#which isnt recent but the acoustic one is SO good...
gncrezan · 3 years
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what’s worse that having an older brother who sings desi songs in the shower (and thanks chicago for being a great audience after he’s finished) at an earth-shattering volume?? having that older brother stuck in your head and he thinks it’s totally funny to sing cheesy love songs from the latest bollywood flick when you see the guy you like
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ofcowardiceandkings · 3 years
I think you mentioned listening to podcasts? Do you have any favorites to reccommend? I've run out of content :(
that i do !
im not entirely sure what kind of podcast you'd be interested in but i'll throw out a few of the goodies in my huge library of stuff , i'll miss out a few of the HUGE podcasts that have been all over tumblr though
a LOT of it is true crime or human interest stuff , or history because im nerd ,, and a few of these dont have nearly enough attention so [shrug] i'll try to keep this short i guess lol this isnt EVERYTHING ive got in my library or listened series' by any measure
i AM gonna pop a shout to both Stuff You Missed in History Class and Stuff You Should Know from iHeartRadio because their HUGE archives have kept me from losing my mind many times over , and they cover a wide range of both important and wacky topics
BomBARDed (ongoing) this is the only fiction podcast i have happening right now really but its DAMN GOOD ONE .... it's an actual-play D&D 5E podcast in the DMs own musically-inspired world, focussed on a group of multiclass bards going to music school !! and all players (+DM) are members of the Texas band Lindby !! and they actually use and play music in the show with one original song an episode !! Kyle's worldbuilding and storycraft are truly incredible, and (Nick) Goodrich, (also Nick) Spurrier, and Ali's characters are in depth and interesting as well as an absolute powerhouse :') i actually made a piece for its first fanzine, Bardic Dreaming, which published earlier this year and is free to view now, all the players and the community are super wholesome its just very good overall 💙
History & Humans;
Fall of Civilisations (ongoing) legit one of my favourite podcast finds, im so glad my youtube autoplayed one of these ... it took me like 2 hours to realise it was 1) not the same as what was playing before and 2) had been on for 2 hours and wasnt near finished lmao. anyway, this is a series by historical fiction writer Paul Cooper, and is honest to all thats good one of the best documentary series ive encountered in years - and ive consumed a LOT of documentaries. it covered the downfall of various civilisations through history, and the episodes run from an hour to FOUR hours depending on the topic. its so chill to listen to and just get done, but over the pandemic all of the episodes have been given full movie-quality video versions too on youtube if youre more of a visual person.
Casting Lots: A Survival Cannibalism Podcast (on series break) yeah that says that lol ... its a SUPER niche topic but its very interesting and treated very well despite being kind of comical at times, the hosts are just naturally funny lol ... it delves around from the history of cannibalism in whole regions to specific incidents as recently as the 1970s, and of course the first episode is about the Donner Party, and it covers things ive never heard of despite being kind of important ?? anyway Alix and Carmella are good eggs
Sawbones (ongoing) i probably dont need to mention much here other than say that Justin and Sydnee saved me from being SO BORED sooo often, the history of medicine is wacky as hell and its what most of my history GCSE was on so [shrugs]
Cautionary Tales (on series break) this was a wild-card find lol ... it's by Tim Harford "the undercover economist" who writes for the Financial Times, and its topics kind of weave modern topics and science with how to learn from historical errors ... its a bit weird but well worth a go, also each series has a few celebrity guest voice actors which is pretty awesome
Ephemeral (ongoing) this is a very strange but thought provoking series about sounds and other things just barely saved. topics include the last castrato, the hello girls, hand-stamped records, the spread of kīkā kila music, and acoustic fossils of wild places.
Neat! The Boozecast (ongoing) history and bartending whats not to like lol ... hosted by Teylor Smirl and now their dad Tommy, they're just digging around in how important booze is to human culture
True Crime (white collar and weirdness);
Swindled (ongoing) this is an amazing show full stop. A Concerned Citizen details some of the most impactful and unruly things to happen in white collar and corporate crime. very factually accurate but given the sheer bullshit of the topics the deadpan snarking is [chefs kiss] absolutely warranted ..
American Scandal (on series break) this one is a series within a series type, and spends a few episodes at a time poking holes in some of America's biggest scandals, from a dramatised but fact-based point of view. such as what the hell was going on with Enron, how big tobacco was forced to own up to covering its own ass, how Iran-Contra happened, etc. it also now has a sister show called British Scandal, which does the same thing for British cases but with a slightly different format.
Missing in Alaska (finished) this was a fascinating series, a deep dive into what happened to two US government officials who disappeared on a small chartered flight in Alaska in 1972. it goes some really strange places, but it actually turned up a lot of previously unknown information through the audience. John Walczak's new series in a new feed is Missing on 9/11 which looks into what happened to Dr Sneha Philip.
Pretend (ongoing) Host Javier Leiva holds interviews with anyone living a lie, or who have been touched by them. con artists, snake oil salesmen, former cult members, catfishing victims, anyone and everyone.
Power: The Maxwells (finished) hosted by journalist Tara Palmeri, the story of media tycoon Robert Maxwell from nothing to empire to mysterious death and the scandals uncovered after he was gone.
Lets Talk About Sects (ongoing) Sarah Steele covering cults from around the world, in particular those in Australia - where she is from. She often has former members on the show to share their stories, and share knowledge of how they left. each story has the relevant content warnings at the start of each episode.
Brainwashed (finished) investigation of the CIA's covert mind control experiments, centred on the experiments performed at a hospital in Montreal, and its cultural impact.
Dr Death (2 series finished) two series investigating huge cases of fraud and medical malpractice, and how they were brought to a stop. series 1 covers Dr Duntsch and his horribly butchered neurosurgery, series 2 covers Dr Fata and his fraudulent cancer clinic
The Immaculate Deception (finished) untangling the weird and disturbing fertility fraud of Dr Jan Karbaat, who fathered children himself through his fertility clinic, and the impact of his deception. later episodes also touch on other similar cases.
True Crime (Violent/General);
The Casual Criminalist (ongoing) Simon Whistler of-the-many-youtube-channels cold reads a script about the case of the day, with some of his daft commentary thrown in.
Southern Fried True Crime (ongoing) Crimes from the American South hosted by Erica Kelley, she puts all the facts out there but refreshingly for true crime she doesnt hesitate to tell you if she thinks someone is human garbage lol
They Walk Among Us (ongoing) probably one of the most popular UK crime podcasts, very measured and well put together, not weird or annoying about it either.
All Crime No Cattle (ongoing, feed slowed down for now) specifically about crimes from Texas, hosted by Erin and Shay, they're very sensitive hosts and a lot of the cases they cover shed light on why the Texas criminal system is how it is or show an impact at a national level
Canadian True Crime (ongoing) Canadian crime from an Aussie who's lived there for a decade, Kristi is again a sensitive and measured host covering some important topics
True Crime (Violent/Deep Dive);
Hitman (finished) journalist Jasmyn Morris digs around in the sticky tangle around a book published by fringe publisher Paladin Press, and its apparent use as a blueprint in the killing of a mother, her friend and her 8 year old boy for financial gain.
Camp Hell: Anneewakee (ongoing) this series is exploring how a wilderness camp "correctional facility" was endorsed by the Georgia care and juvenile reform system, despite widespread abuses and shady practices the whole time. warning for csa and child cruelty throughout.
True Crime Bullshit (on series break) this one is a huge huge rabbithole but a very interesting one where the host Josh Hallmark has spent years digging into the life and potential crimes of Israel Keyes. Keyes is often mentioned as a serial killer with no pattern, but in picking it apart thats not quite true, and has sparked some re-evaluations of missing persons cases and stumbling upon information the FBI has redacted organically. there's also a series in the middle looking into the crimes of Kelly Cochran
Forgotten: Women of Juárez (finished) this series looks into the huge numbers of missing women of Ciudad Juárez, the strange circumstances surrounding them, and the potential cover-ups and corruptions on both sides of the border, trying to give a voice to all of the forgotten women and girls and their families without answers. the series itself is finished, but a spanish language edition is being released every week now.
aaaaaand i'll call it there before i list everything lol, i hope you find something to plug your boredom hole with !!
