#white fang jack london
mustelavison · 9 months
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white fang
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d1ckgrayson · 2 years
White fang holds a special place in my heart. As a kid I read it and fell in love with and as an adult (understanding the racist shit jack London writes) the fundamental story of abuse breaking a creature down to something vicious and the way love and kindness and patience can help heal it but that creature can never be the same and may never show love the same way as others but that's okay. The way White Fang cuddles as an ultimate form of affection and his growling seeming on the face hostile but as his way to show affection matters to me
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thenameslutley · 1 day
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I think Hunter would like this book
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caramelcuppaccino · 1 year
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—Chapter VIII: The Law of Meat of The White Fang by Jack London.
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bones-n-bookles · 10 days
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My White Fang collection, so far. It's included in The Collected Jack London
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ganymede-princess · 3 months
The Craving | Jack Conroy
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ship: Jack Conroy x fem!OC
warnings: mentions of death, brief description of healed frostbite
summary: Jack meets a musher girl on his first day in Alaska.
word count: 2826
a/n: I am actually extremely proud of this so I hope somebody reads it haha
written by @ganymedeprincess
This story can be read as a one-shot or as the first chapter of a larger fic which can be read here.
Living in the Yukon, you get used to craving. You crave warmth, food that doesn’t come from a can, a bed with a real mattress and a roof over it, the sight of a fresh face and fresh conversation. I had been out there for nearly seven years by the time I met Jack Conroy, and nearing my seventeenth birthday too. I stood at the edge of our camp, watching the prospectors stumble out of the narrow passage at the top of the pass, like rats spewing from a drainpipe. He caught my eye then, beet-red and fresh of face, dressed warm, but not warm enough, his eyes glazed with exhaustion and wonder. He reminded me of myself the first time I climbed the Golden Staircase, back when snow still glittered like pixie dust, and my father’s promise of a gold seam to call our own didn’t ring hollow as the wind through an empty mine. I knew Conroy instantly; the mirror of his father, the man who raised me better than my own. I kept my head down as he looked around, knowing he was there for Alex, but not wanting to face it. The Yukon would turn that boy hard as ice before long, and I didn’t want to watch it happen.
As he traipsed over to us, I crossed my arms and glared at him. Go home, Conroy. I thought. Go shack up somewhere warm, and be happy. He didn’t look at me once, so consumed with his mission. I shielded my face and retreated to the tent. The coffin was easier to face than Alex breaking his heart. Despite my reluctance, I knew I would not have minded taking him on. There were few young people so far into the mountains, except the few kids at the Tlingit village along the trail, but we never stayed long enough to get to know them. The boy could become my companion, of sorts. We would take him north-west from Dyea to Klondike, then set him loose to find his way to the Conroy claim to spend a few months frantically digging into the hill; and go home colder, hungrier, and poorer in spirit. I wouldn’t even have to see it break him. Alex wasn’t like that. He was a pragmatist. He and Skunker knew how to mush, and they took me on because I was the best scout you’d ever need, thanks to my daddy’s training. This boy was a city slicker, and the best he could offer the team was a morale boost, and Skunker was already too cheerful for Alex’s liking. We couldn’t take him. He’d be a dead weight. I tried to close my ears to his charming, eager voice as he tried to butter up old Larson. Soon enough, Alex stepped into the tent and nodded for me to help him lift the coffin. I set my teeth and heaved it. ‘Heavy’ doesn’t begin to cut it.
“Who’s in there?” Conroy asked, puffing a white cloud as he tried to catch his breath.
“Name’s Dutch.” Alex caught my eye and nodded in acknowledgement. I said nothing.
As sweet as his cold, dead daddy, Jack Conroy helped me lift the box. He waffled on in a voice tense with effort, about maps and letters, and gold dust in an envelope his father sent him on his deathbed. My heart ached at the thought of kind old Scotty, dying alone in his claim with that grey lump of diphtheria in his throat. We found him frozen one winter a few years past, and I left a bundle of purple lupines on his grave. My eyes started to burn and something in my throat thickened as I finished tying up my corner of the sled. I pushed past Jack to tie his side. He stumbled, his shoes struggling for purchase on the packed snow. Wolfish fury passed over his face as he regained his footing, then he calmed and went back to pleading his case.
“Everybody finds a little gold dust.” Alex assured him. “That’s what keeps you digging. But you have to strike it, and your father didn’t. Go home and find a regular job. You wouldn’t last a day out here.”
