#walter mabry
snoweylily · 9 months
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If I had a nickel for every time Daniel Radcliffe played a scorned eccentric mega-rich crazy bearded villain in a white suit who drugged and kidnapped the main character to force them to steal something for him, I'd have two nickels.
Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice.
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livvyofthelake · 1 year
imagine getting banned for saying what harry potter did to cedric diggory. or however that meme goes. sorry
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alessiathepirate · 10 months
Now You See Me 2
MIDNIGHT ON THE THAMES: Dylan Rhodes/Shrike x fem!reader
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Summary: The reveal happens at the stroke of midnight, in the middle of the Thames, on New Year's Eve - and she couldn't be happier. Or maybe she could, because Lula and Jack won't be the only ones kissing that night.
Notes: English isn't my first language. I apologize for any mistake I made while I wrote this short story.
This man is so underrated, it's a crime. He deserves some love - please love him.
Warnings: a bit of swearing, but nothing more
No matter how many successful reveals they pull off, she still feels the same amount of excitement, happiness and slight nervousness at the end of every trick and show.
Yet, the strongest feeling out of all of them was the happiness. The happiness because everything turned out just fine in the end, because this tiring performance is close to being over and mostly because her friends are also smiling with honest, wide grins and letting out excited chuckles.
This one though, this one wasn't easy to pull off. It was possibly the hardest show they had to put together with the trouble and issues they had to overcome. It was tiring, stressful, but also kind of fun and thrilling.
After this they'll sleep through a day if not two, she smiled at the thought as she let go of Lula, who was the last to end the group hug.
As Walter, Tressler and Chase slowly, reluctantly left the plane, stepping into the light, not understanding what is happening around them; the last act was about to start -- and this, this will be her favourite.
Those three absolutely ruined her whole week, made her almost choke on tears and worry and made her hate their whole existence and the fact that if they wanted to fool them, they had to let them believe they won was hard to swallow. Now they will get those smirks off of their faces and make them realize how easy it was to fool them. They were greedy and arogant and now they are losers -- nothing more.
God, how much they had to go through to reveal their real faces to the world.
"No, no, you should feel pretty good about yourself man. You predicted it correctly." Atlas started to tease the three of them for her pleasure, as they looked around with nothing but pure shock on their faces. "The Thames, stroke of midnight. New Year's Eve. Happy New Year!"
The people, the hundreds of curious fans who decided to come and see the final act shouted in happiness and excitement. Before these people tonight, there'll be nothing they'll be able to hide. That thought alone made her smile wider.
"We would like to acknowledge not just our old friend, Arthur Tressler, but his young and brilliant son, Walter Mabry!" Daniel continued. "Who has performed one of the greatest feats of illusion even we have ever seen. He has, amazingly, brought himself back from the death!"
The audience roared again, but this time the happy laughter wasn't the thing what made her heartbeat unevenly fast. It was the presence of the person who could both calm her down and make her uneasy with butterflies. Dylan's hand landed on her arm, squeezing it gently, lovingly, making her mind into a mush and her tounge forgot how to function to speak - and it's soon her turn to say something. She didn't know what that meant, but it was a sign of something - something soft like a silent 'thank you' or 'congratulations'. Even if it was slightly confusing, it felt nice. Too nice.
"But before he did that, he revealed someone. And we think it only right to give him a proper introduction. He is our friend and he is our leader, Dylan Shrike!"
His hand slowly left her as he turned towards their audience and began to speak.
"So normally only the magician, his assistant, and a few trusted stage hands know the secret of a trick..."
His voice faded away as she looked at him, quietly admiring him from afar, letting him enjoy his place in the spotlight. Her mind was full of memories. Memories of him, memories of today. The day she thought she'll actually choke on stress and worry.
God, how thankful she is that he's okay. That he's alive and up here with them, not down there in the water.
They were close, so close she felt comfortable in his presence. He was a person she could trust with anything, a person who didn't tease her like Merritt or Danny did sometimes. They were play fights, she knew that, but still there was something special between her and Dylan, a different kind of honesty.
And knowing that he could die from the digusting 'magic trick' those three tried to pull off with him made her cry. Like actually cry, many tears with a dry and quiet voice.
After he climbed out of that damned safe, she followed him around like puppy, sitting next to him on the stairs as they discussed what to do next. She sat next to him, not daring to hug him, but craving it -- yet instead she just let their knees touch slightly. It was enough to give her some energy and acknowledge that now they are going to war.
