#what is Joan’s and Cleo’s ship name?
Headcanon: Joan is a repressed lesbian. Sorry JoanFK shippers but in my heart I know this to be true
I hc Joan as bi since I ship her with Cleo, although I do like this hc that she is a repressed lesbian
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the-pobble-terrarium · 11 months
I think I am substantially mentally ill tonight
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suffice to say I like some of the designs more than others... clothes colors are hard to incorporate on cats raahh !!!!
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falllkitty1221 · 11 months
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wish they end ed up together in seaosn one 😢😢😢😢 #bipride
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raisinushigher · 1 year
hi im just gonna put my thoughts on every clone high ship i can think of here
jfgogh - i think its cute. i can definitely see jfk like uplifting gogh and him falling in love over like the most basic display of kindness and jfk just being like “haha woah there guy i didnt mean it like that” but then he realises he Does
gogh x gandhi - LOTS of mixed feelings on this one but it is pretty interesting truth be told. like, the way gogh didnt just sit back and take what gandhi did to him and instead retaliated, i like that, i like the thought of two tiny guys having the most unnecessarily intense rivalry ever, but i know that isn’t really the way the ship is portrayed often rather than wholesome stuff . you interpret ships however you want though
gfk i think is the name for it - im so sorry as a gandhabe connoisseur i know how annoying it is when people say this about a ship that absolutely entraps you but i think jfk and gandhi are more accurate together as just silly friends who see eachother like once a month. jfk casually brings up a girl hes dating (or rather just having sex with frequently) and gandhi is like wait what happened to the other one? like hes very out of the loop but he listens and they both hype eachother up a lot
ceasgogh, gogh x christo, ceaser x christo, whether it’s any of those seperately or polyamory - i love this one so very much for literally no reason. maybe its like a nostalgia thing cuz i remember people talking about them sometimes in 2020 and being like Aw that’s cute but idk something about them feels so like. objectively correct. like yep that’s the little background trio standing together in an episode as they should be
abefk i think - i like it!! even though it’s barely known apart from jokingly i really like the classic 2000s rivalry between a nice boy and an asshole jock thing that was going on between them before ponce’s death, i admit i miss their interactions. i miss how theyd refer to eachother with their last names. also the part in season 2 episode 6 where they both were recalling memories of the grassy knoll and abe went “i used to get food thrown at me” and jfk continued “i used to be the one throwing that food”. i like them
joanabe - i know this one is like barely a ship but i still need to talk about them badly. their friendship is so important to me. the way its always been them whether it’s joan crushing on abe or the other way around, they’re just so special to eachother in any and every way, and both struggle with the choice of helping the other or doing things that hurt the other but ultimately raise their chances of getting together. tbh im so interested in whats gonna happen with them in the finale, and in the next seasons bc i doubt their back and forth crush thing is gonna last the ENTIRE show like itll be getting a new sort of premise or main character focus which im excited for
joanfk - some of the fanart is absolutely adorable COUGH COUGH ORT SMORT COUG but its just not for me man. biggest two factors as to why i dislike it being how it overtook the fandom, and how to me they just never had any substance. they have a fun dynamic and the season 1 finale was sweet but idk it just never affected me that much. also bc i always knew it was gonna crash and burn. like that is not a stable couple as cute as it is sometimes. like at all. and im happy episode 7 finally addressed it
abe x cleo - again, not really a fondly talked about ship, but they are pretty dear to me. it’s the way cleo was clearly playing with abe at the start but actually saw the charm in him and was actually upset when he finally digested his feelings for joan… i really hope they’re gonna be good friends in the future bc episode 7 seemed to be sort of a start for that friendship and them learning to be ok around eachother after the finale…