Something odd happened then. I caught the boy’s eye, still glimmering with hope, and realised three nuggets of truth at once: one; this boy was no stranger to craving adventure, glory, and a namesake, but craving food, craving heat? He had never wanted for these things in his life. Two; he had that grit in his teeth that showed the true conviction of his words. He would try to journey to the Conroy claim, with or without our help. And three; I had never known craving until I craved him.
“I’m a good worker, and I just want what’s mine.” He insisted, his soft voice strained in earnest as he trailed Alex’s heels. “I’m asking you to give me a chance.”
“Skunker!” I slapped the old man’s feet, sending him thrashing into wakefulness. You better back me up here you stinkin’ old bastard.
“Damn, what is it?” He exclaimed, limbs flailing as he leapt to his feet. “Alex!” He breezed past both Jack and me, still dazed with one foot in a fancy. “I was dreaming you, me, and Dutch was livin’ it up in Frisco! ‘Lil Quinn at a real college, the works!”
“Get the dogs ready.” Alex said coldly. This was his way.
“I hope Dutch appreciates this ride.” Skunker bemoaned, ignoring Alex’s crotchety comment and making no attempt to hide his annoyance for my sake. I damn well agreed with him. “‘Cause you shoulda died at your digs!” He hit the coffin with his fist. “Saved us a trip back.”
“Are you going near my father’s claim?”
“Scott Conroy’s son!” I called after Skunker. He turned on his heels, a half sceptical look on his face.
“What? Lemme see that face, kid.” He got up in the boy’s face and grabbed him by the chin, inspecting him close with beady eyes. Jack held his breath against the smell. “My God, Alex, he’s the spittin’ image of his old man! And I knew ya pa well. Clarence Thurston.”
“Jack Conroy.” Skunker slapped him into a frenzied handshake.
“You throwin’ in with us?” I knew I could trust old Skunker to have my back. I didn’t even have to plead a case for him.
“Yeah, I’d like to.”
“No.” Alex said simply. I knew this wouldn’t be easy.
“No? You’re taking him with you and you’re not gonna take me? He looks half dead already!”
I giggled. The first laugh I’d had since my daddy kicked the bucket. I slapped a mitten over my mouth to hide it and slipped away to wake up the dogs while Skunker bartered some gum out of him as an apology. Our wheelers, Fritz and Fatty, stirred and wagged their tails as I ran my hands through their fur, whining and baring their teeth in greeting.
“Hey, don’t worry about him.” Skunker assured him, waking up Digger and George, our swing team. “He’s just tired, that’s all.”
“Yeah, or he knows there’s gold out there and wants it for himself.”
“Woah, boy! You got the harness on the wrong dog.”
“Conroy.” I spoke up, meeting his hostile stare and forcing a calm over my body despite how flustered I felt. “If there’s one man you can trust in this damn place it's Alex Larson.”
He scoffed, seeming to ignore my words entirely, and rounded on Alex.
“Listen, if you don’t wanna take me, I’ll go by myself. I’ll get rich by myself too.”
“I think he’s crazy enough to do it Alex!”
“Skunker’s right.” I left the wheelers and sidled up beside him. “The Yukon will swallow him whole, we gotta take him.”
“Quinn, we can’t take him just because you think he’s cute.” Alex put on a shit-eating grin and tapped my arm with his glove.
“It’s not jus’ that.” My face heated up, but I saw no sense in denying it if it was already that obvious. “He’s got a musher’s spirit in him, even if he is green as snow peas, and I don’t wanna find him dead in the woods come summer and know we killed him.”
“Come on, Alex, he’s Scott’s boy!” Thank you Skunker! “Look at him, huh? How much trouble could he be?”
He cast a final sceptical glance at Jack, but conceded. Skunker winked. I stared him down for a second, admiring the swoop of his dark blonde hair, then let my lips twitch into a curt smile.
“I’ll take you as far as Klondike. Fall behind, and I’ll leave you where you drop. Understand?” Alex was all talk, as usual. Even if he wasn’t, he would realise soon enough that leaving this boy in the snow would mean signing two death papers at the Klondike post office.
“Yes, sir.” Jack beamed. At the sight of his smile, I felt the craving stir again, paired with a healthy portion of despair. I knew a virile young man like that would never make do with a musher girl who had lived amongst men so long that she had nearly become one, and often felt more dog than person; but to travel beside him for a while would be a gift.