A slight nudge made her let go of those memories, getting back to reality, to a moment she should enjoy. Jack was the one talking now, explaining the secret behind 'Find the Lady' and this time Merritt was the one standing next to her.
"Don't daydream yet, lover girl. We still got a show to run." he patted her back and then walked away with a knowing a smirk.
Damn mentalist, she thought just as Lula began to explain the secret behind the airplane. He knows everything he can use to tease people with.
"Basically, we showed them everything." she finally spoke up herself, still laughing a little as she watched how Merritt teased his brother, finally getting the upper hand. "The switch, the plane, the manipulation... Yet they were still too blind to see." she turned towards Walter, a smirk forming on her face. "And you kidnapped us to steal the very thing that is in your pocket."
Walter was about to reach into his coat's pocket, to see if their homemade special card is really there; but Atlas was quicker.
"Whoops!" he said as the card appeared in his hand, seemingly out of nowhere. "You know, this thing here, which you said you could use to adjust markets, manipulate goverments, and spy on whomever you choose."
"Also, you could, as you said, control the public from outside the grid." she continued as the public groaned in frustration, realizing what their words really meant.
That reaction filled her heart up with pride.
"These men destroy people's lives. Spying on the world, robbing you of your right to privacy." It was weird, how well she recognized Dylan's voice and how well her heart did as well - as it was beating faster. Their eyes met and even if he was speaking the harsh truth, his gaze was still soft. It was always soft with her. "And they do that by hiding in the dark. So in true Horsemen tradition, we are here to expose them."
"Tonight, they, like all of us, are finally stepping into the light." she was grinning as the people reacted, shouting, screaming happily, because the truth was finally out. "Thank you everybody!"
"We are the Horsemen and we will be back very soon!"
And the moment came - when the show ends, the tiredness appears. Her chest was heavy with pride and happiness, justice found those three men who ruined their lives for days without stopping. Now they got what they deserve.
And then the coundown began. The audience shouted, like if the wait until New Year was part of the show... They shouted as the sirens were turned on, meaning the FBI was on its way. It was time to leave -- and then finally rest.
And then she felt it, the push - the literal, physical push she knew she needed, which got her closer to Dylan, almost bumping into him. She didn't know who it was, although she could bet her right arm on one of her friends -- but it didn't really matter. Thoughts didn't really matter. She was there, close to him, their eyes met.
It was their moment.
"So fun's over, huh?" she tried to joke, but her throat was dry and she could feel that her cheeks were pink for sure.
And then it happened - the need in her was satisfied, they touched the other. That kind of closeness was new and intoxicating, but not at all uncomfortable. It was something what both of them longed for since forever - and now here they were.
Their lips touched. It was a quick and short kiss, but it was a very meaningful one. She felt it. She felt it in how warm his lips were, how he touched her cheeks and how he was slightly shaking just like her, because what they wanted finally happened. It was soft, but it was full of passion. All the unsaid feelings were pushed into that one, simple kiss.
"I love you." his words were simple, they were nothing special, but they still made her insides warm.
"Hey, we are on the clock here!"
Damn the clock!
They had to run, sure. But even that couldn't wash the lovesick smile off her face. It couldn't, because Dylan Shrike loved her. He said it himself and she knew it was true.
Dylan grabbed her arm, he held onto her firmly as they started to run - just in time, because the boats arrived and agents started to get out of them, running towards them.
"I love you too." she said as they hurried away. "I think I've loved you since you interrogated me."
"Ever since then, huh?" he chuckled.
"What can I say? I think it was the suit. You look really good in suits."
They both laughed even if they were a little bit out of breath.
Dylan suddenly stopped and so did she. She took a deep breath as she looked at the water of the Thames, which was only a few meters away. People shouted behind them, possibly the agents who were sent here, only to fail their mission once again. They never really learn.
He turned towards her and touched her cheeks once again, his thumbs drawing shapes gently into her skin.
"I need you to go, okay? I'll be right behind you, but there's one more thing I have to do."
"I promise."
She leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his cheek and then she looked up at him with a shy smile.
"I'll see you soon."
And just like that she was gone. Gone, disappeared into the night like the magician she is, making a fool out of the FBI once again.
Dylan stayed there, waiting for an agent to turn up so he can finish what he started and give them the proof they need against Tressler and his son. He stayed there as the shouts came closer. He stayed there and looked after his lover, knowing that he'll adore the moments he'll spend with her once they finally get to a safe place where they can finally rest.
