#which is sad bc i think she has the potential to be really cool to the right fanbase
tacomedli · 9 months
So yesterday I was finally able to catch up on Jaiden's most recent stream, and-
I love q!Jaiden. So much. I want to scream.
How is her lore/streams so funny and yet so sad at the same time?!?!! I don't know how long her trip to Japan is supposed to be or when she'll be able to stream again but I really wish I had a fast forward button because I am going to DIE from all this suspense!!!
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darabeatha · 1 year
Tumblr media
/  I think the saddest thing about mocte is that he could have perfectly not have appeared in the lb and probably nothing would have changed either way, as in, he could have been replaced by some random npc and the course of the story would have mostly remained the same
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callmearcturus · 9 months
Regarding the reception of Ilsa's death, what personally upsets me about it is that by refusing to interact with it on a story level (ie blaming McQ's misogyny, saying that it's just fridging), people completely miss out on the thematic richness of the movie, and how much that death influences that.
It's a pity that people aren't giving them any credit for the story because they focus on that part of it, so thank you for talking about it!
(Sorry, not really a question!)
(heads up this is gonna be a bitchy post!)
Yeah I am to a point that I'm becoming actively annoyed at the discussion around DR1 because I walked out of that movie both times like "I cannot BELIEVE what they're doing here with the IMF, with the ethos of the movies, I can't wait for ppl to get over their shock over Ilsa's death and actually think about the point"
and that has just not happened and it's so boring. To watch DR1 and go "i hate this movie bc Ilsa's death was pointless" and to keep thinking that even after you've cooled off is imo a media literacy failure. like, DID WE FUCKING WATCH THE SAME MOVIE?
did anyone else see Ethan's introduction to the movie, where he gets to play an elder member of this organization basically inducting and welcoming someone into the fold with a distant kindness?
did anyone else see how the Entity affects the entire western intelligence community and cements them as the villain while the IMF are fighting to maintain basic free will?
did anyone notice the purposeful contrasts, how everyone swayed by the Entity's potential power exist in flashy ultra modern sets while Ethan's team live in the warm shadows of old abandoned buildings?
how about the return of Kittridge, the spectre of history and obligation cast over everyone?
HOW ABOUT REFASHIONING THE MYTHOS OF THE IMF INTO A "CHOICE" EXPLICITLY MAKING ALL OF THESE PEOPLE SELF-SELECTING AGENTS OF OUTRAGEOUS ALTRUISM. I'm sorry but how the fuck are people not losing their fucking minds over the fact Christopher fucking McQuarrie has been building on this IDEA since Ghost Protocol, that Ethan Hunt doesn't believe in the trolley problem, that if you present him with a trolley problem he will try to kill himself pushing the trolley off the tracks, there are no acceptable losses even in the face of nuclear armageddon, and they made it fucking CANON
and then they made Luther and Benji go "well yeah that's the IMF, we all chose to be this kind of batshit fanatical to the preservation of life"
Ilsa died OPTING INTO THAT. she was never IMF, she was a loner who occasionally fell into the orbit of Ethan and co, and rather than leaving it up to Ethan to make a choice, she walks open-eyed to save a woman she doesn't even know because why would that matter do you get it yet, we're talking about themes here
I'm just. I get it. Or I got it. For the first few weeks after DR1 came out, ppl were sad that Ilsa died
but now that we are this far out from it and people are still saying "her death was pointless", my patience is done. you failed to read the movie. which pisses me off because i am super into what this movie, this franchise, is trying to say!
anyway yeah my name is arcturus, i love ilsa faust, and i love that she died because her death fucking meant something /jazzhands
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ughgoaway · 5 months
the sick dad matty blurb omfg ACE i’m literally unwell at the thought of mopey messy hair matty falling asleep in ur lap and being so flustered at u seeing him like that- brb fucking crying
also speaking of which genuinely insane timing how you always post smth after i’ve had a very long shift i swear theyre really the one thing i look forward to the most after work 😭😭 uninterrupted horizontal time with ur blurbs it’s true it literally is my fav thing-
also perhaps an extension of sick dad! matty but i just can’t shake the idea of teacher reader being worried about him still and asking annie about it at school the next day and annie just randomly drops a bombshell in the way kids do and says smth like ‘oh daddys so much better today! he’s all smiley and said that you chased the bad coughing monster away for him- can you come do that every time? daddy’s never had anyone do that before’ and it just b r e a ks teacher reader completely pls anyways crying throwing up
(- bff anon also has the can’t shut up disease i fear 😭)
OMG, IM GLAD YOU LIKED IT BFF!!! I just need to look after this man.
like imagine he eventually wakes up and its like 9pm at that point so you're like "okay let's get you to bed" and he's all sad and pouty and says "only if you stay over with me" but he's still half asleep and doesn't quite process what he said for a good few seconds...
wide-eyed, he tries to backtrack, "wait- I'm so sorry I didn't mean it like that! obviously, we haven't slept together yet, but- NO, NOT LIKE 'SLEPT TOGETHER' SLEPT TOGETHER!!! I MEANT LIKE JUST SLEEPING!!! ohmygod-"
you're like "no that sounds nice, let's go upstairs," and matty is silently freaking out bc you're gonna be in his bed. with him. sleeping. he's thought about this scenario 1000 times, and none of them included him being dealthy ill and not having nice sheets on the bed first.
(more rambles below the cut as always)
you get matty to brush his teeth and get ready for bed, even rubbing some moisturiser on him (he just sits there with a dopey grin as you apply)
he always thought you'd be on his chest or he'd be spooning you, but he ends up with his face buried between your boobs and he's out within 10 mins.
oh and the morning after... so much potential...
I must have spidey senses for when you're at work bff!!! the fact that my blurbs make you so happy you look forward to them??? brb vomiting???? that is so kind. horizontal time on tumblr is my fav too, its unmatched.
I can see her spending the night at hanns bc matty doesn't want her to get ill and doesn't trust George or Ross to keep her overnight.
"Do you even know what 5 year olds eat??"
"bro, why dont you trust us???"
"Yeah... like mushed carrots and shit right. "
you put the kids to work colouring something but secretly call Annie over yo your desk, "hi Annie! I just wanted to ask how your daddy is today, I know he's been a bit poorly"
"...please take her Adam"
she immediately lights up and starts chattering away, "Oh, daddy said he's feeling much better today. he even made me my toast this morning, and he was all smiley the whole time!!! he said you made him all better and played nurse!! can you do that every time he's poorly? he's much happier when you are his nurse than when he goes to the doctors"
obviously, internally you're like "ohmygod he really likes me, and I made him feel better. oh, he couldn't stop smiling, and annie noticed because he was so happy and -"
but externally, you play it cool like, "Oh, that's great, sweetheart! I'm sure next time he's poorly, you can help him feel better too"
Annie is like, "Oh!! I hope he's poorly again soon, I wanna play doctors with you!!!"
you try not to laugh at her wishing her dad ill and just send her back to her desk, but the grin doesn't leave your face all day. thinking about the fact you made matty giddy makes you just as giddy as him.
the next day a bouquet of flowers show up at your door with a note,
"dear nurse y/n,
thank you for coming to look after me even after I cancelled our date. whilst I am slightly mortified you saw me looking like that, I'm more grateful for your help. you made being sick worth it. Spending any time with you is always worth it.
love, matty x
ps, I hope the next time you stay in my bed, I'm substantially less sick, and we're both wearing substantially less clothes ;)"
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fireemblems24 · 4 months
Golden Wildfire Ch 12
My thoughts below. So, about Claude . . .
Please just tell me I don't have to kill Felix, Ingrid, Sylvain, Rodrigue, Annette, Gustave, Mercedes, Dedue, or Dimitri :(
Oh, Arval. Forgot about all of that lamo.
Are we circling back to TWSITD and the origins of Shez's powers? It really hasn't played any role in GW so far. In AG, Shez brings it up all the time (with Dimitri always saying it doesn't matter) and in SB the whole "we only promoted you bc we don't trust your power, sorry now we do" thing.
Nadar . . . doesn't want us to call off the attack. He's really a bloodthirsty jerk, isn't he?
Is Claude JUST now figuring out that taking out the Kingdom is a bad idea for the Alliance?
At least Claude's not stupid enough to not realize Edelgard won't take over the Alliance next. Begs the question then, why?
That's what I mean. This is all potentially interesting, I just think Claude's plans are all really stupid.
So, Claude sided with the Empire because he hates the church that much and actually believes all that shit? Or does he really think Edelgard will stop her war when Rhea's dead? (because she definitely does not in Houses when Rhea's captured in her prisons)
I DO like this for Dimitri though. I'm REALLY curious to see what he does. Is it too much to hope that he'll dump the church to rescue his people from war?
IDK, I just love the idea of a Dimitri willing to sacrifice anything - even his sense of right and wrong (since leaving Rhea to die when all she's done is help him IS wrong) to spare his people pain.
