#with a dumb bonus version under the cut
smashwolfen · 1 year
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I had thoughts at work while half asleep the other morning, and this was the result.Turns out I hyperfocused so hard i finished it today so yay!
I subscribe to the theory Giratina eeby deebied Ingo to hisui on accident when Volo was first beginning to mess with Giratinas power ripping space time distortions to get Arceus’ attention, Ingo was just at the wrong place at the wrong time ;u;
And Akari/Dawn being given no clear answer about them going home after everything’s said and done is very unfair, but sometimes destiny is fickle like that...
Poem under the cut if folks cant read it and some bonus stuff!
Destiny chooses who it will take,
It does not matter if it had been a mistake
In the light of all or by the shadow of none,
You are here now, O chosen one
To choose the tracks that you must lead,
Follow the line you now heed
Divert the path, change its fate,
Finish thy task before it’s too late
Destroy it all to make it right?
It is not written in black and white
Understand, learn, follow through,
To remember what’s lost or begin anew
It matters not if you leave or stay,,,
...For it was never your choice anyway.
I am not one to write poems and it might not all fit perfectly, but I was running around work when verses were coming to mind and I kept hiding in the back or in the freezer to jot down everything that came to mind, but I’m happy how it turned out in the end XD
I’m stupid proud with how Giratina came out, he just looks really nice, Arceus I’m not entirely happy with but I can’t figure out how to fix him the way I want to have him, so he’s just gonna be as is and I can move on!
And this weren't done completely digitally, the end result yes but almost every big project I start I always do with pencil sketches first, my digital sketching I feel is way too messy and I can be more consistent with my pencil and paper, so I just redo the lines afterwards, so here are the sketches to see how messy they can get with my dumb little notes and things~!
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And a bonus close up, how I originally was going to draw Ingos face before settling on the finished version, man’s was gonna go through it XD
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our-favourite-orcs · 7 months
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Propaganda under the cut!
Propaganda for Thonk from World of Warcraft:
thonk has become an enigma in one of my friend groups. he's not just a silly named guy with a side quest anymore. his pronouns are he/they. he has high defense. he has homoerotic tension with a crossdressing sailor. he says "Hey." all the time. he might be just one of a species of thonks. he was in a band in college and danced. thonk wave motion burst. he's a universal constant. none of this is even remotely canon to his original appearance in WoW. but he is important to me all the same. so i guess i'm submitting the bastardized version of thonk my friends have turned him into and not the actual original Thonk. dunno where that puts him in terms of tournament viability but you can at least laugh about the absurdity of it all.
World of Warcraft
This guy’s been a gag in my friend group for years to the point where I was tricked into playing as a serious version of him in a dnd game
World of Warcraft!
Propaganda for Gyorik Rogdul, aka York from Drawtectives:
Gyorik Rogdul, aka York, represents the northern tribe of orcs in this series. And it’s brilliant. He casually reveals the craziest shit about the Orc Lore, like “wild trains” being a Creature in ye northern orc tribes that no one has tamed, not even him. It’s probably true, but no one can know for sure. He’s a detective. He’s a model. He killed his half brother and became a prince. He doesn’t know what syllables are. He can read One english word, “sneppy.” He’s 7 feet tall. He’s ace and on the aro spectrum. He has never thought about gender or sexuality. He wants to fight real bad. He helped trans his friend’s gender. One of his nicknames is Piss Boy. He adopted a grown man as his son with his besties What us there to say…fearless (other than wild trains, which fair), so much love and dumb fits into that body G'yorik (York) Rogdul is one of the characters ever. He's illiterate. He loves his friends. He has an honorary son. He's in a mostly-canon polycule. He puts people in arm jail. He's a model and a prince. Literally I love him so much (please watch Drawtectives).
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levemetal · 1 month
I have a million and one svsss AU ideas that idk if I'll ever write cause I have 0 confidence in my untested writing skills. Any of these appeal to you?? Go ahead, use 'em. Know any fanfics like that? Please please PLEASE leave them in the comments. Ideas to add? Anything? Please go ahead I have no friends that are as deep in the svsss brainrot as me to subject this to ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥᷄⌓˂̣̣̥᷅ )‧º·˚
Continued under the cut due to excessive rambling
These will be Ghost King/Calamity!SJ cause he has been living rentfree in my brain ever since one braincell at one AM shouted about it so you have been warned.
- Dual Ghost Kings YQY and SJ, Post canon of PIDW. That's it that's the idea. Their extras hurt my cold dead heart way too much and as much as bbygirl SJ is a piece of shit, Yue Qingyuan deserves happiness, and for that he needs his Xiao-Jiu. Basically YQY does not stay dead when Bingge turns him into a pincushion à la White No Face to Xie Lian except with arrows. What happens from here? Idk didn't get that far but I imagine he steals back his (probably dead) Xiao-Jiu, maybe does some other batshit insane shit like we all know that deep down he's capable of, and the duo fucking COMMUNICATES for once in their life and they live happily ever after. Bonus points for hilarious deaths for Bingge.
- If you're a filthy multishipper like me, want a BingJiu version of the above QiJiu? Easy, SJ decides to haunt Bingge's ass for eternity and vice versa when Bingge kicks the bucket and so they spent the rest of eternity trying to make each other miserable in increasingly ridiculous and creative ways. Maybe along the centuries they find a common enemy or sort their shit out and proceed to make their awful existence everyone else's problem. A match made in hell, truly <3
Are you seeing a theme yet. I like a general comedic air to svsss AUs, it just belongs to the svsss experience ya know? Anyway carrying on-
Shen twins, and SQH twins cause why not. If you want Binghe twins too, actually probably funnier with Binghe twins, where one is our beloved maiden Bingmei and the other OG!PIDW Bingge but forced back in time with memories of the PIDW timeline. Transmigrator SQH aka Airplane gets the peak lord + Mobei-Jun plotline while OG!SQH is just chilling as an An Ding Peak Hallmaster or something. Meanwhile, the Shen twins have a funny game of imposter going on. As far as everyone is concerned, there is only one Shen Qingqiu, Shen Yuan. Shen Yuan transmigrated in earlier into the novel, but ended up going to CQM with Yue Qi while SJ got stuck in the Qiu household as in canon. From here the details can change but the main idea is that
A) Shen Yuan knows how to do his peak lord job actually
B) SJ is a calamity ghost, having died either in his disciple years or alternatively never made it out of the Qiu household alive
C) Both SY and SJ have been playing switcheroo when SY needs to head out and do stuff or just wants SJ to do his paperwork for him.