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adamwatchesmovies · 3 months
Now You See Me 2 (2016)
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I’m sure the cast of Now You See Me - well, everyone but Isla Fisher, who bowed out of this sequel (actually, she was too pregnant to film, but I'd like to think she saw the first movie and said "Nope!") - were excited when a follow-up was greenlit. Writer Ed Solomon? He must’ve been sweating bullets. Now You See Me 2 is so convoluted it hardly makes any sense.
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18 months after framing Thaddeus Bradley (Morgan Freeman), ruining Arthur Tressler (Michael Caine) and escaping the FBI, “Danny” Atlas (Jesse Eisenberg), Merrit McKinney (Woody Harrelson) and Jack Wilder (Dave Franco) are fugitives waiting to see what Dylan Rhodes (Mark Ruffalo), their leader and connection to the mysterious organization known as “The Eye” will ask of them next. Joined by Lula May (Lizzy Caplan), they're asked to expose corrupt tech CEO Owen Case (Ben Lamb). When their mission goes wrong, the Four Horsemen are strongarmed into stealing a data chip by criminal mastermind Walter Mabry (Daniel Radcliffe).
Now You See Me is a film that crumbles upon a second-watch, or even a first if you have a keen eye. On the sponge-like foundation, we’re now attempting to build another film. Jack Wilder faked his death. He, and everyone else, ditched their world-renowned personas as magicians to partake in some vendetta they had no association with. Their lives are essentially over, so what's next? No wonder they're thrilled about joining “The Eye”, a niche secret society that recruits stage magicians to combat crime. I bet they've got a long lineup of applicants with those restrictions.
Anyway, the plot kicks off when the Horsemen meet Walter Mabry. He wants them to steal a microchip that’s the size, weight and consistency of a playing card. If there was anyone in the world that could manipulate an object that size while being frisked by guards, it’s them… and that’s exactly the problem.
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As a picture featuring magicians, Now You See Me 2 has the same issues as the first: the tricks aren’t being performed live so there’s no wonder in them whatsoever. You know any screw-ups have been edited out or erased via computer. None of it is the least bit impressive. Like before, there’s no shocking reveal about sorcery and real-life incantations. The whole thing is nothing but a series of tricks - tricks people in this film should be able to see right through if the movie didn't constantly cheat.
If we look at Now You See Me 2 as a heist film, it also fails. Primarily because the “big score” is tossed in the middle of the movie and goes off so easily it’ll make you roll your eyes. This microchip they have to steal is passed from one person to the next over and over, and so effortlessly no human being alive, not with a million years of practicing could do it. The Horsemen? They hardly break a sweat. The key to any good heist film is that no single person is good at everything. The pickpocket can’t do the demolition. The demolition artist can’t drive the car the way the getaway driver can, etc. You might not be able to picture yourself as Danny Ocean, but you might recognize a bit of yourself in Frank Catton. You might not be Ethan Hunt… but you could imagine being chosen as Benji Dunn. Who are you in Now You See Me 2? You’re not even the bumbling FBI agent.
The film is edited in a way that makes actions nonsensical and character motivations just as puzzling. The Horsemen are insufferable so you don’t care whether they succeed or fail and all wind up with their heads on pikes. In theory, you might’ve gotten slightly attached to Lizzy Caplan - who is a great addition to the cast - but there’s so much going with the random storylines that eventually tie together (unsatisfyingly) that there’s no time to flesh out any of the characters. They’re just pieces moving in a Rube Goldberg machine that’s merely over-complicated instead of being over-complicated and entertaining/hilarious. Director Jon M. Chu cast Woody Harrelson in two roles and still leaves the audience feeling like he didn’t do anything in the entire movie.
Now You See Me 2 is a living contradiction. It lacks any innovation, which should make it predictable… but it leaves so much money on the table it'll bamboozle you more than once. It’s dull to watch but fascinating to talk about and dissect. With his association with the Harry Potter franchise, Daniel Radcliffe proves to be an inspired bit of casting but he’s awful because he isn’t the least bit intimidating. The movie makes no sense but goes to great lengths to assure us that none of what we saw was sponsored by sorcery and witch’s cauldrons. It’s a great heist film for people who are kind of dumb. (January 28, 2022)
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jb3islife · 1 year
Love is Like a Playing Card (J. Daniel Atlas) Chapter XX
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Sutton sat by the counter, watching fondly as Jack tried to show Lula how to throw a card. She smiled as Lula commented on her “perfect score.” The two bent down to pick up the cards. From what Sutton could tell, they became engaged in a deep conversation.
