#we get it ur hot but skinny jeans will never be loose on me can yall wear something else at least
mwagneto · 1 year
why is it literally impossible to find any alt man online that isn't bone thin PLEASE. i need fit inspo from someone whose collarbones i cant see
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jungshookz · 5 years
can you do a college ta!jimin where y/n is failing her class but she’s too scared to go to jimin for help even though he’s her ta bc every time she sees him in lecture she makes a fool of herself and is embarrassed bc jimin is also v hot
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→ pairing: park jimin x reader
→ genre: university!au, ta!jimin, neRVOUS!y/n, tae and kook are the dream team from hell, joon is a try-hard but we still luv him 
→ wordcount: 2.5k
→ note: ok i was going to write this tomorrow but i couldn’t wait because i need ta!jimin in my life right now immediately so i’m soRRY if it’s short but IT WAS SUCH A CUTE IDEA and i needed to get it ouT into the world also fun fact: a girl that i met during my first month at uni told me all about how she fucked her friend’s psychology TA to help her friend get an A in the class and i need me a friend like that
(gif isn’t mine!) 
quick question
why the FUCK did you think this astronomy course was going to be easy peasy
it was supposed to be your grade booster!!!!!
all you learn about are the STARS in the sky
they’re just flaming balls of gaS and you somehow are unable to grasp that concept for some reason
“how’d you do???” namjoon plops down in the seat next to you before looking at his own test and flicking through the sheets
you blink down at the test in your hands
49% written in an angry shade of red
you technically failed even though you were 1% away from getting a passing mark
this was the last chance to boost your mark before the final exam and you totally just bombed it
there are three midterms that you have to take in this course
which meant you had three chances to study hard and do well
you got 59% on the first one
63% on the second one
and this one?
you droPPED not 1% not 2% but a FAT 14%
o boy
you have a feeling you’re not going to do too well on the final exam considering the journey so far
“i, uh, i did okay.” you shrug and stuff your test into your backpack quickly “how’d you do?”
“eh, i did okay too. 86% is fine, i guess.” namjoon murmurs and circles one of the questions on the test “i didn’t study as much for this one so that explains why i did more poorly compared to the first and second one.”
you peek over at namjoon’s test and let out a sigh when you notice his has a significantly less number of red cross marks
you love namjoon but you’re ready to smack the back of his head because you would be ecsTATIC if you got 86% on a midterm you barely studied for
“i’m probably going to go talk to jimin during office hours and ask for some help with the questions i got wrong. you wanna come with-“
“nO” you immediately curl into yourself and wince when namjoon mentions jimin
park jimin, if we’re being more specific here
he’s the TA for this class and let’s just say,..,,..,,. there’s a reason why the class filled up so quickly at the beginning of the year
he is drop-dead gorgeous
like unbelievably gorgeous
like sculpted from the gods themseLVEs gorgeous
soft, perfectly tousled raven locks
pretty brown eyes
the cutest button nose
and his lips
his pillowy lips that curl around certain words so perfectly and you’re always mesmerised when he takes over a lecture because he does this thing where his tongue will poke out and swipe over his bottom lip in the middle of his rant and you will never admit to anYone that you’ve fantasised about what it’d be like giving him plump bottom lip a lil kith once or twice or thrice
he has a couple ear piercings and you never thought you’d be attracted to that but oH boy you definitely are
not to mention he’s like???? so fashionable???????
most of the time he wears like a button-up tucked into a pair of slacks just to keep things professional or whatever but SOMETIMES he walks in in like a pair of ripped skinny jeans and a loose white tee and a denim jacket or something and that just gets your gears gOING
one time you caught a glimpse of his bicep flexing as he ran his hand through his hair and you literally couldn’t focus on anything for the rest of the class
(today he’s wearing a white button up tucked into a pair of ripped blue jeans and he has his thick black glasses sitting perfectly on his nose)
and!!!!! on top of that he’s the sweetest human being in the entire world
everything about him is just so utterly, frustratingly perfect
he gigGles very often and overtime he does that you’re pretty sure an angel is born in the heavens above
and he’s always super helpful with everyone
even though it’s pretty obvious some of the people in here approach him with the dumbest questions because they just want an excuse to talk to him he will anSwer those dumb questions and help them to the best of his abilities
you haven’t really had a conversation with him before just because this is a class with 200 people and you obviously aren’t going to elbow your way through the crowd just to stand there with nothing to ask him
the only question you can imagine yourself asking is “…..wat is a star” and u don’t want him thinking you’re a big ol dummy
the times that you havE interacted with him or the times that prove to you that he does indeed know that you exist have been awful to say the least
absolute humiliating
you don’t know why but every time you make a fool of yourself it’s in this class and it’s riGHt in front of jimin
when you were doing your presentation with a couple other classmates you kept stuttering over your words because jimin was in the front row just staring at you and you could feel your face growing redder than a tomato
you kept stumbling and missing important parts in the presentation so your teammates had to step up and help you a little and afterwards you apologised proFuSely and treated them all to a drink from starbucks
another time namjoon asked if you could go down to the front and grab his paper for him and as you were walking down the steps of the lecture theatre you missed a step and fell riGHT in front of jimin
so, in conclusion: jimin probably thinks you have a speech impediment aND you’re clumsy as hell
you’re just glad that there are only like 2 weeks of class left because that means you’ll finally be able to get away from jimin
it’s not like you want to get away from him
it’s just that
you can.,,.,. u can feel yourself starting to develop a tiny crush on him (spoiler alert you already have a fat ass crush on him you stubborn walnut) and that ain’t good because then you’ll be all sad and mopey because you know for a faCt park jimin is way WAY out of your league and there’s nothing you can do about it
but you know what you should at least try and say something to him before the year ends because if you don’t you’ll probably regret it
oR you could make an anonymous page on that ‘university crushes’ page (there are already severAL park jimin posts on that Facebook page so you’re sure your contribution won’t make a difference)
“y/n!!!!!!!” you jump when you feel someone grab your shoulder and you snap out of it immediately “what’s gotten into you?? i said your name like a trillion times!” jungkook furrows his brows
“what? what?” you look around frantically and-
what the heck
when did you get to the dining hall
“i said her name a trillion times on the way here and she didn’t reply to me either.” namjoon snorts as he picks up an apple from the fruit basket “she’s probably daydreaming about jimin again” he teases and you resist the urge to roll your eyes when you see slow smirks begin to appear on everyone’s faces
oh god
here it comes
“ooOooooOOOHH-“ jungook and taehyung begin teasing you and you whack their hands away when they reach up to pinch at your cheeks “our y/n has a little crush on park jimin!!!!!!!”
