#what a precious little hockey baby
wollerjoseph · 4 months
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baby leaf first star (1g, 2a) again😍🫶
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cowboybarzy · 4 months
unexpected with baby’s first all star game? 🥹
loving the baby myla requests!! I have another one coming soon!!!
wc: 1.1k
cw: mentions of sex, lowkey hating on Justin Bieber (sorry not sorry), babies
part of the unexpected series
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"How much do you want to bet Mat is going to change his wallpaper from Myla to that picture of him and Justin hugging?," Liana asked you as you walked back to your hotel after the NHL All Star Draft. Mat got elected to play for team Matthews, which Justin Bieber was the coach for. And Mat was a big fan of his. He hadn't shut up about him being there for days and contemplated for weeks about what he'd say to him if he met him.
"He better not," you replied, kissing your daughter's head who was fast asleep in her carrier. "$50."
She laughed and accepted the bet. At the hotel, you put Myla to bed, who would be spending the night with her grandparents while you, Liana, and Mat spent the night at the after party.
"There he is." Mat's eyes lit up in excitement when he saw you and threw his arms around you, kissing your cheek with a lot of force.
"I'm on his fucking team," Mat yelled over the loud music, his arms still tight around your middle as he lifted you in the air. You shook your head with laughter and embraced the kiss he pressed to your lips.
The night consisted of some good music, some fun people, and you and Mat enjoying a rare night out. And Mat showed how much he loved that time with you, as he never let go of you. Not once did his hand leave your back, your hand, your shoulder, whichever body part he was holding on to, not to go get a drink, to chat with his friends, and definitely not when he pulled you into a dance. That high continued throughout the night and into the very early morning. You couldn't waste those precious moments the two of you had alone and in a fancy hotel room like this one the NHL had set you up in, oh things got spicy.
But as much as you had loved spending the night enjoying jut each others company, you were both over the moon when you picked Myla up from her grandparents' room the next morning and brought her back to your bed for a slow morning before Mat had to get back hockey.
"Hi, baby girl." Mat's morning voice was deep and raspy and made you want to bring your baby right back to her grandparents to slip back under the covers with him. But cuddling with your baby under the sheets was a different kind of satisfaction that you loved just as much.
Mat pressed kissed to her cheeks that had gotten a lot chubbier when she started eating solid food a couple of months ago, making her laugh uncontrollably. She loved to eat. Anything you cooked her she'd eat. And tons of it. Just like her dad. But you were also still breastfeeding her, a sweet bonding moment for the two of you.
The room service Mat had ordered while you were off getting Myla came soon after while you were feeding her, so Mat set up the trays for you in bed. Though eating breakfast in bed with an 8 months old turned out to be more of a hassle than the slow morning you'd envisioned. She was crawling all over the huge bed, trying to throw herself off the mattress every couple of minutes or getting her little fingers in your food, dirtying the sheets. But you live and you learn and you definitely learned that what had once been your favorite way to spend the morning may have to be delayed until she was older.
"Here, do you want some avocado?" You handed your daughter a slice of avocado which you picked from your toast, when Mat finally pulled her into his lap. She accepted gladly, shoving it into her mouth. As you continued eating, you watched Mat interact with Myla, who was making silly faces and noises to make her laugh. But he was the one to laugh when she held up that chewed up piece of avocado to his lips. He made a disgusted face, but he could resist her offer of sharing and bit off a piece of the slice, swallowing quickly.
The rest of the morning was over a lot sooner than you wanted and before you knew it Mat was back at the rink and you barely saw him for the rest of the day. You cheered him on during the skills competition for as long as you could before Myla was over it and you took her back to the hotel room.
The next day was basically a repeat of the previous day, only really seeing Mat when he got back from the game. He slipped under the sheets with you, gladly letting you congratulate him for the amazing weekend he had.
When you were cuddling watching TV a bit later and Mat reached for his phone, something caught your eye. "Mathew." You practically ripped his phone out of his hands and locked it to inspect his lock screen. Your jaw dropped in disbelief and you jumped to your knees. "Mathew!"
"What?," he asked confused then yelped when you lightly slapped his naked chest. He threw his arms up in confusion, so you turned the phone around to face him to show him his lock screen. You could not believe it. You couldn't believe that he had actually changed his wallpaper from a sweet picture of baby Myla to one of him and Justin Bieber.
"What?," he asked again, but this time grinning. "So cool, right?"
"No! You abandoned your daughter for him?" Needless to say you weren't Justin's biggest fan. His music was alright but as a person you weren't a fan of him.
"I did not abandon her! You're so dramatic." He rolled his eyes laughing at you and took his phone back. "It's just a picture and I'll change it back in a few days."
"You better pay me those $50," you said pointing at him, before laying back down beside him.
"What $50?"
"Liana bet me $50 that that is exactly what you would do. That you'd change your wallpaper to that picture. But I had faith in you!" Mat laughed beside you, then pressed a kiss to your cheek.
"You're so dramatic," he chuckled. "I'll change it back."
Once you felt like he'd kissed and sweet talked you enough to make up for it, you grabbed your phone to tamed Liana.
You: I owe you $50
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colourstreakgryffin · 3 months
Hi I’m the anon who submitted the ‘Hi! I hope you’re having a good day, I was wondering if you could do a platonic fanfic with parental Husk and Angel dust with a teen reader who tries to sneak out to prove their ‘adult’ enough to go out on their own. Maybe they get caught w a secret S/O 🤔’ ask and to answer your question I think a Huskerdust parental duo would be killer, thanks!
Hmmm… okaaay! That can work! This is my first Angel Dust writing as well! Let’s just pretend HuskerDust isn’t built on sexual harassment and that these two get married after a healthy relationship— just a little AU for a, could be, cute couple… if it’s handled better! Also, sorry… this is kinda short
Husk and Angel Dust- Growing Up
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Before anything starts. Let’s establish how these two gay dads treat their adoptive teenage child!