joan x cleo - ive always been scared to talk about this one bc some people see them as sisters, which i Really dont. they never acted in a sisterly way at all, and the living together thing lasted for like what. one episode. so i doubt it had any affect on how they view their relationship. but again absolutely fair if it makes you uncomfortable for this reason! but yeah i do like them. very very good trope and there can be some really cute stuff done with them dynamic wise
gandhabe my heart and soul my romeo and juliet my sun and moon my red and blue - AUGHGGGGG MY ALL TIME FAVOURITE. EVER. IN THE WHOLE SHOW FOR EVER they just have such sweet interactions and everything they do they do with the other in mind and i want them to have an emotional reunion in the season 3 finale sO SHRGFRHRVRRRRR RR RBR R R R. RR R. sorry this is mostly incoherent screaming rather than actual words I just DUCIGJGN LVOE GANDHABEEEEE EEYEHEEE THEYRE END GAME!! THEY ARE END GAME WHETHER ITS AS FRIENDS OR ROMANTICALLY RHEY ARE THE ONES
ok now onto the ones involving the new gen clones
harriucius - i like them its the second het ship in the show ive ever actually liked!! they just both go so well in so many ways, they both have almost the exact same struggles and cope in similar ways, but harriet has more of a hands on attitude with her problems, while confucius tends to avoid things. im VERY interested in how their relationship will go and i dont really think anything’s gonna happen to them bc i cant picture the show pairing either of them up with anyone else (mostly confucius tbh 😭)
joanharriet - i WISH this one was more acknowledged by the fandom like i think its the least popular one at least involving the newbies.. can you tell im a sucker for ships that are literally just two close friends who love eachother more than anything. lol. when i think of them i think of episode 5 which makes me extremely happy. like look me in the eyes and tell me that was not an absolutely beautiful wonderfully wrapped episode
johnfucius - gonna be honest i dont like this one. i know this is a really rich thing to say while talking about clone high season 2 but it just felt rushed, and especially with how they barely did anything after sleepover. like they were literally crying both of them being like OMG I FINALLY HAVE A FRIEND!! and then they proceed to have the most stale interactions with the most notable one being in the next episode and it’s literally just confucius encouraging jfk to avoid his problems like he does. not really good. but again if you enjoy them all the power to you, im happy you found something you like that hasn’t been ruined and seems pretty docile and chill compared to all the other ones :o) it’s very much a mostly fandom based ship
kahlopatra - BEAUTIFUL. BEAUTIFUL. I HAVE NO WORDS JUST BEAUTIFUL. there definitely was a lack of suspense like based off the intro and the slight buildup throughout the series BUT that literally doesn’t matter. out of every canon couple they are the absolute cutest im obsessed with the effect they have on eachother. especially on cleos side of things like ahhh!!!! she found someone she actually connects to genuinely!!!! i am so happy for her!!!!!!
tophucius - not much about this one its just pretty fun and silly . i feel bad for the people who thought something big was gonna be going on w them but the small details peppered in about them in sleepover were nice. i always liked how when confucius saw that topher typed your instead of you’re, he went “i thought so” like to me that confirms they do this all the time and they know it’s them. also really funny to imagine them being sworn enemies online but when they actually see eachother in school theyre Like oh shit hey man what’s up! hope youre well! like not even through gritted teeth or anything they’re just so chill irl for no reason
abetoph - Sigh i sure did save this one for last. while im a lot less comfortable with it now i still love thinking of them pre episode 8 and i do think their relationship is just ever so slightly more interesting now with the added double crossing n shit added to it. but im also sad they’ll never be the way they were may 24th to june 14th again . that specific time period of them is so comforting to me for no reason, all the memes and running jokes in the fandom involving them, all the wholesome fan work of them sleeping in tophers bed, watching stuff on tophers computer together, abe being tophers voice of the reason and the one person he actually likes, it’s just so … man. We Could Have Had It All. i love them for ever.