But I'm predicting he'll be too stubborn or not trust Claude or Sylvain furious at his father's death will ruin it
But it's also really cool to see Dimitri kinda backed into a corner with no "good" way out.
I can forgive Hopes giving Edelgard a boring af plot, writing Claude like a moron, and making me kill Blue Lions members, but if they miswrite Dimitri here (or Sylvain, kinda worried about that too tbh), I'm really going to be pissed
Also, like if Claude's plan is really just to gank Rhea to stop Edelgard's rampage, that means he really did all this twisting around just to try and stop one woman's murder rampage - why not just, like, take her out? If this is all really about the least death possible, isn't assassinating Edelgard the fastest way to keep more people from dying?
God, please, please, please have Dimitri dump Rhea to spare his people (I'd feel awful for Rhea, but I really, really hope Dimitri proves to be someone who would spare his people any pain, even at the expense of himself - when he's sane at least lamo).
On the flip side, I'm dying to play GW. It's plot may not make any sense and my opinion of Claude has tanked, but you can't say it's not entertaining.
Kinda sad they only go to B. They were cute together in Houses. Seems some of the ships got turned up to 11 and others got dialed down.
Lorenz is contemplating his existence in a world where commoners don't rely on the nobility.
He's struggling to see from the commoner's POV, so he wants a commoner to serve as an advisor. Honestly, Lorenz, pretty good call.
The way Lorenz talks about Leonie and her choices, it makes it sound like history was trending towards commoners and nobles not being so rigid without Edelgard doing anything.
Leonie turns down Lorenz's offer because she wants to be a mercenary.
Lorenz wakes up after getting injured. Marianne thinks it's her fault, which I saw coming.
Lorenz thought he imagined Marianne asking for help, but she actually did.
Marianne realizes she wanted to live, hence why she called for help. So she's feeling guilty that the end result is Lorenz got hurt.
Lorenz is encouraging and is happy Marianne opened up to him.
Honestly, a better support for him than a lot of the Hopes ones.
Balthus is . . . really hung up on the idea of wrestling Dimitri, isn't he?
So some NPC talked about how the Kingdom is getting attacked on all fronts. I can't be the only one who finds it amusing that Dimitri with his smaller army and surrounded by enemies is doing a better job than Edelgard with her massive one lol.
When Hapi proves way smarter than Claude, knowing how massively stupid Claude's plan of "let's kill everyone they love and then force whoever is left over to listen to us! I'm sure they'll be thrilled." Hapi's like, eh, not sure this will work.
Man, Ashe is just miserable when you recruit him. I do find it kind of heartwarming in a weird way how miserable all the recruitable Lions end up being (even in Houses, moreso than the other houses at least). Ashe and Felix taking the cake, but Mercedes was regretting her life choices the last SB chapter too.
Aww, Yuri is worried about Ashe and finds Claude cruel for forcing him to fight against the Kingdom.
Holy shit, Shez really spitting facts to Claude's face, telling him his plan is a giant disaster (Dimitri won't fall for intimidation tactics, and Edelgard won't stop attacking people even after she runs out of excuses.) As insufferable as all of the Golden Deer are in this game, at least we've got stuff like this pointing out how cruel and stupid they're being.
Lamo, take only one unit into the map, as if that's a challenge. I literally only use Lorenz. This'll be easy in AG too bc Dimitri's such a beast. Dreading it in SB though.
Annette is still alive here at least :( And Rodrigue. And Gustave. (we're with the Blue Lions discussing Claude being ... GW!Claude)
Sylvain thinks Claude's an idiot lol. Dimitri and Sylvain are sussing him out.
I love how Dimitri is the only character who's goal is to avoid bloodshed among the lords. The other two are, uh, yeah.
Oh.... is Dimitri actually going to run over the church? Like I wanted? When Dimitri's the best character in GW lol.
Dimitri looking out for Sylvain, knowing how angry he is with Claude.
I had to fight Ingrid :(
Lysithea catches Shez assuring a younger girl that she doesn't seem like a child, but an adult.
Predictably, Lysithea gets angry, because it's Lysithea, but to be fair, she's upset because Shez said the same thing and thinks Shez is being insencere.
Shez admits that it's not cool, what she did, but she's bad at advice and keeps using the same lines she's learned from stories lamo. I love Shez.
Honestly, Lysithea is kinda right to get mad here, at least I get it unlike some of the times with her.
Lamo, Shez can borrow another line from a story. I'm gonna piss her off bc I can lol.
Lysithea buys it. I wonder if it's the same line lol.
Having mercenary talk. I had Shez choose to ask for help. Shamir offered once she's free.
Shez comments how mature Shamir is. Shamir comments how relaxed Shez is (but it's a positive thing, not like a judgment).
They bond over having lost trusted allies, including the ones at the beginning for Shez.
Kinda boring, but honestly these two are almost too well matched, like not enough tension and just too normal lol
Hilda wants to gossip, but Lysithea only goes on about how awesome Holst is, so she's not interested.
She thinks he should be more careful as head of household, but Lysithea points out that he has no choice.
Hilda is worried who Holst is married. There's an ick here where Lysithea thinks that's because he's too focused on Hilda.
Hilda just talks about who Lysithea might marry, which, yeah...
Hilda offers to help Lystheia out, and some, um, implications that she'll be Lysthesia's new family - she says big sister, but there's def some ship teasing
They made Hilda really flirt with all the girls this time lol
Hapi finds Claude easier to talk to than Edelgard and Dimitri.
Props to Hapi for telling Claude not to unload his trauma on her.
Hapi's like if you're bitching, why not just quit? Lamo.
Hapi says she'll support him.
Honestly don't remember if I've seen this in SB already or not.
Bernie likes Marianne's painting, but not her own. This is true vice versa, because of course it is.
Marianne compliments Bernie's horsemanship.
Two shy girls compliment each other, then get shy.
Then Bernie asks what Marianne wants to do after the war and Marianne becomes a Disney princess, wanting to sit in the woods with animals. Bernie wants to finish a story. Honestly, both girls picked amazing options I too want.
Bernie's story is about Marianne lamo. But Marianne isn't mad, she just wants to read it.
I really find their friendship cute, ngl.
Also, Bernie supports Dimitri, so there's no way she's NOT writing fanfic about his life because it's a never drying well there.
Lorenz asks Raphael why he didn't just stay at his family's inn instead and joined the war instead
Raphael wants to keep his family safe, and thinks that following Claude will bring peace to the world (lamo) so that's why
Lorenz is more grounded, saying that all he's doing is exposing his family to the dangers of war
Which, Lorenz isn't wrong, but he also starts prattles more about nobility need to do everything and commoners nothing
But like, does Lorenz really think you can make an army out of nobles only, because, like, that just doesn't happen
Raphael is touched lamo, thinking Lorenz is concerned
Raphael just challenges him to a muscles competition
It is amusing to see Lorenz try to give his spiel and Raphael just keeps doing his own thing
Like ALL of Lorenz's supports in this game is this though, he's more repetitive than Bernedetta at this point
Lorenz is bragging about himself, Constance is in the sun so she's . . . not
You know, I was thinking just how insufferable Lorenz would be in my playthrough because he's like 10 levels ahead of everyone, a god on the battlefield, always MVP - he like trounces everyone so he's be bragging and he'd be right - I wish Claude had to deal with this, watching Lorenz win the war for him and have to put up with Lorenz being Lorenz over it
They overdid it a bit with her sunshine personality - like Dimitri and Marianne are very realistic about a lack of self-worth, but Constance just comes across like a joke (and maybe that's all she's supposed to be)
Poor Lorenz is just confused and wants the normal Constance
I do have a soft spot for when male characters are desperate for the snotty side of a female character to come back (like, really just talking about Rutger and Clarine)
This is going on for too long though without any change
Lysithea mistook a mercenary Leonie talked to for a bandit
But he's just someone who loot dead bodies on battlefields
I always found that kind of distasteful
Lysithea feels torn because she wants to learn about commoners more, but doesn't seem comfortable talking to people who steal coins off dead people, which same
Lysithea of course wants to know about commoner sweets
And Leonie talks about how they can't afford noble treats and likes commoner snacks (hopefully different from Chole's folk food lamo)
Shez is snooping on Yuri's letter. I love that Shez is a snoop.
Yuri's pissed though, lamo. He threatens Shez's life though. That's a bit . . . much.
I'm going to pretend I didn't read it lol.
She's ill so he was visiting her.
He's a bit needlessly sometimes.
Lysithea thinks there's something wrong with Ignatz.
She guesses right that he's unhappy, but guesses wrong that he wishes he ran his father's company instead of his brother.
He slips up that he admits he's only a knight to please his family.
Awww, Lysithea offers Ignatz the opportunity to live in Ordelia territory and does whatever he wants to afterwords.
She was actually really sweet in this support.
Also, anyone else realize that Ignatz is proof that the church/crests/inheritance isn't the one forcing children to do things they don't want to? It's human greed?
Claude left a meeting because he was bored of people arguing. Hapi also left a meeting.
