#wardrobe shoutout props
ultra-nonki-fan · 1 year
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chorus line corp
all that jazz
jazz sport
chip & pepper
dominique dubois
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applesaucesims · 3 months
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The sun had started setting behind the clouds, as Emma and Niall finally made their way up the frosty path leading to the Brindleton Ballet School. It was a pompous building by the sea, standing near the edge of a cliff, and despite its name, it was also home to one of the biggest theatres in the country.
To combat the cold, Emma had thrown on a new fur shawl over her golden evening gown, but she still much preferred leaning on Niall's body heat to warm up. Once inside, she would rid herself of the fur along with her hat, keeping them safe at the wardrobe, while her and her husband would enjoy the show.
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The ballet was a new rendition of A Midsummer Night's Dream, and Emma and Niall loved every second of it. It was as if the dancers were floating across the stage, making the entire scene come to life, even watching from loge seats high above the stage.
Of course, Emma particularly enjoyed the set design. The carefully painted backgrounds and props seemed to work in perfect harmony with the movement of the dancers, which made the whole show appear all the more magical.
Huge shoutout to @thegrimalldis and @theroyalthornoliachronicles for the ballet dancers!
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roughdaysandart · 4 days
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Found this site when I was researching footwear specifically and looking to see if zippers were a thing in star wars and stumbled upon this GOLD MINE (Galactic Style Guide tab I'm specifically raving over)!
Theres an insane amount of wardrobe (beyond clothes, including bags and tech etc!) detalil including context as to who would wear what and why etc! Thoght those who find it overwhelming (like me) to comb trhough every movie or show/novel/comic themselves to find the authentic or consistent detail patterns in-universe might benefit from this!
Still checking out the non-wardrobe tabs but thers ALOT so huge shoutout to the creators making updates even to this day!
So check it out SW creators!!!!
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irrelevantwriter · 3 years
Pairing: Rio (Good Girls) x Female Reader/You
Rating: Explicit, NSFW
Warnings: Language, vaginal fingering, public sex, car sex, unprotected vaginal sex, mild choking, mention of bodily fluids, shitty exes, petty Rio (yaaaass)
Word Count: 5.8K
Summary: Part 6. Feelings were shared. Where does that leave you and Rio? A dinner with your ex? A car in a dark parking lot? 
A/N: The last part is here! Though as I said yesterday I am definitely not calling this the end. I have lots of ideas for Rio and I’ve thought about adding to this in the future as inspiration hits. I’ve also thought about developing a Rio x OFC fic and/or something for Beth x Rio. I’ve had a lot of fun writing and exploring his character so I’m nowhere near close to done. And I also need to shoutout the ladies from the discord for this part. They suggested it and I ran with it (as I do). So big thank you to @woahitslucyylu, @whatupitshuff, and @fvckthisbxtchup! You inspired this. Be proud of yourselves. Anyway, I hope you guys like it. Feedback is that good shit. 💗
*Read Part 1 here
*Read Part 2 here
*Read Part 3 here
*Read Part 4 here
*Read Part 5 here
*Give and Take series masterlist
*Masterlist in bio.
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He sighed, turning off the engine and checking his phone one last time for messages. The restaurant lot was full, patrons shuffling in and out of the newest establishment in downtown Detroit. It was in a historic building that had obviously recently been renovated, though efforts had been made to keep its old world charm. The restaurant was a place he’d yet to visit and this impromptu pop-up offered the perfect opportunity for him to do so.
Rio exited his vehicle into the cool air of the night. It wasn’t frigid, but it was enough for those outside to don a jacket. He stuffed his hands into his pockets as he made his way to the entrance, noting the stylish fashions of most of the restaurant's occupants. He didn’t worry about the supposed dress code. Wearing black often gave him an air of sophistication, even with the tattoo splashed across his throat. It was a duality he’d mastered over the years. The tattoo kept him grounded to his roots. His nature. His business. The wardrobe kept him aligned with the civilian world. People would often eye his throat warily, suspicion clear in their gaze. But one look at the clean lines of his pressed shirt and somehow they’d come to the conclusion that he’d made a mistake as a young kid. Got involved in the wrong crowd. Hadn’t gotten around to getting the hideous atrocity on his neck removed. They believed what they wanted to believe.
He smiled at the passing elderly couple as he held the door open for them, their smiles making their eyes crinkle at the edges. They probably thought he worked there. He stepped through the threshold, taking in the dim lighting and soothing melody of jazz that filtered through the space. His eyes scanned the open area with practiced diligence until he found what he was looking for amongst the black booths that ran the length of the right wall. They were high and designed for privacy, but he could spot your face anywhere.
The hostess greeted him and he politely gestured to the booth you sat at, easing by the podium as she took a moment to trail her eyes along his body. He smirked at the blatant attempt at flirtation, not bothering to return the sentiment. Instead, he weaved through the aisles of tables as he made his way towards you.
Your brow was tensed, your lips pursed. The discomfort showed on your features, all the way down to your stiffened shoulders. He watched as you took a sip from your wine, nodding along to whatever the person across from you had said. When he came into view, your eyes widened, almost comically so. He grinned, finding your shock amusing. It was the exact reaction he was going for.
“Hey mama, sorry I’m late.” He announced as he made it to the table. He ignored the couple sitting with you and leaned down to press a kiss to your temple, feeling you sway into it despite your obvious surprise.
“Uh...h-hi.” You choked out, shifting over so that he could slip in next to you.
He shed his jacket as he sat down, pulling you close once he’d gotten comfortable. You let him maneuver you, still trying to understand why he was there. He could see the slight panic in your eyes, as if he were here for business purposes, crashing a dinner as a strategic move. But that couldn’t have been farther from the truth.
His eyes finally met Paul’s, your ex, and then slid over to his fiancé’s at his left. They both looked just as stunned as you, except for the displeasure that radiated from Paul’s gaze and onto him. His fiancé, Erica, he thought her name was, looked intrigued; curious about his arrival.
“Sup, man…” Rio greeted, extending his hand for Paul to take. He let it hang in the air for a moment, eyes trying to remain unflinching against his. After only a second, the man broke eye contact. He reluctantly took Rio’s hand and shook it, his palm sweaty and warm.
“Who is this?” Erica questioned after she realized no one was going to introduce him.
“Oh, um...sorry. This is Rio.” You replied shakily, looking at him as if trying to convince yourself that he wasn’t a figment of your imagination.
He noticed your nervousness and rested his left hand on your bare knee, gently squeezing in silent reassurance. He felt you relax immediately, your body uncoiling beside his and once again seeking out his touch.
“Nice to meet you.” Rio smoothly directed to Erica, taking her offered hand. She smiled back in return, her lips painted a vivid pink. It was a harsh shade and one that made her look like she’d been playing dress-up. He knew from the comments you’d made to him that Erica was not the woman you’d caught Paul with during your marriage. It’d been someone different. Someone from his firm. But you’d quickly pieced together that there had been many throughout the years. All slightly younger and the exact opposite to you in appearance.
