#which is good! but she scares me because shes a genocidal force who demands you convert or die horribly
ruthlesslistener · 8 months
Seeing a white person say unironically that PK and WL are colonizers is so fucking telling that they have zero idea of what racism actually is or the implications behind it, they're just parroting the most basic bullshit to look good. Like come the fuck on that take is racist as shit and its not because PK and WL are any less awful than colonizers. It's incorrect at best but genuinely an awful fucking take when parroted for clout bc you dont wanna be seen as problematic
(It's racist bc equating a genocidal god who you have to shred apart with extreme violence in order to have peace with the pain and anger of indigenous people is. Hm. Bad!!! Not to mention the fact that Radi has a very strong Christian angel motif going on and engages in a 'holy crusade' against everyone in Hallownest INCLUDING OTHER INDIGENOUS TRIBES NOT AFFILIATED WITH THE PALE KING like how the actual fuck can you look at her and go 'oh yeah she represents indigenous people because the moths have what look like dreamcatcher motifs with the essence motes' and unironically think you're not being racist. What the actual fuck)
((Double disclaimer: you can actually write a really interesting and nuanced altcanon narrative with this concept but the problem is that almost nobody ever does, they only ever flag it as 'problematic' because they want to look good, not bc they know the implications))
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leia-organa-fics · 3 years
aftermath (part I)
Set after a reason to stay.
Shortly after, when Yavin base had to be evacuated, Han somehow ended up with the task of bringing the princess to Kowak, the Alliance´s new rendezvous point. Why High Command trusted him with her, he had no idea. It wasn´t as if he would do anything to her – for once, he wasn´t that kind of man and second, even if he was, she probably would be able to defend herself just fine even in her injured state. He would have thought though that they´d allocate some nicer quarters to a princess.
That should have been the first clue that maybe his perception of princesses wasn´t close to reality. No, actually, it should have been the third clue after the way she had rescued herself and hid her injuries all through the battle of Yavin. As it was, he just shrugged it all off, telling himself that not even a princess could be picky in the face of the Alliance´s lifestyle and scarce resources.
Therefore, he was completely surprised when he finally realized that during their trip, Her Worship had taken it upon herself to quietly ‘fix’ things on the Falcon that hadn´t even been all that broken and ‘optimize’ things that in his opinion, thank you, had worked just fine before.
It took three days and Chewie pointing it out for him to realize that somehow a full inventory of the Falcon´s supplies had appeared out of thin air, the dishes were cleaner than they´d ever been, and there was absolutely nothing lying around untidily on any surface. When he finally caught on what must have been happening during his shifts in the cockpit for the last three days, he felt anger rise in his chest. Who did she think she was to mess with his ship?
Chewie roared something to stop him, but he was already out of the door of the cockpit to give Leia a piece of his mind. He found her in the lounge, bend over the Darjik table doing force-knows-what. “What do you think you´re doing?” he demanded.
She didn´t even look up while replying, “There´s a stain.”
“Oh, I´m sorry my humble ship is not enough for your privileged tastes.”
“That´s not what I meant, and you know it.” Why was her voice so calm? And why was she still not looking at him?
‘Stop messing with my ship,’ was what he meant to say. What came out was, “Stop that right now. You´re still injured.” And where had that last part come from?
At that reply, she finally looked up. With her jaw set and brows furled, she looked the definition of stubborn. “I´m fine,” she gritted, and it was the first time she sounded like a petulant princess.
“You´re not. I know what the Empire does to its prisoners.”
Her stance softened. “Which end of the cell door were you?”
“Outside,” he admitted. “I was at the Academy … ´til I figured out that torture and genocide weren´t exactly my kind of fun.”
She nodded. “You´re a lot better than you try making people believe.”
“Sweetheart, hate to break it to you, but I´m not good. I´m not here for your pesky, little Rebellion.” He wasn´t, he really wasn´t. In fact, he didn´t know why he was still here … okay, that wasn´t true either. He was still here because of her and the kid, and it was ridiculous. He barely knew them! But somehow Leia´s fire and Luke´s fundamental goodness had drawn him in. He needed to free himself, as soon as possible. He´d have to wait until they reached the rendezvous point though. There, he´d make sure they were safe and then he´d leave.
