a centrepiece of our menu options.
Hey everyone, it is Drew, welcome to my recipe page. Today, we're going to prepare a special dish, bhajiyas. One of my favorites. For mine, I will make it a little bit unique. This is gonna smell and look delicious.
Bhajiyas is one of the most well liked of current trending foods on earth. It is simple, it is quick, it tastes delicious. It is appreciated by millions every day. They are nice and they look wonderful. Bhajiyas is something which I've loved my whole life.
Fennel seeds Salt to taste Water Oil for frying Method:- Kanda Bhajiya:- - In a bowl, mix the batter ingredients and sliced onion without water and fry in oil until crisp and golden brown. Bhajiyas or bajjis are deep fried veg in a batter of gram flour, salt, chilli powder and baking powder. Bhajiyas are a popular snack in Kenya.
To get started with this recipe, we have to prepare a few components. You can have bhajiyas using 15 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook it.
The ingredients needed to make Bhajiyas:
{Make ready of Vegetables.
{Take 1 of Thin Sliced potatoes Half boiled.
{Prepare 1 of Thin sliced onions.
{Make ready 50 Gm of Kand/Kumara Half Boiled cut in slices.
{Get 1 of small sliced capcicum.
{Prepare of Gram Flour Batter.
{Make ready 100 gm of gram flour.
{Take of Salt as per taste.
{Prepare 1 Tsp of Red chilli powder.
{Make ready 1 Tsp of crushed coriander seeds/Dhanya.
{Make ready 1 Tsp of Peppercon crushed/Kala mari.
{Get 1 Tsp of Cooking soda.
{Prepare 1 Tsp of carroms seeds/Ajwain.
{Get 1 Tbsp of oil.
{Make ready of Water as required for smooth batter.
Bhajiya is the quintessential Indian snack, a centerpiece of our menu options. With a mission to help customers switch eating habits from red to green, we are an Indian inspired vegan/vegetarian. Aloo Bhajiyas is a delicious Indian recipe served as a Side-Dish. Find the complete instructions on Bawarchi.
Steps to make Bhajiyas:
Mix gram flour, salt, chilli powder, carom seeds, crushed coriander seeds, crushed black pepper, cooking soda, oil and water and mix well to smooth batter. It should be of medium consistency.
Dip veggies into gram flour batter, coat evenly and deep fry..
Peel the potatoes and cut them into thin round slices. bhajiya recipe, pakoda recipe, besan ka pakoda, pyaj ke pakode, besan pyaj ke bhjajiye, how to make pakoda Here, We are presenting the Biggest Pakoda of India, In Gujarat they call it Bhajiya and in. Bhajiya on WN Network delivers the latest Videos and Editable pages for News & Events, including Entertainment, Music, Sports, Science and more, Sign up and share your playlists. Chinese Corn Bhajiya (fritters) is a delicious Indian-Chinese fusion dish. Bhajiya Pav Recipe, Learn how to make Bhajiya Pav (absolutely delicious recipe of Bhajiya Pav ingredients and cooking method) A street food you can find at every corner in Delhi or Mumbai. bhajiya recipe, pakoda recipe, besan ka pakoda, pyaj ke pakode, besan pyaj ke bhjajiye, how to How To Make Methi Bhajiya How to make methi ke pakode India Nasta winter's Recipes monsoon Special. Find bhajiya stock images in HD and millions of other royalty-free stock photos, illustrations and vectors in the Shutterstock collection.
So that's going to wrap this up for this special food bhajiyas recipe. Thank you very much for reading. I'm sure you will make this at home. There's gonna be more interesting food in home recipes coming up. Don't forget to save this page on your browser, and share it to your family, colleague and friends. Thank you for reading. Go on get cooking!
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alexventimilla · 4 years
Bat Subjectivity, Viral Contagions, and Zoonotic Poiesis
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Consider the bat. Admittedly, to write or speak about them is challenging given the diversity of the group. Chiroptera, as the group is known, is an assemblage consisting of over 1,200 varieties worldwide, about 20% of all recognized mammal species. This makes them the second most numerous order in Mammalia, and the only one capable of powered flight. Their kinship and locomotion may be the only two well-known characteristics universal to all bat-kind, although I wager the implications and mechanics involved are seldom entertained. Instead, popular knowledge about bats centers around several factoids. Some have no semblance of truth, such as myths about them being blind and/or commonly getting caught in people’s hair. Others are partially correct, or not ubiquitous. For instance, representations of large chiropteran congregations fluttering in dark caves are informed by hundreds of nocturnal, gregarious species that roost in subterranean habitats. Humans profit from the literal and figurative breathtaking attributes of these species by employing their pungent guano as a crop fertilizer and occasionally consuming the astounding aesthetics of their swarms as entertainment. Yet, several species lead solitary lives while a few others are diurnal. Bats also inhabit a far wider array of habitats than those depicted in the media, from the underside of tropical foliage to damp copulas in European churches. Further, we benefit from their trophic relations in ways beyond the industrial harvesting and application of their droppings, as bat lineages occupying different ecosystemic niches play crucial roles in pollination, seed dispersal, and pest control.
It may be more productive to explore how poorly we understand bats, there is much we have yet to learn. Take their use of echolocation, another bat behavioral trait widely represented in human culture and widespread, though not universal, among Chiroptera. Unlike their flight, the mechanism involved in bats’ ability to navigate their environment through sound waves is roughly understood by large swaths of the human population, particularly children, but also those familiar with the technological devices that mimic it: sonars and radars. Yet, these are little more than militarized, commodified allegories. In “What is it Like to Be a Bat?”, Thomas Nagel eloquently illustrates how this form of perception “is not similar in its operation to any sense that we possess” (438). For while we can achieve a schematic conception of what echolocation is like, ascribing general types of experience based on the animal’s structure and behavior, these experiences are also endowed with a specific subjective character “beyond our ability to conceive” (439). To imagine what it is like to be a bat is, therefore, an exercise that requires the visualization (echolocation?) of a wholly unfamiliar experience, a breaking with the known and knowable.
