#well...better late than never? x_x
that-salty-ghost · 1 year
As Above, So Below | Chapter 16: Past Lives | Viktor [Arcane] // Male Reader | Rating: M Throughout
A/N: This chapter starts out as a flashback for [Y/n] when he’s about 8 or 9 years old so I wrote it in past tense, it’ll skip back to current time and the tense will switch back as well. I hope that makes sense and it reads smoothly x_x enjoy!
// 🎧 Mood Music for the flashback if ya dig it: Doorways by Radical Face 🎧 \\
You tiptoed around a particularly ominous looking puddle, fidgeting mindlessly with the small metal container like a trinket that would protect you from getting even more water in your shoes on that rainy day. Your mother carried a larger jar of the same salve—magically enhanced for a more stable shelf life so the tin you carried could be refilled over the years.
“But if he’s my age, why does he need a salve?” You stretched your scrawny arms out to better maintain your balance while you tried to walk on the edge of the curb without falling. “Aren’t they usually for grown-ups?”
“Not always.” Your mother’s voice was kind, patient while she tried to help you understand better. “Remember when you slipped off the roof last year?”
You nodded slowly as you recollected how tough it was to walk for what felt like forever.
“You used something like this while you healed. This young man’s parents are looking for some similar options so he has an easier time walking as well.”
You looked up against the rain, water droplets splashing into your face while you tried to see the tops of the buildings. You hadn’t been to this part of the undercity before but the structures looked even taller here.
“Did he fall off his roof too?”
A soft chuckle resonated from her at your question. “I didn’t ask, but I don’t think so. It sounds like something he’s had to manage to some extent every day.”
Your brows knitted together as you tried to comprehend what that would be like for a kid your age.
“Will it heal all the way if he stays off his leg for a while like I had to?”
“…No, my love.” You still remember her tone. It sounded like she wanted it to be that easy for him too. She held her hand out for you to hold as you came down from the curb to walk with her. “I’m afraid it doesn’t work that way this time.”
“But you can help him, right?” Your eyes went wide, filled with the hope that one of her tonics or remedies could soothe whatever ailed this boy.
A pit started to form in your stomach when she didn’t respond right away, only tightening more when her solemn gaze apologetically met yours. “Not in the way you’re asking...”
You rubbed your finger over a rough edge from your carving and tried to sand it down with your thumbnail. In retrospect, it was something you did out of frustration. You’ve never been good about feeling helpless and usually took it out harshly on whatever was in your grip.
Your mother saw it though and set her hand on your shoulder before crouching down to your level.
“But do you know what you can do to help me today, little wolf?”
She’s the only one who called you that. A nickname from one of your favorite stories she told to you. One that planted aspirations within you, aspirations that you found yourself chasing even into your late teenage years later on.
One that calmed you down immediately. You stopped scratching at the jagged edge of the ‘bow’ in your design and shook your head.
“I bet he’d love some company while I speak with his parents. I hear he’s very bright, maybe you could learn something from one another?”
She always seemed to know how to pull you out of a funk, but the very nature of your visit almost made you feel more useless than before.
“But I’m not that smart, or helpful like you. I don’t have…” You peeked around to make sure no one was in earshot. “I can’t do things like you do.”
She moved her hand back to your shoulder after pushing a damp lock of hair out of your eyes. “And what makes you so certain of any of that?”
“I can’t make plants grow faster, or make them do things better.” You whispered in her ear, just in case someone was secretly close by and trying to listen in...because in your mind, that made all the sense in the world at the time.
You remember hearing her sigh before placing a hand on your cheek. “We all have different strengths that make us who we are, [Y/n]. Something tells me you have yet to tap into what makes you unique.”
You knew the word for it, and you knew you weren’t supposed to talk about anything arcane or mage-related when you were out. But that was only with your father around, your mother always navigated the world with less fear and more grace than he did.
“That strength will find you someday—when it does, let it speak through you and that’s when you’ll harness it.” Her smile helped you replace any despair or remorse about your muted magical abilities with the comfort that maybe they were just dormant. “Until then, never forget that you’re the smartest, most helpful son that I have.”
You giggled when she flicked her fingers, causing small bits of blue light to spark against the rain before she kissed your forehead and stood back up. You rubbed your thumb against your fingers, mimicking her action and smiled at the smallest bit of light that flickered from them. “I’m the only son you have.”
“Doesn’t make what I said any less true.”
You can almost see the large wooden door, the kind faces of the couple that let you in and out of the rain, the boy sitting on the floor next to a walking stick while he tinkered with different sized gears on a small machine.
The way his eyes widened when he turned to face you made you realize immediately that he wasn’t expecting anyone to be in that room with him. You just hoped your mother was right about how you could help and continued forward despite his obvious confusion.
“Hi.” He reached for his cane to get up, but you were quick to slide down onto the floor next to him.
“I’m uh…I’m supposed to give this to you.” You reached into your pocket and set the tin in his hand once he hesitantly reached out. He opened the lid, but also closed it pretty quickly—his eyes fixated on the container quizzically.
You wondered if maybe his parents hadn’t told him that you and your mother were coming at all? That would make this entire experience pretty confusing.
“My mother is a—uhm...apothecary.” You nodded back to the tin to connect the dots on why you were there. “You take some of the wax into your palm and when you rub your hands together it melts down. That way you can apply it to where you have pain or pressure.” You’d had the instructions memorized from helping other Zaunites understand how to use the remedies your mother provided, but this time was different.
Your train of thought went off the rails when the boy cocked his head as he inspected the markings you carved into the lid, brows furrowing more and more with each instant.
“What are these?”
His accent was identical to his parents in the other room, it was different from anything you had heard before, but you didn’t bring it up so as to remain polite.
“It’s a bow, see?” You scootched over and moved your finger over the triangle, then to the diagonal line. “And that’s a rifle.”
After tilting his head again and tipping the container to the side, it looked like he was holding back a smile.
You tilted your head next to him and realized just how primitive the design was to anyone who didn’t know what they were looking at.
“Oh…okay yes. I see it now.” You knew that he was trying to be polite too.
When he looked at you, you caught him biting his lip, attempting keep his laughter at bay…but you were the first one to chuckle before the two of you began laughing. Both entertained by your rough carving and his attempt to see the image that you intended for it.
You peeked over at the machine he was working on next to him and your eyes lit up with wonder. “Woah…what are you building?!”
He looked elated when you showed interest in his invention and moved it closer so you could get a better look. “It’s a…prototype.” He pronounced each syllable carefully, taking on a more serious tone before finishing his sentence. “I think I’m calling it ‘The Nautilus.’”
“The Nautilus.” You repeated back with awe, causing him to nod in agreement. “…I like cephalopods.”
“Me too.”
It was 10 minutes tops almost 10 years ago, just a passing moment in your life and just one stop of many while you helped your mother with deliveries that day. You mentally kick yourself for not being able to remember more and want so badly to blame your shotty memory on the number of concussions you’ve probably suffered since then.
In reality, you knew that you’ve been so hyper-focused on all the shit your dad had done that you were losing track of all the good that your mother accomplished with you.
That was something to consider. But now wasn’t the time, not when Viktor was standing in front of you, looking completely unsure of what was going on in your head. When you come back to center, you can’t help but ask the first thing you wonder about.
“Did you ever finish that mechanical boat?”
The laugh that escapes him sounds more like a harsh exhale, but is completely genuine. You can’t tell if he’s ecstatic that you remembered him or the boat, but you notice a gap between his canine and front teeth when he smiles that wide.
“Runs like the wind. I actually…almost lost it.” His voice sounds more tender at the end, but he seems to recover once you hand the salve back to him.
“How did you know…” You can’t finish your sentence, but he seems to read your mind when you motion to the tin then back to yourself.
“I didn’t…not at first anyway. And I still wasn’t sure at The Last Drop.”
He pauses and drops his eyes back to the lid, tracing the carved lines absent-mindedly with his thumb. “After we got to R&R’s, once I saw your journal, I had a…feeling that was the same design as this.”
You watched as he pulled his finger off of the crest and realized it’s the same motion he did on the bottle and the journal. It almost looked like a form of muscle memory, like he was comparing the outlines with his touch.
“And then you said you lost your parents when you were about 10…”
He stops speaking and meets your eyes, trying to imply that was the moment he recognized you.
“The math added up.” You finish for him.
He nods and puts the salve back in his jacket pocket. “My parents didn’t know what happened to you after that. I…didn’t, I honestly thought you…” He doesn’t finish that sentence, and the way his eyes lower is enough for you to put the pieces together.
He thought you died that day.
“No, I uh…got lucky.” You admit, your tone sober. You’re still not quite ready to rehash the events that transpired.
He nods at that. You’re not sure how much he knew about what happened, but it seemed like enough for him to not push the topic.
“If ehh, you find that our initial brief encounter makes this…” He motions to himself and then you. “…strange. I understand.”
You weren’t sure what he was referring to until you remembered that he had just asked you out on a date with him…and you haven’t really given him an answer yet. It takes you a second to realize he definitely knows more about you than you realized, especially if that salve was still around.
It meant that your mother trusted Viktor’s parents enough to supply them with an unnaturally excessive stock. If it weren’t tampered with by magic, the salve would’ve expired or run out years ago. For whatever reason, she trusted them with knowing that she was a mage—a privilege reserved for only a handful of people.
You weren’t sure if Viktor necessarily knew…what are you talking about. Of course he knows.
“I don’t find it strange, no.” You shove your hands into your pockets as the wind picks up. The two of you have been standing in front of the warehouse for a little bit now, this must be one of the places he’s looking at for a lab space. “I’m more nervous about you finding me strange…because of that brief encounter.”
“I find you remarkable.” He doesn’t even hesitate and the conviction of his words dismantles your composure completely. “And I’d love to delve deeper into that finding if you’ll let me.”
His eyes are practically burning through you, fiery and warm and sending heat through your entire being. You’ve exhausted every reason that worried you or caused doubt in your mind—he doesn’t seem to mind any inconvenience you could potentially be during his endeavors. You’re not sure what changed in his demeanor, but you believe every word he’s saying.
You sigh, the last bit of your fight buried in the worry of you ruining his career.
“This is such a risk for you.”
“Not in the way that I think you’re considering…”
“The Academy?”
He shakes his head at your answer. “I have more on the line than that right now.” His voice carries his sentence carefully, almost quietly like he wasn’t ready to share that thought.
Curiosity weighs heavily on you while you try to understand what he could mean by that. Viktor eyes you up and down and doesn’t have to say another word for you to understand he’s talking about risking any kind of relationship with you. He’s nervous about scaring you away.
Could this all blow up in both of your faces completely? Definitely.
Was this probably a terrible idea? Most Likely.
Could you have cared about any of that when he’s looking at you like that?
Absolutely not.
“What day are you thinking?”
His head turns to the side questioningly at your words, eyes flickering playfully over you as his lips slowly tug into a crooked smile.
“Tomorrow too soon? Maybe five o’clock…”
“Tomorrow at five is perfect.”
“Perfect.” He repeats back, his lips stay parted and he hesitates before speaking again. “Don’t ehh…don’t wear nice clothes.”
Your brow raises while a small chuckle escapes you. “What?”
He looks like he’s about to explain, but the door of the warehouse opens. There stands an older man with soot caked onto his hands and forehead along with a young girl in half-moon glasses, about the same age as you and…
Yeah, him…wait. “Sky?”
A/N: If you want to know what happens next, there's more chapters available on my pinned post ayyeee
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unoutan · 6 years
“Don’t run away on the first try“ Bakudeku Oneshot (2.6k)
@twinstarsweek Day 5: Festival / Tender / Recovery / Spice / First
💥Arrrg, I’m super late with the last one because, I forgot to queue it. x_x But yay (damn my past self for saving to tumblr drafts by accident!) Enjoy the Baku family feels, and Katsuki’s emotional constipation with his Deku! -Unoutan💥
Mini-summary: “I stuck my TONGUE down Deku’s THROAT AND RAN OFF, DAD!!” Jumping up to sit on the couch instead, Katsuki threw his hands in the air and screamed, “WHY WOULD I LIE AFTER SAYING THAT SHIT!?”
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The beach is secluded this early morning and a trembling, but determined voice demanded with a single stomp to the sand. “Stop running from me, please…”
“I’m not running from you.” Angry denial.
“You are! You just did, and still are! Why did you kiss me and run?”
“I don’t deserve you.” Words facing the unknown future and back to the present, the hero continued denying any happiness he deserves. “After everything I did to you, everything I failed for you, I don’t, I don’t-…just forget I did anything.”
The hero’s ally and ex childhood lover stood only an arms reach away, but the distance between them felt like an eternity. Tears threatened to fall from the woman’s eyes as she stared at her man’s back. Fingers lingered on her lips, the bottom lip trembling slightly from the kiss that happened a moment ago.
Katsuki’s thumb hovered over the ‘next channel’ button for over five minutes now.
The beach where the troubled characters, both worn by their personal and hero duties, stood on the beach Deku cleaned before they went into UA. All Might accidentally let slip of that fact their second year when their second field trip involved the Dagobah Municipal Beach Park, and a week long beach-themed hero training. That’s the only reason, Katsuki stopped to watch the show.
The right side of Katsuki’s mouth twitched when the heroine character standing behind the hero reached out and touched his shoulder. Her bright red nails slid over his shoulder, down his arm, to loosely hold the man’s hand as she said, “I…don’t think you should be the only one to decide what becomes of us. We’ve known each other, bleed for each other, fought and agreed, so why are you trying to shoulder this by yourself?”
Turning around, the hero yelled, “After the shit I pulled, you’re just going to-”
“You’ve apologized to me more than once for your mistakes! And I’ve forgiven you long ago! Stop punishing yourself-”
Focused on her work, Bakugou Mitsuki didn’t notice the sound of the television fade. The voices of the action romantic drama tv show gradually lowered to a barely audible hum when the deuteragonist hero character cried and fell to his knees in front of the protagonist heroine. Sitting in the living room, Katsuki faced the television with one arm slung over the backrest, body tense when he closed his eyes and let out the longest sigh.
Wherever the scene was going in the tv show, it’s unimportant now.
Tossing the remote to the coffee table, Katsuki called out to his parents, “Hey?”