“You´re doing it again,” she interrupted his thoughts.
“If that´s what you want to believe, suit yourself.”
“I requested the Falcon as my transport, you know.”
That took him by surprise. Again. She really needed to stop doing that. “Why?” he asked.
She just shrugged non-committedly and resumed scrubbing the table.
“Stop that,” he repeated. “It´s already clean.”
The princess, Leia, froze for a moment. “The bench isn´t,” she finally said and turned her attention there. Han watched as she put soap on the cloth in her hand and started scrubbing at a stain that might or might have been there.
Watching her work was fascinating. Her hands were soft. Just one look at them was enough to know that she hadn´t done much manual labour ever in her life. In stark contrast to that, her movements were steady and brimmed with efficiency. They betrayed the accuracy of someone who had learned how to move not gracefully but appropriately. They were the movements of a diplomat. Han wouldn’t be surprised if she had actually calculated the exact speed that she needed to move at to give the illusion of the golden mean between urgency and idleness.
She blended in with what seemed to be perfect ease, and still, everything about her screamed absolute control to Han. Leia Organa was a paradox. Strong but vulnerable. Seemingly invincible but oh so hurt inside. The embodiment of compassion and goodness, but at the same time her fury over Alderaan´s fate burned hotter than a supernova just underneath her skin. She was prickly, difficult and overall insufferable, but nonetheless, people gravitated to her.
After some minutes, it became clear to Han, that she wasn´t going to stop her needless task, until he had left. A part of him wanted to just do so, to leave her and the sadness that clung to her like a second skin behind, to vanish to the cockpit and plan his and Chewie´s next destination after dropping her off with the Alliance. The rest of him though – a far bigger part – couldn´t bring himself to do it. If he didn´t check on her, who would? She didn´t understand Shyriiwook, Luke wasn´t here and as far as he knew, everyone she had been close to had been killed together with Alderaan. Han was many things. Heartless wasn´t one of them. He couldn´t just leave her here alone. She was Leia.
He battered his brain for something meaningful to say, but came up blank, so he fell back on what he knew. “If you keep on doing that, you´ll scrub a hole into my bench.”
She stopped. “I suppose it is clean now.”
“Definitely cleaner than ever before.”
“That´s not hard, is it?” The hint of a smile tugged at the corners of her mouth, as she finally turned to face him.
“This is a smuggler´s ship and not the royal fleet, Your Worship.”
A frown crossed her face. “Don´t call me that.”
“Don´t worry,” he retorted. “I´ve got many more. How about ‘Your Highnessness’, princess?”
“Don´t.” Her voice turned icy. “I´m not. Not anymore.”
She looked away and he wanted to kick himself. So much for not being heartless. “I´m sorry,” he said sincerely. “Leia.”
It was the first time her actual name had crossed his lips. She seemed to realize it, too, because she faced him again and the anger was replaced by something else that he couldn´t place. They looked at each other for one sheer endless moment, studying each other. When the silence started to become awkward, Han desperately searched for something to busy himself with. In the end, it was her who ended it by putting away the cloth and the soap where she had taken it from.
“Where are we at the moment?”, she asked.
“Near Kashyyk. It will probably be around six more days, before we make it to Kowak.”
“Kashyyk.” She seemed to be lost in thought for some moments before a dangerous glint entered her eyes. “That´s the Mid Rim, isn´t it?”
“Yes,” Han answered warily.
“So, we´re not too far from the Core … “
“Yes, we are damn far away from the Core and it´s gonna stay that way.”
“I need to go there.”
“Where?” he asked, even though he thought he knew the answer. Knew and dreaded it.
Just like he had feared. “It´s gone,” he exclaimed forcefully. “There´s nothing left.”
“Not maybe. I´ve seen it. You´re not going to find what you´re looking for.”
She closed her eyes. “I know.” Her voice was barely above a whisper. “But I need to see it for myself.”
“No.” Han shook his head. “Absolutely not.”
Leia raised her chin and shot him a determined look. “The Royal House of Alderaan had funds stored on Coruscant. It will take some time, but I can pay you.”
“You think this is about money?”
“You made it very clear that that´s everything you care about.”