Those who dedicate their efforts to the study and understanding of bats are used to working with the unknown. The evolutionary origin of their echolocation is, after all, one of several aspects of bat ontology buried beyond Western epistemological methods by the dunes of geological time. The lightweight skeleton required to achieve vertebrate flight reduces the likelihood of fossilization. To be sure, a few fossil prehistoric bats have been preserved, though these are fully-formed bats, already capable of flight and possibly even echolocation, meaning the details of how these traits arose in their ancestors remains little more than informed speculation. Historically, the same was true for another puzzling characteristic present in certain Chiropterans, namely, their being reservoirs for an inordinate diversity of pathogenic viruses. Zoonoses are common and contact with many kinds of animals may result in disease. But it has long been suspected that bat-to-human contagions are responsible for notably dangerous viral breakouts including rabies, Marburg, Ebola, and most recently, the novel strain of coronavirus responsible for the unfolding Covid-19 pandemic.
Much has been written about the origins of Covid-19, even excluding conspiracy theories. The current scientific consensus is that the responsible pathogen shows strong genetic affinities with coronavirus strains found in Horseshoe Bats of the genus Rhinolophous (Benvenuto et al 458). One of these viruses, the theory goes, must have mutated in a way that allowed it to jump species and infect human hosts, probably via an intermediate host, possibly the Sunda Pangolin, though there is no way to be sure (Liu et al 979). What is certain is that this contagion catalyzed a chain of unprecedented, unpredictable events. It is worth dwelling on that thought. A molecular mutation in the genome of a bat-borne coronavirus sparked a global affair currently affecting billions of human and nonhuman lives.
Contagions can certainly be detrimental to Human and Chiropteran communities. In recent years, a Eurasian fungal infection known as White-Nose Syndrome has decimated North American bat populations (Drees et al). WNS also alerted scientists to the threat posed by opportunistic pathogens capitalizing on global transportation networks to spread across otherwise insurmountable geographical barriers and infect new, vulnerable host species. Similarly, their potential to wreak havoc among human populations and their natural-cultural environments is documented in historical accounts of the Great Dying, the Black Death, and the Spanish Flu, disease outbreaks that played a critical role in the shaping of the world we know. Those seeking to contextualize and predict the human suffering Covid-19 could potentially unleash often look to these chronicles and their focus on spectacular catastrophe. But as Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari write in A Thousand Plateaus, viral contagions can be thought of as aparallel evolution, interkingdoms that cause us to form a rhizome with other animals through traversal communications of genetic material and capable of potentializing new, unheard-of becomings (10). “We evolve and die more from our polymorphous and rhizomatic flus than from hereditary diseases”, they write (my emphasis 11).
Let us focus and expand on the former of the two processes. For while the human tragedy inherent to the latter must not be forgotten, neither should the natural and cultural permutations catalyzed by these pathogens. For example, Tom James associates the fall of feudalism to the worst pandemic in history (“Black Death”). This rhizome extends from European demands for East Asian species-commodities like tea (herbs) and silk (caterpillars) to reservoirs of the bacterium of Yersinia pestis in rat-riding fleas aboard seafaring rats and back to the ensuing shortfall of European peasant labor these caused. The plague’s environmental impact is less known, though it is possible the reforestation of abandoned areas triggered a global cooling trend (Ravilious). Viral contagions have made their mark too. Andrew Pierce-Smith argues that the Spanish flu “may have prevented a German victory” in World War I, as morbidity and mortality were higher in the Central Powers than among Allied combatants (78). Similarly, historian Nancy Bristow contends the contagion was an opportunity for the first generation of college-educated women, nurses in particular, many of whom later wrote about “the pride they felt in doing their duty” (122).
Pathogens’ potential to disrupt systems of power has not gone unnoticed by contemporary theorists. Anthropologist Elizabeth Povinelli identifies the Virus as one of three prominent figures in her theorization of geontology, “a set of discourses, affects, and tactics used in late liberalism to maintain or shape the coming relationship of the distinction between Life and Nonlife” (4). Povinelli considers this distinction to be vital to Capital’s demand that not all modes of existence are the same from the viewpoint of value extraction (20). In her view, the figure of the Virus provides a glimpse of the persistent, errant potential radicalization of Capital’s subjects of extraction: a sign that stands for all that which seeks to disrupt the current arrangements of Life and Nonlife (18-9). As the anthropologist points out, viruses are neither defined nor contained by this life-nonlife division, for despite their genetic composition they cannot self-replicate. Thus, Povinelli includes bat-born Ebola and other zoonotic viruses within her geontological figure. But she also includes radical Environmentalists, Islamists extremists, and any “active antagonistic agent built out of the collective assemblage that is late liberal geontopower” and its capitalist extraction systems (19).
The intense abjection and attacks Virus figures are subjected to by geontological regimes lead Povinelli to doubt their viability to function as the radical exit from geontopower they appear to be at first glance. Further, she understands Capital as capable of creating profitable industries from these antagonistic agents “with the right innovative angle” (20). Certainly, capitalism has managed to turn a profit on literal batshit in the past, while the billion-dollar revenues posted by the pharmaceutical industry in countries like the United States are directly derived from the emergence of new pathogenic contagions. On a similar note, Andreas Malm delineates the recurrent waves of innovative fossil technologies through which geontological Capital has overcome prior crises (21). And while the Virus does not figure in Malm’s conceptualization of fossil development, he entertains the possibility that climate change, one of Povinelli’s antagonistic agents, may disrupt Capital’s wave pattern of innovation (34). As Leigh Johnson shows, however, the financialization of fossil fuels, via oil futures contracts, has allowed this industry to turn hurricanes into “quasi-commodities with tradable potential”, effectively allowing Capital to profit from climatological disarray (208).
This brings us back to Covid-19 and its original chiropteran host. For while it lacks the calamitous aesthetics of meteorological phenomena, this contagion can and must be understood as part of the viral assemblage of anthropogenic climate change, the product of the geontological practices of capitalist extraction. In its hierarchization of existence, between life/nonlife, valuable/invaluable, and profitable/unprofitable, geontological regimes perceive populations only in terms of their extractable worth. Thus, the harvesting of desirable (wild)life, as well as the destruction of habitats for resource extraction are inextricably tied. Both are driven by Capita value extraction, perceiving little else. The disregard for other ontologies was such that even the repeated warnings from virologists concerned with the growing number of precarious populations in zones of contact with exotic zoonotic were ignored. Then a coronavirus aboard a Horseshoe Bat jumps to a Sunda Pangolin whose scales, coveted by Chinese traditional medicine, saw it coaxed to a Wuhanese wet market. There it mutates again, and in a matter of weeks, Covid-19’s poiesis produces a pandemic that bleeds capitalist geontopowers’ oil.