Alex retreated to the tent to nurse his regret, and Skunker went out to the tuck tent to get some minced meat for the dogs. I went back to playing with the pack, settling beside them and letting the six team dogs crowd around me and vie for my attention. Jack came to sit beside me, eying me as cautiously as the dogs. The thin, agouti bitch who laid at the edge of the group got to her paws and came to watch him with her ice blue eyes. Her body was relaxed, though she let out a deep rumble
“Connie.” She turned her ear to me, but kept her eyes hard on the boy. “He’s a fine boy, he won’t hurt me. He’s Scotty’s boy.” Her ear twitched back up at Scott’s name. “Heel, Connie.” She stepped over to me, eyes always trained on Jack. “Sit now, girl.” She did. I reached over and laid a hand on Jack’s shoulder, stroking it like I would a dog. “Now do the same to me.” His eyes flickered to me, hesitant, but he did as I said. Connie cocked her head, then pinned her ears back and wagged her tail. “See girl, he’s alright.”
“Can I touch her?” His voice was full of wonder.
“You have to ask her. Give her your fist. Gentle now.”
Slowly, he raised his fist to her. Their eyes met. Connie froze, and for a long moment I thought she might bite him, but then her body relaxed and she licked his hand, then his arm, and soon she had climbed all the way on top of him to lick his chops. He giggled and squirmed under her weight and collapsed onto his back.
“Connie! Settle down, girl, he ain’t for eatin’! I know he looks tasty.” I wrapped my arms around her middle and lifted her off him.
“Thank you,” He puffed, clambering off the snow. “Um…”
“Quinn.” Meeting his eyes was almost painful. They were so blue, like a clear day when the sky reflects on the snow so bright it’s almost blinding.
“Ah, thank you, Quinn.”
I looked away and stroked down Connie’s hackles. Setting my teeth together to keep from chattering. Nerves make the cold so much harder to bear.
“How’d a girl like you wind up out here?”
“You noticed, huh?” I raised my eyebrows. “Not many folks do these days. I got used to being called ‘son’ years ago, on account of my boyish charms.” To his credit, Jack chuckles, though I was sure that must have been the first joke I’d told anyone but Connie-dog. “Doesn’t help having a boy’s name, neither.”
“I think Quinn’s a fine name for a girl.” He said it earnestly enough that I managed to spare a glance at him. “And I knew you were a girl as soon as I saw you.” I said nothing, only squished some snow between my fingers to hide my squirming. I almost wished he hadn’t seen me at all. “‘Cause I’d never known a boy to be that pretty.”
“Now, Jack-” I started, my embarrassment trying hard to fester itself into anger. Well, ain’t you living proof to the contrary?
“It’s the truth!” He shifted closer to me, and I shifted away in return, bringing my knees up to my chest and pulling my scarf over my nose. “So how did you end up out here?”
“Mushin,’” I gave him a sidelong glance. “Been out here with my daddy since I’s ten. It’s how I make my living.”
“Who’s your da- your father, who is he?” His face reddened, making me giggle. I hid my face in my knees to cover it.
“Who’s my daddy?” I lean a little closer, enjoying being the one to make him squirm. “Well, he’s a fella by the name o’ Ysbrandt Maarschalkerweerd, but ain’t nobody this side the Atlantic can pronounce that, so they jus’ called him Dutch.”
“Oh.” He took a moment to digest it. “Oh. I’m sorry.”
“Hey, that’s life.”
“I-I suppose?”
“It is. People just up and die out here sometimes.” I pushed away one of the team dogs from licking up my ear without checking who it was. “It’s not so bad.”
“You don’t miss him?”
“Not as much as I miss yours.” I admitted. “He was more of a father to me than my own ever was.”
“Really?” He leaned in, brow furrowed in contemplation.
“Yeah. He checked on me a lot, and one time- musta been about thirteen- I stayed with him at the claim for nearin’ six months while daddy and Skunker mushed supplies up to Nome. That’s when he bought Connie-dog for me. We went down to Klondike a fair bit to watch the fiddlers, see, and one time there’s a little boy sellin’ puppies. Turns out ol’ Colton’s lead bitch got knocked up by a wolf while they were out in the woods. Cost your daddy a whole dollar, but she’s been an asset ever since.”
“Wow.” He stroked the brindled fur between her eyes with reverence.