Oh, interesting, Hapi asks Claude if he would walk away if someone could take his place. Claude says no that he wants to get a lot done and can't let anyone else do it. So a really uninteresting answer.
Linhardt got a gift he doesn't want so he offered it to Leonie.
Lamo, Linhardt forgot the meeting he set up with Leonie.
He gives her a notebook already full, so she wants to give him something in return.
She gives him a rock that turns out to be part of an ancient relic and he gets thrilled.
Linhardt comes to the conclusion that they value the complete opposite things, but they decides they're actually not a special pairing lamo.
Ugh, not looking forward to this.
Wow, imagine that, the Kingdom isn't bringing them a welcoming party. Like, did Shez really expect that?
They're a bunch of psychos. They're all excited to go kill people because they're strong warriors.
"Let's see if a crushing defeat can get through Dimitri's thick skull." Because you like tried talking with him so many times before???
What is Claude smoking? He's never tried anything but bloodshed of innocent Kingdom people to accomplish anything in this route?
I see what people mean when they say this is one of the most unlikeable casts ever.
Gustave's middle name is Eddie. Not Edward. Eddie. Suffering through GW is worth knowing that.
Also, fuck, I don't want to fight Annette and Gustave, who are only defending their home.
Thank fuck, Annette retreated. Having SB flashbacks where I had to kill Annette. Annette.
And thank God that Gustave did too.
On the flip side, I sort of wish GW wasn't so wish-washy and they all died. At least SB has the guts to show there's consequences for your character's actions. But GW like to pretend only Annette and Gustave matter and it'll be ok to slaughter thousands of low born people of Faerghus every single level because they're not named.
Dimitri evacuated his citizens. I think he's literally the only lord who did that lamo. (I remember distinctly Edelgard not doing that in VW, and I don't think Claude did in CF or AM? Could be wrong about Claude).
FUCK. Dedue. If he doesn't retreat, I swear to God I can't finish this.
Oh, God, not Sylvain too.
Wait, what the fuck, Claude. His "defense" against Sylvain accusing (rightly so) Claude of invading his home and murdering his parents is that "we're all risking our lives here." I guess Faerghus is 2-for-2 whenever someone is actually allowed to criticize people who are invading them.
At least Sylvain retreated.
Dimitri appeared to defend Faerghus. I swear whoever wrote this game didn't care at all about the Golden Deer.
Oh, a cut scene. Also pretty sure Shez called Dimitri Faerghus' strongest soldier.
Well, at least Dimitri being an utter and complete badass in this game continues since Claude admitted that he could never win against him. And he needed Hilda and Lorenz to just push him back, not even defeat him.
Oh, great, more backtracking. Claude has to retreat. Does this mean I have to fight Dimitri again?
You're right, Hilda, it's the same thing all over again. God, this gets old.
It would be funny if it was the Empire, but it's probably just TWSITD. It's pretty funny Claude is the one who learns the least in Hopes vs Houses.
At least Annette and Sylvain are still alive.
Gotta love also how damn badass Faerghus is in general, fighting a 3-way battle and not losing.
Dedue is here too, my beloved.
I love seeing Claude taking another L and having to retreat again.
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waterthrush · 8 months
the unwanted guest thoughts
OBSESSED with the format as a stage play... makes so so much sense for ianthe and the third house
funeral part is so cool and sexy and i wonder if thats insight into how funerals actually are on the third
palamedes' mask being shattered and glued together like his skull....
ianthe slaying in all her fits... wait this reminds me of a dream i had a while ago in which ianthe duelled someone and did a ton of costume changes... i literally predicted it
ianthe being the lady and the master of the house... unprecedented levels of gender
significance of 7 coffins?? bc of 7 original lyctors??
the VOICE!!! my first instinct was dulcie but how?? so i thought maybe babs or someone else?? but i was right!!
still unsure of significance of "did your tingue ever toungle" maybe shows ianthe not being in complete control??
not the playing strip poker with harrow...
fascinated by ianthe and pal's differing views of the job of the cavalier... to die for vs protect the necromancer
"because you never stop to check the price tag" FUCK
is palamedes actually shocked by the third house assigning cavaliers as babies or is he pretending to get ianthe to share more?
oh ortus... blown up for being sad
would love to read about one of ianthe and corona's insane birthday parties
should have seen earlier how much the gideon nav description was shaped by babs, it makes so much sense
something about ianthe disqualifying her opponents as a form of winning... she never plays fair
the more we get of her the more i LOVE DULCIE!!!
DYING to know what happened to dulcinea after harrow's river bubble collapsed
"I loved you. I love you still. I would have worked out how to love you better over time." "It would have been very beautiful. Camilla would have had to cook. But I didn't just want beautiful..." "This again? From you and her both? That merely by loving you, I added to your torments?" FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK IT REALLY ALL COMES BACK TO LOVE ALWAYS...... DYING
cant stop thinking about how ntn must have been such a cruel mirror to the domestic life they dreamed of with dulcie
"You two were my best friends, and that was real. I loved real, ugly, unfinished things. Gracelessly uncompleted things. There's freedom, too, in not ever being completed." FUCK DULCIE I LOVE YOU
its a river... there are two shores... still so curious about the river
"Was I cute?" "You're perfect." AAAAAAAAAAAAA <3 <3 <3
"would you have used your sister instead?" YES!!! THAT IS THE QUESTION!!!
"Or... Coronabeth herself is part of your goal. You can't spend her, because you'd invalidate the very thing you were trying to buy." WOAGHHH i am so so curious about ianthe's plan
the implications of souls bleeding and mingling... first of all for the OG lyctors... how much of what we were seeing was alfred and cristabel and pyrrha (though its probably slightly different for them)?? how much of pyrrha is g1deon??
and this has SO MANY implications for the gideon harrow alecto nona situation... simultaneously makes things clearer and a lot more complicated, if there doesn't have to be an actual transfer of soul bits, but they just do it naturally when together
overall SO GOOD!!! so much analysis potential of course and also just gutwrenchingly, horribly beautiful, like everything she writes
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columbocorners · 8 months
What are your thoughts on Otro after listening to the the episode?
Everyone thinks he is the worst (he is a terrible psychologist, I’ll admit to that) but he very obviously has unresolved childhood trauma that is making him act up.
The latest episode broke my heart, poor Noone “you promised” but we all knew this was going to happen, it was inevitable.
honestly, the chapter five episode had me literally verbally making commentary because I was SO into what the people were doing with that, also just in general props to itsjustjord given he wrote the chapter five episode which is so fucking cool and really shows on some level who in the community of theorists in little nightmares have a lot of credibilities that the people who are promised with making the franchise what it has so much faith in its community to provide them the chance to look into writing it. as a whole, I think otto is a very misguided, genuinely good person who kept going on and doing things that progressively sabotaged whatever collaboration and chances he had of trying to do better. and he is redeemable in my eyes, but it's like, he's too caught up in the way his own trauma and what happened with cece ( cici ) and this world to try and understand and on some level, that slowly reeled its nasty little head more into his work than the idea of actually helping noone. It's so sad because to me, I really think otto acted kind of fatherly to noone, like he genuinely cares for her, as much as he's grown to be so inherently selfish about wanting to find out things about cece ( cici ) and it's like. it's the little things that get me because to me, it could've potentially been so different if he had adult patients but given he works with children and we DON'T KNOW how the other coworkers act, but they probably are a lot less forgiving or even empathic to their patients (referring them by numbers and etc. ) it's like. he is very much a bad counselor, but he definitely does so in ways that just make me go ' he got attached ' and you definitely can see why we don't have a lot of inherent knowledge on what the copy is like, how long noone was staying there, and it's only after finding out about how bad noone's nightmares was that otto went ahead and made it a point of going because before he went, " oh her case isn't that bad, others are worse off " to " I want to oversee this all the way through " and it tells you, as much as it is for personal gain, there is a concern there too. he does try comforting her and doing all of these things to try and just make her stay a little more welcoming because some things should be procedural and a lot more professional but it's like, I think the thing that always got him was him admitting he had no answers to give about her dreams, and reassuring her she wasn't sick or that anything was wrong with her. as well as the moment where he took her to see the reunion room, at the end of the day, even I feel like people forget otto also gifted her that flower in chapter five as a means to try and let her know he was sorry for his actions last chapter, and I just think in general, otto is a bad counselor, but equally as bad with communication and expressing some things and I feel like it comes with the added notion that he wants to have noone actually see him in a good light, so he can help her and solve what his own problems are and what is going on with him but no matter how he strung it, he fucked up. and that is on him, of course I do think some things the two as a whole could've done better but noone went through a lot and she is legit just a child, and otto needs to try and make it up in a better way than simple gifts etc. ESPECIALLY WITH THAT ENDING BUT LIKE .. part two incoming bc I wrote too much btw
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hajihiko · 2 years
do you have thoughts on izuru post sim? ive seen a few headcannons here and there where he disappears, or hajime develops a sort of alter ego/DID situation. im curious how he would play into the survivor dynamic you've got
Ok this is gonna be based on absolutely nothing but bear with me
1. Ideally, I would WANT Hajime and Izuru to be pretty merged, but still separate? Seperate, because I just think the concept of talking to the seperate entity in your mind is such a cool trope (in a fantasy/sci-fi setting, no real logic behind it, dont wanna be insulting towards people with actual DID). Merged, because I like the idea that Izuru would have some of Hajime's thoughts and feelings and he could re-learn what it's like to have feelings and friends 🥺 BUT that could potentially mean Hajime shares some of Izuru's lack of life luster, which is fittingly sad but.....haji....
