#we'll have to wait and see
cheesy09 · 19 days
[CN] Kiro's Words in Blood Date Preview
🌸 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for content that hasn't been released on the EN server yet! 🌸
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I can be anyone.
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I will weave lie after lie to keep you living in a beautiful illusion forever.
Translator: @cheesy09
🌟 Date: Words in Blood
A strange letter leads you into a copycat crime with unknown purpose. Just as the truth is about to come to light, the game's mission suddenly points in the opposite direction.... Was there a way to have both ends?
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spidey-bie · 3 months
Yes I know Britain's black history month isn't in February I don't care.
How is Hobie spending the first day of BHM?
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bobbinalong · 6 months
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not to be excited about max getting trapped in a place without time BUT. this might mean more bart, right? cuz no way is he sitting out his rescue.
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thekatebridgerton · 5 months
I'm not one for fortune telling, but sometimes you get that gut feeling that s3 is being split because it's going to include either the Benophie or the Philoise story arc and that doesn't smell well in my book
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titleknown · 6 months
...I will say, I really hope the Mario RPG remake brings out the horny-for-Geno fandom back in full force if only specifically so I can eventually use the phrase "Second-most fuckable puppet on Tumblr" in a conversation organically.
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shadycwasont · 2 months
This was mainly inspired by other people's aus/fanfics like 2 souls, hamato spirit (I think that's what it's called haven't seen it is a bit) but basically the premise is that a ghost of the turtles from one iteration goes to another iteration simple right?
Well, in this au, it's the spirits of another one of my personal iterations that's to be explored in the fanfic, au- thing that I've got going on.
basically the spirits of each of the previous iteration of turtles is connected to their respective Turtle the Leo from before is going to leo, raph to raph etc, etc, the Spirits can only be seen by their respective Soul bound (that the name were going with for now)
Other things it will include; the 2012 turtles getting magic because they deserved it. A slight rewrite of a few characters (ahem donnie casey and april ahem). Airbender references. Trans leo. Autistic raph. (They're all Autistic but this specifically for el rn)(I've never seen anyone else use that nickname for Raph, yet its one of my faves). Airbender fan content references, angst, fluff, crack, fluffy crack (that sounds so wrong 😂). Splinter simultaneously gets shit on (by the characters, not me i dont hate rat dad) and a somewhat support system at the same time. Emotional moments. possibly, just maybe, shitty art. And more. 🥳
Might post about it again, and I might orphan the idea for someone else 🤷‍♀️ who knows. I sure as hell dont.
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myststone · 1 year
I laugh in homeschooled
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Slightly updated version of a one-shot found in my Spot-centric anthology thing I have going on AO3. The little one-shots like this will be posted separate from the actual Sparah fic I'm working on as they are technically from different universes. Some notable changes for the sake of plot and story things.
Feel free to leave constructive criticism or to just share in the brainrot of these characters with me.
Hope ya enjoy!
Pidge is a term of endearment of the time period usually used between close friends or sweethearts. Rós is pronounced (ro-ous) or alternatively (ro-ou-sh) Roíse is pronounced (ro-sha)
He figured there wasn't much he could do when she started talking about the boy who sold near the shop she worked at. He figured there wasn't anything he could really say that wouldn't give him away when she asked if he knew the boy with the cowboy hat and red bandana. But he figured he could stretch the truth a little, she knew he wasn't Manhattan, she knew he wasn't supposed to be seen on this side of the Bridge. That he broke the few rules the Newsies could all agree on just to see her. He figured he could get away with a little white lie.
"His name's Jack Kelly. Us newsies calls him Cowboy."
"Do your nicknames really follow you to every borough?"
"Some of us they'se the only names we'se gots. Most of us don't keep the names our parents gives us."
"Is Rós your real name then, or just one you've given yourself?"
"Is real enough I suppose."
"I don't think I like that answer."
"That's life, pidge."
He knows his days are numbered when she shows up to their usual spot with bright eyes and a smile he's never seen before lighting up her face. He knows this is probably the last time he'll be able to see her like this once Jackie and his boys make good on their promise of a strike. He knows it's probably time he told her the truth.
"And he's taller than I expected. I thought he wasn't much older than you, Rós."
"I'se always been kinda short fer me age. And most of us don't keep much track o' age past when we'se can't swing it in a lodge no more."
"How old are you then?"
"Maybe sixteen? I was real little when I wound up at the lodge. Lots o' times it all jus' blurs together."
"Are there no records of you coming to the lodge?"
"I suppose, under a diff'rent name pro'lly. The one Blue gave me afore he aged out fer good."
