#whitestorm for leader
spinnysocks · 5 months
you know what could be an interesting warriors au?
everything is the same until the battle in the darkest hour. scourge defies starclan's prophecy and takes all of firestar's lives, but lionclan still wins with all 4 clans on one side. whitestorm becomes leader, barely hanging onto life after the fight with bone. he's not well but thunderclan doesn't have anyone else to step up as leader.
i can't remember if greystripe officially comes back to thunderclan by that point, but with his best friend dead, he chooses to go with riverclan to be with his kits.
i thought of this au simply to spite the erins for that whitestorm wasn't even that old (he's considered a senior at 6 years old while his cousin mistystar lives to 15? like, okay.). also because he deserves it. his family is gone and cursed so he puts it right. perhaps his three children get more important roles as well.
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animalechochamber · 3 months
A long standing tradition of formal duels has been around since the old age, brought in originally from the cats who lived on the moorlands that merged with the forming clans.
A duel must be agreed upon by both parties and have at least one witness to have a clear record of what went down. While some are duels till the other taps out most are to the death, as those who’d even risk that much honor on a duel would rather die in the fight then admit they are weaker. Most often it’s been used between two particularly hard to choose deputies but also to nip foreseen wars in the bud. One fight instead of many, that usually end cleanly, and settle things once and for all.
-This is all expanded for the idea of R!Bluefur, Bluemoon and Thistleclaw having a duel to end their competition once and for all. They agreed though beforehand that neither would kill the other, as both had children (Whitekit, Mosskit, Mistykit, Moonkit). But Thistleclaw didn’t follow their one rule of honor. And she in trying to subdue him, ended up shoving him too far. The poisoned warrior would fall into the river unconscious and end up drowning, his body never found as it floated off to the gorge where it smashed against the rocks. This is where she receives her iconic shoulder scar. From his thorny claws which would cut a lighting across her fur. The observer for them was actually Rosetail, who despite being Thistleclaw’s kin, said that he had slipped and fell into the river by his own mistake. She saw who her brother really was and was even relieved that he went out before he was completely unrecognizable to her. Even if it hurt.
Blue and Rose raised Whitepaw, later Froststorm after she comes out (yes transfem Whitestorm is real I love her), and Blue becomes deputy without the competition of Thistle. Unlike canon where it turns out there was no competition there actually was here as Thunderclan was left entirely leaderless without an appointed deputy. So the two were the candidates to take over entirely without having been deputies before.
-Sunfall dies before he’s even able to get his lives. I’m thinking either by Thistleclaw OR in a freak accident that really divides the clan apart
-Bluemoon becomes leader and makes R!One-eye, renamed Mottledeyes, her deputy to have a more wise but trustworthy figure on her side. Though she later retires after her daughter Speckletail brings her the first of her grandkits to be born, being Mistlekit.
-Her kits are still OakBlue kits but were given up to secure a peace treaty between the two clans. This both made tensions less high and damaged her reputation. Mistykit and Moonkit went to Oakheart while Mosskit, the first born, stayed with her. Mosskit would end up dying though in an attempt to sneak out to go to her littermates, freezing in the snow. Moonkit renames himself at his apprentice ceremony to Stonepaw to try and distance from his mother as he blames her for the disaster that is their “family”
-She never was a prophecy cat. No great destiny laid out in stone for her. Her uncle Goosefeather did say she would have many hardships but never anything too specific. She got herself to where she is and would go, though the faithful side says it was all preplanned, leading to her shattered beliefs later on
-Dies the same. Leading the dogs off the gorge into the water. She is pulled out by her kits and says sorry for what she put them through, and to her son Fireheart that he will never forget that he has his own trail to blaze. Not one already cleared out to follow.
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nightly-ruse · 2 years
Idea I want to see how people react to it bc I’m debating about it a lot: Renaming Leafpool
Instead of Leaf being named that she’s named Finchkit beside Squirrelkit as a ode to Fireheart’s other parental figure; Cranetuft or Featherkit as they were none being the only living kit of Dappletail and Stormtail’s litter.
Cranetuft(suffix pending) is a albino deaf cat, later parent of Ravenkit and Rookkit(Dustkit), and pretty big inspiration in Firepaw’s life when he joins the clans. Cranetuft often trains and gives advice to Fire, defends him when trying to get out Tigerclaw, and a huge reminder to all the cats that any cat can be a great warrior no matter their past or disability’s. This is a particular point out to Bluestar’s treatment of disabled characters. As well as a pusher for the code to change bc they believe it isn’t fair at all.
This inspires Firepaw’s rebellious side and want to do good, change the way of the clans to be better. I adore Crane a lot if u couldn’t tell. I originally was going to have Fire have a second litter and name the kit Finch but I don’t really want another Fire kit.
Soooo how does everyone feel about renaming Leaf? Is there another path that’s better? Second litter or no second litter for FireSand?
