kingofthewilderwest · 4 months
New Homestar Runner vid dropped. Night is made.
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about to scream
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mrs-bluemarine · 6 months
Artists stop using character tags that don't belong on your posts challenge
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fangomango · 9 months
When i say I love seeing the tags people put on my posts when they reblog
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It's these, I love these
Keep being a silly goofball in the tags I love it sm
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(These are from my nimona posts btw)
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universestreasures · 1 year
@blasterdiablo​ / @crimsonkaiser​ Merry Christmas <3
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Her face always lights up whenever she enters the Hatter’s studio, Misaki being completely taken in by all the materials. The ribbons, the fabrics, the buttons, and everything in between she thought were amazing and wonderful. Honestly, she wishes she could learn how to make dresses and hats like Ren gets to. Sadly, that isn’t what her role is to be. She instead had to attend boring royal adequate and croquet lessons she could honestly do without. 
It’s why she hopes that when she grows up she’ll be able to change the strict system their world was under, the one that decided their roles for them. Everyone whose heard of her idea says it is crazy and impossible, but she had faith she could do it. She could almost picture it in her mind, a future tea party with all her friends being whatever they wanted to be. Oh, how she awaited that day.
If that day was to ever come, that is.
Misaki had been invited to the studio not just to look around. No, she had been invited to try on some of the new things Ren had been working on. His father was currently out and about with the Duchess of Hearts, leaving his son able to do as he pleased for a while. Ever since his training got started, she and Ren didn’t see each other as much as Misaki would like. That’s why they had to cherish every moment and every memory they had together, since they might be limited as time goes on.
Her eyes light up at the sight of what he had come to let her try on, a whole array of different hats with unique patterns and styles. They were far from the pristine and clean designs of his father. In fact, on a few of them she could see a few pins sticking out. Though, none of that mattered to her. In her eyes, they were beautiful. She could see the care and attention Ren put into them just for her. That was what mattered more than what they looked like, at least to the princess.
Eagerly, she puts on each of the hats, making little poses and whatnot for him. The smile on her face was as pure as one could get, one that matched the pure white heart that beat in her chest. Such a pure heart had not been seen in Wonderland since the beginning some said, for it was the type of heart that had managed to create their world. Perhaps it is because of that fact she would have the power to change this place for the better, to allow everyone’s unique talents to shine without the weight of restricted roles. It was what her people, especially her friends, deserved more than anything. 
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“Thank you! Thank you so much, Ren!” The princess exclaims, moving in to wrap her small arms around the other’s body. “I love all of them! I’ll be sure to hold onto them, forever! Promise! Maybe I can even wear them to the next tea party! Wouldn’t that be great if all of us wore your hats, Ren? It be a really grand party then!”
The two of them would spend the rest of the time in the studio having fun with one another, as all innocent children do. Sadly, this precious time couldn’t last forever. Nothing ever does. That was a lesson she learned rather quickly, much faster than any child should ever the day she lost everything. 
Her childhood seemed like such a long time, despite the memories of it being crystalized in Misaki’s mind. Everything was. Every sight, every sound, every feeling, every smell, and every memory was preserved in perfect detail, whether it be pleasant or dreadful. It was this, her ‘curse’ as she would come to think of it, that had caused her to be unable to move forward and remain in this... ‘rutt’ as it were. Those horrid memories of the past just wouldn’t go away, no matter how much she desired them too.
She honestly wishes she could just forget it all, forget everything and just...just feel and not have to think. That would certainly be better than carrying all of this baggage, all of the pain, right? It’s what everyone wanted of her, anyway. She isn’t blind to it, or to the damage she has done to her home. Misaki was a perceptive person, after all. 
However, perhaps it is those clear memoires and the feelings tied to them that makes her unable to let go, despite how much time has passed. It is why she hasn’t been able to move forward, and why...she still hasn’t let go of the items inside a special wardrobe in her chambers, delicate hands moving over them in the few moments she had before it was time for bed. They are of the clothes and hats he had gotten from Ren as a kid, each and every single one she kept. She had kept all of them, for each had sentimental value.
One might think that means she should still care for Ren, and that her coldness towards him was out of character, but things were more complicated than that. Truth is, she still cares about ‘Ren’, the kind boy from her past who made these items for her. Who she doesn’t care for is ‘Hatter’, the person he turned into after the madness that came with his role spread throughout his soul and he started to become twisted and sadistic. 