Rio let his eyes covertly take in the woman across from him. She wasn’t unattractive. But she also wasn’t someone he’d ever think about leaving you for.  
“You’ve met Paul. And this is Erica.” You stated, hand gesturing to the uncomfortable-looking couple across the table.
Rio nodded in their direction, Paul’s stare still unmoving. He sat straight and rigidly, the arm that sat around Erica’s shoulders now taut and awkward looking. He found satisfaction in that. He let his own arm rest comfortably across your shoulders, his fingers dancing along your upper arm in soothing patterns. He felt you shiver in response.
“We didn’t know you were coming.” Erica said with a smile, giggling for whatever reason.
“Oh yeah, last minute change of plans.” He propped his chin into his hand and met your eyes, seeing the relief in them.
You’d told him about the dinner three nights ago when he’d been at your house. He was in your bed, lounging against the headboard after he’d fucked you on the stairs. And then once again on the dining table. You were checking your phone, mumbling curses to yourself when he’d asked you what was wrong. You’d complained about your ex and how he was now suggesting a dinner alone with you and his fiancé to “talk some things over”. The whole thing seemed innocuous enough to him, but you’d insisted Paul had an ulterior motive, which according to you, never meant anything good. You’d been worried ever since. Anxious about having dinner alone with them and dreading the reason he wanted to meet.
Rio had funneled the information out, not giving it much thought because your ex was none of his business. But something had struck him the night before when you’d called. He’d been going over some of his books, mind completely focused on numbers, when his phone rang. You were in the bathtub, voice tinged with ease and alcohol. Just wanted to hear your voice, you’d said. And for some unknown reason, that sliver of vulnerability made his chest feel tight. He hadn’t stopped thinking about it since.
The newest development in your situation was slow-going. After that night in his car and the semi-proclamation of feelings, you’d both taken cues from the other, waiting for someone to speak up and declare...something. None of that had happened though. What had happened was amazing sex on the regular and sporadic outings to dine. He preferred not to call them dates because they really hadn’t been. They were usually moments right after a round of rigorous sex when neither of you had eaten. It was usually a decision agreed upon mutually and without fanfare. Just two people who were hungry and accompanying the other. The barest of human needs. Just like the sex. It was satiation.
But even he knew that there was an underlying current of unsaid words. Which is why your tipsy admission had startled him. For so long you’d both denied what was so obvious. It was practically a subconscious act now. And he realized, as long as he let you dictate the speed, you’d come to him. As long as he didn’t push or ask for more, you’d show up. And you had. So now, so was he.
“Something to drink?” The waiter asked, interrupting the tense moment.
“Vodka on the rocks, please.” Rio replied, the waiter nodding and disappearing into the fray.
“So, Rio…” Paul finally spoke up, clearing his throat as he straightened his tie. It seemed he’d found his voice. “I take it you don’t actually deal with home plumbing.” He said the sentence snidely and with a poignant glance in your direction. “So what is it that you do?” He finished, swirling the amber liquid in his glass.
He could feel you tense up beside him.
“I own a couple of businesses.”
“What kind of businesses?” Paul retorted, an eyebrow raised in doubt.
“The kind that do business.”
A moment of silence stretched out as Paul took in the nonanswer. Rio could see the wheels working in his head, see him weighing the pros and cons of arguing with him on the matter. The man opened his mouth, more than likely to continue to probe, but Erica beat him to the punch.
“How’d you guys meet?” She implored with an excited gleam, clearly hoping for a magical meet-cute moment that had never happened.
“Bar bathroom.” Rio said with a smug smile, enjoying the sputtered cough you expelled.
“He means outside of a bar bathroom. We sorta ran into each other.” You hastily lied, biting into your lip when his arm shifted off your shoulders and under the table, landing on your knee once again. He let his palm glide over the swatch of skin afforded to him by your dress, feeling your thighs clench together the higher he got.
“That’s adorable.” Eric chimed in, a genuine smile plastered on her pink lips. The same couldn’t be said for Paul, who looked as if he’d tasted something bitter.
Rio snickered because nothing about what either of you had been doing in the time since you’d met was adorable. It was the exact opposite. And he thrived off of it.
He turned his attention on you, hovering close to your ear, his fingers trailing along your inner thigh as he ignored the other diners at the table. “You good, mama?” He rasped, knowing what the action did to you.
Your eyes weren’t on him. They were shifting anxiously between Paul and Erica, concerned with the proximity of his lips and hand. Of course, they couldn’t see his arm disappearing beneath your dress, but they did notice the intimacy of the moment. Erica’s eyes looked on in admiration while Paul’s darted to anywhere but the two of you.
“Yeah.” You breathlessly replied, your own hand coming to rest on his. You squeezed and then set your gaze on his, reassuring him.
“You sure?”
His eyes flicked to your mouth, the flesh wet from both your lipstick and your tongue. He licked his own as he got lost in thoughts of tasting you.
You nodded, your eyes following the movements of his tongue, seemingly just as entranced as he was.  
The moment was shattered with the waiter bringing Rio’s drink and taking food orders. It was for the better. He couldn’t very well fuck you on the table, though he’d save that fantasy for nights when he couldn’t have you.
Everyone kept the conversion polite and vague, choosing to stay away from certain topics. It was rigid and uncomfortable for everyone involved, unsurprisingly so. The subject transitioned to the kids, upcoming events and appointments being the main points. The food arrived and Rio busied himself with eating an exquisite dinner. The food was delicious and he had a fleeting thought about investing into something like this. He owned the bar and had arrangements with other small businesses, but he’d been hesitant to enter the restaurant realm. It was tricky. There were always new places offering something no other eatery could. He’d have to get with the owner, Joel Pinet. Rio knew him from around the neighborhood. His own bar was only a couple of blocks away and he’d met Joel on more than one occasion, the man a regular in his establishment.
“What’d you mean you won’t be here this summer?”
Your question brought him back to the moment, the irritation in your voice making him alert. His dark eyes settled on Paul as he twirled his fork in his pasta. The action annoyed Rio.
“Erica and I are going to Europe over the summer.”
“He promised to take me.” She chimed in, giddy and blissfully unaware of the anger mounting between the exes.
Your narrowed gaze bounced between the two, your irritation palpable. You were stiff as your spine straightened against the booth. “What about the kids? The summer is when they have time with you. They look forward to it.”
Paul raised his hand in a placating gesture and Rio noticed how your lips pinched together in response, as if physically restraining yourself from saying something. You were a better person than he was. The man across from him was barely that, and barely one that deserved your attention, much less the wasted love of a ruined marriage.
“I’ll make it up to them. But we’ve had this trip planned for months.”
“And you didn’t think to tell me that?”
“Because I knew how you’d react.”
“Yeah, because the summer is your time, Paul.”
Paul sighed, as if frustrated with your reasonable argument. “So we’ll switch. You’ve had to have my help with alternating weekends when stuff comes up.”
“For work. Not a trip to fucking Europe.” You seethed, voice low but spewing with venom.
Rio only looked on, silently admiring your ability to not beat the guy’s ass. He deserved it. He was a piece of shit husband and an even bigger piece of shit father.
