#what remains
motherstone · 2 days
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What was lost | Faces | From one mother… | What remains
Thank you @chi-the-idiot and @cyberlights for the quality check 🙌
Additional notes:
About Emily: Yes, those are indeed white hairs (largely inspired by my older sister). It was caused by immense stress during the war, and although it has already ended for a couple of years, Emily and Trellis do still reel from their harsh experiences.
About EK: any colored border means it's an event that took place in the past. In this case, this was EK's and Trellis's duel for the throne.
About Karen: how come she overheard their conversation? With the kind of people Emily and Trellis are, and the nature of their conversation, you'd think they'd close the door? Well, instead of getting the answer several months later once I release the complete comic in pdf form alongside with additional content like short comics and minor illustrations, I'll say it now: they couldn't because Emily blasted her door off its hinges a few days prior (Emily + cockroach on the door = no door).
The panel of Trellis and his mom is based on @theeio 's gift art for me back when Supernova was recently released. Thank you Spoon for letting me use it!
As for the symbolism explanation, I was hoping to release it all at once after I've finished the comic, but alas that will take forever. Therefore, I will release it that explains more about parts 1 and 2 in compiled form 👍
Minor announcement: Part 3 will be greatly delayed. This comic WILL be finished, but I will very busy this month of May, and maybe even June, so it may not be released monthly as I had planned. I'm terribly sorry for the inconvenience :(
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minthe-drawings · 9 months
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some more six fanarts of VN characters ✨
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qkayoostudio · 10 months
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sixfanarts: babygirl edition
ran this on Twitter for fun !! highly recommend every single game these characters belong to ♡
Salvi from What Remains by Siyokoy Briar from Pearlglow Café by @studioghostlegs Meissa from Made Marion by @velvet-cupcake-games Nathan from Emberfate by @windchimesgames Warden from Herotome by @herotome Etza from Alaris by @crescencestudio
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haedraulics · 1 year
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spot illustrations for my ongoing fic series, What Remains
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code-lab · 1 year
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Si contente de pouvoir vous présenter mon dernier travail sur What Remains !
@frenchandfurious m'a fait confiance une nouvelle fois de plus et cette fois pour réaliser le code ET le design.
Ca a été un sacré projet pour moi, dans lequel j'affirme vraiment mon style (oui parce que jusqu'à maintenant j'étais persuadée de ne pas en avoir mdr). J'ai pris énormément de risque en choix de design tout en gardant une structure relativement... commune. C'était assez étrange de naviguer entre ces deux lignes.
Le forum utilise le Blank Theme (obvs) et vous retrouvez tout les crédits détaillés dans ce post.
Conception et réalisation
J'ai essayé de documenter le plus d'étape de la conception donc je vais faire plusieurs poste pour parler de mes inspirations et de mes réflexions.
C'est notamment passé par une énorme phase de maquettage :
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(ne vous fiez pas à la quantité, c'est plus le bordel d'autre chose)
Et surtout d'essayer de tenir une vrai charte graphique pour faire quelque chose d'un peu cohérant. Bon, c'est loin d'être parfait mais c'est des étapes que j'aime bien prendre le temps de faire. Ca me permet de continuer à bidouiller même quand je suis pas inspirée, ranger mes idées.
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Voilà, voilà ! je risque de beaucoup poster dessus ces prochains jours (déso d'avance pour le spam)
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mushroomwarning · 22 days
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Ended up forgetting to share this on the day of Trans visibility but hey! Why not show it now eh? These are characters from the comic I’m working on called What Remains. You can find more info on the comic in my pinned
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halogalopaghost · 7 months
Do you like true crime? How about solving cold cases? Here's one way to help.
The Doe Project is a non-profit volunteer organization founded and run by Todd Matthews, one of the individuals who helped create NamUs, the national missing person's database. They have assisted in solving more than 100 cases nationwide, three of which were just this year. The website is completely open and free for anyone to use. If you fancy yourself an armchair detective, I absolutely recommend checking it out.
What I REALLY want to highlight is that the organization is asking for donations to keep the website updated and running.