Despite his words, despite his actions, she can feel the difference between the two. He wasn’t her friend anymore. He really hadn’t been since the day she found out how he had been mistreating Kai and Miwa, when her entire view of him had shattered. Just like her parents had been taken away by a force out of her control, so too did her best friend. 
Ren died the day the new Mad Hatter had begun to awaken, and no matter how much she wanted things to go back to how they were, they just...they just couldn’t. She couldn’t change the past. She couldn’t do anything. 
So, why even try at all?
She moves to grab one hat off the top of the shelf, one with a bunch of different patterns in it. To most anyone else, they would find the whole thing horrendous. That wasn’t how she saw it. Even all these years later, it was her favorite creation of his. Nothing he was putting out these days came even close to this. What he was putting out was soulless creation after soulless creation, just like the work of his father who came before him...
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“Why did...Why did you have... you...have to leave me...too?” The queen squeezes the hat after bringing it to her chest, not super tight as to not damage the relic of her childhood. Holding it like this brings back memories, them replaying in her mind to the time when she first received it from him. They were good times, memories she treasured. No memory since the incident had become treasured in her mind, only painful ones or those she would easily forget if not for her curse.
She can feel her heart ache as she continues to reminiscence, Misaki moving to place the item back on the shelf and closing the wardrobe up tight. There was a reason she didn’t intentionally think of the past. Even the good memories, like those of her and Ren, brought her nothing but suffering. Perhaps that fact is truly the reason her smile was so scarce these days, her expression now muted as she moves to her bed to begin her nighttime routine with the White Rabbit.
How could one be truly happy if such happiness was never to last? 
If in the end, it would just bring suffering? 
These were the questions that remained on her mind as she listened to Kai tell her another childhood story, and would remain on them until she eventually fell asleep to once again face a nightmare of the past. Though, tonight’s would surely be about Ren. How could they not be when she spent the last while thinking about him? 
Until she could be proven wrong, until she could truly begin to see that moving forward wasn’t a waste of time and that happiness could come back, she is content to have things as they were, even if she continues to suffer. For Misaki Tokura believed that is what fate had decided for her, and that nothing could be done to change it, just like it was fate to have her be so helpless as to be unable to do anything to hold onto what she held dear...
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eeveearoace · 2 years
best cousin dynamic: grandparent/ seeing-eye dog
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clockworkreapers · 2 years
here to inform you that there are only three videos on the sauron yetzar hashtag on tiktok and they’re all simping for him
I do not have tiktok nor do I know how to use it and I do not know if I should feel worried about this information or should feel blessed by it sjfhvbdjf
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trippytigerbear · 6 months
Can I just say... Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes and black friday coinciding is crazy. I'm seeing Hunger Games analysis and complaints that black friday isn't a public bloodbath anymore and it is CRAZY
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izeas-null · 8 months
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the duality of goobervos
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sinning-23 · 6 months
Calling Them By Their Full Name
OPLA Headcannons! I thought htis was a funny little thing lol. Anyway enjoy
Warnings: slight mentions of nsfw topics but nothing too serious
Sorry for any spelling errors!
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-ohhhhh that did not sound like your usual happy, loving voice.
-he knows he fucked up and now he’s hiding from your wrath.
-you could hear a pen drop from how quiet the ship got
-ok so maybe he ate that super expensive, super special dessert you had been saving for a while now. And like, it was going to go bad! All he wanted was a little taste! Than a taste turned into accidentally eating the whole thing.
-He was gonna tell you, honest! But it had proven obvious you found out before he could. He seen you round the corner with RAGe on your face and tears in your eyes.
-"TRAITOR!" You yell, throwing a tired punch to his chest.
-“I’m sorry mami, I’ll find you another one. Promise.” He hums, peppering your face with kisses, squeezing your face between his palms when he did.
-There’s no way you could stay mad at him for long
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-whoa whoa whoa why are you so ANNNGRY
-hated when you call him by his full name like that, makes him feel like a child being reprimanded
-“RORONOA GODDAMN ZORO.” You boom, Nami’s jaw dropping at the sound. Even she could tell you were pissed
-he’s the sassiest mf alive so he’ll probably just be like, “who the hell are talking to woman?!”