Husk is a doting and caring but also strict and wise father. He gives off the most brutal but truthful advice and reality facts. He is a loving parent and won’t tolerate his child being mistreated or bullied so you can always turn to him when upset or in need for help, he is emotionally intelligent and protective after all
Angel, on the other hand, is the most affectionate and mindful father you’ll ever meet and have. He isn’t the one to deal out the punishments, he’s the fun one. Playing with his child, giving them unconditional love, support and encouragement but he is also quite protective. He will come running at the drop of a hat
Whilst both Husk and Angel encourage their kid to be independent and not rely so much on them, they aren’t a fan of letting you out on your own. You are still fifteen and therefore, completely vulnerable to this nightmarish hellfire realm called H E double hockey sticks
However, you’re determined to prove to both of your dads that you’re capable of defending yourself and be an adult so you’ve been recently sneaking out of your home and going around Pentagram City. On your own, no protective powerful Overlord father or protective infamous actor father
You’ve been doing it for weeks now. Going behind your dads’ back to prove to yourself, then to anybody, your complete and utter independence… but of course, all good things must end
And both of your dads had caught you escaping the house through the window and your beloved partner, a demon you fell in love with and begun dating in secret, just waiting in the backyard of your home whilst you climb out
Husk is very annoyed and ordering you to explain yourself, not at all happy with what you’ve done whilst Angel is dragging you off the windowsill and is resisting the urge to cry since his heart is broken
Your dads fend off your lover, not wanting to deal with them at this moment whilst they are trying to scold their child for doing this… and yes. This causes a big old fight with your parents. You just wanted to prove that you can handle yourself whilst your dads aren’t happy that you did something so reckless and harmful to yourself
Husk takes a bit longer to own up to his accident. Making you cry and angrily go to bed. You’re nearly a legal adult and they are shackling you… Angel can sense how you feel and immediately apologies for his lashout and tries to encourage his husband to do the same thing
When they do. They talk to you, accepting and encouraging, to try make a compromise inbetween you wanting to go outside at night to have fun with your lover, and talking to them and informing them about your location so you three will be happy
Husk lays down the must text them rule with this accommodation himself and his husband have made for you, their precious baby, that you must follow this at all causes whilst Angel is actually excited about you going to have fun on your own but begs you to inform either himself or his husband if anything bad happens to you
They just love you… please. Give them a break, they’ll try their best to let you do whatever you want on your own… as long as they know you’re okay
“Heartthrob. Do you have your present for your partner? Yes? That’s good. When you get to the party, text me or your father so we know you’re okay. That’s all we ask now. Here, let me finish rolling you up before you go”
“Fluffball! Fluffball! Fluffball! Aww! You look so precious! You’ll blow the competition off the dancefloor and you’ll make that partner of yours’ jaw drop! Make sure to shoot me or your dad a text when you’re there, ‘kay?“
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hughes86-43 · 2 months
precious | N.Hischier
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summary - someone special gets to do the starting line up!
warnings - none!
note - i’m planning on doing a part two since I just got another idea for something cute
As you got your daughter, Amelia, ready for the Devils game tonight, you couldn’t help but feel an overwhelming amount of happiness. Tonight, she was going to be in the locker room delivering the starting line up to the team. Amelia was selected since it was her dad’s 1000th hockey game tonight, and Nico was beyond excited that his daughter was going to be doing the lineup as he had been waiting for this moment ever since she was born.
You finished getting her ready in her adorable Nico jersey paired with adorable red bows in her hair. You could always tell she was happier when she got to wear her jersey with her daddy’s name on it. You let her go play, she went running to find her mini sticks, while you went to get ready for the game yourself. Deciding on your jersey as well, paired with your wag jacket, as well as dark denim jeans, you went back down the hall to find her.
“Okay, Amel! Are we ready to go?” She instantly dropped her mini sticks and came running at you, jumping up and down on her toes out of excitement. “Hold up, we can’t leave without shoes, please hurry and put them on!” As she went down the hall, you got her snacks and other essentials ready in the bag.
Finally arriving at the arena, you and Amelia greet the staff that Nico told you to find to allow them to take you to the locker room. The staff member tells you all about how the night will go down. You probably only understood about half of it since you had an inpatient little girl tugging at your arm who couldn’t wait to see her dad and his teammates.
They told you to wait in the hall real quick before going in as the coach was announcing who was going to do the lineup. You knew that they were also filming the whole night to be included in a video for Nico later on. As soon as Amelia was about to lose it over being impatient, they finally allowed you two to go in.
“Tonight, we have a very special guest, who we all know! She’s going to be just like her dad, I can feel it, so let’s give it up for Amelia Hischier as she’s going to be giving the lineup!” You two finally walk through the doorway, Amelia holding super tight on to your finger as you guide her in.
They hand you the paper so you can whisper the names into her ear. You put your bag down beside you as you lean down closer to her level. You look up to find Nico almost in tears at the sight, and you give him a smile and a wink.
“Okay, baby, you got this, just repeat what I say to you,” you whisper into her ear. You whisper to tell her to say it out loud, “Okay, boys, big night tonight, especially for dad! So let’s go out there and do good!”
You wait for her to say it, but all of a sudden she’s nervous. “It’s okay, baby, we know all these guys, see? There’s Jack” He waves. “There’s Timo.” He smiles. “And there’s daddy!” Nico blows her a kiss, and she quickly accepts it before nodding that she’s ready.
She speaks as loud as she can, “Okay, boys! Big night, especially for daddy! Let’s go out there and do good!” The whole room gives a quick clap before she begins calling off names.
You whisper each name into her ear as she calls them off. She’s shouting, but she’s doing such a good job. Finally getting to Nico’s name, she finds her dad and gives him a smile, Nico practically loses it at that. “And my dad, number 13, Nico Hischier!”
As soon as she shouts it, she’s loose from your grip and running for Nico. He says excitedly as she jumps into his arms, “Good job baby, you did so good!” He gives her a quick squeeze and lets her down, “Go give the guys high fives before you leave! You did so good!”
You walk over to him and give him the biggest hug ever. “So proud of you, we both are! She was nervous, but so happy to do it! Now, go kill it!” He gives you a final tight squeeze before you have to leave the room.
You walk over to Amelia as she’s giving the final high fives to the coaching staff. Before you can walk out of the room, you hear Jack shout from behind you. “Hey! You can’t walk out without giving all of us high fives as well!” You look at the head of the coaching staff, as you know there is a time crunch, and he gives you a nod to go ahead.
You go down the line of every guy, each either giving a high five or a fist bump and saying how proud they are of Amelia and how they’re glad you’re here tonight. You finish back with the coaching staff, and then reach down to pick up Amelia, who wraps her arms around your neck. You smile once more at Nico before turning and leaving. Before you reach the door, Amelia is turning in your hold to look back at the team. She shouts once again, “You guys better win! Good luck daddy!” The only thing you could hear as you turn to go down the hallway was laughter from the locker room.
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starsandhughes · 9 months
Penalty Box Series— Luke’s Birthday Edition
22-23 Season/Summer Masterlist
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liked by lhughes_06, jackhughes, and 12,436 others
yourusername my baby brother isn’t so baby anymore 😭 happy 20th birthday, lukey moosey! you’ve accomplished so much in your 20 years on this floating rock we call home (your biggest accomplishment is naming me sissy obviously… definitely not your career…) and i can’t wait to see what life brings you next <3 you’re gonna pop off so hard this season! pls don’t get many penalties because my job is hard enough with tweedle dumbass and tweedle bumblefuck!
p.s. the first photo is of me at 6 and lukey moosey (or apparently “rusty” now) (but not to me) at 3 during the few months that he’s 3 years younger than jack and i! he instantly grew and became taller than me 0.2 seconds after this was taken, so i cherish it deeply🫶
happy birthday, baby boy precious pants❤️ i love you!
tagged lhughes_06
view all 173 comments
lhughes_06 thank you, little miss shorty sissy boo boo! i love you, too!
yourusername break your back so i can give you a forehead kiss!!