“i don’T have a crush on anyone!” you scowl and grab a carton of apple juice for yourself “cut it out, you freaks”
“aw, don’t be like that! it’s okay! he’s a very pretty person.” taehyung nods and grabs the juice box from your hand
“get your own juice box.” you snatch it back from tae’s hands before whipping around and heading towards the table where they put all the muffins and donuts (you’ve been craving something sweeT)
as you walk towards the table you turn your head so that you’re able to send a glaRE at your friends “i’m terminating this conversation because i do not want to talk about my crush on park jim- oH-!” suddenly you’re stumbling riGHt into someone and you feel hands grip at your waist to keep you steady while your own hands instinctively reach out to balance yourself
you turn your head back quickly ready to profusely apologise to this person for your clumsiness and that’s when you realise you just stumbled riGHT into-
p a r k   j i m i n
jesus CHRIST
it happened again!!!!!!!!
whenever you do something humiliating jimin is riGHT there
“careful there!” he laughs lightly and you retract your hands from his pecs (ᵒʰ ᵐʸ ᵍᵒᵈ) immediately “you good?”
“great. i’m good!” you squeak out and feel your cheeks starting to warm “i- uh, are you okay? i’m so sorry, i wasn’t watching where i was going-“
“don’t worry about me, i’ll survive.” he jokes and your eyes immediately dart away because of your inability to hold eye contact for more than like fiVE seCONDS
“okay, cool, um, that’s good. ……anyways i’m just gonna pay for my juice box-“
“y/n, right?”
you immediately look back up at him
o god
he knows your name
okay okAY okay calm down just act cool you’re super cool you’re a cool gal!!!!!!!
[high pitchy voice] ʸᵒᵘ’ʳᵉ ᶠᶦⁿᵉᵎ
“yes. that’s me. i am her. i am y/n.” okay there we go we finally got there “you’re… jimin.” oOFhkj
u know what just shut up don’t say anything
“you’re the one who wrote about astronomy and its relationship with astrology, right?”
oH righhhhhht that paper you had to write for astronomy
while you’re not good at exam-type things you’re pretty good when it comes to papers because it’s just you ranting about something but make it ~professional~ aNd also cite ur sources
“yes! that was me!!” you perk up because that paper was the onLy thing you were confident handing in in the class lol “i actually changed my topic last minute but i’m glad i did because i had a loT to say about the subject - b-but you probably already know that because you’re the one who graded it, hah-“ you reach up and scratch the back of your neck awkwardly
you catch a glimpse of the boys over jimin’s shoulder
they already paid for their food and they’re sitting at your guys’ usual table and while namjoon is shooting you a thumbs up and a dimpley smile both tae and kook are being iDIOTS
kook has his fingers curled like an ‘o’ while tae is sticking his finger through the hole and they’re botH wiggling their brows at you and you feel your cheeks warm even moRE
that’s so embarrassing
why are boys like that
whY are you friends with boys like that
namjoon scowls and whacks their hands down before pointing to their food and you can practically hear namjoon telling them to cut it out and just eAT you dumbasses
“i thought it was really well-written and very well executed. i enjoyed reading it, actually. i enjoyed it so much i read it twice!” jimin laughs and you feel your heart skip a beat when you hear his cute giggle “how did you do on the latest midterm?”
you’re not… particularly sure why jimin is stiLL talking to you
it’s not like you’re complaning or anything
you’re just confused 
..,.,.,is he just being friendly because TA evaluations come out soon
“i did, um… let’s just say i could’ve done a loT better.” you clear your throat
you’re not about to remind him of your grades because u really reaLLy don’t want him to think you’re a moron  
“oh! i’m sorry to hear that…” he frowns and his shoulders droop slightly before he perks up again “i’d be happy to talk to you and help you out! i’m free at 5:30 this afternoon.”