It was a surprise when the door to their home burst open suddenly. The familiar sound of Katsuki kicking off his shoes and school bag dropped to the floor was like music to their ears. The sight of keys thrown to the kitchen counter, made Mitsuki greet him happily, but paused when her son’s spiky hair bounced away to the tv. Mitsuki and Masaru’s son is home, but..something is wrong.
The Bakugou parents kept giving each other secrets looks before Katsuki finally spoke to them, but they knew they needed to give their son time to open up first. It’s been an hour since he got back, so they respectfully gave him a bit of distance, but now it’s time for that distance to disappear.
After erasing the line she over burnished into the paper of her sketchbook, thank goodness it’s just a messy sketchbook and not the final, Mitsuki answered in faux distraction. “Hmm? Yes, Katsuki? Need anything?”
“Yeah, but I need both of you nerds.” Scratching his hair wildly for a second, Katsuki hissed at his own words, before saying, “I mean, I need you both.”
Masaru locked eyes with his wife for a split second before looking back at Katsuki. Eyes wide, glasses sliding down halfway down his nose, Masaru stared at his son. Where he stood by the refrigerator, he put down his glass of water after sipping it once, and said, “Okay, kid, you can-”
He paused mid-sentence. His mind continued on saying ‘you can tell us anything, Katsuki” but that sounded too strong. Katsuki might close into himself and shell up in his room to sleep early again.
Picking up where her husband left off, Mitsuki gave a secret smile to Masaru when she spoke next. They always have each other’s back. She kept it casual, her tone even and inviting. “Lay it on us, Katsuki!”
“How did you guys…” Katsuki began quietly, too quietly. The Bakugou parents waited and Katsuki dug his nails into the couch fabric, clawing at the armrest, but not hard enough to damage. Taking a deep breath to say this as quickly as he could, Katsuki asked his parents his question, each word punching the air as he yelled, “How did you find out that you were ‘the one’ for each other?! Or whatever?! And I don’t mean the cheesy soulmatey lovey dovey crap you say all the time too! I mean serious stuff!”
The rare, hesitant words from Katsuki caught Mitsuki and Masaru’s attentions like the first little sparks and tendrils of smoke from their son’s once tiny hands.
Putting down her 2H pencil, preliminary sketch forgotten on the kitchen counter where she sat, Mitsuki stared at the back of her son’s head. “What brought this on, Katsuki?”
Their son remained silent.The back of Katsuki’s head slowly slid down to rest on the couch armrest in a drawn out groan. The groan sounded like annoyance, but Masaru knew better and walked towards the living room to almost rest his charcoal hands on the back of the couch. He caught himself before staining the couch and decided to sit on the other armrest, hand shaking Katsuki’s ankle. “Katsuki? What happened?”
Turning away from his dad, Katsuki let his head slide off the armrest to bury his face in a pillow instead. His reply was too muffled by the pillow.
This is a walking on eggshells moment that must be handled well – delicately and with an open mind. Whatever their son says, they’ll see it through and talk. Their son needs to talk more, talk to them, talk to… the boy they all know is constantly on Katsuki’s mind during good and bad times: Inko’s kid, Midoriya Izuku.
Joining her husband and son in the living room, the forgotten tv show still playing on mute with the Heroine and Hero romantically kissing each other as the sunrise rose over the ocean horizon, Mitsuki sat on the other arm rest now. A teasing smile crept onto her face when she said, “Sorry, Katsuki. Can’t hear you through that pillow.”
Face red in anger and frustration, Katsuki spun around on the couch, his UA blazer crumpling even further when he crossed his arms over his chest. He looked just like his little five year old self that used to sulk when things didn’t go the way he wanted or when he was in trouble for staying out too late with Izuku in the woods.
That’s when their son finally came out and told them in a stream of quickened words, voice dull and bored sounding, but face contradictingly scrunched like he was in pain:
“I kissed Deku today and I don’t know why. I ran here without notifying UA and almost forgot to text everyone I’m home and not dead. Now, Aizawa gave me my second detention at UA ever since first year, but I couldn’t be in the dorms tonight after I, after I- not after that!”
“I think you’re lying about one thing though-”
“I stuck my TONGUE down Deku’s THROAT AND RAN OFF, DAD!!” Jumping up to sit on the couch instead, Katsuki threw his hands in the air and screamed, “WHY WOULD I LIE AFTER SAYING THAT SHIT!?”
“No! Not that!” Shaking his hands in front of him, Masaru felt his glasses skew when he leaned forward and corrected himself. “I meant to say that I think you’re lying about not knowing why you kissed little Izuku! You know and when you accept that, the better you’ll feel, no matter what happens with Izuku!”
“WOW!” Looking up at the ceiling, praying the heavens to fall and end him, Katsuki yelled again, making his mother sigh. “WOW!”
“A-ah! Oh, I’m sorry, son! I didn’t want to put you on the spot, but-”
“Katsuki, a discussion ago you said you hated it when we talked about bullshit instead of being blunt, so here we are doing exactly that. It’s like ripping off a bandaid, yes?” Grumbling his agreement, Katsuki slouched and glared at his mother stating the truth at him. Shaking her head, Mitsuki reached out and ran her fingers through his hair when she gently suggested the next step he could take with Izuku. “Now, have you thought of calling him? He’s probably worried about you, Katsuki.”
“If I didn’t stick around to analyze Deku’s face after kissing his mouth off, I don’t think I want to talk to him about it either!!”
Masaru and Mitsuki, in unison, both retorted with another serving of truth, “But you should!”
Katsuki closed his eyes and counted down to ten. He made it to five.
Avoidance solves nothing and Katsuki yelled a short battle cry because, yes, he knows this! He knows that he needs to talk to Izuku and not avoid him like what he just did after classes today, while heading towards the dorms. He should have held Izuku, kissed him and fucking stayedddd to at least let him say something.
Katsuki remembers Izuku’s eyes though- he always remembers those green eyes always watching him with worry, admiration, and all sorts of interest - but…
He should have allowed his nerd to say something!! He should have allowed himself to say what he wished to say to Izuku’s face. Kissing Midoriya Izuku happened and there is no running from it because, he chose to do it. This is the path he chose and even if Izuku would give him a rejection…
It would fucking hurt, but…wow, he’s a coward-
“You’re not a coward - the furthest from it.” Mitsuki kissed her son’s cheek when she moved to sit at his right side.
“You’re the bravest hero we know, Katsuki, so don’t think anything of running here. You’re always welcome here. And there is always another day to face Izuku. Always. Just don’t take too long…okay?”
Katsuki would say he hates it when his parents are right, but that would be a lie.
“Yeah. I…fuck, I won’t take too long. And damn it, Deku won’t bite my head off…”
“He won’t, but…I’m curious,” Masaru gave his son a hesitant smile when he asked, “How did you kiss him? The way you described, with the tongue in mouth-”
“Don’t. Repeat. That.” Burying his face in his hands, Katsuki imagined the floor killing him if it turned into fire, just so he could escape the situation he put himself in. Where’s the IcyHot half n’half when you need him. Still, killing himself via floor fire is still avoidance and avoidance solves nothingggg and now he’s repeating. Stupid. “I asked him to explain his new flying kick technique near the cherry blossoms at the south side of the main building, and then he said something stupid about thanking me for my advice, then I kissed him. Ran here. That’s it.”
Taking off his glasses when he sat on Katsuki’s left side, incase they break during the struggle that is about to happen like usual, Masaru moved in first. He knows that his troubled son needed a hug right now. He caught his son’s elbow predictably aimed to his chest and leaned forward, going in close with his wife before they could get shoved away.
Grumbling and wiggling, Katsuki shows his normal level of hugging resistance. “Nope! No! You stupid old, annoying, mushy-”
“Oh just- just…here, let me - get in here, stop struggling, you Brat! Accept this!” Katsuki stopped smacking his parent’s arms when they both pulled him into smothering hug, tight and warm, but still annoying to the littlest Bakugou. “See! First steps are always the hardest!”
“Your kiss-Ow, my knee! Son, ow ow ow, Katsuki- Accept what you did! You kissed him and ran. But there’s still time! Breathe!” Hearing his father tell him to breathe, Katsuki took a big deep breath and then huffed, fight dying thanks to their tranquilizing hugs.
In a way, Katsuki knows he came home for shit like this too. Not that he’ll tell his parents that…
Eventually, Katsuki relaxed in his parent’s arms and let out a big sigh at being squished from both sides of the couch in a hug. The smell of his dad’s comforting cologne and his mother’s perfume, lulled him enough to let his burning red eyes close. His arms that were slumped to his sides soon moved to pat his parent’s shoulders. They stayed there a minute longer and then released the half-sulking boy. Subdued from his previous frustration Katsuki only rolled his eyes, cheeks burning in a blush, when his dad laughed.
“See, son? You accept our hugs, so you can openly accept your feelings for Izuku and tell him how you feel soon. You can! I believe in you. We both do.”
Flicking Katsuki’s nose, Mitsuki smiled and giggled, “We both know Izuku has a soft spot for you too, so I believe in the two of you to work this out. And your father and I will be here to support you when you do. And soon, right?”
“Don’t push it, old hag. I am this freakin’ close to sleeping in the backyard in my tent if you two continue drowning me in your sappy feelings-”
Then the doorbell rang, making the entire Bakugou family freeze and look to the door. Before Mitsuki even finished cheerfully saying, “Ohhh, I wonder who that could be,” Katsuki ran…again.
Masaru took pity on his son and made no move to stop him from running up to his room, when his wife opened the door to their home to greet Midoriya Izuku.
After thundering up the stairs, the prince reached his ivory tower and slammed the door to his chambers.
A hand held in a shy wave, Izuku’s pink face smiled up at them and respectfully greeted, “Hello, A-Auntie Mitsuki! Uncle Masaru! A-Aizawa-sensei sent me to check on Kacchan?”
The slight inclination of a question revealed uncertainty, and told Bakugou Mitsuki and Masaru that was a badly told lie. But they feigned ignorance and welcomed the young boy into their home. Masaru rubbed his hand on top of the boy’s fluffy green hair and offered him something to eat and drink. The overly polite boy denied and asked them what they expected - to see their son.
Gesturing with a thumb pointing at the stairs, Mitsuki leaned on the kitchen counter and smirked. “He’s up in his room, Izuku. Now, you two play nice, okay? I’m rooting for you.”
“Y-Yes of course, Auntie! Um, sorry. Excuse me!” Waving at them once and doing a quick, tiny bow, Izuku walked backwards, bumped his butt into the fridge while trying to escape the kitchen, and then turned to bolt up the stairs. Hand cupping his mouth, Izuku called for their son confidently..tripping only once, before standing outside his door. “Kacchan! Kacchan! I’m coming up the stai-AHH! Kacchan?”
So, Bakugou’s parents gave Midoriya Izuku their blessings and remained patient with them.
It took almost an hour, but seeing Katsuki hurriedly say something about seeing them next weekend and that they’re heading back to the dorms together, was the positive resolution they wanted. And the happy Bakugou Mitsuki and Masaru were kind enough not to draw attention to Katsuki holding his Izuku’s hand the entire time.
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yoiku · 3 years
beep boop it’s an update on what’s going on in yoiland and how the main brain computer fried itself this time. It’s a long one!
So I got a letter on the 1st of July stating that I’ve been admitted into the big boi hospital for the proper tests/evaluation for ADHD and/or other neurological/behavioral issues. The paper said that I shoud be getting an invitation within the next 6months, and my goodness if time hasn’t been weird since then. Two months have passed and it feels like it’s both gone past really fast and agonizingly slow at the same time??? I’ve also been a real emotional rollercoaster because I decided to drop off my SNRI medication, and well, that’s been pretty rough. I gave it a slower drop off at first like instructed and for a few weeks after the effects had worn off I was feeling pretty great, I was able to find joy in little things again and it was great! ...Until I got that very familiar feeling of not being good enough again while I was trying to work on some art I owe to friendos. And to make things worse, when I tried to reach out for a meeting with a nutritional specialist for weight control purposes (this is a thing i’ve been trying to gather up courage to do for fucking years now.) I got straight up denied... because I don’t have diabetes(...yet). This on top of the pile of self loath I had already accumulated... Man that hit me like a truck hits a critter on a highway, and I went straight into suicidal mode in a matter of a few days. I’m not gonna go into detail about those few days, but long story short, I ended up popping my old doze of the SNRI pills to regulate my emotions for a few days. They make me unable to rest properly (can’t get more than a few hrs of shallow sleep -> constantly tired or high wired) but they also make me a mostly emotionless blob, so they helped in that moment. I still don’t want to continually take them though, they make me feel so understimulated about everything :/ I should meet up with my doc about it, but I already know he’s not going to have any new options for me before the ADHD thing is out of the way. Just gotta wait for now, ugh. I guess I do now have a better grasp on how the meds have affected me overall though, so going forward regardless of what those neuro test results will be, I feel like I have feedback to offer now.
Overall I feel like over this summer I’ve really gone backwards with my mental health. I don’t leave my apartment for 3-4 weeks at a time again, and when i do go out it’s like 10min trip to the grocery store to get something. The absolutely horrific heatwaves during june/july/august did not help. Not going out or getting even the slightest of excercise makes me really fucking tired, frustrated and hurty all over, all the time. Yet doing something about it all is hard when going out the door feels like climbing mt. everest with a spoon for an ice pick or something.
On a brighter note, autumn is on the door now and the cooler weather and darker nights are starting to give me better vibes. It’s nice to have a distinct day and night again. I’ve been able to resume my habit of drinking coffee on the balcony while it’s cool/cold out late night or early morning. It’s really cozy and gives me the Good Vibes™.
On the creative side of things, the vibes are still pretty bad. while on the meds I wasn’t getting much feelings about making art, not good or bad, so i generally didn’t really feel like drawing. No stimuli there so why bother? Now that I’m off meds I have a burning urge and the feel that I really want to create... But I’m also stuck in the self loathing pit again, feeling like shit about everything I make. The process is fun but the results make me want to never create again, so it gets more and more difficult to start a creative process, because I feel like it’s gonna make me feel worse anyway! >:/ Can’t have nice things, sigh. Still, I’m fighting that vicious cycle of feels right now, and I know it -will- ease up at some point. I just wish I was able to flip that switch in my head when I want to or need to, instead of having to wait and fight every goddamn time. I also should be starting another period of social/work rehab next month, and now that majority of people are double vaxxed for covid here, those workshops can operate local again. So I should be having a reason to leave the apartment at least twice a week then! I have so many plans and hopes on what I want to do with my life(and art), but all of them are being held back with all this mental health nonsense I have to deal with. I’d really love some healthy stability instead of this stagnation in my life x_x Still alive and occasionally kicking though.