Stung, Han took a step back. She wasn´t entirely wrong: He had declared very loudly that money was the only reason why he had helped them … but surely his actions spoke louder than those words. He had returned for the kid – without hoping for any reward. He had comforted her. And now she was throwing it back in his face. “You´re right,” he finally said angrily, “but the money won´t do me any good if I´m dead.”
“You escaped the Death Star, but you´re scared of a simple trip?”
“Simple trip? After our escape from the Death Star, the Imperials will be looking for the Falcon. Flying to the Core would be suicide.”
Her anger seemed to deflate as quickly as it had flared up and a defeated look crossed her face. “I need to go there,” she whispered. “Please.”
Han was still hurt, but Leia´s sad eyes bored holes into his resolve. After Yavin, the Imperials probably had bigger concerns than catching one single freighter … and after all, he wasn´t exactly keen on getting back to the Rebellion. Kriff, he was going to regret it. Still. He sighed. “We can´t stay long and at the first sign of Imperial presence, we´ll leave.”
“Thank you,” she said gravely.
Han acknowledged her thanks with a curt nod. “You better get a hold on those funds of yours soon,” he said bitterly.
“I will.” Was that disappointment in her voice? And why did that hurt even more than her earlier words?
Han decidedly did not think about that as he made his way back to the cockpit to change their course to Alderaan. Chewie noticed his gloomy mood and tried to get him to talk about it, but Han rebuked all of his efforts.
The next day was spent in stony silence. Leia seemed to sense his mood and kept away from him. Without Han to talk to, she and Chewie turned to each other instead. What ensued was a series of conversations that consisted of Leia completely misinterpreting Shyriiwook and a lot of pantomime. Unfortunately, conventions for the meaning of certain gestures were different on each planet, so that they didn´t particularly make their endeavour easier. The result would have been hilarious if Han hadn´t been so angry and hurt. In his current mood, it was only annoying. Why did Chewie get along with the princess?
You can now find part II here.
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bebe-benzenheimer · 7 years
egalitarian = a clever way to try and silence feminists while still pretending to be a good person, most societies classed as “egalitarian” in history books were still grossly unequal to women. list them things that egalitarians done for human rights in less than 10 years. come on! list me all things yall change for humans rights. show me that your shit works. feminist done more good for this world than you.
oh yes, feminists have done SO much good, like:
Feminists threaten to kill woman for saying men need abuse shelters.
Feminists prevent a meeting about male suicide.
Feminists stage mock murders to scare men.
Feminist attacks male cartoonist and is hailed a hero of feminism.
Feminists shut down forum for battered husbands.
Propaganda campaign against male fathers wanting custody.
Feminists wish to slander accused names before convicted.
Try to shut down female prisons.
Create rape laws that exclude female rapists.
Make it impossible to charge women with rape.
Feminists against equal custody.
Female felons should serve home sentences.
Told judges to be lenient on women.
Feminists cover up female domestic violence.
Feminists don’t want the gov to help unemployed men.
Feminists launch campaigns to help girls only while boys are doing worse in every facet of education.
Males who were raped as a child still have to pay child support.
Women should have the right to put a child up for adoption before the father gets custody.
Feminists against beyond reasonable doubt when it’s male rapists.
5 rights feminism ignores for men.
Feminists blame males for their abuse.
The primary aggressor clause where only men get charged with abuse.
Shame men into going to war.
Feminists dismiss female child rapists.
Feminists say men can’t talk about domestic abuse.
Feminists mock a man who has his dick cut off.
Strawmanning MRA members.
feminists attack church.
Feminists transphobia
Feminists slander the MRM
And again,
Call them terrorists.
Feminists say Men can’t be raped.
Feminists defend female raping minor.
Feminist defends why fucking an 8 year old boy isn’t rape.
Feminists primary aggressor clause discriminates against males.
Feminists cover up female domestic abuse stats.
Woman smashing bottle in mans face in public. Nobody gives a fuck.
Jezebel mocks men who are abused.
Feminists make sure the gov doesn’t spend money on male shelters or male research.
Female on male abuse in public is at best ignored, and at worst celebrated.