“5:30 works for me! but don’t office hours end at 4?” you furrow your brows in confusion and your bottom lip pokes out a little in the tiniest of pouts and jimin uwus internally
“yeah, and?” he still has his bright smile on his face and you are just conFUSEd “i’ll help you out and maybe we can grab a bite to eat afterwards.”
wait what
wait hWAT
“are- are you sure? i don’t want to inconvenience you or anything-“
“don’t be silly, you could never. here, i’ll give you my number.” jimin plucks the pen out from behind his ear and grabs your hand and you feel your heart rate SPIKE almost immediately
you instinctively giggle when the pen starts gliding against your skin and jimin peeks up at you with a smirk “ticklish?”
you take your bottom lip in between your teeth and keep your eyes on your hand “a lil”
jimin clicks the pen and tucks it back behind his ear and you look at the digits that have been scrawled on your hand “alright, i have some more midterms to grade so i’m going to disappear but i’ll see you later?”
“yes, that sounds good” you swallow thickly because you’re still registering the fact that park jimin just,,, gave you his number
“see ya!” jimin waves at you as he starts to walk away and u literally almost scream when his right eye drops in a wink
you wave back at him shyly and press your lips together
what is going on
is this a fever dream
are you in a simulation maybe
and then you’re standing there just wondering.,..,,. what was THAT and also are u going on a….. date later
nO no no
don’t over think it
he’s just being nice
he’s a nice guy
jimin lets out a breath once he leaves the dining hall and he has to stop to let his heart calm down a little
god damN
that number thing was a bold move but he’s so glad you didn’t reject him or anything
hopefully you show up this afternoon otherwise that’d kinda suCK
he can’t believe it took him nearly two whole semesters to finally grow some balls and say something to u lol
better late than never!!
help me help you make your wishes come tru (aka send me a request)
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evietheninja · 4 years
It’s on site, Bitch.
Side story to a fan fic my friends and I are writing. They wanted a fight, they got one lmao. 
New Message!
Pikachu 2.0: Yo, what do you guys think of this?
Evie glances down at her phone, reading the message out loud to the guys accompanying her in the living room. Attached to the message is a poster for an event happening tonight. "2000s night huh?" Kiri asks sitting on the couch. "Sounds MANLY!" He practically yells, excitement in his voice. "When was the last time we all went out anyway?" He asks, looking over at Bakugo and Evie who are sitting on the floor. "It's been some time, that's for sure." Evie says, closing the picture and typing out a reply.
Glowstick: Sounds like fun!
BigTittieGothGF: YESSS
Evie laughs as she looks over to the boys who are staring down at their screens as the messages come through. "What the fuck babe, you kicking us out?" Bakugo asks, a smirk across his face. "No, dumbass. I may be getting ready at someone elses place." She says looking back down at her phone.
PoisonIvyWHO?: Evie's?
BigTittieGothGF: YEah! Evie, you okay with that?
BakuBITCH: Really? We JUST got this fucking place and you're already kicking us out?
DaddyShark: That's not very manly of you guys.
Glowstick: Kiri.. We're not men..
Kiri laughs. "Why the fuck are you texting me that I'M RIGHT HERE." Evie and Bakugo laugh. "You fucking texted us instead of SAYING IT." She says, leaning on Bakugo as she laughed.
PoisonIvyWho: I'll be there in 20.
BigTittieGothGF: Too bad, Bakugo. We're already going. Get whatever ur wearing and GO TO DENKI'S
Pikachu2.0: Yeah... Cal already told me you guys were getting kicked. Sorry lmaoo
Bakugo rolls his eyes. "Well FUCK Kiri, I guess we're getting kicked out of our own place." He says, standing up. "Let's go pick what we're gonna wear and get out of here before the girls get here. I'm not trying to fight with Cal when she gets here, and lord knows Nina will tell me some shit and they're gonna piss me the hell off before the night even starts." Bakugo finishes, holding out a hand to help Evie up. She laughs, making a loud HUMPH as she gets up. "Babe, seriously suck it up stop being such a baby." She says, laughing.
"Shut the hell up, dumbass. I'll fight your ass too." He says, pulling her in for a kiss. "UGH GET A ROOOOOMMMMM" Kiri says, tossing a ketchup packet at them. "Oh my GOD Suki when did we adopt a CHILD?" Evie laughed pulling away from Bakugo. She picks the ketchup packet up and throws it back, casuing Kiri to swat at it. It hits the wall, splattering. "BRO WHAT THE FUCK" Bakugo yells, walking over to Kiri and grabbing him. "BRO SHE FUCKIN THREW AT ME WHAT WAS I SUPPOSED TO DO?" Kiri yelled back, attempting to put Bakugo in a headlock.
Evie takes her phone and snaps a picture, sending it to the group chat.
Glowstick: Alright, who had two weeks?
Glowstick: *Paid PoisonIvyWHO? $20*
BigTittieGothGF: *Paid PoisonIvyWHO? $20*
Pikachu2.0: *Paid PoisonIvyWHO? $20*
BigTittieGothGF: Here's Shota's piece.
BigTittieGothGF: *Paid PoisonIvyWHO? $20*
Pikachu2.0: You bet your ass you are. ;)
Glowstick: BROOOO
Evie laughed, watching the boys continue to wrestle. "Damn a little less clothing and I'd be questioning if I was just a cover up." She says, walking over to the hall towards her and Bakugo's room. Eventually, she heard the boys stop and she assumed one of them looked at their phone, because next thing she knew the boys were at the doorway, glaring at her.