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nanistar · 3 months
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this is a zine piece i did back in april 2022 for a zine that unfortunately never made it. the theme was relationships, so i chose to do new leader Firestar and deputy Whitestorm. i have a headcanon that Whitestorm just kinda knew that he was going to die going into the battle with BloodClan, but went anyway because he had faith in Firestar, so I wanted to capture the pride he felt looking at Firestar and how far he had come.
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mommyclaws · 9 months
No reason but when I was younger I really liked the idea of Whitestorm being Graystripe's father.
I just think it would be silly if his goofy cocky personality early on comes from his father being a respected warrior and his great-aunt being leader. He brags to Rusty but he always gets scolded for being a clown anyways.
And idk... Bluestar watching her grand-nephew have a halfclan relationship... leave the clan to be with his kits like she never could...
Stonefur, Featherpaw and Stormpaw being related... Stonefur hadn't wanted to accept his relation to Bluestar at first but he spends his last breath fighting for his family's right to live.
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bonefall · 3 months
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Cat? Gray. Eyes? Blue. Hotel? Trevago.
Design babble stuff below
Good god it's been over a year since I last drew her. I can do so much better now
I give her a wolf motif for BB, because in my mind it's about the myth of the lone wolf. Lone wolves aren't normal, they're pack animals. At first, Firestar sees her as this ideal, strong leader who stands independently of everything... but he's wrong!
She's NEVER acted fully alone! She's always been devoted to her family, even as it dwindled. Her ruling style is to protect other Clans, unlike any leader who's come before her. In BB, she even had a mixed-Clan friendgroup called the Forget-Me-Nots.
She helped to depose ShadowClan's tyrant. She sent Firestar to fetch WindClan, even against the wishes of the other two. She even fought Nightstar and Crookedstar when they tried to drive them out again.
She even takes the code SO seriously that she refused to kill Brokentail, extending a mercy that ended up backfiring.
And Firestar learns everything about leadership from her. Grace, diplomacy, fairness... and she was fair to a fault.
Both her and her apprentice would eventually face down Tigerkin, Bluestar during the coup and Firestar even lost a life after defending Hawkfrost for several books.
The only time Bluestar ever became a "lone wolf" was in her cruelty arc, when she was dragging everything she ever stood for down with her.
Her wolf motif shows up in her entire family, to connect them. It's in her nephew Whitestorm, her uncle Goosefeather, her daughter Mistystar, even all the way down into Curlfeather and Frostpaw who are descended from Reedwhisker in BB.
The scar comes from her fighting a badger to rescue Darkstripe and his sister, Cricketclaw, when they wandered off as kittens.
He's a mix of spiky and swirly, as a cross between his dad Deadfoot and his mother Ashfoot.
He's older in BB to change that he was an apprentice on the Great Journey, and also to fix an inconsistency where his dad would be dead when he was conceived.
I think it was a huge missed opportunity that Crowfeather's bond to his mentor, Mudclaw, is barely mentioned in-canon. In BB they were VERY close and Mudclaw was incredibly influential to his personality.
Deadfoot is dead-- Mudclaw was like a father to him.
Crowfeather is torn between the influence of his mother, who was a Forget-Me-Not in her youth, and the hard ideology of his mentor. All the while, the ego boost he got from being selected to go on the Great Journey massively affected him, in a bad way.
He ended up taking Mudclaw's side in the rebellion-- not because he believed that ThunderClan had told a lie (in fact he defends his friend's honor) but because he believed Mudclaw would be a better leader.
But eventually, he found himself surrounded by cats he didn't want anywhere near WindClan. Good intentions or not, Mudclaw was willing to work with cats like Blackclaw and Hawkfrost-- people who want a second TigerClan.
Crowfeather betrayed the rebellion, running to fetch Brambleclaw and ThunderClan reinforcements. In the fight, his nose was scratched in a chevron, the shape of Mudclaw's stripes.
I like the idea that he carries it with him, but always tries to put it off his mind. He mistreats and misuses other people, ignoring the reminder that he is a fallible person that's carved onto his nose.
died of infection. Sad!
All of his kits resemble him in some way. Lionblaze inherited his tail, Hollyleaf has the spikes, Breezepelt has the build, Jayfeather is a miserable git has the ear swirls
He was head of Kitchen Patrol until BB!OotS, but I'm actually planning for him to NOT be deputy in BB. His character growth feels a lot more satisfying in realizing he really doesn't handle power very well, and should stay away from it.
He has old relationships and burned bridges to mend, and staying part of Kitchen Patrol seems like the way he should plan to do that.
I talked about him a lot in Nightcloud's summary and he's going to be coming up in the outline of Nightcloud's Pannage a lot. Much as I love taking potshots at him, he's got a very kind arc laid out.
She is the daughter of LIONHEART whY don't you people give her A MANEEEE
let her be THICK
In BB, the Frostfour are actually from two different litters. Cinderpelt and Brackenfur were in the older one.