"And when he aged out, Spot Conlon took over?"
"You'se don't gots to say 'is full name. None of us do."
"I've only heard the boys around here say his full name, and even then they're real quiet like it'll make him appear."
"Well you knows what they says about speakin' o' devil's."
"Oh you're terrible."
"So'se I'se heard."
There's no getting out of it now as he makes his way through Lower Manhattan. There's a roiling in his gut as he walks head held high and cane gripped tight in his fist as some of his boys tail him. There's newsies from every Borough and working kids alike openly watching him and plenty of adults being a little more subtle about it. There's maybe half of the older Manhattan newsies watching from the shadows as he makes his way through the midday crowd like he belongs here. There's not a sign of Cowboy or The Mouth as he settles down next to an already sitting Sarah. She hands him half a light buttery pastry and he bites back the comment that their usual spot on the fire escape in the alley behind them had better shade.
"So, from what Jack says, Spot Conlon has done a world of good for the working kids of Brooklyn. And newsies through the boroughs."
"I suppose so."
"I wouldn't mind formally meeting him. Davey said he reminded him of an avenging angel."
"Your brudda said what?"
"Oh he made some long-winded comparisons between the boy who earned the loyalty of an entire Borough -and then some- and came to the rescue of the Manhattan newsies and the angels in the Bible. Beautiful to look at and fierce to behold. Warriors of God meant to protect Heaven and Man."
"Your brudda thinks Conlon is an angel o' da Lord?"
"With everything people say about him, is it so hard to believe?"
"You Jacobs are crazy."
"Why thank you."
"Sarah, I-"
"I get why you did it. Once Jack and Davey found out about Rós it was rough. Davey had concerns for my virtue. I'm sure you can guess how Jack felt about his girl spending time with another fella."
"Jacky boy never was good at sharing."
"Then the picture came out. Jack was larger than life before but now, now he was practically walking legend. And Davey was right up there with him. Davey, Les, Racetrack, Blink and Boots and- and all those boys, they were all part of somethin bigger now. But you, you were somethin' else, Spot."
"Me name, me real one, not a nickname or somethin' I chose to make a new life, it's Roíse."
"Huh, I think I like that."
"Figures you would, pidge."
"This changes everything doesn't it?"
"A bit. I'se Spot Conlon and you'se Jack Kelly's girl. We've got a Strike ta run and I think there's more than just a factory or tha docks waitin for us when we'se age out now."
"You boys are changing the world."
"We're gonna try at least."
Francis Sullivan. Spot knew most of the newsies had fake surnames or used nicknames instead of their Christian ones but he could see why Cowboy had changed everything about his. He had been the one to break the news to Sarah when she met them outside of the courthouse sans her beau. He was glad to see she had managed to make it out safe and unharmed, glad that both 'hattan and Brooklyn had listened when he barked out the order to get her to safety above all else.
She doesn't cry when he tells her about Francis Sullivan and his real folks and his sentence to the Refuge. She doesn't cry when he tells her the cause that Cowboy had gotten himself what might as well be a life sentence to kids like them for was practically ground to a halt since Denton couldn't -wouldn't- publish another article about their strike. She doesn't cry when he finds her not two days later and tells her that the one person he had thought he could stand losing a girl like her to Legendary Strike Leader, Jack Kelly had shown up in a fancy new suit and a whole stack of crisp newspapers, denouncing the very war he started. She doesn't cry when she reaches out to pull him in close and rest her head on his shoulder while they both catch their breath like they used to on that fire escape down the block from her family's apartment but he takes a small step back, more a shifting of his weight to his back foot really, enough to keep the space between them. She doesn't cry when he takes his hat off and calls her Miss Jacobs, wishing her a good day with a bow like those fancy gents give the fancy ladies they will never be.
He doesn't say anything when he hears word that Jack 'Cowboy' Kelly is back with a plan. He doesn't say anything when he hears that Mouth is sporting a shiner from one of the Delanceys, that he got it defending his sister's honour. He doesn't say anything when he and his boys make sure Denton makes it to Roosevelt without any of Pulitzer's goons getting to him. He doesn't say a word when he sees Jack Kelly standing tall and proud and bigger than life in front of thousands of young kids who had never had a voice before now, a Jacobs on each side. He holds Les close between him and Racetrack so he doesn't get swept away in the crowd.
He doesn't look for her when Jack Kelly rides away in Teddy Roosevelt's fancy carriage. He bites his tongue when the damned fool comes back, sweeping up his girl and kissing her for all the world to see. He shrugs Racetrack off when the other boy asks him if he's okay. He pretends not to see the way the other 'hattan teenagers watch him, daring him to give them a reason. He turns away when he sees her searching for him in the crowd.