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voluntaryvictim · 2 years
hi yes i have a take on vlv as well because i actually clicked on the vid out of curiosity after ur post and i scrolled down to the comments and they were so positive i was confused like ok maybe tumblr user voluntaryvictim doesnt have Objective taste so i should check this out too and . . .
man i used to simp for this guy like hardcore back when i was 15-16 and i definitely dont support him recently but this video felt like a slap to the face and im saying this as someone who believes in 'shitty people can be objectively talented' and legitimately enjoyed tracks like roaring 20s off of pftw although the album as a whole was a miss
of course the lyrics are sht bc he isnt stealing from ryan or dallon this time its just out of touch mediocrity but oh my god i think the most offensive thing was the SOUND of it
i still go back and listen to the miss jackson acoustic session at the buzz and Marvel at how theres gotta be some magic in the mic because holy frick his Voice is incredible and i think i saw an analysis once on how his vocal capability shines through when hes calmer in a smaller crowd of people rather than trying to jump around onstage while screaming his lungs out to a stadium like it just doesnt hit the same and one really suits his voice better but the other Doesnt
and one of the biggest appeals of panic! to me for a long time Was his voice ik people say ryan was better and everyone is entiteld to their opinion!! but i really liked br3nd0ns voice anyway to get back on topic
if i had never heard his voice before vlv i would legitimately think he was a bad singer or like a mediocre singer at best the instrumentals and supporting vocals just layer on top of his voice in such a clashing way like you pointed out and his voice doesnt keep any of that nice smoothness its just annoying and tacky and tasteless and yeah im so disappointed hes degrading himself even further like this like go back to the hiatus man if u couldnt save ur reputation at least preserve ur legacy??
anyway this is why i bump idkhow and idkhow only dallon knows how to Sing and Lyrics and really takes advantage of what kind of sound makes his vocal capability shine thru and i love him for that!!
see yeah i do think his voice can be good sometimes like you said! he has shown that he isn’t a terrible singer given the right song but my ears did not find his singing pleasant in vlv especially knowing he can. sing better
hopefully he can also take advantage of his skills which i know he has and if it works well on some of the songs on the new album. i’d be pleasantly surprised
anyway stream idkhow 😍
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frozensriracha · 3 years
💙🖤Fluffy Eyeless Jack Headcanons🖤💙
he’s 6’8, built like a greek god, and could bench press you
also the most well-kept of the male pastas
showers every day, brushes and flosses his teeth 2-3 times a day (likely due to the others’ complaints about kidney breath,) wears deodorant, and does his laundry on the regular
one of slender’s secret favorites without trying
he can play the acoustic guitar! he first learned late in high school to impress a girl, and later joined a band with a couple of his buddies. he’s memorized where the strings and tuning pegs are and still knows a couple of songs, and sometimes he’ll play a song for the pastas
ej, jane, hoodie, and masky are workout buddies! sometimes they go for a run or hike in slender forest together and they occasionally pack a lunch and eat together
in school, he was that one kid everyone asked to copy the homework of
because he’s a good influence, he just helped them with it, maybe let his buds copy a problem or two they were really stuck on
however, if he really hated a person and they asked him to copy his homework, he’d get an extra copy of the work from the teacher, fill it out all wrong, and let them copy that one while his real homework was safely tucked away in his backpack
he’s not very proud of it but at the same time he has no regrets
you guys,,, ej is a big softie for dogs
not only has he joined masky in convincing slender to get some proxy attack dogs to baby and call good boys/girls, but he discovered a female hellhound and started feeding her. he named her artemis, and she’s good friends with seedeater
she recently had a litter of 4 or so puppies, and he helped deliver them, and sally got to name them
on that note, he is very sweet to sally, will 100% scare the pastas into coming to her tea party and wear a tutu for her (and maybe brimg cookies)
he’s not one for pranks and stupidity, but he is passive-aggressive as fuck
once, one of ej’s victims had prepared a lovely rare steak with roasted veggies and buttery dinner rolls, and having not had a home cooked meal in a long time (and living off kidneys, ramen, and black coffee,) ej helped himself and brought the rest home hoping to have it for lunch the next day. well, he’d made the mistake of putting it in the communal fridge and jeff ate it all. come christmastime, ej got jeff for secret santa, and so he made a rare steak, roasted veggies, and buttery dinner rolls and put it in jeff’s stocking since he clearly loves it so much.
moral of the story: don’t touch a broke young adult’s leftovers. we will fuck. you. up.
yes yes ik i’m technically 2 1/2 months away from adulthood but still don’t mess with my leftovers >:((
likes horror, sci-fi, and sometimes mystery novels along with nonfiction books (usually about biology but sometimes cody recommends a good chemistry journal) and has a large collection of them in braille and a lot of audiobooks downloaded onto his phone
he also listens to podcasts, his favorites are ologies and welcome to night vale (both fantastic, check them out!)
he and cody are science buddies, sometimes they conduct experiments together
loves heat, HATES the cold, if slender has a fire in the fireplace he spreads out in front of the fire and will not move until some of the pastas pluck up the courage to move him.
he has three tongues, one main one and two longer, thinner side ones, both of which are bifurcated like a snake’s. the main one is pierced, and he once tried to pierce the others so they matched. it didn’t end great, but it could have ended much worse.
the mom friend and voice of reason among the pastas, usually the designated driver if they go out together
that being said, he does have a rather,,,, feral side
once, toby came down for a glass of water in the middle of the night and he found ej devouring poptarts, wrapper and all. when he saw toby shining his flashlight on him, he hissed and flew up to the top of the fridge
they agreed never to talk about it
uses echolocation to hunt
ok, hot take: ej has a tail. it’s kind of like a cow’s tail, but it’s gray with a tuft of brown-auburn hair at the end and six and a half feet long
he also has pawlike hands and feet with claws, which he sometimes paints black
he can be summoned with “pspspspspspsps”
despite all the paranormal goings-on around him and being host to a demon, he remains stubbornly logical
he has tattoos on his chest and arms that look kind of like this:
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he makes nests! he has an ass-ton of blankets and pillows and a few stuffed animals that
if he’s comfy enough with someone, he’ll invite them into his nest and snuggle them ^_^
but only if they’re okay with it because CONSENT IS FUCKING IMPORTANT
he has a few demon host friends in hell that he visits via the hell portal near slender mansion (see slenderman general headcanons +mansion au headcanons to see what i’m talking about), they’ve all bonded over their demons’ mutual bullshit
and speaking of his demon’s bullshit, there’s a rather,,,,,,,,,, interesting crackship i have involving chernabog
you see, the nightwraith is also possessed by a demon: the heart of darkness. after a weird ass roleplay with someone some years ago, i started shipping the two demons. ej and nighty, however, are not together in my canon, and they don’t really appreciate it when their demons make out with each other and they’re both standing there awkwardly like 5 feet away
they’ve tried to break up their demons before, but they’ve not been successful so they’ve stopped trying and just kinda sit there and play go fish or smth while cherna and the heart smooch
god i could go on about that ship but that’s a post for another day
i could also go on about ej but i probably shouldn’t please stop me i’m procrastinating again
or don’t. ej’s amazing
@hell-isnt-that-hot @blue-mask-boii COME GET YALL JUICE >:))
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meanderfall · 5 years
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thank you my love!! ^v^
(lmao i finally did it @solienna... it’s been like months but i finally completed this. also if you’re wondering, when i first tried to answer the original ask, it wouldn’t save any of what i’d written as a draft, so i just started a new post lol)
1. three songs that come up when you put your phone on shuffle
Flaws (acoustic) by Bastille
Wait For It from Hamilton
Here Comes the Rain Again by Eurythmics
3. three songs you were recently obsessed with
World in my Pocket by The Unlikely Candidates
The Darker the Weather, the Better the Man by MISSIO
Walk Me Home by P!NK
8. three songs that remind you most of summer and vacation
this is probably a weird choice but The Kids Aren’t Alright. I honestly don’t know why, it just gives me summer vibes.