I still need a good reason for the switching and duping, but wouldn't it be funny if the disciples just had to deal with their peak lord behaving WILDLY different at times. Most of the time it's good ol' Shen Yuan smiling at disciples, way too enthusiastic for monsters and plants and keeps forgetting his fans everywhere. Then one random week in the month after he has a resting bitch face, scowls, snarls and bitches at anyone and has 0 patience for teenage attempts at music.
Most shrug it off as just terrible migraine weeks, but some disciples are suspicious, most of all Bingge who is CONVINCED something is WrongTM. Like, he KNOWS SQQ and this SQQ is just so different, something must be different. He doesn't know how right he is yet everyone just thinks he's actually insane.
I know this is probably increasingly insane and dumb, but fast forward to the Abyss opening. SJ was probably there to keep an eye on his clumsy twin, but SY ends up asking the ghost to look over the Luos, as the system still demands that they go to the abyss. So SJ after much grumbling agrees (after all he probably just was unmasked as ghost calamity, and the twins as demons, with a huge amount of cultivators moving their way. It's really the smaller hassle to jump into the Abyss and deal with the horrors there. Besides, the scholar in SJ would be curious about the abyss (and SY too let's be honest) ), kicks both in and goes "Alright we're taking an impromptu field trip" and jumps in after leaving SY to deal with the political mess that comes after.
Anyway, the last AU can be changed in various ways, like make it a PIDW time travel fix it with only the OGs around, or just Shen twins, etc. Feel free to shout at me how dumb this all is.
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modemica · 6 months
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very excited to share some keikaikou tomfoolery with my giftee, @origami10 @oreigano!! you wanted neon high contrast colours, and for some reason that made me think of kaito (specifically his earrings) and then that made me think about claire’s (a jewelry and accessory store aimed at preteens), since that’s the kind of place that sells smiley face earrings. and so i chuckled at the thought of kaito and kou dragging kei to the store and kei initially not wanting to go because he thinks it’s dumb, but he ends up having a decent time!
definitely not used to using a neon-esque colour palette, but i had fun! hope you like it! happy holidays :)
version without the text, and a bonus doodle under the cut!
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dreamerwitches · 3 months
I saw someone ranking Madoka plushies so I thought I'd rank Charlotte/Bebe ones for funsies! I'm not including pouches, bags or head plushes here
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First up is the Charlotte transforming plush. Cute and pretty accurate. Also has the bonus of having a use and featuring both Charlottes. Her hair looks too light in the promotional pic but it's better irl from what I've seen. Sadly has the early Charlotte mistake of missing the dark right side of her jacket top. Sadly seems very rare and expensive nowadays. 4.5/5
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The Wormlotte Ichiban Kuji prize plush. Wins points for looking dumb but in a cute, scrungly way. Works best from the front, it's a little bit of a shame she's so flat from the side so looks a bit odd. 3/5
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Ichiban Kuji plush from the same set as Wormlotte. This one has already felt a little not great to me. The hair is too bright and you can see it goes under her chin which clearly isn't right. Her trousers are too red as well and she's missing the lining of her cloak. Makes sense she's less detailed because she's a prize plush but you could at least get the colours right. Also loses points cause I always see this one going for so much online and... she's not that great AND she's tiny... 2/5
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The SCARF! She's great, so silly and such a good idea. Hair is too light and eyes are too teal but otherwise she's great and scrungly. 4/5
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Another Banpresto prize plush. The colours are slightly better than the previous, especially the hair. 3/5
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The HUUUGEE wormlotte. Who wouldn't love her?! She's amazing but very expensive, originally at around £150 and I'm sure she'd be lots more now. 4.5/5
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Another Banpresto prize and another that's barely changed. It kinda feels like a step back... Green eyes??!! 2/5
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The first Bebe plush, another Banpresto gig. She's very cute and silly but her hair looks wonky?? And it doesn't just seem to be the prototype. She's never shown with wonky hair so it just feels like they misunderstood the art... Her cape is missing the black inside too... Otherwise she's decent. 3/5
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Banpresto prize but smaller. It has the same issues as before... 3/5
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Same as the last but the unique pose and expression is very cute. You get bonus points. 4/5
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An Ichiban Kuji Premium plush so she's a bit better looking now. Fixed the symmetry but I don't think she has the cape lining (it's hard to see in pictures). I like the velvet look but I know some people don't like that texture. Her fringe looks too triangular honestly, moreso than the last few. 3.5/5
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WHY IS HER HAIR STILL WONKY?? Her hair ISNT wonky in official/concept art her head is just tilted, how are the designers so stupid??
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See how it's tilted on the right BECAUSE her head is tilted but from her back view her hair is completely straight. Sigh. It's similar to the first few Bebe plushes. 3/5
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Another Banpresto prize plush. Hair is back to being fixed, thank fuck. I really like how the lace around her collar looks like actual lace. Makes me notice the last few are mostly missing the lace... hmm... I don't like the way the fabric is cut off around the black bits of her sleeves. Makes it look bad. Also I think with the button eyes you're either gonna really like it or really not. I was scarred by Coraline when I was younger so it irks me, I wouldn't get her myself. Improved some bits but fell on others so the score hasn't improved... 3/5
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Wormlotte's button version. Bonus points for making a plush of Bebe-Wormlotte cause I kinda love how unique she is. But.... this one's a bit shit... it has such a handmade quality and not in a good way. I don't get why the spots look like they're badly painted on. It's too flat as well and the circular shapes of the body are so badly defined. I like the face details but that's it. Perhaps shouldn't have relied so hard on the artwork. 1/5
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Mochi Kororin Wormlotte. This is the kind of plush that I just feel I've seen far too much of... I'm so bored of it. But... she does look silly and I kinda like that. The blue wing is too teal (though it seems it took more from the art than the anime) and her left eye is red instead of pink (which is another art mistake) so it kinda throws off the colours when there's too much red in her face. 3/5
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A Movic plush, this certainly feels more obscure. I love her stupid face and the unique pose. The eyes are the wrong colours in numerous places which is a shame but I'm glad the nose is 3D. (actually looking at a non-sample photo they got the eyes right! Must've just been the prototype) I like how the wings are drooped like she's bashful, it's very cute. No complaints! 5/5
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I'm so surprised to see this one on My Figure Collection because she looks SO bootleg and this is what the popular bootlegs are based on. The fact they misspelled height really doesn't make me trust it. But at least I can shit on it! Eyes and cheeks are wrong (taking from the incorrect first anime screening), black hood is a weird flower shape, spots are too small, top is too light yellow, buttons are far too far across and cape goes around the front. If I could get her for like, less than £5 I would but otherwise I wouldn't bother. 1/5
How come the first Charlotte was the best and the rest were just kinda downhill? It seems like Wormlotte is harder to screw up. At least they're both pretty simple so you can always make her yourself. I was surprised my top pick was a Wormlotte since I overall just prefer Charlotte but like I said, she wasn't doing too well, even with the Bebes... a shame... let's hope they release better plushies in the future.