"What?" Evie said, looking between the boys. "You fucking bet on us?" Bakugo says, his hands sparking lightly. "Hey, calm down. I wasn’t the ONLY one who bet. Even fucking Aizawa was in on it! You can't put that on me alone." She says, keeping her distance. "What were the lengths of time?" Kiri asks, genuinely curious. "Uh, Cal said 2 weeks, Ni said a week, Aizawa said an hour, Denki said 3 days." She says. "And YOU?" Bakugo asks. "Me? I gave you guys the benefit of the doubt and said a month. But nooooo." She says laughing. "ANYWAY. You two need to get the hell out.” She says, pushing the boys out of the room. “Wait, dumbass! I kind of need clothes to wear.” Bakugo says, pushing past her to get into the closet inside their room. Kiri laughs and walks over to his room to get some clothes to change into. 
Bakugo packed a WHOLE ASS BAG of clothes, a few shirts and a couple pairs of jeans because he wanted to make sure he looked really good. Kiri did just about the same, a whole backpack with clothes inside. What the fuck? Are they spending the night? Why the fuck. Evie laughed lightly as they made their way to the door. They may be men, but god DAMN they take forever to get ready. 
“Alright, we’ll be at Denki’s. Text me if you need anything.” Bakugo says, planting  quick peck on Evie’s lips before leaving. “:Yeah yeah, have fun I’ll let you know when we leave.” She says as she opens the door. “Wha- why the fuck are you guys taking backpacks? I thought you guys were going just to change not spend the week there.” Nina’s voice echos through the hall after seeing the boys. “FUUUCK I thought we’d be gone by the time you guys got here.” Bakugo complains, nodding at Cal and Nina as they enter the apartment. “Shut the hell up, boom boom boy.” Cal says walking past him. He tugs at her sprout on her head, causing her to yelp. “Stop it, asshole! i’ll get Frank on your ass.” She warns, rubbing her sprout as he lets go. 
“Who the fuck is Frank:?” He asks, Kirishima laughing next to him. “None of your business,  leave! You take any longer and we’ll be fucking late.” Nina says, closing the door as they walk in. “I thought we’d never get rid of them.” They joke as they smile and hug Evie. Cal jumps onto them, laughing and giggling as they regain themselves. 
The next hour and a half consists of the trio getting dressed, comparing outfits and making sure they looked really good for the night ahead. Cal is wearing a green lace bralette, with gloves to match. Shes got a tight black skirt, with thigh high stockings with guarders with heels. Her hair is down and tame, the black skirt and green top complimenting her every feature. Nina is wearing a black and white cheetah print tube top, with leather shorts, thigh high platform boots with her chains rearranged in a choker fashion, with a loop in the middle for an attachable leash, her mullet slick back. Evie is wearing a green long sleeve crop top that ties around her stomach, with a deep v cut, ripped skinny jeans and thigh high heel boots. Her hair is half up, the other half tamed beautifully to compliment the outfit. She puts on her favorite black choker with a silver heart in the middle. She only wears it when she wants Bakugo to replace it with his hand, which she was sure he would do later. 
The group looks at each others outfits, gushing on how ridiculously good they looked. After a very long photo shoot, the group locks up the apartment and heads out. They meet up at the club, excited to get the night started. They are (not surprisingly) the first  ones to make it. They stand around, waiting to hear from their significant other’s and Kirishima. Denki, Bakugo and Kirishima show up next, Denki walking up dressed from head to toe in black, a silver chain on his belt loops and black and silver jewelry complimenting his outfit. Kirishima has on red cargo shorts, a white t shirt on with a windbreaker jacket that says “Riot” in red letters on the back. Bakugo is in black jeans with an orange tee shirt, with orange converse to match and a black blazer. He, for once, slicked his hair back and hot DAMN he looked good to Evie. Cal and Evie couldn’t help but gawk over their men as Aizawa finally made his way to the group. Aizawa is dressed in a grey v neck t-shirt, skinny jeans, a loose fitting leather jacket with his scarf covering his neck as it always does. His hair is half up in a bun on the back of his head. He probably looks the most comfortable than every one in the group. 
They gather in their group, Denki pulling Cal closer as he looks her up and down. Bakugo smirks as he watches Evie approach him, eyeing her figure. “You... you are SO lucky we didn’t get ready at the same place.” He growls as he throws an arm over her. “We would’ve never made it to this damn club.” He finishes, hearing Denki and Kirishima laugh in agreement. “I wouldn’t have heard the end of it.” Kiri says under his breath. They laugh and enter the club.
After a few drinks, dedicating drinks to their accomplishments ranging from graduating college and getting their own places, to them just being happy they were all finally getting to hang out. Feeling the light buzz, Evie urges Bakugo to go out and dance with her. He complains, although in actuality, she knew he loved to dance with her, able to show the girl he was with. 
Cal and Denki were laughing and talking amongst themselves for a bit before finally heading out to the dance floor. Lets be honest, they were only a few drinks away from starting their dance battles, and everyone for once was ready for it. 
Aizawa and Nina stood close together, Nina dancing to the music while Aizawa watched, almost entranced by her movements. God, the way he looked at her, the way he undressed her with his eyes. Anyone who’d watched them grew jealous of the love they had for each other. Every so often, he would pull them in and says something that would physically cause Nina to shudder. It always entertained Evie. She’d always laugh watching the way just words would make Nina squirm. 
