#which spiderman villain is most sexy??? Doc ock!!!!
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lnkedmyheart · 2 years
Some random thoughts on all the spiderman movies.
My personal ranking based on MY enjoyment and overall appeal of the movies goes like this: spiderverse (Miles Morales is my favorite version of spidey) -> Raimi films (I'm a hoe for camp and Doc Ock) -> TASM (it has my heart for every single reason much of which is my deep love for every cast member, Zimmer and the visuals) -> mcu (I dunno I only like NWH because it was like a breath of fresh air after the decade long rinse repeat format)
Tobey was NOT the best Peter. He didn't even remotely feel like Peter from the comics. Nostalgia is the reason why people think his Peter was accurate. Andrew's Peter was accurate, Toby's was the version that overwrote the OG in public memory. Still an amazing performance.
I like the younger hotter version of aunt May, I love that we are showing older women in a sexy light. Yes, just because a woman isn't 20-30 doesn't mean she can't be attractive. Although my favorite is Sally Fields 110%.
Gwen/Peter is my peak ship and has always been my peak canon ship. However MJ (any version) was also cool. Sure I got irritated with her role in the Raimi verse but like, she was independent and knew her worth. And I'm sorry, but MJ screaming and falling wasn't overdone. YOU try dating a wall crawling spandex clad nerd who's enemies have a tendency to throw you off of tall buildings.
I legitimately shipped (and still ship) TASM Flash and Peter. Although that's not saying much because I also shipped Flash and Peter in some comics.
Peter in the comics is definitely bi with a lean towards women and Andrew Garfield bodied that vibe in NWH.
Tobey and Tom ARE attractive, just not generic (even Andrew isn't your stereotypically attractive guy). The difference is that while Tobey and Tom look like awkward nerds, Andrew had them beat in the physical and social awkwardness which is actually what is more likely to make you standout in a negative way than not being particularly attractive. Tom's awkwardness is endearing, Tobey is a dorky sweet guy but becomes legitimately cool once he gets his powers and becomes super chilled out. Peter is quite literally wildly gesticulating the entire time even after his powers and he wouldn't have gotten Gwen had she not already liked him. Seriously I love how much I cringed (in the best way I swear) whenever they interacted before dating in tasm.
Raimi's MJ did like Peter once he got his powers but it's not because she was shallow. It was because Peter never let people see him. He was a wallflower and always tried to blend into the background. It was only when he became confident did he put himself out there to be seen.
Zendaya is a great MJ but I still think Gwen Stacy is a far more active love interest.
Tasm has the best swings, and shot composition of the franchise. Andrew is honestly the most raw version of spidey with his agile spidery-ness. Raimi has the most iconic and swoon worthy swings and HOLY SHIT the fights, particularly the one with Doc Ock on the train!!!
Tasm is basically the Titanic of superhero films. It's primarily a love story with some superhero elements thrown in which saves the movies imo (fuck you studio execs who screwed over Garfield and Webb).
Doc Ock IS the best villain of all time but I also adore Electro.
The best leap of faith is the same as my movie ranking.
MCU needs to step up its game when it comes to shot composition and visual storytelling. They have a decade worth of experience and 5 visual masterpieces to rely on but still somehow dish out the most static and stiff looking spidey films. You've got Holland in the movie and you're somehow making HIM look stiff!! Sure Iron Man and Captain America etc can have stiff and rigid visuals because they are all about power, but Spiderman is about agility and speed, using the same style of camera work as the other stuff makes it look unpolished and clunky.
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lurafita · 5 years
SIM Tony / Peter, part three
Read part one here
Read part two here
Tumblr is fucking with me right now. I’m not getting notifications from some of my posts. I hope this won’t happen with this one as well.
This chapter is a little different. It will likely seem a little confusing and kind of all over the place. I assure you, this is not because I wrote it while being drunk. :-)
The chapter is supposed be reflect on Peter mental and emotional state after rejecting Tony, and right now, Peter isn’t in a good place. There is a lot of self-loathing, as well as self-destructive behaviour.
As always, this wasn’t beta read, I’m not a nativ english speaker, and there might be mistakes or typos in this. Please point any you may find out to me, so I can correct them.
Part 3
24 muggings, 18 instances of battery, 11 cases of domestic violence, 7 attempted rapes, 5 house fires, 3 attempted kidnappings.
It had been a busy 6 days for Spiderman.
6 days since Peter had fled from the man he loved. The man who returned those feelings. The man who wanted to spend his life with him.
And Peter had run.
Like a coward.
6 days of almost non-stop heroism. 6 days of being Spiderman. 6 days of being someone who caught the bad guys, who protected the defenseless, who saved people!
It was such a fucking farce.
6 days of trying desperately to not be Peter Parker. Because Peter Parker was a fucking mess. Because Peter Parker couldn't deal with his fucking feelings and his fucking paranoia and his fucking life. Because Peter Parker was so scared that he was gonna lose someone else he loved, that he kept running away from them.
Just as he had done with Tony.
Aunt May had been easier.
He had moved into student housing together with Harry (before his then best friend had become a mutated, homicidal maniac), when he had started college. Slowly reducing their time together during his time as a student. First cutting down on the weekends he would visit her, then encouraging to go for that job she wanted (which included better working conditions and pay, but was based in California.)
Helping her move, promising to call often (which he did) and visit as much as he could (which he didn't).
He missed her every day, but at least she was safe. Safe from being collateral damage in Peter Parker's fucked up life.
Like Gwen, and MJ, and Harry, and Eddie.
Like Dr. Conners and Dr. Octaviuos and Captain Stacey.