lhughes_06 i have a career i’d rather not ruin
yourusername i leave the love of my life to see you yet it’s like you don’t even love me anymore… somebody got grouchy in their 20s… i’m selling you on the black market
jackhughes @/yourusername they’ll just ship him back
yourusername @/jackhughes i’ll get a no return policy
jackhughes @/yourusername what if they just set him loose????
yourusername @/jackhughes that sounds like a future luke problem
lhughes_06 @_quinnhughes if sissy sells me on the black market will you buy me?
yourusername @_quinnhughes BEST FRIEND CONTRACT
_quinnhughes @/lhughes_06 learn boy scout tricks and pray
user7 don’t talk to me i’m so emo over luke turning 20😭 happy birthday!
trevorzegras @_quinnhughes dibs on tweedle bumblefuck (HAPPY BIRTHDAY LUKEY BOY!! GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR NEW OWNERS!! @/lhughes_06)
lhughes_06 thank you! as a present can you convince your fiancée to not sell me?
trevorzegras @/lhughes_06 she’ll give me a penalty and stand guard outside the bathroom until it’s over
lhughes_06 that sounds like a future trevor problem
yourusername @/lhughes_06 maybe lindy will buy you
_quinnhughes i’m not so sure bumblefuck was meant for you
trevorzegras @/yourusername say it ain’t so
yourusername @/trevorzegras i will not go
_quinnhughes “suck it” -sissy about 8k times a day
njdevils happy birthday to our favorite hughes of the day!!
yourusername it’s normally me, right?
njdevils yes of course!
lhughes_06 thank you?
user21 i hope luke gets a good ass cake for his birthday
user14 what did you get him???
yourusername i painted a digital photo frame and uploaded pictures of us, the family, him and his friends, him and his various teams, etc and then as a joke i made a hockey card of myself!
lhughes_06 her stats: height: 5’1 / weight: none of your business / position: best hughes / hugs: not enough / love for me: way past the edge of the universe
user89 SOBS
jackhughes dear sissy, you’re not my favorite sister today, it’s @/lhughes_06
lhughes_06 i feel like bullying shouldn’t be allowed on my birthday
jackhughes @/lhughes_06 happy birthday!!! love you bro!
yourusername ig i’ll accept this
lhughes_06 maybe the black market isn’t a terrible idea…
yourusername @/lhughes_06 well now i don’t wanna
lhughes_06 @/yourusername and that’s what we call “reverse psychology”
jackhughes @/lhughes_06 wow! did you learn that in college before you dropped out?
lhughes_06 @/jackhughes i learned it from johnny
yourusername @/lhughes_06 fucking harvard…
_quinnhughes @/lhughes_06 need another $200 pool stick for your birthday?
lhughes_06 yeah maybe i’ll start winning again
yourusername @/lhughes_06 against who? cuz it will not be against me
_quinnhughes @/yourusername we get it you’re good at one thing
trevorzegras @_quinnhughes give her some credit! she’s good at a lot of things!
yourusername @/trevorzegras this is why i love you
trevorzegras @_quinnhughes like falling!
yourusername @/trevorzegras 10 minute misconduct. get in the bathtub.
lhughes_06 @/yourusername your clumsy percentage should’ve been on the hockey card
yourusername @/lhughes_06 istg i’ll take you out before you can make it to 21
umichhockey happy birthday @/lhughes_06! we miss you!
_alexturcotte they grow up so fast😭 happy birthday @/lhughes_06!
lhughes_06 thanks turc!!
yourusername damn right they grow up fast! i said he grew in 0.2 seconds!
_alexturcotte @/lhughes_06 FREAK
lhughes_06 @_alexturcotte @/yourusername THAT’S PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE
yourusername @/lhughes_06 have you ever heard of a hyperbole? or a joke?
dylanduke25 hyperbole: noun. “exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.”
dylanduke25 joke: noun. “a thing that someone says to cause amusement or laughter, especially a story with a funny punchline.”
yourusername @/dylanduke25 college is paying off for you, son! so proud of you!
_alexturcotte @/lhughes_06 this is what you get for being a dropout! things go right over your head!
lhughes_06 @_alexturcotte YOU’RE ALSO A COLLEGE DROPOUT AND @/yourusername YOU DIDN’T EVEN GO TO COLLEGE
yourusername @/lhughes_06 i am business woman whom’s business THREW YOU A BIRTHDAY PARTY
trevorzegras @/lhughes_06 fix it.
_quinnhughes @/lhughes_06 fix it.
lhughes_06 @/yourusername i love you and i’m proud of you and thank you for my party
yourusername @/lhughes_06 ……. i love you, too
user2 i need to be a fly on the wall at this birthday party😭
dylanduke25 @/lhughes_06 lookin’ like a snack in that last picture 🥵 wyd later?
lhughes_06 probably taking care of drunk sissy
yourusername @/lhughes_06 uno reverse and you KNOW IT
dylanduke25 @/yourusername are you implying that you, an adult, are encouraging the act of underage drinking?
yourusername @/dylanduke25 new jersey statute 2c:33-17 subsection a allows a person under the legal drinking age to consume alcohol inside a private property (a home) when a parent or guardian is present and gives said alcohol to said minor
dylanduke25 @/yourusername you don’t classify as a parent or guardian???
yourusername @/dylanduke25 i am your MOTHER and you will treat me with RESPECT
lhughes_06 @/dylanduke25 i’m getting white girl wasted tonight
dylanduke25 @/lhughes_06 MY BOYYYY
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drewsbuzzcut · 8 months
The Family Man
mat barzal x model!fem!reader
a visceral in doses blurb
warnings: alludes to smut, mentions being naked and I think that’s all
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When Mat wakes up to his alarm, your body is resting in his arms. Your bare boobs are pressed against his skin, and you make it hard for him to get out of bed. Not only because your bare body is comfortingly warm, but you also have a leg thrown over his. He really doesn’t want to get up, he just wants to continue worshiping your body like the way he was last night. The closer the new hockey season gets, the harder it is to leave the house, to leave you and the kids.
“Barzy, your alarm,” you whisper against the skin of his neck while one of your hands rubs his bare abdomen.
His cock jumps to life at your touch, and he has to force himself to not react to it.
“I know, baby,” he says, maneuvering his way out from underneath you and turning the pesky alarm off.
He lays a chaste kiss to your lips, feeling every nerve ending of his buzz when you softly deepen the kiss, your hand cupping his cheek while the other practically feels him up.
“I love you,” he whispers.
“I love you,” you mutter, half asleep before cuddling back into the sheets.
Mat goes to check on each kid, knowing that he’ll most likely find both boys asleep as they usually sleep in. Sloane’s the only one who wakes up early, so it’s no surprise when he finds Sloane staring up at the ceiling from her crib.
“Hi, my precious girl. Good morning,” he whispers in a soft tone, bringing her into his arms.
She quickly cuddles into his warm skin, her little hand wrapping around one of his fingers. He sits in the rocking chair after making her bottle, rocking her while she eats. When she’s done and burped, he brings her close to him so that her head rests over his heart. Sloane is so content, after a few minutes of cooing, she is sound asleep. She’s a true daddy’s girl.
