#we forgot to take regular pictures until today lol
femmespoiled · 5 months
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butch/femme couple goes out and gets some mangoes
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The Art of Love (Part 7) ~ Steve Rogers x Reader College!AU
A/N: Happy Valentine’s Day Weekend my loves! I’m finally getting back into this story. Hopefully I’ll be able to finish it up soon, but no promises. lol but I hope you enjoy. I wanted to get this out because this year the dates actually line up lol so here we are. 
Summary: You and Steve host his mom and Bucky for dinner. 
Characters/Pairings: Steve Rogers x Reader (Eventual), Bucky Barnes, Sarah Rogers 
Rating: K+
Warnings: None. Fluff . Idiots 
Word Count: 1968
Divider by: @whimsicalrogers​
Main Masterlist | The Art of Love Masterlist | Broken Hearts and Robot Parts Masterlist (Companion Fic) ​
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You were unable to tear your eyes away from Steve as he tugged his shirt off and tossed it in the hamper, though you rolled your eyes when he laughed at you. It wasn’t until you heard him singing Sexyback that you huffed and turned back to the dresses.
You stared at your remaining options. You couldn’t help but smile when you came to a decision. If you were right, you knew exactly why it was his favorite. After you packed away the rest of the dresses you flopped down on the bed scrolling through your notifications.
“Did you make a decision?” Steve asked as he exited the bathroom, dressed in his jeans and white tank top but barefoot.
You gestured to the closet where the blue wrap dress hung next to his shirt.
Steve looked at it and grinned.
“My favorite.” Steve laid on his side next to you, propping his head in his hand. “We really should go back to California soon.”
You rolled on your side to mimic his position.
“I’d love that. Ooh maybe in the winter though because it’ll be nice and warm,” you giggled.
“That’s a great idea.”
You dropped your gaze from his and started tracing the pattern of his bedspread.
“What’s going through your head, sweetheart?” Steve asked as he covered your hand with his own.
“Just going over what’s left to do for tonight.”
“Everything is all set. There’s nothing left for you to do except to get ready.”
“How long do I have?”
Steve glanced at his phone.
“About an hour.”
“Okay, that’s probably enough time to make myself presentable,” you fretted.  
He cupped your cheek, focusing your attention on him.
“Sweetheart, please stop worrying. You are always beautiful.”
“You’re just saying that.”
“Nope. It’s my professional opinion. Are you doubting someone who almost has a bachelor’s in fine arts?” he demanded haughtily.
You giggled and rolled your eyes, shoving at his chest.
“You’re ridiculous.”
“And you love me for it,” he beamed.
“That I do.”
“Why don’t you go take a shower. Take your time and relax. I even bought the candle you like.”
“Summer storm?”
“You’re the best.”
You kissed him on the cheek as you climbed over him to go shower.
The shower helped calm your nerves and when the water ran cold you wrapped yourself in the fluffy towel Steve had bought just for you and padded back into the bedroom.
You kept the music on low as you got ready, fixing your hair and doing some light make up. When you were satisfied with your appearance you tugged on the dress and slid your feet into the low heels. The final touch was the silver necklace of a dancer that Steve had bought you for your first showcase.
“So how do I look?” you asked as you stood beside the TV.
He patted the spot beside him on the couch and you happily joined him. He immediately twined his fingers through yours.
“I’m really glad that you’re here with me tonight. I love you, y/n.”
“I love you too, Steve.”
He brought your hands up so he could kiss your knuckles you couldn’t help the fond smile that tugged at your lips. Your shower and primping had taken less time than you expected so you and Steve passed the time watching the Good Place.
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You were tucked neatly into Steve’s side as you waited for his mom and Bucky to arrive. As his nerves mounted yours seemed to recede and you rubbed soothing circles over his knuckles.
“Relax, Steve. It’s your mom and Bucky. There’s nothing to worry about.”
“There’s a lot to worry about. The three people I love the most are all going to be in the same place.”
“I thought you weren’t worried about me meeting your mom.”
“I’m not worried about you. I’m worried about me. The three people who have the most dirt on me in the same room. Yikes.”
You rolled your eyes.
“You know I live to lift you up. But I hope she brought baby pictures.”
“You’re awful.”
“You love me.”
“You sure about that?”
“Not a doubt in my mind.”
He pulled you closer and kissed the crown of your head.
“Good because I do. Mmm. You smell good.”
“I smell like you.” you giggled. “I forgot my shower gel.”
“Yeah but it’s your shampoo. It’s the perfect combination.”
You were interrupted by keys jangling and the door swinging open.
“Honey, I’m home.”
“Hey, Buck.”
“Hey, Smudge. Hey, Stevie.”
Neither of you moved from the couch as he hung his jacket up and walked into the kitchen.
“God it smells great in here.”
“Bucky Barnes, don’t you dare eat anything to spoil your appetite.”
“But I’m starving,” he whined.
“We’re having appetizers as soon as Steve’s mom gets here. Just wait.”
Bucky pouted into his beer as he sank into the opposite end of the couch.
“I promise it’s worth it.”
“I’m sure it is, doll”
“You’re too sweet, Buck. What did you do today?”
“I spent most of it at the hospital. A spot on their Saturday shift opened up so I took it.”
“Aw that’s great. You didn’t think you’d be able to this semester.”
“I know. I’m really glad. There’s this really sweet girl who just is amazing.”
You and Steve shared a smile at the excitement and fondness in his voice.
The three of you chatted, until your nerves got the best of you and you moved into the kitchen to triple check everything for dinner. The boys trailed behind you, but stayed out of your way.
Your eyes snapped to the door when it buzzed and you tracked Steve as he went to greet his mom. Bucky used your distraction to swipe a grape earning him a rap on the knuckles with a cheese knife.
“Hands off, Buck.”
“Aw come on, doll.”
“No more.”
Bucky pouted but kept his hands to himself as you retrieved the glasses from the cabinet.
Steve was laughing when he opened the door with the one and only Sarah Rogers trailing behind him. She smiled brightly when she spotted you and Bucky. You quickly wiped your hands on the dish towel and hurried to greet her.
“Hi, Mrs. Rogers, it’s nice to see you again.”
“It’s lovely to see you, darling. Please call me, Sarah.”
Once Steve took her coat she leaned forward to kiss you on each cheek.
“Hello, James.”
“Hey, Aunt Sarah,” he grinned around a mouthful of cheese.
“Sorry, Smudge!”
Rolling your eyes you headed back into the kitchen.
“Can I get you something to drink, Ma?”
“I’ll just have some water.”
“Regular water or seltzer water.”
“Regular please, dear.”
“Sweetheart do you want anything.”
“Water please.”
You retrieved the charcuterie board fiddling slightly trying to disguise the gap Bucky’s munchies had left. He had the good grace to look apologetic when you glared in his direction.
Sarah had made herself comfortable in the arm chair and Bucky took the chair and a half across from her leaving you to sit beside Steve on the couch. He patted your knee before taking your hand as he had earlier.
“How was your Saturday? Did you work today?” Steve asked.
“No, I’m off this weekend. I went grocery shopping. Needed to stock up on a few items. It was a mad house though.”
“Really? It was quiet when we were there,” Steve hummed.
“We were there at like 6:30,” you pointed out.
“True. And it was getting crowded when we were finishing up.”
“I wonder why.”
Bucky and Sarah gaped at the two of you.
“You two really do live under a rock in that arts building don’t you?”
Sarah laughed at Bucky’s observation.
“Why? What are we missing?”
“There’s a blizzard coming tomorrow. Everyone was stocking up before the storm.”
“Wait, seriously?”
“Uh huh. It’s been on every news station for a week. What have you been doing?”
“Avoiding my phone at all costs,” you admitted.
Steve shrugged his agreement. “I’ve been distracted.”
“Well, I hope you got more than just food for tonight.”
“Yeah, we’re all set,” Steve assured his mom. “We’ll just hunker down here for the next few days.”
“Absolutely. It’s not like we were planning to leave for the next couple of days anyways,” you agreed.
“Oh did you two have plans for the holiday?”
You squirmed under Sarah’s amused but expectant gaze, not wanting to give her the wrong impression.
“Tomorrow is our annual Lord of the Rings Marathon. We do it every year,” Steve explained with a grin.
“How did that come about?”
“During Freshman year, I got really sick right around Valentine’s Day. And my roommate, and pretty much everyone else I knew had gone on this ski trip that whole week. Steve was worried about me so he brought me pancakes from the dining hall and chicken noodle soup and stayed with me the whole weekend. We watched a ton of movies, but somehow Lord of the Rings became a tradition.”  
“That’s so sweet.”
“Yeah it is.”
You squeezed as his hand as he looked over at you with that soft smile you loved so much.
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Steve patted his stomach and hummed as he sat back in his chair, nudging your knee with his. Bucky was wiping his bowl with the last of the rolls, and Sarah demurely wiped at her mouth.
“Dinner was absolutely delicious. I’ve got to say, Y/n, I’m impressed you’ve taught my son to cook.”
“I wouldn’t say I taught him. We more figured it out together. Poor Bucky had to taste test a lot of nearly inedible things.”
“Except her baking. That’s always been amazing,” Bucky piped up as he shoved the last roll into his mouth.  
“Speaking of, I should get the pie in the oven to warm up or we won’t have dessert until midnight,” you fretted.  
“I’ve got it, sweetheart. Just relax.”
“I’m sure the boys won’t mind cleaning up.”
You glance at Steve who nods encouragingly before hopping to his feet, squeezing your shoulders as he kissed the top of your head as he passed by. Bucky finished chewing and began to clear the dishes.
“Why don’t we move over to the couch?” she suggested.
You nodded and grabbed your glass and followed her, sitting next to the older woman.
“I’m so glad that we’re finally getting to spend some time together. Steve never stops talking about you. You’re clearly very special to him.”
You couldn’t help but look over at him, smiling as he elbowed Bucky out of the way at the sink.
“He’s very special to me too.”
“Thank you for taking care of him. I know he can get lost in his work.”
“He does the same for me.”
“I also have to say, you’re a beautiful dancer. I’m looking forward to your performance at the Showcase. It’s always been a highlight in the past.”
“Oh, thank you. I’m flattered.”
“I also saw that you and Steve were celebrating a new job last night?”
“Yes, I just joined the Howling Commando Stage Troupe as a dancer and assistant choreographer.”
“Oh that’s so exciting. Congratulations. Are you looking forward to it?”
“Yes, absolutely. They’ll send me the info for the summer series in a few weeks.”
“And how does one manage being a dancer and a choreographer at the same time.”
“The Howlies always mount two shows simultaneously, so I’ll be dancing in one show while I help choreograph the other.”
“Ah, I see. Well that is quite the undertaking, but I’m sure it will all be beautiful. You’ll have to let me know when opening night is. I would love to come and see you.”
Her earnest support caught you off guard.
“Of course,” you finally managed. “Thank you.”  
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A/N: Thank you so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed ! 
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ri-ahhh · 4 years
I hate to be that person but like today’s been really shitty and embarrassing staining at work and I was just longing for some boyfriend gray (or e hehe but I know it’s easier for u to write gray!) just comforting you after an embarrassing period moment like that 🥺🙃 is that silly idk u really don’t have to hehe love you so much!
Ugh the strug👏gle👏 Shout out to anyone who has been through the horror of bleeding thru ur pants in public I think we all deserve a medal of bravery or something lol. Or an ott bf that looks like a Dolan twin to comfort us.
How’s your day going baby? Ily
The text from Grayson couldn’t have come at a better time for you mentally. You’re on the home stretch of when it’s time to get off work, and it can’t happen soon enough.
shitty tbh :/ urs?
Good. But imma shut up tell me what’s wrong
started my period at work, had to tell my boss and come home to change cuz I forgot to replace the extra set of work clothes in my car from when I stayed at your place last. then realized I only had like 2 tampons left so I’m gonna have to get those after work and I’m just ready to be home
im glad urs is going good tho
that sounded sarcastic. I really am glad ur having a good day haha sorry
Grayson sends you back a frowny face and four little dots, which is the little code the two of you use to indicate you’re busy and aren’t ignoring the other person mid conversation. You tuck your phone back in your purse under your desk and get back to the email you’re supposed to be typing up. Having to concentrate doesn’t help your mood any, head throbbing and your back aching both in the middle from your crappy office chair and in the lower part from Mother Nature.
Just as your phone buzzes by your foot, a cramp seizes your belly and radiates throughout your pelvis. You wince and bite your lip through a grunt, cursing the fact you were born female as you reach down to grab your phone. You cover your mouth to stifle your giggle and keep your boss a few offices over none the wiser when you read Grayson’s text.
What size pussy are u? ;)
You’re even more amazed when you open the message and a picture of a shelf full of tampax products fills your screen. How many boyfriends are out there buying tampons - the only brand of tampons you ever buy, at that - for their girlfriends unprompted and without coercion?
Grayson.. ur not real
I’m the realest bb. Now tell me which ones to buy cuz I’m starting to look like a weirdo
You chuckle and shake your head.
regular pls. the one w yellow on it. and a box of overnight pads. look on the box and it’ll say specifically.
Oh yeah u stopped wearing them tamps at night.
God, who is this man and where did he come from? How in the hell did he pick up on that of all things. Before you can respond, he hits you with a double text.
Sweet, gottem. What else?