thank you so much for listening
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jfkonfucius · 9 months
What if JFK is arospec. Cuz he seems to struggle a lot with romance stuff
I tried to rotate this in my brain... And JFK is kind of an anomaly when it comes to romantic attraction
One thing is clear though - his romantic and physical attraction are not necessarily tied to each other
All romantic attractions he has are also physical, but not all physical attractions he has are romantic
Before I started looking up pictures for this post, I was about to mention how I interpreted JFK not to have many feelings for Cleo, as I don't have S1 ingrained in my head as much as S2, it seemed like it was no big deal in comparison to what he acts like around Joan
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But then I saw him cry over it and claim she was "the first girl that gave him feelings",
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And claim that he's been a broken man since he broke up with Cleo... In the following shot:
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(followed by "Hey let's all go swimming in my pool!") (and by swimming in his pool, he means-) (...his words. Not mine) (King of subtlety)
Despite getting distracted with other girls, he still desperately tries to get back with Cleo
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He fails at it. But that saga is over upon JFK getting distracted by a special "guy". Resulting in what seems like him completely forgetting he has ever had feelings for Cleo
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In S2, we see a similar pattern, Joan is on his mind a lot and seems to be his main focus
Big gestures like getting a heavy necklace made for Joan with their ship name (bitches help), being in absolute TERROR and running away from Joan for an entire episode because Confucius suggested that Joan's "we need to talk" might mean "we're breaking up" (to then attempting to sacrifice himself to the Heebie Jeebie because he'd rather die than not be with Joan), to hosting an entire funeral for his relationship because he got dumped...
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Boy's not well
BUT EVEN THEN. Despite his romantic obsession with Joan, he still managed to secretly kiss Harriet during the relationship, and go have "things and stuff" with other women not very long after breaking up
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(even though he's still clearly in love with Joan. He showed hints in the last episode as well!)
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SO. We have a general idea of how our guy works: gets very attached (center of his world kind of attached) to who he's dating and keeps on loving them/trying to get back with them after they break up, all while getting physical with whoever (sometimes even unfaithfully)
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Arospec? At this point, I doubt it
Codependent? I rest my case
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cutepastelstarsalior · 4 months
My thoughts on Clone high season 3…part 2
Episode 6
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Hooray!!! Yippie!!!! JFK’s dads aren’t dead!!!!! Thank god
Abe and Mary calling each other babe and baby; cringe but in a so annoying cute way. Joan calling Confusies babe? Hmmm :/ 😬. Oh wow, I just realize that this is the second time (2) he’s been in a relationship. Wow!!
Omg serial killer episode.
Anna x Sacagawea 👀 👀 it’s cool to see which background clone and dating or kissing with other clones. (Cathrine x Anna x Sacagawea poly ship 👀 what if…)
Confucius and Joan not telling Harriet…cheating stuff!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh frustrating.
Killer cannibalism Mr b <3
Oh, I likes how they reconnect and semi work out their problems.
Yoooo Vince with 2 dads!!!
Episode 7
Abe and Joan sitting at their windowsill and talking is really dorky and cute!!
Then gang (mostly Joan) wants to befriend Mary and have her fit in!!! Yay!!!! Hope this goes well.
Cinnamon hasn’t made any new clones since 2012 👀
Mary not letting Abe see Joan anymore 🚩🚩🚩🚩 major red flag
There only like, 2 famous serial killers name Mary. So my guess she’s base off Mary Ann Cotton.
BLOODY MARY?????? (Didn’t she escape her mirror in season 2?) OH SHE BASE OFF OF MARY I THE FIRST WIFE OF KING HENRY
THAT IS NOT HOW THE LEGEND GOES. Ok before the modern Bloody Mary, a young women would walk up the stairs with a candle, backwards while holding a mirror. When she looks in the mirror she’s either see a face of her husband, OR a skull of the Grimm Reaper. In modern day, people turn off the lights and say her name with or without a candle. In modern time Mary is seen a a demon, witch, ghost (friendly or not) or covered in blood. The victims usually end up having their eyes scratched out, strangled, or having their blood drained out or souls stolen.
The only folklore I can find that resembles steals souls via sex is a Succubus. But they can’t hurt or drain their victims when they have sex.
The gang fighting skeletons!!!! :)
JFK offering to have sec with Abe…👀👀👀
Episode 8
Frida dad is a dilf. There I said it.
But yay!!!!!!! Seeing the clone high parents!!!!!!!! Yes!