“It’s right we take you to Klondike. I think if you live an honest life out here- you stay true, you never rob, or hurt your dogs- your bones turn into a new gold seam when you die. Your pa never struck gold, but he might have made some for you.”
“Huh.” He looked thoughtful.
“Don’t let this place kill your kindness, Jack. You might leave some gold behind.”
“I won’t.” He noticed the scepticism on my face and added more emphatically: “I won’t.”
“How old are you?”
“Eighteen and still a green lil’ bean.” I shook my head. “You need better gear ‘n this. C’mon.”
He followed me dutifully to the sled where I dug around in my pack and produced my spare scarf, wool trapper hat that I usually wore under my coonskin, and a spare pair of fur cover-gloves to wear over his mittens.
“When you’re out in it, keep a scarf around your nose and mouth.” I pull the glove off my left hand with my teeth and show him the stub of my pinky finger, the missing tip on my index, and the hollow gouged into the pad at the base of my thumb. “‘Else you’ll lose ‘em like my fingers.” His eyes widened. “Wear these gloves over your mittens. I don’t have another coonskin, but you need more’n a baker’s cap to protect your ears. Tie it under your chin so it don’t blow off. You do that, you keep up with the sled, an’ you respect these dogs, and you’ll make it to Klondike with nothing missing.”
“Will they bite me?” He casted a nervous glance at the pack.
“No, but if you try anything abnormal I’ll bite you. They call me Dogtooth up at the Tlingit camp ‘cause a boy tried it on wi’ me and I bit square through his pecker.”
“Really?” He cringed, taking a step back.
“No.” I put my glove back on, smirking. “But you believed me, which gotta count for somethin.’”
“Did not!” 
“Did too!”
“Fightin’ already?” Skunker called out, hobbling along with two buckets full of fish.
“No, Skunker!” I waved him off. “Did too. Now come feed the puppies ‘fore they starve, get in their good graces.”
I turned to walk away, but Jack caught my shoulder and pushed himself flush against my back. I felt my heart quicken in that terrible, delicious rhythm as his lips brushed my ear. Every inch of me trembling with a craving like I had never felt.
“Did. Not.”
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This is a shot in the dark but can anyone recommend me wolf(dog) books similar in style to Jack London and James Oliver Curwood?
Meaning no talking or anthropomorphized animals, no fantasy elements or whatnot. Preferably set in the past.
I've been looking for something similar for a while but nothing quite feels like White Fang or Kazan or whatnot.
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skekteksfurby · 6 months
Jack london: im going to write a xenofiction that's so realistic
Also jack london: this wolf is sexist and racist
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bookfirstlinetourney · 9 months
Round 1
Dark spruce forest frowned on either side the frozen waterway.
-White Fang, Jack London
In 1815, M. Charles-Francois-Bienvenu Myriel was Bishop of Digne.
-Les Miserables, Victor Hugo
From fire, there came flesh, slipping out from the blistering slice cut into the air.
-Angels Before Man, Rafael Nicolás
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genderatheist · 1 year
Androcentrism in literature is something. I'm reading Jack London's "White Fang" and all the male characters have names. The humans and the dogs and the wolfs. There is one female wolf, who's pretty badass seeing how she outsmarts the men and steals meat from traps, and yet she's only referred to as "female wolf" while her mate has a name.
This female wolf has a litter of wolf puppies and again author goes on to explain how all the litter has the same red coat like their mother, yet our main puppy, male of course, has a grey coat like his dad, which makes him special. I guess this puppy is the one that will be named "White Fang".
So, if you're female, you won't get a name, any badassery you may exhibit will be minimized, your children that look like you will be like yeah whatever, while the old male wolf whom you tought the badass tricks will be hailed as hero, and the puppy who looks like his dad will be the most important by the virtue of being like his dad.
It's just wolves! And yet the preference and hailing of the male is so apparent.
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diehardgngfan · 6 months
Finally, some Legend of White Fang fan art. I drew a simple portrait of White Fang trying my best to emulate the style of the cartoon.
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stefito0o · 1 year
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Not your classics challenge
11. Call of the Wild
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caramelcuppaccino · 1 year
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—from the white fang by jack london
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bones-n-bookles · 8 months
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White Fang by Jack London, 1906, with illustrations by Philippe Munch, 1998.
This edition has a tooooon of little supplemental blurbs and art pieces/photos added, on top of the book-specific art. It's less travel sized but I love all the extra context that's added 💕
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multifru196 · 1 year
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White Fang by Jack London
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