You bite your lip and think. He’s already being so sweet and you don’t want to run him ragged all over town to get your period cravings. But then another cramp hits, this time one of those especially nasty ones that makes you feel like you got punched right in the vagina, and you think if you’re going through all of this to potentially carry and push out one of his babies one day, he can run a couple of errands for you.
if ur not too busy... watermelon sour patch, Trader Joe’s takis, milanos, and those frozen chipotle sweet potato fries. pls:)
Grayson hearts the message, and you sink back into your chair with a sigh. Just the thought of not having to trudge into Target or CVS after you leave the office is enough to alleviate some of your stress. You check the time and realize you only have an hour until you’re home in a bath, with no pants on, and your heating pad ready in bed with Grayson as well. An hour seems doable now.
You make your half hour commute home in a record 22 minutes, desperate to get out of your work clothes and into one of Gray’s oversized t-shirts. You saw the Porsche in your guest spot in your apartment garage, so you know he’s here when you kick the door shut behind you. “Gray?”
“In the bathroom!” His voice is muffled but comes distinctly from your room. You hang up your keys and toss your bag on the kitchen island, kicking off your heels lazily by the door before following the now audible sound of the bath running.
You stop dead when you turn into the bathroom, shocked to see your tub already halfway full, the tampons and pads you requested sitting neatly on the counter next to one of his faded Cub Sport shirts, and the distinct color and smell of the Lush intergalactic bath bomb (your favorite) wafting from the steaming water.
“Gray-son,” you whine, throwing your face into your hands as your throat swells up and tears prickle behind your eyes. You hear him chuckle before you feel his arms wrap tightly around you. He presses a lingering kiss to your hair as he strokes your lower back gently, his touch and the heat of his hand providing an instant modicum of relief to the dull ache there.
“What?” he says quietly. He moves in front of you and untucks your shirt, removing your hands from your face so he can drop a sweet little kiss to your nose as he unbuttons the top two of your blouse. “Is it too much?”
You shake your head and open your eyes to look at the pretty hazel of his own. “It’s perfect. I’m just a hormonal mess.”
He laughs again and kisses your lips softly this time. “If you want your fries, I’ll make them while you soak.”
You nod, and he leaves you with another kiss before shutting the door behind him to give you your privacy.
The bath is amazing, the sparkly blue water relaxing some of the tension in your body and alleviating some of your pain, and you’re almost sad to get out, but you’re starving and the cravings are real.
You re-enter your bedroom to find heaven on earth: Grayson, shirtless in your bed and scrolling through Netflix on your TV; a steaming plate of fries with a mountain of ketchup already squirted out for you; and each bag of goodies you requested already sitting on your nightstand, one of which catches you by surprise.
“Holy shit, they make this?” you ask incredulously, picking up the giant three-and-a-half pound bag of watermelon sour patch as you slip into bed with him.
This is the only time you ever allow yourself to eat in bed, and you don’t catch his reply as you instantly seize the plate of fries and dig in, moaning loudly as the taste graces your tongue. He selects The Office on Netflix while you chew. He really knows you too well.
While Grayson takes your half-empty plate back to the kitchen once you’re done, you help yourself to a couple of the Milano cookies until he returns. You offer him a smile, which he returns happily as he sinks back into bed with you.
“Feeling a little better, baby?”
You roll up the bag and nod, coaxing him to lie down with you as you turn onto your side. He settles close behind you as you situate your heating pad across your abdomen, and he puts his arm across it to keep it in place for you. Space heater that he is, he’s creating a similar effect against your aching back, and it’s the most comfort you could possibly feel while you bleed out of your vag.
He’s made you forget about the work fiasco completely, and you cuddle into his warmth. “Thanks again, Gray. Seriously, you’re unreal.”
He nuzzles into your hair and smiles against the back of your neck. “Anytime. I mean, once a month. But anytime.”
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ehbunnehsblog · 3 years
A while back I made a post about things that scared me as a kid that was inspired by videos on YouTube about childhood trauma. Before we start I would just like to say that this is not about the childhood trauma that is very serious as a csa survivor I do not talk about that stuff here but I just want everyone to know that I support you and I believe in you and we will get through this together. With that said let's get on with the show. (Also heres the first post down below)
1. Video Killed the Radio Star by The Buggles
Okay this one may seem very ridiculous to some which is why its number one but yeah when I was a child I hated this song! I was so scared of it! Lol I think the reason was because it said video killed the radio star and something about the music and singing just spooped me either way it was very strange.
2. Koolaid Killer
This was a short video series by Dane Boe the guy who is probably the most famous for creating the Annoying Orange. Actually a while back I was searching for these videos and I never realized how many other Dane Boe videos I watched aside from Annoying Orange and that these videos really weren't too scary. I never really watched Kool Aid Killer but I remember one day at my elementary school someone was watching the videos and I thought they were pretty scary but when I look back at these videos they didn't seem very real like they did before I mean the blood splatter etc it all looks so fake cause it is lol. But if you haven't I suggest Dane Boe's videos some of you may have forgot about them like me.
3. Takethislollipop
Takethislollipop just like the above video came out when I was in elementary school and was really creepy. Honestly it might just be one of the creepiest on this list. Take this lollipop was an interactive 2011 game and short horror film that would take info from a persons facebook page and it would show this guy hunting the person down. As a kid I didn't really know about interactive online games like this so when this came out it felt really real and even though it wasn't too scary to me it did make me question things about social media a bit. In 2020 it came back but instead it was a zoom call and used deep fakes.
4. Banana Phone
Ringringringringring banana phone🎵🎶 this is a classic imo. This shiz scared me again I think it was just because it was about death just like the first one sadly it was the ridiculous songs I guess little me really just hated songs that were ridiculous and sang about death lol
5. The Piano in Mario 64
Idk how this scared me and the eel didn't but I just really hated how this dang thing would make noise and come at you.
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6. Furbies
I know there is a big thing with furbies and I just want to say I am not scared of furbies as bad now it was really just the older ones I didn't like how they stared into my soul I just really disliked anything the moved and made noise as a kid idk why it's like how some have a fear about animatronics I still have iffyness around things like this but not as bad as I did as a child. It's just that whenever there is something that has big glass looking eyes it spooks me a bit lol also I think long furbies look cool and they are bigger than a regular furby lol!
(Because I couldn't find a gif of a furby you get this gif instead)
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7. Happy Tree Friends
Happy Tree Friends is about animated woodland creatures going ape shit and killing each other and themselves nuff said. I hate the song, the violence did and still scares me so it deserves to be near the top of this list. I swear I remember my sister watching this and i think we both couldn't stand it. I will say I am surprised how long it ran for it ran from 1999-2005 in picture format, 2007-2009 in 480p and 1080p to 2009-2016 it ran until December 24th 1999 to December 22nd 2016.
(Since it was violent I will not be showing gifs or videos about it)
8. Backwords songs
I think this scared me because it was unnatural but when I got to middle school I thought it was neat. (I chose a video by Roomie that talks about this topic)
9. Rubber Johnny
Left best for last and one that may have scared me the most. Rubber Johnny is a 2005 expiremental short film and music video that was written and directed by Chris Cunningham, the music was composed by Aphex Twins. In this video Johnny is seen in a wheelchair making noises and just loses absolute control. If you are young this video shows a condom, it sounds like it shows a penis and Johnny snorting a line of coc@ine I haven't seen this video since I was a child and I think imma wait till I see my boyfriend again or when it's the morning to watch this because its currently night time but for anyone who wants to check this video out heres a link below.
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Wooo! We made it through the list I really hope you guys liked this one I worked hard on this and i was having a bit of a difficult time trying to find more that scared me. So I ask you guys, what scared you when you were young and why?
☆With all that said I hope you liked this post. Please follow I make a lot of posts that are about nostalgia like this☆
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peggysousfan · 5 years
Agent Carter An Au Series
Soooo you know that thing I said about making these chapters shorter... that was a lie lol Its actually the longest by far,3000+ words, but episode 1 is almost done with. It is very angsty, so you have been warned, but there is some fluff thrown in there. Enjoy!!
Peggys' POV:
The next morning I wake the same as yesterday, only a little earlier. I get up and shower, nurse poppet and get ready for work. Colleen is still ill, so shes still asleep. I leave her a note to make sure she eats and to drink some water. As I leave the building I see Daniel. Hes already down stairs, most likely heading to work.
"Daniel!" He stops in his tracks and turns around.
"Hey! You're up early. I thought you weren't meant to be at the office till 9?"
"Yes, I know, but I have to drop the little one off. I can't exactly take her to work with me." He laughs, and it seems like music to my ears... Stop, Peggy. Not now. "Uhm, wh-what are you doing up so early? Do you have to in the office at 8?" He chuckles.
"Uh, no I was just gonna go get a bite to eat."
"Do you want to join me?" I look at Stephanie, and then at him.
"How far is it from here?"
"Just up the road, I was headed to the Automat."
"Oh, well thats not far at all. I can always drop Steph off afterwards." He nods his head and smiles. We makes our way there and Angie comes to our table.
"Hey, English! Whos this you got with ya?" I laugh.
"Good Morning, Angie. This is Daniel a ...friend of mine. And this is Stephanie." As to announce her presence she starts cooing and giggling. I hesitate on friends, but I don't know why. We are friends, but I suppose I may want to be more...No. Peggy, stop. Stop. Right now.
"Awww shes so precious!!!" After a few moments of admiring the baby, she takes our orders. Once she leaves Steph begs for Daniel and starts to fuss for him. Which isn't the first time either. Once when Daniel was at work, she went the whole day crying and only settled down once she was held by him. Shes so attached, its absolutely adorable.
"Aww, come here little anjo." I hand her over to him and I can't help myself but to ask.
"What does that mean, Daniel? anjo?" He looks down at the baby, with an embarrassed smile on his face.
"Sorry I didn't realize I was... It means angel, in Portuguese."
"Oh theres no need to apologize, I was only curious. You say certain words to her or about her and I never understood them." He furrows his brow and I explain. "Well anjo, for starters, and then... linda..?" He laughs and its so contagious.
"Its not what you think. Linda isn't meant as in, thats her name. It means beautiful." I smile brightly at him as Steph starts giggling again and plays with his tie. When our food arrives we eat, but all to soon we finish. "Okay, I better head to the office before they saying anything." I nod my head and embrace him. I reach over and fix his tie. "Oh oops, I forgot she did that."
"Sorry, it was bothering me." We laugh. "I'll see you at work." When I drop off poppet, I head to the office and its busy. Everyone is working on finding Howard, and I'm not entirety sure if I want them to. Selling weapons to enemy states is not something he would do. But its not as if I can talk to him and ask for his side of the story. The whole day is filled with nothing but 'Carter file these reports' or "Carter get the lunch orders ready' or 'hey sweetheart the coffee needs to be refilled'. Ugh, I'm not a bloody secretary, I'm a federal Agent and should be treated as such. Imbeciles. I leave the office and take dinner orders for those staying late, then I return and have sometime to myself. I miss Steph, but I could use some time away from the pig headed men at working and a crying baby.  I read the paper as I sit in my booth. There a picture of Steve, and an article about Howard.
"I met him once at a USO show in Passaic, you could eat him with a spoon." A shiver runs down my spine at that thought. No thank you, Angie, you can keep him.
"Yes, I understand he was quite something." I put down the paper and look at my tea. Quite an arse, more like...
"You alright English?"
"Fine Angie, just work."
"Fellas at the phone company giving you a hard time?" She asks, understand exactly what its like to be put down by her own colleges.
"No more than usual, it just... during the war I had a sense of purpose, responsibility.  But now It feels like I'm connecting the call but I never get the chance to make them. Do you see what I mean?" She looks around and then sits across from me.
"I had an audition today, uptown, Took two trains and  they gave me the hook. I guess I ain't. But we all gotta pay our dues. Even if it takes a while. You've got talent, its only a matter of time before Broadway call."
"I'm afraid I can't carry a tune," I say carrying on our little metaphor.
"Doesn't matter when you got legs like yours." And I laugh. A man starts to complain and be a real wanker, apparently hes a regular customer, and he treats Angie horrible. Ugh, men. Angie leaves and I get up to get a slice of pie. When I return theres a note 'Meet in the Alley in 5 minutes' Odd. I eat my pie and head out the back door. When I do, I'm confronted by a man in a hat, it turns out to be Jarvis; but hes not alone. A car revs its engine and I run, but when I reach a door, its locked. I pull out my gun and shoot the tire; and out pops Howard.
"I know, I should've called. Did ya miss me?" Oh this oaf is going t be the death of me. Jarvis changes the tire, and we ride away to the docks.
Howard explains he had a vault that was broken into, and someone cleaned out all of his deadly inventions. He asks me to spy for him, to catch the person who stole his weapons, and clear his name.
"Howard, you're asking me to become a traitor in order to prove you're not one, you do see the irony?"
"Oh c'mon on, Peg. I know they're not using you right over there." Well hes not wrong. God I hate it when hes right. "You want a mission that matter, this is it. My technology in the hands of the next nut that wants to be the new Red Skull... You have no idea how bad that could be. And right now, you're the only one who can stop that." I look over at him, and already know I'm in over my head, but none the less he is my friend. We get out of the car and walk on the docks. "Some of them have already been sold overseas, thats where I'm going. But the rest are here somewhere, and thats where you come in. Rumor is one of the nasty ones is hitting the black market in the next day or two."
"What is it?"
"Just a piece of paper. My formula for molecular nitromene. This much could level a city block." He takes my hand and balls it in a fist. "And I'm not talking small ones, I'm talking avenues."
