#wholesome discduo
bleue-flora · 2 months
Ok, so can we talk about Punz for a second? Because like when I rewatched that stream the other day, not only did I notice that it was Punz who avenged Dream by killing Tommy and returning all of his stuff, after Sapnap and Tommy had ambushed Dream and refused to return it [details] (making him truly the mvp, who really doesn’t get enough credit). But I also noticed some other fun things.
Specially this.
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And this.
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Tommy punches Dream -> immediately killed by Punz [clip].
Like okay maybe we could make the point that Dream pays him to kill Tommy and reclaim all of his stuff [clip], but pretty sure Dream isn’t paying him to be so protective.
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DSMP finale and why its not as bad as people say it was - understanding is not forgiveness.
Everyone is saying that its written badly, and that its damage control but Tommy has said this was in the works for months now. Everyone is saying that it isn't a satisfactory conclusion, and maybe that is the case for us; the audience but it is satisfactory for cTommy.
cTommy never forgave cDream. He understood him, he saw cDreams past and realised that cDream had morals and had goals. He understood what those goals now were. He saw that happy server that was in the past and realised that cDream missed it. This is not him at all forgiving cDream, this is not him saying that everything that happened to him was fine, he is simply seeing cDreams perspective.
Sure, he apologises but thats him apologising for his own actions and for the bad things he has done in general, this never was meant to imply that cDream was in the right. cTommy even says that he doesn't agree with anything cDream did, he just says that he can see his point now. -
At a surface level, cTommy being sympathetic towards cDream makes no sense, but then you consider his goal behind everything. Why he always went after cDream? and its for closure.
He wanted closure not with cDream dying (as we see in prison lore he can't kill cDream) He thinks he can do it but he can't and thats because by killing him, he never finds out why cDream harmed him.
Abuse victims often need to figure out why their abusers harmed them so they can have that closure, that understanding, they no longer will be kept awake at night wondering for hours 'what did I do wrong?' 'why did they do it to me?' 'did they like hurting me?' ..and if you look at cTommy, he's always wondered why cDream targetted him and what did he do wrong. He just wanted to know why. And this finale provided that answer to him.
cDream isn't being redeemed, he says things like 'you deserved it' and he never apologises. But this isn't about them reconciling, and becoming friends. This is about cTommy finally knowing why he was hurt so many times, and it co-exists with the fact that cDream was never justified in hurting him.
cDream was never forgiven or excused, he was only explained. None of cDreams motivations and desires were painted as correct. And cTommy seeing cDream as human isn't him forgiving him.
You have to consider that cTommys trauma has a big role to play in this whole thing. Why sympathize with cDream? He always did even before exile, he always tried to understand him but got left with evil monologues in response, never knowing the true reasons until he saw that limbo. He just wants it over, he just wants to be free, he smiles because he is free, he gets the reassurance, he realises why cDream thinks everythings his fault and then he finally was at peace.
until the nuke went off.
Theres even a chance that if the nuke didn't go off, cDream would betray cTommy eventually but we'll never know.
The finale ended off with cTommy putting his heart over his head, and also empathizing with the person that hurt him the most just as cTommy has done in the past over and over. Fits cTommy perfectly.
But then both cTommy and cDream achieve what they wanted; the server being simple again.
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call-me-apple · 2 years
Someone puts wholesome c!discduo art on your dash right after hours of Exile discussion 10 dead 86 injured
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stellocchia · 2 years
hi! do you have any discduo fanfic rec? /nf
The poet and the thief (Fae AU and they have a nice wholesome relationship. It’s also both crimeboys and primeboys focused, still, it’s really cute)
the dead don’t dream (Very, very dark. Let’s just say that Dream has fun experimenting with his revival powers, and everyone else suffers)
I met a monster (he seemed to vibe with me tho, so we’re kinda besties) (Lab AU. Dream is a monster stuck in a lab and Tommy keeps him company. It’s sort of odd, but it’s really fun to read)
Butterfly Reign (Royal AU where they have a nice relationship. It’s wonderful though. Like, genuinely, it’s written so well and it’s really nice in general)
Over the River Styx (It hasn’t been updated in a while, but, basically, something goes wrong after Tommy’s death in the smp and he and Dream somehow end up sharing a body, which also has his own consciousness? It’s weird but cool)
The Worst Space Trip Ever (Modern AU where they have a nice(?) relationship. Dream is a sort of eldritch horror in this one, and it takes a little while for him to care)
The Corruption We Suffer (This one is simply god tier as a fic. Just in general, but especially for primeboys content. It’s just, so good. Truly maximum priority to this fic, it’s wonderful)
Sweet Dragon Child (Au, where they definitely have a really wholesome relationship. Dream adopts a dragon child)
There’s Blood in your Web, Theseus (wipe it out) (Black Widow AU. Primeboys relationship is complicated but ultimately positive. It takes some time before we get to explore it, but then their relationship gets plenty of time to shine. I love it. It gets really dark though, so make sure to read the tags)
Don’t Struggle; Don’t Move (Fae AU, pretty short, but cool)
Returning Stars Bring Meteor Showers (This hasn’t been updated in a while, but still, it’s a fic set in the future of the Dream smp, Dream is stuck being a ghost, he’s invisible to everyone aside from Tommy’s reincarnation. He’s still his good old manipulative self)
Helios (Ngl, this one is pretty damn dark. If I remember correctly it takes around 2 chapters for Dream to appear? But it’s well worth the wait)
music didn’t have a meaning to me before I met you (Modern AU where they have a nice relationship. Basically, Dream works at his dad’s music shop and Tommy is fascinated by the place)
Forged by Truth (or Lack Thereof) (This is THE protegé AU. Like, among the AUs that focus primarily on that, this is my absolute favorite. It also updates really regularly, so that’s a big plus in my book)
whenever we’re opened, we’re red. (Always set on the Dream smp, but it’s an AU where the Egg has taken over and with Tommy being the only immune one, and Dream being stuck in an obsidian box they end up being the only non-infected ones and they have to work together. Which, with Dream being, you know, Dream, ends up being rather hard)
6.9 billion outcomes, and somehow we ended up here (All the people from the 3 hunters manhunt end up in the dsmp universe)
Gleam and Glow (Rapunzel AU, and they’re exactly in the roles you imagine)
nepenthe (It’s another one set in the Dream smp but with Platonic soulmates and so so much angst)
Mask (Protegé AU, it’s really cool, and it has a really neat gimmick)
Also maybe check Mine, I have quite a few that are primarily primeboys-focused that you guys may enjoy!