I wish Frida’s dad was my dad :(
Oh hey Cleo’s mom is also alive!!!
Mr Kim I love you. He care so much about Frida!!
🎶makeover!! makeover!!🎶
:( awww Cleo and Frida broke up.
Episode 9
This friend group has major up and down problems….
Whoo Cinnamon lore!!
Omg lesbian genderbend common!!!
Episode 10
So if there is going to be a season 4, would it be about the characters doing the Cloney Island in the summer?
:( kind of wish the Joan of Arc and her foster mom plot would have been picked up…
Slaughter…Slaughterhouse cleanup??
Oh dang Abe can throw an ax!!
:( jfk feels objectified….cleo kind of does too :(
Abe and Joan getting together? Might to?? Eh, I don’t mind
Oh, guess Harriet and jfk are a thing now? Eh, ok I guess??
….cant somebody just carry Abe??
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riddlerfrog · 1 year
man rants about clone high:
cleo and frida together? peak. fantastic writing. love it. enjoying. i saw the build up. went oo they homos. AND THEN THEY WERE! ill give that to the writers. tho i wish we got more of cleo in general.
joanfk on the other hand. WHAT DID THEY DO TO THEM. BOTH OF THEM. AS A UNIT. AS INDIVIDUALS. they mangled joan. they flanderized(?) jfk. they are both just not who they were in the original show. upset. and then they kicked its fans in the balls and as they got back up beat them with metal bats, folding chairs and then shot them with the barrette 50. cal in that order. harriet and confucius. erm. they r ok. i mean they work fine. this ship feels more like a containment unit for the terrible clones. i did not like either of them very much. but they are ok. they r fine. meh. the pair is fine. good enough build up ig. i dont like either of the clones particularly
other people: abe and topher (the freak) abe is fine. i didnt like him much then. i dont like him much now. was funny when he was cleofied. also lmao now its like that song "now i know how joan of arc felt". due to his character changes he would no longer listen to the smiths but still. bigmouth (song name) moment topher. idk if i wanna beat him nicely or just beat him. stupidest character ever. he is probably straight but it would also be so so funny if he was a mega fag for abe (cause him liking joan is weird. he would be better liking anyone else probably.) i like the new lady principal. she slays. why is the old one suddenly not a fag. why did they do that. thats all for now
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boyfriend-kisser · 3 years
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Guess who just realised they have comfort ships.
Anyway I want to draw them on a double date so bad. Idk why, none of them would get along lmaoo
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fairymadnessyeah · 3 years
Clone High
I rewatched Clone High today, after finishing a fic, and it gave me an idea for a second season, or a reboot season, if it ever happens. Warning: this will have JoanFK shipping in it.
So, in this season, everything is almost the same as the first one. The names of the episodes and what they are about, is all basically the same, except: all the students have a weird sense of deja vu. For example: when the students talk about something that happened last year, they get confused, and they all remember something cold, but they can’t put their finger on it. Mostly they shrug it off. However, feelings don’t disappear, so... Abe is a little more aware of Joan, Cleo wants Abe more, Joan is more hopeless about Abe and developing a weird crush on Kennedy, and JFK the same.
Episode 1
Things go pretty much the same.
The hotline happens, JFK’s ultimatum, and Abe wanting to get Cleo.
But this time, Abe get real alcohol. He vaguely remembers failing to do so before, so he somehow gets real alcohol.
The party goes pretty much the same, and Joan tells Cleo to get with Abe.
But this time, when JFK offers her a drink, she accepts it with the idea to forget this night. She gets a bit tipsy though, and ends up making out with JFK.
The police come, but they take Abe and Gandhi. Joan was nowhere to be seen, since she was making out with JFK at the moment.
Principal Scudworth and Mr. Butlertron crash the party, but only to see what effect would the alcohol make in the clones. 
The fact that the clones lost a year is supposed to be a mystery.
Episode 2
This episode is almost the same.
Except that when Abe takes the sponsor, the brand goes: “Didn’t that kid look familiar? I feel like I have seen him before...”