"I'm going to regret this aren't I?" He says I will and tells me about Jarvis.
"I owe ya one, pal." We hug and he gets on the boat. "There are only a dozen fences that can handle something this hot, and you just gotta learn which one... and I figured, you'd have no trouble finding a man."
"The trick is finding the right one." He drives away and Jarvis takes me to my daughter. Once I have her, I head home and get some rest.
The Next Day:
Peggy's POV:
I wake up early in the morning, same as yesterday, and do my morning routine. I can't wait until this weekend, Ill keep my promise to Howard, but I won't neglect time with my daughter. Here lately shes been very vocal, and I know its too early, but I fell as if shes trying to say her first word. My only fear is that I may never hear it because I'm working... Balancing motherhood and work is a real pain in the arse. I nurse her her breakfast and lay her down. Since Colleen is home, she has offered to take care of her while I'm at work.
"Try and not work too hard, Peg." I kiss Stephanie's cheek one last time before giving her to Colleen.
"I won't I promise. Now you two get some rest. I'll be back before I'm gone." And with that I leave. When I enter the office, I notice Daniel, and he has a set of photos of Howard, one with him on a boat; oh no. Oh I don't want to do this. I swear if my relationship with Daniel is harmed in anyway because of Howard, I'm going to kill him.
"You know you are expect to go home at night." I say. He looks at me confused and then chuckles.
"I know, but most fugitive cases are solved within the fist 72 hours. And with Stark on the sailing into the sunset, maybe this is where it starts." Hes really invested in this case. I know its only to impress the Chief and make his worth known, but God I wish it wasn't this case. I say what I can to throw Daniel off of Howard's trail. I tell him Howard hates they water, and about the time I knocked him into the Thames because he tried to kiss me on VE Day. Soon I notice Thompson and others rushing to the conference room, they've had a small break on one of Howard's inventions.
"Somethings up."
"Yeah, Thompson's working on his next medal. Got word of a fence trying to sell one of Stark's inventions. Club owner named Spider Ramon."
"Wheres it happening?"
"Need to know only. Kind of gives you a warm feeling, doesn't it." How can I get into that private meeting, and withdraw information without them knowing...? I have an Idea.
"Can I get you a refill?" I quickly grab Daniels mug and rush to get the coffee pot. I try to shake of the electricity running through my hand where we touched. I give him his refill off of a tray.
"Uhmmm.. Thanks?" I give him a small smile and head into the room.
I look over at a file while filling up the cups, when suddenly the chief speaks. I tell him I'm unwell, and that its 'lady's things', Oh its so amusing to see grown men squirm. I take the rest of the day off and go shopping and then head home. I quickly hide the bag with the dress and wig, before Colleen sees. When I enter, I see shes asleep, and so is Steph. Oh my little one. I pick her up and she snuggles against my chest. I kiss the top of her curly brown head and let her rest against me. I read more on Spider Ramon and his club, and after a while, she squirms around, so I let her look at the files. Shes so interested in words, its quite amusing.
Before I know it, night has fallen. I nurse her and lay her back down then I get ready to leave. She didn't eat much, Colleen must have fed her earlier. As I enter the club, its bustling with music, dancers, cocktails, and photographers. Damn. I hide my face as I make my way through. A man come up to me and asks for a dance, but I turn him down. Then I notice a man head up stairs, and a bodyguard below. Thats where I need to go. I persuade the man to let me pass and I put on my Sweet Dream lipstick, just in case. I knock on the door and peek in.
"I'm sorry, Mr. Ramon, is this a bad time?" I ask in a perfect American accent.
"We'll only know after its over. Bring the rest of you in here." He says as he sets down a book.
"I hope you don't find me forward."
"Oh I'm not the judgmental type."I enter the room and try to play calm and innocent, admiring small things on the desk after, I close the side doors.
"I know you're in possession of a certain chemical formula." He drops his collective, flirty, act and gets defensive, and tries to send me away. "Its okay, lets make this a game. You seem like you might like games." I sit on the edge of his desk. I tell him I have some fiends who would be interested in buying it, and he goes along with it. I sit on his lap and go along with my story, asking if he has it on him.Instead of answering, he gets flirty and kisses me. Someone opens the door but closes again, apparently not wanting to 'disturb' his boss. Raymond falls back in the chair, knocked out. "Well that was premature."I look around the room and find a safe. When I use my watch to crack it, I see a small glowing orb inside. Oh no... I hurry and call Jarvis.
"Jarvis residence."
"They've weaponized it." I say plainly. I'm sort of in a hurry here, Mr. Jarvis.
"Ms. Carter?"
"Do you know anyone else handling high explosives at this time of night?" I snap.
Basically, if anything touches the core or gives it a small crack, boom. Lovely. I hurry along and place it in my bag.  I have to create a cocktail of sodium hydrogen acetate to deactivate it. If I don't its likely to explode and kill hundreds. Delightful, just delightful. As I get ready to leave, the man comes back and sees his boss passed out.
"What?" He starts to come in and advance at me, but I stop him. I take a stapler form the table and drag him into a closet. Dammit. Thompson and the others are already here. I find the man that had approached me before, and danced to keep the Agents from seeing me. Quickly I leave and head home.
"Peg? Is that you?" Damn I quickly throw off the wig and enter the room.
"Hey. I just changed Steph and she went right back to sleep. Shes does that a lot when you're not around." I smile at her and see how pale she is.
"How are you feeling?"
"A little better, still have a fever though.."
"I'll make you some tea." I walk over to the stove and set the water to boil in the kettle.
"Wow, Peg, you look like a million bucks. Wait... Did you go out, out?"
"In a manner of speaking." I walk closer.
"Wow, I'm really proud of you. I want you to tell me all about it, in the morning." She turns over and goes back to sleep, poor girl. I peek at poppet before changing, grabbing everything I need for the sodium hydrogen acetate, and then head to the bathroom with the bomb. If any harm overcomes to my child, I'll come back from the dead and haunt Howard to the end of his days. I mix up the solution and poor out my perfume, and replace it. As I pull out the core, it hits she shell. Bloody hell. I rush and spray it before it blows. Thankfully its diffused. I put everything under the sink and breath a sigh. I get ready to take a drink of whiskey, that is, until I hear a crash.
"Colleen?" I get up and hurry into the room. "Colleen." I rush over to the bed and pull back the covers, and I stop dead in my tracks. A bullet hole is lodged in the middle of her forehead. No...no no no!! I look around and see Stephanie, and shes starting to cry. Cautious I glance at my surroundings, and I see him, right behind me in the mirror. I quickly turn around and kick him in the groin, but the guns goes off. Thank God it didn't hit the baby, but  it was only by a few feet. Now I'm pissed. I take the gun and hit him right upside the head. Advancing further I grab his arm and upper cut his face. Stephanie is now sobbing her little heart out. For a second I'm distracted, and he takes advantage. He punches me, and I fall back, then pushes me into the wall. He tries to punch me again, but I open the fridge door and he hits it instead. With his forearm on my throat I grab at him, and notice a scar on his throat. Odd...
I elbow him on the side of his head, and take advantage. We twist and turn, and he grabs my arm and holds my head above the stove's flame. Steph is now sobbing, no doubt waking everyone in the building. I gather up my strength and kick him in the chin and force his hand into the flame. He releases an attempted scream while I take an iron skillet and hit him. He falls back and advances with a knife. Luckily I use the skillet and prevent my stomach from being sliced. Poppet continues to scream and he looks at her with a menacing smirk. Oh I don't think so! I hit him again and again and toss him out the window. When I look down, hes gone. Dammit. I rush over to the baby and pick her up to sooth her. "Shhhh... Shhhh... Its alright my love." I bounce her up and down, and then notice Colleen. I starts to cry myself and sit on the bed. This wasn't suppose to happen. I'm so caught up in my own sobbing, and Steph's, that I don't hear the door being knocked on; or it opening.
"Peg!" Daniel rushes over to me and places a hand on my cheek. "Peggy whats wro-" He stops and notices Colleen. "Oh my God..." I look away from her and hold my little girl close to me. This could have been her, and it almost was...At this thought, I only cry harder. He doesn't ask what happened, instead he holds me tight and takes us to his apartment. He takes me to his room and I lie down with Stephanie. I can't believe I almost lost her....I look into Daniels eyes as he stands at the door.  I grab for his hand and he takes it, and hes the last thing I see before I fall asleep.
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imaginingit · 6 years
high school au!haechan
GUESS WHO’S BACK !! in case you’ve never met anyone that embodies SUCH a typical high schooler like hyuck before, here u go ! may or may not have done the quarterback and band geek trope . i regret nothing 
oh BOY
first of all 
let’s backtrack a little bit and talk about middle school!haechan too cause...,,, dude is a Mess 
was the sketchy one in seventh grade that sold like g-shocks and silly bands at the hill in front of the park every lunch recess 
had a power ranger lunchbox all the way up until he was like 13 lol when yukhei would be like.....hyung......What.
during the summer when the school staff are making up the lists for the classes everyone’s like 
“nO no way he’s in a class with renjun, renjun is the only person he’ll ever be afraid of i can’t have that dispute in my class”
“um. hyuck can’t be in the same class as jisung either...i once saw him try to feed jisung yellow snow saying it was lemon flavoured... poor boy believed him...”
“mark’s mother gifted me a box of chocolates last year with a note thanking me for my hard work and begging her son to be in a different class than hyuck. sorry, guys.”
the principal looks over all the lists and is like UM these are bullshit reasons, just put all of them together, how bad could it be???
ahem. BAD.
every science class starts with chenle and yukhei SCREAMING the bill nye theme song do u guys watch the vlives my GOD i thought chenle was hard to keep up with and nOW THERE’S LUCAS 
dodgeball during phys-ed is just haechan, yukhei and jeno absolutely slaughtering everyone
mark has his headphones in the entire time in art class and if one of the guys try to talk to him he just raises his finger and shushes them
jeno and jaemin flirt 
renjun, chenle and yukhei trying to win jisung over and then ending up just swearing at each other in mandarin 
has been the football captain since he was at the youngest age that was  eligible to even sign up,,,,, he’s that good 
always always makes mark walk home with him after practice 
so mark just sits on the bleachers with his bio textbook in his lap and glasses slipping down his nose, pages just flying left and right from the wind, bored out of his mind like fUCking hyuck i hate u i hate waiting two hours for practice to end just so you can show me your new pokemon cards at home ffs
everytime there’s practice before school, he’s always the last one to stay on the field, promising coach he just wants to try another long catch
SO because he’s always late this BITch just runs straight to first period with sweaty hair and practice clothes and athletic tape still on his fingers 
renjun: you disgust me.
jaemin: here’s my deodorant. and jeno’s. and jisung’s. here take all of ours take it please just take it oh my gO d
loves this sport more than absolutely anything honestly 
his entire bedroom is just full of patriots posters and banners 
his mom pranked him on his birthday telling him to open the box on his bed with pats tickets inside 
ran upstairs crying hysterically and fucking opened it to find a picture of his siblings going HA YOU THOUGHT 
resented them for the rest of his life 
but this boy also really loves music!!
always performs a ballad every year at the school talent show with jisung doing some sort of contemporary performance
his parents are both fans of old schoolers, like abba & elvis & beatles such, so he grew up with the beautiful combination of football on the tv and ‘mamma mia’ spinning on the record player in the kitchen 
during his final middle school year, he performed a version of his favourite park hyoshin song, and finished with the entire school in uproar, cheering and screaming HYUCK HYUCK HYUCK!!! YES!!!
and so he puts the mic back on the stand and runs down the stage to his teammates waiting in the crowd
so excited and and ready to jump into their arms
only to witness a couple of them standing there motionless and checking their wrists, as if waiting from the start for his performance to be over 
he sees the defensive tackle of his team, some dude that probably shaves twice a day and is beefed BEYOND belief 
“hey man, abt time you’re done, coach wants to run over some plays for next week’s game against yg tech, let’s go”
and that was it
the hoard of guys in letterman jackets pull him into their midst and before he could even complain, they mercilessly make their way to the gym as a group
with renjun, chenle, jaemin, jeno, mark and yukhei all just standing there like ... o ... ok ... we just wanted to congratulate u, hyuck...
donghyuck never brings that moment up ever and the dreamies don’t question (yes lucas is a dreamie square up)
from then on, they notice hyuck’s been humming less and isn’t even commenting about day6′s new releases or how renjun’s grandfather bought a brand new record player from the most expensive record store in their town 
donghyuck continues being the school’s star quarterback and having meetings with minor league scouts every week 
they know it’s a touchy topic and being as close as they are with each other, they don’t pry hyuck about it and knows he’s the type to hold it in but will bring it up when he has to 
but unlike what they all think, hyuck doesn’t explode in anger or spite 
he finally opens up on a regular friday night when mark’s sleeping over after finishing a hefty assignment 
and mark is surprised that he prods on this topic with, not anger or spite, but ,,,,, fear? 
“hey mark.......what if this is the only thing i can do?"
“what do you mean?”
