#what is with this loose threads????
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What in the actual... That's it? No mention of how the rest of the group faired? All that team building and it's just you and your LI of choice, completely ignoring the platonic bonds that formed in that ship???! No rewards from Danu? NOTHING???
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thatgirlonstage · 9 months
man the way Magnus entrusted his relic to Jack and June because they were good people with rustic hospitality and it turned an entire town into a place of betrayal and coups and distrust and finally an inescapably looping nightmare for years where death was perpetually an hour away and the way that the town was ultimately saved with kindness to animals through reuniting the purple worm with her children and the self-sacrifice of the town's self-appointed protector
and the way Merle's relic took love that had bloomed from rivalry and twisted it into a desperate need to prove oneself capable and better, to become unto a god, the way it drove Sloane to run away from everyone she cared about rather than reach out to them for help, and the way it was only stopped with peacemaking, with reaching back for her still when all hope seemed lost, with Hurley leaping headfirst into silverpoint knowing full well she would be killed but doing it because she cared about the person inside even at her worst, even when she was irredeemable, even when no one else would think to find anything human left in there at all
and the way Taako's relic was put to the use of science and exploration and used, for a while, successfully, but with too much greed, with too much selfishness, with too much focus on Maureen and Lucas's goals and too little trust of other people's word on how dangerous these relics are, the way it ultimately became the tool of a creature trying to claw its way back to the life and loved ones it knew and had lost, a creature that had long since lost its sense of self, that had merged with others just to survive, and the way familial love was necessary to stop it, the way Lucas got to his worst out of love of his mother and the desperation to do anything to get her back, the way he got brought back to his senses by that same love and the realization of how badly he'd failed her, the way he was still an untrustworthy dick at the end but they let him go anyway and he came back when it mattered
the way Lup's relic was locked away for a decade and ultimately uncovered and reactivated by Gundran's desperate desire to reclaim what once belonged to his family, the way it was not stopped, the way the loss of Phandalin haunts the narrative, a reminder of failure and of people the boys couldn't save
the way Davenport's relic gets caught up in a game of smoke and mirrors while on the harsh time limit of the end of a journey, the way part of Jenkins' ploy is that he seems utterly unthreatening, the way Hudson's death and the loss of his head in particular is practically collateral damage, the way the train could not be saved but this time the people were
the way Barry's relic is in the hands of two liches who are very obvious and intentional foils to him and Lup, but even more than that, the way it's so buried in the suffering of losing everything that makes you yourself, over and over and over and over and over, the way Wonderland is designed to make you eventually dependent on this cycle of loss just to stay alive, the way it's only beaten by changing the rules of the game
and of course the way Lucretia's relic stays glued to her side, the emblem and reason for her loneliness, isolating her in a bubble of her own making, until, of course, she lets her family back in, and as raw and painful a reunion as it is, as it has to be, because you can't stay safe from your mistakes forever, the seven of them together find the solution she could not find alone
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leohtttbriar · 6 months
sure ezri dax has other and more pressing issues to deal with in season 7 of ds9 but i just think it'd be more interesting if she was constantly dodging any and all news about the weird pyschosexual relationship between her mom and the bajoran president/pope
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pastafossa · 4 months
I’m not sure if this was asked already but now that daredevil born again ties into the netflix show are we gonna see it in trt?
So my plan now that we have confirmation that Born Again ties into Netflix is:
The main TRT fic will still 'finish' at its official point set a little bit post S3 of Daredevil, mostly because by that point it's going to be an absolute behemoth of a fic and needs to end before I break AO3's wordcount tab. That'll wrap up all our major plot points with Cyrus, Project Beagle fallout, etc.
Other entries planned: a Wedding fic, and the Snap fic (although I'm now planning to make a few rewrites to the canon one since we'll likely have confirmation on who got Snapped and who didn't).
