#web security
wordpressvip · 1 year
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You other web hosts can't deny That when a load time's more than an itty bitty wait And a hacker's in your space You get... Well, pretty upset. That's not something to take lightly. That's why you shouldn't settle for those other web hosts. You need WordPress VIP: the world's most popular content management system, built with enterprise-grade security and reliability. 🤝
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shatteredscreams · 1 year
Go into STEM they said... it'll be fun they said...
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zoomvis · 5 months
Isn’t this like the 3rd one this month.
The cybersecurity at Rockstar for some reason:
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sunshinel3mon · 8 months
Elevate Your Web Security Game with Sucuri
In our increasingly digital world, website security is not just optional; it’s essential. Now, imagine you’re on the way to an important meeting, and you get that dreaded email: “Your website has been hacked.” Nightmare, right? You need a security solution that stands guard 24/7 so you can focus on what truly matters. That solution is Sucuri. Sucuri: The All-In-One Security Platform Done with…
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View On WordPress
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hostinginfoh · 1 year
What Is Cloud Flare: How To Protect Your Website
What is Cloud Flare? 
So Cloudflare is a content delivery network (CDN) and distributed domain name server service that provides improved website performance and obviously security.
Cloudflare speeds up and protects millions of websites, APIs, SaaS services, and other properties connected to the Internet.
To Read full Article Click here HostingInfoh
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alpbeyazgul · 5 days
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anas114siddiqui · 15 days
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bloggertipstalk · 1 month
8 WordPress Security Tips to Prevent Your Site Against Attacks
Approximately 4.7 million WordPress sites are hacked every single year. That’s about 13,000 WordPress blogs every 30 days.  Since WordPress is the most popular CMS, it has also become the target for hackers looking for vulnerabilities and loopholes in websites to exploit.  Your website security should be on your priority list if you’re a business owner.  Luckily, there are several WordPress…
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puramudotcom · 1 month
Website chuẩn SEO là gì? Có cần tối ưu SEO ngay khi thiết kế web
Qua hai bài trước, bạn đã biết đến hai tiêu chuẩn trong thiết kế website là chuẩn Responsive và chuẩn UX/UI. Trong bài này, Puramu sẽ đề cập tiếp đến trùm cuối - tiêu chuẩn tối quan trọng, tiền đề tạo doanh số bùng nổ khi kinh doanh online trên website. Đó chính là website chuẩn SEO.
Thiết kế website chuẩn SEO từ đầu là nền tảng để bạn thực thi các chiến lược SEO sau này hiệu quả. Bài viết này sẽ cung cấp khái niệm "Website chuẩn SEO là gì?" và các thông tin xoay quanh việc "Nên hay không nên thiết kế website chuẩn SEO từ đầu". Các doanh nghiệp chuẩn bị làm website hoặc đã có website nhưng chưa chuẩn SEO rất cần đến bài này. Cùng đọc nhé!
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jrcmarketingsolutions · 3 months
From Reactive to Proactive
The Shift in Web Security Strategy for 2024
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Nowadays, we depend a lot on businesses and services that are either completely digital or use digital tools. Business leaders often wonder if having a website is really necessary and if their website is safe for transactions. As more business happens online, there’s a noticeable increase in cyber attacks. This puts business websites at risk, making them easy targets for unauthorized access. That’s why it’s crucial to make sure websites are secure.
What is Web Security?
Web security means keeping a website safe from problems like malfunctions, phishing, cyber crimes, or cyber-attacks to prevent the loss of data for the company or its customers. It involves regularly checking a website for weaknesses or doing security tests to defend against theft or loss caused by digital hackers.
In simple terms, web security is like a shield for a website against online dangers. It’s important to continuously watch out for new threats that come with advanced technology. To do this, security features need to be in place from the beginning and regularly checked. When a website is hacked, it usually stops working properly, loses visitors, and may expose sensitive client information.
Think of web security as a way to protect information and the systems behind a website from online threats. It uses different tools and strategies, like monitoring, training users, and blocking harmful things like malware. It acts as a middleman between users and their browsers, stopping things like viruses and persistent threats from causing harm.
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Facing Challenges in Web Security
Keeping websites safe is a constant challenge because new types of online threats are always popping up. Even the best plans to protect websites can’t eliminate all the risks. That’s why having different layers of security is crucial.
Traditionally, those responsible for website security used on-site tools to defend against issues Included:
1.  Malicious Websites
2.  Credential Theft
3.  Social Engineering
4.  Insider Threats
5.  Website Vulnerabilities
6.  Phishing Email
7.  Malware
However, maintaining these on-site tools requires careful attention, such as regular checks and updates.
To tackle these challenges, some have started using cloud services. Moving to the cloud can be beneficial, but it also introduces new problems. If the people managing it don’t know how to set up and handle cloud resources, it can lead to mistakes that create vulnerabilities. Cloud misconfigurations have become a significant reason why websites can be at risk. So, those in charge need to set up monitoring tools properly to ensure everything follows the rules and catch any ongoing attacks
Importance of Web Security
Securing websites is similar to managing a team of tools that work together; they require setup, maintenance, updates, and fixing as necessary.