“i don’t want to just be some brainless jock” 
mark is a little... stunned... he’s known him all his life and this is the first time hyuck has shown any sign of fear?? of anything???
mark just scootches in a little closer....”you’re not brainless, and this won’t be the only thing you’ll be good at, i promise”
BUT OF COURSE they never speak of it again hyuck’s just kinda like hahahahahha emotions what ahahahah sadness what ahahhahah
but graduation hits and before the dreamies (and yukhei hehe) know it, it’s time for high school
all the upperclassmen know him and think he’s a little shit but love him anyway, so embraced him and all his friends when they entered 
fascinated by how much wider the hallways are and how BIG  the school actually is 
tryouts for the football team are on like the second day 
was so excited!!!! to play with his close hyungs and co-captains jaehyun and youngho 
coach personally came up to him and was like .... boi it’s so rare for a freshman to be on the varsity team, hERE’S YOUR JERSEY NUMBER AND YOUR LOCKER AND YOUR EQUIPMENT AND YOUR OWN PERSONAL PRACTICE SCHEDULE I’LL WORK AROUND U IT’S OKAY 
is treated automatically like the superstar at the first official practice and honestly doesn’t ..,,know how to handle 
he’s only always been around his middle school friends, aka people he’s known all his life and who know he doesn’t like being smothered 
donghyuck knows he’s good but again, will anyone ever look him past the football?
mark sees all this new attention he’s getting and his heart silently breaks a bit knowing hyuck doesn’t truly want all of this
the football, yes !!! the clout, not really 
but hyuck is a freshman!! and knows he can’t speak up quite yet so he endures this superstar status already bestowed on him and forces his uncomfortable smile away 
it’s ok !! he tells himself
it’s good to be recognized for something you’re good at ..,, right ?
but as years pass and seniors graduate and championships continue to be won, hyuck slowly climbs up the popularity pyramid with it too
so by the first day of senior year, having just recently started getting close with the captain of the cheerleading squad and throwing the biggest party of the summer break as a last hurrah a few days prior, hyuck walks into the high school doors as the talk of the TOWN
all those stereotypical popular pretty boys you see on tv namely um troy bolton um austin ames um finn hudson um scott mccall um YES 
that’s literally him at this point 
loved by all students for being a social butterfly and not ??? an asshole ??? to those that aren’t as popular
teachers adore him cause he participates in class and always hands assignments in on time despite his student schedule and always gifts them little holiday baskets at the end of every semester
renjun had junior year chem with him and almost threw his paper out the window when he saw hyuck’s mark
“how are you this good ,,,,,,,, when you don’t even DO anything?!” 
point is, he’s at the top of his game
and this year, senior year, the stakes for the championship are higher than ever; with hyuck’s school topping the rankings for the east, they’ll likely be meeting with the champion team in the west for the finals, and coach claims he hasn’t seen a matchup this neck-and-neck in terms of stats, style of play, and pairing matchups in .,,,, years
so there’s absolutely no screwing around this year - losing is not an option
but overall, haechan believes he has his shit planned out: there were assignments, then exams, then playoffs, then the championships, followed by celebrations here and there, and then hopefully a scholarship, followed by graduation and then college, and then it’ll just be the flower road from there
what he really doesn’t factor in, though, is a certain captain of a certain school marching band, swooping in to save his ass for the first time of many,,,,many more to come 
it happens on a regular tuesday afternoon 
you two shared the same stupid humanities elective class during last period, and it didn’t dawn upon him that a rough copy of this useless visual presentation was due today that he did nOT even know was even assigned 
the teacher comes around with her pointy ass glasses and a clipboard decorated in purple flower stickers, visibly softening at an obviously panicked hyuck 
“hello, donghyuck, ready to show me the rough copy?” 
“well,,,,see i-i um ,,, i”
the teacher kind of urges him on, half in disbelief and half in pity at how scared he looks for the first time ever
he’s still trying to conjure up a plausible excuse, all the while LITERALLY WANTING TO HIT HIMSELF IN THE HEAD
ugh ur so stUPID, hyuck, he thinks, coach even ended practice early last night too and all u did was binge the last airbender for the 80th time AGAIn like a DUMBASS ugh 
so there’s a couple more awkward moments of silence 
“oh, ms kwon! i should have said something, haha we partnered up for this one! i have it on my laptop here!!”
his flushed face whips around and lands on you 
in your oversized knit sweater and cute skinny blue jeans ripped at the knee, round glasses threatening to fall from your nose 
and a surge washes over him he’s neve r ev  er felt before 
relief ?? ya, sure. we’ll call it that for now 
the teacher looks at you, then back at hyuck with an eyebrow cocked and you steal that moment to send him a nod and stern look in your eyes
he’s spluttering at this point 
“ye-yeah, sorry miss, just a little tired and f-frazzled i guess...”
the teacher kind of just gives herself a knowing smile, as sort of a “heh....alrighty then” but walks over to your desk nonetheless 
the entire class seems to buy it too, and go back to their white noise chatter 
hyuck lets out the loudest exhale before scrambling to his feet over to you just glaring at him with a knowing smile and your arms crossed across your chest
“i’m so soRRY I DON’T EVEN KNOW YOUR NAME WHY DID YOU JUST DO THAT FOR ME YOU REALLY DIDN’T HAVE TO i’m s o sorry i had practice late last night and holy crap it just totally slipped by me and-”
he stops at the sight of you bursting into a fit of giggles and is even more ??? confused ?? hes so frazzled
you: “it’s ok, you idiot, i know you always get stuff in on time anyway” 
and he shuts right back up and turns BRIGHT RED bc who even is this person? who’s so cute n helpful 
you: “i’m y/n btw!! i’m captain of the marching band for ur team” 
and the lightbulb visibly clicks for hyuck 
“OOOOH so that’s why you look so familiar!!” 
so the two of you chat away about playoffs coming up and the championships the last few years and how it’s so strange neither of you have crossed paths in the pass when you’ve had so many connections
and you kind of just smile and nod at that 
because you fully know why 
lee donghyuck, captain and quarterback of the football team
lee donghyuck, school heartthrob and teachers’ favourite
lee donghyuck, the social butterfly and the amicable figure in every situation 
he had always been there, practicing on the field in front of you as you tried to pry your eyes off of him and run the trumpet section one more time,,.,,,,he was always there, but always so??? unreachable???
you couldn’t pretend you never laid eyes on him on freshman orientation day when he was being stopped by every person he walked by to be high fived and welcomed to the team
and thought wow . his skin? his aura? the way his smile lights up the whole goddamn room? 
and you’re in a lot of classes with jaemin and always see hyuck drop by a few minutes before class to sit and goof around before getting lovingly chastised by the teacher 
but never reached out to say hi or anything 
he was always too unreachable 
BUT OF COURSE you don’t say anything and instead just smile at the ground and shrug 
“guess that’s just the way we’re supposed to be, you know?” 
and just as he was about to ask what you meant by that, the bell rings and you let out a breath you didn’t even realize you were holding 
like w Ow a whole 1 hour class w ur crush and he’s finally talking to you ???? TOO MUCH FOR ONE DAY 
you don’t even utter a goodbye  but just give him a bright, knowing smile, stuff your papers into your bag and leave for the day 
and even as the classmates pack up and the teacher is gone and hyuck knows he doesn’t have practice today but needs to get home bc he promised his mom he would help with her flat tire, he can’t find it in himself to stand up and leave 
he’s sitting there processing your words, and just,,,,you
“i’ve really been around y/n this whole time and didn’t even know it?” 
suddenly he just feels stricken with guilt and shame and remembers all the time the ball landed by the bleachers and you exCitedly running down the steps to toss it back clumsily 
he remembers always smiling back and saying “thanks”, but never quite meeting the eyes of the person 
he lets out a grumble and just plunks his head onto the wooden desk loudly 
chenle and jisung come bc they were all supposed to walk home together 
and just see a slumped hyuck bumping his head up and down on the table whispering “stupid, ,,,,, so stupid” over and over again
jisung: he did it oh my god it’s done it broke him football finally broke him HIGH SCHOOL FUCKING BROKE HIM 
so after fixing the tire and helping clean after dinner and finally lying in bed that night
he makes this silent promis e ??? to make it up to u somehow ?? 
you both wake up the next day, both w each other lingering in your minds, and both unsure of what to do to get rid of it 
though hyuck isn’t sure he wants to 
you both daze off during classes and stare at the back of the head of the person in front of you,,,,just,,, thinking 
and then it’s time for fifth period 
and you don’t think you’ve ever speedwalked so fast to a class before 
people start pouring in and as the second bells starts to ring you still don’t see his face and you decide getting your hopes up all day for no reason was just stupid 
the teacher is about to start the class before the door opens one last time and you see a visibly flustered hyuck shuffle in 
right into the seat next to you 
what you don’t know is two minutes prior to this, poor dude was in the bathroom rinsing his face and trying to do something, anytHING to get the blush off his cheeks but to no avail 
so the lesson today was about families and societies and you swear the next ten minutes felt like forty 
your eyelids start getting a little heavier before you hear the scratching of a pencil on paper 
he’s marked the side of your notebook with a little “hello ^-^” 
you try to conceal the beaming smile threatening to creep on ur face but you really can’t
you’re just a little whipped aren’t u
that entire class is then just spent doodling stupid things on each other’s notebooks and giggling and even had to have the teacher turn to you guys and give a stern look before realizing it was hyuck and just BEAMED 
by the time the class ended you were packing your stuff up to leave before he gRabs your hand 
“what the--?” 
he takes your thumb and places it on the fingerprint scanner before fiddling with something on it 
your mind immediately sprinted to the WORST IDEAS
“he’s hacking my instagram right now isn’t he he’s telling my family on facebook that i do drugs, isn’t he LEE DONGHYUCK GIVE ME MY PHONE”
so you start to fumble for it before he hands it back to you calmly,
“i’ll be expecting a text tonight”
and then he’s gone 
and that was the start of the cutest friendship ever ???? 
you guys talk about anything and everything, from the colour of your room to his sister’s favourite food to the one time you fell from your treehouse and had to get stitches to the time lucas got stuck in a slide on a children’s playground when they all decided to sneak out at like 11pm at night and had to call the fire department to come get him out 
and texts eventually turn into calls and calls eventually turn into being inseparable at school
the boys LOVE YOU and immediately pinned you on their side to torture hyuck together
and as time goes by, all the boys start noticing changes in hyuck and how he would never do anything with them without mentioning your name
like they’d be out having ice cream after studying at jisung’s and he’d absentmindedly mention that this lemon ice cream is the perfect colour of your room and that yellow is your favourite colour 
or that the disco ball in jaemin’s basement is exactly the one you have dangling on the rearview mirror in your car 
so WINK WINK NUDGE NUDGE but the boys respect you enough to not tell you yet bc you deserve to have hyuck confess on his own
you guys hang out any chance you get and it isn’t till near spring formal that he comes over with some mcdonalds that you realize you’ve gotten so comfortable so fast 
so you both settle into the kitchen before he opens up the big mac, takes off one of the buns of the burger, to reveal ketchup dotted across the patty spelling “SF? :D” bc the patty was too small to spell the full words, “spring formal?” lol 
and you scoff and throw a fry at him bc of course you’d go with him 
and your heart’s just racing for the rest of the night
after dinner you head out to your backyard and lay a blanket on the grass to stare up at the stars 
hyuck knows a lot about astrology so you love just lying there and hearing him tell you about the lyra constellation and its myths 
you spend the night just giggling and laughing and shoving each other around before it starts to get really late and he knows he should be going 
but he can’t seem to move
and so he asks,
“hey, are you mad at me?”
and you’re a little,,,confused before you reply, “for spilling jisung’s apple juice on my laptop the other day? just a little, but i’ll forgive you if you pay for my spring formal ticket for me hehe”
he rolls his eyes and scoffs and says, “no you idiot”
you can’t think of why you’d be upset with him, considering it was just a regular night for you two
he explains, “you know.....for not really knowing you before this year”
your heart kind of sank bc you weren’t really expecting it but you also deep deep deep down seriously wished he would never bring this up 
it’s silence until you answer
“no, because i don’t blame you for it” 
“what do you mean”
“well...” you know it’s a tough thing to tell him but you know he’ll listen to your words
“you’ve just always been unreachable, you know? like i remember seeing you on freshmen orientation day and just thinking, you know, this guy is just something else,,,something i’ll never be. and over the years, i made my peace with that, bc that’s just the situation you were thrust in,,, you know, football and parties and stuff”
and hyuck’s heart sinks with each word because you really mentioned everything he was afraid of,,,,that he was only ever gonna be popular because of football,,,,and that he never really had a say before he was thrust into the social status he’s in now 
just as he’s about to clear his throat from emotions and get up to spout some stupid excuse on why his mom wants him home now even though she was probably already in bed, you continue
“but....now i know that’s not all that you are...you’re kind and smart and sweet and funny, and yeah you’re crazy good at football but you’re also crazy good at singing and science and fixing tires and vacuuming and playing with your little sister and making people laugh,,,that’s why you’re my friend now”
hyuck doesn’t realize how long he stares at you after you said that before you wave your hand in front of his face ((”uh dude.....”))
he feels tears welling up in his throat so he just lies back down and makes some nonchalant comment again, playing it all off like he usually does
“mhm okay yea enough with the sappiness i just wanted to know if the geeky band girl hates the quarterback captain like they typically do okay blah blah”
but you and him both know
you’re both concealing smiles as you lay there, staring at the stars 
he’s never heard anyone talk about him like that before 
and you’ve always known that he was still a little unsure of himself 
and maybe this just put this all to rest 
and as you both lay there with the sound of your own frantic heartbeats in your ears, you dwell on the fact that maybe it shouldn’t be beating that hard,,,,that fast,,,,
senior year is going by, and before you guys know it, championships are in three days  
your school wins the semi-finals in dramatic fashion, with the winning touchdown seconds before the final whistle 
and you couldn’t make it to that game bc of a huge assignment due the next day but hyuck makes sure to call you as soon as he grabbed his stuff from the locker room 
it was only a beat of silence before jungwoo just scoffed and shrugged, “someone’s WHIPPPEEEDDD” 
hyuck just blushes red and runs out in the midst of the entire locker room hollering and throwing sweaty towels at him 
bc he knows he doesn’t really have feelings for you, does he? 