What happens now remains to be seen. Already, an increasing number of voices call for a return to the ordinary. The industries and services erected and dependent upon geontological extraction, they say, are too large to fail, their Capital flow is vital to too many people, “the cure cannot be worse than the disease”. But must there be a cure? Let us consider the bat once more. Although rabies and a few other bat viromes do cause disease in their hosts, the vast majority do not. Calisher et al theorize this apparent immunity is symbiogenetic, a coevolutionary becoming galvanized by chiropteran characteristics that make them ideal viral hosts, namely, their unusually long lifespans, aerial travel, communal habits, and metabolic modulation (536). It strikes me that not only are the first three characteristics also present in humans but that the Covid-19 crisis has forced us to do the fourth. And for many, the preventive imposition of economic hibernation has been a welcome respite from highly regulated everyday routines that demand their perpetual production and consumption.
It is too early to tell if and when the global economy will return to pre-pandemic activity levels. We know too little about the virus and the damage it has done. But perhaps instead of searching for a cure, that is, mechanisms by which the regimes that elicited the infection through reckless extractive logic can continue to operate unchecked, we should search for ways to become symbiotic with the virus and evolve, like bats. I am not suggesting that everyone should contract Covid-19, nor that this will somehow overthrow geontological regimes and Capital’s industrial economies. And to be clear, activities must resume; bats that fail to wake from hibernation die. What I am suggesting is that the onset of this zoonotic pandemic is a kind of global poiesis, the processual emergence of something new and an unimaginable break from the steamrolling Anthropocene-Capitalocene. It is an opportunity if one that is also a tragedy that has resulted in the unnecessary death of hundreds of thousands of people.
We may never be able to echolocate and hibernate. But we are in a unique instant in which we may envision how things may be otherwise, dream of new ways to perceive and relate to other ontologies, and consider the assimilation of self-regulatory practices compelled by chiropteran contagions. But if we wish to truly transform nothing must be imposed. This evolution must be viral. It can only catch on.
Originally published as a blog post for the Environmental Humanities Centre, Amsterdam; https://environmentalhumanitiescenter.com/2020/05/04/bat-subjectivity-viral-contagions-and-zoonotic-poiesis/
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majaloveschris · 1 year
The WN director using Chris to create gossip is so cringey
Another anon:
I wish they’d stop trying to look to Chris to save that show. It’s somehow got a second season, and it only got ratings this time around this high because of her connection with Chris and people trying to find out who she really is. If your main character couldn’t be bothered to show she actually gaf about the show, by simply not doing her job and promoting and interviewing like the rest of the cast, then it’s gonna tell some people she simply doesn’t care and she’s not fighting the good fight. I mean you don’t really see her putting up the #SaveWarriorNun on her twt. Let it go. Chris did his part and he’s been minding his own business (and actually working) ever since.
Agree! I get that they want to save the show and that this whole PR thing mainly happened to achieve that. I understand that he is trying to get it renewed, but at this point they should realize how embarrassing this whole thing is. He should've told Alba this enthusiastically to promote her own show. I always say that I'm not stating that this show wouldn't have been successful without Chris, but let's be honest: the fact that both the first and second seasons were trending, as well as the number of followers she's gained, were all due to him. They want to milk the shit out of this PR. Try to save your show, but do it with those who were involved in it. Chris's fans won't save Warrior Nun, that's for sure. He did his part, but the fact that it didn't get a new season is not his fault. They can use CA or any other Chris gif; it won't help, but it will only show how desperate and attention-seeking they are.
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Knowledge Process Outsourcing Market 2020 Global Industry Size, Development, Trends and Forecast to 2027
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Knowledge Process Outsourcing Market: Introduction
Knowledge process outsourcing (KPO) is the process of outsourcing knowledge intensive activities that are data driven and encompass the process of analyzing, gathering, managing, and delivering objective insights into businesses. The KPO business includes the preparation of tax returns, accounts, computer aided simulation, financial services, and engineering design and development, among others.
KPO means information related knowledge-based processes or business tasks such as consultancy, research, analysis, or other high-level tasks, which are outsourced. These tasks are allocated to the subsidiary of the same organization or done by another company.
Moreover, knowledge process outsourcing is a continuation of business process outsourcing.  Various services that are being outsourced are data management, search and analytics, contract research and biotech, animation and gaming services, remote education and publishing, banking, securities and insurance, market research and competitive intelligence, and scientific and medical content publishing among others.
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Global Knowledge Process Outsourcing Market: DynamicsGlobal Knowledge Process Outsourcing Market: Key Drivers and Restraints
Technological advancements in the engineering sector is resulting in high demand for outsourcing the designing part of the components. This in turn is expected to drive the growth of the knowledge process outsourcing market.
Increasing competition in businesses has resulted in a smaller cycle time for introducing services and products, which is one of the major factors boosting the knowledge process outsourcing market.
Rising new business concerns across the globe is expected to fuel the knowledge process outsourcing market.
Growing number of delivery centers worldwide, in order to fulfill the demands of clients is expected to drive the knowledge process outsourcing market.
Asia Pacific to Account for Major Share of the Global Knowledge Process Outsourcing Market
In terms of region, the global knowledge process outsourcing market can be divided into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa, and South America.
The knowledge process outsourcing market in North America is anticipated to expand at a rapid pace over the forecast period, due to rising activities related to IT offshoring/outsourcing.  This is an incentive for the growth of the knowledge process outsourcing market in the region.
The knowledge process outsourcing market in Asia Pacific is expected to hold significant share due to rising customer demand for high-quality services, which in turn is forcing enterprises to adopt systems and business models that not only provide strategic value to their products and services, but also enhance operational efficiency. This is set to accelerate the growth of the KPO market in the APAC region. India is one of the major countries driving the growth of the KPO market, as India leads in KPO services.
South America is expected to observe the fastest growth in the global KPO market due to the increasing emphasis on research and analysis of data by many large and medium firms in the region.
Global Knowledge Process Outsourcing Market: Competitive LandscapeKey Players Operating in the Global Knowledge Process Outsourcing Market
Local, regional, and international players are present in the knowledge process outsourcing market. The global knowledge process outsourcing market is highly consolidated, with top manufacturers accounting for approximately 25%–30% of the market share. Key players operating in the global knowledge process outsourcing market are:
IBM Corporation
Texas Instruments Incorporated.
Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company
WNS (Holdings) Ltd.
Tata Consultancy Services Limited.
Oracle Corporation
McKinsey & Company
Wipro Limited
Global Knowledge Process Outsourcing Market: Research ScopeGlobal Knowledge Process Outsourcing Market Segmentation, by Service
Analytics & Market Research
Engineering & Design
Financial Process Outsourcing
Legal Services
Publishing Outsourcing
Market Research and Data Analysis
Global Knowledge Process Outsourcing Market Segmentation, by End-user
IT & Telecom
Others ( Energy, Logistics, Oil & Gas)
Global Knowledge Process Outsourcing Market Segmentation, by Region
North America
Asia Pacific
Middle East & Africa
South America
Rest of North America
Rest of Europe
Rest of Asia Pacific
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
Rest of Middle East & Africa
Rest of South America
This study by TMR is all-encompassing framework of the dynamics of the market. It mainly comprises critical assessment of consumers' or customers' journeys, current and emerging avenues, and strategic framework to enable CXOs take effective decisions.
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Our key underpinning is the 4-Quadrant Framework EIRS that offers detailed visualization of four elements:
Customer Experience Maps
Insights and Tools based on data-driven research
Actionable Results to meet all the business priorities
Strategic Frameworks to boost the growth journey
The study strives to evaluate the current and future growth prospects, untapped avenues, factors shaping their revenue potential, and demand and consumption patterns in the global market by breaking it into region-wise assessment.
The following regional segments are covered comprehensively:
North America
Asia Pacific
Latin America
The Middle East and Africa
The EIRS quadrant framework in the report sums up our wide spectrum of data-driven research and advisory for CXOs to help them make better decisions for their businesses and stay as leaders.
Below is a snapshot of these quadrants.
1. Customer Experience Map
The study offers an in-depth assessment of various customers’ journeys pertinent to the market and its segments. It offers various customer impressions about the products and service use. The analysis takes a closer look at their pain points and fears across various customer touchpoints. The consultation and business intelligence solutions will help interested stakeholders, including CXOs, define customer experience maps tailored to their needs. This will help them aim at boosting customer engagement with their brands.
2. Insights and Tools
The various insights in the study are based on elaborate cycles of primary and secondary research the analysts engage with during the course of research. The analysts and expert advisors at TMR adopt industry-wide, quantitative customer insights tools and market projection methodologies to arrive at results, which makes them reliable. The study not just offers estimations and projections, but also an uncluttered evaluation of these figures on the market dynamics. These insights merge data-driven research framework with qualitative consultations for business owners, CXOs, policy makers, and investors. The insights will also help their customers overcome their fears.
3. Actionable Results
The findings presented in this study by TMR are an indispensable guide for meeting all business priorities, including mission-critical ones. The results when implemented have shown tangible benefits to business stakeholders and industry entities to boost their performance. The results are tailored to fit the individual strategic framework. The study also illustrates some of the recent case studies on solving various problems by companies they faced in their consolidation journey.
4. Strategic Frameworks
The study equips businesses and anyone interested in the market to frame broad strategic frameworks. This has become more important than ever, given the current uncertainty due to COVID-19. The study deliberates on consultations to overcome various such past disruptions and foresees new ones to boost the preparedness. The frameworks help businesses plan their strategic alignments for recovery from such disruptive trends. Further, analysts at TMR helps you break down the complex scenario and bring resiliency in uncertain times.
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The report sheds light on various aspects and answers pertinent questions on the market. Some of the important ones are:
1. What can be the best investment choices for venturing into new product and service lines?
2. What value propositions should businesses aim at while making new research and development funding?
3. Which regulations will be most helpful for stakeholders to boost their supply chain network?
4. Which regions might see the demand maturing in certain segments in near future?
5. What are the some of the best cost optimization strategies with vendors that some well-entrenched players have gained success with?
6. Which are the key perspectives that the C-suite are leveraging to move businesses to new growth trajectory?
7. Which government regulations might challenge the status of key regional markets?
8. How will the emerging political and economic scenario affect opportunities in key growth areas?
9. What are some of the value-grab opportunities in various segments?
10. What will be the barrier to entry for new players in the market?
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onwheelsxyz-blog · 4 years
Ferrari confirms it'll build an electric car, but not until after 2025 Ferraris chief executive confirmed mid-December that an electric vehicle will wear the brands Prancing Horse, but only after 2025, when itll slot into the GT lineup alongside the companys V12s.My sense is the electric will come out after 2025. The battery technology is not where it should be yet, said CEO Louis Camilleri during an embargoed lunch this week in the Centro Stile at Ferraris Maranello factory.The car would become part of the GT lineup of vehicles, rather than attempt to slot into the performance lineup populated by mid-engined supercars. Since a GT car must go long distances at high speed, electric vehicle technology still has some catching up to do in order to appease Maranello.There are still significant issues in terms of autonomy, in terms of speed of recharging. So eventually we will come out with one. But its post-2025. Not in the short term, said Camilleri. The fully electric vehicle will be a major departure for Ferrari, which has wn multiple awards for its internal-combustion engine designs. Founder Enzo Ferrari was from the start very proud of his companys powerplants, saying aerodynamics are for those who cant build engines.But it seems that times are changing, and so must the most stubborn brand in history. Luckily, we still have five-plus more years of solid Ferrari V12s before the EV trend threatens their security.LISTEN: What do you get when you combine a cross-country electric vehicle road trip with a poignant love story? Mary Ann’s
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I saw someone saying in your blog that WN fans amped up a hashtag and well.. maybe Chris fans learned something from them because #ghosted is in my trending for 3 days in a roll now, there's no way there's much talk about this movie. I know twitter has multiple categories for trending but just appear "trending" there and I don't even engage in Chris stuff anymore for a month or more
Actually, I could see it trending organically, because a lot of stuff has been dropping since the first NYC press day last week. And a lot of negative discussion of it on Twitter seems to be taking off. However, we should also remember this is an Apple offering, and I'm sure a tech company has no problem with fudging trends via another tech platform.