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sugarlove12 · 4 years
Hellooooo it’s meeeeee, to no one’s surprise I still haven’t recovered from given and I don’t think I ever will u can ask @queenoftheknight that literally my heart hasn’t moved on.
So like I said in previous posts I wanted to talk about it so muchhh but the words never came since I consider myself to be someone that expresses better in person than text, but I’ll try so prepare cause this shit is gonna be long.
I’m a very critical person when it comes to openings and for some kind of reason I was like ok let’s listen to it and haha when I was reading the lyrics my heart went 💔 cause everything is so accurate to the storyline, everything fits perfectly. If u haven’t heard the complete song pls do so, it holds so much feelings. I’m gonna share with u guys some of my favorites quotes
All the things u left behind, became my everything-> WITH THIS ONE I DIED OK I WAS LIKE OH OK BAI.
Rainy, sunny, cloudy, spring, summer, fall and winter, 365 days, u remain in all of them-> THIS ONE ASDGFHJ IS THE PART WHERE YŪKI’S GHOST HUGS MAFUYU AND THEN HE HUGS TIGHTER THE GUITAR, look I can’t emphasized how much that scene hurts me.
Even if I meet u in my dreams, it’s meaningless cause u are not here-> bruh I imagine Mafuyu saying this and X_X (this is from the extended ver).
I still hear it, it's still so real, ur heartbeat, it becomes a part of me, u become me, I become u-> I think I don’t need to say any words.
I’m a die hard fan of Haruki and Akihiko, but when I saw that scene where Ugetsu turns back to scream at Akihiko to not go and stay with him, while crying, THAT HURT SO MUCH OMG. Idk why but I could feel his pain like, he was so used to them fighting, breaking up and then getting back together, but this time was for real, that was a definite goodbye. Don’t get me wrong they were toxic as hell and even physical violence was involved cause he punched Akihiko more than once (I think, if my memory is working), but yeah I feel bad for Uge :(
3. Yūki omg this guy
I don’t know where to begin with this guy, I don’t want Natsuki sensei to draw much about him cause he’s my ship wrecker ok. Like I’m a sucker for the bad boy style and everything and he was so caring towards Mafuyu BUT YEAH THE POINT IS I DONT WANNA SEE HIM CAUSE I DONT WANNA LOVE HIM MORE AND FEEL KIND OF GUILTY FOR SHIPPING RITSUKA AND MAFUYU.
But there’s something that tickles me, like imagine a 15 year old killing himself just cause he had a huge fight with his bf, and this is a very sensitive topic but I remember when Hiiragi was talking about him, he said Yūki was a moody person so I thought what if he suffered from depression or he wasn’t emotionally stable like that would destroy the whole fandom. So yeah Yūki bby reast in peace we love u❤️
I don’t wanna offend anyone, this comes from someone who struggles with depression, so yeah kisses💕
4. Ep 9
Do I really need to explain how much damage it made to my heart, for starters I’m not emotionally stable and this episode broke the shit out of me.
All I wanna say is that I lost it when Mafuyu starts to talk to Yuki (u know what I mean) and starts reminiscing the past and ASDFGHJKL , the part when he screams AHHHH woahhhh My emotions left my body, if this platform were more safe I would show u guys pics of me that day AND THE VN I SENT MY FRIENDS OH GOD IT WAS ME SOBBING.
5. Mafuyu’s and Ritsuka’s relationship
I loveeeeee them soooo muchhhh, but there are maaaany things I wanna say and I want to see if I’m the only one who thinks like this.
There are a lot of people who say that Ritsuka is a replacement for Yūki but I don’t see that, on the contrary I think Ritsuka is the one who’s helping Mafuyu to heal, to be able to express himself, to allow himself feel whatever he wants to feel.
Now I’m not gonna lie if deep down I thought so in very specific moments. For example on the infamous ep 9 when Mafuyu is talking to Yūki while he’s singing, he says: I see u everywhere and the scene is Ritsuka turning his back and then Mafuyu sees Yūki, and at that moment I was TRIGGERED also in a manga ch Mafuyu sleeps over at Ritsuka’s and feels like crying cause Ritsuka had the same clock as Yūki, LIKE WHAT ARE THE ODDS, but yeah I don’t think he’s a replacement ok, those were just moments of doubt :)
Well I would’ve loved if the author had put more time between Yūki’s death and the beginning of the story cause idk the exact time but it was less than a year, and within months I think is SO HARD to get over ur ex who just committed suicide because of something U SAID, which also happens to be ur first love, childhood friend, someone who stood by u in so many aspects of ur life (his dad getting arrested) AND OH LET’S NOT FORGET THAT U REALIZED THAT WHAT U SAID WAS WRONG SO U CAME TO APOLOGIZE BUT OHOH TOO LATE BRO, so yeah to be able fall in love in couple of months and get over all that trauma seems a little unrealistic but I won’t fight it cause I love them lots.
Ritsuka is literally the only person that can be with Mafuyu specially in this time and circumstances, cause like I said, simultaneously as Mafuyu is developing a relationship with him,he’s also trying to 1. Move forward and get over Yūki 2. Forgive himself and Yūki, which if u ask me doing those 2 things while being in a relationship, the other person has to be very patient and we can see that with Ritsuka so that’s why I think that he’s gonna be Mafuyu’s second and last love ❤️.
Special mention to the quote on the title: can’t say goodbye, I’m still drifting with your echoes.
I hope I can see our baby Mafuyu always like this cause my god this smol boi deserves pure and entire happiness after all the shit he’s been thru
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I think I got a LOT out of my chest and if u’ve made it till here thank u so much, I love u and appreciate it to the bottom of my very very small fujoshi otaku heart
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faejilly · 3 years
for the writing meme - POV for with an if in its soul (sequel?)
also, WTF IS THIS I SEE ABOUT MERMAID!FIC?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! X_X <3
mer!Alec fic is HERE! (I have ideas for sequels, I just... haven’t quite managed to write them yet? Hopefully for MerMay this year, but I said that *last* year as well, so who knows. Not me! (Never me.)) Feel free to subscribe to the series if you’d like to be notified if I ever manage it. *laughs*
[no excuses writing meme]
So part of why the sequel to with an if in its soul keeps not getting written is 1: scope creep for a s3 rewrite but also 2: I am trying to keep it in Alec’s POV because with an if in its souls was exclusively from Magnus’ POV and that helped with the emotional beats so much, but because of 1: scope creep it’s hard to figure out how to get everything I Need in it like that. So uh. idk? Also it’s hard to figure out a POV shift for something that’s “already happened” when I haven’t finished/posted any of it yet, so maybe have a POV shift for uh... this bit here where Alec calls Cat because Magnus doesn’t recognize him. 
Cat doesn’t normally answer her phone when she’s on shift, but she doesn’t think Alec has ever called her without texting first, unless Madzie was with him and pulling the puppy eyes a bit better than usual, so she steps into an empty charging station for visitors and accepts the call. 
She tries to pretend she isn’t already worried when she answers, tries to keep her voice light and push right on through, as if her being in denial will somehow make it true, will somehow make this nothing serious. 
She closes her eyes at the sound of Alec’s voice. It’s way the fuck too serious.
She has to make herself breathe before she can ask, and then she’s getting interrupted by Magnus. 
Only it doesn’t sound like Magnus, not like he’s been lately, it sounds like a particularly aggrieved High Warlock, and he doesn’t do that, not around her, not around Alec.
She’s not going to be finishing her shift today, that’s for damn sure.
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Can I have a jealous Yandere Deku with a very oblivious reader and Deku can barely control himself anymore?
Okay so I may have gone a little bit overboard with this ^///^;; but since this request has been sitting in my inbox for far too long I wanted to make up for the delay, plus there’s the fact that I still have not done anything for reaching 200 followers yet. I’m e x t r e m e l y sorry for the delay this however x_x but I hope you enjoy it. ^~^ Thank you for requesting.
Trigger warnings: Drug use, dark thoughts, mind break and a whole lot of angst.
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What becomes of the broken-hearted.
He knew it was wrong, so very, very, very wrong.
So many times he’d told himself that he shouldn’t think or feel such things towards y/n and each time the shameful thoughts, ones no hero should ever think up, came to his mind he would instantly push them aside, letting them rot at the very back of his mind, only to give y/n a reassuring smile when she, being the pure and kind soul that he had come to know her as; noticed and asked if he was alright.
“ Y-yeah I’m fine y/n, please don’t worry about me. “
It would be the answer that he would hear himself give every single time when in reality he wasn’t alright and that kind smile that he had come to love almost stung as he knew it was only out of concern for a friend. How he wished that there was love and affection, even if it was just the smallest amount, behind that smile. The thought of it being there was always something that would make his heart pound and race in his chest, even if it was only a fraction of the caliber of love that he felt towards y/n
Y/n and the rest of class-1A did not know this, as it was something that he wanted to keep to himself, but lately, amidst the notes and drawings of hero related content that filled the pages, there was something else that he had taken to writing down in his notebook. Perhaps it was a little obsessive of him, no it definitely was, he knew that, but information on y/n sat at the back of the notebook, separated from the intel of hero and given its own little space. The information ranged from a variety of things, from y/n’s hobbies, her quirk, her strengths, her weaknesses and her personality, each time he would discover something new about y/n he would write it down with the rest of the information when he was alone. Midoriya didn’t know when he had begun to do this, but the reason for doing so felt...Oddly justified in a sense, as the reason why he had started writing down these little notes and key points on y/n, was the thought that if he learned everything he could about her, then he had a higher chance of winning y/n’s heart.
He had never been the best when it came to confessing his feelings for someone- much less a beautiful girl that he considered to be extremely out of his league;  swooning someone with charming words of flattery was likely something more suited to someone else; for people who could easily walk up to a girl with confidence; charm a girl and make them blush while their hearts pounded; whereas he would likely only blush and stumble over his words if he even attempted to do the same thing. However, after working up enough courage to do so he had gone with the option of dropping subtle hints, from, albeit shyly, giving compliments on y/n’s hair, telling y/n how well the clothes she was wearing suited her, to simply refuting y/n any time she talked herself down due to insecurities. This also included inviting her to get ice cream, as it was summer and he knew that y/n’d likely be boiling from the heat, something that did not help the intensive training that would often occur during his and y/n’s free time if it didn’t happen during class.
However, where at first he had barely been able to contain his excitement at the thought of going for ice cream with y/n as thoughts spun around in his head, it had ended much differently from how he had wanted it to go due to how oblivious she turned out to be with things like this and instead y/n had only blinked and gave a big smile as she continued to enjoy the outing, while he wanted nothing more than to slap himself silly right there and there. He wasn’t surprised that the so-called ‘ date ‘ that he had been so excited for had turned out be something that had only been an outing between ‘ friends ‘ and as both he and y/n made their way back to the dorms, Deku could feel his heart deflate more and more with every step that he took, but as disappointment stung and tore at his heart, a frustration settled within him as well; one that came out of his inability and failure of being unable to tell y/n what he was really thinking- what he really wanted. It was something that should have been so simple but here he was stumbling at every turn and continuously running into obstacles; as if the word felt like kicking him in the chest once more for good measure.
He wanted to tell you her so badly, tell her how he truly felt, almost as badly as he wanted to win her beautiful heart but... Like most things- most dreams- there was always an obstacle as one more kick was launched at his chest in the form of this new piece of information that he had learned from Kirishima and his other friends.
Something that left him feeling completely shattered as his heart was left in broken pieces within his chest.
Y/n had a crush on Ka-chan.
Midoriya could feel nothing but numbness at hearing this, and after a brief moment, he quickly realized that he was in shock, the same kind of numbing shock that he had felt when the doctor had said that he would never develop a Quirk of his own. Shortly after he had gotten back to the dorms he had gone straight to his room while giving the reason that he wasn’t feeling very well from something that he’d eaten earlier and because of that he was turning in early. When Iida had mentioned that he could give him something to help remedy it, Izuku had been grateful that he was trying to help but he really just wanted to be alone right now and so, he had politely insisted that he’d be better after getting some rest with a reassuring smile.
The notebook lay open on his lap while his fingers held the pen, taking pen to paper he began to write down what he’d learned, but he could barely write down the words Y/N has a crush on Ka before the pen fell from his hand, landing on the floor with a brief and barely audible sound before it rolled a short distance away from his feet and stopped when it was directly in the middle of the beige carpeted floor. The usually spacious dorm room that he had come to call his home suddenly seemed tiny and the silence that settled sounded nearly deafening as he simply sat there on his bed; notebook still open on his lap, pen still in the middle of the floor; the bangs of his green hair shadowing his leaf green hues; only to widen slightly as his body gave an involuntary flinch at the sound of something suddenly cutting the silence in half if but for a second. His eyes slowly shift to where he had heard the noise, only to narrow in puzzlement at noticing the small wet spot that was now on the page, smudging the ink that made up the beginning of the sentence that he had just written down.
Was he-? Oh- Maybe that’s why his chest felt so tight and why he could feel something wet making their way down his cheeks. Tears had come to be something that he knew quite well after all, due to the hardships that he and the others had to endure, but this...There were no words to describe just how much it hurt and as he realized that he was crying; only more continued to fall as the ones that had welled up in his eyes shortly followed after; as a small sad smile came to his lips, regardless of how he felt too weak to make it genuine or happy.
“ Of course...Of course, she likes Ka-chan...He’s amazing. They both are...Why would someone as amazing as her fall for someone like me..? “
His voice came out weak as the sorrow in his eyes and expression seeped into every word as they left his lips. More tears continued to fall, each one falling on the page but he didn’t care as he raised his free hand up to clutch his chest; as if it would somehow help with the agony that he could feel at that moment and moments after the tears began to fall at a faster pace, Midoriya’s head drooped as the weak smile fell from his expression, the only sounds being his quiet sobs and the sound of tears falling onto the page of the book. However the same could not be said for the screaming that his emotions were doing inside of him as frustration, despair and heartache all blurred together, one that gave space for the resentment that he’d always felt for Kachan. Yes he’d always thought that Kachan was amazing, but he’d also resented him in a way and he’d hated him for how he treated him in school for having dreams of being a hero while being ‘ A quirkless loser ‘ but for him to have been able to win Y/N’s affections so easily while he had been struggling to just confess and show her how he truly felt was something that only added to that resentment as the hatred he’d felt back then sparked again and the anger joined the flurry of emotions inside of him as his gritted and narrowed his eyes, before scowling down to the written and now blurry Ka.