“The kids will be fine. We’ll be gone for a few weeks and then they can come stay with us for the remainder of the summer.” He brushed off your concerns, seeing no real issue with forgoing time with his children to peruse foreign streets.
Rio scoffed at the boldness. The action didn’t go unnoticed.
“Something to say?” Paul directed at him, his chest posturing in a show of male dominance.
Rio laughed lowly, amused by the man’s antics. How you’d ever ended up with someone like that was a mystery to him. After seeing your determination, your fire, Rio had been enthralled. He’d recognized something raw inside of you. Something that matched him. Outwardly, you appeared to be opposites. Strangers from two different worlds. But inside you were more alike than either of you really understood. There was something waiting to be uncaged within you. Waiting for a reason to be unleashed. He was going to get you there. Because you deserved to see your potential, even if the bitch of a man across from you didn’t.
“Nah man...you clearly got the situation under control.” Rio taunted, the sarcasm dripping from his words. He clenched his jaw and swallowed, two sets of eyes watching the bird at his throat move. It was his own alpha display. His own performance of just who king dick was. And it wasn’t your ex.  
When it was clear that Paul wasn’t going to rise to the occasion, Rio drained the last of his drink and turned to face you. He lowered his lips to your ear and spoke so only you could hear.
“You ready to go, darlin’?”
“Yeah.” You said with a sharp nod of your head, chin held high in reproach towards the man opposite you.
Rio stood, grabbing his jacket and helping you slide out of your seat. His eyes never wavered from Paul’s as he did. You smoothed out your dress, clutching your purse and not bothering to acknowledge the couple at all. He dug into his pocket for his wallet and made a show of grabbing a few crisp hundred dollar bills. He pulled out two and threw them on the table.
“Dinner’s on me. Keep the change, yeah?” He offered with a smirk, letting his hand come to rest on your lower back. He led you away, keeping his touch secured to you as you stepped into the night.
You released a sigh immediately and then inhaled, eyes closing as if centering yourself. He watched you closely, wondering if he’d see tears in your eyes when you opened them. Instead, he saw amusement. A laugh erupted from your throat, your chest shaking as the volume grew with each passing second. He only watched, entertained by the sound. For the first time that evening, he let his eyes trail along your body. Your dress was black and velvet, hitting just below the knee. There was a small slit up the side, exposing the smooth flesh of your thigh. A tie was cinched around your waist, accentuating your figure, while short sleeves helped stave off the chill in the air. The entirety of you was elegant...captivating, and far too striking to be meeting up with your ex-husband for dinner.
Your laughter died down when you noticed his gaze. You stepped towards him, holding your purse in front of you so that your cleavage pulled his focus. He licked his lips and waited as you crowded his space, your perfume swirling into a fog around him. He studied your face, noting the tiny details he often overlooked. You were beautiful, a fact that never went unnoticed by him, but sometimes he forgot just how much. And he wondered if you’d always been this attractive or if it was just the blinding haze of attraction that made him think so. Either way, he didn’t really care. It didn’t change how much he ached to fuck you.
“How’d you know where I’d be?”
“I got my ways.” He offered, taking in the way your lashes fluttered at him. It was a familiar tell. One he’d come to associate with you flat on your back and gazing up at him, usually with his cock buried to the hilt inside of you.
“Thank you.” You whispered, sobering for a second so that he could read the honesty across your features. There was that vulnerability again. And his chest tightened just as it had the previous night.
“No problem.”
You took a step back and waited as he began to follow you to your car. You’d parked along the side of the building and he noted how full the lot still was. You halted once you noticed his SUV next to your car, stopping at the bumper and turning to face him.
“Your car?” You asked, nodding in the direction of the black G Wagon.
He wordlessly nodded, once again using the moment to appreciate the way your dress hugged your frame. He appraised your black heels and the deep red polish that adorned your toes, remembering that last time he’d seen you they’d been a light pink. He waited and watched as you walked to the passenger side of his car, fitting yourself in the space between the two vehicles.
“How tinted are your windows?” You asked, the innocence in your words making him suspicious. “Like no one can see in kind of tinted?”
You stared at him as you waited for his reply, biting your bottom lip in a way that could only be described as seductive.
“Yeah, why?”
You grinned, pleased with his answer. His face remained expressionless as you looked around the lot, the area void of other people. You slowly reached under your dress, careful not to expose yourself. Your hands disappeared under the skirt and then reappeared a second later, a scrap of dark green lace trailing down your legs. Your gaze stayed on him as you stepped out of the underwear and dangled them on your fingers, a proud grin making its way onto your lips. You flung the panties in his direction and he caught them against his chest.
“Open the door.” You softly demanded, gesturing to the rear passenger seat.
Rio let your words hang in the air, taking satisfaction in seeing you begin to squirm. There was doubt in your eyes, like perhaps he’d turn you down. You hadn’t caught on to the fact that he could do no such thing.
He took mercy on you, figuring you’d had enough unease for the night and found the key in his jacket pocket, hitting the button. The lights of the car flashed as the vehicle unlocked itself. You sent him a playful smile as you got in without another word, the door closing behind you with a resounding echo. He chuckled and shook his head, biting his lip as he pocketed your panties and walked to the other side of the vehicle. He got in, sliding in next to you and discarding his jacket along the way. He seated himself in the middle and you immediately straddled his lap. His hands found their way under your dress, skimming the soft planes of your thighs.
“So that’s what it takes, huh?” He whispered against your lips, leaning into your touch that ran along the back of his neck.
“Me being a dick to your ex. That’s what it takes.” He supplied, hands gliding further under your dress until they began massaging your ass. You moaned at the sensation, eyes fluttering shut as you ground down onto his crotch.
“Takes a little more than that.” You insisted, your hips rocking against his in a sensual rhythm.
“Let me see.” He gruffly commanded, chin angling to the hem of your dress that was bunched around your thighs.
You stilled your hips and did as he requested, lifting the fabric and exposing your bare slit to his hungry eyes. He could see the evidence of your arousal, even in the dark. Your pussy glistened in the muted light of the night, swollen and needy for him like aloe to a scathing burn. He reached forward and ran his index finger along your opening, making you jump at the contact. He instantly became drenched in you, the clear stickiness coating his finger. Your hips searched for a firmer hand, wordlessly begging him to slip past your lips.
“You seem plenty wet for me already, ma.” He taunted, letting his finger press against your clit. You gasped and bit your lip, nails digging into the tops of his shoulders.
“Rio...please,” You pleaded, chasing his touch every time it disappeared from your body.
His dick twitched at the sound of his name falling from your parted lips. It was something you’d only recently started doing, using his name in bed. He was addicted to the sound of it. You always said it with desperation and longing, usually while clinging to him in trembling pleasure.
“What do you need?”
You gripped his wrist and directed his finger into your waiting walls in response. He was  overcome with heat and slick immediately. You both released moans that signaled just what it did to you to be so intimately joined.
“That what you need, baby?” He added another finger while his thumb continued to massage your clit. He could feel you clench around him, nipping at your chin as your moans turned to whimpers.