-“You’re a real piece of work you know that??” You’re still yelling and he wastes no time rolling his eyes at you and grabbing you by your waist, the action shutting you up.
“Wanna stop yelling and be a big girl and tell me what’s wrong?” He teases, that stupid smirk you love falling over his features at your speechlessness.
-It’s not often you say his full make but when you do he makes sure you’ll never forget it that same night.
-“Say my name baby, real loud.” He groans, a hand around your throat to steady spent body as he slams back into you
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-I know thats not a cigarette i smell Vinsmoke Sanji."
-awe hell. Yout tone is deadly. he tried he damndest to stomp it out before you rounded the corner but nope.
-You never use his full name like that. Never.
-did he just get chills?
-"Of course not my love!" He lies throigh his teeth but before he can say anything ese you re lips are on his, you fist gripping the fabric of his shirt.
-He knew he was caught, the taste of tobacco mixing with your usual mint. You pull away, smoothing his shirt out with a warning smile.
-"Don’t lie to me again, I’ll always know when you do, Black Leg." You explain , taking the small cardboard box from his pocket and walking off.
-Even though it was ment as a threat, he couldn't help but feel hotter than ususal. God he loved it when you talked all serious to him.
Bonus: Mihawk
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-You know better than to use his full name. Orr to even call him anything besides the usual endearing pet name.
-So when he hears his name called with nothing short of rage, hes trying to figure out who you think you’re talking to.
-"Dracule. Mihawk." You spit, holding the empty bottle in your hand
-Ok so your rage was warented cause he managed to drink the entire vintage bottle of wine you'd been saving...it wasn’t like it was on purpose!
-He doesn’t even bother to look up from his book, just barely giving you a slight glance when you were right in front of him, pointing to the bottle.
-"Id watch your tone darling." he warns, smirking at the way you purse your lips and turn away with a fierce attitude he'd be sure to deal with later.
-“Oh shove it up your ass Dracule.” You scoff, trying to quicken your pace but failing when he’s already behind you, his much larger hand holding your wrist as you yelp.
-His look says it all. You’re screwed.
-So now you’re sitting pretty, bent over and counting each time his hand meets the sore and slightly reddened flesh of your ass.
-“Now, what’s my name again darling?”
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lonelyassassin96 · 2 years
The best thing that happened to me that influenced my growth as a person was moving out of the political echo chamber that is my parents’ house.
Like, I don’t really identify with left or right. I think people should just just let others do what they want so long as it’s not hurting anyone. Big government is still bad, yes, but no government is also bad. Although I’m still inclined to believe that abortion is wrong, and if anyone asks my opinion on wether they should keep the child I’ll say yes in most cases (exception being any case that puts the mother’s life in danger), I’ve learned to accept that I can’t control what other people do, and abortion being made illegal would make things worse. Not all cops are bad, but a lot of big/inner city police officers are heavily corrupt, which means clearly the system has a problem and it needs to be fixed. Although I still don’t think communism will work, it’s less because of human nature and more because of how the system can be corrupted as we’ve seen many times. The only reason capitalism is failing in this country is because it’s not a completely capitalist system, and if our government where smaller, there’d be less corporations with the lawmakers hands in their pockets.
But what it comes down to at the end of the day, is that I’ve come to the conclusion that there are very few “wrong” or “bad” political ideologies. Only wrong or bad people who abuse the system and twist it their advantage.
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silly-tma-headcanons · 2 months
Jon/martin head cannon: Jon is incapable of driving but is addicted to Dunkin’ (coffee shop) even though he hates Dunkin’. Jon gets Martin to drive him places like this
Ext. 1:00 am at night in a dark bedroom on the bedside desk lays a phone it buzzes to life and Martin wakes up in a fit
Martin:Jon! Wh-
Jon: yes yes yes I know it’s late and I should very well be asleep but the craving is overtaking me Martin
Martin: what are you talking- JON DO NOT FEED ON SOMEONE
Martin: then what could you possibly be craving that WARENTS ONE AM CALL.