It's like the best scenario for both of them I think, they sorta blend into each other but they can still be more this guy or more that guy, but they're pretty content
2. the other idea is that they sorta, fight to pilot the same vessel sometimes? Mostly Izuru doesn't much care about it, and Hajime is Player 1 by sheer force of will (which he has a lot of!!) But Izuru jumps out in moments of panic of where Hajime loses control, and it can be a little hard to get them to switch back. Which is a little scary bc Hajime may be pretty superhuman but it's all muddled into his shitty little normal human brain, and Izuru is 100% power 100% of the time.
(sidenote, Hajime having shit like super strength and super intelligence, but sometimes he forgets?? Like he needs to focus to apply talent and still remain himself, and sometimes it slips and he drops an entire car or something.)
This lends way to a fun "learning to live together" narrative and some drama!
Maybe first situation 2, then situation 1? Happy ending?
As for how it fits into the group;
I like the idea that Hajime might hide how much Izuru is still around, because drama, but he can't hide it for long because FRIENDSHIP. obviously his friends will love him regardless, but it might be a little scary to see your friend blink away and a blank slate of immense power pop out.
Akane would be on him right away because she can just tell there's something more to him. Her gut doesn't lie! But no one fully believes her at first :( she gets to have a great I Told You So moment. She kind of catches on that Izuru isn't...a SUPER huge threat, so she's chill (maybe too chill. If Izuru chose to do something bad, she wouldn't notice because of how non-emotional he is and it'd really fuck with her confidence in her senses.).
Souda wooooould probably be very distrusting of the whole thing. Like he's supportive of Hajime ofc but he does not like that there's a whole seperate guy (not really) who can spy on them. Souda is already such a suspicious guy, and I think at the end of FTEs hes like "ok don't make me suspect you tho hahaaa" but he comes around eventually. Probably loves that Izuru-side can do basically anything, great help with carrying heavy machinery!
Fuyuhiko is a very loyal dude and might take it a little far tbh? He's like "I wanna talk to HAJIME my friend HAJIME and no one else" and Hajime is like "ok I appreciate that we're still friends but I can't..make him leave. You're just yelling at *me* right now." I think he'd be the one to treat them the most as seperate people, which is sometimes good and sometimes bad (might relate Izuru to Peko and insist he's his own person lol). But bless his heart he tries real hard to let Hajime know he's in his corner.
Sonia is always a little hard for me so I have no idea about her tbh. I guess maybe she'd relate to Izuru a bit for being made into something he's not, the whole "useful first, human second"? She might actually think the whole thing is really cool and grill both Hajime and Izuru about the details of their situation.
Ok talky over I have no idea if this is gonna make sense I woke up like an hour ago lol
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findafight · 1 year
Re: Billy, yeeaahh, I think there’s exactly one *potential* way Billy could have been persuaded to leave without a fight and that’s if Chrissy was there at the Byers for some reason and she and Steve tricked Billy into thinking he saw her instead of Max. (1/ hopefully 2)
Why is Chrissy there? I don’t know. Maybe this is a ‘Chrissy and Steve are cousins’ au and he called her over in the hopes that her presence would stop the Party from sneaking out to commit arson to save Will’s life. Maybe she actually got caught up in everything last year bc she tagged along with Steve when he went to apologize (probably another cousins au scenario). Maybe she saw Max skateboarding, thought it was cool, and started a conversation. (Part 3 incoming)
(3/3) Cheerleading is pretty hard, so if Max was either already aware of that or found out while talking/hanging out with Chrissy, I think it’s reasonable that Max might admire Chrissy, which could potentially result in Chrissy being asked to the junkyard (especially if Max didn’t buy Lucas’s story, which I don’t think she did).
oooh fascinated by Steve and Chrissy being sporty cousins who are basically siblings tho. Steve who calls Chrissy his "sister but actually my cousin but basically my sister" in his brain because she's maybe 7/8 months younger than him so was in the grade below but they grew up together and almost all the baby pictures have them together in matching outfits :') they saved worms together from the pavement after it rained. Chrissy put them in Steve's hair and he cried. (she did this many times) They sit beside each other at family gatherings and just much sly and cutting mean girl comments about their relatives to make the other laugh. Or make distressed faces at each other from across the table when grandpa Otis is getting drunk and ready to rant.
Chrissy who Steve called during his sad boy clean up his own mess hours and she was like "okay I'll drive you to the byers house? You got knocked around I'll drive please don't get in a wreck auntie Diane would kill me." and she waits in the car for him but then Shit Goes Down and there's lights flashing and Steve runs out, but he stops, and looks back. and then locks eyes with Chrissy, and runs back in. So she follows. And finds out monsters are real right beside her brother-cousin.
yeah okay I'm digging Chrissy and Steve cousins au but it HAS to be coupled with Chrissy lives au I can't do that to them. I can't make Steve try to clear Eddie's name while mourning the only family he's known loved him. (but GOD a Jason/steve confrontation in that au? where jason is like she was your family! and steve is like I know!! That's why you need to believe me that Eddie didn't do this! I want revenge just as much as you! oh god this is so sad no no Chrissy lives in harrington cousin au.)
Anyway but Yeah. I think, like. Billy just wanted to punch someone. I guess because Chrissy is a pretty and popular girl, he would at least hesitate in his itch for a fight. Billy doesn't respect women but he's savvy enough to get in with Tommy, Steve's former bestie, so he knows enough that Chrissy isn't someone he wants to be on the bad side of. So perhaps it would...slow down? the events? idk. I really do think once Billy saw Steve or Lucas he wasn't leaving without punching someone. She could try to convince him it was her in the window, if Steve had gone out first, and that might give the kids time to hide better, but Steve isn't leaving s2 without getting punched by Billy in place of Lucas. It's one of those "locked in the timeline" things for me. Sorry Steve :( at least sometimes you aren't knocked out completely.
this answer is all over the place haha but post s3 pre s4 chrissy seeing Max skateboarding and thinking it's pretty cool and striking up a little mentor-friendship with her is so cute. Two lonely girls</3 Maybe Max teaches her to kickflip and Chrissy Teaches her to cartwheel... holds her ankles up to get the feel for it...and for a little while they don't feel so alone... aww... I love giving Max role models and older girls to look up to. She's got Steve but she deserves some girls looking out for her.