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edge-lorde · 6 months
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baby maul and his best friend squid baby.
i love the wrath of darth maul book and the resistance short story! heres my take on kilindi plus some doodles.
the top t-shirt reads "I WANT to KILL people with hammers."
bottom shirt: "I See Dumb People." 
bonus sketch and line art versions under the cut
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apple8ees · 10 months
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i am not immune to @comicaurora but pretty dresses (with colour help and suggestions from the aurora discord <3)
[closeups and colour/design notes under the cut!]
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(ignore the red lineart on the first one - these are progress shots)
I wanted Alinua to have kind of a dryad, nature spirit vibe? I was kind of inspired by seeing some photos of like aesthetic nature spirit photoshoots with chiton-style dresses. The green was based both on that sort of nature spirit vibe and on suggestion from the discord (thank you Mat :]). Girl pretty
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Falst my dear friend Falst! This outfit. actually has no justification really I just thought it would look neat on him. I went with a more muted colour scheme for the first outfit - I kept the dark blue-gray top and brown bottoms sort of deal his canon outfit usually has. The second one I literally just colourpicked from a picture of a lion lmao.
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I wanted to give Erin something with one of those corset over-dress things (partially because they remind me of his canon vest) and a jabot (because I'm dumb and gay), while keeping his pirate sleeves and a capelet sort of thing. Bonus: the little gem at the neck? Based on his emissary token. Both outfit variants are based on suggestions in the discord (from Mat, Coffee, and Ocean <3), and the gold on the dark purple in the first outfit is somewhat inspired by scale patterns (walter <3).
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The main premise for this outfit was Gender Goals. Dainix is transition goals for me and I am incredibly prepared to indulge myself. Both colour schemes are nebulously inspired by another discord suggestion (from Turtle - I didn't know how to do "pale reddish-purple" lmao). Bonus fun fact: second version colours are inspired by an oc (Vee my beloved <3) whose outfit is Also part of the inspiration for this fit. Dainix my beloved
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I put Kendal in a pretty elaborate robe sort of deal - I kind of took some inspiration from priest/prophet stylings? Vaguely? Basically he's got the body of a god and I wanted him to look appropriately fancy. The first version with the white and blue was both discord suggested (thanks Mat!) and what kind of fits best with Vash's whole blue thing, and the second one (suggested by Coffee and Ocean) was based on the idea of an actual Aurora [rimshot]. Also the blue gem on his chest with the gold detailings is meant to be closer to the symbol of Vash shown in the comic.
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chococookiez · 2 months
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Your name is KINITO AMICIA and you've taken a keen interest in that TROLL DISEASE known as FRIENDSHIP.
happy 2 days late 4/13 nerds
thanks to @jimposts and @kinito-bonito for enabling me to do dumb shit
notes and non gif versions under the cut
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non gifs with the violet (since he's violet) and the olive (because im a leo LMAO)
i autismed this incredibly hard and in my mind ive pinned kinito as a witch of light (also points at his sign being aquapio . prospit!) after staring at the aspects and class speculations on the wiki and also fuck the class genders i will put kinito in a pretty god tier dress and you can't stop me (it's fine if you have a different classpect idea for him!! this is just what i came up with)
his jacket in the gif is cycling through all the blood colours (including candy red and lime + bonus anon grey) cause i thought of him changing his jacket to match someone's blood colour (or favourite colour)!
something else i thought of was troll sam and jade being time and space players respectively (idk about class, also haha kinito jade space like homestuck jade) and kinito osmosising so much off them with his light bullshit during their session he fucked off into the great beyond and somehow glitched into other sessions to spread Friendship :)
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i had a lot of fun with this idea
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consumed-by-fandom · 9 months
So as to why I drew spigot last week. This is why.
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I couldn’t find the pen I used last time (unless this was the pen I used and I’m dumb) but spigot enjoyers come get ur meal.
ALSO Bonus alternative version under the cut :3
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I’m beginning to realise my taste in men might just be shades, goatee and black clothing. Hmmmmm.
EDIT: if you saw this when I first posted it, no you didn’t. (Proportions were off :p)
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s3-izures · 1 year
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Heehoo, school doodle but rendered. I like Asphalt, dumb lil bby.
Bonus dark version under the cut.
·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ Other Accounts || Commissions My art may not be used, edited, traced, reproduced, used for AI learning, or reposted (without credit) in any way without my permission, thanks.
Character(s): Asphalt
Tool(s) Used: IbispaintX (samsung tablet)
Background Credit: IbispaintX resources
Bonus, dark version:
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Anna!! Happy STS!
Have you ever abandoned a WIP? What was it?
List some of your favorite tropes! (bonus points if they're rather specific.)
Who is your Comfort Character from your WIP?
What have your learned while writing your WIP? (either about writing or about yourself, whatever)
Do you have any symbolism that you're using in your WIP? Explain it!
Why do you love your WIP? What motivates you to keep writing it?
Which one(s) of your OCs would you get along with in real life? Which do you wish you would get along with? Which would hate your guts?
Are there any characters you feel a little guilty (but only a little) about having put them through so much shit? (aka, who doesn't deserve all the stuff they've gone through.)
What type of scenes are the hardest to write?
Would you rather your WIP be a movie or a tv show? Or something else entirely?
Hopefully these are some good asks! And I hope you're having an amazing weekend! <3
~Morri🗡 (@memento-morri-writes)
MORRI!!!! Happy STS!
Really great questions to be answered below the cut as always:
Have you ever abandoned a WIP? What was it?
Not that I can think of... There's probably some old fanfic from when I was 12 that I never finished buried in my old notebooks somewhere, but I wouldn't know unless I stumbled upon it.
List some of your favorite tropes! (bonus points if they're rather specific.)
OOH! Ok, here's some super specific tropes I love off the top of my head:
When a main character's parent or parental guardian seems harmless and defenseless, but it turns out that they're actually a total badass. Bonus points if it's a middle aged mom who loves her kid a lot and her kid is super protective of her. (See; Barbra Lake from Trollhunters/Tales of Arcadia, Sally Jackson and Paul Blofis from Percy Jackson, and Aunt May in most versions of Spiderman- specifically Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse)
The Power Couple. When it's done right and they're both badasses who both take care of each other and are equals of course.