Taste by Sleeping at Last (probably bc i listened to this A LOT while playing stardew valley and stardew gives me summer vibes)
Young Volcanoes by Fall Out Boy
(this section was so hard.... there are like 0 songs that i actually associate with summer and vacation. literally the only way i do is if i discover said song and listen to a lot around the time summer starts)
11. three favourite songs from movie or TV series soundtrack
What’s Up Danger By Blackway & Black Caviar
I’m Still Standing by Taron Egerton
The Cyborg Fights (Genos’ theme from One-Punch Man. It’s an instrumental piece, and it goes off).
12. three favourite songs from video games
i fucking hate you adri, so much, i never listen to video game soundtracks, you fool, i have nothing to offer you
Klavier’s theme from Ace Attorney! Called Guilty Love lmao
I played Night in the Woods recently, and I think my two favourite pieces were Astral Alley (it plays during a dream sequence and i literally fucked around doing nothing for a bit just to listen to this. It’s so peaceful, but there’s something also... wistful or sad about it, that i just love.) 
and Dusk Stars! (That one plays while stargazing with a professor as a sidequest and tbh it was one of my favourite parts of the game. Surprisingly wholesome, and the last bit really struck a cord with me.)
13. three songs you want at your funeral
Saturn by Sleeping at Last
I Lived by One Republic
Pieces by Harbor and Home (low-key this song is practically a narrative for my life and for once it’s just comforting)
14. three songs you want at your wedding
Bright by Echosmith
Lovesong by Adele
Meaning of Life by Kelly Clarkson
(i don’t.... listen to happy love songs.... i was just going through my library of romantic songs and i was like “this is too pop, this is too angsty, this is pre-relationship, etc. etc”.)
15. three songs you want to dance with your love to
Fly Me to the Moon
Turn Time Off
Anna Sun by Walk the Moon (tbh this song gives me a very specific image of like moving into a new home with my lover and this song is playing while we’re unpacking, or even just any high energy song, and we end up pausing unpacking long enough to dance silly together and sing the song and it ends with us like hugging with a peck for good measure and life seems so good and perfect)
18. three songs that remind you of your best friend
Budapest (legit bc she showed me this song and was like “i think you would like this!” and you bet your ass i would love that song even if it was trash)
Another Night on Mars
Trouble is a Friend by Lenka (why? i legitimately don’t know. Especially since she’s the sweetest and most peaceful person ever. Then again she is a junkrat main.... never mind it makes sense)
19. three songs that are your guilty pleasure
Waters of Megalovania
Jessie’s Girl (this is like. the quintessential chad complaining about being friend-zoned, but i jam out to it every time, and im sucker for jealousy and unrequited love)
I Don’t Even Care About You by MISSIO for the days when im angry or having a bad day or more annoyed than usual at people trying to interact with me, and I just want to indulge in my old cynicism and hatred of the world in general
20. three songs that remind you of the person who sends this one
False Confidence by Noah Kahan
Hate That You Know Me by the Bleachers
Happy by Marina and the Diamonds
21. three songs of your childhood
oh boy adri, i was an angsty kid. I also tried to keep this specifically to songs I listened to before the age of ten just bc in my head my childhood was pretty much from the ages 3 to ~9, and honestly corresponds to a very specific period in my life
Because of You by Kelly Clarkson
Pieces by Sum 41
Unwritten by Natasha Bedingfield
22. three songs you listen to when you’re sad
All We Do by Oh Wonder
All the King’s Horses by Karmina
SoLow by Keegan Calmes
(this selection was actually hard bc there are... a surprising amount tbh and that probably isnt a good thing lol)
23. three songs that never fail to get you pumped up
How Far We’ve Come by Matchbox Twenty
High on Humans by Oh Wonder
Shut Up and Dance by Walk the Moon (to the surprise of exactly no one. This song came out five years ago and it’s STILL my feel good song, even when i feel terrible)
(this was also a hard choice because i got so many feel good, pump me up songs as well, which i guess??? balances out the amount of sad songs i know and love??)
24. three favourite old songs
lmao how old are we talking here? early 2000s? before that? 1950s? i’ll just go with some goodies
Addicted to Love by Robert Palmer (OKAY SO. this is low-key an all-time favourite of mine and that i relate(d) to a LOT as the person he’s singing about.)
Africa by Toto (damn fucking right im putting it adri!!!)
For What It’s Worth by Buffalo Springfield
26. three favourite non-English songs
Alles Neu by Peter Fox (for once not a lyrics video, bc the official video is part of the Experience for this song)
The Narrow Street by Shin-Yong Woo (aka Jumin’s voice actor. This is simultaneously a huge mood, and gives me feels for my husband)
Little Traveler by clear (the only vocaloid song i know! im truly a sucker for The Little Prince though, the novel that inspired this song)
(be proud of me adri, this section could’ve been nothing but japanese songs, a good portion just from anime.)
29. three songs that influenced you most (some songs change or save lives)
im not gonna lie, a lot of these songs were kind of taken by the childhood ones but lemme see if i can scrounge up any others
In a Big Country by Big Country
Stand by Rascal Flatts
Better Get to Livin’ by Dolly Parton
(As you know, I listen to the first one A LOT, pretty much every time I get into sad mood and want some comfort, but the other two, i sort of forget about, even though i remember these songs being super important to me when i was younger. And re-listening to these now is... kind of crazy tbh, and bringing up all sorts of memories. I will say, perhaps i should give younger me more credit for how hard she was trying to heal and be a better person, just based on these songs lol)
30. three songs you really want your followers to know (for reasons other than all those above)
Lemme see, im gonna give you guys some songs that I internally categorize as late night songs. The songs that make you feel like you’re listening to it at 2 am on a Saturday night, and reality feels just a little bit shifted, and everything feels deeper, more meaningful
Sloppy Seconds by Watsky
Shrike by Hozier
Hurricane by Reuben and the Dark
Sunflower by Post Malone, Swae Lee
+Bonus. Three songs I can listen to, no matter what my mood
Muscle Memory (Acoustic) by Lights. No joke, even on days where i feel like any song is going to irritate the fuck out of me and im sick of listening to music and the emotions they evoke, i can listen to this and immediately feel better
It’s Alright by Mother Mother (legit whenever it shows up in my recommended i smash that mf play button no matter what. it’s like one of, if not the only, song that matches the screaming in my head.)