Detecting and stopping really tricky threats, called advanced persistent threats, is hard for the people in charge. These threats create hidden doors in the network, making it almost impossible to get rid of them completely. So, web security has to be smart and find and stop these threats before they can cause more trouble.
Just having cybersecurity tools isn’t enough to keep an organization safe. Simple strategies are also important. People using systems need to learn and use these strategies to avoid making mistakes that could expose information or make it easy for attackers.
Some common web security strategies include:
Strong Passwords: People should create strong and tricky passwords, and change them regularly. This makes it harder for attackers, especially after something like a phishing attack.
Multi Factor Authentication (MFA): Add an extra layer of security by getting a code on your phone or email when logging in. This makes it tough for attackers to get in without that code.
Virtual Private Network (VPN): If you work from somewhere else, connect to the company’s network through a VPN. It keeps your information safe from tricks that happen in the middle.
Security Awareness: Since most mistakes come from people, it’s good to teach them about common cyber attacks. This way, everyone can be more careful and keep things safer.
Web Security: Safeguarding Against Online Threats
SQL Injection: Blocks attempts to manipulate online forms and compromise database integrity. XSS (Cross-site Scripting): Prevents injection of harmful code into web pages, averting cookie theft and unauthorized actions.
Remote File Inclusion: Secures against uploading and executing malicious files in dynamic scripts.
Password Breach: Uses intrusion detection to thwart credential theft and employs two-factor authentication.
Data Breach: Guards sensitive information against unauthorized access due to human error or intentional disclosure.
Code Injection: Validates user input to prevent malicious code from exploiting server vulnerabilities.
Malware Installation: Protects against local network infections, preventing data theft and ransomware attacks.
Phishing: Implements strategies to block malicious emails, a common entry point for cyber attacks.
DDoS (Distributed Denial-of-Service): Defends against server/network flooding to ensure business continuity.
Simple Tools for Your Website's Security
Web Application Firewall (WAF): Think of WAF like a superhero for your website. It helps stop bad guys from doing tricky things and putting harmful stuff when you submit forms online. It’s not the only superhero, but it adds extra protection.
Vulnerability Scanners: These tools act like detectives, checking all the software on your website for any weak spots. They keep watching over time to catch and fix any problems that might pop up.
Password-Cracking Tools: Imagine these tools as friendly tests to see if your passwords are strong. They make sure people are following the rules for creating good and tough-to-guess passwords.
Fuzzing Tools: Fuzzing tools are like helpful buddies during different stages of making a website. They check for possible issues in the code, giving developers a heads-up to fix things before they cause trouble.
Black Box Testing Tools: These tools pretend to be bad guys, trying out tricks and actions that could harm your website. By doing this, they help developers find and fix any weak points, kind of like practicing against the bad guys.
White Box Testing Tools: Think of these tools as friendly guides for developers. They look at the inner workings of the code as it’s being created, giving tips to avoid common mistakes and keep everything secure.
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How Jrc Marketing Solutions Can Help
Jrc Marketing Solutions provides advanced web security to protect your entire IT environment. We proactively detect and contain advanced persistent threats, offering complete visibility across your setup for quick detection and prevention of suspicious activities. Our web security proxy ensures users’ safety during internet browsing.
Additionally, our cloud-based Jrc Marketing Solutions protection platform offers essential management, monitoring, and sandboxing tools. This allows you to maintain data security even when users access the internet.
Secure Your Online Presence with Jrc Marketing Solutions!
Explore our advanced web security solutions for proactive protection. Safeguard your data, detect threats early, and ensure a safe browsing experience.
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dronningnure · 3 months
ok jeg vil bare høre med du om noe, jeg har pleid bruke en nettside som heter "Safefrom.net" når jeg skal laste ned videoer, det var en dame på youtube som anbefalte nettsiden til nedlastninger. Jeg pleide bruke den mye i 2020-2021 ish, og når jeg søker på google etter trygge nedlastnings nettsider så kommer Safefrom som første prior. Men, det jeg synes er litt merkelig er nettsidens design, det ser jo ikke veldig troverdig ut. Og jeg har hørt mange ha forskjellige meninger om nettsiden, noen sier den er fantastisk og enkel å bruke, mens andre sier den er utrygg og at man ikke kan stole på den…det er klar at jeg blir veldig forvirra over dette🥲 jeg lasta ned noen videoer nå nylig igjen, og det som er med nettsiden er at når man laster ned en video, så åpner den automatisk en annen fane som leder til gud vet hva, men jeg pleier alltid lukke den før den loader helt. Jeg har aldri opplevd å få virus eller noe sånt fra denne nettsiden, ingenting av mine elektroniske gjenstander har heller blitt ødelagt eller hacket på grunn av nettsiden…men, jeg skal ikke lyve, nettsiden virker litt sketchy😅 jeg kommer nok ikke bruke nettsiden igjen fremmover. Men lurer bare på om du vet om det finnes trygge og bedre nettsider der ute hvor man kan laste ned videoer, og om det er mulig å få virus uten at man vet det?🧐 eller er det noe som man merker når man får det?