When two characters are crushing on each other and it's so obvious to the other characters they can't take it. Bonus points if the others try to set them up. Bonus bonus points if they make bets on who's gonna make the first move, how long it's going to take them to come to their senses, etc. BONUS BONUS BONUS points if the two characters shyly reveal that they're together like it's a big thing and the other characters are like "what do you mean you've practically been married this whole time" or "FUCKING FINALLY-"
Team medics that are aggressively compassionate/affectionate and will lecture you when you get injured doing something dumb or by not listening to what they tell you.
The Mom and the Dad of the team. I love it when there's that one character who just takes everyone under their wing and takes care of them. Bonus points if the Mom and Dad are love interests and the other main characters are basically their adopted kids.
Super niche, I've only seen it twice, but: when two sibling characters who have been separated for years and have since become warriors meet for the first time again and they meet by beating the shit out of each other. Bonus points if the older sibling is trying to go easy on their younger sibling so it's fair. Bonus bonus points if the younger sibling then proceeds to kick their older sibling's ass. (See; Natasha Romanoff and Yelena Belova in Black Widow, Shang Chi and Xialing in Shang Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings)
The nightmare trope >:). When a character is having a nightmare and they wake up comforted by a loved one. Bonus points if there's crying and screaming and the comforter is in tears too. Bonus bonus points if the character's nightmare was about the person they love dying.
A team of characters doing mundane and domestic stuff inbetween the fighting and world saving stuff. Like those 2012 Avengers tower fanfics, those are exactly the kind of vibes i love to see in any story, but specifically the superhero genre. (see also: Incredibles, specifically when Bob is trying to take care of the kids in Incredibles 2)
When a character is mind controlled, and hurts the other main characters. Bonus points if the mind controlled character used to be a villain or some kind of monster like an assassin. Bonus bonus points if they feel like they can't trust themselves around their loved ones ever again, and the people who love them comfort them and help the character feel like they can trust themselves around people they love again.
That really specific thing when a group of characters are hanging out and eating together, then something happens and they all have to get up quickly to leave and that one character is stuffing their face with food as fast as they can before following the others
When a character is severely injured, and in order to clean the wound and patch it up before the character bleeds out the others have to hold them down. Bonus points if there's lots of screaming and the others feel SO guilty afterwards >:3
SASSY VILLAINS. I don't care if they're villains with standards or absolutely fucked up and in no way good. Are they funny? Will they make me laugh my ass off with stuff like "WHO GAVE YOU PERMISSION TO HIT ME!" and "Did you really have to come crashing through my lair, I just got it renovated-" and stuff like that? ALSO. They must have impeccable fashion sense, they have to have a better, way cooler costume than the heroes otherwise it's not fun
Breaking the fourth wall and poking fun at the story and fiction in general as you're telling it is always fun
Who is your Comfort Character from your WIP?
For FSF: Definetly Raven, Sapphire, and Triveya, my autistic and adhd babies. For The City is Ours: Nickelle, because she's aroace like me. Kylee, because she's autistic like me. And Chase because he's the sarcastic computer gremlin that's consonantly loosing his mind listening to the others get into ridiculous shit on the other end of the comms.
What have your learned while writing your WIP? (either about writing or about yourself, whatever)
There's a lot of stuff I didn't realize I already knew or needed to realize about me and stuff in my life. There's stuff in both FSF and TCIO that was/is really cathartic, and helps me to process my trauma and helped me learn how to unpack it and deal with the toxic people in my life. And I learned that I really need therapy.
Trigger warning for Snow's abusive stepmom, and a little bit on my fucked up life and trauma, plus toxic religion implications and religious trauma mentions
A specific example I can think of is Snow's arc in Snow Knight. Her arc is all about realizing that she has to stop giving her stepmom second chances and excuses, and that her good naturedness is being used against her.
I kind of projected all of my feelings about my relationship with the toxic church (dare I say cult, because it has all the criteria for one) I grew up in and my family onto Snow and her stepmom. Growing up, I thought that those things were good and that they wouldn't hurt me. It's taken a really long time to get out of the brainwashing and realize uh, that's not fucking normal and is actually really fucked up to teach a child wtf-
There's this really climatic scene I'm planning where Snow realizes that her stepmom will never stop hurting her, and I ended up writing this whole screaming and crying rant Snow gives to her stepmom- that's basically a general summary of everything I want to say to the people who raised me and the leaders of the church i grew up in, without specific religion stuff. I didn't realize that was what it was until I reread it later and went "oh... i need therapy... and the conversation I have with my family and the church leaders when I move out is certainly gonna be real interesting...."
Do you have any symbolism that you're using in your WIP? Explain it!
!!! :DDD Ok, I'll try to explain this as best I can.
A lot of the symbolism, at least that I can think of, is less of the object stuff and more of the what characters say and their actions. There might be some object stuff, but not for now. Most of what tells the story symbolism wise is the characters' choices and relationships. For instance, in Handsome in the Beast, Elliot and Hestia's romance is kind of a symbolic example of the themes in the whole series, and how you shouldn't isolate yourself and find people you can trust and who truly love you. And how even if it hurts at first because you're not used to it, you should hang on and let this good thing in your life help you heal instead of pushing it away out of fear.
Why do you love your WIP? What motivates you to keep writing it?
For FSF: I love the characters and their relationships so much. I also love the chaos, and the wild found family shenanagins. Stuff that mainly motivates me to keep writing it: bringing good representation to people who want and need it like me, teaching the readers that living can be worth it, and it's just a really cool story i want to see on library and book store shelves one day.
For TCIO: I love these chaotic teenagers and all the hilarious shit they get into. Plus all the mundane domestic stuff like trying to grocery shop for the whole team and fighting over who gets to use the shower first. Stuff that motivates me to write it: bringing representation to readers who want to see themselves in characters that's actually good, teaching the readers about what real forgiveness looks like and how you should be with your loved ones and show them you love them, and again, it's a really cool story I want to see on library and book store shelves one day.
Which one(s) of your OCs would you get along with in real life? Which do you wish you would get along with? Which would hate your guts?
All of my ADHD and autistic characters would be buddies with me, we understand each other. Me and Snow would get along well too (see me projecting my familial and religious trauma onto her).
The character I would get along with the least would be Jason. He's the kind of asshole that would call me all of the slurs in less than five minutes, and expect me to kiss him after because he's rich and objectively hot. Absolutely not, I don't even want to get along with him, he's getting punched. He'd hate my guts after that.