They had won the day, now he had a borough to run.
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cuchufletapl · 1 year
Hold up
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Hold up
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thefirstknife · 1 year
Not to steer the new teaser conversation in a Negative direction, but how do you feel about the comment made by Yanes about titans and their "fantasy" that's been going around amidst the widespread disappointment with the Titan strand subclass?
Here's the article where this is mentioned!
This is what I see people spreading around:
But yeah, Titan mains, we love you. We do. But remember that we try to reinforce your core fantasy. And at some point, your guy's holding the fist on the cover of the game.
This is all the text that precedes it:
Finally there's the Titan Berserker, which excels at creating Woven Mail. Its melee ability, Frenzied Blade, can be used three times to Sever a lot of enemies quickly, and one of its Aspects generates Woven Mail for you and nearby allies whenever you destroy a Tangle. Another Aspect launches a Strand projectile from your barricade, Suspending any enemies you hit. This class sounds incredibly powerful on paper, but it's actually been a bit divisive, largely due to comparisons between its Super, Bladefury, and Titan's Stasis and Arc Supers. I put the question to Yanes, who says Bungie's aware of feedback about Titan abilities looking overly similar, but he maintains that Berserker is a whole new beast.
"Bladefury is much more about giving you the survivability tools to really lay into those guys and then giving you a range option, which is not something you generally do in these roaming Supers, to Suspend things from afar and damage them," he says. "That's their heavy attack, that double blade uppercut you see them do in the trailer. I think that's two of the core ways we've tried to shift them away.
Obviously we haven't personally tried it out and we can only judge it from what we see, but that does seem like there are significant differences. New Titan stuff seems to be not only oriented towards damage, but also debuffing enemies and helpful for allies. It also seems to be focused on speed and range, something that arc and stasis supers don't have (arc has it ... sort of, but Fists of Havoc feel fairly restrictive with how long and how far you can go around). Titan stasis also feels very heavy and slow to use, as well as being possibly disruptive to your own teammates when you spawn a million stasis crystals and obstruct the view. Strand seems to be going in several different directions which is interesting.
Is it ultimately similar? Yeah, you still get your fists engulfed and start punching. Obviously, strand has stuff that others don't, but at first glance, it's similar. This is also an issue because the last super Titans got was stasis and that's the roaming punchy super. Now we've not had anything new for 2 years and we're getting another of the same type. However, I'm not sure which other fantasy people were expecting? Like, this is a genuine question, I would love to know what other directions to take that aren't already taken. Titans have ranged supers, throw-yourself-at-enemies super, stationary protective super, roaming punch supers. They have different abilities on different subclasses with throwing things, shoulder charges and normal melees, several different barricade options and the new arc dash.
I guess people wanted strand to be that Titans will maybe throw something? If we wanted repeats, I guess people wanted something like Sunbreaker. I wouldn't mind that, but I don't mind the current Strand stuff either. At least without trying it, I can't pass judgement until I give it a shot. The only thing we can worry about immediately is this super's viability in high end content. So far, roaming supers and close range stuff in general really isn't good in GMs, though Titan strand comes with survivability options and buffs for allies so maybe that changes things.
Outside of that, we can't really tell if this will be good or bad, it's just based on vibes and people expecting things that Bungie really never told us to expect. Titan combat fantasy IS to punch things or alternatively to stand your ground. Those are the two core fantasies for Titans in battle. Strand seems to be mixing them both which is really interesting to me. We'll see how it turns out.
As a final note, I do think that stasis and strand should eventually get a second super though. Light subclasses have multiple options and that's ultimately what gives us more reasons to use them. Arc Hunter was immediately revived when we got a second option. I feel like making a second option for stasis and strand is much more important than making a billion aspects and fragments. Also, a lot of people would probably be cool with stasis and strand Titan if there was something else to pick. Having a second super to pick for different situations would really help a lot.
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okami-zero · 11 months
Okami Watches G-Witch
(Spoilers below cut, Episode 23)
SO. Thank you, G-Witch for subverting some of my expectations based on older Gundam shows and tropes. I was fully expecting fratricide of some sort (accidental/intentional near the end there), because in other series (not just Gundam), the thing that snaps a normally good character out of their red-eyed, self-destructive vengeance spree is either they come to a realization just before they destruct, or they kill someone they are fighting who refuses to fight back, due to some connection. And I was sitting here, absolutely flabbergasted and thinking "Fuck fuck fuck Guel what the fuck-" and THEN.