“Let me see all of you.” He ordered, his free hand pulling at the neckline of your dress.
You dutifully obeyed, pulling your arms out of the garment and slipping it down to rest around your waist. The same shade of green that had adorned your lower half also encased your breasts, the lace affording him glimpses of your hardened nipples. He curled his fingers inside of you in reciprocation, reaching up to mouth at your neck. Your hands held him to you, running along his scalp and sending bolts of electricity straight to his dick. He shifted his hips in search of friction, feeling the warmth from between your thighs calling to him.
“Feel good?”
“Yes…” You breathed, unclasping your bra and hurriedly pulling the lace away. He followed your lead and trailed wet kisses across your flesh, his tongue reaching out to taste you. You pushed your chest into him in return.
“You can take more, right mama?” He urged, not bothering to wait for your answer. He added another finger, his movements speeding up as he reached that sweet spot deep within.
“Fuck, fuck…” You cursed, riding his fingers while he sucked at your nipple.
He worked your body like a fine-tuned car, hitting each switch with expert precision. He could read your face, gauge the tension in your limbs the further he brought you to the edge. His guilty pleasure was watching you cum, watching you uninhibited and practically blessing his very existence. He knew if he flicked his wrist more to the left and pressed down on your clit at the same time that you’d call out his name. He knew if he bit down on your breast he’d be rewarded with your pussy fluttering around him. He knew if he told you how good you looked, how good you felt, you’d cum...and hard.
“You look so good like this. Like you belong to me.” He praised. You gasped, throwing your head back, and he knew you were close. “Who gets you like this? Who makes you feel this good?”
“You do.”
“That’s right. No one else.” He affirmed, thrusting his fingers as rapidly as he could at that angle. The muscles in your thighs twitched as you came, tightening around his fingers in a way that made him long for it to be his dick instead. He let you ride out the ecstasy, your body rocking into the stiffness pressed along his zipper. Your head was thrown back, your mouth agape as a litany of cries and moans filtered through the air. He could make out the rasp of his name amongst the sounds. He could feel the surge of moisture as it slid down his hand. You were enraptured; a victim to his touch.
He waited until your body had stilled, the aftershocks having long passed, before he slipped from your clutches. He caught your hooded gaze and slowly took his slickened fingers into his mouth, your essence exploding onto his tongue. He savored you, taking in the way your chest expanded with each breath. Your fingers curled into his shirt and dragged along his chest, your hips dropping down to grind into him. He barely had enough time to remove his fingers before you were pulling his lips to yours. Your tongue coaxed his into your mouth and he could taste the remnants of the wine you’d drank. The alcohol mixed with you, creating an erotic elixir, one that had him intoxicated. He hissed against your lips, bucking his hips when you unzipped his pants and licked your palm in a show of lustful desire.
“I need you. Inside.” You panted between kisses, situating your pussy over him as you stroked his throbbing flesh.
Rio slid his hand up between your breasts and grasped your neck, feeling your pulse jump. He tilted your chin towards him and ensured your eyes were nowhere else but on him.
“Put me in. Go slow.” He squeezed his fingers around your throat as you moved, angling the head of his cock along your folds. You released a shaky breath as you eased him into you, gaze not wavering. He rested against the seat as he took in the view, licking his lips. He tsked and maneuvered your chin back in position when your eyes began to close, the fullness of him stretching you tight.
“Keep going, mama. All of it.”
You held his forearm, the one still attached to your neck, as you bottomed out, your ass finally meeting his thighs. Your pussy sucked him, walls gripping him with an unforgiving strength. You both remained still, relishing the myriad of sensations that assaulted your restless bodies.
“Touch yourself.”
You worked your hands over his arm, cupping your breasts at his request. Your movements mirrored his, matching the force and pressure of how he usually touched you. He was transfixed by you. Utterly lost in the way your body begged for him and still wanted more. He respected your greediness. Could understand the need for more once a craving had been satisfied. It was the business he was in. He was an expert on the matter. And he’d deliver for you.
His left hand dug into the flesh of your ass in a show of impatience. You caught on and started to move, leaning down to nibble at his throat. Your pace was languid, almost lazy as you swiveled your hips. Each down thrust had you rubbing your clit along his pelvic bone, triggering your pussy to spasm.
There was a warning in your tone. He could hear it clearly as you bounced on his cock, the plea almost drowned out by the slapping of bodies.
“Shit, already?” He asked, somewhat surprised at the rate at which your body was responding to him. He let both of his hands fall to your ass, directing you forward so that he could thrust. You whimpered into his ear as his hips pushed up and into you, hitting deep. You clamped down around him, making him squeeze his eyes shut.
“Right there. Don’t stop.” You gasped, face buried into his neck as he slapped your ass. The hit made you convulse. So he did it again.
The closing in of your walls made him double his efforts. He secured his arm around your waist and held you steady. He kept your pussy at his desired angle as he fucked you, hearing that hitch in your breath that let him know you were on the cusp of orgasm.
“M’gonna cum.” You slurred, primal lust making the words run together. His dick swelled inside of you, his balls tightening with every desperate breath you expelled. He could feel that familiar tingle at the base of his spine start to expand, signaling to him what was coming next. He worked his hand between your bodies, gathering moisture and ravaging your clit. You jerked in surprise, yelping when his touch didn’t retreat or ease up.
“Too much.”
“Nah, you take it, ma. You take it and you cum for me.” Rio provoked, forcing you to abide by his commands.
Seconds later you were doing as he said once again, cumming on his cock with a force that made him grit his teeth. Your body shuddered as barely intelligible words floated from your lips. You nuzzled further into him while he continued to chase his own release. He dug his fingers into your hips and thrust, the rapid speed making the car sway. He could already tell the windows were fogged up, the stench of sex permeating the air. You were boneless as you sat astride him, your soft moans of residual pleasure going straight to his dick, luring him off the edge.
“Fuck,” He growled, feeling the eletric shocks of climax start to claim him. He closed his eyes and buried his face into the crook of your neck, teeth biting down into the otherwise unblemished skin. He held you firm as he emptied his cum and filled you, rivulets already beginning to spill from your connected bodies. His chest moved with the rapid beats of his heart as the entire moment culminated into a drug-level euphoria.
Minutes ticked by as you both struggled to catch your breath and calm your racing hearts. Rio felt you ghost a kiss along his jaw; a low, satisfied laugh making him smirk.
“You think anyone heard us?” You asked, beginning to shift in his arms.
Beyond the fogged windows, the lot was still without people. But who knew who’d walked by in the meantime. The SUV wasn’t necessarily equipped to withhold sound, though it could cause a bullet to ricochet.
“Probably.” He let you sit up, eyes falling to your still naked chest. You both seemed to have an affinity for fucking in public spaces.
You eased forward to kiss him, the action much more intimate than it’d been moments ago. Your fingers trailed along his jaw and combed through his facial hair, a gesture he secretly loved. His own hands skimmed your back, eliciting shivers that radiated down your body.