Like uncle Ben.
And Peter should have fucking learned from all of this. He should have known to keep away from people. Keep his distance. Keep them safe.
But no.
Because Peter was a selfish little prick and he just had to make friends, right?
Turning away from the people in his civilian life, had led him to forge deeper connections with the people in his hero life.
Stupid, stupid, stupid!
Spiderman and the Avengers had worked together a lot over the years. As had Spiderman and the Defenders.
And Peter just had to let himself grow attached, hadn't he?
Just had to insert himself into the two groups more an more. Talk them into team outings and movie nights and shared patrols.
Take off his mask and entrust them with his secret identity.
Endanger them.
And then take things even further and fall in love!
Selfish fucking moron!
But Tony was... he was just... everything.
Funny and smart and handsome and brave and sarcastic and kind.
Narcissistic and confident and charming and sexy.
But also shy, unsure and insecure.
Tony had his vices, and his flaws. Just like everyone else did. But Peter had fallen for the man anyway. He had fallen fast, hard, and completely in love with Anthony Edward Stark, Iron Man.
And for some crazy, ludicrous, abnormal reason, Tony returned those feelings.
Tony Stark, the man who could have anyone, wanted Peter Parker.
Selfish, cowardly, broken Peter Parker.
And how had Peter reacted to that?
By pretty much throwing Tony's love on the floor and trampling all over it on his way out the door.
Running away.
6 days since he had last spoken to the genius. 6 days since he had even seen the man. 6 days of hiding behind his mask and swinging around in his suit and obsessively looking for anyone who might need his help.
As if it could balance out all the lives he had destroyed. As if it could erase the pain he had caused Tony.
6 days of running away from life as Peter Parker.
He had barely slept and hardly eaten anything. (He only took care to keep himself well hydrated. Though most of what he drank was some form of liquid caffeine, to keep himself awake)
Hadn't bothered to take care of the various injuries he had acquired.
The other heroes he came across were getting worried.
First Matt after Peter had been out as Spiderman for a full 18 hours, and just yesterday Steve. They had taken him aside, told him to go home. Rest up and take a break.
They shouldn't bother.
He deserved this.
The exhaustion and the hunger and the pain.
He deserved it all for being a fucking, useless mess who always ended up hurting the people he loved.
His knuckles were stinging and bloody as he drove his fist into the brick wall once more. His healing factor stretched thin after almost a week without proper rest and nourishment.
Good. This is your punishment. You deserve this.
He had no time for self-pity (he didn't deserve any, anyway)
It had been all over the news. A sudden power failure at the raft. Security systems crashing. Suspected cyber attack.
Two of the prisoners had escaped. Conners and Octavious. The Lizard and Doc Ock.
And as if that wasn't enough, Peter had overheard Steve on the phone with the director of Shield (after the good Captain had unsuccessfully tried to convince Spidey to take a break).
Venom was gone from the containment unit.
Three of his worst enemies were on the loose.
He had doubled his efforts since he had heard of it. No quick pit stops in his apartment. No short rests on the rooftops. Peter hadn't slept at all in the last 64 hours.
He still hadn't found them. No one had found them.
Eddie Brock was under 24 hour observation to make sure the symbiote couldn't attach itself to it's preferred host. (Another life that Peter had destroyed. Due to his bond with Venom, Eddie had been reduced to little more than the likes of a junkie. In a constant state of withdrawal, driven mad by his need for reunion with the alien. He would probably have to live out the rest of his life in the mental institution he currently resided in)
All your fault!
The Avengers and the Defenders likewise had been spotted all over New York, trying to find and recapture the escaped villains before they could cause any damage. They constantly tried to flag Spidey down, get him somewhere safe, or at least make him stay close to them. Everyone know that Conners, Octavious and Venom would be out for Peter's blood.
(The only one Peter hadn't seen since the news broke out was Iron Man, and he didn't know what to think about that)
Maybe he doesn't care about you anymore. Good! He shouldn't! They are your villains and therefore your problem! The other heroes shouldn't have to clean up your mess!
6 days since he had last been at work.
He was probably fired. He didn't care. He could hardly think straight.
He was exhausted and starving and in pain.
You deserve this.
Three of his most dangerous enemies were somewhere in the city, planning who knows what, and every hero in New York had to waste their time and energy looking for them.
All your fault! Always such a burden on everyone.
Tony probably hated him.
He should! He deserves so much better than you!
He was on his last two cartridges of webfluid, having depleted his whole supply swinging through the city, looking for any trace of the Lizard and Ock. He should go back. Make more webfluid. He would need it in the fight against the two villains. (Three, if Venom got a hold of Eddie.)
Peter needed to be prepared for this. But he couldn't stop now. He had to find and apprehend them, before they could hurt anyone! He couldn't stop, couldn't take a break.
You don't deserve a break.
He had to keep going.
He was so exhausted.
He still hadn't found them.
Everything hurt.
Where could they be?
Tony hated him.
You deserve this.
You deserve this.
You deserve this!
His spidey-sense screamed and he veered left in his swing at the very last second, narrowly avoiding his former best friend on his deadly glider.
How could Peter have forgotten about Harry, The Green Goblin?
to be continued. As always, people who comment on any part, are automatically added to the tag list. If you don’t want to be tagged, but still want to comment, just write ‘no tag, please’, or contact me via messaging. If I have forgotten to tag someone, please tell me so that I can update my list.
@kittycake574 @sthefystarkersworld @starkerparkerpony @momobaby227 @tsxpp @deliciousflapbanditfarm @gay-gym-rats @unicornpower5301 @bbalienbae @valiantthewriter
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