“Okay, great.” Sutton jumped as she heard Danny respond as he hung up the phone. Danny spun around, clearly surprised to see Sutton sitting so close to him.
“So, was that them?” Sutton asked. Danny sighed as he returned Li’s phone. “Just tell me the truth, Danny.”
Danny puffed out his cheeks. “Yeah,” he huffed, “that was them.”
Sutton sighed. “Do you ever get tired of not trusting people, Danny?”
“Sutton, I’m not doing this to betray the team or Dylan,” Danny explained in a whisper, careful to not let Jack and Lula hear. “I’m doing this so The Eye can fix this and we don’t go to jail, or worse.”
Sutton rolled her eyes. “I know, Danny, but you just need to learn that trusting people doesn't make you vulnerable.” 
Danny looked down, shaking his head. “You’re right. I know you are. It’s hard not being in control.”
Sutton chuckled. “As I recall, that’s what made you hard,” she smirked, patting Danny’s reddening cheek, and turned to head over to Jack. Danny shook his head, bewildered by Sutton’s comment.
Lula had just gotten up, a smirk on her face. Sutton scrunched her eyebrows together as she looked at her. Once Danny regained consciousness, he met Jack and Sutton. “Okay, so there’s a marketplace down the street,” Danny explained as Jack stood, “and I’m meeting a man with a blue hat. I’ll give the stick to the right people and get us home.”
“Go grab, Merritt, okay, Jack?” Sutton said. “Oh, and, uh, don’t forget your belt,” she winked.
“Oh, it’s not- she took it off me-” Jack struggled for an answer. Danny and Sutton raised their hands as if to say “not my problem.” “You know damn well if Sutton took your belt off, Danny, you would-” Sutton glared back at Jack as Danny rubbed the back of his neck. “Yep, you’re right. Totally not the right time for that joke.”
Once the Horsemen finally returned to the Sands to stay for the night, they were escorted to a five bedroom suite, courtesy of the lovely Walter Mabry. The living area looked very much like Walter’s, giving Sutton a creepy vibe as she sat on the couch. She swirled her neck, the joints cracking. She gave herself a bear hug, her shoulders popping.
“Damn, I haven’t heard bones crack like that since I lived with my grandfather,” Lula stated, sitting beside Sutton.
Sutton chuckled. “It’s all from stress, trust me. That’s what caring too much does to you.” She glanced back at Danny who was engaged in a conversation with Merritt and Jack.
Lula cleared her throat, drawing Sutton’s attention to her. “So, um, I have a really dumb question to ask you. Totally won’t be offended if you don’t want to answer.”
Sutton smiled. “Dumb questions get you dumb answers, you know?” Lula smiled lightly. “What’s up?”
Lula huffed. “So, back at the magic shop, Jack told me that every girl he gets close to, he takes their trust.”
“And their wallet?” Sutton said. Lula lifted an eyebrow. Sutton chuckled. “Yeah, he’s told me all of that. Jack is my best friend, Lula.”
“Trust me, that’s very clear,” Lula laughed. “I don’t get it, though. The two of you are extremely close. What makes you different?” Sutton scrunched her eyebrows together. “I don’t mean different in a bad way! God, no. I mean, just, you know, different that he trusts you with so much.”
Sutton sighed. “Back when we first went into hiding, I asked Dylan why he left me the Tower as my tarot card.” Lula stared at her, obviously confused. “Sorry, um, when he recruited us to become the Horsemen, Dylan left us each a card. In some ways, the cards reflected on us.”
“Let me guess, Danny was the Lovers?” Lula stated with a smirk.
Sutton chuckled. “Yes, he was, as irony would have it. Henley was the High Priestess, Merritt the Hermit, and Jack was Death.” Lula sucked in a breath. “Trust me, it freaked him out on more than one occasion. Anyway, I asked Dylan why I was chosen to be the Tower. He said to me that I was chosen to be part of the Horsemen because the others needed me for more than my abilities.” Sutton smiled to herself as she recalled Dylan’s words. “Henley needed me because I’m her family, her blood family. Merritt needed someone who he felt responsible for, someone who made him feel like a family again. Jack needed a best friend, someone to call family, someone to trust.”
 Lula nodded. “So, Jack never really saw you as someone to fall for?” Sutton shook her head. “And you were never interested in him?” Sutton smiled, nodding her confirmation. “Damn, you’re really dumb for such a brilliant woman.
Sutton laughed. “Thanks a lot.”
Lula smiled. “What about Danny? What was Dylan’s reason for bringing you on for Danny?”