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thechasefiles · 5 years
The Chase Files Daily Newscap 1/11/2019
Good Morning #realdreamchasers. Here is your daily news cap for Friday, November 1st, 2019. There is a lot to read and digest so take your time. Remember you can read full articles via Barbados Government Information Service (BGIS), Barbados Today (BT), or by purchasing a Weekend Nation Newspaper (WN).
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SCHOOLS REOPEN –  The Ministry of Education, Technological and Vocational Training has advised that the Wesley Hall Infants, Wesley Hall Junior and the St. Mary's Primary Schools will reopen today, Friday, November 1. (BGIS)
STUDENTS LATE NOT THE BUS – Don’t blame the poor bus service for the tardiness of some schoolchildren, says one head of a secondary school. Instead, said acting principal of Grantley Adams Memorial School, Major Andrew Skeete, in most cases the fault rested with the youngsters and some of the parents. Yesterday, Skeete defended the Transport Board, stating that in spite of its present constraints, it had been very good to the Blackmans, St Joseph school. “I would say to you that we don’t have a major challenge . . . . Whenever we make contact with the Transport Board, they are ready and willing to assist Grantley Adams. We have asked them for a late bus, they said the Bathsheba bus would come into the yard and pick up those children staying back doing extracurricular activities. You would have your off days, which have been few, but so far the transportation system is reasonable,” Skeete said. On the other hand, he noted that the majority of times when students strolled in late was as a result of them deliberately lingering in the bus stand. The educator said that having noticed the trend, they had reached out to some parents but were met with excuses, while others claimed they were unaware. (WN)
ROSS U COMES UP TRUMP FOR ECONOMY– Government’s decision to bring Ross University may have been a masterful stroke, respected economist Jeremy Stephen has said, as the medical school is shaping up to be as big an economic engine as it once was for its former home, Dominica. Stephen highlighted the university as one of the more substantial takeaways from the Central Bank’s latest report on the economy. Noting the overall report gives Barbadians much to smile about, Stephen told Barbados TODAY that he was most intrigued by the prospects of growth in 2020. He said: “The report is pretty encouraging in that the Barbados economy is forecasted to have a slight uptick in 2020 and a lot of it seems to be dependent on the performance of Ross University. “It was referred to in the document as ‘medical educational tourism’, a very smartly put bit of language, as it appears that they didn’t want to speak to too much specifics. “Based on what I would have read in the report, ‘medical education tourism’ was one of the major players when it came to increased tourism arrivals over the first nine months of the year. “This sector also largely accounted for increased tourism spend. “The largest and newest of these players is Ross University.” The economist noted that while he is on the fence as to whether Ross University students classify as tourists, the development was certainly a good sign for the economy. He also pointed to the re-exportation of goods as helping with the country’s overall export earnings. Stephen told Barbados TODAY: “I have said for the last ten years that trans-shipment is the big opportunity that Barbados has in the near future and it is interesting to see this now. “I am hoping that it is not an anomaly but rather an emerging trend.” The central bank report said the economy declined by an estimated 0.2 per cent so far this year, owing mainly to delays in private sector investment projects and budget cuts in public spending, which eroded the gains made in the tourism industry. Stephen contends that even this could be viewed as the glass being half full, adding that based on the country’s ongoing debt exercise, one would not be faulted for anticipating a larger fall. He said: “The economy did not fall by as much as one would expect considering that we are under a debt exercise. This includes not just the debt restructuring but the IMF programme as well, so this means that the entire economy is being restructured and one would expect a bit of a falloff. “This was compounded by the fact construction and unemployment numbers are going in directions that we do not want. “We are going through an IMF programme and you do not necessarily grow while that is going on.” But the outspoken economist noted that while there was certainly much to write home about, there were troubling and areas which should be urgently addressed. Topping his list of negatives was low capital expenditure. Stephen said: “Capital expenditure is part of the way the economy would grow but unless I am reading the report wrong, capital expenditure increased by just $10 million from the same period last year, despite the flagging standard of infrastructure that we do have.” He further pointed out that the economic report shows that less money has been spent on fuel imports and since Government was the majority importer of fuel into Barbados, one could surmise that the difference at the pumps was much more than just the fuel tax. “This would certainly justify a lot of the anger people are having with respect to cost at the pumps despite continued suppression of prices internationally. “It is my hope that those monies would be accounted for in the public coffers and go toward capital expenditure,” he stressed. (BT)
DECISION REVERSED –  Two dozen suspension letters originally issued by the Transport Authority to public service vehicle (PSV) permit holders have been withdrawn. The decision to rescind the letters came following discussions with stakeholders in the industry. Last week chairman of the authority Ian Estwick revealed that two PSV permits which had been obtained illegally had been revoked and 14 permits had been suspended for a number of infractions. The suspension was to run from November 1 to 30. When contacted Estwick declined to comment, but chairman of the Association of Public Transport Operators (APTO) Kenneth Best told Barbados TODAY there had been a change of heart by the authority. Best said he was not sure how many infractions had been committed by the guilty parties, but he noted that every case had been judged on its own merit. “The Transport Authority used the power provided to them under the Act and suspended the permits for a month. There were discussions among all of the players in the industry and the Transport Authority and it was agreed that those suspension letters would be withdrawn and instead people would be given a warning,” he said. However, Best, an attorney-at-law, said going forward he would prefer to see the PSV drivers who commit the infractions being punished first. He said he believed owners should only be punished if it was proven they neglected to reprimand those guilty parties. “One recognizes that the owner in some circumstances will be disadvantaged because he gave someone his vehicle, asked them to conform to the law and they breached it. “But within the Road Traffic Act as well as the Transport Authority Act, the driver can be dealt with and I believe that should be the way going forward. Start with the person who commits the offence first and if they don’t change then you can deal with them, or if the owners neglect to say who was the driver at a particular time then they cannot complain of any infractions because it is their responsibility to know who is driving their vehicles and whose hands they put their vehicles in,” Best, a former politician said. To its credit, Best said the authority had communicated with owners through a series of meetings. He also used the opportunity to plead with PSV operators not to continue to break the law. “What I would want to see going forward is that the drivers conform to the Road Traffic Act and regulations, as well as the Transport Authority Act and avoid anything of this sort because we need to operate within the ambit of the law,” he said. Public relations officer for the Alliance Owners of Public Transport (AOPT) Mark Haynes told Barbados TODAY he was unaware of the development and therefore was not in a position to comment. (BT)