Frostfur was head of Kitchen Patrol at the time, and very overworked lmao
So Cinder and Bracken both have an "older sibling" energy. Their mom was usually involving them in every little activity to get some help. Brackenfur is over-responsible, and Cinderpelt was always trying to help out other people and prove herself.
Of course, it also lead to her running right into Tigerclaw's trap which was set for Bluestar-- she wanted to be helpful.
The injury didn't heal right and she has chronic pain. She has severe mobility issues in the hip, and usually keeps the leg bound to her body so it doesn't drag or hurt.
She could have still been a warrior if she wanted to, but discovered while healing that she loved working with Yellowfang. I also interpret it this way in canon, to be fair, but TNP decided to remember it completely differently.
After saving Littlecloud's life they became absolute best friends. They worked on a mobility device for Wildfur together.
They style their manes in a similar way, pushing it up into that "spike" on their heads and out of their faces.
Moonkitti's blonde Ashfur remains iconic, I fear
I draw him like a cheetah so he has the funky cheetah cub hair
I'm a HUGE fan of what the Erins did with the direction of Ashfur's story, with him being an obsessive spurned lover, but that's not really the sort of story I tell in BB!
So I approach his obsession on Squirrelflight as being very... Judge Frollo-esque.
Frollo's ultimate goal isn't to possess Esmerelda. He wants her, but it's a wrench in his plans to commit ethnic cleansing using his religious justifications. Hellfire is about how he finds a way to shift the blame for his own lust onto her, and offers an ultimatum; "She will be mine or she will burn (along with everyone else I plan to slaughter)"
In Frollo's mind, he "forgives" her for what she's "done to him." For what she is. He sees what he's doing as giving her an "escape."
It's not for her benefit. It's for HIS. By giving her this "escape," if she takes it, he gets to think of her as redeeming herself (and thus being worthy of him).
If she does not... then it's no skin off his back. He's Done His Part. Everything was always her fault. He is blameless.
Either way he gets to walk away feeling justified.
All that to say-- that's how I approach BB!Ashfur.
He wants to punish codebreakers. He wants the Clans to suffer for how far they've fallen from where they should be. They've become vulgar, ungrateful, unworthy of StarClan's grace.
He tried to kill The Three because he'd learned of the Fire and Tiger prophecy, and was only trying to protect the Clan. If Squirrelflight had CHOSEN HIM, then none of this would have happened.
He was righting a wrong, you see, and StarClan understood, in his eyes.
When Hollyleaf slaughtered him, violating the Code, it only confirmed he had been right all along.
And again and again and again, he offers Squirrelflight what she needs to redeem herself. He wants her. He wants her to "be better."
When she lets him down... then it's not his fault. She's forced his paw.
SO the blonde hair isn't totally just a fun reference, I also find it fitting because aside from the cheetah motif, he sees himself as angelic.
It's also why I don't portray him as "grubby" like some folks do, BB!Ashfur is much more vain than Canon!Ashfur, caring immensely about his appearance. Thinking about it, he probably won't even let his Bramblefake vessel fall into disrepair, he'd feel more grossed out than usual.
He also gets a very cool boss fight form at the end of BB!TBC which I still need to design lmao.
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the-owl-tree · 3 months
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Fallen Stars - Act Two - The Fall
With your assistance, Princess has finally managed to convince Sandstorm to tell her what happened that night. Every story has its beginnings. Follow Sandstorm and Firestar from the past and see what transpired to drive them from their own home, and remember, you cannot change what must happen.
[Rough Overview + Archive!]
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Quick summary of the intro for those who didn't follow the blog: This arc opened up with Sandstorm! She'd be our eyes in the Clan, revealing that ThunderClan was still recovering from the loss of Bluestar. Important to note, she'd reveal that Firestar was not eating or sleeping enough.
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look at that gorgeous old ass rushed art
This arc was meant to introduce the voting system, a way for people to interact with the characters and guide them. However, I wanted to make it clear that while you could influence them. The first vote was going to be a quick way to show this, with people being allowed to vote on whether or not Bramblepaw and Tawnypaw could be allowed to come to the gathering.
Quick reveal here: This was a vote where I knew the outcome and was absolutely going to use it to my advantage lol a majority of people (obviously) voted yes. However, to demonstrate that votes weren't complete control over characters, the outcome was going to be that only Tawnypaw was allowed to go, as Bramblepaw had to go and ask Firestar permission.
Bramblepaw is then sent to wake up Firestar, the POV then switches to Firestar who is in the midst of a nightmare. This would be where the story would sow the seeds of one of the bigger conflicts of the story. Bluestar would deliver a word of warning here:
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Firestar wakes up at Bramblepaw's call. Once he's a little more alert, the two talk and Bramblepaw asks to go to the Gathering. Firestar says no and Bramblepaw protests that Tawnypaw is allowed to go, something which Firestar doesn't like.
He finds Sandstorm and the two argue about it, with Sandstorm standing her ground and Firestar unhappily standing down. This was going to be a way that I was going to set up Firestar's struggle with conflating control and leadership, and learning to balance it both out.