“Daddy?” Mat’s head snaps to the door, finding Nolan looking at him with tired eyes.
“What’s wrong, buddy?”
“AJ is crying,” Nolan whispers, walking up to Mat so he can hug him.
“Okay, I’ll go check on him. Are you okay?”
“M’fine. I’m sleepy.”
“Okay. Let me put Sloane back in her crib, and I’ll check on AJ.”
Once Sloane is back in her crib, he walks down the hall to Angel’s room. Angel is awake in his crib, crocodile tears falling down his cheeks.
“Hey, little man. It’s okay, daddy has you,” he softly bounces Angel, kissing his forehead repeatedly.
“Daddy,” AJ whines, stuffing his head in Mat’s neck.
“Want to go lay down with mommy?”
AJ immediately nods his head, rubbing at his eyes and looking at Mat with that all too familiar Barzal pout.
Mat lays him down next to you, on top of the comforter, and you subconsciously wrap your arm around his tiny frame.
“Nols, are you going back to bed?”
Nolan nods his head.
“Are you going to work?”
“Yeah, bub. I’ll be back before you know it,” he assures Nolan and kisses his forehead before tucking him back in bed.
Mat enjoys these mornings.
When Mat gets out of the shower, you’re there waiting for him in the walk-in closet. Only now, your body is covered by your pink, silk robe.
“Good morning, hotshot,” you say into his ear, your arms wrapped around his shoulders.
“You look too sexy in the mornings,” he says, hands rubbing your back.
“I picked out your outfit.”
“Thanks, baby.”
You help button his shirt, tucking it into his pants before buttoning them for him as well.
“All ready for work,” you cheer quietly.
“I wish I could stay here,” your husband responds with a pout on his face.
“You’ll be back soon. I love you,” you say into his lips. He pulls back, pulling down the top of your robe to kiss your shoulders up to the side of your neck.
“I gotta get going,” he kisses you one last time before gathering his car keys and the other things he needs for the day.
“Have a good day, baby,” you say, watching his every move, wishing he didn’t have to go.
a/n: Enjoy!
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hockybish · 4 months
what is the family’s reaction when they find out that lola ran away!? & the process of returning her home pls (:
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more of Buggy
Lola didn't get very far.
The plan was to go back to Canada. Jack had told her many times before thats were she belonged, so why not go back? It not like they would miss her since life seemed to revolve around Jack at the time.
It was very well thought out yet though. She didn't really have an idea how she was getting to Canada. When she left the house in the middle of the afternoon she climbed on a bus and traveled to Ann Arbor. From there she figured she would keeping bus hopping until she got to her destination or at least close to it.
After that? No idea. Nonetheless, she'd figure it out on the fly. But for right now she was on campus in Ann Arbor. Wandering around, trying to figure out where her brother was so she could give him goodbye gift, much like she had given Buggy back to Jack and she returned Luke's hat.
"Honey, can I help you find something? You look a little lost." A friendly voice called from behind her. Lola knew better than to talk to strangers, but she was so lost right now.
"I uh." Lola's mind went black trying to think of what to saw next. She never really thought of what she was going to do when she had eventually arrived at Yost. "I'm looking for my brother."
"Oh? Who's your brother?" The stranger pressed further.
"He's um um" His name was on the tip of her tongue, but for some reason she couldn't form the words to say his name. Her eyes darted everywhere until they landed on a familiar face. "Josh!"
"Lola come on we gotta go!" A stressed out Ellen called out from the kitchen. Expecting some sort of snooty response, but there was nothing.
"I told you before mom, I don't think she's here." Jack piped up. He had been sitting at the counter eating a sandwich. He had checked all of her regular hiding spots earlier when he was trying to five back buggy but couldn't find her.
That sent Ellen into a bit of panic mode. Lola was gone and she had no idea where to start looking for her. Does she start calling around to see if any friends or family had seen her or does she go straight to the police?
She chose the first option. She started calling people and recruited Jack, Luke and Alex to drive around and look for the missing girl.
"What did you do?" Luke squinted at his older brother. His immediate reaction to hearing his baby was missing was to get mad at the guy who made her disappear in the first place.
"I didn't do anything." Jack put a little more emphasis on the do. He was pretty positive he hadn't done anything more than normal this time.
"You always do something, you fu-" "No I dont!"
"Will you guys shut up? Your sister is missing and all you two idiots can do is argue." Alex piped up from the backseat. "Find her first, argue later"
"Fine, where do we start?"
Quinn was just sitting down with his precious piece of pizza. He had a long day with a test, a paper due, and a tough practice. He wanted to eat and maybe play some video games.
He had just taken a bite when Josh entered the house with his baby sister, who shouldn't be there at all.
"What are you doing here?" Quinn asked her. He had just gotten a txt from his mother and could feel the table vibrating beneath him with responses to what he had just told her.
"I have something for you" Lola placed the package on the stool next him. There she was done with her business at the hockey house and could be on her way to her next destination.
"And this couldn't wait until next time I came home?"
Lola gave her older brother a quick hug and asked to go to the bathroom. She slipped out the back while he wasn't looking, continuing on her way.
With her back to him Quinn finally had a chance to look at his phone. There were multiple messages from his mother, all alluding to one thing Lola was missing and he knew where she was.
more here
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hockeyboysimagines · 7 months
Isn’t she lovely
If y’all remember in the end of The Battle of Alberta, Matthew and Hallie are having another baby! Here’s a little shortie about baby #2! I will never stop writing for him.
Warnings: Childbirth
The cutest ever.
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“If you hate me it’s okay.” He said rubbing a hand over her sweaty forehead. The pain she was in was almost crippling, and she was so nauseous she could barely see straight. She adjusted how she was sitting, getting a few seconds of relief before pain flooded her body again.
“I don’t hate you.”
“I would. I’d hate me.” He smiled sympathetically at her and gripped her hand.
“Hey.” She looked up to find Taryn standing in the doorway “You doing okay? Need anything?”
Hallie shook her head, eyes closing and wiggled around again till she got comfortable. This time around was way worse than when she’d been in labor with Thomas. The contractions were blinding, and the epidural had worn completely off. Matthew watched the monitors as they beeped and measured her heart rate, blood pressure and contractions. So far everything had gone the exact way it was supposed to. She was so thankful the others were here, leaving her to worry about labor.”
“Where’s Thomas?” He asked Taryn.
“In the waiting room with Brady and Dad. They just got him something to eat. Everyone’s waiting anxiously. My mom wants to know if you want her to come in?”
Hallie nodded “Please.”
Taryn smiled and disappeared out the door and she looked back at Matthew. He looked equal parts excited and concerned, and gave her a small smile. She smiled a little back as another contraction swept through her, sending a jolt of pain through her body, making her eyes burn as Chantal came in the door.
“Hi honey. How goes it?” Chantal looked at the monitor as she came to stand by Hallie’s head and swept a stray hair off her forehead “What did the doctor say?”