After that, I'm considering a possible route for some additional stuff with whatever they have in Born Again, yes! I don't have anything official just yet because, well, we don't really know about what's going to happen, and so I'll have no idea just how much TRT's events would influence BA's canon events until I see it (there's a VERY big domino I'm tipping that might alter the landscape quite a bit based on where the MCU seems headed that I can't really give away just yet). But I do plan at the very least some TRT one-shots or short fics, even without seeing it, because how am I not going to want to continue exploring this world when they're about to feed me so much more inspo??? There's no way. So we'll have some additional adventures! They may just be a bit smaller and more manageable than TRT's mainline. <3
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autumn-trekking · 2 months
Handshakes as rebellion: Star Trek Discovery thoughts
So I’m watching Star Trek: Discovery (finally) and I just watched the episode where Sarek nearly dies and keeps going back to the moment Michael was supposed to be admitted to Vulcan Science Academy, and at the end she’s pushing to be more human and reintroduces herself to Ash Tyler with a handshake and a smile. Up until this point she’s been very no to handshakes cause Vulcan raised, and while it’s not logical, it is fun to imagine what her hand thought process is.
Star Trek loves to back track the Vulcan hand shit they built in, ya know to make Spock and Kirk less in love, but it’s there and Michael’s whole resistance/aversion to handshakes is so stark. Like you could argue she grew up with touch telepaths so it’s just polite to not touch hands, but touching hands is also an intimate thing (See Vulcan kisses) for Vulcans, that the mind tends to wander.
After learning her Dad (fuck you Sarek, blood or not, that’s your daughter you fuck ass) basically did a big betrayal, and then nearly let himself die rather than show her, AND LET HER THINK FOR YEARS THAT SHE LET HIM DOWN, one of the first things she does (after giving Sarek what I like to call, the oldest daughter shake down), is go talk to the new cute boy and offer to shake his hand again with a smile.
If we’re talking text that was definitely a rebellion for Michael. She’s shed some of her Vulcan conditioning because it doesn’t serve her healing process, she realizes now that her and Sarek were never going to live up to what the other wanted from them, and she’s embracing her humanity.
But if we’re just little gremlins for a second it looks like Michael went up to a cute boy and asked to make out after her dad almost died.
It’s fun to imagine, in a cracky sense, Michael holding hands with boys in her teens and Sarek finding out and giving lectures about propriety and shit. Amanda walks in from picking up Spock from school and the vibes are tense, Spock immediately knows whats up because he’s the one whose been keeping look out for Michael (idk if that’s accurate to them yet but I hope it is) when she sneaks off and meets with idk Salvir, the neighbors son who she really thinks is boring but has nice hands.
Amanda hears what the problem is tries not to laugh but truly thinks this is dumb, and can’t help but be brought back to her own dad chiding her about going around with that Vulcan boy (they were full grown adults, but still) and how it looks unseemly. And she says as much and Sarek goes green, and Michael and Spock are watching and he drops it. Michael doesn’t hold hands with Salvir anymore…she holds hands with Chu’lak, who lives two roads over and studies at home so Sarek never finds out.
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dr3amofagame · 5 months
hot take: las nevadas four does not queue up a c!q redemption arc. las nevadas five makes some interesting forays in the direction of comeuppance but fails to make the narrative link between that comeuppance and, ultimately, any change. the reason for this is because the prison arc is inadequately integrated into ln4 and ln5. (i'm writing an ln5 essay rn and this is my prompt for you to join me in hell)
i think people who think LN was heading towards a c!quackity redemption arc were tripping fr 😭 like it's not that i would oppose the idea of c!quackity like, even heading in a different direction. but he didn't? he literally didn't. his interactions with c!slime were never examples of c!quackity realizing the dark course he was taking and changing his ways--if anything, they were a reason to double down? he makes a literal slime army in LN5 like. a literal slime army.
i feel like it comes from this misconception that c!Quackity's whole deal revolves around how he ~cares~ for people, and when he felt betrayed and whatever by the fiances and such then his heart froze over and he went for ambition instead. and therefore learning to care for something can unfreeze his heart and make him good again, or something (<- oversimplified). but c!quackity's deal isn't that he closed his heart off to love? like c!quackity's issue is that he's terminally insecure and therefore kinda terminally self-centered--even in c!karlnapity, he was frequently portrayed as being insecure as hell about c!karlnap and preferred when the attention was on him. when c!karl was freaking the fuck out at him in LN4, his immediate reaction to c!karl like having literal memory loss was to scream at him.
all of this is way oversimplified for the record but it's like.
like, c!quackity and c!slime isn't about redemption as much as it is giving c!quackity an opportunity. and what we largely see, honestly, is c!quackity caring about c!slime...and also grooming him to be like, the successor of his country, seeing him as something malleable that he could use to create another version of himself. it's not that c!quackity was necessarily seeking to harm c!slime, but was he being manipulative? i mean, yeah???