NO ECONOMIC GAINS FOR THE POOR – Despite the positive economic outlook presented in the Central Bank’s third quarter financial report, an outspoken labour leader says the gloomy realities of working-class citizens paint a totally different picture. According to General Secretary of the Unity Workers’ Union Caswell Franklyn heavy taxation policies and inconsistent payment for dozens of public servants were continuing to cripple the economic fortunes of “average” Barbadians and have totally reversed the five percent salary increase given to public servants over a year ago. Franklyn was reacting to a reported upswing in Barbados’ economic prospects over the first nine months of 2019, which was revealed earlier this week by Central Bank Governor, Cleviston Haynes. To the contrary, Franklyn told Barbados TODAY he has been swamped with complaints from his members and believes the only people seeing improvements are those who supported the current Government during its rise to power. “I don’t know what figures the Central Bank’s employees were looking at… but let me tell you something, he [Governor Haynes] is not on the ground. I am not seeing any growth or any prospect of growth for the working man,” the straightforward union leader declared. For him, a clear indication of the inconsistency between the bank’s report and Barbadian reality is reflected in the number of civil servants, some in senior positions, being denied their salaries for months on end. “I was talking to a worker who was complaining that he wasn’t getting his full pay from government and he is quarreling with me for not being able to get him money from government. These are people working in the Drainage Division cleaning the drains and moving dead dogs and things out of the drains, who cannot get their allowances…. If things were improving, these guys would have been able to get their money. These are people working for minimum wage,” he argued. “You have situations where nurses aren’t getting paid and I have nurses who are acting at the senior level who have not been paid since February. I don’t know what the governor is seeing, but he is probably seeing figures from someplace else, not Barbados. There is no positive outlook for anybody working in Barbados unless you are one of the party hacks that is getting these contracts.” In addition, Franklyn complained that Government in the form of taxation was still placing a heavy burden on those who could ill afford to pay. In fact, he said the five per cent salary increase given to workers when the Mia Mottley government first came into office was now virtually useless. “That increase has been wiped out and is now gone. I do not know what the Government is thinking…they are just hitting and missing and when it doesn’t work they are trying something else,” argued Franklyn. “I don’t know if they are practicing trickle down economics where, if you give tax breaks to the people at the top, it would trickle to the people at the bottom. No trickling has been happening,” he said. Instead he suggested Government sack some of its consultants and revert to professional civil servants. “They civil servants have been helping to run this country from Independence but they are bringing in a lot of people who have never managed an economy, know nothing about it, only know text book and are giving very bad advice.” Efforts to reach officials from the Barbados Workers’ Union and the National Union of Public Workers were unsuccessful. Meanwhile, President of the Small Business Association, Wayne Willock said while he was in no position to assess the Central Bank’s Report in the context of small enterprises in Barbados, he was hoping the positive outlook forecast by the governor would translate into positive things. “I think we will have to look further down the road into next year’s projections. Certainly manufacturing and construction are the areas that should see more growth based on what is being highlighted,” said Willock. (BT)
BWU BRIEFS JORDAN ON G4S ISSUES  - Minister of Labour Colin Jordan is now fully aware of the grievances affecting security officers at G4S Secure Solutions Barbados (Ltd). This was disclosed by consultant to the Barbados Workers’ Union (BWU), Sir Roy Trotman, after a closed-door meeting with the minister yesterday, amidst reports of the workers preparing to take strike action. “We were able to indicate to him a number of issues which had been outstanding for quite some time, because they had not been escalated up to his office by the Labour Department where we had sent some of them,” he explained. Sir Roy said the BWU had also raised other issues which were not sent to the Labour Department, but which had been occasioning significant challenges for the workforce, making it appear as though it was a battlefield. In the last Midweek Nation, workers complained about some colleagues being offered pay increases while others’ pay remained unchanged. They said workers posted at the United States Embassy had been given a pay raise while those in the cash in transit division, aviation and guarding were to continue at the same rate. (WN)
LOCAL WORKERS FALLING SHORT ON STANDARDS – Finding local workers who adhere to high quality health and safety standards can be a challenge in Barbados for at least one industry, a human resource official has reported. The issue was highlighted on Thursday during the Skills for the Future Summit at the Sandals Royal Barbados hotel under the theme Exploring the Future of Skills. During the panel discussion on the Importance of a Skills-Based Educational System to Barbados’ Economic Development, Head of Human Resources at the Roberts Manufacturing Company Ltd and Pinnacle Feeds Ltd Alison Kirton-Holder said that company had recently had challenges in sourcing local workers who obeyed the health and safety standards. “When we get people to come in and do stuff for us, whether it is replacing a roofing, decking or anything to that effect, we find that based on the Massy Health and Safety Standards, it is difficult to find companies in Barbados who can adhere to those standards,” Kirton-Holder revealed. “Quite recently for example, we had to get a Trinidadian company to come in and place decking on one of our towers. They came with their health and safety person and examined the job and did all these things,” said Kirton-Holder. Pointing out that the way business was conducted in the manufacturing industry was constantly changing so companies could remain competitive, Kirton-Holder said standards have also changed and companies had to constantly keep up-to-date and meet the “sophisticated” needs of customers. Kirton-Holder said the Lower Estate, St Michael organisation, which is partly owned by the Massy Group, was very “standards driven” and had to pay close attention to health and safety. However, the HR executive said their recent experience highlighted the need for residents to continuously upgrade their skills and stay abreast of high quality standards. “We would have liked to have given that job to a local company but we are finding it more difficult, based on standards, to give businesses the work at a local level. “Something as simple as replacing a roof, our health and safety officer would meet with the contractors and we would say what our standards are, but when we confirm and we look at them they are not wearing harnesses for example, and our staff has been sensitized over the last few years so they know what is required,” said Kirton-Holder. (BT)