It wasn’t fair...Ever since they were kids Kachan had always been the one with everything, an awesome quirk, friends; a place that he could fit in; whereas he was thrown away, tossed to the side and picked on simply for not being like the others. Kachan- No- Katsuki Bakugo was a bully who was horrible to people, even to his friends- So why did he deserve an angel like Y/N? He was the one who was nice to her, he was the one who had told her specifically that if she ever needed anything that he would be right there for her; even if it was just a shoulder. He was the one that worshiped the very ground she walked on; who hung on every word like they were drops of gold; he was the one that was clearly the better of the two compared to that bully Katsuki Bakugo so why?! Katsuki Bakugo had always had everything! So why was he the one who got Y/N’s affection!??
Did he even know?? Of course, he didn’t- Midoriya knew that the most important thing that mattered to Bakugo was becoming the world's greatest hero, being number one, even surpassing All Might; in fact, he’d made it very clear time and time again that he would crush anyone who got in his way to do so, being number one was all that mattered to him; so, of course, he wouldn’t know that the sweetest and most beautiful person in the world had fallen for him.
Bitter jealousy, resentment, and anger towards the blonde swirled around Midoriya like an all-consuming Typhon and for just a moment, he found himself wishing that he hadn’t held back at the start, even if it was just a little, that night when he and Kachan had fought before giving the fight his all, but then, an idea came to his mind as realization made his sorrowful eyes light up with an idea. Since she liked Kachan, that just meant that he had to surpass Katsuki Bakugo and given as he had already set his mind to do just that long before he’d learned this shattering detail about his angel, it only fueled him with more motivation.
Instantly his thoughts began to work inside of his head like clockwork as ideas and ways to win Y/N’s heart and affection away from Bakugo whirled around in his head. Was it a petty thing to do? Yes, it was, but...At that moment the heartache was gasoline to the thoughts that were welling up inside of his head, and the smoke was so heady he found himself not caring whether it was, or not. He wanted his angel to return his feelings and he’d do it whatever way he had to if it meant protecting her from Kachan who he knew would likely only leave her kind and beautiful heart shattered into a thousand pieces, a feeling that he now knew quite well.
Eyes puffy from the tears that he had spent what must’ve been a few hours shedding, he stands up from his bed after placing the book aside and walks over to the pen that was still on the floor; before bending down and picking it up, standing up straight again and walking back over to his bed and sitting back down. Without looking at the page where he’d written that damnable beginning of a sentence, he tore it from the notebook and scrunched the paper into a ball before tossing it into the nearby bin.
Turning over to a new page, the pen met paper once again as his hand and mind worked in tandem, his eyes were faintly narrowed in concentration and focus as the pen feverishly ran across the page; while quiet once again settled inside of the room, the only sound this time being the movements of the pen as he wrote.
That morning as he walked into class, he could feel determination coursing through him like electricity through an electrical switch, so much so that he couldn’t help think if this is what Denki’s quirk felt like. He knew it would likely have the others questioning it, but he only shrugged it off. He had one thing on his mind and that was the plan that he had stayed up all night to write and think up; unfortunately, this meant that he felt a little tired from the lack of sleep, but he knew it would be worth it if all went well and as the end of class came he couldn’t have been more relieved. Nervous yes, in fact very nervous but he’d been thinking about it so much that he’d barely be able to focus on anything, which unfortunately earned him a scolding from Mr. Aizawa, whom he apologized to immediately after... Still, he only continued to smile as he made his way down the halls and as optics of leaf green fell on Y/N he could feel his heart stop for just a moment in his chest; before starting once again in the same pounding rhythm that it always would whenever he was around Y/N. Or...Even when he just thought about Y/N.
For a second he found himself stopping as his footsteps came to a halt, leaving him standing there in the middle of the hall before he shook off the nervousness that had begun to settle inside of him and jogged over to her retreating form, easily catching up to her walking pace.
“ Hey Y/N, I’m sorry if this is sudden but are you free right now? “
He knew she was, but he asked anyway, all the while feeling heat rise to his cheeks at being this close to her, the beautiful smile that came to her expression only making his heart skip another beat as she responded with a brief shake of her head.
“ No, not particularly. Why? Did you want to go somewhere? “
Even when he felt his heart flutter once again at how welcoming Y/n was to the idea, he forced himself to stay cool, but at the same time, he couldn’t help the shy smile that came to him as he gave a nod. Reaching into his bag, his gaze drifted to the side for just a brief moment as his hand fished around only to bring out two tickets to the movies, the same one that he knew she’d been wanting to see for an entire month due to her mentioning it in class, even if it at times wasn’t directed at him. The way y/n’s eyes lit up with excitement, shock and joy-filled him with an unmistakable sense of joy at knowing that he had been the cause; whenever y/n got excited was always something that he’d found adorable as whenever she would it was like little fireworks were going off in her eyes as her lips would form into this near childishly innocent smile.
“ I was actually wondering if you wanted to go see this with me. “
As no words came from Y/N the beginnings of panic set into Midoriya.
Oh no. Had he been too shy with the invitation he hadn’t just ruined it had- Just before his thoughts can continue he couldn’t help but stare for just a moment as a lovely shade of pink- was that rose…?- came to y/n’s cheeks, the blush setting his heart ablaze with a hope that he knew would be visible in his eyes as she nodded, the smile still on her expression.
“ I’d love to. “
He couldn’t believe it. In fact, he still couldn’t from when they arrived at the movie theater, to when they sat down in their seats. It felt so surreal but it also felt romantic, he hadn’t been on a date before but how they had sat down at the very back of the theater, almost as if they were separated from everyone else felt intimate in a way and as he just sat there, eyes looking to the screen, he could barely help the smile that was currently on his lips.
This...This was so...Perfect, being this close to Y/N.
The movie was the furthest from Izuku’s mind as his gaze continued to glance at Y/N every so often and for a moment, his eyes went to her hand as it rested on the armrest of the seat, it was so close to his own that he could almost touch it and at that moment he wanted to; he wanted to take her hand in his and interlock their fingers together or just place his over her own gently and intimately as he’d once seen in a movie, he knew it was likely most considered very cheesy to think of but it was still something that his thoughts were screaming at him to do. Thinking about this for a moment longer, the same thought that he’d had last night repeats in his head once more.
I will win the Y/N’s heart. No matter what.
Gently placing his hand over her own, his gaze fixed on the movie screen before he peeks a glance at Y/N at noticing her eyes on him from the corner of his eye, feeling her eyes on him and as he made out that same rosy pink blush that had earlier come to her cheeks in the dim lighting that was only offered by the movie screen as her expression was nothing short of surprise, he couldn’t help but smile at her in response. How Y/N never moved her hand away from his own only made his heart swell in his chest, he was happy...Beyond happy actually, the events of last night couldn’t be further from his mind. That was...Until the night ended and the words had left Y/N’s lips.
“ I-I’m...Deku I’m so sorry but...I like someone else. “
Happiness was a cruel and heartless mistress at times... He supposed he should’ve expected as much as he’d given the confession with the confidence that he’d felt; even if his cheeks were still dark red from blush, as his head was slightly bowed. Hearing the rumor from Kirishima and the others had felt like a knife had been plunged deep into his heart, but hearing them straight from those lovely lips of Y/N’s own mouth? He could feel his heart once again cracking all over again, just as it had last night.
“Y-You...What..? “
The guilt, remorse, and sympathy that he could hear in y/n’s voice only worsened the blow as eye/colored hues were lowered, successfully avoiding his gaze but just before she could utter out that those two words once more, the words escaped Izuku before he could make an effort to hold them back and at that moment, as he felt something else begin to crack inside of him...He felt no desire to.
“ It’s Kachan isn’t it. “
As shock came over Y/N’s face Izuku knew that she was perfectly justified to make that expression with how he’d spoken the question but instead of apologizing, his bore into her own expectantly as he waited for her to answer. In the brief silence that settled, destroying any sense of peace or romance that could’ve been there beforehand, Izuku found himself hoping that she’d refute his statement, that she’d say that she didn’t like Kachan and instead liked him but some dreams don’t last long and it was only made that much clearer to him as the beginning of her response left her lips
“ How-? “
“ I heard Kirishima and the others mention it. “
Not wanting to hear the question his response came quick. He didn’t want to hear it...He didn’t want to hear how her heart was still pining for Kachan...The mere thought was enough to make him want to scream, it made him sick as the first embers of hatred that had stirred to life from the ashes of the faint glow that had been there at middle school; began to gradually turn into a roaring flame and one that was only getting stronger the moment this moment played out; and the same pain in his chest that he’d felt last night came back to him once more
“ He doesn’t deserve an Angel like you. Y/N, can’t you see? He only cares about becoming number one, y-you don’t matter at all to him! He’ll only leave your heart in pieces. “
The passion and plea that twinged his eyes seeped into every syllable as he spoke, and although he felt guilt and remorse for the pain that flashed over y/n’s expression his lips parted again, but the smile that came to her expression caused him to freeze and all he could, was stare back into y/n’s eyes, eyes that held so much acceptance and sadness...
“ I know..But that’s okay, I don’t mind, I want him to achieve that goal. Even if he doesn’t feel the same way that I do for him, I don’t mind. I just want him to be happy. “
She didn’t mind…? He didn’t understand...Y/n was willing to let herself be left in the dust if it meant Kachan’s happiness? Of course, Izuku understood that, as he knew without a shadow of a doubt that he would do the exact same thing for Y/N but now was not one of those times, not when it came to her heart possibly being left in tatters because of Katsuki Bakugo, he couldn’t allow that to happen! Yet...She wouldn’t listen, every word that was coming out of her mouth only clarified just how much she loved Kachan and each syllable gave another slice to his heart; as the tightness only increased and hot tears began to well in his eyes. His lips formed in a shaky line as his eyes narrowed in pain.
“ Why? W-Why can’t you just let me love you..? I-I care about you. N-No I love you...I love you so much..I’d do anything for you, anything you ask and I’d do it without question so why? “ his hand balled up into a fist as he bit into his bottom lip as if to distract himself from the tears he knew were mere seconds away from falling, but it was no use and as his head drooped the tears ran down his cheeks as his voice escaped in a pained cry.
“ Why does it have to be Kachan?!! I’d do anything for you! I’m the one that’s been there for you the most! So why can’t you just love me instead?!! “ each syllable was just as hysteric and pained as the tears streaming down his cheeks, the silence on y’n's end only provoking only more tears.
Why…? Why did it have to be this way? Why couldn’t the plan he’d made just work out but...He supposed...That was just how things were...Right? At this thought, something in him clicks...Yeah...Yeah, it was...Maybe he should’ve just resorted to that method all along... Regardless of how it wasn’t very ‘ Hero ‘ like.
That something that he could feel cracking moments before snaps, and as it does, the numbness that he felt at that moment didn’t allow him to care...It was new...This strange feeling of detachment, but as y/n’s voice spoke out in concern it only sounded like pretty music a requiem of concern that was likely only provoked by his sudden silence.
“ D-Deku? A-Are you okay? “
Lifting his gaze to y/n’s, he only smiled
“ I’m fine Angel. I’m sorry if I startled you by raising my voice so much. “
Skepticism passed through y/n’s eyes before it changed to relief, but Deku’s smile never fades as it only remained on his expression, he could still see the guilt and remorse in her eyes as she stepped closer to him with hesitant steps that reminded him of a hesitant kitten rather than the angel he knew she was, and as she gently and softly wrapped her arms around him in a hug; a spark of happiness flashed through him, but the numbness remained even as one of his hands slipped in and out of his pockets before returning the embrace.
“ Deku- “
Any words that y/n had been about to say died in the wake of the quiet gasp that left her lips, as the needle of the syringe; the same one that he’d taken from the nurse's office was now buried in the side of her y/n’s neck. Keeping it there just long enough for the sleep-inducing drug that was inside of the syringe to be emptied into her body, before gently removing the needle and placing the syringe back inside of his pocket. His embrace around her was loving, gentle and protective yet firm as he supported her own wait with his own as the drug quickly began to take over; the ability to talk fading fast due to drowsiness as the only sounds that she could give at that moment were meek whimpers and short sentences, subsequently reducing y/n’s voice to a meek, sleepy whisper.
“ D-De...Ku..W-What…? “
Even in her hazy state, the fear that he could hear in y/n’s voice was not hard to miss as his hand softly rubbed slow circles on her back in soothing motions; his other gently running over y/n’s soft tresses as he whispered in her ear.
“ Shh, it’s okay Angel. You’re going to be okay. I’m sorry I had to do this...I didn’t want to do this... But it was the only way I could protect you. I love you, Angel...You’ll see that...Eventually. Just sleep for now. I promise I’ll be right here. “
Lifting y/n into his arms as her trembling form went limp due to unconsciousness, Deku’s gaze remained on y/n’s sleeping face, the smile still on his lips as the pure, passionate love that he felt towards Y/N; one that would be seen through every compliment and every smile that he would give her was now joined by something else, an obsession that twisted the once pure emotions into something frightening and twisted.
Yes, he knew it was wrong, but heroes protected people and the people they cared about, and in this case, he was protecting his Angel from those who sought to hurt her beautiful heart...Even if he knew that he didn’t deserve y/n’s heart or her himself. His eyes scan around the area for a brief moment, checking again to see if no one was around before looking back down to his now sleeping Angel. Lowering his lips to her forehead and placing a soft kiss, only to whisper, in a hushed but gentle voice, a gentleness that contradicted the frightening madness that had taken root after something had snapped inside of him.
“ Sleep well, My Angel. “
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blackcatanna · 4 years
Playing Kazama's Route Because I Guess I Hate Myself Part 1: Kyoto Winds
So, I'm going to play through everybody's routes on Hakuoki and vent my feelings and frustrations on here! I've already done Saito and Iba but I will play them again soon, too. Next up is Kazama, mostly because I'm curious to find out if this fucker has any redeeming qualities. Maybe if you're into nonces. Idk.