Sutton sighed. “Dylan said that he thinks Danny needed me the most. He needed someone to deflate his head and match him intellectually.” Lula laughed as Sutton side smiled. “But, I needed him just as much. Apparently, we both needed love after never truly feeling it, or after believing it never existed at all.”
Lula sighed. “Not needed, Sutton.” Sutton crinkled her eyebrows. “You said you both “needed” love. You still need it, in the present and future tense. You and Danny were meant to fall in love, not out of it.”
“Just let me finish, okay?” Lula took Sutton’s hands, wrapping her own around them. “I see the way the two of you still look at each other, Sutton. Ever since we got here, all he has done is try to protect you, in his own weird ways.” Sutton snorted a laugh. “I think his real reason for telling Walter we would do this crazy thing is because of you. Walter’s ultimatum was “do it or be killed.” Danny couldn’t risk that. He couldn’t risk losing you in the actual, physical sense. God, he even held your hand when you were scared on multiple occasions. He truly loves you, Sutton.”
Sutton gave Lula a light smile, then let out a sigh. “I miss him, you know?” She looked back at Danny who was now deep in thought as he looked at his phone, trying to figure out his plan. “So, so much. I miss kissing him whenever I want. I miss our stupid arguments about nothing in particular, and then-” Sutton cut herself off, feeling her face heat up.
Lula laughed. “It’s crazy how much two people can miss each other, even when they still see each other every day.” She stood, pulling Sutton up with her. “He misses you like crazy, Sutton. He loves you more than I think even he knows.” Lula pulled Sutton into a hug. “Promise me you’ll be back together before we leave Macau?”
Sutton sighed. “I hope for that more than anything.”
Lula patted her shoulder. “Get some sleep tonight, okay?”
Sutton smiled as Lula turned, walking toward the room Jack just came out of. “Lula, don’t be me,” she joked.
“Hey, like Chase said- what happens in Macau…” Sutton shook her head, laughing.
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fics-n-stuff · 1 year
I just watched Now You See Me the other day and now I can't stop thinking about the pogues as the four horsemen.
John B is J Daniel Atlas (the standard above average street magician), Pope is Merritt McKinney (the mentalist), Kie is Henley Reeves (the escapologist*) and JJ is Jack Wilder (the slight of hand hustler).
The four of them pulling off crazy tricks and Robin Hooding, running from the FBI while being the most dramatic bitches possible. JJ faking his own death in a car crash. Look me in the eyes and tell me that doesn't match up perfectly. The only thing that doesn't match up is the unresolved feelings between Atlas and Henley, but we can just ignore that and replace it with the relationship between Lula and Jack in Now You See Me 2 and it becomes Jiara (using Lula as a swap for Henley but keeping it as Kie in this AU)
And then Now You See Me 2, imagine Arthur Tressler and Walter Mabry as Ward and Rafe. I think that's iconic.
Idk what to do with Sarah and Cleo in this AU (and idk if there are appropriate stand ins for Dylan Rhodes and Thaddeus Bradley) but honestly idc, the og four pogues as the four horsemen is so fun
*I say escapologist based only on her opening scene with the piranha tank because I didn't know what else I could give her as a title other than being 'the girl'
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bprdmyers · 1 year
@thenightmareofyourdrems (jack)
chaos. everything had devolved into complete and utter chaos. agents moving in, voices on the screens, a horsemen hijacked show hijacked from the horsemen themselves. dylan exposed. spotlight upon jack, georgie standing next to him. she shouldn’t have been there, her quest to repair that which had been broken overriding any sense she may have held within her to refrain from such a blatant disregard for the so called law and order she should have stood for. she had once stood in her bedroom declaring to jack that her path had been set the moment she’d met him. perhaps, her words were truer than she had even realized, georgie finding herself in the worst possible spot, attention toward her just as much as him. though, there was the chance it could have been brushed off as her having been in the wrong place at the wrong time, if only jack hadn’t gripped her arm and pulled her along with him, toward the escape route, up the stairs, down the latter, to the shoot on the side of the building. at least it hadn’t been recorded, it will perhaps be the youngest myers’ only hope to remain in the shadows, to save her father embarrassment, to save her from becoming doomed to the same fate jack had always wanted to spare her from, turning her into a criminal like him. 
sounds. words. flashing. sleep. georgie’s experience is not the same as the horseman. she does not wake up with them in the kitchen of a restaurant in china. no, she had woken much earlier into her own distinct horror show.