The rest was going to be a Thunderclan intro montage where the reader got to see how everyone was doing. Nothing too different from canon quite yet, everyone's grieving but also expecting trouble from ShadowClan. Firestar visits Cinderpelt, who would reveal she's having strange dreams. This would fuel Firestar's struggle with paranoia and the trauma from the attack, it's building and festering.
The cats that would come to the gathering were obviously Firestar, Whitestorm, and Cinderpelt but the Warriors chosen were: Sandstorm and Graystripe (obviously), Dustpelt, Cloudtail, Brightheart, Goldenflower, Tawnypaw, and Fernpaw.
Cut to gathering, I wasn't going to draw everyone lol just the key players to keep an eye on such as all the Clan leaders, deputies, and their medics, Morningflower, Gorsepaw, and Onewhisker.
The gathering would play out in the books where every leader talks and when Firestar tries to tell them what Tigerstar has done, the clouds begin to cover the moon. However this time, panicked he'd lose this opportunity, of the potential harm that Tigerstar would wreak lest he stopped this...Firestar lets out a battle cry, demanding Tigerstar face him in a Leader's Duel for his crimes against ThunderClan. Firestar's actions are incredibly divisive, with most of ThunderClan backing him up, but the other Clans protesting at a duel during a gathering, especially when the clouds are covered.
Winner remains, loser is exiled. No holding back.
Tigerstar smooths it over and accepts, the two circling each other. The fight starts out even, with Firestar being able to hold his own in the beginning...but he's running on adrenaline alone. The lack of sleep, the lack of food, the desperation of needing to win eats at him, and Tigerstar quickly gains the upper hand. The fight turns brutal in seconds as Tigerstar beats him and brutalizes in front of a horrified crowd...and taking the first life.
ThunderClan hurries out to stop it but the ShadowClan and RiverClan warriors stop them from interfering. This would add to set up of the two Clan's alliance.
The plan here was the beating to be completely done away from the viewer's eyes, with only the horrified reactions of allies from all Clans listening as another life is taken. In particular, there would be a focus on Tawnypaw who is witnessing the brutalization of her leader at her father's claws, it's implied Firestar loses another life in front of her. Cue the "Tawnypaw will remember this" text ala telltale games lol
Throughout this, an unseen figure would be seen making their way up the great oak.
It's as Tigerstar lifts his claw to claim a third life that the ThunderClan and WindClan warriors break free of the restraints from the other Clans, moving to swarm Tigerstar- but it's Gorsepaw who outspeeds them all, launching himself off one of the great oaks and right at Tigerstar!
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Flinging himself onto the face of the tyrant, he manages to pull Tigerstar off of Tigerstar. However, Tigerstar flings him off and doesn't hesitate to snap his spine, killing the brave apprentice instantly. He's barely given a chance to breath as Onewhisker, Mudclaw, and Tallstar charge him with Onewhisker and Mudclaw being stopped by Blackclaw and Jaggedtooth respectively, while Tallstar 1 v 1's Tiger.
The perspective switches back to Firestar with the battle raging around him, fading in and out of consciousness. He looks up and he grows shocked, gaze fixed to something unknown. No one else sees it, the intense battle leaving Firestar alone to gaze up at the omen before him.
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A massive cat made of dark, angry clouds stealing the moon. Sent surely by StarClan, Firestar thinks, right...?
He fades out of consciousness and Sandstorm and Graystripe take the lead, fighting through the mess of cats. They manage to get a hold of him with Sandstorm lifting him onto Graystripe's back, the two beginning to make their escape as ShadowClan and RiverClan cats grow hot on their heels. A majority of the ThunderClan cats help them, however Goldenflower and Dustpelt can only look on in shock.
Darkstripe tackles Sandstorm and she calls for Graystripe to make a break for it. While she's able to take on Darkstripe, Blackfoot ambushes her from behind and the two quickly begin to overwhelm her. She sees Dustpelt and calls for him to help, dodging blows. He doesn't help, eyes wide with shock. It's Cloudtail and Brightheart that intervene, yowling for Sandstorm to run and get Firestar to safety.
He howls for her to get to the garden, Sandstorm taking a moment to realize what that was before understanding hit her.A twoleg word that Princess, Cloudtail, and Firestar knew...and one that the rest of the Clans didn't. Sandstorm had only been familiar with the word when Firestar had introduced her to his sister on their search for Cloudpaw.
Without a moment to spare, Sandstorm hurries and guides Graystripe to Princess' garden, ending the arc where the first one had begun.
Princess would take in the story and comfort them both, thinking over the information. She recounts an old rumor, but one that she's not too sure of herself. However, she says they might be able to help. Desperate and unsure, Sandstorm and Graystripe agrees.
As Firestar begins to awaken again, Princess promises to bring them to someone named "Vivi".
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wettbewerberrr · 5 months
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was scrolling through my gallery and found an old wc challange where you have to draw a character for each clan role and decided it’d be a fun way to practice starting off with Leopardstar and Whitestorm - leader and the deputy!