Evie looked up at Bakugo, urging him again. He laughed and nodded over to Kiri, inviting him to dance with them. Many people questioned the relationship they shared, were they all in some kind of relationship? Was it just as simple as Bakugo and Evie were just comfortable with Kiri? Pretty much. Nither Evie nor Bakugo saw Kiri in that way, and Kiri just really loved to dance. 
The trio makes their way to the dance floor as the music bumped through the speakers. Evie let the music take over, feeling Bakugo behind her, molding to her body with ease. Kiri does the same, only in front. Nina had stopped dancing for a sec to watch her friends dance, and smirked at the three. They knew Bakugo wouldn’t hold his composure long, and would claim Evie in about a song or two. 
The song Goodies bumped through the speakers, with it being Evie’s favorite song, she danced harder feeling the boys match her tempo. Every so often, because Bakugo couldn’t make his mind up about how comfortable he was with Evie facing either towards or away from him, he would turn her. She laughed, feeling the drinks work their way into her system, giving her a good feeling. 
The song Me&U begins to bump through the speakers. Evie starts to sing the lyrics, the front of her body facing Kiri. Kiri begins to sing as well, looking Evie in the eyes while doing so. Bakugo takes notice, and whips her around, glaring at Kiri from over Evie. She laughs, noticing Kiri pick up his hands in apology and decides that’s the time for him to go find another dance partner. Evie grabs Bakugo by his cheeks, forcing him to look at her as they grind. For a while, it feels like they’re the only two in the room. 
Sweat drips, their bodies bumping to the sound of the base. Evie smiles up at Bakugo and kisses him. Then, she jumps, feeling a cold, wet feeling run down her back. She whips around, seeing Ururaka looking her up and down smirking. “Oops, I’m sorry. I didn’t see you there.” She says smugly in a monotone voice over the music. Ururaka then turns her attention to Bakugo, her smile turning sweet. “Hey, Kachan, how are you?” She says, taking a step closer to him almost pushing Evie out of the way. Evie looks to her left, seeing Nina already making their way to her with Cal close behind, a worried Denki behind them and Aizawa looking from the distance. “Don’t fucking call me that, one. And two we’re in the middle of something, so if you could, you know, fuck off that’d be great.” Bakugo says, bumping her shoulder and returning to Evie. 
“Oh, you’d rather be with that? HA, okay.” Ururaka says, scoffing as she looks at the couple. “Listen here you broke ass bit-” Cal starts, ready to lunge at her. Nina stops her for a second, looking Ururaka up and down before speaking. “Is there a problem?” they ask. “Oh, can’t fight your own fights?” Ururaka says, turning her attention back to Evie. “Oh, I can fucking fight alright.” Evie says, rolling up her sleeves and removing her earrings. “Hold these baby please.” She says, handing them to Bakugo who takes them and places them in his pocket, taking a step back to watch Evie do what she did best. “Oh you got the wrong bitch” Nina says, cracking their knuckles. 
Ururaka pushes Evie. She stumbles lightly, and recovers quickly. Ururaka looks at her in confusion. She’s...not floating. Evie looks over to a golden eyed, floating haired Aizawa, who’d activated his quirk, disabling Ururaka’s. Evie smirked, returning her attention to Ururaka who was already on the floor due to Nina using her chains to restrain her, and Cal straight out kicking her on the ground. She laughed, bending down as Cal got in another kick. No one around noticed, nor cared about what was happening to Ururaka. 
“Oh honey, you should’ve known better.” Evie says in the sweetest way possible as she stands and gets her kick in. Nina unrestrains her and they step over her, turning to return to Aizawa when Ururaka gets up, grabs Nina by the shoulder and throws a punch. Before the punch even makes contact, Cal jumps on her, throwing punches as Ururaka turns her attention to her. Somehow, she manages to get a hold of Cal’s sprout on her head, making her even more mad. Evie grabs Ururaka by the hair, pulling her off of Cal and punching her a couple times before Bakugo steps in. He grabs Evie, stopping her from injuring her anymore. “It’s not worth it, babe.” He says, attempting to calm her down. 
“She isnt worth it!” Ururaka screams, getting up because this girl STILL hadn't had enough. Nina uses her chains to grab Ururaka, throwing her to the ground and planting a platformed boot on her chest. They lean in real close, speaking loud enough for her to hear. “Listen here, bitch. YOU, are a piece of shit, and if we EVER see you trying it again, it’s on site.” They say before getting up. Cal walks up, kicking her down as she tries to sit up. “Oh, the 99 cent store called, they want their dress back.” Cal says, spitting on her before leaving as well. Evie calms herself enough for Bakugo to let her go, and they turn back once more before laughing and walking off. 
Before any kind of authorities are called, the group leaves the club, making their way to their favorite after club place, a 24/7 boba tea place just down the street from the club, They order drinks, and all make another toast to a great night. “I’ve really been wanting to do that shit since the situation.” Cal says, beaming. “Same” Nina says, clinking cups and laughing. Bakugo walks over to the table, with drinks in one hand and his phone in the other. The fact they’d forgotten Kiri was fucking hilarious to him. Kiri slams through the door, asking about what’d happened. He was SO upset he’d missed it. 