‘it’s a pleasure to be working with you.’ mabry says, presenting himself to the horsemen like some kind of sick joke. he’s supposed to be dead, of this much henley recalls from their research, of this much jack points out after their group is shoved out of the elevator into walter mabry’s penthouse. mabry speaks of a world of surveillance where the only true freedom is not being seen. he speaks of his magic being technology and uses it as a launching pad to bring up real magic. ‘of course you, mr. wilder, would know all that about that wouldn’t you?’ he questions, transitioning away and leaving the comment held within the air. he begins to tell them how he got them there, shows them a video of pictures of which georgie remains unsettling out of. henley shifts uncomfortably when mabry sits between her and danny. and then, finally their lost companion is brought up, mabry circling back to jack as he rises from his seat and faces them. ‘i imagine you’re all wondering what happened to your agent friend, yes? and no, i don’t mean mr. rhodes whom, i’m fairly certain is having his own struggles back in the states. oh, that’s right. i don’t imagine mr. wilder told you he’s been sleeping with the enemy. let’s see. where’s the remote. ah, yes, here.’ he clicks a button and an image of georgie’s f.b.i. credentials display on the screen. danny emitting a rather loud expletive. ‘an fbi agent right under your noses this whole time. except-- she’s not an fbi agent at all, is she mr. wilder?’ the screen changes, showing her bprd badge and walter launches into a rather animated, yet short, speech about how the horsemen do tricks but there were things that go bump in the night. he tells them what the bprd stands for, says it’s remarkable what you can find on the internet if you knew what you were looking for. danny retorts that he’s crazy if he thinks they are going to believe what he’s saying is true, at least in respect to magic, danny’s fairly certain he believes they were lied to about georgie’s identity. it only seems to bring a smirk to walter mabry’s features. ‘ah yes, i didn’t think you’d believe. so lets see what your friend’s been up to while you lot were sleeping. yes?’
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the screen changes again, this time to a video of a room where georgie appears to be waking up, stumbling as if she’s unbalanced. two armed men followed by a man in a lab coat appear to enter and georgie can be seen reaching out, the men thrust backward with an unseen force only for her to grip her head a moment later in pain. ‘i imagine he didn’t tell you about that either. quite disappointing really, dr. wang was supposed to be the best in his field here and yet he couldn’t get his drug cocktail right the first time. after all, couldn’t have your little girlfriend attacking my men, or me with her spooky powers now could i mr. wilder? as you can see, she very much had access to them though i imagine she felt a rather killer headache.’ it’s clear from the video that her attempt to use her powers again was hindered by the pain that she was feeling, the two men she’d thrown into the wall now coming toward her again and gripping her arms while the doctor moved about the room. a physical struggle is shown for georgie might usually use her powers in a fight but she was fully capable of defending herself the human way too. the struggle takes her and the men out of the frame for a moment, her sluggishly brought back into it a moment later as if she’d been struck or stunned before she’s given a shot of something that seemingly forces her to stop moving. he shuts off the screen and motions to his armed men. ‘as you can see, that was quickly remedied by a new cocktail. don’t ask me what’s in it, i’d rather not know.’ a pause as if for effect. then he speaks again. ‘i see no issue with allowing a little reunion. of course, if you refuse my preposition i can just as easily have her and you killed.’ he doesn’t tell them what his preposition is yet, instead seems to take enjoyment in watching as things play out in front of him. for the other horsemen’s part, they appear too stunned by what they’ve seen to be outwardly expressing outrage toward jack for secrets revealed, all attention turning toward the doors as georgie’s brought in, two men’s grips on her arms too tight for how sluggish she’s appearing. 
her skin is a shade too pale, sweat clinging to her features and a bruise appears on the side of her face from the fight she’d gotten into, in the same place she’d had one before after her fight with the spiked monster so many months ago. the lights are too bright for her and she squints, unfocused until she’s brought to a halt and shoved forward, stumbling. ‘speak of the agent and she shall appear.’ a play on words from mabry and georgie’s gaze shoots upward, anger, no, not quite anger but rage upon her features. her entire body feels as if it’s in a war with itself, the very fabric of it’s nature, the power within her cells being attacked from the inside out. her power unable to be reached and her body rebelling against it. she makes a move forward and it’s almost primal how angry she is, as if she’d be able to cross the distance and attack him right there where he stood, however, she’s forced down onto a knee a moment later by the same men that had brought her in, both of which look worse for ware, she’d gotten a few good moves in before she’d been subdued. she’d fought. she was anything if not a survivor. it’s then, she seems to become aware of the others in the room who stand up from the couch and she can see merritt’s hand grip onto jack’s arm as if he’s ready to stop him from taking some kind of action. jack. jack was there. her eyes trail upward, gaze connecting with his in relief, concern, fear, and something else, something not quite readable. she forces the men to let her stand up though she’s strained. it takes her more effort than it should. however, she stops fighting after a look is shared with mabry because she knows, even if she could manage to attempt some sort of action when they were surrounded by armed men, he has the power to hurt jack. and hurt the others. ‘you can let her go.’ mabry states, the men release their hold, shoving her forward again so she’s being propelled toward jack. and while mabry will give them a moment, he’s bored with this whole thing, so his preposition will not be far behind. 
