#wear skirts. because she thinks that
residentmara · 8 months
tfem minf chonby jash...
this is literally just my headcanon for mind KEK
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mind as a baby egg, she just found out that she likes wearing skirts.
mind used to hate her hair because she didnt know how to take care of it and found it a useless waste of time, so she cut it all off. when she transitioned in the beginning , she put extensions in her hair to look more like her brothers and soul helped her take care of her hair and helped it grow out :-)
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taxinealkaloids · 2 years
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i genuinely do love everyone’s commitment to ianthe’s high-waisted leather pants but i feel like the batshit outfits she was assembling out of valancy’s wardrobe in htn also deserve acknowledgement 
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hallowclave · 6 months
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Redraw of a skitter design I did a little over a year ago, comparison under the read more
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And the sketch. As a little treat. Just for you.
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can-a-tuna-fish · 3 months
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When you realize/remember that a skirt has pockets It’s very important to announce it as loud as possible in the middle of the mall.
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dayurno · 3 months
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screwpinecaprice · 3 months
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She probably wears men's pants.
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beanghostprincess · 4 months
Fem Sanuso Outfits save me... Fem Sanuso Outfits... Save me Fem Sanuso Outfits...
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tilseptemberends · 5 months
Feeling especially frustrated by the hypocrisy of e/riels telling eluciens that they give Elain no choice in her own life by shipping her with Lucien. Meanwhile, they'll shove every bit of agency she has in the actual series out of their minds.
Even if something isn't directly e/riel they draw her with Truthteller, a blade that she had to be talked into taking and immediately gave back without a second thought. Or with the necklace from the bonus chapter. A gift that she gave back after the person who tried to give it to her told her TO HER FACE that their moment together had been a mistake. (And I don't blame her for giving it back, I would have been super hurt if I were in that position.)
I used to like E/riel. I'm a multi-shipper, I have no problem enjoying tons of ships with the same characters just swapped around. But trying to enjoy e/riel is exhausting. Why do some things in canon count while others don't? Why insist that Elain has a choice while going out of your way to make Azriel the only choice?
And they'll attack other characters in the series for no reason. I was shocked when I found out that people were hating on Gwyn. I really connected with her story so it really hurt to see people trashing on her for the sake of a fictional relationship.
If you are going to insist on giving Elain a choice, then stop taking away her other options. These are fictional characters, if you don't like what happens in the book then I promise there is fan art and fanfiction out there for you. I can think of a ton of ships that I enjoy well after they were firmly made not conon by the media they come from.
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eggs-can-draw · 1 year
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mooooostly ghibli themed brainrot, this was gonna be mario but then I was hit in the face with Ghibli soooooo ye
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quietwingsinthesky · 2 months
girl!jack being casually sexually harassed by dean in between threats of violence and this never being brought up beyond a vague sad line from sam about how he should stop treating her like that, would have fit right in with the vibes of late seasons supernatural. terrible things keep happening, and the only energy they can summon up about it is apathy that perpetuates the suffering.
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musicalchaos07 · 3 months
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Milgram fic idea: the prisoners are bored (as they always are) and they've already celebrated every holiday imaginable. So someone suggests doing a cross-dressing event for a change. Mahiru, Mikoto and Muu help everyone find the perfect fit (Mahiru sews half the clothes herself to make it look perfect).
A bunch of gender crisis ensue.
#milgram#milgram project#milgram fanfic#yuno cuts her hair short “just for the bit” and doesn't grow them back for “some reason”#haruka has a mental breakdown thinking about how his mom wanted a girl and if only he could've been her#fuuta doesn't seem to care that much about presenting feminine. rightfully so. he's rocking this plaid skirt after all#same with muu. she doesn't seem all that changed. after all she knows for a fact she's the most handsome guy at the party#she still feels a bit melancholic for some reason. she wonders if she could go out with girls with this look#shidou has already worn dresses/skirts before. when he was a student he went to themed parties where couples would exchange outfits#he finds it funny. he's quite secure in his masculinity so he's just having a fun time#mahiru takes the role of the prince charming she dreams of. she speaks with a funny voice because she tries to lower her pitch#she's not very successful at it but it just makes her laugh. she's also the one who made sure that everyone felt comfortable in their outfit#kazui is having an existential crisis. he doesn't know what mask to wear anymore. “is this even allowed for me to do that?”#after a while he just has fun with everyone. he doesn't feel the need to drink that much alcohol during the party. he feels young again#amane isn't really interested in all this. she accepted to wear the outfit given to her by mahiru and let her style her hair#but she feels like all of these futile festivities are childish. yet she looks into the mirror every now and then and ponders about all this#Mikoto is in his element for some reason. he likes these kinds of carefree moments#by exploring his gender and presentation he feels like he's getting closer to himself. his identity feels blurry to him sometimes#but this kind of exploration is helping somehow#kotoko doesn't care about all of this. she doesn't really get the appeal of “cross-dressing”. it's just a piece of clothe after all.#the others do find her quite handsome in her tuxedo though#es got woken up by the ruckus. saw what was going on. went back to sleep.
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mechahero · 8 months
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@outofthiisworld asked- FUSION! —A Lambda & Ophelia fusion if you’re feeling up to it? 👀✨
it's fusion time again y'all
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Ah yes. The Plum™️.
A certified menace! Uses she/he pronouns and let me tell you I had the hardest time figuring out a design until this popped onto my dash. Watching the visual for Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land helped a ton too. (Warning for flashing colors/images)
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casiavium · 9 months
All of these "who has more anything gender!" polls are just. white man without extreme body builder muscles v white man without extreme body builder muscles. The gender is "masculine" stop pretending it's universal
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kiwisandpearls · 27 days
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took a crack at redesigning mabayu
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boomerang109 · 9 months
i am an incredibly sentimental person and lately i find myself remembering items i once had and wondering what happened to them and mourning them
#no because this was just a silly little post about a dinosaur piggy bank I had#but all of a sudden I just remembered meeting my great grandparents who passed when I was pretty little#i remember meeting my great grandpa specifically I think#and he had all these glass trinkets#and he let me pick one#and I picked this beautiful girl in a pink dress and she was a music box#and I don’t know what happened to her#she broke i know that#for years she was just a skirt that played music#from my siblings running in the house and it shaking my shelves and her falling (from being too close to the ledge ig)#but i don’t know if my mom made me get rid of her when we moved??#I don’t remember having her in our second house#and certainly haven’t seen her since then#ugh my heart has been hearting for objects from the past#i used to have my grandmas cape and I finally asked my mom if she still has it#and I’m almost positive she’s going to have thrown it away and it like literally was the most gorgeous thing#and like the idea of it having been donated#like yes I’m very happy for whoever got it obviously#but. i grew up wearing it to school. it was made by my grandmothers hands. i want it. i want it I want it I want it#(I used to work myself into fits as a kid being sentimental about objects and then convincing myself I was spoiled cause you know ‘I want it#‘ isn’t a great narrative. so then I would sob because of that. it was a fun time.)#anyway I’m supposed to be unpacking but I’m just so full of nostalgia and also overwhelmed by unpacking despite the fact that I don’t have#anything to be overwhelmed by yet since I haven’t gone to actually get my stuff lmao#life of a boomerang
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