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ryncorrect · 5 years
university!au: day6 jae
following my uni!au with young k (idk how to link my own post asbajdnskmd im Dumb) so here another one with jae lol i think im gonna make one for each one of them buttttttt no promise bc my brain works in a very mysterious way LOL
anyway leggo
Tumblr media
warning: this is lame lmaooooo
name: park jaehyung / jae
major: politic science
other activities: guitarist (and sometimes vocalist) of university band, member of music club, founder and leader of LOL SQUAD
everyone knows that tall skinny guitarist of the band i mean he’s hard to ignore tbh
he always wears loose T-shirt, ripped jeans, a cap that he puts backward, and round big specs to campus
professors hate his ripped jeans but can’t really say anything because oh well style doesn’t define someone’s grades and boy, does this kid actually get some braincells in him
well i mean at least he never fails his classes
he has this giant LOLSQUAD badge on his backpack because he’s proud af of his title as the club founder and leader
he actually started that club so he could to brag about his gaming skill to everyone who wanted to listen but he ends up getting his ass handed to him every single time they play together smh
if he’s not in class or hanging out with his game buddies, he can be seen following that Popular Student™ kang younghyun or as jae prefers to call him, “brian” or “brIBRI” because they both joined music club and are in the band
yes yes he’s well known and easy to spot
“jae? park jaehyung?? who???”
everyone refers to him as “that foreigner student”, “the American guy” or “the gamer guy”, or my favorite: “chicken little”
i will never let that joke die im sorry but seriously he looks like chicken when he plays his guitar on the stage don’t @ me
there are only like 5 students in the whole university who know his actual name
anyways in this scenario you’ve always been interested in playing guitar but haven’t gotten a chance to learn and your friend kim wonpil invites you to join music club so you’ll have friends to practice with
“you know our jaehyungie, right? he’s really chill, you’ll get along well with him!!”
deep inside you’re like
who the heck is jaehyung
but wonpil is so excited to have you there so the next week you come to the club meeting
you introduce yourself to everyone and finally you meet him
“ohmygod the chicken little!!”
“sorry- i mean the chicken guitarist- wait no-”
he glares at you, you laugh instead
scaring the new member challenge: failed
but yeah you’d seen him performing before and honestly you almost decided to become his fan
a l m o s t
at first he (jokingly) refuses to teach you guitar because you called him chicken little
and since then you keep calling him that just to mess with him
“hi chicken little”
“what’s poppin chicken little”
“why do you look so flustered, chicken little? do i make you nervous??”
he turns red chicken little is now an angry bird “gO AWAY NEWBIE YOU’RE SO ANNOYING”
jae’s a foreigner but he speaks fluent korean
he tells you that even though he was born and grew up in america he always speaks the language with his parents
but of course since he lives abroad there are lots of words or slang he doesn’t know, so you gotta be an ass and slip some difficult words when you speak to him
he gets his revenge by replying to you in english
whenever you two are having an argument (usually over stupid things) everyone in the club suddenly gets headache
wtf they’re not even making any sense
besides music, jae is the most excited when talking about LOL or social topics because well his major
honestly idk much about politic science so cmiimw
one time someone asks for his opinion about social welfare and he ends up starting a sudden debate session with the said person about social welfare programs in south korea and america and the difference between both countries
you mention human rights and he sNAPS
i mean he gives a full 15 mins speech about it
“yknow what im sayin?”
“dude… i honestly don’t get it at all”
because he be speaking in full english like wat
he’s just so passionate about everything it’s almost adorable
a l m o s t
and it’s not only his passion but also his small eyes, his laugh, his voice, or the way he occasionally lifts his head to look at you while playing guitar and you smile and he smiles because you smile first shnshsbshs soft
even the corners of his lips are so cute wow
oh fuck im emo i love him
but you adore him just as a good friend
he’s always been bubbly and friendly with everyone, not just you, so yeah it’s really easy to fall for him but you assure yourself that you’re nOT
are we having “in denial” shit again omg im so uncreative
anyway fast forward it’s ur birthday!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYYY
you decide to throw a small party at your place and invite 5 or 6 of your closest friends but damn on the d-day it rains so hard
if ur bday falls on winter then change it to snowing hard, if it’s spring then maybe there’s strong wind or something, whatever suits you fam lol
so no one comes to your party lol you are Sad
no you didn’t invite him because idk
are we really that close??? ehhhh he probably won’t come anyway haha why bother
he’s carrying an umbrella but it didn’t really help apparently because he’s soaking wet
imagine that view i mean nvm
“i happened to be near here and i remember it’s your birthday today so i think i’m gonna drop by to say hi and suddenly it’s raining too hard on the way but anyway happy birthday can you let me in first i’m cold”
ofc you let jae in i mean we can’t let the chicken catch the flu amirite
but you warn him that he’ll have to leave before 11 or your RA will kick you both out the dorm lol
after a towel, two cups of hot tea, and one shared piece of chocolate cake, you told him you were supposed to have a small party tonight but no one could make it because of the rain and he’s like “hOW DARE YOU HAVING A PARTY BUT NOT INVITING ME I THOUGHT WHAT WE HAD WAS SPECIAL” and you’re just like “lol shut up chicken here eat more cake”
anyways you two spend time joking and talking about random stuff and it’s probably not the best birthday ever but at least you don’t have to spend it alone and to be honest you’re happy that he’s here
then jae pulls out his ultimate weapon
i mean his guitar
he was soaking wet but the guitar is clean and dry and all fine like hoW EVEN
“priorities” -park jaehyung
he said he gonna play a song of your choice because he came empty handed and he feels bad about it
you blush and pick whatever song comes to your mind because you can’t really think of any, and he starts strumming his guitar and sings
and while he keeps looking at you, you find yourself too can’t take your eyes off him
the song ends and you’re about to clap your hands when he suddenly starts another one
wait you’ve never heard this song before
it’s a slow song and the lyrics are all like, the sky turns dark on the birthday of the brightest star so that it’ll be the only light in his world, how he feels regretful that he has nothing to give but his small heart, and he hopes that this lovely person will hold his hand as they listen to this song together, that this lovely person will feel warm beside him
guys just imagine the song okay i can’t Romance
it’s dead silent until you whisper, “is that… a song for me?”