Public stops a man from abusing a woman in public, same crowd laughs when the roles are reversed.
No funding for male shelter.
Founder of Canadas only male shelter for abuse forced to close due to lack of funding before committing suicide.
Feminists threaten to kill woman for saying men need abuse shelters.
Feminists prevent a meeting about male suicide.
Feminists stage mock murders to scare men.
Feminist attacks male cartoonist and is hailed a hero of feminism.
Feminists skewed the Definition of Domestic Abuse, resulting in only male abusers being arrested and female abusers not.Feminists’s DV training hurts Police training
Feminist Mary Koss denies malerape victims.
Feminists violently protesting against Warren Farrell at U of Toronto
A mob of feminists at a recent protest attacking and sexually molesting a group of Rosary-praying Catholic men who were peacefully protecting the cathedral in the city of San Juan from threats of vandalism.
Feminists disrupt a forum for battered men
Feminists fought a law for equal custody to be the default if both parents want custody and neither parent is unfit. Multiple times.
Feminists started a campaign against Father’s rights groups
Feminists fought against laws granting men anonymity until charged with the crime of rape—not convicted, just charged.
Feminists fought against a law to end to the justice system favoring women simply because they are women, and giving men harsher sentences simply because they are men.
Feminist fought against men want equal treatment when victims of domestic violence, and to not be arrested for the crime of “being male” under primary aggressor policies.
Feminists in India and Israel fought against femalerapists being arrested, charged and convicted of rape.
Feminists fought against a economic stimulus for male-dominated job such as construction, etc.Feminist fought a law against Paternity Fraud.
Feminist Harriet Harman has publicly requested employers to hire women in preference to White men if both job candidates are equally
Equality Minister,feminist Patricia Hewitt, was found guilty of breaching the Sex Discrimination Act by “overlooking a strong male candidate for a job in favour of a weaker female applicant”.Elected in 2009, the lesbian feminist prime minister Johanna Sigurdardottir has vowed to “end of the Age of Testosterone
Feminists want to peeing while standing illegal
Erin Pizzey had to flee the UK because she and her family received death threats and her dog murdered all because feminists didn’t like that she discovered women were equally as violent as men.
Also Suzanne Steinmetz and her children received death threats and bomb threats she discovered that the rate at which men were victimized by domestic violence was similar to the rate for women.
Richard Gelles and Murray Straus have all received death threats from feminists, simply for publishing their findings (that female-to-male family violence was equal to the rate of male-to-female violence).Feminists say Men can’t be raped. Feminists defend female raping minor.
Feminist defends why fucking an 8 year old boy isn’t rape.
Most feminists backed studies are bullshit.
Beyond reasonable doubt doesn’t apply to rape.Feminist changes mind on rape culture when her son is falsely accused.
Feminists primary aggressor clause discriminates against males.
Feminists cover up female domestic abuse stats.
Jezebel mocks men who are abused.
Feminists make sure the gov doesn’t spend money on male shelters or male research.
Feminists prevent a meeting about male suicide.
Feminists stage mock murders to scare men.
Feminist attacks male cartoonist and is hailed a hero of feminism.
Feminists shut down forum for battered husbands.
Propaganda campaign against male fathers wanting custody.
Feminists wish to slander accused names before convicted.
Try to shut down female prisons.Create rape laws that exclude female rapists.
Make it impossible to charge women with rape.
Feminists against equal custody.Female felons should serve home sentences.
Told judges to be lenient on women.Feminists cover up female domestic violence.
Feminists don’t want the gov to help unemployed men.
Feminists launch campaigns to help girls only while boys are doing worse in every facet of education.
Males who were raped as a child still have to pay child support.
Women should have the right to put a child up for adoption before the father gets custody.Feminists against beyond reasonable doubt when it’s male rapists.
5 rights feminism ignores for men.
Feminists blame males for their abuse.
The primary aggressor clause where only men get charged with abuse.
Shame men into going to war.
Feminists dismiss female child rapists.
Feminists say men can’t talk about domestic abuse.
Feminists mock a man who has his dick cut off.
feminists attack church.
Feminists shut down a festival about gender equality for including men.
Feminists hope MRA’s die.
Feminists against fathers day.