“I didn’t ask you to do this.” You whispered once you’d pulled away, eyes imploring him to understand what you meant.
He did. He knew what this kind of gesture meant. He’d been truthful in confessing his want for you. It was a selfish need. Something that grew because you’d continuously denied him. And then it’d shattered before it’d even had a chance to become anything. And during that time he’d admitted to himself that he was willing to compromise. To follow your rules. And as a boss who ran his own shit by his own decree, it was difficult to come to terms with. But he’d done it. Why? Because something told him it’d be worth it. Whether for the great sex or the companionship.
Time would tell.
He ran his finger along your cheek, observing the way you fell into the touch. “You didn’t have to.” He assured you, meaning every word.
“Thank you.”
“You already thanked me, darlin’.”
“Well, thank you again.” You smiled, pressing your chest to his.
“Call it even.” He joked, gesturing to the state of your bodies still twisted around each other.
“Let’s get some pizza.” You suggested suddenly, pulling the sleeves of your dress back up, sans bra.
He laughed at both your words and the fact that you were getting dressed with his dick still sheathed inside you. “You hungry?”
“I didn’t get to finish my dinner.” You reminded him, retying the tassel around your waist. His hands sluggishly skimmed your thighs, stopping to squeeze whenever you suddenly straightened. “Oh, what about that food truck you took me to last week? The one with the fried mac and cheese?”
Rio took in your enthusiasm, finding it endearing. He didn’t have to use words to figure out where your head was at in all this. It was written on your face. In your voice. Beaming from your eyes and seeping from your pores. And like so many other things between you, it would go unsaid. For now. Because that’s just how it was. And maybe it was fucked up. But it didn’t invalidate any of the chemistry between you. Words just...weren’t needed. And that was sort of how it had always been.
“I got you.” He assured, patting your ass as he did. You beamed at him, not knowing that his words ran much deeper than a meal.
Rio Tags:
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nanabbi · 2 years
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Gift Box Art for my dearest beloved @lunarcatten​ and @konveeart​  💗
(They were extremely late birthday presents that I enriched in care package for Christmas)
Making Process ⬇
So, I got a cardboard box like these to send a package and I really loved it so I decided that i wanted to use similar ones for those two and the idea to paint them came along, cause I thought it would be neat.
I sketched both ideas very roughly
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Then proceeded to doing the full sketch on a different paper.
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After that I scanned them to test out some color ideas (because I am not very good at colors). Catten’s eye girl was originally going to be in shades of pink, but I liked the Halloween colors better at the end.
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After that I used the light table Konvee had gotten me for my own birthday a few years ago to re-draw the sketch on a new paper so I could eventually pressure trace it on the cardboard.
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Due to the texture of the paper I couldn’t see what I was drawing very well, so I thought I might as well use a colored paper in between and see if it works. 
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It did! And so, since I didn’t have carbon paper, I had to re-draw the sketch on both sides in order to transfer the pencil on the cardboard.
Suffice to say- I was super stressed during that process, because I had washi-tapped the A4 onto the box and drew over it, but I have no way of being sure it was working. So once I was done and removed the washi to lift it, I breathed a serious sign of relief before I started inking.
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I used typical MICRON Sakura pens for the lineart. 
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I was very happy for how they were coming along at this point!
I knew I would use acrylics to color them (not any specific brand). I think I had painted some cosplay props with acrylics in the past but I haven’t drawn with them. Generally I don’t draw traditionally too much and even less so with a paintbrush, but I wanted the colors to stick (shoutout to my mom for grabbing two tubes of white acrylic for me, because I didn’t have any).
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I was really excited of how well they worked and how fast they dried. Having the reference I had made for colors was such huge help.
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She was going to have a quote as well, but I didn’t trust my handwriting and I didn’t want to ruin this at this point, so I added hearts in her colors instead! 💛
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I was very happy with this result and so I moved on with Konvee’s drawing. let me tell you- I was DREADING that hair.
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I started from lightest to darkest, since it had worked well on the first one and then I started painting the hair. I did go to sleep at some point here in order to continue the following day.
Both their hair and the sky I ended up adding inside their dress took a lot of layers, not because the first ones didn’t look good, but because I was just indecisive. In the end, I made it!
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Finally, I went over it all once more with the MICRO to revive the lineart and done!
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I was really excited to give it to them, because some of the things included in these boxes I had kept in my wardrobe for half a year.
They both loved them and in case you’re curious, the boxes included pins, keychains, artbooks and some art supplies. ✨
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bonvoyagenoona · 3 years
WIP Wednesday (Thursday?) | Bear with Me 03
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I know, I know, I’m late! 😳 😉 Working on Bear with Me, aiming to update this weekend. Here’s a snippet to keep you dreaming ‘til then!
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You smile and run a hand through Jimin’s hair at his temple. “Wow. I finally get to see The Park Jimin work his magic.”
“I have to warn you, though,” he replies. “It’s not going to be as cool as you might think it is.”
You roll onto your side, and Jimin faces you, propping his elbow up on his pillow, and resting his temple in his palm.
“There’s just a bunch of standing around and waiting,” he explains. 
The makeup and wardrobe teams, cameras and crew, and trendy music and mood-makers that you’d conjured in your imagination start to poof! away, one-by-one, disappearing from the scene you’d built in your mind.
“You’re really selling this,” you say sarcastically, momentarily preferring to let Jimin run off to work while you climb back into your bed to sleep more.
“Well, I’m saying that to balance your expectations. The reason I’m inviting you is less showy and more… selfish.” His eyes fall from yours and start to zig-zag along more of your freckle-bound shapes. “It’d be nice for someone to keep me company,” he admits. “Keep me entertained or something.” He shrugs. “These solo shoots get pretty boring without someone else there, and I think it’s starting to show in my work.” 
His eyes find yours again, and you’re left wondering if holding eye contact with your best friend ever resulted in you losing your breath like this in the past.
“And I…”
You grin. “Yes?” you whisper.
“Uh…” Jimin starts to turn a little pink, his eyes narrowing as he smiles bashfully. “Aw, no, it’s stupid!”
“Yeeeesss?” you tease, tantalized at there being something more, especially something stupid.
“And I… I…”
Jimin covers his face.
“You… you filmed your tissue?” you ask, confused.
You reach over for Jimin’s hands and pry them away from his face as he giggles. But when you uncover him, he gazes at you adoringly. Like he always has. Like he never has. Like you want him to from now on.
And he says, slowly, and gently, “I feel like I might miss you.”
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as always, special shoutout to @helenazbmrskai​ for this beautiful banner!