“She was 6 centimeters an hour ago. The doctor said they’d be back to check her shortly. But her contractions are like 3 minutes apart.”
Chantal looked mildly impressed that Matthew knew all of that. He may have been clueless about a lot of things, but he’d paid rapt attention during Thomas’s birth, and hadn’t missed a single prenatal appointment for both babies. If there was anything other than hockey he considered himself knowledgeable about, it was babies and how to birth them. He also considered himself an expert in how to create them. He had even joked he was so confident in his abilities he could deliver baby girl Tkachuk at home, until Brady reminded him he’d nearly passed out when Thomas was finally out.
Taryn was hovering by the door and Hallie smiled and beckoned her forward “You can come in Taryn. If you want.” Taryn nodded and smiled and situated herself in a chair next to Matthew “So what does that mean? 6 centimeters.”
“It means she’s almost there. Thomas is so excited.” Chantal said with a smile. Hallie had gone into labor late last night and by a stroke of luck, all of the Tkachuk’s had happened to be in town when it happened. She and Matthew had been in the hospital since her water broke, and the others had arrived that afternoon “He can’t wait to have a little sister.”
“I would have been more excited if you’d given me a sister first instead of Brady too.” Matthew chuckled, elbowing Taryn. Hallie chuckled a little and closed her eyes. She was so tired, and in so much pain she wasn’t sure how much more she could take. Her body felt spent and every part of it hurt.
The door opened again and a doctor breezed in followed by two nurses, smiling widely.
“Hi mama. How are you doing?”
The doctor chuckled and lifted the blanket to look underneath. After a moment or two she popped back up smiling “Good news is your ready to push. Let me grab an extra nurse and I’ll be back in a minute.”
Hallie took several deep breaths, and closed her eyes, relaxing herself as much as she could. She was hot and exhausted, but knowing that in a short time she’d have a precious baby girl sent a surge of excitement through her. Matthew stood and stretched and rubbed his hands together.
“Finally.” He said giving Hallie a kiss on the forehead and making his way down by her feet.
“Okay dear. Let’s get you situated.” Chantal moved the empty water cups and rags that were littered around and moved the table from over the bed, setting it to the side, and then pushed the chairs away from the bed so she could lean over Hallie to hold her hand if she needed. When Hallie opened her eyes, she saw Taryn stand and look towards the door before she looked back to her.
“Can I-can I stay?” Taryn asked looking between her and Matthew. He turned to Hallie and shrugged.
“It’s up to Hal. It’s her girl parts out on display not mine.”
Hallie smiled and nodded “Of course you can stay.”
Taryn smiled widely “Yay! I wanted to watch Thomas being born but I couldn’t because of covid.” Taryn switched spots with Matthew, and put a hand out to Hallie to hold.
The doctor appeared back in the doorway smiling widely and clapped her hands “Everyone here?” She asked looking around.
“I think so.” Matthew had a large smile on his face as he watched the doctor seat herself by the end of the table and pull on gloves, before moving the blanket up by Hallie’s hips area.
Hallie started to shake and Chantal reached one arm over her head and gripped her in a half hug with the other one. Taryn too grabbed a hand and squeezed it excitedly.
“Okay.” The doctor looked up at her and smiled “On three, I want you to push.”
Matthew put his hand on her knee and and rubbed it smiling encouragingly at her “You can do this Hal. Almost there.”
“Okay, one, two-“ Hallie felt a sudden burning, blinding pain and the Doctor gasped a little before she and the nurse started laughing.
“What?” She asked tilting her head up “What’s so funny?” She glanced at Matthew and saw him light up, and then she heard the most beautiful sound she had heard since Thomas was born.
A baby cry.
“You we’re supposed to wait for three!” The doctor exclaimed handing the baby to the nurse, who brought her up to Hallie and patching things up below Hallie’s waist.
“Oh thank God.” Hallie fell back against her pillow and breathe out a long breath she didn’t know she was holding in, and deflated like a balloon. She was sweaty, tired and hurting, but one look at her new baby made it all worth it. Thomas had looked like Matthew from the get, curly hair and all, and by now had become his double.
But baby girl Tkachuk, looked already like Hallie.
Taryn clapped her hands together and then put a hand over her eyes, giving her mom a side hug, who was already crying.
Matthew rubbed his eyes and made his way up to Hallie and rubbed her forehead, smiling. His eyes were red and he looked like he was dazed but he leaned down and kissed her in the head and then looked deep in her eyes.
“You did so good.” She nodded and tears leaked down her face and turned into a sob. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath while doctors moved around her for what seemed like ages until they sat her up and handed her her new baby. She was so beautiful and Hallie got lost looking at her for a second when she heard the door open.
Brady came in first, followed by Keith holding Thomas.
“Oh my god.” Brady whispered leaning over to look at her “She’s so perfect. Congratulations.” He kissed the top of her head and gave Matthew a tight hug. Keith set Thomas down and he came to greet his new baby sister. Keith grabbed Matthew by the shoulder and looked at him with so much pride Hallie wanted to cry.
“So?” Chantal asked, leaned forward in the chair , hands folded under her chin “Do we have a name?”
They did, and Hallie traced a finger down her new babies nose before she said very softly “Welcome to the world….” She looked at Matthew who smiled and nodded “Lilly.”
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Always a Rangers Fan to Me - Frank Castle x Reader
@hellskitchenswhore asked for a Frank fic based on She's Always A Woman by Billy Joel and I wanted to write an eloquent fic weaving love and passion between reader and Frank. Instead, it came out as this dumpster fire. Based very much in my own personal love of hockey and how the only thing wrong with Frank Castle is that he's a Rangers fan. It's really dumb, please look away...
Reader's pronouns aren't mentioned.
Warnings: Some arguing, pet names like sweetheart, swearing because it's Frank, reader is a Pittsburgh Penguins fan. Did not really proof read this.
WC: 650
*I never give permission for my fics, manips, or any other original creation I post on this site to be copied, posted elsewhere, translated, or fed into any AI program. The only platform I currently post anything on is Tumblr. Thanks!*
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“You’re a real fucking piece of work Frank, you know that? Going through my things and then getting mad about what you find?!” you shout
“Jesus Christ sweetheart, what do you want me to say? I was looking for that hoodie you stole from me and I found it. It was an accident that I found it, but you have some serious fucking explaining to do.”
“I don’t have to explain anything to you.”
He throws the object that started the whole argument on the floor at your feet.
“Yes you goddamn do.”
The crumpled up Sidney Crosby Pittsburgh Penguins jersey lays like a weight between the two of you. It's your most prized possession, something you kept hidden from him. But now the cat was out of the bag.
“No.” you reply, firmly
“I said no.” you repeat
“You are so goddamn stubborn sometimes.”
“Oh like you’re one to talk.”
“At least I don’t fucking lie to the people I love.” Frank responds
“It wasn’t a lie… it was a half truth. To impress you. When we first met.”
“You told me you were a Rangers fan.”
“Nooo. I said that I was a hockey fan and had been to some Rangers games since moving to New York.”