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cryptidclaw · 1 year
Star Bluefrost!
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Bonus, Bluefrost post Tigerclaw's betrayal!
Design Notes:
Blue has the slender (Oriental shorthair/Siamese inspired) body type of her father. She looks a LOT like Stormtail, but she's blue instead of brown.
During Tigerclaw's attack, he clawed her chest, leaving her a scar over her leader mark, I like the symbolism, since this can represent her subsequent loss of faith in the Stars.
Character Bio:
Star Bluefrost
Bisexual; Cis Molly; she/her
Age as of 1st arc's beginning: 9 cycles; 52 Hyrs
Title meaning: -frost = a cat with a particularly cold or serious personality.
Leader of Thunder Order; Was in line due to being Star Sunfall's apprentice. Gave up her kits to stop Thistleclaw from becoming Second.
Second(s): Redtail (apprentice); Lionheart (Star Sunfall's son); Tigerclaw (nephew); Fireheart (apprentice)
Successor: Star Fireheart
Mentor: Star Sunfall
Mother: Moonflower
Father: Stormtail
Siblings: Snowstorm
(Ex-) Mate: Star Creekstorm
Kits: Star Mistyfoot; Stonecliff; Moss
Grandkits: Reedwhisker; Perch; Carp; Stonestream; Rippletail; Beechfur
Adoptive Grandkit: Primrosedawn
Other notable kin: Goosefeather (uncle); Whitestorm (nephew); Star Tigerclaw (nephew)
Extra notes: Star Bluefrost is a gray character (literally and figuratively lol)! She does cruel things (Brightheart's og name) and makes some bad decisions (giving up her kits) but that does not make her a horrible person. She was under extreme stress and trauma during the time she gave up her kits, and at the end of her life she was suffering from an extreme mental break that probably involved some dementia. This doesn't excuse her actions, but I love her character for how flawed and complex she is!
This cat is one of my favorite soggy traumatized meowmeows <3
[Image 1 ID: A digital drawing of Star Bluefrost, an au version of Bluestar from Warrior Cats. She is standing with her right side showing and a calm expression. She is a slender long legged short furred blue gray cat with white on her muzzle, around her eyes, on her paws, and tail tip, she also has a white spot on her chest in the shape of a diamond/star. Her fur is a darker shade of blue on her back, tail, legs and around her face She has a scar over her shoulders, her scar, inner ears, and nose are all pink and she has blue eyes ./End ID]
[Image 2 ID: A digital drawing of Star Bluefrost, an au version of Bluestar from Warrior Cats. The image is the same as the previous one, but now Bluestar has wide open fearful eyes, her ears are back and she has a scowling expression, her fur is scruffy and fluffed out on her back tail and neck, and her claws are unsheathed. She now has three slash mark scars going across her diamond/star marking on her chest./End ID]
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redux-iterum · 2 months
Charred Legacy Allegiances: ThunderClan
Leader - Bluestar - tall blue-gray molly with a scar on her back and yellow eyes
Deputy - Speckletail - pale dusty brown and cream torbie molly with amber eyes
Seer - Yellowfang - long-furred dark gray molly with a flattened face, an underbite, unkempt fur, and orange eyes Apprentice - Cinderpaw
Matriarch - Goldenflower - thick-furred golden spotted tabby molly with a white chest and belly and amber eyes
Warriors Whitecloud - tall white tom with yellow eyes (Whitestorm)
Frostfur - white molly with green eyes
Darkstripe - dark gray tabby tom with black stripes and yellow eyes
Willowpelt - pale gray molly with pale green eyes
Teaselfoot - brown tabby tom with a pale belly and hazel eyes (Runningwind)
Mousefur - smallish dusky brown molly with a pale belly and amber eyes
Lizardtail - light brown tabby tom with stark stripes, a long tail, and hazel eyes (Longtail) Apprentice - Swiftpaw
Sandstorm - sandy golden molly with green eyes
Dustpelt - sturdy dusty brown tabby tom with copper eyes
Ravenwing - scrawny black tom with a white dash on his chest and tail-tip and green eyes
Graystripe - thick-furred gray tabby tom with thick stripes and yellow eyes
Fireheart - short ginger tom with green eyes
Apprentices Cinderpaw - dark gray molly with dark green eyes
Swiftpaw - black tom with white markings with amber eyes
Queens Brindleface - beautiful dilute tortoiseshell molly with pale green eyes
Kits Frostfur and Lionface’s litter Brackenkit - golden-brown tabby tom with white markings and amber eyes Thornkit - dark golden-brown tabby tom with white markings and hazel eyes Brightkit - white molly with golden-ginger patches and green eyes Snowkit - deaf white tom with blue eyes
Brindleface’s litter Ashkit - pale gray tabby tom with broken stripes Aspenkit - pale gray tabby molly with broken stripes (Fernkit) Cloudkit - white tom with ginger ears, nose, and tail
Goldenflower’s litter Bramblekit - dark brown tabby tom with white toes and chin Tawnykit - tawny brown tortoiseshell molly with white markings
Elders One-eye - ancient gray molly with one orange eye
Halftail - dark brown tabby tom with half a tail and yellow eyes
Patchpelt - black and white tom with amber eyes
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spinnysocks · 6 months
whitestorm is a great character, he could never do anything wrong! *Side glancing at multiple aus were he Does Something Wrong*
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theanoninyourinbox · 2 months
I need to know about Brambleclaw in your Longstar au. Tell me everything about that traitor! Please.