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oojei · 4 years
Black Lightning is the BEST WRITTEN Arrowverse show
They don't follow the whole monster/villain of the week thing and they come in chapters
Story is fleshed out, everyone has their own journey, their own stuff to deal with
And yeah that's sometimes (very) stressful, but that's what makes it a good story
The politics and social issues are honestly hurtful to watch because you can see it in real life
Esp the quarantine parts and the occupation? I almost quit because of that
Music is also good like srsly awesome song choices esp during fight scenes and stuff
Oh god the fight scenes too
That thundergrace apartment fight was def foreplay i need more
I love their costumes tbh, i keep imagining Cisco's delight when he meets Gambi
Not just the superhero costumes, okay? Even the civilian ones, esp the villains
Those rich fashion, very nice choices
Also obviously Anissa and Jen's wardrobe too
But the title cards are the best part just look at them
Let me talk about the characters now
Jeff Pierce is such a DAD and i remember that dad talk he had with Barry
I wish i seen more of him as a teacher/principal?
Black Lightning's a bit meh, for me. I think it is the generation gap and the fact that I like Lightning better
The visual effects they use on him, esp that one where he had lightning hoops? Very amazing
Next is Thunder, because I could write a whole essay on Dr. Lynn Stewart so I'll talk about her later
Right, anissa. Tbh i don't feel her that much? Maybe because she's been strong almost all season
She was like this pillar that was confident in herself, in her powers, in what she wanna do and who she wanna be with
Which is VERY AWESOME esp for a woman of color
But idk i just want my characters breaking down and stuff
Like Jen, like Lightning
Tbh I hate her superhero name because it's so similar to her dad
But anyway, i like Jen's journey the most
And. She. Is. The. Most. Powerful.
I want her to transform to pure energy again just so she can meet gideon and idk ask for make up tips
Her safe space thing actually reminded me of gideon's matrix so
Anyway, her and Khalil are just ugh
Let them be happy together !!!
Also, she and Brandon are just bros oki?
I do like the combination of their powers tho
Which makes me wanna have Jen meet a water-based meta
Maybe Kuasa?
Anyway, Gambi time
Fave old man, i would believe him to be batman
Kinda waiting for a batwoman crossover tbh
But yeah, Gambi is such a badass old man, and I want his sanctum
Special shoutout to TC, let him meet Cisco and Brainy
Oh god TC and Brainy
Obviously TC and Gideon too
Right, do I get everybody on team Black Lightning?
GRACE! I love you I did not forget about you you are amazing with all your scars and trauma and spots and comic book fascination
Please give her a suit
And wake her up from the coma
Remove the order from Gravedigger too, oki? Even though that ASA fightscene was real nice
That's everybody right?
I shall be talking about Villains now
Khalil is first because he uses the line bet villain and hero as a jumping rope
At first i thought he's like Sara Lance but then I realized a lot of people in this show does not stay dead for long
He is such a thirst trap during s3 and i am not complaining
But also my arms wanna try that whole one arm pull ups to the side thing?
Maybe after i actually manage to do a pull up
Petition for him to Salmon Ladder pls
Also that sequence where he's listing the martial arts he knows? VERY COOL
There's one I did not know, that Silat thing?
Anyway, props to Jordan Calloway, he's good as a villain and a nice guy and even the damaged sad boi
At the end of s3 i imagine the Waverider picking him up when he rounded that corner lol
Let him be happy oki?
Next villain, Tobias Whale
That man had such a good evil laugh okay? Very very good. I hate him
And he's such a fancy rich cockroach
Still haven't forgiven him for killing Todd
TC and Todd would've been friends
Or even more (let us not discount that possibility)
Anyway, Lala and Lady Eve, idk they just complicate stuff
God he's sooooo ugh
I have so much hate for him and he's still alive so he could very much well be back and ugh
Moving on, Gravedigger is such a well-written villain
He believes he's right, has that special tick that he buries all of victims and his power was awesome too
I want that tbh
Can I talk about Lynn now? Great
I love her, I want her to be my mom but also she is very hot
Christine Adams is a very very VERY GOOD actress, tbh
Her shotgun scenes, caring doctor and then the addiction storyline just *chef's kiss*
Honestly she is awesome and I love her
Imagine the power if she, Lena Luthor and Caitlin Snow worked on some bioengineer medicine
Just ugh, the pretty on the screen
Oh wait, Dr. Jace (RIP) I hated her at first and then when she got to markovia and did that whole how to make friends thing? She's hilarious
Still evil, but I like her
Super smart but dumb about people, that part when she's actually listing down the recipe for Lynn's peant butter cookie
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I think I got everybody right? Right.
Let's move on to things I didn't like
Obviously the fact that Anissa and Grace didn't get a wedding like dude that is so unfair
And now Grace is in a coma
In season 3, where is perenna?
Also why did Henderson have to die
Somebody revive him pls
I think I got everything already and I am SLEEPY AF sooo
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villanevest · 5 years
you know what the ke fandom needs more of? more AU fic. like gimme some chaotic college au or coffee shop au or neighbors au
U are so right. Honestly hit me with ur suggestions.
I didn’t want to leave you waiting until any suggestions came in or my brain started working so here’s my totally lame, unsolicited and rushed dot-point take on a Villaneve in the film industry:
- Villanelle is a notoriously bratty but EXTREMELY talented actress
- like she’s a total costume thief and honestly kind of difficult to handle on set if Konstantin (her manager) isn’t around
- but she’s also a one-take wonder when she wants to be, she can just turn on the character, bam, nail it, then go back to the Kraft table and hoard doughnuts
- she starts out doing short films and indies and then swans right into big pictures in that way that almost NOBODY does, but she does
- it’s never occurred to Villanelle that everything wouldn’t fall into place for her, and it’s almost like through sheer force of confidence that it actually does.. people just don’t question her because she’s so obviously got It
- she’s all over the place, doing the most eclectic projects, bouncing from superhero flicks to deep dramas
- she’s a magazine darling bc she has the wildest fashion sense, but in interviews she’s chatty and conspiratorial and funny in this way that means you don’t really notice she hasn’t actually told you anything real about her until much later
- anyway Villanelle wraps the last block for her latest movie and then she’s herded off to London to do a music video with Sebastian, who she’s really not that fond of (she doesnt even listen to his songs)
- but Konstantin’s management group also reps him so she’s bribed into it
- Eve is a director (and aspiring screenwriter), and she’s good, she’s really fucking good, but she’s mostly stuck doing music videos that she’s not all that interested in because her boss Frank won’t cut her a break
- he always promises that “after this next one” he’ll send her through to one of his television buddies, but he never does
- “oh Eve, you’re too good here, just let it go”
- in her spare time, Eve’s writing a TV series, and it’s Ready, and having something she’s happy with and passionate about just makes the sets she’s on seem even more stagnant
- Kenny, an AD she’s had on a couple of projects (who is Very Supportive of her show idea), is the son of Carolyn Martens, who is like THE head of creative development at a huge production company
- and he manages to accidentally-on-purpose get them to run into each other so Eve has a few minutes to pitch
- and Carolyn tells Eve she likes her idea, but it’s kind of off-beat, really fresh in that shiny-new way that makes dusty dinosaur investors uncertain about profit margins
- like maybe it’s Too New, too much of a gamble
- but she says if Eve can find a way to make it more of a sure thing then she is IN
- so then Eve is directing the music video of this (honestly kinda basic) dude singer and this famous actress chick is gonna be in it
- Hugo their sound guy is Hype to meet her
- but Elena is like “yeah I’ve heard she’s a Problem” so Eve is all okay, Here We Go
- and then she sees Villanelle and there’s this whole stretched moment of just seeing her
- and then she remembers hey she saw this woman once in an arthouse film and she was incredible
- and obv That’s why her heart is doing That
- Eve just admires talent when she sees it, okay??