Joan still goes to JFK, and he is more like: “I uh see you are back for more,”
The episode still continues the same, but at the end, Joan and JFK are seen talking.
“We will never speak about what happend at your party ever again,”
“Why uh not?”
“Because it’s never going to happen again,”
Next scene, both of them come out of a the school with their hair and clothes messed up, and lipstick all over their mouths.
Episode 3
The episode goes the same, but Joan doesn’t end like a speaker.
She instead goes to the Grassy Knol to sorrow in her embarrassment.
Marie Antoinette helps her a little. She tells her that she isn’t confused about her future or her past, but she is confused about her present. 
Also, Scudworth is there to see what the clones remember from the past year. He is happy to find out they don’t remember much.
Episode 4
So, the school film festival, and pretty much is all the same.
Except, Joan’s entry is about her confusion between JFK and Abe.
Lincoln doesn’t get it, but Kennedy does.
Joan, who is tired of Abe’s bullshit, enters a friends with benefits agreements with JFK. He can still be a player, and acts as her stress reliever, or rebound fuck.
Also, Scudworth gets visited by some ministers. They were in charge of the secret board of shadowy figures. They haven’t heard from them in a while, and they are suspicious. Butlertron saves the day, again.
Episode 5
The PJXTs come around and things go like the Episode did.
Except for a moment a moment in which JFK calls Joan ‘Dolphin Tat’. 
Episode 6
So, Joan’s learns about the team not allowing girls or animals on the team by JFK, on one of their meetings. 
She still dotes her incredible disguise, and Cleo still hits on her.
The episode finishes with JFK realizing he is not into guys, he is simply into Joan. He likes her.
Episode 7
Again, the episode goes like the original. But at the end, we see Joan go back to JFK for comfort.
Episode 8
Joan becomes homeless, and moves in with Cleo. They don’t get along, but it’s not as bad, because Joan is moving on from Abe.
Cleo does find out about them, when Joan sneaks out and comes back smelling like JFK’s perfume. She plans on telling the whole school, and things get ugly.
They start fighting, until Joan threatens to publish Cleo’s puberty pictures on the school’s newspaper. They kind of form a truce.
Meanwhile, JFK and Gandhi also fight. Gandhi wants to go spy on the girls, but JFK stops him. Only he get to stare at Joan in a girl on girl action.
Episode 9
This is the episode that completely changes. Not because I don’t like the episode, but because I love it too much to change it.
The episode is still a musical.
Fritz Habers clone (the inventor of the mustard gas) gave out cards that had a mysterius dust in it. It was supposed to be a prank, with the dust making them stink, but something else happened.
The people who opened the cards, started acting like love-sick fools. A few were saved. Gandhi, cause Fritz thinks he already smelled bad. Abe, cause his neck is too long and he didn’t get to smell it. And Cleo, cause Fritz thought he might get with her, if he was the only good smelling dude.
The dust works as a watered-down sex-pollen. It might make you horny, but not to the extent of stripping in the middle of a crowd to have sex. And it makes you blind to everything else but that person.
The first song is the group seeing the student under the dust for the first time. Thing of ‘What’s this?’ from Nightmare Before Christmas, but with love themes. 
What’s this? What’s this? There’s smooshing everywhere.
Fritz finds the group that hadn’t been contaminated, and he explains what happened. They search for a way to create an antidote, and they find a journal that might have the answer, but it’s in french.
They start looking for Joan, who Abe knows hasn’t opened the letter yet. Here come the second song. It’s a version of ‘If you seek Amy’ by Britney Spears.
Oh, oh; Tell me, have you seen her?; Cause we, oh, oh; Don’t know how to speak French!
By the end of the song they find her, she is opening the card. There is a whole slow-motion montage as the dust hits her and the others go: NOOO.
Joan blinks for a few seconds, then looks back at the group, and the next song comes. It’s ‘Girlfriend’ by Avril Lavigne, but instead of saying Girlfriend, it says GirlfriendS. And for a while, they think she is singing it to Abe. But when she is in front of him, she pushes Abe aside, and runs to JFK that was behind them.