jae’s face turns red and he starts panicking™ like “i made up the lyrics just now okay i know it’s fricking sappy and cheesy as hell okay i just uhhh want to cheer you up!!!! because you seem kinda down!!!!! let’s not talk about this again uGh WhatEvER leT Me LIvE!!!!!”
but you chuckle and thank him, it was the best present you can get from anyone
you two stare at each other for a second that feels like years and he finally breaks the silence, “you know,,, maybe i came here on purpose,,, maybe actually i want to see you,,,”
“and why is it?”
“because i think,,, i miss you,,, kinda”
and you don’t say this out loud but maybe you do know that
even if you say you’ll never
in fact you’ve already fallen for him a bit
or perhaps a lot
like a lot
then he leans in to kiss your lips and you kiss back and it’s almost not awkward at all, it just feels right as if you’ve kissed him million times before
a l m o s t
you two still blush real hard after
but yeah that’s how you two start dating
none of you two tell anyone about it but it’s pretty obvious, i mean jae always picks you up at your dorm, he walks with you to your class or vice versa (if your classes don’t overlap tho), you two keep stealing glances at each others, also—
jae with you: “hey,,,, come here sit with me u3u,,,,, did you have lunch??? oh i wrote a song last night check this out,,,, what are you gonna do this saturday? oml you’re so cute”
welp actually he’s not always sweet with you, sometimes you two still argue about silly things using mixed languages but now everyone in the club knows better to just run away once it begins
because it’ll end up with you two fighting or you two kissing
yes im nasty and a disappointment bye
btw wonpil is excited af it’s almost like he’s dating you both
“it’s really nice seeing you two finally together!!!!!!! especially because jaehyung really couldn’t shut up about you ever since the first day you joined our music club”
“wait wha-”
I’m so in love with park jaehyung y'all hsnshsbsh aNYWAYS!!! 100 blocks limit has lifted from tumblr app AYEEEEE
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arcanaenclave · 5 years
Francis & Bruno: Mostly go commando, unless it's very cold or they're tasked with wearing something that requires more layers, because that's just who they both are as people. They can hem and haw about having fur that gets hot all they want but other furries get along just fine, such as---
Tom: Wears cotton briefs/more often boxers, usually in whatever colors/packs are cheapest, and doesn't see what the big deal is about wearing them! Growing up in the hot, humid south means he's always favored clothes that breathe as much as possible, and boxers can also double as swimming trunks in a pinch, so, bonus. He's just now really starting to buy clothes for himself in general, underwear included, so he's starting to build a collection of boxers with funny sayings/designs on them.
Finn (formerly Huck): Almost the same as Tom, except he'll also basically wear any underwear regardless of style as long as it fits and doesn't make him too hot. He will also just plain not wear any sometimes because he's a free spirit and counts on his fur to make up for it. Some of that is a holdover from how he was a kid who had to basically learn to dress himself at a very young age, on top of everything else he had to learn more or less on his own. His adoptive dad tried his best, but some things are just beyond his power, especially now that Finn has moved out.
Bianca (who is still in renaming limbo, pardon me): Generally wears light, breathable bras with good underwire support and matching underwear. The matching is key: when her clothes are coordinated, she feels coordinated, and that helps her start her day off right. She tries to get her underwear sets in fun colors when she can (especially pinks and blues and purples), but being a larger cup size means that she's gotta either contend with the Sea Of Beige And White or magically dye each piece herself. So, naturally, she's gotten very good at magically dying things, unless she needs some white bras to match the fur on her chest. She owns a few sets of Very Expensive lingerie, some with camisoles, that she breaks out on special occasions, or when she wants to feel extra fancy.
Davey: Boxers and boxer briefs 4 lyfe. He doesn't have to worry about having fur or only being like 4 feet tall or wanting a bra that has form AND function, so his greatest struggle is just finding underwear in colors he likes, namely dark red, blue, and green. He's not overly fond of underwear with patterns or sayings on them except for gifts from Harold and the like, usually! He'll also wear frilly panties for a joke with zero hesitation, as that one anon found out like 7 years ago, because in any game of chicken Davey will never flinch first.
Ailbhe: Is also part of the big titty committee, and heavy is the chest that wears the boobs. She's less concerned with matching and more worried about comfort and support, which means she's mixing and matching most days even when she originally bought the underwear in a set. She usually goes for light-colored bras and underwear, especially anything light blue, but also has a few sets of lacy lingerie and some sets of very supportive sports bras. Also she steals Boris' boxers from time to time and wears them, as is her god-given girlfriend right.
Yakiv: Oh lord here we gooo. Being as endlessly old-fashioned as Yakiv is, he does wear long underwear sometimes, depending on the weather. Otherwise he'll always be wearing an undershirt of some sort and very plain, sometimes striped, boxer shorts, think maybeee ca. 1920's men's underwear. He considers that all very modern of him.