All of my OCs would probably hate me if they found out I'm the one who put them through all that shit, lol.
Are there any characters you feel a little guilty (but only a little) about having put them through so much shit? (aka, who doesn't deserve all the stuff they've gone through.)
Raven.... and Sapphire.... I mean all of them, really, I put a lot of them through hell and back, but those two the most. i mean between the Sapphire dying before they confess to each other/have their first kiss and then going through literal hell to get back to each other, only to go through more pain.... whew, that's a lot. I'd feel bad if all the angst wasn't so fun 🤪
What type of scenes are the hardest to write?
So far, fight scenes. It's not the getting the words out that's hard, it's editing it down to be readable at the very least. I describe stuff to much and it ends up slowing the pacing of the scene down till it's unbearable. But I'm working on it.
Would you rather your WIP be a movie or a tv show? Or something else entirely?
If any of my WIPs get onscreen adaptations, which is a dream come true in itself, I want them to be TV shows- because with movies, there's a time limit and you have to cut out stuff so that it fits into the attention span of the veiwers. With TV shows however, there's more room to go in depth and make sure nothing important gets left out or glossed over.
Plus we all know the track record of book-to-movie adaptations- 99% of the time they are either close enough but not great, or they're an abomination that really really sucks. I haven't seen many book-to-tvshow adaptations, but from what I've seen they're lightyears better than any movie adaptations. And I'd have to have a lot of involvement in the creative process so nothing gets ruined or cut out of course.
Thanks for all of the questions @memento-morri-writes !
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lordofcrowns · 4 years
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Get a real job, Cyril. :/
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averagemagienjoyer · 3 years
May I request sinbad as a significant other? If it's not too difficult that is ☺
Ah, my first request! Thank you so much for giving me a chance to write! ♥ And of course, I'll do my best to provide the content! 😌 Since no gender or pronouns were specified, I'll do GN! reader. Hope you don't mind!
CONTENT: Headcanons Sinbad x GN! Reader (FLUFF; SFW+NSFW under cut) - I think it would be very difficult for Sinbad to fall in love. He's a womanizer after all, and he knows he's got game. He just isn't as attached romantically-wise. So when he falls in love, he falls hard. I'm talking "Sometimes I wonder if I deserve them" type of hard.
- The moment he'd come to realize that he cannot deny his feelings for them, he surprisingly begins to be more responsible. It would seem as if he's trying to not think about it. He doesn't drink as often, he doesn't go to red light districts, he doesn't skip work as often. He subconsciously tries to better himself so that he'd be a potential good partner.
- He'd very smoothly confess, though. Sinbad would've asked for them to join him on a night walk, before holding their hand as his honey-sweet words captivate them. He manages to confess without any issues, but inside? He was nervous he'd be rejected. He's the happiest man alive when he isn't, though.
- He would definitely try to save some time of his busy day to spend it with them, preferably alone. If he can't squeeze in the time, he'll just ignore signing a few papers to spend it with them instead. Ja'far doesn't really appreciate this.
- He keeps himself composed, but can feel distressed inside sometimes. Despite him being confident in himself, he wonders if he's being the best version of himself to his significant other. Sometimes he loses sleep over this even, and will ask them if they're happy with him in the dead of night. They always comfort them about this, so he ends up going back to his normal self. Still, like anyone else, sometimes he has his bad days.
- Will give them gifts rather often. From jewelry, clothing, as well as the most beautiful flowers, to more personalized gifts that cater to their interests, their hobbies and even their culture as well. He will just have to look at something and be reminded of his lover for him to buy it for them.
- Don't take this the wrong way, though; he may spoil them with gifts, but he doesn't rely solely on materialistic items to keep them happy. Sinbad isn't dumb. He knows that a relationship would work best with affection as well, whether it be physical or verbal. He's a man to do both, too. They want him to say how much they love them? He will. They want him to touch them? He can provide that. He doesn't shy away from PDA either. He's proud of his significant other, after all!
- Sinbad would be absolutely delighted for them to be apart of his daily activities, even if by a small fraction. Whether that be by them being apart of his generals, of them going with him on diplomatic jorneys as his attendant or just by simply bringing him a cup of tea and asking how work is doing. He is very grateful that they'd show such support in his dream.
- He absolutely adores when his significant other plays with his hair, or just has their hands running through his hair overall. He can just feel his muscles relaxing and his worries of the day just melt away with their touch. Bonus points if they hum a song to him. He just feels like everything will be fine, and if he could, he'd like to stay like that forever.
- Will definitely consider proposing to them. Sinbad is absolutely sure they're the love of his life, and he'd finally begin to ponder over all those times Hinahoho had pestered him about finding a life-long partner. He'd consider doing so after having had spent the whole day with them, where he'd then take them to a private area in one of the Sindrian beaches. The sea is a very important part of his life, and since he'd be about to make another important choice in his life, he didn't think there was a better place to do it. Between us, he's planned this over his head over and over to make sure it'd go perfect.
(NSFW BELOW CUT!!! So beware!)
- He's experienced of course, but will not judge them if they aren't. If I'm being honest, it'll just boost his ego to know he's going to be the one to show them all the wonders of love making.
- Yes. There is a difference. Sinbad would qualify their sex as making love, and not just sex. Ever since falling in love with them, the act of sex by itself seemed to lack something. Deadass, the experience of doing it with them has changed the game for him. Not only do they satisfy their carnal desires, but there is an emotional bond to strengthen the meaning of the act. He's in pure bliss whenever they get it on.
- He's generally a gentle partner who goes slow, making sure they are being attended to properly. He likes to flavor the moment before building up speed in the last few minutes. Sinbad may be a horny bastard, but he's still a considerate partner.
- Loves to be in charge, but the idea of his partner doing so makes him very excited. Most of the times it's Sinbad taking the lead, but once in a while he makes sure to let his lover take control as he sits back and lets himself enjoy the show.
- Loves receiving pleasure, but, again, his pride just gets that rush whenever he's the one giving. The way they moan as he goes down on them, as well as the erotic faces they make, never fails to get Sinbad as turned on as he could possibly be.
- They better be prepared, because this guy has the stamina as well as the hornyness of a sex god. He will literally be excited with having round after round until his lover falls to the side completely exhausted. He will not stop until they're fully satisfied either, because god damn it will he make sure they've released all the tension in them!
- Loves to finish on their face, as well as on their chest. The sight simply is exhilarating, to see his lover panting deeply as his cum is just all over them.