You’re Somebody Else by flora cash (same as the two above tbh)
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clumsyclifford · 3 years
hi bella ^_^ hope you're well!! hmm what can i talk about here. umm i've just been vibing. doing assignments, going to class. forgot what the date was. a prof brought up halloween in class and i was like wtf why are we talking about halloween it's not for another like two weeks. turns out it's in 2 days. ummm i've also been trying my best to watch the world series. go braves because the astros are cheaters. let's see. how are YOU bella. how has your week been. in terms of ya know. the things i enjoy it's been pretty mentally exhausting but we don't have to discuss that. hmmm let's see. last time u responded to me u mentioned being on a state champs listening binge (relatable, literally me every single time i go to a concert for the following like week) and i have always meant to try listening to them. drop some song recs perhaps?? rambling about why you love each song is definitely encouraged. honestly i just wanted to pop in to say hello without really knowing what to talk about. tell me what's going on with YOU my dearest bella. i would love to hear it. i am bored and procrastinating doing assignments as we speak. hope all is well for you!! sending love positive energy etc etc MWAH - other bella
hi bella!! so nice to hear from you <3
dfghgdklfj well we've all been there. happy halloween by the way !! yeah i sorta tried to watch the world series but then i was just like maybe i don't care enough. i have been keeping an eye on it though and ive had the same philosophy mainly that i don't want the braves to win i just really want the astros to lose so! knock on wood it's going well so far
how AM i. what a question. i'm okay. having a similarly mentally exhausting week for the same reasons and am very okay not talking about it. contemplating making some tea. listening to youngblood at the moment that's nice, i don't spend enough time listening to 5sos lately i really am slacking but team reminded me about better man and now here we are
yes!!! YEAH!!! i would LOVE TO!!!!!!!! omg what a question. i can't narrow this down for you bella. i did make this essentials playlist for lily so here's that:
but okay adding on to that uhhhmmmm so okay here are the ones ive been into recently which isnt to say theyre my favorites bc lets be real ! theyre all my favorites ! but these + the ones in the playlist.......a good start. fair amount of overlap but i just. okay ive said too much it doesnt matter. ANYWAY.
i haven't heard their first album but from the second one which is the finer things i love remedy and easy enough, also simple existence
from around the world and back ive been really into losing myself ("we attract what we're ready for" !!!), tooth and nail (first line!!), hurry up and wait ("i know you feel safe under my skin" FOR WHAT???), & breaking ground lately
from living proof - frozen (the way the lyrics of the verses are written is really cool and fun), the fix up (the CHORUS of this one), something about you, safe haven
and if u want some acoustic tunes, the unplugged ep is really good im a big fan of crying out loud and the recipe
their new singles are also really good but i'll hold off recommending them unless you want to seek em out because i have. listed too many things here. but also i really like their cover of chicago is so two years ago which is funny cos i never really knew the original song but i just really like it okay im done.
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arplis · 4 years
Arplis - News: How to Make Listing Videos That Charm Buyers and Compel Sellers to Hire You
Tim Macy had a problem. He was about to put a new home on the market and wanted to make a listing video to promote it online. The home was nice enough, but nothing about it really stood out. It was like a lot of the homes in the neighborhood.
Then he found something unusual: a tiny desk and office underneath the stairs. Macy, a top agent with RockHouse Realty Group at eXp Realty in San Antonio who was recently named a 2019 BombBomb Real Estate Video Influencer, had the hook he needed to create a better listing video.
In the video I say, Check out this house because it has this Harry Potter room and one of the first shots is me sitting in the room and my daughter opening the door. Its so engaging and that gave it a little boost and more exposure.
Problem solved.
That kind of creativity is a must when you think about how much video people watch online. YouTube says we watch more than one billion hours of video every day. And when it comes to Facebook, 60% of Americans who watch digital video do so on Facebook. Instagram says more than 500 million users watch video on Instagram Stories every day.
But most real estate agents arent taking advantage of video. In the National Association of Realtors 2019 Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers, only 10 percent of sellers reported that their agent used video to market their home.
Video is no longer the next thing; its the now thing, Macy says. If youre not doing it for your listings, youre doing yourself and your clients a disservice.
The good news is that its never too late to start making videos for your listings. Here are nine steps to make listing videos that will both charm homebuyers and compel sellers to hire you.
Source: (Seth Doyle/ Unsplash)
1.) Your first decision: hire a videographer or do it yourself?
Ryan Snaadt, an Iowa-based real estate videographer who also trains aspiring video professionals, says it takes him a couple of hours to create a high-quality real estate listing video; he charges clients $750 and up per video. The final cost depends on a number of factors such as the homes size and listing price. The length of the video you want (see below for more on that) and even where youre located can also impact your costs.
In informal conversations, several agents and videographers told us that a typical 2-3 minute listing video should cost between $300 and $1,000, but you may come across fees as high as $2,000 to $3,000. Bottom line: get quotes from several videographers to learn the current rates in your area.
Not sure how or where to find a videographer? Try these ideas:
Ask other agents for recommendations
Reach out to eager students in the film/video department at your local college or university
Search web sites like Upwork.com, Thumbtack.com and Freelancer.com
If those sites dont have enough choices in your area, check wedding website TheKnot.com many video pros advertise themselves primarily to brides and grooms
Not all agents can afford to hire a videographer, especially if youre selling a lower-priced home. If you dont have the budget to hire a pro for all of your listing videos, theres nothing wrong with the do-it-yourself approach. You can also shoot a fun video on your iPhone and be creative, says Snaadt.
A simple, inexpensive gear list for the do-it-yourself real estate agent might include:
Camera: your smartphone, especially if its the latest model
Microphone: Pop voice lavalier microphone (currently $13)
Tripod: UBeesize 5-foot tripod with smartphone mount (currently $35)
Lighting: not needed, use natural light (more on this below)
Editing software: iMovie (included with Apple devices) or Final Cut Pro X (Mac/$300), Adobe Premiere (Mac & Windows/$21 per month), DaVinci Resolve (Mac & Windows/free version or $300)
Macy often records a lot of video content on his iPhone 11 Pro Max. Ill shoot a selfie of me out in front of the house and say, Hey, its Tim. Im at 123 Main Street and I want you to check out this house because it has an unbelievable kitchen and its just been renovated.
2.) Dont just start shooting. A great listing video begins with a plan.
If youre hiring a professional, Macy says you should give the videographer specific examples of what you want your video to look like. Include the fact that you want it to be at this pace, with this type of music and with these type of shots, he says.
Youve given them a guide and something to go by and youll tend to be happier with the results you get back.
If youre making the video yourself, this isnt the time to whip out your phone and record with no focus. A D-I-Y video shoot should begin with preparation like this:
Scout the home inside and out. Look for unique features that you want to highlight, like Macy did with the Harry Potter room. Do this at different times of day, so that you can
decide on the best time of day to shoot your video. As you scout the home, look at the natural lighting and shadows in each room. Harsh sunlight can make a room and home look less appealing, which is exactly what you dont want to do.
Make a list of shots you want to get. Think about the shot(s) that will capture attention in the first five seconds of your video and convince viewers to keep watching. If the home looks particularly beautiful in the soft light of a sunrise or sunset, that might be a perfect opening scene.
On that last point, if you dont know what shots you want in your video, watch other listing videos on YouTube for inspiration. Dont copy another agents style exactly, but pick and choose the shots and styles you like to create a listing video that fits you and the homes you sell.
3.) Make a listing video for every home you sell.
Listing videos are great for showcasing million-dollar homes, but agents should make listing videos for homes in all price points.
Obviously luxury videos are fun because everybody likes to dream about living in one of those, but what if you made a video about a fantastic house thats less than $200,000? says Macy. You can talk about how great of an affordable home it is and show how close it is to the park.
Think of it this way: You write a listing description for every home, not just your high-end properties. Its the same way with listing videos. Every house has a story, Macy says. Every house has something.
4.) Put yourself in every listing video so viewers get to know you.
Many home listing videos consist of music and video shots of the homes interior and exterior. Thats it. Effective? Maybe. But when you have people in a video its more engaging, says Macy. And if your content is not engaging, its going to disappear and nobodys going to watch it.
In one of his own videos, Macy jumped on a scooter and recorded his two-minute ride through San Antonio to the home he had listed for sale.
Some people would say, Why dont you focus on the house instead of riding a scooter down the street? Well, if I just did that, nobody would see it. But since I jumped on a scooter and went by local restaurants, more people watched and more people saw the house, Macy says.