these past few months have been amazing but it can’t be 
all he does know is 
how your hair smells like vanilla when you whip your head around to scold him for pinching your sides 
how your eyes crinkle when you laugh at some pun you read on reddit 
how your fingers get really bad circulation so they’re always cold and red and you have to make sure to wear sweaters during the winter to keep them warm
how you hate helping out the flutes cause they’re always screechy 
how you started playing the saxophone because your grandma did when she was in college 
how your eyes light up when someone mentions your favourite tv show character 
how you hate carrots but he always makes you eat them cause they’re good for you and you just sit there all pouty
how much he loves loves LOVES when you come over to just do nothing like sit on his windowsill and read or go through his old childhood pictures for the millionth time and giggle at every cute smiley one for the millionth time
he’s standing there in the middle of the field with his phone in his hand, dangling by his side, with you hollering through the receiver like “,,,,hello? bitch u called ME, HELLO?!!” 
and he just mumbles a “uh i gotta go sorry i’ll tell you about it tomorrow” 
and hangs up
cause fuck 
he’s in love isn’t he 
and he’s lying in bed again that night, knowing that he wants to tell you but he’s also so afraid, cause you’re his best best best (sorry mark) friend
and he’s never gotten so close to anyone so fast 
and he loves going to practice early with you so you guys can grab breakfast before 
and how he always makes sure to “accidentally” miss a toss and have it land on your head while you’re running a piece
so he tosses and turns all night 
before he comes to a decision
he knows the marching band always has practice on the bleachers every wednesday morning, coinciding with the team’s morning practice as well  
he rips his sheets off his tired body but surges up and runs to his computer, types in a few things onto the search engine and presses “print” 
it’s the next morning, and as you groggily heave yourself up from your bed, dreading having to deal with the flutes and their screeching sharps today, you also think abt hyuck and you wonder why he was acting so weird last night
but you brush it off as fatigue from a long and gruelling game 
it’s a beautiful day outside already at 7:00 in the morning, with just the slightest bit of chilliness and dew on the morning grass, and hyuck thinks it’s no accident that the sun decided to come out today too 
he holds the crinkly sheets of music in his hands, slightly shaking and profusely sweating, somehow nervous bc of someone he admires for the first time ??? in his life ???? 
he practically sprints to school, wanting to be there before you do
he spots the majority of the marching band already there and he sighs in relief when he doesn’t spot you
“hEy guys!” he runs up to the bleachers 
and he stops for a second before he realizes like ..... all these people look like deers in headlights bc ,, ,,,,,, the quarterback,,,,isn’t here with you?? aren’t you guys always stuck beside each other ????
“i’m s o sorry i don’t have a lot of time to explain and i know its confusing and this is gonna be such a rush but here !!!!” 
he hands out the sheet music to everyone there and makes them promise to not let you know about it 
everyone exchanges confusing looks ((one dude’s just like ‘fuck man it’s too early in the morning for secrets’)) but end up agreeing anyway and haechan doesn’t even have time to celebrate before he hears his teammates starting to make their way out of the practice room
he runs over to seungkwan, your best friend in band and someone who haechan knows won’t hold his word unless a bribe is involved
“okay look i know you’re y/n’s best friend but you have to promise me you won’t let her know about this okay?”
seungkwan props his clarinet on his shoulders, almost as if he was holding a baseball bat instead and does his best to puff his shoulders like “HMPH well what do i get out of this??”
“if you can establish a secret rehearsal time for tomorrow with the rest of the band where i can come and rehearse with you, i’ll set you up with our running back” bc god fucking knows vernon and seungkwan have been crushing on each other for years but have never had the guts to go NEAR each other and haechan is just sick of vernon’s endless daydreaming in the locker room 
seungkwan goes BRIGHT RED before clearing his throat and muttering “ugh fiNe” under his breath even tho he’s finally !!!!!! gonna talk to hansol !! agghhhhh!!!! 
haechan practically blows him a million kisses and runs off to the locker room before seungkwan asks
“HEY ummmm but uh why are you doing this?”
haechan sighs and feels he can’t even begin to explain himself without becoming a blubbering mess
so he just reassures him with a, “you’ll see”
hyuck doesn’t come to class that day even though you swore you saw him at practice 
he had cancelled breakfast w you earlier that morning and only waved to you once during practice, but again, you credit that to the finals being in 48 hours 
you shoot him a “cute bum where u from” text in hopes of getting his attention
“okay but no seriously WHERE ARE U I HATE MS KWON SO MUCH”
and no answer again 
you huff and give up and know he’ll message when he has to 
what you don’t know is he made sure to steer clear of you from now until the championships bc 1. he’s still not sure what he can do around you anymore now that he Knows how he Feels 
and 2. bc his hands are just glued to the sheet music, trying to rehearse as much as he can for this little surprise he has planned for you 
so all he does is just send you back a simple “not feeling well, just gonna rest up until the game” 
and your heart sinks bc you guys haven’t gone 48 hours without talking since like 8 months ago 
regardless, with championships coming up and endless school assignments piling up, you’re pretty well distracted 
but you do also silently curse yourself for imagining every quote in romeo and juliet to be hyuck and you 
and how every hour of those 48 hours seemed so excruciating and long and empty bc both of you were so busy 
so by the time it’s game day, you are restless and in so much yearning for a presence you never knew you needed this bad 
but you know, as soon as the game’s over, you can hopefully run into his arms and congratulate him 
ahem platonically ofc ahem, you try to convince yourself 
you get to the field and it’s already bustling with mascots and spectators and streamers and you can barely hear the sound of the band warming up above all the noise 
intros begin and you guys start playing the opening pieces as the banner rips and out runs 
and it’s like suddenly the earth just . stops 
looking at him running out, eyes blazed and all determined and strong made you feel so much all at once, you could feel your knees starting to buckle
and it didn’t really help when, mid run, he turns his head to you and gives a subtle smile and wink before heading to the center of the field 
you bite back a beaming smile of your own
for the next two hours, that’ll have to be enough 
and there wasn’t a single doubt in your body that they were gonna lose 
the game starts and the volume doesn’t dim for even a second 
you feel yourself sweating profusely through your blue and white uniform with each toss and whistle and tackle and you swear you’ve never been so nervous in your life 
it’s the final quarter and your school is down by just a touchdown and you swear you won’t be able to handle this anymore it’s toO MUCH
you glance up at the stands to see yukhei holding chenle’s head and screaming and jaemin with his head in his hands and jeno just closing his eyes ((”i can’t watch i can’t watch i can’t watch”)) and mark and jisung grabbing onto each other muttering things that look like praying ??? 
you even spot former alumni, youngho, taeyong and jaehyun, biting their nails and clasping their hands 
there’s barely a minute left and the ball is in our possession 
you hear hyuck echo a “HUT!! HUT HUT” before he tosses the ball in the air
it’s like time slows down as you see the running back catch it and dash for the end 
THE ENTIRE FIELD IS ON THEIR TOES as you watch your team’s defence tackle and hammer people out of vernon’s way 
he’s going and going and just before the horn blows for the end of the game, he crosses the line and 
the horn blows for the final second and once again, you guys have done it 
everyone from the stands pours down onto the field and before you can process it, mark and the boys are running up to you and dog-piling you, dragging you into the crowd with them
they did it!!! hyuck did it!!!! 
there are streamers and confetti everywhere but your eyes are just straining and stretching, looking for him 
it’s just loud, white noise for a second before you hear something behind you 
your band is in position and you see seungkwan counting them in for the opening beats
your heart starts to panic to remember if you forgot you had another piece to perform?????
the opening chords to a familiar classic starts playing and before you can even react 
there’s a voice in a mic 
and the sound of someone singing 
and it’s hyuck 
the band plays along with him and you’re just,,,,,perplexed and confused as to what he’s doing 
until you realize he’s looking straight at you
the swing beat starts to get everyone in the crowd singing and dancing 
but you’re frozen in your spot 
did he plan this?? what is he doing and how did you not know about it???? you feel hands behind you and eyes start to land on you as the boys push you forward and hyuck starts making his way onto the field to where you’re standing 
the crowd gets even louder and the music gets even happier as he’s dancing and grooving his way to you 
and then there he is, right in front of you 
his voice has you hypnotized and you’re absolutely sure this is a dream 
you guys move together to the beat, never taking eyes off one another and you just have an amazed expression on your face the entire time 
the songs comes to a beautiful climactic end and you still have no idea what’s going on
the lyrics still echo in your head
“hey, hey, baby....i want to know if you'll be mine...when i saw you walking down the street, i said that’s someone i’d like to meet,,,”
and the entire school is watching ((INCLUDING HYUCK’S PARENTS AND YOUR TEACHERS))) and your head is just spinning, spinning, spinning
he lowers the mic and just leans close and rests his forehead on yours and whispers his words to you
“i love you, and i’m so sorry it took so long but i really really do, i just hope i can make up for all the time lost,” 
his eyes are pouring emotions into yours and for some reason you want to cry 
his team just won a championship!!!! scouts are probably here, scribbling his name down for a scholarship right now!! and everyone on this field was just yelling and whooping his name a second ago!!! 
yet he’s standing here, so vulnerable and nervous in front of you 
so you grab his face and swallow your nerves
and tell him you love him, you’ve loved him for so long 
all you hear is just muted yelling and cheering and whooping around you before you swear you see a glisten in his eyes as he leans and swoops you in for a kiss 
the band is going off and playing some other 80s love tune and there is still confetti just flying all over the place and people running up to you and hugging you guys 
but his hand is still entangled in yours and he just winks 
bc in the midst of all the chaos and all the noise of being such a superstar, there you are 
and he’s sure that’s all he’ll need 
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starry-eyed-svt · 6 years
High School Crush ~ Seungmin ft. Hyunjin AU
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Genre: Angst and Fluff
Request: jinyoung-stole-mylife said: Hi 😊 it's me again (lol) can I request a scenario were someone from the maknae likes a noona, and reader is like D': Again, I leave the rest to you. I thought it would be cute if the were in a Highschool AU but it also fits in a non-AU scenario, so surprise me~ Hope you have a nice day, don't stress yourself🌸🌸🌸
Word count: 1,906
Middle school, the dark years as you will. That is when you met your best friend, and to this point you thought was the love of your life: Kim Seungmin.
You had started to have a crush on him soon after you became friends. Your crush grew exponentially over the years and now you were a sophomore in high school and you couldn’t take it anymore.
It was a normal day, a tad dreary for your taste. You had made up your mind. You were going to tell Kim Seungmin that you liked him.
You spotted him at his locker and made your way to him. The butterflies fluttered about and you almost felt like you could vomit. But you were going to do this. You could no longer suffer in silence as only his best friend when you were sure he felt the same.
“Hey, Seungmin.” You greeted. He turned to you and smiled.
“Hey, Y/N. What’s up?” He asked.
“Oh nothing much, I just wanted to talk to you.” As you said that you could tell he was looking behind you not paying attention. You stopped to turn and you felt your heart stop.
It was a senior girl who everyone knew. She was sweet and gorgeous. She looked over and waved at Seungmin and he waved back with a big smile as she walked down the hall.
“Man would you look at her? We have a class together and are partners. I think she likes me though. I know I like her.” Seungmin confided in you. You felt like vomiting and not due to nerves anymore.
“That’s cool.” You replied shortly.
“What was it you wanted to talk about?” He asked closing his locker.
“Oh it was nothing. I forgot.” You lied.
“Oh, well. If you remember, shoot me a text. See you in last period.” He smiled and began walking down the hallway.
You don’t remember getting yourself to the bathroom but you did. Just in time to relieve your stomach of its contents. You covered your mouth as you tried to silent the sobs. You had faced rejection before but it was never quite like this. Nor had he truly rejected you, you were glad you never got the words out. Maybe this way you can remain friends.
You cleaned yourself up and went to class. You were late but frankly you didn’t care. You sat in your seat and pulled out the things you needed for the class. You tried to pay attention but you were just too sad. So you stared out the window as the rain fell perfectly summing up how you felt.
You were brought out of your thoughts as a paper landed on your desk. You looked over to the kid who sat next to you, he was a Junior named: Hwang Hyunjin.
Hyunjin motioned with his head and eyes for you to look at the paper.
You opened it and read the scrawl.
Are you okay? You were late and look quite glum.
I’m fine.
You wrote and look up front to make sure the teacher isn’t paying attention as you drop the note back on Hyunjin’s desk. He immediately opened it up and replied before plopping back on your desk.
Are you sure?
You ignored the note and just went back to staring out the window. Hyunjin left you alone until the bell rang excusing you from first period.
You were halfway down the hall heading towards second period.
“Wait up!” You turned around and Hyunjin approached you.
“What?” You asked. You were friends with him having went to the same elementary, middle and now high school. He was your neighbor.
“You aren’t your usual cheery-ish self.” He noted as he stepped in line to walk with you.
“I said I was fine. I’m fine okay?” You snapped.
“Obviously you aren’t. Want to ditch?” He asked.
“No, my parents would kill me.” You replied.