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minimoefoe · 7 months
pre-8b ftwd ramblings
I have thoughts about 8b so I thought I’d make a post just going through them to get them out of my brain ready for tomorrow and bc it’ll be cool to look back on later. I tried to keep this post semi-organised but it’s defo a bit messy
I haven’t read through every single spoiler/leak that’s out there but I have seen/heard a few bits here and there so maybe don’t read if you wanna avoid them. feel free to add on to this or send me asks about it or whatever, I’m down to hear what ppl think
under the cut bc it's long
character that aren’t Troy thoughts
Charlie - last time we saw her she was literally dying of radiation poisoning and it was implied (/maybe even straight up stated idr) that she was going to die fairly soon but now she’s in promo pics looking completely recovered and I just don’t know how I feel about it. I think if they do something interesting with her instead of just having her back for the sake of it then it’s kinda whatever like okay she’s alive, fine. tho it does take a lot of the weight out of what happened with her in the previous season. I’ve seen in a leak that Madison finds out about Charlie being the one to kill Nick and sends Charlie to Troy (which we’ve seen in promo pics) as a way to basically prove herself/gain forgiveness and I am pretty interested in seeing that play out so
Strand - I was excited to see him reunite with Madison but that has already been shown (idk if it was official or a leak) which is kinda annoying like I wish we coulda had that be surprise bc them seeing each other again is a big deal but whatever I guess. I hope we see them be a duo a bit throughout 8b bc they were great in prev seasons. I found Strand annoying as hell in s7 and his whole pretending to be a different person thing in that clip we’ve seen doesn’t spark much joy like he just irritates me so other than him seeing Madison again I can’t say I have that much interest in whatever it is he has going on. there are some seasons where I don’t mind him as much tho so idk maybe he’ll turn it around somewhere in these eps and I’ll like him again
Daniel - over the last season or three Daniel has grown on me quite a lot so I’m looking forward to seeing more of him. I worry about him potentially wanting to kill Troy which, idk, is it fair enough to want to kill the guy responsible for your daughter’s death? Yes. Do I think he should be over it after 12yrs? Kinda.. I mean, Daniel has got up to a lot through the last few seasons and I think his relationship with Charlie helped a lot with his sadness, anger, etc surrounding Ophelia so while I think it’s obviously fair enough for him to dislike Troy still, I don’t want there to be some ‘Daniel desperately wants to murder Troy in his sleep’ subplot like, hate him, say mean shit to him but I do not care about his sadness about Ophelia anymore sorry move on
Luciana - I don’t really have any huge wants or fears for Luciana in these final eps I just hope she gets some fun stuff to do. I think there’s some small clips in the trailer where it looks like she’s stood with Troy with a bunch of other ppl around which is cool and I’m interested to see how they intersect with each other. I liked her and Daniel a lot in the last season so seeing more of them as a duo would be nice too and I obviously want to see her and Madison reunite
June - I like June but I have zero hopes wants or fears for her. Kill her, don’t kill her, I don’t think I really care. She is not what I’m in these six eps for literally at all
Dwight and Sherry - I beg they get a happy ending like please omfg. I’d kinda kill for them to go back to Alexandria (/the Commonwealth) and be a part of whatever it is they have planned in terms of bringing all the current spin-offs together into one thing. seeing them reunite with a few people and see Negan again would be very cool. I know they go back to the Sanctuary for whatever reason in 8b so they’re gonna be in the area, why not stay there… tbh I don’t know what it would take for them to do that bc I don’t think that’s something either of them would actually want to do but I would like to see it lmao
plot stuff and Troy thoughts
I really don’t want Troy to die. I’ve seen some ppl say they worry it’ll happen and bc of Stuff They Know it’s not looking great for him but I am choosing to not hold onto that too much and have some amount of faith in the writers (which may make me an idiot but whatever). if he doesn’t survive, I hope he dies for a good reason (like to save Madison and/or his daughter) and that he dies in one of the final two episodes and not early on bc bringing a character like Troy back and retconning a death that imo was actually good only to use him for a few eps and kill him again for stupid reasons would just be insane
Troy having a daughter (especially one that he seems to have had via actually getting with a woman lmao) has still not computed in my mind and I’ve had this info for months now. I’ve kinda accepted that it’s a thing that’s happening and I am actually looking forward to seeing it play out but it still doesn’t connect fully lmao. there are aspects of Troy being a dad that I’m excited for like seeing him be protective over someone and presumably caring about someone more than he cares for himself. like sorry to my boy but I wanna see him be angry and sad and lose his mind over things related to getting his kid back bc I think seeing Troy in that state bc he cares about someone so much would just be so interesting
why the fuck is Troy’s daughter (according to leaks so take it with a grain of salt I guess) called Tracy like… I’m hopeful for these six episodes but I fear there is no universe where the writers have put actual thought into that name and what it would mean for Troy to call his kid that. there’s just so much to unpack?? first of all it’s sad as hell like, genuinely, the idea that Troy would name his kid after a mother who he knows didn’t love him is the saddest shit I’ve ever heard and is something that should absolutely be dived into through these eps bc what state of mind does he have to been in all these years later to do that. like is it a thing of he’s accepted that his mother didn’t love him but she was important to him and this is his way of kind of taking back something from that time in his life? idek how to word it. or is it a thing of he’s kinda delusional and has reinvented his mother in his mind into the kind of person who deserves to have a kid named after her? or is it something else? or is it that thing show/movies do where they just name kids after ppl for no fuckin reason bc they just can’t think of new names? I know what I’m betting on
Troy being the villain is very unsurprising like duh but I hope there’s more to it than just him being the bad guy and nothing else. from trailers and misc stuff I’ve seen I’m wondering if maybe his villainy is basically just to do with him wanting his daughter back and at a certain point there will be a switch where him and Madison and co will end up begrudgingly working together on the same goal.
I think Troy’s ‘you took everything from me’ line is referencing his daughter and not the dam bc like.. it’s been 12yrs. I think him still be pissed about the dam is reasonable (much like Daniel still being pissed about Ophelia is reasonable) but Troy finding Madison after all these years all bc of that would be silly. I think the thing Madison took from Troy is his daughter and he basically just caught her (like we’ve seen in that leaked scene) bc he knows she knows about padre and where to find it etc (which I swear we’ve seen him say in a trailer somewhere, like he’s asked what padre is/where to find it) and then somewhere in there obviously everyone is gonna disagree on shit which is why we’ve seen things like the leaked bts thing of Troy and Madison going for each other out in the dark, or him facing of with Luciana. like it seems like maybe chances are they have similar goals (save the kids) but maybe just conflicting ideas about how to go about doing that and knowing Troy he’ll probs get carried away quicker and have more extreme ideas
okay I just rewatched a trailer after typing up that last bullet point and now I’m actually thinking that Troy’s goal is to destroy padre whereas Madison and co’s goal is to keep it safe and that’s what the big fight is about. which also does make sense now that I’m thinking about it. I do still agree my initial thought of Troy wants to get to Madison probably partly bc he just wants to see her again but mainly bc he wants info on padre and he obviously know she has that info bc of the radio message she sent out. and then it somehow turns into I guess Madison wants to save padre and idk make it a better place whereas Troy just wants to destroy the whole thing (presumably once he gets his daughter back? or knowing Troy I wouldn’t put it past him it go in there guns blazing and maybe not think through the fact that his child is in there and could get caught in it. tho maybe he assumes she’s dead). that makes me worry that Troy really is gonna stay in villain mode of the whole season but idk, maybe somewhere in there he will be convinced of a different way to do things, and like I said before, result in them begrudgingly working together
I was thinking that Daniel saying about the dead being Troy’s army wasn’t him saying it as a warning to watch out but as a statement of like almost support for Troy like ‘this guy knows what he’s doing when it comes to weaponising the dead’ but now I don’t think that’s the case bc going by trailers it does seem like Troy is in the opposing side to everyone
I’m interested in the scene where two characters, presumably Troy and Madison, fall off a bridge bc I’m like why are they on the bridge in the first place. I really hope it’s bc they’re going somewhere together and working on something together and not like they’re chasing each other down to murder each other and happen to end up on a dodgy bridge
what the fuck is in that tub thing that Madison has. If it’s Nick’s ashes like I saw someone suggest/saw in a leak I will die bc that it so stupid
also saw in a leak that Madison assumes that Troy murdered the mother of his child which is very interesting. I like the idea that she thinks that but it turns out she actually killed her whenever she took Troy’s kid to padre. Idk. I’m interested to see any kind of background on how Troy got to where he is now. I’m not holding out too much hope for a ton of focus on it, liike I feel like literal flashbacks might be too much to ask for, but I need them to give us something I guess via Troy talking about it (which feels like something he’s not likely to want to do but idk, I can also see him and Madison having the ability to have actual convos with each other despite their relationship obviously being bad like the convos wouldn’t be loving but I can see them telling each other misc things)
thinking about how this is only gonna be six episodes fucks with me bc I feel like I have a lot of wants/hopes for things I wanna see but then I’m like oh yeah this is six episodes in a show with a main cast of like 10 people, Troy is so not gonna get the amount of air time I’d like and it’s gonna be very sad lmao. I don’t want the writers to dismiss other characters bc they did that in the past and I think it’s just shitty but I do hope they kinda recognise that a lot of ppl are probs gonna be watching for Troy and he should get the focus he needs to make him coming back worth it
I saw like two ppl on twitter a few weeks ago theorise about a potential spin-off coming from this spin-off and when I say I need it so badly like.. please. I don’t think there is any evidence to support that a spin-off is coming but i for some reason have this tiny part of me that thinks it’s not impossible. basically I would want it to be a Troy and Madison (or just Troy) spin-off and honestly with how good dead city and daryl dixon were i would have hope it would be pretty good if we got a spin-off that is just centred around a couple of characters instead of an ensemble thing ftwd has going on rn. tbh depending on how s8 ends in terms of where their relationship lies, a Troy and Madison spin-off could be very Maggie and Negan in dead city coded which I would loooove a lot. the final ep
I think Alicia is gonna make an appearance. saw a thing somewhere that said like, someone unexpected shows up or something like that and I’m like…..
