#who killed who
gameraboy2 · 2 years
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Who Killed Who? (1943)
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maxwellatoms · 10 months
I've been watching Billy & Mandy so much lately in-between boring studying and I thought I'd take my chance and send you this drawing I drew of the three best friends since you're on here.
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I think my favorite episode has to be "who killed who" I really love that one.
That's super cute! Maybe cuter than these nerds deserve...
Who Killed Who was a fun early episode boarded by Paul McEvoy. He also did Brown Evil and was responsible for a lot of the more cinematographically pleasing shots in the first season or two.
It was also a lot of fun working with Betty White. She was a very funny woman.
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alphawolfstabs · 8 months
Who I think killed who in scream [1996] a somewhat complete analysis!!
We know that Stu and Billy are the killers, we also know one has to be on the phone while the other is the killer. In this post I will be sharing who I think Called and Killed for each victim.
• Casey Becker and Steve Orth.
I think Stu killed Casey. I think, given the dialog that Stu killed Casey as a revenge method for her cheating. The dialog “Do you have a boyfriend?” And the way Casey says “No” makes it feel like she’s used to saying no to having a boyfriend, and cheating.
Now, I also think Billy was on the phone AND he killed Steve. This feeds into my Autistic Billy a little bit, but whenever he speaks of horror movies you can tell it’s his thing.
As for why I think he killed Steve, he most likely just did that as a conceding for Stu. Letting Stu have his fun with Casey, Billy willingly dealt with Steve first.
• Scaring Sidney
I think Billy was on the phone while Stu scared Sid. Billy wouldn’t have enough time to change clothes and climb through the window. Stu definitely would’ve needed to be involved.
• Principal Himbry
I think Stu did this one.
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Here we see him with the girls and they’re leaving the school grounds. He gets Sidney to come to the party, and says bye.
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He does this, and then heads to the school, and then it cuts to himbry. That had to be Stu.
• Tatum Riley
I think this was Billy. [can’t find a good screen capture sooo script.]
Stu asks Tate to go get beers, at which time Gale and Dewey show up. We see Tate talk to Dewey and then she leaves to the get the beers, which happen to be in the garage.
In which, Stu is with Gale.
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And then when Billy shows up, he does this:
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It’s very subtle but it feels like a hint.
And then later, as hes with Sid and everyone else is watching
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This scene happens, Which I think goes with the theory that Stu knew Billy killed her.
• Kenny [news man incase you don’t know] and everyone after that-
Obviously that and everyone after Stu, since Billy was ‘dead’ in the bedroom.
Obviously people will disagree and that’s okay! Just these are just my theories/thoughts :)
[ @smashlovesscream ]
[reblogs are also appreciated but not forced 💕]
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captainjonnitkessler · 6 months
Sometimes I wish we would start calling out the performative radicalism on this site for the poser bullshit it is. "Remember, it's always morally correct to kill a cop!" "Don't forget to firebomb your local government office!" "Wow, it sure would be a shame if these instructions on how to make a molotov cocktail got spread around!"
Okay. But you're not killing cops or firebombing government offices. You are posting on a dying microblogging website to a carefully-curated echo chamber that has radicalized itself into thinking that taking the absolute most extreme position on any subject is praxis but that anyone discussing the most practical way to effect actual change is your sworn enemy. You do not have the street cred OR the activist cred to be talking about killing cops, babe.
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lazylittledragon · 4 months
can't believe we're all adults being forced into the club penguin level of censorship in 2024
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noelledeltarune · 8 months
EVERY SINGLE DAY there are MILLIONS of characters in their late 20s who get falsely accused of being father figures to teenagers when in reality the description of "weird older cousin" or "step-sibling that moved out before you were born" is 1000000x more apt
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i love graffiti. "comics and jazz are the only american art forms" you forgot graffiti. did you remember graffiti? That art form birthed in Philly and NYC in the early 70s by poor Black kids. that art form that spread all over the world and influenced so many. that's used without irony in commercials when they're trying to appeal to a "young urban" customer.
did you forget graffiti? that racism broken windows theory victim? that reach the establishment takes claiming that it's exclusively violent gang members throwing up those full-color pieces and wildstyle tags in the middle of the night outsmarting fifty security cameras because the billboard was ugly anyway. as if, even if it was, it wouldn't be impressive as all hell. risking brutality and fall damage so your art can occupy the space a gentrified condo named something like "Coluumna" took away from you. proving that despite only assholes affording to live here anymore there's still a soul beneath it. an animal with dripping stripes and teeth that go clack-clack tsssss
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badolmen · 11 months
People against piracy fail to realize that no, I can’t just ‘buy it.’ They stopped making DVDs and Blu-Rays. They’re barely offering digital copies for download. I am not spending money I could use for food or bills to pay for a subscription service just so I can always have access to a beloved piece of media. Especially not when the service will remove media on a whim without concern for how the loss of access to that piece will make its artistic conservation nigh impossible.
For example, I recently learned that Disney+ had an original film called Crater. It’s scifi, family friendly, and seems cool - I would love to buy it as a holiday gift for my little brother! But: it’s exclusive to D+ and THEY REMOVED IT LITERALLY MONTHS AFTER ITS RELEASE.
The ONLY way I can directly access this film is through piracy. The ONLY available ‘copies’ of this film are hosted on piracy websites. Disney will NEVER release it in theaters, or as something to buy, and it may NEVER return to the streaming service. It will be LOST because we aren’t allowed to purchase it for personal viewing. If I can’t pay to own it, I won’t pay for the privilege of losing it when corporate decides to put it in a vault.
So yes, I’m going to pirate and support piracy.
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greelin · 2 months
clawed gauntlets save me. Save me clawed gauntlets
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chaiaurchaandni · 6 months
does throwing a stone at a tank
make a child a terrorist?
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is terrorism about resisting oppression? is terrorism about demanding your birthright to live safely and peacefully in your homeland? is terrorism about hating the killers of your family, your friends and your people?
accusations of terrorism are often weaponized against those fighting for liberation and sovereignty and dignity. the french settlers called the algerians terrorists. the indian government calls the kashmiris terrorists. the pakistani army calls pashtun activists terrorists. the turkish government calls the kurds terrorists. apartheid south africa called nelson mandela a terrorist. americans called the vietcong and the black panthers terrorists. the israelis call the palestinians terrorists. all oppressive regimes are connected. all oppressed people are connected. injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.
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visualnovelboyfriend · 7 months
why should palestinians have to leave behind their land because israel wont stop killing them. why should anyone have to leave behind their life and memories and sentimental value just because an aggressor is left unchallenged. please think this sentiment through and delete it from your thoughts. instead of blaming an oppressed people for living in a hostile land, ask who is making that land hostile to live in.
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spitblaze · 7 days
I guess Chilchuck has brought us right back to 'adults who are short are child-coded and if you like them you're a pedophile' discourse huh
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wynsvre · 5 months
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snoopy as lady macbeth
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oars · 8 months
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july-19th-club · 1 year
seriously have been thinking about this all night long. call me autistic but the fact that 90% of workplaces the point is not to get your work done and then be done doing it but to instead perform an elaborate social dance in which you find something to do even when you're done doing everything you need to do in order to show your fellow workers that you, too, are Working . because you are at Work . disgusting why cant we all agree that if there is no work immediately to be done. we just dont do anything
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samble-moved · 10 months
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post itself
false flags
trans/adjacent tags
accessibility features
tumblr live post (thanks for the link, @problemnyatic)
flashing / strobing / lights
unblockable flashing ad
buying ad free
staff @/macmanx guilt trip
list of staff + more issues
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