- Will be completely down to try new kinks in the bedroom. He doesn't judge. After all, the adventures in the bedroom shouldn't stall! They have to keep things exciting, and he's more than happy to know they'd want to try something new with him.
- Aftercare with Sinbad is something that seems out of a dream. The man is a true gentleman. He'll make sure his partner his satisfied, before helping them clean up. After that, it's either a shared bath or they fall asleep, tangled into one another.
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mega-bastard · 3 years
ɢ ᴏ ᴏ ᴇ ʏ
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frat boy! oikawa tooru x iwaizumi's gf! reader
warnings: cheating (everyone's cheating in this frat house tonight), drugging (reader thought she was doing coke, actually percs), drug mentions: coke, weed, percs, non-con, gas-lighting, manipulation, iwai and oiks are shitty frat boys what can i say
wc: 1.9k
a/n: my piece for the intoxicated collab hosted by the whore house <3 you can check it out here! i have never written for this pretty rat bastard but I kinda like this version of oikawa that now lives in my brain. he's a shitty bastard but meh. this is very, very, very, v e r y loosely based on a real experience i had with percs ( i don't condone the use of percs !! ). also, do not mix drugs if you are doing them, especially percs with alcohol!
you know you're fucked as the last of the pretty white line vanishes through the end of a cut-up straw and into your nose. that too pretty smile tooru's wearing almost looks sinister as the feeling of prickles dances across your brain and the feeling of slight numbness snakes up your appendages. it's cemented further when drowsiness sinks in.
worst of all, you know you've lost when tooru's featherlight touch across your bottom lip has you sucking his thumb like your boyfriend isn't somewhere else in the same house
leading up to the frat party, you were excited ! time spent with your roommate was always fun, your partner in crime for getting wasted silly before proceeding to call your boyfriends to be picked up and continue the fun from there.
their frat's parties are always choice, thematic some days and just a reason to drink and make poor choices others. your poison of choice always being egging hajime on throughout the night to be fucked dumb when he's pushed beyond his limit-- the perfect fun for you.
but there's always tooru.
it's been too many times to count where you think you've finally got hajime right where you need him and then tooru's there to effectively whisk hajime away-- always with a snide reminder that you're there with your roommate, his girlfriend so 'why don't you go find her, she'll get lonely!'
ironic, considering that if she and you were up to trouble together he'd badger you over being negligent of hajime.
regardless, you fully entitled to enjoy yourself tonight-- tooru be damned.
before you could fester longer on the leech that was tooru, your roommate poses a comment about the outfits planned for tonight. it's enough to steal away your attention, and you find yourselves trying and tossing off clothes interspersed with chatter and gossip of all manner. by the end of it, you look downright sinful-- dressed in a silky feeling black bodycon with lace trim.
the intention is to rile hajime up, get him irritated having to be watchful over you to keep his sleazy frat brothers away. except for tooru, he's always the exception. he couldn't let any of his other brothers be the exception? you'd take temperamental kyotani over tooru any day. it's only a minor bonus kyotani is nice to look at.
by the time your roommate is ushering you to the uber you're quite tipsy, still aware of yourself but relaxed enough to giggle along to the lame jokes your uber throws over his shoulder at you two. idly, you think he's kinda cute.
the party is in full swing by the time your uber pulls up, people idling out on the lawn in stark contrast to the blaring music coming from the house itself. hajime and tooru are waiting outside for the both of you as you exit the uber. giving the uber a sweet smile before closing the door.
you try to ignore the lingering look tooru fixates you with as you make your way to the boys.
" tooooruuuu~" your roommate all but throws herself into her boyfriend, giggly and happy to see him. he returns the embrace, peppering her cheery face in kisses before returning her greeting "hi princess, you look ravishing as usual."
you fight to keep the cringe of your face at the nickname, opting to ignore their sugary-sweet pda in favor of hajime. you link your arms behind his neck before blinking up at him, pressing a chaste kiss to his chin before grinning cheekily " hi bubs, missed you today". his own hands settle on your hips, rubbing softly at the material of your dress before smiling down at you. he mumbles his own greeting before pressing a kiss to your temple, beginning to drag you inside.
you don't miss the familiar stare of someone staring down your neck.
all too quickly, between games of cup pong, kings cup, and random shots; your separated from hajime and squished between hanamaki and matsukawa on a ratty couch in the garage with an odd group of people. you're vaguely aware of matsukawa's arm thrown over your shoulders.
you don't try to move it.
you're half engaged in the conversation going on, between being drunk and swimming in the heady smell of weed, you're just kinda sitting there zoning in and out. there's a sizable bong being passed around, and despite only having met them a handful of times prior, hanamaki and matsukawa seem to know better than to offer you a hit-- at least that's what you tell yourself. across from you, there's a blond girl cutting lines of coke on a handheld mirror, looking up briefly with a raised eyebrow in question. you've met her prior, you've literally done lines with her, but her name is escaping you.
you feel stupid.
you're about to nod along when matsukawa's arm is thrown off you, two hands coming down on your shoulders in a bruising grip. you wince when you meet tooru's chocolate eyes.
he looks kinda pissed.
"y/n ! I've been looking alllll over for you !" his voice is as princely as ever, but the sneer on his face and the barely there anger under his tone pisses you off. you decide to push him before he starts pushing you.
"where's 'princess' at? can't believe you left my poor roommate all alone in this house" you tsk and pout, shaking your head. tooru's face momentarily sours before he's looping around the couch and dragging you to your feet, pulling you to the door without a word. you glance back briefly at hanamaki and matsukawa, but they look just as put off as you.
you follow, not sure if it's curiosity or just being drunk for you simpered obedience. you're led past hajime's room where you hear noise-- notably hajime and someone else but you can't think too hard about it with tooru's tightening grip on your wrist. this would be nice if it were hajime pulling you along. you stop in front of a door at the very end of the hall.
it's tooru's room.
volleyball trophies and keepsakes line the shelves, along with other commemorative keepsakes. a picture of him and your roommate, him and hajime, a group picture of the four of you as well. you're about the prod for answers when he beats you to it.
"don't worry about my 'princess', she with hajime right now!" he sneers down at you, loving the confusion that crosses your pretty little face before continuing "i figured i'd come check in on you since hajime seems to be doing a shit job of it." you're only partially surprised by the drop from his usual cheerful speech and vocabulary, but to hear him come at hajime unabashedly is strange.
it's actually really fucking weird all things considered.