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salamanderdr · 3 years
Wholesome discduo as
'Where the Wild Things are'
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Click for better quality
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cocomere · 2 years
Hey hi hello, welcome to whatever the fuck this is.
I'm Cocomere, Coco for short. I use she/her pronouns. I have fibromyalgia.
This is my main and I'm just kinda? Here? I reblog a bit of everything.
Note: I'm extremely picky about who I follow, because I like to read my entire dash. I don't follow/have unfollowed many of my friends for posting a lot because if my dash is miles long, I will feel Obligated To See It All. It's nothing personal and I'm not asking anyone to post less; I just like to keep things pared down.
I have a variety of things I find Neat(tm) but my only real fandom is the Dream SMP. I adore wholesome/positive discduo and you can pry that from my cold, dead hands. I also find just about everyone interesting in some way, even if they're not always my cup of tea. c!Dream is utterly fascinating to me and I want to put him in the pear wiggler until his secrets fall out.
I've been writing, specifically doing OC-only rp, on and off since 2006. I just recently (September 2021) started writing fanfic of the Dream SMP which has been a wild experience. If you want to read my nonsense here's my AO3. The start of the fics is scuffed as fuck due to the way in which I fell into writing it. It's being fixed, though it's subject to the mercy of my muse cooperating. Have fun with the fucking bullshit I pull. I also have an askblog that's set about three years past the most recent fic there are major spoilers there for things that happen and it's intentionally unclear on some things. I'm also working at about 3.5 VERY different points on the timeline at once. This is somehow working out better than you'd think.
I started making jewelry the same year I started rping, but that's currently on an semi-hiatus due to being consumed by my writing.
I'm a very friendly person and generally am open to chat as long as you're not going to be an asshole. I'm just here to vibe, man, let me enjoy the blorbos and dank memes. If you want to chat about my blorbos just be aware that you will be activating my trap card special interest and I will not shut up about it.
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uisstuff · 2 years
Fic i recommend you to read(Tommy centric cause why not 😄)
"I'll put down my Roots when I'm dead"
Another vigelante tommy but has a happy discduo content
SBI adopt tommy
While Dream adopt Theseus
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"that's my kid,my sunrise"
Tommy adopt shroud in the apocalypse, oh what would they do😌
Wholesome and a little angst
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HIHIHI!! Hi it’s Tribe, I’d do this off anon if my writing blog wasn’t a side blog lol. Just wanted to say you inspired me to do father & son Discduo (which is ironic considering their only interaction in KFODNI is Dream scaring the life out of Tommy LMAO) stuff which includes making them in the Sims 4 and I immediately regretted it bc they’re broke and the house I bought is not meant for toddlers in the slightest and I just *head in hands* on the brightside I’ve got an au in my head I’m planning on writing based off that so - Tribe
Hello Tribes!
Naww, that's great! I'm glad I could inspire you a bit! Even if it was through a forty-five second interaction-I honestly hope I can have them interact more story-wise-
Dude, the moment I read "Sims 4", I somehow had the major instinct to just go "Oh no. . ." and it turns out my instinct was right! XD Ah, even in wholesome scenarios, these two will find SOME way to make it difficult. . .
Yay!! I'd love to read it if you ever decide to post it!
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bleue-flora · 2 months
Found a couple more instances when Tommy was right.
Tommy: "Aww, Dream's a good guy. Dream's a good guy."
Tommy: “Dream, the hero of the story. GOOD GUY DREAM. He has the Tommyinnit seal of approval.” Salutes “Awww, you know what, no, I’m with you chat - aww. Nice guy.”
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stellocchia · 2 years
hi, do you have any c!discduo /pos fic rec?
I know this was from AGES ago, I'm so so sorry it took me so long to answer!
Life has been a bit hectic for me.
But here:
The poet and the thief (Fae AU and they have a nice wholesome relationship. It’s also both crimeboys and primeboys focused, still, it’s really cute)
I met a monster (he seemed to vibe with me tho, so we’re kinda besties) (Lab AU. Dream is a monster stuck in a lab and Tommy keeps him company. They did have a really nice relationship in it if I remember well)
Sweet Dragon Child (Dream adopts a dragon child)
music didn’t have a meaning to me before I met you (Modern AU where they have a nice relationship. Basically, Dream works at his dad’s music shop and Tommy is fascinated by the place. Hasn't updated in a while, but it was really nice!)
I dream in picture books (Space God Dream adopts himself a human child, as you would)
Hold you in my hands like hot tea (Space God!Dream sees human!Tommy and asks “Is anyone gonna adopt that?” and doesn’t wait for an answer)
Fish In A Barrel (Primeboys in the zombie apocalypse. It has a sequel with Wilbur in it as well)
It's late but I found out I had quite a few saved up!
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I love how people are interpreting Dream trying to save Tommys coins in SoT as Dream trying to save Tommy
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