He just stares you down with those signature brown eyes, nostrils flaring, waiting for a response.
“I’m sorry. For not telling you.” you say, looking like a little kid who got caught stealing cookies before dinner.
“S’okay baby” he says, his face softening as he stretches out a hand to invite you closer to him
“Pfft that I don’t believe.” you say with an eye roll
“Goddamnit. Here.” He kicks the jersey towards you and turns to stomp away “You and your goddamn flightless bird team…”
His heavy boots hit the hardwood with every step, reverberating through the apartment as he goes to open the window and sit on the fire escape.
“Frankie…” your pitiful voice stops him in his tracks “Can I have a kiss please. Before you go?”
He sighs. He can’t say no to you.
“Course sweetheart.”
He turns back to you, your soft smile practically melting his heart. But he’s known you long enough to not be fooled, the devilish glint in your eyes telling another story. He steps towards you cautiously. He’s just a few steps from you when your expression shifts, looking at the precious item of yours he so unceremoniously threw on the floor.
“Mmm nevermind, I’m still a little mad at you.”
“Jesus… Wait why the hell are you mad at me? You’re the one who lied.” he asks
“Yeah but you went through my stuff and yelled at me over nothing really…”
He sighs. “You’re right it’s kinda nothing. It’s just some dumb sports teams.”
“Yeah and I mean your team sucks, so you really don’t have any ground to stand on.”
There’s the twist of the knife he knows you can’t resist.
He wants to make a snide remark back about how the Rangers made the playoffs this year and the Penguins didn’t, but he refrains, the sad look in your eyes stopping him from saying something else dumb. He opts to close the gap between you instead, picking up the jersey just before wrapping his arms around you and pressing a kiss to your temple.
“I love you sweetheart. And I always will. Even when the playoffs come around and the Rangers beat your dumb bird team again.”
“Oh wow how are the Rangers gonna win? Is Trouba gonna cheap shot all my good players again so they win against basically a minor league team because they aren’t good enough to win for real?” you retort
“Oh I’ll show you cheap shot.” he says with a smirk
And with that statement he picks you up in one motion to carry you to bed, to settle the argument there.
Sorry this was so self indulgent and dumb.
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dokidokitsuna · 10 months
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“Your File” (Pt. 3)
This is the last one I'm going to do; I think if I need any more pictures for the next comic I can just scribble 'em in on the spot. So enjoy this big final batch of childhood photos~
Little Elfy was always very proud of his ‘exploding guy’ drawings~
In early proto-drafts of this story, I toyed with the idea of having Elfilin go on an ‘emergency survival training’ camping trip with his parents. Now it’s just one of their precious memories~
Air hockey tournament! No matter what anyone says, Elfilin does not use his powers to cheat; he’s just that damn good.😎
Finally got the baby to sleep (another precious memory that will be referenced later~)
Years later, the baby falls asleep everywhere, even in the bath.
Lost his first tooth~
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wollerjoseph · 3 months
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baby leaf fraser gets an empty netter tonight against the medicine hat tigers!!🫶🫶💙💛
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nhlclover · 1 year
one last kiss | arber xhekaj
summary: your boyfriend wants one last kiss before heading out for the day
request: yes / no
warnings: tooth rotting fluff
a/n: i totally think that, even though he's one of the league's tougher guys/more intimidating guys, he's such a softie.
word count: 0.5k
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When I wake up, I am trapped beneath the warm embrace of my boyfriend. His bare chest is pressed against my similar back, with his chin resting in the nook of my chin and shoulder. Arber’s arm is hooked under mine which is keeping me where I am. I know he’s got morning skate soon, but I don’t want this precious moment to end, so I stay still.
I feel him stir, his arm pulling me closer, his lip pressing soft kisses to my shoulder. “Good morning.” His raspy morning voice speaks, sending chills up my spine.
“Morning, my love,” I reply. I wriggle underneath his grasp, flipping myself around to face him. “You have morning skate soon.”
He groans. “I don’t want to go.”
“You don’t mean that.” I giggle.
“What if I did? What if all I wanted to do for the rest of my life was to just lie here with you?” he said.
“And never play hockey again?” I remind him.
“You’d be worth it.” He says, pressing a soft kiss to my lips.
“You are so dramatic.” I say when we separate. “Come on, we can get ready together.”
We slip out of bed and change into our undergarments. We spend the morning completing each other's routines together. We brush our teeth side by side, then help one another pick out each other's outfits. We play music aloud while I do my makeup and Arber packs together his bag.
“Working on the night shift, baby. Dying for your touch like crazy. Racking up the overtime hours, loving how we're working on the night shift, baby.” Arber sings alongside John Pardi who’s playing through my phone.
I giggle as he comes up behind me, grabbing my hips and swaying them to the music, continuing to sing to the music. “You’re so pretty.” He mumbles into my neck, placing soft kisses up to my jaw.
"You're prettier." I reply. I flip around to face him, throwing my arms around his neck, and pulling him in to kiss me.
After I finish my makeup, we eat breakfast, before it’s finally time for Arber to head over to Brossard for practice.
“Alright have fun today, I’ll see you after the game tonight.” I say, pressing a kiss to his lips.
When I go to break apart, he doesn’t let me, instead keeping his grip firm on my hips. We keep kissing for a bit before I have to force us apart. “Alright you actually have to go now, or else you’re gonna be late.” I say.
“Fine.” Arber groans, grabbing his bag and heading out the door.
He barely gets one foot out before turning back to me. “I know I need to go, but one more kiss?” He asks.
I roll my eyes at Arber, coming to him and softly kissing him. I purposely drag out the kiss, letting him savour it a little longer.
“Alright, now get going.” I say, physically pushing him out the door.
“I love you, see you tonight.” He calls back to me.
“I love you too.” I call back.
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laracrofted · 5 months
I LIVE for positivity night, so thank you for hosting one 🥹
First and foremost, I am absolutely in love with Baby, I’m High Octane and am so excited for any future updates! It’s phenomenal and I devour every word you give us!
@hangmansgbaby is my platonic soulmate, the sharer of my brain cell, and my very best friend. We’ve been through some shit together 😅 but I couldn’t be more grateful that we’ve stayed as close as we are! I fell in love with her Always, Darling Jake series over a year ago (what?!) and have continually fallen for every single story she writes! Pucking Finally, a Javy x Nat hockey fic, is incredible and I CANNOT WAIT for yall to get to read Royally Pucked (the Jake x OC!!!! next story). It’s amazing. As is You Burn With Us, a Hunger Games x TGM crossover. I don’t have words for how good all of her writing is, but I can absolutely tell you they deserve all the love and praise in the world! Gbaby, I love you with my whole heart! 💕
@sarahsmi13s is another one of my early days babies! I’m so grateful for her friendship and always being happy to have me bounce ideas off of her! She also has SO MANY incredible series that are underrated. We bonded over my love for her Tell Them series and I absolutely latched onto J&S immediately after. I love you, Vin!