"what do you mean by that? why's he with her..." and not me? the sentence practically finishes itself and tooru's sneer grows as your mind begins to tumble over itself. " you know, maybe he just can't handle you anymore? he's always bitching to me about you" tooru sighs, hand raised to his chin thoughtfully. something in your chest aches at the thought, mind nowhere near sober enough to see past tooru winding you up.
"you know, I tried arguing with hajime about it on your behalf. sure you're needy as hell and a borderline nympho but you're soooo cute! if i wasn't dating my princess, I wouldn't hesitate to steal you away~" it comes out teasingly, but his words are downright awful. you're not needy...right? sure you like sex, but hajime never complained about it.
you kinda feel like shit.
turning on your heels, you make for the door before tooru latches onto your wrist again. that same bruising grip back again, you whirl on him ready to lay into him before he shakes an orange pill bottle in your face. eyes narrowed, you glare up at him. what the hell is he up too?
"to make it up to you for bumming your night and causing you to miss out saeko's cheap shit, why don't we have a little pick me up?" his sneer is gone now, simmered down to what could be a genuine smile. you weigh your options, dull red flashing lights go off in your mind but safety be damned-- you need a pick me up. "fine, fine. i'd rather get something from you than just anybody." tooru looks a little surprised at your admittance, but you plop yourself on his bed before you can stare up at his pretty face any longer. he turns his back to you in favor of his desk, clearing space and procuring his debit card and a dollar bill before popping the lid on the pills and grabbing one.
you don't watch him crush the pill, and that's your fatal mistake.
all too soon, zoned out staring around the room while lost in your pitiful thoughts, tooru calls you over. "you're a big girl, I'm sure you know how to snort it" his voice is teasing, but you fail to notice just how focused he looks staring down at you. you grab a cut straw, no longer than two inches, and line one end to your nose and the other to the white line.
it feels wrong.
you know you're fucked as the last of the pretty white line vanishes through the end of a cut-up straw and into your nose. that too pretty smile tooru's wearing almost looks sinister as the feeling of prickles dances across your brain and the feeling of slight numbness snakes up your appendages. it's cemented further when drowsiness sinks in.
worst of all, you know you've lost when tooru's featherlight touch across your bottom lip has you sucking his thumb like your boyfriend isn't somewhere else in the same house.
god this so wrong, but the way tooru ushers you backwards until the back of your knees meet his bed, and you fall on your back feels nice. everything feels nice, his thumb in your mouth, his comforter on your back. the way he's staring down at you, laser-focused on just you... it's very nice.
but incredibly wrong.
hajime is in a room nearby, the fact eats at you.
tooru withdraws his hand from your face, thumb briefly pressing along your plush lips before crawling over you. he buries his head in your neck, nibbling and sucking along the length of it like a starved dog. you whimper, it's wrong but why does it feel so good? a particularly nasty bite forces a moan from your mouth, mind spinning at the pleasure despite the numbness.
you're terrible for getting off on this, you're a terrible girlfriend. tooru, evidently, is a terrible boyfriend. he drugged you but who's gonna believe you? you did agree to do it, you didn't ask what it was. your thoughts are spiraling.
tooru's hand leaves a blazing trail up your thigh, sliding up underneath your little dress and squeezing your upper thigh. you don't like this. weakly, you grab onto tooru's wrist in an attempt to halt his movements. he shakes it off, kissing along your jaw before mumbling to what you assume is more-so to himself than you.
"knew i was gonna fuck you when you strolled up in this, hajime's really missing out tonight"
tears bubble to your eyes.
you really don't want this.
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annakie · 2 years
General Updates
Got a breadmaker, hoping it’ll help me stop buying whole loaves of bread and then eating maybe 2 slices of it before it goes bad.  Excited to be able to just make small half-loaves instead.
Put my first loaf in using the King Arthur’s basic recipe on their website, they said that all-purpose flour will work just fine, so let’s hope they’re right.  I have a huge quantity of dry yeast that I bought in like, summer 2020 that’s been stored in a cool, dark place in a sealed glass jar so this will be the test to see if that’s any good anymore.  It bubbled a little when I mixed it with some warm water and sugar soooo.... fingers crossed.
I keep buying kitchen gadgets, but I’ve actually been using most of them so it’s not that bad.  I’ll get back to making blended coffee in the morning as soon as it’s hot again, and the pressure cooker has made several appearances lately, both for slow cooking and it turns out making mashed potatoes with pressure cooked potatoes is so much better than just boiling the potatoes in water.
It’s been so nice out a couple of days lately that I’ve been working with the windows open all day.  The cats love it (there’s still screens.)  Typical Dallas winter where it goes from 40 in the morning to 75 in the afternoon, and then maybe down to 20 for a few days overnight.
Patchy is still doing GREAT! Got her next checkup on Friday morning but she’s just still chugging along!  No signs of things turning yet!  Leela, also, doing great.  I couldn’t ask for better news for my pets than how they’ve been doing, all things considered.
Here’s some other stuff!
I finally watched The Expanse!  It was one of those shows I just could not get into even after I tried twice before.  But this time I was determined, and it took until like the middle of season 2 until I was hooked, but I did end up loving it.  I know there’s almost no hope for season 7 but I’ll keep my fingers crossed. 
Had a structural engineer evaluate my house last week.  At some point I’ll need foundation repair, but I don’t have to get it done anytime soon, though I could.  Not surprised.  Both he and the plumbing specialist I had out the week before that said I need to cut down the huge tree near the house in my backyard for the good of the foundation & plumbing so... got that scheduled in a couple of weeks.
Got a new boss + CISO at work in December. They’ve completely turned things around for the better.  The last 8 or 9 months at work have been... let’s just say... very not ideal and I was going to start looking for other opportunities but now I’m happy with bosses who know what they’re doing and have the willpower to get it done.  About 80% of my work life since September, 2017 have been under incompetent leadership or a complete lack of leadership or a boss who made me cry once or twice a week.  Brief periods of “OK this isn’t so bad...”  let’s hope it stays this way. New boss even got me a raise pretty much right when he got here. 
Funny thing is, new boss reminds me a lot of the boss that would make me cry... except he’s like the best version of that guy.  Like current boss is the guy we thought we were hiring when we rec’d that former boss get hired.  New boss, sure he talks a lot, but he makes sense when he talks and is usually interesting instead of word salad leaving you feeling dumb and dazed when he was done.  Their names are also similar so I keep having to remind myself to not use the Other name.  So yay, work is decent.