I just re-read this so (assuming all of it is true which it may not be idk) I now have a few more tbihgths that i cba integrate into what I’ve already written so it’s going here instead
It says Troy’s daughter goes missing which is vague as fuck but I feel like Troy’s daughter being with padre is the only thing that makes Troy being so passionate about padre make sense so maybe it means she escapes padre, they get her back and then she goes missing or maybe they know she’s in padre but just can’t find her for whatever reason. we know she pops up in front of Madison and asks her something (idr what) so I’m very interested in seeing Madison spend time with Troy’s kid. and I think her finding out/realising it’s Troy’s kid has potential to be funny too
Troy’s daughter’s mum being someone who saved him from the dam makes sense to me like yeah. the person in the screenshot I leaked said he seemed like he might be lying but they also said they think the actual mother might be Alicia so like I’m not holding onto their analysis too much bc that would be dumb as hell
Charlie killing herself a couple of eps into 8b is so stupid like why even bother bringing her back like you’ve retconned her dying of radiation poisoning only to bring her back and barely use her. it’s defo possible she kills herself bc she knows the poisoning is catching up with her but idk, that’s still stupid. I am excited to see her scenes with Madison and Troy but it feels pointless in the grand scheme of things bc these six eps already have enough characters to juggle why add Charlie when there was a simple way of writing her out right there already
conclusion idk
I feel like I had a lot more to say and I kinda regret not making tons of notes over the last few months about my misc thoughts bc it woulda made it a lot easier to compile them all into one post but oh well. overall I think I’m way more excited than I am nervous. there are probs some things they could do that would really irritate me but for the most part I feel like I’m kinda good at just accepting what is happening in a show and being like okay this is what we’re doing now idk
I think one thing that wouldn’t be my fave is if Troy is just 100% villain for the whole season like, if they don’t end it with him joining them (begrudgingly or otherwise) like I’d like, even with him in the villain role I think there is room there to show his non villain side and how he does have a lot going on as a character. but for things like him dying, even though it would suck and imo be a stupid choice, I can see myself being fine with it if it’s done decently
and as for all my theories about what could actually happen story wise, if I’m wrong I’m wrong idrc. it possible a lot of the leaks I’ve seen are waffle but for the purposes of this post it was just easier to go in assuming they’re real. theorising honestly stresses me out bc I hate talking about what ifs like I just wanna know what’s going in fr and analyse that instead of having to think about all these different directions things could go bc we don’t have many concrete answers right now
idk how to end this. bye
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cartoonrival · 10 months
ok how i actually think next gen naruto shouldve gone/who would actually have kids
shikamaru and temari- def actually would. i agree. bc of the thing with asuma and mirai, shikamaru is one of the central characters to the theme of growing up from being taught into a teacher and making a world for today's kids to grow up in thats better than the one you grew up in. he likes kids and is good with kids. temari is the type to not super like kids in a general sense and she's not THAT good with them, but she thinks her own kid is the greatest thing in the whole world and better than every other kid that exists. kids like her because of her cool air but she doesnt get why since she's not that attentive to kids that aren't hers. she'd give shikadai cool hairstyles
naruto- he really loves kids but recognizes that he's too busy to be able to give all his attention to raising one, so he settles for visiting the school a Lot and being the cool uncle to his friends' kids, which he does pretty effortlessly. unmarried, not interested in getting married, his best friend is sasuke
sasuke- NO what the fuck.... he would not. he doesn't really care for kids and by design of his JOB is on the move constantly. he knows he couldn't raise a kid and it never even crosses his mind that thats even a thing potentially on the table. unmarried, not interested in getting married, his best friend is naruto
sakura- would probably get married but not to any of her old classmates. she likes kids but her passion lies elsewhere and she doesn't want to split her attention between raising a child and being a top ranking jounin, teaching medical ninjutsu classes, etc. she really loves her friends' kids though and occasionally goes through phases where she wants a kid REAAALLY BAD before she remembers again that she actually doesn't really
hinata- would also get married but not to any of her old classmates. would have kids. sorry i dont have a lot to say on her but she is naruto's canonical wife so i can't not talk about her
rock lee- i dont know exactly how metal lee comes about in canon but i think its perfect tbh. no one really KNOWS where this kid came from he just kind of appeared. lee is not married, and he feels a little sad about it sometimes, but guy won't let him feel bad about it for long
tenten- married to a woman. has a kid
kiba- married with a kid
shino- married to a man. no kids no plans for kids. he likes teaching everyone else's kids instead
ino- not married, swings between wishing she was and being glad she isn't. really wants to the "the cool aunt" to shikadai and chocho, which she succeeds at sometimes but they mostly just think she's trying too hard
sai- i honestly don't know. sells paintings.
choji and karui- kind of left field but sure. and i think chocho is cute
gaara- he adopts 3 kids in canon, i think that works. he just wants them to have a better life than he did. not married, doesn't plan to get married but life is full of surprises
apparently orochimaru has a kid via some sort of asexual reproduction, the kid's name is mitsuki and he's obsessed (not my word choice) with boruto. funny as fuck. packs him pb&j for school with a little note. KEEP
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cryptidclaw · 10 months
One thing I wish the erin's touched more on is how important and special Leafpool are! 
Not only gave her birth to the three/two she also FOUND THE GODDAMN MOONPOOL! which would make her nearly as important as Mhotflight and it would have been really cool if they touched on that especially when she gets judged by starclan because even if she broke the code the clans should be able to communicate with starclan if it weren't for her.
And also would it be okay for me to take a bit inspiration on your take on Mothflight/blinding moon?
bc i imagen Mothflight whould maybe have tried to control her to be able to use her powers but then when she broke the code and had kits with tigerstar's daughter nonetheless she would see her as a threat to her power and authority. And then maybe tried to control the three mostly for their powers but maybe also in hope of mange to get Leafpool to do what she wants thourge them.
I'm getting a bit side tracked now but having the three be leaf x moth is much better the leaf x crow bc it makes for such a more interesting story line, now both being grandchildren of firestar and tigerstar, you could definitely lean more into the will they use their power for good or bad. It could also tie back to the mothflight plot having her maybe tell Leafpool that if she doesn't do what she says her children might succumb to the darkness.
Anyway i just love your art and Au and i cant wait to learn more about them! <3
And you're version on Mothflight/blinding moon is just amazing i wish it was canon
FR i wish the books talked abt how important Leafpool is, she's like the modern Moth Flight!!! I have been trying to lean into this more with the au as well! I want RoC Leaf to have a lot of parallels to Moth Flight/Blinding Moon, but in the end Leaf is the one to undo Blinding Moon's terrible laws that the Orders have been following. or at least she plays a bit part in the change to the laws, especially the "healers cant have kits and mated law).
and yesss I feel like Blinding Moon finds Leaf to be a threat to her as Leaf has the potential to be just as if not more powerful than she is. I think a lot of her actions could both be to sabotage her and control her... and after the 3 are born her wanting to control them could defo be partially not just for their power but also for more control over Leafpool.
also ya! the three being fire and tiger kin just works sooo well... im kinda sad I couldnt come up with a way for Dove to be related to Fire but she is still a reincarnation of Leafpool's kit so it still kinda counts hehehe. also also I just feel like there is something more impactful abt them being born to two healers, i kno Moth doesnt believe in the stars but still... i feel like kits born to two healers just have the potential to be extra powerful u kno??
aaand yes! feel free to take inspo from my Blinding Moon idea! I dont mind ppl taking inspo from my au as long as they credit me :)
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hellonoblesky · 1 year
Opinions on the harbingers. Like them, hate them? Who's your favorite? Any one of them you're mildly interested in a totally normal way?
(I am totally normal about both Childe and Scaramouche... Definitely. Def didn't have a slight mental health crisis (all resolved DW!) and watched TikTok about both of them think 'oh wow! That is so relatable! I really do understand the mindset!")
Pierro has been a favorite lore character of mine since Pale Flame came out (especially because it dropped at the height of my 10hours a day genshin fixation during quarantine), and I hope he like. Kills a god. I think that would be fun. I think he should be playable also literally just because he's some cringe-fail old guy (and also extremely close-knit with lore and I want to know everything). Also he's a Jester. I love Jesters. He's silly. He plays chess. He predicted the Cataclysm. He's like. A silly guy.