@roosterforme has been such a kind, loving, and supportive friend in the whole time I’ve known her! I’m wholeheartedly obsessed with Adult Education and almost had a heart attack when the queen Bradshaw Baddie™️ wrote a Jake fic! She also went and made me fall in love with a Bradley in Old Habits Die Hard. Beer Boy and Sugar FOR LIFE
@thedroneranger has been a sheer force of positivity through so many things! I’m so thankful that I’ve made a friend in Jay and that she loves GP as much as I do 😂. The To-Do List is one of my all time favorite series and was a huge inspiration for how I structured The Honeyverse! Coffin Cuddler™️ till the end of time
@trickphotography2 has been a supporter for quite a while now and I so enjoy all of our conversations! Her D-Day & Tis The Damn Season series have me in absolute chokehold and I pester the hell out of her regularly for little sneak peaks 😉
@callsigncurse is a new friend and I ADORE her! Snow is such a precious nugget and I’m so happy we found each other. Her Evergreen Falls series is absolute magic and yall should keep an eye out for it 😍
@aviatorobsessed ANDY. My sweet lovey! I live for her comments on my fics AND our conversations. I’m so happy we’ve gotten to be better friends and notifications from you make my heart so happy!
@teacupsandtopgun BETHHHHH. Beth is the best with the most thoughtful comments on everything and is honestly such a sweet soul! I’m fully hooked on Jake & Flick and still come back for more pain because it’s SO DAMN GOOD. Also, Beth’s moodboards are STUNNING and I swoon over them every time.
@seresinhangmanjake holy moly, I am so in love with the Oh, Baby! and The One I Want series she has. Her words paint a stunning scene and I always feel like I’m right in the middle of it!
@ohtobeleah is currently murdering my feelings with Was It Over? It’s so raw and real and emotional and my heart breaks more with every chapter. I also adore I.R.I.S and will forever love her badassery! I’m looking forward to getting to know her better in the new year!
@na-ta-sh-aa I honest to God teared up over your sweet submission and want to frame it!
To my newest friends @dizzybee03 @jynxmirage @shanimallina87 @djs8891 @taytaylala12 @capoteera @hookslove1592 :
I could not imagine writing without yall! Your kind words, screeching at me in reblogs or DMs and overall support make me smile so big that my face hurts! I’m so thankful y’all are always happy to let me bounce ideas off of you and encourage me when I’m struggling. I’m sure I’ve missed a few of my nuggets, but I love them all so much 💕
you've been such an incredible supporter of baby, i'm high octane, and i'm so grateful for your feedback and your kind words. happy new year! 🤍
end of the year positivity night 💌
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bitchinbarzal · 11 months
my sweet daisy | letters to daisy
this is something i randomly started writing so pls enjoy or don’t.
my sweet daisy, today I held you for the first time. I held you in my arms all night while mom and wesley slept. I can’t stop staring at you. you’re perfect.
i’ll love you forever, dad
my sweet daisy, today you turned one. a whole year of my sweet daisy-chain. you’re so funny, you know? you like to laugh at everything I do. I love your laugh dais I think it’s my favourite sound in the world. happy birthday daisy.
love you, dad
we won the stanley cup today dais. you were so excited. marley, wesley and you all got on the ice, I’ll never forget it dais. seeing my best girl right as I won. I promised you guys could eat ice cream out of it. you’re currently asleep after being up so late as I write this. i’m so happy.
I love you daisy, love dad.
you started school today dais. I cried. you held wes’ hand going in and he was a little scared but you were so confident. you’re always so confident. you’re going to do great things daisy girl. I’ll always be here to support you.
I love you to the moon, dad
you started playing hockey today. you decided you wanted to play défense like dad. you’re not too great at skating but Marley wasn’t either! sasha said he’d teach you. i’m so proud of you dais
love, dad
you found out you were adopted today. you cried, a lot. we didn’t want to hurt you daisy. you are our baby, regardless of blood or dna. you’re my daughter, my girl, my baby. we love you dais and I’m one day going to kill tristan for doing this to you. I hope you can forgive us.
I love you daisy, forever and a day. dad.
you got your first boyfriend today dais. his name is mason and you were so excited to tell us. he’s 9 but I don’t like him, nobody is ever going to be good enough for you daisy.
you’re my girl always, love dad
we had our first fight today dais. you said some really nasty things. I don’t have a lot to say to you right now except that I still love you anyway.
you got into college dais! berkeley doesn’t know what hit it! me and mom are so proud of you. wes hasn’t decided what he wants to do but you’ve got it all figured out. you always do. I love you pumpkin.
love, dad
tristan broke your heart. the second time he’s done it in your life. I kinda want to hit him but mom says I’m not allowed to. you haven’t come home from college since, he’s playing at the facility all the time. mom says you want to transfer schools. I hate that you’re hurting dais and I can’t do anything about it.
I love you, the only man you need. dad
my sweet daisy. you moved away from anaheim today. mom and i cried so much. we’re so proud of you but we wish you didn’t have to go. I’ll always be your biggest fan.
love, dad
daisy, you took him back. while I’m not happy about it, you’re happy so that is all that matters. I just want you to be happy daisy.
love, dad
you bought your first house today! it’s awfully big for you two but I know his contract so I’m not surprised! you deserve the world, dais.
love, dad
hi sweet girl, long time no talk. i neglected this for a little while. I think it’s time i stop writing to you, I’ve got a lot on my plate right now as you know. I’m retired but I’m kept busy, you just had your precious girl a couple hours ago.
she’s so perfect dais, just like you. our sweet rose.
i love you sweet girl, forever your dad.
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ladylooch · 1 year
Choose Me with Trevor Moore
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A/N: TREVOR!!!!!!!!!! Love bringing these little, obscure babies to life. Originally from this request, with a separate request for some angst. Also, that GIF is stupid precious. K, sorry this took so many more weekends than I thought it would!
Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings: Swearing, fighting, smutty if you squint
It’s raining in California this morning while I sip my morning coffee, looking out the deck door of mine and Trevor’s house in Manhattan Beach. The gray rain clouds meet the deeper gray of the Pacific Ocean, making it difficult to know where land and sky separate. It’s all around dreadful out and the forecast calls for more rain through the weekend. I don’t care though. Because after a grind of a NHL season, littered with scary injuries for Trevor, we are heading on a two week vacation to Maui. I am so excited. I’ve never been to the Hawaiian Islands and can barely wait. Two weeks of white beaches, poke, and coconut flavored drinks. Two weeks of reconnecting with my sweet soulmate.
That sweet soulmate is currently behind me, grabbing himself a cup of coffee as well.
“This weather sucks.” He says, groggily rubbing at his tired face. I walk over to him, going on my tip toes to give him a good morning smooch. He softens into my touch, feeling content with our arms wrapped around each other.
When the machine finishes his cup, we walk to the couch to drink our coffee together. We sit close to each other, hands easily resting on one another. Spotify plays soft country music through the house speakers as we spend some quiet time together.
“Do you have any plans for your first hockey free day?” I ask him, raking my fingers through the side of his brown hair. 