- and Villanelle as always goes from zero to a hundred
- like she can barely be bothered to be there but then she sees Eve and it’s Wow I Can’t Believe Music Videos Are My Actual Passion
- and yes Villanelle’s beyond into it but she’s also an ass, and like, what’s she going to do, NOT try to drive Eve up the wall? As if
- she Has to know what Eve looks like flustered
- has to know if Villanelle can fluster her into dragging her into some props closet and tearing her clothes off 
- so from Eve’s side
- Elena’s sources from wardrobe departments across the country were not kidding
- Villanelle is a total nightmare
- but also not
- like every time Eve tells her to do or try something she always pushes back, has to ask fifty But Why questions
- it’s impossible to stay frustrated with her though bc once she’s on board she absolutely brings it, will keep going until she’s got it perfect
- and then once Eve can see she’s got that to work with she starts trying to really push too, to see what she can get out of her
- but… It’s a music video, not an Academy contender, so they get caught up in this “well how about this” back and forth until Kenny’s like… Uh Eve remember we only have like five days to shoot this whole thing
- Elena thinks it’s funny because there’s going to be a HUGE disparity between Sebastian’s fumbling help-I’m-just-here-to-sing acting and Villanelle’s totally committed nuanced performance 
- then suddenly they’re done, and it’s been this total blur and Eve is kind of on a high from it because it’s the closest she’s come in so long to being able to make something she’s actually engaged with, that means something
- and she’s not willing to trudge back to Basic Town so she bites the bullet and just goes for it, like Fuck Frank
- and yeah Sebastian is … A little ordinary… But he’s commercially successful and has a pull with the 18-35s, so Eve approaches him after they’ve wrapped
- she pitches him being the featured artist on the soundtrack of her TV show
- he gets exposure, she gets his brand
- it’s not ideal – his isn’t the image that’d be her first choice to tie with her series, it’s not really the same vibe – but she’s not going to wait for Carolyn to forget about her
- and Sebastian says he’d like to help her, but he’d have to check with his managers, and what about his tour schedule, and does she need original music, and um –
- and then Villanelle’s all “oh I couldn’t help but overhear… You know, Eve, I’m looking to get into TV”
- Eve goes, “you are?”
- well she is nOW
- nevermind she’s turned down a dozen offers over the last few years to focus on her film career
- but her film career is going great
- and none of it is as FUN as winding Eve up this last week has been, and this was only a shitty music video
- a TV shoot would be a few months, would give them both so much more time and space to see what’s the best (and worst) they can really bring out in each other 
- and Eve’s a bit lost
- because Villanelle is the It Girl du jour
- and Eve’s show hasn’t even been officially optioned but here’s all the free publicity she could want
- and she never bothered to consider it before but actually, Villanelle would be completely perfect for the lead
- perfect
- and now Eve’s thought about it it’s all coming together and she doesn’t want to let go of it again
- (and working with Villanelle some more wouldn’t suck, honestly, not completely)
- (might actually be – well)
- “are you for real?”
- “so for real,” and Villanelle’s drawling, eyebrow raised, almost smirking, but Eve can tell she’s serious
- oh this is so far above and beyond what Carolyn needed
- and that’s the start of it all
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shanita911 · 6 years
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This is the biggest tour stage I’ve ever seen. Oh, and this is only stage right of the main stage. There’s another side to it, plus 2 other stages, not pictured. It’s SO BIG that there’s a “rocket chair” under the stage, to get Taylor from one end to the other, in time. 👀 SHOUTOUT TO THE STAGE CREW who tears this beast down and puts it all back together again, show after show, securing everybody’s safety. SHOUTOUT TO PRODUCTION for prepping the backstage area for Taylor and crew, and all of you under the stage that make this show happen (while wearing 3 headsets) - sound, lights, pyrotechnics, confetti cannons, props, camera work, stage action - keeping organized chaos behind the scenes so that everything above the stage looks flawless. Oh, and keeping Taylor alive while she soars through the air (twice), no big deal. SHOUTOUT TO WARDROBE for doing the dirty work, literally. Laundry ain’t fun. Thank you for keeping all of the tour outfits organized and immaculate, doing quick-changes, keeping track of a million accessories for Taylor and everyone else onstage... no pressure. SHOUTOUT TO TOUR MANAGEMENT for coordinating schedules, booking accommodations, scheduling flights, updating daily itineraries, planning last minute events. For. Every. Person. On. The. Tour. Who needs sleep? Obviously the show wouldn’t happen without Taylor. But it takes HUNDREDS of people working behind the scenes to make a tour happen. Without ALL of these people, she’d be singing to us from a stool with her guitar (though we wouldn’t complain). THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH for bringing Taylor to us, and allowing her to put on an incredible show. ❤️ @taylorswift @taylornation photo by @shanita911
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‘I’m the Doctor... Doctor Oswald, but you can call me Clara.’ ❤️ ~ Here’s yet another Clara variant for the books - Flatline! I really enjoyed this episode, and this variant was rather easy to put together - mostly from stuff already in my wardrobe! Plus it’s SO COMFY! ���� Shoutout to Tom (@thomasverde31) for being the Twelve to my Clara in an epic match-up! (And for letting me borrow the props! 😂) 🥰🌌🌠 https://www.instagram.com/p/BtZNQBWF28I/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1j34lyr1c6gg
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francesmk · 7 years
i am nadda going to recap all my shows because I’m not at that place in my life anymore, but I do have a few things I’d like to say. I will start with my concerns.
BOY WITCH: as an audience member, it’s an interesting choice to actually take away fascinating dimensions of a character for the sake of a stronger primary narrative. out of all the characters, poor boy witch suffers the most because of clarification of intention and focus for other characters. from a directorial and dramaturgical standpoint, boy witch in new york presents a strong imbalance of abstract and concrete energy (for us to witness) and playable stakes (for dancers to perform) and it’s what makes him so darn watchable. but in terms of the ultimate question -- “does this serve the story?” -- the character in new york often serves himself, or us, instead. personally, i always liked that. boy witch in shanghai conforms more consistently to the kind of character you would find in a well-made play or a mainstream film. he serves the overall experience of the show rather than his own wants. that’s great for the story, but i miss the character’s wildness, and wish they had allowed him his journey. now that so many of the other characters are well-developed, i don’t think boy witch would have pulled focus in the same way he often does in NY. everyone is performing the role in its new incarnation wonderfully, but I’m team #BoyWitchNYC -- specifically team #AustinGoodwinIMissYouSadFaceUnicornHeadSyringe.