Wow, I had forgotten how gloriously campy this intro is :') I love it so much!
Playing through the prologue because it sets the tone of blood, death and assholes. This game is much more violent, tragic and much less horny than I had predicted and I guess I'm into that.
Aw, Chizuru bae is so lonesome and vulnerable <3
Kodo flashback! HIIISSSSSSSSSS!!! >:(
Just taking a moment to appreciate how beautiful and romantic the nighttime environment and music is <3 At least, until people start getting slashed up X_X
Okita is enjoying this waaay too much X_X
Chapter 1
Thank you for untying me, InouBAE!
Apparently, "They are all truly gentlemen." Uh-huh.
Hooray for Chizuru calling out Okita for being a douche. And Hijikata for calling everyone a bunch of kids! Where is the lie? :')
Um, why has the camera zoomed in on Nagakura's crotch? Chizuru, please control your thirst. This is a life or death situation.
Now Saito's telling Okita to stop being a prick and Okita's response is, "hehe." X_X
Casual suicide jokes... Reminds me of my friends at uni X_X
RUN FOR YOUR LIFE 8O I can't see how this could possibly backfire...
OMG Kondou describing not recognising a girl as "The shame of a lifetime!" XD
"Maybe it's time you spilled your guts, kid." Is he... Is he telling me to commit seppuku?! O_O "I looked at him and nodded." GOODBYE CRUEL WORLD.
Although, with Harada threatening to strip me, suicide doesn't look like such a bad option X_X Tell me, Inoue, WHERE ARE THESE GENTLEMEN YOU WERE TELLING ME ABOUT?!
Feminist Hijikata wants to kill me regardless of gender :') We stan a woke queen.
Feminist icon Sanan also thinks that gender is irrelevant but doesn't want to kill me because THEIR JOB IS LITERALLY TO PROTECT PEOPLE.
You search so hard for Kodo and he turns out to be such a treacherous snake :'(
Bad feminist Hijikata calls the Shinsengumi "sons of bitches" for feeding me to him as his page. The Shinsengumi are strong, independent bitches in their own right.
Escaping execution but being quietly upset about having to wear ugly boy clothes for the foreseeable future is a mood.
More of Hijikata threatening to cut off Okita's tongue, please!
What does Chizuru have against afternoon drinking :P Clearly she has never enjoyed a long glass of Pimm's on a warm Summer afternoon! I guess she is pretty young...
Hijikata isn't here so can I please sneak out with you guys instead of staring at the wall all day?
Reeeeeeally want to pick the yes to dressing like a girl option but apparently that's not what Daddy Nonce wants :( HE'S NOT EVEN SHOWN UP YET AND HE'S ALREADY RUINING MY FUN! >:(
Well, now we're literally running away from Nagakura and Inoue. I'm getting High School flashbacks.
Wait, why is Heisuke being weird about Saito being in my room? Did this happen last time too? Maybe I just forgot or maybe it's because I was hanging out with Heisuke and Harada before...
This dinner is terrifying.
Survival of the fittest? More like survival of the FATTEST! Amirite? Anyone? No? I'll stop.
Takeda admittedly has a point about you not earning your place in the Shinsengumi. And he has great hair. So I can almost forgive him for being a mega bitch.
"His swordsmanship is decent, BUT he is well read and possesses a cunning mind for military science." Not sure if a translation error or Hijikata just hates nerds?!
Does accompanying Hijikata as his page get me bonus Kazama Sexy Points purely because it pisses Hijikata off?
Chizuru once again being in mortal peril but getting distracted by Iba's beautiful face is relatable af.
"Takeda huffed smugly to himself and WADDLED out of the store." What a majestic image we have been blessed with :') The bitchiest penguin ever to waddle this Earth!
Iba happily munching his bean jelly is a MOOD.
Chapter 2
Okita telling you that you're here to keep him company on his rounds is exactly the kind of bullshit that I'd expect from him X_X
Guess I'm just running into a battle...
Oh, it's Kazama. Sitting on the windowsill like the edgy bastard he is.
Aaaand he just killed a guy on his own side. Classic edgelord move.
And apparently I have to thank him for this display if I want him to be my waifu.
Seemingly, Chizuru is thirsty for this slut and is being REALLY FRICKING OBVIOUS ABOUT IT X_X
I have a feeling that a lot of this will be typed in caps from now on -_-
Oooh he winked! I cannot handle this intense eroticism!
Surprise Saito! My favourite flavour of surprise (see, "Shinsengumi's bitch")!
The Shinsengumi are grateful for my efforts and, thus, have gifted me with the great gift of sweeping <3
Hijikata and Iba are so cute <3
Kazama's being edgy again X_X and murdering people. Classic Kazama.
Oh wow, he's actually calling us peasants.
Aw, we're talented peasants <3 How generous of him!
HOW DARE HE TRASH TALK OKITA LIKE THAT! Wow, I'm actually defending that asshole X_X
Hijikata baring his teeth like an angry doggo XD
I'm super mad at Kazama for killing that poor Shinsengumi guy :'( Such a thoughtless waste of life :'(
Now he's mocking Nagakura's obedience to the Shogun. What are your lofty ideals, Kazama? Ah yes, you want to subjugate and enslave the human race. How... noble...
Okay, so, apparently, Kazama is being a huge, murderous pain in the ass because he's just OH SO CONCERNED for the pride of his human allies. I don't buy it.
Ah, Hijikata called Kazama a petulant child :') Truer words were never spoken!
Okay, now Hijikata is saying that they don't deserve an honourable death?! Wow, Hijikata. That comment is not going to age well, I can tell you.
So maybe I agree with Kazama here!? He still shouldn't have murdered that guy, though.
I seriously don't understand why Hijikata is so keen to slaughter these guys and potentially lose more of his men just to force them to suffer a shameful death?! Maybe he doesn't see dying that way as dishonourable but I have no patience for people forcing their ideals onto others.
Aaah! Kazama throwing Hijikata's insult back in his face is pretty brilliant!
Kazama just sliced me in the face! Sexy?!
Sexy Points with Kazama because he's confirmed your full BROOD MARE potential.
Kazama likes calling people bitches so we have that in common.
So, now Hijikata respects them for committing seppuku?! I am CONFUSED.
Oh, now I'm getting Itou's origin story?! This is unexpected!
Wait, have I broken the game and accidentally romanced Kondou?! What is happening right now?! X_X
Oooh! I'm getting sword training! Yes please! This is better than sex :D
Feminist icon Kondou isn't going easy on me just because I'm a girl :D
Chapter 3
Aka: Sanan's breakdown!
"Those were his last words." O_O I... hope that that's not true...
Okay, now he's throttling me! I take it back! Somebody fillet this crazy fucker!
But why is he choking me when he could be sipping on my delicious blood? O_o
The awkward moment when your creepy brother is a hotter woman than you X_X
Apparently, Kazama's gazing at me with bloodlust. How romantic.
Haha! Apparently Kazama's hand is "pale and grasping like the tentacle of some hideous subterranean monster." X_X Hot.
Yay! Rescued from tentai boi by HajiBAE and SanoCUTEY! And Harada is calling out Kazama for being a creep :') This is a good day.
Kazama's response burn is weak. The culture and the nose of a dog? What does that even mean? Even if Harada's nose looked like a dog's, that'd still be pretty weak, imo.
Ha! Saito's response is basically just an Uno reverse card but I'm always here for calling Kazama out on his hypocrisy.
Omg, now Yamazaki is kidnapping me and Shiranui's calling him out! None of these hos have any chill!
Amagiri is taking a break from fighting to read Shiranui for being a hotheaded pain in the arse.
Hijikata is rightfully calling me an idiot for drawing my sword on Kazama :')
Kazama's insults are so blunt and childish but it's so funny! He just called Hijikata a weak shit! Apparently, fighting him is an honour and Hijikata isn't giving this diva the attention he believes he deserves.
Hijikata needs to stop calling me Kid X_X
"Sleazebag" = accurate.
Ooh, Sanan is paying me a late night visit! How risqué!
Of course I want to learn more about the water of life but The Grand High Nonce would apparently disapprove so I guess I'll have to wait until another route to find out :'(
Apparently Kazama's not going to abduct me TODAY. How reassuring.
I relate to Kazama admiring the beauty of the temple but he lost me by being a hypocrite again. Apparently, he doesn't understand how humans can destroy their creations with their wars. KAZAMA IS FIGHTING WITH THE PEOPLE WHO WANTED TO BURN KYOTO AND THEY PARTIALLY SUCCEEDED. Kazama can only destroy things, as far as I can tell.
Now he's ranting about how they lie, deceive and kill. Pot kettle black? "If they want something, they'll steal it." UGH, KAZAMA, YOU HAVE REPEATEDLY TRIED TO STEAL ME YOU HYPOCRITICAL FUCKWIT. HE'S SO FRUSTRATING. SUCH AN INSUFFERABLE COMBINATION OF PRETENTION, HYPOCRISY, CRUELTY, HUBRIS, I could go on XD I should stop... For now...
Sen = <3
Chapter 4 (This is where I went to sleep)
I feel like we could have got away with killing the guy who was SENTENCED TO DEATH if fricking Sanan hadn't shown up and revealed his alive-ness!
Aw, Itou is concerned about my arm!
Aaaaand he's ruined it by being a cunt XD "Would you like to know?" "Yes." "I won't tell you." X_X
Heisuke, Saito... HOW COULD YOU LEAVE ME... WHEN I NEEDED TO... POSSES YOU... I HATED YOU; I LOVED YOU TOO... BAD DREAMS IN THE NIGHT.... *Continues singing Wuthering Heights and dances around the room dramatically*
"And then they were gone" :'(
Tbf, I'd be pretty mad if my comrades had been doing such dangerous, fucked up experiments behind my back.
"I am more concerned about the soldiers being left behind." - lies!
Wait, Sanan knew Itou "really well"?! Their only interaction until now was Itou being a mega-douche to him. I have so many questions!
Aw, Sanan trusts that our friendlings will return <3
Ooh! Going on a manju adventure with YAM!
Kazama strolling down the street and everybody being pushed out of the way by the douchebag waves rolling off of him.
Okay, so Kazama has come here alone to get pissed amongst humans?! That seems implausible...
"I might even allow you to pour me a drink." BLEUGH BLETCH BLUUURGH.
If I'm supposedly so curious about the demon lifestyle, can I PLEASE just run away with Sen? :'(
"Yukimura. What do you have to say about this?" FINALLY!!! THANK YOU, KONDOU!
I really want to go but the game won't let me XD
Souji is correct. I clearly have rocks for brains XD
"Gosh" Appropriate reaction.
Ooh! Physical contact with Kazama! Sure, he's violently grabbing me but this thirsty bitch will take what she can get XD
Harada has the best put downs :') "Barging in here to get yourself a wife! You think you'd get the point by now after all these rejections..."
"She is most valuable when used by a fitting partner." THA FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY?!???! NOPENOPENOPE. A FITTING PARTNER WOULD NOT "USE" ME, BITCH.
"HA! So you decide to take her against her will just because you're too scared of the rejection you'll get from flat-out asking her out, huh?" YES HARADA!!! YOU CALL OUT THIS FUCKING NONCE!!! ALL RAPISTS ARE COWARDS!!! "You're so lame and creepy." WHERE IS THE LIE?!??
Meanwhile, Hijikata just makes it clear that he'd happily slice through me. Good to know.
I shall WIGGLE my way out of this situation! What do you mean it didn't work?!
"Tell me... How is it? On top of me. Does it feel good?" O_O O_O O_O This game just got a lot more spicy!
Just fuck already! If only to piss off Kazama X_X
Aw, poor sick Okita <3
How dare they mention that the new HQ has a huge bath for warriors to bathe together and not have another thirst scene :P
Now Harada and Nagakura are slut shaming each other for having their tiddies out in Winter :')
Does this count as sexposition? Politics + tiddies?
"Itou dies." This is what happens when you base a game around true events! Problems aren't solved with the power of love and friendship! X_X
Chapter 5
At least in the normal route where nobody loves me, I don't get shot at by cannons O_O
There are a lot of typos in this chapter already. Perhaps the developers didn't expect anyone to be INSANE enough to romance Kazama.
Yes Queen, you call out those murdering cowards :'(
FFS I just got hella shot X_X
Apparently, I'm a "Noble Demon specimen" BITCH WHERE?!
"Shoot me? To death?" XD
"Kazama glared coldly at the pile of dismembered corpses on the floor" :') So romantic!
"Actually a man." UM, A CHILD, SEEMINGLY.
The whole creepy demonic family together at last :')
"What you're doing is disgraceful." YOU TELL HIM KAZAMA.
"Mind if I kill your family, right here and now?" O_O Kazama has zero chill! Thanks for asking, though, I guess. Go for it, Kazama XD
Oh, apparently I'm going to "talk to them" X_X
"Kodo, I could murder you over a thousand times, and it still wouldn't be enough for me." This is the most I've ever liked Kazama.
Doesn't Kazama work directly with Kodo in various routes?
Why can't I vanish like smoke? :'( Where are MY cool demon powers? :'(
"If your idea of a good time is seeing the rotting corpses of your friends, be my guest..." 8_8 :'( No, they can't all be dead! Surely not! Kazama don't say things like that!
The Yodo are going to betray the Shogunate?!? I must warn them D:
Wow, this just got heavy and real sad.
Wait, did he just admit to meddling in the war?! He is such a hypocrite!!!! Aaaaaaah!!! Somebody call him out on his bs!!!!
Even Shiranui sees that humans have a variety of complex motivations X_X
Do the Shinsengumi just assume that I'm dead?!
Great, now I'm on a road trip with this cunt.
"I've never actually been this close to a man before..." Calm down! That horse is third wheeling so hard right now. And what about that time you fell ON TOP OF Okita?!
Welp, that's it for Kyoto Winds! Onwards to Edo Blossoms! I still don't like Kazama but at least murdering the ever-loving FUCK out of Kodo is a cause that I can believe in. Although, one of the reasons that I hated Kodo in Saito's route was because he was helping the same sex pest I'm now galloping across the country with. Huh. 
This is the most that I’ve ever used the word, “nonce” in my entire life and this is only the first game.