Feminist makes up fake assault stories.
Female reporter bullied by feminists at the National Young Feminist Leadership Conference
Feminists attack government office and police who show upFeminist fire bomb 3 adult film storesFeminists assault other feminists and loot stores Feminists attack and molest men who are protecting a churchFeminist rebels wage 20 year long war in MexicoFeminist commits string of arson attacks and tries to break out of prisonLGBT Feminist assaults Swedish Politician Feminist bombs 8 buildingsFeminists mutilate dog and force women to flee countryFeminist attack female modelsFeminists plan to blow up clothing storeFeminist terrorize woman and children and send bomb threats Feminists turn Burkina Faso and into an Orwellian nightmareFeminists send bomb threats over people publishing factsFeminists break into the Egyptian Parliament and start making demandsFeminists send bomb threats to journalism conferenceFeminist attempts to assassinate famous artistFeminists call for the largest string of terrorist attacks in human historyFeminists bomb 2 buildings to celebrate National Women’s Day Feminists vandalize restaurant for having the word male in their nameFeminists assault police officers and try to take over The House of CommonsFeminists murder hundreds across Iran in terrorist attacksFeminists murder 386 people and try to take over IrelandFeminists bomb places, commit arson, attempt murder, destroy historical landmarks, and attempt to assassinate The British Prime MinisterFeminist who lead the group that did the things stated above hailed as heroFeminists bomb 45 buildings in GermanyFeminist destroys priceless work of art, commits arson and bombs train station Feminist leader participates in massacre which leaves 116 deadFeminists vandalize collage campus fraternity buildingFeminists attempt to assassinate The British Prime Minister againFeminist commits arson, attacks police, destroy monument showcase for landmark, destroys cell block, attempt to blow up the home of Scotland’s National Poet and assaults another Prime MinisterFeminist professor physically assaults teenage girl for being pro life Feminist tries to blow up postbox with homemade bombFeminists vandalize signs and sends bomb threats over advertisementFeminists attack the archbishop of BrusselsFeminists attack the archbishop of Brussels againArmed Feminists attack the Irish Capital buildingFeminists call for another bombing of Dresden to push Islamic genocideFeminists storm wax museum to destroy statue of politician  The feminist at the guardian thinks men are going to take away their babies.
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trustworthyreporter · 7 years
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Issue 18
I have an ask blog too!
Blogs mentioned in the articles:
Showdown at the Gate: @yuukakazami, @diaphanous-puppetry
Yakumo run catfighting ring?
Living in Reimu’s shadow:
Human immigrant’s story:
Blogs mentioned in the ads:
@fantasy-stars, @brighteyedmonsters
Text versions with links after the readmore:
Showdown at the gate
The sounds of fighting are nothing new to Gensokyo.  However, an especially noisy fight last night awoke much of Gensokyo as two titans of battle clashed outside the scarlet devil mansion.  First reports indicated that it may have been the younger of the two vampires residing in the mansion, but this was quickly shown to be false.
For reasons that are yet unknown, Yuuka Kazami and Meiling engaged in battle.  The reasons the two choose to disregard the spell card rules and who the ultimate victor was is also unknown.
Area infront of SDM charred hellscape
The state of the area immediately in front of the scarlet devil mansion stands as a testament to the level of violence brought by the two combatants.  Several small fires still burn among what little vegetation is left and the ground is littered with small craters and scorch marks.
The brutality of the combat did prove helpful in preventing the spared of the fire as much of the grass that otherwise could have caught fire is covered in dirt thrown up by the force of combat.
Still no word of Hakurei involvement
The Hakurei shrine has remained quiet thus far, avoiding commenting on this blatant disregard for the spell card system.  Some have speculated on if this might signal a new approach from Reimu Hakurei and a listening of the rules around physical combat.
Yakumo run catfighting ring?
Rumors persists around the idea of an underground catfighting ring ran by youkai sage of Gensokyo Yukari Yakumo.  When asked for comment Yukari would only say “No, nope, no, there is no cat fighting ring.”
However, despite her denial, several anonymous sources have come forward and contacted the Bunbunmaru.  While these sources were unwilling to provide an exact location, they did provide a photo used to promote the fights and draw in bets.