“You are forgetting I have connections in the office. We can be excused, our parents will never have to know.” He smirked.
You remained silent thinking it over. You did not want to be at school at all. Maybe spending the day away with Hyunjin might be good for you. You had almost talked yourself out of going when stopped. At the end of the hall you saw Seungmin flirting with the senior he liked.
“Talk to your contacts. I don’t want to spend another minute here.” You told Hyunjin in a monotone voice before turning around and looking for the first exit you could find.
Hyunjin looked to where your gaze had been. He sighed. He turned on his heel and followed you out. He pulled out his phone as you sped walked down the street.
“What?” Chan asked answering his phone.
“Hwang Hyunjin and Y/N Y/L/N. Absent the rest of the day please.” He said into his phone as he tried to keep up with you.
“Sure thing, Mate. Anything else?” Chan asked.
“Nope. Thanks Chan. See you tomorrow.” Hyunjin said and hung up.
“Hey wait up.” Hyunjin called after you.
You continued walking at the pace you had been at. Hyunjin finally caught up to you and grabbed your arm. He pulled you to a halt and spun you around.
“Okay, I got you out. Now you’re going to tell me why you’re upset. Please, I want to help.” He said.
Hyunjin was always teasing you and others, you had seen him be caring towards others, but not quite like this. You remained silent not trusting your voice.
“I saw him. Your friend, Seungmin talking to that senior. That’s why, right? You like him and he doesn’t like you as anything more than a friend?” He guessed. It hurt enough. You looked down as tears filled your eyes.
“You’re right.” You replied.
Hyunjin didn’t say anything. He simply wrapped his arms around you and patted your back. You let the tears fall as Hyunjin continued to comfort you.
After a while he pulled back and wrapped an arm around your shoulder as he guided you to a soup shop.
“I don’t have any money.” You told him.
“Don’t worry about. It is my treat.” He said.
“Thank you.” You smiled softly.
The two of you sat in silence as you looked over the menus.
Once you ordered you glanced at Hyunjin who was already looking at you.
“Look. Liking someone and then finding out they like someone else sucks. But it isn’t the end of the world. Maybe you and Seungmin aren’t meant to be more than friends in this lifetime. And at this point in time, that hurts. I get it, but there is someone out there for you so much better than him.” Hyunjin said. You nodded, you still felt sad, you knew that wasn’t going to go away. But you began to feel hope, it wasn’t going to go away at the flick of a switch. But it would go away.
“Thank you, Hyunjin. Really, for all of this. You’re right, it does suck. But your words give me hope, so thank you.” You smiled.
Hyunjin smiled back at you.
“Do you have Chan excuse you often?” You ask. Hyunjin chuckled.
“I only use him for emergencies. He will be gone next year so I’m trying to convince Changbin to become attendance aide.” He said and you laughed.
“I’m going to be a junior, why not me?” You asked.
“You are too much of a goody goody to hack into the system to excuse little old me. Also then we couldn’t take extended lunches.” He winked. You rolled your eyes playfully.
“First off, don’t think this is going to become a regular thing. Like you said, it was an emergency. Second, who says I’m too goody goody to do your dirty work?” You challenge and he quirked an eyebrow.
“Something tells me, you don’t know it yet. But this will be a regular thing.” He teased. Just like that the caring Hyunjin was gone and your neighbor was back. Not that you minded. You rather enjoyed his company, not that you would admit that to him.
The two of you continued to talk, eat and laugh the afternoon away until it was time to head home. Being neighbors the two of you walked home when you got there he stopped with you in front of your house.
“Thank you for today, Hyunjin. I really mean it, I appreciate it a lot.” You said to him. Hyunjin smiled and ruffled your hair.
“Always remember that you don’t need a guy. Sure we are great, but you are a beautiful independent soul who deserves to be treated with the utmost respect.” He said in a sincere voice. You looked down in embarrassment.
“Thank you.” You said once more.
You quickly wrapped your arms around Hyunjin before running inside.
You went to your room and was once more hit with the sadness. Hyunjin had done a great job of making you feel good and happier, but it was a temporary fix.
You checked your phone as you hadn’t for the whole time you were with Hyunjin. You had a few messages, most were from Seungmin.
[From: Seungmin~]
Are you in the cafeteria?
I don’t see you. Did you go off campus for lunch?
It’s cool. I will eat alone jerk. :’)
Um class is starting. Where are you?
You still aren’t here, school is almost over. I’m worried.
You always tell me if you leave if you are sick. What’s up?
You sighed and messaged him back.
[To: Seungmin~]
Sorry. I wasn’t even thinking. I went to lunch with my neighbor and we just kind of skipped the rest of the day. Next time I will let you know~ Did we have homework?
Almost immediately you received a reply.
[From: Seungmin~]
Oh. Okay. Yeah. I can send it to you. Wait isn’t your neighbor, Hwang Hyunjin?
[To: Seungmin~]
Thanks, bud. Mmmhhhmmm the rudey-pants has been my neighbor since forever.
[From: Seungmin~]
Neighbors forever huh? Maybe you two will fall in love ;)
You frowned a bit. You read too deep as you usually do to his messages, as you found out his morning. But you weren’t going to let it get you down. So you text him something you never thought you would have.
[To: Seungmin~]
Maybe we will~ ;)
[From: Seungmin~]
Oh my gosh are you serious?! Do you have a crush on Hyunjin? :D
You smiled at the text and continued texting your best friend about the prospects of your new crush. Slowly the thought of being by Seungmin’s side faded and you found yourself picturing being next to Hyunjin’s side. 
A few weeks had past and you sat on your bed contemplating on sending Hyunjin a text.
[To: Hyunjin]
You were right. There is someone out there for me better than Seungmin. I have a pretty good idea who he is. I just want to make sure he knows he isn’t some rebound crush and that he means something to me in different ways than my previous crush.
You typed it and then deleted. Then typed it again before accidentally hitting the send button.
He was just being nice. He is your neighbor. A childhood friend. You were reading into this too much just like you were with Seungmin.
You paced around the room cursing yourself in your brain.
You look at the lit up screen on your night stand and your heart begins to race.
[From: Hyunjin]
He knows. :)
Thanks for requesting!
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tumblunni · 6 years
Gonna try and make a quick half weekly update maybe probably! Sorry that i've only been emailing a few people so far, i have to wait a week to get a library card so i can use the library email service. So i've just been running around trying to catch wild wifi wherever it may be, and then kinda failing so i used up some of my mobile data. And i need to ration that throughout the month so i was gonna try sending only weekly emails but then some people sent me emails so i had to reply and then i was like OH NO i am neglecting the everyone else AAAAA
So umm anyway im on mobile data right now and i cant really browse the tumbl cos images and stuff really burn it up. But i can make this one post!! Yay!! Aaa!!
Umm okay maybe i'll make a second post with Big Rambling About What's Happen, for now i kinda need to make a Dumb Ask For Money Time.
I feel so damn guilty cos i havent even finished paying back the 20 bucks some friends leant me two weeks ago for groceries, cos there was all the stress of moving and i just COMPLETELY FORGOT until it was too late and im already here aaaa! And then i was stupid yesterday and i gave all my money to a homeless guy out in the rain. Like i know i should be calling myself stupid cos it was reckless and i didnt think about taking care of myself also, but like i dont think it was stupid cos that guy needed it more than i did. He actually gave me a hug! I felt so bad, like man nobody must have been donating to him if he got so emotional over just that much! I wished i could have given more!! He was stuck in RAIN nobody was helping him in the RAIN what the hell sort of monsters are they?! It was like the windiest rainstorm all year so far! Shop displays were flying out the doors and people were getting beaned in the head with acorns and stuff! This dude had nothing to his name except a lil not very waterproof looking sleeping bag!! It was hard enough to stay out of the rain just as a regular shopping person, imagine how hard it must be to try and find a place to sleep rough when there's all stupid cops chasing you away from anywhere visible because 'blah blah blah tourism we have the army recruitment rally today'. BOOO! there was a goddamn actual tank up at a historic monument of pre-britain celtic civilization and im just like wow fuck you how dare you market this to literal schoolchildren on a summer trip. Anyway i'm going offtopic, what's really important is the SECOND homeless person that i didnt have enough money to help because i gave it all to the first guy. He was an elderly veteran with a missing arm! SO MANY PEOPLE STUCK OUT IN THE DAMN RAIN INCLUDING FORMER SOLDIERS, GOD FUCK U SO MUCH ARMY. Umm anyway so yeah "bunni it is reckless to throw all your money at a stranger and keep none for grocery" NO it is reckless because what if you find another stranger who EVEN MORE needs it more than i do!!!!
Anyway i've been rambling a lot but i just thought that wtf it probably sounds fake to say 'oh i gave all my money to someone in trouble' that sounds like im boasting about my humbleness somehow. So yeah there's a Detailed Ramble that hopefully proves it i guess?? But yeah i have no money now until the 28th. Whoops. Luckily i dont need as much money while im here at the mental hospital cos i eat most meals at the shared kitchen and you have a 4 bucks a week allowance to buy additional supplies. They said i can get the juice i like, cos im stupidly picky and struggle taking my pills with plain water. And i have a bus pass now! A surprise benefit of being hospital'd! The picture on it looks TERRIBLE, i wish i could show you guys! And of course i dont have to pay gas bills here. So all the biggest money pains are gone! But then i've been signed up for two classes each week that are like two towns away and really early in the morning with me probably only getting back at 2pm cos of the travel time. And i wont have free food there, im not allowed to take anything out of the shared kitchen even if its a lunchbox or somethin. So i kinda just need some spare money so i can grab a sandwich or something in the supermarket along the way. And of course there's the fact its just damn hard to kill your boredom in a place like this, so aaa i wish i could buy some cheap books from the thrift store or something. And then there's the biggest ludicrous temptation of there being a BUILD A BEAR WORKSHOP NEAR THE HOSPITAL!! AAAAAAAA!! With the new pokemon collection!! Alola vulpix!! I'm not gonna ask for donations for that, obviously, but i just wanted to tell you cos its AWESOME and its frustrating i have to go past it on this bus route. My goal is to get you by the end of the month, lil snowy friend!!!
Short version: I don't really have a specific amount i'm asking for, im just gonna keep this paypal pool open for the first month and like if you can spare any change it would really help! The help bunni get adjusted to new and terrifying live in hospital strangeness fund! Because bunni was an idiot and gave away all their money on the first damn day! Gahhh!! Okay so seriously if you have anything to spare and ONLY if you have it to spare, i would really appreciate your help. Even if its just 1 dollar/pound/other local currency of which you own! I will hug you greatly!! And if you wanna be added to the weekly email updates list then my email is [email protected] and i would super apprecoate keeping in touch! And if anyone wants to be pokemon go friends i will try and send you gifts everyday!! I need 3 more friends for a quest milestone lol.
For to help the bunn, go the here! And umm lol if you want to signal boost then feel free to just take that link and make your own post thats way damn shorter than this nonsense, lol. I JUST MISS YOU ALL SO MUCHHHH
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yujachachacha · 7 years
AWM 2017 recap
Things I saw at AWM today plus some bonus content I was informed of by other attendees of the event (roughly in chronological order):
Cinderella Girls
- I know next to nothing about this series except that Rin and Uzuki and that Love Laika duo are popular yuri ships lol.
- I already forgot their setlist OTL sorry I’d probably remember if I listened to some of their songs again. I think they performed 5? STAR, GOIN…uh…
- They pretty much spoke Japanese the entire time and were impressed that the audience seemed to be following along well despite that.
- They did a live skit or something? They showed clips from the anime(?) for each character and had them read a script live. Was pretty cute.
- Lit songs of the set list: YES PARTY TIME (is…is that the right title lol I just remember screaming those words a lot), and of course their closing song Onegai Cinderella.
- Okay to be exact all the songs were exciting but those two were particularly lit. iM@S songs have somewhat difficult calls (at least compared to Aqours) but those two songs are pretty easy to follow along with for wotaing even if you’re not at all familiar with the series.
- They performed one song I wasn’t familiar with because it wasn’t on the AWM Day 0 fan-compiled playlist nor the CG callbook _(:3 」∠)_ I believe this was one of their opening songs, so I started off the concert vaguely waving my KB and chanting “HAI HAI HAI HAI Uhhhh I don’t know the calls for this OOOH HAI OOOH HAI”, thanks for carrying the rest of us, Producers 👌
- Okay a friend has told me that song is Yumeiro Harmony? RIP.
Wake Up, Girls!
- 6 songs performed: Tachiagare!, Koi? de Ai? de Boukun Desu!, SHOUJO KOUKYOUKYOKU, Beyond the Bottom, 7 Girls War, Gokujou Smile. I…already forgot the exact order of the songs, but I *think* at least the first two are in the right places. Beyond the Bottom was close to the end iirc.
- I watched a grand total of 3 episodes of the anime plus the first movie so I’m not particularly familiar with the series, but I got attached to Minyami…to no one’s surprise lol, she happens to be the character whose image color is yellow and has a “nya” catchphrase 🙃 I screamed whenever she got a solo part she’s so cute aaah
- Mayushii is such a good singer holy fuck, kinda reminds me of a super-ikemen Emitsun (except ever since I saw a niconama of her crying hysterically over a horror game I can’t take her seriously :3c).
