#wanted 2 have her w vitiligo patches on her face too but they just were Not working out...hoping that as i get more familiarized w
ria-starstruck · 4 months
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hal redesign btw. if u even care
feat me fighting for my life under the cut
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mythiccheroacademia · 4 years
can i pls have some kiriboo, boom boom boi, and deku hcs with a vilitigo reader. sfw and nsfw please
A/N: I only did sfw because I didn’t know how to approach this in an nsfw way? My bad anon, but to make up for it, I put some pictures for the visuals bc people w vitiligo be pretty af. I hope that’s okay! Enjoy <3
Warnings: a cuss word or two
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Kirishima Eijirou:
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from the moment he saw you, you caught kirishima’s eyes 
vitiligo is a very rare skin condition and although people are becoming more aware of it through social media, not many people have physically seen someone with vitiligo
so he was intrigued to say the least
he remembers how he couldnt help but feel entranced as you went around the agency introducing yourself to everyone 
when you got to him and smiled a smile that made his heart do jumping jacks, he knew he was fucked
before he even said his name, he blurted out “you look so manly!”
you were so confused and he was little embarrassed about it 
his friends didnt let him live it down for a week  
he has manners, so he didnt overwhelm you with questions if he had any 
he’ll look some things up or ask one of his friends just because he wants to avoid being insensitive 
if you start looking uncomfortable by the amount of attention you get, he’ll either redirect the conversation or do something stupid so the attention is off you
he thought you were very pretty and loved the way you were confident in your skin despite some of the staring/questions you may get
when you’re officially together, he’s always touching you in some way (if you’re alright with it)
he’ll hug you from behind and softly trace the lighter patches on your arms and thighs
if you have patches on your face, he makes it a mission of his to kisses them every day
he’s not shy with compliments so expect to be drowned in embarrassment as he gasses you up whenever you’re feeling a little self conscious
always reminds you that there’s nothing wrong with you and that having vitiligo or any kind of skin condition never subtracts from your beauty, it only adds to it 
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Bakugo Katsuki:
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this man...
bakugo knows a lot about a lot, but he was never quite exposed to someone with vitiligo 
when he first saw you, you defintely caught his attention 
you were very different from what he saw and even though he didnt mean any harm by it...he be staring 
bakugo is too prideful to ask you questions (because you already get fawned over by everyone and he doesnt wanna seem like a fan) so he tries to play it off like he’s not interested
but this man stares hard af, like you can feel his eyes on you at least 2 out of the 3 times youre around him 
if youre the confrontational type, you go up to him and ask what his problem is and to stop staring at you
“i know i’m pretty, but damn. take a picture, it’ll last longer”
he’ll defintiely be taken aback and go off on you about how he wasnt looking!!!! AND HE DEFINTELY DOESNT THINK YOU’RE PRETTY
if you’re a little shier, you try to avoid him because the staring makes you self conscious. he notices and (for some reason, it bothers him that you dont wanna be around him) he’ll ask you if you wanna fight bc that’s the only way he knows how to communicate 
once you get everything straightened out, fast forward to yall dating and bakugo is an expert on vitiligo
if you have any medical issues associated with your condition, he’s there to make sure you’re taking care of yourself
the first person to cuss out anyone who makes you feel uncomfortable and he’ll do it with a smile on his face
he’s not good w soft words, but if you’re ever feeling down, you notice he gets a lot touchier and his soft embraces and kisses make you feel like the most beautiful person in the world
if you’re confident, this man lives for how you strut your stuff. like when you walk down the street w your head held high despite the stares, that shit makes him feel like the luckeist guy in the world 
all he’s thinking is: “damn, i got the prettiest s/o in the world. hah, take that you fucking losers”
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Midoriya Izuku:
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the first time you start talking to izuku, you think he has a relative or close friend who has vitiligo based off of the sheer amount of knowledge he has 
it was refreshing having someone not question your skin before even asking for your name 
you felt very comfortable with him from the jump and it made the transition into a romantic relationship that much easier 
but the gag is, deku don’t know a single person w vitiligo besides you. the man didn’t even know it existed. the only reason he knew so much was because he saw you pass by on some mission and lost no simp september on sight 
everything about you, from her hair, to your eyes, to your skin made his heart do backflips
and, naturally, he wanted to know more-including why you had lighter patches on your skin
being the nerd he was, he did his research before approaching you
his dumbass lowkey thought it had something to do w your quirk
anyways, by some miracle, you thought his stuttering and adorable blushing was cute enough to accept his invitation to dinner
now y’all are dating and izuku never fails to either show or tell you why he thinks youre the most beuatiful person in the world
when you’re feeling not so hot about your skin, expect a random jar of notes in your purse giving you 101 reasons why your skin is perfect
midoriya is a kind man and he’s not one to start unnecessary confrontation, but he’ll be damned if someone makes snide comments about you in front of him 
he’ll straight up ask whoever it is to repeat themselves w this dark look on his face and OFA lighting up his body 
it happened one and only one time. people learned very quickly not to mess w you 
he’s your biggest cheerleader and wont ever let you feel anything other than confident 
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