Jon: as you know I am… vehicularly impaired and my Dunkin’ addiction is strong. You however own a car and a credit card
Martin: I thought you hated Dunkin
Jon: I do. The place smells of sweat and rot, the code is brutal and bitter, the workers are teenagers who hate everyone and everything. Overall a horrible place to find yourself in
Martin: and your making me come along
Jon: no. I am making you drive me
Martin: I am not driving you to Dunkin AT ONE IN THE MORNING
Jon: yes you are
Jon: see you in five
This happens every two weeks and it is always one am. Thank you
completely forgot to post this ask oh my goodness
but yes, biblically accurate jmart, for those who weren't aware
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louissatturi · 7 months
Would this character be invited in a paulkins wedding? (I'm ignoring forever and always just because)
Tom Houston and Tim Houston - they are what rested of emma's family (Jane) so even if they warent in the best terms she would invite them
Emma's parents- she would NOT invite them, because they are probably dead or abusive since she dosen't talk about them AT ALL
Ziggy - Emma probably would already have her pot farm and this is basicly the only canon Emma friend we ever get in the whole Hatchetfield verse series
Professor Hidgens- i think she would get super close to him and invite him out of pity
Linda Monroe- "this dosent make sanse, Emma would 1000% hate linda" well do you think linda Monroe would simplily NOT attend the wedding of the sister of her dead friend? Also she would give some nice gift since she is rich and stuff
Overall Emma would have a very small guest section and she wouldn’t invite a lot of people
Paul's family - Paul is a avarege men, he would 100% invite all his biológical family even tho he dosen't like all his family menbers
Bill and Alice WoodWard - that is his BestFriendForever out here! Not only that but Bill is also his best men (Alice was also invited because Bill wanted her there)
Charlotte Sweetly - he thought it would be a nice way to make her more chill and he took pity on her talking about her wedding and she would help them with the preperations
Ted Spankoffski - he did't wanted to invite him but the ted confronted him about it and then he was invited
General McNamara: i think they would be besties in every timeline they meet and i think he would LOVE weddings
Barry Swifty - i just think it's funny that he is there in forever and always and i like to think that he is besties with paukins for some random reason
Mr Davidson- he is 100% scared of his boss and invited him just to keep face
Melissa - i just think it's funny Melissa being there because she canonicly has a crush on him and HATES Emma
Characters that warent invited but are there because they are the + 2 of the people invited
Becky Barnes- Defenily not tom's girlfriend
Deb - bill was NOT happy to having to deal with deb but their relationship is better
Sylvia - she is his girlfriend in forever and always and i want a bill with a good romantic love life sorry
Frank - i shipp him with Barry sorry (jeff and corey have INSANE quimistry)
Pete Spankoffski - he was dragged along because ted wanted to show him how to pick up woman in weddings
The random peep agent that joey played in tgwdlm - okay this is basicly a saf-Hatchetfield oc because of the headcannon that actor joey ritcher have that his character is MacNamara son and i loved it so much so yeah he is there and his name is Owen MacNamara and he has a boyfriend named Agent Curt Mega, sorry
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My tumblr is being weird and won't let be rb the post any more, so this is a response (@the-studyman )
(Oh shit has the sheriff even got the warent yet??? I don't know, but we gotta get her back now, she's gonna get fucked up if she stays any longer ugh I thought this would work!)
Oh, of course! Let's get you back, sorry to keep you for so long, haha!
[They swiftly usher 308 through the tunnel back to the scientist's house]
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breadsticksposts · 1 month
BIRTHDAY SURPRISE!! [tighnari birthday]
im so sorry for not posting for almost a month 😅🫶
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you have been working so hard to make a secret suprise. for your boyfriend. you work so hard and scared that he will notice something weird in you.
well good thing you are a good liar, things goes your way! but there is time where you think he notice something, but maybe its just you being an overthinker
so, your plan is wake up WAY MORE EARLIER than tighnari, and its going to be hard because tighnari usually wake up at 6. and that mean you need to wake up at 5 or 4:30. why?? well first youu need to take a shower and clean yourself. next! take the decorations from the room next to the bedroom slowly so tighnari wont be distrupt by the noises. then put it up and make it look like your expectation. now take the cake from the fridge and put the candles! then take your gifts that you work hard on getting it! some of the gifts you make it by yourself and some you bought it from a store. and tidy the place and you need to do it all without waking tighnari up and its will be quite hard because of his awareness and his ears, once he woke up and saw that you warent in bed with him, its game over
“yawn… mmnn..” you mummbled as you stand up from the bed to the bathroom. you open and close the door slowly and try to not make that much noise while you shower
after you clean yourself, you get out from the bathroom feeling so fresh! its starting of greaat!! you see tighnari still sleeping while hugging a sack of pillows you put to make it feels like he is hugging you.