Not so divine intervention. x3
I will give Felsi and Petra so many kudos for being so damn spunky and stubborn and pretty much two of the only people who can deal with the apparent Jeturk bullshit without issue. I actually thought Felsi was gonna jump in-between them (another trope of the third party intervention, that still ties into the previous one), but no. She went one better than that, and stopped the bullshit from happening (now go get some damn therapy, both of you!).
That's actually an aspect about G-Witch that has been pretty neat, is how we have this absolutely huge supporting cast, and yet, a lot of them are getting moments here at the climax of the whole shebang. I love that.
Okay, and Suletta's argument with her sister was interesting, and I may have to watch again because it was in the midst of a damn dogfight. But the Bits thinking that Eri wouldn't kill anyone (where here she is clearly edging toward the realization that she will probably have to kill her sister to stop her) and their eerily chirpy, happy response that their MOM will do it for them. While using Aerial, and the Bits. Which is, y'know... very "Gendo turning on Unit-1's Dummy Plug to override Shinji not willing to kill another pilot in that berserk EVA, and then Unit-01 nearly doing so" here. Paraphrasing Shinj, she will kill anyone who gets in her way, and will use Aerial (Eri's hands, essentially) to do it.
Those Bene-Gesserit hags! (Note: I am aware they are not of the weird religion thing from Dune, but when I saw them and their absolutely creepy overly-Botoxed, always smiling faces and garb, that was the first word that jumps to mind.)
They and Elan-Prime went behind their own fucking Group to seal a deal to wipe out AN ENTIRE. LAGRANGE. SECTOR. To seal their own fucking skins. And we see this series Novantic Cannon/Space Fortress Barge/Space Battleship Libra. It's like the over-'roided big brother of Gundam X's lunar microwave cannon. But bigger. Like, holy SHIT.
And Eri put herself, the Bits and the Gundvolva still remaining in its path to keep Quiet Zero and everyone in/around it from being obliterated. Now, she might have only been thinking of her family, but - the classic sacrificing protagonist smile thrown Suletta's way... guess we'll see how things boil down, but not looking good for Eri. Let's hope the L1 death ray "power transmission laser" has a flaw like Libra's.
And Elan-4. Damn, this guy is just... hopefully doesn't die. T_T Because I have actually started to like him, he's saved everyone's bacon. Maybe it's because he's free of the constraint of the Bene-Gesserit taskmasters, so... Wait... could "Benerit" be a portmanteau of "Bene-Gesserit"...?? O.o It would make fucking sense! To me, anyway, I might be the only one who has that weird mental connection... >.>
AND! On the subject of Elan-4 and his peerless markmanship. I didn't think a headshot on Propsera would kill her, that brain bucket is FAR too thick. BUT! that revealed something else interesting - Prospera's Permet link wasn't in her helmet, it's in her HEAD. This makes sense, since she would need to be able to communicate with Eri outside of the cockpit, but I was like, "Holy shit!" Maybe the helmet also helps insulate her from the data storm?
When Eri was about to casually wipe out Suletta's friends, there was (stated a few moments later) "data interference". Eri actually was speaking to someone else for a moment, asking them why they stopped her, complaining that all their wishes could come true.
...who else is in the Data Storm?
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rwrbmovie · 6 months
Isn’t it more than three times Matthew has posted like that? He found Taylor already didn’t he? He needs to “find” Nick, Uma, Clifton and maybe Stephen Fry. Tbh it might take a bit more planning to ensure Uma and Stephen can do it because they’re the biggest names.
he did meet up with taylor, but he didn't caption it similarly to the other 3 ('look who i found, part #'). part 1 was rachel hilson, part 2 juan castano, part 3 sarah shahi
he and taylor also met up before the strike ended, while everyone else was post-strike
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caffeine-clouds · 1 year
Just a small theory about the Sonic Frontiers 2023 DLC
I was thinking back on the story of Sonic Frontiers, which I love so much btw, but contemplating some of the moments in the game I realised something. Each of the characters talk about what it felt like to be in Cyberspace, and their experiences are kinda glossed over which is kinda funny but at the same time - what if these experiences are going to be touched on more in-depth in the new story DLC? First, let's look at how each character described their Cyberspace experience: Amy: "Before you freed me, I couldn't see or hear anything clearly. It was like looking into a kaleidoscope that was always shifting. I couldn't tell if I was coming, going, or moving at all. I'd have gone crazy if you hadn't gotten me out!" Knuckles: "Miserable. Like a living nightmare. It was the most alone I've ever felt, and at the same time, I was drowning in terrible visions and emotions. Like I said, nightmare."