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Bramblekit was normal, as kits go. Small, maybe a little rough with Snowkit and a bit selfish, not noticing if others were affected by his misadventures or little clawed swipes, but no one save Speckletail and Goldenflower noticed anything amiss. When the fire struck camp, and Fireheart bravely saved him from the flames, he seemed starstruck. Wanted to be a brave warrior who saved everyone!
And then his Father left.
The clan seemed to turn on him all at once. They all hated him! Just him!! (He never saw Goldenflower shudder her tears away, never saw his sister flinch at the stares and whispers. He never saw Fireheart try to shield him, or Longtail glare down the elders. His greatest flaw was never seeing how others felt.) Darkstripe brought him to see Tigerclaw, who promised that HE was protecting Bramble from the horrors of a weak clan, and whispered to the malleable kit lies and half truths and just play along until I take control. So Bramble did.
Then Tawnypaw LEFT HIM TOO. How dare she, he would say to others, how dare she go to the terrible cat and his terrible clan! (How dare she go, he would say to himself, it was supposed to be me! Now I am watched, and cannot meet my fatherteacherleader!!
And in his dreams, Tigerstar came to him. For you, my true heir, the true training of a strong leader. The Miretrees welcomed him with grasping claws, and he relished it.)
(Any guilt or morals were lashed away by the thorns and the shadows of a thousand hateful cats.)
He played his part - saving Whitestorm, mourning the dead and verbally disavowing Tigerstar (he did not fail he still yet lives in the Mire of nightmares), becoming a Brawler (all the better to defend my clan, he says to Longstar) (give me Claws, he says, to redeem the naming of my father, he says), dotes on his mother, hunts and fights and returns in the night to his bloody-bellied fatherkingruler.
He becomes defined, in the secret bloodybeatingcloying spaces of his heart, in the shadows of his mind, by three things.
Pride. Envy. Wrath.
He is Proud of his prowess, of his acting, of his untouched pelt (the claws of the Dark Forest are too slow for him, only catching on his soul) and his place of honor - he is TRUSTED by the falsefoolishleader Longstar, to watch his kits and protect them from danger. HE is the danger that no one sees! HE will sink his teeth into the unprotected spines of the clan! But not yet. Brambleclaw waits. He is Proud to have a true leadershadowboundruler like Tigerstar, the cunning to Brambleclaw's battle skills. He is Proud. And that is a piece of his downfall.
He is Envious, of Longstar and Flamewish. Of Tawnypelt and Foxpaw and Swiftpaw and Darkpaw. And eventually of Hawkfrost and Mothwing and Crowfeather. He WANTS the power to command a clan to move, and be obeyed at every turn! (He does not see the elders balk, Whitestorm advising, the historians and tacticians guiding the clan as well) He WANTS the love of a mate, one who is devoted only to him (he misses the work that Longstar and Flamewish put in to their relationship, their arguments and apologies, the devotion going both ways) (He misses how his sister is loved, by her clan, truly trusted, how Rowanclaw is her FRIEND before her lover) He WANTS his father to be there, to be watching him grow effortlessly (he misses the little spats, the drama, the fears, and does not see the love that the family cultivates) (He could have been another son to the leader, or even the deputy, but it is far too late for that) (He barely recognizes that Goldenflower loves him, cherishes him, and is Proud of him. She does not matter. Mollies' opinions do not matter, his father taught him well) He WANTS a sibling relationship like Hawk and Moth, he WANTS to be cherished by many clans like TadpoleCrowfeather (He is blind to how Tawnypelt loves him, how Stormfur asks for his advice, how Feathertail flirts) (His plans for Foxpawflight are NOT ruined by her affections for ShrewpawLeg he WILL be her mate) He is Envious. And that is a piece of his downfall.
He is Wrathful, his hate of the Clan he was born into catching on his ribcage and twisting in his intestines, burrowing into his marrow. He claws the turf to pieces in fury, how DARE his father leave! He knocks eggs from their nest is rage, how could Tawnypaw leave him too!? He tears the pelts off of rogues and loners, MY FATHERLEADERKING IS NO FAILURE!!! He scatters stones on the cliffsides, why won't Foxpaw realize she's MINE!? He screeches as he drives rogues away, MY BROTHER!! MINE!! He is Wrathful, and that is one piece of his downfall.