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screenmovie · 9 months
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Daniel Radcliffe as Walter Mabry,
Now You See Me 2 (2016), directed by Jon M. Chu, and based on a screenplay by Ed Solomon and a story by him and Peter Chiarelli.
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buxberg · 1 year
Le 22 janvier 2016, la tragi-comédie Swiss Army Knife a été créée au Sundance Film Festival
Les critiques ont d��cerné à l'image le premier prix pour la réalisation d'un film dramatique.  Le film met en vedette Daniel Radcliffe et Paul Dano.
 La particularité du travail de Daniel était qu'il jouait le rôle d'un cadavre.  Radcliffe a passé la première partie du film immobile.  Mais selon l'intrigue, le cadavre a commencé à produire de l'eau, à tirer, à indiquer la direction et à servir de véhicule.  Par la suite, il s'est avéré que le mort parle même et essaie de se souvenir du passé.
 Puis un autre rôle brillant est apparu dans la filmographie de l'artiste - Walter Mabry dans le film "Illusion of Deception - 2".  Le personnage de Daniel est un vrai bâtard, gâté par l'argent et l'amour des filles.  Afin d'éloigner l'artiste de la Poterie, le réalisateur a décidé d'augmenter l'excentricité du héros Radcliffe.  Dans le cadre, il est apparu pieds nus dans des chaussures de velours et dans des costumes de Vivienne Westwood.
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Maintenant, Radcliffe met en œuvre de nouveaux projets, où il a depuis longtemps dit au revoir au rôle de "joli garçon".  Un exemple en est le film Dangerous Mission de 2018, dans lequel l'acteur incarne un ancien pilote militaire impliqué dans le trafic de drogue.
 En 2019, Daniel a signé un contrat avec les créateurs de la série comique Miracle Workers, dans laquelle il a joué le rôle d'un ange de bas niveau qui sauve la terre de la destruction.  Le film a impressionné les fans avec une nouvelle image d'idole: dans l'un des épisodes, Radcliffe est apparu dans un costume moulant avec un collier de plumes et un maquillage lumineux.  L'artiste lui-même était satisfait de l'œuvre.  La scène où il danse twerk, l'interprète la prépare depuis longtemps avec le chorégraphe.
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phim87dotcom · 2 years
Đây là một bộ phim hành động ly kỳ của Mỹ, sau khi bị nhóm Tứ Kỵ Sĩ qua mặt FBI. Các ảo thuật gia quay trở lại với mục tiêu phơi bày hành vi phi đạo đức của ông trùm công nghệ. Nhưng để phơi bày sự thật họ đã gặp khó khăn khi gặp phải Walter Mabry, cuối cùng các ảo thuật gia thể hirn một màn thế thân chưa từng có nhằm xóa tên họ ra khỏi hồ sơ và tiết lộ về những tội ác của chủ mưu.
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hitchell-mope · 4 years
I’m sure it’s supposed to be a sad scene. But it’s still exceptionally hilarious
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Walter: I’ve invited you to my private castle because I wish to play the deadliest game…
Dylan, nodding wisely: Knife monopoly.
Walter: I was actually going to hunt you for sport, but now I’m interested in whatever knife monopoly is.
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swiftlylivie · 5 years
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You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.
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aaron-kennedy78 · 6 years
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Happy birthday to Daniel Radcliffe too! Such a great actor known as Walter Mabry in Now You See Me 2.
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jb3islife · 2 years
Love is Like a Playing Card (Chapter XVII) J. Daniel Atlas
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The Horsemen’s jeep pulled up to an extravagant building. “Just follow the guards,” Chase explained. “They’ll take you to my boss.” The Horsemen unloaded from the jeep. “Been fun playing this cat and mouse with you, broski,” Chase told Merritt. “Meow.” Merritt flipped him off in his own unique way. “Have fun at the Sands!”