- They were saying things about having the audience smile or something as a lead-in into Gokujou Smile lol
- They tried to speak a bit of English, but it was mostly basic stuff. They were cute. :)
- I broke a UG (Ultra Green, the green version of a UO/Ultra Orange - which y'all might be familiar with from Snow halation) for Tachiagare and I lost my shit because Shukamod couldn’t find her UG, and she ended up breaking like 4-6 UBs (Ultra Blue, for songs like KoiAqua and MIRAI TICKET) unintentionally in her frantic search for one before I took pity on her and gave her my spare lol.
- SHOUJO KKK was motherfucking lit, everyone lost their shit at the hips great choreography and deep voices.
- Lowkey sad that they didn’t perform 16 sai no Agape because it’s the first WUG song I knew (thanks to King’s ANiUTa playlist) but I don’t have any complaints about their performance tbh. They are really, really good dancers and Mayushii’s singing is so damn ikemen I died.
- Everyone else in ONIBE was 🍝 for Yoppi lol.
- 15min intermission afterwards.
- Only 2 members performed but it was still lit~
- These two are so talented??? The audience (me included) completely lost their shit at Ikenai Borderline.
- Shukamod probably had a good laugh at me screaming shit like “OH MY GOD JUNNA IS 16 HOW TF IS SHE THIS GOOD WHAT AN IKEBO HOLY SHIT”
- oh yeah, setlist…uhhh…also can’t recall the titles from the top of my head, but Ichi Do Dake no Koi Nara was one I remember. Really good song holy mother of god.
- Friends have reminded me that there was 5, and the first song was Koi Halation, other was Bokura no Senjou, and also supplied the title of the last song (I know the calls but not the title lol).
- In the MC, JUNNA and Minori talked about how they were really impressed by the American burgers. They wanted recommendations for more delicious burgers and several people in the audience had to start a chant to help them remember. They started to say McDonald’s and everyone screamed in horror until they eventually caught on that people were chanting “In N Out” lmao.
- They spoke so much Engrish bless these kids
- For the MC before the last song (Run ga Pikatta Hikattara), Minori was trying to teach the audience the call for it and was pleasantly surprised when the audience automatically did the call once she started singing a specific part of the song without her having to spell it out for us. What do you take us for, casuals? >:|
- All the solo parts were done by Minori…dunno if that’s normal but that’s what I noticed ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- These are somewhat arbitrary numbers but it seemed like that the audience was made of like 25% CG fans, 10% WUG fans, 5% Walkure fans, and then the rest were there for Aqours. Possibly even more for Aqours, since I saw an insane number of people wearing the caps from the You birthday set lol. I even spotted someone cosplaying Ruby from the recent Time Travel set on SIF, holy shit how did they assemble that costume for AX so quickly… Anyways, of course the entire theater went wild when Aqours was finally up to perform.
- Like for their Christmas minilive and 1st Live, the members entered 1 by 1 through a splash screen introducing their character by default member order (i.e. Chika-Riko-Kanan-Dia-You-etc).
- To no one’s surprise, they started with Aozora Jumping Heart. @saitou-shuka and I were pretty much screaming our hearts out from the start. Shukamod broke a mega UO during Shukashuu’s intro lmao.
- They were wearing their MIRAI TICKET outfits and their set list basically turned out to be almost identical to their ANiUPa setlist.
- MC (member introductions using their standard character speeches e.g. Kanan going “I guess my appeal point is my muscles?”) after Aozora. They went down the line in the order Aikyan-Furirin-King-Rikyako-Anchan-Shukashuu-Suwawa-Arisha-Ainya.
- They didn’t do their call and responses (T_T) and I noticed that right away when Aikyan went into her introduction, so after she finished speaking I screamed “OHAYOSHIKO” and a few people copied me, I think? Me and Shukamod ended up shouting the call & responses before or after each introduction lol.
- Aikyan mentioned that this was her first time in America with Aqours, and when King did her introduction she sounded so smug going “This is my second time zura~~~”
- Rikyako mentioned that this was actually the first overseas performance for Aqours (which I already knew but it’s still cool to be reminded again) and everyone was hyped.
- Screamed a lot during Shuka’s intro RIP my voice.
- Suwawa started her self-intro and forgot what her lines were partway through so we had a good laugh when she went “Eh, nandake?” all of a sudden lol.
- People were cheering loudly for Arisha partway through her introduction, so she shushed everyone and then went “suki” and everyone lost their shit again.
- Ainya is so tiny omg what a shiny smol girl
- I made the resolution to be the American version of that one guy who always screams “AAAAaIiiNYAAAaaaAAa” at Aqours lives, and according to Shukamod I did a pretty good replication of it :3c
- Rikyako and Suwawa were in charge of the English language MC and their English has gotten really, really good holy crap. Only complaint I would have was the line “Let’s enjoy with us!” (should be something like “Let’s have fun together” or w/e), but their pronunciation and speed were godly. Both spoke a lot, but Rikyako in particular was really active in repeating stuff said in Japanese into English.
- Ainya was really clingy with Arisha lol I don’t remember which MC it was during but Ainya kept hugging Arisha and stuff lol
- Rikyako then said that the next song would be from their first single and everyone got hyped for KimiKoko.
- KOIAQUA AFTERWARDS WHOOOOOOO SHUKA’S DANCING WAS SO GOOD!!! Also according to some people in other seats there were some audience members who were doing the “IE TAIGAAAA” calls for this song 🙃 Shukamod and I each broke a handful of UBS for this of course haha
- Another MC/small break afterwards! Furirin did that routine she always does at Aqours lives where she suddenly collapses and asks if she can have a water break lol is this gonna be a regular routine now?
- MIRAI TICKET was announced as the Ep 13 insert song to be performed next! It was fun breaking out the UOs and UBS for this song too~ The “we say yousoro” part was of course enthusiastically screamed by all the You fans in particular o7
- Surprise song Yume Kataru yori Yume Utaou! They brought out pom poms too! Ainya and Arisha had a really cute hug in this song :D According to others apparently the 1st years were also super clingy and were doing lots of group hugs and stuff
- I spotted someone trying to record a part of the concert in the beginning and got really mad and pointed it out to the members of ONIBE I was sitting with. We screamed something like “HEY FUCKER YOU WITH THE CAMERA STOP FUCKING RECORDING” at him after the song, which caused a lot of stares but did achieve the effect of getting him to stop.
- When Aqours finished, Anchan became the MC for the closing speeches at the end.
- Minori had a paper at the closing MC with a speech written in English on it lol. She tweeted a picture of it after the performance, but basically it’s something along the lines of “Thanks everyone, In n Out burgers No. 1!!!” lmao
- JUNNA couldn’t come on stage at the closing MC with all the artists at the end because minors (JUNNA is 16) aren’t allowed to work after 10pm lmao, I had been so confused and concerned until that announcement was made and then I just cracked up.
- I saw Anchan making an adorable pouty face during one of the other groups’ closing speech aaaah so precious.
- Furirin and Shukashuu were doing small “ganbaruby” motions off to the side bless these two :’D
- King kept doing the Ohanamaru pose too lol
- Apparently for the VIP meet & greet after the concert, someone did a “hagu shiyo” with their friend in front of Suwawa, and in response Suwawa did it too with Shukashuu.
- Sosa (Korean Twitter artist famous for their NozoEli video comic of Garasu no Hanazono) was apparently at AWM today…AND RECEIVED A CALLBOOK FROM ONIBE. I MIGHT HAVE WALKED PAST ONE OF THE KOREAN ARTISTS WHO’VE I’VE TRANSLATED FOR. I MIGHT HAVE EVEN HANDED ONE TO THEM. WHAT THE HELL??
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redeller · 5 years
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Paris Day Eighteen: Today was my last day in Paris because tomorrow I am headed back to Pittsburgh. I am both happy and sad but I am not sure what I am more of. I know it will be so weird once I get back to Lexington and back on my regular routine but I know that it is much needed. Today for the last day, the girls and I woke up and went to a little coffee shop for breakfast. The shop itself was very cool and laid back. I loved how they had many plants hanging from the ceiling and they also had some on the walls. For eighteen days I have not had one iced coffee, so I was thrilled when I finally found a shop that would make one. Unfortunately, it was on the last day but I am still glad I was able to get one. After the coffee we headed over to the park for the last celebratory picnic with Nancy and Herman. It was very nice having the group together as one talking about the highlights of our trip and also interesting to see who liked what the best. I know personally yesterday was my favorite day of the entire trip and also the picnic the girls and I had at the Eiffel Tower. After the picnic, I came back to the dorm so I could start packing because god knows I packed way too much for three weeks and somehow still managed to buy more clothes while I was here, oops. Once I was done packing, I met the girls for dinner on our favorite street that we have been going to pretty much every night. I had Lamb and mushrooms for my main course, but it was so good that I forgot to take a picture of it before I started eating lol. After dinner, Bonnie and I went to get one last Bubble Tea because we have literally been getting one every day almost. I am currently putting off packing for the rest of the night and I might try to draw a little bit because being here I have been so inspired to draw and paint and I really am excited to get home and be able to paint. Well Paris you have been so good to me. Until my final venture tomorrow, goodnight Paris. 
0 notes
opepin · 7 years
february: week 3
13: it was a pretty busy work from home day. we made egg mcmuffins for breakfast, went to work for a bit, and then kevin cooked the bulgogi and i made the rice cake soup when he had to get on a call. i worked until past 5 pm and then i rushed to get ready for the museum of science chocolate night. kevin and i argued a bit on our way out and our way there. :/ it was because expectations and assumptions weren’t made clear, but even if we’re mad, holding hands makes everything better, ahah. we walked to the museum -- bad idea because of the wind T_T we made it in one piece though! there was so much chocolate. there were chocolate fondue fountains, little bites, cheese and cracker and veggie plates, and there were a lot of activities too. kevin and i didn’t get anything from the bar haha. we participated in a scavenger hunt which led us to exploring the museum more and we participated in a create-a-claw competition. our machine got the most hearts and we got added to the board. our claw machine was called the “winnie the pooh” claw :3 lol kevin irked me at some points because he was too into making it and he also left me at a chocolate wall picture area for food so when it was my turn, i was alone :( we did take a picture there though.
my favorite exhibit is the playground one. i loved running and swinging and etc. i got super dizzy from the spinning machine though. we got some goodie bags from the innovator’s table after handing in our scavenger hunt and then we ate our last chocolate covered strawberries before heading out. i got a penny/coin thing for boston now! we decided to walk off our sugar and took the red line back home. kevin got me a valentine’s day gift and couldn’t wait until tomorrow to give it to me. apparently, it was left in the package center for a few days because he couldn’t sneak it up due to our wfh days ahaha. my bear got me cozy bear socks! <3333 i mentioned it maybe a few weeks ago and i guessed he just got it for me so my feet wouldn’t be so cold all the time <33333 i have the best boyfriend (: i also picked up my victoria’s secret package and idk how to feel about their seamless underwear. anyway, i worked when i got back and kevin did the dishes and gamed. i skipped my workout today because i had to get work stuff done. we also did a good amount of walking so i didn’t feel as bad. then i showered and slept at like 1 or 2 am after talking to kevin for a bit before falling asleep. :P
14: waking up wasn’t terrible! i rushed a bit to make myself an egg mcmuffin but i made it to my regular train on time. the office was pretty full today, which made me happy. yay, i’m back in the office! i also got my business cards ;D i went straight to work because the deadline was at 1 pm. i got everything done but there is still something in the journey map that is bothering me. i’ll definitely fix it for the future or find a better solution. i ate lunch at the desk and then went downstairs to get foumami for dinner. the rest of the day were calls on calls. laurie came into the office today and organized a welcome lunch for all of the new hires in boston. apparently, we make up almost half of the office -- that’s crazy. i guess everyone else works in new york. i met up with kevin at the train station and then we ordered dinner at the fat cat. i got a side of fries to go with my salad that i devoured when we got back home. i got a bibimbap salad and they just drenched it in gochujang and i don’t think i’m going to finish it. x__x;
we drove to pick up food from fat cat and thanks to my terrible navigating skills, we had to drive around to get to oh my tea. they ran out of green tea (LOL gg) so we ended up getting just a rose tea with boba. it was alright. we quickly ate (the fries are so bomb) and then headed to cafe artscience for our three course dessert. it was a pretty bad ride because i am a terrible navigator and then i froze up because we kept missing our turns and stuff. we did get there a bit late but more or less on time. sigh. i almost had a panic attack -- i was so shaky from freaking out about boston’s windy ass roads. we sat at the bar, ordered a drink we didn’t finish, and finished a dessert alcohol a bartender gave us for funsies. kevin and i talked about some sad things, actually LOL. we drove home and then watched an episode of supernatural. i fell asleep and then woke up, showered, and got ready for bed. i was so tired.