A listing video isnt just about selling the home; its also a way to introduce yourself to potential clients. Put yourself in every listing video, even if its just a spoken intro and outro. I see agents that put out a ton of listing videos that theyre not in and people arent getting to know that agent, Macy says.
5.) Match the music to the mood of the home.
Youre making a video, but dont overlook the audio. Along with beautiful visuals, the right soundtrack will help buyers get a sense of what it would be like to live in the home. The music in your listing video should appeal to potential buyers and match the mood of the home.
A country cabin listing would have different music than a cottage on the beach, says Snaadt.
Source: (403 NW Reinhart | Iowa Real Estate Video /Ryan Snaadt /Vimeo)
In this video [above], the music is upbeat, modern, and happy similar to this homes layout. If it were a snow-covered cabin in the woods, you would look for music that is more rustic and fits the style of the home. [The video below] would be more of that rustic example with acoustic spunky music.
One agent sent Snaadt a very confusing listing video that she created to sell a high-end, million-dollar castle. It was so fast-cutting and the music was high intensity, he says. Sometimes you get lost in the creative and forget the strategy, which is to entice people who want to come to see the home.
6.) Dont worry about how long the video is; worry about how great it is.
Look around on YouTube and youll find listing videos that run the gamut from really short to really long. Have you ever seen a 37-minute long listing video? Heres one. More common is a video like this one that runs slightly more than three minutes. And heres one that runs about 14 minutes.
Theres no such thing as a perfect length, as long as its entertaining and engaging, says Macy.
Macy explains that youll know the right length for your listing video when youre editing it. Say youve got your daughter who has a puppy in the video because its a vacant listing and that makes it more fun. You get the shots, put the video together and feel like youve got a minute and 20 seconds of real entertaining stuff, so the video is one minute and 20 seconds. If you feel like its only entertaining for 45 seconds, then only make it 45 seconds.
Source: (Dose Media/ Unsplash)
7.) Use a drone, but dont overdo it.
In the past, real estate agents might rent a helicopter in order to capture aerial views of a special property. Today, many agents use a drone to capture that magical view above tree-level, and that footage often becomes the opening or closing shot of a listing video. Drone shots are also used to show potential buyers the home in the context of the neighborhood. For example, you can show how close the home is to parks, schools, and shopping centers.
Drone footage can be captivating, but Macy urges agents to be careful. Drone shots are a powerful tool, but dont fall in love with them or overuse them, he says. We [agents] think theyre so cool that we end up doing [a long] drone shot and you lose everybodys attention.
Drones can range in price from about $50 to $2,000 or more. Agents in the ~5,900-member RE TV Facebook group often recommend DJI drones, but youll have plenty of options if you decide to buy one. There are a number of real estate drone buying guides online like this one from DronesGlobe.com.
If youre planning to fly a drone to get footage for your listing videos, be aware of the Federal Aviation Administrations drone rules and registration requirements. The FAA has also partnered with a couple industry organizations on an education campaign called Know Before You Fly, which explains how to fly drones safely. And speaking of safety, the Insurance Information Institute warns that commercial drone use isnt covered by personal insurance policies, so you should contact your insurance provider to see what coverage is needed. Accidents can happen, especially if youre new to flying drones.
8.) Focus on building your audience and giving them value.
Your immediate goal with listing videos is to sell homes, but theres an equally important long-term goal: building an audience of viewers that will see and engage with you and your videos in the future.
Macy brings up a hypothetical scenario where two agents are competing to sell a home.
One of them has an audience on social media that knows, likes, trusts and follows them. The other agent doesnt. In that situation, Macy says the first agent can make a listing video thats not as good, but that video is going to do better than the video from the agent that doesnt have an audience. In other words, you can make the best listing videos in your market, but what good is it if you dont have an audience to watch it?
Snaadt says a great listing video is about connecting with viewers. Hes seen real estate agents hire a video team with the specific hope that the listing video would go viral. If all youre trying to do is create a video to go viral, you dont understand the point about content marketing. Its about connecting with someone who wants to use your services.
Macy agrees. You have to lead with adding value to your audience to grow an audience, he says. You want to be the TV show, not the advertisement.
Source: (Christin Hume/ Unsplash)
9.) Start making videos and keep making videos. Dont give up.
YouTube is littered with inactive real estate agent accounts. Many agents try it out, post a few listing videos, then give up when the videos only earn 10-15 views.
Thats a mistake. Listing videos, like most marketing that agents do, are a long-term play.
You have to continue to create video and build an audience for you to actually see the value in it, Macy says. Because if youre just making a listing video every other week, youre not going to see the value. The only way you get better at doing video is to do more video.
Header Image Source: (KAL VISUALS / Unsplash)
Arplis - News source https://arplis.com/blogs/news/how-to-make-listing-videos-that-charm-buyers-and-compel-sellers-to-hire-you
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deadcactuswalking · 5 years
REVIEWING THE CHARTS: 17th February 2019
We have a new #1, and a very busy week before the BRITs. Let’s get on with it.
Top 10
As I said, there’s a new #1 hit today on the UK Singles Chart – for its first week on both the #1 spot and the chart overall (Yup, it is a debut), it’s “break up with your girlfriend, i’m bored” by Ariana Grande, becoming her 18th Top 40 hit and fifth #1 (Second to debut at the spot this year). This is because of her incredibly successful thank u, next album, which was the most-streamed album of all time for a female artist, and is currently occupying all top three spots on the Billboard Hot 100 in America. Now that’s impressive, although it did sell a bit less than I thought at more than 300k+... also the album sucked, it was a strong four at best. I’ll talk more about it later.
This means that Ariana Grande has blocked herself at #1, in fact has pushed herself off, as “7 rings” is down a spot to number-two.
Surprisingly, Lewis Capaldi enters the top three with “Someone You Loved”, up six spots to number-three. The album’s out soon so expect this to hit the top.
Sam Smith and Normani’s “Dancing with a Stranger” is down one space to number-four.
At number-five is where Mabel stays since last week, with “Don’t Call Me Up”.
Calvin Harris and Rag’n’Bone Man’s “Giant” is down two spaces to number-six.
Also down one space to number-seven is “Wow.” by Post Malone.
Now we have our second top 10 debut by Ariana Grande, “needy”, also from the album thank u, next. It’s at number-eight, and is Grande’s 19th Top 40 hit and 12th Top 10 hit. We’ll talk more about it later.
Unfortunately due to Grande and Capaldi, two good songs are barely hanging on at the end of the top 10. Mark Ronson and Miley Cyrus’ “Nothing Breaks Like a Heart” is down one space to number-nine.
Billie Eilish’s “bury a friend” is also down three spaces to #10, rounding off our top 10.
Well, there’s more than I expected to be on this week specifically, but there’s not all too many. “Going Bad” by Meek Mill and Drake is up five spots to #13, probably because of the video, while possibly due to awards season, Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper’s “Shallow” is also up five spots to #21, “Grace” by Lewis Capaldi is up 14 spaces to #26. Then we have recent debuts like “Swervin” by A Boogie wit da Hoodie featuring 6ix9ine up seven spots to #27, “a lot” by 21 Savage featuring J. Cole up seven spots to #29 and “i’m so tired...” by LAUV and Troye Sivan up six spaces to #33, all of which I’m rooting for.
I expected a LOT of these due to the sheer amount of new arrivals (There’s seven), and I mean, eh, we got some, mostly due to streaming cuts though. After a couple weeks, the UK Singles Chart makes the importance of streaming in a song’s chart placement lessen, if that makes sense, and this has happened to “Sweet but Psycho” by Ava Max down nine spaces to #11, Post Malone and Swae Lee’s Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse cut “Sunflower” down 13 spaces to #23, and potentially “Without Me” by Halsey down 11 spots to #28, this week. Otherwise, well, we have the fortunate five-space fall for “Undecided” by Chris Brown to #25, and falls for The Weeknd and Gesaffelstein with “Lost in the Fire” down 11 spaces to #35, as well as Kehlani and Ty Dolla $ign’s “Nights Like This” down eight spots to #38. I’m almost sad that song didn’t drop 15 spaces so I could make one of those awful quips about Ty Dolla $ign serving 15 years in prison for cocaine possession.