you get out from the room and went to the next room next to your bedroom, you see 2 medium size box fills with decorations, and back up plan incase the decoration look boring or not like yyou expecting. you dra one of the box out and it make some noises but not enough to wake him up. but still! you need to be carefull incase he wake up. you put the box in the living room and go back tto get the other box, when you drag this box its kinda more louder than the other one, which you hope the noises didnt go through to the bedroom.
after you have both of the box i the livig room, you start decorating carefully. you keep make some noises from taking the decoration out from the box. you put a little “HAPPY BIRTHDAY” decoration across the room. then blow some ballons and a little party hats! just for fun, the long part is when you need to blow the ballons.
after the decoration, you didnt have that much time before he wake up. you take the cake and put it on top the table that was in the middle of the living room. you put the candles and but you kinda scared to light the candles on fire, so you have some match stick and try many time tto lit it up, but you cantt seem to do it! you try 4 stiks and everytime yyou end with the fire is not strong enough and blown by a wind when you try to lit the candles or its just traight up not lighting up.
“sigh..let me help you” a voice behind you appear and help you light the candles and its no other thn tighnari who help you with iy. “happy birthday!! i tried to make a suprise but i kinda failed..i almost had it!!” you explain to him whhile kiss him in the cheeks
“oh please..,the sounds that you make beside our bedroom is soo loud.., and you act so suspicious, and i saw the cake. its not rocket science but i still really greatfull for your hard work for making this suprise. thank you love” tighnari says while hugging you
“always! now lets try the cake!!!” you say while give the plastic knife to tighnari
and you guys have a great or may i say wonderfull day!
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thank you for reading!! should i make scaramouche one?? if you have any suggestion or recomendation, please tell me anoymously 🫶
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wolfertinger · 2 months
I'm half tempted to just be anon but, I wanted to give my two cents on everything that's happening and say that your posts helped me come to an understanding how I feel.
I am a very real account and not a faceless mask for haters to doubt. I have done my research on all of the old pup stuff and current Salem stuff.
I desperately want to believe Salem can change and heal and be better, but their apology made no real attempt to divide themselves from what happened. The apology felt more-so like "I do not condone what happened, but like a different person enough to warent no hate, but not different to act differently or let go of ocs." It irks me. I looked up to Salem a lot as the face of transmascs and was thrilled he had transfem characters. But now, knowing that this is the person with the puppychan "alter," someone who has lied and lied and *LIED* about everything before. How can I believe him now? Pup has fetishized transbians and transwomen before, which leaves a very sour taste in my mouth with transmascs that don't present masc at all. I ate that up when I thought it was just a small little bunny boy online but now I just... Feel so betrayed. All of it feels disengious and like another lie. I struggled for hours debating on trans ethics on identity and if someone who was transfem can be transmasc and it feels so gray to me. It's confusing. Who ever reads this, please don't Harass Salem. I desperately want Salem to be better and hope He will be. I'm begging that we never get another reason to not trust Salem.
i agree with what you say completely. puppy had a very long history of lying especially if it would garner him sympathy or pity. the most glaring examples i can think of is when he lied about being "deathly allergic to blueberries" just to suicide bait like this.
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puppy also randomly claimed to be both psychotic and schizophrenic when they got called out for using a meme using the term "schizo meltdown". neither illness has never been mentioned before or since. this is why i have so much skepticism about his claim of dissociative identities especially as we find salem and puppy act, talk and draw identically.
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i also think puppy/salem was never transfem. this was a common misconception because of the sheer amount of transfem fetishization he was constantly putting out over years. which is really saying something.
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these tweets are from years ago and yet read exactly like the posts salem is putting out now. its honestly fucking weird how everyone is just fine with this.
also agree with salem supposedly "reclaiming" ocs from puppy. he makes such a big deal about being a different person from puppy then goes "this is *my* old oc" ??? are you puppy or not?
thank you again for your bravery and speaking out. i appreciate your two sense on it.
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