15: the office was full today because we were getting a free lunch today LOL. it was a frustrating morning thanks to the project i’ve been struggling on and trying to fix. i kind of got it, but it’s just finicky. i worked on that until lunch and then we all went to bostonia public house. i met andrew and cole and i talked with him along with charles and kien. oh, i finally got to see cole again. when i walked into the office, he scared me awake LOL. i had to leave for a 1 pm call so i didn’t get to eat in the restaurant :( john left early too and asked me if i was going and then i told him i didn’t get my food yet and he just laughed at me LOLOLOL. he had gotten his food already and ate it. x_x i walked back with josh, a new developer. i got back a bit late and i had to take a bathroom break in the middle if the meeting, but it was ok. i caught up with phil and then i switched tasks for the day. i finished up right at 5 pm, talked with laurie and cole, and walked to south station with cole. then i got on the train and just bummed when i got home. i got my rotofugi package today: cute dino pin for my book bag, a mitten shaped tea infuser, and one of mary’s jade evolved rock figures! i also switched my side cabinet with charles’ because he wasn’t using his for any protective storage and i wanted to leave my laptop. so i took the key and locked up my pc laptop in the office. yay, now i can store things in the office without being suspicious or worrying.
oh, i got sprayed with water because boston drivers are assholes. i got hit 3 times basically and the water soaked my leggings and boots. -__-” kevin came back from climbing, we watched supernatural and then i did a bit of exercise because i haven’t been doing that these past two days D: sigh. i’m on such a sugar high/craving right now... well, i combated that with kickboxing today! it was much fun~ then i washed my hair and while it dried, i got two groupons for me and kevin to go to new england’s dessert showcase and for a sunset boat tour on the st. charles river~ i still have hillary’s gift card and i wonder if i should spend it on a maybe (need to call and ask) glassblowing class and/or pottery decorating class~ then i blow-dried my hair, brushed my teeth, and hopped into bed at the usual time -- around 1 am. haha.
16: when i was about to leave, i got a call from a client and helped her out with ux360. this was my first support call and it was so out of the blue. i think i did a pretty good job, and i loved helping her. i know that this job will test my communication skills and help me become better at giving instructions. i feel like i don’t explain myself well sometimes because i just assume others (especially ones that are close to me) know what i’m talking about and why i am talking about it. i often go on tangents when i speak to people so, i need to work on that. anyway, i helped her and then went on over to the office. i was supposed to go to kane’s donuts with cole in the morning but since i was late, we pushed it back until after his standup meeting. it wasn’t busy when we walked in and i bought 6 donuts for the office: chocolate orgasm, red velvet, boston cream, honey dipped, cinnamon, and creme brulee. mmm. obviously, cole got the boston cream for himself. haha. everything was pretty much gone at the end of the day; i took home like 1/3 of the creme brulee doughnut for kevin. i don’t think anyone except me touched the creme brulee...LOL.
work was nice and busy. i went to get lunch with cole at sabroso taqueria and got their salad with chicken. omg it is such a good and filling salad. it’s just romaine lettuce, pico de gallo, and black beans. mmmmm. i worked until 4:40 pm or so and then headed back home a bit early. i forgot to check in with phil so when i got home, i skyped him and caught up for tomorrow morning. i’m planning on maybe taking wfh days once a week, but i’m not sure yet. i got my pouch from india hicks today. i’m still feeling akjfnsjkdf about the price but i don’t want to return it because i would have to pay another $6.95 for return shipping -_- so i’m kinda forced to keep it. the good thing is that it fits all of my cables and adapters! i chilled for a bit and then started cooking dinner. i made our usual coconut kale fried rice. then kevin came back just as i finished washing the dishes and we ate dinner. i had to finish up some leftovers of the rice cake soup and then i ate some of the fried rice. we are officially caught up with supernatural :O idk what we’re gonna watch now...maybe we’ll catch up with criminal minds? kdjnfskjfs.
kevin went to shower and then i bummed around a bit to digest my food. then i did some ab workouts. for some reason, my abs have been constantly hurting? maybe i’m working them out via cardio without me noticing... i did 25 min of pure ab toning, 7 minute of hip hop cardio (wanted to dance to this one new video), and 45 minutes of kickboxing. kickboxing is so much fun and i’m sore all over right now. x__x; i showered right after and then went to sleep. i was so tired. zzzz.
17: i felt so sore and tired waking up today. i still went to work because i love my team, haha. it was a pretty slow friday though. it did pick up near the end of work with a good amount of meetings. i ate lunch at my desk and after the meetings, i felt a bit lightheaded and i was super shaky. it might have been the intense thoughts i was having about adulting at that moment that caused it. it could have also been the black tea and the amount of sugar and salty snacks i’ve had this week. i didn’t snack anytime during the day so my body kind of shut down. i asked the front where the vending machine was and i had to take the shady af freight elevator down to the basement and walk to a corner to get to it. i got something salty and sweet: jalapeno cheddar puffs and nature valley honey oat bars. i ate it while going up the elevator. kevin was worried about me haha. i felt a bit better after eating. there wasn’t much to do afterward so dave told me to go home early LOL. i still waited for phil and kevin to get back to me though. i had a chance to talk to phil for about 10 minutes before hopping off and meeting kevin at the train station. i was still there before him even though he left earlier and i gave him time? so confused.
we got home and started bumming. i love fridays because i get to spend some downtime with kevin (((: we talked about how i was feeling about people working just to work vs people working because that is their life. i’m someone who makes work their life passion because we spend so much time working, i feel like it’s a waste to not do something you love with that time, you know? i don’t think it’s a good thing either -- i stress out a lot and etc, but idk i like being busy for a purpose and feeling like i am adding to something to society. i do understand why some people just work to work and have a life outside of it though. it’s just not my style. anyway, we talked about that and then we talked about maybe heading to new york for the first weekend in march. we also talked about a vacation in the summer...maybe a cruise? maybe paris?! kevin and i want to do an international trip together but i don’t have enough pto time accrued to do that this year T___T we’re both down for an off-season trip though. we’d both love to go to iceland. anyway, i sprung this on kevin too fast so he has the weekend to think about it (mostly just the ny trip though).
i somehow ko’d and fell asleep for an hour...i woke up when kevin just started cooking. i woke up hungry so i ate some leftovers and snacked a bit. then i helped prep some food, make the sauce, etc. i ate a bit more with kevin while watching a dota 2 stream. then i took it easy and did 45 minutes of hip hop cardio. i wasn’t feeling it. i went to shower and went to sleep pretty early. i just sleep during the weekends to recharge lol.
18: mmm... i woke up at 7:30 am then went back to sleep and woke up at 10 am and then went back to sleep and finally got out of bed at like 12 or 1 pm LOL. my life is truly bummy on the weekends. kevin was supposed to climb in the morning, but obviously that didn’t happen. so we ate brunch, went to kam man to get rice (omg it was so packed because it was nice outside and we went there at like 2 pm), got tickets to see ‘split’ at the movies, and then drove across the street to the mall so i could return my hdmi adapter and exchange/find seamless underwear. the return happened super quickly. i caught one of the workers at the door and he helped me out. then we stopped by a new thinkgeek store! yassss. they had some cute stuff in there. then we went to aerie to see if their seamless underwear was actually seamless. mmm, i asked one of the store associates and she didn’t convince me so we left and headed back to victoria secret. kevin went to target to look for bigger containers so we could access our rice easier while i looked for the seamless underwear i wanted. 
it was packed in there and i could not find the ones i was looking for until i found someone and asked and she took me straight to the small table in the corner LOL. i got a better deal here than online so i picked neutral colors, got in line, kevin found me and i apologized for taking so long, and then i got my seamless underwear (FINALLY). i could have gotten another pair if i were a cardholder/printed out a coupon from pink but i didn’t know until later T__T it’s kinda still bugging me but eh it’s done. we went into target together and ended up buying cute colored stoneware containers, a cake stand (for our fruit LOL), and containers for rice. omg. hahaha. this is why we never go out of our way to go to target. then we drove back, kevin went climbing, i washed the dishes and all of the new stuff, put rice in the new containers, turned on the most recent episode of jane the virgin, moved our hard af brown sugar into one of the stoneware containers with a knife and a measuring cup, and then microwaved leftovers for dinner before heading out to the movie. haha. 
kevin took a bit longer than expected so we were rushed to get out of the apartment. we packed some chips and pretzels in snack bags to eat at the movie. we got there about 5 minutes before the movie started. the movie was pretty interesting and creepy if you keep thinking about it, but it was hard to get in the mood because there were these teenagers (i sound so old) in the front who kept giggling, making childish comments, and were on their phones the entire time -__-” me and kevin were like wtf. we found out that the movie is rated pg-13 so yeah... we’ll only go to rated-r movies now LOL. we got back, cuddled, and then kevin annoyed me LOL and then went to game. i finished watching ‘reign’ and then forced myself to do some exercise even though i felt tired and bloated. i really need to stop snacking T__T it’s making me feel terrible. then i showered and ko’d at like 1 am or even before that.
19: mmm got up late again. i’ve been feeling very tired lately. it’s probably the mix of my diet and new exercise routines. x__x i started laundry right away, ate breakfast with kevin while watching a pokemon showdown stream. then i cleaned the kitchen and bathroom while listening to music. then i curled my hair and tried looking for something to watch on netflix but they took down all of the cooking shows T____T i watched youtube videos instead. then i folded laundry and kevin and i went grocery shopping! lol we went pretty late because he wanted to game a bit longer. we stopped by oh my tea first and i got the aloe honey green tea bubble tea (hot) and i got kevin a pineapple green tea with bubbles and lychee jelly. they were both really yummy. then we drove to kam man and it was practically empty. we stopped by bj’s before it was about to close for the day and then we made it home at like 7 pm? lol kevin was hungry and wanted to buy so many other things that we didn’t need.
we microwaved leftovers and watched the latest episode of supernatural on the cwtv app and then started watching ‘izombie’ while cuddling and just relaxing. i think we have a new series to watch for now. it’s not the best but it’s entertaining. we then prepped the veggies for tomorrow’s ratatouille pasta and then i just prepared for working from home tomorrow. i wasn’t feeling well still... then i showered and found out that it’s that time of month but it’s been hurting a lot more than usual. ugh. so i just went to sleep and tried to make the pain go away :(
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Hey babe! Prepare yourself for a super gay Tumblr post…
So I woke up around 9am because Van’s alarm had gone off. If you would like graphical details, I was only in my boxers when sleeping next to him because this fucker threw up on me last night…twice…so both my regular and my extra change of clothes were dirty. I was too drunk and tired to clean up anything else so I just wiped the floor and rolled into bed last night.
Today we went to the zoo. Van asked me to go…so basically a date LOL he said he’s been wanting to go but the last two times he planned for it he didn’t. The first was with Alice and the second was with Aliza…hmm I don’t like this trend lol. Anyways, we left his place around 10:30 to get Viet sandwiches for breakfast and drove for about an hour to SF Zoo. Literally today is like a date…
Zoo was fun! I haven’t gone for about 10 years I think? And now that I can properly read all the information signs and take the time to enjoy it, it’s more fun than I remember. Too bad you’re not into zoos or aquariums because of animal cruelty. I get it. But if you put those ideas aside and basically hope for the best that these places are actually protecting the animals as they claim to be, its fun. Van and I took our time to go around a read all the signs and check out all the animals. He claimed Ashish knew a lot about animals and wildlife but he was pretty surprised when I knew so much as well. Probably from all the times I spent watch Animal Kingdom when I was younger. And of course, knowing Van, he had to make everything sound stupid or perverted. Like when we went to “Cat Kingdom,” he would say let’s go see “Pussy Kingdom.” Or there was a monkey species called “mandrill” and I’m sure you can guess where he went from there. 
Super funny story was we were in the Rain Forest area and I said I saw a mice run in the bush. Probably one that escaped when it was supposed to be fed to snakes or something. But like Van was looking into the bush to find it but suddenly jumped back because the “idea” of the mice jumping at his face suddenly scared him…10 seconds later I shook him to scare him and the lil bitch actually screamed and jumped…almost slipped and died too because the floor was wet. Another incident was when we were looking through a glassed cage of 2 mice digging holes. Van suddenly scared me because he flinched super hard and backed up like 5 steps shivering. I was like wtf was that and he said he thought something touched his ear and looking at mice makes him really uncomfortable…I also brushed his ear when we were in the insect room and he jumped again. I think I found a new source of entertainment :)
We hit the gift shop after the zoo was closed. When we were entering the zoo, he said he might buy something for Sonya and I messed with him. When leaving, I said who are you buying the gift for and he’s said someone…admit that you like her dammit. The stuffed animals he’s holding was 2 for $32. He was considering buying both for himself until I pointed out a light blue penguin and told him to buy it for her…he thought for like 10 minutes because he couldn’t think of a reason to give it to her without being weird. I was considering buying you one too but I thought that we would need more room on your bed instead so I put it back :P He hinted that we should do the photo booth…this is actually like a date lol. He said “Since you wanted a picture, might as well do the photo booth lol.” That just reminds me the way girls say things to guys when they are trying to hint that they want something. And as you can see, the pic turned out extra gay.
We went to Zabu Zabu after cause I was like hey we should make Lydia jealous…don’t worry you have nothing to be jealous of because this is the worst experience I have had there. I suspect that they changed owners. I got the Japanese sake broth but I could taste excessive pepper and the was a layer of oil floating at the top. They also don’t serve alcohol (either anymore or for the time being) and also don’t serve sushi during November and December. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!?! The meat was good but not as good as I remember. They must know that I’m not coming with you this time so they decided to ruin my dinner…I also didn’t have enough cash to pay for the bill lol. I withdrew $100 before going but I forgot about the 18% service charge they implement which totals to $110. Had to run the BofA again to get cash.
We were going to drop by Creamisty on the way home but Van said he was too full. Ended up dropping me home but he also needed shirts for CBA…lent him 6 of my shirts lol. Yea this day is turning more gay by the minute. Luckily, I found myself again when I was talking to you. I’m glad we had the time to talk for a while tonight. It felt like it has been a while since you’ve been on trips and I have been super busy with school. Thanks for talking to me bb. You’re my light when I feel shrouded in darkness. I love you so much.
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