The guards ushered the Horsemen into the building. They passed various gambling games as they walked.
“I am so, so, so sorry,” Merrritt profusely apologized.
“Yeah, you should be,” Danny told him, receiving a “Daniel!” from Sutton. “Don’t ever accuse me of betraying us again, okay?”
The Horsemen followed the guards into an elevator, Sutton standing between Jack and Danny. She looked at Danny as he stood with his hand against the wall, looking quite attractive with his jaw clenched. Jack knocked on Sutton’s hand to draw her attention to him instead.
“So are you two…” Jack drug out. Sutton bit her lip, shaking her head in response.
“Do you guys ever think that The Eye is watching this?” Lula asked the group. “You know, maybe this isn’t what they want? At like the exact right moment, they’re gonna just swoop in and we’ll be like, “Yes, thank God you’re here! Thank God! Just in the knick of time, Eye!” And we’ll just celebrate and it was all worth it in the end?” The group responded with silence. “I don’t even really think that either, so it’s cool.”
Just then, the elevator dinged, the wrong set of doors opening and drawing the Horsemen’s attention to music escaping into the elevator. They all turned to see a figure dancing on what appeared to be a balcony.
“Oh!” the figure spoke as he turned around to face the Horsemen. “Tada! So happy to be working with you!”
The Horsemen looked at each other. “Is it just me or does he look extremely familiar?” Sutton questioned the others, receiving glares from the others.
“Please come in! Come in!” the man told them. The guards drug the Horsemen out of the elevator.
“Wait, sorry,” Danny said, “how are you working with us?”
“Well, as much as a magician who pulled a rabbit from a hat,” the man explained as he put his shoes on, “is working with that rabbit, we’ll be working together, yes.” The man started toward them. “Uh, allow me to introduce myself.”
“Yeah, you’re Walter Mabry,” Jack responded. “You died a year ago.” 
Sutton shook her head. “Nope, that’s not right,” she muttered to herself. Danny elbowed her. “I know him from somewhere else! I promise!” Sutton whispered.
“Yes, an idea I got from you, Mr. Wilder,” Walter responded. “As well as you, Ms. Reeves.” He gave Sutton a smile. “You fake your death and the world puts its guard down. I’m able to control quite a few companies, including my old partner, Owen’s, through a consortium of so-called anonymous shareholders.”
“And that violates how many SEC laws?” Lula questioned him.
“I believe it breaks all of them,” Walter happily confirmed for her.
Lula faked a gasp. “All of them.”
“You see, you all want an audience,” Walter explained. “Need one, desperately. It’s quite sad, really. Hence my ability to nab you. I, on the other hand, want the opposite of that. I just want to be, and I am, 100% off the grid. You know why?”
“Yeah, because the grid is for actual human beings,” Danny responded.
Walter chuckled. “No, because in a world of total surveillance, the only true freedom lies in not being seen. You can’t control the grid from within the grid. Follow me.” Walter walked off, but the Horsemen stayed in place. “Follow me.” The guards pushed the Horsemen toward Walter.
“You pulled a hat out of a rabbit,” Walter said to Lula. “That was very colorful.”
“Almost eight and a half years ago,” Lula reminded him. “So no need to bring that up.”
“We can’t all be held accountable for adolescent personas, can we, Magicolio?” Walter asked Danny.
“Magicoli- That-That was fifteen years ago,” Danny said, looking down. Sutton raised an eyebrow as the others took glances at Danny.
“Don’t get me wrong, I love magic,” Walter stated. “Like you and many others who I suppose weren’t getting any sex in high school, I, uh, I dabbled with it. But, huh, unlike you, I was able to transition upward to actual magic.” Walter gestured toward the corner of the room. “Science, you may have heard it called. So, would you like to know, my friends, just how I got you here?”
“Mhm, we know how you did it,” Merritt responded.
“No, you don’t.”
“Yeah, you stole our files for the show, “Jack stated as Walter tried to stop him. 
“Then obviously hypnotized us,” Sutton added.
Merritt continued, “The strobe was a combo of binaural beats as well as-”
“I said stop!” Walter shouted, placing his hands on Merritt’s face. “You may not be having fun, but I am!”
The Horsemen each grimaced at the man. “You have an unusual way of showing it,” Merritt told Walter.
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equivoquexfinale · 6 years
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Motifs from Now You See Me 2: The Fool
“The Fool is the most powerful card. He’s a fool because he’s a clean slate, and therefore can become anything. You were chosen not because of who you are, but what you can become.”
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