FOCUS ON BUILDING SKILLS FOR EMERGING ECONOMY – Training officials are insisting that technical and vocational training will play a major role in transforming the Barbados economy. However, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Labour Alyson Forte has insisted that the training should be demand driven and training institutions will be required to make the necessary changes. “When training is demand driven then those persons are better able to come back and put into practice what they have been taught,” Forte told the opening of the Skills for the Future Summit held at the Sandals Royal Barbados on Thursday. “Undoubtedly, technical and vocational education will play a key role in the transformation of the Barbados economy. Consequently, there must be a transformation of the educational system to mainstream such education while strengthening the capabilities of agencies such as the Barbados Vocational Training Board, the Samuel Jackman Prescod Institute of Technology and the TVET Council, both in terms of their curricula and their student output, maybe through expanded campus or campuses,” Forte explained. He said with continued sluggish growth it is now time to focus on investment and economic activity that embrace the latest technology and “facilitate innovation” especially in the emerging sectors of renewable energy, the blue and green economy, the creative industries and digital sector. Thursday’s summit was part of an ongoing process under the Skills for the Future programme to identify, among other things, recruitment and human resource management practices and skills needs for the emerging economies. Stating that the summit was timely, Forte said it came at a time when the Barbados Economic Recovery and Transformation (BERT) programme recognizes both economic recovery and transformation as essential elements to put Barbados back on a path of economic growth. During a panel discussion titled Importance of a Skills-Based Educational System to Barbados’ Economic Development, Executive Director of the TVET Council Henderson Eastmond said he believed the Skills for the Future programme that was introduced in 2014, had started to change the mindset of Barbadians when it came to competency training. “We are going to be, as a country, very strategic in our training. Our training must lead to an export-driven economy. It must lead to a reduction in imports,” said Eastmond. Pointing to the need to reduce food imports, renewable energy and creative industry products, Eastmond said it was about time Barbados “get with it through training and standards”. Officials also agreed that there was need for a development of “core skills” if residents were to contribute significantly to the island’s development and compete favourably with the rest of the world. Country Coordinator of the A Ganar programme Ytanna Wiggins said the basic skills needed to operate as a citizen should take centrestage. “You could enter the world with the greatest technical skills. You can have the greatest first-class degrees but if you do not have those core skills to operate in any industry, the skills of discipline, respect, communication and team work, you will not and cannot fit in any industry anywhere in Barbados, the region or the world,” said Wiggins to applause. She said the workforce development A Ganar programme, which was introduced in 2013 in secondary schools and designed to help youth with basic reading and writing skills and practical experience, was providing those core skills. “We have recognized that we have been talking. The Skills for the Future has showed us where we are going. We have started the work and we are in the secondary schools. The foundation is being laid by the [vocational] training board and Samuel Jackman Prescod Institute of Technology and we now need to decide how much further we are going. We need to stop talking and start working and we need to communicate more,” said Wiggins. Meanwhile, Principal of the Samuel Jackman Prescod Institute of Technology (SJPI) Ian Drakes said it was important that the learning institutions and companies form partnerships in order to provide the necessary training that the various industries and sectors required. “We have to train our young persons for jobs that are not created as yet, digital global competitive citizens,” said Drakes. “I would want us to understand that as training institutions it is more about being driven by the industry and not what you as a leader feel is the greatest thing on earth which may be a waste of time,” he added. (BT)
DRY BUMP – The drought may well have gone from bad to worse, as weather forecasters record a continuing a dramatic slump in rainfall. Figures from the Barbados Meteorological Services have revealed that the amount of rainfall for the year is 15 inches less than the 30-year average, posing a threat to water availability when the wet season ends on November 30. Rainfall for the month of October – a month historically marked by heavy downpours and floods – is already more than four inches below the average, Meteorologist Wayne McGeary told Barbados TODAY. Up to the final day of month, 78.8 mm, or approximately 3.81 inches of rain had been recorded, McGeary revealed. But he said the 30-year average suggested that the month of October normally had 185.1 mm of rainfall. “Basically we are about 4.09 inches below the 30-year average and that is only for the month of October,” McGeary noted. He further revealed that the cumulative rainfall recorded for the year so far was 614.6 mm, or approximately 24.19 inches. The normal cumulative rainfall average for the same period was 1009 mm, or 39.72 inches. McGeary said: “You can see that we are about 15 inches below the normal amount of rainfall which we receive, which is a lot of rainfall when you think about it. “And the predictions would suggest that at least down to December we are still going to get below normal rainfall totals.” He said the last time Barbados had experienced such low levels of rainfall was in 2015, when only 23.09 inches of rainfall had been recorded  during the same period. As the island moves into the dry season, the shortfall was also worrisome, said the met officer. He explained that December and January were “transitional months” leading into the dry season which officially begins in February. And while McGeary said he was not in a position to speak on behalf of the Barbados Water Authority (BWA) as it relates to the challenges these prolonged drought conditions would have on the BWA’s ability to provide customers with water, he said it was more likely than not that the utility would be adversely affected. Only yesterday, the BWA issued a press release stating that the “extreme drought like conditions” affecting the island was impacting on its well sources in St Lucy. The BWA said it had resulted in less available groundwater and increased salinity in the wells supplying some St Lucy and St Peter districts as seawater begins to seep into the aquifers to fill the void left from depleted potable water supplies. McGeary told Barbados TODAY: “Of course it would [make matters worse]. I can’t speak on BWA business, but from a rainfall standpoint, quite clearly we are well below the rainfall amounts. “And then when the rain falls it still takes a while before it reaches the aquifers, so that is potentially why they [BWA] has to ration the water so to speak so that people can still receive water. “It is something that we definitely have to keep  a close eye on because we are so accustomed to having constant supplies of water, but in these conditions you have to be very mindful of the water used and try not to waste water.” (BT)
FAMILY STILL IN DARK OVER GRAVE DIGGER’S DEATH – The family of gravedigger Stephen Cadogan laid him to rest in Westbury Cemetery yesterday, but they are not resting easy at the way their loved one was taken from them. As scores of mourners sang When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder, Cadogan, who worked as a soil technician at the graveyard, was buried a stone’s throw away from where he was found with stab wounds early Sunday morning, October 13. His was among the 40 murders so far for the year. His brother Wayne Yarde said he was still struggling to come to grips with the situation. “I was working on my son’s vehicle when I got the news and I had to stop. I couldn’t work no more,” he told the Weekend Nation. “Right now, the family isn’t doing too well, because he was one of the pillar stones, and he was my favourite out of all of my siblings, so we are just trying to hold on.” He added since the killing, they had not received any new information from the police, other than investigations were continuing. (WN)