As the promotional photo is no doubt of Yukari’s own Chen, we decided to ask Chen herself for comment.  Chen seemed somewhat confused by the whole ordeal and only saying “It’s…Very unusual… …But hey, no holding back…”
Possible violation of the spell card rules?
It remains unclear as to why Yukari would hide the existence of this catfighting ring.  Some have speculated that the existence of the ring may be in technical violation of the spell card rules set out and enforced by Reimu Hakurei.  Yukari may be trying to avoid drawing the ire of the Hakurei shrine.
Living in Reimu’s shadow:
What better way to start off interviewing important humans than to start with Reimu’s very own backup shrine maiden?  You may, dearest reader, know of Sanae Kochiya of the Moryia shrine for her staunch anti-youkai pro-extermination reputation.  However it would seem that such beliefs may just be a front for her insecurity from living in Reimu’s shadow.
Bunbunmaru:  What's it like being the back up shrine maiden to Reimu? Is it alot of responsibility?
Sanae Kochiya: Being a shrine maiden is huuuge responsibility!  I’m no back up shrine maiden.
BBM:  How often do you try and solve incidents without Reimu?
SK:  Oh, we have plenty of minor incidents around here!  Once, we had a kappa who was stealing from the bags of travelers
BBM:  What about rumors that you’re secretly trying to replace her?
SK:  Why would I do that, anyway?  She’s so fun!
BBM:  What do you mean by Reimu being fun?
SK:  She can be lazy, but her heart is in the right place.  She’s shown up for every big incident and well, she’s more merciful than I could ever be.
BBM:  More merciful? That's interesting to hear! She has a reputation for being somewhat moody and temperamental among youkai.
SK:   It’s hard to describe, really.  But people tend to be different in different circumstances.  She does sit down with perpetrators after incidents, too.  Working with her did allow me to see her at her best!  I regularly stop by her shrine after doing incident patrols!  
BBM:  What are your thoughts on Youkai eating humans?
SK:  It’s gross, disgusting!  Can’t they eat something else?  I mean… well.. that didn’t happen where I was from!  I can’t get used to that!
BBM:  Do you worry your reputation for being pro extermination might hurt your popularity?
SK:  …yeah.  I’m kinda scared people see me as a monster…
BBM:  Are you worried about the other religions cutting into your faith share?
SK:  Of course I worry, but Buddhism has existed alongside Shinto for centuries.  Gensokyo’s kind of a weird situation, but I’m still, the same rules could apply!  But Taoism might keep me up at night
Human immigrant’s story
Yukari is known for bringing a wide variety of humans into Gensokyo   Most end up dead within a week from various causes.  However, one managed to not only survive but thrive.  Even finding employment under the youkai sage herself.  Yours truly sat down to hear this anomaly’s story nearly a year ago, but the demands of current events pushed this story back until now.  What follows is story in his own words:
I didn’t come here of my own free will. No, I didn’t fall through one of Yukari’s gaps. Why would she abduct a soldier from a battlefield five centuries in the Future? The event that sent me and other things from my time 5 centuries from the future to this one also sent me here.  I’ve survived for as long as I have, it’s because I’m employed by Yukari. Currently my duties are conducting Border patrols, confiscating Technologies from my time, combat any alien forces from my time that may show up here. Mind you that’s happened a couple of times already. Lastly…. well… I’m not really allowed to tell you what my last duty is… All I can tell you is that Rule Breakers will be dealt with accordingly.
As for the Human village, I don’t live there so I can’t give you that much of an opinion. What I can give though is this, those blokes don’t know how good they got it. They also don’t know what kind of danger lurks out there, and they think Youkai are bad? Then they’ve never seen what the Covenant can do. They wouldn’t stand a chance if even a couple of dozens of those Genocidal Aliens attacked. As for the Outside world… well that depends on which time you’re asking about. This one currently or the one I came from originally? If it’s the former, then it’s not very impressive to me because of how archaic everything out there is to a man from my time. If it’s the latter…. here is certainly better. Five billion people aren’t dead and the world itself isn’t being burned to cinder and glass by a collective horde of Religious Alien Zealots from orbit and fighting that’d overshadow practically every mythical battle
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