Pantalone is a huge favorite of a dear irl of mine so I've come to like him via osmosis (silly money man)
OH GOD AND DON'T GET ME STARTED ON LIKE. SIGNORA AND HER ENTIRE STORY I MISS HER SO BAD I MISS HER LIKE A PART OF ME SHE JUST WANTED TO DEFEND HER NATION AND THEY TREATED HER LIKE SHIT BECAUSE SHE DOVE SO DEEP INTO HER WORK THAT SHE BECAME ALMOST MONSTEROUS HERSELF AND AND SHE DID DESERVE THAT AND SHE MAKES ME SO SO SAD!!!!!! SHE DIDN'T WANT TO HURT ANYONE!!!!!!!! SHE WANTED TO HELP ITS NOT HER FAULT THAT ACCEPTING THE CRYO DELUSION SUPPRESSED HER MEMORIES OF HER INITIAL REASON FOR BECOMING THE CRIMSON WITCH IT WASNT HER FAULT IT WASNT HER FAULT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really really miss her she's always been a favorite of mine, even before I knew she was the Crimson Witch (in fact before that was revealed, I loved the Crimson Witch and Signora both very dearly and then her identity reveal came out and I was so sosososooooo exited and then ei killed her. So. Common Ei loss I guess) (that cutscene had me in tears) (Signora was so scared) (She wanted to live she wanted to live)
Colmbina I think is one of the few remaining Seelie with human form left (judging by how she's extremely angel themed and a lot of her design motifs line up with Seelie Courts), and also I. Am very lesbian about her. I'm like shaking her around and giggling and bouncing she's soooo silly (I hope she kills a god <3). I love her to bits
Childe. Um. I am so very sorry I have tried very hard to get into him, and as much as his character intrigues me and I find parts of him relatable, I hate his design so much. IT'S. Entirely irrational of me. LIKE. HES A GOOD CHARACTER AND THERES SO MUCH OF HIM THAT INTRIGUES ME but also he looks like someone left a tangerine on a marble countertop for like a week, and I just can't get past it no matter how hard I try :') I rlly wish I could like him tho bc so many of my friends like him and he's really popular, and I DO like his character!! (Like I REALLY like that he's a kid who fell into the Abyss and had so very many things to deal with at a very young age that he scared people so they sent him away, and he's extremely young and has so many aspirations and his government and family have not been fair to him!!!) However, his sense of style,,, bothers me. And I have always been a huge sucker for character design (grew up on graphic novels and comics, lol) it's a major player in how I choose favorites, and I can't stand his goofy little outfit. His boots are cool tho. I do adore his boots. And I like his scarf, and his shirt collar? But I just. Wish he leaned more into the reds and they gave him a more sedimentary rock-type color palette. It would suit his hair much better, and sedimentary rocks are formed by settling in water, and are often carved through BY water, so they could have used blues as an accent color (which would easily bring out his eyes) and I just. RAGH. THERES SO MUCH MISSED POTENTIAL IN HIS DESIGN IT MAKES ME SO SAD
SCARAMOUCHE THO. I love him. My little guy. My bestie boy. I have two friends who've cosplayed him at cons before (If I remember correctly?? It might just be one, but hey). I love his story, I love his character, I was a little sad when they took away his purple and made him Anemo (I really really wanted there to be a narrative about reclaiming the element of Electro as his own, not something of Ei's, (Plus Elctro grant trigger being feelings of loneliness or isolation or stark Difference from society) but the Anemo vision suits him just as well and I feel really punctuated him standing up for the Traveler in that cutscene in his quest because him choosing to defend us was him essentially choosing his freedom from the past, which I find IMMENSELY cool). Also I'm a sucker for inhuman characters. I love how he's a doll. A puppet. I love how he seeks humanity. I love his passion. i love him to bits he's so silly I'm gonna shake him around :3
Pulcinella I don't like bc. His design irks me? It reminds me too much of antisemitic caricatures
Pulcinella. My silly. I hope she maims and kills.
Archellino. Also hope she maims and kills. I think she would be very cool about it (I'm also so lesbian about her)
HOWEVER. Um. Huge confession (that honestly isn't that shocking)
I enjoy the very worst of them.
Dottore is my favorite </3
Is he a horrible abusive scientist with awful morals, a vile opinion of almost everyone around him, and also tortures children/sends them into a gladiator ring against God remnant/lies to their parents/takes advantage of the nation's initial kindness/actively defies protocol and will not obey the law if it suits his own needs/leaves extremely dangerous technology around because he just doesn't need it anymore and doesn't care about who stumbled across it/etc?
Am I extremely abnormal about him?
I hope he never succeeds in anything again and is forced to tag along with the traveler so I can dissect his character like a lab experiment. He knows things I know. If you put me and him in a room together I will not make him better or worse, in fact, we will have a rabid discussion about Khaenri'ah bc boy oh boy do I just KNOW he's got a history up in that morally corrupt head of his. (Also I live in the USA and Sumeru's academia reminds me a LOT of the US university system (overworking overwhelming ridiculous requirements questionable morals corrupt upper board etc) so. Guy who quit school bc they were like "Ur fucking insane"(he is) kinda resonates with me!!) (also I love mad scientists I love them sosososoososoooooooo much they're SO dear to me) (Mainly because I have an interest in mortuary and forensic sciences)
(Also btw you are incredibly real for hating the vile villain side fo Dottore I completely understand!! He's like genuinely a horrible person <3)
The Fatui as an organization just makes me sad. You ever talk to Fatui npcs? Some of their quests have brought me to tears. They get treated so horribly by the Harbingers and yet they believe with all their soul and heart in the Tasritsa and I just. :'( they deserve a lot better and they make me sosad and there are side quests you do for some of them in the Chasm that make me so so emotional bc it's so clear how little the Harbingers actually care about them :(
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Career Change Update #2
Alright, it’s been another two weeks so I’ve told a lot of important people in my life the plan and made some changes.
I told a few friends 1-1 to practice and was met with a lot of support and positive reception. They are sad that I’d be gone for a while, but they all thought it was really fitting for me and thought I would do well. Told my parents and siblings who were also supportive although also sad that I’ll be gone for sometime. Definitely worries my mom but not enough to try to hold me back. Told my big group of friends and they had the same feelings. I was really touched by the support and encouragement.
Importantly, one of the friends I informed is Chinese and she was able to share some good perspective and insight. She is very practical and methodical, and she suggested I work to put something more concrete on my resume during my experience in China. She suggested either getting a Master’s degree or trying to get a job working abroad. I don’t feel super confident that I’d get the type of experience I want abroad if I were working a job. Esp bc I don’t speak Chinese now so I likely would spend most of my days speaking English (this was also an objection she had to the idea of me teaching English).
So at this time, I’ve decided to pursue the idea of getting a Master’s in Translation. Then, I’d be able to enter my new career with some level of training and certification. As I understand, since I’d be studying in China, their program would primarily focus on English->Chinese translation, but I believe there will be enough crossover to justify it. Plus, I imagine, I’d be able to find a lot of common ground with the other translation students. I hope we’d be able to meet in the middle and consequently aid one another in our mutual pursuit of understanding each others’ language better.
The universities I am most seriously considering are East China Normal University and Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Both universities have Master’s programs in translation, decent information available on their website, very good reputations, and are located in Shanghai. Costs for these programs are also much cheaper than in the States and both have really good government scholarships available. They don’t seem to have specific parameters for what type of students they award the scholarship to, aside from being healthy and not having a criminal record. I had decent grades in college so hopefully that will help. I plan to apply for the Fall 2024 semester so I’m also thinking they may still(?) be low(?) on applications but that’s complete guessing.
My friend’s parents live in a smaller city in northern China and are very willing and excited to potentially host me. As a result, my friend has been suggesting that I apply to a university in their city (limited options and I don’t think they have my major) or in Beijing, which is only a few hours away so I could visit them often. And as nice as that is, part of this adventure is strongly rooted in not being around people I know or feel responsibility towards. I love the people I’m around and my friends parents seem super cool, but these are the kinds of things that would just sit in the back of my head and weigh me down a bit I think. Maybe not, but I think this is something I want to do very much on my own. At least in terms of my living situation? Maybe it doesn’t make sense but it’s how I feel. (See last full paragraph at the end for more details)
Also Shanghai just seems cooler than Beijing. If being a translator doesn’t work out, I could then get a job as a representative or liaison for a company and my feeling is that Shanghai is more of an international business hub than Beijing, which feels like it might be more of a political hub (obviously?). Shanghai seems more of like a young people’s place with more cool things to do. Also it’s warmer which might be cool.
However some of the upsides to Shanghai might also be downsides. Since it is a very international city, my friend said that I might have difficulty practicing Chinese with people there. She said many people will speak English and very strongly want to practice their English with me rather than let me practice Chinese. I’m in support of balance and tradeoff, but it is important that I get to practice Chinese. She said she knows a lot of foreigners who have come to China and not learned Chinese. However, I feel that Beijing would be pretty much this same in this regard. Plus, in either place, my classes will be taught in Chinese so even if I speak some English in my day to day, the majority of my day will be in Chinese by necessity.
Secondly, while I really like the idea of a warmer climate, it makes me a little nervous. I’m from a temperate mountainous climate with all four seasons. This is a tiny concern compared to all other things, but I don’t want to be super uncomfortable in the environment if it’s sweltering hot and there are tons of mosquitos and bugs. Like, I know it’s more tropical, but is it going to be like Florida and super humid all the time? I’m sure I could adjust even if this were the case, but I would like to know.
I’ve begun to make more concrete preparations for the adventure as well. For one thing, I don’t speak Chinese well enough to take classes in it. (Especially since the entrance requirement is HSK 5 with a 210+ score or HSK 6 with a 180+ score.) Despite almost a year on Duolingo, I have only a few phrases in my repertoire. I’m not confident I could even pass HSK 1 at this point. Maybe, but probably not. And as inspired as I am, I know I cannot make all the progress I need to make on my own. So I signed up for a private tutoring course to learn Chinese with a native speaker and I have my first trial/evaluation class tomorrow, which I am excited for. If my Chinese still isn’t good enough in time (a very likely possibility), the Chinese government scholarship does offer a year of language learning at the university prior to beginning my studies. But I’d have to get the scholarship (probability unknown) and I’d have to be in China for 3 years rather than 2 (not a deal breaker and would be really cool, but longer than I’d liek to be away).