He stands over the foolishfalseidiotLongstar, his truebrotheronlyally looking upon him and their prey. Join me finally, Brambleclaw crows, join me and we can be what we were meant to be!
(He has always missed how Hawkfrost looks at Tigerstar, looks at him. With building horror and regret)
And Hawkfrost
Brambleclaw is Proud (he trust his battle prowess, but Hawkfrost is quick and lean and won't hoLD STILL)
Brambleclaw is Envious (you are MY BROTHER he screams, and the denial from Hawkfrost cuts through his blackening heart)
Brambleclaw is Wrathful (red tinges his vision, his father's voice in his ears stop him stOP HIM KILLHIM)
The silvery spike in his throat tastes like failure
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meroaw · 1 year
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Warriors Charms Catalogue
This will be updated and pinned as new cats get added! Mushroomy | Independent Store
Etsy Listings
Leaders of Into The Wild Firestar, Bluestar, Tallstar, Crookedstar, Leopardstar, Tigerstar, Scourge Into The Wild / The Prophecies Begin Graystripe, Ravenpaw, Barley, Whitestorm, Sandstorm, Brightheart, Cloudtail, Swiftpaw, Redtail, Cinderpelt, Spottedleaf, Yellowfang, Longtail, Runningwind, Silverstream Before Fire Joined the Clans Goosefeather, Thrushpelt, Oakheart Leaders of The Clans Sunstar, Mistystar, Blackstar, Leafstar, Tigerheartstar, Onestar The New Prophecy Brambelstar, Squirrelflight/star Leafpool, Hawkfrost, Mothwing, Tawnypelt, Crowfeather, Feathertail, Stormfur Power of Three Jayfeather, Hollyleaf, Lionblaze Omen of the Stars Ivypool, Dovewing, Briarlight Throughout the Clans Nightcloud, Briarlight, Breezepelt, Willowshine, Kestrelflight A Vision of Shadows Alderheart, Needletail, Violetshine, Twigbranch The Broken Code Shadowsight, Bristlefrost, Rootspring A Starless Clan Nightheart, Sunbeam, Frostpaw Villains of the Clans Sol, Darktail, Mapleshade, Ashfur, The Imposter Dawn of the Clans: Clear Sky, Tall Shadow, Thunder, Wind Runner, River Ripple Other: Star Flower, Gray Wing
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skyscratch-wc · 1 month
BLUEFLAME -- The Thunderstar, Leader of ThunderClan
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Name Significance: "-flame" is a suffix often given to warriors who are particularly feisty or passionate
Ranks: Hunter -> Head Hunter -> Deputy -> Leader
Mentor: Stonepelt, Sunfall
Apprentices: Frostfur, Redtail, Fireheart
Parents: Moonflower, Stormtail
Siblings: Snowstorm (littermate)
Mate: Oakheart (RiverClan)
Kits: Mistyfoot (RiverClan), Stonefur (RiverClan), Mosskit
Grandkits: Reedwhisker (MistyDeep, RiverClan), Thymefur (MistyDeep, RiverClan), Pikepaw (MistyDeep, RiverClan), Perchkit (MistyDeep, RiverClan)
Other Notable Kin: Whitestorm (nephew), Graystripe (great-nephew)
Character Summary: [WIP, will add later]
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bonefall · 1 year
can you give us more info on Spottedleaf’s Plague and the events leading up to the beginning of the first book?
Sure! Spottedleaf's Plague is still pretty loose right now, I have an ending in mind but the central theme is still up in the air. It's one of my looser planned SEs, it rotates around in my head like a microwave but it's still uncooked.
(Horrible Histories Plague Song Tune)
The intro is largely Spotty, Red, and Tiger as apprentices.
Whitestorm is a young warrior above them, and the cool older cousin of Red and Spotty
A lot of the dynamic is established. Spotty and Tiger are BESTIES and cradling a mutual crush, Red is kind of a snappish, awkward apprentice
Redtail is trans and is going to transition about midway through this book btw
Thrushpelt is Redtail's mentor. Thistleclaw is Tigerpaw's mentor. Unsure who is Spottedpaw's mentor; looking to pick a molly here.
Growing up, Spotty has to deal with how her crummy uncle Thistleclaw suspects her of being halfclan and has basically become intolerant of his sister, Rosetail, for claiming Queen’s Rights
Tigerpaw is picking up a lot of this
Thistle is a violent, abusive person who subjects Tigerpaw to intense training. Spotty is usually the one patching up his minor injuries
The worst of them happen on the day the Parable of the Thistle is written. He's covered in horrible prickles all over his face, and his paws are cut up
This sends him to the Cleric's Den, which is where Spotty eventually falls in love with the idea of being a cleric.
Featherwhisker is AMAZING, he's so funny and wise, she wants to be like him super badly.
Through hanging out with him, she learns she is absolutely fantastic with rituals. She can draw a perfect circle and has a knack for invoking the warriors of StarClan.