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ahiddenpath · 5 years
Avoiding Common Colds
Lately I’ve had several people ask me how I so rarely get ill (although I make up for it by injuring myself x_x), and I was surprised to find that a lot of my friends and coworkers don’t take the preventative steps I do?  So, if you find that you’re catching a lot of colds, maybe try some of these tips???  (I love you, babes.  Be well).
First, there’s no iron-clad way to avoid contracting colds and the like, but there are ways to decrease the likelihood of getting sick.  
1.)  Get 8 hours of sleep per night (if you’re an adult; kids and teens need more)
Your immune system shows measurable signs of decreased efficacy if you get 7 hours compared to 8, and it keeps degrading as you lose more sleep.  I won’t get into the science here, but check Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker out of your library if you’re interested.
(I rarely call books life-changing, and frankly I don’t care for Walker’s writing style, but the information he assembled is truly vital for everyone’s health.  Please read it if you can).
2.)  Wash your hands immediately upon returning home and remove your shoes at the door.
Don’t transfer outside germs from your hands and the bottoms of your shoes to your home!  The soles of your shoes contact everything from spit to pesticides to feces, so remove them at the door.
3.)  Routinely sanitize your work space (at home and at the office).
Did you know the average office desk is covered with more germs than the average office toilet?  Despite their function, office toilets are often sanitized daily.  Office desks are almost never sanitized, and many people spend all day there, and even eat there.
Sanitize your desk at least weekly, and make sure to sanitize your computer keyboard and mouse, too.  Also sanitize your cell phone and home desk/computer/video game controllers/remote controls/devices weekly.
4.)  Sanitize commonly-overlooked germ hotspots
Most people sanitize toilets and kitchen countertops and tables, but people often forget to sanitize the following:
-doorknobs (especially the front door and bathroom doors)
- faucet aerators 
-sponges and washcloths
-toothbrush holders
-water filters and reusable water bottles
-dental gear like retainers, mouth guards, toothbrushes, etc
I’m not saying you need to clean out and disinfect your fridge and everything else every week, but make sure it happens with some regularity.
5.)  Avoid touching your face
If you must touch your face while you’re out, wash your hands first.  And of course, wash your hands before you eat, and don’t bite your nails!  Even if you just washed your hands, it can be difficult to remove bacteria from beneath your fingernails.  I recommend having short fingernails for this reason.
6.)  Drink lots of water
The benefits of drinking lots of water are many, but the short version is that general health boosts your immune system, and passing urine helps flush unwanted nasties from your body.
7.)  Care for your body with exercise, vitamins, and a good diet
Basically, the better care you take of your body, the better equipped it is to fight off infection.
8.)  Get an annual flu shot, unless you have a medical reason not to
9.)  Manage your stress
Stress can debilitate your immune system, and stress is unavoidable for most people.  Please try your best to find a way to manage your stress, like exercising, journaling/writing, socializing, meditating, or whatever works for you.  
Okay, I think that’s all!  Obviously, there’s more common stuff, like “maintain physical distance from sick individuals” and “wash your hands after using the restroom,” but I wanted to focus on the things that people I know said they don’t do.
Please stay healthy!   
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hitoritravels · 5 years
☆Japan Trip 2019 Day 1 Part 1: RE:Start☆
こんにちわ、ひさし ぶり
...erm hello it’s been a while. Nearly a year and a half if I’m not mistaken.
It’s been...one heck of a year. 2018. I took a first step that was beyond my wildest dreams. And it only got more...wondrous. I met a longtime friend for the first time for an unforgettable night. I broke out of my shell and had the pleasure to meet and play Pokemon with people I had never met and they were some of the nicest people I had ever met. I got to meet the man who helped me feel a little less misunderstood in the world and tell him how much his work has helped me. And cried into his shoulders I even got to see a childhood hero sing right in front of me and sing a song that just...carries a lot of emotions for me. 
It was something. Last year.
But it wasn’t all roses
I started to...fall back into bad habits. Old patterns started to show up again. I started hurting those that were just trying to help. Making decisions I knew would make me unhappy. Starting to choose to be lonely rather than be alone for my own good. Making the wrong people happy.
But I fought on. Because shortly after I returned from my last trip, it was decided that I would be returning to my happy place. The place where I took my first step. A place where all of my dreams came true and more. It was decided that I, along with some friends, would be returning to Japan for Spring 2019. For some of them it would be an exciting first time: they had never been so it was going to be something memorable. For others, it was a chance to try out things that they missed out on last time. And in part it was the same for me as well.
But it was more than just that. For me, it was the next step. It was time to see if I really had made any meaningful progress. If I had really changed for the better in any way since the last time I was here. It was...as odd as it is to say, a reality check.
And so despite a rough few months leading up to the trip, the time finally arrived. It was time to take off and return to Japan. Let’s a go-go~★
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Popplio is ready to take off★ Prepare to see my friend more than once as he is my partner on this ride this time ^_^
...is what I’d be saying if we actually took off at that time Σ(-᷅_-᷄๑)
So unfortunately as soon as we boarded the plane, it was announced that the plane had broken down in some fashion. They tried their best at fixing it on the spot but sadly it just did not happen. So we had to leave and it was announced that our next plane would arrive five hours later at soonest. This made a lot of people disgruntled and at the time I wasn’t bothered by it. Oh boy was that a mistake in retrospect.
At any rate I had planned on eating the lunch provided on the plane but since that didn’t happen, we were all given basically free lunches by the airline a la discount coupons that basically covered full meals from pretty much all of the surrounding restaurants. So I ate, played some Pokemon Platinum (starting Piplup was a...mistake? I don’t know I’ll let you know as I make more progress) and eventually, despite the chaotic scramble, we were all boarded and ready to take off for Japan.
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Ok this time for sure. I hope >_<;
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Our...dinner? Breakfast? Time was a super messed concept for me at this point. being up for practically 16+ hours and running off of...maybe one nap. Send help x_x
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But eventually, we made itttttttt
I did it! I made it to Japan! Things can only start getting better from this point on!
...and again, if only things were that easy =x
So let’s start off with something I realized the moment we landed: my lodgings were fairly far away. Like about an hour or so away from the airport. I had stayed with them previously so I recalled that they had curfew hours. Knowing that, I started to change over my SIM card that my favorite recommended to me and my other friends so that I would have data in Japan so I could contact my lodgings and tell them that I’d be running late.
Turns out the SIM card was not. I repeat. NOT. Compatible with my phone. No fault of anyone’s really, my phone and the SIM card just didn’t play well. Everyone else had a grand time with the SIM card so if you’d like to have a nice simple SIM card, delivered to your house prior to your travels, not to mention coming with a bunch of free boons, why not give it a chance? It was a shame it didn’t work out but now it’s all water under the bridge so all is well ☆
I immediately start panicking. It was around 11 PM, I’m still in line for customs, I have no immediate access to data (and therefore directions), the vast majority of all of the places selling SIMs and Pocket WiFis were closed, and even if I rung up directions, by the time I got out of airport customs with all of my stuffs, I would basically be catching the last trains the whole entire way until I got to my lodgings at approximately 1 AM.
Basically I needed access to train maps right away and I needed to not miss any of the trains I needed to catch. Otherwise I’d be out of luck.
Push came to shove and I decided to start roaming on my phone. It was a costly option but dammit this was an emergency and I’m on vacation. I have money to burn. Sort of. >~<
I hastily called up maps, navigated my way from the metro up to the Skytree line, and with the luck of the Gods, the stars aligned and as I started to make my way to the last train, I was told by a friendly officer that the last train I needed to catch was stalled for just a few minutes just to accommodate for any remaining stragglers. I thanked the officer and rushed my butt up the platform to a completely packed train. Running up the platform with no room to comfortably squeeze in, I thought to myself “screw it”, hauled my luggage, used it as a means of opening up space (and since this is a normal affair for Japanese subways, they immediately made enough space for me and my luggage, bless) and I was able to get onto my last train in time. I also managed to get in touch with the Manager of my lodgings and he told me he’d be up waiting since he was still expecting customers to come in anyway. Super blesss.
I pull into a familiar sight. Nisharai station. The last time I was here it was all unfamiliar territory. Now walking down those steps felt like re-visiting an old friend, and despite being in a rush, I still had enough time to really be in the moment. I was back.
After getting setup at my lodgings and quietly putting my stuff away, I sadly realized that I had no chance to really have dinner. Plus I was still fairly tired at this point so I quickly hopped into the showers and hit the hay. It was a very long day. But in the end I made it. I’m back in Japan. And it was time to start going down a very long list of personally important things that I wanted to do get to this time around
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Good morning Nishiarai. It has been a long time my old friend★  
Despite everything I didn’t sleep very well. A combination of jet lag and a general sense of fatigue that just wouldn’t go away no matter long I slept had me...groggy at best. Nonetheless, I somehow pulled myself out of my slumber; after last night’s mishaps, I was ready to make up for all of it. I was going to give myself the right start that I was hoping for since I got here. So after ordering myself my pocket WiFi from EConnect (bless their hearts they are amazing), I knew what the first thing I was going to do was. It was one of my more fonder memories from last time and this was going to mark the start of a good day
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For this trip, I decided that I am going to try out more coffee places this time around. Kohikan really surprised me last time and opened my world to just how delicious properly made coffee could be and I was looking forward to seeing what some of the other coffee shops in Japan had to offer. But more on that later~
After having a nice hearty breakfast and a delicious cup of coffee, my next stop would be a Lawson Mini-Stop. Which is basically a Lawsons but smaller? I couldn’t quite tell you the difference to be honest. But at any rate my reason for visiting one is because....
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How do I work this darned thing
This is Loppi. Long story short, the convenience store chain Lawson has a system where you could order tickets for a variety of events: concerts, sports games, cultural events, you name it. As long as you’re able to navigate the Lawson website or the Loppi terminal, you could place your order, input some information and a confirmation pin, print out your ticket, pay the price printed on the ticket, and voila: you have yourself a ticket to the event you wanted to attend☆ Sadly my reading skills were not yet at a point where I could confidently navigate the terminal but thankfully there was a dummy option of scanning a given QR code (which I had) and that made it all the more easier to get my ticket. A ticket for what was probably one of the most important and memorable nights of my trip.
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Last year I went to go see MAMY live, one of, if not my most favorite Japanese band out right now. This year, the stars aligned and I was given the opportunity to see not one but two of my favorite bands live: SECONDWALL and AliA. When this live was announced I could not believe my eyes and while making reservations wasn’t easy, I still made the attempt: I wasn’t going to miss out on an opportunity of a lifetime
To be honest, once I had paid for the ticket I felt a huge sense of relief: I really wanted to have the opportunity to see the stars in my sky once more and have the chance to tell these people just how important their music was to me. Now all that was left to do was hope that everything would turn out fine on the day of the live. Now with that burden off my shoulders, I took off with a hop, step and jump towards my next stop☆
Last time I was here I made a memorable visit to Kiyosumi-Shirakawa on a whim and it was arguably one of the more memorable and important parts of that trip. I had however had after the fact that it was known for housing some fairly top notch coffee shops, and so I decided to try one of them out and see what it was like. But I there were also a few places I wanted to visit first, so it was time to get back to what I loved doing best
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Kiyosumi-Shirakawa Park, right next to the gardens! What led me here (aside from the scenery) was....
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Volbeat! This is one of the more odd regionals, currently only available on the East Hemisphere. Now to find some Farfetch’d and Zangoose★
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There was a school trip happening around the main area. I didn’t stick around long so it wouldn’t be awkward
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Snack time~★
After walking around the park and playing Pokemon GO for a bit, I wanted to revisit the gardens to see if any seasonal flowers popped up this time around (there was nothing the last time I was there; unsurprising considering that it was winter when I last visited =x)
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Pretty flowers! 
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As always this place is beautiful☆
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There was a bit of an early/late hanami going on here? There was surprisingly less sakura in here than I expected
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Our water denizens! Also every black spot in that last picture is a tadpole. There were A LOT of tadpoles 
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A brave turtle majestically posing
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Later days Kiyosumi Gardens! Until we meet again~★
As tradition calls for, I...relaxed and reflected in this garden for a bit. While I didn’t hit as much of a “eureka” as I did last time, I came to realize that despite all of my recent setbacks that maybe...I was a bit on the right path. I remembered what it was that made me happy and however heavy the burdens may be back home, I should not lose sight of what’s important to me and continue to try for what makes me happy in a meaningful way. Being here made me happy in a meaningful way. Changed me for the better. I had come this far: not just by taking the first step but also thanks to the support of my most precious friends and family that have been there for both of my happiest and saddest moments. I remembered what drove me to come here in the first place and how it resulted in me meeting one of the most inspirational people I’ve ever had the pleasure to encounter. 
A singer who upon hearing her voice, hearing her sing...inspires me to get up and try again. And again. And while that may not be the deepest reason out there, music has been a very important part of my life, expressing everything I never could. Expressing my happiness where words failed and expressing my sadness when it was too hard to say anything.
And that’s a lot of the reason why I travel halfway across the world, to visit Japan: to meet the people whose music have helped me so much when nothing else could. To meet the people that inspire me, tell them how amazing they are and...maybe try to see and understand what inspires them to be the the way that they are
To hopefully tap into some of that inspiration and...someday hopefully become someone that can help and inspire others in a meaningful way. At least what’s I hope for  (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) ☆
Feeling a little more peaceful inside, it was time to move forward. For now it is time for coffee! But that part of the journey is best saved for a different time. There’s quite a bit more from that day to share so I will save that for a different time
Until then,
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See you next time ☆   
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spacechannnel5 · 6 years
AA HELLO!!!! Mod jaguar here..! idk where to start because im so ashamed and awkward to just come back out of the blue for literally a whole year which im so sorry for that but better late than never i guess x_x 
i dont wanna get too into it since its not important but like at the time both mods were generally busy but i was dealing w petty stalkers who one of them eventually found this blog and woo wee! boy did i hit the bricks! it didnt help that i was already stressed from school and irl stuff so i really found no energy to be active ?? (not to mention i forgot my email for this acc ngl JHDFGJ) 
BUT ANYWAYS!!! that changes now! ill be drawing so much more and be a lot more active from now on hopefully!!! u can request stuff if u want as well!