Lee: Briefs and boxer briefs! As a chronic wearer of skinny jeans, they're just the best suited for the job. You'll find in his underwear drawer just about any color you can think of---he likes having a bit of secret flair, so he loves getting them in bright, saturated colors and with wild patterns and sayings on them.
Crane: Already has to get his pants custom-made for his just-a-little-too-inhuman proportions, and has spent a significant portion of his life flying his transport ship long distances entirely by himself. Basically what I'm saying is he never wears underwear and tries to get by wearing extremely loose pants sometimes and everyone has to be emotionally prepared for the results of that.
Pam: Misses the days when satyrs could all go bottomless, he really, truly does. He makes up for it now by being a wild card. Is he going commando? Is he wearing briefs? Did he break out that pair of bedazzled pink panties he won a bet with 20 years ago? Is tHaT a tHoNg??? Who knows! (It's Bigwig. Bigwig knows.)
Martin: Boxers, briefs, boxer briefs, accidentally wearing a partner's boy shorts because they were the same color as his own underwear, jockstraps and cups, and even the occasional thong, Martin's worn (almost) it all! In his day-to-day he really does prefer boxers for the comfort factor, though sometimes he wears briefs when he feels an outfit calls for more support.
Zahrah: #FreeTheTiddies. Zahrah never wears bras in her day-to-day life, opting instead for a camisole some days or nothing other days, so long as she's not going to be doing anything especially active that will require more support. She finds them incredibly constricting, and has spent a pretty sizable portion of her life not wearing one, and she doesn't much feel like starting now! She also wears plain seamless linen/cotton/other natural fiber panties, because they're comfy! After spending most of her life in desert environments, she values coolness and cover more than anything else, and prefers to keep things simple, usually wearing solid colors like white and red and gold.
Jianyu: Wears white briefs or a fundoshi, usually the latter. As an extremely utilitarian person with more than a few insecurities and issues with his body image, he mostly prefers to forget he even has a physical form and needs to wear clothes, and puts the bare minimum of thought into underwear and the rest of his clothes by extension. As long as they do the job, it's fine! If he could plan his outfits months in advance and then spend the rest of his time focused on other, more important things to him, he would. Zahrah thinks he looks fetching in anything and tells him as such all the time, which he appreciates more than he'll say. 
Vince: Also misses the days when satyrs could run around completely ass-out, and so often compromises by not wearing any underwear. It's like being ass-out but also able to go out in public without getting arrested! He has much thicker, curlier fur than Pam, which makes it harder to fit himself for pants of any kind, and makes him more likely to overheat on especially hot days. When he absolutely has to, he'll wear boxers to give himself as much breathing room as he can. As with Pam, being as long-lived as they are, both have had to also wear the underwear was available during whatever time they lived in, but unlike Pam, Vince has always opted more for wearing nothing when he could manage it.
Drago: Wears black briefs, modified with a clasp at the back to attach the waistband over his tail. In the past what he wore was more dependent on what was available to him in local shops when his dad let him go out and buy some things for himself with his very small allowance. Since he spends the majority of his time in his demon form, which is especially lizard-y, as well as wearing tight leather pants, form-fitting bottoms are best, even if he doesn't actually need much support in that form. 
Claire: Lingerie all day every day, babey! She has some more sporty underwear alternatives in bright neon colors for when she's going to be especially on the move off the clock, usually when working out with others, but on her own time she pretty much always rocks one of her very extensive collection of matching lacy/satiny underwear sets that she's accrued over the years. Her criteria for what she buys usually falls into two categories: lingerie that's especially fancy-looking, regardless of price point or color, or lingerie that's somehow a little wild or different in some way, be it with fabric choices or strap designs or patterns. She wears a matching camisole or a white semi-transparent silk robe over whatever her look for the day is when she's shuffling in white pom-pom slippers around the girl house. 
Zed: Is a pretty committed devotee to the boxers way of life, and doesn't actually go commando all that often, in a shocking turn of events. He's generally more likely to go pants-less than underwear-less! Like the rest of his clothes, most of his underwear is some shade of green, with more than a few weed leaf patterns. He has some assorted weird/funny underthings he's collected over the many years from being friends with Lee and Jude and all of them buying each other dumb shit for various jokes. He keeps them around for a laugh, and for something to wear on laundry days to get a rise out of Dan.
Dr. Yume: Wears simple black bras and underwear, usually t-shirt bras and high-waisted briefs to fit under her usual button-down + pencil skirt/high-waisted slacks work clothes. She also wears them in white, but because of her work schedule and disrupted sleep sometimes she's not able to plan her outfits for the week like she wants to, and ends up with days where she's got a white shirt and black bra. Anyone who dares to comment on how they can see her straps through her clothes will be eviscerated with a 'Thank you, you can see my bra because I am wearing one.' response. She probably owns one (1) set of black lingerie that she bought eons ago on a whim, feeling a little pressured to do so, but she isn't really interested in wearing it at all. 
Sak: Used to rock a loincloth and the precursor to long underwear with the best of them, once upon a time! He'll wear literally anything handed to him if you ask him nicely enough, but his preference is for looser options like boxers since they breathe more and are the closest equivalent to makeshift bottoms he wore pre-iceberg.
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