and yeah, for sure, LN4 and especially LN5 heavily suffer from a lack of the prison being properly addressed. the prison and c!dream in specifics haunts c!quackity throughout the entirety of LN--any conclusion to this arc no matter what direction c!Quackity took needed a proper resolution to the prison imo ???
like i don't hate purpled's revenge quest, but bringing it back to purpled-quackity-slime Again in LN5 after the conclusion of LN4 made that all hit a lot less hard. i liked the c!punz scene tbh and i also liked c!dream's ditching las nevadas, but that also feels a lot less impactful when he had like, five lines and barely a confrontation (fuck the internet connection there FR). like, c!Quackity rejecting change isn't bad in itself, but it feels like later parts of las nevadas emphasize his decisions less in favor of what's done to him, and what's done to him doesn't feel enough like a consequence of his own actions. furthermore, so much about Las Nevadas and the Prison (the revive book in specifics) has everything to do with self-centered ambition moreso than revenge, and it feels like that in particular gets kinda poorly addressed? like, the deal with c!Purpled doesn't have to do with revenge, he's not really taking revenge on Purpled--he is, however, ambitious and doing everything that he thinks will make Las Nevadas Great, and the whole thing with him still continuing doggedly on LAS NEVADAS!! even after alluvthat is much more of a commentary on his relationship with power and ambition than on revenge.
this is kinda scattered (like the LN finale LMAO!) but yeah. las nevadas is literally created as a response to imprisoning c!dream, the beginning of this arc happens in parallel to the beginning of his visiting the prison, so having c!dream play as small as a role as he did in the latter two streams really ends up hurting the arc as a whole when so much emphasis had been on c!quackity and ... violence? both outside of the prison and inside it. having c!quackity come to terms with the fact that he does in fact suck fell kinda flat without properly addressing the ways that he actually does suck...? anyway yeah not the best essay kat dorry
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kang-yo-han · 4 months
what do you MEAN they did all that build-up with Bale only for him to NOT FUCKING APPEAR
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lethalhoopla · 1 year
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The new trailer has injected hype straight into my veins (rip everyone who is tired of Varric narrating trailers feat. Solas, but I'm a sucker for both) and the art is just gorgeous as always so I took screencaps - figured I'd share in case anyone else wanted them!
#dragon age#dragon age: dreadwolf#da:d#da4#solas#i'd tag varric but he's not *pictured* lol so#i went off in the tags of the cinematic i reblogged earlier but for REAL there's a lot of little things in this trailer that are new!!#i mean i'm not surprised it's not an 'official' game trailer lol they're almost certainly saving that for game awards this week#but- the symbolism with the 7 evanuris outside the circle rim (theorized previously but now confirmed & with symbols!)#the way the golden city turned black (also dope skull) - its been theorized that the gc/bc was elven related but!! this is a BIG lead#plus ppl have been noting it almost looks like there's a ship sailing away from the gc before it turns black/as it does so#in those swirling black patterns that 'root' out before the image changes-#so!! new theories re maybe the evanuris/remaining elves fled the gc? after corrupting it??? or otherwise Fucking Around and Finding Out#plus the final one! with solas and the er- bomb/spell to destroy the veil - the 4 (but possibly 5 it looks like ones clipped out)#semicircles representing the evanuris - and more importantly... the archdemons probably - bc 5 defeated archdemons.... out of ostensibly 7-#5 evanuris down (or more terrifyingly: 5 of their 'locks'?) (or or- 5 of their simply leaked Bad Vibes in Dragon Form) out of 7#somehow tying into this spell...?#solas (if ogb was a thing in ur playthrough) not only has mythal's energy but ogb's.... so many unanswered questions and loose threads#i and every other Lore Nerd are desperately trying to figure out what can be braided together with any reasonable effect lmao#regardless - gorgeous art is gorgeous hello new desktop bg
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ottosbigtop · 13 days
love wolf 359s character writing so much like it occupies my brain so often but it also makes it even more disappointing when looking at Maxwell. I suppose in the grand scheme of 7 characters you’re bound to end up neglecting some of them, but the sum of her parts really is not as strong as her parts individually.