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The campaign has been running for a year, and as you can see, there have only been 56 donors. That's barely half of the amount of cases they've solved. This website and the work of its volunteers has without a doubt affected far more lives than that, and it should be allowed to continue to grow and thrive. If you want less funding to police, more support for missing persons and cold cases, and a more community-driven approach to crime solving and prevention, you need to be looking out for things like this.
You can use this QR code to donate directly to the cause, or click on this link to get to the page shown above.
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Obviously if you can't afford to donate, then don't! Just reblog this post so that others can see it, and maybe the next person can donate enough for the both of you. I'll be donating as soon as I've finished making this post.
If you'd like to learn more about Todd Matthews and how he identified his first cold-case victim that launched his career as a missing persons' advocate, listen to episode four of What Remains, a podcast all about the science and procedure behind solving cold cases.
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favescandis · 10 months
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Stellan Skarsgard to Receive Locarno’s Lifetime Achievement Award
Skarsgard will attend the Swiss festival to accept the Leopard Club Award and present 'What Remains,' a film in which he co-stars with his son, Gustaf.
Legendary Swedish star Stellan Skarsgard (Good Will Hunting, Mamma Mia!, Nymphomaniac) will be honored with the Leopard Club Award, a lifetime achievement honor, at this year’s Locarno International Film Festival.
Skarsgard will receive the prize on Aug. 4 at a ceremony at Locarno’s Piazza Grande and will take part in an audience Q&A on Aug. 5. In his honor, Locarno will screen Good Evening, Mr. Wallenberg (1990), Kjell Grede’s period drama in which Skarsgard plays Raoul Wallenberg, the Swedish diplomat who saved thousands of Hungarian Jews during the final months of World War II. The festival will also screen What Remains, Ran Huang’s crime drama, co-written by his partner Megan Everett-Skarsgard, which features Skarsgard and one of his actor sons, Gustaf (Vikings, Oppenheimer). Huang and the Skarsgards will attend the Locarno screenings.
The 72-year-old has successfully balanced a career as a European art house star. He has made five films with Lars von Trier — including Breaking the Waves (1996), Dancer in the Dark (2000), Dogville (2003) and Melancholia (2011) — and five with Norwegian auteur Hans Petter Moland, such as In Order of Disappearance (2014) and Out Stealing Horses (2019). Skarsgard has also held supporting roles in Hollywood blockbusters, like Pirates of the Caribbean, Mamma Mia!, Thor and the Avengers movies. He played Baron Vladimir Harkonnen in Denis Villeneuve’s Dune, a role he will reprise in the upcoming Dune: Part Two. On the small screen, Skarsgard won the Golden Globe for best supporting actor in a miniseries in 2019 for his performance in HBO drama Chernobyl and recently starred in Tony Gilroy’s Star Wars spinoff Andor for Disney+.
“Stellan Skarsgard belongs to the tradition of European actors who have distinguished themselves between auteur cinema and Hollywood,” said Locarno artistic director Giona A. Nazzaro. “Endowed with a very powerful stage charisma, he has been able to make every role he has played unforgettable. Capable of reinventing his character according to the needs of the director and the script, he was able to inject his personality into films that were extremely different from each other.”
Locarno’s Leopard Club award is presented every year to an individual “whose work in the film industry has left its mark on the collective imagination.” Previous winners include Faye Dunaway, Mia Farrow, Adrien Brody, Meg Ryan, Hilary Swank and Daisy Edgar-Jones.
The 76th Locarno Film Festival runs Aug. 2 to 12. (Switzerland)
First photo via Deadline by ©Agnete-Brun. 2nd photo and text via The Hollywood Reporter (photo by Rachel Luna/Getty). Third photo is the poster for 'What Remains' found on IMDb.
Locarno Film Festival
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buqbite · 1 year
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Hiii guys I participated in a game jam this year :)
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mobiusmobiles · 2 years
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Hello Friends! Just in time for Halloween, it's our spookiest recap ever of the Freaks & Facades Ravenloft campaign! What will our band of beloved Freaks discover within the dark underbelly of this little mountain town!