Streaming cuts also hurt “Close to Me” by Ellie Goulding, Diplo and Swae Lee, out from #27 (Peaking at #17), while “One Kiss” by Calvin Harris and Dua Lipa is out from #38 (Peaking at #1) – about time. Oh, I might as well say that whilst “thank u, next” by Ariana Grande did drop out from #28 (Peaking at #1), it’s not because it’s less popular now, it’s because that there are at least three more popular songs from the thank u, next album, and that’s all the UK Singles Chart allows at once. This is a good rule because it prevents album bombs, but it means the chart is less accurate in actually showing what people are listening to. I bet that song comes back next week anyway. Oh, and there’s more drop-outs: We have “Leave Me Alone” by Flipp Dinero out from #38 (Peaking at #30), “Saturday Nights” by Khalid out from #35 (Peaking at #31) and “18HUNNA” by Headie One and Dave out from #32 (Peaking at #6). These are all premature, so expect these come back, or at least one of them. Fredo’s “All I Ever Wanted” featuring Dave is out from #15 (Peaking at #15) after the album’s hype died down, whilst streaming cuts have pushed both “Hold My Girl” by George Ezra out from #23 (Peaking at #8) and “ZEZE” by Kodak Black featuring Offset and Travis Scott out from #21 (Peaking at #7) off the chart.
Returning Entries
The only returning entry this week is due to the tragic death of rapper Cadet at 25, whose passing has caused his song with Deno Driz, “Advice”, to return at #36. Rest in peace. Now, on a lighter note, here are our returning entries:
#40 – “Thotiana” – Blueface
Hell yeah, Blueface, baby. Okay, so you know Blueface, don’t even say you don’t – you’re a filthy liar if so, because he has been all over the Internet due to viral videos of him rapping, because he doesn’t tend to rap conventionally, and he often has funny one-liners. There are purposeful off-beat moments throughout his songs, especially “Deadlocs”, but it’s mostly just inspiration from people like E-40 who would rap in a different way when they came across a beat that fit their unorthodox flow. Anyways, despite his most on-beat song to date, “Bleed It”, being an obvious contender for breakout hit, it seems like “Thotiana” has got the most traction, and hence, here it is. It’s been in the top 40 in the US for a couple weeks, and has got remixes from Desiigner, YG and even Cardi B (Who, by the way, absolutely kills it with an outrageous and hilarious verse, which I unfortunately can’t repeat any lines from because Tumblr might flag me with an adult content restriction – yeah, they’re that nasty). Despite that, it seems to be that the original version is the one that landed in the top 40. It’s obviously his first hit, and, to be honest, I love it to death. It’s barely two minutes and only consists of gliding pianos and smooth keys under a West Coast beat (With some banging percussion), as well as a slightly shrill synth, yet it feels so full, probably because of Blueface and all his ad-libs, including the iconic “Yeah, aight”. The hook is insanely catchy and beyond the meme, Blueface’s flow is great, somewhat complex at points and borders on spoken word in his verse, with so many references of what he says being “on the gang” that you’d think he has a verbal tic. This probably isn’t his funniest or most memorable song but it is a damn great one. Oh, but there’s also this:
Ain’t no runnin’, Thotiana, you gon’ take these damn strokes
Uh, yeah, well, um... Yikes, okay, I’m just going to leave it there. Great song, check it out. Check out the Cardi B remix though, it’s even better.
#37 – “Breathe” – CamelPhat and Cristoph featuring Jem Cooke
Damn, CamelPhat, I love these guys. Every song they’ve released that hit the charts has been some of the best EDM I’ve heard come out of the UK electronic scene in years, and they know how to make a fun, catchy dance song feel cinematic and in the case of songs like “Cola” with Elderbrook, almost avant-garde.  A lot of UK dance by more obscure names has hit the charts last year, and impressed me as well, especially Loud Luxury, so I’m excited to see what CamelPhat have got up their sleeves this time for their third top 40 hit, and the first for Cristoph and Jem Cooke.
Yeah, so, this feels oddly 90s at the start, with those nice warm synths, then the indie-pop singer of the week comes in with her raspy voice covered in reverb, with pretty much no build-up before we get to a deep bassline and finger-snaps come in, almost like a sped-up Chicago house beat. The beat increases in intensity with a higher pitched bass as the chorus comes in but there’s not really a drop, just a continuation of the instrumental, because it still feels restrained and isolated, despite the theatricality of the whole ordeal, and that really fits the title because it’s an anxious song, and it takes a damn long while for that tension release to come in. Unlike “breathin” by Ariana Grande from last year, that was also about anxiety and self-help, this isn’t repetitive to a fault, rather while Jem Cooke yells at herself that she needs her to breathe again, the beat is almost like a train pushing down the tracks and the finale climax when her vocals echo, “Again, again, again, again”, is the train hitting her and killing her. Grande’s song was a pump-up anthem but this is just a pure burst of self-frustration hurled at the listener, and while it’s nowhere near as good as “Panic Room” in expressing panic, isolation and anxiety (Yeah, it is kind of a retread), this is still pretty great.
#34 – “Who Do You Love” – The Chainsmokers featuring 5 Seconds of Summer
Oh, these seven guys again. Look, I like enough of both of these artists’ songs to give them a pass, but a collaborative single between the two is just a mediocrity sandwich. It’s not going to be anything interesting or new or even worthwhile, it’s just going to be a two-dude EDM duo producing for one dude called Luke or something with four other dudes (Who supposedly play instruments on any of their singles – yeah, right). This is the Chainsmokers’ ninth top 40 single in the UK and 5 Seconds of Summer’s ninth as well, and it kind of sucks. What a surprise. We start off promising with distorted piano, a deep 808 bass and what sounds like a high-pitched, siren-like guitar, with Luke crooning, until... it has an acoustic breakdown in which Luke has too many vocal effects put onto him for it to work, and he sounds too fast, like a lot of these EDM guys make people sound like... until, that weak drop with an unfitting build-up. It just sounds like all five seconds saying “Blam-blam, hoopty-doopty, doo-doo” in unison over some cloudy synths and an ugly bass wobble. I know that’s the point, but this song is supposed to be taken seriously, and I don’t think any of the seven dudes involved noticed that at any point. Chainsmokers, guys, you’ll never top “Everybody Hates Me” (Note that their best song isn’t supposed to be taken seriously... or at least I hope not). Blech, I hope this goes away, this really is not worth any staying power.
#30 – “Just You and I” – Tom Walker
Both this and his other song, “Leave a Light On”, were featured in advertisements, boosting their place on the charts. This one has an album attached to it. That should tell you all you need to know about boring singer-songwriter, Tom Walker, trying to get on that “Genuine white guitarist man” money that Rag’n’Bone Man and Ed Sheeran currently store in the safe, although unlike those two, he’s more electronic and more plastic. He’s a rip-off? Yeah. Is he an industry plant? I mean, I don’t like that term, but it sure seems like it. If not, he’s just marketed perfectly. Anyway, this song is his second top 40 hit and some fake acoustic guitar and fake handclaps complement Tom Walker’s slightly nasal and... mildly urban-Irish (???) voice and the piano... and yeah, no, it doesn’t exist. I hear this song and nothing witty is produced, there’s nothing of interest in my brain, I feel like my ears have just had a long string of nothing twisted through them. The “Drop” is just a chorus, this time, although it still feels like a drop because Walker isn’t saying anything of interest. Oh, yeah, and the two parts of the chorus feel really jankily attached, it’s like two halves of a chorus put together. Next.