Lastly, I did end up telling my boss about my long term plan. He was very surprised and he wasn’t super pleased. However, he does want me to do what makes me happy. He was worried that my performance may decline since I’m not planning to be with them long-term anymore (esp. since I’m in leadership), but I know I need to work hard so I can get bonuses to pay for the upcoming adventure. We had a second conversation about my current position that didn’t go as well. Part of it was him trying to convince me that my current position could give me the things that I want in a career, and we could make some changes to get that desired result. And part of me believed it for a bit. But then I went back to work today and was reminded of how I feel while I’m at work.
I feel like I’ve perfected energy management in being able to put on a happy and excited face when I need to run meetings. I even got some personal bad news this morning and still ran good meetings today, despite being low on sleep and having travelled all yesterday. But that doesn’t mean I don’t dread the meetings beforehand and feel even more drained afterward. I’ll even say that it was a bit of a rude awakening for me to realize that my sincerity and energy in my meetings and conversations hasn’t really changed even since I’ve made these career change plans. It’s making me question whether I was ever really excited about what I do.
A lot of the things I’ve done in my life up to this point were determined by what “made sense” or even what my friends were doing. I chose the college I went to because I was familiar with it and because my brother and my friends were going there. I didn’t really have a plan past wanting to go to college. I studied international business it required me to study abroad. I did not pursue linguistics because that school didn’t offer it and I didn’t want to do go to grad school (lol). I took my current job because I’d been working with them throughout college, and they offered me a full time job. 
I’ve taken a lot of pride and maybe put too much of my identity in being a good friend. Now, a several of my close friends are married or hang out for “guys night” and so I find myself a little bit alone. I’m still very grateful to have the friends I have, but since they rely on me less, I spend less time with them. Ultimately, I think this is a good thing because now I need to make my own decisions without regard for what others are doing. And I’m excited to work on things that I have a genuine passion for so I can be genuinely excited when I share my life and experiences with them.
Really long post so it’s mostly public journaling/void screaming, but I’ve organized some questions in case anyone made it to the end and has insight or encouragement to share. Might make a separate shorter post for these questions later.
1.) Any opinions/insight on East China Normal University or Shanghai Jiao Tong University? 2.) Opinions/insight on cultural experience of Beijing vs Shanghai? 3.)  Do you think people will be willing to talk to me in Chinese? (Beijing or Shanghai) 4.) Opinions/insight on Shanghai climate? 5.) Insight on applying to Chinese universities or scholarships? 6.) General insight on going to grad school? (bonus points if it was a foreign esp, Chinese grad school, but I’m open to any and all insights) 7.) Insight on studying translation/becoming a translator?
P.S. On an unrelated note, I’ve learned through some research and talking to another friend that some of the toilets in China are squat toilets. I just can’t figure out in my brain how this will work (as a girl) without making a huge mess. I’m sure I’ll be able to figure it out quickly through research (hopefully with trial and no errors). Obviously, many cultures have been doing this for a long time, and I’m actually pretty sure it’s healthier for you that sitting toilets. I just wanted to add this silly comment at the end so that I can look back and laugh about how silly my apprehensions were.
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bladetoblade · 2 years
sometimes i forget that my au lore is not canon so lemme tell you about my ✨obi-wan+quinlan master-padawan “family” unit✨ headcanons
in my mind, (which idk exactly how much canon influenced this), obi-wan gets anakin (9) when quinlan already has aayla as a padawan (14/15ish?)
the timeline is dicey bc quinlan is literally on tatooine during phantom menace? but for aayla to be the age she is and her to be his padawan she has to already be his padawan
anyway when anakin becomes a padawan, his closest jedi bestie is aayla secura (which is just absolutely impeccable taste)
yes it’s because they are iconic duo but also because i think baby anakin would primarily get along best with kids/people who are a bit older or a bit younger than him. in my mind (and probably not in canon), it’s a 5-6 yr gap and they have a cute cool sister-dorky lil brother dynamic
this works out perfectly for everyone bc master obi-wan is obviously friends/annoyances with master vos!
it’s also great bc quinlan’s personal experience with the outer rim and being a unique black sheep sort of his age group makes him very qualified to give obi-wan advice/help guide anakin who pretty immediately also finds himself in that niche
based on all of this i firmly believe in quinlan and obi-wan doing some co-mastering
(which given the community oriented nature of the jedi i doubt that’s scandalous, though i’m sure they put their own insane spin on it)
it’s probably usually anakin tagging along with aayla and her master so that obi-wan can finally take a karking nap
or obi-wan and quinlan being paired together with their padawans (since i doubt obi-wan would really try to be a consistent authority figure to aayla? i think he would treat her more as a peer)
the comedic potential of this unofficial arrangement is endless honestly
aayla and anakin getting annoyed at how over-protective both of their masters are and running off together to figure shit out themselves hmph. (they succeed but there is a Significant amount of property damage :/)
aayla and obi-wan having brunch to sigh about the insanity of quinlan and anakin and their desire to do shit purely out of spite (although obi-wan only has 1 leg to stand on there)
anakin and quinlan trying to figure out maximize their respective talents for driving obi-wan insane, which leads to a 2 week long padawan swap. obi-wan almost doesn’t want to switch back but it’s not quinlan’s fault that his is the best padawan
as for obi-wan and quinlan, i honestly don’t know if i find it funnier if they were fwb while this stuff happens or not?? so quinlan and obi-wan are schrodinger’s friends with benefits for the comedy
anakin and aayla both constantly do the jedi version of “well Mike’s dad and mom let him use their wii whenever he wants >:(“ to obi-wan and quinlan.
i’m sure quinlan and obi-wan both hold back laughter every time it happens and they mentally store each incident to be brought up on their padawan’s knighting days or anytime they have a disagreement among themselves
(obi-wan: aayla told me you forgot the difference between left and right last week -_-
quinlan: well anakin told me that you’re lame and i’m the only fun jedi master in the order :P)
anyway i’m sure quinlan and obi-wan had a blast and took way too many pictures to put in their lil co-master photo album. they pull them out when they get sad about how grown up their padawans have become :,)
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themoralgoats · 2 years
Siri’s adventure through the entirety of r/moralorel
General Observations
The subreddit was most likely made with the announcement and shit of Beforel Orel (2012), aka when anyone acknowledged the show online ever, with the first post being of that shot from Nature where Clay starts screeching about Bloberta
The first 2-3 years were especially sad. Went through them in like 3 minutes. Posts had 6 upvotes and 2 comments tops, and there were like 40 in total with most being good old Reddit Acknowledging An Episode of a Show Exists or dead, uninteresting youtube links. The first interesting post (and one that I actually think is cool and the type of post that people with souls and often autism use the site for) is this post suggesting Nurse Bendy was taken advantage of by Dr. Secondopinionson as a minor.
Skimmed through another two years of the same shit as the first few years, but marginally more activity. Saw a few YouTube fanart speedarts that aren’t available anymore.
A year after that, the mods have dropped the episodes of the week and now it’s genuine discussion and the replyless youtube clips
Around this time I’m noticing the slightest hints of potential dudebroery in the fandom, because someone said something about wanting to find themself “a nurse bendy” in response to some season 1 clip then receiving that one clip where she shows off her whole body. Additionally, someone mentioned turning into Clay in that they had too much beer then went on Clay’s misogynistic nature rant. I’m not sure about details on the latter though, and that guy may have just meant he drunkenly quoted Clay just because.
Now on the next year we’re seeing casual discussion (“which character had the funniest name?”) and fanart
Now the next year (it currently says 2y in 2022) it’s really starting to resemble fandom. There are way more posts, comments on every post, and the posts are varied and original.
At this point I’ve seen multiple people post about the concept of Joe being in the closet which is genuinely interesting bc I haven’t seen it at all on Tumblr and it doesn’t quite have canon basis? I like it tho
As of the past year or so the subreddit is like this blog in that it has one new post every day or two, but sometimes it’ll get like 5 posts in one day.
Moral Orel props Part 2
Character sheets from Australia’s Volume 2 DVD (I’m laughing my head off at how Adult Swim-y these are compared to who the characters really are)
Dino’s Reverend Putty dub (I’m assuming this is from the season 1 DVD?)
Dino’s Commentary on S3 E1, E12, and E13 (supposedly the only ones on the Volume 3 DVD)
Supposed info on the scrapped plotlines
Official German Moral Orel dubs (not the best resolution but not the worst either) Russian dubs
R*ped script, archived from Dino’s social media
An Old Dino Q&A from the [as] forums
A Reddit one
Another Reddit one
Moral Orel merch
Posts I like
Again, the post about Bendy and Secondopinionson
An overanalysis of some of the end scenes
Dr. Potterswheel and his Wife
S3 E7 analysis
Details about s3 e2
Censordoll Discussion More
Christina Discussion
Joe Art and Discussion
Does Bloberta love Orel?
Crane symbolism
S3 E1 discussion
General discussion
Some cool headcanons More
MO Timeline Part 2
Cool Art Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
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