But... more than ever, she is losing Tigerpaw. If she becomes Cleric, they can never be mates, or go to battle training, and they'll spend less time on patrol together
More than a possible romantic partner, she is losing a friend, as he's sucked further down the hole Thistleclaw is digging for him
Bluestar became deputy, and then leader, in less than a month. This was towards the end of Spotty's apprenticeship.
She is overjoyed for this, because Blue is her mom's best friend, and Featherwhisker's choice. (and possibly her mentor's mentor, if her warrior mentor was Frostfur)
Big timeskip at a point, because there are 4.5 years of general peace under Bluestar.
The next big event here is the titular plague, which I'm still unsure of what the disease is specifically. HOWEVER, it is going to be the same plague that Runningnose starts in TPB so I'm planning to play loosely with it, to make its rules easier on myself.
It's either a disease like rabies, or black death.
Possibly a mix of both. Frothing Death?
Info: This disease has some kind of obvious physical symptom but is infectious before that point. It has a survival rate, but can stunt growth. Adults and adolescents are more vulnerable to it than kits and elders.
It spreads first by bat, but is spread further by fleas.
Spottedleaf and Featherwhisker are working themselves to the bone to care for every sick cat
Spottedleaf is taking every waking moment to beg for help from StarClan. They're not totally useless and do manage to get her some good pointers
And then, while tending to Leopardfoot, Featherwhisker gets Anime Blood Cough Disease or whatever I make the symptom LMAO
Tigerclaw loses his mom and Spotty loses her mentor
When she tries to invoke him, StarClan does not send him down.
So... she channels him instead. And he pops up.
StarClan sent him to the Dark Forest even after he died tending to a patient, for his constant disregard of the code and siring a child with a kittypet while on the vow (Frostfur)
That Shakes Her Up A Bit
The final scene, I can see it perfectly in my head:
Tigerclaw finds Spotty while she's still stumbling around, dazed by her revelation, reconsidering everything she's ever thought about morality, StarClan, and the meaning of life. He's furious out of pain and basically trying to provoke her by asking if her path of the Cleric was all worth it
She couldn't save his mom and she couldn't save her mentor, or any of the like 1/4th of ThunderClan that died
And she hears this and like, this Fool. This Stupid Man. He doesn't even know the half of it.
So she starts laughing, because she's Spotty. Shaking her head, returning to her old self, gets her paw on his big ass shoulder (she has to reach up he's so tall)
"Nothing matters! Even the things we can change are nothing in the long run! Everyone will forget our names someday and you can be the best clanmate in the world or die trying, we all get buried in the same dirt! My claws can keep us here a little longer but yours can't dig us up and all that matters is what *I* KEEP PEOPLE JUST A LITTLE LONGER AND NO STARS OR WARRIORS WILL TAKE THOSE MOMENTS FROM ME"
Claws dug into his fur Tigerclaw is a bit speechless. Same Old Spotty. "...i apologize, my friend. I was... crass."
Spotty: "s'allright. Im sorry about your mom. Wanna get lunch?"
And that's what I've got so far. I want to keep its ending a bit raw and abrupt, because it's got this budding vibe that Spottedleaf's story is about the life she lived and the moments she's collected within it. Something about the absurdity of it all, how 'wasted' effort isn't totally wasted, and the beauty within just having a person for a little bit longer.
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simbasomba · 4 months
As some of us warriors fans know, BrambleClaw nor GrayStripe deserved to be deputy (maybe Bramble but he became a bitchy leader) so I GOT AN IDEA!!!
In the fight of bloodClan, where WhiteStorm dies and FireStar announces GrayStripe deputy. Well, what if he chose LongTail to be the new deputy instead??
LongTail then chooses to retire (fuck forced retirement because he got blinded. blind cats are actually really good hunters so he and JayFeather could be like the hunters of the clan alongside SandStorm) and instead of FireStar choosing bramble to be deputy, he chooses CloudTail?? (BrakenFur would be a good choice as well.)
Then, when FireStar dies, CloudTail becomes leader insteaddddd???
AND, what if this is the same au where FeatherTail gets saved by Squirrel and the same au where BrightHeart dies instead of SwiftPaw??
BrambleStar’s nine lives included FeatherTail so imma switch it up a lil bit.
1. FireStar, a life of courage to make the hardest decisions.
2. BrindleFace, a life of understanding the love of a mother. ( this life was originally given to BrambleStar by GoldenFlower but golden isn’t cloud’s mother )
3. BlueStar, A life of clear judgement of character.
4. MouseFur, a life of listening to your elders.
5. LionHeart, a life of having the greatest pride in your clan.
6. FernCloud, a life of honoring queens.
7. CinderPelt, a life of offering second chances.
8. BrightPaw, a life of exploring the borders beyond your clan. ( this life was originally given to BrambleStar by FeatherTail: But this is the same au where Feather and Swift survive so BRIGHT IT IS)
9. RavenPaw, a life of speaking out against injustice.
Thank you for your time <333
( @featherfrond and @espressopaw what do we think??)
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