Prøvde nettsiden selv på laptopen min med GhostBSD, og det var kun videoen som ble lastet ned så det virket ut som det gikk bra? Men jeg fikk ingen popups eller at den åpnet vinduer, så lurer på om jeg har på strenge sikkerhetsregler så jeg ikke fikk sett om den faktisk har virus :S Pluss at GhostBSD er et så niche operativ system at den ha'kke sjans til å få virus lol
(Jeg skal prøve noen nettsider i en Windows virtuell maskin siden Windows er mest sannsynlig å få virus hvis det skulle være noe, så kommer jeg tilbake til denne posten med resultatet!) EDIT: Done and done, har reblogget resultatene her!
Jeg har brukt andre nettsider før som har funket ålreit, men tror de er borte nå :...) Bortsett fra y2mate? Men er usikker på den tbh. Det skal gå an å laste ned med VLC, men da jeg prøvde det i macOS Sonoma så kræsjet VLC lol.
Det er ærlig talt vanskelig å vite hvilke nettsider som er trygge eller ikke, men sikkerhetsinnstillinger i nettleseren har mye å si :D
(PLS SE REBLOGGEN, fortsett å krysse ut fanene og blokker dem om du kan!! TLDR: savefrom åpnet fane med nedlastningsknapp som lastet ned et virus som ikke ble oppdaget av Windows Defender)
(Lang post, putter litt "vite om det er virus eller ei" og anna sikkerhet nedenfor)
Det er veldig bra du krysser ut de vinduene før de får lastet inn! Det kan hende de ikke er mer enn irriterende reklame eller forsøk på scam, men det kan og hende de drar til en url som automatisk laster ned ting :U De fleste nettlesere lar deg blokkere pop-ups! Fant en liste her over hvordan man gjør det i de fleste populære nettleserne her: Lenkeee :)
Adblock hjelper også mye, siden mange nettlesere som gir deg virus gjør dette ved hjelp av lenker gjemt i reklamene. Pluss man har jo de irriterende, store, grønne "DOWNLOAD :3" knappene som fake -u-" Disse forsvinner med adblock B))) Og blokker cookies! Si nei til cookies alltid🤚
Sist men ikke minst, vær obs på filendelsen på videoen du laster ned! Vanlig video ender som regel på .mp4, .mov, .avi, .wmv, .webm og lignende. Hvis det er lyd, så er det .mp3, .m4a, .wav, .aif, .ogg og flere som er ok. Ser du at den ender på ting som f.eks. .iso, .exe, .js, .dmg, .pkg, .sctp, eller ja alt annet en hva du forventer en video eller lydfil skal være, slett den tvert!! Windows og Mac skjuler automatisk filendelsene, her er hvordan du viser dem på Windows, og her på Mac.
Jau, det er garantert flere tips å komme med som jeg ikke kommer på nå. Men her er i hvert fall noe :)
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k9advertisement · 4 months
The Decoding of Web Security
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K9 Advertisement focuses on robust web security to help clients stay safe in the digital environment. Your business and customers are protected by our websites, which utilize the latest security measures.
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The Importance of Regular Backups for Your Website and How to Set Them Up
Discover the importance of regular backups for your website and learn how to set them up effectively. This comprehensive guide provides valuable insights, expert tips, and step-by-step instructions to ensure your website’s data is protected. Don’t risk losing everything; start implementing regular backups today! Learn More here
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sprigstack · 4 months
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alpbeyazgul · 8 days
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sourabhkumar · 5 months
Best Practices to Ensure Web Security
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Discover the key to a secure online presence with our comprehensive guide on the 'Best Practices to Ensure Web Security.' In an era dominated by digital transactions and data sharing, safeguarding your website is paramount. This synopsis delves into proven strategies that fortify your web assets against cyber threats, ensuring a robust defense against potential vulnerabilities.                 
Uncover the importance of regular software updates and patches, as we navigate through the dynamic landscape of evolving security threats. Explore the significance of implementing strong and unique passwords across your platforms, enhancing user authentication, and thwarting unauthorized access attempts.
Delve into the world of encryption protocols, understanding how SSL/TLS certificates create an impenetrable shield for data in transit. We unravel the complexities of secure coding practices, shedding light on techniques that minimize the risk of common vulnerabilities such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting.
Navigate through the intricacies of access control and user permissions, empowering you to tailor precisely who can access specific areas of your website. Stay ahead of the curve by integrating robust firewall solutions and intrusion detection systems, fortifying your digital fortress against malicious attacks.
With actionable insights and expert recommendations, this guide equips you with the knowledge needed to safeguard your online assets effectively. Elevate your web security posture, instilling trust among users and stakeholders alike. Don't let vulnerabilities compromise your digital presence – embark on a journey to implement the best practices for web security today.
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