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Damaged Not Broken
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Damaged Not Broken [It’s never too late to make things right│Bloo]
“What the hell I-I gotta call you back” you spoke into your phone before hanging it up and dragging Daniel into your apartment. “What the hell happened to your face?!” you hurried into your bathroom to grab your first aid kit and a few paper towels.
“Relax, it’s not as bad as it looks.” He chuckled sitting on the counter, watching you scurry around the apartment “Who were you talking to this late?”
“Not as bad as it looks? You come knocking on my door at 5am with a black eye and it’s not as bad as it looks?” He shrugged and smirked as you came closer to him with the first aid kit. “Seriously what happened? You drink too much?”
“Something like that…” he muttered under his breath.
“You didn’t answer my question…” You opened the alcohol pads.
“Who were you talking to?” he pouted, looking everywhere but at you.
“It was just Nafla”
“This late?” He rolled his eyes.
“This isn’t late. It’s early.”
“...what were you two talking about this ‘early’ then? Nafla-Hyung only calls women at this time for one thing...”
“Well obviously, I’m not with him doing that now am I? So shut up.” You sighed seeing him quirk a brow. “Oh hush, I just called to see if you he knew where you were.”
“Aww you worried about me Babe-” As you pressed the alcohol pad against the corner of his mouth he winced, flinching back. “Ouch, can’t you be more gentle?”
“Can’t you be less stupid? How can you go around getting into bar fights at this age?” you sighed and put a little bit of the ointment against the cut. “Just…” you sighed. “What happened?”
His shoulders slumped. “I was out with…” his voice trailed knowing that you weren’t exactly her biggest fan.
“What a surprise” you rolled your eyes. As you attempted to walk away, he grabbed your hand.
“Hey come on…”
“Let me guess, you got into a fight because Haerin was flirting with someone else...again.” you groaned. “You sure get into a lot of trouble for your not girlfriend.” You were sure in his eyes, he considered her his. But she didn’t want to be tied down. In her words she just didn’t like labels, or some bullshit excuse that she gave him to string him along.
“It’s not her fault.” he brushed his fingers against the top your hand.
“It’s not her fault because she’s not technically your girlfriend or some shit? So She’s allowed to flirt with whoever she wants? And somehow you’re always the one getting hurt? Or it’s not her fault because in that sick and twisted mind of yours you actually think you deserve this bullshit?”
“I deserve everything I get...It’s not deeper than that.” he shrugged. “You get back what you put out right…?” he chuckled in that dark and broken term giving such a twisted smile. “I told you I’m an emotional mother fucker right?”
“You sure as hell don’t deserve to have to put up with her.”
“Why do you hate her so much…?”
“Why do I- Look at your face Daniel!” you had to stop yourself from saying anything more. You couldn’t exactly say you weren’t bias about the whole situation. Seeing your best friend waste his life with this spoiled little princess that really only just loved him for the attention. And that was all you’re going to focus on because you weren’t exactly ready to come to terms with your feelings. 
“Hey…” He cupped your face and smiled. “I’m ok..Look at me...I’m fine.” Pressing his forehead against yours and giving you that soft smile that made you weak.
“Stop” you hit his chest, trying to pull your hand away.
“Stop what?” he chuckled brushing his nose against yours. “Come on don’t be mad…Please?” he pouted.
“I just want you safe...She does all of this just to see if you get jealous, all she wants is a rise out of you And it works each and every time.” you looked down, shying away from him. Taking a breath and a step back.
“Who wouldn’t get jealous? She’s g-”
“Gorgeous I know…” you sighed pulling away and slamming the first aid kit close.
“You can’t be this mad about the fight right? It was just a stupid little bar fight. No big deal. Owen gets in one like every other week.”
“Owen gets into a fight because he get mouthy when he’s drunk and he regrets it in the morning. You get into one because you can’t see that you’re getting played by someone that’s pretending to be into you.”
“...Well you don’t have to worry about her anymore...”
“And why’s that? Huh?”
“I don’t think I impressed her too much with my fight. Pretty sure she dipped with the other guy after he sucker punched me.” It wasn’t even the first time that happened.
“You really are a dumbass….Couch is yours. I’m going to bed.” you grumbled before retreating into your room. “I give up…” you whispered before closing the door behind you.
He flopped down onto the couch, covering his face with his arm. It’d been such a long night, his body ached, he was annoyed, and on top of it all you were pissed with him and he hated it.
He’d met you about a year ago, when Nafla and Loopy hired you on as their new crew DJ. Maybe it was because you two were close in age, or grew up in the same neighborhood. But you just clicked. You became one of those people that he felt he could confide in and trust. You were that person who could keep him grounded when life was getting to him.
You were his anchor.
But ever since he started seeing Haerin you started drifting further from him and he was at a loss.  
Haerin was great, she was fun, beautiful, and he had a good time with her. She wasn’t perfect. But neither was he. She was just as damaged and broken. She brought out the version of him she deserved. Which just so happened to be the worst of him. But he never once thought that she was too good for him.
But with you, he had to strive to be better.
And he didn’t want to lose you.
Knocking on your door, he poked his head inside. You were laying down on your bed, covering your face with the pillow. You just looked so defeated. You didn’t stir until you felt the bed dip under his weight. “...What…?” you moved your arm enough just to see the silhouette of his face, looking at you.
“Don’t give up on me…”
“Why do you even care what I do?”
“Because you matter” he reached down for your hand, lacing his fingers with yours. “You always matter...And I can’t lose you…”
“I’m not going anywhere asshole.” you tighten your grip on his hand. “I just don’t wanna keep seeing you get hurt…”
“You keep saying I don’t deserve to be hurt...What do you think I deserve?”
“...happiness….” As he leaned down toward you, you cupped his face; Your fingernails grazing his scalp “You deserve to smile...I love that smile…” He leaned into your touch, and smiled hearing you laugh as you curved his lip into a smile with your freehand. “There it is…Such a beautiful smile...” he pressed his forehead against yours, his eyes darkening as he gazed at your lips.
As he moved in toward your lips you turned away, letting you catch the side of your mouth. “But…”
He pulled back immediately from the rejection. You saw a flash of pain in his eyes, but it hurt you more to see that he was more expectant about it. He chuckled bitterly before nodding to himself. “I’m sorry...It was too much.”
That look in his eyes broke your heart. Like he knew you’d turn away. He was expecting rejection. “Hey…Hey-…” you sat up, cupping his face, your brows furrowing as you pulled him closer. “Don’t you dare think for a moment that I’m rejecting you.”
“The why…”
“Because I think I deserve all of you too…” Sighing you looked down. “I don’t wanna be some emotional 5am rebound only for you to run right back to Haerin when you sober up…”
“I would never do that to you...Me and Haerin…”
“For now… but you guys always do that...I need to know you’re mine…” you caressed his cheek lightly, running your thumb gently against his lips. “If you’re willing to be…”
He pressed his forehead against yours, nuzzling against your nose. “I’ll talk to her tomorrow...make sure we’re done...break everything off.”
“Good...until then…” you pressed a kiss against his forehead. “Get some sleep”
This was supposed to be a drabble and it turned into 4 pages lol Bloo i such a weakness. Welp, if you guys wanna see more Bloo let me know.  
I’m currently super sick and hyped up on all kinds of medication x_x but I needed to have something for you for all being so patient.
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leonbastralle · 7 years
Reply Post Work Of Ages - For Rosa
grumpysimmies replied to your photo “Final version of my summer palette sim! Holiday Guava Smoothie (or...”
She's so pretty ♥️
Thankies :3
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset
I'm so happy ;___;
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “B: *fangirling intensifies*”
Same Blaze same
so you’ve been there for their original selves? :o sometimes I feel like it’s been an actual lifetime! (no offense to their mum)
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “J: Why did they not let me bring my child…”
That's too bad :c
Well I snuck in a pic a while ago ;)
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Surprise guest! This lovely lady actually made her way into TS4 xDI...”
I KNEW IT (see I checked it out :p)
YOU DID tumblr only showed me a small bit of these but now my crazy activity line makes more sense xD
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Meet the last baby of gen 5 (and our heiress), Monarch! Thanks to...”
Here's another adorable child ;__; ♥️
that you’ve seen before :P
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Father and son ;_;”
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Pointy grew ♥”
Too cute ♥️
she was highkey my fave for quite a while tbh
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Bryony found this pirate and his first mate at the library! Sadly, no...”
A bit disappointing but it makes sense they came there to read xD
*gasps* how dare
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Glow had a bad day at school :/ he was stressed about an exam and then...”
Aww poor baby :c
I have a lot of feels for him ♥
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Telling an adventure story.”
Why are they all so cute ;____;
Idk man. The Miracles have always had a certain kind of magic about them...
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “A: *gasps* That good? F: *laughs* Quite. I think it’s good that you’re...”
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “F: Aureus? Could you come over here for a moment?”
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “G: Please, save me.”
He grew up so fast ;___;
he actually did because I never have any patience xD longer life spans would mean 3 times as many pics as I have now, and I could not handle posting that.
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “GUESS WHO GOT AN A”
I love him ♥️
duuuude same
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “rly”
How can you actually reject this adorable tiger ;___;
Idk man, Shimmer had some serious issues as a tot...and I’m talking REAL serious.
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Now he’s shy.”
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “A: Oh man, that movie though! Shine please, I really need a hug. S:...”
This is too adorable ;___;
ikr ;_; I need to make a ‘fave Flame/Aur parenting moments’ poll XD
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “dun dun dunnnnnNNN”
Gotta love him ♥️
say it louder for the anti ts4 ppl in the back ;)
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset
They're seriously too cute ♥️
now I feel like I need to play them again and like a whole lot but I can’t
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “G: Wow, I can’t believe I once was in there, too!”
That's deep Glow xD
Glow’s a philosopher ;)
grumpysimmies replied to your photo
She's just perfect ♥️
Is it bad that I feel the same way even tho she’s my own sim
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “A little private celebration ;_;”
I love them ;_;
me too man they give me life...to think Aur noped out of the whole thing at first is like...what
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “G: Look daddy! I no throw food this time! Daddy proud? F: !!”
It's impossible to stay mad and not be proud ;___;
especially if you’re Flame, he’s the most chill dad
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset
An adorable dad ♥️
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “F: Oh, you mean this? G: *giggles* Dad noooooo! F: Ah, I understand....”
akdjfkddfjirk my heart oh god ♥️
;_; trust me I died writing these
grumpysimmies replied to your photo “LANI LOOOOVES YA”
And I love her ;_; ♥️
good ;)
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “He was right. F: How exactly is this baby coming out now? Dear...”
This is a question no one wants to answer xD
seems that way, looking at the comments xD
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset
too precious ;_;
not exactly sure what this was about, but I’m assuming Flame, so yes
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Confident bump watch.”
I never knew I needed pregnant Flame in my life so much before this ;____; ♥️
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “F: G-greetings, uh, Berryverse…this is…no, this is not clickbait, I...”
As if Aur could leave you forever!
Flame believes that, but at the same time there’s always this really small voice in your head you know? I mean, four children later he’s quite sure xD
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “J: And that would be my clue to leave.”
Poor Jewel xD
nah, they’re cool about it xD like it was them and Bonsai who made Aureus rethink his priorities, so. I’m sure these two will have a fangirling moment once Jewel gets home and tells Bonsai about how cute they are.
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset
zkdjkkfrild look at him ;__; ♥️
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “But don’t worry, I’ve got a feeling nobody can dislike Aur for too...”
Is it even possible to dislike him :o
Idk man, he has quite some opponents in politics too xD
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “I could watch them play all day, honestly.”
Same ♥️
Good thing they do it professionally xD
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “F: Greetings, Berryverse! This is it, the moment you’ve all been...”
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Introduction in some brighter light xD It was indeed four legs as you...”
afkdkdjfirk I know I've already seen them but they're so adorable ♥️
they are the preshest ;_;
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Solely for bump watch purposes.”
She looks so good while pregnant ;__; ♥️
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “A: The car…you fixed it. I-I like the colors. E: Let’s…not talk about...”
You freaking idiot x_x
he’s quite pathetic at times, it’s just part of his personality to use big phrases and to feel sorry for himself I guess xD
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “C: You know, with you…I think this whole immortality thing might not...”
My heart ;___; ♥️
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “A: Uuuuuuu… F: Girl. This better not be a scary time sickness, because...”
We all know what's going on
suuuuure but let me try at least xD
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “CALEB DON’T BE MEAN TO ADDIE ;_;”
Addie doesn't deserve this :c
well I mean she’s dating a chipmunk and still has impure thoughts about a moth so maybe she does
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Meanwhile back home…”
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “E: I’m sorry, Ally. I should’ve never kissed you, hell, I should’ve...”
why u gotta do this ;__;
cause I gotta
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “A: It’s getting late. When are we going to sort out that stuff that...”
Gosh I'm so glad the queue didn't end on me xD
ah dammit you ruined everything xD
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “E: I DIDNT KNOW YOU DANCED SO WELL!! A: NEITHER DID I! YOU SEEM TO...”
why are they so precious ;__;
cause I want them to be :P
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset
akjfkjskzkj she's too cute ;___;
ngl this pic is actually one of my faves (it was Ally sniffing the flower I checked)
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Your best friend is always more important than housework.”
Sometimes I feel like anything is more important than housework (plz don't think I never clean my house xD)
you’re right tho
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Is it just me, or is something going on here…?”
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset
So beautiful ;____;
she’s a very pretty Caleb clone
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “E: I think now is the time to stop ignoring it, Ally. A:...”
akfjdkdjfkgkg HE HAS A WAY WITH WORDS I'm just dead
he does sometimes, when my brain cooperates
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “A: Please. Can we just cuddle and not think about anything that...”
akfkjdkdjfkfjdkf EUGENE OMG
he knows just how to woo the Allies
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Button needs some soul food to process all this.”
Plz protect this child ;_;
I’m sure she’s safely hidden under someone’s bed ;)
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Fable, I think Victoria might have adopted you… V: SHE’S SO SQUISHY!!...”
Who wouldn't want to adopt Fable tho
Idk man I could use her pro skills
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “V: Oh my, what a huge mess. I didn’t expect such a thing to ever...”
Capri Sun you pure soul ;__;
Capri Sun is the best and it’s gonna get better (wait spoilers? shhh you didn’t see anything)
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “F: Capri Sun, are you in? CS: Positive. Copying relevant data to your...”