Tails: "I mean... when I was lost in Cyberspace, I was confronted by another version of myself. He said I was just a follower. That I couldn't think or act on my own. I wanted to argue, but I couldn't bring myself to say anything back. I worry he's right and I haven't changed at all." Now I'm not sure how this would translate to gameplay exactly and I don't think we'll be playing through these experiences exactly - but if these events aren't somehow mentioned or delved into in the cutscenes of the new story - I'll be damned. While Amy's is vague, Tails and Knuckles' experiences show some potential for some truly great character exploration if they were to touch on it in the new story. I don't know man, something to think about.
Also hi! This is my first Tumblr post, I ramble about Sonic a lot pfft.
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sudoscience · 1 year
So. I've finished the first Ace Attorney game for the first time, or as I like to call it, "Brady Violations: The Video Game". I'm not a lawyer, but I'm pretty most of those cases should have ended in mistrials. Seriously, they prosecution is like, "Yes, I know the witness's testimony exonerates the defendant. That's why I explicitly instructed them not to testify about that." Like, you can't just do that!
And is discovery just... not a thing in that court? I have a right to know what evidence the state is planning to present against my client. To that end, why am I, a defense attorney, personally investigating crime scenes? The only lawyers I know are not criminal lawyers, but I'm pretty sure that's not normal. Also, what happened to "reasonable doubt"? The judge is always like, "Hmmm, yes, that is a reasonable doubt. But can you decisively prove they're innocent? Also, where am I again?" Excuse me, the burden of proof is on the prosecution. I don't have to prove my clients are innocent; you have to prove they're guilty. Of course, cross-examining a parrot also wouldn't fly in a real court, so obviously some suspension of disbelief is necessary here.
Oh, and how could I forget the most unrealistic aspect: the idea that Miles Edgeworth, a 24-year-old prosecutor, is making a lot of money? (Hold it! His dad's a lawyer, too, and a darn good one at that. There's probably a trust fund involved there. Never mind, then.)
(Yes, I know it's actually satirizing the Japanese legal system, but I have to compare it to what I know, and that's the US legal system, which, I've already established, I don't actually know that well. The only reason I know what a Brady violation is is because of Serial. Don't @ me, okay? Unless you're a real lawyer, in which case, you may @ me. I don't think I've said this here before, but I used to (and kinda still do) want to be a paralegal.)
Anyway, I never knew a visual novel could be so fun. I mean, the visual novel-ness of DDLC was, like, the main thing I didn't like about it, so I wasn't expecting to like Ace Attorney as much as I did. Though, to be fair, it is a little bit clunky in some places. Mostly just when a case has a lot of places to go. Like, "Gourd Lake Entrance > Move > Gourd Lake Beach > Move > Gourd Lake Woods > Move > Gourd Lake Beach > Move > Gourd Lake Entrance > Move > Criminal Affairs Department". I can see why they programmed it like that instead of listing every possible location every time, but couldn't they have just made it a map instead of a series of menus?
And how'd they manage to make the 5th case take almost as long as the other 4 cases combined? But I've gone on long enough. Despite this appearing to be mostly complaints, Ace Attorney is a really fun game. It might still be on sale on the Nintendo eStore, too. (Oh, never mind. It's not. But it's still only $30 for 3 games.) Go play it if you haven't. Unless you're a real lawyer; you might have an aneurysm or something.
(I realize this isn't exactly a ringing endorsement, but if I didn't enjoy the game, I wouldn't be talking so much about it. Anyway, two other positives I haven't mentioned: the soundtrack is iconic, and the game is overall pretty hilarious, but its serious moments are also impactful. Definitely the hardest I've laughed at a game in a while.)
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sokokoko · 11 months
I'm planning on making something(s) really cute
I hope it works out
Spoilers, but not fully cuz there's more to it:
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funnyoldworld-isnt-it · 6 months
The more I rewatch the Final Fifteen and the more interpretations I read of it, the more I start to think it's like Schrodinger's cat. There's enough in that scene to support so many different interpretations but not enough to land firmly on any of them. Like, they can be desperately talking past each other and horribly in love AND trying to hurt each other AND sending each other coded messages about the fact that they might be in danger, and Aziraphale can be confused about Heaven's true nature, and also kind of not, and they can be retreading the same old argument, but also breaking new relationship ground, and the Metatron can have threatened them, or maybe not, and something weird can be going on with the coffee, and maybe with the clocks, or maybe neither of those things at all. All at the same time. All of the interpretations seem to work and all seem weirdly kind of simultaneously true until we eventually open the box next season and see what the cat is actually doing. It's really kind of beautiful.
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