Session Seven: What Remains has just dropped today! But if you want to read all the spooky sessions that came before, check out the blog link here! New story recaps every other Saturday!
Read on... At your own peril! Happy Spooky Month!
-- Love, @aboleth-eye
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knightofleo · 1 year
How To Dress Well | My Body Carmen Villain Rework
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healerinchief · 10 months
Exploring one of the dimensions at Meow Wolf in Denver.
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code-lab · 1 year
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Trouver l'inspiration et le ton
Ok alors, un peu de passif : avant que @frenchandfurious vienne me dire "j'ai encore envie de post apo puis TLOU arrive", on s'est amusée pendant 2/3 mois sur un projet de SF. Projet pour lequel j'avais déjà une maquette déjà bien avancée (que je posterais un jour). Donc faut me sortir un peu le nez des belles images spatiale et d'un thème sombre pour un univers désolé/abandonné.
Image pour une bannière ou un fond
Avant même de savoir sur quel genre graphique je vais partir, Margot me fait une collection d'image issu de Unsplash qui donneront le ton. On a toutes les deux la flemme de faire une bannière élaborée et moi je jure que par les design de forum avec une image simple.
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Idée de structure
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Après, on cherche des inspirations en web design. Moi je regarde ce qu'il se fait du côté de TLOU (UI du jeu, site concept...) et Margot plutôt du côté de Hunger Games, notamment du côté du studio Waston DG qui a toujours été une énoooorme source d'inspiration.
On se donne des indications et on dessine des trucs d'enfant de 8 ans qui découvrent l'anatomie du corps humain.
Il s'agit pas de copier exactement. C'est repérer des petits élément d'interface qui pourraient fonctionner sur Forumactif : une barre de lien rapide, boutons de connexion, PA, ...
Inspiration de forum
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Margot fait le tour des forums aussi, voir ce qu'il se fait, ce qui marche bien ou non, des idées à reprendre (on a pas pour ambition de réinventer la roue).
On fait attention de tout sauvegarder, au passage. Si une idée nous plait réellement, on veut pouvoir demander aux créateurs si c'est ok et créditer plus tard.
Style graphique
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De mon côté je précise mes idées. Je commence à accepter mon obsession pour le brutalisme et l'anti-design et par chance, c'est des styles qui irait très bien à un univers post-apo. Je veux à tout prix éviter de tomber dans le style grunge qui serait l'option facile mais veillotte.
Premières bases
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Je me fixe sur une image (celle-ci à un côté abstrait tout en évoquant la nature et une sorte de moisissure, très dans le thème). Je bidouille des trucs avec la seule idée en tête que je veux quelque chose d'épuré (par flemmardise).
L'album ENSWBL de Foals a un mood parfait pour le contexte alors je m'amuse avec le titre de l'album. Puis d'un coup, pendant qu'elle m'observe sur figma (on peut stalk les gens bosser sur ce truc, a bless and curse), Margot me dit "C'EST BIEN CA".
Jusqu'à la fin de la maquettage, la deuxième bannière sera celle utilisé 💀 non centré, pas travaillé, mais eh y a l'idée.
Et c'est assez pour commencer ce que je déteste le plus : les catégories.
A noter : je fais ça seulement pour partager mon processus de conception (un peu overkill et loin d'être parfait). J'essaye juste de désacralisé un peu l'idée qu'on se fait des designs et partager quelques pistes de réflexion ❤
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mushroomwarning · 4 months
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Some animations from 2023! I’m most proud of the Kirik smiling cuz he’s my child
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comfypixels · 1 year
I just noticed I had this video in my drafts. It makes sense why I never posted it. The way I recorded it (with that CRT filter no less) makes the quality piss poor. However I kinda like that, so I’m posting it now anyway!
This is footage from my work-in-progress Yume Nikki fangame. Specifically from an old version of a map that I’m just in the process of redoing actually! So this is video is already out-of-date, I suppose, but I still like to archive it here :) !
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