I like Fable too ;____;
Idk why I thought she needed this part, but I’m glad I did because otherwise she would’t have gotten so big and I wouldn’t have had the idea for her story either!
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md3artjournal · 5 years
This morning, I slithered out of bed, climbed into my desk chair, didn't even wash my greasy face, ate some cookies and water at my desk, then went straight to work on polymer clay.  While I was molding, I listened to a YouTube vid from my "creative motivation" playlist, and I mostly agreed with it.  "Skill over talent" and all that.  Then it got very aggressive about "don't just get to work in your pajamas! Clean yourself up!  Have respect for the art!" and I just had to laugh. 
 For years, I had been doing just that, but every day ended up either never getting around to the work or barely getting much done, then pushing late nights to 3am, desperately trying to accomplish SOMETHING, and thus ruining my brain's ability to wake the next morning, and consequently exasperating my lack of productivity for endless cycles to come.  I was miserable.  Because just the simple acts of washing my face, using the bathroom, even going to the kitchen for breakfast or a hot drink, distracted me too much.  I'd eat breakfast, staring at YouTube and scrolling through Tumblr (and now Twitter too), and one post would lead to another distraction, then another, then something I'd have to write or more ideas for more projects---but wait, those previous projects are more priority, but now I have urgent need to at least jot down these new designs...  Or just the walk to the bathroom or coming out of the bathroom would have me run into someone who then has me do one or another thing for them, or just the conversation itself would go long or break my motivational flow or even break my habitual drifting toward working...  x_x;  
If you're the easily-distracted type, I highly suggest getting to your art desk/space and getting to work, before even taking care of yourself first.  At some point, needing to use the bathroom or clean yourself up, becomes a reward and push to finish a piece (and maybe that's not very good for my well-being).  But this has been working for me, better than anything else in years.  Maybe prioritizing cleaning yourself up before getting to work on your art, really helps other people.  But for me and my easily-distracted nature, it's just a trap; it doesn't work for me.  
0 notes
wittygaypuns · 7 years
#20, nygmobblepot! I love your writing! 😙
I’m sorry these have been taking so long to get out! I got a new job, so my brain has been a bit fried. I hope you enjoy, even if it’s a bit short and the ending a bit abrupt… x_x I put it under a cut to avoid cluttering people’s dashes. It might not be visible to mobile users!
A year had passed since Oswald wascaptured by the Court. A year had passed since he and Edward hadworked with one another to escape in the same night. Together, theyhad devised a plan that utilized equal parts cunning and brutality.It played to their strengths; manipulation, deception, and aterrifying capacity for violence. Once the dust had settled and theywere alone, they reached a mutual decision. They were to part, and tostay away from one another. None of Edward’s plans were to involveOswald, and Oswald would focus his attentions on the rebuilding ofhis own empire. They would avoid contact, if it could be helped, thearmistice to a war that had never truly begun.
For the first few months, it had beenincredibly difficult for Oswald to stay away. Edward was constantlyin the news for some nonsense plot that typically involved the wantondestruction of life and property, plots that could be unraveledeasily enough by a clever enough person. He couldn’t help but feel atinge of pride whenever he figured out what Ed was up to ages beforethe GCPD managed to, but it was nothing compared to the pride he felttowards Edward himself. He had come into his own without Oswaldthere, and though sometimes he still hated him for what happened, heunderstood him better than anyone.
It worked out that Edward so craved tobe noticed, to be heard, because Oswald preferred the opposite. Itwas in the shadows that he thrived, though he also desiredrecognition. He knew when to lay low, when to build his strength, andEdward had been unintentionally providing a perfect shelter for himto do so. Though it was hard not to reach out to the flamboyantvillain, the year apart had made it come easier. Oswald had alwaysworked best by himself, after all. Edward had taken the same stance,never seeking him out and only interacting with him when thesituation made it absolutely necessary.
So on the night that Edward broke intohis manor, clutching his chest and falling to his knees beforeOswald’s feet, the former mayor was reasonably nonplussed.
“Care to explain why you’re herebleeding all over the carpeting I just had put in?” Oswaldsnapped, taking a languid but secretly horrified sip of his bourbon.He had just been settling in for the night, sitting in the recentlyremodeled lounge. The couch that held too many memories had beenreplaced, the carpet redone, even the fireplace got a makeover. Itwas elegant, to say the least; some morbid part of Oswald wasthankful for the deep red he had gone with because it wouldn’t showthe blood stains as readily.
It figured that just when Oswald hadfinally managed to remove every trace of Edward from his home thatthe man would come back and pour himself into the very floorboards ofthe room that had almost witnessed them become lovers.
“O-Oswald…  H-help me!” Edwardbegged, body curling in on itself.
A year ago, when his rage was palpable,the sight of Ed’s chest oozing crimson would have been a welcomesight. Now, with wounds both mental and physical healed by time andproximity, Oswald felt nothing but horror. His ego suppressed itselfin favor of the resurgence of emotions long buried. Edward could diethere, bleeding out on his floor, and every bit of history they hadwould die with him.
Every late night in front of the fire,every song they sang, every playful argument would be gone.
Every bit of pain, love, and longingthat Oswald ever felt towards the man would be buried with him.
And Oswald had already laid too much ofhis heart to rest with the ones he loved.
Rising to his feet and setting asidehis drink, he scrambled to find a nearby first aid kit. He had fivein different spots around the manor; being a crime lord tended tomake a man paranoid, and in cases like this, it paid off. Runningback to Edward as quick as his legs could manage, he dropped to thefloor beside him, opening the kit.
“Edward… What happened to you?”Oswald mumbled as he pulled on a pair of gloves; experience hadtaught him that infection could be far more frightening than a stabwound. He yanked the blood soaked shirt apart, buttons popping offeasily.
“B… Butch… H-he and Tabitha –plotting to take you down. Protested…. stabbed for my troubles.They’re coming for you, Oz.” Edward gasped out, fingers clutchingat Oswald’s shirt.
Oswald’s eyes went wide. Another plotagainst him? Oswald had pushed them out of the underworld and hadthought they had left for good because there were no signs of them inthe city, and plenty of evidence that they had packed up and left.Could they have been laying low, gathering their strength all thistime? Butch wasn’t capable of that sort of planning, Oswald knew…but with Tabitha at the reins, he could believe it. Jaw clenching inanger at the thought, he focused on cleaning Edward’s wounds.
“They were flying under my radar thiswhole time? You knew?” He mumbled.
“Only recently… I tried to stopthem..” Edward returned, eyes slipping shut.
“Why? Why would you try to stopthem?” Oswald frowned at the sight of him; multiple stab wounds,some shallow, some deeper. He would need Ivy’s help if they were tohave any chance at healing.
“I still – I still care about you,Oswald. Still think about you, all the time.” Edward cringed inobvious pain as Oswald tended his injuries.
He paused very briefly to stare at hisface, searching it for some sign of a lie; but a man in terrible paintended to tell nothing but the truth. Lies required a clear head.Emotions buzzed through Oswald’s mind in unison; sadness at whatcould have been, anger at the admission so far in time after they mayhave had a chance together, shock that Edward still cared enough totry to stop a plot against him. Anxiety pooled itself in his chest ashe doubled his efforts to treat the man he had once loved… Or perhaps the man he had never stopped loving.
“I still care for you, as well… Isuppose we have a lot to discuss.” Oswald rubbed his sleeve overhis eyes to catch the sudden tears that had welled into them.
“We do… if I don’t make it through,Oswald – I want you to know -” Edward opened his eyes, looking upto him.
“You can tell me later, Eddie. We’llhave plenty of time when I’m the one nursing you back tohealth for a change.” Oswald smiled gently.
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O hun it’s so good to see you back and feeling better! I would like to request yandere HC’s for ikki from Amnesia if I can add a darlings who been friends for since he was little.
Of course! ^~^ x_x I’m so sorry for the wait with this though.
Also, thank you, I’ve been finding it a little hard to find inspiration again lately and it’s a giant pain in the ass, but I’m not going to let this block best me. ^~^
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Yandere! Ikki with childhood friend s/o
The fact that he’s known you for such a long time will factor into the reason as to why he is so protective over you. It’s also one of the- if not the- reason as to why he’s so hesitant to begin dating you, to begin with. 
He had already felt some semblance of attraction and connection towards you as the friendship between you both continued as you both got older but he’s never spoken up about these feelings to you.
Don’t get him wrong he wants to. The number of times he’s found himself thinking of you while on dates with the other girls who have fallen for him due to his eyes; is a number that he can no longer keep track of, but he doesn’t want to risk losing you, and having you come to hate him after the specified amount of months are up.
Thoughts of you in more amorous and intimate settings have come to his mind on numerous occasions, as well the sweeter and simply intimate moments, such as just holding your hand to kissing you, despite you both just being friends. Ikki will keep these things to himself as he doesn’t want to make things awkward between the two of you, but god are they so damn alluring. The former of the thoughts have led to him being kept up at night on more than one occasion.
He is very aware that the reason sounds cliche and it may sound like he’s merely making excuses but it’s truly something that he’s scared of. He’d rather just stay friends you if it meant not inevitably losing you in the end.
However, at the same time, he knows he can’t deny the part of himself that wants to be with you. Both of these things will contradict within Ikkiyu for days and possibly months but he’ll hide them extremely well and keep them to himself as he’s done with quite a few things. 
These held back and bottled up feelings will lead to him drinking a little more than usual until he’s calling you in a drunken haze.
It will be during this call that he will admit to several things that he’s been too nervous, anxious and scared to while sober.
In the event that you two begin dating, as previously stated above, the fact that he’s known you for so long and that he knows you so well as he does will cause him to be very protective over you. However, it will also mean that he will have no choice but to act as he does with the other girls due to wanting to prevent you from being the target of the Fanclubs bullying: Cold and as if he doesn’t take it seriously. Yet in reality, this could not be further from the truth. 
When it is just the two of you alone he will treat you like a Queen. You aren’t like any of the other ‘ princesses’ whom he’s dated in the past so calling you ‘ princess ‘ just doesn’t sit right with him. Ikki will carry your bag for you; walk you to and from home if you want him to, including with work; he will also willingly volunteer himself as the one to go get the tickets, food, etc whenever you both are on a date, as well as pull your chair out for you and carry something for you if you’re hands are too full.
At first, given as you two had been friends as long as you had, he was a little worried that dating you would feel awkward despite how badly his feelings for you were pushing him towards that outcome. To his grand relief though it isn’t and he quickly finds that both of you can just relax around each other as easily as you had before.
How relaxed you seem around him will make him feel contented and appeased, but that does not mean that you are exempt from the teasing and the little innuendos that he’ll use for the purpose of teasing you and making you flustered. Nope, not at all. Ikki can be quite a mischevious, playful and downright flirt of a lover just as he is sweet, affectionate and passionate; so don’t be surprised if his reaction to your cheeks flaring red after something he’s said; is a smug and playful grin. He absolutely loves it after all.
In terms of Yandere Ikki is extremely tame. He will not invade your privacy; your personal space or least of all force you to do something that you do not want to do, this includes more amorous and sexual things. He doesn’t want that, the only time that he will cross a line is when he feels that your well being is in jeopardy due to how protective he is over you. There will be times where he will convince you to stay through subtle and gentle ways, but he will never make you stay through violent and forceful methods. The same cannot be said about anyone who bullies or threatens you however and especially since it’s you as if pushed hard enough Ikki’s temper will flare and he will threaten them with the anger clear in his expression and especially his eyes.
However, if he feels as if you are acting like you don’t know him at all, Ikki will get very upset. This will lead him to distance himself from you as well as acting cold towards you, not by much but just enough that it’s noticeable; as if he’s trying to tell you with his body language in a silent plea for you to pick up on that.
You knew him before he made that silly wish on that shooting star. You know him so well that the only person whom he can say knows him as well as you is Kent, regardless of the situations between you both being completely different.
He is very aware that you are not a mind reader; but the fact that you doubted him despite knowing that he wouldn’t do things without a very good reason and despite him making it crystal clear that he is completely in love with you- that you are everything to him- frustrates him almost as much as the fact that you do not like him as much as he loves you, despite how you both are dating.
Ikki can be harsh at times and this will occur when he feels as if you are being too careless and putting yourself at risk. He will regret it the moment the words come out of his mouth, but he already has to endure so many things and the fact that you seem to insist on placing yourself in dangerous situations is what truly drives him up the wall and it will cause him to lose his temper.
This all stems from how deeply he loves you though, he would find it difficult to go on if you were to break up with him; which would lead him to try and win you over again or persuade you to stay with him through gentle but persuasive means; most likely as many times as needed, but if you were to get seriously hurt or worse...? That would be something that would truly break his heart and most likely him.
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miss-zei · 7 years
(Looool I thought I scheduled this ask to post for next week, whoops!!)
😘 talk about your crush or partner
Well let’s see~
He is really funny. Like... I don’t think I’ve had a conversation with him that didn’t have me laughing at some point :p (humor is extremely important in a person I think
He is nice, but not in an overbearing kind of way. 
He likes animals, which is great. Because I love animals more than I love people a good chunk of the time~
I think I’ll leave it at that for now ;p
🎁 what never fails to make you happy?
Oh hmm, never? Probably watching anime to be honest. I’d say writing or art, but I get pretty frustrated with both of those things at times, though they��re definitely a really good release for when I am feeling upset! 
But anime always manages to lift my spirits~
🐇 what do you always daydream about?
Different scenarios to throw my OTPs at~ I honestly think of so many different things... I just never write them down xD 
I should really start doing that x_x
🍀 if you could be any fictional character’s best friend/lover, which fictional character would you be?
Hmm.. I think for both best friend and lover... I’d probably want it to be Ranma Saotome ; u ;
I love that guy. He’s got all the qualities a girl needs! Cute, funny, can be romantic, crazy skilled martial artist. Ya know, the basics :p
🎨 what do you always doodle when you’re bored?
Lately I’ve been doodling my BNHA OC Katariina~ it has been a lot of fun trying to figure out how she would fit into that world
🐼 if you could meet anyone, who would it be and why?
Probably Christina Grimmie. 
She managed to touch my heart in ways that most people I KNOW haven’t. So I kind of feel like I’d feel better if I had gotten the chance to meet her before she died.
That way I wouldn’t feel so bad when I actually cry about her xD
Emoji ask
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