I also like to think that the rest of the people around are dancing and doing the chorus every time there is a song.
We cut to Principal Scrubworth, who is looking at all of this from his office. He also sings a song, ‘Crazy=Genius’ by P!ATD. 
While he sings, he dances around his matchines.
Then we go back to the crew who are at the Grassy Knol sad, while the other are all around being happy. Then, Marie Antoinette comes and translates the journal.
The next day, the students come into the school. The last song happens, it’s ‘Walking on sunshine’ by Katrina & the Waves. By the end of the song, the fire alarm goes off, and the sprinkles wet everybody with the antidote.
When they snap out of it, Joan and JFK are embracing. She notices how everybody is staring, and decks him, before leaving.
They break off their arrangement, bc everybody knows now.
Also, Fritz is taken to the frezzer by Principal Scrubworth.
Episode 10
We see Ponce trying to cheer up JFK since Joan rejected him, but he still dies.
I would find it funny if this is a recurring joke. That ponce dies every season, and after a while it becomes a thing of, ‘has he died yet? this is the longest he’s gone- oh no, forget it, he died,’
JFK mourns him. Joan has been avoidig him since the dust incident, so he goes to the other perso he once had for comfort, Cleo.
Abe is mad. He is more annoyed at JFK in here, bc he thinks that he took advantage of Joan. He is actually jealous.
The episode continues the same way, except for the end.
When Abe goes to console him, Joan is already there. He starts feeling something in hid chest.
Episode 11
So, Snowflake day comes. Joan doen’t like the holiday, and Abe needs to get an expensive gift for Cleo.
JFK tries to show Joan how good Snowflake day is, and they go all around town doing things.
JFK is trying to win her over, but Joan is still confused. She likes Kennedy, but she also likes Abe.
She understands the meaning of Snowflake day by the end of the episode, with the help of a trashy celebrity. Maybe a Kardashian?
And she also gets a gift from JFK that he made himself. Since she doesn’t like the consumerism of the holiday.
Abe, on that regard, instead of buying Cleo an expensive gift, he buys her a gift with some extra cash he had. The rest of his money went to buy an expensive gift for Joan. He saw it and thought of her.
It’s nice, but Joan likes JFK’s gift more. Cleo is pissed.
Episode 12
Abe is in thin ice. He has to do an extraordinary promposal to Cleo, but he can’t stop thinking about how Joan has nobody to go with.
The only one who asked her was JFK, and she is thinking about accepting.
He tries to help her get a date for prom, one that isn’t Kennedy.
They go through multiple makeovers, but in the end, Cleo takes matters into her own hands.
If she gets Joan to go with somebody else, then she gets her promposal from Abe and she wins. 
She gives her the same makeover from before, and asks Napoleon to take her.
When Abe sees her, he realizes he might have feelings for her. But she is with Napoleon, so he respects that, It’s better than JFK.
Episode 13
Abe makes his Promposal, and Cleo accepts.
JFK tries to asks Joan again, but before he can, Napoleon interrupts.
They go to prom, and Joan is clearly not having a good time. She isn’t acting like a giggly vapid slut in here, but it’s clear she is not happy.
JFK sees her sad, so he goes to talk to her. She tells him that she misses him, and that she would have accepted his invitation.
Abe sees them talking and tries to stop it, but Cloe jumps him, promising sex.
He leaves with her, but the only thing he can see is Joan.
Meanwhile, Joan got rid of her makeover, and is talking with JFK. He compliments her, telling her he doesn’t need a makeover, and the two kiss.
They agree to be boyfriend and girlfriend, and they go to dance.
Abe come looking for her sees them, but becomes dramatic, and gives a speech about locking himself in the frezzer, to forget all about this.
When he goes to do that, however, he unfrezzes the secret board of shadowy figures.
The season ends there
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I know JoanFK is the hot thing rn but honestly the Abe/Gandhi/JFK polycule would be INSANE and I’m here for it.
Honestly, I am all for it!
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