like she’s a really compelling facet to Jacobi and Hera’s stories specifically, the impact she has on both of them and how they carry on in season 4 is really strong, and she’s got great interactions with other characters, yeah. But removing her from those interactions sort of leaves her free floating. I really don’t have much to say about her if it doesn’t involve the people around her so directly. And yeah characters relationships with each other are important aspects to stories, especially wolf, but you can still view the characters independently and find their separate narrative amidst the rest of the cast. I don’t really!! Feel like she has that!! Even within her relationship with Hera, which is incredibly narratively strong and a fucking great part of the podcast, it’s very much. Hera centric. That much is obvious. Aided by Maxwell and her drive and possibly her ego, sure, but. Idk. There’s not as much outward force that explains her motivations outside of Hera. Hell, we don’t even get as strong of a focus on what being with the SI-5 and under Kepler’s management means to her like we do with Jacobi.
idk. Shaking her around sorry about the events girl.
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angiestown · 27 days
idk if people on the engaging with fandom spaces website can relate to this but do you ever watch or play something so good by yourself and then you're like. shit I have to deal with having watched/played that by myself. I have nobody to share this with who would appreciate it
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buttfrovski · 8 months
had a nightmare that my cartman plush came out of the wash completely ruined and it felt like this
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antigone. jean anouilh.
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quotations from antigone: a tragedy by jean anouilh. translated by lewis galantière.
comic panels in order are from: battle for the cowl 3 (x3), batman annual 25, batman and robin 5, batman and robin 6, battle for the cowl 3, batman 416, battle for the cowl 3, battle for the cowl 2, batman annual 25, batman and robin 6, under the red hood, battle for the cowl 3 (x2), batman 427, lost days 5.
#jason todd#anyway mmmm still turning it over in my mind BUT#antigone + her sense of principle such that she's willing to take her confrontation with creon to its logical extreme#she knows he'll kill her & it's not that she welcomes it but there's that sense of fatality: she's more tied to the dead than the living#she's basically daring creon to have her excuted in the same way that jason is challenging bruce#jason demanding the mourning for his own corpse. antigone buries her brother but jason is the avenging unburied ghost#come to DEMAND burial. and yet he's also alive so he's also antigone who has a choice - or does he???#and then dick's got his own antigone side re:principle but in this fight he's sister ismene#ismene determined to stop antigone from getting herself killed but also angry with her#and feeling like if she would just LISTEN then she'd see that ismene is right and sensible and has all order on her side#to her everything that antigone wants sounds like chaos and the breakdown of order#and that mmm i feel like there's this consistent thread where we kinda dance around the question of well. /is/ jason suicidal#he puts a gun to his head. he lets go of the train. and yet back then as a kid he wanted to live so badly!#again like antigone who seems to be hurtling herself toward death and yet it's not really what she wants and yet and yet#anyway many thoughts still much confused but. we'll see.#my comic art but we are using the term ''art'' loosely#since it's literally just copy-pasted comic panels with. like. bad highlighting occasionally sfdsfds#dick grayson
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ratzmatazz · 4 months
I'm really bitter the only really fun big knit-a-long/knitting "competition" is harry potter themed,,,, I want to do themed monthly challenges whys it gotta be terf flavored D:
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arctic-hands · 3 months
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[Image Description: a small embroidery hoop that is securing a gauzy white fabric. In the hoop is a crudely cross-stitched black outline of an uneven heart shape. Within the heart, a little bit off center, is a Palestinian flag (three horizontal stripes of black, white, and green, with a red triangle facing right on the left). The right point of the red triangle ended up being uneven and off center, throwing off the balance of the stripes, leaving the green stripe noticeably thin at the bottom. End I.D]
Fuckity. I can live with the wonky heart (I can't even draw a heart without it looking wonky) and the slightly off center flag, but I didn't realize the triangle being uneven and how thin the green is until the literal end of the flag. I'm a rookie to cross-stitch and am unsure how it would look I embroidered red thread over the white and green to even it out, or to bulk up the green stripe by going into the white. Is there any way to salvage this or do I have to start over? I've been working on this for three weeks because my health keeps interrupting it.
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[Image Description: a closeup on the flag part, showing also that the bottom of the green stripe is a bit uneven. End I.D]
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umbrellacam · 1 year
drowning in Dick and Donna feels, NTT 38 is SUCH A JOURNEY
Wonder Twinssssss ;A;
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princeseerow · 6 months
i think i fucked up my first playthrough of pentiment....
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