Mostly distracting myself from... you know... *gestures broadly* the state of everything else with Taskmaster (very much enjoying watching it with Ange!) and the Taskmaster podcast, sometimes The Sims, sometimes hopping around other video games, whatever Star Trek/Wars is on, MST3k/Rifftrax (yay Gizmoplex & season 13 launch on Friday!).  Crossing my fingers the Mass Effect modders will get the ME2LE Community Patch out soon.  The only other podcasts I’m keeping up with right now is Hello From the Magic Tavern, loving all the bonus patreon stuff, and the Delta Flyers which... same.  I feel like now it’s been about 2 years since I watched a lot of these Voyager episodes so I may need to start rewatching along with the show.
I should probably join the Discord watchalongs but... man there’s so many Discords I’m a part of and I’m active in like none of them except the ones specific to my friends and the D&D games I play in.  Oops.
I’m trying out Dinnerly, which is like Hello Fresh but less expensive, with less complicated meals and they don’t send you as many of the “incidental” ingredients.  So far just had one meal, but I feel more likely to keep doing this than Hello Fresh, which was just... unreasonably expensive tbh.
So, I mean, really things are about as good as they could be for me personally right now.  So that’s good. Just... feeling helpless that the most I can do for the outside stuff is donate what money I can and, well, pray.
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rebelwrites · 4 years
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Can’t Fight The Moonlight
Jax Teller x Reader
A/N okay so I love this song, and just had to write something with it for Jax. BONUS POINTS IF YOU KNOW THE SONG AND THE FILM REFERANCE!!!
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“So does Jax know?” Opie smirked resting his arm over your shoulder as you sat crossed legged on top of the bar.
“Bro what are you talking about?” You asking trying to play dumb, you knew what he was on about.
“Don’t play that act with me okay” He nodded “But I am guessing with your reaction you haven’t told him”
“Ope that was another lifetime ago” You shrugged. “I mean I haven’t done it since I left NYC”
Leaning your arm back on the bar you took in his expression. His smirk was wide, you knew that smirk, pinching the bridge of your nose you took a deep breath hoping he wasn’t going to do what you thought.
“Come on up” He grinned.
“Ope no I can’t” You huffed.
“Can’t or won’t” He winked before turning to Chucky giving him the thumbs up. “No stand up you shithead”
Glaring at your older brother, you hated him with every bone in your body right now.
“Jax” He shouted “You are gonna want to see this brother”
You and Jax had been dating for the past year now and things were going well. There was a reason you hadn’t told him about your life in NYC. Not because you regretted it, because you didn’t, you loved what you did and you were sad to see it come to an end but you needed to get out of NYCfor other reasons. Your brother needed you and family always came first. The reason you hadn’t told Jax about what you were about to do was because he was jealous, you knew this when you got together and you loved it. So you didn’t know how he would react.
“Shithead just keep this more on the pg side yeah” Ope smirked “I do not need to see the version you are used to doing okay, once was enough. Now stand up”
As he helped you stand on the bar, you took a deep breath as all eyes fell on you as the music started.
“Under a lover's sky, gonna be with you. And no one's gonna be around” You sang softly as you stood very still.
“Louder and move” Opie shouted making you laugh and stick your middle finger up at him.
“You think that you won't fall. Well, just wait until the sun goes down” You sang letting the music wash over your body as you sang louder “Underneath the starlight, starlight. There's a magical feeling so right. It'll steal your heart tonight”
You were in the zone now as you danced seductivaly to the music, singing your heart out. Striding along the bar making your way to Jax.
“You can try to resist. Try to hide from my kiss. But you know but you know. That you can't fight the moonlight” You smirked as you bounced down, pushing your knees out, taking your ball cap off placing it on Jax’s head, grabbing the sides of his kutte before you pushed your ass out as you stood up winking at him before you walked down the bar.
“Deep in the dark. You'll surrender your heart. But you know but you know” Even though you hadn’t done this in about a year, you still remembered the song and you body remembered the dance, running your hands down your body, everyone was whistling and cheering you on. “That you can't fight the moonlight. No, you can't fight it. It's gonna get to your heart”
At some point Jax had joined you on the bar, a smirk played on your lips as you slowly walked over to him with an extra swing in your hips.
“There's no escape from love. Once a gentle breeze weaves it's spell upon your heart. No matter what you think, it won't be too long til you're in my arms” You sang loudly as you ran your fingers across his chest before placing your back against his chest, wrapping your arms around his neck. “Underneath the starlight, starlight. We'll be lost in the rhythm so right, feel it steal your heart tonight. You can try to resist try to hide from my kiss. But you know but you know. That you can't fight the moonlight”
Your hips were grinding against him and you heard a low growl come from him, well at least he was enjoying this, maybe one day you would show him the less tame version. Spinning around, you were slowly getting breathless as you weren’t doing this most nights anymore.
“Deep in the dark. You'll surrender your heart. But you know but you know. That you can't fight the moonlight” You sang hitting all the right notes, grabbing the sides of Jax’s kutte.
Waving you hand out behind you, you signalled Ope to cut the music.
“Shit darlin’ where did that come from?” Jax grinned gripping onto your hips bringing you closer to him.
“Told you I am full of secrets” You winked “Now can you help me down”
Jax jumped off the bar before wrapping his arms around your waist, lifting you off the bar.
“Thank you for keeping it pg” Opie laughed.
“Wait you mean there is a different version” Jax smirked, his eyes widening at the thought.
“Yuup” You nodded downing the beer that had just been passed to you.
“So where did you learn to do that?” Jax asked kissing the top of your head.
“Urmm” You said rubbing your forehead.
“Bro she was a coyote” Opie grinned.
“As in the bar in NYC” Jax asked, looking at you.
“Yeah that's the one” You nodded “I was a coyote for about 5 years, and before you say anything, it was a well paying job”
“Like I have the right to judge” Jax laughed “Do you miss it?”
“Every god damn day” You said bringing another bottle to your lips. “But that was another life”
“It doesn’t have to be” Jax grinned spinning you around in his arms “We have been looking into things we could do for legitimate business and I think I know what we are going to do, how about we buy a bar and bring the Coyote’s to charming”
“Don’t you need to vote on shit like that Jax” You whispered, placing your hand on his chest.
“Boys what do you say to a Coyote bar coming to Charming” Jax shouted, within seconds every was whistling and cheering again “See darlin it is unanimous, so tomorrow you and me will go premises hunting to find the right one and you will be in charge of everything, decor, the girls, everything”
“Jax” You whispered “You don’t have to do that”
“You have a talent darlin’ and it is something you love doing, I saw it in your eyes. So it would be a shame to keep your talent hidden, but maybe you tone your dances down a bit as I don’t think you want me punching every guy drooling over you”
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