#16 – “Talk” – Khalid and Disclosure
Oh, hey, a great song by two amazing artists, that’s good to see. So, this is R&B singer Khalid’s tenth UK Top 40 hit and Disclosure’s sixth, and it’s funky, smooth and fun as hell. It starts with a synth that is ripped straight from the 80s, then some keys come in and a clap, until Khalid starts singing with that sultry voice, although it’s in a higher-pitched and more emotive falsetto this time, with a slightly off-kilter bass when partnered with the synths, almost reminding me of future bass. Khalid sounds absolutely fantastic over this beautiful instrumental, with all the extra touches like the drum pattern finishing off with a repeated snare, kick and bass hit at the end of the chorus as a climax, the extra synth melodies added throughout the chorus that give the song so much more “Oomph” and groove to it. The song is joyful, danceable and I don’t care about what the lyrics say at all, but since I clearly don’t have all that much to say about the song other than “This is gorgeous and amazing and brilliant”, I might as well say that the subject matter may be unfitting, because it’s about having a talk about where the relationship is going, which isn’t necessarily as smooth, cute and glamorous as the song could paint it out to be, but there definitely is that off-kilter and quirky vibe to it that does add that sense of panic, despite how mostly chilled it is. That works well, actually. Yeah, check this out because this is the best song either of these guys have put out. If this has longevity in the US, it’s a contender for the top of my best list, because I doubt anything better will come along. Perhaps “bury a friend” and “a lot” could end up there? Who knows? It’s shaping up to be a pretty good year, though, so we’ll see.
#8 – “needy” – Ariana Grande
Ariana Grande finally finds her sound after years and four albums of having the inability to be cohesive or unique, years and years of having a wasted voice due to cluttered, messy and generic instrumentals provided to her by producers who don’t know what they’re doing, and... her albums still suck. Well, her fifth album is a disappointment, yes, and it’s also incredibly mediocre. It lacks a lot of substance, is inconsistent (It either has too much polish or not enough), has a few irritating instrumentals like “bloodline”, as well as once again, it has Grande’s great voice being put to the side due to light-weight trap beats like “7 rings”, for which Grande is forced to lose all of her natural charisma in order to fit on. There, that’s what I think of the album. Now, “needy” is not one of the worst on the album, but it is bad, and you can tell that right off the jump with its over-simplistic, toy-box melody that starts it off, and gets irritating quick, with not enough drowning it out. I like the pre-chorus, it’s pretty cool, but the finger-snaps are fake and pointless, with the borderline doo-wop vocals in the background adding nothing but volume. Someone tell Ariana Grande that her “Yuh” ad-libs should never be used again, please. They worked in “God is a woman”, but that’s the only time they worked, and will ever work. The subject matter is decent here, but I don’t think the beat fits it – because it doesn’t have a beat, really, there’s barely any percussion, and then it has an abrupt, pointless orchestral outro. Yeah, you can tell this album was finished in two weeks. It has a lot of moments like that.
#1 – “break up with your girlfriend, i’m bored” – Ariana Grande
Fitting title. Okay, so what’s the need for build-up, am I right? When it works, over-whelming the listener with the beat immediately crashing in is great. That’s when it has build-up, it never works when it’s just the song starting with bass and percussion immediately, without much reason. No, it doesn’t make sense in the context of the album either, because the song before it fades out. Anyway, so over a weak, discount Playboi Carti type beat with the flute (???) mixed so low that it essentially doesn’t exist, Grande raps with a rather concerning accent considering the blackfishing controversy, biting freaking Quadeca’s flow (I know - Out of all people?), with again, those cringeworthy ad-libs placed in empty spaces. Then it cuts to 16-bit chiptune pianos that aren’t used throughout the song, just in this section, for the pre-chorus, it just feels kind of worthless to have this here, it’s like it’s part of another song they spliced in (A better song, may I add). Oh, and that chorus is sickeningly annoying. I don’t care about the lyricism here as much as I should (Because it is pretty douchey, at least on the surface), but she sounds nasal with that elongated syllable melody that makes me just coil. I don’t like the backing vocals or echoes, either, sorry for the nitpicking but they feel like quick edits just to fill in empty space, especially that male “Hey” (or “Care”, or “Yeah”, I can’t tell), it’s added abruptly and cuts the beat out for no reason. The bridge wouldn’t be bad without that incessant and constant percussion pounding through it. I shouldn’t be this negative, Grande’s performance is okay, I guess, but, damn, this is awful. It doesn’t develop or even end properly, it feels like a bonus track on the standard version – because, yes, somehow this is what they chose as a fitting climax to the record. What a waste of studio time, and what a bad #1. Listen, UK, I didn’t like “7 rings” either, but at least it wasn’t this.
Man, I feel bad for doing so but Ariana Grande gets Worst of the Week for “break up with your girlfriend, i’m bored”, and screw it, Dishonourable Mention for “needy”. Nothing else is all that bad, so the Chainsmokers get away scot-free here, with Honourable Mention being tied and going to both Blueface for “Thotiana” and CamelPhat, Cristoph and Jem Cooke for “Breathe”. Best of the Week should be pretty obvious, but yeah, it’s going to Khalid and Disclosure for “Talk”. See you next week.
0 notes
arplis · 4 years
Arplis - News: How to Make Listing Videos That Charm Buyers and Compel Sellers to Hire You
Tim Macy had a problem. He was about to put a new home on the market and wanted to make a listing video to promote it online. The home was nice enough, but nothing about it really stood out. It was like a lot of the homes in the neighborhood.
Then he found something unusual: a tiny desk and office underneath the stairs. Macy, a top agent with RockHouse Realty Group at eXp Realty in San Antonio who was recently named a 2019 BombBomb Real Estate Video Influencer, had the hook he needed to create a better listing video.
In the video I say, Check out this house because it has this Harry Potter room and one of the first shots is me sitting in the room and my daughter opening the door. Its so engaging and that gave it a little boost and more exposure.
Problem solved.
That kind of creativity is a must when you think about how much video people watch online. YouTube says we watch more than one billion hours of video every day. And when it comes to Facebook, 60% of Americans who watch digital video do so on Facebook. Instagram says more than 500 million users watch video on Instagram Stories every day.
But most real estate agents arent taking advantage of video. In the National Association of Realtors 2019 Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers, only 10 percent of sellers reported that their agent used video to market their home.
Video is no longer the next thing; its the now thing, Macy says. If youre not doing it for your listings, youre doing yourself and your clients a disservice.
The good news is that its never too late to start making videos for your listings. Here are nine steps to make listing videos that will both charm homebuyers and compel sellers to hire you.
Source: (Seth Doyle/ Unsplash)
1.) Your first decision: hire a videographer or do it yourself?
Ryan Snaadt, an Iowa-based real estate videographer who also trains aspiring video professionals, says it takes him a couple of hours to create a high-quality real estate listing video; he charges clients $750 and up per video. The final cost depends on a number of factors such as the homes size and listing price. The length of the video you want (see below for more on that) and even where youre located can also impact your costs.
In informal conversations, several agents and videographers told us that a typical 2-3 minute listing video should cost between $300 and $1,000, but you may come across fees as high as $2,000 to $3,000. Bottom line: get quotes from several videographers to learn the current rates in your area.
Not sure how or where to find a videographer? Try these ideas:
Ask other agents for recommendations
Reach out to eager students in the film/video department at your local college or university
Search web sites like Upwork.com, Thumbtack.com and Freelancer.com
If those sites dont have enough choices in your area, check wedding website TheKnot.com many video pros advertise themselves primarily to brides and grooms
Not all agents can afford to hire a videographer, especially if youre selling a lower-priced home. If you dont have the budget to hire a pro for all of your listing videos, theres nothing wrong with the do-it-yourself approach. You can also shoot a fun video on your iPhone and be creative, says Snaadt.