POLICE IDENTIFY LATEST SHOOTIN VICTIM – Omar Phillips, 36, of #6 Harbour View, Pine, St Michael, received a gunshot injury to his right hand after he was involved in a shooting earlier today. Police received a report that the incident took place in Shepton Lane, The Pine, St Michael around 9:25 this morning. Phillips was standing near the corner of Shepton Lane and Golden Rock, when he was approached by an unknown masked man who fired several shots in his direction. He was taken to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital for medical attention, where he was treated and discharged. Police are still investigating this matter. Anyone who may have witnessed this incident, or who may have knowledge of it, is asked to contact District ‘A’ Police Station at telephone number 430-7242/7295, Police Emergency number 211, Crime Stoppers at 1-800-TIPS(8477) or the nearest police station. (WN)
WANTED DARIO FLATTS – The Royal Barbados Police Force is trying to locate a man who is wanted for questioning in connection with a serious criminal matter. He is 22-year-old Dario Delisle Flatts, alias “Mouse”, of last known address Fields Place, Bayville, St Michael. Flatts has a brown complexion, a slim build and is approximately five feet eight inches tall. He has a tattoo depicting a star with the initials “DF” on his right lower arm, a tattoo of the word “MOB” on his right upper arm and has burn scars on his left arm. Flatts can present himself to the Hastings Police Station, Hastings, St Michael accompanied by an attorney of his choice. Anyone who may know the whereabouts of Dario Delisle Flatts, is asked to contact the Hastings Police Station at 430-7219, Police Emergency at 211, Crime Stoppers at 1-800-TIPS (8477), or the nearest police station. The public is reminded that it is a serious offence to harbour or assist wanted persons; any person caught committing this offence can be prosecuted. (WN)
SPIRITS HAUL ENDS IN JAIL FOR THEFT ACCUSED – An unemployed young man was sentenced to 12 months behind bars today for stealing from A1 Supermarket on Tuesday. When 26-year-old Chad Jabbari Hazell of Kingsland Crescent, Christ Church appeared before District ‘A’ Magistrate Kristie Cuffy-Sergeant he pleaded guilty to the stealing $1,206.05 worth of items. A restitution order was also made for the convict to repay the supermarket. The facts, which were read by police prosecutor Station Sergeant Crishna Graham revealed that at about 4 p.m. Tuesday, Hazell stole four bottles of brandy valued at $690.35 and three bottles of whisky, worth $515.70. According to the facts of the case he went to the supermarket and pretended to be shopping. He took up a shopping cart and pushed it through the aisle where the alcoholic beverages are located. The prosecutor said Hazell had entered the Black Rock supermarket with a bag in which he placed the items. He was being observed by the store’s security officer. The unemployed youth then tried to leave the store but was intercepted by the security officer who contacted the police. The facts revealed that Hazell admitted to the offence when he was interviewed by the police.  (BT)
MURDER TRIAL RESUMES – The case in which Ryan Omar Samuel is charged with murdering Charley Dume at a City bar five years ago, continued today in the absence of the jury. For the entire day, the No. 2 Supreme Court sat in voir dire [a case within a case] to conduct a preliminary examination of various prosecution witnesses prior to going before the jury. The voir dire is expected to continue tomorrow morning for a shorter period following which the 12-member panel of jurors will be invited back into the court room for the trial. The accused, who sat in the dock throughout the day’s proceedings, is charged with the shooting death of Dume on April 26, 2014 while at a bar on the corner of Wellington Street and Nelson Street. The accused has already told the presiding judge Randall Worrell he did not commit the crime, but the prosecution is alleging otherwise. While defence counsel Mohia Ma’at will try to protect his client’s presumed innocence, Acting Director of Public Prosecutions Alliston Seale must prove the Crown’s case beyond a shadow of a doubt. Yesterday, a witness testified how he was in close proximity to a group of people, including a man holding a haversack to the front of his body with his hands inside, when he heard about eight shots even though he saw no gun. (BT)
DRUG TESTS SOON – The drug busters could be bowling at regional cricketers over the next month in an attempt to discourage the use of prohibited performance-enhancing substances. Barbados Cricket Association’s (BCA) president Conde Riley yesterday revealed that there will be drug testing at the upcoming Colonial Medical Insurance Regional Super50 Cup, which bowls off in St Kitts and Trinidad and Tobago, next week.“There is drug testing at all regional tournaments. I think that is carried out by the [CWI] Medical panel and there are also a number of workshops about what you [the cricketers] can drink and take. We have a list of substances that the guys are not supposed to take,” Riley told Weekend Sport yesterday. “There is a medical panel at Cricket West Indies that comes around to all the territories before tournaments and they do educational stuff with regard to the dos and don’ts as it relates to drugs and so on. But if you see an exceptional performance, that person would get tested,” added Riley. Riley, who made the remarks following a press conference at Kensington Oval where chairman of the senior selection panel, Henderson Broomes defended the selection of the Barbados team. (WN)
AFGHANISTAN NOT EASY – Newly-appointed West Indies head coach, Phil Simmons, has warned of the threat posed by his former side Afghanistan, and says execution and consistency will be crucial to success in the upcoming series. West Indies arrived here this week for a six-match limited overs series – three Twenty20 Internationals and One-Day Internationals – but are aware that even though Afghanistan are one of the youngest international sides, they will be dangerous in familiar subcontinent conditions. “It’s a positive thing that I know much about the rivals but they are a young and energetic side who can upset anyone,” cautioned Simmons, who stepped down as Afghanistan coach following the ICC World Cup in July.“Over the last many years, they have become quite a confident unit. They will be playing on home turf; it’s not going to be easy for us. We have to make sure we are ready for what comes to us while facing an aggressive opposition. “On both the occasions when Afghanistan beat West Indies, I was their coach, and this time I would like to see things in the reverse order. It would be important to see how the West Indies boys execute plans.” (WN)
CLEAR SIGHT – Returning nationals based in Barbados are eagerly anticipating next year’s We Gatherin’ Vision 2020 celebrations and are predicting tremendous success in reconnecting dozens in the diaspora with their homeland. But economic uncertainty over ongoing Brexit negotiations has threatened to slash the spending power of those living and working in Britain or receiving pensions from the British government. A closely-knit community of returning nationals shared the views while at the Speightstown Resource Centre enjoying a four-hour session of ballroom and line dancing on Thursday.. While the retirees are mostly focused on enjoying their golden years in the land of their birth, many are deeply concerned about their country’s social and economic prosperity as well as an increasing loss of patriotism among their children and grandchildren.(BT)
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