PORTER: justice for the porter. if you thought i had opinions about boy witch just you fucking wait. here is the primary problem with the porter in shanghai: he fulfills his practical function by carrying luggage, and he leaves his space. this may sound trivial to you, but you probably haven’t seen the porter loop at least 100 times, so you don’t even know what you’re talking about, becky. the porter in nyc exists exclusively in the space of the lobby until the finale, and therefore indirectly claims ownership of it. his relationship to the space becomes enormously important. the fact that he never leaves the space and also never fulfills duties that extend physically beyond the space is hugely telling. the world of the lobby is also powered by non-diagetic sound. in shanghai, the porter not only leaves the barrier of the space, but performs a functional role outside of the space, and in doing that, encounters diagetic sound. all of these go completely against what this character stands for, and honestly at this point i’m not entirely convinced felix barrett himself has seen this loop more times than i have so i hope somebody reads this and fixes it. even if the porter began as a character of convenience for resetting and transitioning props, the performers who embodied the role have made it one of the best characters in the entire show, and to backtrack on that is a travesty. sure, maybe i’m being overdramatic, but i’ve also seen this show 275 times so if you were expecting anything less then that’s your own fault. all the shanghai porters i saw were lovely little potatoes who always put rings on my fingers whenever i appeared. it happened to frequently i wondered if maybe my strawberry lotion was some kind of catnip for porters. anyway, felix, for advice on how to fix this track, please email me asap. Ps for this I am also #AustinGoodwinIMissYouSadFaceUnicornHeadSyringe
TAXIDERMIST: i find it hard to believe he needs that 20 minute period of time where he essentially does nothing but what do i know…
that’s mostly it for my complaints. now let’s talk about all the good things!
BEN WHYBROW: poor ben. it’s hard being my favourite. so many expectations. so many notes you never asked for. so many questions of “in this moment, what exactly does malcolm want from boy witch? i’d love to see more of that. make it really clear to me. and show me what’s at stake if he doesn’t receive it.” what makes a star a star? what makes a favourite a favourite? a good beard? a knack for finding me in a huge crowd? who knows, but welcome to da club. Your membership card is in the mail.
THAT NEW SCENE ON 5: it’s so amazing, but also so extra that it could be the exact moment that punchdrunk jumped the shark. but if that’s what sharkjumping means in punchdrunk land, we should all jump over them a little more often.
SNAKES: i see your symbolism and raise you a real live snake in a bathtub as a shoutout to the superior boston production?
THE NEW MALE CHARACTER’s 1:1: we’re moving closer and closer to full-on makeout sessions in these new 1:1’s and i for one appreciate it.  
CONOR DOYLE’S WARDROBE: i’ve never seen such an exciting mix of london chav meets shanghai fashion week. also, i keep wanting to call him “dad” and i don’t understand why.
PAGODA: yo matron look at you go! leaving your hut! exploring your world! slay.
SEXY WITCH & THE NEW GIRL: yes i like. 
EMILY TERNDRUP LOOKS LIKE SANSA STARK: and she a real good performer too.
THE FRAGGLE ROOM SHANGHAI: well-designed but i thought there weren’t enough rocks.
ROBO DANVERS: i think the role suffers from removing her 1:1 but I understand why they did it.
LILY OCKWELL: read some text messages from my phone from a few years ago when i flew to a different city to hang out with a guy and we were on his bed watching “twin peaks” and I finally told him I liked him and he replied “oh no”. that was great to relive live on stage in the manderley. His name was Tristen and he was actually my NYE 2017 kiss so it worked out in the end, but wow what a moment.
BLACK MASK WHO WOULDN’T LET ME DIVE THROUGH A WINDOW AND ROLL ON THE FLOOR: smart move, i did not realize macbeth was gonna rampage at that exact moment. thanks for having my back.
CUNNING MAN SITTING ON ME WHILE I PLAYED MAHJONG: hahahahahahaha well played sir
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kartiavelino · 6 years
Meet the guy who makes Nathan Lane look so dapper
At the Tony Awards this month, when Nathan Lane collected his third statuette, he gave an emotional shoutout to Andrew Garfield, his “Angels in America” co-star, to Devlin Elliott, his husband … and to Ken Brown, his dresser for the previous 26 years. “He’s actually nice at it,” Lane tells The Publish. “He’s half therapist and pal. And, if one thing rips or a button comes off, he’s like a medic in the military — he can run out and restore your wounds!” “Angels” is their 14th present collectively, a journey that started in 1992, at the smash revival of “Guys and Dolls.” Brown was assigned to decorate its star, Peter Gallagher, “and Nathan got here with the deal,” he says. The 2 males clicked, and when Lane obtained his subsequent present, he requested Brown to affix him. They’ve labored collectively ever since. “I believe I give him consistency,” says Brown, a tall, bespectacled 63-year-old whose wage is paid not by Lane, however no matter manufacturing he’s in. “Nathan is aware of that I’ll be there for him.” ‘Nathan is aware of that I’ll be there for him.’ And Brown has been, scheduling holidays and even surgical procedure round the star’s commitments, and, when Lane’s off making motion pictures, filling in on different reveals every time and wherever its wardrobe division wants him. However whereas he’s dressed others — Tyne Daly and Whoopi Goldberg amongst them — there’s nobody he’s labored with longer than Lane. They’ve a shared ardour for theater and what the actor calls “a really old school” must do issues nicely. “We’re working towards the identical objective,” Brown says. “He’s attempting so arduous, and something I can do, I do.” It helps that Brown has an eagle eye for particulars. (“You missed a loop in your watch strap,” he advised a reporter, and he was proper.) Years in the past, whereas awaiting a cue at “A Humorous Factor Occurred on the Method to the Discussion board,” Lane touched his pocket and flinched. Brown, realizing the actor had forgotten a prop, ran to the dressing room, retrieved it and gave it to a different actor to sneak to Lane onstage. The scene unfolded and not using a hitch. At “The Producers,” Brown finessed a quickie costume change — ascot, smoking jacket and all — in 12 seconds flat. And when Lane landed with a thud throughout a bungee soar for “The Frogs,” Brown mentioned what everybody else was loath to confess: “I believe we must always get the understudy prepared.” They did, and Lane, rested and recovered, was capable of end the run. After “Angels” ends, on July 15, Lane says he plans to “lie down for a month or two.” And Brown? He’ll be at “Whats up, Dolly!” — doing the laundry. “It’s important to do no matter’s obtainable or needed,” he says. “They supplied it to me, and I’m grateful. And fortunate. I’ve labored on so many nice reveals.” Nathan Lane (proven with Walter Bobbie and J.Ok. Simmons) first teamed with dresser Ken Brown in 1992 for “Guys and Dolls.” Martha Swope Lane and Matthew Broderick in a scene from “The Producers.” AP Lane at present stars as Roy Cohn in the revival of “Angels in America.” Brinkhoff-Moegenburg 3 View Slideshow Share this: https://nypost.com/2018/06/28/meet-the-guy-who-makes-nathan-lane-look-so-dapper/ The post Meet the guy who makes Nathan Lane look so dapper appeared first on My style by Kartia. https://www.kartiavelino.com/2018/06/meet-the-guy-who-makes-nathan-lane-look-so-dapper.html
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