“Not much. Going to lift weights at the rink in a bit, then sit here on the couch the rest of the day.” His brown eyes slide closed, relaxing into my touch. I move forward, careful of my cup to trail kisses along his strong jaw. When I get close to his chin, he turns, capturing my lips with his. “Gotta make a decision about Worlds today though. They keep blowing up my phone.” He mutters a bit annoyed. I pause a millimeter away from his face, lips still puckered. Pre-worlds activities and practice begins right when we are supposed to be leaving for Hawaii. 
“Yeah, USA hockey has called and texted me every day since Saturday.” It’s now Tuesday. “Kinda sucks that I even have to be called about it… for the second year in a row.” I pull back, looking at his side profile. Did he forget?
“Babe, we are going to Hawaii.” I remind him.
“Yeah, I know that was the plan, but we could move our trip around. The tickets and hotel are refundable.” Anger shoots immediately through my whole body.
“Wow, when were you going to ask me my thoughts on this?” He senses the shift as I pull every part of my body away from his. I sit up straight, coffee mug set on the table in front of us.
“I mean… when I decided to go or not?” His tone is cautious and confused, like he isn’t understanding the sudden shift in my behavior.
“Trev, what the hell?”
“If I go, you don’t have to, babe.” He shrugs, reaching out for my thigh. He’s completely missing the point. I shove his hand off of me, standing up to pace in front of him. He’s completely alert now, sensing the fight brewing.
“What about our vacation? The one you told me to plan right after the team was eliminated. I just did all of this work and now you’re like.. well maybe I’ll go to Worlds! Without even asking me if that is okay?” Trevor is immediately put off by my raised voice and his nostrils flare.
“I don’t need to ask permission to go somewhere.” I baulk at him. 
“No, but you probably should check in with your long-term girlfriend, who you’ve been ring shopping with, to see if she’s cool with you moving your vacation.”
“Why is this such a big deal? It’s not like we can’t afford to change plans.”
“That is not the point, Trevor. Why is everything more important than me and what I want?” I wave my hands around in frustration. “I have sat here patiently next to you for three seasons now while you have lived your dream. I’ve cooked, cleaned, shopped, rubbed at your body and held you when you had insomnia because of your concussion. And this is the thanks I get? A moved vacation so you can go do more of what you love while I wait?”
His gaze drops from me. He says nothing. My chest rises and falls rapidly with my heavy breathing. I blink back tears, then look out at the different shades of California gray. I narrow my eyes. Fuck this.
“You know what, go to Worlds. I’ll go to Hawaii by myself. I could use a break from more than just this rain.” My tone is insinuating.
I reach for my coffee cup, walking it back to the kitchen sink and dumping it out. I set it aggressively in the dishwasher then slam the door shut. Trevor sighs heavily then stands, coming to block my path from leaving the room. 
“I’m sorry. You’re right. I should have asked if this was okay. I’ll tell them no if that’s what will make you happy.” I scowl. “What?” He responds.
“Why do I have to tell you to choose me? Why can’t you just do that?” He opens his mouth to respond as I step back from his grasp, holding my hands up. “I’m done with this conversation. I need space from you right now.”
“Okay.” He steps to the side, letting me pass without another touch or word.
I’m absolutely seething as I walk down to our bedroom. How does he not get it? Why do I have to lead him to the answer? How could he just assume this would be fine with me? I need to calm down and I know the answer is a long, hot shower.
I rip my clothes off when I get in the bathroom, still absolutely seething. Why does anything hockey related come before me? It’s like we have a third person in this relationship at all times. I’m asking for two fucking weeks of his time. Is that really too much to ask after sharing him with the world for the last 7 months?
“Asshole.” I mumble as I light my Sweater Weather candle. I grab a lavender shower steamer, tossing it onto the tile to give me some extra calming power. I take my time from there, trying to refocus my anxious energy into self-care. I do a hair mask. I exfoliate my skin. I stand under the scalding water hoping it will relax my neck muscles. I admittedly shed a few tears too.
After I dry off, I do my whole skin care routine with every oil, cream, and moisturizer I have in my drawers. I lather lotion on every inch of my skin and put in air drying hair cream to de-frizz my hair before it has a chance to poof with the rainy weather.
When I open the bathroom door, I see Trevor sitting on the edge of our bed. His doe eyes lifts to me in the doorway, fingers laced together in his lap.
“I asked for space.” I remind him, walking by his sluggish body to our large closet.
“I know. And I’m respecting that as much as I can. I had to physically restrain myself from getting into the shower with you.” I roll my eyes at him. He’s such people pleaser, it kills him when I’m angry with him.
“Should I get you a gold star?” I quip back. His jaw ticks as he grits his teeth together to avoid a similar retort.
I drop the towel, going to my dresser to grab a fresh set of bra and panties. They’re black and Trevor’s eyes watch longingly as they glide into place against my smooth skin. I reach for a pair of jeans folded in a different drawer. The sound of denim against my legs is the only noise in our large closet. Trevor leans against the door frame, arms crossed over his chest. 
As I get dressed, my inner thoughts begin to swirl, telling myself a twisted victim story that brings tears to my eyes. I sniff as they form, turning my back to Trevor as I reach for a t-shirt. I’m so disappointed and hurt. I feel like he would rather go halfway across the world than spend time with me. When I turn back towards the door, two tears slip down my face. Trevor can’t hold back anymore. 
“I’m not going to go. I already told them no.” He wraps his arms around me, kissing my wet hair. His hands rub along my fresh shirt, pressing me as deep as I can go into his body. “And not because you asked me not to, but because I’m choosing you. I want you to know that it really isn’t a choice though. It’s always you, babe.” I collapse further into his body. “And, I’m so sorry I made you feel like just an option.” His words soothe my inner thoughts until the truth of his intentions are clear again.
“Trev, that’s enough.” I whisper, turning my face to catch his lips. “I know you’re choosing me and that’s everything.”
“I love you so much.” He says between kisses. “I appreciate everything you do for us. And me specifically. I’m so lucky. I’d be lost without you.” I smile against his shirt. “Couldn’t even make my morning smoothie.” He jokes. Last week, he almost turned the blender on without the top on.
“It would be a really sad life for you.” I agree “I’d be fine.” I purse my lips against the laugh.
“Thanks, babe.” He chuckles against my hair. “Keeping it real as always.” 
“It’s why you keep me around.” I pat his butt before stepping away from him. He pulls me back into his embrace.
“Where do you think you’re going?” He nips at my mouth. “You put those sexy panties on and think you’re leaving me?” 
“Thought you were going to the rink.” My heart skips a beat at the molten desire in his brown eyes.
This time, his choice is easy and obvious.
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yauchfilms · 20 days
I love that whenever Sammy gets excited, he does these little jumps <3 Sometimes baby girl is a 6’4 hockey player.
Also, I can’t get enough of his player introduction from last season. That face card of his made me gasp 😳
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oh my god he's so pretty.
he's so precious...like genuinely his whimsy is what drew me to him like i love that he's like a big puppy that doesn't realise how big he is <3
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