A simple, inexpensive gear list for the do-it-yourself real estate agent might include:
Camera: your smartphone, especially if its the latest model
Microphone: Pop voice lavalier microphone (currently $13)
Tripod: UBeesize 5-foot tripod with smartphone mount (currently $35)
Lighting: not needed, use natural light (more on this below)
Editing software: iMovie (included with Apple devices) or Final Cut Pro X (Mac/$300), Adobe Premiere (Mac & Windows/$21 per month), DaVinci Resolve (Mac & Windows/free version or $300)
Macy often records a lot of video content on his iPhone 11 Pro Max. Ill shoot a selfie of me out in front of the house and say, Hey, its Tim. Im at 123 Main Street and I want you to check out this house because it has an unbelievable kitchen and its just been renovated.
2.) Dont just start shooting. A great listing video begins with a plan.
If youre hiring a professional, Macy says you should give the videographer specific examples of what you want your video to look like. Include the fact that you want it to be at this pace, with this type of music and with these type of shots, he says.
Youve given them a guide and something to go by and youll tend to be happier with the results you get back.
If youre making the video yourself, this isnt the time to whip out your phone and record with no focus. A D-I-Y video shoot should begin with preparation like this:
Scout the home inside and out. Look for unique features that you want to highlight, like Macy did with the Harry Potter room. Do this at different times of day, so that you can
decide on the best time of day to shoot your video. As you scout the home, look at the natural lighting and shadows in each room. Harsh sunlight can make a room and home look less appealing, which is exactly what you dont want to do.
Make a list of shots you want to get. Think about the shot(s) that will capture attention in the first five seconds of your video and convince viewers to keep watching. If the home looks particularly beautiful in the soft light of a sunrise or sunset, that might be a perfect opening scene.
On that last point, if you dont know what shots you want in your video, watch other listing videos on YouTube for inspiration. Dont copy another agents style exactly, but pick and choose the shots and styles you like to create a listing video that fits you and the homes you sell.
3.) Make a listing video for every home you sell.
Listing videos are great for showcasing million-dollar homes, but agents should make listing videos for homes in all price points.
Obviously luxury videos are fun because everybody likes to dream about living in one of those, but what if you made a video about a fantastic house thats less than $200,000? says Macy. You can talk about how great of an affordable home it is and show how close it is to the park.
Think of it this way: You write a listing description for every home, not just your high-end properties. Its the same way with listing videos. Every house has a story, Macy says. Every house has something.
4.) Put yourself in every listing video so viewers get to know you.
Many home listing videos consist of music and video shots of the homes interior and exterior. Thats it. Effective? Maybe. But when you have people in a video its more engaging, says Macy. And if your content is not engaging, its going to disappear and nobodys going to watch it.
In one of his own videos, Macy jumped on a scooter and recorded his two-minute ride through San Antonio to the home he had listed for sale.
Some people would say, Why dont you focus on the house instead of riding a scooter down the street? Well, if I just did that, nobody would see it. But since I jumped on a scooter and went by local restaurants, more people watched and more people saw the house, Macy says.
A listing video isnt just about selling the home; its also a way to introduce yourself to potential clients. Put yourself in every listing video, even if its just a spoken intro and outro. I see agents that put out a ton of listing videos that theyre not in and people arent getting to know that agent, Macy says.
5.) Match the music to the mood of the home.
Youre making a video, but dont overlook the audio. Along with beautiful visuals, the right soundtrack will help buyers get a sense of what it would be like to live in the home. The music in your listing video should appeal to potential buyers and match the mood of the home.
A country cabin listing would have different music than a cottage on the beach, says Snaadt.
Source: (403 NW Reinhart | Iowa Real Estate Video /Ryan Snaadt /Vimeo)
In this video [above], the music is upbeat, modern, and happy similar to this homes layout. If it were a snow-covered cabin in the woods, you would look for music that is more rustic and fits the style of the home. [The video below] would be more of that rustic example with acoustic spunky music.
One agent sent Snaadt a very confusing listing video that she created to sell a high-end, million-dollar castle. It was so fast-cutting and the music was high intensity, he says. Sometimes you get lost in the creative and forget the strategy, which is to entice people who want to come to see the home.
6.) Dont worry about how long the video is; worry about how great it is.
Look around on YouTube and youll find listing videos that run the gamut from really short to really long. Have you ever seen a 37-minute long listing video? Heres one. More common is a video like this one that runs slightly more than three minutes. And heres one that runs about 14 minutes.
Theres no such thing as a perfect length, as long as its entertaining and engaging, says Macy.
Macy explains that youll know the right length for your listing video when youre editing it. Say youve got your daughter who has a puppy in the video because its a vacant listing and that makes it more fun. You get the shots, put the video together and feel like youve got a minute and 20 seconds of real entertaining stuff, so the video is one minute and 20 seconds. If you feel like its only entertaining for 45 seconds, then only make it 45 seconds.
Source: (Dose Media/ Unsplash)
7.) Use a drone, but dont overdo it.
In the past, real estate agents might rent a helicopter in order to capture aerial views of a special property. Today, many agents use a drone to capture that magical view above tree-level, and that footage often becomes the opening or closing shot of a listing video. Drone shots are also used to show potential buyers the home in the context of the neighborhood. For example, you can show how close the home is to parks, schools, and shopping centers.
Drone footage can be captivating, but Macy urges agents to be careful. Drone shots are a powerful tool, but dont fall in love with them or overuse them, he says. We [agents] think theyre so cool that we end up doing [a long] drone shot and you lose everybodys attention.
Drones can range in price from about $50 to $2,000 or more. Agents in the ~5,900-member RE TV Facebook group often recommend DJI drones, but youll have plenty of options if you decide to buy one. There are a number of real estate drone buying guides online like this one from DronesGlobe.com.
If youre planning to fly a drone to get footage for your listing videos, be aware of the Federal Aviation Administrations drone rules and registration requirements. The FAA has also partnered with a couple industry organizations on an education campaign called Know Before You Fly, which explains how to fly drones safely. And speaking of safety, the Insurance Information Institute warns that commercial drone use isnt covered by personal insurance policies, so you should contact your insurance provider to see what coverage is needed. Accidents can happen, especially if youre new to flying drones.
8.) Focus on building your audience and giving them value.
Your immediate goal with listing videos is to sell homes, but theres an equally important long-term goal: building an audience of viewers that will see and engage with you and your videos in the future.
Macy brings up a hypothetical scenario where two agents are competing to sell a home.
One of them has an audience on social media that knows, likes, trusts and follows them. The other agent doesnt. In that situation, Macy says the first agent can make a listing video thats not as good, but that video is going to do better than the video from the agent that doesnt have an audience. In other words, you can make the best listing videos in your market, but what good is it if you dont have an audience to watch it?
Snaadt says a great listing video is about connecting with viewers. Hes seen real estate agents hire a video team with the specific hope that the listing video would go viral. If all youre trying to do is create a video to go viral, you dont understand the point about content marketing. Its about connecting with someone who wants to use your services.
Macy agrees. You have to lead with adding value to your audience to grow an audience, he says. You want to be the TV show, not the advertisement.
Source: (Christin Hume/ Unsplash)
9.) Start making videos and keep making videos. Dont give up.
YouTube is littered with inactive real estate agent accounts. Many agents try it out, post a few listing videos, then give up when the videos only earn 10-15 views.
Thats a mistake. Listing videos, like most marketing that agents do, are a long-term play.
You have to continue to create video and build an audience for you to actually see the value in it, Macy says. Because if youre just making a listing video every other week, youre not going to see the value. The only way you get better at doing video is to do more video.
Header Image Source: (KAL VISUALS / Unsplash)
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